Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara

Page created by Janet Ayala
Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara
Short Course Guide
     Semester 1: January to June 2021
Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara

The City of Boroondara is home to eleven Community and Neighbourhood Houses, bringing the community together to
connect, learn and contribute in their local area through social, educational and support activities.
In April last year many of our Neighbourhood Houses moved to deliver programs online. This year, restrictions
permitting, we are open to onsite classes and activities under strict COVID-safe guidelines, including hygiene and
cleaning processes and capacity regulations that are in place. As we enter 2021, many of the Centres will continue to
include online offerings for their members so we can provide a wide range of options for our members to remain active
and engaged.
So whether you are keen to continue learning online, or if you are looking forward to
returning to our Centres, please take a look through our Short Course Guide
to see what we have on offer.                                                                                                            rn
The following guide provides you with a summary of all the                                                                          E

classes and activities on offer across the Boroondara

Neighbourhood House network.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Greythorn Rd
                                                                                                                                                        Doncaster Rd

We would encourage you to enquire
                                                                                                            Kilby Rd
further at each Centre and support your
local Neighbourhood House.                                                                                                                                                              3
                                                                          Asquit                                                    Belmore Rd

                                                                                                                                                                      Balwyn Rd
                                                                                h St                                 Harp Rd
At Your Local Neighbourhood House
To ensure the safety of our                                                         t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Union Rd
                                                                                                                         Burke Rd
members, there are strict                                                      Hig
cleaning and hygiene processes           Stud                                             Cotham Rd                                  Whitehorse Rd
in place at each Centre.                 Park
Depending onthe level of
                                                                                          Barkers Rd                                                  Mont Albert Rd
                                                                        Glenferrie Rd

restrictions, activities may also
                                                         Power St

have capacity limits. Given the                                                                                                                                                             6
unpredictable nature of COVID, please be                                                  8
aware that the details provided in this guide                                                                                                         Canterbury Rd
                                                                                        Burwood Rd
may change. Please contact the                                                                                                         Trafalgar Rd
                                                                                                                                                      Prospect Hill Rd

Neighbourhood House that is delivering the
class or activity you would like to attend if                                           Riversdale Rd                      5                          Riversdale Rd

                                                                                                                                                                                                Highfield Rd
there are changes made to restrictions. In some cases,
                                                                                                       Tooronga Rd

                                                                                                                         Burke Rd

online delivery can be an option if we find ourselves                                                                                    Ca
unable to operate onsite. Contact details, including                                                                                         erw
website addresses are included on the following page                                                                                   4            Rd
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Toorak Rd
for the most up to date details.
                                                                                                                                                                        Summerhill Rd

Online and Remote Delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Warrigal Rd
                                                                                                                                                       Glen Iris Rd

To participate in an online class, you will need to have a               East
computer, smartphone or device. It is important that you have a                  Arte
good internet connection and that your speaker and microphone are
working. As part of your enrolment in any of our classes, you will be provided
assistance with set up and instructions about how to access our online delivery
platforms such as Zoom or MS Teams. Some classes are also accessible via phone                                                                                                                                    7
using Telelink.                                                                                                                                                                                 1
Enrolments                                                                                                             Creek
To enrol in one of our classes, call or email the Neighbourhood House offering the course                        iners
you are considering, using the contact information provided or visit their website to enrol online.          Ga
Most Centres have a small annual membership fee for new members which covers the centre’s
running costs, overheads and expenses. Fees are also charged for individual courses.
We try to keep the cost of our programs affordable and accessible, and some are even free.
All courses are subject to sufficient enrolments and may be cancelled at the discretion of the centre’s management.
Dates and costs are correct at time of publishing and are subject to change.

Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara
1 Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre
1-3 Samarinda Avenue, Ashburton 3147
Ph: 9885 9401 E:
                                                         What’s on
W:                                 January to June 2021
FB: Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre
2 Ashburton Community Centre
160 High Street, Ashburton 3147
Ph: 9885 7952 E:
W:       Community Activities & Events       3
3 Balwyn Community Centre                                Childcare                           4
412 Whitehorse Road, Surrey Hills 3127                   Children & Teen Activities          4
Ph: 9836 7942 E:               Playgroups                          4
W:                                   Dance, Music & Yoga                 5
4 Bowen Street Community Centre                          Languages                           5
102 Bowen Street, Camberwell 3124                        Arts & Crafts                       6
Ph: 9889 0791 E:                 Exploring, Education & Workshops    6
                                                         Art, Music & Literature             6
5 Camberwell Community Centre                            Visual Arts                         6
Level 1, 519-525 Riversdale Road, Camberwell 3124        Craft, Textiles & Furniture         8
Ph: 9882 2611 / 0478 766 683                             Writing & Literature                9
E:                           History                             9
W:                               Music & Movies                      9
                                                         Health & Wellbeing                 10
6 Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre                        Yoga                               10
2 Rochester Road, Canterbury 3126                        Pilates                            10
Ph: 9830 4214 E:
                                                         Qi Gong                            11
                                                         Mindfulness & Meditation           11
7 The Craig Family Centre                                Exercise for over 55s              11
7 Samarinda Avenue, Ashburton 3147                       General Exercise & Wellbeing       12
Ph: 9885 7789 F: 9885 6299 E:
                                                         Cooking                            13
                                                         Language                           14
8 Hawthorn Community House
                                                         English                            14
32 Henry Street, Hawthorn 3122
                                                         Italian                            14
584 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn 3122
Ph: 9819 5758 E: W:
                                                         French                             14
                                                         German                             15
9 Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre                      Russian                            15
2-12 Derby Street, Kew 3101                              Spanish                            15
Ph: 9853 3126 E:
W:                                     Room Hire                          15
10 Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre
                                                         General Interest                   16
157 Union Road, Surrey Hills 3127                        Bookgroups, Cards & Games          17
Ph: 9890 2467                                            Bookgroups                         17
E:                        Cards & Games                      17
W:                              Gardening                          18
11 Trentwood at the Hub                                  Upskill for Work                   18
Greythorn Hub, 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North 3104           Technology                         19
(Just behind Greythorn shops)
                                                         Computers, Tablets & IT            19
Ph: 9006 6590 E:
                                                         Individual Support                 19
Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara

n Ashburton Handcrafted
  Browse the Artisan Market where
  you can talk to the makers and find
  that unique gift, book into an art &
  craft activity, enjoy refreshments and
  entertainment on the day. For full
  details visit
  Ashburton: Sat 10am - 2pm;
  quarterly event, check our website
  for dates.
n Australian Breastfeeding Assoc.
  Boroondara Group via Zoom
  Information and support to help
  mothers to breastfeed. Everyone
  is welcome. Facilitated by trained
  Craig: Bookings and enquires:
  Helpline: 1800 686 268
n Chinese Seniors Group FREE                  n Discussion Group                          n Men’s Shed
  A friendly social and recreational            Join this informal group discussing         Located at Alamein railway station.
  group for Mandarin-speaking seniors.          interesting topics, movies, books and       Open to Boroondara men, all ages by
  Develop and practice your English             current events.                             invitation.
  skills. Make new social connections
                                                Alamein: Contact the Centre for             Alamein: Call the Centre for details
  and share new skills through weekly
  classes and highlight incursions. Led
                                                au/community- activities/                   community-activities/
  by experienced Mandarin/English
                                                The Edge Community Fund                     A place to work individually or to
  teachers. Delivered online via Zoom.
                                                A community volunteer group                 contribute to special projects around
  Craig: Tues 10.30am - 12pm
                                                providing last resort funding for           KNLC.
  2/2 (9wks); 20/4 (10 wks)                     families.                                   Kew: Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri
n Cinema and Chat                               Craig: For all enquiries                    10am - 12pm or 1pm - 3pm
  Watch a movie from the extensive              email:              contact Centre.
  SBS on Demand catalogue at home.                                                
                                              n Foreign Film Group FREE                     Hawthorn: Mon - Fri, 10am - 2pm
  The group then get together for               Enjoy a foreign film and discussion.        5/10 Call for details 9840 1681.
  an after-movie chat. Connect with             Ashburton: First Wed/month                  41 Whetherby Rd, Doncaster East
  others and participate in engaging            7.30pm - 10pm 3/2 (ongoing) Free
  discussions.                                  https://acc.asapconnected.                n Senior Citizens Club
  Hawthorn: Mon fortnightly                     com/#CourseID=193200                        Camberwell: Multi-Cultural Club
  3pm - 4pm 8/2 (3wks) $56*
                                                                                            Meets Mon 10am - 12pm weekly.
  26/4 (5wks) $94*                            n Garden Club                                 Phone for details 0418 523 215
                                                Share in the fun of nurturing plants in     Camberwell: Greek Club meets
n Community Library FREE                        the International Year of Plant Health.     Wed 10am - 12pm weekly.
  Books on assorted topics to borrow.           Alamein: Contact the Centre for             Phone for details 0409 564 411
  Bowen Street: Mon to Fri 9am - 3pm            details.         Camberwell: Italian Club meets
  Surrey Hills: Help yourself to our little     au/community- activities/                   Thu 1.30pm - 4.30pm weekly.
  library in our forecourt.
                                              n Lions Club of Boroondara-                   Phone for details 0412 840 703
n Country Women’s Association                   Gardiners Creek                           n Surrey Hills / Balwyn Produce Swap
  Join the largest women’s organisation         A friendly and active Lions Club            FREE
  in Australia. Create new friendships          engaged in community services               Come and swap your excess home-
  and connections within your local             within the Boroondara area. All             grown veggies and produce for free!
  community.                                    welcome. Enquiries to Bev Patterson         Balwyn: Third Sun/month
  Craig: 1st Tue of month 7pm - 9pm    or               9am - 10am (ongoing) FREE
  and monthly Sat meetings.                     0418 565 273
  Email                 Craig: Second Mon/month                   n Tiny Library
n Dial a Shopping Bus                           (unless a public holiday) 8pm - 9.30pm      Take a book, leave a book.
  Service for older adults (CHSP funded).                                                   Bowen Street: Mon to Fri
  Pick up and drop off from your home
                                                                                          n Toilet Coaching Workshop FREE
  in local area.
                                                                                            This session aims to give you practical
  Alamein: Mon and Fri weekly $4
                                                                                            steps that will assist in helping your
  Contact the Centre for details.
                                                                                            child achieve toileting independence
                                                                                            in a non-confrontational way.
                                                                                            Bowen Street: Thu 9am - 11am
                                                                                            10/6 (1 session)

Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara
CHILDCARE                                      CHILDREN & TEEN ACTIVITIES

n   Occasional/Sessional Childcare             n   Holiday Program                            n   Junior Aprons cooking workshop
    Facilitated by qualified early childhood       Craig: Wed 7/4, Fri 9/4, Mon 12/4,             (9 -12 years) NEW
    educators. Children enjoy a range of           Wed 14/4, Fri 16/4. 9am - 2pm                  Interactive workshop with our
    activities. Child Care Subsidy available       $72 per session (CCS available).               nutritionist Fathima.
    (CCS).                                         Call for details                               Trentwood: Wed 11am - 12.30pm
    Craig: Mon to Fri 9am - 2pm (9wks)                                                            20/1 $20
                                               n   Shoestring Occasional Care
    9/4 (10wks) $72 per session                                                         
                                                   Take a break while your children
n   Occasional Childcare                           explore and investigate through play.      n   Preschool Birthday Parties
    We provide CCS approved Occasional             Bookings and payment made on a                 Room hire for preschool birthday
    Care within a safe and nurturing               school term basis. Virtual tours of            parties from 2021. Virtual tour of
    environment. Our program is based on           Centre being offered, please contact           facilities and details:
    the Victorian Department of Education          the centre on 9853 3126.             
    guidelines.                                    Kew: Mon, Tue, Wed or                          Call to enquire.
    Balwyn: Mon to Fri 9am - 12pm                  Thu 9am - 12pm 1/2 (9wks);                     Bowen Street: Sat & Sun
    9am - 2pm, 9am - 4pm.                          19/4 (10wks) $36 per session                   10am - 3pm Some weekdays available
    From 25/1 (10wks)                                                                             $150 (Members $110)
                                               n   Shoestring Plus (3-5 years)
    Call Centre for costs. For children aged
                                                   Activities include art, cooking and        n   Sing and Play with Captain Adam
    6 weeks to 5 years.
                                                   science. Enrol for 1 or 2 afternoons.          the Pirate (5-11 years)
                                                   Virtual tours of Centre being offered –        Ahoy mateys! It’s time to meet the
n   Occasional/Sessional Childcare                 please contact us on 9853 3126.                most fearsome Pirate of the Seven
    Quality CCS Approved sessional                 Kew: Mon, Tue or Thu 1pm - 4pm                 Seas, Captain Adam! Have fun making
    childcare programs in line with the            1/2 (9wks); 19/4 (10wks)                       a treasure map, with drama activities,
    Early Years Framework.                         $36 per session                                interactive stories and games. Dress as
    Bowen Street: (6 months to 5 years)                                                           a pirate if you like and join the fun.
    Wed and Fri 9.15am - 12.15pm
    27/1 (10/9wks); 21/4 (10wks)
                                                CHILDREN &
                                                                                                  Trentwood: Fri 2pm - 3.30pm
                                                                                                  22/1 $35
    Call Centre for cost                       TEEN ACTIVITIES                          
    Bowen Street: (12 months to 5 years)
                                                                                              n   Study Space
    Wed and Fri 9.30am - 2.30pm                n   Drawing & Painting workshop
                                                                                                  Run in partnership with the
    27/1 (10/9wks); 21/4 (10wks)                   (6-9 years) NEW
                                                                                                  City of Boroondara. A great space
    Bowen Street: Extra term break                 With parents, draw and paint
                                                                                                  to do homework and study.
    sessions Wed 9.30am - 2.30pm                   objects from nature such as leaves,
                                                                                                  Trentwood: Weekdays 3.30pm - 6pm
    20/1, 7/4, 14/4, 30/6, 7/7                     feathers and fruit using pencil and
    Call Centre for cost                           watercolour. Kids will complete your
                                                   own mini still-life painting!              n   Table Tennis
n   3-Year-Old Program/Occasional Care             Trentwood: Tue 1.30pm - 3.30pm                 Come after school with a friend.
    Facilitated by qualified early childhood       19/1 $35                                       We have the table, bat and balls!
    educators, enhances children’s                      Trentwood: Thu 3.30pm - 5pm
    development with a combination of
                                                                                                  $3 per session
    structured and unstructured activities.    n   Drawing & Printmaking Workshop
                                                                                                  (Also available in holidays)
    Includes a weekly 1/2hr Mandarin               (10-13 years)
    session. Child Care Subsidy (CCS)              Learn how to make a series of              n   Yarn Bombing Activation
    available.                                     relief prints and experiment with              (12-18 years) NEW
    Craig: Tue & Thu 9am - 2pm                     various monoprint techniques in this           Trentwood: Fri 10.30am - 12.30pm
    2/2 (9wks); 20/4 (10wks) $820 per term         fun hands-on art workshop! Bring an            15/1 FREE
                                                   art smock.                           
n   3-Year-Old Kindergarten                        Trentwood: Thu 1.30pm - 3.30pm                 au/e/128393585671
    A kindergarten program for 3-year-             21/1 $35
    old children turning 4 by April 2021.
    Facilitated by an early childhood
    teacher and qualified early childhood      n   Games Day at the Hub
                                                                                              n   Bilingual Playgroup (English/
    educator. Includes a weekly 1/2hr              (10-14 years) NEW
                                                                                                  Mandarin), Facilitated (2-4 years)
    Mandarin session, facilitated by Real          You will find there’s lots to do at this
                                                                                                  Play-based activities to facilitate
    Mandarin. Early Start Funding available.       drop-in session with the Boroondara
                                                                                                  children’s English development and
    Craig: Mon & Wed 9am - 2pm                     Youth Services team
                                                                                                  readiness for kindergarten and school
    1/2 (9wks); 19/4 (10wks) $835 per term         Trentwood: Mon 1.30 - 3.30pm
                                                                                                  Craig: Class times and fees vary
                                                   18/1 FREE
                                                                                                  according to age, following school
n   Funded 4-Year-Old Kindergarten
    A funded kindergarten program for          n   Italian Kids Cooking Class                     terms
                                                   Your child will make authentic Italian
    children turning 5 by April 30, 2021.                                                     n   Multiple Birth Playgroup
                                                   pasta from scratch and afterwards,
    Allows children to develop skills for a                                                       Bowen Street: All ages
                                                   sit down to enjoy their home-cooked
    smooth transition to formal learning.                                                         Tue 9.30am - 11.30am
                                                   dinner. Cost includes ingredients and
    Includes a weekly 1/2hr Mandarin
    session, facilitated by Real Mandarin.
                                                   Balwyn: Thu 4.30pm - 6.30pm
    Craig: Mon, Wed & Fri 9am - 2pm
                                                   10/6 (1 session) $30
    28/1 (9wks); 19/4 (10wks)
    FREE for families in 2021
Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara

n   Friday Playgroup, Parent-Led                n   Tuesday Morning Music - Facilitated       n   Yoga for Kids (5-8 years) NEW
    (0-5 years)                                     Playgroup (0-5 years) NEW                     Create a special space for your child.
    A friendly and relaxed, parent-led              Actively engaging babies & toddlers           Help them to develop tools to connect
    playgroup. Meet other families,                 in music and storytelling. Discover           them with their emotions and their
    participate in play-based activities            the rhythms and sounds of drums               breath. Help build balance, flexibility,
    with your child. Indoor & outdoor play.         and percussion instruments. Indoor &          spatial awareness and physical
    Bookings essential.                             outdoor play. Bookings essential.             strength. Facilitated by industry
    Craig: Fri 9am - 11am 5/2 (9wks)                Craig: Tue 9.15am - 10.45am (9wks)            leaders Hello Yoga Kids.
    23/4 (10wks) $55 per term, per family           20/4 (10wks) $85 per term, per family         Craig: Tues 4.15pm - 5pm
                                                                                                  16/2 (6wks) $100; 4/5 (8wks) $120
n   Grandparents Playgroup                      n   Unstructured Playgroup
    (0-5 years)                                     New to the area and looking for a         n   Yoga for Kids (9-12 years) NEW
    Facilitated open-age playgroup for              playgroup? Secure playground and              Create a special space for your child.
    grandparents and carers. Through                access to kitchen facilities.                 Help them to develop tools to connect
    our Grandparents playgroup we aim               Bowen Street: Membership fees                 them with their emotions and their
    to meet the needs of families with              apply. Virtual tour and details:              breath. Help build balance, flexibility,
    pre-school children cared for by                              spatial awareness and physical
    grandparents, providing them with                                                             strength. Facilitated by industry
                                                n   Wednesday Playgroup, Parent-Led
    an opportunity to connect with local                                                          leaders Hello Yoga Kids.
                                                    (0-5 years)
    community.                                                                                    Craig: Tues 5.15pm - 6pm
                                                    A friendly and relaxed, parent-led
    Bowen Street: Mon 9am - 11am                                                                  16/2 (6wks) $100; 4/5 (8wks) $120
                                                    playgroup. Meet other families,
    during school terms $5 per session.
                                                    participate in play-based activities      Languages
n   Mandarin Playgroup,                             with your child. Indoor & outdoor play.
    Facilitated (2-4 years)                         Bookings essential.                       n   English Class (4+ years)
    Mandarin immersion activities:                  Craig: Wed 9am - 11am                         School readiness program. An English
    storytelling, music, games, handicraft.         3/2 (9wks); 21/4 (10wks)                      class for Mandarin-speaking children,
    Craig: Class times and fees vary                $55 per term, per family                      facilitated by bi-lingual facilitators for
    according to age, following school                                                            best learning outcomes.
    terms                                       Dance, Music & Yoga                               Craig: Mon to Sun; times vary
    New to the Area                                                                               according to age, Term 1 (8wks) $495;
                                                n   Acting & Singing for Teens
    Unstructured, open-age, for new families.                                                     Term 2 (10wks) $605
                                                    (Year 7-10)
    Bowen Street: Thu 9am - 11am                    For teens wishing to learn or further     n   Mandarin Class (4+ Years)
    Membership fees apply.                          their performance skills for stage            Fun and effective play-based Mandarin
n   Playgroup (0-5 years)                           and screen. Develop skills in acting,         class. 1st language and 2nd language
    Playgroup activities for babies, toddlers       voice and movement, and gain the              streams.
    and preschoolers with parents,                  confidence through rehearsals to              Craig: Mon to Sun; times vary
    grandparents or carers. Parent led.             present a short performance by the            according to age. Term 1 (8wks) $495;
    Hawthorn: Fri 9.30am - 11am,                    end of term. Facilitated by NIDA              Term 2 (10wks) $605
    5/2 (8wks) $58; 23/4 (10wks) $58                graduate and performing arts teacher
                                                                                              n   Mandarin Storytime (All Ages)
    Kew: Play based activities in a friendly        Belinda Jenkin.
                                                                                                  Mandarin book reading at bedtime
    and welcoming environment.                      Craig: Mon 5.45pm - 6.45pm
                                                                                                  via Zoom. A fun and effective program
    Contact centre for further details              8/2 (7wks) $140; 26/4 (8wks) $160
                                                                                                  to increase children’s interest in               n   Mini Groovers (18 months-5 years)             Mandarin.
    FacilitatedPlaygroup/                           Fun and creative dance classes.               Craig: Mon, Thu & Sat 8pm - 8.30pm
    Surrey Hills: Thu 9.30am - 11.30am              Ashburton: Thu 9.45am - 10.15am               $20 per month
    28/1 (10wks); 22/4 (10wks) $45                  4/2 (9wks) $135; 22/4 (10wks) $150            (sibling discount available)              Arts & Crafts
    category/children/                              https://acc.asapconnected.
n   Supported Playgroup                             com/#CourseID=187870                      n   After School Art (11-14 years)
    (under 5 years) FREE                                                                          Learn and develop drawing skills,
                                                n   Movies, Musicals & Popstars!
    For families who may need                                                                     explore painting techniques and have
                                                    (Grade 4-6)
    extra support to participate in a                                                             fun with printmaking using a variety of
                                                    Unleash your inner pop star! Learn
    community playgroup in a welcoming                                                            mediums. Materials included
                                                    the fundamentals of acting, singing
    environment. Phone for details.                                                               Trentwood: Wed 3.45pm - 5.15pm
                                                    and dance. Develop the confidence
    Hawthorn: Fri 1pm - 3pm                                                                       10/2 (6wks) $125; 28/4 (8wks) $165
                                                    to sing out loud and perform! Create
    5/2 (8wks); 23/4 (8wks) FREE                    a short performance by end of             n   Comic Art for Kids
n   Structured Playgroup (1-5 years)                term. Facilitated by NIDA graduate/           Learn the fundamentals of illustration
    Facilitated led playgroups to develop           performing arts teacher Belinda Jenkin.       & drawing using a comic style, suitable
    skills through play, stories and music.         Craig: Mon 4.30pm - 5.30pm                    for 8-12 years.
    Under 12 months FREE.                           8/2 (7wks) $140; 26/4 (8wks) $160             Ashburton: Taking expressions of
    Canterbury: Mon 9.30am - 11.30am                                                              interest. Call the Centre for details
    1/2 (8wks) $128; 19/4 (9wks) $144                                                             or visit https://acc.asapconnected.
    Canterbury: Tue 9.30am - 11.30am                                                              com/#CourseID=221953
    2/2 (9wks) $144; 20/4 (10wks) $160

Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara

Arts & Crafts continued                                                                        Exploring, Education &
n   Kids Art with Toshi (3-4 years) NEW
    A fun class for children and parents.                                                      n   BRIGHT BRAINS Homework Club
    A mixture of art and a little science                                                          (Years 1-10) via Zoom FREE
    including creating musical instruments,                                                        Homework & study tuition for primary
    glow in the art box and your own kite.                                                         & secondary school students. Tuition
    Other activities with drawing, painting                                                        in a fun, safe learning environment.
    and decorating to make the class lots                                                          Free with membership Free with
    of fun! Included materials.                                                                    membership
    Trentwood: Tue 10am - 11am                                                                     Craig: Wed 4pm - 5.30pm
    17/2 (6wks) $90; 28/4 (8wks) $120                                                              10/2; 28/4 (ongoing) FREE
n   Mixed Media Art for Primary                                                                n   Kids’ DIY Recycle Paper Workshop -
    Students (Grades 3-6)                                                                          World Environment Day Event NEW
    A fun class exploring different             n   Play, Learn & Grow with Drawing                Celebrate World Environment Day
    mediums including drawing, painting,            Creative activities for children aged          with this fantastic workshop for
    construction and sewing.                        2+ and parents to promote learning,            children. to explore reducing, reusing
    Kew: Wed 4pm - 5.30pm                           literacy and development.                      and recycling. Each child will have
    3/2 (9wks) $200; 19/4 (10wks) $220              Surrey Hills: Fri 9.30am - 10.20am             the opportunity to make their own                   5/2 (6wks) $135; 23/4 (6wks) $135              recycled paper. Kids’ lunch included!
    MixedMediaArtClassesages811years/               includes materials                             Places are limited, bookings essential.
                                                     Craig: Sat 5 Jun 11am - 12.30pm
                                                    category/children/                             $10 per child/$5 members


Visual Arts                                     n   Animals and Birds Watercolour for          n   Botanical Watercolour Illustration
                                                    Beginners                                      Suitable for beginners. A watercolour
n   A Snapshot of Japanese Art NEW                  Learn to create your own beautiful             class where you will learn to create
    Explores common themes in Japanese              artworks with the shape of individual          both traditional and contemporary
    art forms (including gardens) from              animals/ birds of your choice, realistic       botanical artworks in a relaxed way.
    ancient times to the early 20th century.        fur and feathers.                              Ashburton: Wed 9.15am - 11.15am
    Camberwell: Sat 9.30am - 11.30am                Hawthorn: Fri 12.15pm - 2.15pm                 3/2 (9wks) $225; 21/4 (10wks) $250.
    1/5 (4wks) $122                                 5/2 (8wks) $183; 23/4 (10wks) $229             Live stream may also be available,
    http://www.                                                                                    contact the centre.
                                                n   Botanical Painting and Drawing                 https://acc.asapconnected.               Learn how to paint or draw flowers
    courses/general-interest                                                                       com/#CourseID=187883
                                                    and plants. Suitable for beginners.            Hawthorn: Thu 1pm - 3pm
n   Acrylic Painting                                Balwyn: Wed 9.30am - 12pm                      4/2 (9wks) $206; 22/4 (10wks) $229
    All levels welcome.                             10/2 (8wks) $213; 21/4 (9wks) $239             Trentwood: Thu 9am - 11am
    Balwyn: Wed 12.45pm - 2.45pm                    Balwyn: Wed 12.45pm - 3.15pm                   4/2 (9wks) $155; 22/4 (10wks) $170
    10/2 (8wks) $175; 21/4 (9wks) $197              10/2 (8wks) $213; 21/4 (9wks) $239
    Ashburton: Mon 10.30am - 12.30pm                                                           n   Chinese Brush Painting
    1/2 (8wks) $200; 19/4 (9wks) $225                                                              Learn different techniques and
    Trentwood: Fri 10am - 12pm                                                                     compositions along with Chinese
    5/2 (8wks) $135; 23/4 (10wks) $170                                                             calligraphy.
                                                                                                   Ashburton: Wed 10am - 12pm
n   Art for All Abilities                                                                          3/2 (9wks) $225; 21/4 (10wks) $250
    A warm inclusive class for all people.                                                         Live stream may also be available,
    Ashburton: Fri 10am - 12pm                                                                     contact the Centre.
    Contact the centre for details.                                                                https://acc.asapconnected.
    https://acc.asapconnected.                                                                     com/#CourseID=187863
    com/#CourseGroupID=42580                                                                       Trentwood: Fri 9am - 11am
n   Introduction to Acrylic Painting                                                               5/2 (8wks) $200; 23/4 (10wks) $250
    Workshop                                                                                   n   Colour Mixing Masterclass
    Find out if acrylic painting is right for                                                      Improve your colour mixing skills!
    you in this one-off workshop.                                                                  This workshop covers colour theory
    Balwyn: Sat 1pm - 4.30pm                                                                       and a simple 3-step approach to
    13/2 (1 session) $85                                                                           colour mixing.
                                                                                                   Balwyn: Sat 1pm - 4pm
                                                                                                   8/5 (1 session) $85

Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara

n   Creating Connections                        n   iPad Art using Procreate Advanced         n   Pastels with Linda Finch
    A facilitated art program for people            via Zoom                                      Camberwell: Tue 9.30am - 12pm
    with young on-set dementia.                     For those students with Procreate             9/2 (8wks); 4/5 (8wks) $220
    Surrey Hills: Fri 1pm - 2.30pm                  experience, or who have completed             http://camberwellcommunitycentre.
    29/1 (9wks) $270; 23/4 (10wks) $300             the beginners program.               courses/adult-art-classes            Ashburton: Mon 4pm - 5.30pm
                                                                                              n   Pastel Painting with Farimah
    category/creative/                              1/2 (8wks) $160; 19/4 (9wks) $180
                                                                                                  Balwyn: Tue 1.30pm - 3.30pm
n   Drawing                                         com/#CourseGroupID=42580                      9/2 (8wks) $175; 20/4 (9wks) $197
    Surrey Hills: Tue 2.30pm - 4.30pm               com/#CourseID=213297                      n   Smart Phone Photography NEW
    2/2 (9wks) $162; 20/4 (10wks) $180              Leap into Photography
                                                n                                                 Learn how to take better pictures using
    Balwyn: Tue 10am - 12pm 9/2 (8wks)              Learn tips and tricks on how to take          your smart phone with a professional
    $175; 20/4 (9wks) $197                          great macros, landscapes, portraits           photographer.
    Balwyn: Wed 10am - 12pm                         and more using your mobile device.            Surrey Hills: Sun 11am - 1pm
    10/2 (8wks) $175; 21/4 (9wks) $197              Students need access to a camera              14/3 (1 session) $120
    Balwyn: Thu 10am - 12pm                         (SLR, DLR) or mobile device with    
    11/2 (8wks) $175; 22/4 (9wks) $197              camera.                                       category/creative/
n   Drawing with It Hao Pheh                        Alamein: Tue 3.30pm - 5.30pm
                                                    16/3 (3wks) $30                           n   The Clay Room
    Camberwell: Mon 1pm - 3pm
                                                           Classes in ceramics, hand-building
    3/5 (7wks) $165
                                                    course- category/creative-pursuits/           and wheel work. Includes all materials
    Camberwell: Thu 4.30pm - 6.30pm
                                                                                                  and firing.
    11/2 (8wks); 6/5 (8wks) $188                    Leap into Video Techniques
                                                n                                                 Camberwell: Mon 1pm - 3pm
    http://camberwellcommunitycentre.               Learn to take great videos, format,           1/2 (8wks) $340; 3/5 (7wks) $298                edit, create best lighting techniques         Camberwell: Mon 6.30pm - 8.30pm
n   Drawing and Thinking                            and upload to a media platform.               1/2 (8wks) $340; 3/5 (7wks) $298
    This class focuses on drawing and               Students need access to a mobile              Camberwell: Tue 6.30pm - 8.30pm
    watercolour but includes a range                device with camera.                           9/2 (8wks); 4/5 (8wks) $340
    of materials and mediums such as                Alamein: Tue 3.30pm - 5.30pm                  Camberwell: Wed 6.30pm - 8.30pm
    stencils, pastels, acrylics and printing.       20/4 (3wks) $30                               10/2 (8wks); 5/5 (8wks) $340
    Live stream may also be available,                     Camberwell: Thu 1pm - 3pm
    contact the Centre.                             course- category/creative-pursuits/           11/2 (8wks); 6/5 (8wks) $340
    Ashburton: Fri 10am - 12pm or               n   Life Drawing                                  Camberwell: Thu 6.30pm - 8.30pm
    12.30pm - 2.30pm                                Ashburton: Sat 10am - 12pm                    11/2 (8wks); 6/5 (8wks) $340
    5/2 (8wks) $160; 23/4 (10wks) $200                                                            Camberwell: Fri 1pm - 3pm
                                                    30/1 (9wks) $235; 17/4 (10wks) $260
    https://acc.asapconnected                       https://acc.asapconnected.                    5/2 (8wks); 7/5 (8wks) $340
    com/#CourseID=187864                                                                          Camberwell: Sat 10am - 12pm
                                                                                                  6/2 (8wks); 1/5 (8wks) $340
n   Expressive Painting Workshop                n   Nature in Art
    Learn how to paint in a bold, loose                                                       n   Watercolour Painting
                                                    Illustrate the natural world with
    and expressive way. Suitable for all                                                          Balwyn: Mon 10am - 12pm
    experience levels.                              Canterbury: Mon 9.30am - 12pm or              8/2 (7wks) $154; 19/4 (9wks) $197
    Balwyn: Sat 1pm - 4pm                           12.30pm - 3pm                                 Balwyn: Mon 1pm - 3pm 8/2 (7wks)
    20/3 (1 session) $85                            1/2 (8wks); 19/4 (8wks) $220                  $154; 19/4 (9wks) $197
                                                                                                  Balwyn: Thu 9.30am - 11.30am
n   Friday Painters                             n   Oils & Watercolour with Lisa Wang             11/2 (8wks) $175; 22/4 (9wks) $197
    Camberwell: Fri 9.30am - 12.30pm                NEW                                           Balwyn: Fri 9:30am - 11:30am
    5/2 (8wks); 7/5 (8wks) $258                     Camberwell: Wed 1pm - 3pm                     12/2 (7wks) $154; 23/4 (9wks) $197
    http://camberwellcommunitycentre.               12/5 (6wks) $140                              Camberwell: Mon 2.30pm - 4.30pm courses/adult-art-classes               http://camberwellcommunitycentre.             1/2 (8wks) $188; 3/5 (7wks) $165
n   iPad Art using Procreate Beginners     courses/adult-art-classes             Camberwell:Tue 1pm - 3pm
    Learn to create art using Procreate on                                                        9/2 (8wks); 4/5 (8wks) $188
                                                n   Oil Painting
    your iPad! Students will be tutored on                                                        Camberwell: Wed 10.30am - 12.30pm
                                                    All levels welcome.
    how to use the program, the elements                                                          5/5 (8wks) $188
                                                    Balwyn: Tue 9.45am - 11.45am
    of art, as well as how (and where) to                                                         Camberwell: Thu 10am - 12pm
                                                    9/2 (8wks) $175; 20/4 (9wks) $197
    print artwork off the screen.                                                                 11/2 (8wks); 6/5 (8wks) $188
    Ashburton: Mon 7.30pm - 9pm                 n   Paint and Sip                                 Camberwell: Thu 7pm - 9pm
    1/2 (8wks) $160; 19/4 (9wks) $180               Enjoy wine and cheese while you               11/2 (8wks); 6/5 (8wks) $188
    online via Zoom                                 paint! This workshop is taught by tutor       Camberwell: Sat 10am - 12pm
    https://acc.asapconnected.                      and artist, Carla Tucker.                     6/2 (8wks); 1/5 (8wks) $188
    com/#CourseGroupID=42580                        Cost includes wine, cheese and                Canterbury: Tue 9.30am - 11.30am
    Hawthorn: Wed 3pm - 5pm                         materials.                                    2/2 (9wks) $230; 20/4 (8wks) $204
    3/2 (9wks) $180; 21/4 (10wks) $200              Balwyn: Tue 7pm - 9.30pm                      Canterbury: Tue 12.30pm - 2.30pm
                                                    2/3 (1 session); 8/6 (1 session) $85          2/2 (9wks) $230; 20/4 (8wks) $204

                                                                                                  See next page for more
                                                                                                  watercolour classes

Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara
ART, MUSIC & LITERATURE                                                          ART, MUSIC & LITERATURE continued

n   Watercolour Painting continued             n   Coiled Basket Making NEW                   n   Macrame NEW
    Surrey Hills: Wed 10am - 12pm                  Learn how to make a small colourful            Learn how to make your own
    27/1 (10wks); 21/4 (10wks) $180                coiled basket using recycled fabric,           macrame pot holder. Includes
    Surrey Hills: Wed 1pm - 3pm                    hand-dyed raffia and trim Includes             materials
    27/1 (10wks); 21/4 (10wks) $180                materials.                                     Trentwood: Sat 2pm - 4pm           Bowen Street: Fri 12.30pm - 3pm                27/2 (1 session) $40
    category/creative/                             5/3 (2wks) $55                       
                                                   Trentwood: Sat 11am - 4pm                      Mosaics
n   Advanced Watercolour Painting                                                             n
                                                   20/3 (1 session) $75                           Create beautiful art from tiles and
    Explore watercolour techniques.
                                                        ceramics. BYO tiles.
    Class members are encouraged to
                                                   Trentwood: Sat 11am - 4pm                      Alamein: Fri 1pm - 3pm
    develop their own individual style and
                                                   8/5 $75 (1 session)                            12/2 (7wks) $130; 23/4 (10wks) $180
    approach. Experience preferred.
    Ashburton: Mon 1pm - 3pm
    1/2 (8wks) $200; 19/4 (9wks) $225          n   Coil Basket Workshop NEW                       course-category/creative-pursuits/
    Live stream may also be available,             Make your own functional coiled            n   Patchwork and Quilting Group
    contact the Centre.                            basked with complex colouration                Ashburton: Thu 1pm - 3pm
    https://acc.asapconnected.                     and traditional weaving techniques             4/2 (ongoing). Contact centre for
    com/#CourseID=187349                           with renowned tutor Jodie Goldring.            details
    Camberwell: Wed 10.30am - 12.30pm              Materials included.
    10/2 (8wks) $188                               Surrey Hills: Sat 10am - 4pm               n   Spinners and Knitters Group
    http://camberwellcommunitycentre.              16/5 (1 session) $120                          Ashburton: 2nd and 4th Wed of the                month 1pm - 3pm 10/2 (ongoing)
                                                   category/creative/                             Contact centre for details
n   Watercolour Painting & Mixed Media
    This class combines traditional            n   Decoupage                                  n   Scrapbooking Workshop Series
    watercolour methods with                       Make beautiful ornaments using                 Preserve your precious memories
    unconventional methods such as                 traditional decoupage methods.                 and photographs with scrapbooking.
    collage, pastel, texturing paste,              Balwyn: Mon 12.30pm - 2.30pm                   In this series of guided workshops,
    and more to create dynamic colour              8/2 (7wks) $156.50; 19/4 (9wks)                you will learn top tips and creative
    combinations. Live stream may also             $200.50                                        techniques.
    be available, contact the Centre.              Balwyn: Thu 10.15am - 12.15pm                  Balwyn: Fri 1pm - 2.30pm
    Ashburton: Tue 1pm - 3pm                       11/2 (8wks) $178.50; 22/4 (9wks)               5/3 (4 sessions) $25 per session
    2/2 (9wks) $225; 20/4 (10wks) $250             $200.50                                        Fri 21/5 (4 sessions) $25 per session
                                               n   French Polishing and Furniture             n   Sewing - All Levels
                                                   Restoration                                    Whether to learn techniques to start
                                                   Revive old furniture using traditional         you off on your sewing journey or to
Craft, Textiles & Furniture                                                                       learn some professional techniques
                                                   French Polishing and restoration
                                                   methods.                                       and finishes to take your sewing to the
n   Bobbin Lace
                                                   Balwyn: Wed 12.30pm - 3.30pm                   next level, come and let Barbara show
    Learn a variety of stitches and
                                                   10/2 (8wks) $262; 21/4 (9wks) $294             you how.
    produce beautiful pieces of lace in this
                                                   Balwyn: Thu 12.30pm - 3.30pm                   Bowen Street: Fri 9.30am - 12pm
    delightfully therapeutic hobby.
                                                   11/2 (8wks) $262; 22/4 (9wks) $294             5/2 (8wks) $250; 26/4 (8wks) $300
    Suitable for beginners.
    Ashburton: Tue 1pm - 3pm                       Balwyn: Thu 7.30pm - 9.30pm                n   Taster in the Fashion Industry
    2/2 (8wks) $160; 20/4 (10wks) $200             11/2 (8wks) $177.50; 22/4 (9wks) $199          Learners will have the opportunity to
                                                                                                  learn theory and practical and aspects
n   Bound Books                                n   Japanese Kokedamas Workshop -                  of fashion design.
    (2-part Book Binding Workshop)                 Mothers’ Day Event NEW                         Kew: Contact reception 9853 3126
    Learn the art of book binding.                 Learn how to make a beautiful
    Cost includes materials.                       Kokedama String Garden and hang            n   Textile Jewellery Making Workshop
    Balwyn: Sat 10am - 2pm                         your plants in style! Enjoy an exquisite       Create unique jewellery using textiles.
    20/3 and 10am - 2pm                            Mother’s Day morning tea (included).           Learn how to make a beautiful brooch
    27/3 (2 sessions) $140                         Places are limited, bookings essential.        and earrings. Cost includes materials.
                                                   Craig: Sat 10am - 12.30pm                      Balwyn: Fri 10am - 2pm
                                                   8/5 (1 session) $30/$25 members                26/3 (1 session) $75
                                                                                                  Sun 10am - 2pm 16/5 (1 session) $75
                                               n   Jewellery made from Coffee Pods
                                                   NEW                                        n   Upholstery and Soft Furnishing
                                                   This unusual and incredibly versatile          Reinvigorate that piece of furniture.
                                                   art material can be used to make               Canterbury: Tue 9.45am - 12.15pm
                                                   creative and individual jewellery              or 12.45pm - 3.15pm
                                                   pieces. Materials provided.                    2/2 (9wks); 20/4 (9wks) $275
                                                   Bowen Street: Fri 12.30pm - 3pm            n   Upholstery and Soft Furnishing
                                                   19/2 (2wks) $60                                (Evening class via Zoom)
                                                                                                  Canterbury: Tue 6.45pm - 8.45pm
                                                                                                  2/2 (9wks); 20/4 (9wks) $275

Short Course Guide Semester 1: January to June 2021 - Boroondara

Writing & Literature                          n   Writing Life (ongoing)
                                                  Write recollections from your life and
n   Creative Memoir Writing                       family history.
    Ashburton: Wed 1pm - 2.30pm                   Canterbury: Tue 10am - 12pm
    3/2 (6wks); 21/4 (6wks) $120                  2/2 (9wks); 20/4 (9wks) $210
    Live stream may also be available,
    contact the Centre.                       History
    com/#CourseGroupID=42580                  n   History – Australian Writers
                                                  via Zoom
n   Life Writing                                  Canterbury: Thu 10am - 11.30am
    For people who are elderly, isolated          11/5 (4wks) $93
    or housebound but not thought
    bound. The Life Writing Program           n   Surrey Hills Historical Society
    offers a broad range of imaginative           The group meets monthly to learn and
    topics to make it easy and fun to             discuss local history themes.
    start your writing journey. Writers are       Surrey Hills: 3rd Tue 8pm - 10pm
    individually linked to an encourager,         16/2 (ongoing) $4.50 per session
    who reads the writer’s work and offers
    constructive feedback.                        category/community/
    Hawthorn: Contact 9819 5758               n   Surrey Hills Heritage Collection
    for details.                                  FREE
n   Literature                                    Volunteers curating local items of
    Nourish your mind exploring a broad           heritage value.
    range of written works.                       Surrey Hills: Mon 9am - 3pm               n   BCC Movie Groups via Zoom FREE
    Canterbury: Tue 1pm - 3pm                     1/2 (ongoing) FREE                            Meet weekly with a small group to
    2/2 (9wks) $210; 20/4 (9wks) $210             discuss a film.
                                                  category/community/                           Balwyn: Day and time will vary
n   Rendezvous to Write                                                                         9/2 (7wks);19/4 (8wks)
    Make a permanent writing                  Music & Movies
    appointment in your diary each                                                          n   Foreign Film Group FREE
    fortnight. Receive guidance with                                                            Enjoy a foreign film followed by a
                                              n   Acoustic Group                                discussion.
    current writing projects.                     Ashburton: 1st and 3rd Fri
    Hawthorn: Tue fortnightly                                                                   Ashburton: First Wednesday of the
                                                  7.30pm - 9.30pm                               month 7.30pm start, from
    1pm - 3pm 2/2; 20/4, $40                      5/2 (ongoing) $5 per session                  3/2 (ongoing). FREE event.
n   Rendezvous to Write via MS Teams
    & Telelink                                n   Blues Group                               n   Ukulele
    A program for older people interested         Ashburton: 2nd and 4th Fri                    Have great fun learning and playing
    in life writing skills. Explore your          8pm - 10pm 12/2 (ongoing)                     the instrument of the moment!
    personal history to share with your           $5 per session                                Ashburton: Wed 2pm - 3pm
    family and develop your writing skills.                                                     3/2 (9wks) $135; 21/4 (10wks) $150
                                              n   Changing Directions Music                     https://acc.asapconnected.
    Participants make a permanent writing
                                                  A program to encourage participants           com/#CourseID=187871
    appointment in their diary.
                                                  to explore their interests and develop        Kew: Beginners
    The sessions assist participants to
                                                  skills through musical expression.            Mon 6pm - 7pm
    develop their writing muscles with
                                                  A social opportunity for people with          1/2 (9wks) $125; 19/4 (10wks) $140
    various exercises and prompts.
                                                  disabilities. Access program using your
    Hawthorn: Tue fortnightly 1pm - 3pm
                                                  NDIS plan. This session can also be           Kew: Intermediate
    2/2 (wks) $40
                                                  delivered remotely via MS Teams.              Mon 7pm - 8pm
    Trentwood: Thu fortnightly 1pm -
                                                  Trentwood: Mon 1pm - 2.30pm                   1/2 (9wks) $125; 19/4 (10wks) $140
    3pm 4/2 (4wks) $20; 22/4 (5wks) $25
n   The Joy of Good Books                                                                       Surrey Hills: Beginners
    Part book group, part literature class.   n   Cinema and Chat
                                                  Our host Maree selects a movie                Wed 2.45pm - 3.45pm 7/10 (10wks)
    Tutor lead discussion.                                                                      $160
    Ashburton: Tue 1pm - 3pm                      from the extensive SBS on Demand
                                                  catalog that you watch from the               Surrey Hills: Continuing Beginners
    2/2 (6wks); 20/4 (6wks) $120                                                                Wed 11.45am - 12.45pm
    Live stream may also be available,            comfort of your home, we then get
                                                  together for an after-movie chat. It’s        27/1 (10wks); 21/4 (10wks) $160
    contact the Centre.                                                                         Surrey Hills: Intermediate
    https://acc.asapconnected.                    a great opportunity to connect with
                                                  others and participate in engaging            Wed 1.30pm - 2.30pm
    com/#CourseID=187356                                                                        27/1 (10wks); 21/4 (10wks) $160
n   Writing for Pleasure                          Hawthorn: Mon fortnightly                     Surrey Hills: Advanced
    Like writing but need encouragement?          3pm - 4pm 8/2 (3wks) $56*                     Tue 7pm - 8pm
    Kew: Tue 1pm - 3pm                            26/4 (5wks) $94*                              2/2 (9wks) $144; 20/4 (10wks) $160
    2/2 (9wks) $225; 20/4 (10wks) $250                                                                                                               ukulele- classes/
    WritingforPleasureandPublication                                                            Trentwood: Thu 9.15am - 10.15am
                                                                                                4/2 (9wks) $122; 22/4 (10wks) $135


Yoga                                               n   Yoga: Hatha Continuing                           Mondays & Wednesdays - Yoga & Pilates
                                                       Ashburton: Mon 9.30am - 10.30am                  Tuesdays & Thursdays - Yoga Basics
n   Yoga                                               1/2 (8wks) $120; 20/4 (9wks) $135                Fridays - Beginner Mat Pilates
    Balwyn: Mon 9.30am - 10.30am                       Ashburton: Tue 9.30am - 10.30am                  Ashburton: Mon to Fri from 1/2 (9wks)
    1/2 (8wks) $122.50; 19/4 (9wks) $137.50            2/2 (9wks) $135; 21/4 (10wks) $150               $90; 19/4 (10wks) $100
    Balwyn: Wed 7am - 8.15am                           https://acc.asapconnected.                       https://acc.asapconnected.
    3/2 (9wks) $137.50; 21/4 (10wks)                   com/#CourseGroupID=42642                         com/#CourseID=221099
    $152.50                                        n   Yoga and Relaxation Techniques
    Balwyn: Thu 7pm - 8.15pm                           Alamein: Thu 9.30am - 11am                   Pilates
    4/2 (9wks) $137.50                                 11/2 (8wks) $152; 22/4 (10wks) $190
    22/4 (10wks) $152.50                              n   Pilates
    Canterbury: Mon 9.30am - 10.30am                   category/health-and-wellbeing/                   Control, precision, movement,
    1/2 (8wks) $140; 19/4 (9wks) $158                                                                   balance; a mind body workout.
    Tue 9.30am - 10.30am 2                         n   Yoga: Slow                                       Alamein: Tue 7pm - 8pm
    /2 (9wks) $158; 20/4 (10wks) $175                  A beginner level class of slow flow and          9/2 (8wks) $104; 11/4 (10wks) $130
    Surrey Hills: Mon 6pm - 7pm &                      yin yoga.                              
    7.15pm - 8.15pm                                    Hawthorn: Thu 6.30pm - 7.30pm                    course- category/health-and-wellbeing/
    1/2 (8wks) $120; 19/4 (9wks) $135                  4/2 (9wks) $128; 22/4 (10wks) $142               Balwyn: Tue 9.30am - 10.30am                                                                2/2 (9wks) $137.50; 20/4 (10wks) $152.50
                                                   n   Yoga: Slow Flow
    category/health/                                                                                    Hawthorn: Mon 8.30am - 9.30am,
                                                       Ashburton: Thu 9.30am - 10.30am
                                                                                                        9.45am - 10.45am, 12.15pm - 1.15pm,
    Family Yoga Workshops NEW                          4/2 (9wks) $135; 22/4 (10wks) $150
n                                                                                                       1.30pm - 2.30pm, 1/2 (8wks) $96*
    Create a special space for you and your            https://acc.asapconnected.
                                                                                                        19/4 (9wks) $108*
    child. Develop tools to connect with               com/#CourseGroupID=42642
                                                                                                        Hawthorn: Thu 8.30am - 9.30am,
    your emotions, your breath, and one            n   Yoga: Yin                                        9.45am - 10.45am, 4/2 (9wks) $108*
    another. Bond through movement,                    Ashburton: Thu 10.45am - 11.45am                 22/4 (10wks) $120*
    lower anxiety, improve balance and                 4/2 (9wks) $135; 22/4 (10wks) $150               Hawthorn: Fri 10am - 11am,
    flexibility. Facilitated by industry leaders       https://acc.asapconnected.                       11.15am - 12.15pm, 5/2 (8wks) $96*
    Hello Yoga Kids, refreshments to follow.           com/#CourseGroupID=42642                         23/4 (10wks) $120*
    Craig: Sat 9.30am - 11am                                                                            Surrey Hills: Mon 10am - 11am
    6/3, 27/3, 22/5, 19/6; $30/$25 members         n   Chair Yoga                                       1/2 (8wks) $136; 19/4 (9wks) $153
    (includes 2 people)                                Chair yoga is an all-round exercise class
                                                       suitable for older people, combining             pilate- classes
n   Hatha Yoga via Zoom                                yoga movement, stretches and strength
    Improve physical health, increased                                                                  Trentwood: Intermediate
                                                       to keep body and mind active                     Mon 10.30am - 11.30am
    flexibility, higher energy level and               Canterbury: Mon 11am - 12pm
    advanced mental stability and focus.                                                                1/2 (9wks) $105; 19/4 (10wks) $115
                                                       1/2 (8wks) $140; 19/4 (9wks) $158                Trentwood: Gentle
    Kew: Tue 9am - 10am                                Hawthorn: Tue 10am - 11.30am
    2/2 (9wks) $125; 19/4 (10wks) $140                                                                  Mon 9.15am - 10.15am
                                                       2/2 (9wks) $108*; 20/4 (10wks) $120*             1/2 (9wks) $105; 19/4 (10wks) $115
                                                   n   Chair Yoga                                       Pilates via MS Teams
n   Yoga: Yin and Flow                                 This specially designed Yoga program
    Slow, mindful movements to prepare                                                                  A one-hour full body exercise with
                                                       is for people with mobility issues and           movement and breath control to
    the body to relax and stay in postures             utilises a chair rather than a floor mat.
    for longer periods of time. Suitable                                                                strengthen muscles, improving
                                                       Balwyn: Mon 10.45am - 11.45am                    posture and flexibility.
    for all abilities with no experience               (8wks) $122.50; 19/4 (9wks) $137.50
    necessary.                                                                                          Hawthorn: Tue 9am - 10am
    Trentwood: Tue 6.30pm - 7.30pm                 n   Yoga Retreat (Half-Day Workshop)                 2/2 (9wks) $80*
    9/3 (4wks) $45; 20/4 (10wks) $110                  Reflect, move and discover new                   Wed 9am - 10am 3/2 (9wks) $80*
                                                       practices to help balance your output            Buff Bones for Osteoporosis
n   Yoga: Continuing                                   and look after wellbeing. All experience
    Alamein: Mon 7pm - 8pm                                                                              Pilates based full body workout for
                                                       levels welcome.                                  bone strengthening and balance.
    8/2 (7wks) $91; 10/4 (9wks) $117                   Balwyn: Sat 1pm - 4pm                                                                Safe for osteoporosis.
                                                       27/2 (1 session) $70                             Canterbury: Mon 9.30am - 10.30pm
    category/health-and-wellbeing/                     Sat 1pm - 4pm                                    1/2 (8wks) $140; 19/4 (9wks) $158
n   Yoga: Gentle                                       29/5 (1 session) $70                             Canterbury: Thu 9.30am - 10.30am
    Alamein: Mon 5.45pm - 6.45pm                   n   Yoga & Pilates                                   4/2 (9wks) $158; 22/4 (10wks) $175
    8/2 (7wks) $91; 10/4 (9wks) $117                   Ashburton: Tue 9.30am - 10.30am                  Canterbury: Thu 10.45am - 11.45am               & 10.45am - 11.45am                              4/2 (9wks) $158; 22/4 (10wks) $175
    category/health-and-wellbeing/                     2/2 (9wks) $135; 20/4 (10wks) $150           n   Mat Pilates
n   Yoga: Hatha                                        https://acc.asapconnected.                       Build core strength, stability and
    Suitable for all levels.                           com/#CourseGroupID=42642                         develop endurance with longer, leaner
    Bowen Street: Wed 6.30pm - 7.30pm              n   Yoga & Pilates for All via Zoom                  muscles to improve posture.
    3/2 (9wks) $153; 21/4 (10wks) $170                 Join in for one or all of these classes at       Kew: Thu 8.30am - 9.25am
                                                       9.30am each week - regardless of your            4/2 (9wks) $145; 22/4 (10wks) $160
                                                       skill or experience level, these classes
                                                       can cater for you:                               MatPilates


Qi Gong                                            Walking Groups                                 Exercise for over 55s
n    Qi Gong                                       n   Walking Groups                             n   Active Living 60 Plus
     A simpler form of Tai Chi with low                Ashburton: Wed 10am - 11am                     A program focused on balance,
     impact meditative exercises.                      29/1 (ongoing) $1 per session                  stretching and light cardio to keep you
     Camberwell: Tue 7.45am - 8.45am                   Camberwell: Tue & Thu                          active and confident.
     9/2 (8wks) $106; 4/5 (8wks) $106                  9.30am - 10.30am (ongoing)                     Surrey Hills: Mon 8.45am - 9.45am
     http://camberwellcommunitycentre.                 FREE to members                                1/2 (8wks) $128; 19/4 (9wks) $144 courses/health-wellbeing                  http://www.                          
     Surrey Hills: Wed 10am - 11.15am                      category/health/
     27/1 (10wks); 21/4 (10wks) $80                    courses/health-wellbeing
                                                                                                  n   Ageless Grace              Canterbury: Thu 9.30am - 10.30am
                                                                                                      (Fun Fitness for the Brain & Body)
     category/health/                                  (fast paced) or 10am - 11am (gentle)
                                                                                                      An uplifting, fun, mind-body gentle
     Trentwood: Tue 9.30am - 10.15am                   FREE to members
                                                                                                      chair-based exercise class. Suitable
     2/2 (9wks) $90; 20/4 (10wks) $100                 Hawthorn: Fri 10am - 11.30am
                                                                                                      for all ages and abilities interested in
                                                       5/2 ongoing, gold coin donation
n    Tai Chi                                                                                          maintaining their brain health.
                                                       Surrey Hills: Mon 9am - 10.30am
     A traditional Chinese mind-body                                                                  Ashburton: Thu 10am - 10.45am
                                                       1/2 (ongoing) FREE to members
     relaxation exercise performed in slow,                                                           4/2 (9wks) $180; 22/4 (10wks) $200
                                                       Surrey Hills: Fri 8.30am - 10am
     gentle movements enabling harmony                                                                Virtual option may be available.
                                                       29/1 (ongoing) FREE to members
     in mind and body. Different levels                                                               contact the Centre.
     offered, visit our website for details.                                                          https://acc.asapconnected.
     Camberwell: Tue 9am - 10am                                                                       com/#CourseGroupID=42642
     9/2 (8wks); 4/5 (8wks) $106                                                                      Canterbury: Fri 10am - 11am
     Camberwell: Thu 8.30am - 9.30am               Mindfulness & Meditation                           29/1 (9wks) $158; 30/4 (10wks) $175
     9.45am - 10.45am, 11am - 12pm                                                                    Surrey Hills: Mon 10am - 10.45am
                                                   n   Introduction to Meditation NEW
     11/2 (8wks); 6/5 (8wks) $106                                                                     1/2 (8wks) $128; 19/4 (9wks) $144
                                                       Relax your body. Calm your mind.
                                                       Surrey Hills: Wed 5.30pm - 6.30pm courses/health-wellbeing                                                                 category/health/
                                                       27/1 (6 weeks) $95
     Surrey Hills: Tue, Thu,                                                                          Trentwood: Thu 10am - 10.30am
     Fri 8.15am - 9am 28/1 (ongoing) $25                                                              4/2 (9wks) $55; 22/4 (10wks) $60
     single weekly session or $45 multiple                                                            This class can also be delivered
     weekly sessions                               n   Kadampa Meditation                             remotely. Phone for further details.              Weekly meditation taught by qualified      n   Balance Back to Exercise
     category/health/                                  Buddhist teachers, easy to understand          Suitable for older adults. Small group
                                                       and apply to the busyness of modern
n    Tai Chi Beginner                                                                                 workout focused on balance and
                                                       daily life. Suitable for beginners to
     A combined Tai Chi / QiGong exercise                                                             stretching.
                                                       advanced. Classes live streamed
     to start your journey.                                                                           Ashburton: Wed 9.30am - 10.30am
                                                       until July.
     Hawthorn: Thu 11am - 12pm                                                                        3/2 (9wks) $45; 21/4 (11wks) $55
                                                       Craig: Bookings & queries:
     4/2 (9wks) $108*; 22/4 (10wks) $120*                                                             https://acc.asapconnected.
n    Tai Chi Intermediate                              drop-in-classes/ or info@kadampa.              Balwyn: Tue 1.30pm - 2.30pm
     Trentwood: Thu 1.15pm - 2.15pm                                                   2/2 (9wks) $137.50; 20/4 (10wks)
     4/2 (9wks) $105; 22/4 (10wks) $115
                                                   n   Meditation                                     $152.50
     Hawthorn: Thu 12.15pm - 1.15pm
                                                       Balwyn: Wed 7:45pm - 8:45pm                    Balwyn: Thu 1.30pm - 2.30pm
     4/2 (9wks) $108*; 22/4 (10wks) $120*
                                                       3/2 (9wks) $137.50; 21/4 (10wks) $152.50       4/2 (9wks) $137.50; 22/4 (10wks)
n    QiGong via MS Teams                                                                              $152.50
                                                   n   Meditation and Guided Relaxation               Kew: Tue 11.15am - 12.10pm
     Join Yvonne in a class integrating physical
                                                       For focusing and lowering stress.              2/2 (9wks) $145; 20/4 (10wks) $160
     posture and breathing techniques.
                                                       Alamein: Thu 5.45pm - 6.45pm         
     Hawthorn: Thu 11am - 12pm
                                                       22/2 (6wks) $78; 22/4 (10wks) $130         Exercise for over
     4/2 (9wks) $80*
                                                           n   Chair Fitness
n    Tai Chi/Qi Gong                                   course- category/health-and-                   An all-round exercise class suitable
     Tai Chi and Qi Gong are powerful                  wellbeing/                                     for seniors. Combining elements of
     systems of healing and energy, classes                                                           stretching, breathe exercise and yoga
                                                   n   Mindfulness Meditation                         to keep the body and mind active.
     include integration of physical postures,
                                                       Guided meditations led by counselling          All exercises are done on or with the
     breathing techniques and focus.
                                                       psychologist & accredited Mindfulness          assistance of a chair.
     Balwyn: Tue 11am - 12pm
                                                       Meditation teacher Jenny Clifton.              Hawthorn: Tue 10am - 11.30am
     2/2 (9wks) $137.50; 20/4 (10wks)
     $152.50                                           Allows us to be less reactive, calmer          2/2 (9wks) $108*; 20/4 (10wks) $120*
     Balwyn: All levels Wed                            and more focused. Classes suitable
     10.45am - 11.45am 3/2 (9wks) $137.50              for beginners and more experienced
     21/4 (10wks)$152.50                               meditators.
                                                       Craig: Bookings & queries:
     Canterbury: Fri 11am - 12pm
     29/1 (9wks) $158; 30/4 (10wks) $175
                                                       0412 025 375


Exercise for over 55s continued                 n   Strength & Balance via MS Teams           General Exercise & Wellbeing
                                                    A mix of chair-based and standing low-
n   Exercise to Music Classes (50+)                 intensity, resistance and light weight-   n   Bootcamp Is Back NEW
    Ashburton: Mon 11.30am - 12.30pm                bearing exercises                             Kick start 2021 with an 8-week
    1/2 (8wks) $40; 19/4 (9wks) $45                 to maintain bone density, muscle              intensive bootcamp. Classes include
    Ashburton: Tue 9.30am - 10.30am                 strength and general health and               HIIT, boxing and a variety of exercises.
    2/2 (9wks) $45; 20/4 (10wks) $50                wellbeing. Suitable for 65+.                  Two sessions per week.
    Ashburton: Fri 9.30am - 10.30am                 Hawthorn: Wed 9am - 10am                      Surrey Hills: Wed & Fri
    5/2 (8wks) $40; 23/4 (10wks) $50                3/2 (9wks) $108*; 21/4 (10wks) $120*          6.15am - 7.10am
    https://acc.asapconnected.                  n   Strength Training – Chair based               (8wks, 16 sessions) $260
    com/#CourseGroupID=42642                        Trentwood: Thu 11.15am - 12.15pm    
                                                    4/2 (9wks) $100; 22/4 (10wks) $110            category/health/
n   Keep Fit (Strength and
    Conditioning)                               n   Strength Training via Zoom                n   Boxing Exercise NEW
    Ashburton: Tue 10.45am - 11.45am                A program to exercise core muscles            Improve cardio, strength with weight
    2/2 (9wks) $45; 20/4 (10wks) $50                and work on balance using weights.            bearing motion and boxing, aimed at
    Ashburton: Fri 10.45am - 11.45am                Surrey Hills: Mon 8.15am - 9.15am             men and women of all ages. This is a
    5/2 (8wks) $40; 23/4 (10wks) $50                1/2 (8wks) $52 (over 65)                      fun, challenging and safe workout.
    https://acc.asapconnected.                      $72 (under 65); 19/4 (9wks)                   Hawthorn: Mon 9.30am - 10.30am
    com/#CourseGroupID=42642                        $52 (over 65) $72 (under 65)                  1/2 (8wks) $96*; 19/4 (9wks) $108*
n   Fit For You                                     Surrey Hills: Tue 9.30am - 10.30am &      n   Chinese Cultural Dance Group
    Ashburton: Mon 9.30am - 10.30am                 12.30pm - 1.30pm & 7.15pm - 8.15pm            Trentwood: Meet Tues mornings.
    1/2 (8wks) $40; 20/4 (10wks) $50                2/2 (9wks) $58.50 (under 65)                  Contact Office for more information.
    Ashburton: Thu 9.30am - 10.30am                 $81 (over 65);
                                                    20/4 (10wks) $65 (over 65)                n   Dancing with Confidence
    4/2 (9wks) $45; 23/4 (10wks) $50
                                                    $90 (under 65)                                Introductory chair-based program for
    Make the most of the morning with
                                                    Surrey Hills: Wed 8.15am - 9.15am             people who love to move to music!
    this small group exercise class!
                                                    27/1 (10wks) $65 (under 65)                   A social opportunity for people with
    Balwyn: Thu 6.15am - 7am 4/2 (9wks)
                                                    $90 (over 65)                                 disabilities. Access using NDIS plan.
    $104; 22/4 (10wks) $116
                                                    21/4 (10wks) $65 (under 65)                   Trentwood: Fri 11.15am - 12.30pm
n   Fit for You via Zoom                            $90 (over 65)                                 ongoing
    All body workout focusing on major              Surrey Hills: Thu 7.15pm - 8.15pm         n   Hula Hooping for Adults at the Hub
    muscle groups through resistance                28/1 (10wks) $65 (under 65)                   NEW
    training to build strength and facilitate       $90 (over 65)                                 Join us for some friendly fun and
    functional movement                             22/4 (10wks) $65 (under 65)                   exercise. BYO hoop or try ours
    Kew: Mon 8.30am - 9.25am                        $90 (over 65)                                 before you buy! Indoors or outdoors
    1/2 (9wks) $145; 19/4 (10wks) $160              Surrey Hills: Fri 8.15am - 9.15am &           depending on the weather. Phone us                   12.30pm -1.30pm                               to find out more!
    FitForYou                                       29/1 (9wks) $58.50 (under 65)                 Trentwood: Thu 5pm - 6pm ongoing.
n   Hi / Lo Exercise Class                          $81 (over 65); 23/4 (10wks)                   Introductory special – FREE
    Choose the option that suits you in             $65 (under 65) $90 (over 65)
                                                n   Men’s Fitness NEW
    this dynamic fitness class.
                                                    category/health/                              A 60-minute full body workout session
    Balwyn: Thu 9.15am - 10.15am
                                                                                                  designed specifically for men including
    4/2 (9wks) $137.50; 22/4 (10wks)                Table Tennis
                                                n                                                 moderate resistance and intensity
    $152.50                                         Come and join our group and play a            exercise for upper and lower body.
n   Stretch and Strengthen                          social game. Newcomers welcome                Hawthorn: Wed 9am - 10am
    Improve your strength, fitness and              Trentwood: Thu 11am - 1pm                     3/2 (9wks) $108*; 21/4 (10wks) $120*
    flexibility in this dynamic, full-body          (ongoing) $5 per player per session
                                                    Surrey Hills: Thu1.30pm - 3pm             n   Mums and Bubs Exercise
    workout class!
                                                    28/1 (ongoing) $4.50 per session              A program run by a new mum for new
    Balwyn: Mon 3pm - 4pm
                                                    mums focusing specifically on post-
    1/2 (8wks) $122.50; 19/4 (9wks)
                                                    category/community/                           natal. Join our experienced teacher
    $137.50                                                                                       in this exercise class, specifically
    Balwyn: Thu 10.30am-11.30am                     Your Healthy Spine
                                                n                                                 targeting areas of concern for
    4/2 (9wks) $137.50                              Ashburton: Wed 12pm - 1.30pm                  postnatal mothers, focusing on safe
    22/4 (10wks) $152.50                            3/2 (9wks) $135; 21/4 (10wks) $150            pelvic floor options. We encourage you
n   Strength & Balance                              Ashburton: Thu 7.30pm - 9pm                   to bring your babies along!
    A mix of chair-based and standing low-          4/2 (9wks) $135; 22/4 (10wks) $150            Hawthorn: Mon 9.30am - 10.30am
    intensity, resistance and light weight-         https://acc.asapconnected.                    1/2 (9wks); 19/4 (9wks) $108
    bearing exercises to maintain bone              com/#CourseGroupID=42642
                                                                                              n   Nia
    density, muscle strength and general                                                          Join this fun, simple dance-based
    health and wellbeing. Suitable for 65+.                                                       fitness class. Suitable for all ages and
    Hawthorn: Mon 11am - 12pm                                                                     level of fitness
    1/2 (8wks) $96*; 19/4 (9wks) $108*                                                            Trentwood: 10.30am - 11.30am
                                                                                                  2/2 (9wks) $105; 20/4 (10wks) $115

HEALTH & WELLBEING                              COOKING

                                                n   $5 Meals
                                                    Prepare an inexpensive meal for one.
                                                    The food will be purchased and
                                                    prepared together for participants to
                                                    take home. Access this program using
                                                    NDIS plan.
                                                    Trentwood: Mon 10am - 12pm
                                                n   Cooking Small, Eating Well
                                                    An ongoing fortnightly program for
                                                    older people to explore new recipes
                                                    and learn to cook for one or two          n Mediterranean Diet – Recipes from
                                                    people.                                     Mediterranean Kitchens
                                                    Hawthorn: Tue fortnightly                   Learn about the food, science and
                                                    1pm - 3pm 2/2; 20/4, $40*                   health benefits of the Mediterranean
                                                n   Dumplings Workshop                          Diet while learning to cook. In this
                                                    Learn how to make delicious dumplings       eight-week class, Carmel will provide
                                                    from scratch! Cost includes ingredients     authentic and adaptable recipes
                                                    and recipes.                                handed down through generations,
                                                    Balwyn: Fri 10am - 12.30pm                  using the best seasonal ingredients.
                                                    12/3 (1 session); 14/5 (1 session) $90      Hawthorn: Thu 6pm - 8pm
                                                                                                4/2 (8wks) $180
                                                n   Fermented Foods
                                                    Learn about the benefits of these food    n Middle Eastern Cooking at Home
                                                    whilst making sauerkraut and kimchi.        (using MS Teams)
                                                    Materials included                          Join Shella on our online cooking
                                                    Trentwood: Sat 2pm - 4pm                    workshop from the comfort of your
                                                    13/3 (1 session) $50                        own home and learn about the
n    Post Natal Exercise                              wonderful flavours of Middle Eastern
     (Babies welcome)                                                                           cooking
     This exercise class is tailored for mums   n   Flavours of East Africa NEW                 Trentwood: Thu 5.30pm - 7.30pm
     who want to get back into shape after          Learn about the layered flavours of         11/3 (1 session) $55
     pregnancy. Our classes are pelvic floor        East African cooking in this hands-on
     safe and suitable for all fitness levels       class, making authentic spiced pilau        (Vegetarian menu)
     Trentwood: Tue 9am - 10am                      with meat, plus condiments. Then            Trentwood: Thu 5.30pm - 7.30pm
     2/2 (9wks) $45                                 enjoy a shared meal.                        3/6 (1 session) $55
                                                    Surrey Hills: Fri 6pm - 9pm       
n    Stay Active via Zoom                           26/3 (1 session) $95
     Keep yourself active and moving with       n Middle Eastern Cooking at
     a range of exercise, movement and              category/leisure/                           Trentwood
     dance classes. Access any (or all!) of                                                     Try out delicious Turkish recipes and
     the following classes during the term:     n French cooking workshop                       cook together with Shella in our brand
     Mon - Fit for You                            Have fun and become a French chef             new kitchen. Includes ingredients.
     Tue - Exercise to Music & Keep Fit           during this cooking class with Marie-         Trentwood: Sat 3.30pm - 5.30pm
     Strength & Conditioning                      Emilie. Includes ingredients                  27/2 (1 session) $60
     Wed - Balance Back to Exercise               Trentwood: Thu 6.30pm - 8.30pm      
     Thu - Fit for You                            4/3 $60 (1 session)                           Trentwood: Sat 3.30pm - 5.30pm
     Fri - Exercise to Music & Keep Fit               8/5 (1 session) $60
     Strength & Conditioning                                                          
                                                n Gozleme and Baklava workshop
     Ashburton: Mon, Wed & Thu                                                                  (vegetarian menu)
                                                  With Turkish music in the background
     9.30am - 10.30am                             Arzu will teach you how to make this        n Paella & Sangria NEW
     1/2 (9wks) $90; 19/4 (10wks) $100            delicious food. Includes ingredients.         Start with a glass of sangria and make
     https://acc.asapconnected.                   BYO containers, apron and oven tray.          traditional paella on the BBQ. Then
     com/#CourseID=221124                         Bookings essential by 15/3                    enjoy your work!
n    Zumba                                        Trentwood: Sat 2pm - 4pm                      Surrey Hills: Fri 19/2 6pm - 9pm
     Join Meredith for a dance-fitness            27/3 (1 session) $60                          (1 session) $95
     workout! Suitable for all ages,        
     including older adults.                                                                    category/leisure/
                                                n Local Conversations with Gabriel
     Balwyn: Wed 9.30am - 10.15am                 Gate NEW                                    n Preserves Workshop
     3/2 (9wks) $137.50                           Join this well-known chef (and local          Learn how to make tomato relish,
     21/4 (10wks) $152.50                         resident) as he discusses his career as       berry jam, marinated feta and olives,
     Wed 6.30pm - 7.15pm                          a chef, writer and broadcaster.               preserved lemons, and pickled
     3/2 (9wks) $137.50                           Surrey Hills: Fri 7pm - 8.30pm                cucumber. Lunch and morning tea
     21/4 (10wks) $152.50                         12/3 (1 session) $10                          provided.
                                                  Balwyn: Wed 10am - 1.30pm
                                                  category/leisure/                             31/3 (1 session) $105

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