What challenges German mechanical engineers need to address now - GERMAN ENGINEERING 2025

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What challenges German mechanical engineers need to address now - GERMAN ENGINEERING 2025

What challenges German mechanical
engineers need to address now
What challenges German mechanical engineers need to address now - GERMAN ENGINEERING 2025

              The COVID-19 pandemic hit the German mechanical engineering sector and key customer indus-
              tries hard – nevertheless, it was already struggling with structural change and declining exports
              in 2019. Financial reserves and human capital are dwindling, making it difficult to invest in future
              technologies and the digitalization of products and production.

              In order to leverage previously unused export potential in young growth markets, German ma-
              nufacturers need to expand their portfolio as well as their production set-up in order to supply
              unit-cost-optimized machines priced in line with the market and to increase their competitiveness
              vis-à-vis international competitors.

              A differentiated strategy is required when dealing with „frenemies“: China is both the most import-
              ant customer and the most important competitor for German mechanical engineering, while the
              tech giants from Silicon Valley are developing into important partners in terms of software, but are
              claiming the high-margin business with user data for themselves.

              Long-term market success requires a forward-looking understanding of (changing) customer
              requirements that goes beyond the technical features of the machines and equipment: on the one
              hand, changing political framework conditions and regional shifts in demand must be considered in
              strategy development, and on the other hand, the sales potential of new business models must be

NUMBERS & FACTS                                                             CURRENT MARKET TRENDS

                                                                                   The international competition with low-cost and, in particular,
                                                                                   digitally better positioned suppliers is intensifying; Chinese
                                                                                   investment activity is often aimed at exerting political influ-
                                                                                   ence and acquiring key technologies.

                                                  World‘s leading
                                                                                   Digitalization pressure requires the development of specific
                                                  machinery exporter
                                                                                   know-how and high-performance IT structures, including
                                                                                   cloud applications, remote maintenance, etc. Strategic
                                                                                   alliances enable the joint development of data standards and

                                                                                   Climate policy measures such as the European CO2 price are
                                                                                   increasing the pressure to act across all sectors; manufactu-
                                                                                   rers of energy-efficient machines stand to benefit from this

                                                                                   Liquidity-preserving contract models: Increasing implemen-
                                                                                   tation of EaaS and leasing models in addition to the classic
       €bn                       1.5%                     -12%                     machine business, intensified by COVID-19-related liquidity
      179.8                                                                        bottlenecks of many customers.

 Export turnover 2019   Annual market growth before   Decrease in imports
    (ratio: 80.3%)       COVID-19 (CAGR 2012-19)        2020 (% yoy)

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                             2
What challenges German mechanical engineers need to address now - GERMAN ENGINEERING 2025

                      Foreword: Mechanical engineering in transition    4

                      Germany - a world export champion?                5

                      Chinese influence                                 6

                      New foreign markets                               7

                      Digital competencies                              8

                      Global production networks in transition          9

                      The road to Industry 4.0                          10

                      Further development of business models            11

                      European framework conditions                     12

                      An eye for the essentials - And financing         13

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                           3

                WHAT WAS EARLIER                                            hampered the development of German machine                    output, not least due to the slump in the auto-
                                                                            builders. All this took place against the back-               motive industry and its suppliers, above all the
                In 2014, the fourth industrial revolution was still         ground of solid overall market growth.                        German mechanical engineering industry. New
                in its infancy in many places. As part of the first                                                                       competitors and network partners are no longer
                big data supported study, we evaluated the posi-                                                                          found only in Europe, but increasingly in Asia and
                tioning of the German mechanical engineering                WHAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE                                       Silicon Valley. This makes it all the more import-
                industry, the potentials of digitalization and the                                                                        ant to raise the necessary funds for the strategic
                acute needs for action to restore competitiveness           In the meantime, digitization projects are pro-
                                                                                                                                          development of a digital infrastructure and new
                in the changed global structure.                            gressing across all industries - albeit at different
                                                                                                                                          business fields in order not to lose touch in the
                Study available at:                                         speeds. The opportunities of the ongoing trend
                                                                                                                                          global innovation competition - especially in a
                http://bit.ly/Andersch-Maschinenbau                         have been recognized in many places. However,
                                                                                                                                          „new reality“ shaped by COVID-19. Particularly
                                                                            the need for investment is now coming up against
                                                                                                                                          now, it requires appropriate foresight to make
                In addition to the increased investment costs, the          an economically challenging phase, against
                                                                                                                                          innovation investments with a medium- to long-
                main challenges identified were increasing price            industry-wide slumps in orders and liquidity
                                                                                                                                          term return on investment.
                pressure due to one-sided growth strategies                 bottlenecks. The German economy grew by 0.6%
                and the emergence of international competitors.             in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic - the
                Location-related disadvantages such as the                  weakest in six years. Industrial production in
                shortage of skilled labor, inadequate digital in-           the „industrial nation“ Germany, meanwhile
                frastructure and a lack of digitalization standards         accounts for only one fifth of total economic

                                                                                     Trends in mechanical engineering

                  short-term (5 years)

                  Digital disruption                                          New disciplines                                               Artificial intelligence
                  • Big data and the Internet of Things enable new            • Know-how in computer-controlled production, digital         • Expansion of vertical integration and development of
                    process methods, increased efficiency and digitally         product development and digital twins; integration            digital products/services
                    supported products                                          of 3D printing                                              • Data-driven enterprise
                                                                                                                                            • Deep & machine learning

                  Change in demand                                            Range of services                                             Advanced analytics
                  • Far-reaching structural change in the automotive          • Establishment of service as an independent product
                                                                                                                                            •   Geo-engineering
                    industry and as-a-service infrastructure are changing     • Machine optimization and predictive maintenance
                                                                                                                                            •   Quantum technology
                    the demand of important customers; development of
                                                                                                                                            •   Human-machine interfaces
                    new markets requires adaptation of supply
                                                                                                                                            •   Bio-tech
                                                                              Circular economy
                                                                              • Industry makes large new purchases with high
                  Green Tech
                                                                                requirement profile
                                                                                                                                            Platform economy
                  • Regulation drives sustainability (resources, energy)
                    and costs
                                                                              Consumer trends                                               • Software-side cooperation with tech giants mainly
                                                                                                                                              from USA (data generation, integration)
                                                                              • Individualization and batch size 1 require flexible and     • Equipment-as-a-service
                                                                                connected machines
                  Political uncertainty
                                                                              • Digitization of all areas of life
                  • Brexit, debt of EU member states, trade disputes          • Micro mobility
                    jeopardize growth due to increased reluctance             • Share economy
                    to invest                                                                                                               New markets
                                                                              Framework conditions                                          • Young growth markets in Asia/Latin America with
                                                                                                                                              different requirements
                  General conditions                                          • Demographic change

                                                                                                                                            • Silk road initiative links European and Asian markets -
                                                                              • European competitive conditions (CO2/energy prices;
                  • shortage of skilled labor                                                                                                 new sales potentials and greater competitive pressure
                                                                                data protection; wage levels)
                  • Digital infrastructure                                                                                                  • Green-tech in China
                                                                              • Access to venture capital
                  • Tax level                                                 • China‘s growing influence

                The dynamic environment will continue to challenge the German mecha-                           This brief study focuses on short- and medium-term trends depending on
                nical engineering industry in global competition in the future. Disruptive                     their relevance to sales as well as any need for action that may arise.
                trends are shaping the industry at ever shorter intervals.

                © 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                                     4

HIGH EXPORT DEPENDENCY                                                 engineering: German manufacturers of indus-
                                                                       trial furnaces, printing and paper technology,
Germany is the world‘s leading exporter of machi-
                                                                       packaging and textile machinery in particular
nery - every sixth machine exported comes from
                                                                       have suffered losses in international competition;
Germany. Foreign trade is the most important
                                                                       over the past ten years they have lost on average
source of revenue for the German mechanical
                                                                       8%-points of their world trade share. By contrast,
engineering industry, accounting for three quarters
                                                                       companies in the measuring/testing technology
(79%) of the sector‘s turnover.
                                                                       sector in particular were able to gain market share
However, the export strength is not only the
                                                                       (+1.1%-points); in this sector, German machine-
driver of the German success model, it also has
                                                                       ry accounts for just under one-third (31.9%) of
its downsides: the high dependency on global
                                                                       world trade.
trade is directly reflected in the results when, as
in 2019, trade conflicts, Brexit and a weakening of
the economy reduce global demand. Even before
                                                                       COOLING OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY                                     MOMENTUM ALREADY SLOWING BEFORE
COVID-19, the German Engineering Federation                            Geopolitical conflicts, China‘s declining economic                COVID-19:
(VDMA) expected production to fall by 2% in 2020,                      growth, UK‘s exit from the EU and the high debt le-
mainly due to declining order volumes from abro-                       vels of European member states increased the un-
ad. German mechanical engineering companies                            certainty of many decision-makers already in 2019,
already recorded a decline of around 2% in 2019.                       before the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic.                     EXPORT OF GERMAN MACHINERY TO CHI-
                                                                       Capital-intensive investments in particular in fixed              NA 2012-19 EXPORT VALUE (€BN),
NEW PLAYERS ON THE FIELD                                               assets such as machinery were delayed or even
                                                                       avoided. There were increasing prophecies of doom
The dangers of a high dependency on exports are                                                                                                          CAGR
                                                                       that the German mechanical engineering industry
exacerbated by the increasing success of foreign                       would find itself as one of the big losers between                                +2.8%                     -8.1%        -3.6%
manufacturers: German mechanical engineering                           the new US and Chinese fronts in the coming years.
has been losing market share in international                          The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic                           17.3             18.6           20.4         18.8         18.1
competition for years. The competitive pressure                        and temporary lockdowns turned medium-term
is largely driven by Chinese manufacturers - who                       concerns into acute challenges: While orders could
recorded 16% growth in machinery exports in                            not be processed initially due to disruptions in the
2016-2017 alone. Still, the Chinese market is                          value chains, warehouses filled up with finished                    2012             2017          2018         2019          2020
growing faster than domestic companies could                           machines in part due to lack of incoming orders.
meet the demand for high-quality machines. But                         Thus, the VDMA recently reported noticeable losses
                                                                                                                                                                  DECREASING MOMENTUM
in the foreseeable future, local market growth will                    for half of its members, and even severe losses for
only be realized through aggressive innovation and                     around one third of the companies. In many of the
price competition. Chinese and US machinery ma-                        VDMA‘s specialist sectors, recovery will take seve-
nufacturers already account for more than 50% of                       ral years (see chart below). Despite the solid capital
global industry sales, with Germany in third place.                    base of the traditionally medium-sized, often con-                EXPORT OF GERMAN MACHINERY TO
                                                                       servative German mechanical engineering sector,                   UK 2019 EXPORT VALUE, CHANGE
WINNERS AND LOSERS                                                     a reduction in personnel is now no longer ruled out               TO PREVIOUS YEAR’S MONTH (%)
                                                                       in many places. More than half of the companies
The share of German mechanical engineering in
                                                                       have imposed a hard hiring freeze, despite an acute
world trade has fallen by around 3%-points over
                                                                       shortage of skilled workers. The melting of financial                       -8                         -8               -8
the last 10 years. Due to the extraordinarily high                                                                                                                 -10
                                                                       reserves and human capital will weaken the posi-                   -16              -15                        -14
export quota, Germany was nevertheless recently
                                                                       tion of German mechanical engineering in global                                                                                 -25
in the lead in 15 of 31 specialist sectors of me-
                                                                       competition in the medium term - because it is                     Apr     May      Jun     Jul       Aug      Sep      Oct     Nov
chanical engineering (measured in terms of world
                                                                       precisely now that investments in future technolo-
trade share). However, not all special sectors
                                                                       gies and skilled workers with specific digitalization
are affected to the same extent by the economic
                                                                       know-how are urgently needed.
developments. Structural upheavals in the                                                                                                                               BREXIT CONTRACTION
target sectors also have an impact on mechanical

RING SECTOR (% YOY)                                                                                 ENGINEERING GERMANY (INDEX)(1)
                                                                                                      Index                                                                        105.5
                                          7                                                                                                                                                          103.5
                                                                                        2   5 7                                101.1                                               101.6
                                                                                                                102.7                           101.9
      -5 -3           -4                       -4                                                                                                                96.3
-7                          -11 -15 -7              -9                            -10
                -17                                                         -19                                                                                                                      95.2
                                                                -28                                    CAGR 19-23
                                                          -31         -31                                                                         86.1                               93.3
                                                                                                       Base: 0.2%                                                 92,7
May       Jul         Sep      Nov       Jan        Mar               Jun                   Nov        Risk: -1.3%

                2019                                              2020                                                                           86,1
                                                                                                    2017        2018            2019            2020             2021P             2022P            2023P
                                                                                                       Before COVID-19 (2)             Base scenario (3)                 Risk scenario (4)

Sources: Oxford Economics; German Federal Statistical Office; VDMA; Financial Times; Stifterverband for die Deutsche Wissenschaft; FAZ; IFO Institute; Handelsblatt; FTI-Andersch analysis
(1) Value-added output of the industry; (2) As of 03.12.2019; (3) Assumption: sustained Physical distancing further restricts production, but a new wave is avoided [As of 03.09.2020] (4) Assump-
tion: further pandemic wave incl. return to lockdown in Q1 2021 leads to economic collapse with far-reaching consequences [As of 04.12.2020].

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                                                         5

CHINA: CUSTOMER OR                                    blocked. Also noteworthy: After the entry of the
                                                      Chinese major shareholder Geely at Daimler                           FOREIGN ACQUISITIONS OF GERMAN INDUS-
COMPETITOR?                                                                                                                TRIAL COMPANIES (NUMBER OF TRANSAC-
                                                      future production of the electric Smart has been
In the past decade, China has become the second       transferred to China.                                                TIONS JAN-NOV 2019)
most important customer for German machinery
and equipment. However, the years of unlimi-          ACQUISITION WAVE ABATES
ted growth in the flourishing Chinese market                                                                                                                            The Nether-
                                                      Acquisitions and investments by Chinese inves-                                                                    lands
seem to be over for German manufacturers. On                                                                                        Switzerland
                                                      tors increased from 6 to 33 transactions between
the one hand, the Chinese growth dynamic is
                                                      2010 and 2018. The number even doubled in                                                    20             15                 Great-Britain
slowing down considerably (also independent-
                                                      2015/16 (increase from 24 to 44). The main
ly of COVID-19). On the other hand, domestic                                                                                                                                13
                                                      drivers were China‘s Silk Road initiative and the
manufacturers are accounting for the lion‘s share                                                                                                                                         France
                                                      „Made in China 2025“ strategic plan adopted in                        China      21                                        7
of growth - partly supported by government
                                                      2015, which aims to achieve leadership in ten
economic subsidies, for example as part of the                                                                                                              152
                                                      key industries by 2025. China cannot achieve
„Made in China 2025“ agenda. However, even
                                                      these goals through organic growth, which is
though the growth rate of the Chinese economy
                                                      why it is buying up companies with key techno-
was at its lowest level in 29 years at the end of                                                                                           29
                                                      logies on a massive scale. The US trade dispute is                                                                   47
2019, the Chinese economy is today growing twi-                                                                                     USA                                              Other
                                                      shifting the focus to Europe, as Chinese investors
ce as fast in absolute terms. In addition, Chinese
                                                      in the USA are holding back or - as in the case of
manufacturers have been able to significantly
                                                      Huawei - are being strategically thwarted by the
reduce the quality lead of German machinery
through rapid development speed. German
                                                      In 2018, the acquisition wave temporarily slowed                     „German companies are not only in competition
industrial companies should therefore follow
                                                      down as a result of changes in the framework
China‘s further development closely.                                                                                       for the best products, but increasingly in competi-
                                                      conditions: the Chinese economy grew more
                                                                                                                           tion with economic systems which heavily rely on
                                                      slowly and a tightening of regulations in Germany
CHINESE ON SHOPPING TOUR                                                                                                   governmental interventions and protectionist mar-
                                                      dampened activity. In addition, the Chinese go-
Chinese suppliers no longer limit themselves to       vernment is attempting to limit excessive capital                    ket foreclosure put. This is an unequal battle that
success at home: At the latest after the contro-      outflows through strict controls, which has led to                   more and more of our companies are losing.“
versially discussed takeover of the German ma-        a general shortage of available liquidity.                           Economics Minister Peter Altmaier, quoted in Die Zeit,
chine manufacturer Kuka by the Chinese Midea                                                                               available online at: https://bit.ly/2rh3Hco
Group in 2016, the focus on respective advances
                                                      STRICTER RULES IN EUROPE
has been sharpened. The last few years have
been marked by a number of takeovers by Chi-          The German federal government, along with other
nese companies, including the special machine         European governments, has tightened the rules on                     REGIONAL SHARE OF GERMAN MACHINE EX-
manufacturer Krauss Maffei, waste incineration        takeovers by foreign companies. An amendment                         PORT ((%, BASIS: EXPORT VALUE (€) JAN-NOV
plants EEW or the cleaning division of Dürr.          to the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance                          2019)
                                                      passed at the end of 2018 lowers the threshold for
                                                                                                                           USA                                                               18.2
PLATFORM FOR EXERTING                                 the federal government to examine the acquisition
                                                                                                                           China                                                             18.1
                                                      of shares in security-related industries to 10%.
INFLUENCE                                             In the case of mechanical engineering company                        France                                           10.6

It is striking that many Chinese investors are                                                                             Italy                                  6.8
                                                      Leifeld, for example, a takeover was averted.
indirectly subordinate to state authorities or        When, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the                      Poland                                 6.8                 EU: 42.5%

receive subsidies from them. On the one hand,         market capitalization of many companies fell, in
these acquisitions entail the risk of losing future   some cases considerably, (political) voices were
technologies to countries that subsequently take      once again raised calling for stronger safeguards                    „China can roll over us. China’s strategic industrial
the lead in the development of high technology -      against takeovers. The Federal Minister of Econo-                    policy requires to take a closer look. (...) One must
and thus weaken domestic competitiveness. On          mics and Technology, Altmaier, had already sought
                                                                                                                           set a narrower framework under which conditions
the other hand, there is the risk that local com-     an extension of the Foreign Trade and Payments
panies and locations will be used as a means of       Ordinance in order to protect further sectors                        we want to allow takeovers of German companies
exerting pressure to influence political decisions    from unwanted foreign takeovers. Meanwhile,                          by Chinese.“
- as was suspected, for example, in 2017 in the       the VDMA warns against placing foreign investors                     Mikko Huotari, Deputy Director Mercator Institute
context of the joint declaration by EU states on      under general suspicion and calls for factually                      for China Studies, in the WirtschaftsWoche inter-
the human rights situation in China, which Greece     oriented individual examinations.                                    view, online available at: https://bit.ly/35GIs2x


                                                      CHINESE TAKEOVERS AND INVESTMENTS IN GERMAN (INDUSTRIAL) COMPANIES
  Chinese investors have acquired                     (NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS INCL. PRIVATE EQUITY)
  shares in around 180 German com-
  panies since 2014; according to the
                                                                                                   33                                                        40                      40
  Bertelsmann Foundation, one third of                        21

  them can be assigned to the ten most
  important key technologies.                                2013              2014              2015              2016               2017                  2018                   2019P
                                                                                                                                                 Industry                   Other sectors

                                                      Sources: Federal Statistical Office; IMF; Mergermarket; Handelsblatt; Capital; WirtschaftsWoche; Die Zeit; Bertelsmann Founda-
                                                      tion; VDMA; FTI-Andersch analysis

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                                           6

OPPORTUNITIES IN YOUNG                                  their offer for third countries: According to an ana-
                                                        lysis by the VDMA global demand for machinery             SHARE OF MACHINERY EXPORTS BY RE-
MARKETS                                                                                                           GION (SHARE OF MAIN REGIONS, BASIS:
                                                        will largely shift to non-European countries over
In addition to the USA and China as the main            the next two decades. It is important to actively         EXPORT VALUE IN USD)
customers for German machinery, manufacturers           avoid ostensibly price-related order losses, which
generate around 57% of their foreign sales in           are based on the demand for simpler, unit-cost-           50%
                                                                                                                                                                    52%    EU
Europe - the already strongly developed markets         optimized machines.                                               46%
continue to drive most of the sector‘s growth.
Exports to younger regions such as the MIST             WAY FORWARD                                               30%
countries are stagnating and lagging behind local
                                                        Asian, especially Chinese, machine builders are on        20%
economic growth. In the course of the global
                                                        a race to catch up and are increasingly self-con-                 19%                                       14%    BRIC
economic crisis, this had temporarily changed,                                                                    10%                                                      USA &
                                                        fident in the international market. However, their                9%                                        12%    Japan
emerging countries were of high importance for                                                                            6%                                        5%
                                                        quality standards do not yet reach the German             0%                                                       MIST
German exports. Since 2015/16, however, the
                                                        level - the value of the „Made in Germany“ brand                2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
development has returned to the pre-crisis level -
                                                        is regarded as a promise of quality and stands
while the young markets would be more receptive
                                                        internationally for precision and reliability. In order
to German machinery in economic terms (see
                                                        to increase export opportunities in the new - very        GERMAN MACHINERY EXPORTS VS. INDUS-
                                                        price sensitive - markets, it is important to be able     TRIAL PRODUCTION BRI COUNTRIES (SHARE
                                                        to offer machines at prices in line with the market       BRI-COUNTRIES IN GERMAN EXPORTS (%);
                                                        without diluting one‘s own quality standards too          PRODUCTION BRI INDEXED, 2015 = 100)
Current export quotas prove that the marketing          much.
of German machines in emerging markets is not a                                                                   120                                                       15%
sure-fire success. In addition to the time- and ca-     THE RIGHT TIME                                            110                                                       13%
pital-intensive establishment of a local presence,
                                                        So-called design-to-cost or fit-for-purpose               100
the cause lies in a different requirement profile                                                                                                                           11%
                                                        approaches are a first step towards increasing             90
of the local customers: instead of highly flexible,                                                                                                                             9%
                                                        price competitiveness. They steer traditional              80
high-precision systems, they primarily demand
                                                        engineering thinking in research/development                                                                            7%
cost-effective machines that deliver high batch                                                                    70
                                                        (what machines are possible?) towards a market-                                                                         5%
sizes at low unit costs.                                                                                           60
                                                        driven approach (what prices are possible?). The
At present, however, the technically mature                                                                        50                                                           3%
                                                        question of when customers should be involved in
machines from Germany are primarily geared to                                                                            2008     2010    2012    2014   2016            2019
                                                        the R&D process, for example, plays a central role
globally producing companies with a highly diffe-                                                                        Brazil            India
                                                        here. At the same time, there is the question of                 Russia            Share of machinery ex-
rentiated product range and cater to trends such
                                                        the production location, which in the case of local                                ports in BRI countries
as increasing individualization.
                                                        production, for example, could enable offers that
                                                        are less distorted by wage costs, energy prices or
                                                        the strong Euro.                                          GERMAN MACHINERY EXPORTS VS. INDUSTRY
For a less differentiated program, machines with        And last but not least, the advancing degree of           PRODUCTION MIST COUNTRIES (SHARE OF
high output are needed that require little or no        local development could increase the prospects            MIST COUNTRIES IN GERMAN EXPORTS (%);
retooling. It is true that customers from emerging      of success for German mechanical engineering              PRODUCTION MIST INDEXED, 2015 = 100)
markets are also increasingly demanding low             companies: At present, with their „hardware“
maintenance intensity and the lowest possible           alone, they are still in direct price competition with    120                                                       15%
downtime. But these requirements are increa-            other suppliers in developing countries. In the           110                                                       13%
singly being met by low-cost machines from third        course of time, however, topics such as system            100
countries. And while in the West, based on many         integration, consulting and service - areas in which                                                                11%
years of learning curves, an increasing considerati-    the German mechanical engineering industry is                                                                           9%
on of the lifetime costs for the acquisition of a new   well positioned - will become more relevant and                                                                         7%
machine has become established, in which repair                                                                    70
                                                        enable a price premium. At the same time, it is
and failure costs are taken into account (total cost                                                               60                                                           5%
                                                        important not to lose touch with competitors in
of ownership), in emerging countries the original       these markets, especially now.                             50                                                           3%
acquisition costs are often still considered.                                                                            2008     2010    2012    2014   2016            2019

In this context, German mechanical engineering          Sources: Quest Trendmagazin; VDMA; Federal Statistical      Indonesia            South Korea     Share of machinery
companies should focus on the attractiveness of         Office; OECD; FTI-Andersch analysis                         Turkey               Mexico          exports to MIST countries

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                              7

SALES AND SAVINGS POTENTIALS                              by digitalization, investments in young talents are
                                                          indispensable. The VDMA and leading members                 „[When] Chinese people visited the production
The networking of machines/systems and the
                                                          such as Siemens therefore also see an acute need            halls of German companies like Siemens ten
Internet of Things, the so-called machine-to-ma-
                                                          for modernization on the part of universities. Their        years ago, they couldn‘t get out of their ama-
chine communication, generate data volumes that
                                                          demand: computer science and data analytics
exceed the volume of almost any other industry.                                                                       zement. Now many German factories look old
                                                          should become compulsory components of
The data that can be used in industry have new                                                                        compared to Chinese ones.“
                                                          engineering basic studies, graduates should also
potential for increasing sales and efficiency. Ex-
                                                          be equipped for the future beyond pure techno-
perts expect increases in production efficiency of                                                                    Fang Weizhong, Managing Director Easitech,
                                                          logy. Basic knowledge of relevant programming
up to 10% through big data analysis, a reduction                                                                      in a DW interview. Online available at:
                                                          languages or the targeted protection of data is
in operating costs of up to 20%, and savings in                                                                       https://bit.ly/2v6TpwN
                                                          indispensable. In the next five years, skills in the
maintenance of up to 50%. The latter are primarily
                                                          „new disciplines“ (digital product development,
driven by core com-ponents of Industry 4.0,
                                                          production control, working with „digital twins“)
including, for example, predictive maintenance,
                                                          will also become essential as a basis for increasing
a forward-looking approach to machine/plant                                                                           REALISING THE POTENTIAL FOR DATA MO-
                                                          competition. Similarly, in addition to the develop-
maintenance that essentially serves to minimize                                                                       NETIZATION REQUIRES TARGETED ACQUISI-
                                                          ment of new specialists, existing skilled workers
downtime. However, the implementation of these                                                                        TION OF DIGITAL SKILLS
                                                          must also be sufficiently qualified for Industry
concepts requires a high-performance digital in-
                                                          4.0 in order to actively counteract the shortage of
frastructure, which is still lacking in many places,
                                                          skilled workers.
especially in rural areas.                                                                                                        External                         Internal
                                                          MID-SIZE COMPANIES AT A                                      Data as      Know-        Products     Sales        Cost
CHANGING REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                  commo-       ledge as     supported    increase     reduction
                                                          CROSSROADS                                                   dity         commo-       by data
In principle, the German mechanical engineering                                                                                     dity         analysis
sector is well positioned in terms of products and        In recent years, however, SMEs in particular have
                                                          often been faced with the problem that, in addition          • Raw data • Analysis    • Better or   • Increase   • Increase
know-how in global competition, which is illustra-                                                                     • Processed results        new pro-      sales        produc-
ted not least by the positioning of many mid-size         to a lack of skilled workers and an inadequate                 data      • Forecasts ducts and        success      tivity
companies among the global hidden champions               digital infrastructure, there was often too little                       • Consulting services      • Improve    • Reduce
                                                          time to deal with the issue alongside day-to-day                                                      customer     scrap and
or the number and quality of German patents. In                                                                                                                 loyalty      consump-
order to be able to maintain this position in the         business. This was not least due to the time ad-                                                                   tion
medium to long term, software competence of               vantage that innovation drivers such as Bosch had
employees is playing an increasingly important            already gained in this area. In addition, managers
                                                          in SMEs lacked digital skills, which is why neces-                 Direct                           Indirect
role in the course of Industry 4.0, in addition
to hardware competence. In recent years, the              sary investments in digitization fell by the wayside
requirements profile for employees has changed            due to low prioritization. And finally, despite the
                                                          current low interest rates, many SMEs, which used         Sources: Handelsblatt; VDMA; Deutsche Welle (DW); Tableau;
massively - this is reflected not least by the recent                                                               mi-connect; Produktion; Bitkom
mass redundancies (e.g. Heidelberger Druck-               to be frequent drivers of innovation, are asking
maschinen is planning to cut 5,000 of the total of        themselves whether and how they can afford com-
20,000 jobs, along with others such as Gildemeis-         prehensive networking projects at all. Even larger
ter, Gea, Demag Cranes and Schuler) - while at the        SMEs shy away from such capital expenditure
same time an acute shortage of skilled workers is         and generally do not have sufficient IT specialists
being complained about throughout the industry.           or structures at their disposal. This is also one of
This current mismatch between the number of               the reasons why not even one in ten mechanical
employees already available and the number                engineering companies has so far systematically
needed represents an obstacle to growth.                  recorded, analysed and used the data it collects.
                                                          But they need to make these investments now in
                                                          order not to lose out. In complex areas that com-
                                                          bine several disciplines and in which they cannot
In addition to the question of data security and          do this alone, cooperation and mergers will be
responsibility, a central challenge lies in the           increasingly observed.
visualization and presentation of results of large
heterogeneous data volumes, especially since not
every data user is also a data scientist/data spe-
cialist. In order to cope with the change brought


  21%               21%              20%                19%              16%              14%                13%                 12%                   11%                   11%
Automotive       Insurance        Chemicals/            Energy         Telecom.           Trade             Banks          IT/Electronics         Mechanical/               Health
                                Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                Plant engineering
                                                                                       Although high potentials could be achieved especially in mechanical engineering,
                                                                           the degree of penetration of big data is currently still very low in a cross-industry comparison.

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                                      8

GLOBAL PRODUCTION NETWORKS IN                                        DIGITIZATION AS AN OPPORTUNITY                               more effectively while expanding digital features for
                                                                                                                                  customers. The focus of future network developments
TRANSITION                                                           The effective use of digital applications is a decisive      must be much more strongly linked to strategic goals.
Global production networks for machine tools have                    building block for mastering the current challenges. The     For example, site role concepts can be aligned with the
changed in many ways due to international outsourcing                continuous collection of product-related data is consi-      product portfolio and order fulfilment organization to
as well as digitalization and flexibilization of supply              dered a decisive enabler for the digital transformation of   create a more productive and flexible network. In ad-
chains. In the past, German machine manufacturers                    many machine builders. A far-reaching database serves        dition to the classic cost calculation, softer factors such
were able to adorn themselves with the ‚Made in                      to control production processes more effectively and         as the local level of education, culture fit and political
Germany‘ seal - an international recognition of the                  to develop forward-looking applications and intelligent      factors are increasingly being taken into account in net-
outstanding quality of their products. With an increa-               service offerings. This is made possible by established      work design and site selection. The location of Tesla‘s
sing focus on delivery time and price sensitivity, driven            technologies and standards such as RFID, UBW or the          Gigafactory in Germany is a clear sign of the significance
by Asian and American competitors, German machine                    GS-1 standard. Disruptive technologies such as 5G            of local know-how.
builders were forced to decentralize. The opening up                 for improving connectivity and blockchain for securing
of new markets and the regionalization of products                   and verifying process and product data form the basis        FOCUS ON RESILIENT PRODUCTION
as lever for the top line and later the use of labor cost            for continuous changes in the market. A best practice
advantages to optimize the bottom line have led to the               for the successful use of blockchain technology within
international competitiveness of German mechani-                     production networks for quality-related process              In increasingly volatile times, production networks must
cal engineers. The structure of production networks                  tracking is the IOTA Tangle-based tracing system from        become more adaptable so that network disruptions
changed from German global factories to a hub-and-                   Pickert. IOTA Tangle - a platform for the international      can be resolved more quickly. Especially the current
spoke model in which the core technologies continue                  exchange and documentation of information as well as         COVID-19 crisis, which is dramatically affecting both
to be manufactured in Germany, but the assembly                      digital assets - enables industrial companies to create      markets and supply chains, highlights the need for
and production of simple, non-knowledge-intensive                    tamper-proof ‚digital twins’. However, the cross-industry    resilient production networks. Such resilient networks
components take place in the local markets.                          digitization of production networks is currently hampe-      are characterized by the anchoring of strategic redun-
                                                                     red by the lack of standardization of data protocols. A      dancies and the rapid, demand-related shifting of com-
GLOBAL MARKETS OPEN UP NEW                                           standardized digital basis structure would accelerate        petencies. Agile location concepts, which enable the
                                                                     the establishment of new business models, such as            rapid establishment of standardized factories, promote
CHALLENGES                                                           „Production-as-a-Service“, even if a timely introduction     the transformation from historically grown production
While German mechanical engineering companies                        is unlikely due to the high implementation costs and the     networks to strategically adapted, fluid networks. For
had to react primarily to changing market requi-                     lack of consensus among companies. Production-as-a-          example, VW‘s new factory concepts - so-called slim-
rements and new competitors around the turn of                       Service is currently being promoted by the machine tool      flex movers - have a high degree of standardization, so
the millennium, they are now facing a new group                      manufacturer Trumpf in partnership with Munich Re.           that they can be set up within a very short time to offer
of challenges. The increasing complexity, both in                    With this business model, capital-intensive production       local products. The change towards adaptable networks
terms of products and production networks, as well                   technologies can be used by smaller, less solvent custo-     is supported by the further modularization of the machi-
as the fast pace and volatility of globally distributed              mers. This change is crucial for German mechanical en-       ne tools, some of which are highly complex, in order to
sales markets, political conditions and technologi-                  gineering companies, as they differentiate themselves        combine economies of scale, a high number of variants
cal developments require agility and adaptability of                 from competitors primarily through product individua-        and fast delivery times. By means of agile management
production networks. At the same time, a focus on                    lization and a high level of service. In addition, new       concepts and strategic diversification, companies can
sustainable products and production is becoming                      tools for their own agile production management can          better protect themselves against extreme events such
increasingly important for machine manufacturers,                    be built on the continuous data basis. These include live    as the COVID-19 crisis, market fluctuations and trade
so that new, environmentally friendly manufactu-                     reporting and monitoring platforms, but also decision        barriers. This resilience can be further strengthened by
ring processes, circular value chains to increase                    support tools such as simulation, optimization and arti-     intelligently integrating different partners and promo-
resource efficiency and transparency with regard to                  ficial intelligence. By means of increased use of digital    ting digital collaboration.
environmental impacts are coming more into focus.                    tools complex networks can be designed and managed

                                                                                                                                     Production strategy
                                                                                         Insig                                       • Production as a Franchise      • Decentralized decisions
                                                                                        and r t into loca
                                                                                                                                     • Product modularity             • Production technology
                                                                                                  rch fa l ecosyste
                                                                                                                                     • Diversification                  flexibility
                  e tale
              dwid                                                                                      cilitie    ms
          Worl ition                                                                                           s
          acqu                                                                        Redu                                           Network design
                             f                                                       supp tion of                                    • „Local for Local“ – Network    •   Flexible product routing
                        ent o                                                            ly ris                                        structure                      •   „Lean on Capital“ production
               m provem rvice                                                                  ks
              I         se                                                                                                           • Short supply chains            •   Scalable automation
               custo                                                               Avoid
                                                                                                                                     • Scalable degree of value       •   Agile factory concepts
                                                                                                                                       added                          •   Digital twin of production
                                 of                                               trade nce of ta                                    • Strategic interim storage          networks
                            ation sks                                                  barri     x bur
                        pens      i                                                         ers       dens
                   Com ge rate r                                                                           and
                     xch an                                                                                                          Network Management
                    e                                                       Redu
                                        pital                              costs tion of pr                                          •   Predictive analytics         • Lean management

                              tion of ca s                                                 oduc
                                                                                                                                     •   Critical supplier path       • Supply chain coordination
                            c            st
                       Redu istics co                                                                                                •   Supply chain collaboration   • Closed loop manufacturing
                            lo g                                                                                                     •   Traceability                 • Proactive disruptionma-
                        and                                                                                                          •   Multimode transport            nagement
                                                                                                                                     •   Predictive maintenance       • Emergency plans

                                                                                                                                  Figure 2: Opportunities for increasing the resilience of
Figure 1: Objectives for global production - increasing focus on „soft“ factors                                                   production networks at three levels

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                                                      9

THE PATH TO INDUSTRY 4.0 IN                                         Methods can be derived from the formulated                    sales markets and building new business models.
                                                                    strategy and transferred to an operational roadmap.           The strategic question for management at this point
                                                                    A selection of the most important fields of action            must be to what extent digitization should expand
ENGINEERING:                                                        of the Industry 4.0 toolbox is shown in Figure 1. In          the product range and to what extent new business
The German mechanical and plant engineering                         the case of a Swiss plant manufacturer offering pre-          models should be developed. On the product side,
industry is characterized by complex production                     mium precision equipment, Industry 4.0 potential              the VDMA‘s Industry 4.0 toolbox clearly shows
processes, driven by high levels of individualization               methods were prioritized that ensure high product             that the integration of sensor technology, commu-
and the resulting production times. In recent years,                quality (e.g. digital twin, digital poka yoke) and high       nication interfaces and data storage systems are
German manufacturers have experienced more                          flexibility (intelligent workforce scheduling, worker         a basic prerequisite, as these form the basis for
fluctuating and individualized customer demand.                     assistance system) in production. For a supplier              the implementation of decentralized and self-or-
Industry 4.0 therefore represents a promising                       of modular, standardized production systems with              ganized production systems. The integration of
opportunity to control the complexity of production                 medium quantities, the target factors of time and             these Industry 4.0 technologies in production
systems and to remain competitive with internatio-                  cost were optimized. For customers with production            plants additionally offers the mechanical and plant
nal competitors. As user and supplier of Industry                   systems that have a large proportion of automated             engineering industry the possibility of new visionary
4.0, mechanical and plant engineering can benefit                   process steps, methods of self-organization and               business models. Another example besides the
from the potential in two ways.                                     decentralization come to the fore.                            above-mentioned approach of Trumpf shows how
                                                                                                                                  a new leasing model for production plants can be
METHOD AND STRATEGY AS                                              DECENTRALIZED IMPLEMENTATION                                  realized with the help of Industry 4.0 technology:
                                                                                                                                  Here, the leasing rate is determined according
SUCCESS FACTORS                                                     AND CONCRETE DESIGN OF
                                                                                                                                  to the availability and quality of the equipment.
Industry 4.0 enables manufacturers to respond to                    METHODS                                                       The systems are equipped with the latest sensor
changing product requirements, optimize price and                   Once the methods to be implemented have been                  technology and therefore enable in-process quality
quality, and increase resource efficiency through                   determined, Industry 4.0 teams can be formed,                 assurance with decentralized control for adjusting
the digi-talization of production processes. The im-                similar to the CIP teams of lean management,                  the tool parameters. The customer of the produc-
plementation of an Industry 4.0 strategy is mostly                  which jointly develop and implement new Industry              tion plant is therefore guaranteed a high quality rate
capital and time intensive, which is why the use of a               4.0 tools and technologies in the company. Due to             and plant availability by the plant manufacturer,
toolbox for operational implementation is indispen-                 their process knowledge, these teams represent an             which is taken into account in the calculation of the
sable. The INTRO 4.0 research project has identified                important source of ideas for further possible appli-         leasing rate to be paid. In return, the manufacturer
so-called basic methods: enablers for the transfor-                 cations of Industry 4.0 in the production process.            receives all machine tool and production environ-
mation of production, and potential methods, levers                 The Industry 4.0 teams combine process knowled-               ment data, which he can then use to sustainably
for financial effects in production. The design of                  ge and digital competencies in order to implement             optimize his production euqipment. At the same
the methods must be individual for each company                     the measures operationally and are in constant                time, field data from the production plant offers the
and depends on the digital maturity of the company                  exchange with the project management. By actively             possibility for manufacturer services such as remote
(https://digitalisierung.andersch-ag.de/de).                        involving employees in the implementation, accep-             diagnostics and predictive maintenance services to
Based on the maturity level, an individualized                      tance problems can be prevented and Industry 4.0              ensure the highest possible plant availability. Since
Industry 4.0 strategy can be defined by means                       becomes a success in the company.                             plant availability is a limiting factor for the efficiency
of a workshop concept with process experts and                                                                                    of production systems in many production facilities
production managers. Special consideration is given
                                                                    NEW BUSINESS MODELS AND SER-                                  today, many plant engineering customers are
to the established production system as well as the                                                                               also willing to pay for such services and business
development of the market and customer needs.                       VICES AS SUPPLIER-SIDE INDUSTRY                               models. Interesting use cases arise in particular in
Combined with an analysis of the company‘s goals,                   4.0 POTENTIALS                                                globally distributed production networks.
product-oriented target factors are weighted: A
                                                                    As a supplier of machinery and production equip-
premium manufacturer with poka yoke strategy (ze-
                                                                    ment, Industry 4.0 gives mechanical and plant
ro-defect production) prioritizes other target factors
                                                                    engineering a top-line lever by expanding existing
than a supplier in the low-price segment.

                                                                             Industry 4.0 - methods collection

                                                     Industry 4.0 potentials (promise concrete improvement possibilities)

   Assistance systems and visualization                                Networking and transparency                                   Self-organization and decentralization
   •   Order visualization                                             •   Demand-oriented supply of production plants               •   Automatic planning and optimization of production
   •   Digital maintenance information via AR                          •   Digital remote diagnosis of production plants             •   Autonomous transport vehicles
   •   Leading through the process                                     •   Digital communication between employees                   •   Flexibilization of production systems
   •   Integrated change process                                       •   Digital layout planning and digital factory model         •   Intelligent workforce management

                                                   Industry 4.0 basics (create conditions for implementation of potentials)

   Enabler                                                             Data                                                          Human
   • Unique and secure proof of identity for products,                 • Requirements-based information through filtering            •   Education and training
     processes and machines                                            • Cybersecurity of stored data respectively organizatio-      •   Change management
   • Use of cyber-physical systems                                       nal and communicative IT security                           •   Digital skill matrix and digital employee assignment
   • Acquisition of process data (among others)                        • Data security of equipment/systems                          •   Development of competence profiles
     by machines and tools

Figure 1 Excerpt from the method toolbox of the INTRO 4.0 project

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                                             10

EXPAND INNOVATION                                       increasing price pressure worldwide, predictive
                                                        maintenance solutions in particular are becoming            „Tomorrow, we will master batch size 1 with data
Shorter innovation cycles and increasing price
                                                        more relevant: Not only in original equipment, but          and thus be able to implement customer wishes
and competitive pressure on international mar-
                                                        also in the classic spare parts business, machine           flexibly, economically and at short notice.“
kets have led to an increasing convergence of
                                                        builders are increasingly confronted with price-
hardware in mechanical engineering. Innovative
                                                        driving third-party suppliers. Since it simulta-
strength has become the most important core                                                                         Patrick Hantschel, Head of Digitalization Center
                                                        neously minimizes unplanned downtimes on the
discipline alongside efficiency in value creation.                                                                  Wittenstein SE. Interview available online at:
                                                        customer side and counteracts the company‘s
At ever shorter intervals, the question arises as                                                                   https://bit.ly/2va5VeZ
                                                        own erosion of the spare parts business as a reve-
to where new customer benefits and competitive
                                                        nue driver, predictive maintenance is considered a
advantages over price breakers can lie. However,
                                                        new growth segment: networked machines report
innovative strength should not end with the hard-
                                                        ideal maintenance times and replacement require-            FROM PROCESS DATA TO DATA PRODUCT
ware: product-related services such as consulting
                                                        ments early on, and automated spare parts orders            USABILITY OF BIG DATA (LIFE-CYCLE VIEW)
(e.g. conceptual design of fully networked plant
                                                        can be triggered via platform and direct interface
layouts) and maintenance offer an opportunity to
                                                        to the machine supplier.
differentiate. They are therefore already offered
integrated as part of a complete package in many
                                                        PRODUCT INNOVATION

                                                                                                                     Value creation
                                                        Offering additional digital services requires a high
                                                        degree of digitization on the part of the custo-                                                                 Data as a
SERVICE AS A PRODUCT                                                                                                                                                     product
                                                        mer and technical know-how on the part of the
Service in particular offers an average margin          machine manufacturer. Strict data protection                                                         Data as
potential that is twice as high as the pure hard-       requirements and customer reservations about                                                         product enabler
ware business. However, the view of services as         cross-company data exchange are often cited as
                                                                                                                                               Data as process enabler
stand-alone products, which benefits could be           further hurdles to the widespread use of technolo-
                                                        gy. However, beyond these reservations, technical
marketed separately and reimbursed adequately,                                                                                    Data as process result                       Time
                                                        possibilities and marketing potential are growing
is often still underdeveloped in the German me-
                                                        steadily: General Electric, for example, offers a           Graphic: Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Technology IPT
chanical engineering industry. The goal: customers      standardized possibility to develop industrial ap-
should not take value-added services for granted.       plications in the cloud with its IoT platform Predix.
To ensure that their use is not uncompensated in                                                                    The classic product life cycle begins with the idea
                                                        Users can transform real-time data into relevant
the context of active customer loyalty, the services    insights and decision-making bases by connecting            and construction of a product – also data pass
must be positioned as stand-alone products:             machines and data with the entire company. At               through a life cycle, which starts in the selection
                                                        the same time, the machines networked via the               and targeted collection of data. Potentials of data
• C
   lear definition of the range of services, stan-     Internet of Things can be directly controlled by            usage can be found in all areas along the life cycle:
                                                        the machine manufacturer - for example, when                big data client as basis for make-or-buy decisi-
  dardization of the services and quality standards
                                                        setting up or adjusting an entire production line -         ons, customer demand analyses and -prognoses,
  (in particular for (external) service technicians
                                                        which enables stronger customer penetration and             predictive maintenance of machines, enrichment
  for later scaling).                                   loyalty, while the customer can focus on its actual
• Management of customer expectations                                                                             of products – until they can finally be marketed on
                                                        value creation. In purchasing and materials ma-
• Increase in willingness to pay                                                                                  their stand-alone.
                                                        nagement, which account for a significant portion
• Successive addition of digital services such as     of working capital, comprehensive networking
  online real-time maintenance                          also offers significant potential for optimization,
                                                        which can be controlled with even greater preci-
                                                        sion in the future using smart data analyses. Both
                                                        customers and machine builders themselves can
The offer of turnkey, customized complete               benefit from this. Overall, mechanical engineering
solutions, comprehensive control technology and         in particular is considered one of the main benefi-
system integration is already part of the basic pa-     ciaries of comprehensive digitalization.
ckage for many machine builders in sales discus-
sions. Increasingly, new business models such as
equipment-as-a-service are also gaining ground.
The operator model offers customers potential for
cost savings in the short term; machine builders
can generate higher revenues in the long term, but      Sources: Handelsblatt; VDMA; Bitkom; Tableau; mi-connect;
also bear a higher economic risk. In the course of      Produktion; Commerzbank; own analysis

                                                                       Industrial leadership
 Physical                                                                                                           Virtual

 Smart factory                                                                    4.0                               Smart operations
 Sensors create increased transparency and a                                                                        Networked production enables flexible production
 enhanced planning capability                                                                                       planning and control
     Augmented Reality, RFID & AUtolID, CPS                                                                             CPPS, Concurrent Engineering, M2M,
                                                                                                                        Cybernetic Production
                                                                               Big Data
 Smart products                                                                                                     Smart service
 The product thinks along and is in contact with the                                                                The networking of product and manufacturer opens
 manufacturer even after sale                                                                                       up new markets for services
     digital product life cycle (RFID), communication                                                                   Product service systems, hybrid products,
     and interface standards                                                                                            service engineering, service platform
                                                             Expansion of the range of services

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                             11

DIFFICULT HOME GAME                                   promoted through modular design and standard-
                                                      ization. While on the one hand this trend reduces       MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AS PLAYER IN
Framework conditions for the German mechani-                                                                  CLIMATE POLICY
                                                      the potential for new business, it also opens up
cal engineering industry will be determined in the
                                                      new market opportunities in times of increased
coming years by climate protection regulations,
                                                      investment restraint.
structural changes in key customer industries                                                                             Push                              Pull
and politically driven location promotion. In many
cases, these are primarily European challenges
                                                      SILICON VALLEY & BEYOND                                   • Customer expectations          • Increased willingness to
                                                      The formation of a monopoly by the tech giants              driven in particular by          invest in efficient machines
that make competitiveness in the global market
                                                                                                                  rising electricity prices        or retrofit services despite
more difficult. For these reasons, the VDMA is        Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple (GAFA) from
                                                                                                                  (energy efficiency partly        economical and political
calling for, among other things, simpler and less     Silicon Valley is perceived with concern by German          specified in specification       situation
bureaucratic tax legislation, internationally com-    SMEs, but according to recent surveys only 15% of           sheets)                        • Growth prospects in the
petitive tax rates and faster depreciation options.   machine builders see GAFA as direct competition.          • Restrained investment            environmental technology
Greater leeway would boost private investment         Although they are attacking the entire industry             behaviour                        market (up to 7% CAGR)
                                                      head-on with their platform solutions, they clearly       • Low service sales over         • Pole position vs. inter-natio-
and strengthen the competitive position, accor-
                                                                                                                  lifecycle                        nal competitors in the field
ding to the VDMA.                                     lack the necessary hardware expertise.
                                                                                                                • Competitive pressure             of GreenTec through exper-
                                                      Nevertheless, machine builders can learn a lot              from international com-          tise and relationships with
CLIMATE CONSEQUENCES                                  from the tech giants when it comes to product and           petitors with less efficient     relevant stakeholders
                                                      process innovation: from an expert‘s point of view,         but cheaper machines
Awareness of climate protection is increasing
                                                      partnerships rather than competitive situations
worldwide - the World Economic Forum recently
                                                      between machine building and tech companies
described climate change as an „overshadowing
                                                      will arise in the future; GAFA is not currently
global risk“. The effects of climate policy mea-
                                                      thought to be planning its own production of
sures are also having an impact on the machine
                                                      machines. The high capital commitment combined          „The Annual Economic Report 2020 generally
engineering industry. On the one hand, the Euro-
                                                      with significant risk does not fit GAFA‘s business      does not give a all-clear singal. Business location
pean CO2 price is leading to rising energy costs,
                                                      model, as past sales activities of Google also
which are hitting German mechanical engineering                                                               Germany remains under pressure, not just becau-
                                                      show. The machine builders will continue to be
companies (in the wake of the EEG realloca-                                                                   se of global trade conflicts. Many problems are
                                                      positioned at the interface to the customer and
tion) harder than foreign competitors. Many                                                                   homemade. These include, above all, the fiscal
                                                      therefore have the necessary detailed know-
customer industries would also feel setbacks
                                                      ledge and customer confidence. A partnership            framework conditions, which have long since
due to considerable cost increases for steel and
                                                      that involves the tech giants as software service       ceased to be internationally competitive.“
chemical products. Some even fear a migration
                                                      providers and data owners in machine sales to
of energy-intensive industries to countries with
                                                      complement industrial production with modern
lower energy costs and rising emissions in these                                                              Dr. Ralph Wiechers, Chief Economist of the VDMA,
                                                      information and communication technology is a
countries. Frans Timmermans, Vice-President                                                                   online available at: https://bit.ly/2ShXlmE
                                                      likely future scenario.
of the EU Commission, is therefore calling for a
                                                      Machine builders should therefore examine the
CO2 border tax to minimize the economic dis-
                                                      benefits of cross-industry cooperation with soft-
advantages of the EU‘s „Green Deal“ for domestic
                                                      ware and data houses as early as possible.            Sources: VDMA; Handelsblatt; FAZ; FTI-Andersch analysis
suppliers in the European market. The German
Minister of Economics, Peter Altmaier, also hints
at possible measures to offset rising energy
supply costs. On the other hand, the domestic
mechanical engineering sector will benefit from
strict EU climate policy, as the tight regulatory
framework will force industrial companies to
purchase more efficient machines. In addition,
German mechanical engineering companies are
in a „pole position“ with regard to these new re-
quire-ments in comparison with their internatio-
nal competitors, as they not only have sufficient
relationships with all stakeholders involved, but
also a technological edge.

A trend that is gaining in relevance - also from
a sustainability perspective - is the increasing
retrofit. It aims at the technical upgrade of a
technologically backward machine/systems. The
trend originated in large-scale plant construction,
where amortisation times and capital commit-
ment are correspondingly higher. In the course
of the increased need to make machines fit for
Industry 4.0 via sensors and software updates,
among other things, the trend is gaining further
relevance. The integration of technology leaps
(e.g. an upgrade of outdated photovoltaic lines to
the new PERC technology) is also possible.
In the case of particularly durable machines/sys-
tems, retrofitting can also be carried out several
times. Flexibility in the use of components and
materials is an essential prerequisite. It can be

© 2021 FTI-Andersch                                                                                                                                                          12
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