Page created by Harvey Stewart
Please make sure to read the enclosed safety instructions prior to using your unit.

                       30+ DELICIOUS RECIPES
Table of
Your guide to creating                                Contents                                      8   14
  creamy delights.                                    Tips & Best Practices                   2

                                                      Ninja Test Kitchen Favorites            8
   Welcome to the Ninja™ CREAMi™ inspiration
                                                      	Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips
  guide. From here you’re just a few pages away         & Customization Inspiration            8
   from recipes, tips, tricks, and helpful hints to   	Enjoy Today Thick Chocolate Milkshake
  give you everything you need to process your          & Customization Inspiration          14

   favorite ingredients into healthy or indulgent       One-Ingredient Fruit Sorbet          18

    creamy delights. Now let’s get processing.          Lite Chocolate Ice Cream             20

                                                      Easy Recipes                           22

       For more exciting delicious recipes,           Step-It-Up Recipes                     54
     scan this code or visit ninjacreami.com
                                                      No-Prep Inspiration Chart

                                                      Recipe Index

                                                                                                   28   38
                  Additional Recipes

                                                                                                   44   58
The freezer is your friend                                                                                    Tips for the creamiest results
                                                                                                                          Pre-frozen ingredients            What to do                       Making
                                                                                                                          taste sweeter                     about leftovers.                 an ice bath.
                                                                                                                          Worried your base mixture         Didn't finish your pint?         Some recipes require
                                                                                                                          might be too sweet? Don't         Flatten the top of your          ingredients to be cooked
                                                                                                                          worry, it won't taste as          frozen treat with a spoon        before freezing the base.
                                                                                                                          sweet after you freeze and        or spatula before refreezing.    To keep from warming
                                                                                                                          process it into a frozen treat.   If the treat is hard after       up your freezer, we
                                                                                                                                                            re-freezing, process it again    recommend using an ice
Adjust your                      Freeze                           Place the                       Upright                                                   on the program you used          bath to quickly cool the
                                                                                                                                                            to make it. If it's soft, just   base. To prepare an ice
freezer's                        for                              pint on a                       freezers                                                  scoop and enjoy it.              bath, fill a large bowl with
temp                             24 hours                         level surface                   work best                                                 Note: If your treat contains
                                                                                                                                                                                             ice and water. Then place
This unit is designed            While the CREAMi                 To avoid damaging               We recommend not                                                                           your pint in the ice water.
                                                                                                                                                            mix-ins, processing again
to process bases                 Pint may be frozen,              your unit, DO NOT               using a chest freezer                                                                      Once your base has
                                                                                                                                                            will likely pulverize the
that are between                 it needs to reach                process a pint if               as they tend to reach                                                                      cooled below 40°F, place
                                                                                                                                                            mix-ins and create a
9°F and -7°F.                    an even colder                   ingredients have                extremely cold                                                                             the pint in the freezer.
                                                                                                                                                            new flavor.
(If your freezer                 temperature before               been frozen at an               temperatures.
temperature is within            it can be processed.             angle or if pint has                                                                                   DO NOT USE
this range, your pint                                             been scooped                                                                                           THE RE-SPIN
should reach the                                                  out of and then                                                                                        PROGRAM FOR
appropriate                                                       refrozen unevenly.*                                                                                    LEFTOVERS

*If a pint is frozen unevenly: melt, whisk, and then re-freeze the ingredients on a level surface.
Install Light                                                          Get to know the
    The install light will illuminate when the
    unit is not fully assembled for use. If the
    light is blinking, make sure the bowl is
                                                                           One-Touch Programs
    properly installed. If the light is solid,
    check that the paddle is installed.

    Progress Bar                                                                                                                                                          +
    Indicates the progress of the one-touch                                Designed for traditionally   Designed for health-         Designed for custard        Designed to fold in pieces
    program. All 4 progress bar LEDs will                                  indulgent recipes. Great     conscious consumers to       bases for Italian-style     of candies, cookies, nuts,
    flash twice and then turn off when the                                 for turning dairy and        make ice creams that are     ice cream. Choose           cereal, or frozen fruit to
    program is complete.                                                   dairy-alternative recipes    low in sugar or fat or use   GELATO when specified       customize your treat.
                                                                           into thick, creamy, and      sugar substitutes. Choose    to create delicious,        RECIPE
                                                                           scoopable ice creams.        when processing keto         decadent desserts.
    One-Touch Programs:
                                                                                                                                                                 Mix-in & Flavor Inspiration
                                                                           RECIPE                       or paleo recipes.            RECIPE                      pages 10–13

    1–2 1/2 minutes
                                                                           Vanilla Ice Cream            RECIPE                       Vanilla Bean Gelato
                                                                           page 8                       Lite Chocolate Ice Cream     page 54
                                                                                                        page 20                      We recommend starting
    Each one-touch program is intelligently                                                                                          with the Easy Vanilla Ice
    designed to whip up delicious creations                                                                                          Cream on page 8 before
    in 1–2 1/2 minutes. Programs vary in length                                                                                      making this gelato.
    and speed depending on the optimal
    settings to get perfectly creamy results
    for that type of recipe.

                                                                           Designed to transform        Designed for recipes         Designed to create quick    Designed to ensure a
                                                                           fruit-based recipes          that are made from           and thick milkshakes.       smooth texture after
                                                                           with high water and          fruit (fresh or frozen)      Simply combine your         running one of the preset
                                                                           sugar content into           and/or vegetables            favorite ice cream          programs. RE-SPIN is
                                                                           creamy delights.             frozen together with         (store-bought or            often needed when the
                                                                           RECIPE                       dairy, dairy alternatives,   homemade), milk, and        base is very cold and the
                                                                           One-Ingredient Sorbet        or juice.                    mix-ins and select          texture is crumbly rather
                                                                           page 18                      RECIPE                       MILKSHAKE.                  than creamy. However,
    This is NOT a blender.                                                                              Coconut Mango
                                                                                                        Smoothie Bowl
                                                                                                                                     Thick Chocolate
                                                                                                                                                                 do NOT use when adding
                                                                                                        page 44                      Milkshake
    Do NOT process a solid block of ice or ice cubes. Do NOT make                                                                    page 14
    a smoothie or process hard, loose ingredients, such as frozen fruit.
    Fruit must be crushed to release its juice or combined with other
    ingredients and frozen before processing.
4                                                                                                                                                                                ninjacreami.com   5
General ingredient                                                              More pints,
substitutes                                                                     more CREAMi treats.                          ™

Dairy-free? Vegan? Low carb? You can still make delicious treats that           Receive a coupon for additional CREAMi Pints
fit your lifestyle. For the best results, be sure to follow the instructions,   when you register your Ninja CREAMi purchase.
carefully measure, and use the tips below when making any substitutions.                                                               Register Product.
                                                                                To register your product and claim your reward, scan
                                                                                the code below or visit qr.ninjakitchen.com/creami.    Receive Coupon.

Dairy Substitutes                         Sugar Substitute
                  Unsweetened             For recipe specific substitutes,
 Milk                                     please refer to the recipes in
                  oat milk
                                          the following pages.
 Heavy            Unsweetened
 cream            coconut cream           Light
                                          corn              Raw agave
                                          syrup             nectar
 Cream            Vegan cream
 cheese           cheese

 NOTE: Make sure to use                   NOTE: If using sugar substitutes,
 unsweetened substitutes                  use the LITE ICE CREAM
 and to whisk coconut cream               program to process.
 by itself as the first step.

                                                                                                                                                 ninjacreami.com   7
                         Vanilla Ice Cream
 EC S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      T-FREE

                                    with Chocolate Chips

        INGREDIENTS                                                    TOOLS NEEDED
        1 tablespoon ( / ounce) PHILADELPHIA®
                       1 2

        Cream Cheese
                                                                                                       We recommend using
        1 /3 cup granulated sugar
                                                                       Whisk                              Cream Cheese
        1 teaspoon vanilla extract
        3 /4 cup heavy cream
                                                                       Large bowl

        1 cup whole milk                                               Rubber spatula
        1 /4 cup mini chocolate chips, for mix-in
                                                                          MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan cream cheese
                                                                          for cream cheese, unsweetened coconut cream
        MAKE IT LITE Use     1/2
                              teaspoon stevia and                         for heavy cream, and unsweetened oat milk
        2 1/2 tablespoons raw agave nectar for granulated                 for whole milk. Whisk the coconut cream until
        sugar. Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.                     smooth, then add the remaining ingredients.


       SCAN & WATCH                In a large, microwave-safe     Slowly mix in the heavy       Pour base into an empty     Remove pint from freezer           Select ICE CREAM.             With a spoon, create a      When processing is
       HOW IT WORKS                bowl, microwave the cream      cream and milk until fully    CREAMi™ Pint. Place         and remove lid from pint.                                        1 1/2-inch wide hole that   complete, remove ice
    visit ninjacreami.com.         cheese for 10 seconds.         combined and sugar is         storage lid on pint and     Please refer to the quick start                                  reaches the bottom of       cream from pint and
                                   Add the sugar and vanilla      dissolved.                    freeze for 24 hours.        guide for bowl assembly and                                      the pint.                   serve immediately.
                                   extract and with a whisk                                                                 unit interaction information.                                    Add chocolate chips to
                                   or rubber spatula, combine                                                                                                                                the hole in the pint and
                                   until the mixture looks like                                                                                                                              process again using the
                                                                                                                                  Since the MIX-IN program does not break down harder
                                   frosting, about 60 seconds.

                                                                                                                                  ingredients, we recommend using mini chocolate chips for   MIX-IN program.
                                                                                                                                  the perfectly sized chunks.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ninjacreami.com   9
Mix-ins 101
     Mix in chocolate, nuts, candy, fruit, and more to elevate any treat with bursts of flavor.
                                                                                                              Customize ice cream & gelato
                                                                                                              with extracts & mix-ins
                                                                                                                                1.                                                                  2.
                                                                                                                       Make a base                         Substitute extract,                   Freeze
                                                                                                                    Start by making any base
                                                                                                                                                               if desired                      Cover with lid
                                                                                                                     in this inspiration guide,         To make even more flavors,             and freeze for
                                                                                                                        including dairy-free             substitute vanilla extract              24 hours.
                                                                                                                           and lite bases.                with 1 teaspoon of fruit,
                                                                                                                                                           herb, or nut extract.

                Hard mix-ins                                              Soft mix-ins
               will remain intact.                                    will get broken down.
          Mix-ins like chocolate, candy, and                      Mix-ins like cereal, cookies, and frozen
         nuts will not be broken down during                     fruit will end up smaller after the MIX-IN
        the MIX-IN program. We recommend                          program. We recommend using bigger
       using mini chocolate chips and candies                            pieces of soft ingredients.
             or pre-chopped ingredients.

                                                                                                                                3.                                      4.                          5.
                                                                                                                           Process                              Add mix-ins                      Process
                                                 FOR ICE CREAMS & GELATO ONLY
                                                                                                                     Select the program that                  With a spoon, create a                Press
                                                                                                                       matches your base:                    1 1 /2 -inch wide hole that           MIX-IN
                                                We don't recommend                                                         ICE CREAM                          reaches the bottom of               program.
                                                fresh fruit, sauces, and spreads as mix-ins.                                 GELATO
                                                                                                                                                            the pint. Add your mix-ins
                                                                                                                                                              to the hole in the pint.
                                                Adding fresh fruit, fudge, and caramel sauces will
                                                                                                                         LITE ICE CREAM
                                                water down your treat. Chocolate hazelnut spread and
                                                nut butters also do not mix well. We recommend using
                                                frozen fruit or chocolate/caramel shell toppings.             Don't want to wait? Scoop in some store-bought ice cream into the CREAMi™ pint and skip to step 4.

10      Mix-In Inspiration Chart                                                                                                                                                                     ninjacreami.com   11
Ice cream inspirations
                                                                                                             Pistachio                          Sweet & Salty Snack Mix             Sundae Cone

                                                                                                             Base: Vanilla                      Base: Vanilla                       Base: Vanilla
                                                                                                             (leave out vanilla extract)        Extract: Vanilla, as per recipe     Extract: Vanilla, as per recipe
                                                                                                             Extract: 1 tsp almond extract      Mix-in: 1 tbsp mini pretzels,       Mix-in: 1 tbsp chocolate shell
                                                                                                             (green food coloring, optional)    1 tbsp potato chips (broken),       topping, 2 tbsp peanuts
                                                                                                             Mix-in: 1/4 cup pistachios         1 tbsp chocolate candies            (chopped), 2 tbsp sugar
                                                                                                             (shells removed, chopped)          (broken)                            cone pieces

     Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough       Rocky Road                          Cookies & Cream                   Root Beer Float                    Peppermint Stick                    Coconut Chocolate Almond Bar

     Base: Vanilla                     Base: Chocolate                     Base: Vanilla                     Base: Vanilla                      Base: Vanilla                       Base: Vanilla
                                       Extract: N/A                                                          (leave out vanilla extract)        (leave out vanilla extract)         (leave out vanilla extract)
     Extract: Vanilla, as per recipe                                       Extract: Vanilla, as per recipe
                                       Mix-in: 2 tbsp almonds                                                Extract: 1 tsp root beer extract   Extract: 1 tsp peppermint extract   Extract: 1 tsp coconut extract
     Mix-in: 1/4 cup edible frozen                                         Mix-in: 3 chocolate sandwich
                                       (chopped), 2 tbsp mini                                                Mix-in: N/A                        (red food coloring, optional)       Mix-in: 3 tbsp almonds
     cookie dough chunks,                                                  cookies (broken)
     1 tbsp mini chocolate chips       chocolate chips, 1 tbsp                                                                                  Mix-in: 1/4 cup candy cane pieces   (chopped), 1 tbsp chocolate
                                       marshmallow topping                                                                                                                          shell syrup

                                                                                                             Raspberry Chip                     Rum Raisin                          Caramel Chocolate Nut Cluster

                                                                                                             Base: Vanilla                      Base: Vanilla                       Base: Vanilla
                                                                                                             (leave out vanilla extract)        (leave out vanilla extract)         Extract: Vanilla, as per recipe
                                                                                                             Extract: 1 tsp raspberry extract   Extract: 1 tsp rum extract          Mix-in: 1/4 cup chocolate covered
                                                                                                             Mix-in: 1/4 cup mini               Mix-in: 1/4 cup raisins             caramel candy (broken),
                                                                                                             chocolate chips                    soaked in hot water)                2 tbsp cashews (chopped)

     Mint Chocolate Chip               Maple Walnut                        Death by Chocolate                Chocolate Toffee Crunch            S’mores                             Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

     Base: Vanilla                     Base: Vanilla                       Base: Chocolate                   Base: Chocolate                    Base: Chocolate                     Base: Chocolate
     (leave out vanilla extract)       (leave out vanilla extract)         Extract: N/A                      Extract: N/A                       Extract: N/A                        Extract: N/A
     Extract: 1 tsp mint extract       Extract: 1 tsp maple extract        Mix-in: 2 tbsp mini chocolate     Mix-in: 1/4 cup chocolate          Mix-in: 3 tbsp graham               Mix-in: 1/4 cup mini peanut
     (green food coloring, optional)   Mix-in: 1/4 cup walnuts (chopped)   chips, 2 tbsp brownie chunks      toffee bar (broken)                cracker pieces,                     butter cups (broken)
     Mix-in: 1/4 cup mini                                                                                                                       1 tbsp marshmallow topping
     chocolate chips

12      Mix-In Inspiration Chart                                                                                                                                                                       ninjacreami.com   13
IP Y                                                ENJOY TODAY
 EC S                                                                                                                                              T-FREE

                                                                                                                                                                  Mix up

                             Thick Chocolate                                                                                                                     the flavor

                                                                                                                                                                Is chocolate too plain
                                                                                                                                                                        for you?
                                                                                                                                                            Let's shake things up. Before
                                                                                                                                                             processing, use a spoon to
                                               PREP: 2 MINUTES | MAKES: 1–2 SERVINGS                                                                         create a 1 1 /2 -inch wide hole
                                                                                                                                                             that reaches the bottom of
                                                                                                                                                             the pint. Pour the milk and
                                                                                                                                                            mix-ins into the hole. Select
                                                    1 / cups chocolate ice cream
                                                     1 2
                                                                                                                                                               MILKSHAKE to process.
                                                           / cup whole milk
                                                           1 2

                                     MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan ice cream for ice cream and
                                     oat milk or vegan coffee creamer for whole milk.

                                                                                                                                                               We recommend using
                                                                                                                                                              mini-chocolate chips and
                                                                                                                                                              candies or chopping nuts
                                                                                                                                                                 and harder mix-ins.

Place all ingredients in an         Please refer to the                Select MILKSHAKE.           When processing is
empty CREAMi Pint in the            quick start guide for                                          complete, remove
order listed.                       bowl assembly and unit                                         milkshake from pint
                                    interaction information.                                       and serve immediately.

                                                                                                                                                             Use bigger pieces for softer
                                                                                                                                                            mix-ins like cookies and cereal.

      You can also turn any ice cream recipe in the inspiration guide into a milkshake.          If you would like your milkshake
                                                                                                                                                               For more customization

      Simply process your frozen base on the ICE CREAM program first. Then create a              thinner, add 1–2 tablespoons of

      hole, add milk and mix-ins, and process again using the MILKSHAKE program.                 milk and select RE-SPIN. Process                               inspiration, see p. 16
                                                                                                 until desired texture is achieved.
Milkshake inspirations
     Mix up your milkshake
     Add everything from chocolate and candy to nuts and fruit to shake things up.

                                                                                                     Strawberry Marshmallow           Cookies 'N Cream Cheesecake       Chocolate Hazelnut

                                                                                                     Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry     Ice Cream Flavor:                 Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
                                  1.                                     2.                          Mix-ins: / cup marshmallow
                                                                                                             1 4                      Cookies 'N Cream                  Mix-ins: 1/4 cup chocolate
                                                                                                                                      Mix-ins: 2 tbsp PHILADELPHIA®
           Add ice cream to pint                                 Add mix-ins                         topping
                                                                                                                                      Cream Cheese, 3 chocolate
                                                                                                                                                                        hazelnut spread

                  (Dairy, dairy-free,                With a spoon, create a 1 1 /2 -inch wide hole                                    sandwich cookies (broken)
             and lite ice cream all work)              that reaches the bottom of the pint.
                                                      Add your mix-ins to the hole in the pint.
                           1 1 /2 cups

                                                                                                     Salted Caramel Pretzel           Very Berry                        Peanut Butter Brownie

                                                                                                     Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla        Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla         Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
                                                                                                     Mix-ins: / cup pretzels
                                                                                                             1 4                      Mix-ins: / cup fresh mixed
                                                                                                                                              1 2                       Mix-ins: 2 tbsp peanut butter,
                                                                                                     (broken), 2 tbsp caramel         berries                           1 /4 cup brownie chunks

                                 3.                                      4.                          Dairy-Free Funfetti              Dairy-Free
                                                                                                                                      Peanut Butter Cookie
                                                                                                                                                                        Tahini & Chocolate Coffee
                       Add milk                                      Process
                                                                                                     Ice Cream Flavor:                Ice Cream Flavor:                 Ice Cream Flavor:
           (Use whole milk, skim milk,                                 Press                         Vegan Vanilla Almond             Vegan Vanilla Oat                 Vegan Coffee
       dairy-free milk, or coffee creamer)                          MILKSHAKE
                                                                                                     Milk: Vanilla almond milk        Milk: Oat milk                    Milk: Chocolate oat milk
                            / cup
                            1 2
                                                                                                     Mix-ins: 3 vegan sugar cookies   Mix-ins: 1/4 cup peanut butter,   Mix-ins: 1/4 cup tahini,
                                                                                                     (broken), 2 tbsp sprinkles       3 vegan chocolate chip cookies    1 tbsp vegan chocolate fudge

16    Mix-In Inspiration Chart                                                                                                                                                              ninjacreami.com   17


                                                                                                                                                        SY PE

                                                                       Fruit Sorbet


                                                   PREP: 1 MINUTE | FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS | MAKES: 4 SERVINGS | BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS
     VEGAN         FAVORITE

                                                  1 can (8–20 ounces) fruit of choice (pineapple chunks, mango chunks, peach slices)


                                                             Pineapple         Peaches    Mixed fruit     Mangoes        Fruit cups

                                    Use fruit in juice, light syrup, or heavy syrup
                                    to adjust the sweetness of your sorbet.                                         Fresh fruit works too.

                                    Using canned fruit with no added sugar                                          See Fresh Fruit Sorbet recipe on page 40.
                                    (fruit in water) may damage the unit.


                              Fill an empty CREAMi™ Pint          Remove pint from freezer       Select SORBET.                   When processing is
                              to the MAX FILL line with           and remove lid from                                             complete, remove the sorbet
                              fruit chunks. Next, cover           pint. Please refer to the                                       and serve immediately.
                              fruit with liquid from the can      quick start guide for
                              to the MAX FILL line. If a          bowl assembly and unit
                              smaller yield is desired, use       interaction information.          NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold temperature,
                              a smaller can and fill below                                          the sorbet may look crumbly. If this occurs, select
                              the MAX FILL line. Place                                              RE-SPIN to process the mixture a little more.
                              storage lid on pint and
                              freeze for 24 hours.
                                                                                                                                            ninjacreami.com     19
     E                                               Lite
 EC S                                                                                                                                                                                                                        T-FREE

                Chocolate Ice Cream                                                                                                                                                                                        AIR


                                                                                                                           FAVORITE                                                                                        LU


                INGREDIENTS                                  TOOLS NEEDED
                 / cup unsweetened coconut cream
                3 4

                3 tablespoons monk fruit sweetener
                with erythritol                              Large bowl
                2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder              Whisk                                                        Up to 40%
                1 tablespoon raw agave nectar                                                                           fewer calories
                1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                                                                 than our
                1 cup chocolate oat milk                                                                                Chocolate Ice


In a large bowl, whisk the    Add the monk fruit           Pour base into an empty      Remove pint from freezer    Select LITE ICE CREAM.        When processing is
unsweetened coconut           sweetener, dark cocoa        CREAMi™ Pint. Place          and remove lid from pint.                                 complete, add mix-ins or
cream until smooth.           powder, raw agave nectar,    storage lid on pint and      Please refer to the quick                                 remove ice cream from
                              and vanilla extract and      freeze for 24 hours.         start guide for bowl                                      pint and serve immediately.
                              whisk until well combined                                 assembly and unit
                              and the monk fruit                                        interaction information.
                              sweetener is dissolved.
                              Add chocolate oat milk and                                                             NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold temperature, the ice cream may look crumbly.
                              whisk to combine.                                                                      If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to process the mixture a little more if not adding mix-ins.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                ninjacreami.com         21
Strawberry Ice Cream

                                                                                                                 Ice Cream

           PREP: 15 MINUTES                                                                                           EASY
           FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
           MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
           BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS

           INGREDIENTS                                                             DIRECTIONS
           1 / cups fresh ripe strawberries, trimmed, cut in quarters
            1 2                                                                    1.	In a large bowl, add strawberries, sugar,
           / cup granulated sugar
           1 2                                                                         corn syrup, and lemon juice. Using a
                                                                                       fork, mash strawberries. Allow mixture
           1 teaspoon light corn syrup
                                                                                       to sit for 10 minutes, stirring repeatedly.
           1 teaspoon lemon juice
                                                                                   2.	Add heavy cream and mix until
           1 cup heavy cream                                                           well combined.
                                                                                   3.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                 MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened coconut cream for                  Place storage lid on pint and freeze for
                 heavy cream. Whisk the coconut cream until smooth, then add           24 hours.
                 the remaining ingredients.
                                                                                   4.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                                                                                       lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                 MAKE IT LITE Use 1/4 cup stevia cane sugar blend for                  start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                 granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon raw agave nectar for light            interaction information.
                 corn syrup. Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.
                                                                                   5.	Select ICE CREAM.
                                                                                   6.	When processing is complete, add
           TOOLS NEEDED                                                                mix-ins or remove ice cream from
                                                                                       pint and serve immediately.

                                                                                   NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
           Large bowl
                                                                                   temperature, the ice cream may look
           Rubber spatula                                                          crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to
                                                                                   process the mixture a little more if not
                   Make black raspberry ice cream by substituting 3/4 cup fresh    adding mix-ins.

                   raspberries and 3/4 cup fresh blackberries for strawberries.

                   We recommend mixing in mini white chocolate chips or

                   frozen strawberry slices to make this ice cream even sweeter.

                                                                                                                    ninjacreami.com   23
Chocolate Ice Cream

                                                                                                               Ice Cream



                PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
                FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS

                INGREDIENTS                                                      DIRECTIONS
                1 tablespoon ( / ounce) PHILADELPHIA® Cream Cheese
                                1 2                                              1.	In a large microwave-safe bowl, add
                2 tablespoons cocoa powder                                           the cream cheese and microwave for
                                                                                     10 seconds. Add the cocoa powder,
                / cup granulated sugar
                1 3
                                                                                     sugar, and vanilla extract and with
                1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                           a whisk or rubber spatula, combine
                 / cup heavy cream
                3 4                                                                  until the mixture looks like frosting,
                                                                                     about 60 seconds.
                1 cup whole milk
                                                                                 2.	Slowly mix in the heavy cream and milk
                                                                                     until fully combined and sugar is dissolved.
                  MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan cream cheese for cream
                  cheese, unsweetened coconut cream for heavy cream, and         3.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                  unsweetened oat milk for whole milk. Whisk the coconut             Place storage lid on pint and freeze
                  cream until smooth, then add the remaining ingredients.
                                                                                     for 24 hours.
                                                                                 4.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                  MAKE IT LITE Use 1/2 teaspoon stevia and 2 1/2 tablespoons        lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                  raw agave nectar for granulated sugar. Process on the LITE        start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                  ICE CREAM program.
                                                                                    interaction information.
                                                                                 5.	Select ICE CREAM.
                TOOLS NEEDED
                                                                                 6.	When processing is complete, add
                                                                                     mix-ins or remove ice cream from pint
                                                                                     and serve immediately.
                Large bowl
                Whisk                                                            NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                                 temperature, the ice cream may look
                Rubber spatula                                                   crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to
                                                                                 process the mixture a little more if not
                      Add some fun to your chocolate ice cream by using edible   adding mix-ins.

                      cookie dough chunks and mini chocolate chips as mix-ins.

                                                                                                                  ninjacreami.com   25
Cinnamon Bun                                                                                                           Dairy-Free
                                                                                      TEN-FRE     T-FREE                                                                                               TEN-FRE   VEGAN     T-FREE          Y-FRE
                                                                                    LU          NU                                                                                                   LU                  NU             AIR

                                                                                                           Ice Cream                                                                                                                               Ice Cream




     Ice Cream                                                                                                EASY
                                                                                                             RECIPE         Coconut Vanilla                                                                                                           EASY

     PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
                                                                                                                            Ice Cream
     BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS                                                                                                   PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
                                                                                                                            FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                                                                                                                            MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                                                                                                                            BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS
     INGREDIENTS                                                         DIRECTIONS
     1 tablespoon ( / ounce) PHILADELPHIA® Cream Cheese
                        1 2                                              1.	In a large microwave-safe bowl, microwave
     / cup light brown sugar
     1 3                                                                     the cream cheese for 10 seconds. Add the       INGREDIENTS                                                                          DIRECTIONS
                                                                             sugar, vanilla extract, and ground cinnamon
     1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                                                                             1 can (14 ounces) full-fat unsweetened coconut milk                                  1.	In a medium bowl, whisk the coconut
                                                                             and with a whisk or rubber spatula,
     1 teaspoon ground cinnamon                                                                                             / cup granulated sugar
                                                                                                                            1 2                                                                                      milk until smooth. Then, add the
                                                                             combine until the mixture looks like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     remaining ingredients and whisk until
      / cup heavy cream
     3 4                                                                     frosting, about 1 minute.                      1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     well combined and sugar is dissolved.
     1 cup whole milk                                                    2.	Slowly mix in the heavy cream and milk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                                                                             until fully combined and sugar is dissolved.         MAKE IT LITE Use 1/4 cup stevia cane sugar blend for
                                                                                                                                  granulated sugar. Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.                          Place storage lid on pint and freeze
           MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan cream cheese for cream           3.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.                                                                                                  for 24 hours.
           cheese, unsweetened coconut cream for heavy cream, and            Place storage lid on pint and freeze
           unsweetened oat milk for whole milk. Whisk the coconut                                                                                                                                                3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
           cream until smooth, then add the remaining ingredients.
                                                                             for 24 hours.                                  TOOLS NEEDED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                                         4.	Remove pint from freezer and remove                                                                                                     start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                                                            lid from pint. Please refer to the quick                                                                                                 interaction information.
           MAKE IT LITE Use 1/2 teaspoon stevia and 2 1/2 tablespoons       start guide for bowl assembly and unit
           raw agave nectar for light brown sugar. Process on the LITE                                                      Medium Bowl                                                                          4.	Select ICE CREAM.
           ICE CREAM program.
                                                                            interaction information.
                                                                         5.	Select ICE CREAM.                              Whisk                                                                                5.	When processing is complete, add
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     mix-ins or remove ice cream from
     TOOLS NEEDED                                                        6.	When processing is complete, add                                                                                                        pint and serve immediately.
                                                                             mix-ins or remove ice cream from                       Create new flavors by adding 2 tablespoons cocoa powder for
                                                                                                                                    a chocolate coconut ice cream, 2 tablespoons instant coffee

                                                                             pint and serve immediately.                            for a coffee coconut ice cream, or substitute lemon extract for              NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                                                                                    vanilla extract for a lemon coconut ice cream.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 temperature, the ice cream may look
     Large bowl                                                          NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold                                                                                             crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to
     Whisk                                                               temperature, the ice cream may look                                                                                                     process the mixture a little more if not
                                                                         crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to                 You can substitute 1 3/4 cup (14 ounces) of full-fat oat milk in

     Rubber spatula                                                                                                                 place of the full-fat unsweetened coconut milk.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 adding mix-ins.
                                                                         process the mixture a little more if not
             Adjust the cinnamon depending on your taste. We suggest     adding mix-ins.

             starting with 1 teaspoon.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ninjacreami.com   27
Dairy-Free Coffee

                                                                                                                   Ice Cream

                   Ice Cream



                   PREP: 5–10 MINUTES


                   FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                   MAKES: 4 SERVINGS

                   INGREDIENTS                                                        DIRECTIONS
                    / cup unsweetened coconut cream
                   3 4                                                                1.	In a large bowl, whisk the unsweetened
                   / cup granulated sugar
                   1 2                                                                    coconut cream until smooth. Add the
                                                                                          remaining ingredients to the bowl
                   1 1 /2 tablespoon instant coffee
                                                                                          and whisk until well combined and
                   1 cup rice milk                                                        sugar is dissolved.
                   1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                         2.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                                                                                          Place storage lid on pint and freeze
                         MAKE IT LITE Use 1/4 cup monk fruit sweetener with               for 24 hours.
                         erythritol and 1/2 teaspoon stevia for granulated sugar.
                         Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.                       3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                                                                                          lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                                                          start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                   TOOLS NEEDED                                                           interaction information.
                                                                                      4.	Select ICE CREAM.
                                                                                      5.	When processing is complete, add
                   Large bowl                                                             mix-ins or remove ice cream from pint
                   Whisk                                                                  and serve immediately.

                                                                                      NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                           Add crushed peanut butter covered pretzels for a sweet &

                           salty combination.
                                                                                      temperature, the ice cream may look
                                                                                      crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to
                                                                                      process the mixture a little more if not
                                                                                      adding mix-ins.

                           You can substitute cashew milk for rice milk if desired.

                                                                                                                      ninjacreami.com   29
Dairy-Free Peach

                                                                                                                  Ice Cream

                        Ice Cream



                        PREP: 5–10 MINUTES


                        FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                        MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                        BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS

                        INGREDIENTS                                                  DIRECTIONS
                        1 jar (23.5 ounces) sliced peaches, drained                  1.	Fill an empty CREAMi™ Pint to the
                        / cup sweetened almond milk creamer
                        1 3                                                              MAX FILL line with sliced peaches.
                        2 tablespoons raw agave nectar                               2.	In a large bowl, whisk together the
                                                                                         remaining ingredients until well combined.
                        1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                                                                                         Cover the peaches with the mixture up to
                                                                                         the MAX FILL line and stir to combine. If
                              MAKE IT DAIRY Use regular vanilla coffee creamer for       necessary, add more creamer to reach the
                              almond milk creamer.                                       MAX FILL line. Place storage lid on pint
                                                                                         and freeze for 24 hours.
                        TOOLS NEEDED                                                 3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                                                                                         lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                                                         start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                                                                         interaction information.
                        Large bowl                                                   4.	Select ICE CREAM.
                        Whisk                                                        5.	When processing is complete, add
                                                                                         mix-ins or remove ice cream from pint
                                                                                         and serve immediately.

                                                                                     NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                                     temperature, the ice cream may look
                                                                                     crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to
                                                                                     process the mixture a little more if not
                                                                                     adding mix-ins.

30                                                                                                                   ninjacreami.com   31
Fruity Cereal                                                                                                        Cherry Chip
                                                                                              T-FREE                                                                                                             TEN-FRE
                                                                                            NU                                                                                                                 LU
                                                                                                       Ice Cream                                                                                                           Ice Cream


     Ice Cream                                                                                             EASY
                                                                                                          RECIPE          Ice Cream                                                                                           EASY

     PREP: 20–35 MINUTES                                                                                                  PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
     FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS                                                                                                FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
     MAKES: 4 SERVINGS                                                                                                    MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
     BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS                                                                                                 BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS

     INGREDIENTS                                               TOOLS NEEDED                                               INGREDIENTS                                                      DIRECTIONS
     1 1 /4 cups whole milk                                                                                               2 cups canned red tart cherries in water, drained                1.	Fill an empty CREAMi™ Pint to the MAX
     1 1 /2 cups fruity cereal, divided                                                                                   / cup sweetened French vanilla coffee creamer
                                                                                                                          1 2                                                                  FILL line with cherries.
     1 tablespoon (1 /2 ounce) PHILADELPHIA®                   2 Large bowl                                               2 tablespoons raw agave nectar                                   2.	In a large bowl, whisk together the
     Cream Cheese                                                                                                                                                                              remaining ingredients until well combined.
                                                               Whisk                                                      1 teaspoon almond extract
     / cup granulated sugar
     1 3                                                                                                                                                                                       Cover the cherries with the mixture up to
                                                               Fine-mesh strainer                                         / cup mini dark chocolate chips, for mix-in
                                                                                                                          1 4
                                                                                                                                                                                               the MAX FILL line and stir to combine. If
     1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                                                                                                                                                necessary, add more creamer to reach the
      / cup heavy cream
     3 4
                                                                                                                                MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan vanilla creamer for regular       MAX FILL line. Place storage lid on pint
                                                                 MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened oat milk for
                                                                                                                                coffee creamer.                                                and freeze for 24 hours.
                                                                 whole milk, vegan cream cheese for cream cheese,
           MAKE IT LITE Use 1/2 teaspoon stevia and              and unsweetened coconut cream for heavy cream.                                                                            3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
           2 1/2 tablespoons raw agave nectar for granulated     Whisk the coconut cream until smooth, then add the
           sugar. Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.         remaining ingredients.                                   TOOLS NEEDED                                                         lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                                                                                                                                                               start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                                                                                                                                                                               interaction information.
     DIRECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                            4.	Select ICE CREAM.
     1.	Place milk and 1 cup fruity cereal in a large bowl.   4.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint. Place            Large bowl
                                                                                                                                                                                           5.	Use a spoon to create a 1 1/2-inch wide
         Allow mixture to sit for 15–30 minutes, stirring         storage lid on pint and freeze for 24 hours.            Whisk                                                                hole that reaches the bottom of the pint.
         regularly to infuse fruity flavor in the milk.        5.	Remove pint from freezer and remove lid from                                                                                Add dark chocolate chips to the hole and
     2.	Place cream cheese in a second large microwave-           pint. Please refer to the quick start guide for bowl                                                                        process again using the MIX-IN program.
         safe bowl and microwave for 10 seconds. Add               assembly and unit interaction information.                                                                              6.	When processing is complete, remove ice
         the sugar and vanilla extract, then use a whisk or    6.	Select ICE CREAM.                                                                                                           cream from pint and serve immediately.
         rubber spatula to combine until the mixture looks
         like frosting, about 60 seconds.                      7.	Use a spoon to create a 1 1/2-inch wide hole that
                                                                   reaches the bottom of the pint. Add remaining
     3.	After 15–30 minutes, pour the milk and cereal             1 /2 cup fruity cereal to the hole and process again
         through a fine-mesh strainer into the bowl                using the MIX-IN program.
         containing the sugar mixture. Press on the cereal
         with a spoon to release more milk, then discard       8.	When processing is complete, remove ice cream
         the cereal. Add heavy cream and mix until                from pint and serve immediately.
         well combined.
32                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ninjacreami.com   33
Limoncello                                                                                                            Lite Mint
                                                                                      TEN-FRE     T-FREE                                                                          T-FREE
                                                                                    LU          NU
                                                                                                           Ice Cream



                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ice Cream

     Ice Cream                                                                                                EASY
                                                                                                             RECIPE        Cookies & Cream                                                                   EASY

     PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
                                                                                                                           Ice Cream
     BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS                                                                                                  PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
                                                                                                                           FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                                                                                                                           MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                                                                                                                           BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS
     INGREDIENTS                                                          DIRECTIONS
     2 tablespoons granulated sugar                                       1.	In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar,
                                                                              lemon curd, and limoncello until well
     / cup store-bought lemon curd
     1 4
                                                                                                                           INGREDIENTS                                  DIRECTIONS
                                                                              combined and sugar is dissolved. Add
     2 tablespoons limoncello                                                                                               / cup unsweetened coconut cream
                                                                                                                           3 4                                          1.	In a large bowl, whisk the unsweetened
                                                                              heavy cream, milk, and lemon zest and
     1 cup heavy cream                                                        whisk until fully combined.                  / cup monk fruit sweetener with erythritol
                                                                                                                           1 4                                              coconut cream until smooth. Add the
      / cup whole milk
     3 4                                                                                                                                                                    monk fruit sweetener, raw agave nectar,
                                                                          2.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.        2 tablespoons raw agave nectar
                                                                                                                                                                            food coloring, and mint extract and
     Zest of 1 lemon                                                         Place storage lid on pint and freeze
                                                                                                                           5–6 drops green food coloring                    whisk until well combined and monk
                                                                             for 24 hours.
                                                                                                                           / teaspoon mint extract
                                                                                                                           1 2                                              fruit sweetener is dissolved. Add oat
           MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened coconut cream for           3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove                                                           milk and whisk to combine.
           heavy cream and unsweetened oat milk for whole milk.               lid from pint. Please refer to the quick     1 cup unsweetened oat milk
           Whisk the coconut cream until smooth, then add the remaining                                                                                                 2.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                                                                              start guide for bowl assembly and unit       3 chocolate sandwich cookies,
                                                                                                                           cut in quarters, for mix-in                      Place storage lid on pint and freeze
                                                                              interaction information.
                                                                                                                                                                            for 24 hours.
                                                                          4.	Select ICE CREAM.
     TOOLS NEEDED                                                                                                                                                       3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                                                                          5.	When processing is complete, add
                                                                                                                           TOOLS NEEDED
                                                                                                                                                                            lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                                              mix-ins or remove ice cream from pint                                                         start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                                                              and serve immediately.                                                                        interaction information.
     Large bowl                                                                                                            Large bowl                                   4.	Select LITE ICE CREAM.
                                                                          NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
     Whisk                                                                                                                 Whisk                                        5.	Use a spoon to create a 1 1/2-inch wide
                                                                          temperature, the ice cream may look
                                                                          crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to                                                        hole that reaches the bottom of the
                                                                          process the mixture a little more.                                                                pint. Add cookie pieces to the hole and
                                                                                                                                                                            process again using the MIX-IN program.
                                                                                                                                                                        6.	When processing is complete, remove ice
                                                                                                                                                                            cream from pint and serve immediately.

34                                                                                                                                                                                                         ninjacreami.com   35
Lite Vanilla
                                                                                                                       Ice Cream

                   Ice Cream with



                   Chocolate Chips
                   PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
                   FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                   MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                   BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS

                   INGREDIENTS                                                           DIRECTIONS
                   1 3/4 cup fat-free half and half                                      1.	In a medium bowl, whisk all ingredients
                   / cup stevia cane sugar blend
                   1 4                                                                       together until combined and stevia cane
                                                                                             sugar blend is dissolved. Let mixture sit
                   1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                                                                                             for 5 minutes, until foam subsides. If the
                   / cup mini sugar-free chocolate chips, for mix-in
                   1 4
                                                                                             sugar is still not dissolved, whisk again.
                                                                                         2.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                         MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened oat milk for fat free
                                                                                             Place storage lid on pint and freeze for
                         half and half and vegan mini chocolate chips for sugar-free
                         chocolate chips.                                                    24 hours.
                                                                                         3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                   TOOLS NEEDED                                                              lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                                                             start guide for bowl assembly and
                                                                                             unit interaction information.
                                                                                         4.	Select LITE ICE CREAM.
                   Medium bowl
                                                                                         5.	Use a spoon to create a 1 1/2-inch wide
                   Whisk                                                                     hole that reaches the bottom of the pint.
   Up to 50%                                                                                 Add chocolate chips to the hole and
 fewer calories                                                                              process again using the MIX-IN program.
                           Monk fruit sweetener with erythritol can be substituted for
than our Vanilla

                           stevia cane sugar blend.                                      6.	When processing is complete, remove ice
 Ice Cream with                                                                              cream from pint and serve immediately.

                                                                                                                         ninjacreami.com   37
Lite Blue Raspberry
                                                                                                              Ice Cream

                Ice Cream



                PREP: 5–10 MINUTES
                FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS

                INGREDIENTS                                                      DIRECTIONS
                2 tablespoons monk fruit sweetener with erythritol               1.	In a large bowl, whisk all ingredients
                2 tablespoons raw agave nectar                                       together until combined and monk fruit
                                                                                     sweetener is dissolved.
                 / cup heavy cream
                3 4
                                                                                 2.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                1 cup whole milk
                                                                                     Place storage lid on pint and freeze
                / teaspoon vanilla extract
                1 2
                                                                                     for 24 hours.
                / teaspoon raspberry extract
                1 2
                                                                                 3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                / teaspoon lemon extract
                1 4                                                                  lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                5–6 drops blue food coloring                                         start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                                                                     interaction information.

                      MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened coconut cream           4.	Select LITE ICE CREAM.
                      for heavy cream and unsweetened oat milk for whole milk.   5.	When processing is complete, add
                      Whisk the coconut cream until smooth, then add the
                      remaining ingredients.                                         mix-ins or remove ice cream from pint
                                                                                     and serve immediately.

                TOOLS NEEDED
                                                                                 NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                                 temperature, the ice cream may look
                                                                                 crumbly. If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to
                                                                                 process the mixture a little more if not
                Large bowl
                                                                                 adding mix-ins.

                                                                                                                 ninjacreami.com   39
 EC S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              T-FREE

                           Fresh Fruit Sorbet                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AIR




                            4 ripe bananas (approx.), peeled, cut in 1 /2 -inch slices (2 3/4 cups banana)
                                                                 OR                                                                                                                                                                                              LU

                                           3 cups ripe pineapple, cut in 1 /2 -inch pieces


                               5 oranges (approx.), peeled, cut in 1 /2 -inch pieces (2 3/4 cups orange)
                                        Using any other fruits except banana, pineapple, and
                                            orange for this recipe may damage the unit.

                                                      Mix it up
                                                      Combine fruits for even more flavor. When combining, mix cut fruit
                                                      together before adding to the pint for a consistent flavor.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NOTE: If your freezer is set
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to a very cold temperature,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the ice cream may look
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              crumbly. If this occurs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              select RE-SPIN to process
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the mixture a little more if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              not adding mix-ins.

Cut bananas or other fruit            Add banana into an empty           With the back of a heavy         Continue adding more          Remove pint from freezer              Select SORBET.                       When processing is
into 1/2-inch pieces. It is           CREAMi™ Pint to the MAX            kitchen utensil, such as a       banana pieces and             and remove lid from pint.                                                  complete, add mix-ins or
important to cut the fruit            FILL line.                         ladle or potato masher,          pressing down with a          Please use quick start guide                                               remove sorbet from pint
into pieces 1/2 inch or smaller.                                         firmly press the bananas         heavy kitchen utensil until   for bowl assembly and unit                                                 and serve immediately.
                                                                         below the MAX FILL line,         all banana pieces are         interaction information.
                                                                         compacting them into a           pressed into the pint just
                                                                         homogenous mixture to            below the MAX FILL line.
      For best results, make sure your fruit is ripe. This will help                                                                          Make sure to firmly press the fruit into the pint to release the fruit’s
                                                                         create space for more            Place storage lid on pint

      release the fruit’s natural juices making for a sweeter treat                                                                           natural juice. This is an important step when making a sorbet recipe
      and allow the unit to properly process the sorbet.                 bananas.                         and freeze for 24 hours.            that doesn't include extra liquid. DO NOT process loose ingredients.

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ninjacreami.com         41
Lemon Sorbet                                                                                                                  Blueberry
                                                                          TEN-FRE   VEGAN     T-FREE
                                                                                                              Y-FRE                                                                     TEN-FRE   VEGAN     T-FREE
                                                                        LU                  NU                                                                                        LU                  NU
                                                                                                                      Sorbet                                                                                                        Sorbet





     PREP: 5 MINUTES                                                                                                   EASY
                                                                                                                      RECIPE       Pomegranate                                                                                       EASY


                                                                                                                                   PREP: 2 MINUTES
     INGREDIENTS                                                                    DIRECTIONS                                     FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
     / cup granulated sugar
     1 2                                                                            1.	In a large bowl, whisk together sugar,     MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                                                                                        corn syrup, and warm water until sugar     BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS
     1 tablespoon light corn syrup
                                                                                        is dissolved. Add lemon juice and whisk
     1 cup warm water
                                                                                        until fully combined.
     / cup lemon juice
     1 2
                                                                                    2.	Pour base into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.      INGREDIENTS                                                    DIRECTIONS
                                                                                       Place storage lid on pint and freeze        1 can (15 ounces) blueberries in light syrup                   1.	Fill an empty CREAMi™ Pint to the MAX
           MAKE IT LITE Use 1/4 cup monk fruit sweetener with erythritol               for 24 hours.
           for granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon raw agave nectar for                                                              / cup pomegranate juice
                                                                                                                                   1 2                                                                FILL line with blueberries. Next, cover
           light corn syrup. Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.                 3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove                                                                           fruit with liquid from the can, then add
                                                                                        lid from pint. Please refer to the quick                                                                      pomegranate juice to the MAX FILL line
                                                                                        start guide for bowl assembly and                                                                             and stir well to combine. Place storage
     TOOLS NEEDED                                                                       unit interaction information.                                                                                 lid on pint and freeze for 24 hours.
                                                                                    4.	Select SORBET.                                                                                            2.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                                                                                    5.	When processing is complete, remove                                                                           lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
     Large bowl                                                                         the sorbet and serve immediately.                                                                             start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                                                                                                                                                                                      interaction information.
                                                                                    NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold                                                                   3.	Select SORBET.
                                                                                    temperature, the sorbet may look crumbly.                                                                     4.	When processing is complete, remove
                                                                                    If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to process                                                                        sorbet from pint and serve immediately.
                                                                                    the mixture a little more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                                                                                                                                                  temperature, the sorbet may look crumbly.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to process the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  mixture a little more if not adding mix-ins.

Coconut Mango

                                  Smoothie Bowl



                                  PREP: 2 MINUTES
                                  FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                                  MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
                                  BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS


                                  INGREDIENTS                                                          DIRECTIONS
                                  2 cups fresh or frozen mango, cut in 1-inch pieces                   1.	Fill an empty CREAMi™ Pint to the
                                  Approx. 1 can (14 ounces) coconut milk                                   MAX FILL line with mango pieces.
                                  (the whole can will not be required)                                 2.	Next, shake or stir the can of coconut
                                                                                                           milk and cover the mangoes with the
                                  TOPPINGS (optional)                                                      coconut milk up to the MAX FILL line.
                                  Sliced strawberries                                                      The whole can of coconut milk will not
                                                                                                           be required. Stir the mangoes and
                                  Shredded coconut                                                         coconut milk and if necessary, add more
                                  Sliced almonds                                                           coconut milk to reach the MAX FILL
                                                                                                           line. Place storage lid on pint and freeze
                                                                                                           for 24 hours.
                                        Sweetened coconut milk can also be used for a more

                                        decadent treat.                                                3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                                                                                                           lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                                                                           start guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                        Use fresh or frozen pineapple for a coconut pineapple treat.       interaction information.

                                        When using frozen fruit, be sure to refreeze the fruit with
                                        coconut milk before processing.                                4.	Select SMOOTHIE BOWL.
                                                                                                       5.	When processing is complete,
                                                                                                           transfer to a bowl and garnish with

                                        For best results, make sure your fruit is ripe.
                                                                                                           desired toppings.

                   Thicker than
                                                                                                       NOTE: If your smoothie bowl texture is
                   your average                                                                        crumbly or you would like it to be thinner,
                    smoothie                                                                           select RE-SPIN to process the mixture until
                      bowl                                                                             a desired texture is achieved.

                                                                                                                                       ninjacreami.com   45
Very Berry                                                                           Smoothie
                                                                                                          Strawberry                                                                                                Smoothie
                                               Y-FRE   VEGAN         TEN-FRE     T-FREE
                                                                                                                                                                                 Y-FRE         TEN-FRE     T-FREE
                                                                   LU          NU                                                                                                            LU          NU





                                                                                            Bowl                                                                                                                      Bowl

     Cherry                                                                                 EASY
                                                                                           RECIPE         Banana Protein                                                                                              EASY

     Smoothie Bowl                                                                                        Smoothie Bowl
     PREP: 2 MINUTES                                                                                      PREP: 5 MINUTES
     FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS                                                                                FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
     MAKES: 4 SERVINGS                                                                                    MAKES: 4 SERVINGS
     BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS                                                                                 BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS

     INGREDIENTS                                       DIRECTIONS                                         INGREDIENTS                                                          DIRECTIONS
     2 cups frozen cherry berry blend                  1.	Fill an empty CREAMi™ Pint to the MAX          1 cup fresh ripe banana, cut in 1 /2 -inch pieces                    1.	Fill an empty CREAMi™ Pint to the MAX
     / cup raw agave nectar
     1 4                                                   FILL line with the cherry berry fruit blend.   1 cup fresh ripe strawberries, trimmed, cut in quarters                  FILL line with bananas and strawberries
                                                       2.	In a large bowl, whisk together the raw                                                                                 and mix until evenly distributed.
     1 cup cranberry juice cocktail                                                                       2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder
                                                           agave nectar and cranberry juice cocktail                                                                           2.	In a large bowl, whisk together the
                                                                                                          / cup raw agave nectar
                                                                                                          1 4
                                                           until well combined. Cover the frozen                                                                                   remaining ingredients until well combined.
     TOPPINGS (optional)
                                                           fruit with the mixture up to the MAX FILL      / cup pineapple juice
                                                                                                          1 4
                                                                                                                                                                                   Cover the fruit with the mixture up to
     Fresh fruit                                           line and stir to combine. If necessary, add                                                                             the MAX FILL line and stir to combine.
                                                                                                          / cup whole milk
                                                                                                          1 2

     Cacao nibs                                            more cranberry juice cocktail to reach                                                                                  If necessary, add more milk to reach the
                                                           the MAX FILL line. Place storage lid on        TOPPINGS (optional)                                                      MAX FILL line. Place storage lid on pint
                                                           pint and freeze for 24 hours.                                                                                           and freeze for 24 hours.
     TOOLS NEEDED                                                                                         Fresh fruit
                                                       3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove                                                                                 3.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
                                                           lid from pint. Please refer to the quick       Granola                                                                  lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
                                                           start guide for bowl assembly and unit                                                                                  start guide for bowl assembly and unit
     Large bowl                                            interaction information.                             MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan protein powder for protein            interaction information.
                                                                                                                powder and unsweetened oat milk for whole milk.
     Whisk                                             4.	Select SMOOTHIE BOWL.                                                                                               4.	Select SMOOTHIE BOWL.
                                                       5.	When processing is complete, transfer to                                                                            5.	When processing is complete, transfer to
                                                           a bowl and garnish with desired toppings.      TOOLS NEEDED                                                             a bowl and garnish with desired toppings.

                                                       NOTE: If your smoothie bowl texture is                                                                                  NOTE: If your smoothie bowl texture is
                                                       crumbly or you would like it to be thinner,                                                                             crumbly or you would like it to be thinner,
                                                       select RE-SPIN to process the mixture until        Large bowl                                                           select RE-SPIN to process the mixture until
                                                       a desired texture is achieved.                     Whisk                                                                a desired texture is achieved.

46                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ninjacreami.com   47
                                                                                 TEN-FRE   NU


     Thick White Russian


     2 cups vanilla ice cream                                        DIRECTIONS
     2 tablespoons coffee liqueur                                    1.	Place all ingredients into an empty
                                                                         CREAMi™ Pint in the order listed.
     2 tablespoons vodka
                                                                     2.	Please refer to the quick start guide
                                                                        for bowl assembly and unit interaction
           Take this boozy milkshake to the next level and mix-in

           broken chocolate sandwich cookies.
                                                                     3.	Select MILKSHAKE.
                                                                     4.	When processing is complete,
           For thickest results, process your ice cream right from      remove milkshake from pint and

           the freezer.                                                 serve immediately.

                                                                     NOTE: If you would like your milkshake
                                                                     thinner, add 1–2 tablespoons of milk and
                                                                     select RE-SPIN. Process until desired
                                                                     texture is achieved. Mix-ins may sink to
                                                                     the bottom of thin milkshakes.

48                                                                                                     ninjacreami.com   49
ENJOY TODAY                                                                                                   ENJOY TODAY
                                                                       Y-FRE         TEN-FRE   VEGAN                                                                          VEGAN       AIR
                                                                                                                                                                                             Y-FRE         TEN-FRE     T-FREE
                                                                                   LU                                                                                                                    LU          NU





                                                                                                       Milkshake                                                                                                                Milkshake
     Dairy-Free                                                                                                    Dairy-Free
     Mocha Banana                                                                                                  Matcha Coconut
                                                                                                          EASY                                                                                                                     EASY
                                                                                                         RECIPE                                                                                                                   RECIPE

     Milkshake                                                                                                     Milkshake
     PREP: 5 MINUTES                                                                                               PREP: 2 MINUTES
     MAKES: 1–2 SERVINGS                                                                                           MAKES: 1–2 SERVINGS

     INGREDIENTS                                                     DIRECTIONS                                    INGREDIENTS                                                             DIRECTIONS
     1 1 /2 cups vegan chocolate ice cream                           1.	Place ice cream in an empty               1 1 /2 cups vegan vanilla coconut milk ice cream                        1.	Place all ingredients in an empty
     / cup cashew milk
     1 2                                                                 CREAMi™ Pint.                             / cup coconut milk
                                                                                                                   1 2                                                                         CREAMi™ Pint in the order listed.
     / cup fresh ripe banana, cut in 1 /2 -inch pieces
     1 2                                                             2.	Use a spoon to create a 1 1/2-inch wide   2 teaspoons raw agave nectar                                            2.	Please refer to the quick start
                                                                        hole that reaches the bottom of the                                                                                   guide for bowl assembly and unit
     1 tablespoon instant coffee powder                                                                            1 teaspoon matcha powder
                                                                        pint. Add the remaining ingredients                                                                                   interaction information.
                                                                        to the hole.
                                                                                                                                                                                           3.	Select MILKSHAKE.
           For thickest results, process your ice cream right        3.	Please refer to the quick start                 For thickest results, process your ice cream right

           from the freezer.                                                                                             from the freezer.                                                 4.	When processing is complete,
                                                                         guide for bowl assembly and unit
                                                                                                                                                                                              remove milkshake from pint and
                                                                         interaction information.
                                                                                                                                                                                              serve immediately.
                                                                     4.	Select MILKSHAKE.
                                                                     5.	When processing is complete,                                                                                      NOTE: If you would like your milkshake
                                                                         remove milkshake from pint and                                                                                    thinner, add 1–2 tablespoons of coconut
                                                                         serve immediately.                                                                                                milk and select RE-SPIN. Process until
                                                                                                                                                                                           desired texture is achieved. Mix-ins may
                                                                     NOTE: If you would like your milkshake                                                                                sink to the bottom of thin milkshakes.
                                                                     thinner, add 1–2 tablespoons of cashew
                                                                     milk and select RE-SPIN. Process until
                                                                     desired texture is achieved. Mix-ins may
                                                                     sink to the bottom of thin milkshakes.

50                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ninjacreami.com   51
                                                                       TEN-FRE     T-FREE
                                                                     LU          NU


Thick Coffee


INGREDIENTS                                                DIRECTIONS
1 1 /2 cups coffee ice cream                               1.	Place all ingredients into an empty
/ cups whole milk
1 2                                                            CREAMi™ Pint in the order listed.
                                                           2.	If you would like to add mix-ins, use a
      For thickest results, process your ice cream right      spoon to create a 1 1/2-inch wide hole

      from the freezer.                                       that reaches the bottom of the pint.
                                                              Pour the milk and mix-ins into the hole.
                                                           3.	Please refer to the quick start guide
      We recommend mixing in cacao nibs to make this           for bowl assembly and unit interaction

      milkshake even more delicious.                           information.
                                                           4.	Select MILKSHAKE.
                                                           5.	When processing is complete,
                                                               remove milkshake from pint and
                                                               serve immediately.

                                                           NOTE: If you would like your milkshake
                                                           thinner, add 1–2 tablespoons of milk and
                                                           select RE-SPIN. Process until desired
                                                           texture is achieved. Mix-ins may sink
                                                           to the bottom of thin milkshakes.

                                                                                             ninjacreami.com   53
    IP -U
 EC IT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          T-FREE
R P-

                     Vanilla Bean Gelato




                    INGREDIENTS                                     TOOLS NEEDED
                    4 large egg yolks
                    1 tablespoon light corn syrup
                    / cup + 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
                    1 4                                             Small saucepan
                    1 cup heavy cream                               Whisk
                     / cup whole milk
                    2 3                                             Rubber spatula
                    1 whole vanilla bean,                           Thermometer
                    split in half lengthwise, scraped               Fine-mesh strainer

       MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened coconut cream             MAKE IT LITE Use 2 tablespoons raw agave nectar and
                                                                    1/4 teaspoon stevia for light corn syrup and granulated
       for heavy cream and unsweetened oat milk for whole
       milk. Whisk the coconut cream until smooth, then add         sugar. Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.
       the remaining ingredients.


  Place egg yolks, corn           Add heavy cream, milk, and     Place saucepan on stove          Remove base from heat           Remove pint from freezer          Select GELATO                     When processing is
  syrup, and sugar into a         vanilla bean to saucepan       over medium heat, stirring       and pour through a              and remove lid from                                                 complete, add mix-ins or
  small saucepan and whisk        and stir to combine.           constantly with a whisk or       fine-mesh strainer into an      pint. Please refer to the                                           remove gelato from pint
  until fully combined and                                       rubber spatula. Cook until       empty CREAMi™ Pint. Place       quick start guide for                                               and serve immediately.
  sugar is dissolved.                                            temperature reaches              pint into an ice bath. Once     bowl assembly and unit
                                                                 165°F–175°F on an                cooled, place storage lid on    interaction information.
                                                                 instant-read thermometer.        pint and freeze for 24 hours.
                                                                                                                                        It is important to stay within the 165°F–175°F range. The eggs should reach at least 165°F
                                   NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold temperature, the gelato may look crumbly.                for them to be food safe but will curdle and scramble if overcooked. Additionally, cooking

                                                                                                                                        to this temperature range integrates the sugar and thickens the mixture, resulting in
                                   If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to process the mixture a little more if not adding mix-ins.           smoother texture.
  54                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ninjacreami.com      55
Maple Gelato                                                                                                          Triple Chocolate
                                                                                      TEN-FRE     T-FREE                                                                                                      TEN-FRE     T-FREE
                                                                                    LU          NU                                                                                                          LU          NU
                                                                                                           Gelato                                                                                                                  Gelato



     PREP: 10–15 MINUTES
                                                                                                             RECIPE        Gelato                                                                                                  STEP-IT-UP

     MAKES: 4 SERVINGS                                                                                                     PREP: 10–15 MINUTES
     BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS                                                                                                  FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
                                                                                                                           COOK: 7–10 MINUTES
                                                                                                                           MAKES: 4 SERVINGS

     INGREDIENTS                                                          DIRECTIONS
     4 large egg yolks                                                    1.	Place egg yolks, maple syrup, sugar, and     INGREDIENTS                                                 TOOLS NEEDED
     1 tablespoon maple syrup                                                 maple extract into a small saucepan and
                                                                                                                           4 large egg yolks
                                                                              whisk until fully combined and sugar is
     / cup + 1 tablespoon light brown sugar
     1 4
                                                                              dissolved.                                   / cup dark brown sugar
                                                                                                                           1 3

     1 teaspoon maple extract (optional)                                                                                   2 tablespoon dark cocoa powder                              Small saucepan
                                                                          2.	Add heavy cream and milk to saucepan
     / cup heavy cream
     1 3
                                                                              and stir to combine.                         1 tablespoon chocolate fudge topping                        Whisk or rubber spatula
     1 cup whole milk                                                     3.	Place saucepan on stove over medium heat,     / cup heavy cream
                                                                                                                           3 4                                                         Thermometer
                                                                              stirring constantly with a rubber spatula.    / cup whole milk
                                                                                                                           3 4                                                         Fine-mesh strainer
           MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened coconut cream                   Cook until temperature reaches 165°F–175°F
                                                                                                                           2 tablespoons chocolate chunks, chopped
           for heavy cream and unsweetened oat milk for whole                 on an instant-read thermometer.
           milk. Whisk the coconut cream until smooth, then add the                                                                                                                      MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan chocolate fudge
           remaining ingredients.                                         4.	Remove base from heat and pour                                                                             topping and chocolate chunks as well as unsweetened
                                                                             through a fine-mesh strainer into an                MAKE IT LITE Use  1/3cup organic brown coconut          coconut cream for heavy cream, and unsweetened
                                                                                                                                 sugar for dark brown sugar. Process on the LITE ICE     oat milk for whole milk. Whisk the coconut cream until
                                                                             empty CREAMi™ Pint. Place pint into an              CREAM program.                                          smooth, then add the remaining ingredients.
           MAKE IT LITE Use 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon organic brown             ice bath. Once cooled, place storage lid
           coconut sugar for light brown sugar. Process on the LITE ICE      on pint and freeze for 24 hours.
           CREAM program.
                                                                          5.	Remove pint from freezer and remove          DIRECTIONS
                                                                              lid from pint. Please refer to the quick     1.	Place egg yolks, sugar, cocoa powder, and fudge         5.	Remove pint from freezer and remove lid from
     TOOLS NEEDED                                                             start guide for bowl assembly and unit           topping in a small saucepan and whisk until fully           pint. Please refer to the quick start guide for bowl
                                                                              interaction information.                         combined and sugar is dissolved.                            assembly and unit interaction information.
                                                                          6.	Select GELATO.                               2.	Add heavy cream and milk to saucepan and                6.	Select GELATO.
                                                                          7.	When processing is complete, add                 stir to combine.                                        7.	When processing is complete, add mix-ins or
     Small saucepan
                                                                              mix-ins or remove gelato from pint           3.	Place saucepan on stove over medium heat,                   remove gelato from pint and serve immediately.
     Whisk                                                                    and serve immediately.                           stirring constantly with a whisk or rubber spatula.
     Rubber spatula                                                                                                            Cook until temperature reaches 165⁰F–175⁰F              NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold temperature,
                                                                                                                               on an instant-read thermometer.                         the gelato may look crumbly. If this occurs, select
     Thermometer                                                          NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                          temperature, the gelato may look crumbly.        4.	Remove base from heat and stir in chocolate             RE-SPIN to process the mixture a little more.
     Fine-mesh strainer
                                                                          If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to process the       chunks until melted. Pour the base through a
                                                                          mixture a little more if not adding mix-ins.        fine-mesh strainer into an empty CREAMi™ Pint.
                                                                                                                              Place pint into an ice bath. Once cooled, place
56                                                                                                                            storage lid on pint and freeze for 24 hours.                                                          ninjacreami.com   57
PB&J Gelato                                                                                          Gelato

PREP: 10–15 MINUTES                                                                                 STEP-IT-UP
MAKES: 4 SERVINGS                                                  DIRECTIONS
                                                                   1.	Place egg yolks and sugar in a small
                                                                       saucepan. Whisk until fully combined and
INGREDIENTS                                                            sugar is dissolved.
4 large egg yolks                                                  2.	Add heavy cream, milk, peanut butter,
3 tablespoons granulated sugar                                         and grape jelly to the saucepan and stir
                                                                       to combine.
/ cup heavy cream
1 3

1 cup whole milk                                                   3.	Place saucepan on stove over medium heat,
                                                                       stirring constantly with a whisk or rubber
/ cup smooth peanut butter
1 4
                                                                       spatula. Cook until temperature reaches
3 tablespoons grape jelly                                              165°F–175°F on an instant-read thermometer.
/ cup honey roasted peanuts, chopped, for mix-in
1 4
                                                                   4.	Remove base from heat and pour through
                                                                       a fine-mesh strainer into an empty CREAMi™
      MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use unsweetened coconut cream                 Pint. Place into an ice bath. Once cooled,
      for heavy cream and unsweetened oat milk for whole               place storage lid on pint and freeze for
      milk. Whisk the coconut cream until smooth, then add the
      remaining ingredients.                                           24 hours.
                                                                   5.	Remove pint from freezer and remove lid
                                                                       from pint. Please refer to the quick start
      MAKE IT LITE Use  1/4 teaspoon stevia and 11/2 tablespoons       guide for bowl assembly and unit
      raw agave nectar for granulated sugar. Process on the LITE
      ICE CREAM program.                                               interaction information.
                                                                   6.	Select GELATO.
TOOLS NEEDED                                                       7.	With a spoon, create a 1 1/2-inch wide hole
                                                                       that reaches the bottom of the pint. Add
                                                                       chopped honey roasted peanuts to the hole
                                                                       and process again using the MIX-IN program.
Small saucepan                       Thermometer
                                                                   8.	When processing is complete, remove gelato
Whisk                                Fine-mesh strainer                from pint and serve immediately.
Rubber spatula
                                                                   NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                   temperature, the gelato may look crumbly.
                                                                   If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to process the
                                                                   mixture a little more if not adding mix-ins.

                                                                                                     ninjacreami.com   59
Chocolate Hazelnut


           Gelato                                                                                           STEP-IT-UP

           PREP: 10–15 MINUTES                                                DIRECTIONS
           FREEZE TIME: 24 HOURS
           COOK TIME: 7–10 MINUTES                                            1.	Place egg yolks, hazelnut spread, cocoa
           MAKES: 4 SERVINGS                                                      powder, corn syrup, and sugar in a small
           BEST WITHIN: 2 WEEKS                                                   saucepan and whisk until fully combined.
                                                                              2.	Add heavy cream, milk, and vanilla extract
                                                                                  to the saucepan and stir to combine.
           INGREDIENTS                                                        3.	Place saucepan on stove over medium
           3 large egg yolks                                                      heat, stirring constantly with a whisk or
           1 /3 cup hazelnut spread                                               rubber spatula. Cook until temperature
           2 teaspoons cocoa powder                                               reaches 165°F–175°F on an instant-read
           1 tablespoon light corn syrup
           1 /4 cup granulated sugar
                                                                              4.	Remove base from heat and pour
                                                                                 through a fine-mesh strainer into an
           1 /2 cup heavy cream
                                                                                 empty CREAMi™ Pint up to the MAX
           1 cup whole milk                                                      FILL line. Place pint into an ice bath.
           1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                            Once cooled, place storage lid on pint
                                                                                 and freeze for 24 hours.
             MAKE IT DAIRY-FREE Use vegan hazelnut spread for hazelnut        5.	Remove pint from freezer and remove
             spread, unsweetened coconut cream for heavy cream, and               lid from pint. Please refer to the quick
             unsweetened oat milk for whole milk. Whisk the coconut               start guide for bowl assembly and unit
             cream until smooth, then add the remaining ingredients.
                                                                                  interaction information.
                                                                              6.	Select GELATO.
             MAKE IT LITE Use 2 1/2 tablespoons raw agave nectar and          7.	When processing is complete, add
             1/2 teaspoon stevia for light corn syrup and granulated sugar.
                                                                                  mix-ins or remove gelato from pint and
             Process on the LITE ICE CREAM program.
                                                                                  serve immediately.

           TOOLS NEEDED                                                       NOTE: If your freezer is set to a very cold
                                                                              temperature, the gelato may look crumbly.
                                                                              If this occurs, select RE-SPIN to process
                                                                              the mixture a little more if not adding
           Small saucepan                                                     mix-ins.
           Rubber spatula
           Fine-mesh strainer                                                                                 ninjacreami.com   61
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