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                         A Decade of GoMRI Dispersant Science

       By Antonietta Quigg,         ABSTRACT. Dispersants are among a number of options available to oil spill responders. The
         John W. Farrington,        goals of this technique are to remove oil from surface waters in order to reduce exposure of
             Sherryl Gilbert,       surface-​dwelling organisms, to keep oil slicks from impacting sensitive shorelines, and to protect
        Steven A. Murawski,         responders from volatile organic compounds. During the Deepwater Horizon response, unprece-
                                    dented volumes of dispersants (Corexit 9500 and 9527) were both sprayed on surface slicks from
           and Vijay T. John
                                    airplanes and applied directly at the wellhead (~1,500 m water depth). A decade of research fol-
                                    lowed, leading to a deeper understanding of dispersant effectiveness, fate, and effects. These stud-
                                    ies resulted in new knowledge regarding dispersant formulations, efficacy, and effects on organisms
                                    and processes at a broad range of exposure levels, and about potential environmental and human
                                    impacts. Future studies should focus on the application of high volumes of dispersants subsea and
                                    the long-term fate and effects of dispersants and dispersed oil. In considering effects, the research
                                    and applications of the knowledge gained should go beyond concerns for acute toxicity and con-
                                    sider sublethal impacts at all levels of biological organization. Contingency planning for the use of
                                    dispersants during oil spill response should consider more deeply the temporal duration, effective-
                                    ness (especially of subsurface applications), spatial reach, and volume applied.

                                                                                                    A US Air Force C-130 aircraft from the
                                                                                                    910th Airlift Wing dropped oil dispersing
                                                                                                    chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico as part
                                                                                                    of the Deepwater Horizon response
                                                                                                    effort, May 5, 2010. US Air Force photo
                                                                                                    by Tech. Sgt. Adrian Cadiz

98      Oceanography   | Vol.34, No.1
INTRODUCTION                                     funding. Excellent reviews on dispersants,                                            BOX 1
The use of chemical dispersing agents            their effectiveness, and ecological impacts
(dispersants) is one of several options          prior to the DWH incident are found in
                                                                                                 GoMRI Dispersant
available to responders during an oil spill.     the National Research Council reports
Dispersants are typically used on larger         (NRC, 1989, 2005), while information
                                                                                                 Publications Summary*
offshore spills when environmental con-          gathered since the DWH incident is avail-       There were 205 recent publications in
ditions preclude mechanical recovery,            able in Judson et al. (2010), Prince (2015),    the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
                                                                                                 (GoMRI) database with “dispersant” in the
in situ burning, or allowing natural pro-        Kinner et al. (2017), CRRC (2010, 2018),        abstract or that identified it as a key word.
cesses to control the fate and effects of the    John et al. (2016), Stroski et al. (2019),      Of those publications, 176 were relevant to
oil. In the case of the Deepwater Horizon        and NASEM (2020). GoMRI has gener-              this GoMRI dispersant synthesis.

(DWH) oil spill in 2010, surface disper-         ated a significant body of knowledge in
sant application was used, and for the first     this arena (Box 1). This review expands on
time, subsea dispersant injection (SSDI).        some of the GoMRI-related research cited        TYPE OF STUDY
The latter approach was undertaken with          in the National Academies of Sciences,          128    lab-based studies
the objective to reduce the emergence of         Engineering, and Medicine publication            14    mesocosm-based studies
crude oil at the surface and hence the vol-      entitled The Use of Dispersants in Marine        18    studies based on field
ume of oil transiting to sensitive coastal       Oil Spill Response (NASEM, 2020). In                   measurements/observations
and estuarine habitats. Further, SSDI may        addition, it sets the scene for a forth-         18    modeling studies (various)
have provided safer working conditions           coming report from a November 2020
for first responders and others on scene         workshop where a synopsis of GoMRI-             STUDY TOPIC
by reducing occupational exposures to            funded research and other research and
volatile organic compounds. SSDI, how-           assessments was presented and discussed.         54    physics (mostly new dispersants
                                                                                                        and modeling)
ever, had an inevitable environmental
                                                                                                  53    ecology/exposure employing WAF
cost and added chemically dispersed oil          ROLE OF DISPERSANTS IN                                 and/or CEWAF
(i.e., oil plus dispersant) to the deep Gulf     OIL SPILL RESPONSE                               35    chemistry (some using WAF and
of Mexico. Thus, it is critical that the effi-   The goal of dispersant use is to rapidly               CEWAF, some new dispersants)
cacy of SSDI be considered going forward.        remove floating oil, a known hazard to            16   MOSSFA (many using WAF
                                                                                                        and CEWAF)
    In the September 2016 special issue          diving birds and mammals and the ecosys-
of Oceanography on the DWH oil spill,            tem as a whole, as well as to reduce the vol-      9   review papers (various)

John et al. (2016) provided a rationale for      ume of weathered oil that could be trans-
the use of dispersants in oil spill remedi-      ported long distances and affect sensitive      EXPERIMENTAL FOCUS
ation. The authors reported on the basic         nearshore areas, beaches, and marshes.           65    organism-focused (26 bacteria,
science of dispersants and the creative          Surface application of dispersants from                19 plankton, 10 invertebrate,
design of newer dispersants that were            planes and vessels requires special regula-            6 vertebrate, 4 human health)

offering great promise. Today, there con-        tory approvals that evaluate whether dis-        35    new dispersant formulations

tinues to be a need to understand the effi-      persion is possible and beneficial and if        30    droplet and dispersion focused

cacy of dispersants. This article builds on      the volume of oil transported shoreward          10    chemical degradation,
the earlier synthesis, bringing together         into uncontaminated areas can be reduced
new information regarding the fate of dis-       (IPIECA-IOGP, 2014). In this regard, dis-
persants and their effects on ecosystems         persant application as a tactic in oil spill
                                                                                                 WAF = water accommodated fractions of oil.
and humans and, further, summarizes              cleanup has been a well-​established inter-
                                                                                                 CEWAF = chemically enhanced WAF.
the grand challenges for the future. This        vention method since the 1970s (IPIECA-
                                                                                                 MOSSFA = marine oil snow sedimentation and
review is not intended to be a comprehen-        IOGP, 2014; IPIECA, 2018; NAESM,                flocculent accumulation.
sive treatise on dispersant research in the      2020). Worldwide, there are stockpiles of       *Effective October 6, 2020. Available at
last decade. Rather, given that few topics       carefully formulated dispersant products         https://research.gulfresearchinitiative.org/
have aroused more public concern than            that can be applied rapidly in preapproved
the utility of dispersants to combat an oil      areas, for example, United States, United
spill, this is an effort to bring together the   Kingdom, Australia (Carter-Groves, 2014;
best available science from Gulf of Mexico       Global Dispersant Stockpile [https://
Research Initiative (GoMRI) researchers          www.oilspillresponse.com/​services/​mem-
within the context of work conducted by          ber-​response-​services/​dispersant-​stock-
all scientists, irrespective of the source of    piles/​global-​dispersant-​stockpile/]).

                                                                                                 Oceanography       | March 2021            99
FIGURE 1. Surface and subsea dispersant injection results in the formation of oil droplets that then undergo a plethora of physical, chemical, and bio-
logical reactions. MOSSFA = marine oil snow sedimentation and flocculent accumulation.

   Prior to the 2010 DWH spill, disper-            oil transport to the sea surface and sub-           monitoring protocols were not pre-
sants had been applied 213 times at the            sequent formation of surface slicks, and            planned and had to be created de novo
sea surface (Steen and Findlay, 2008).             to reduce the exposure of responders                during the response. These ad hoc pro-
Over the course of the DWH oil spill,              to volatile organic compounds (VOCs)                tocols did not include the types of mea-
4.1 million liters of the Corexit disper-          that could be harmful to their health and           surements necessary to understand fun-
sants 9500 and 9527 were applied at the            negatively affect operations (Kujawinski            damental aspects of well dynamics such
sea surface (Figure 1) and an additional           et al., 2011; Gros et al., 2017; Paris              as the physics and chemistry of multi-
2.9 million liters at ~1,500 m water depth         et al., 2018; Murawski et al., 2019, 2020;          phase flows with and without the addi-
at the wellhead (Figure 1; USCGNRT,                NASEM, 2020). Under SSDI, dispersants               tion of dispersants and the sizes of oil
2011; Place et al., 2016). The Corexit class       reduce the ejection turbulence of oil               droplets exiting the well. While infor-
of dispersants used during the DWH                 emanating from the wellhead (Figure 1),             mation was available on biodegradation
oil spill are complex mixtures of sur-             allowing the formation of tiny neutrally            rates of dispersant components, long-
factants (dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate            buoyant oil droplets in the deep sea that           term fate and transport of the more resis-
[DOSS], Span, Tweens) and solvents such            can be more readily biodegraded (Hazen              tant components was not well known.
as propylene glycol and petroleum distil-          et al., 2010; Prince et al., 2013; Prince and       Modeling and experimental work has
lates (Brochu et al., 1986; Brandvik and           Butler, 2014). This was also accompanied            been undertaken since the spill in an
Daling, 1998; Riehm and McCormick,                 by a large-scale, horizontally spreading            attempt to understand the effects of SSDI
2014). Surfactants are typically formu-            subsea plume of small oil droplets and              on both the quantity of surfacing vs. sub-
lated from chemicals used as food addi-            dissolved hydrocarbons during the spill,            surface oil and whether SSDI reduced the
tives and/or cosmetics, similar to those           in addition to the plume already present            concentration of VOCs around the ship
found in common shampoos and clean-                prior to the use of SSDI (Camilli et al.,           that was drilling a relief well to intercept
ers, including those used to clean oiled           2010; Diercks et al., 2010; Paris et al.,           and kill the blown-out well (e.g., Paris
seabirds (USFWS, 2003; Hemmer et al.,              2012; Zhao et al., 2014; Socolofsky et al.,         et al., 2012; Gros et al., 2017; French-
2011; Word et al., 2015; DeLorenzo et al.,         2019). In retrospect, plume formation               McCay et al., 2018). At present, there
2018). Because of these uses, adverse              was predicted as an outcome from ultra-             is conflicting evidence as to the effi-
effects were considered to be minimal.             deep blowouts (Transportation Research              cacy of the use of SSDI (Nedwed et al.,
However, recent research has raised ques-          Board and National Research Council,                2012; Nedwed, 2017; Gros et al., 2017;
tions about these assumptions.                     2003) but had never been addressed to               Paris et al., 2018; Murawski et al., 2019;
   The objectives of using SSDI as a               any significant degree in pre-spill contin-         Pesch et al., 2018, 2020).
response strategy were to reduce vertical          gency planning. Consequently, detailed

100     Oceanography    | Vol.34, No.1
FATE OF DISPERSANT AND                              populated interface rather than a native             DWH spill at 1,100−1,220 m depth (and
CHEMICALLY DISPERSED OIL                            oil-water interface (Figure 2). In 2010,             at 5°C). Very similar results were reported
Dispersants partition the oil-water inter-          the US Environmental Protection Agency               for a broad array of individual hydro-
face to reduce the interfacial (surface)            tested eight of the 14 dispersants listed on         carbons studied at low concentrations in
tension sufficiently to create oil droplets         the National Contingency Plan Product                New Jersey seawater at 8°C, in a flume in
of potentially toxic oil components and          2011) rather than by biological degrada-       Interestingly, the interfacial tension does
exposure to aquatic organisms (NRC,              tion. DOSS was also entrained in oil that      not increase significantly, implying a par-
2005; Seidel et al., 2016). The fate and         eventually rose to the surface, sank into      tial irreversibility of adsorption to the
transport of the oil and its components is       sediments, or was deposited on corals          interface. This observation has implica-
reviewed in detail by Passow and Overton         near the damaged wellhead (White et al.,       tions for oil-spill remediation using dis-
(2021) and by Farrington et al. (2021)           2014). Subsequent experiments showed           persants. Surfactant-coated oil drop-
in this issue.                                   that DOSS does not degrade appreciably         lets, and excess surfactant in the aqueous
   Some studies, especially those con-           under the cold and dark conditions of the      phase consisting of swollen micelles,
ducted at higher chemically dispersed            deep ocean (Campo et al., 2013; Perkins        travel in plumes, and dilution into the vast
oil concentrations, found that disper-           and Field, 2014). Further, the breakup         water column may not be as rapid as intu-
sants have no effect on microbial bio-           rate of a surface slick ultimately becomes     itively expected. There could be exchange
degradation rates while others show they         limited to the rate at which surfactants       of surfactant between the aqueous phase
do (Fingas, 2008; Camilli et al., 2010;          (dispersants) are able to populate the new     and the droplet interface during such
Hazen et al., 2010; Kleindienst et al.,          surfaces (Riehm and McCormick, 2014).          transport. The implication is that if there
2015a,b; Joye and Kostka, 2020; Rughöft          Only a small fraction of the surfactants       is a degree of irreversibility in surfactant
et al., 2020). Although some dispersant          contained in the dispersant is necessary to    adsorption, oil droplets will typically con-
components are easily metabolized, others        saturate the oil-water interface of a drop-    tain surfactants at the interface. The two-
may persist for long periods in the envi-        let. By definition then, the remaining sur-    or threefold increase of interfacial area as
ronment (Kujawinski et al., 2011; White          factant has to partition to the bulk phases:   droplets form with dispersant application
et al., 2014; Place et al., 2016). After dis-    the water-soluble Tween to the water           does not necessarily translate to a sim-
persant application during the DWH spill,        phase and the oil-soluble DOSS and Span        ilar increase in biodegradation rates, as
water samples collected at the sea surface       to the oil phase.                              this is a new interface containing surfac-
and below showed low (or undetectable)              An interesting set of experiments           tants. Indeed, Abbasi et al. (2018) found
concentrations of DOSS (a biomarker              by Reichert and Walker (2013) indi-            that surfactant-covered droplets have a
used for Corexit), while water collected in      cated potential irreversibility of surfac-     strong inhibitory effect on the attachment
the oil-derived plume contained apprecia-        tant adsorption at the oil/water interface     of the alkane biodegrading organism
ble amounts of DOSS (Gray et al., 2014).         (Figure 2). Using Tween 80 as a model          Alcanivorax borkumensis on the oil-​water
Near the wellhead during the blowout             surfactant, the authors gradually intro-       interface. The hydrophobic effect of sur-
and after SSDI, concentrations of DOSS           duced the surfactant in solution to a sta-     factant tail insertion into biomembranes
in the subsurface plume were correlated          tionary drop and monitored the decreas-        is a possible interpretation of such inhi-
with dissolved methane concentrations            ing rate of oil-water interfacial tension.     bition of attachment. These authors also
and fluorescence-based measurements of           Subsequently, there was a shift from a         found that Alcanivorax borkumensis read-
hydrocarbons (Kujawinski et al., 2011). As       surfactant-​containing to a surfactant-​free   ily attaches to oil-water interfaces in the
the plume traveled farther from the well-        solution, and interfacial tension was mon-     absence of surfactant and initiates pro-
head, DOSS concentrations decreased,             itored to observe the possible desorp-         lific growth of biofilm (Figure 3), an
presumably via dilution (Kujawinski et al.,      tion of surfactant from the interface.         observation verified by Omarova et al.
                                                                                                (2019). The presence of particles to sta-
                                                                                                bilize oil-water emulsions further leads
                                                                                                to sequestration of Alcanivorax borku-
FIGURE 3. The alkane
 degrader Alcanivorax                    Exopolymer                                             mensis and significant biofilm growth
  borkumensis forms a                                                                           (Omarova et al., 2018). Thus, there are a
   prolific biofilm under
                                                                                                number of fundamental mechanisms that
oil. This biofilm is com-
   posed most likely of                                                                         support the observations in some exper-
      bacterial released                                                                        iments of dispersant-induced reduction
     exopolymers, often
     referred to as EPSs
                                                                                                of biodegradation.
     (exopolymeric sub-
    stances or extracel-                                Ba                                      DISPERSANT EFFECTS
    lular polymeric sub-                                  ct
                                                             er                                 ON MARINE LIFE
  stances). Image from                                         ia
 Omarova et al. (2019)                                            lC          500 nm            After an initial decline, benthic ani-
                                                                       l                        mals, mostly invertebrates, in the area
                                                                                                around the spill site began to recover and
                                                                                                then to increase in biomass and diver-

102      Oceanography       | Vol.34, No.1
sity with time (e.g., Wise and Wise, 2011;     moderate oil concentrations, chemically         of the Gulf of Mexico (e.g., Snyder et al.,
Montagna et al., 2013; Fisher et al., 2016;    dispersed oil was any more toxic than oil       2019, 2020; Pulster et al., 2020a,b). The
Schwing and Machain-Castillo, 2020;            alone. At high concentrations, however,         severe declines of mesopelagic nekton
Schwing et al., 2020). The usefulness of       the combination appeared more toxic.            in the region surrounding DWH since
      derived information for under-              There is some indication from field          the spill (Sutton et al., 2020) is consis-
standing the impacts of dispersants on         sampling that fishes and other animals          tent with toxic exposures of this commu-
mobile marine wildlife is limited because      were exposed to dispersants, although           nity of invertebrates and fishes to PAHs
these chemicals are never used in the          the evidence is somewhat circumstan-            (and perhaps other toxic chemicals in
absence of crude oil. As a result, what we     tial. Ylitalo et al. (2012) conducted exten-    the weathered crude oil, including reac-
know about the toxicity of dispersants is      sive monitoring of shellfish and finfish        tion products from photo-oxidation and
generally from controlled, and mostly          species used for human consumption in           microbial degradation).
acute (e.g., 96-hour), toxicity test results   a wide area surrounding the DWH site.
(Bejarano, 2018; NASEM, 2020). In their        They determined that the concentra-             DISPERSANT EFFECTS
evaluation of eight commercial dispers-        tions of both PAHs and the Corexit com-         ON HUMAN HEALTH
ing agents used during the DWH inci-           ponent DOSS in fish and shellfish mus-          There were several main pathways for
dent, Hemmer et al. (2011) concluded           cle samples were generally low. However,        human exposure to dispersants (Figure 4)
they were almost non-toxic to mildly           as DOSS is also a common component of           during the DWH oil spill: (1) handling
toxic to the fish species inland silverside,   pharmaceuticals and laxatives, the pres-        (loading, packaging for spraying from
Menidia beryllina, and the mysid shrimp,       ence of DOSS cannot be definitively con-        planes, vessels, and subsea dispersal),
Americamysis bahia, at the concentra-          sidered evidence of dispersant exposure,        (2) application (vessel staff spraying dis-
tions and exposure durations evaluated.        but rather only indicates that DOSS is          persants or working on source control
In the aftermath of DWH, a consider-           persistent in the environment. If disper-       vessels monitoring VOCs), (3) passive
able number of laboratory-based studies        sants applied in SSDI were in fact effec-       (e.g., exposure to vessel staff in areas where
of the toxicity of dispersants alone, crude    tive at increasing oil droplet and dis-         dispersant was sprayed from airplanes),
oil alone, and the combination of the two      solved oil concentrations in deepwater          (4) passive air (e.g., dispersant injected
were undertaken (see the meta-analysis in      plumes (Figure 1), then they may also           into the atmosphere at the sea surface
NASEM, 2020). Concerns with previous           account for the elevated exposure levels        from treated oil slicks), and (5) indirect
toxicity testing are that such studies were    seen in mesopelagic fishes (Romero et al.,      (exposures while shutting down or cap-
not applicable to field-relevant species,      2018) and evident in extensive sam-             ping the well). In these scenarios, the
especially deepwater forms, and that there     pling of the fauna of continental shelves       main pathways for uptake are dermal and
may be a synergistic effect between oil and
dispersants not accounted for in binary
studies (Murawski et al., 2019; NASEM,
2020). The NASEM committee attempted
to conduct a meta-analysis of studies to
test several hypotheses regarding the tox-
icity of oil and dispersants by examining
study characteristics including the dura-
tion of exposure, exposure concentra-
tions, experimental conditions, species
being tested, and whether the combina-
tion of dispersants and oil was more toxic
than the individual ingredients. This anal-
ysis proved extremely difficult because
water accommodated fractions were man-
ufactured in a variety of ways, chemically
enhanced oil concentrations varied, ana-
lytical chemistry was not always con-
ducted to verify exposure concentration,
and exposure durations differed. Despite             FIGURE 4. This whole ecosystem view of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill effects and
                                                     consequences includes impacts beyond the ocean environment and its biological
these limitations, NASEM (2020) did not              components. Specifically, human health and socioeconomics are key for responding
find compelling evidence that at low to              to future spills. For details, see Solo-Gabriele et al. (in press).

                                                                                                        Oceanography   | March 2021       103
respiratory (McGowan et al., 2017). For         DISPERSANTS AND MOSSFA                         water and thereby enhance dispersion
surface applications, VOCs and airborne         In the weeks after the DWH oil spill,          and potential solubilization and bio-
fine particulate matter posed the greatest      phytoplankton and associated microbes          degradation processes (Lewis et al., 2010;
health risks as a result of dispersant appli-   encountered high concentrations of             Gutierrez et al., 2013), including path-
cation on oil slicks, increasing the total      oil and chemically dispersed oil. As a         ways that emulsify petroleum hydro-
mass burden (Afshar-Mohajer et al., 2018,       result, these communities formed large-        carbons (Head et al., 2006). EPSs with
2019, 2020). Future studies will, however,      scale exudates of a sticky material rich       entrained oil droplets form networks
be required to determine the applicabil-        in proteins and polysaccharides. This          that act as energy and carbon sources
ity of lab findings to natural conditions       material then accumulated cells, oil, and      for members of the microbial commu-
where other factors are known to mod-           surface inorganic particles into gelatinous    nity. This process allows microbes to
ify oil-dispersant mixtures. Further, epi-      flocs that, when combined with clay            build biomass. Further, biodegradation
demiological studies found that occupa-         particles from riverine runoff, sank to        does not need to occur exclusively with
tional exposure to dispersants during the       the seafloor in considerable amounts           oil-degrading bacteria directly attached
response resulted in adverse acute health       (Figures 1 and 2). This abundant marine        to the oil-water interface (Figure 2). It
effects that were still being reported up to    oil snow (MOS) formed at the sea               is quite possible for microbe communi-
three years later (McGowan et al., 2017).       surface (Passow et al., 2012; Ziervogel        ties sequestered in EPS films to consume
In the case of SSDI, less is known about        et al., 2012; Passow, 2014; Passow and         dissolved oil and thus serve as a driving
the direct impacts to humans. However,          Ziervogel, 2016), and some reports also        force for oil to partition from droplets
Gros et al. (2017) concluded—based on           suggest formation in the subsea plume          to a bulk state. Biosurfactants generated
modeling studies—that SSDI increased            at 1,100–1,220 m depth (see Burd et al.,       by the microbes can also incorporate oil
the entrapment of VOCs in the deep              2020; Passow and Stout, 2020; Ross et al.,     to form swollen micelles that are more
sea and thereby decreased their emis-           2021). This complex mixture of organic         accessible for their metabolism. More
sion to the atmosphere by 28%, includ-          matter, oil, and microbially produced          work, however, is needed to understand
ing a 2,000-fold decrease in emissions of       extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs)      the underlying mechanisms and driving
benzene, which ultimately lowered health        and transparent exopolymer particles           factors for these processes.
risks for response workers.                     (TEP; Quigg et al., 2016). EPSs facilitated       Dispersants alter the metabolic path-
    In terms of human health and disper-        access to oil components (Figure 2)            ways of organic matter biodegradation
sant application, certainly the mental and      and concurrently served as a metabolic         and hence biogeochemical pathways in
social welfare of those who live and work       substrate for a diverse community of           the ocean. Given that marine snow serves
in the region requires more critical inves-     bacteria (e.g., α- and γ-Proteobacteria,       as food for other organisms, this may
tigation (CRRC, 2010; IPIECA-IOGP,              Bacteroidetes, and Planktomycetales) and       result in its being repackaged in fecal
2015; Singer and Sempier, 2016; NASEM,          phytoplankton (diatoms, dinoflagellates,       material that sinks to the seafloor. Via this
2020; Solo-Gabriele et al., in press). The      phytoflagellates) (e.g., Lu et al., 2012;      pathway, marine oil snow sedimentation
adverse health effects for communities of       Baelum et al., 2012; Gutierrez et al.,         and flocculent accumulation (MOSSFA)
people in coastal areas adjacent to where       2013; Arnosti et al., 2016; Doyle et al.,      could transfer oil and other chemi-
the large quantities of dispersants were        2018, 2020; Kamalanathan et al., 2018;         cals to the food web (Figure 2; Passow
applied well away from land included            Bretherton et al., 2020; Finkel et al.,        and Ziervogel, 2016; Burd et al., 2020).
psychosocial and economic impacts               2020). These observations raise further        Estimates of the total spatial extent of
(Figure 4; Solo-Gabriele et al., in press).     questions about the effects of dispersant      MOSSFA on the seafloor of the northern
As summarized by Eklund et al. (2019),          application on microbial activities and        Gulf of Mexico range from 1,030 km2 to
studies found dispersant application to         microbially catalyzed degradation of oil.      35,425 km2 (Passow et al., 2012; Passow,
be associated with human health con-               MOS formed in the presence of dis-          2014; Daly et al., 2016; Burd et al., 2020;
cerns, including obesogenicity, toxicity,       persant appeared to contain more               Quigg et al., 2020; Passow and Overton,
and illnesses from aerosolization of the        n-alkanes than the oil-only aggregates         2021; Ross et al., 2021). Thus, MOSSFA
agents. Those heavily reliant upon nat-         (Fu et al., 2014; Genzer et al., 2020). EPSs   accounted for a significant fraction of the
ural resources for their livelihoods were       trap oil droplets (see Figure 6 in Quigg       oil returning to the deep ocean (Valentine
found to be vulnerable to high levels of        et al., 2016) and increase the bioavail-       et al., 2014; Brooks et al., 2015; Chanton
life disruptions and institutional distrust.    ability of oil components to microbial         et al., 2015; Yan et al., 2016; Romero
Going forward, actions taken to improve         communities (McGenity et al., 2012).           et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2018a,b). Recent
disaster response (i.e., media, education,      In this respect, EPS properties are simi-      reviews identify the gaps in knowledge
and outreach) can be expected to reduce         lar to those of surfactants as they reduce     about MOSSFA, focusing on the science
stress-associated health effects.               the interfacial tension between oil and        (Burd et al., 2020), operational response

104    Oceanography   | Vol.34, No.1
strategies (Quigg et al., 2020), and oil        WHAT ARE SOME OF                                  The difficulty in understanding pro-
spill responder and policy decisions            THE GRAND CHALLENGES                           cesses associated with the effervescing
(Ross et al., 2021).                            IDENTIFIED BY GoMRI                            “live” oil from a broken well are numer-
    How dispersants influence the forma-        SCIENTISTS?                                    ous (NASEM, 2020). No reliable con-
tion of MOS and ultimately the fate and         GoMRI research has significantly expand-       temporaneous measurements of drop-
transport of MOSSFA remains poorly              ed understanding of deep oil spills and the    let size diameters at or near the wellhead
understood. Collective studies con-             use of dispersants in response to them,        were obtained during the accident.
ducted under GoMRI revealed the rich            but do we know all that is needed to make      Furthermore, while some measurements
complexity of reactions and responses           a scientifically valid response decision for   of VOCs at the surface were obtained
of oil-droplet-dwelling microbial com-          the next major oil spill? Specific to the      (Nedwed, 2017), they were not system-
munities with and without dispersants           research conducted by GoMRI scientists,        atic or from fixed locations, nor were
through transcriptomic, metabolomic,            we have identified the following grand         the observations controlled for method.
proteomic, and concurrently ultra-              challenges in relation to dispersants.         Finally, prior to the spill, no high-pressure
high resolution mass spectrometry;                                                             experimentation had ever been done with
these techniques collectively revealed          Subsurface Dispersant Injection                a combination of crude oil saturated with
that we are only at the tip of the ice-         (SSDI) Application                             natural gas to emulate the actual multi-
berg in our understanding of the com-           Use of SSDI was unique to the DWH inci-        phase flows from a real blowout (see
plexities of MOS and MOSSFA (Box 1;             dent and, consequently, has changed the        Brandvik et al., 2016). Given the impor-
Figure 2). Given that the effects of dis-       way in which dispersants will be used in       tance of this issue, these data should be
persant on MOS formation and sedimen-           future deepwater blowout scenarios. As         revisited, accompanied by new modeling
tation depend largely on the relative con-      part of GoMRI efforts, we learned that         and assessment information.
centrations and surface characteristics of      SSDI affects transport, biodegradation,           To help resolve the issues of droplet
the dispersant, marine particles, oil resi-     flocculation, and sedimentation pro-           size formation with and without SSDI,
dues, and exudates, future studies might        cesses as oil enters and is distributed in a   and to determine partitioning of oil into
consider how and if novel dispersant for-       deep ocean environment (e.g., Paris et al.,    its constituents, GoMRI supported the
mulations will produce the MOSSFA               2012; Zhao et al., 2014; Kleindienst et al.,   development of high-pressure jet mod-
effect. In addition, potential impacts of       2015b; Lee et al., 2015; Daly et al., 2016;    ules and other experimental set-ups
different combinations (e.g., based on          Socolofsky et al., 2019; ). Murawski et al.,   (e.g., Figure 5; Jaggi et al., 2017; Malone
types, formulations) of oil and disper-         (2020) identified six important questions      et al., 2018; Pesch et al., 2018, 2020).
sant on MOS/MOSSFA require investi-             regarding the use of dispersants and par-      Importantly, these experiments included
gation as well as the effects of location       ticularly those delivered as SSDI: (1) How     the use of methane-saturated surrogate
(e.g., Arctic versus the Gulf of Mexico)        toxic are commonly used dispersants for        oils to evaluate the dynamic processes
as drivers for these impacts. Toxic effects     field-relevant species? (2) Are dispersants    associated with the physical and chem-
on corals that appear to result from their      + oil more toxic than oil alone or disper-     ical mechanisms present in an uncon-
exposure to oil and dispersant carried          sants alone? (3) How effective is SSDI         trolled blowout. Chief among the mech-
by sinking MOS (DeLeo et al., 2016) is          in creating subsurface plumes of small         anisms investigated were (1) the effect
little studied and also needs attention.        droplets vs. plume effects due to natural      on “live oil” of the over 80 bar, virtually
Together, all of this information is criti-     processes? (4) Do dispersants increase or      instantaneous, pressure drop at the blow-
cal in order to advance numerical model-        decrease biodegradation? (5) Does SSDI         out preventer that led to rapid-degassing,
ing of a simulated oil spill and the trajec-    reduce the presence of VOCs at the sea         droplet breakup, and the creation of
tories of resulting surface and subsurface      surface, thus potentially reducing inha-       smaller oil droplets; (2) the effects of
flows coupled to satellite mapping. These       lation exposure to humans and wildlife?        simulated obstructions in the blowout
analyses will provide responders and            (6) What are the trade-offs of seques-         preventer (such as the partially closed-
NRDA trustees information for predict-          tering oil in the deep sea by the use of       shear rams) on turbulent kinetic energy
ing where MOS may pose significant              SSDI (subject to the efficacy question) vs.    and particle size distributions; (3) the
risk, to whom injury will occur, and how        allowing more oil to surface and poten-        decrease in static pressure leading to fur-
to plan for a spatial and temporal sam-         tially come ashore? Others (e.g., Prince,      ther outgassing, enhanced buoyancy,
pling of natural resources at risk (see         2015) have compared the potential haz-         and faster droplet rising velocities; and
Ross et al., 2021, for more details). In this   ards and environmental fate of float-          (4) the effects of temperature and pres-
way, the NRDA process and other find-           ing slicks and dispersed oils. We need         sure on the partitioning rates of various
ings can leave a legacy of enhanced pre-        to determine the best science to address       oil-related compounds. Results of all of
paredness in advance of the next oil spill.     these and other questions.                     these experiments support the conten-

                                                                                                       Oceanography   | March 2021      105
While some authors used oil and dis-
                                                                                                        persants directly, others worked with
                                                                                                        WAF and CEWAF fractions. For the
                                                                                                        former method, a small, but ecologi-
                                                                                                        cally important, fraction of the oil dis-
                                                                                                        solves in the water and behaves differ-
                                                                                                        ently than the bulk oil (Liu et al., 2020).
                                                                                                        We know less about the factors affect-
                                                                                                        ing the fate and transport of crude oil
                                                                                                        water soluble fractions (WSF) in marine
                                                                                                        ecosystems, despite evidence suggest-
                                                                                                        ing that this fraction is enriched during
                                                                                                        weathering and is more toxic to aquatic
                                                                                                        organisms than the parent oil (Shelton
                                                                                                        et al., 1999; Barron et al., 2003; Melbye
                                                                                                        et al., 2009; Bera et al., 2020). For the lat-
FIGURE 5. Scientists and engineers evaluate droplet size distributions from oil and gas jet experi-
                                                                                                        ter method, it is difficult to maintain the
ments using a surrogate (pink stained) oil. For more information, see Pesch et al. (2020). Left photo   total concentration of hydrocarbons in
courtesy of Michael Schlüter, TUHH, Hamburg, Germany                                                    the test media due to differential disso-
                                                                                                        lution and dilution of the microdroplets
                                                                                                        in a WAF preparation, unless these are
tion that in actuality the distribution of          gas, and (3) waiting for a “spill of oppor-         removed a priori, which few studies
droplet diameters from the uncontrolled,            tunity” (e.g., the next deepwater blow-             do (e.g., Redman and Parkerton, 2015;
broken well were much smaller than has              out) and employing new measurement                  Kamalanathan et al., 2018; Bretherton
been projected from sea level experimen-            technologies and conducting experi-                 et al., 2018, 2020). The toxicity of chem-
tation (Brandvik et al., 2019; NASEM,               mentation with and without SSDI (see                ically dispersed oil can be up to an order
2020). Furthermore, even in the absence             Murawski et al., 2019). For a variety of            of magnitude higher than oil that has not
of SSDI, a substantial fraction of the oil          reasons, scaling up experimental facilities         been dispersed (Gardiner et al., 2013;
droplets from the well would have been              seems the most practical. As this is inher-         Bejarano et al., 2014; NASEM, 2020).
naturally dispersed (Aman et al., 2015;             ently an issue of public resource manage-           These issues impact not only experimen-
Lindo-Atichati et al., 2016), thus contrib-         ment, support for such a facility should            tal design (variable loading versus vari-
uting to lateral intrusions of hydrocarbons         be funded by the oil industry and the gov-          able dilution) but also interpretation of
(Diercks et al., 2010; Kessler et al., 2011)        ernment, with appropriate independent               the findings and their relevance to in situ
trapped by density stratification of sea-           scientific oversight.                               conditions; they are discussed in detail
water, as described earlier by Socolofsky                                                               in NASEM (2020).
and Adams (2005). This is supported by              Experimental Design
the detection of deep oil plumes at the             Conclusions regarding the relative tox-             New Dispersants
beginning of the oil spill before any sig-          icity of oil compared to chemically dis-            Over the decades, exact chemical for-
nificant SSDI use had occurred (Diercks             persed oil are not only species dependent           mulations for dispersants have changed
et al., 2010; Paris et al., 2018).                  but also influenced by the experimen-               in response to new findings. For exam-
   As noted in NASEM (2020) and by                  tal design (short vs. long term, in vivo            ple, there were concerns about the
Murawski et al. (2019), resolving the               vs. in situ) and the chemical exposure              adverse health effects in some respond-
questions surrounding the efficacy of               measurement unit used to determine the              ers as a result of prolonged exposure
the use of SSDI is imperative if it is ever         outcome (Coelho et al., 2013; Bejarano              to 2-butoxyethanol in Corexit 9527
again to be included in operational oil             et al., 2016; Bejarano, 2018; Mitchelmore           during the Exxon Valdez accident
spill response. There have been three dif-          et al., 2020; NASEM, 2020), as well as the          (NRC, 2005). This solvent is not pres-
ferent suggestions for additional research          use of different methods in the prepa-              ent in Corexit 9500A, the preferred dis-
to more definitively resolve the question           ration of water accommodated frac-                  persant for surface applications. In addi-
of SSDI efficacy, including (1) the use of          tions of oil (WAF) and, when work-                  tion, the hydrophobic solvent in Corexit
much larger-scale, high-pressure facili-            ing with Corexit or other dispersants,              has shifted over the years from hydro-
ties capable of using live oil, (2) the use         a chemically enhanced WAF (CEWAF;                   formed kerosene to NORPAR (mainly
of field-scale controlled releases of oil and       see Halanych et al., 2021, in this issue).          normal alkanes, also called paraffins,

106     Oceanography    | Vol.34, No.1
therefore the NORPAR), then to ISOPAR           (Owoseni et al., 2018).                        mitigation techniques, including disper-
(mainly branched or isoalkanes, some-              Other interesting new concepts in dis-      sants, offer better protection of environ-
times referred to as isoparaffins, there-       persant science include the formulation of     mental and socioeconomic resources.
fore ISOPAR). Thus, formulations have           dispersants from food grade emulsifiers        They integrate ecological, biological,
changed, even if only slightly. Synthetic       such as Tween and lecithin, which have         socioeconomic, and cultural consider-
dispersants enhance dispersion of the           been found to be more effective at sta-        ations into assessment strategies. They
oil by natural processes such as wind           bilizing emulsion droplets than Corexit        also encourage stakeholder involvement
and wave action (Chapman et al., 2007).         (Athas et al., 2014; Riehm et al., 2015)       in selecting the best response options.
The role of new dispersants that work in        and the use of engineered particles at the     As the oil and gas industry moves fur-
synergy with Corexit EC9500A, Finasol           oil-water interface (Omarova et al., 2018).    ther offshore, deeper and higher-​pressure
OSR 52, and Dasic Slickgone NS—​the             Synergistic aspects of both particles and      wells are being drilled. A spill would
dispersants of choice by the oil industry—​     surfactants have been reported in the          produce new challenges—what shape
remains an area for future studies.             design of novel tubular clays (halloysite)     might these take?
   A major challenge to the use of liq-         containing surfactants within their tubes         It will also take time and research to
uid dispersants is the drift of the disper-     (Farinmade et al., 2020). Here, the clays      determine whether the dispersants them-
sant spray when aerially applied. Also,         act to stabilize the oil-water interface and   selves, used in such high volumes and at
liquid dispersants can be washed off            release surfactant that reduces interfacial    subsea, are in fact effective at what they
when applied to heavy or weathered oils         tension and decreases droplet size. While      are intended to do and whether they
(Nedwed et al., 2008; Nyankson et al.,          the energy of wave action may be insuf-        have any longer-term detrimental effects
2014; Owoseni et al., 2014). The use of         ficient for surface spills, the turbulence     on marine life and/or public health.
gel-like dispersants has been proposed          at the well head in deep-sea oil spills will   Along with the grand challenges identi-
to overcome such limitations (Nedwed            allow the formation of particle-stabilized     fied above, there are further topics that
et al., 2008). Design characteristics for gel   emulsion droplets. Such armored (encap-        require additional attention. Last, but
dispersants would include a close adher-        sulated) droplets will not spread as a         not least, during GoMRI, as noted above,
ence to oil, a degree of buoyancy that          sheen when they surface but rather will        research has been undertaken to explore
would allow increased encounter with            spread as dispersed droplets with hydro-       alternatives to the established dispersants
surface spilled oil, and high surfactant        philic exteriors that may possibly be          (e.g., Corexit 9500A) in the United States.
concentrations to enable efficient disper-      skimmed effectively.                           As more knowledge is gained about alter-
sion (Nedwed et al., 2008). Owoseni et al.                                                     native formulations, and perhaps a much
(2018) showed that polyoxyethylene (20)         THE FUTURE                                     more effective and less harmful disper-
sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80) can be           Given that dispersant application has          sant is discovered/formulated, there is
incorporated into a gel-like phase formed       been an important component of oil             the pragmatic issue of Corexit 9500A
by phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) and           spill response since the early 1970s and       and other dispersants currently listed on
DOSS. Inclusion of the food grade, envi-        that dispersants have been used at least       the National Contingency Plan Product
ronmentally benign lecithin reduces the         20 times in the United States (NOAA,           Schedule that are already purchased
need for DOSS, and the system can be            2018), it is important to continue to          and stockpiled in key locations (https://
translated into a gel when the surfactants      develop a comprehensive understand-            www.epa.gov/​emergency-​response/​ncp-​
are dissolved into approximately equal          ing about the fate and effects of disper-      product-​ s chedule-​ products-​ available-​
amounts of water and alkane. The micro-         sants and chemically dispersed oil. This       use-​oil-​spills). There remains a paucity
structure of the gel as studied through         understanding will inform updating             of information on the long-term con-
small angle neutron scattering and cryo         of the American Petroleum Institute’s          sequences of dispersants in the marine
scanning electron microscopy is one of          Net Environmental Benefit Analysis             environment, as little is known about
sheet-like lamelli (sheets of thin mem-         for Effective Oil Spill Preparedness &         the fate of household cleaners and prod-
branes) that are rolled up into cylindrical     Response (API, 2016; IPIECA-IOGP,              ucts such as shampoos and dishwash-
lamelli. These systems are naturally buoy-      2015), the Spill Impact Mitigation             ing liquids. Thus, the use of these disper-
ant and break down on contact with oil          Assessment protocols (IPIECA, 2018),           sants enters the realm of the interfaces of
to release surfactants and reduce inter-        as well as the Consensus Ecological Risk       science-economics-policy management.
facial tension to as low as 10–2 mN m–1,        Assessment and the Comparative Risk            We submit that the current existence of
producing oil-in-water emulsions with           Assessment (see NASEM, 2020). All of           a stockpile of prepositioned dispersants
an average droplet size of 7.8 µm. Hence,       these approaches are used by the oil spill     should not hinder research that could
gels that are buoyant may increase              response community and key stakehold-          lead to more efficient and potentially less
encounter rate with surface oil spills          ers to determine what combination of           harmful dispersant formulations.

                                                                                                       Oceanography   | March 2021     107
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