Berry, H. C., Cashman, K. V., & Williams, C. A. (2021). Data on the 1902 Plinian eruption of Santa María volcano, Guatemala. Data in Brief, 35 ...

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Berry, H. C., Cashman, K. V., & Williams, C. A. (2021). Data on the 1902 Plinian eruption of Santa María volcano, Guatemala. Data in Brief, 35 ...
Berry, H. C., Cashman, K. V., & Williams, C. A. (2021). Data on the
1902 Plinian eruption of Santa María volcano, Guatemala. Data in
Brief, 35, [106734].

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Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

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Data Article

Data on the 1902 Plinian eruption of Santa
María volcano, Guatemala.
Hannah C. Berry a,∗, Katharine V. Cashman a, Caroline A. Williams b,1
    School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ, United Kingdom
    School of Modern Languages, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TE, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e            i n f o                       a b s t r a c t

Article history:                                       The study of historic volcanic eruptions is often complicated
Received 27 December 2020                              by the lack of recorded primary data and observations of
Accepted 7 January 2021                                such events. In the case of large-magnitude historic erup-
Available online 9 January 2021                        tions, these types of data are important to better understand
                                                       not only the physical nature of these rare events but also
                                                       the volcanic and social impacts that follow. In this paper,
Santa María
                                                       we compile contemporary data on the Santa María Plinian
Historical volcanology
                                                       eruption of 1902, in Guatemala. The data supplement those
Volcanic hazards                                       presented in the original research article [1] but individu-
Explosive eruptions                                    ally provide an interesting and useful compilation of eyewit-
Tephra fall deposits                                   ness testimonies, scientific studies and newspaper reports.
                                                       We identify key contemporary sources containing quantita-
                                                       tive data as well as various qualitative reports that we con-
                                                       vert to quantitative measurements through a simple classi-
                                                       fication scheme. We also compile wind reanalysis data from
                                                       the time of the eruption to display wind direction and speed
                                                       with height. Both the data and the description of the meth-
                                                       ods of data analysis can aid future studies of qualitative (his-
                                                       toric, eyewitness) to quantitative data conversion, as well as
                                                       studies investigating this important eruption.
                                                                                    © 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc.
                                                               This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
                                                          license (

    DOI of original article: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107167
    Corresponding author.
    E-mail addresses: (H.C. Berry), (K.V. Cashman).
2352-3409/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Berry, H. C., Cashman, K. V., & Williams, C. A. (2021). Data on the 1902 Plinian eruption of Santa María volcano, Guatemala. Data in Brief, 35 ...
2                        H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

Specifications Table

      Subject                            Earth and Planetary Sciences
      Specific subject area               Geology
      Type of data                       Table
      How data were acquired             Data were acquired through online searches in digitised contemporary
                                         newspaper repositories in countries known to have witnessed or been affected
                                         by the eruption.
      Data format                        Raw
      Parameters for data collection     Online searches containing keywords related to the event (for example “Santa
                                         María”, “volcano”, “Guatemala”) in the range 1902 onwards, with particular
                                         focus on 1902–1903.
      Description of data collection     Online research was the primary method of data collection, involving keyword
                                         searches as well as key date searches, focussing on online repositories from
                                         countries close to the site of interest (Guatemala, Mexico) as well as countries
                                         known to have been impacted by the eruption (Germany, USA, Spain, UK).
                                         Sources were compiled electronically and translated before being analysed.
      Data source location               Newspaper articles and journals were located online as secondary data
                                         sources. Details of primary data source locations can be found in
                                         Supplementary Material (Table S1).
      Data accessibility                 With the article
      Related research article           H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman, C.A.Williams, The 1902 Plinian eruption of Santa
                                         María volcano, Guatemala: A new assessment of magnitude and impact using
                                         historical sources, J Volcanol Geoth Res. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107167.

Value of the Data

    • These data are a collection of eyewitness and reported descriptions of the events and impacts
      of the eruption of Santa María, Guatemala; the second largest volcanic event of the 20th
    • The data can be used in other projects related to historical volcanology and the analysis and
      application of contemporary and eyewitness reports in modern research.
    • Further work regarding the data in this article could include continued investigation into this
      significant eruption of the 20th century, its precursors and impacts, as well as studies into
      different ways of analysing historical qualitative reports.

1. Data Description

    Table 1 is a list of key contemporary sources and their specific in-article titles (headings or
subheadings) that contained information or reports on the 1902 Santa María eruption. Transla-
tions are provided where the original language is not English.
    Table 2 is a compilation of all locations in contemporary sources that made reference to hav-
ing experienced ash fall of less than 10 cm from the Santa María eruption; these compose the
most distal references of ash fall from the eruption. The table displays reports in their origi-
nal language as well as translations if the original language was not English. Original languages
included Spanish, German and French.
    Table 3 is a compilation of all locations in contemporary sources that reference ash fall thick-
nesses as well as the duration and timing of said ash fall from the Santa María eruption. As
in Table 2, we isolated reports of
H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734                          3

Table 1
Key contemporary sources obtained from online research.

                                              Date of                                            Title (original, if
 Source reference       Newspaper             publication     Title (English)                    applicable)

 Abbeville Press and    Abbeville Press and 03–12–1902        Volcano refugees come              –
 Banner, 1902           Banner
 The Caucasian,         The Caucasian       15–01–1903        Severe Earthquake                  –
 Diario del Hogar,      Diario del Hogar      28–10–1902      There is no volcano in Chiapas     No hay volcán en
 1902a                                                                                           Chiapas
 Diario del Hogar,      Diario del Hogar      29–10–1902      The unknown clears                 Se despeja la incógnita
 Diario del Hogar,      Diario del Hogar      28–11–1902      Cablegrams: Regagnon Agency        Cablegramas: Agencia
 1902c                                                                                           Regagnon
 Diario del Hogar,      Diario del Hogar      17–12–1902      The catastrophe in the west        La catastrofe de
 1902d                                                                                           occidente
 El Abogado             El Abogado            06–11–1902      Newspaper of the week              Revista de la semana
 Cristiano Ilustrado,   Cristiano Ilustrado
 El Correo Español,     El Correo Español     28–10–1902      There is no volcano in Chiapas     No hay volcan en
 1902a                                                                                           Chiapas
 El Correo Español,     El Correo Español     30–10–1902      Alarm in Guatemala                 Alarma en Guatemala
 El Correo Español,     El Correo Español     04–11–1902      The ash rain in Guatemala          La lluvia de cenizas en
 1902c                                                                                           Guatemala
 El Correo Español,     El Correo Español     06–11–1902      From Guatemala                     De Guatemala
 El Correo Español,     El Correo Español     20–11–1902      Terrible situation                 Terrible situación
 El Imparcial, 1902a    El Imparcial          27–10–1902      Volcanic eruption in Chiapas       Erupción de un Volcán
                                                                                                 en Chiapas
 El Imparcial, 1902b El Imparcial             28–10–1902      Where’s the volcano?               ¿Dónde Está el Volcán?
 El País, 1902       El País                  28–10–1902      The volcanic ash                   Las cenizas volcanicas
 El Popular, 1902a   El Popular               29–10–1902      The eruption of the volcano        La erupción del volcán
                                                              Santa María                        Santa María
 El Popular, 1902b      El Popular            01–11–1902      The eruption of the volcano        La erupcion del volcan
                                              (p1)            Santa María                        de Santa María
 El Popular, 1902c      El Popular            01–11–1902      Echoes from Oaxaca                 Ecos de Oaxaca
 El Siglo Futuro,       El Siglo Futuro       19–12–1902      From Guatemala                     De Guatemala
 El Siglo Futuro,       El Siglo Futuro       13–01–1903      For the honor and glory of the     Para honra y gloria de la
 1903                                                         Virgen of Sorrows                  Virgen de las Angustias
 El Tiempo, 1902a       El Tiempo             28–10–1902      Eruption of a volcano in           Erupción de un volcán
                                                              Chiapas                            en Chiapas
 El Tiempo, 1902b       El Tiempo             31–10–1902      Cable service                      Servicio cablegrafico
 El Tiempo, 1902c       El Tiempo             16–11–1902      The eruption in Guatemala          La erupción en
 El Tiempo, 1902d       El Tiempo             21–11–1902      The eruptions in Guatemala         Las erupciones en
 Inter-Mountain         Inter-Mountain        18–11–1902      Terrible rain of ashes:            –
 Farmer and             Farmer and                            Inter-Mountain Farmer and
 Ranchman, 1902         Ranchman                              Ranchman
 La Patria, 1902a       La Patria             30–10–1902      Cablegrams                         Cablegramas
 La Patria, 1902b       La Patria             01–11–1902      United States                      Estados Unidos
 La Patria, 1902c       La Patria             07–11–1902      Notes from the Americas            Notas de las Américas
 La Patria, 1902d       La Patria             15–11–1902      Chiapas                            –
 La Patria, 1902e       La Patria             06–12–1902      Volcanic eruptions                 Erupciones Volcánicas
 La Voz de México,      La Voz de México      28–10–1902      Volcanic eruption in Chiapas       Erupción volcánica en
 1902                                                                                            Chiapas
 New York Times,        New York Times        31–10–1902      Conditions in Guatemala           –
                                                                                                  (continued on next page)
4                        H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

Table 1 (continued)

    Source reference     Newspaper            Date of          Title (English)                   Title (original, if
                                              publication                                        applicable)

    New York Times,      New York Times       20–11–1902       Thousands of Indians killed in    –
    1902b                                                      Guatemala
    New York Times,      New York Times       28–11–1902       Letters from Guatemala            –
    Nottingham           Nottingham           29–10–1902       Eruption of Santa Maria
    Evening Post, 1902   Evening Post                                                            -
    The San Francisco    The San Francisco    13–11–1902       Over the coffee fincas of
    Call, 1902a          Call                                  Guatemala ash-laden breath of -
                                                               cruel Mount Santa Maria falls,
                                                               bringing destruction under
                                                               which republic reels and
                                                               people stand in dread
    The San Francisco    The San Francisco    20–11–1902       Five thousand Guatemalans
    Call, 1902b          Call                                  known to have perished in         -
                                                               terrible outburst of volcano’s
                                                               wrath, and two/thirds of the
                                                               rich coffee belt is turned into a
                                                               desert waste

    Fig. 1 shows a map of the locations referenced in Tables 2 and 3 constructed in ArcMap (an
ArcGIS product). The majority of locations were land-based, although two exceptional reports
came from steamships crossing the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean. Due to the unknown ex-
act location of the steamships when these reports were made, their locations were assumed as
equidistant from their origin and destination.
    Table 4 contains locations referenced in contemporary sources that describe the duration and
timing of ash fall from the Santa María eruption. The distance from the volcano is identified as
well as translations of original reports where these were not originally in English. In most cases,
a date and start time is included in the description (we record the date/s in the table); in some
descriptions an end time is also given.
    Table 5 includes contemporary reports of phenomena experienced from the Santa María
eruption, including reports of tremors, ground shaking and earthquakes (felt reports), noises
and explosions (heard reports), smells (smelt reports) and observations of darkness due to ash
(darkness reports). These descriptions are compiled from various locations across Central Amer-
ica, from Costa Rica to Mexico. All reports originally not in English have translations provided.
The dates of when the phenomena were experienced are stated where known.
    Table 6 summarises reports of volcanic hazards and phenomena resulting from the eruption.
The locations paired with the hazards are those reported furthest from the volcano to indicate
the hazards’ maximum reach. Translations are provided where original reports were not in En-
    Fig. 2 displays profiles of wind direction and speed from reanalysis wind data obtained
from the CERA-20C database within the European centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
(ECMWF) website [14]. The data are at 3-hour timesteps and span the time period of maximum
eruption intensity, from approximately 18:00 on 24 October 1902 to 09:00 on 25 October 1902.
The data are associated with the grid square 15°N, 92°W, to the northwest of the volcano yet
where tephra dispersion was concentrated.
    Raw data associated with Fig. 2 are located in Supplementary Material (Table S2). These data
include U and V wind estimates for the aforementioned location and timesteps, and their calcu-
lations to obtain wind direction and speed with height.
H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734                          5

Table 2
Contemporary reports containing ash thickness descriptions (with no timing data) from the 1902 Santa María eruption
for specific locations in Guatemala and Mexico.
      Location          (cm)            Report (English)                   Report (original, if applicable)    Source
 1    Mazatenango       1–10            “…At Mazatenango … only ashes                                          New York
                                          has fallen and not to such a                                         Times (1902b)
                                          great depth that it was not
                                          possible to save some of the
                                          plantation property…”
 2    Caballo Blanco    5               “…on the banks of the Ocosito      “…an den Ufern des Ocosito bei      [2]
                                          near Caballo Blanco there          Caballo Blanco lagen nur noch
                                          were only about 5 cm of            etwa 5 cm Bimssteine und
                                          pumice and ashes…”                 Asche…”
 3    Champerico        1.3             "…At Champerico there was                                              Abbeville Press
                                          about half an inch of ash over                                       and Banner
                                          the roofs of the houses…"                                            (1902)
 4    Patulul           0.1–1           “…Slight ash falls (less than 1 cm “…Leichte Aschenfälle (mit          [3]
                                          in diameter) were observed …       weniger als 1 cm Absatz)
                                          to the southeast to Patulul…”      wurden … nach Südosten hin
                                                                             bis Patulul … beobachtet…”
 5    Pochuta∗          0.1–1           "…Fine ash fell in … parts of the “…Theilen des Pochuta-Distrikts      [3]
                                          Pochuta district…"                 fiel feine Asche…”
 6    Zacualpa          0.1–1           “…Slight ash falls (less than 1 cm “…Leichte Aschenfälle (mit          [3]
                                          in diameter) were observed …       weniger als 1 cm Absatz)
                                          to the … east to Zacualpa…”        wurden … beobachtet, nach
                                                                             Osten hin bis Zacualpa…”
 7    Chicomuselo       2.6             "…At Comitán, Mr. Tiedemann        "…en Comitán midió el Sr.           [4]
                                          measured the height of the         Tiedemann la altura de la
                                          ash on a roof and obtained         ceniza en una azotea y obtuvo
                                          the height of 26 mm; I             como resultado la altura de
                                          observed the same conditions       26 milímetros; las mismas
                                          between La Concordia and           condiciones observé entre la
                                          Chicomuselo…"                      Concordia y Chicomuselo…"
 8    La Concordia      2.6             "…At Comitán, Mr. Tiedemann        "…en Comitán midió el Sr.           [4]
                                          measured the height of the         Tiedemann la altura de la
                                          ash on a roof and obtained         ceniza en una azotea y obtuvo
                                          the height of 26 mm; I             como resultado la altura de
                                          observed the same conditions       26 milímetros; las mismas
                                          between La Concordia and           condiciones observé entre la
                                          Chicomuselo…"                      Concordia y Chicomuselo…"
 9    Chiapa de         1–10            “…It is said that the Grijalva     “…On dit que la rivière Grijalva    [5]
      Corzo (Grijalva                     River brought, passing near        apporta en passant près de
      River)                              Chiapa de Corzo, a number of       Chiapa de Corzo, nombre de
                                          dead fish, one day when the         poissons morts, un jour que
                                          water was laden with ash in        les eaux étaient chargés de
                                          suspension…”                       cendres en suspension…”
 10 Juchitán∗           1–10            “…Juchitán. October 27 … The       “…Juchitán. Octubre 27 … Cesó       El Imparcial
                                          ash rain has stopped which         la lluvia de cenizas que tenía    (1902b)
                                          had all the inhabitants of this    muy alarmados á todos los
                                          population very alarmed…”          habitantes de esta
 11   Cintalpa          0.1–1           “…The population of Cintalpa       “…De la población de Cintalpa       El Imparcial
                                          informs that an ash rain is        avisan que está cayendo lluvia    (1902a)
                                          falling…”                          de cenizas…”
 12 Tapanatepec         0.1–1           “…According to news, … in          “…Según nuestras noticias … se      La Voz de
                                          Tapanatepec … tremors have         han sentido temblores en          México (1902)
                                          been felt … These phenomena        Tapanatepec … Estos
                                          come accompanied with …            fenómenos se presentan
                                          ash rains…”                        acompañados de … lluvias de
 13 Salto de Agua       1–10            “…In … Salto de Agua, abundant “…En … Salto de Agua, está              El Tiempo
                                          ash rain has been falling since    cayendo desde … la mañana,        (1902a)
                                          … the morning…”                    abundante lluvia de ceniza…”
                                                                                                        (continued on next page)
6                         H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

Table 2 (continued)

          Location       Thickness     Report (English)                  Report (original, if applicable)    Source

     14   Montecristo    0.1–1         “…In Tuxtla Gutiérrez … ashes      “…En Tuxtla Gutiérrez …            El Tiempo
                                         are also falling … In …            también caen cenizas … En …      (1902a)
                                         Montecristo … similar              Montecristo … se han
                                         phenomena have taken               efectuado fenómenos
                                         place…”                            similares…”
                                       “…In various parts of …            “…En varios puntos de …            El Imparcial
                                         Tehuantepec … ash rains have       Tehuantepec … se han             (1902a)
                                         been observed…”                    observado lluvias de
     15   Tehuantepec∗   0.1–1         "…In Tehuantepec a relatively      "…En Tehuantepec cayó una          [4]
                                         insignificant amount [of ash]       cantidad relativamente
                                         fell…"                             insignificante…"
     16   Salina Cruz    0.1–1         “…Salina Cruz, October 27 …        “…Salina Cruz, Octubre 27 …        El Imparcial
                                         Today no ash has fallen but        Hoy no han caído cenizas         (1902b)
                                         the sun is clouded…”               pero el sol está nublado…”
     17   Yautepec∗      0.1–1         “…In various parts of …            “…En varios puntos de …            El Imparcial
                                         Yautepec … ash rains have          Yautepec … se han observado      (1902a)
                                         been observed…”                    lluvias de cenizas…”
     18   Pochutla∗      0.1–1         “…In various parts of … Pochutla “…En varios puntos de …              El Imparcial
                                         … ash rains have been              Pochutla … se han observado      (1902a)
                                         observed…”                         lluvias de cenizas…”
     19   Miahuatlan∗    0.1–1         “…In various parts of …            “…En varios puntos de …            El Imparcial
                                         Miahuatlan … ash rains have        Miahuatlán … se han              (1902a)
                                         been observed…”                    observado lluvias de
     20 Jaltipan         0.1–1∗∗       “…From Jaltipan … they             “…De Jaltipan … telegrafían que    El Imparcial
                                         telegraph that an abundant         ha caído allí abundante lluvia   (1902b)
                                         ash rain has fallen there…”        de ceniza…”
     21   Tlacolula∗     0.1–1         “…In various parts of …            “…En varios puntos de …            El Imparcial
                                         Tiacolula … ash rains have         Tiacolula … se han observado     (1902a)
                                         been observed…”                    lluvias de cenizas…”
     22 Ocotlán∗         0.1–1         “…In various parts of … Ocotlán “…En varios puntos de …               El Imparcial
                                         … ash rains have been              Ocotlán … se han observado       (1902a)
                                         observed…”                         lluvias de cenizas…”
     23 San Bartolo      0.1–1         “…in … San Bartolo tremors         “…se han sentido temblores en      La Voz de
                                         have been felt … accompanied       … San Bartolo …                  México (1902)
                                         with … ash rains…”                 acompañados de … lluvias de
     24 Juquila∗         0.1–1∗∗       “…Juquila, October 26th. …         “…Juquila, Octubre 26 … Hoy        El Imparcial
                                         Today dawned raining thick         amaneció lloviendo ceniza        (1902a)
                                         ash which continues…”              gruesa y continúa…”
     25 Ometepec         0.1–1         “…Ometepec, October 27.– For       “…Ometepec, Octubre 27.–Hace       El Imparcial
                                         three days a light ash rain has    tres días que cae … una ligera   (1902b)
                                         fallen … The roofs are lined       lluvia de cenizas. Los tejados
                                         with it…”                          están tapizados de ella…”
     26 Acapulco         0.1–1         “…Slight ash falls (less than 1 cm “…Leichte Aschenfälle (mit         [3]
                                         in diameter) were observed …       weniger als 1 cm Absatz)
                                         west to Acapulco …”                wurden … beobachtet …
                                                                            westwärts bis Acapulco…”
     27   Mérida         0.1–1         “…lighter ashes reached as far as                                     [6]
                                         … Merida…”
     28 Colima           0.1–1         “…Slight ash falls (less than 1 cm “…Leichte Aschenfälle (mit         [3]
                                         in diameter) were observed …       weniger als 1 cm Absatz)
                                         west to … Colima…”                 wurden … beobachtet …
                                                                            westwärts bis …Colima…”
     29 Luxor           0.1–1∗∗        "… a precipitation of no less                                         Inter-Mountain
        steamship                        than eight inches on the deck                                       Farmer and
        (San                             of pumice ashes as fine as                                           Ranchman
        Benito → San                     flour…"                                                              (1902)
     30 Vigilancia      0.1–1          “…The "Vigilancia" … received     “…Die “Vigilancia” … bekam          [7]
        steamship                        ash rain on the trip from         noch Aschenregen auf der
        (Progreso → Veracruz)            Progreso to Veracruz…”            Fahrt von Progreso nach
     Area/region. Data points are placed at the closest point to the volcano within that area (Fig. 1).
      Classified as a lower interval than is suggested by report description due to distance or the surrounding data points.
H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734                            7

Table 3
Contemporary reports containing ash thickness descriptions with timing data from the Santa María 1902 eruption for
specific locations in Guatemala and Mexico.
                        Thickness   Ash fall start   Ash fall                            Report (original, if
       Location         (cm)        time∗            end time∗   Report (English)        applicable)              Source
 29    Comitán          3           01:00 (25th)     09:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 30    Ocosingo         1           06:00 (25th)     06:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 31    San Cristóbal    1–10        08:00 (25th)     16:00       “…significant and        “…empezó á caer una      El Tiempo
       Las Casas                                     (26th)      thick ash began to      menuda y tupida          (1902a)
                                                                 fall…”                  lluvia de ceniza…”
 32    Tuxtla           1–10        18:00 (25th)     –           “…ash rain started      “…la lluvia de cenizas   El
       Gutierrez                                                 to fall last night.     comenzó a caer desde     Imparcial
                                                                 Today it is much        anoche. Hoy es           (1902b)
                                                                 more dense…”            mucho más densa…”
 33    Tonalá           2           15:30 (25th)     15:30       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 34    Palenque         1           06:00 (25th)     17:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 35    Tenosique        0.1–1       07:00 (25th)     –           “…In Tuxtla             “…En Tuxtla              El Tiempo
                                                                 Gutiérrez … ashes       Gutiérrez … también      (1902a)
                                                                 are also falling … In   caen cenizas … En
                                                                 … Tenosique …           … Tenosique … se
                                                                 similar phenomena       han efectuado
                                                                 have taken place…”      fenómenos
 36    Balancán         0.1–1       05:00 (25th)     15:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 37    Catazajá         0.25        06:00 (25th)     18:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 38    Jonuta           0.1         09:00 (25th)     18:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 39    Macuspana        1–10        12:30 (25th)     18:00       “…ashes keep            “…las cenizas            El
                                                     (26th)      falling, everything     continúan cayendo.       Imparcial
                                                                 appears as if it had    Todo presenta aspecto    (1902a)
                                                                 snowed…”                como si hubiera caído
 40    Tacotalpa        0.15        12:00 (25th)     16:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 41    Teapa            0.15        07:00 (25th)     15:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 42    Jalapa           0.1–1       12:00 (25th)     16:00       “…In Tuxtla             “…En Tuxtla              El Tiempo
                                                     (26th)      Gutiérrez … ashes       Gutiérrez … también      (1902a)
                                                                 are also falling … In   caen cenizas … En …
                                                                 … Jalapa, similar       Jalapa … se han
                                                                 phenomena have          efectuado fenómenos
                                                                 taken place…”           similares…”
 43    Huimanguillo     0.1–1       03:00 (26th)     23:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 44    Cárdenas         0.2         15:00 (26th)     15:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 45    San Juan         0.5         20:00 (25th)     11:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
       Bautista                                      (27th)
 46    Nacajuca         0.1         02:00 (25th)     12:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 47    Cunduacán        0.2         10:00 (26th)     10:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 48    Comalcalco       0.15        04:00 (26th)     21:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 49    Paraiso          0.1–1       04:00 (26th)     23:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 50    Frontera         0.3         02:00 (26th)     11:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
 51    Laguna           2.5         11:00 (25th)     11:00       Data table p.86–87                               [7]
                                                                                                    (continued on next page)
8                         H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

Table 3 (continued)

                           Thickness   Ash fall start   Ash fall                         Report (original, if
          Location         (cm)        time∗            end time∗   Report (English)     applicable)            Source

    52    Oaxaca           0.5         18:00 (25th)     03:00       Data table p.86–87                          [7]
    53    Campeche         0.0 0 01    05:00 (26th)     11:00       Data table p.86–87                          [7]
    All timing data is from [7].

Fig. 1. Map of locations referred to in Tables 2 and 3 divided into three categories: those with reports of ash thickness
but no timing data (filled circles; Table 2), those with ash thickness reports from steamship tracks with no timing data
(filled squares; Table 2), and those with both thickness and timing data (hollow diamonds; Table 3). Also displayed are
the location of Santa María (hollow triangle) and a scale inset of Central America.

2. Experimental Design, Materials and Methods

2.1. Data collection

    Research was primarily conducted online via digitised repositories of contemporary newspa-
per articles as well as general research into published scientific reports from around the time
of the eruption (1902–1903) and in subsequent years. Articles that made reference to the erup-
tion were sourced from numerous different countries, including Guatemala, Mexico, the USA,
Argentina, Spain, Germany, and the UK. Reports and articles were downloaded or documented,
and translated using online translation tools where necessary.
H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734                           9

Table 4
Contemporary reports containing ash timing descriptions (without thickness estimates) from the 1902 Santa María
eruption for specific locations in Guatemala and Mexico.

                Distance                                        Description (original, if          "-" denotes
  Location      (km)          Description (English)             applicable)                        unknown       Source

  Helvetia      12            “…At 3 a.m. pumice-stones         –                                  25/10/1902    [8]
                              fell abundantly in Helvetia.
                              They measured 15–25 cm,
                              and weighed ½ to ¾ lb…”
  Tapachula     81            “…Volcanic ash fell in the        “…Durante 41 horas 30              –             La Patria
                              department of Soconusco for       minutos, cayeron cenizas                         (1902e)
                              41 h 30 min…”                     volcánicas en el departamento
                                                                de Soconusco…”
                              Data table p.86–87: Ash fall      –                                  25–           [7]
                              beginning 08:00 (25th) and                                           28/10/1902
                              ending 08:00 (28th)
  Tuxtla        270           “…At nine o’clock a light ash     “…A las nueve principió una        26/10/1902    El Imparcial
  Gutiérrez                   shower began, which               ligera lluvia de ceniza que                      (1902a)
                              increased during the day, and     aumentó durante el día, y no
                              has not stopped until now. At     ha cesado hasta este momento.
                              half past twelve at night, the    A las doce y media de la
                              rain is increasing in an          noche, la lluvia aumenta de
                              alarming way…”                    una manera alarmante…”
  Palenque      298           “…Hot ash hasn’t stopped          “…Desde el día 25 aún no           27/10/1902    El País
                              falling since the 25th…”          cesa caer ceniza calosa…”                        (1902)
  San Juan      405           “…Last night at nine o’clock      “…Anoche á las nueve               26/10/1902    El Imparcial
  Bautista                    an ash rain began here…           comenzó aquí una lluvia de                       (1902a)
                              Today the city dawned             cenizas … Hoy amaneció la
                              covered in a white layer, as if   ciudad cubierta de una capa
                              a heavy snow had fallen. Ash      blanca, como si hubiera caído
                              continues to fall … the roofs,    una fuerte nevada. Continúa
                              the streets, the fields, the       cayendo ceniza … los techos,
                              sidewalks appear covered in       las calles, los campos, las
                              frost…”                           banquetas parecen cubiertas
                                                                de escarcha…”
  Oaxaca        605           “…From Oaxaca they report         “…De Oaxaca comunican que          28/10/1902    El Popular
                              that the atmosphere has           desde la madrugada de ayer, la                   (1902a)
                              been impregnated with a           atmósfera está impregnada de
                              very small dust since             un polvo menudisimo, apenas
                              yesterday morning, barely         perceptible á la vista y que cae
                              perceptible to the naked eye      en forma de lluvia copiosa…”
                              and that falls in the form of
                              copious rain…”
  California,   >30 0 0       “…immediately after the           –                                  Early 1903    [6]
  USA                         eruption red or blood red
                              evening skies were observed
                              … Several weeks later they
                              had reached the coast of
                              California, but were of much
                              less intensity than in

2.2. Data manipulation

   Reports and articles were analysed and manipulated in four ways, via translation, location
identification, conversion from qualitative descriptions to quantitative estimates, and reliability
assignation. All reports were translated using online tools where authors were not familiar with
the language. Otherwise, translations were performed first-hand. Analysis of locations mentioned
in contemporary reports was performed for those locations that could refer to an area (for ex-
ample a Mexican state) or a specific location within it (e.g. a city with the same name). In
10                          H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

Table 5
Contemporary observations of the 1902 Santa María eruption: reports of phenomena felt, heard, smelt and observations
of darkness.
                                                                                                   Date "-"
     Location         Report (English)                      Report (original, if applicable)       unknown      Source
     Chiapas          “…A series of uninterrupted           “…una serie no interrumpida de         –            El Abogado
                      tremors and detonations…”             temblores y detonaciones…”                          Cristiano
                                                                                                                Ilustrado (1902)
     Nicaragua, El    “…strong ground shaking in            “…fuertes sacudimientos de tierra en   26/10/1902   El Correo
     Salvador &       Nicaragua, Salvador, and Costa        Nicaragua, Salvador y Costa Rica…”                  Español (1902a)
     Costa Rica       Rica…”
     Guatemala        “…underground noises and              “…los ruidos subterráneos y los        31/10/1902   El Correo
     City             tremors began on the eve of the       temblores comenzaron la víspera de                  Español (1902d)
                      eruption…”                            la erupción…”
     Guatemala        “…The ground, since the moment        “…La tierra, desde el momento de la    –            El Correo
     City             the eruption began, didn’t stop       erupción, no cesó de temblar en                     Español (1902e)
                      trembling for fifteen days around      quince días en los alrededores de
                      Champerico…”                          Champerico…”
     San Cristobal    “…In total there have been 45         “…Por total ha habido 45               26/10/1902   Diario del Hogar
                      tremors…”                             temblores…”                                         (1902b)
     Champerico       “The tremors were very                “…Los temblores eran muy               17/11/1902   Diario del Hogar
                      frequent…”                            frecuentes…”                                        (1902c)
     Unspecified       “…Oscillatory ground movements        “…se sucedían los movimientos          24–          Diario del Hogar
                      happened, almost without              oscilatorios del terreno, casi sin     25/10/1902   (1902d)
                      interruption…”                        interrupción…”
     San Juan         “…No tremors have been felt…”         “…No se han sentido temblores…”        24/10/1902   El Imparcial
     Bautista                                                                                                   (1902b)
     Oaxaca           “…Seismic movements with short     “…En varios puntos de los Distritos       26/10/1902   El Imparcial
                      intervals have been observed in    de Tehuantepec, Pochutla, Juquila,                     (1902a)
                      the districts of: Tehuantepec,     Yautepec, Miahuatlán, Ocotlán y
                      Pochutla, Juquila, Yautepec,       Tlacolula, se han observado …
                      Miahuatlan, Ocotlan and            movimientos seísmicos con intervalos
                      Tiacolula…”                        muy cortos…”
     Acapulco         “…Today at [illegible printed      “…Hoy á las … a.m., hubo un fuerte        26/10/1902   El Imparcial
                      number] a.m. there was a strong    temblor trepidatorio. Duración, diez                   (1902a)
                      tremor. Duration, ten seconds. At 7segundos. A las siete repitió, pero
                      a.m. it was repeated, but lightly…”ligero…”
     San Marcos,      “…at 3 am there was an             “…á las 3 h. a. m. hubo un temblor        27/10/1902   El País (1902)
     Guerrero         oscillatory tremor…”               oscilatorio…”
     San Cristobal    “…Reports have been received of a  “…Se han recibido informes de que         –            El Popular
     Las Casas,       terrible earthquake at 10 am today hoy á las diez de la mañana hubo un                    (1902a)
     Tehuantepec      that completely destroyed San      terrible terremoto que destruyó por
                      Cristobal Las Casas, Tehuantepec   completo San Cristobal Las Casas,
                      and other towns. Until now, nine   Tehuantepec y otras poblaciones.
                      in the evening, there are no       Hasta estos momentos, nueve de la
                      official reports that confirm this…”  noche, no hay noticias oficiales que
                                                         confirmen la noticia…”
     Caballo Blanco   “…The enormous force of the        “…la fuerza enorme de los                 –            El Popular
     and              earthquakes have deviated the      terremotos, ha desviado el curso del                   (1902b)
     surroundings     course of the River Naranjo, which caudaloso rio del Naranjo, el cual ha
                      has flooded the municipality of     inundado la Municipalidad de
                      Caballo Blanco and a large expanse Caballo Blanco y una gran extensión
                      of fields/lands, causing the water  de terrenos, subiendo el agua á tal
                      to rise so much that it’s covered  altura, que ha cubierto por completo
                      houses, trees and fields; what      casas, árboles y sembrados;
                      once were towns and fertile fields hallándose ahora convertido en un
                      are now a huge lake…”              inmenso lago lo que ántes era
                                                         poblaciones y fértiles campiñas…”
     Tehuantepec      “…In the last days frequent        “…ha habido en los últimos días           27/10/1902   El Popular
     Isthmus          tremors have caused various        frecuentes temblores que han                           (1902c)
                      damage…”                           causado varias averías…”
     Chiapas          “…News is received from Chiapas    “…De Chiapas se están recibiendo          25/10/1902   El Tiempo
                      of terrifying seismic phenomena    noticias aterradores sobre fenómenos                   (1902a)
                      that have occurred there…”         seísmicos que han ocurrido allí…”
                                                                                                          (continued on next page)
H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734                         11

Table 5 (continued)

                                                                                            Date "-"
 Location        Report (English)                       Report (original, if applicable)    unknown      Source

 Oaxaca          “…In various points of the districts
                                                    “…En varios puntos de los Distritos     26/10/1902   El Tiempo
                 of Tehuantepec, Pochutla, Juquila, de Tehuantepec, Pochutla, Juquila,                   (1902a)
                 Yautepec, Miahuatlán, Ocotlán and  Yautepec, Miahuatlán, Ocotlán y
                 Tiacolula, seismic movements with  Tlacolula, se han observado …
                 very short intervals observed…”    movimientos seísmicos con intervalos
                                                    muy cortos…”
 Unspecified      “…the ground, from the moment      “…La tierra, desde el momento de        –            El Tiempo
                 the eruption began, didn’t stop    erupción, no cesó de temblar en 15                   (1902d)
                 moving in 15 days…”                días…”
 Guatemala,      “…At the time of the eruption,     “…en el momento de la erupción,         –            El Tiempo
 specific         horrifying tremors were felt here; temblores espantosas se han sentido                  (1902c)
 location        the animals couldn’t walk and the aquí: los animales no podían andar y
 unspecified      people had to search for some      la gente tenía que buscar algún
                 source of support as the [ground]  punto de apoyo, pues los
                 movements were terribly strong…” movimientos eran terriblemente
 Unspecified      "…Various earthquakes have been "…Hanse sentido varios                     –            La Patria (1902b)
                 felt…"                             terremotos…"
 Nicaragua, El   "…In all of Nicaragua, Salvador    "…En toda Nicaragua, Salvador y         –            La Patria (1902a)
 Salvador &      and Costa Rica strong ground       Costa Rica, se ha resentido fuertes
 Costa Rica      shaking has been felt…"            sacudimientos de tierra…"
 Tapantepec,     "…since the 24th tremors have      "…desde el día 24 se han sentido        24/10/1902   La Voz de
 San Cristóbal   been felt in Tapantepec, San       temblores en Tapanatepec, San                        México (1902)
 Las Casas,      Cristobal L. C., Comitán, Tuxtla   Cristobal L. C., Comitán, Tuxtla
 Comitán,        Gutiérrez, Juchitán and San        Gutiérrez, Juchitán y San Bartolo…"
 Tuxtla          Bartolo…"
 Juchitán & San
 Quezaltenango "…in Quezaltenango … where the           "…en Quezaltenango … no cesando     –            El Siglo Futuro
                earth tremors don’t cease…"             en ella los temblores de tierra…"                (1902)
 Tumbador,      "…There have been frequent              –                                   –            New York Times
 Guatemala      earthquakes, and another eruption                                                        (1902a)
                is reported in the Department of
 Mazatenango    "…The earth was in continual            –                                   –            New York Times
                commotion, shaking down                                                                  (1902b)
                buildings and causing much
 Mazatenango    "…At Mazatenango, on the south          –                                   –            New York Times
                side of the volcano… At that place                                                       (1902b)
                most of the buildings had been
                badly damaged, if not completely
                destroyed, by the fierce
                earthquakes that accompanied the
                eruptions of the volcano. When
                the last word came from
                Mazatenango, fifteen days after
                the first eruption, the earth had
                been in constant trembling…"
 30 miles north "…All that night the earth shook        –                                   –             New York Times
 of the volcano in almost constant vibration…"                                                            (1902b)
 Luxor          "…The most alarming reports of          –                                   –            Inter-Mountain
 steamship      earthquakes, as many as twenty                                                           Farmer and
 (San Benito –  eight in one day, and devastating                                                        Ranchman
 San Francisco) tidal waves began to be canvassed                                                        (1902)
                among the thoroughly alarmed
                                                                                                   (continued on next page)
12                          H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

Table 5 (continued)

                                                                                                        Date "-"
     Location         Report (English)                       Report (original, if applicable)           unknown      Source

     Unspecified       "…till the day of the                  –                                          24/10/1902   [9]
                      eruption–October 24th–shocks
                      were again very frequent, and, as
                      the day in question approached,
                      became almost incessant…"
     Unspecified       "…During the day (October 24) a        –                                          –            [10]
                      series of earthquakes was felt…"

     Chiapas          “…A series of uninterrupted            “…una serie no interrumpida de             –            El Abogado
                      tremors and detonations…”              temblores y detonaciones…”                              Cristiano
                                                                                                                     Ilustrado (1902)
     Guatemala        "…News from Guatemala inform           "…Noticias de Guatemala hacen              29/10/1902   El Correo
     City             that yesterday, since five in the       saber que ayer, desde las cinco de la                   Español (1902b)
                      morning, strong underground            mañana, fuertes ruidos subterráneos,
                      noises, which seemed like distant      que parecían lejanas descargas de
                      artillery discharges, announced a      artillería, anunciaron una seria
                      serious seismic disturbance…"          perturbación seísmica…"
     Guatemala        "…In Guatemala City, despite           "…En la ciudad de Guatemala, no            –            El Correo
     City             being a hundred miles away from        obstante hallarse á cien millas de                      Español (1902b)
                      Santa María, constant and terrible     distancia de Santa María, se oyen
                      underground noises can be              constantes y terribles ruidos
                      heard…"                                subterráneos…"
     Unspecified       “…Explosions that seem like            “…Se oyen detonaciones que parecen         26/10/1902   El Correo
                      artillery rounds can be heard…”        descargas de artillería…”                               Español (1902a)
     Motozintla       "…Adding to this terrifying series     "…A este pavoroso conjunto de              25/10/1902   El Correo
                      of sinister circumstances was the      circunstancias siniestras hubo que                      Español (1902c)
                      effect of the continuous noises        agregar el efecto de los ruidos
                      that could be heard, like intense      continuos que se escuchaban, como
                      thunder in the midst of the            de intensos truenos en medio de las
                      darkness that enveloped the entire     tinieblas que envolvían á toda la
                      population, and also that of the       población y además el de los
                      bellowing of the livestock…"           bramidos de los ganados…"
     Guatemala        “…underground noises and               “…los ruidos subterráneos y los            31/10/1902   El Correo
     City (reported   tremors began on the eve of the        temblores comenzaron la víspera de                      Español (1902d)
     from Panama      eruption…”                             la erupción…”
     via El
     Guatemala        “…the explosions have lasted for       “…Las explosiones han durado cuatro 31/10/1902          El Correo
     (reported from   four days and have been heard          días y se han oído en toda la                           Español (1902d)
     Panama via El    everywhere in Guatemala…”              República…”
     Tuxtla          "…The ash rain and underground          "…Continua lluvia ceniza y ruidos          28/10/1902   Diario del Hogar
     Gutiérrez       noises continue…"                       subterráneos…"                                          (1902a)
     Nicaragua, San  “…Detonations like gunshots can         “…Se oyen detonaciones como de             27/10/1902   Diario del Hogar
     Salvador and    be heard in various parts of            cañonazos en diversos lugares de                        (1902b)
     Costa Rica      Nicaragua, San Salvador and Costa       Nicaragua, San Salvador y Costa
                     Rica…”                                  Rica…”
     Palenque, Don “…At Mt. Don Juan, situated 8 km          “…En el cerro Don Juan, situado á          27/10/1902   Diario del Hogar
     Juan Mt.        west of here, no phenomena have         ocho kilómetros al Oeste de aquí, no                    (1902b)
                     been observed. Strong, clear and        se observa fenómeno alguno. Se oyen
                     continuous detonations can be           fuertes, claras y continuadas
                     heard from the south, since the         detonaciones, que vienen del Sur,
                     25th…”                                  desde el día 25…”
     Mexico City, El “…These explosions were so              “…Tan espantosamente atronadoras           24–          Diario del Hogar
     Salvador,       terrifyingly thunderous that they       fueron dichas detonaciones, que            25/10/1902   (1902d)
     Honduras        were clearly heard, as like artillery   alcanzaron á oírse claramente, como
                     rounds, in this capital [Mexico         salvas de artillería, en esta capital; y
                     City]; and even in El Salvador and      aun en El Salvador y región limítrofe
                     the bordering region of Honduras        de Honduras fueron percibidas como
                     they were perceived as dull             sordos retumbos…”
                                                                                                               (continued on next page)
H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734                                13

Table 5 (continued)

                                                                                                   Date "-"
 Location         Report (English)                       Report (original, if applicable)          unknown      Source

 Unspecified       “…At the same time as these            “…A al mismo tiempo que tales             24–          Diario del Hogar
                  detonations were heard the             detonaciones se escuchaban, el            25/10/1902   (1902d)
                  horizon became gradually darker        horizonte iba gradualmente
                  in a terrifying way, the               oscureciéndose de un modo pavoroso,
                  surrounding temperature increased      subía con toda rapidez la
                  so quickly to the point that it felt   temperatura del ambiente hasta
                  difficult to breathe…”                   hacerse fatigosa la respiración…”
 Comitán          “…Detonations can no longer be         “…Ya no se escuchan                       27/10/1902   El Imparcial
                  heard…”                                detonaciones…”                                         (1902b)
 Tuxtla           “…It is understood that a volcano      “…Se da por hecho que existe un           25/10/1902   El Imparcial
 Gutiérrez        is erupting; but where it is being     volcán en erupción; pero se ignora                     (1902b)
                  ignored. Loud underground noises       dónde está. Desde ayer se oyen
                  have been heard since                  fuertes ruidos subterráneos…”
 Managua          “…Detonations can be heard in          “…Se oyen detonaciones como de            27/10/1902   El Imparcial
 (Nicaragua)      various parts of Nicaragua, San        cañonazos en diversos lugares de                       (1902b)
                  Salvador and Costa Rica. Nothing       Nicaragua, San Salvador y Costa rica.
                  has reached here, other than           Hasta aquí no llega nada, si no es la
                  alarm…”                                alarma…”
 Mexican          “…The volcano Santa María is in        “…El volcán de Santa María está en        –            El Imparcial
 Embassy,         eruption. The rumbling can be          erupción. Los retumbos se oyen hasta                   (1902b)
 Guatemala        heard from here…”                      aquí…”
 Oaxaca           “…Detonations like artillery fire       “…se oyen detonaciones como               26/10/1902   El Imparcial
                  can be heard…”                         disparos de artillería…”                               (1902a)
 Cintalpa         “…The population of Cintalpa           “…De la población de Cintalpa             26/10/1902   El Imparcial
                  inform that … underground noises       avisan que … se escuchan ruidos                        (1902a)
                  can be heard…”                         subterráneos…”
 San Juan         “…underground noises can be            “…se oyen ruidos subterráneos en          26/10/1902   El Imparcial
 Bautista         heard in this capital [San Juan        esta capital y aun en las poblaciones                  (1902a)
                  Bautista] and even in the coastal      de la costa de Comalcalco, Paraisoy
                  populations of Comalcalco, Paraiso,    demás. No así en Teapa y
                  amongst others. That isn’t the case    Pichucalco…”
                  in Teapa and Pichucalco…”
 Macuspana        “…Explosions could be heard            “…Detonaciones desde las 2 p.m.       –                El Imparcial
                  strongly since 2 pm…”                  dejáronse oír fuertes…”                                (1902a)
 Cruzada          “…Many explosions can be heard         “…se oyen muchas detonaciones         –                El Imparcial
                  due to the eruption of Mt. San         debido á la erupción del cerro de San                  (1902a)
                  Juan…”                                 Juan…”
 Juquila          “…At 1 am the night before last,       “…Anteanoche, á la una, comenzaron 26/10/1902          El Imparcial
                  we began to hear strong                a oírse fuertes detonaciones como de                   (1902a)
                  explosions as if from cannonfire,       cañón, rumbo al Sur. Continuaron
                  coming from the south. They            hasta las tres de la tarde de ayer…”
                  continued until 3 pm yesterday…”
 Tuxtla           “…Since the morning of the 25th        “…Desde la madrugada del día 25 se        26/10/1902   El Imparcial
 Gutiérrez        strong and continuous                  han escuchado fuertes y continuados                    (1902a)
                  underground noises have been           ruidos subterráneos, por el rumbo del
                  heard coming from the south. At 3      Sur. A las tres de la tarde cesaron del
                  pm they stopped completely…”           todo…”
 Comitán          “…Explosions have stopped…”            “…Acabáronse detonaciones…”               27/10/1902   El País (1902)
 Tuxtla           “…Underground noises were heard        “…Ruidos subterráneos oyeronse            26/10/1902   El País (1902)
 Gutiérrez        since 3am yesterday, really            desde las 3 a.m. de ayer, muy
                  frequently until midday…”              frecuentes hasta el medio día…”
 Palenque,        “…strong explosions can be heard       “…se oyen fuertes detonaciones,           –            El Tiempo
 Salto de Agua    as if some volcano were close to       como si algún volcán estuviese                         (1902a)
                  erupting…”                             próximo á haber erupción…”
 Tuxtla           “…underground noises can be            “…se oyen ruidos subterráneos…”           –            El Tiempo
 Gutiérrez, San   heard…”                                                                                       (1902a)
 Cristobal Las
 Macuspana        “…In Macuspana strong and              “…En Macuspana óyense fuertes y           25/10/1902   El Tiempo
                  frequent explosions can be             frecuentes detonaciones…”                              (1902a)
                                                                                                          (continued on next page)
14                          H.C. Berry, K.V. Cashman and C.A. Williams / Data in Brief 35 (2021) 106734

Table 5 (continued)

                                                                                                Date "-"
     Location         Report (English)                    Report (original, if applicable)      unknown      Source

     150 miles from   "…The eruption must be huge, as     "…La erupción debe ser tremenda,     –             El Tiempo
     Santa María      it has been heard 150 miles away    cuando ha podido oírse á 150 millas                (1902b)
                      from Santa María…"                  de Santa María…"
     San Cristobal    "…In the early morning of October   "…En la madrugada del día 25 de      –             La Patria (1902d)
     Las Casas        25th, several successive            octubre próximo pasado, se oyeron
                      detonations, similar to those       hacia el Sureste de esta población,
                      produced by artillery discharges,   varias detonaciones sucesivas,
                      were heard southeast of this town   semejantes á las que producen las
                      … that followed one after the       descargas de artillería … que se
                      other and became louder each        sucedían unas tras otras y eran cada
                      time…"                              vez más estrepitosas…"
     San Cristobal    "…at dawn … the detonations         "…al despuntar el alba … se oían de –              La Patria (1902d)
     Las Casas        could be heard from time to         tiempo en tiempo las detonaciones…"
     Guatemala        "…underground noises have been      "…los ruidos subterráneos se han      –            La Patria (1902b)
     City             heard in the Guatemalan capital…"   escuchado en la capital de
     Unspecified       "…Detonations can be heard that     "…Se oyen detonaciones que parecen    –            La Patria (1902a)
                      sound like artillery charges…"      cargas de artillería…"
     Guatemala        "…When the underground noises       "…Cuando los ruidos subterráneos y    –            La Patria (1902c)
     City             and tremors started, on the eve of los temblores comenzaron, la víspera
                      the eruption…"                      de la erupción…"
     Guatemala        "…The explosions have lasted four "…Las explosiones han durado cuatro     –            La Patria (1902c)
                      days and have been heard            días y se han oído en toda la
                      throughout the Republic…"           República…"
     Tuxtla           "…The underground noises in         "…Los ruidos subterráneos en Tuxtla   –            La Voz de
     Gutiérrez,       Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Comitán        Gutiérrez y Comitán, previenen del                 México (1902)
     Comitán          come from the south and cover an Sur, y abarcan una extensión de
                      area of fifty leagues; they are of   cincuenta leguas; son de tal
                      such a strong nature that in Tuxtla naturaleza fuertes que en Tuxtla
                      Gutiérrez the noises from Comitán Gutiérrez se oyen los ruidos de
                      can be heard; the distance that     Comitán y la distancia que separa
                      separates these two cities is about estas dos ciudades, es de cerca de
                      fifty kilometres…"                   cincuenta kilómetros…"
     20 leagues       "…accompanied by horrendous         "…acompañados de horrísonos           –            El Siglo Futuro
     from the         thunder…"                           truenos…"                                          (1903)
     (∼85 km), near
     Guatemala      "…At 5 a.m. yesterday there were      –                                     –            Nottingham
     City           violent detonations which were                                                           Evening Post
                    heard 150 miles away…"                                                                   (1902)
     Guatemala      "…detonations from the eruption       –                                     –            New York Times
     City           were heard in the capital…"                                                              (1902a)
     Quezaltenango "…The writer reports passing           –                                     –            New York Times
                    through terrible hardships, and                                                          (1902c)
                    describes the outbreak of the
                    volcano, which started with a
                    sandstorm and broke with terrific
                    crashes of thunder and vivid
     Ocos           "…During the night of Nov. 6 a        –                                     06/11/1902   New York Times
     (steamship     few hours before the City of Para                                                        (1902b)
     City of Para)  sailed out of the port, loud
                    rumblings of the earth were heard
                    and heavy reports as of distant
                    thunder came from the direction
                    of the volcano…"
     La Union, near "…At La Union, not far from that      –                                     –            The Caucasian
     Tapachula      place, subterranean noises have                                                          (1903)
                    been frequently heard…"
                                                                                                       (continued on next page)
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