Air quality standards for the concentration of particulate matter 2.5, global descriptive analysis - WHO | World ...

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Air quality standards for the concentration of particulate matter 2.5,
global descriptive analysis
Yevgen Nazarenko,a Devendra Pala & Parisa A Ariyab

    Objective To compare ambient air quality standards for the mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm
    (PM2.5) and exposure to these particles in national and regional jurisdictions worldwide.
    Methods We did a review of government documents and literature on air quality standards. We extracted and summarized the PM2.5
    concentration limits effective before July 2020, noting whether standards were enforced, voluntary or target. We compared averaging
    methods and permitted periods of time that standards may be exceeded. We made a descriptive analysis of PM2.5 standards by population,
    total area and population density of jurisdictions. We also compared data on actual PM2.5 air quality against the standards.
    Findings We obtained data on standards from 62 jurisdictions worldwide, including 58 countries. Of the world’s 136.06 million km2 land
    under national jurisdictions, 71.70 million km2 (52.7%) lack an official PM2.5 air quality standard, and 3.17 billion people live in areas without
    a standard. The existing standards ranged from 8 to 75 µg/m3, mostly higher than the World Health Organization guideline annual limit of
    < 10 µg/m3. The weakest PM2.5 standards were often exceeded, while the more stringent standards were often met. Several jurisdictions
    with the highest population density demonstrated compliance with relatively stringent standards.
    Conclusion The metrics used in PM2.5 ambient air quality standards should be harmonized worldwide to facilitate accurate assessment of
    risks associated with PM2.5 exposure. Population density alone does not preclude stringent PM2.5 standards. Modernization of standards can
    also include short-term standards to unmask PM2.5 fluctuations in high-pollution areas.

                                                                                      ing Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols
Introduction                                                                          (data repository).6
Millions of people die prematurely every year due to cardio-
                                                                                      Data sources
vascular disease, pulmonary disease and cancer caused by air
pollution.1 For the premature deaths due to cancer, air pollution                     We obtained the data on absolute particle mass concentration limits
is a leading environmental cause.2 Pollutants in the air exist as                     from regulatory documents, government websites and other sources
gases, and solid and liquid airborne particles also called aerosols.                  published up to 27 October 2020. We used articles in peer-reviewed
Aerosols occur in wide-ranging sizes. Among the different met-                        publications and documents of nationally or internationally recog-
rics describing particle size, the most common is aerodynamic                         nized organizations when we were unable to identify government
diameter (diameter of the spherical particle with a density of                        sources. We conducted an online search for each country listed in
1 g/m3 that has the same settling velocity as the given particle).3                   World Population Review,7 one by one, using the search strategy
Three particle size ranges with the upper limits of 10 μm, 2.5 μm                     exemplified in Fig. 1 and described in detail in the data repository.6
and 1 μm are named PM10, PM2.5 and PM1, respectively. They are                        Box 1 presents the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the analysis. We
used to define fractions of aerosols for regulatory purposes. Only                    consulted documents in Arabic, English, French, Japanese, Korean,
PM10 and PM2.5 are currently regulated in the form of ambient                         Mandarin, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese and Ukrainian.
air quality standards. Of these two, we focus on PM2.5 due to its                     We used Google Translate (Google LLC, Mountain View, USA) for
stronger association with adverse health effects.1                                    some search strings, websites and documents.
      The PM2.5 component of air pollution was responsible for an
                                                                                      Data collection
estimated 4.2 million annual premature deaths globally in 2015.4
In 2010, China had 1.3 million premature deaths due to exposure                       We extracted the following data items, if found: definitions of
to PM2.5, India had 575 000 and Pakistan had 105 000 deaths per                       PM2.5; absolute PM2.5 concentration limits; averaging periods
year.5 The 28 European Union (EU) countries had 173 000 and the                       to which absolute PM2.5 concentration limits apply (e.g. 20
United States of America (USA) 52 000 annual premature deaths.5                       minutes, 24 hours, annual); averaging method (e.g. arithmetic
Therefore, tightening and enforcing PM2.5 ambient air quality stan-                   mean, 98th or 99th percentile); envelope averaging period (e.g.
dards could reduce the burden of disease and premature mortality.                     3 years for the 24-hour standard); minimum legally mandated
      Here, we review PM2.5 standards worldwide and compare                           number of valid data points (e.g. 75%); number of permitted
standards across different jurisdictions.                                             exceedances of the PM2.5 limit over the averaging period (e.g.
                                                                                      nine days per year); tiers of standards (e.g. commercial and resi-
                                                                                      dential, primary and secondary); categories of standards (e.g.
Methods                                                                               enforced, voluntary or target); and dates from which standards
We carried out a review of PM2.5 air quality standards world-                         were effective. We also identified separate standards for some
wide, following the applicable guidelines of Preferred Report-                        subnational or supranational jurisdictions.

 Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
  Department of Chemistry, McGill University, 801 Sherbrooke Street West, Montréal, QC H3A 2K6, Canada.
Correspondence to Parisa A Ariya (email: parisa.ariya@​mcgill​.ca).
(Submitted: 15 October 2019 – Revised version received: 27 October 2020 – Accepted: 17 November 2020 – Published online: 15 December 2020 )

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D | doi:                                                                    125
 Ambient air quality standards worldwide                                                                                                          Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

     We obtained the data on popula-                                The data on the standards were ini-                      We converted the Minguo calendar
tion and area of jurisdictions from the                       tially compiled by one author in 2018 and                  dates in China, Taiwan’s regulations to
World Population Review7, and the data                        2019 and were independently verified                       the Roman calendar.
on country estimates for mean PM 2.5                          and updated in September 2019 against
                                                                                                                         Data analysis
ambient concentrations for 2016 from                          the sources by another author to ensure
the World Health Organization (WHO).8                         accuracy, except for Egypt, interpreted by                 We made a descriptive analysis of how the
These WHO data are synthesized from                           a colleague and native speaker. We later                   metrics of the standards compared across
the data routinely measured at selected                       updated and reanalysed the standards                       different jurisdictions. We analysed the
stationary monitoring stations in urban                       effective in July 2020.                                    standards against the total population
areas, satellite remote sensing, topogra-                                                                                of jurisdictions, population density and
phy and population estimates.                                                                                            geographical area of jurisdictions. We
                                                                                                                         also compared the standards against the
                                                                                                                         levels of actual urban PM2.5 air pollution
 Fig. 1. Search strategy for documents in the study of PM2.5 ambient air quality                                         in different jurisdictions to determine
         standards worldwide                                                                                             where the standards were met and where
                                                                                                                         they were exceeded.
                                                                                                                              We categorized the PM2.5 air qual-
                                     Web search using Google search engine                                               ity standards as: (i) enforced, when a
                        • Example of search query: Environmental protection agency of Japan                              penalty, enforcement, compliance or
                                                                                                                         a similar term was mentioned in the
                                                                                                                         source; (ii) voluntary, when stated so in
                            Examine search results and proceed to relevant websites                                      the source; or (iii) target, when a policy
                             • e.g. Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
                                                                                                                         statement existed regarding a level of
                                                                                                                         PM2.5 that various stakeholders agreed
                                                                                                                         to work to achieve. We provide this clas-
                                       Search keywords in selected website
                                                                                                                         sification to illustrate the approximate
                                   • e.g. PM2.5, PM2.5 ambient air quality standard
                                                                                                                         relative occurrence of the three different
                                                                                                                         regulatory approaches. This classifica-
                                                                                                                         tion should be interpreted with caution
                                               Translation needed?
                                                                                                                         because stakeholders in each jurisdiction
                                             Yes                               No                                        may by law or in reality apply differing
                                                                                                                         interpretations of regulatory statements
                          Translate to English using
                              Google Translate                                                                           regarding enforcement or lack thereof.

                           Locate and collect data items to be included in the analysis
                                     • e.g. PM2.5 ambient air quality standard                                           We identified the existence of PM 2.5
                                                                                                                         ambient air quality standards in 62
                                                                                                                         subnational, national and supranational
 PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm.                                       jurisdictions worldwide, including 58
 Note: We searched PM2.5 ambient air quality standards for individual countries listed in World Population
 Review.7 For the full search strategy see data repository.6                                                             countries. The analysed national and
                                                                                                                         regional PM2.5 ambient air quality stan-
                                                                                                                         dards are listed in Table 1 (available at:
 Box 1. Eligibility criteria for inclusion of documents in the study of PM2.5 ambient air                                http://​www​.who​.int/​bulletin/​volumes/​
        quality standards worldwide                                                                                      99/​2/​19​-245704). We obtained data on
 The standards had to be published in government documents, on government websites, in                                   actual PM2.5 ambient air pollution for
 government-commissioned reports, reports of nationally or globally recognized organizations,                            175 national jurisdictions. Out of these,
 or in peer-reviewed publications.                                                                                       we used the data on actual PM2.5 ambient
 Documents in any official language were acceptable.                                                                     air pollution for 57 jurisdictions for the
 Eligible standards had to specifically mention PM2.5 or its equivalent in the language of the                           analyses of PM2.5 ambient air quality stan-
 document or define the regulated fraction of ambient particulate air pollution as particles or                          dards versus ambient PM2.5 air pollution.
 aerosols smaller than approximately 2.5 µm. Conditions constituting a part of, or the full, ISO
 definition of PM2.5 were allowed.                                                                                       Averaging periods for
 Only annual and 24-hour standards were considered for the summary analysis. Standards with
 other averaging periods were included in the summary table only.                                                        Different jurisdictions set different inter-
 Multinational, national and regional jurisdictions were included. Self-determination by                                 vals over which they average the measured
 jurisdictions was sufficient.                                                                                           PM2.5 concentrations, such as 20 minutes,
 Standards must have been in force at the time of the summary analysis. Standards scheduled                              24 hours, annual and 3 years. Most juris-
 to come into force on a future date were included in the summary table only.                                            dictions used the 98th or 99th percentile,
 The level of enforceability of the standards or lack thereof was not considered as a criterion for                      and some used the arithmetic mean of all
 inclusion in the summary analysis.                                                                                      PM2.5 measurements over a prescribed
 ISO: International Organization for Standardization.                                                                    period. For example, in the USA, the an-

126                                                                                   Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
Fig. 2. Annual ambient PM2.5 air quality standards worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                                        Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

                                                                                                                                            PM2.5 concentration (µg/m3)

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
                                                                                                                                               No annual standard

                                                                                                                                            0        875       1750          3 500 km

                                                                                         PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm.
                                                                                         Note: Data for China are the commercial PM2.5 standard.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ambient air quality standards worldwide

                                                                                         Fig. 3. 24-hour ambient PM2.5 air quality standards worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                                        Ambient air quality standards worldwide

                                                                                                                                            PM2.5 concentration (µg/m3)
                                                                                                                                                No 24-hour standard

                                                                                                                                            0        875       1750          3 500 km

                                                                                         PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm.
                                                                                         Note: Data for China are the commercial PM2.5 standard.

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
                                                                                                                                                                                        Yevgen Nazarenko et al.
Fig. 4. Jurisdictions where annual PM2.5 ambient air pollution meet or exceeded WHO guidelines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

                                                                                                                                             PM2.5 concentration (µg/m3)

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
                                                                                                                                                No data
                                                                                                                                            0         875       1750       3 500 km

                                                                                         PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm; WHO: World Health Organization.
                                                                                         Notes: World Health Organization guideline annual PM2.5 pollution limit is 10 µg/m3. Data on PM2.5 ambient air pollution are from World Health Organization, 2016.8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ambient air quality standards worldwide

 Ambient air quality standards worldwide                                                                                              Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

nual arithmetic mean is used in the annual    average exposure indicator, which is a                       China used different PM2.5 standards
PM2.5 standard, and the 98th percentile of    3-year running annual mean PM2.5 con-                   for the first-class (residential) and the
24-hour arithmetic means of concentra-        centration averaged over selected moni-                 second-class (commercial) zones. Both
tions over a 3-year period is used in the     toring stations in urban areas (Table 1).44             the annual and the 24-hour standards
24-hour PM2.5 standard. In the Russian        Ukraine, which has an association agree-                differed substantially for the two zones:
Federation, the 99th percentile of 24-hour    ment with the EU, adopted the EU’s PM2.5                15 µg/m3 annual and 35 µg/m3 24-hour
arithmetic means of concentrations over       standard to take effect in 2018. The EU                 for the first-class zones and 35 µg/m 3
1 year is applied. Some jurisdictions set     supported the creation of the air quality               annual and 75 µg/m 3 24-hour for the
a maximum allowed number of exceed-           monitoring infrastructure and imple-                    second-class zones.
ances of a time-averaged PM2.5 concentra-     mentation of the standard in Ukraine
                                                                                                      Air quality standards by
tion. For example, nine exceedances per       since 2015, yet progress has been slow,
                                                                                                      population density
year are allowed in Hong Kong Special         and the monitoring network has not been
Administrative Region (SAR), and no           completed as of 2020.45                                 Of the world’s total area of jurisdictions
exceedances are allowed in the Russian             In the Eastern Mediterranean Re-                   in the WHO World Population Review
Federation. Critically, many jurisdictions    gion, with known high levels of PM2.5 air               (136.06 million km 2), just under half
did not specify any averaging method, the     pollution due to desert dust, fuel-burning              (64.36 million km2; 47.3%) was part of
minimum percentage of valid data points,      emissions and oil refining, only Egypt,                 national jurisdictions with any PM 2.5
or exceedances.                               Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had PM2.5 air                 annual ambient air quality standard
                                              quality standards.46,47                                 (Fig. 5). The medium-stringency annual
Stringency of air quality
                                                   South Africa was the only country in               standards ≤ 25 µg/m3 covered 52.52 mil-
                                              the African Region with a PM2.5 standard.               lion km2 or 38.6% of the world’s total
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 present a map of the        The current annual standard of 20 µg/m3                 area of national jurisdictions, including
world with jurisdictions coloured accord-     and the 24-hour standard of 40 µg/m3 will               28.98 million km 2 or 21.3% protected
ing to the stringency of the annual and       be lowered to 15 µg/m3 and 25 µg/m3,                    by the strictest official annual PM 2.5
24-hour standards. For China, we used the     respectively, on 1 January 2030.10                      ambient air quality standards ≤ 15 µg/
commercial-area PM2.5 standards because
many people lived near factories and other
sources of air pollution. The existing an-     Fig. 5. Population and total area covered by different annual PM2.5 ambient air quality
nual standards ranged from 8 to 75 µg/m3               standards worldwide
in different countries worldwide (Fig. 2).
Therefore, most annual standards ex-
ceeded both the level at which no detected                                                                          0.78 billion
health effects are expected according to
WHO (3–5 µg/m3) and the guideline an-
                                                 (7.63 billion people)                                                             0.97 billion
nual PM2.5 pollution limits set by WHO.
These guidelines are 10 µg/m3 (annual)
and 25 µg/m3 (24-hour).9 The real ambi-                                3.17 billion
ent air pollution also exceeded WHO
guidelines in most of the world (Fig. 4).
     Fewer jurisdictions had PM2.5 24-
hour standards than annual standards.
                                                                                                                            2.78 billion
Notably, only the Russian Federation
had a 24-hour standard in the European
Region. The Russian Federation had a
20-minute PM 2.5 standard along with                                                                                     21.3%
the 24-hour and annual standards, while           Area
most other countries of the former Soviet         (136.06 million km2)
Union did not have any PM2.5 standards.
     In the USA, there were primary and
secondary standards. This primary stan-
dard allows for an adequate safety margin
to protect public health, considering the                                                                                            17.3%
uncertainties of available technical and
scientific information. The secondary
standard has no attainment deadline and
is based on known or anticipated adverse
effects on public welfare, including eco-      Annual PM2.5 standard, µg/m³
systems, buildings and monuments.18                 25 µg/m³ (40 µg /m³ max)         No PM2.5 annual standard
objectives targeted population exposure
to fine particles. These objectives are set    PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm.
at the national level and based on the         Source: World Population Review, 2019.7

130                                                              Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
Yevgen Nazarenko et al.                                                                                                  Ambient air quality standards worldwide

m3. The least stringent annual standards                  m3). Therefore, high population density                  population densities (6785 inhabitants
exceeding 25 µg/m3 (up to 40 µg/m3 in                     alone cannot be a barrier to achieving                   per km2), but, unlike Singapore, one of
India) covered only 11.84 million km2 or                  compliance with stringent standards.                     the least stringent annual PM2.5 standards
8.7% of the world land part of national                   Many densely populated cities within                     (35 µg/m3). Both China and India had
jurisdictions, home to 2.78 billion people                sparsely populated jurisdictions were                    one of the least stringent annual PM2.5
or 36.6% of the global population of 7.63                 covered by and often met the strictest                   standards in the world (35 and 40 µg/
billion in 2018.7 Areas where no PM2.5                    standards set by those jurisdictions.                    m3, respectively) combined with high but
ambient air quality standard was in effect                     We plotted annual PM2.5 standards                   different population densities (146 and
are home to 3.17 billion people.                          in individual jurisdictions listed in                    416 inhabitants per km2). Norway and
     We compared the total population                     Table 1 versus the population density                    Paraguay stood out with their stricter an-
and area of jurisdictions by annual PM2.5                 (logarithmic scale), including individual                nual PM2.5 standards (15 µg/m3 in both)
standard and population density (Fig. 6).                 EU’s national jurisdictions (Fig. 7). Sev-               and low population densities (16.7 and
The areas of low population density                       eral notable clusters of jurisdictions                   17.2 inhabitants per km2) relative to those
(< 100 inhabitants per km2) applied only                  stood out. Australia and Canada had a                    in their respective regions. The EU’s an-
the strictest (≤ 15 µg/m 3) or medium                     combination of very strict annual PM2.5                  nual PM2.5 ambient air quality standard
(20–25 µg/m3) annual PM2.5 standards.                     ambient air quality standards (8 and                     was relatively lax among the prosperous
In the areas of high population density                   8.8 µg/m3, respectively) and low popu-                   jurisdictions, notably higher than in Aus-
of 100–1000 inhabitants per km2, most                     lation density (3.3 and 3.7 inhabitants                  tralia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South
people and land were covered by the least                 per km 2, respectively), but contained                   Africa and the USA. Several densely
stringent annual PM2.5 standards (> 25 µg/                several densely populated cities. Singa-                 populated jurisdictions could maintain
m3). However, in areas with the highest                   pore had one of the highest population                   relatively strict annual PM2.5 ambient air
population density (> 1000 inhabitants                    densities (8265 inhabitants per km2) yet                 quality standards: Dominican Republic,
per km2) with a PM2.5 ambient air quality                 one of the lowest annual PM2.5 ambient                   El Salvador, Japan, Singapore, China
standard, most population and land were                   air quality standards (12 µg/m3). Hong                   (Taiwan only) and Trinidad and Tobago.
covered by the strictest standards (≤ 15 µg/              Kong SAR also had one of the highest

 Fig. 6. Analysis of total population and total area of jurisdictions where different annual PM2.5 ambient air quality standards are in
         effect worldwide by population density


               1000 inhabitants per km²
                                                                                                0.18 billion   7.43 million

    0.43 billion                                                                                0.54 billion
                                           0.58 billion                                                        0.43 million

                                                          2.77 billion                                                                               20.85 million

                   Total 1.01 billion                                     Total 3.49 billion                                  Total 28.71 million


                                                                                               3.3%                  18.6%

        42.4%                                                                                  16.9%                  5.3%

                                                             79.8%                                                                                  76.1%

             Total area 54.3 million km²                             Total area 16.3 million km²                         Total area 5.9 thousand km²

                                                                Range of PM2.5 annual standard, μg/m3
                                       25 µg/m³ (40 µg/m³ max)

 PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm.

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:                                                                           131
 Ambient air quality standards worldwide                                                                                                                                           Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

Comparison of air quality to                               Fig. 7. Annual PM2.5 ambient air quality standards and population density worldwide
The annual PM 2.5 ambient air quality                                            45
standards were often exceeded in the
jurisdictions with the highest PM2.5 am-
bient air pollution (Fig. 8; available at:                                       40
http://​www​.who​.int/​bulletin/​volumes/​                                                                                                                                                   Hong Kong SAR
99/​2/​19​-245704). Singapore stood out by                                       35
its relatively strict annual PM2.5 standard

                                                 Annual PM2.5 standard (µg/m3)
despite PM2.5 air pollution that consider-                                       30
ably exceeded the standard. Where the                                                                                                             European Union
                                                                                                            Russian Federation          Ukraine
EU’s standard was in effect, the PM2.5 air                                                      Iceland                                                  Germany
pollution was highly variable, ranging                                           25
                                                                                                             Canada, Ontario Colombia                   United Kingdom
from 20.8 µg/m3 in Bulgaria to 5.9 µg/
m3 in Iceland.                                                                   20                                                    South Africa
                                                                                                                           Chile                             Republic of Korea
      We excluded many jurisdictions                                                                                                                           Japan
where PM2.5 pollution exceeded 30 µg/                                                                                                                                                       Argentina, Buenos Aires
m3 (Fig. 9) from the analysis because                                                                            Paraguay Peru         Ecuador                      China, Taiwan
                                                                                                                                                      Dominican Republic
they lacked an annual PM 2.5 ambient                                                                                  Norway       USA Mexico                                                        Singapore
air quality standard. These jurisdictions                                        10
                                                                                                      Canada                                          Switzerland
need urgent PM2.5 air pollution reduction                                                            Australia
measures. These excluded jurisdictions                                            5
included Armenia, Mongolia, Nepal,                                                    1     2    3 4 5 6         10       20 30 40 60        100         200 300 500        1000     2000      4000 7000     10 000
North Macedonia, Tajikistan and Turkey                                                                    Population density in 2018, inhabitants per km2 (log scale)
and many countries in the African and                                                     WHO guideline for annual PM2.5 pollution
Eastern Mediterranean Regions.
                                                            PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm; SAR: Special
                                                            Administrative Region; WHO: World Health Organization.
Discussion                                                  Note: Selected jurisdictions are labelled. The countries adhering to the European Union standard had the
                                                            annual standard 25 µg/m3. World Health Organization guideline annual PM2.5 pollution limit is 10 µg/m3.
In many jurisdictions, air quality regula-
tions defined PM2.5 as all particles smaller
than 2.5 μm. This definition does not             such as children and the elderly in the                                                              The PM2.5 fraction contributes the
match the definition published by the In-         residential zones, in a time of transition to-                                                  most to the total burden of disease from
ternational Organization for Standardiza-         wards a geographically uniform standard.                                                        particulate air pollution exposure.4 In the
tion (ISO).3 Many regulatory documents                 Jurisdictions within nations may set                                                       past, jurisdictions with high ambient PM2.5
referred simply to particle diameter rather       subnational standards that are weaker                                                           air pollution saw health and environmen-
than aerodynamic diameter, even though            than national standards. Canada is one                                                          tal benefits from the implementation of
the definition of particle diameter as aero-      example. The federal PM2.5 air quality                                                          PM2.5 ambient air quality standards and
dynamic diameter is critical to the ISO           standard was 8.8 µg/m 3 (annual) and                                                            measures to reduce PM2.5 exposure.52,53
definition of PM2.5. Various metrics exist        27 µg/m3 (24-hour). Quebec and Ontario                                                          However, many jurisdictions still do not
for particle diameter besides aerodynamic         had their own 24-hour PM2.5 standards                                                           regulate PM2.5 air pollution or still have
diameter (detailed list in data reposi-           of 30 µg/m3, which prevailed over the                                                           standards that are far from the safer levels
tory).6,48,49 Therefore, regulations referring    federal standard. Quebec did not sign                                                           based on the evidence from epidemio-
only to particle diameter without defining        on to the federal annual PM2.5 standard.                                                        logical studies.9 Mechanistic studies found
it introduce ambiguity. Jurisdictions can         However, because air quality standards                                                          that the chemical composition of inhaled
solve the problem by updating regulations         in Canada are voluntary and overwhelm-                                                          particles influences the biological effects
with references to aerodynamic diameter           ingly met, no conflict exists.                                                                  these particles cause upon inhalation.54
specifically.                                          Short-term standards, such as the                                                          However, health studies conducted to date
      Some jurisdictions used a two-tier          20-minute 160 µg/m3 PM2.5 standard in                                                           have predominantly assessed the impact
system of standards, such as different stan-      the Russian Federation, could be used in                                                        of the total mass of inhaled PM2.5 particles
dards for commercial versus residential           parallel with the annual and the 24-hour                                                        over time, irrespective of PM2.5 aerosol
areas. One example of such a two-tier             standards to reveal acute short-term                                                            composition.55 Nevertheless, investing
system is China, where a laxer standard           spikes of PM2.5 concentrations. The use of                                                      efforts into the total PM2.5 air pollution
was used in commercial zones where                such a short-term averaging period, but                                                         reduction may be more beneficial than
air pollution levels are generally higher,        only when combined with an adequately                                                           regulating different PM2.5 air pollution
even though many people live next to              strict PM2.5 concentration limit, can be                                                        components separately. An exception to
China’s factories. Geographically uniform         useful in light of the current knowledge                                                        this approach might be made in areas
standards are more useful for protecting          from controlled-exposure research on                                                            with strong natural dust sources, such as
occupational and public health. However,          healthy adults that short-term exposures                                                        the Middle East, where monitoring and
China's current zone-based system may             to high PM2.5 concentrations can cause                                                          controlling anthropogenic source emis-
better protect vulnerable populations,            adverse health effects.50,51                                                                    sions could be more effective.

132                                                                                              Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
Fig. 9. Jurisdictions where annual PM2.5 ambient air pollution exceeded 30 µg/m3, 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                     Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

                                                                                                                                            PM2.5 concentration (µg/m3)

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
                                                                                                                                                No data

                                                                                                                                           0         875       1750       3 500 km

                                                                                         PM2.5: mass concentration of aerosol particles smaller than approximately 2.5 μm.
                                                                                         Note: Data on PM2.5 ambient air pollution are from World Health Organization, 2016.8
                                                                                                                                                                                       Ambient air quality standards worldwide

 Ambient air quality standards worldwide                                                                                   Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

     Standards and air quality monitor-        voluntary PM2.5 air quality standards in           jurisdictions might have had regulations
ing data cannot be accurately compared         Canada are uniquely associated with a              that included PM2.5 that were not includ-
between different jurisdictions when data      robust, extensive network of air qual-             ed in the analysis because they were not
collection and processing methods differ       ity monitoring stations registering only           defined as PM2.5 or were not accessible to
(different PM2.5 definitions, averaging        rare local exceedances. Outside of this            the authors due to the language barrier
periods, exceedances, percentiles). The        context, voluntary air quality standards           or other difficulties with access to infor-
differences in these metrics result in         may not be justified.                              mation. Inaccessibility, along with our
potential discrepancies between PM2.5               The success of strict ambient air             specific inclusion and exclusion criteria,
ambient air pollution levels and the values    quality standards in several densely               and our data reflecting the standards in
recorded and used to determine compli-         populated jurisdictions demonstrates               2020, could have caused slight differences
ance with the standards. Currently, there      that high population density should not            between our results and the WHO maps
is no universal set of metrics used in PM2.5   discourage the implementation of PM2.5             on air quality standards.56
ambient air quality standards that would       ambient air pollution reduction mea-                    In conclusion, to protect people's
ensure comparability of monitoring data        sures, including stricter PM2.5 ambient            health from harmful PM2.5 air pollution,
globally. Without a universal metric, the      air quality standards.                             we suggest that regulatory agencies and
same absolute PM2.5 mass concentration              The current 24-hour standards mask            governments adopt and regularly tighten
limit can permit different levels of PM2.5     sharp PM2.5 concentration spikes over              PM 2.5 ambient air quality standards.
pollution. The temporal and spatial dis-       short periods of minutes to hours. Juris-          Where PM2.5 air quality often exceeds
tributions of the absolute recorded levels     dictions with a high temporal variability          WHO guidelines, these standards should
of PM2.5 ambient air pollution are used        of PM2.5 concentration, such as in India           be enforced with clearly defined enforce-
in epidemiological studies and health          and China, should consider short-term              ment mechanisms. The standards must
risk assessment, where the differences in      averaging (such as over 20 minutes or              be stringent enough for each local level
metrics can introduce errors. We suggest       1 hour) along with high percentiles (such          of PM2.5 ambient air pollution to drive
worldwide harmonization of the metrics         as the 98th or 99th) of 1-hour arithmetic          meaningful air pollution reduction ac-
of the PM 2.5 air quality standards to         means to monitor and reduce short-term             tions that are adequate and meaningful
achieve the same averaging methods and         PM2.5 spikes.                                      considering the level of PM2.5 ambient air
exceedance allowances, or phasing out of            Our study has some limitations. We            pollution in a given jurisdiction. Govern-
exceedance allowances. This harmoniza-         could not confirm the existence of PM2.5           ments and agencies must avoid using the
tion of the metrics of the PM2.5 air quality   regulations in certain countries with high         arithmetic mean metric, which tends to
standards may be achieved if the WHO           PM2.5 pollution and associated mortality,          conceal high-pollution episodes reducing
guidelines specify a universal PM2.5 defi-     including Indonesia, Iraq, Myanmar, Ni-            governments’ ability to identify and re-
nition based on aerodynamic diameter,          geria, Sudan, Thailand and Turkey, even            mediate sources of PM2.5. We suggest that
and establish a common averaging and           though PM10 or other standards may be              high percentiles should be used instead
data recording method.                         in place and some jurisdictions without            of the arithmetic mean. ■
     Enforced, target or voluntary stan-       an identified standard might be using
dards were used in different jurisdictions.    WHO guidelines. The Islamic Republic               Acknowledgements
The goal to achieve the target standards       of Iran is an example of such a situation.         Parisa A Ariya is also affiliated with the
is generally political, where account-         The Iranian government’s environment               Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
ability between responsible government         department stated on their website that            Sciences, McGill University. We thank
branches exists. There is no universal         they are guided by the PM2.5 standards of          Nermin Eltouny, Ali Moridnejad and
enforcement mechanism and no defini-           the United States Environmental Protec-            Allison P Patton.
tion of enforcement in the case of target      tion Agency (the department could not
standards. Enforced standards function         be reached for comment). We also found             Funding: The study was funded by the
through the possibility that at least one      recommendations in the government                  Natural Science and Engineering Re-
responsible party will bear potential          documents of some of these countries               search Council of Canada, Environment
financial, administrative or other costs       regarding the reduction of particulate             and Climate Change Canada, and the
resulting from non-compliance. Unless          emissions. Iranian authorities, for exam-          Canadian Foundation for Innovation.
standards are explicitly defined as volun-     ple, have recommendations for numer-               Yevgen Nazarenko is supported by the
tary, various types of costs of non-com-       ous interventions to reduce emissions,             Mitacs Elevate Fellowship.
pliance are possible. Canada is a notable      including limits on vehicle emissions,
exception where PM2.5 ambient air quality      industry, open burning, cooking fuels              Competing Interests: None declared.
standards were defined as voluntary. The       and enforcement mechanisms. Also some

                                                   ‫ حتليل وصفي عاملي‬،‫ ميكرومرت‬2.5 ‫معايري جودة اهلواء لرتكيز املادة اجلزيئية‬
‫الطريقة قمنا بمراجعة الوثائق واملؤلفات احلكومية عن معايري‬              ‫الغرض مقارنة معايري جودة اهلواء املحيط لرتكيز كتلة جزيئات‬
‫ قمنا باستخراج وتلخيص حدود تركيز جزيئات‬.‫جودة اهلواء‬                    ‫ والتعرض هلذه‬،)PM2.5( ‫ ميكرومرت تقري ًبا‬2.5 ‫اهلواء األقل من‬
‫ مع‬،2020 ‫متوز‬/‫ ميكرومرت التي كانت سارية قبل يوليو‬2.5 ‫اهلواء‬            ‫اجلسيامت يف السلطات القضائية الوطنية واإلقليمية يف مجيع أنحاء‬
‫ قمنا‬.‫مالحظة ما إذا كانت املعايري إجبارية أو طوعية أو مستهدفة‬                                                                 .‫العامل‬

134                                                            Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
Yevgen Nazarenko et al.                                                                                          Ambient air quality standards worldwide

/‫ ميكروجرام‬10 ‫ والبالغ أقل من‬،‫لتوجيه منظمة الصحة العاملية‬                         ‫بمقارنة طرق حساب املتوسط والفرتات الزمنية املسموح هبا والتي‬
،‫ ميكرومرت‬2.5 ‫ تم غال ًبا جتاوز أضعف معايري تركيز‬.‫مرت مكعب‬                                             ً
                                                                                  2.5 ‫حتليل وصف ًيا ملعايري‬  ‫ لقد أجرينا‬.‫قد يتم جتاوز املعايري فيها‬
‫ أظهرت العديد‬.‫بينام تم يف األغلب الوفاء باملعايري األكثر رصامة‬                    ‫ والكثافة السكانية‬،‫ ومساحة األرض‬،‫ميكرومرت حسب السكان‬
‫من السلطات القضائية ذات الكثافة السكانية األعىل امتثاهلا ملعايري‬                  ‫أيضا بمقارنة البيانات اخلاصة بجودة‬  ً ‫ قمنا‬.‫للسلطات القضائية‬
                                                      .‫صارمة نسبي ًا‬                                  .‫ ميكرومرت يف مقابل املعايري‬2.5 ‫اهلواء برتكيز‬
‫االستنتاج جيب تنسيق املقاييس املستخدمة يف معايري جودة‬                             ‫ سلطة‬62 ‫النتائج حصلنا عىل بيانات بخصوص املعايري من‬
‫ وذلك‬،‫ ميكرومرت يف مجيع أنحاء العامل‬2.5 ‫اهلواء املحيط برتكيز‬                      ‫ مليون‬136.06 ‫ من بني‬.‫ دولة‬58 ‫ بام يشمل‬،‫قضائية يف حول العامل‬
2.5 ‫لتسهيل التقييم الدقيق للمخاطر املرتبطة بالتعرض لرتكيز‬                         ،‫كيلومرت مربع من األرايض اخلاضعة للسلطات القضائية الوطنية‬
‫ ال تعيق الكثافة السكانية وحدها املعايري الصارمة‬.‫ميكرومرت‬                         ‫) إىل معيار‬52.7%( ‫ مليون كيلومرت مربع‬71.70 ‫تفتقر مساحة‬
‫ يمكن كذلك أن يشمل حتديث املعايري‬.‫ ميكرومرت‬2.5 ‫لرتكيز‬                             ‫ مليار‬3.17 ‫ ويعيش‬،‫ ميكرومرت‬2.5 ‫رسمي جلودة اهلواء برتكيز‬
‫ ميكرومرت يف‬2.5 ‫معايري قصرية األجل لكشف تقلبات الرتكيز‬                            75 ‫ إىل‬8 ‫ تراوحت املعايري احلالية من‬.‫نسمة يف مناطق دون معيار‬
                                              .‫املناطق عالية التلوث‬               ‫ وهي يف الغالب أعىل من احلد السنوي‬،‫مرت مكعب‬/‫ميكروجرام‬

有关 PM2.5 浓度的空气质量标准 , 全球描述性分析
目的 旨在比较世界各国和各地区有关气溶胶颗粒【直                                                          正规的 PM2.5 空气质量标准管制 ,31.7 亿人生活在未设
径大约小于 2.5 微米 (PM2.5)】质量浓度和暴露情况的                                                   置相关标准的地区。当前各标准的规定限值从 8 微克
环境空气质量标准。                                                                         / 立方米到 75 微克 / 立方米不等 , 大部分高于世界卫
方法 我们已查阅有关空气质量标准的政府文件和文                                                           生组织发布的指南规定的年均浓度限值 ( 低于 10 微
献。我们提取并汇总了 2020 年 7 月前生效的 PM2.5 浓                                                 克 / 立方米 )。设置最宽松的 PM2.5 标准 , 通常会超标 ,
度限值 , 并标明了各标准是要求强制、自愿还是有针                                                         而若标准比较严格 , 反而通常会符合要求。调查显示 ,
对性地执行。我们比较了平均方法以及可能超出标准                                                           人口密度最高的几个司法管辖区采用了相对严格的标
要求的允许时间段。基于辖区内的人口、土地面积和                                                           准。
人口密度对 PM2.5 标准进行了描述性分析。还将实际                                                       结论 PM2.5 环境空气质量标准规定的指标应在全球范
的 PM2.5 空气质量数据与标准进行了比较。                                                           围内保持统一 , 以便准确评估 PM2.5 暴露相关风险。不
结果 我们采纳了全球 62 个司法管辖区 ( 包括 58 个国                                                   能仅因人口密度小而放弃采用严格的 PM2.5 标准。标
家 ) 与标准有关的数据。在全球 13,606 万平方公里受                                                    准的现代化改造还可能包括制定短期标准 , 以探明高
国家管辖的土地中 ,7,170 万平方公里 ( 占 52.7%) 缺乏                                               污染地区的 PM2.5 值波动情况。

Normes de qualité de l'air pour la concentration de matières particulaires MP2,5: analyse descriptive globale
Objectif Comparer les normes de qualité de l'air ambiant en termes de             nationale, 71,70 millions de km2 (52,7%) ne faisaient l'objet d'aucune
concentration massique des particules en suspension dont le diamètre              norme officielle fixant la qualité de l'air selon les MP2,5 et 3,17 milliards
est inférieur à 2,5 μm environ (MP2,5) ainsi que l'exposition à ces particules    de personnes vivent dans des zones où il n'existe aucune norme en
dans les juridictions nationales et régionales du monde entier.                   vigueur. Les normes actuelles vont de 8 à 75 µg/m3 et sont généralement
Méthodes Nous avons examiné les publications et documents officiels               supérieures à la limite annuelle < 10 µg/m3 définie dans les lignes
consacrés aux normes de qualité de l'air. Nous en avons extrait les limites       directrices de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Les normes MP2,5 les
de concentration en MP2,5 appliquées avant juillet 2020 et les avons              plus basses étaient fréquemment dépassées, tandis que les plus strictes
synthétisées, en notant si ces normes étaient imposées, facultatives ou           étaient souvent respectées. De nombreuses juridictions affichant une
ciblées. Nous avons comparé les méthodes de calcul des moyennes                   forte densité démographique ont montré qu'elles se conformaient à
et les périodes durant lesquelles il était possible de s'en écarter. Nous         des normes relativement strictes.
avons également réalisé une analyse descriptive des normes en matière             Conclusion Les chiffres employés pour déterminer les normes MP2,5
de MP2,5 en fonction de la population, du territoire et de la densité             indiquant la qualité de l'air ambiant devraient être harmonisés dans
démographique des juridictions. Enfin, nous avons effectué une                    le monde entier afin de mieux évaluer les risques associés à une
comparaison entre les données concernant la qualité de l'air actuelle             exposition aux MP2,5. La densité démographique n'empêche pas à elle
en termes de MP2,5 d'une part, et les normes de l'autre.                          seule l'adoption de normes MP2,5 strictes. Par ailleurs, des mesures à
Résultats Nous avons obtenu des informations sur les normes en                    court terme peuvent être intégrées dans la modernisation des normes
vigueur au sein de 62 juridictions à travers le monde, réparties dans             pour identifier les fluctuations de MP2,5 dans les régions très polluées.
58 pays. Sur les 136,06 millions de km2 de territoires sous juridiction

Стандарты качества воздуха для концентрации твердых частиц 2,5: глобальный описательный анализ
Цель Сравнить стандарты качества окружающего воздуха для                          государственных и региональных юрисдикций в мировом
массовой концентрации аэрозольных частиц размером менее                           масштабе.
прибл. 2,5 мкм (PM2,5) и воздействие этих частиц на уровне

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:                                                                    135
     Ambient air quality standards worldwide                                                                                                            Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

Методы Авторы выполнили критическую оценку официальных                                        районах, не имеющих стандарта. Существующие стандарты
государственных документов и литературы по стандартам                                         варьируются в диапазоне от 8 до 75 мкг/м3, что в большинстве
качества воздуха. Авторы извлекли и обобщили данные по                                        случаев превышает годовой предел, установленный Всемирной
предельной концентрации PM2,5, которая действовала до                                         организацией здравоохранения и составляющий
Yevgen Nazarenko et al.                                                                                                                  Ambient air quality standards worldwide

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Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:                                                                                                    137
Yevgen Nazarenko et al.                                                                                       Ambient air quality standards worldwide

Table 1. Air quality standards for the concentration of PM2.5 around the world, effective before July 2020

Area or jurisdiction        PM2.5 standard, current        Since year       PM2.5 standard,      Enforced, volun-                 Reference(s)
by WHO region                                                                future (year)        tary or targeta
WHO guidelines
Level of no health       3–5 µg/m3                         NA             NA                    NA                     WHO, 20069
Target levels            Annual: 10 µg/m3;                 2005           Plans not published   NA                     WHO, 20069
                         24-hour: 25 µg/m3
African Region
South Africa             Annual: 20 µg/m3;                 2016           Annual: 15 µg/m3;     Enforcement            Department of Environmental
                         24-hour: 40 µg/m3                                24-hour: 25 µg/m3     regulations in draft   Affairs of the Government of
                                                                          (2030)                stage                  South Africa, 201210
Region of the Americas
Argentina, Buenos   Annual: 15 µg/m3;                      NR             Plans not published   NR                     The Clean Air Institute, 201211
Aires               24-hour: 65 µg/m3
Bolivia, La Paz     Annual: 10 µg/m3;                      NR             Plans not published   NR                     The Clean Air Institute, 201211
                    24-hour: 25 µg/m3
Canada              Annual: 8.8 µg/m3 (3-year              2020           Plans not published   Voluntary              Canadian Council of Ministers of
                    average of the annual                                                                              the Environment, 202012
                    average of all 1-hour
                    24-hour: 27 µg/m3 (3-year
                    average of the annual
                    98th percentile of the
                    daily 24-hour average
Canada, Province of 24-hour: 30 µg/m3                      2011           Plans not published   Voluntary              Ministry of the Environment
Quebec                                                                                                                 and the Fight against Climate
                                                                                                                       Change, 201613
Canada, Province of24-hour: 30 µg/m3 (3-year               2012           Plans not published   Voluntary              Standards Development Branch
Ontario            average of the annual                                                                               of the Ontario Ministry of the
                   98th percentile of the                                                                              Environment, 201214
                   daily 24-hour average
                   24-hour: 25 µg/m3 for
                   individual sources
Chile              Annual: 20 µg/m3 (98th                  2011           Plans not published   Target                 Ministry of the Environment of
                   1-year percentile);                                                                                 Chile, 201115
                   24-hour: 50 µg/m3 (3-year
Colombia           Annual: 25 µg/m3;                       NR             Plans not published   NR                     The Clean Air Institute, 201211
                   24-hour: 50 µg/m3
Dominican Republic Annual: 15 µg/m3;                       NR             Plans not published   NR                     The Clean Air Institute, 201211
                   24-hour: 65 µg/m3
Ecuador            Annual: 15 µg/m3;                       NR             Plans not published   NR                     The Clean Air Institute, 201211
                   24-hour: 65 µg/m3
El Salvador        Annual: 15 µg/m3;                       NR             Plans not published   NR                     The Clean Air Institute, 201211
                   24-hour: 65 µg/m3
Mexico             Annual: 12 µg/m3 (average               2014           Plans not published   Target                 Secretary of Health of the United
                   of 24-hour concentrations                                                                           Mexican States, 201416
                   over at least 1 year; at least
                   75% of 24-hour samples
                   must be valid in each of 4
                   quarters of the year);
                   24-hour: 45 µg/m3
                   (arithmetic mean with at
                   least 75% of valid hourly
                   concentrations, 18 records)
Paraguay           Annual: 15 µg/m3;                       2015           Plans not published   NR                     Kutlar Joss et al., 201717
                   24-hour: 30 µg/m3
Peru               Annual: 15 µg/m3;                       2014           Plans not published   NR                     The Clean Air Institute, 201211
                   24-hour: 25 µg/m3
                                                                                                                                           (continues. . .)

Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:                                                                   137A
  Ambient air quality standards worldwide                                                                                        Yevgen Nazarenko et al.

(. . .continued)
Area or jurisdiction      PM2.5 standard, current       Since year     PM2.5 standard,        Enforced, volun-                  Reference(s)
by WHO region                                                           future (year)          tary or targeta
Trinidad and Tobago Annual: 15 µg/m3;                   2015         Plans not published     NR                      Kutlar Joss et al., 201717
                    24-hour: 65 µg/m3
United States of    Annual, primary (protective         2012         Plans not published     Enforced                United States Environmental
America             of public health): 12 µg/m3;        (24-hour:                                                    Protection Agency, 2013;18
                    Annual, secondary                   value set                                                    United States Environmental
                    (protective of public               in 2006,                                                     Protection Agency, 201619
                    welfare): 15 µg/m3;                 kept in
                    24-hour: 35 µg/m3 (98th             2012)
                    percentile averaged over
                    3 years)
South-East Asia Region
Bangladesh          Annual: 15 µg/m3;                   2005         Plans not published     Target (long-term       Asian Development Bank and
                    24-hour: 65 µg/m3                                                        objective)              the Clean Air Initiative for Asian
                                                                                                                     Cities Center, 200620
India                  Annual: 40 µg/m3;                2009         Plans not published     Enforced                Central Pollution Control Board
                       24-hour: 60 µg/m3 (98th                                                                       of the Ministry of Environment,
                       1-year percentile)                                                                            Forest and Climate Change of
                                                                                                                     the Government of India, 200921
European Region
European Union     Annual: 25 µg/m3;                    2015         All measures to         Enforced                European Commission, 2017;22
Member States      24-hour: none;                                    reach 18 µg/m3,                                 Association of Engineers-
(28 countries) and Average exposure indicator:                       average exposure                                Consultants of Ukraine, 201523
Ukraine            20 µg/m3                                          indicator (2020)
Norway             Annual: 12 µg/m3;                    2015         Plans not published     NR                      Norwegian Environment
                   24-hour: none                                                                                     Agency, 201224
Russian Federation Annual: 25 µg/m3;                    2010         Plans not published     Enforced                Chief Government Sanitary
                   24-hour: 35 µg/m3 (99th                                                                           Physician of the Russian
                   annual percentile);                                                                               Federation, 201825
                   20-minute: 160 µg/m3
Switzerland        Annual: 10 µg/m3                     2018         Plans not published     Enforced                The Swiss Federal Council,
                   (arithmetic mean)                                                                                 201826
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Egypt              Annual: 50 µg/m3;                    2012         Plans not published     NR                      Egyptian Environmental
                   24-hour: 80 µg/m3                                                                                 Affairs Agency of the Ministry
                                                                                                                     of Environment of the Arab
                                                                                                                     Republic of Egypt, 201227
Pakistan               Annual: 15 µg/m3;                NR           Plans not published     NR                      Asian Development Bank and
                       24-hour: 35 µg/m3 (98th                                                                       the Clean Air Initiative for Asian
                       3-year percentile)                                                                            Cities Center, 2006;28
                                                                                                                     Niaz et al., 201629
Saudi Arabia         Annual: 15 µg/m3;                  2001         Plans not published     NR                      Royal Commission for Jubail and
                     24-hour: 65 µg/m3                                                                               Yanbu, 200430
                     (exceedances of either
                     standard “as a result
                     of abnormal natural
                     background concentrations
                     shall not be considered a
                     violation of the standard”)
Western Pacific Region
Australia            Annual: 8 µg/m3;                   NR           Plans not published     Enforced                Department of the Environment
                     24-hour: 25 µg/m3                                                                               and Heritage of the Australian
                                                                                                                     Government, 200531
China                  First-class zone (residential)   2016         Plans not published     Enforced                Ministry of Environmental
                       Annual: 15 µg/m3;                                                                             Protection of the People's
                       24-hour: 35 µg/m3                                                                             Republic of China, 201632
                       Second-class zone
                       Annual: 35 µg/m3;
                       24-hour: 75 µg/m3

                                                                                                                                         (continues. . .)

137B                                                                 Bull World Health Organ 2021;99:125–137D| doi:
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