8 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ON CONTAMINATED SITES Version 3 Effective date: January 5, 2021

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8 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ON CONTAMINATED SITES Version 3 Effective date: January 5, 2021
                                                          TECHNICAL GUIDANCE
                                                             ON CONTAMINATED SITES
                                                                    Version 3 Effective date: January 5, 2021

         Groundwater Investigation and Characterization
Introduction                                         When is groundwater investigation
This document provides guidance to qualified         necessary?
professionals for the investigation and              Site investigation stages
characterization of groundwater at sites in          The Regulation contains requirements to ensure
British Columbia that may be, or are,                that groundwater at a site or on a neighboring
contaminated. It is the responsibility of the site   site is suitable for use and is of adequate quality
owner or operator to retain a qualified              to protect uses now and in future. Where site
professional with demonstrable experience, as        investigations must be undertaken, section 58
required under section 63 of the Contaminated        (1) of the Regulation requires that a preliminary
Sites Regulation (the Regulation), to ensure that    site investigation (PSI) be undertaken to
groundwater is properly characterized and            determine the general location and degree of
remediated while adhering to applicable B.C.         contamination, including any migration that
laws, regulations, standards, protocols,             may have occurred to neighbouring properties.
procedures and guidance.
                                                     The PSI comprises a Stage 1 review and a
This guidance is based on the ministry’s full        concurrent or subsequent Stage 2 where
length companion document entitled                   relevant environmental media are sampled for
“Technical Guidance for Contaminated Sites.          potential contaminants of concern (PCOCs). If
Groundwater Investigation in Site Assessment,        contamination is identified or suspected then a
2nd Edition”, dated June 17, 2010 [1]. Both this     detailed site investigation (DSI) must be
guidance document and the companion                  undertaken in accordance with section 59 (2) of
document should be used as part of any               the Regulation to define the extent of
contaminated site groundwater investigation.         contamination, to provide information
                                                     necessary for conducting a risk assessment, if
The guidance and procedures outlined here are        applicable, and to develop a remediation plan.
not applicable at every site; others may also be
used. However, deviations from this guidance         Groundwater investigation triggers
or use of alternative methods must be                Groundwater investigation is necessary if the
accompanied by documented, defensible                potential exists for the quality of groundwater
rationale.                                           to be unsuitable for direct use, based on
                                                     groundwater uses at the site, or may not be
                                                     adequate to protect adjacent groundwater uses.

8 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE ON CONTAMINATED SITES Version 3 Effective date: January 5, 2021
Groundwater investigation is also necessary        compared to accurate and reliable groundwater
where groundwater is acting as a source of         quality data that represent, to the greatest
contamination in other environmental media         extent practical, the quality of the groundwater
such as vapour. In practice, where areas of        at a site.
potential environmental concern (APECs) are
identified by a Stage 1 PSI, relevant              The conceptual site model
environmental media must include                   For effective planning of any site investigation,
groundwater, which should be sampled as part       the historical, physical, chemical and biological
of the subsequent Stage 2 PSI and/or DSI. If       components that define a problem should be
groundwater is not sampled, detailed               drawn together into a conceptual site model
supporting rationale for its exclusion must be     (CSM). In a hydrogeological context, the CSM
provided in the PSI or DSI report.                 should comprise a three-dimensional
                                                   understanding of the site to be investigated.
What are B.C.’s groundwater quality                The CSM should be developed at the outset of
classes?                                           the investigative process and refined
Based on its use, the Regulation provides four     throughout the course of the investigations to
classes for groundwater:                           strengthen and clarify the site understanding.
    DW – drinking water                            At the completion of investigations, the CSM
    AW – aquatic life protection                   should, as a minimum, include key
    IW – irrigation water                          hydrogeologic features and properties such as:
    LW – livestock watering                        •   the physical geologic setting including the
                                                       known or inferred extent and continuity of
Aquatic life protection standards are further          all aquifers and aquitards that are beneath
subdivided into standards to protect freshwater        and in the vicinity of the site that are or may
aquatic life and standards to protect marine and       be of relevance;
estuarine aquatic life.
                                                   •   groundwater levels (pressure heads, water-
                                                       table elevations, potentiometric surfaces)
Numerical standards for many potential
                                                       and hydraulic gradients (vertical and
contaminants in water are listed in Schedule 3.2
                                                       horizontal) within and between relevant
of the Regulation. Monitoring results may be
                                                       permeable geologic units;
compared directly to the substance
concentrations in these schedules to determine     •   the physical and hydrogeologic boundaries
whether a groundwater source is in compliance          that define the groundwater flow systems of
with applicable water use standards. Guidance          interest, including recharge and discharge
for selecting water uses is provided in Protocol       areas, pumping wells, hydraulic and
21, “Water Use Determination”.                         physical no-flow boundaries or divides, and
                                                       other relevant conditions;
How should a field program be designed?            •   the locations and character of onsite and
A well-designed field program will yield a data        relevant offsite potential source zones of
set composed of representative physical and            contamination to groundwater, including
chemical information on soil, vapour, sediment,        any nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPL) if
groundwater and surface water conditions               present, and their composition, nature, and
obtained from a number of locations and                extent;
depths at various times. It is important that      •   the locations, extent and character of
applicable groundwater standards are                   associated dissolved-phase plumes of
contamination that may exist; and                acceptable means to acquire representative
•   all pathways for contaminant transport from      groundwater samples for Stage 2 PSIs and DSIs.
    source zones to known or potential               Such wells are commonly composed of a riser
    receptors, including pathways that may           pipe inserted into a drilled borehole, with a
    convey nonaqueous phase, dissolved-phase         screened completion interval at the base that is
    or vapour-phase plumes that may be               placed within a targeted geologic unit. A
    expected to develop in the future.               recommended design for conventional
                                                     monitoring wells is provided in the “British
The CSM must be supported with a data set            Columbia Field Sampling Manual”.
derived from sound investigative practices, as        The use of drill cuttings as backfill is to be avoided.
provided in this and other guidance                   Recommended sealants along the well annulus
documents, and any pre-existing information or        include non-shrinking bentonite-based grouts or
data that have been identified and can be relied      solids. In cases where granular bentonite, bentonite
upon. Supporting rationale should be provided         chips, or bentonite pellets are used, proper hydration
                                                      of the bentonite during placement should be ensured,
for such data. Depending on the level of site         particularly if the sealing material is located in the
complexity, the CSM may be portrayed                  unsaturated zone. Any deviation from these
together with descriptive text in a set of plan       requirements should be identified in site
maps and stratigraphic cross sections or fence        investigation reports, together with supporting
diagrams. As part of the CSM, key processes           rationale.
that may significantly influence the presence,
distribution and fate of potential contaminants      In addition to the design, installation and
of concern at a site (e.g., advection, dispersion,   sampling of a network of conventional
retardation, ion exchange, precipitation,            monitoring wells, a variety of screening-level
dissolution, diffusion, volatilization and           approaches and multi-depth tools are available
biodegradation) should be identified and             that can be used during the PSI and DSI to
described where available data make such             complement groundwater data and identify the
assessments possible.                                presence, absence or extent of groundwater
                                                     contamination. These range from simple
What methods and approaches are                      descriptive observations of continuous cores of
acceptable for groundwater field                     soil or rock, to direct-push profiling tools such
investigations?                                      as laser-induced fluorescence tools, the
A range of direct and indirect approaches is         membrane interface probe, or the Waterloo
available to acquire information on                  Profiler™. These approaches may be used to
groundwater quality (e.g., CCME’s guidance           complement data obtained using conventional
manual for environmental site characterization       monitoring wells.
[2] and Attachment B of the companion
document to this guidance [1]), any of which         Vertical contaminant distribution
may be acceptable for use in B.C. However, it is     In aquifers where groundwater contamination
critical that the field investigation include the    may exceed one to two metres in thickness,
acquisition and analysis of representative           groundwater quality profiles should be defined
                                                     using clusters or nests of wells completed at
groundwater samples.
                                                     different depths, or by using other groundwater
Obtaining groundwater quality information            profiling technologies. Alternative approaches
Conventional monitoring wells that are               to conventional monitoring wells include
properly installed and sampled provide an            various tools and technologies that can be
                                                     demonstrated to yield reliable quantitative or
semi-quantitative information on groundwater          Where a water table aquifer is monitored, the
quality either directly (e.g., direct-push            screen length should not extend beyond a
groundwater sampling technologies such as the         depth of one metre below the greatest depth to
Waterloo Profiler™), or indirectly through            the water table as defined by the seasonal
acquisition of soil quality profiles in situ (e.g.,   minimum and/or minimum groundwater
using technologies such as laser-induced              elevation during low tide.
fluorescence or a membrane interface probe) or
ex situ (e.g., analysis of discrete soil samples or   The use of wells with long screen intervals may
extracted fluid samples from soil cores).             be acceptable for exploratory purposes during a
                                                      Stage 2 PSI (but not a DSI) provided that cross
Obtaining hydrogeologic information
                                                      communication between potentially separate
Hydrogeologic information should be acquired
                                                      groundwater zones is avoided. However,
through drilling, well installation, and well
                                                      where saturated well screen intervals exceed 1.8
monitoring and testing programs, or through           m, chemical data for samples from such wells
alternative approaches that yield comparable          should not be compared directly with
site-specific data. Soil and/or rock core             groundwater quality standards unless
samples are usually obtained and used to              supporting rationale can be provided.
describe physical aquifer conditions, and
hydraulic tests or measurements are made to           Wells that are no longer being used or that are
acquire hydraulic information about the               inadvertently screened across more than one
aquifer. Field tests may range from simple            aquifer should be decommissioned promptly
static water-level measurements that can be           (i.e., at or before the completion of a site
used to assess the water table or piezometric         investigation), to avoid risk of future cross
surface of the aquifer, to more involved aquifer      contamination.
pumping tests that hydraulically stress a region
of the aquifer, and thereby allow estimation of       What level of groundwater investigation is
local and/or regional-scale hydraulic                 required for a preliminary site investigation?
parameters (e.g., hydraulic conductivity,             Stage 1 preliminary site investigation
transmissivity, specific yield, storativity).         Groundwater investigation should begin
                                                      during Stage 1 of a PSI and should include
Well development, purging and sampling                attempts to acquire geological,
A description of well development, purging            hydrostratigraphic and groundwater use
and sampling methods to be used in the                information about the site and vicinity (refer to
investigation of groundwater conditions and           Technical Guidance 10, “Guidance for a Stage 1
quality at contaminated sites is provided in          Preliminary Site Investigation”). If APECs are
Attachment A of the companion document [1].           identified, then the assembled information
                                                      should be evaluated to assess the potential for
Acceptable lengths of monitoring well screens         contamination of the environmental media,
Maximum saturated screen lengths should be            including groundwater. To assist with this
limited to 1.8 m (i.e. screen plus filter pack)       evaluation, a CSM should be developed with a
within the target hydrostratigraphic unit.            hydrogeologic focus. It will also serve as a
Preference should be given to smaller intervals       basis for planning the next phase of the field
so that maximum concentrations are better             investigation, the Stage 2 PSI.
defined. Rationale must be provided where
longer well screen lengths with greater               Stage 2 preliminary site investigation
                                                      The type and scale of investigation selected and
saturated thicknesses are used.
                                                      implemented during a Stage 2 PSI, and the
media to be sampled, will be highly dependent        present, and where unforeseen high-
on local site conditions and on characteristics of   permeability features such as buried gravel
the potential contaminants of concern (PCOC).        channels or utilities are present.
The success of the program will depend on the
degree of understanding of these conditions as       At the completion of the Stage 2 PSI,
described by the CSM. A well-developed CSM           information should be presented and
is likely to better achieve Stage 2 PSI objectives   conclusions drawn regarding the presence or
than a program based on limited information          absence of groundwater contamination
that has not been cohesively assembled within a      associated with each APEC. In addition,
logical framework. Where site-specific               confirmation of the groundwater flow
information is lacking but groundwater quality       hypotheses that were used to base the inclusion
is to be addressed, a Stage 2 PSI could consider     and exclusion of potential APECs during the
the drilling and logging of a “stratigraphic”        Stage 1 PSI should be conducted. Where the
borehole, located beyond all zones of potential      groundwater flow information determined
contamination, to establish site-specific
                                                     during the Stage 2 PSI differs from that inferred
stratigraphic conditions and to identify target
                                                     in the Stage 1 PSI, the Stage 1 PSI conclusions
intervals for further testing (e.g., water table,
                                                     with respect to APEC selection should be re-
saturated geologic units, and aquifers).
                                                     examined. The CSM should also be updated.
During the Stage 2 PSI, monitoring well
locations should be selected to intercept highest    If groundwater is identified as contaminated,
concentrations of potential contaminants in          then recommendations for further assessment
groundwater associated with each suspected           in the form of a DSI should be provided.
source zone within each on-site APEC, and at
the property boundary as close as practical to       Conditions requiring further investigation
off-site APECs. If underground utility               Further assessment in the form of an expanded
corridors exist, a review of the utility location    Stage 2 PSI or DSI should be conducted where:
maps and depth information is required to            • groundwater is identified as contaminated,
assess the presence of preferential pathways            or,
near APECs and aid in determination of well          • a well or set of wells is determined to have
locations.                                              missed the highest concentrations of a
                                                        possible plume because the well(s) is not
Groundwater flow direction should be                    located directly downgradient of the
established as part of the Stage 2 PSI and used         potential source zone.
to re-assess the optimum sampling locations
with respect to anticipated highest                  Further assessment should also be considered
concentrations. Groundwater flow direction           where PCOCs have been detected in
should be estimated using water-level                groundwater and the water quality data are
measurements acquired from a minimum of              limited to a few data points.
three locations arranged in a triangular plane
within the same hydrogeologic unit (i.e., the        What level of groundwater investigation is
same aquifer). Caution is advised, however,          required for a detailed site investigation?
where groundwater flow patterns are complex.         As required in section 59 (2) of the Regulation, a
Data from more than three wells will likely be       DSI must, among other items, include
necessary to resolve flow directions where, for      procedures to identify the specific areas, depths
example, groundwater mounding results in             and degree of contamination on the site,
radial flow, where diving or sinking plumes are      including areas and extent of migration if
applicable, and evaluate contamination relative      stratigraphic layering that is likely present.
to standards in the Regulation. For purposes of
this guidance, and except where a Stage 2 PSI        In the absence of site-specific rationale, data to
report has concluded that groundwater is not         define and bound the vertical extent of a plume
contaminated, groundwater assessment must            should be derived from locations that are
be undertaken during the DSI. The sampling           separated vertically by no more than one metre
program must be sufficiently detailed to satisfy     from the bottom of one well or sampling point
data requirements for a risk assessment, if          and the top of the next, within each aquifer of
applicable, and for developing a remediation         interest (Appendix 1, Figure 1). Where
plan.                                                monitoring wells are used, care must be taken
                                                     to select a small enough screened interval to
Well spacing and spatial characterization            avoid cross-communication between aquifers,
For groundwater investigation during a DSI,
                                                     or even between significant stratigraphic layers
the following guidance is provided to ensure
                                                     within the same aquifer.
that plumes of contamination are identified and
characterized with reasonable certainty. An          Chemical characterization
example of acceptable well spacing intervals         The detailed site investigation should include
and well completion depths for a groundwater         the chemical analysis of representative samples
plume is illustrated in Appendix 1, Figure 1. As     for appropriate substances and parameters at
each site is unique, variations from this            the appropriate detection limits.
guidance are to be expected. However, any
deviation from the requirements presented
                                                     The suite of substances selected for a site
below must be identified, together with
                                                     investigation should include the following:
supporting rationale and consequent
                                                     • contaminants of known or potential
implications on the uncertainty of the acquired
                                                        concern, modifying factors (pH or hardness)
data set.
                                                        that are used to establish the applicable
                                                        standard for certain contaminants, and the
The site assessment should characterize
substance concentrations with reasonable                potential transformation products in the
certainty so that:                                      subsurface that may pose risks to receptors.
• all groundwater plumes of significant size
                                                     In addition, the substance suite may also
    (typically 10 m or longer longitudinally, 5 m
                                                     include the following:
    or wider laterally, and 0.1 m or thicker
                                                     • inorganic constituents (more commonly
    vertically) are identified with reasonable
                                                         major ions, and less commonly dissolved
    certainty such that the horizontal and
                                                         gases and/or isotopes) that may assist in
    vertical boundaries are resolved at the scale
                                                         addressing the hydrogeologic
    identified in Appendix 1, Figure 1; and
                                                         characterization, and
•   the effects of well screen length and dilution
    at the location of a potential receptor are      •   geochemical and chemical information that
    understood and taken into account in the             will assist in assessing contaminant
    investigation.                                       transport and fate in the subsurface (e.g.,
                                                         redox conditions, soil and dissolved organic
Vertical separation between wells
Where a groundwater plume is confirmed or                carbon content, dissolved oxygen and pH,
suspected, it should be resolved to a vertical           nutrients, hardness, etc.) during migration
scale that is compatible with the scale of the           through the aquifer to a receptor.
In some cases (e.g., sites with long term
Temporal characterization                             monitoring data or monitoring coupled with
Several factors may account for observed              remediation efforts), other means of
changes in substance concentrations over time,        evaluation/lines of evidence could be used to
including changing water levels caused, for           demonstrate plume stability as follows:
example, by changes in seasonal infiltration
rates or tides, and changes resulting from                •   A minimum of one year of quarterly
biotransformation or source depletion.                        groundwater monitoring and
                                                              geochemical data (including assessing
The site investigation should obtain a sufficient             groundwater conditions over the range
number of samples to establish the magnitude                  of seasonal/temporal variations),
of temporal concentration variations or to allow              coupled with other methods of
predictions to be made with reasonable                        evaluation/lines of evidence that in sum
certainty. Where seasonal effects may be                      demonstrate plume stability (e.g.,
significant, or where concentrations are likely to            partial/complete source removal,
vary significantly for other reasons, then at least           conservative modelling, etc.).
quarterly sampling should be performed over
at least one year.                                    Trend analysis (e.g., Mann-Kendall test, α=0.05)
                                                      of the monitoring data used to support the
Preferential transport pathways                       demonstration of stable or decreasing
All site investigations should address the            concentrations within and at the margins of the
possibility of contaminant transport along            contaminant plume is required as part of
preferential pathways such as utility corridors       assessment of plume stability.
and drainage improvements. This will involve          The plume stability assessment must be carried
a review of utility location maps and depth           out by a qualified professional with
information, which can then be compared with          demonstrable experience in (a) assessment of
known information concerning the site                 groundwater flow, contaminant fate and
stratigraphy, water table elevations, and             transport, and aqueous geochemistry, and (b)
presence and extent of contamination.                 trend analysis.

Plume Stability Assessment
The demonstration of stable or decreasing             Hydrogeologic information
contaminant plumes must include the                   Defining site-specific hydrogeologic conditions
evaluation of groundwater conditions within           In addition to defining the presence,
and at the margins of contaminant plumes and          distribution and fate of the contaminants,
provide evidence of both stable or decreasing         groundwater investigations during a DSI
substance concentrations throughout and no            should also define site-specific hydrogeologic
additional vertical or lateral migration or           conditions including:
rebound effects. A minimum of two years of            •   the presence, extent and properties of
groundwater monitoring and geochemical data               aquifers and aquitards underlying the site
(including seasonal variations over a two-year            that are or may be of relevance;
period) demonstrating stable or decreasing
                                                      •   zones of high hydraulic conductivity that
groundwater concentrations and conditions is
                                                          may act as preferential transport pathways,
expected to be collected.
                                                          and zones of low conductivity that may
                                                          impede or redirect transport;
•   unconfined and confined aquifers;               Erroneous measurements

•   vertical and lateral hydraulic gradients,       Outliers
    groundwater flow direction and velocities       Where the data allow, contouring should be
    within and between the relevant, permeable      conducted within the context of the CSM, with
    geologic units;                                 particular attention paid to “outliers” that may
                                                    become apparent during contouring. Potential
•   physical and hydrogeologic boundaries that
                                                    or probable causes for the outliers should be
    define the groundwater flow systems of
                                                    described. Some common causes for outliers
    interest, including recharge and discharge
                                                    include, for example, data acquired from wells
    areas, pumping wells, hydraulic or physical
                                                    completed with long well screens and/or at
    no flow boundaries or divides, and other
                                                    different depths within the aquifer, where
    relevant conditions; and
                                                    vertical hydraulic gradients are present within
•   event and seasonal contributions to the
                                                    the aquifer, or where wells are installed across
    hydrogeologic regime as well as tidal
                                                    more than one aquifer or groundwater flow
    influence (where appropriate), with a focus
                                                    zone. These types of well completions are not
    on identifying conditions required for
                                                    encouraged as they may yield non-
    sampling to be conducted such that it is
                                                    representative water-level data and also may
    characterizing as close to the “worst case”
                                                    allow flow between zones and serve as conduits
    scenario as reasonably possible.
                                                    allowing contaminant migration between the
The investigation of groundwater flow               zones.
direction and velocity should, at a minimum,
                                                    Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL)
include the following:
                                                    The presence of LNAPL in a well may also
•   all wells should be surveyed with reference     yield erroneous measurements of water
    to an elevation datum (a geodetic datum is      elevation. Where significant floating NAPL is
    preferred, although a site-specific reference   present (i.e., greater than a few centimetres),
    datum is acceptable),                           information on
•   static water levels should be measured on        LNAPL thickness must be factored in to
    the same day from monitoring wells at           determine the actual groundwater elevation, to
    several locations within the same aquifer,      account for the density difference between the
    and,                                            LNAPL and groundwater.
•   the groundwater elevation data should be
    calculated and tabulated.                       Short-term changes
                                                    Estimates of groundwater flow direction may
Entry of information into drawings                  also be influenced by short-term changes in
Groundwater elevation data should be posted         water elevation or hydrostatic pressures in
on drawings and, where sufficient data are          confined or unconfined aquifers caused, for
available, contoured in plan view for each          example, by tidal fluctuations or changes in
aquifer of interest. Potentiometric surfaces        river stage during spring freshet. In such cases,
should be shown for each aquifer on each            water levels in an aquifer should not be
stratigraphic cross section. The flow direction     considered static, and one or two simple
in each aquifer should then be estimated with       “snapshot” measurements of water levels in
respect to the data and data contours, and          wells from a site are unlikely to yield reliable
shown on the drawings.                              data for estimating average groundwater flow
                                                    direction or velocity.
development. The presence and thickness of
Where multiple hand measurements of water            any immiscible layers in a well should be
levels cannot be readily obtained from site          established prior to purging and sampling
monitoring wells over a full tidal cycle (i.e., at   using a reliable technique such as an interface
sites with more than three or four monitoring        probe. In those wells with NAPL, groundwater
wells) water-level data should be acquired from      sampling is not advisable since measured
individual wells using automatic measurement         concentrations may often be lower than actual
devices such as pressure transducers. The time-      dissolved concentrations due to sample
step interval between measurements and
                                                     dilution, or higher than actual concentrations
monitoring duration should be commensurate
                                                     due to entrainment of NAPL in the samples.
with the expected rate of change of water level.
For most tidal conditions, measurement
                                                     Characterization of the NAPL is usually best
frequencies should be once per hour, over
periods of at least 71 hours. In most cases, data    achieved by direct sampling and analysis,
reduction and interpretation will require            although assessment of dissolved-phase
smoothing to establish mean or average               constituents can often be used successfully to
conditions over the monitoring period. Where         infer NAPL composition. NAPL sampling
tidal influence is present, the method of Serfes,    involves the careful use of special bailers or
1991 [3] is recommended to yield estimates of        pumps. Acceptable monitoring approaches are
mean water levels at individual monitoring           described by API, 1996 [4].
points. However, in a complex hydrogeologic
setting (e.g., highly variable fill soil and/or      LNAPL monitoring
preferential flow channels) examination of the       Where subsurface contamination by LNAPL is
pressure transducer data at specific points in       suspected, monitoring wells should be
time may also be of value in describing the          designed so that the well screen interval
groundwater flow system.                             straddles the water table, thereby allowing
                                                     LNAPL, if present, to enter the well. If the well
In cases where the site is located in proximity to   may be used for long-term monitoring
a marine environment, saltwater intrusion is         purposes, then the well screen length should be
very probable. Accordingly, deeper wells may         selected to straddle the water table over the
be screened within a saltwater wedge, whereas        anticipated seasonal high and low water-table
shallower wells may be screened within               conditions.
freshwater. Water-level data obtained from
wells screened within saltwater must be              Where LNAPL is present, at least one LNAPL
corrected for density contrasts and converted to     monitoring well should be placed within each
equivalent freshwater head. This conversion is       zone where LNAPL is inferred to be thickest.
critical to properly evaluate vertical and           The lateral boundary of the LNAPL zone
horizontal hydraulic gradients, and to               should be resolved at a scale of 5 m to 7 m or
accurately characterize groundwater flow when        less, depending on proximity of LNAPL to
constructing potentiometric surface maps.            property boundaries, structures and other
                                                     sensitive site features. Data to define the
When should nonaqueous phase liquids be              boundary may be acquired using various
investigated?                                        technologies such as monitoring wells, laser-
The presence of NAPL should be monitored             induced fluorescence, soil cores or test pits.
during drilling, well installation and well          However, some LNAPL monitoring wells
should be installed in downgradient locations        to establish the influence of tides on LNAPL
along the perimeter of the LNAPL zone to             presence and thickness.
monitor LNAPL thickness and the possibility of
LNAPL migration.                                     During the monitoring period and until a well
                                                     is decommissioned, its integrity should be
Following well development, LNAPL may not            checked and maintained, including maintaining
enter the well immediately. Therefore, the well      effective well plugs and seals to prevent cross-
should be allowed to rest at least 24 hours and      contamination.
preferably at least one week before confirming
the presence or absence of LNAPL. Where              Dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL)
LNAPL is present, a regular monitoring
                                                     Where subsurface contamination by DNAPL is
program should be established for at least 12
                                                     suspected, care should be taken to avoid
months (or as long as necessary to assess NAPL
                                                     drilling through the DNAPL, which may cause
migration) or until remediation has been
                                                     the contamination to migrate deeper into the
undertaken or LNAPL is demonstrated to be
                                                     subsurface. DNAPL distributions in the
immobile under the criteria specified in Section
                                                     subsurface are often highly complex, and as a
3.2 of Protocol 16, “Determining the presence of
                                                     result, direct evidence of DNAPL is rarely
and Mobility of Nonaqueous Phase Liquids and
                                                     obtained using conventional drilling and
Odorous Substances”. In absence of site-
                                                     sampling techniques. Thus, a precautionary
specific rationale, the monitoring frequency at
                                                     approach to investigation of DNAPL zones is
each LNAPL well should be at least once every
                                                     advised, and alternative investigation
two months and preferably monthly until the
                                                     approaches should be considered to assess the
temporal variability and mobility of LNAPL
                                                     extent of contamination. These may include
has been established, for the following:
                                                     using multi-depth sampling at locations
• Total organic vapour concentrations at the
                                                     immediately downgradient of the DNAPL zone
    well head using a photoionization detector
                                                     and obtaining soil vapour and shallow soil data
    or similar field instrument.
                                                     mainly from the surface of the zone. Using
• Water and product levels using a reliable
                                                     these indirect approaches, the outer horizontal
    method such as an interface probe.
                                                     boundary of the suspect DNAPL zone should
Based on the results of this investigative phase
                                                     be inferred to a reasonably small scale (5 m to 7
of monitoring, the monitoring frequency can be
                                                     m, where practical), depending on proximity of
reduced to quarterly if warranted.
                                                     DNAPL to property boundaries, structures and
                                                     other sensitive site features. The vertical extent
Groundwater concentrations from wells located
                                                     of the suspect DNAPL zone should be resolved
downgradient of the LNAPL plume should be
                                                     to a depth interval of 1 m to 2 m. For further
analyzed to evaluate potential LNAPL
                                                     information on DNAPL assessment, please
movement. A temporal increase in dissolved
                                                     refer to Pankow and Cherry (1996) [5] and
concentrations downgradient of the plume may
                                                     USEPA (2004) [6].
be indicative of LNAPL advancement;
conversely, a temporal decrease in dissolved
                                                     What types of information should be
concentrations may be indicative of LNAPL            reported?
plume retreat.                                       Groundwater investigation reports should
                                                     include a description of the methodology used
At tidally influenced sites, monitoring should       to evaluate site hydrogeology and
be conducted over a full tidal cycle at least once
hydrogeochemistry and the rationale for the          extraction or injection wells) should not be used
methods used. Summaries of key information           for evaluation of post-remediation groundwater
should be provided in tables and on figures as a     quality.
means to convey relevant information. A
checklist for data information requirements is       Substances to be monitored
provided in Appendix 1.                              Groundwater should be monitored for
                                                     contaminants of concern as well as
What degree of groundwater investigation is          transformation products and constituents that
required for confirmation of remediation?            may have been mobilized by the remediation
Where groundwater is to be remediated,               (e.g., metals dissolution in response to low
remediation planning must consider where and         redox conditions caused by enhanced in situ
how monitoring will be conducted and how the         biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons).
data will be used to confirm that the
remediation objectives have been achieved.           Monitoring frequency
                                                     Where trends are to be established, the
Confirmatory sampling and monitoring
                                                     frequency of monitoring should be based upon
Confirmatory sampling and monitoring
                                                     known hydrogeologic conditions, including
locations should be established taking into
                                                     estimated groundwater and contaminant
consideration a number of factors including:
                                                     transport times, and data requirements.
• the known extent of contamination;
•   the groundwater flow direction before            Minimum requirements
    remediation;                                     A remediation monitoring program will be
•   the possibility and duration of short-term       different for every site. However, the following
    changes in groundwater levels resulting          items are minimum requirements to confirm
    from the remediation (e.g., temporary low        groundwater remediation:
    water levels following remediation);             •   A monitoring network should be established
•   where active groundwater controls are                that includes a minimum of three
    required, changes in groundwater flow are            monitoring locations within each affected
    long-term and result in new steady state             aquifer associated with each area of
    conditions which need to be confirmed;               groundwater contamination.
•   transitioning periods in water levels or         •   Each groundwater monitoring station
    groundwater chemistry until long-term or             (usually a monitoring well, but alternative
    steady-state conditions are re-established;          technologies may be equally effective) from
                                                         the designated network should be
•   expected transport velocities and travel
                                                         strategically located within the remediation
    times between remediated areas and
                                                         zone or along its immediate perimeter,
    monitoring locations; and
                                                         within the relevant permeable geologic
•   changes in geochemical conditions such as
                                                         units. Installation by placement of post-
    redox potential that may affect the solubility
                                                         remediation monitoring wells during
    or mobility of some constituents.
                                                         excavation backfilling is to be avoided.
Post remediation monitoring locations should
                                                     •   Groundwater levels and groundwater
be selected to include locations that will
                                                         quality indicator parameters (i.e.,
intercept each of the zones most likely to
                                                         temperature, electrical conductivity, pH,
contain highest concentrations of the
                                                         redox potential, dissolved oxygen, and
contaminants. Note that remediation wells (e.g.
turbidity) should be monitored before each       and long term average or mean concentrations
    sampling event to verify that static             at individual well locations.
    conditions have been attained. As a
    minimum subset, pH, electrical conductivity      When and how should monitoring wells be
    plus one additional parameter should be          deactivated or closed?
    monitored until they have stabilized.            Monitoring wells that no longer serve their
•   Once static conditions have been attained, at    intended purpose, such as wells that may
    least two sets of groundwater samples            remain at the completion of a site investigation
    should be collected on different days, at        or remedial monitoring program, should be
    least 24 hours apart, but preferably greater     properly deactivated and closed. Minimum
    than two weeks apart, where practical. At        requirements for well deactivation and closure
    sites where seasonal effects may be              are provided in section 56 of the Water
    significant, at least two sets of groundwater    Sustainability Act [7] and in section 9 and
    samples should be collected to capture the       Appendix A (Code of Practice for Construction,
    full range of seasonal variations.               Testing, Maintenance, Alteration and Closure of
                                                     Wells in British Columbia) of the Ground Water
•   Representative samples should be analysed        Protection Regulation [8].
    from all designated locations or wells for the
    contaminants of concern and for possible         References
    contaminants that may have resulted as a
    direct or indirect consequence of the            1. Golder Associates Ltd., 2010. Technical
    remediation.                                        Guidance for Contaminated Sites. Groundwater
                                                        Investigation in Site Assessment.
When is post remediation groundwater
monitoring considered complete?                      2. Canadian Council of Ministers of the
Post remediation groundwater monitoring may             Environment (CCME), 2016. Guidance
be considered complete when substance                   Manual for Environmental Site Characterization
concentrations are less than applicable                 in Support of Environmental and Human Health
standards, concentrations can be shown to be            Risk Assessment. Volume 1 Guidance Manual.
stable or decreasing, and where rebound can be
discounted.                                          3. Serfes, M.E., 1991. Determining the Mean
                                                        Hydraulic Gradient of Groundwater Affected by
When is long term groundwater monitoring                Tidal Fluctuations. Groundwater, V.29, No. 4.
necessary?                                              pp. 549-555.
With many sites where remediation is
undertaken, groundwater quality may not              4. American Petroleum Institute (API), 1996. A
improve immediately, or improvements may                Guide to the Assessment and Remediation of
not immediately meet applicable standards. In           Underground Petroleum Releases, API Pub.
such cases, long term monitoring will be                No. 1628A, American Petroleum Institute,
necessary either to establish trends towards            Washington D.C., First Edition.
meeting the remediation objectives or to
provide sufficient data to demonstrate that the      5. Pankow, J.F. and J.A. Cherry (eds.), 1996.
standards are met over time regardless of               Dense Chlorinated Solvents and Other DNAPLs
changes in water levels or groundwater flow             in Groundwater, Waterloo Press, Portland,
direction. Statistical approaches may be useful         OR.
to establish trends in concentration, periodicity,
For more information, please direct enquiries to
6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency         site@gov.bc.ca
   (USEPA), 2004. Site Characterization
   Technologies for DNAPL Investigations. EPA
   542-R-04-017. Solid Waste and Emergency      Revision history
   Response (5102G).                              Approved     Effective   Document    Notes
                                                     Date        Date       Version
                                                  July 2010   February        1.0
7. Province of British Columbia, 2014. Water                  1, 2011
   Sustainability Act [SBC 2014] CHAPTER 15,      August      November        2.0      Updated for
   Chapter 483, Queen’s Printers.                 2017        1, 2017                  CSR Stage
8. Province of British Columbia, 2009. Ground     December    January 5,      3.0      Included plume
                                                  2020          2021                   stability
   Water Protection Regulation (GWPR), B.C.                                            expectations
   Reg. 299/2004, including amendments up to
   B.C. Reg. 91/2009, March 6, 2009.

Appendix 1.

                             Guidance for Data Presentation

Borehole and Well Construction Logs

Logs should be provided for all geotechnical wells, boreholes, and all wells and
piezometers, presenting complete technical records of conditions encountered, scaled to
depths of at least 0.1 m. Logs should contain, at a minimum:
   •     Site name and location
   •     Name of driller and onsite professional
   •     Borehole number and location coordinates
   •     Start date, completion date, date abandoned or completed as monitoring well
   •     Borehole depth
   •     Ground surface elevation, top of casing elevation (for wells)
   •     Sample type, depth and depth interval for all in situ samples
   •     Sample condition, percent recovery, and other field data (e.g., blow counts,
         moisture content)
   •     Materials classification (based on field and laboratory descriptions using the
         unified soil classification system (USCS; ASTM D2487 and/or ASTM D2488) or
   •     Observations including colour, stains, odours
   •     Drilling observations such as loss of circulation, heaving sands
   •     Volume and quality of water added during drilling
   •     Depth to water following drilling
   •     Water level and date following well completion
Raw data from in situ hydraulic tests and copies of laboratory analytical certificates
should be provided.


Tables should be provided that include, at a minimum summaries of all field and
laboratory data acquired from current and previous investigations, including:
   •     Water level depths and elevations along with screened interval elevations; and
   •     Analytical chemistry results for each environmental medium compared with
         relevant environmental quality standards

Figures and Drawings

Figures and drawings should include, at a minimum:
   •   A scaled regional location plan and site plan, showing relevant hydrological,
       topographical and physiographic features
   •   A plan of posted data at measurement locations, and contours, where sufficient
       data are available, of piezometric heads in each aquifer of interest
   •   Stratigraphic cross sections that are longitudinal and transverse with respect to
       the known or estimated groundwater flow direction, and that include physical
       conditions (e.g., stratigraphy, water table, piezometric surface elevations),
       location and depth of all boreholes, monitoring wells and well screen intervals
       falling on or near the section, and vertical and horizontal scales
   •   Posted data at measurement locations, and contours where sufficient data are
       available, in plan and cross section views, of substance concentrations that show
       the specific lateral and vertical distribution of either each contaminant of concern
       or a representative set of contaminants of concern in onsite and offsite soil and
   •   Sample locations (with corresponding analytical results used to develop each
       figure) that are shown on the figure and in tabular form with reference to
       applicable standards.

   • Field sampling sheets should be provided documenting information such as
      volume of water purged, observations during purging, and relevant field-
      measured parameters (e.g. electrical conductivity, temperature, pH, dissolved
      oxygen, redox potential, etc.)

The Contaminated Sites Services Application form, Part E, provides further instructions
on key information requirements to be provided on figures where applications for
contaminated sites services are to be made for detailed review by Ministry of
Environment staff.

Figure 1.   Example illustrating acceptable well spacing intervals and well completion depths to
            define the vertical and lateral extent of a plume of groundwater contamination.

Note.   The number of wells used to define the internal plume size and the spacing
        between these wells may vary from site to site.

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