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Page created by Tom Dawson
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Document Code © Copyright Dimension Data 2017
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We’re living in an era where technology is
at the forefront of changing the way we
live, work, and relate to one another in
ways we’ve only dreamt of before.

Message from the Group CEO
We’re living in an era where technology is at the                   This is Dimension Data’s second People, Planet and Profit
forefront of changing the way we live, work, and relate             report. We’re proud to share our stories of:
to one another in ways we’ve only dreamt of before. The             •   How our people are passionately working to fulfil our
Internet of Things, analytics, mobility, virtualisation,                ambition to be the company that makes a real difference
cloud, and security are unlocking the potentital                        to our clients, our people, our shareholders, and societies.
for businesses to accelerate their ambitions at an
                                                                    •   The great work they are doing to protect our planet,
unprecedented speed.
                                                                        future generations, and enable greatness in our
Every day, businesses prove that with the increased reach and           local communities.
capacity of technology, they now have the power to deliver
                                                                    •   How we’re measuring our success – not just financial
more, better, faster, more directly and cost-effectively than
                                                                        profit but being able to invest in our clients’ future and
ever before. It’s no surprise that four of the five most valuable
                                                                        provide them with the right products and services to
companies in the world by market cap are now technology
                                                                        accelerate their ambitions.
companies – organisations that are embracing the digital
world to do things differently.                                     We feel privileged to do the work that we do for our clients,
                                                                    in our communities, and through our people to help them all
Dimension Data is helping our clients embrace this future
                                                                    accelerate their ambitions. I encourage you to read this report
and use the power of technology to do great things. We have
                                                                    and to understand how.
solutions and capabilities across all core technology areas,
and our core differentiator is our client experience. That’s why
client centricity lies at the heart of our values. I’m so pleased
with the great work our people do every day to help our
clients achieve great things with technology.

                                                                    Jason Goodall
                                                                    Group CEO
                                                                    Dimension Data

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Who we are
Dimension Data uses the power of technology to help you achieve great things. We’re proud
to work with more than 6,000 clients around the world across many different industries.

What we believe in

Our purpose                                                            Our vision
We accelerate the ambitions of our clients,                            To deliver exceptional value to our clients through our
our people, and society.                                               great people.

Our values

Personally and professionally                   We never stop looking for more               We value our diversity. We respect and
we settle for nothing less                      innovative, more relevant ways of            care deeply about our people, our
than excellence.                                creating value.                              community and our environment.

We put our clients at the centre of             Each of us achieve great things,             We do what’s right. Unthinkingly.
everything we do.                               but as a team we can achieve                 Unquestionably. And without exception.
                                                the unimaginable.

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What we believe in

         Wholly-owned                                   46 countries,          FY16 turnover of               Clients across all
         subsidiary of                            and a network of               USD 7.4bn                     industry sectors
          NTT Group                             Preferred partners in                                         including 70% of
                                                   100+ countries                                          Fortune 100 and nearly
                                                                                                            60% of Fortune 500


                                                Title partner of Team        Global Top Employer              Strategic partners
     Partner of A.S.O.,                         Dimension Data for           of 30,000 employees               -Cisco, DellEMC,
    organiser of The Tour                              Qhubeka                                                 VMware, NetApp,
         de France
                                                                                                                    and SAP

                      How we help our clients achieve great things

  Unleash the power                Respond smarter               Evolve your employee        Risk less, achieve        Revolutionise
    of data with                    and faster with                experience with              more with                 your

        Digital                                                      Workspaces                                         Customer
                                     Hybrid cloud                                            Cybersecurity
    infrastructure                                                  for tomorrow                                       experience

            The way we deliver technology services accelerates your digital business.

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Believe in Greatness – There’s potential for greatness in all of us.
The first step is believing you can. We see infinite potential in our
clients, our people and our heroes. They believe in greatness and
these are their stories.

If you believe you can do anything, we’re here to help you do it.

                      We helped Fujifilm make memories come          We helped AME to create a digital,
                      alive again with Dimension Data’s cloud.         paperless, filmless hospital.

                             We helped transform WWF’s
                                                                        We developed the world’s first
                             workplace into one that helps
                                                                    cloud-enabled G20 Leaders’ Summit.
                                   save the planet.

                                  We helped transform                  We helped transform Deakin
                             Camberwell Girls Grammar                     University’s campus by
                            School by stimulating creativity,          connecting students, lecturers,
                             collaboration, and innovation.                     and devices.

                       We helped transform EMS’ emergency                We helped transform ING
                      care to help save more lives, making them             Direct into the first
                        the difference between life and death.           Australian bank to operate
                                                                             without branches.

                       We helped Alexander Forbes transform       We helped REDISA transform the way we
                      the way we realise our dreams and change    save our resources and make today’s waste
                          lives by enabling financial freedom.          the raw materials of the future.

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For further information visit - Dimension Data
What we do
We believe technology can help you achieve great things

At Dimension Data, we’re passionate about                                ‘Because of the tools it gives us, digital
helping our clients achieve their ambitions with                         technology helps us be better doctors.
the transformative power of technology. Our key
differentiators are our client experience, the quality                   It boosts our ability to offer the most
and values of our people, the sophistication and                         effective care and, thereby, relieve
automation of our delivery platform, our geographic                      suffering.’ - Dr Mark Vrankcx, head of the
footprint, and our client base. We hold our clients
at the centre of everything we do, and our desire to                     ISPPC emergency department.
enable greatness for our clients inspires us every day.
We’re proud to share some of our recent client stories             Tour de France
with you.
                                                                   As the Official Technology Partner for the Tour de France,
ISPPC                                                              we’re helping Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.), owners of
The Intercommunale de Santé Publique du Pays Charleroi             the Tour de France, to revolutionise the viewing experience of
(ISPPC), a public hospital group in Belgium, is passionate         billions of cycling fans across the globe and tell better stories
about their patients’ wellbeing and creating an environment        with data. In 2016, we improved the technology we deployed
that feels like home. Their ambition is to provide their clients   at the race by introducing:
with not only the most appropriate care, but also the most         •   new ways of capturing race data including next-generation
compassionate care.                                                    tracking devices and a bigger data truck with cutting-edge
Using a combination of digital technologies and related                technology
services, Dimension Data helped ISPPC create a smart               •   new insights into race tactics and more data including live
hospital group, where every operational discipline                     gradient for every rider and live wind speed and direction
contributes to the seamless provision of the most advanced
                                                                   •   new ways of analysing race data including handling
care available. Caregiver satisfaction, patient trust, and
                                                                       even more data, even faster, and new features to provide
operational agility have soared while operational costs
                                                                       insights into time trial stages
have dropped.

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Through the solution, the A.S.O. is able to provide their tech-    Technology is a catalyst for the change of sport and it’s really
savvy multichannel sports audience with never before seen          exciting to see how the same technology can also help to
live speed data. The beta live-tracking site — coupled with live   make the immediate support environments of such major
data reporting on social media — permeated almost every            events more effective.
aspect of the fans’ experience, from online platforms, to social   Hirsch’s
media, and television broadcasts. The more comprehensive,
accessible, and compelling the information is that A.S.O.          Hirsch’s, a large independent appliance store in South Africa,
provides to an information-hungry audience, the more               believe technology can enable greatness and looked to us to
relevant and successful it is as a business.                       help them transform into the digital business they are today.
                                                                   Their brand is known for looking after both their customers                                       and staff extremely well and doing things differently. Hirsch’s
West Yorkshire Police                                              ambition was to translate their positive in-store experience,
The West Yorkshire Police Department, the territorial police       which both employees and customers value, online and
force in northern England, are passionate about the interest       turned to Dimension Data to help. With our technology,
and safety of their community. That’s why they asked               Hirsch’s has been able to create a secure and scalable
Dimension Data to use the same mobile tracking technology          e-commerce platform, grounded in the family values that
deployed at the Tour de France to make the Tour de Yorkshire       make Hirsch’s who they are, which has contributed to the
a better and safer for everyone.                                   overall growth of the company.

Each police vehicle was provided with a Dimension Data   
tracking device with GPS tracking capability. The positioning
data generated by the tracking devices was then relayed via
the local cell phone network to the Dimension Data cloud,               ‘We’re a family business and we treat
where it was collated and analysed. This information was then           our customers like family. So, having
displayed in the form of a route map hosted on the Tour de              Dimension Data treat us like their
Yorkshire live-tracking website that showed the type of police
vehicle and its exact location along the route, in real-time.
                                                                        family and give us the best possible
                                                                        customer experience created a synergy
                                                                        that has driven exponential growth.’
      There was a lot of question marks as                              - Gavin Singh, Hirsch’s E-commerce and
      to whether a region like Yorkshire was                            Digital Marketing Manager.
      able to manage a world-class sporting
      event. The evidence of what’s happened
      at the Tour de Yorkshire and our work
      with Dimension Data proved that we
      can not only manage a successful
      event, but that it can also be a very
      safe one.’ - Mark Milsom, Assistant Chief
      Constable, West Yorkshire Police

             ‘At Dimension Data, we’re passionate about helping our
             clients achieve their ambitions with the transformative
             power of technology.’

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First Choice Global                                               ‘African start-ups cannot easily attract
First Choice Global provides a world class money remittance       the attention of a global technology
service to Africans working in the diaspora who want to send
money home. They had ambitions to become a global leader          group, but Dimension Data was
in money transfer options for emerging markets, by creating       very welcoming. It also gave us an
a money transfer ecosystem on which to deliver turnkey            additional edge as the only cloud
solutions for international financial services institutions
interfacing with emerging economies.
                                                                  provider able to assure our American
Partnering with Dimension Data and making use of our
                                                                  financial services partners of data
technology, FCG was able to gain financial services providers’    sovereignty.’ - Alan Osoro, First Choice
confidence, enter untested waters, and break new ground           Global Managing Director
in the financial services industry. Our global presence and
providing the only global cloud platform available enabled
FCG to build their money transfer ecosystem and create
an app, SAWAPay, which provides an instant, free, money
remittance, and has helped to increase foreign exchange flows
into Africa, build our economy and improve our quality of life.

             ‘Partnering with Dimension Data and making use of our
             technology, FCG was able to gain financial services
             providers’ confidence, enter untested waters, and break
             new ground in the financial services industry.’

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Asia Commercial Bank                                                             innovate with products, services, and delivery tools. It has
In order to continuously maintain its industry leadership and                    improved their customer satisfaction and has also won the
meet the demands of a digitising economy, Asia Commercial                        Best Cloud-based project in Vietnam for 2016, part of the 10th
Bank (ACB), Vietnam’s largest privately-owned bank, decided                      Asian Banker Technology Innovation Awards Programme.
to overhaul its legacy system so it could deliver customer
services on a mobile, digital platform to enhance internal
user productivity.                                                                      ‘A single project has given us the ability
In eight months, Dimension Data migrated ACB to an entirely                             to manage the future,’ says - Matthew
new platform built on Microsoft Unified Communications and                              Martin, CIO, Asia Commercial Bank
Collaboration Suite. By securing mobile, social media, and
cloud capabilities across the board in one step, ABC can now

The full Microsoft Unified Communications and Collaboration suite implemented across
the board, on premise but cloud ready. So, ACB now has...

A hybrid,                                              9000 users                                             Real-time
fully compliant workplace                              with single sign-on                                    communication embracing
of the future                                                                                                 mobile and social media*

High                                                   Server uptime                                          Digital
scalability                                            increased from 95% to 99.9%                            innovation capabilitiesw

*Immediately post go-live: 20% of staff using a social media platform; 50% using mobile access for Lync and mail

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We want to be the company that makes a real difference to our clients, our people, and
societies and our great people are passionately working to fulfil that ambition every day.

Empowering employees to                                              Certified as a Global Top
achieve great things                                                 Employer for the third year





One global platform, one view of our                                 Accelerating diversity at
great people - in the cloud                                          Dimension Data

Developing our people to deliver
exceptional value to our clients

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Developing our people to deliver exceptional
value to our clients

At Dimension Data, our vision is to deliver exceptional                It’s our people’s relentless commitment to our business that
value to our clients through our great people.                         has shaped our success.
Our values are at the heart of our winning culture, driving            Watch the videos below to learn more about our passionate
the required collaborative, professional, and innovative               employees and why they are inspired to do great things
behaviours which differentiates us.                                    every day.

We believe in our people, the ones who don’t stop at good and don’t understand average

Peter Gray                                      Sonu Natt                                 Yves Denis
He’s a problem-solver at heart... and           Her service to clients comes from a       He values the setting of attainable
it helps to be passionate about                 place of selfless commitment and          goals and the satisfaction of smashing
cycling, too!                                   passion for what she does.                personal records.              

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Our people are encouraged to exceed their potential, make a        Designed with the client at the centre, its micro-modules
real difference to local communities, and acquire new skills       provide our people with industry-leading content, designed
and expertise. This is realised by offering unique opportunities   specifically for their role, that can be accessed whenever and
to learn, develop and grow one’s career in a multi-cultural,       wherever it is needed.
and having a diverse global organisation.                          In addition to the learning content we have also developed a
                                                                   robust portfolio of exams to ensure that our sales teams have
                                                                   both the knowledge and skill to provide insight and value-led
      ‘Our people are encouraged to exceed                         conversations in the client environment.
      their potential, make a real difference
      to local communities, and acquire new
                                                                        ‘Our Sales teams have risen to the
      skills and expertise.’
                                                                        challenge, with 4,631 exams passed
                                                                        around the globe since its inception in
Our learning opportunities include:
                                                                        June 2016.’
Dimension Data University
Dimension Data University (DDU) is our online learning portal
                                                                   Learn to Code
where employees can continuously grow their careers to
not only improve performance in their current role, but also       Both the technology itself and the way our clients want to
take the right steps towards their future career ambitions.        consume technology is changing, and this is paving the way
It’s mobile-friendly and offers 3,000 courses. There are more      for new coding skills. At the start of this year, Dimension Data
than 27 Academies including a Management & Leadership              launched a new initiative to help employees learn to code in a
Faculty and specific Vendor Certifications. Live online training   fun and supportive environment.
is done via Virtual Classroom. There is an on-going focus to
transform current skills for future needs, which includes the
development of DevOps type skills. All training is tracked and          ‘The response has been amazing!
updated on the learner’s Personal Development Plan (PDP).               Within the first fortnight, 300
Sales Academy                                                           employees across almost all of our
Within an ever-changing and competitive environment, our                operating countries were working
clients expect sales professionals who can help them to create          through the module. To date, nearly
business value for their organisations and navigate through
the complexities of the buying decision. In order to enable our         1,100 employees have completed the
sales teams to deliver on these expectations, we’ve invested            course. It has been fantastic to see this
heavily in the creation and global roll-out of the                      kind of response to this great initiative
Sales Academy.
                                                                        and we can’t wait to see where the
                                                                        program takes us.’
      ‘Within an ever-changing and
      competitive environment, our clients                         To learn more, read this blog from Anthony Shaw – the
      expect sales professionals who can                           champion behind our Learn to Code initiative.
      help them to create business value
      for their organisations and navigate                              ‘There is an on-going focus to
      through the complexities of the                                   transform current skills for future
      buying decision.’                                                 needs, which includes the development
                                                                        of DevOps type skills.’

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Empowering employees to achieve great things

In the rapidly changing world of work, the                              ‘Strong leadership is essential to
development of our leaders is critical to Dimension                     successfully executing our strategy
Data’s continued success in executing our ambitious
strategy.                                                               and that’s why we invest in our leaders
Our strategy is centred on by becoming client centric, services         and give them the tools to lead
led, outcome based, and platform delivered. It’s an ambitious           with confidence.’
strategy and strong leadership is essential to execute
successfully. That’s why Dimension Data invests and nurtures
                                                                   Millennials and emerging talent
our leaders and continually invests to create a culture of
learning, develop our employees, and build their careers.          We run various Graduate Programmes in our regions aimed at
                                                                   infusing young talent into the organisation and building our
At Dimension Data, we offer a number of leadership
                                                                   future leaders. We also work with NTT on initiatives to attract
programmes for our current leadership team and to develop
                                                                   millennials. One of the ways we endeavour to retain and
key emerging talent across the globe, including:
                                                                   develop young talent is through our Fast Track programme
Leadership Forum                                                   which provides opportunities for employees to build their
Our Global Leadership Forum are our leadership core who            leadership skills and form global connections, which we offer
collectively accelerate the execution of our strategy through      in parternship with the IE Business School in Madrid.
connecting, leading, and inspiring our people. We host an          Supporting our leaders outside the company
annual roadshow in each of our regions to connect leaders
                                                                   Outside of Dimension Data, we support and encourage our
and empower them to transform the business. Regular
                                                                   people to lead in their communities, industries, and areas of
meetings with the Global and Regional Executive teams are
                                                                   interest. For example, our Group Executive for Marketing, Ruth
also available to provide leaders with the clarity and the tools
                                                                   Rowan, is on the board of The Marketing Society to help them
to lead their teams. Leaders volunteer to become mentors
                                                                   with their international expansion and our Group Executive
and coaches for various development programmes across
                                                                   of our Project Management Office, Janice Mueller, is the
the group and ensures the leaders are committed to help
                                                                   President of the Professional Women’s Network in Zug and
empower and grow the next generation of leaders.
                                                                   Zurich in Switzerland.

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Certified as a Global Top                                           One global platform, one
Employer for the third year                                         view of our great people
                                                                    - in the cloud





Staying true to our vision of delivering exceptional                In order for us to keep pace with industry change,
value to our clients through our great people, we                   better serve our clients and people, and more quickly
take great pride that we’ve been certified as a Global              respond to their needs, we have taken a bold step
Top Employer by the Top Employers Institute for the                 forward by adopting the Workday system. Workday is
third year running. This prestigious award means                    a single, cloud platform which gives us a single view
that our people practices and policies have been                    of all our great people from any device, anywhere at
benchmarked at international standards and are                      any time.
amongst the best in the world.                                      With a clear, consistent view of our talent across the globe
We were also certified as a Top Employer in 30 countries            and access to real-time data, we can leverage the talent of our
across Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific, Australia, Europe, and   global teams to respond to become more agile to respond to
Americas, demonstrating our commitment to create the best           market opportunities and do great things for our clients.
possible work environment for our great people.
As work and digital business trends transform the world
around us, we’re confident that we’re making the right                   ‘Workday is a bold step to becoming a
investments in the right people, at the right time and the Top           truly digital business and create the
Employer awards are a testament to our success.
                                                                         best opportunities for our talent.’
What makes us a great employer? Some of our employees
share why they love working for Dimension Data:                                             .

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Accelerating diversity at Dimension Data
Building our intellectual property

As for many of our clients, diversity is a strategic priority
for Dimension Data. There’s plenty of research that
suggests companies with more diverse workforces have
stronger business performance, enhanced corporate                                Female employees
reputation, are able to attract and retain key talent, and
increase customer satisfaction. When we’re successful,
we can help our clients be successful so, it is our priority
to create an inclusive and diverse culture where everyone
can thrive, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion,
                                                                                 Employees who’ve been
sexual orientation, and disability.                                              with us for 5+ years

With Workday as our new global solution for managing and

reporting on our talent, we’ve gained greater access to talent
analytics. This is a fundamental step in helping us understand
the current trends in our talent make up and how we want to
                                                                                 employees under the
build our talent in the future.
                                                                                 age of 34 years globally
Greater transparency with Workday
Throughout the rollout of our Workday solution, we’ve got
                                                                 We’re proactively working with all of our countries on a
much greater transparency of our employee base and the
                                                                 number of diversity initiatives, some of which are listed on
makeup of our employee base.
                                                                 the next page.

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NTT Senior Women’s Leadership Program 2015                        Dimension Data MEA Women’s Forum
NTT’s Senior Women’s Leadership Program is the company’s          The Dimension Data Women’s Forum was developed in South
first global group-wide leadership program for women.             Africa and is a programme set-up and run by Dimension
Developed in partnership with Henley Business School in           Data with the intention of promoting and enabling gender
the UK, the program is designed to develop leadership skills      equity. The Dimension Data Women’s Forum is made of
and foster participant’s influence to drive the organisational    three key initiatives, the flagship of which is the Women’s
change required within the NTT Group. Participants of the         Forum Chapter Network. The Chapters are structures for
program are invited across the NTT Group and Dimension            dialogue, strategic thinking, and execution to promote and
Data is delighted to have had six female leaders participate in   enable gender equity on a values and assumptions level of
the program this year.                                            organisational culture by:
                                                                  •   creating awareness about the lack of gender unity in
                                                                      business today and provide education about the value of
                                                                      diversity in business
                                                                  •   educating women on how to create and sustain
                                                                      relationships and environments of inclusivity
                                                                      and diversity
                                                                  •   establishing a platform for meaningful networking
                                                                      internally and across brands
                                                                  •   providing individual and group driven mentorship
                                                                  •   enabling group based problem solving for
                                                                      workplace challenges
                                                                  •   addressing deep seated assumptions and stereotypes
                                                                      associated with women and men in business and how to
                                                                      effectively dispel and deal with them
                                                                  •   offering inspiration and empowerment through
NTT Global Leadership Development Program 2016                        personal development, sharing stories and unlocking
NTT’s Senior Women’s Leadership Program is the company’s              latent potential
first global group-wide leadership program for women.             True North events, another initiative run under this
Developed in partnership with Henley Business School in           programme, bring women and men from Dimension
the UK, the program is designed to develop leadership skills      Data, Internet Solutions, DDAI, and Britehouse along with
and foster participant’s influence to drive the organisational    key clients, partners, and vendors in dialogue regarding
change required within the NTT Group. Participants of the         inclusivity, diversity and the value of women in business, as
program are invited across the NTT Group and Dimension            leaders and economically active citizens in today’s world.
Data is delighted to have had six female leaders participate in   #TechGirl partners with the Dimension Data Saturday School
the program this year.                                            and creates opportunities for schoolgirls, aged between
                                                                  15 and 17, to follow a structured job-shadowing program
                                                                  during school holidays. This is done by placing girls from
                                                                  disadvantaged backgrounds in a structured job shadowing
                                                                  initiatives across the Dimension Data organisation to expose
                                                                  them to the world of work to enable them to make informed
                                                                  career choices.
                                                                  Dimension Data’s C2 Initiative
                                                                  Create & Collaborate is an internal group that builds
                                                                  awareness, drives action, and maintains accountability to
                                                                  recruit and retain more women across Dimension Data. Our
                                                                  mission is to foster an environment and culture where women
                                                                  can thrive and diversity is valued because embracing and
                                                                  developing this culture will drive better social and business
                                                                  outcomes for Dimension Data.
                                                                  To date, we have 740 members in the group who share and
                                                                  collaborate around the topic of diversity using Yammer. This
                                                                  group has been instrumental in bringing together employees
                                                                  across the globe around the topic of diversity.

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Our vision is of a future where technology is used for not only economic, but also
environmental and social benefit. In FY16, we used technology to protect the
endangered rhino in southern Africa and protect future generations by reducing our
own carbon footprint – and became carbon neutral. Our employees across the world
passionately came together to change the lives of 924 children by mobilising them with
Qhubeka bikes.

Connected Conservation
Protecting the rhino by
tracking people

                                                        Protecting future
                                                        Using technology to
                                                        protect our planet

Accelerating the
ambitions of Qhubeka
Through the passion
and commitment of
our people.

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Through the solution, the A.S.O. is able to provide their tech-    their positive in-store experience, which both employees and
savvy multichannel sports audience with never before seen          customers value, online and turned to Dimension Data to
live speed data. The beta live-tracking site — coupled with live   help. With our technology, Hirsch’s has been able to create a
data reporting on social media — permeated almost every            secure and scalable e-commerce platform, grounded in the
aspect of the fans’ experience, from online platforms, to social   family values that make Hirsch’s who they are, which has
media, and television broadcasts. The more comprehensive,          contributed to the overall growth of the company.
accessible, and compelling the information is that A.S.O.
provides to an information-hungry audience, the more
relevant and successful it is as a business.                                            ‘We’re a family business and we treat
West Yorkshire Police                                                   our customers like family. So, having
The West Yorkshire Police Department, the territorial police            Dimension Data treat us like their
force in northern England, are passionate about the interest            family and give us the best possible
and safety of their community. That’s why they asked
Dimension Data to use the same mobile tracking technology
                                                                        customer experience created a synergy
deployed at the Tour de France to make the Tour de Yorkshire            that has driven exponential growth.’
a better and safer for everyone.                                        - Gavin Singh, Hirsch’s E-commerce and
Each police vehicle was provided with a Dimension Data                  Digital Marketing Manager.
tracking device with GPS tracking capability. The positioning
data generated by the tracking devices was then relayed via
the local cell phone network to the Dimension Data cloud,          First Choice Global
where it was collated and analysed. This information was then      First Choice Global provides a world class money remittance
displayed in the form of a route map hosted on the Tour de         service to Africans working in the diaspora who want to send
Yorkshire live-tracking website that showed the type of police     money home. They had ambitions to become a global leader
vehicle and its exact location along the route, in real-time.      in money transfer options for emerging markets, by creating
                                                                   a money transfer ecosystem on which to deliver turnkey
                                                                   solutions for international financial services institutions
      There was a lot of question marks as                         interfacing with emerging economies.
      to whether a region like Yorkshire was                       Partnering with Dimension Data and making use of our
      able to manage a world-class sporting                        technology FCG was able to gain financial services providers’
                                                                   confidence, enter untested waters, and break new ground
      event. The evidence of what’s happened
                                                                   in the financial services industry. Our global presence and
      at the Tour de Yorkshire and our work                        providing the only global cloud platform available enabled
      with Dimension Data proved that we                           FCG to build their money transfer ecosystem and create
      can not only manage a successful                             an app, SAWAPay, which provides an instant, free, money
                                                                   remittance, and has helped to increase foreign exchange flows
      event, but that it can also be a very                        into Africa, build our economy and improve our quality of life.
      safe one.’ - Mark Milsom, Assistant Chief
      Constable, West Yorkshire Police
                                                                        ‘African start-ups cannot easily attract
                                                                        the attention of a global technology
Technology is a catalyst for the change of sport and it’s really        group, but Dimension Data was
exciting to see how the same technology can also help to
make the immediate support environments of such major                   very welcoming. It also gave us an
events more effective.                                                  additional edge as the only cloud
Hirsch’s                                                                provider able to assure our American
Hirsch’s, a large independent appliance store in South Africa,          financial services partners of data
believe technology can enable greatness and looked to us to             sovereignty.’ - Alan Osoro, First Choice
help them transform into the digital business they are today.
Their business is know and respected for brand is known for
                                                                        Global Managing Director
looking after both their customers and staff extremely well
and doing things different. Hirsch’s ambition was to translate

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Connected Conservation
Our solution to conservation is different. We’re using technology to protect the
rhino by tracking people.

The rhino is one of Africa’s greatest wildlife attractions and     Most rhino conservation efforts are reactive, such as darting
part of the iconic big five - lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard,    the animal with a tranquiliser. These efforts can be both
and rhino. If the rhino becomes extinct, it will negatively        traumatic and risky for the animal. Our solution is different.
affect whole ecosystems, tourism, and employment.                  We’re focussing on a proactive solution that tracks the
                                                                   movement of people and intercepting rhino poaching
Every day, up to three rhinos are lost to poaching in South
                                                                   syndicates before they harm the animal, allowing the animal
Africa. If this poaching rate continues the, the species will be
                                                                   to thrive in peace. The solution comprises these areas of
extinct by 2025 (WESSA).
                                                                   transformative technology that also help to accelerate the
We believe organisations from the technology industry              digital businesses of our clients:
have a role to play in society beyond traditional corporate
social responsibility programmes, and can have meaningful
impact. As part of a pilot project at a private game reserve in
southern Africa, we’re partnering with Cisco to harness the
transformative power of technology to protect the rhino by
tracking the movement of people. With this project, we’re
starting a groundswell of real change in conservation.

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How technology transforms conservation

                             Digital                         Hybrid                  Workspaces for                   Cybersecurity
                         infrastructure                      cloud                     tomorrow

                                                                                        Multiscreen                  Secure network
                       Data and analytics             Automatic backup
                                                                                      communication                   and data flow
                      Digitising and analysing          Backing up data in            Keeping rangers                Eliminating the risk of
                         the entry and exit        real-time, to ensure uptime    connected across multiple        information falling in the
                      information of people                                          devices in all areas                wrong hands
                          visiting the park

                                         Using professional services to design and implement the solutions; operated as
                                                managed service, using the cloud for data analysis and backupp

Dimension Data’s professional services teams designed and                                  ‘Connected Conservation is driven
implemented the solution, and they now operate it as a
                                                                                           by our passion for both technology
managed service, utilising the cloud for data analysis and
back up. Coupled with Dimension Data’s range of remote                                     innovation and our wildlife heritage
network monitoring and managed services, the solution                                      – it’s a natural intersection of these
provides an unprecedented onsite capability for technology                                 two aspects.’
deployments, proof-of-concept test beds, and rapid solution
developments that the broader conservation community will
benefit from.

             ‘Dimension Data’s professional services teams designed
             and implemented the solution, and they now operate it as
             a managed service, utilising the cloud for data analysis
             and back up.’

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Protecting future generations
In 2014, we launched a strategy with one simple aim – to protect future generations.
We’ve reached a major milestone in our strategy by becoming carbon neutral.

Technology provides the potential for businesses        ‘We want the benefit of the technology
to achieve tremendous efficiencies. Not only can it
                                                        we provide to be greater than
deliver great economic results, but also provide real
environmental benefits.                                 the impact of our business. Our
                                                        environmental ambition is to use
                                                        technology to reduce more harmful
                                                        carbon emissions than our business,
                                                        and our clients’ businesses, produce.’

             ‘Technology provides the potential for businesses to
             achieve tremendous efficiencies. Not only can it deliver
             great economic results, but also provide real
             environmental benefits.’

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Our research indicates that the use of
                 technology between our financial years
                 2014-2018 could save our clients:

                                     2.8 million tones of carbon

                                     and USD 2 billion in travel and energy costs

                                     as well as preventing 4,000 tones of
                                     electronic waste from going to landfill

    In 2016, we achieved a major ambition of our                                                    We achieved this by:
    environmental ambition by becoming carbon netural,                                              •        helping our clients reduce energy by moving their
    meaning what we have saved clients in carbon footprint                                                   IT workload to the cloud
    exceeds the amount of carbon we’ve produced.
                                                                                                    •        providing our clients with immersive telepresence and
                                                                                                             video-conferencing systems that help reduce travel
                                                                                                    •        improving our clients adoption of visual communications
                                                                                                             through MSVC

            Total carbon footprint
            Total carbon savings                             Global carbon footprint vs client carbon savings

                                                                                                                                                            42,158.70    42,680.15

                                                                                                                                                            35,573.35    35,240.65
35,000.00                                                                                                                                      34,558.94
                    31,306.86                                                                    31,741.17
                                        30,166.62                                   30,818.77                      30,750.48
                                                      29,448.01    29,705.08
30,000.00                                                                                                                      28,867.65

25,000.00                                                                       23,736.46       24,285.31

20,000.00                                                          19,231.78



                   Q1 2013/14           Q2 2013/14   Q3 2013/14    Q4 2013/14   Q1 2014/15      Q2 2014/15        Q3 2014/15      Q4 2014/15   Q1 2015/16   Q2 2015/16   Q3 2015/16

    We’ll continue to help our clients to make a difference                                                    ‘We’re tracking our environmental
    by helping the use technology to reduce their carbon
    footprint and the amount of e-waste they produce.
                                                                                                               performance every year to make sure
                                                                                                               we continue to achieve our ambition’

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Accelerating the ambitions of Qhubeka
Our passionate employees around the world joined together to change the lives of
924 children in South Africa.

Dimension Data’s Heads, Hearts and Hands programme            We believe mobilising more people with bicycles in South
provides opportunities for our 30,000 great people around     Africa is a simple, but powerful way we can change lives – and
the world to give their time, passion, and energy to make a   it’s an initiative Dimension Data employees across the globe
positive change for society and the environment.              have put their hearts into. So far, our people have raised 924
                                                              bikes, changing the lives of 924 children in Africa.
In 2016, we partnered with Qhubeka to put more people
on bicycles. As title sponsors for Team Dimension Data for
Qhubeka – who took on this year’s Tour de France for the
first time in Dimension Data team colours – we worked with
                                                                   ‘We believe mobilising more people
the team owners to align our Heads, Hearts and Hands               with bicycles in South Africa is a simple,
programme with the world of pro-cycling.                           but powerful way we can change lives.’

      Bicycles donated so far by Dimension Data
                                                              Our goal is to help Qhubeka, a South
                                                              African-based charity, to mobilise

             0 9 2 4
                                                              children with bicycles to help them
                                                              get to school quicker and safer.
                                                              It’s truly amazing how something as
                                                              simple as a bicycle can change a life.

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We hope to combat learners’ frequent absenteeism as a                 To learn more, read our 2016 Heads, Hearts and Hands Annual
result of walking to school every day, giving them more               report which is filled with stories of how our great people have
time for homework and to enjoy their childhood.                       given back to communities and changed lives.
While our Qhubeka initiative has its roots in Africa, it’s exciting
to see all our regions and employees supporting it.                   Documents/HHH_Annual_Report_FY16.pdf

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At Dimension Data, we believe that at the heart of a sustainable business is a strong
financial performance. It’s also about having great relationships with our clients, investing
for the future through acquisitions, and providing our clients with the right products
and services to accelerate their ambitions.

The FYI on FY16                                  Improving our skills and
                                                 capabilities through acquisitions

Industry and partner                            Building our intellectual
recognition                                     property

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The FYI on FY16

Dimension Data continues to significantly outperform the                                      Our Data Centre, Managed Services, and Cloud Services
market. We grew our revenue by 2.4% against a market                                          – in which we are focusing on aggressive growth and
that slowed to 0% in the second half of 2016, a tremendous                                    transformation – achieved double digit growth.
achievement given turbulence in international markets.

                                                      Earning by the numbers
                                Focus on driving outcomes and improving our profitability

                     USD 7.4bn                                                      2.4%                                       18%
                                                                                   Revenue                                  Gross margin
                                                                           year-on-year growth*

                                 Transformational metrics. We grew...

 1. We grew Managed Services (formally known as Enterprise Services) revenue by 13% up to USD 649m
 2. We grew Cloud Services (formally known as ITaaS) revenue by 66% up to USD 63m
 3. We grew Data Centre revenue by 15.5% up to USD 862m
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Revenue by Service and Business Unit
                 We grew our services by 5% and our products by 3%

                                     Services                                        Business Units

                                      USD 63m
                                       ITaaS                                                     Other
                                                                                   EUC              USD
                                                                                           USD      245m

                            USD 619m
                             branded                                            USD 862m
                              re-sale           USD 1,110m                        Data
                                                Professional                     Centre
                                                                                                            USD 3.694m
                                                                                USD 899m

                                 USD 1,722m                                            USD 1.227m
                                  Managed                                               Customer
                                  services                                             Experience

                                                Revenue by region
                                                    excluding acquisitions
                                                                   USD 2.0 bn

                                                                                                                         USD 1.5 bn
    USD 2.2 bn

                                                               +0.3%                                   +3.1%
                                                        Middle East & Africa                         Australia
                                                               USD 0.8 bn
                                                                                                      USD 1.0 bn

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Improving our skills and capabilities through acquisitions

We’ve augmented our capabilities and intellectual                in a Hybrid manner be it Private Cloud, Public Cloud or On-
property with two acquisitions. We’re proud to welcome           premise – or any combination thereof.
new people to our teams across the globe, people who
bring skills and expertise to our business and share our
commitment to deliver an exceptional client experience.               ‘We’re proud to be one of the only
Ceryx                                                                 companies in the world who can offer
Ceryx is a privately-owned managed service and technology             our clients an end-to-end managed
provider for Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for                Microsoft service proposition.’
Business, and Office 365. Our clients are on the journey
to cloud and the combined strength of Dimension Data
and Ceryx will enable us to offer our clients a cloud-based      Jebsen & Jessen Communications
platform to provision, manage and operate the Exchange,          Jebsen & Jessen Communications is a market leader in
Sharepoint, Skype for Business and Office365 suite of services   converged communications in South East Asia. The company
                                                                 designs, installs, maintains and supports solutions including
      ‘We’re proud to welcome new people                         unified communications and collaboration, contact centres,
                                                                 and mobility solutions. The acquisition has deepened our
      to our teams across the globe, people                      contact centre capabilities, and extend our partner portfolio
      who bring skills and expertise to                          to include Avaya, making us the only system integrator with
      our business and share our                                 in-depth capabilities in Cisco, Avaya, and Microsoft.
      commitment to deliver an
      exceptional client experience.’

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Industry and partner recognition

Since 2016, Dimension Data has received 150 client, vendor, and industry awards. We’re proud to be nominated for our
award, testament to our commitment to deliver the best value to our clients.
Here are some key highlights of these achievements:

Industry awards and achievements

                                                                              InformationWeek’s “25
                    One of the Top 10 Fastest-Growing
                                                                              Cloud Vendors Worth
                    Consulting Service Providers
                                                                              Watching” list, 2016
                    Providers, 2014-2015 Gartner, Market
                    Share Analysis: Consulting Services,
                    Worldwide, 2015, May 20166

                    20 Most Promising IT                                      Global Top Employer for
                    Infrastructure Solution Providers                         the third year running
                    2016, CIORevie magazine, 2016

                    DBA Design Effectiveness
                    Award for the Manage Centre Portal,
                    Design Business Association, 2016

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Partner and NTT cross-sell awards

                     42                         16                             8
                    Cisco awards, including 7   Global Microsoft Partner of   Awards from our parent
                    Global Cisco awards         the Year awards in the last   company NTT, recognising
                                                nine years                    best practices where NTT
                                                                              Group companies worked

     We’re proud to be nominated for
     these awards and recognised for
     our achievements, testament to
     our commitment to deliver the
     best value to our clients.

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Building our intellectual property

We continued to build on our position as an industry                                 The annual Network Barometer
thought leader, publishing the following reports, which                              Report gauges the readiness of
are based on analysis of data collected through our                                  today’s networks to support and
engagements with clients:                                                            accelerate business. The report uses
                                                                                     real factual data from two sources –
                              Frequently cited by industry analysts
                                                                                     Technology Lifecycle Management
                              and quoted by the media, the annual
                                                                                     Assessments we carried out over 2015
                              Dimension Data Global Contact Centre
                                                                                     for clients; and data on the networks
                              Benchmarking Report is designed to
                                                                                     we monitor for our clients during
                              provide a single point of reference
                                                                                     2015, gathered from four of our Global
                              on key aspects affecting customer
                                                                                     Service Centres.
                              management in today’s contact
                              centres. The report is based on
                              findings from 901 participants, across                 The 2016 Global Threat Intelligence
                              six regions and 12 industry verticals.                 Report is based on threat data
                              The report will be celebrating its 20th                collected and analysed during 2015
                              edition later this year.                               by NTT Group security companies
                                                                                     including Dimension Data,
      ‘We continued to build on our position                                         Solutionary, and NTT Com Security
      as an industry thought leader’                                                 along with the NTT Innovation
                                                                                     Institute, Inc. (NTTi³). It highlights
                                                                                     what business leaders need to know
                                                                                     about protecting their organisation
                                                                                     from cyberthreats.

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