Wav-BERT: Cooperative Acoustic and Linguistic Representation Learning for Low-Resource Speech Recognition

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Wav-BERT: Cooperative Acoustic and Linguistic Representation
                                                      Learning for Low-Resource Speech Recognition
                                            Guolin Zheng1∗, Yubei Xiao1∗, Ke Gong2 , Pan Zhou3 , Xiaodan Liang1 , Liang Lin1,2†
                                                                        Sun Yat-sen University, China
                                                                   Dark Matter AI Research, 3 Sea AI Lab
                                                           kegong936@gmail.com, zhoupan@sea.com,
                                                         xdliang328@gmail.com, linliang@ieee.org

                                                               Abstract                           Amodei et al., 2016). However, in practice, un-
                                                                                                  like the commonly used languages (e.g. English
                                            Unifying acoustic and linguistic representa-          and Chinese) with sufficient training data, many
                                            tion learning has become increasingly cru-
                                                                                                  other languages (e.g. Swahili, Tamil) have only
                                            cial to transfer the knowledge learned on the
arXiv:2109.09161v2 [cs.CL] 9 Oct 2021

                                            abundance of high-resource language data for          low-resource data due to the scarcity of audios and
                                            low-resource speech recognition. Existing ap-         the huge labor resources consumed in transcription.
                                            proaches simply cascade pre-trained acoustic          In this way, the aforementioned data-driven mecha-
                                            and language models to learn the transfer from        nism is impractical for low-resource languages and
                                            speech to text. However, how to solve the rep-        thus suffers from unsatisfactory performance.
                                            resentation discrepancy of speech and text is
                                            unexplored, which hinders the utilization of
                                                                                                     To resolve this learning difficulty in the low-
                                            acoustic and linguistic information. Moreover,        resource domain, many efforts have been devoted
                                            previous works simply replace the embed-              to leveraging unlabeled data. One mainstream
                                            ding layer of the pre-trained language model          research paradigm is unsupervised pre-training,
                                            with the acoustic features, which may cause           or representation learning, which has achieved
                                            the catastrophic forgetting problem. In this          great success in natural language processing (De-
                                            work, we introduce Wav-BERT, a cooperative            vlin et al., 2018; Peters et al., 2018) and received
                                            acoustic and linguistic representation learning
                                                                                                  increasing attention in speech recognition (Oord
                                            method to fuse and utilize the contextual in-
                                            formation of speech and text. Specifically, we        et al., 2018; Schneider et al., 2019a). As a repre-
                                            unify a pre-trained acoustic model (wav2vec           sentation in this line, wav2vec (Schneider et al.,
                                            2.0) and a language model (BERT) into an              2019a) and wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020) ap-
                                            end-to-end trainable framework. A Represen-           ply unsupervised contrastive pre-training and show
                                            tation Aggregation Module is designed to ag-          promising results. To utilize linguistic informa-
                                            gregate acoustic and linguistic representation,       tion, some works (Chiu and Chen, 2021; Shin et al.,
                                            and an Embedding Attention Module is intro-           2019) also aim to build language models to rescore
                                            duced to incorporate acoustic information into
                                            BERT, which can effectively facilitate the co-
                                                                                                  the N -best hypotheses generated by acoustic mod-
                                            operation of two pre-trained models and thus          els. The most recent approach (Yi et al., 2021) even
                                            boost the representation learning. Extensive          cascaded the pre-trained wav2vec 2.0 and BERT
                                            experiments show that our Wav-BERT signif-            into a single model for low-resource ASR.
                                            icantly outperforms the existing approaches              However, there leave two critical challenges
                                            and achieves state-of-the-art performance on
                                                                                                  on how to integrate the acoustic model and lan-
                                            low-resource speech recognition.
                                                                                                  guage model to utilize the contextual information
                                        1   Introduction                                          of speech and text. 1) Representation discrepancy:
                                                                                                  the acoustic model focuses more on local depen-
                                        Recently, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)              dencies of the speech sequence, while the language
                                        has achieved remarkable success, which can be             model aims at capturing long-term semantic in-
                                        attributed to two complementary aspects: 1) de-           formation of texts. It is desired to explore an ef-
                                        signing more effective and larger deep neural net-        fective model to fuse and leverage the two kinds
                                        works for ASR, and 2) training on a large amount          of representation. 2) Embedding inconsistency:
                                        of data (Chan et al., 2016; Watanabe et al., 2017b;       The language model applies a token embedding
                                            * Both authors contributed equally to this work.      layer during pre-training but previous methods (Yi
                                            Liang Lin is the corresponding author of this work.   et al., 2021) simply replace the embedding layer
with the features generated by the acoustic model,      dataset (Gales et al., 2014) and AISHELL-1 cor-
which may result in the catastrophic forgetting         pus (Bu et al., 2017). The experimental results
problem (Goodfellow et al., 2013).                      demonstrate that our Wav-BERT significantly out-
   To tackle the above challenges, in this work, we     performs the existing approaches on low-resource
make the first attempt to successfully integrate the    ASR. Furthermore, our exhaustive ablation stud-
well-trained acoustic model and language model          ies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
for low-resource speech recognition. Towards this       mechanisms for cooperative acoustic and linguistic
end, we introduce a new framework that incor-           representations learning. We hope this work will
porates the two kinds of pre-trained models for         be useful for the community on the way to explore
cooperative acoustic and linguistic representation      different pre-trained models for low-resource ASR.
learning by exploiting complementary contextual
information of both speech and text.                    2     Related Work
   First, to solve representation discrepancy, un-      2.1    Low resource speech recognition
like the previous works (Yi et al., 2021; Yu and
                                                        To tackle the low-resource ASR task, transfer
Chen, 2021) that simply connect the acoustic model
                                                        learning ASR (Kunze et al., 2017) and multilin-
and the language model by treating them as an en-
                                                        gual transfer learning ASR (Dalmia et al., 2018;
coder and a decoder, we consider them as two en-
                                                        Watanabe et al., 2017a; Toshniwal et al., 2018)
coders that provide two different representations.
                                                        are explored via using different source languages
Specifically, we propose a Representation Aggrega-
                                                        to improve the performance of low-resource lan-
tion Module, a plug-in component to better exploit
                                                        guages. Meta-learning approaches (Finn et al.,
and fuse the acoustic and linguistic information.
                                                        2017; Nichol et al., 2018) are also adopted for low-
We design and evaluate several representation ag-
                                                        resource ASR (Hsu et al., 2020; Xiao et al., 2021)
gregation mechanisms, including Gated Acoustic-
                                                        to obtain fast adaptation ability to new tasks with
Guided Attention, Gated Linguistic-Guided Atten-
                                                        only a few data through meta-learning a model ini-
tion, and Gated Cross-Modal Attention. The ex-
                                                        tialization from training tasks. In addition, recent
perimental results show the proposed Gated Cross-
                                                        works utilize unsupervised pre-training (Schneider
Modal Attention is the most effective method for
                                                        et al., 2019b; Chung and Glass, 2020) and semi-
representation aggregation.
                                                        supervised learning (Kahn et al., 2020; Li et al.,
   Second, to fill the gap of embedding inconsis-       2019) to exploit a large amount of unlabeled data
tency, we introduce an Embedding Attention Mod-         to learn general representations for low-resource
ule to incorporate the acoustic features into BERT      adaptation. Among them, Wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski
by a gated attention process, which not only pre-       et al., 2020) achieved excellent results through
serves the capability of BERT but also takes advan-     self-supervised learning, which learns powerful
tage of acoustic information. Moreover, as BERT         and contextual acoustic representations of a large
requires audio transcripts as input to create word      speech audio corpus by solving contrastive tasks
embedding, it may be easy to overfit when using         that require identifying the true quantized latent
ground truth transcripts. On the other hand, it is      speech representations for masked time steps. Then
also hard to converge when using transcripts pre-       it shows strong feasibility of ultra-low resource
dicted by the acoustic model. To facilitate the coop-   speech recognition with even only 10 minutes of
eration of the two encoders, we propose a sampling      labeled data.
strategy with decay to randomly select the ground
truth and generated transcripts for smooth training.    2.2    Speech recognition with BERT
   We adopt pre-trained wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski et al.,    To use the linguistic information from BERT (De-
2020) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) as the en-         vlin et al., 2018) for improving ASR performance,
coders to provide acoustic and linguistic represen-     some works (Chiu and Chen, 2021; Shin et al.,
tations respectively for their flexible pre-training    2019; Wang and Cho, 2019) use BERT to re-
then fine-tuning paradigm as well as excellent lo-      rank the N-best hypotheses generated by the ASR
cal contextual modeling ability. Accordingly, we        model. Besides, knowledge distillation (Futami
denominate our method as Wav-BERT.                      et al., 2020) is explored to use BERT as a teacher
   We evaluate our method on several datasets with      model to guide ASR model training. Moreover,
diverse languages from the public IARPA BABEL           some recent works (Yi et al., 2021; Yu and Chen,
b) Concatenate                            (c) Adapter-BERT                                 (d) Our Wav-BERT

                                                                               CE loss                                     CMLM loss                   CTC loss CE loss
                                                                           BERT decoder
                                      Rescoring                                                                      BERT decoder                       Representation
                                                                      Embedding Replacement                                                           Aggregation Module
                        he likes playing baseball hyp1                                                                     BERT layer                                      CMLM loss
                                                               CTC loss                             CTC loss                               CTC loss
                         he like playing basketball hyp2

                                                    ...                         Length                                                                               Feed forward layer
                                                           Linear projection   Alignment         Linear projection                      Linear projection
                         he likes playing baseboll hypN

                                                                                                                           BERT layer                                  BERT encoder
                                                                    Wav2vec 2.0                   Wav2vec 2.0                              Wav2vec 2.0                   Embedding
                             Wav2vec 2.0 ASR                                                                                 Adapter
                                                                     encoder                       encoder                                  encoder                   Attention Module

                            (a) Rescoring                           (b) Cascade                           (c) Adapter-BERT                       (d) Our Wav-BERT

                       Figure 1: Comparison of the architectures of different approaches to fuse BERT into the ASR model. (a) Rescoring
                       methods use BERT to rescore N -best hypotheses generated by wav2vec 2.0 ASR (Shin et al., 2019). (b) Cascade
                       methods directly cascade the BERT decoder on the top of the wav2vec 2.0 encoder through Length Alignment
                       module (Yi et al., 2021). (c) Adapter-BERT inserts adapter modules in each BERT layer (Guo et al., 2020). (d) Our
                                                       Feature Alignment
                       Wav-BERT introduces a Representation    ?     Aggregation Module for aggregate acoustic and linguistic representation
                       and an Embedding Attention Module to incorporate acoustic information into text embedding.

                         2021; Winata et al., 2020) further combine BERT                                            two steps: (i) self-supervised pre-training to learn
                         with the ASR model into a unified model                              and (dài)
                                                                                        (wǔ) (zāo)    train
                                                                                                          (wèi)     deep
                                                                                                                      (sì)    bidirectional linguistic representations from
                         the model in an end-to-end way. But Yi et al. a large text corpus and (ii) fine-tuning to adapt
            CE loss      and Yu et al. both simply           CMLM loss  connect BERT         CTCand     the
                                                                                                  loss CE loss      to downstream tasks using labeled data. BERT
         BERT decoder    ASR model in series                 without
                                                    BERT decoder
                                                                           considering          the    con-
                                                                                               Representation       consists of an embedding table, a multi-layer bidi-
     Embedding Replacement                                                                  Aggregation Module
                         textual       information          of
                                                           BERT speech
                                                                  layer      and     text    (Yi    et  al.,     CMLM      loss
                                                                                                                    rectional     Transformer encoder, and an additional
C loss                            CTC loss                                         CTC loss

                                                             Adapter                                         Feed forward layer
               Length    2021;
projection Alignment          LinearYu    and Chen, 2021). Winata
                                      projection                                         al. (Winata
                                                                                Linear                              output layer for fine-tuning.

                         et al., 2020) modified            BERTmBERT
                                                                  layer     model into an auto- BERT                   encoder
Wav2vec2 encoder              Wav2vec2 encoder               Adapter            Wav2vec2 encoder
                         regressive decoder and insert a cross-attention layer Attention                            4 ModuleWav-BERT
       (b) Cascade                              (c) Adapter-BERT
                         in each mBERT layer, but the deep bidirectional                    (d) Our   Wav-BERT
                                                                                                                    4.1 Motivation
                         information of pre-trained BERT cannot                                 be   fully
                                                                                         CTC loss CE loss
         CE loss                                          CMLM loss
                         utilized in the auto-regressive mode. Representation                                      To transfer the knowledge learned on the abun-
      BERT decoder
                                                  BERT decoder                                                      dance of high-resource language data for low-
 Embedding Replacement                                                                   Aggregation Module
                                                        BERT layer                                            CMLM loss
                                                                               CTC loss
ss                            CTC loss                                                                              resource      speech recognition, many efforts have

           Length        3 PreliminariesAdapter                                                          Feed forward   layer
ection Alignment           Linear projection                                Linear projection

                                                        BERT layer
                                                                                                            BERT encoder
                                                                                                                               devoted to unifying acoustic and linguistic
2vec2 encoder            Here
                           Wav2vec2 we     briefly
                                     encoder             introduce
                                                          Adapter         the    architectures
                                                                            Wav2vec2 encoder             of   Embedding
                                                                                                                    representation learning. We first categorize previ-
                                                                                                          Attention Module

    (b) Cascade          acoustic        and     linguistic
                                            (c) Adapter-BERT   encoders        in  our     framework.
                                                                                        (d) Our Wav-BERT ous methods and then introduce our solution.
                         Wav2vec 2.0. We adopt wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski                                                       As shown in Figure 1 (a), one simplest way to
                         et al., 2020) as our acoustic encoder because of                                           fuse BERT into an acoustic model in speech recog-
                         its effectiveness and efficiency. It has two stages: nition is rescoring (Chiu and Chen, 2021; Shin
                         (i) contrastive pre-training to learn representations                                      et al., 2019). It uses BERT as a language model
                         of speech and (ii) fine-tuning to adapt the learned                                        to calculate the pseudo-log-likelihood scores of
                         representations on labeled data with connectionist                                         text sentences for reranking the N -best hypotheses
                         temporal classification(CTC) loss (Graves et al., generated by the acoustic model. However, this
                         2006b) for downstream speech recognition tasks. process is time-consuming as it needs to iteratively
                         In this work, we aim to utilize the public pre-trained                                     mask each word in the sentence for inference and
                         model and mainly focus on the fine-tuning stage. then sum up the scores of all masked words. It also
                         The architecture of wav2vec 2.0 contains a feature                                         requires tuning many hyper-parameters by repeti-
                         encoder, a context network with a transformer and                                          tive experiments, e.g. beam size, balanced weights
                         a quantization module. During fine-tuning, the                                             of the language and acoustic models.
                         quantization module is removed and a randomly                                                    Recently, some works (Yi et al., 2021; Yu and
                         initialized linear projection layer is attached on top                                     Chen, 2021) directly cascade the decoder BERT
                         of the context network.                                                                    on the top of the acoustic encoder, as illustrated
                         BERT. BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) is employed as                                            by Figure 1 (b). However, such a simple cascade
                         our linguistic encoder since it is one of the most                                         often cannot well fuse the contextual information
                         popular text pre-training approaches and has shown                                         of speech and text.
                         remarkable performance in many downstream nat-                                                   Inspired by AB-Net (Guo et al., 2020), we design
                         ural language processing tasks. It also consists of                                       Adapter-BERT that inserts cross-attention adapters
YCTC2                       YCE                                      Ym
                                      Projection_2                 Projection_3                        Feed forward layer
                                                                                                          BERT encoder
                                      Add & Norm                   Add & Norm
                                                                                                           BERT layers
         Aggregation Module
                                      Feed forward                 Feed forward

                                                                                                           Gate & Add
                                      Gate & Add                   Gate & Add
                YCTC1                 Multi-Head                   Multi-Head                              Attention
                                      Attention                     Attention                         K       V       Q
                                KHL      VHL        QHA      KHA      VHA       QHL
              Projection_1                                                                             Feed forward layer

                     HA                                                                                    Multi-Head
         Wav2vec 2.0 encoder

                                                                                                                          {Y r
                 X                                                               Embedding                                 YCTC1
                                                                              Attention Module       Sampling with Decay

        Figure 2: Our Wav-BERT framework, which is composed of two main parts: 1) Representation Aggregation
        Module that combines a Gated Acoustic-Guided Attention (Left) and a Gated Linguistic-Guided Attention (Right)
        to construct a Gated Cross-Modal Attention. 2) Embedding Attention Module that includes a Gated Attention and
        a "Sampling with Decay" mechanism.

        in each BERT layer with the Mask-Predict algo- ear projection layer with CTC loss (Graves et al.,
        rithm (Ghazvininejad et al., 2019) to fully utilize      2006b) (Lctc1 ) and the Representation Aggrega-
        the bidirectional information of the input sequence, tion Module respectively. For the input of BERT
        as shown in Figure 1 (c). Nevertheless, the adapters     encoder, we employ “Sampling with Decay" mech-
        in each layer of BERT will affect the pre-trained        anism to sample from the masked ground truth Y r
        parameters of BERT, causing catastrophic forget- or wav2vec 2.0 CTC output YCT C1 with probability
        ting. Moreover, the Mask-Predict decoding suffers        p and 1 − p, so as to narrow the gap between train-
        from low inference speed.                                ing and inference. Next, word embedding E and
           To solve the representation discrepancy and em- acoustic embedding HA are fed into the Gate At-
        bedding inconsistency between speech and text, tention to model the conditional information from
        in this work, we introduce Wav-BERT, a cooper- the wav2vec 2.0 encoder side. Through the subse-
        ative acoustic and linguistic learning framework         quent BERT transformer layers, we get the linguis-
        that fuses and leverages the contextual information      tic representation HL . Finally, the Representation
        of speech and text from the representation level         Aggregation Module takes linguistic representa-
        to the embedding level, as shown in Figure 1 (d). tion HL as well as acoustic representation HA as
        We first present an independent Representation Ag- input, generating the CTC output YCT C2 and cross-
        gregation Fusion Module for acoustic and linguis- entropy (CE) output YCE , supervised by the CTC
(shà)                       (xiàn)
        tic representation aggregation, without inserting it     (Lctc2 ) and CE (Lce ) criterion respectively. Simul-
        in any pre-trained model to avoid destroying     theSampling
                                                    Or yCTC1
                                                                     with decaythe conditional masked language model
        parameters of pre-trained models. Then, an Em-           (CMLM)       objective (Lcmlm ) (Guo et al., 2020) is
        bedding Attention Module is introduced to better         also attached on BERT encoder followed by a feed-
        combine acoustic and linguistic embedding instead        forward layer to supervise the BERT output Y m .
        of simply replacement.     (xià)                         (xiàn) (wèi)
                                                                 Overall,             (sì)
                                                                            the objective    of our framework is defined           (yǔ)   (bǎi)
                          (cháng)        (shà)                   as:     (wǔ)   (zāo)  (dài)
                                                                                                                                   (yú)   (bǎi)
                                        (wǔ) (zāo) (dài) (wèi)        (sì)
        4.2    Our Wav-BERT                                                                                                        (yǔ)   (bǎi)
                                       (wù) (zhāo) (dài) (wéi)         (sì)
                                                                                                                                   (yú)   (bǎi)
        The architecture of our Wav-BERT is illustrated in             L = µ1 · Lctc1 + µ2 · Lcmlm + µ3 · Lctc2 + µ4 · Lce , (1)
        Figure 2. Specifically, wav2vec 2.0 encoder takes
                        (wǔ) (zāo) (dài) (wèi)   (sì)
        raw waveform X as input and outputs acoustic                   where µ1 , µ2 , µ3 and µ4 are the corresponding
        representation HA , which is then fed into a lin-             loss weights.
                      (chāng)       (xià)                            (xiàn)
                     (cháng)       (shà)                             (xiàn)
4.2.1 Representation Aggregation Module                    We then feed HAGL and HLGA to a feed-
To solve representation discrepancy, we first design    forward layer followed by residual connection re-
several representation aggregation mechanisms,          spectively and get aggregation representation HA
such as Gated Acoustic-Guided Attention, Gated          as well as HL . Finally, two linear projection layers
Linguistic-Guided Attention. In our Representa-         are attached on the top of Representation Aggrega-
tion Aggregation Module, we combine a Gated             tion Module to get the YCT C2 and YCE . As the se-
Acoustic-Guided Attention (Left) and a Gated            quence length of YCT C2 is determined by acoustic
Linguistic-Guided Attention (Right) to construct a      representation HA , we use CTC criterion to align
Gated Cross-Modal Attention for better exploiting       the acoustic frames of YCT C2 to the ground truth
and aggregating the acoustic and linguistic repre-      tokens. On the other hand, the sequence length of
sentations.                                             YCE is determined by linguistic representation HL ,
   Specifically, Gated Cross-Modal Attention Mod-       so we use CE criterion to align the text sequence
ule takes acoustic representation HA generated by       of YCE to the ground truth transcript.
wav2vec 2.0 as well as linguistic representation           The different aggregation mechanisms includ-
HL generated by BERT as input and feeds them as         ing Gated Acoustic Guided Attention, Gated
the query, key, and value vector respectively to a      Linguistic-Guided Attention and Gated Cross-
multi-head attention, which can be formulated as:       Modal Attention are evaluated and compared in
                                                        Table 3.
          CA = ATT(QHA , KHL , VHL ),            (2)
                                                        4.2.2   Embedding Attention Module
          CL = ATT(QHL , KHA , VHA ),            (3)
                                                        Recent works (Yi et al., 2021; Yu and Chen, 2021)
where QHA means passing HA as query vector,             directly connect the BERT on the top of the acous-
KHL as well as VHL means passing HL as key and          tic encoder and simply replace the embedding layer
value vector respectively. CA is the acoustic guided    with the acoustic features generated by the acoustic
context feature generated by attention which tend to    encoder, causing the catastrophic forgetting prob-
focus on the values in the linguistic representation    lem.
HL related to acoustic representation HA . Vice            To fill the gap of embedding inconsistency, we
versa, CL is the linguistic guided context feature to   propose the Embedding Attention Module and in-
focus on the values in the HA related to HL .           sert it behind the embedding layer of BERT to
   Next, the context feature CA and acoustic repre-     incorporate the acoustic information into the word
sentation HA are fed into a gated weighting layer to    embedding instead of simply replacing them. We
automatically capture the most important informa-       first introduce a Gated Attention operation in this
tion between context and acoustic representation,       module. As shown in Figure 2, word embedding
and generating acoustic-guided linguistic represen-     E generated by embedding layer is fed to a self-
tation HAGL , which can be formulated as:               attention layer followed by a feed-forward layer
                                                        to capture higher level linguistic embedding EL .
       ΦA = sigmoid(W1 [CA ; HA ] + B1 ),        (4)    Then, a multi-head self-attention followed by a
       HAGL = HA + ΦA CA ,                       (5)    gated weighting layer takes EL as the query vector
                                                        and acoustic embedding HA generated by wav2vec
where W1 as well as B1 are model parameters and         2.0 as the key vector as well as value vector to fuse
ΦA is the gated weight.                                 the linguistic embedding and acoustic embedding.
   Similarly, the context feature CL and linguis-       Thus, as a conditional masked language model,
tic representation HL are fed into another gated        BERT can learn to predict the masked word under
weighting layer to weigh the expected importance        the conditional acoustic information and provided
ΦL and generate linguistic-guided acoustic repre-       enhanced linguistic representation.
sentation HLGA , which can be formulated as:               Furthermore, for the input of the embedding
                                                        layer of BERT, it is easy to overfit when using
    T tΦL = sigmoid(W2 [CL ; HL ] + B2 ),        (6)    ground truth transcripts while it is hard to converge
       HLGA = HL + ΦL CL ,                       (7)    when using transcripts predicted by wav2vec2.0 en-
                                                        coder. To solve this issue, we propose a "Sampling
where W2 as well as B2 are model parameters and         with Decay" mechanism by feeding BERT either
ΦL is the gated weight.                                 the masked ground truth transcript Y r or the pre-
Table 1: Results of low resource ASR on IARPA BA-                                          ments using XLSR-53 (Conneau et al., 2020), three
BEL in terms of CER (%).                                                                   GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs are used with max to-
    Method                                      Pre-trained Vi        Sw     Ta     Avg
                                                                                           kens as 480000 and update frequency as 4. We
    Mono-BLSTMP (Cho et al., 2018)                          54.3      33.1   55.3   47.6   use the three-stage learning rate policy with the
    Multi-BLSTMP (Cho et al., 2018)                  -      41.0      -      48.5   44.8
    Multi-BLSTMP+ VGG (Cho et al., 2018)                    37.4      -      45.5   41.5   initial learning rate as 5e-5, and set each stage ratio
    wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020)                         21.8   15.5   29.3   22.2
    wav2vec 2.0 w/ 4-gram (Baevski et al., 2020) wav2vec 2.0   21.1   14.9   29.9   22.0   to 0.05, 0.45 and 0.5. Besides, we set the weight
    XLSR-Monolingual (Conneau et al., 2020)        (Base)      25.2   26.8   36.0   29.3
    XLSR-10 (Conneau et al., 2020)                             21.7   16.6   30.5   22.9   µ1 , µ2 , µ3 and µ4 for each loss to 0.5 for training.
    BERT rescoring (Shin et al., 2019)                         21.3   15.3   29.1   21.9
    Adapter-BERT (Guo et al., 2020)              w/ mBERT      22.5   17.6   29.8   23.3   Other optimizer settings are the same as wav2vec
    w2v-cif-bert (Yi et al., 2021)                             24.1   21.5   41.9   29.2
    our Wav-BERT                                               19.5   14.8   28.8   21.0
                                                                                           2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020). In terms of the "Sam-
    XLSR-10 (Conneau et al., 2020)              wav2vec 2.0 19.9 14.9 28.6 21.1            pling with Decay" policy, languages in IARPA BA-
    XLSR-53 (Conneau et al., 2020)                (Large)   21.8 21.3 27.4 23.5
    our Wav-BERT w/ XLSR-53                     w/ mBERT 19.3 13.8 28.0 20.4               BEL start from 100K steps to 200K steps, while in
                                                                                           AISHELL-1 it starts from 40k steps to 100k steps,
                                                                                           all with p decreasing from 90% to 10%.
dicted CTC result YCT C1 with a certain probability
                                                                                           Datasets. IARPA BABEL (Gales et al., 2014) is an
during training. The probability p of selecting from
                                                                                           open-source multilingual corpus of conversational
Y r decreases linearly as the number of training
                                                                                           telephone speech. For low resource evaluation, we
steps increases.
                                                                                           randomly select 3 kinds of languages with few data:
   Through the Embedding Attention Module with
                                                                                           Swahili (Sw), Tamil (Ta) and Vietnamese (Vi). We
"Sampling with Decay" mechanism, we further in-
                                                                                           adopt the same setup as (Conneau et al., 2020) and
tegrate the acoustic and linguistic information from
                                                                                           use the dev folder of the BABEL dataset as our test
the embedding level to facilitate better fusion be-
                                                                                           set since "eval" data are not released. We re-sample
tween wav2vec 2.0 encoder and BERT encoder. Ta-
                                                                                           audios of all languages to 16kHz. AISHELL-1 (Bu
ble 4 verifies the effectiveness of each component
                                                                                           et al., 2017) is an open-source and high-quality
of our proposed Embedding Attention Module.
                                                                                           Mandarin speech corpus, and is widely used in
4.2.3 Inference                                                                            the speech community, which contains 178 hours
For inference, we first feed the result YCT C1 into                                        of Mandarin speech data. Although the data is in
BERT encoder; then select the one with higher                                              Chinese, a common used language, the quantity
confidence from the two outputs YCT C2 and YCE                                             is small. Thus, it can also verify our Wav-BERT
as our final output.                                                                       for low-resource data. Moreover, there are many
                                                                                           latest state-of-the-art methods on this dataset to be
5      Experiments                                                                         compared.
                                                                                              For a fair comparison, we use the official
In this section, we first illustrate the implementa-                                       wav2vec 2.0 (Base/Large) model, XLSR-53, and
tion details of our Wav-BERT. Then we introduce                                            mBERT models as the initial encoders. All model
two low-resource speech recognition datasets con-                                          checkpoint download links are described in the ap-
taining several languages as well as the comparison                                        pendix.
results among our approach and baseline methods.
Furthermore, we conduct ablation studies to vali-
                                                                                           5.1   Results on IARPA BABEL
date the effectiveness of each main component of
our Wav-BERT and present some case studies for                                             Table 1 reports the results on IARPA BABEL in
perceptual comparison.                                                                     terms of character error rate (CER), where our Wav-
Implementation Details. For our proposed Rep-                                              BERT achieves state-of-the-art performance on all
resentation Aggregation Module and Embedding                                               low-resource languages. We find some interest-
Attention Module, the heads and embedding dimen-                                           ing points comparing the results. First, the per-
sions of all multi-head attention are set to 8 and                                         formance of the methods without pre-training is
768 respectively. Meanwhile, the inner-layer di-                                           quite bad, which indicates that the conventional
mension of the position-wise feed-forward is set to                                        end-to-end models are impractical for low-resource
2048. Regarding optimization details, we train our                                         languages due to the limited data. Second, the
model as well as baselines based on wav2vec 2.0                                            pre-training models like wav2vec 2.0 and XLSR
Base for 200K steps with one GeForce RTX 3090                                              largely improve the recognition accuracy thanks
GPU, setting max tokens and update frequency                                               to the powerful acoustic representation learned
to 640000 and 4 correspondingly. As for experi-                                            from the huge amount of high-resource language
Table 2: Results of ASR on AISHELL-1 in terms of                            Table 4: Results of different components in Embed-
CER(%).                                                                     ding Attention Module for ASR on IARPA BABEL and
                                                                            AISHELL-1 named CN in terms of CER(%).
Method                                            Pre-trained
                                                              dev test
                                                                            Method                    Vi     Sw     CN-dev   CN-test   Avg
Kaldi chain (Yu and Chen, 2021)                               -   7.5
                                                                            Embedding Replacement     21.1   15.4    6.0      6.4      12.2
Kaldi nnet3 (Yu and Chen, 2021)                               -   8.6
                                                                            our Embedding Attention   19.5   14.8    3.8      4.0      10.5
LAS (Shan et al., 2019)                                       -   10.6
                                                                            w/o Sampling with Decay   22.0   15.7    5.7      6.2      12.4
ESPnet (Transformer) (Karita et al., 2019)                    6.0 6.7
                                                                            w/o Gated Attention       20.7   15.3    4.1      4.3      11.1
SA-T (Tian et al., 2019)                                      8.3 9.3
SAN-M (Gao et al., 2020)                               -      5.7 6.5
CAT (An et al., 2019)                                         -   6.3
LFML (Chen et al., 2019)                                      6.2 6.7
LASO (Bai et al., 2021)                                       5.9 6.9       is larger than that of IARPA BABEL, so all the
NAR-Transformer (Song et al., 2020)                           5.6 6.3
Wenet (Zhang et al., 2020)                                    -   4.7       methods perform much better. It also accounts for
LASO with BERT (Bai et al., 2021)                             5.3 6.1
NAR-BERT-ASR (Yu and Chen, 2021)
                                                              4.9 5.5
                                                                            that the performance distance between the meth-
wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020)                            7.9 8.4       ods with pre-trained models and those without pre-
wav2vec 2.0 (cn) (Baevski et al., 2020)           wav2vec 2.0 5.2 5.8
wav2vec 2.0 (cn) w/ 4-gram (Baevski et al., 2020)             4.5 4.9
                                                                            trained models becomes small. During the methods
BERT rescoring (Shin et al., 2019)                            4.2 4.5       without pre-trained models, wenet (Zhang et al.,
Adapter-BERT (Guo et al., 2020)                   wav2vec 2.0 6.9 7.3
w2v-cif-bert (Yi et al., 2021)                     w/ BERT 5.6 6.3          2020) achieves the best results due to its advanced
our Wav-BERT w/ wav2vec 2.0                                   3.8 4.0       CTC-Conformer (Graves et al., 2006a; Gulati et al.,
our Wav-BERT w/ wav2vec 2.0 (cn)                              3.6 3.8
                                                                            2020) architecture, better attention rescoring decod-
                                                                            ing strategy and larger training epoch number. With
Table 3: Results of different components in Representa-
tion Aggregation Module for ASR on IARPA BABEL                              the pre-trained language model of BERT, NAR-
and AISHELL-1 named CN in terms of CER(%).                                  BERT-ASR (Yu and Chen, 2021) stacked a decoder
                                                                            initialized by a pre-trained BERT model on the
Method                              Vi     Sw     CN-dev   CN-test   Avg    top of the transformer encoder and achieves com-
Gated Cross-Modal Attention         19.5   14.8    3.8      4.0      10.5
w/o Gated Weighting                 19.6   14.9    3.9      4.2      10.7   petitive results on AISHELL-1. Regarding meth-
Gated Acoustic-Guided Attention     20.4   15.0    4.4      4.7      11.1   ods using the pre-trained acoustic model, the offi-
Gated Linguistic-Guided Attention   25.6   18.3    5.7      6.4      14.0
                                                                            cial wav2vec 2.0 Base model that pre-trained on
                                                                            960 hours of Librispeech corpus achieves great re-
data. Third, in addition to the pre-trained acoustic                        sults as the model learned good representations of
model, other methods also utilize a pre-trained lan-                        speech. Furthermore, we also collect and use 1960
guage model like mBERT while the results change                             hours of public Mandarin speech data to pre-train
slightly or even become worse. One of the reasons                           a wav2vec 2.0 (cn) model, which obtains better
is that the methods that construct adapters in BERT                         performance on AISHELL-1 evaluation. In conclu-
(ADapter-BERT) or simply combine BERT with                                  sion, our Wav-BERT not only improves the perfor-
wav2vec 2.0 (w2v-cif-bert) inevitably suffer from                           mance of both wav2vec 2.0 and wav2vec 2.0 (cn)
the embedding inconsistency problem and fail to                             models, but also outperforms other state-of-the-art
make the best use of pre-trained linguistic represen-                       methods unifying wav2vec 2.0 and BERT. It further
tation. As for our Wav-BERT, it effectively facili-                         demonstrates the generalization of Wav-BERT on
tates the cooperation of the pre-trained acoustic and                       different low-resource ASR datasets with different
language models by the proposed fusion modules                              data sizes.
from representation level to embedding level. As a
result, it can consistently improve the ASR results                         5.3    Comparison of model fusion methods
for different low-resource languages. Moreover,                             As illustrate in Section 4.1, there are many differ-
when the pre-trained model (e.g. wav2vec 2.0) be-                           ent model fusion methods to fuse the pre-trained
comes larger, the performance of our Wav-BERT                               wav2vec 2.0 and BERT. We compare our Wav-
will be also improved while it requires more GPU                            BERT with these methods and report the results
resources to tune the whole model.                                          in Table 1 and Table 2. First, by using BERT to
                                                                            rescore N -best hypotheses generated by wav2vec
5.2      Results on AISHELL-1                                               2.0 with CTC beam search, rescoring (Shin et al.,
Table 2 reports the comparison results on                                   2019) (Figure 1 (a)) is slightly better than wav2vec
AISHELL-1. In addition to the baselines men-                                2.0, but its inference process is time-consuming.
tioned above, we also report more latest works                              Second, w2v-cif-bert (Yi et al., 2021) uses CIF to
for comparison. The data quantity of this dataset                           connect wav2vec 2.0 and BERT in a cascade way
Table 5: Predicted examples on AISHELL-1 test set generated by Wav2vec 2.0, BERT rescoring, w2v-cif-bert and
mpling with decay
mpling with decay            our Wav-BERT. The differences words are marked with pronunciation. The wrong words are marked in red. The
mpling with decay
mpling with decay            translations of the sentences are also provided.

                               Method                              Predicted example with translation
   (xiàn)    (wèi)           (sì)
   (xiàn)    (wèi)           (sì)
                               wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020)                  (yǔ)      (bǎi)
   (xiàn)   (wǔ)
             (wèi)   (zāo)    (dài)
                             (sì)                                 Wenzhou aunt Nian(yǔ)      (bǎi)
                                                                                      and banpai pretended to be their daughter and got married successfully.
            (wǔ)     (zāo)    (dài)                                                (yú)
                                                                                   (yǔ)      (bǎi)
   (sì)      (wèi)
            (wǔ)     (zāo)   (sì)
                               BERT rescoring (Shin et al., 2019)                  (yú)      (bǎi)
   (sì)                                                                            (yǔ)
                                                                  More than half of(yú)
   (sì)     (wǔ)     (zāo)    (dài)                                                (yǔ)        old aunt pretended to be her daughter and successfully cheated many young people into marriage..
    (sì)                       w2v-cif-bert (Yi et al., 2021)
                                                                                   (yǔ)      (bǎi)
    (sì)                                                                           (yú)      (bǎi)
                                                                  Wenzhou aunt year(yǔ)      (bǎi)
                                                                                     and half(bǎi)
                                                                                   (yú)       a hundred pretending to be daughters have successfully cheated into marriage, and there are many young people.
                               our Wav-BERT                                        (yú)      (bǎi)
                                                                   Wenzhou aunt is more than half a hundred years old, pretending to be her daughter, and has successfully cheated many young people into marriage.

   (xiàn)                    and replace word embedding with acoustic embed-                                                 5.4.2        Embedding Attention Module
   (xiàn)                    ding as input for BERT. It is better than wav2vec
   (xiàn)                                                                                                                   The results in Table 4 further verify the effective-
                             2.0 in AISHELL-1 but worse in BABEL for the
                                                                                                                            ness of our Embedding Attention Module. First, we
                             reason that the mBERT is not as well trained as
                                                                                                                            report the result of Embedding Replacement that
                             the bert-base-chinese model, resulting in a more
                                                                                                                            simply replaces the original word embedding with
                             severe catastrophic forgetting problem after replac-
                                                                                                                            the acoustic embedding as the input of BERT like
                             ing its input. Third, Adapter-BERT that inserts
                                                                                                                            previous works (Yu and Chen, 2021). As expected,
                             adapter modules into each BERT layer and tunes it
                                                                                                                            the performance is poor especially on AISHELL-1,
                             on the training data, has an inconspicuous improve-
                                                                                                                            which indicates that such simple replacement meth-
                             ment or even performance degradation since the
                                                                                                                            ods will be affected by the embedding inconsis-
                             insertion of adapters affects the pre-trained repre-
                                                                                                                            tency problem. In contrast, we solve this challenge
                             sentation of BERT. Finally, our Wav-BERT signif-
                                                                                                                            by the proposed Embedding Attention Module in-
                             icantly surpasses other methods, which indicates
                                                                                                                            cluding the sampling mechanism and Gated Atten-
                             that our model can effectively exploit the acoustic
                                                                                                                            tion, so that the performance is largely improved.
                             and linguistic information through the multi-level
                                                                                                                            Second, when turning off "Sampling with Decay"
                             hierarchical fusion. Besides, our cooperative learn-
                                                                                                                            or Gated Attention, the average CER increased by
                             ing methods can also help the pre-trained encoders
                                                                                                                            1.9% and 0.6% respectively. It demonstrates that
                             to avoid catastrophic forgetting of pre-training in-
                                                                                                                            the "Sampling with Decay" mechanism effectively
                             formation so that the whole model can converge
                                                                                                                            alleviates the embedding inconsistency of BERT
                             faster and better.
                                                                                                                            between inference and training. Mover, the Gated
                             5.4        Ablation Studies                                                                    Attention effectively provides additional acoustic
                                                                                                                            information to the input of BERT, facilitating it to
                             5.4.1 Representation Aggregation Module
                                                                                                                            capture more reliable linguistic representation.
                             To investigate the effectiveness of our Rep-
                             resentation Aggregation Module, we present
                                                                                                                             5.5       Case Studies
                             results for Gated Linguistic-Guided Attention,
                             Gated Acoustic-Guided Attention, removing gated                                                We further present some case studies in Table 5, to
                             weighting in Table 3. We can find that the effect                                              illustrate the importance of acoustic and linguistic
                             of gated weighting, while small, is still existent,                                            information for speech recognition. We provided
                             which can automatically measure the importance of                                              some transcript examples obtained from the base-
                             the acoustic and linguistic representation while ag-                                           line methods and our Wav-BERT with the same
                             gregating those two kinds of representation. Com-                                              input from AISHELL-1 test set. The pronuncia-
                             pared with Gated Cross-Modal Attention, Gated                                                  tions of the keywords and the English translation
                             Acoustic-Guided Attention and Gated Linguistic-                                                of the whole sentence are also provided. As can be
                             Guided Attention increases the average CER by                                                  observed, all the baseline methods predict one or
                             0.6% and 3.5% respectively, which indicates that                                               two wrong words with similar pronunciation as the
                             the attention in each direction plays an important                                             wrong words, which leads to an unreasonable sen-
                             role in our Representation Aggregation Module                                                  tence. On the contrary, thanks to the cooperative
                             while Gated Acoustic-Guided Attention makes a                                                  learning of acoustic and linguistic information, our
                             greater contribution since speech recognition task                                             Wav-BERT can successfully recognize the whole
                             is more dependent on acoustic information.                                                     sentence without any word error.
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  ishka Rao. 2018. Multilingual speech recognition
  with a single end-to-end model. In 2018 IEEE inter-    easily reproduce or compare our results with the
  national conference on acoustics, speech and signal    same languages.
  processing (ICASSP), pages 4904–4908. IEEE.
                                                                   Table 6: AISHELL-1 dataset statistics.
Alex Wang and Kyunghyun Cho. 2019. Bert has
  a mouth, and it must speak: Bert as a markov
  random field language model.   arXiv preprint           Subset             Duration(hrs)     Male    Female
  arXiv:1902.04094.                                       Training           150               161     179
Shinji Watanabe, Takaaki Hori, and John R. Hershey.       Development        10                12      28
  2017a. Language independent end-to-end archi-           Test               5                 13      7
  tecture for joint language identification and speech
  recognition. In 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recog-
  nition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), pages
  265–271.                                                       Table 7: IARPA BABEL dataset statistics.

Shinji Watanabe, Takaaki Hori, Suyoun Kim, John R
  Hershey, and Tomoki Hayashi. 2017b. Hybrid
                                                                  Language       Train(hrs)    Eval(hrs)
  ctc/attention architecture for end-to-end speech                Vietnamese     87.72         11.00
  recognition. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Sig-            Swahili        44.39         10.65
  nal Processing, 11(8):1240–1253.                                Tamil          69.35         11.68
Genta Indra Winata, Guangsen Wang, Caiming Xiong,
  and Steven Hoi. 2020. Adapt-and-adjust: Over-
  coming the long-tail problem of multilingual speech
  recognition. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.01687.          B       Ours Wav-BERT Model
Yubei Xiao, Ke Gong, Pan Zhou, Guolin Zheng, Xi-         Our model checkpoint described in Sec 5 can be
  aodan Liang, and Liang Lin. 2021. Adversarial          downloaded here. With limited storage space, thus
  meta sampling for multilingual low-resource speech
  recognition. In AAAI.                                  we only upload the model using wav2vec 2.0 Base.

Cheng Yi, Shiyu Zhou, and Bo Xu. 2021. Effciently            1
  fusing pretrained acoustic and linguistic encoders         2
  for low-resource speech recognition. IEEE Signal         3
  Processing Letters.                                    LDC2017S01
C       Pre-trained Models                              gram model is trained by transcripts in the
                                                        training set of each language, using the
We use different pre-trained acoutic and language
                                                        KenLM (Heafield, 2011) framework. And
models in our experiment described in Sec 5.
                                                        the beam size for beam search is set to 50.
All of them are open-source except the wav2vec
2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020) pre-trained in Chinese
by ourselves. For pre-trained language models, the   2. BERT rescoring (Chiu and Chen, 2021; Shin
bert-base-chinese model can be download here 4 ,        et al., 2019): For each language, results from
and the multilingual mBERT can be download              the trained wav2vec 2.0 model with beam
here 5 . For pre-trained acoustic models, the of-       search, are rescored by the fine-tuned lan-
ficial wav2vec 2.0 pre-trained on English can be        guage model(mBERT or bert-base-chinese
download here 6 , and the XLSR-53 (Conneau et al.,      model). Specifically, the linguistic decoder
2020) model can be downloaded here 7 . Besides,         is fine-tuned by transcripts in the training
though the wav2vec 2.0(cn) pre-trained on 1,960         set of each language using masked language
hours of Chinese data cannot open-source, both the      model(MLM) objective (Devlin et al., 2018)
used training code and datasets are open-source,        of BERT. In rescoring stage, we mask each
which means researchers still can reproduce our         word in the sentence once at a time, then sum
results. In details, we base on the Fairseq frame-      all the log-likelihoods of the masked words
work 8 (Ott et al., 2019) to pre-train our model        from each masked input instance. Finally
8 GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs with max tokens                 rescoring the sentence with both the likeli-
and update frequency setting to 1400000 and 8           hoods from acoustic and language model. Be-
respectively, consuming about one week to train         sides, considering it is time-consuming, the
400K steps. Besides, the used datasets are DiDiS-       beam size for beam search is set to 5.
peech (Guo et al., 2021), PVTC 9 , ST-CMDS 10 ,
aidatatang 11 , AISHELL-1, AISHELL-3 (Shi et al.,    3. Adapter-BERT: This method is inspired by
2020), MAGICDATA 12 , MagicDataSpeech 13 ,              AB-Net (Guo et al., 2020), cross-attention
Primewords 14 and Thchs 15 .                            adapters are inserted to each BERT layer to
                                                        unify the wav2vec 2.0 and BERT model. Out-
D       Baselines                                       put from the feed-forward layer at the last
We describe some baseline methods below, which          of BERT is supervised by the cross-entropy
are reproduced by ourselves or experimented with        criterion. In inference, the Mask-Predict algo-
the open-source code.                                   rithm (Ghazvininejad et al., 2019) is adopted.

    1. Wav2vec 2.0 w/ 4-gram: For each language,     4. Embedding Replacement: Inspired by previ-
       results from the trained wav2vec 2.0 model       ous work (Yu and Chen, 2021), we use similar
       with beam search, are rescored by the 4-         architecture as it but replace the acoustic en-
       gram language model. Specifically, the 4-        coder with wav2vec 2.0 and keep our Repre-
     https://s3.amazonaws.com/models.                   sentation Aggregation Module. We use posi-
huggingface.co/bert/bert-base-chinese.                  tion embeddings as query vector and acoustic
     https://s3.amazonaws.com/                          representation from wav2vec 2.0 as key and
models.huggingface.co/bert/                             value vector to attention block followed by 3
bert-base-multilingual-uncased.tar.gz                   self-attention block, which is the same as (Yu
                                                        and Chen, 2021), generating aligned acoustic
     https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/                    representation Hpos . Then Hpos is used as the
fairseq/wav2vec/xlsr_53_56k.pt                          input of BERT, replacing the word embedding.
   9                                                    Finally, Representation Aggregation Module
     http://www.openslr.org/38/                         takes both the Hpos and linguistic represen-
     http://www.openslr.org/62/                         tation from BERT as input, just the same as
     http://www.openslr.org/68/                         our Wav-BERT. It is worth mention that the
                                                        length of the position embedding is set to 60,
     http://www.openslr.org/47/                         considering it cost too much GPU memory for
     http://www.openslr.org/18/                         a larger value.
E   More Implementation Details
Most of the significant experiment details are de-
scribed in Sec 5. Aiming to let researcher repro-
duce our result more easily, we describe more de-
tails below. About the data augmentation, mask
probability and mask channel probability are set
to 0.65 and 0.5 respectively the same as setting in
wav2vec 2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020) for 100 hour
training data. Besides, we use adam optimizer, set-
ting adam betas and adam eps to (0.9,0.98) and
1e-08 individually. In data preprocessing, we use
feature normalize for wav2vec 2.0 Base model but
not for the XLSR-53 model, keeping consistent
with the pre-training setting. Also, we filter some
samples whose length of speech shorter than 0.5
seconds as well as number of subwords less than
1 or bigger than 512 in training set. Regarding the
training time, training our Wav-BERT model with
wav2vec 2.0 Base model spends less than 2 days,
and 5 days with the XLSR-53 model. Finally, the
number of parameters in our model with wav2vec
2.0 Base is about 380M, and 600M with XLSR-53,
which is slightly different with different languages.
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