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AUG V IC: Exploiting BiText Vicinity for Low-Resource NMT

                                                               Tasnim Mohiuddin∗ ¶ , M Saiful Bari ∗¶ , and Shafiq Joty¶†
                                                                       Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
                                                                            Salesforce Research Asia, Singapore
                                                                 {mohi0004, bari0001, srjoty}

                                                                 Abstract                        in low-resource conditions (Koehn and Knowles,
                                            The success of Neural Machine Translation            2017; Guzmán et al., 2019). However, majority
                                            (NMT) largely depends on the availability of         of the languages are low-resourced despite being
                                            large bitext training corpora. Due to the lack       used by large portion of world population. Hence,
arXiv:2106.05141v1 [cs.CL] 9 Jun 2021

                                            of such large corpora in low-resource language       improving low-resource MT quality has been of
                                            pairs, NMT systems often exhibit poor perfor-        great interests to the MT researchers.
                                            mance. Extra relevant monolingual data of-              There have been several attempts to extend the
                                            ten helps, but acquiring it could be quite ex-
                                                                                                 success of NMT in high-resource settings to low-
                                            pensive, especially for low-resource languages.
                                            Moreover, domain mismatch between bitext             resource language pairs that have a relatively small
                                            (train/test) and monolingual data might de-          amount of available parallel data. Most of these
                                            grade the performance. To alleviate such is-         methods mainly focus on leveraging extra monolin-
                                            sues, we propose AUG V IC, a novel data aug-         gual data through back-translation (Sennrich et al.,
                                            mentation framework for low-resource NMT             2016) and self-training (He et al., 2020), or trans-
                                            which exploits the vicinal samples of the given      lation knowledge transfer through parallel data in-
                                            bitext without using any extra monolingual
                                                                                                 volving other assisting language pairs (Firat et al.,
                                            data explicitly. It can diversify the in-domain
                                            bitext data with finer level control. Through
                                                                                                 2016a,b; Johnson et al., 2017; Neubig and Hu,
                                            extensive experiments on four low-resource           2018).1 Large scale pre-training is another recent
                                            language pairs comprising data from different        trend to utilize large monolingual data for NMT
                                            domains, we have shown that our method is            (Liu et al., 2020). However, very few work has con-
                                            comparable to the traditional back-translation       sidered low-resource NMT without using auxiliary
                                            that uses extra in-domain monolingual data.          data or other pivot languages.
                                            When we combine the synthetic parallel data
                                                                                                    In the presence of a sufficient amount of in-
                                            generated from AUG V IC with the ones from
                                            the extra monolingual data, we achieve further       domain monolingual data, back-translation (BT)
                                            improvements. We show that AUG V IC helps            has proved to be quite successful (Edunov et al.,
                                            to attenuate the discrepancies between relevant      2018). In this approach, a reverse intermediate
                                            and distant-domain monolingual data in tradi-        model is trained on the original parallel data, which
                                            tional back-translation. To understand the con-      is later used to generate synthetic parallel data by
                                            tributions of different components of AUG V IC,      translating sentences from target-side monolingual
                                            we perform an in-depth framework analysis.           data into the source language. However, when there
                                        1   Introduction                                         are scarcity of in-domain data which indeed a com-
                                                                                                 mon situation in many low-resource settings, the
                                        Neural Machine Transaltion (NMT) has shown               success of BT may be limited (Chen et al., 2019).
                                        impressive performance in high-resource settings,
                                                                                                    Another understudied problem with BT is the
                                        even claiming to achieve parity with human profes-
                                                                                                 issue with domain mismatch (Edunov et al., 2020).
                                        sional translators (Hassan et al., 2018; Popel et al.,
                                                                                                 To elaborate, let us consider two scenarios: (i) the
                                        2020). Most successful NMT systems have billions
                                                                                                 training and testing data come from the same or rel-
                                        of parameters (Lepikhin et al., 2021). They gener-
                                                                                                 evant domains (e.g., News), and (ii) the test domain
                                        ally work well only when a good amount of par-
                                                                                                 (News) is different from the training domain (e.g.,
                                        allel training data is available and perform poorly
                                            ∗                                                       1
                                                Equal contribution                                      See (Dabre et al., 2020) for a survey of the later.
Subtitles). In the former case, we can foresee two      plements traditional BT with additive gains when
problems. First, if we use out-of-domain monolin-       extra monolingual data is used. We also show
gual data which is abundant, it might misguide the      AUG V IC’s efficacy in bridging the gap between
model and move it far away from the actual test dis-    in-domain and out-of-domain performance in tradi-
tribution. Second, even if the monolingual data is      tional back-translation with monolingual data. We
from a domain similar to that of the training/testing   carried out an ablation study to understand the con-
data, there might be differences in topics, modality,   tribution of the diversity factor in our proposed
style, etc., which might induce noise.                  framework. We open-source our framework at
   For the latter scenario, even if the monolingual
data comes from the similar domain as the test
data (News), the corresponding (reverse) transla-       2   Related Work
tions will be noisy as the intermediate model would     Two lines of studies are relevant to our work.
be trained on a different domain (Subtitles). Con-
sequently, these noisy pseudo-parallel data will        Low-resource NMT Although the main focus of
induce noise during training and might cause the        investigation and improvement in NMT has been
model to perform worse (Wang et al., 2018). On the      in high-resource settings, there has been a recent
other hand, using in-domain (Subtitles) monolin-        surge of interest in low-resource MT. However,
gual data in back-translation will not give enough      achieving satisfactory performance in low-resource
diversity to cover the test domain (News).              settings turns out to be challenging for NMT sys-
   In this work, inspired by the Vicinal Risk Mini-     tems (Koehn and Knowles, 2017). Recent research
mization principle (Chapelle et al., 2001), we pro-     has mainly focused on creating and cleaning paral-
pose AUG V IC, a novel method to augment vicinal        lel (Ramasamy et al., 2014; Islam, 2018) and com-
samples around the bitext distribution. Instead of      parable data (Tiedemann, 2012), utilizing bilingual
using extra monolingual data, AUG V IC aims to          lexicon induction (Conneau et al., 2017; Artetxe
leverage the vicinal samples of the original bitext,    et al., 2018; Mohiuddin and Joty, 2019, 2020; Mo-
thereby enlarging the support of the training bitext    hiuddin et al., 2020), fine-grained hyperparameter
distribution to improve model generalization. The       tuning (Sennrich and Zhang, 2019), and using other
main advantage is that the resulting distribution       language pairs as pivot (Cheng et al., 2017; Kim
remains close to the original distribution and can      et al., 2019).
be controlled at a finer level (Figure 1).                 Another avenue of research follows multilingual
                                                        translation, where translation knowledge from high-
   With the goal of training a source-to-target NMT
                                                        resource language pairs are exploited by training a
system, AUG V IC augments vicinal samples in the
                                                        single NMT system on a mix of high-resource and
target language. The vicinal samples are generated
                                                        low-resource language pairs (Firat et al., 2016a,b;
by predicting the masked tokens of a target bitext
                                                        Kocmi and Bojar, 2018; Gu et al., 2018; Neubig
sentence using a pretrained large-scale language
                                                        and Hu, 2018; Guzmán et al., 2019). Zoph et al.
model. To generate synthetic bitext data from these
                                                        (2016) proposed a variant where they pretrain NMT
augmented vicinal samples through a reverse in-
                                                        system on a high-resource language pair before
termediate (target-to-source) model, we propose
                                                        finetuning on a target low-resource language pair.
two different methods: the first one is based on the
traditional BT, while the second one leverages the      Data Augmentation for NMT Till now, one of
original source sentence as a guide. Finally, we        the most successful data augmentation strategies
train the source-to-target model by combining the       in NMT is back-translation (BT) (Sennrich et al.,
original parallel data with the synthetic bitext.       2016; Hoang et al., 2018), which exploits target-
  In order to demonstrate the effectiveness and         side monolingual data. Edunov et al. (2018) investi-
robustness of AUG V IC, we conduct extensive ex-        gated BT extensively and scaled the method to mil-
periments on four low-resource language pairs           lions of target-side monolingual sentences. Caswell
comprising data from different domains. Our re-         et al. (2019) explored the role of noise in noised-
sults show significant improvements over the bitext     BT and proposed to use a tag for back-translated
baselines with 2.76 BLEU gains on an average            source sentences. Besides BT, self-training is an-
on eight different translation tasks without using      other data augmentation strategy for NMT which
any extra monolingual data. AUG V IC also com-          leverages source-side monolingual data (He et al.,
Figure 1: Illustration of AUG V IC steps for Bengali-to-English translation system. Here (xi , yi ) is the original bitext
pair, ỹi is a vicinal sample of yi , and (x̃i , ỹi ) is a synthetic pair where x̃i is generated by a reverse intermediate
translation system Mt→s . Right side of the figure shows the successive steps of vicinal sample generation.

2020). Large scale multilingual pre-training fol-              3     Method
lowed by bitext fine-tuning is a recent trend to uti-
lize monolingual data for NMT, which is shown to               Let s and t denote the source and target languages
be beneficial (Arivazhagan et al., 2019; Liu et al.,           respectively, and D = {(xi , yi )}N
                                                                                                 i=1 denote the bi-
2020; Zhu et al., 2020; Lepikhin et al., 2021).                text training corpus containing N sentence pairs
                                                               with xi and yi coming from s and t languages, re-
   Apart from using extra monolingual data, Xie
                                                               spectively. Also, let Ms→t is an NMT model that
et al. (2017) show that data noising is an effective                                                       t
                                                               can translate sentences from s to t, and Dmono   =
regularization method for NMT, while Wu et al.                      M
                                                               {yj }j=1 denote the monolingual corpus in the tar-
(2019) use noised training. In low-resource settings,
                                                               get language t containing M sentences.
Fadaee et al. (2017) augment bitext by replacing a
common word with a low-frequency word in the tar-              3.1    Traditional Back-Translation
get sentence, and change its corresponding word in
the source sentence to improve the translation qual-           Traditional back-translation (Sennrich et al., 2016)
ity of rare words. Wang et al. (2018) propose an un-           leverages the target-side monolingual corpus. With
supervised data augmentation method for NMT by                 the aim to train a source-to-target model Ms→t ,
replacing words in both source and target sentences            it first trains a reverse intermediate model Mt→s
based on hamming distance. Gao et al. (2019) pro-              using the given bitext D, and use it to translate
                                                               the extra target-side monolingual data Dmono t    into
pose a method that replaces words with a weighted
combination of semantically similar words. Re-                 source language. This yields a synthetic bitext
cently, Nguyen et al. (2020) propose an in-domain              corpus Dsyn = {Mt→s (yj ), yj )}M   j=1 . Then a final
augmentation method by diversifying the available              model Ms→t is trained on {D ∪ Dsyn } usually by
bitext data using multiple forward and backward                upsampling D to keep the original and synthetic
models. In their follow-up work (Nguyen et al.,                bitext pairs to a certain ratio (generally 1:1).
2021), they extend the idea to unsupervised MT
                                                               3.2    AUG V IC: Exploiting Bitext Vicinity
(UMT) using a cross-model distillation method,
where one UMT model’s synthetic output is used                 For low-resource languages, the amount of avail-
as input for another UMT model.                                able parallel data is limited, hindering training of
                                                               a good MT system. Moreover, the target language
Summary Most of the previous work on improv-                   pairs can be quite different (e.g., morphologically,
ing BT involve either training iteratively or combin-          topic distribution) from the high-resource ones,
ing BT with self-training using monolingual data               making the translation task more difficult (Chen
blindly without noticing the distributional differ-            et al., 2019). Also, acquiring large and relevant
ences between the monolingual and bitext data. In              monolingual corpora in the target language is dif-
contrast, in AUG V IC we systematically parameter-             ficult in low-resource settings and can be quite ex-
ize the generation of new training samples from the            pensive. The domain mismatch between the mono-
original parallel data. Moreover, the combination              lingual and bitext data is another issue with the
of our augmented vicinal samples with monolin-                 traditional back-translation as mentioned in §1.
gual data makes the NMT models more robust and                    With the aim to improve model generalization,
attenuates the prevailing distributional gap.                  the core idea of AUG V IC is to leverage the vicinal
samples of the given bitext rather than using extra            In a masked LM, one can mask out a token at
monolingual data. The addition of bitext vicinity           any position and ask the model to predict at that
also alleviates the domain mismatch issue since             position. For a meaningful and informed augmen-
the augmented data distribution does not change             tation, we mask out the tokens successively (one at
much from the original bitext distribution. Figure          a time) up to a required number determined by a di-
1 shows an illustrative example of AUG V IC, which          versity ratio, ρ ∈ (0, 1). For a sentence of length `,
works in three basic steps to train a model:                the successive augmentation can generate at most
                                                            (2` − 1) × k vicinal samples, where k is the number
 (i) Generate vicinal samples ỹi of the target sen-        of output tokens chosen for each masked position.
     tences (yi ) in the bitext data D.                     We use k = 1, and pick the one with the high-
 (ii) Produce source-side translations x̃i of the vic-      est probability ensuring that it does not match the
      inal samples to generate synthetic bitext D̃.         original token at the masked position. The diver-
                                                            sity ratio (ρ) controls how much diverse the vicinal
(iii) Train the final source-to-target MT model             samples can be from the original sentence, and is
      Ms→t using {D ∪ D̃}.                                  selected using one of the following two ways:

   AUG V IC, however, is not mutually exclusive to          • Fixed diversity ratio Here we use a fixed value
the traditional back-translation and can be used to-          for ρ, and select t = ` × ρ tokens to mask out.
gether when relevant monolingual data is available.           We then generate new vicinity samples by pre-
In the following, we describe how each of these               dicting new tokens in those masked positions.
steps are operationalized with NMT models.
                                                            • Dynamic diversity ratio Instead of using a
3.2.1 Generation of Vicinal Samples                           fixed value, in this approach we set the diversity
We first generate vicinal samples for each eligible           ratio dynamically taking the sentence length into
target sentence yi in the bitext D = {(xi , yi )}N            consideration. This allows finer-level control for
                                                    i=1 .
Let V(ỹi |yi ) denote the vicinity distribution around       diversification — the longer the sentence is, the
yi , we create a corpus of vicinal samples as:                smaller should its diversification ratio be. The
                                                              intuition is that for long sentences, a larger value
                 ỹi ∼ V (ỹi |yi )                  (1)      of ρ will produce vicinal samples which will be
                                                              far away from the original sample. Specifically,
We generate vicinal samples for sentences having              we use the following piece-wise function to find
lengths between 3 and 100, and V can be modeled               the number of tokens to mask out dynamically:
with existing syntactic and semantic alternation                      (
methods like language model (LM) augmentation                            max(` × a, tmin ) ; if ` ≤ 20
                                                                  t=                                           (2)
(Kobayashi, 2018; Wu et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2020;                     min( h` × b, tmax ) ; otherwise
Bari et al., 2021), paraphrase generation (Li et al.,
2018), constrained summarization (Laban et al.,               where tmin and tmax are hyperparameters and rep-
2020), and similar sentence retrieval (Du et al.,             resent the minimum and maximum number of
2020). Most of these methods are supervised re-               tokens to be replaced by the masked LM. The
quiring extra annotations. Instead, in AUG V IC, we           other hyperparameters a, b, and h play the same
adopt an unsupervised LM augmentation, which                  role as the diversity ratio ρ.
makes the framework more robust and flexible to                Since we predict tokens for replacement one at
use. Specifically, we use a pretrained XLM-R                a time, we can make the prediction in any of the
masked LM (Conneau et al., 2020a) parameterized             permutation order of t. So, the maximum number
by θxlmr as our vicinal model. Thus, the vicinity           of possibleaugmentation for a sentence of length
distribution is defined as V (ỹi |yi , θxlmr ).            ` is γ = `t × t!. We perform stochastic sampling
   Note that we treat the vicinal model as an ex-           from the distribution of γ to select N 0 vicinal sam-
ternal entity, which is not trained/fine-tuned. This        ples. We have added an analysis on the effect of
disjoint characteristic gives our framework the flex-       diversity ratio ρ in AUG V IC in §5.5.
ibility to replace θxlmr even with a better monolin-
gual LM for a specific target language, which in            3.2.2 Generation of Synthetic Bitext Data
turn makes AUG V IC extendable to utilize stronger          Our objective is to train a source-to-target MT
LMs that may come in the future.                            model Ms→t . So far, we have the bitext D =
the translation quality of x̃i when generating the
                                                                synthetic bitext D̃. Specifically, we use the original
                                                                source xi as a guide for generating the synthetic
                                                                translation x̃i of the target-side vicinal sample y˜i .

                                                                              x̃i = Mt→s (y˜i |xi )                (3)

                                                                For this, we propose a model based on the Trans-
                                                                former architecture which has two encoders - one
                                                                for the source sentence (E) and another for the
                                                                guide sentence (E 0 ), and a decoder (D) (Figure 2).
                                                                We use the same architecture with the exception
                                                                that now we have two identical encoders (E and
                                                                E 0 ). Both the encoders have a stack of L layers,
                                                                while the decoder has (L + 1) layers.
                                                                Training & Inference: We train this model with a
                                                                dataset of triplets containing (y, x̃, x), where (x, y)
                                                                comes from the original bitext and x̃ is a vicinal
                                                                sample of x to guide the decoder in generating x.
                                                                Each of the first L layers of the decoder performs
                                                                cross-attention on E(y) resulting in decoder states
                                                                D(L) (x
Pair           Data-Source                 Train & Dev                    Test
                     En-Bn        Islam (2018)                    Mixed                     Mixed
                     En-Ta    Ramasamy et al. (2014)        News, Bible, Cinema       News, Bible, Cinema
                     En-Ne     Guzmán et al. (2019)       Bible, GV, PTB, Ubuntu          Wikipedia
                     En-Si     Guzmán et al. (2019)       Opens subtitles, Ubuntu         Wikipedia

                                        Table 1: Sources and domains of the datasets.

   Even though the En-Bn dataset size is relatively               (i) Bitext baseline is the model trained with the
small (∼ 72K pairs), the quality of the bitext is rich,           bitext given with the dataset.
and it covers a diverse set of domains including lit-             (ii) Upsample baseline Here we upsample the bi-
erature, journalistic texts, instructive texts, admin-            text to the same amount of AUG V IC’s data.
istrative texts, and texts treating external communi-
cation. Here the distributions in train and test splits           (iii) Diversification baseline Nguyen et al. (2020)
are about the same. For En-Ta, the train and test do-             diversifies the original parallel data by using the
mains are similar, mostly coming from the news (∼                 predictions of multiple forward and backward
66.43%). For En-Ne and En-Si, we use the datasets                 NMT models. Then they merge the augmented
from (Guzmán et al., 2019), where the train and                  data with the original bitext on which the final
test domains are different. Although these two                    NMT model is trained. Their method is directly
datasets are comparatively larger (∼ 600K pairs                   comparable to AUG V IC, as both methods diversify
each), the quality of the bitext is poor, requiring               the original bitext, but in different ways.
further cleaning and deduplication.
   Table 2 presents the dataset statistics after dedu-            4.3    Model Settings
plication where the last column specifies the num-                We use the Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) im-
ber of augmented data by our method AUG V IC                      plementation in Fairseq (Ott et al., 2019). We fol-
(§3.2.1). For a fair comparison with the traditional              low the basic architectural settings from (Guzmán
back-translation, we experiment with the same                     et al., 2019), which establishes some standards for
amount of target-side monolingual data from three                 low-resource MT. For low-resource “Bitext base-
domains: news, wiki, and gnome. We collected                      line”, they use a smaller (5-layer) Transformer ar-
and cleaned News, Wiki, and Gnome datasets from                   chitecture as the dataset is small, while for larger
News-crawl, Wiki-dumps, and Gnome localiza-                       datasets (e.g., with additional synthetic data) they
tion guide, respectively. For some languages, the                 use a bigger (6-layer) model.2 To keep the architec-
amount of specific domain monolingual data is lim-                ture the same in the respective rows (Table 3), we
ited, where we added additional monolingual data                  use a 6-layer model for “Upsample baseline” and
of that language from Common Crawl.                               5-layer for “Bitext baseline”. More specifically, for
   Following previous work (Guzmán et al., 2019;                 datasets with less than a million bitext pairs, we use
Nguyen et al., 2020), we report the tokenized                     an architecture with 5 encoder and 5 decoder layers,
BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) when translating from                where the number of attention heads, embedding
English to other languages, and detokenized Sacre-                dimension, and inner-layer dimension are respec-
BLEU (Post, 2018) when translating from other                     tively 8, 512, and 2048. Otherwise, we use a larger
languages to English for all our experiments,.                    Transformer architecture with 6 encoder and 6 de-
                                                                  coder layers with the number of attention heads,
  Pair      Train     Dev    Test   Augmented (AUG V IC/Mono)
                                                                  embedding dimension, and inner-layer dimension
  En-Bn    70,854      500   500            ≈ 460K
  En-Ta    166,851    1000   2000           ≈ 1300K               of 16, 1024, and 4096, respectively.
  En-Ne    234,514    2559   2835           ≈ 1500K                  After deduplication, we tokenize non-English
  En-Si    571,213    2898   2766           ≈ 1500K               data using the Indic NLP Library.3 We use the
                                                                  sentencepeiece library4 to learn the joint Byte-Pair-
      Table 2: Dataset statistics after deduplication.            Encoding (BPE) of size 5000 symbols for each of
4.2      Baselines                                           
                                                              nlp library
We compare AUG V IC with the following baselines:            
Setting            Data                            En-Bn             En-Ta          En-Ne             En-Si
                                                      →     ←           →     ←        →    ←         →       ←
                       Bitext                        13.21     21.18   11.58   26.29   4.59   8.34    1.96   7.45
                         × Upsample                  16.59     25.51   12.15   27.71   4.16   7.79    1.81   6.93
                        + Nguyen et al. (2020)       17.54     26.11   12.74   28.54    5.7    8.9     2.2    8.2
                        + AUG V IC                   18.03     26.96   12.93   28.68   6.47   10.65   3.66   9.27
                        + BT-Mono (News)             18.81     27.11   13.51   29.38   6.44   12.48   3.56   11.75
                        + BT-Mono (Wiki)             18.52     26.33   13.23   29.01   6.91   13.02   3.91   11.86
    Extra mono. data
                        + AUG V IC+ BT-Mono (News)   19.98     28.14   13.87   30.15   6.80   13.12   4.94   11.89
                        + AUG V IC+ BT-Mono (Wiki)   20.39     28.48   13.89   30.14   7.27   13.52   5.24   12.09

Table 3: Detokenized Sacre-BLEU scores for {Bn, Ta, Ne, Si} → En and tokenized BLEU fro En → {Bn, Ta, Ne,
Si}. “BT-Mono” stands for traditional back-translation with extra target-side monolingual data (§3.1).

the language pair over the raw English and tok-              sults (with a 6-layer architecture) reported in Table
enized non-English bitext training data.                     3, we see that even though it increases the BLEU
   We tuned the hyper-parameters a, b, h, tmin ,             scores for En to/from {Bn, Ta}, it has negative im-
tmax in Eq. 2 and λ in Eq. 4 by small-scale exper-           pacts on En to/from {Ne, Si} where it degrades
iments on the validation-sets. We found a = 0.5,             the performance. Overall, AUG V IC achieves 1.75
b = 2.5, h = 10, tmin = 1, and tmax = 20                     BLEU score improvements on an average over the
work better. We tuned λ within the range of 0.5              Upsample baseline.
to 0.9. In general, we observe that for smaller sen-            The comparison with the diversification strat-
tences (length  20), 20-30% token-replacement               scores on average. To be specific, our method gets
performs better.                                             0.49, 0.85, 0.19, 0.14, 0.77, 1.75, 1.46, and 1.07
   Following Guzmán et al. (2019), we train all             absolute BLEU improvements over their approach
the models upto a maximum epoch of 100 with                  for En-Bn, Bn-En, En-Ta, Ta-En, En-Ne, Ne-En,
early-stopping enabled based on the validation loss.         En-Si, and Si-En, respectively.
We use the beam-search-decoding for inference.                  The data diversification method of Nguyen et al.
All the reported results for AUG V IC use dynamic            (2020) relies heavily on the performance of base
diversity ratio for generating vicinal samples unless        models (Bitext). From Table 3, we see that the per-
otherwise specified.                                         formance of base models are poor for En to/from
                                                             {Ne, Si}, which impacts their augmented data gen-
5     Results and Analysis                                   eration process (diversification). However, the bet-
In this section, we present our results and the anal-        ter performance of AUG V IC in those languages
ysis of our proposed methods.                                indicates that vicinal samples generated in our
                                                             method are more diverse with better quality and
5.1     Comparison with Bitext & Diversification             less prone to the noise in base models.
Table 3 presents the BLEU scores on the eight trans-
                                                             5.2   Vicinal Samples with Extra Relevant
lation tasks. First, we compare our model AUG V IC
                                                                   Monolingual Data
with the model trained on the original parallel data
(Bitext). AUG V IC consistently improves the per-            We further explore the performance of AUG V IC by
formance over all the tested language pairs, gaining         experimenting with the traditional back-translation
about +2.76 BLEU scores on average. Specifically,            method (§3.1) using the same amount of monolin-
AUG V IC achieves the absolute improvements of               gual data. To perceive the variability, we choose
4.28, 5.78, 1.35, 2.39, 1.88, 2.31, 1.70, and 1.82           to experiment with extra monolingual data from
over the Bitext for En-Bn, Bn-En, En-Ta, Ta-En,              two relevant but different sources - newscrawl (BT-
En-Ne, Ne-En, En-Si, and Si-En, respectively.                Mono (News)) and Wikipedia (BT-Mono (Wiki)).
   For a fair comparison, in another experiment, we          From the results in Table 3, we see that standard
upsample the bitext data to make it similar to the           back-translation improves the scores in both cases,
amount of AUG V IC’s data. From the Upsample re-             proving that extra relevant monolingual data helps
Interm.        En-Bn           En-Ta             En-Ne             En-Si
                    BT system     →     ←         →     ←           →    ←            →    ←
                    Pure BT      18.03   26.96   12.93   28.68     6.47     10.65    3.66     9.27
                    Guided BT    18.18   27.35   13.17   29.05     4.81      8.62    2.16     7.71

      Table 4: Comparison between two intermediate reverse back-translation (BT) systems in AUG V IC.

for low-resource MT significantly.                         BT-mono        Data                En-Bn            En-Ta
                                                           Domain                            →     ←          →     ←
   To understand the exclusivity of the vicinal sam-                      Bitext            13.21    21.18   11.58   26.29
ples of AUG V IC from the external related mono-           News           + BT              18.81    27.11   13.51   29.38
lingual data, we perform another set of experi-            (relevant)     + AUG V IC+ BT    19.98    28.14   13.87   30.15
ments where we added both the AUG V IC’s aug-              gnome          + BT              17.14    26.05   12.55   27.91
                                                           (distant)      + AUG V IC+ BT    18.86    27.56   13.59   29.89
mented data with the extra monolingual data and
trained along with the Bitext data. From Table 3,        Table 5: Effect of relevant and distant domain mono-
we see that the combination of datasets improves         lingual data in back-translation with AUG V IC. We use
the BLEU scores by 1.02 and 0.73 on average on           News as “relevant” and gnome as “distant” domain.
the two relevant data sources (News and Wiki).
From this, we can conclude that vicinal samples
                                                         considered as relevant compared to gnome,5 which
of AUG V IC make the NMT models more robust in
                                                         can be considered as distant domain. We use pure
the presence of the relevant monolingual data and
                                                         BT as the intermediate reverse back-translation sys-
can be used together when available.
                                                         tem for generating synthetic data in AUG V IC in
5.3   Pure vs. Guided: Which One is Better?              this set of experiments.
                                                            From Table 5, we see that traditional back-
For all the results of AUG V IC presented in Ta-
                                                         translation (+ BT) improves the BLEU scores over
ble 3, we use the pure back-translation (BT)
                                                         the Bitext by 4.14 and 2.85 on average for relevant-
method (§3.2.2(a)) as the reverse intermediate
                                                         and distant-domain monolingual data, respectively,
model. We compare the performance of the guided
                                                         yielding higher gains for relevant domain, as ex-
BT (§3.2.2(b)) with the pure BT method as the
                                                         pected. The addition of vicinal data by AUG V IC
reverse intermediate model in Table 4. From the
                                                         (+ AUG V IC+ BT) further improves the scores in
results, we observe that the guided BT achieves
                                                         both cases; interestingly, the relative improvements
better results in En↔ {Bn, Ta}, while the pure BT
                                                         are higher in the distant-domain case. Specifi-
achieves better in En↔ {Ne, Si} translation tasks.
                                                         cally, the average BLEU score improvements over
   We investigated why the guided BT performed
                                                         Bitext for relevant- and distant-domain data with
poorly in En↔ {Ne, Si} tasks, and found that com-
                                                         AUG V IC+BT are 4.97 and 4.41, respectively. Com-
pared to the En-Bn and En-Ta bitexts, the origi-
                                                         paring this with BT only, the BLEU score differ-
nal bitexts of En-Ne and En-Si languages are very
                                                         ence between relevant and distant domains has
noisy (e.g., bad sentence segmentation, code-mix
                                                         been reduced from 1.29 to 0.56. This indicates
data), which propagates further noise while using
                                                         that AUG V IC helps to bridge the domain gap be-
the target translation as a guide for translating the
                                                         tween relevant and distant-domain distributions in
vicinal samples. The diminishing results while up-
                                                         traditional BT with monolingual data.
sampling in these two languages (Table 3) supports
                                                            In principle, for vicinal samples, the synthetic-
this claim. From these results, we can say that the
                                                         pair generation capability of the reverse interme-
better the original bitext quality is, the better the
                                                         diate target-to-source MT model should be better
synthetic bitext will be for the guided BT.
                                                         than generating from an arbitrary monolingual data
5.4   AUG V IC with Relevant and                         as it could be a distant distribution compared to
      Distant-domain Monolingual Data                    the bitext. Judging by the amount of diverse data
                                                         used for training the language model, we can safely
To verify how traditional back-translation and
                                                         assume that it is a diverse knowledge source (Con-
AUG V IC perform with with monolingual data from
                                                         neau et al., 2020b) compared to the training bitext
related vs. distant domains, we perform another set
                                                         samples. Data that performs well on the reverse
of experiments on En to/from {Bn, Ta}. For both
the language pairs (§4.1), News can (roughly) be      
intermediate target-to-source MT system can be                AUG V IC             En-Bn            En-Ne
extrapolated from the knowledge-base as vicinal-              diversity ratio     →     ←          →    ←
distribution with the controlled diversity ratio func-        Dynamic           17.69    26.61     6.21    10.25
tion (Eq. 2). Moreover, to achieve more diversity,            Fixed
the use of multiple different language models is                ρ = 0.1         17.34    25.98     5.98    10.03
also compatible in AUG V IC.                                    ρ = 0.3         17.52    26.19     6.19    10.36
                                                                ρ = 0.5         17.48    26.49     6.05    10.38
                                                                ρ = 0.8         17.19    25.01     5.82    9.89
5.5   Effect of Diversity Ratio in AUG V IC
For monolingual data, it could be challenging             Table 6: Effect of diversity ratio ρ while generating vic-
to identify domain discrepancy with the train-            inal samples in AUG V IC (§3.2.1).
ing/testing bitext data, and there is no parameter
in the traditional BT method to control this distri-      6    Conclusion
butional mismatch. However, in AUG V IC we can
control the distributional drift of the generated vici-   We have presented an in-domain data augmentation
nal samples from the original training distribution       framework AUG V IC by exploiting the bitext vicin-
by varying the diversity ratio ρ.                         ity for low-resource NMT. Our method generates
   Theoretically, it is possible to sample the same       vicinal samples by diversifying sentences of the
distribution using dynamic and static diversity.          target language in the bitext in a novel way. It is
However, dynamic diversity is more flexible to            simple yet effective and can be quite useful when
perform hyperparameter-tuning and to prevent po-          extra in-domain monolingual data is limited.
tential outliers. The term l/h in Eq. 2 represents           Extensive experiments with four low-resource
pseudo-segmentation (h segments) of a large sen-          language pairs comprising data from different
tence of length l, and b represents the same intu-        domains show the efficacy of AUG V IC. Our
ition as ρ. Apart from these, tmin and tmax pre-          method is not only comparable with traditional
vents irregular-samples: (i) tmin ensures that there      back-translation with in-domain monolingual data,
should be at least some changes in the augmented          it also makes the NMT models more robust in the
sample, (ii) tmax makes sure that the generated-          presence of relevant monolingual data. Moreover,
samples from LM do not diverge too much from              it bridges the distributional gap for out-of-domain
the vicinity.                                             monolingual data when using together.
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A      Appendix
A.1     Reproducibility Settings
    • Computing infrastructure - Linux machine
      with Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPU

    • PyTorch version: 1.4.0

    • CUDA version: 10.2

    • cuDNN version: 7.6

    • Number of model parameters -
          – Base Model: 39340032
          – Larger Model: 181481472
          – Guided BT Model: 90039296

A.2     Optimal Hyperparameters

      Hyperparameter                  Value
      Transformer Layers                 5
      Emb. dim                          512
      FFN dim                          2048
      Attention heads                    8
      Share-all-embeddings            True
      Dropout                           0.3
      Label-smoothing                   0.2
      Warmup-updates                   4000
      Warmup-init-lr                   1e-7
      Learning rate                    0.003
      Min-lr                           1e-9
      Optimizer                       adam
      Adam-betas                   (0.9, 0.98)
      Lr-scheduler                inverse-sqrt
      Criterion              label-smooth-cross-entropy

Table 7:     Optimal hyper-parameter settings for base

      Hyperparameter                  Value
      Transformer Layers                 6
      Emb. dim                         1024
      FFN dim                          4096
      Attention heads                   16
      Share-all-embeddings            True
      Dropout                           0.1
      Label-smoothing                   0.2
      Warmup-updates                   4000
      Warmup-init-lr                   1e-7
      Learning rate                    0.001
      Min-lr                           1e-9
      Optimizer                       adam
      Adam-betas                   (0.9, 0.98)
      Lr-scheduler                inverse-sqrt
      Criterion              label-smooth-cross-entropy

Table 8: Optimal hyper-parameter settings for large
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