Visualization and Detection of Small Defects on Car-Bodies

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Visualization and Detection of Small Defects on Car-Bodies
Visualization and Detection of Small Defects on
                  Stefan Karbacher, Jan Babst, Gerd Häusler, and Xavier Laboureux

                               University of Erlangen, Chair for Optics
                           Staudt Str. 7/B2, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
                     Email:, URL:

Abstract                                                   This is important, since individual masks
                                                           are assigned to each image position. They
Sheet metals of car bodies sometimes have small            mask strongly curved details like doorknob
defects, e. g. dents or ripples with a depth of only       hollows, door gaps or the fuel cap, which
a few microns. These defects usually are not vis-          otherwise would disturb the detection algo-
ible until varnish is applied. It would be conve-          rithms (see Fig. 6).
nient to detect them in advance in order to sim-         • Data acquisition: 20–25 range sensors
plify repairing. We demonstrate how they can be            scan the body surface. The defects that
visualized by using optical 3-d sensors and opti-          are to be detected are only a few microns
mum signal processing. For a German car com-               deep, hence high measurement accuracy is
pany we developed a fast algorithm that is based           required. For that reason the sensors have
on this visualization method.                              fields of view of approx. 20 × 30 cm only.
                                                           Thus, 400–600 images have to be taken in
                                                           order to cover the whole body. The mean
1    Introduction                                          noise amplitude is approx. 15 µm. Due to
                                                           vibrations of the production line, each range
ABIS (Automatical Body Inspection System)                  image is evaluated by spatial phase shift [7]
is a system to automatically check car-bodies              from a single sinusoidal fringe pattern that
on the production line for dents and ripples.              is projected by a flash light.
It is designed in collaboration of the AUDI              • Defect Detection: The huge amount of data
AG Ingolstadt, Steinbichler Optical Technolo-              has to be reduced. Each sensor has its own
gies Neubeuern, TECMATH/TECINNO GmbH                       processing unit which detects candidates for
Kaiserslautern, the Institute for Techno- and              potential defects. Only range images which
Business Mathematics (ITWM) Kaiserslautern                 possibly contain relevant defects are trans-
and the Chair for Optics of the University of              mitted to the analysis and classification unit.
Erlangen-Nuremberg. Two components are in-               • Defect analysis and classification: The
tegrated into the production line (Fig. 1): a sen-         analysis unit extracts certain features from
sor portal with range sensors that scan the whole          the candidate data. These features are eval-
surface of the body and a portal with robots that          uated by a self-teaching case-based reason-
mark regions with detected defects. The process-           ing (CBR) algorithm [1]. The CBR system
ing chain covers the following tasks:                      decides whether the candidate really is a de-
   • Identification of the car type: The camera            fect and if so, whether it is relevant (class A
     and robot positions are individually adapted          or B defect).1
     to the type of car-body that enters the sensor
     portal. Only those car-bodies are checked,           1 Class A defects are visible before varnishing, class B

     the type of which is known to the system.         defects only afterwards. Class C defects are never visible.
Figure 1: Integration of ABIS into the production line.

                                                        This paper describes the defect detection unit.
                                                     The most challenging aspect is the fact that up
                                                     to the present no definition for relevant defects is
                                                     known. Thus, our first goal was to find out what
                                                     the system should search for. Figure 2 points
                                                     out the difficulty of this task. It shows profile
                                                     data of a scanned metal sheet with a tiny out-
                                                     dent (“blain”) that is only a few pixels wide and
                                                     10 µm high. Because of a 15 µm mean noise
                                                     amplitude the “blain” is nearly invisible in the
                                                     raw data. After smoothing with a 5 × 5 Gaus-
                                                     sian filter kernel a slight distortion of the sheet
                                                     curvature in the range of pixels 28–52 appears.
Figure 2: Extract of scanned sheet profile with      However, is this really the “blain” (compare with
a 10 µm “blain” (upper: raw data; lower:             Fig. 4)? We solved the problem in two steps:
smoothed with a 5 × 5 Gaussian filter kernel).         1. A method to visualize the defects was de-
Figure 4 shows the visualization results for that          veloped.
data.                                                  2. The visualization method was used to de-
                                                           sign a fast detection algorithm.
   • Marking system: If class A or B defects            Because of the speed of the production line
      are detected, the corresponding regions on     and the large number of images to be analyzed,
      the body are painted with chalk by robots.     each image has to be processed in less than 2.4
      These regions are then polished manually.      sec in the final system.
   The results of the classification unit are sup-      Most of the following figures originally are in
posed to help objectifying the whole process of      color. Since some of the gray scale prints are
defect detection by revealing the relations be-      difficult to interpret, we recommend to visit our
tween the geometrical dimensions of a defect and     web sites.2
its visibility. Until now human inspectors esti-         2
mate the relevance of a defect. This approach is     people/sbk/visualize_e.html and http://www.physik.uni-
rather subjective, of course.              
Figure 3: Visualization of two 300 µm in-dents on a sheet metal (field of view 30 × 15 cm2 ), a) color
coded range image, b) geometrically smoothed and rendered with simulation of grazing incidence
of light, c) 2nd derivative of smoothed data rendered with grazing incidence, d) previous image after
threshold operation: the detected dents are marked (originally in blue and red).

2    Related Work                                     ometry. The Diffracto system is commercialized
                                                      with the trademark D Sight.3 Since the previous
                                                      methods do not acquire any geometrical data,
The “dents and ripples” problem was first solved      they are suitable for qualitative measurements
by 2-d imaging for shiny surfaces like painted or     only. Thus, they are mainly used to visualize
anointed sheet metals. Such methods detect cur-       defects. Beyond this, they require reflective sur-
vature variations by observing the reflected light.   faces. Unpainted car-bodies must be coated with
The spatial orientation of the reflected beam de-     a fluid film of water or oil in advance. In order
pends on the local orientation of the observed        to overcome these limitations, Daimler Benz AG
surface, so that special efforts are required to      Germany in cooperation with Carl Zeiss GmbH
keep the sensor within the beam. Nissan Motor         developed a car-body inspection system that uses
Corp. introduced a system that uses a manipu-         3-d sensors for data acquisition [3]. However,
lation stage for that purpose [4]. The surface is     this system only is used internally and has never
illuminated by a laser line and a linear CCD ar-      been commercialized. ABIS likewise uses range
ray detects distortions of the reflected line which   sensors to examine diffusely reflective surfaces
are caused by local curvature. Sira Ltd. U.K.         and to quantify the detected defects.
[8], Siemens AG Germany [9] and Diffracto Ltd.
Canada [10] use a retroreflective screen to reflect
the light back towards its source. The sensor is      3 Defect Visualization
placed near to the light source and observes the
retroreflected light. Intensity variations due to     Figure 3 a) shows a color coded range image
local slope variations are amplified by the im-       taken from a sheet metal with two in-dents on
perfection of the retroreflector. The Sira system     it (dark colors indicate low z-values). Although
scans the surface pointwise. One photo multi-         the dents are rather deep (approx. 300 µm), they
plier is placed in the direction of the beam re-      are nearly invisible. In order to solve the visual-
flected by an undisturbed surface, another one in     ization problem we considered how a human ob-
its dark field. Siemens and Diffracto use CCD         server would check a sheet metal for defects. He
cameras to directly acquire 2-d images, which
are special kinds of derivatives of the surface ge-      3
probably would orient the sheet in such a way
that the light would tangentially graze the in-
spected part of the surface. Obviously, small dis-
turbances of the surface curvature become bet-
ter and better visible with increasing angle be-
tween the direction of illumination and observa-
tion. Thus, we simulate observation of the virtual
surface by grazing incidence of light (see Sec. 5).
Applying this technique to the original range im-
age mainly enhances distortions with high spa-
tial frequency, like noise and Moiré structures
caused by aliasing. To make the defects visible,
we smooth the image in advance with a special               Figure 4: Visualization of 10 µm “blains” on
filter for geometric data [5, 6] that generates al-         a wheel arch (left: smoothed range image ren-
most no artifacts                                           dered with grazing incidence of light, middle: 2nd
    Figure 3 b) shows the smoothed data of Fig.             derivative rendered with grazing light, right: re-
3 a) with blue light virtually coming from the left         sult of threshold operation).
side and red light coming from the right. In the
original color image those parts of the surface
                                                            ized by simulating grazing incidence of light. In
which are slightly slanted to the left are rendered
                                                            Fig. 3 c) the differentiation was carried out twice.
in blue, those which are slanted to the right are
                                                            Now the defects are detected by a simple thresh-
red and only those regions which are strictly or-
                                                            old operation (see Fig. 3 d).
thogonal to the observation direction are black.
The dents are clearly visible now. However, the                In practice, this method displays good results,
curvature of the sheet itself disturbs automatic            even if the depth of the defects is smaller than
detection of such defects, in particular if they            the sensor noise. Figure 4 demonstrates this for
are small. Fortunately, the sheets usually have at          a range image with 10 µm “blains” and 15µm
least one direction with low curvature. If the sig-         noise. Figure 2 shows a horizontal cross sec-
nal is processed only in that direction,4 the intrin-       tion through the raw and the smoothed data of
sic curvature can be eliminated by a high pass fil-         one of the “blains”. Because of costly geometric
ter. We investigated several types of filters. Best         smoothing the visualization takes a few minutes
results were achieved with a special kind of dif-           on an Intel Pentiumr II 300 CPU.
ferentiation. The image is shifted in processing
direction (16 pixels horizontally in Fig. 3 c) and
then subtracted from the unshifted one. The re-             4 Fast Defect Detection
sult is a very fast and effective band pass filter
that produces almost no artifacts. If the image             The algorithm is based on the described visual-
is shifted d pixels, the filter shows maximum re-           ization method. The method is simplified in or-
sponse for structures with wavelength d2 . This fil-        der to speed up processing time. Since the sim-
ter is applied several times to the smoothed range          ulation of grazing incidence of light only pro-
image.                                                      cesses surface normals, it is sufficient to compute
                                                            the normals from the unfiltered range image and
    If the sheet surface can be approximated by a
                                                            smooth the normals instead of smoothing the ge-
polynomial of order n, the differentiation has to
                                                            ometry itself. This is easier, faster and produces
be applied n − 1 times. Because of the grazing
                                                            fewer artifacts. A hierarchy of three different
incidence simulation the total order of differen-
                                                            resolutions for covering defects of different lat-
tiation is n. The resulting image is again visual-
                                                            eral size (small “blains”, as well as large sized
   4 This means that the illumination direction coincides   undulations) is realized by averaging blocks of
with the direction of minimum curvature.                    2 × 2, 4 × 4, or 8 × 8 pixels (see Fig. 6 a, d, g,
5 Simulation of Grazing Inci-
                                                       dence of Light

                                                     Grazing incidence simulation is done by sim-
                                                     ply computing the inner products of the inci-
                                                     dent light vector (processing direction) and the
                                                     surface normals. Negative values are indicated
                                                     by blue, positive values by red light. Theoret-
                                                     ically, it would be possible to apply an addi-
                                                     tional differentiation instead of this procedure.
                                                     But if we do so, we have to smooth the geom-
                                                     etry directly, with all the mentioned disadvan-
                                                     tages. Furthermore, the virtual light may come
Figure 5: Range image of a sheet metal with a        in from arbitrary directions, whereas the direc-
laterally large sized dent, a) simulation of graz-   tion of differentiation is limited by the sampling
ing incidence of light, b) 2nd derivative rendered   grid. Another advantage of the grazing incidence
with grazing incidence, c) result of visualization   approach is its normalized range of output val-
method, d) result of lowest resolution of the fast   ues, which stabilizes the threshold operation.
detection algorithm.

resp. b, e, h, resp. c, f, i). The final algorithm
runs the following steps for each resolution:        6 Automatic Threshold
  1. Compute surface normals.
  2. Compute mean direction of minimum cur-
                                                     The threshold for step 6 of the detection algo-
     vature (processing direction, see Sect. 8).
                                                     rithm determines the sensitivity of the system.
  3. Smooth normals by weighted averaging of
                                                     The maximum sensitivity is limited by the sen-
     adjacent normals (4–6 iterations).
                                                     sor noise and by remainders of an incomplete
  4. Simulate grazing incidence of light (see
                                                     compensation of the intrinsic surface curvature.
     Sec. 5).
                                                     This limit increases with the mean variation of
  5. Differentiate result (2–4 times with 4–6 pix-
                                                     the signal of the last derivative (step 5). Thus,
     els shift).
                                                     the threshold is automatically adjusted propor-
  6. Subtract mean intensity from the last deriva-
                                                     tionally to this mean variation. The proportion-
     tive and apply threshold operation (Sec. 6).
                                                     ality factor is determined heuristically. The user
  7. Analyze shape of marked regions (Sec. 7).
                                                     solely specifies a minimum threshold that deter-
   The last step is necessary to remove noise and    mines the maximum sensitivity for nearly flat
other artifacts from the threshold images. A de-     surfaces and low noise.
fect is detected if any marked (red or blue) pixel
                                                        Figure 6 shows the results of a single range
remains. Since it is more efficient to differenti-
                                                     image with constant (a–c) and automatic (g–i)
ate single valued arrays than vectors, steps 4 and
                                                     threshold. The intrinsic surface curvature is not
5 are interchanged with respect to the visualiza-
                                                     perfectly compensated for, so that a constant
tion algorithm.
                                                     threshold detects this effect in the lowest reso-
   Figure 5 compares the results of the visualiza-   lution (c). This problem does not occur if the
tion method (Sec. 3) with the fast detection algo-   threshold is automatically adjusted (i). Although
rithm. Although the latter is at least 100 times     the sensitivity is impaired in this case, detection
faster, it shows less noise.                         of real defects is still possible (compare b and h).
Figure 6: Results of all resolutions on a rear mudguard (the black rectangle in upper left of each image
masks the fuel cap, a part of the wheel arch is visible in each lower right corner), (a–c) with constant
threshold, (d–i) with automatic threshold, (d–f) before shape analysis, (g–i) after shape analysis.

7    Shape Analysis                                  8 Computation of Principal
Shape analysis is used to eliminate artifacts
                                                     The described visualization and detection meth-
caused by noise, Moiré, boundary distortions
                                                     ods achieve best results if the direction of vir-
and sharp edges of the surface. It is inspired by
                                                     tual illumination touches the surface in parallel
the observation that humans, after some practice,
                                                     to the direction of minimum curvature. For this
are usually able to distinguish defects from arti-
                                                     purpose the principal directions have to be com-
facts by the shape of the marked regions. Real
                                                     puted. Usually this is done by approximating
defects are usually compact, not elongated like
                                                     Chebychev polynomials and analyzing them by
Moiré structures or artifacts from boundary ef-
                                                     means of differential geometry [2]. However,
fects and sharp edges. They always consist of
                                                     this approach is very expensive and sensitive to
two complementary components (red and blue),
                                                     noise. We use a new method which is very sim-
if they are sufficiently far away from the bound-
                                                     ple, robust and flexible, since it can be applied
ary. Thus, the shape analysis algorithm removes
                                                     both to grid data like range images and unstruc-
marked regions that exceed a certain aspect ratio
                                                     tured data like triangle meshes.
or are isolated with a distance to the boundary
larger than a certain limit.                            We assume that the sampled data approximate
                                                     a smooth surface. If triangle meshes are con-
   Figure 6 displays the results of a single range   sidered, the vertices are sampled surface points.
image before (d–f) and after (g–i) shape analy-      Grid data sets are treated like triangle meshes
sis. The outputs of step 6 show artifacts caused     as well. The sampling density shall be high
by Moiré distortions, boundary effects and the       enough to neglect the variations of surface cur-
sharp edge at the wheel arch (d–f). After shape      vature between adjacent data points. If this
analysis only defects in the vicinity of the wheel   is true, the underlying surface can be approx-
arch (h) and of the masked fuel cap (i) remain.      imated more accurately by a mesh of circular
Figure 7: Cross section S through a constantly           Figure 8: A vertex V on a curved surface with
curved surface.                                          neighbors Vi placed in principal directions~ξ1 and
                                                        ~ξ2 (idealization).
arcs. First, we show how easily curvature can
be estimated when using this simplified model.
                                                        of a vertex V with four neighbors Vi , 1 ≤ i ≤ 4,
Figure 7 shows a cross section S through a con-         and the associated vertex normals ~n and ~n j that
stantly curved object surface between two adja-
                                                        perfectly fit a mesh of arcs. The neighbors Vi
cent vertices (data points) Vi and Vj . The curva-
                                                        are placed on arcs that touch V tangentially to
ture ci j of the curve S is (ci j > 0 for concave and
                                                        the principal directions ~ξ1 and ~ξ2 of the assumed
ci j < 0 for convex surfaces)
                                                        surface. Obviously, ~ξ1 and ~ξ2 are coaxial to the
            1    αi j                                   cross product of~n1 and ~n2 or~n3 and ~n4 , resp.:
    ci j = ± ≈ ±      ≈ ± arccos(~ni ·~n j ),    (1)
            r    di j
                                                              ~ξ1 = ~n1 ×~n2 , ~ξ2 = ~n3 ×~n4 .         (3)
which can easily be computed if the surface nor-                   k~n1 ×~n2 k      k~n3 ×~n4 k
mals~ni and~n j are known (they can be computed
from the normals of the triangles meeting at Vi ).      In a general mesh (not a range image), a vertex
The principal curvatures κ1 (i) and κ2 (i) of Vi are    has an arbitrary number of neighbors. Since the
the extreme values of ci j with regard to all its       length of the product vectors ~ni ×~n j increases
neighbors Vj :                                          with curvature, the principal directions can be es-
                                                        timated by taking the longest (maximum curva-
 κ1 (i) ≈ min(ci j ) and κ2 (i) ≈ max(ci j ). (2)
            j                           j               ture) and the shortest (minimum curvature) vec-
                                                        tor. Notice that the maximum vector points in
The surface normals are computed in advance             direction of minimum curvature and vice versa.
(see Sec. 4), hence it is possible to eliminate         Because of noise, the computation of the min-
noise by smoothing the normals without any in-          imum vector (direction of maximum curvature)
terference of the data points.                          is usually very unstable. If ~ξ2 is the direction of
   It can be shown that approximation of a              minimum curvature, then it is better to calculate
mesh of circular arcs requires a sampling den-          the maximum direction by
sity which is at least four times higher than the
smallest object detail to be modeled. This means                          ~ξ1 = ~ξ2 ×~n.
that the minimum sampling rate must be twice                                                            (4)
the theoretical minimum given by the Nyquist
frequency. Since the lateral size of the defects           Figure 9 shows the directions of minimum cur-
is much larger than the sampling distance, this         vature of a triangular surface that was recon-
condition is always fulfilled.                          structed from multiple range images. Although
   While the principal curvatures are simply            the mesh is thinned, the computation shows good
computed by inner products of the normals, the          results with low noise. The computation of prin-
corresponding cross products define the princi-         cipal directions for all data points of a range im-
pal directions. Figure 8 shows the special case         age of size 700 × 500 only takes approx. 100 ms.
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This work was sponsored by “Bayrische
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