Bags versus flasks: a comparison of cell culture systems for the production of dendritic cell-based immunotherapies - Saint-Gobain Cell Therapy

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Bags versus flasks: a comparison of cell culture systems for the production of dendritic cell-based immunotherapies - Saint-Gobain Cell Therapy

Bags versus flasks: a comparison of cell culture systems for the
     production of dendritic cell–based immunotherapies

      Natalie Fekete          ,1,2 Ariane V. Beland ,1 Katie Campbell                 ,2 Sarah L. Clark         ,2 and
                                                Corinne A. Hoesli 1

                                                                           ancer represents a significant socioeconomic
In recent years, cell-based therapies targeting the
                                                                           burden, causing 8.2 million deaths worldwide
immune system have emerged as promising strategies
                                                                           in 2012.1-4 By 2030, this burden is expected to
for cancer treatment. This review summarizes
                                                                           nearly double, growing to 21.4 million cases
manufacturing challenges related to production of
                                                                and 13.2 million deaths.2 In recent years, cell therapy has
antigen presenting cells as a patient-tailored cancer
                                                                emerged as a novel, complex, and very promising thera-
therapy. Understanding cell-material interactions is
                                                                peutic strategy for the treatment of diseases that do not
essential because in vitro cell culture manipulations to
                                                                respond to classical pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical
obtain mature antigen-producing cells can significantly
                                                                product-based treatments.5,6 Targeting the immune sys-
alter their in vivo performance. Traditional antigen-
                                                                tem—and not the cancer itself—represents a paradigm
producing cell culture protocols often rely on cell
                                                                shift in oncology and vaccinology. Similarly, chimeric anti-
adhesion to surface-treated hydrophilic polystyrene
flasks. More recent commercial and investigational
                                                                gen receptor (CAR)- and T-cell receptor–engineered T cells
cancer immunotherapy products were manufactured                 have resulted in a landslide transformation in immunol-
using suspension cell culture in closed hydrophobic             ogy and adoptive cell transfer.7 These sophisticated cell
fluoropolymer bags. The shift to closed cell culture
systems can decrease risks of contamination by                  ABBREVIATIONS: APC 5 antigen-presenting cell; CAR 5
individual operators, as well as facilitate scale-up and        chimeric antigen receptor; DC(s) 5 dendritic cell(s); FEP 5
automation. Selecting closed cell culture bags over             fluorinated ethylene propylene; Mo-DC(s) 5 monocyte-
traditional open culture systems entails different handling     derived DC(s); PFA 5 perfluoroalkoxy copolymers; PTFE 5
procedures and processing controls, which can affect            polytetrafluoroethylene.
product quality. Changes in culture vessels also entail
                                                                From the 1Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill
changes in vessel materials and geometry, which may
                                                                University, Montreal, Canada; and 2Saint-Gobain Ceramics &
alter the cell microenvironment and resulting cell fate
                                                                Plastics, Inc., Northboro R&D Center, Northborough,
decisions. Strategically designed culture systems will
pave the way for the generation of more sophisticated
                                                                    Address reprint requests to: Corinne A. Hoesli, Department of
and highly potent cell-based cancer vaccines. As an
                                                                Chemical Engineering, McGill University, 3610 University Street,
increasing number of cell-based therapies enter the
                                                                Montreal, QC, Canada, H3A 0C5; e-mail:
clinic, the selection of appropriate cell culture vessels and
                                                                    This work was funded by Saint-Gobain Ceramics &
materials becomes a critical consideration that can
                                                                Plastics, Inc.
impact the therapeutic efficacy of the product, and hence
                                                                    This is an open access article under the terms of the
clinical outcomes and patient quality of life.
                                                                Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which
                                                                permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
                                                                provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for
                                                                commercial purposes.
                                                                     Received    for    publication   August   23,   2017;   revision
                                                                received February 17, 2018; and accepted February 18, 2018.
                                                                     V 2018 The Authors Transfusion published by Wiley
                                                                     Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AABB
                                                                     TRANSFUSION 2018;00;00–00

                                                                                       Volume 00, Month 2018 TRANSFUSION 1
Bags versus flasks: a comparison of cell culture systems for the production of dendritic cell-based immunotherapies - Saint-Gobain Cell Therapy

                     TABLE 1. Currently ongoing clinical trials in phase III using DCs for immunotherapy*
  Study start date                 Sponsor                        Target indication                     Product                       ID
  2016                 Radboud University                   Melanoma                          nDC: natural DCs                  NCT02993315
  2014                 Sotio a.s.                           Metastatic castrate-resistant     DCVAC/PCa: autologous             NCT02111577
                                                              prostate cancer                   DCs
  2014                 University Hospital,                 Uveal melanoma                    Autologous DCs loaded with        NCT01983748
                         Erlangen, Germany                                                      autologous tumor RNA
  2012                 Argos Therapeutics,Inc.              Renal cell carcinoma              AGS-003: autologous               NCT01582672
                                                                                                DC immunotherapy
  2006                 Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc.      Glioblastoma multiforme           DCVax-L: autologous               NCT00045968
                                                                                                DCs pulsed with
                                                                                                tumor lysate antigen
  * DC immunotherapy studies listed in the registry as Phase 3 “Recruiting” or “Active, not recruiting” with the search term
    “dendritic cell” accessed on December 28, 2017.

products are able to reengage the immune system’s anti-                     polystyrene flask cultures to closed cell culture systems
cancer responses, replace damaged tissues, and heal                         such as fluoropolymer-based cell culture bags
chronic wounds.8,9 Considering the magnitude of poten-                      are presented. This review summarizes translational efforts
tial impact, the field of “cancer immunotherapy” was cho-                   to improve current strategies in “‘bench-to-bedside” appli-
sen as the “Breakthrough of the Year” by Science magazine                   cations for dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapies
in 2013.10-12 The global market for cell therapy was valued                 from a materials science and bioprocess engineering
at approximately US$2.5 billion in 2012 and is expected to                  perspective.
reach US$8 billion by 2018.5 The advance of improved
technologies in coming years should further reduce pro-
duction costs and enhance clinical efficacy.                                          APC-BASED CANCER VACCINES
      Currently available cancer vaccines include cell-                     The development of cell-based cancer vaccines originated
based, protein-based, recombinant live vector (viral or                     with the concept of exploiting the potential of APCs to
bacterial)–based and nucleic acid–based vaccines.6,13                       trigger the immune system. APCs are uniquely qualified
Detailed reports summarizing the state of the art and                       to initiate a specific and targeted immune reaction against
proposed mechanisms of action of both virus-based and                       the presented tumor-associated antigens.17,19 In vivo, DCs
DNA-based cancer immunotherapy products have been                           act as the “professional” and most potent APCs of the
published recently elsewhere.13-16 Currently, there are                     immune system.20 The antigens used in cancer vaccines
more than 1900 studies investigating the clinical efficacy                  are typically derived either from the patient’s own tumor
of “cancer vaccines” registered with the US National
                                                                            or are presented to the cells as a recombinant tumor-
Institutes of Health website (
                                                                            associated antigen, which may be fused to an adjuvant
Most of these trials are in the phase I/II testing safety/
                                                                            protein for codelivery.16
efficacy stage, with only a small number of trials in phase
III (Table 1). Antitumor vaccination with viable, complex
                                                                            Generating tumor-specific APCs in vitro
active ingredients such as cells is a complicated, multi-
step task.17,18 The optimal clinical-scale production plat-                 In vitro, several cell types can be used as progenitor cells
form and culture modalities for guaranteeing an effective                   to obtain APCs that are phenotypically similar to DCs.21-25
cell product have yet to be established.                                    Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and CD341
      Manufacturing and distribution challenges can signifi-                hematopoietic progenitor cells have been used as sources
cantly impact the commercial and clinical viability of per-                 for DC generation, but monocytes remain the most com-
sonalized medicines such as cell-based immunotherapy                        monly used progenitor cell type.26-30 Monocytes can be
products.6,13-15 In the transition from preclinical to clinical             induced to generate DCs via addition of differentiation-
studies, changes in scale and culture materials, which may                  inducing cytokines, typically interleukin (IL)-4 and
at first sight appear trivial, can drastically change the qual-             granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor,31,32
ity and efficacy of the product. This review addresses the                  during 3 to 7 days in culture.33
manufacturing challenges related to the production and                           Cell maturation can be achieved via the addition of a
the characterization of antigen-presenting cell (APC)-based                 cocktail of inflammatory cytokines and/or toll-like receptor
cancer vaccines, with emphasis on the impact of cell cul-                   agonists, such as tumor necrosis factor-a, prostaglandin E2,
ture vessel material selection on resulting cell products.                  IL-6, lipopolysaccharide and polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid
Key bioprocess engineering and materials science consid-                    in the final 2 days of culture.24,34-41 During this time period,
erations associated with the transition from standard                       patient-specific tumor-associated antigens may be added to

2 TRANSFUSION Volume 00, Month 2018
Bags versus flasks: a comparison of cell culture systems for the production of dendritic cell-based immunotherapies - Saint-Gobain Cell Therapy

the cultures for uptake by the DCs.33,42 Following matura-        in a novel closed-cell culture system utilizing a combina-
tion, DCs are then administered to the patient, usually in a      tion of hydrophobic cell culture bags and styrene copoly-
series of repeated injections. The maturation phase of the        mer microcarrier beads was proposed by Maffei and
DCs remains less standardized, providing an opportunity for       colleagues56 in 2000 and since patented.57 More recent
optimization and patient tailoring of the manufacturing sys-      reports document that Mo-DC culture and maturation
tem. To this end, both biomedical (generation of DCs and          can entirely be achieved in suspension cultures.23,35,58-68
their appropriate stimulation) and engineering (selection of      A number of studies have compared traditional polysty-
culture vessels and microenvironment) considerations              rene flask cultures for adherent cells to fluoropolymer-
should be taken into account.                                     based bag systems, as summarized in Table 2. As a prom-
                                                                  inent example, sipuleucel-T was manufactured in fluoro-
Sipuleucel-T                                                      polymer bags (Saint-Gobain) composed of an FEP
Sipuleucel-T was the first and so far only Food and Drug          copolymer.45,73 Overall, a paradigm shift can be observed
Administration–approved cell-based cancer vaccine. This           over the past decade, and current best practice methods
product was developed by Dendreon Corp. Sipuleucel-T is           no longer strictly associate the efficient clinical-scale
intended as a first-line treatment of asymptomatic or min-        production of both immature and mature DCs with their
imally symptomatic metastatic castrate-resistant prostate         adherence to surfaces.
cancer in patients that no longer respond to conventional              Both for adherent and suspension cell cultures, the
hormone therapy.8,18,43,44 Sipuleucel-T is generated from         culture vessel selected may directly or indirectly impact
the patient’s own peripheral blood mononuclear cellss,            the cues provided from the microenvironment via chem-
which are subsequently enriched for APCs16 and exposed            ical and mechanical stimuli (Fig. 1). The gas permeabil-
to a fusion protein comprised of prostatic acid phospha-          ity of the cell culture vessel can change parameters such
tase and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating fac-           as the dissolved oxygen concentration, the pH, and the
tor.17,18,45 The cells are reinfused into the patients within 3   osmolarity of the cell culture medium. The physico-
days of the initial leukapheresis.16,45 The efficacy of this      chemical properties of the culture material can affect the
cell-based immunotherapy was first reported in the land-          type, amount, and conformation of proteins and other
mark phase III IMPACT trial.19,45 There, patients received        medium components adsorbing to the culture vessel.
a total of three infusions of the APCs generated in vitro         The topography and stiffness of the culture vessel can
using a fully closed fluoropolymer cell culture bag system.       change cell interactions with the surface, in addition to
Patients treated with sipuleucel-T had a 4-month overall          changing shear forces applied to cells during handling.
survival benefit compared to patients infused with the            All of these factors can significantly change the cell
placebo. Despite this and other recent achievements,16,17         microenvironment, potentially synergistically, and alter
the precise immunologic mechanisms of action underly-             product quality.
ing this therapeutic effect are challenging to assess and
therefore still unclear.8,18,46
                                                                        CLOSING THE MANUFACTURING
                                                                          PROCESS: SWITCHING Mo-DC
DC cultures: Suspension versus anchorage-
                                                                         CULTURE FROM POLYSTYRENE
dependent systems
                                                                        TO FLUOROPOLYMER SURFACES
Many traditional monocyte-derived DC (Mo-DC) culture
protocols rely on the adherence of both monocytes and             Polystyrene-based flask or multiwell cultures
DCs to their culture substrates.47-50 Several protocols use       Polystyrene has been traditionally used for cell culture
the plastic adherence of monocytes in an initial enrich-          since the 1960s.74,75 To support the culture of anchorage-
ment step before removing all nonadherent cells and               dependent cells, the hydrophobic polystyrene must usu-
proceeding to culture only the adherent cells as APCs.51-         ally be surface treated to render it more hydrophilic and
    This implied anchorage dependency of Mo-DCs in                thereby facilitate cell adhesion and spreading in culture
vitro contrasts with more recent protocols eschewing              conditions.76,77 This treatment is proprietary to each com-
adherent cells for DCs cultured in suspension. Rouard             mercial manufacturer, but reportedly typically consists of
and colleagues54 cultured monocytes in hydrophobic                a plasma treatment, which produces additional hydroxyl,
bags before transferring them to polystyrene cultures for         carboxyl, and aldehyde groups on the culture surface.74,75
their maturation as adherent cells. Coulon and col-               Battiston and colleagues78 compared tissue culture poly-
leagues,55 on the other hand, first cultured monocytes as         styrene surfaces from three different companies (Sarstedt,
adherent cell cultures on polystyrene surfaces before             Wisent Corp., and Becton Dickinson) and found marked
transferring them into suspension cultures in fluorinated         differences in protein adsorption, surface wettability, and
ethylene propylene (FEP) bags at Day 5 for DC culture.            monocyte retention following 7 days of culture. This study
An interesting approach proposing Mo-DC production                and others underline the frequently underreported

                                                                                   Volume 00, Month 2018 TRANSFUSION 3
Bags versus flasks: a comparison of cell culture systems for the production of dendritic cell-based immunotherapies - Saint-Gobain Cell Therapy

                                                                                 TABLE 2. Studies comparing flask to bag culture systems for DC immunotherapy
                                      Reference           Bag system   vs.   Flask, multiwell system   Culture medium; supplements   Maturation factors       Potency assays                 Outcome
                                      Macke, 201066       Polyolefin   vs.   Polystyrol-based          CellGro (CellGenix);          IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a       FC, SEM, MLR, DNA              No objective difference in
                                                            bags               cell culture flasks       GM-CSF and IL-4                and PGE2 (48 h)         Microarray                     the DCs generated in
                                                                                                                                                                                               both systems
                                      Tan, 200869         Polyolefin   vs.   Surface-treated           CellGro; GM-                  N/A                      FC, allogeneic MLR             Reduced fraction of DCs in
                                                            bags               polystyrene flasks      CSF, IL-4, TNF-a and                                                                    bags (4.7%) compared to

4 TRANSFUSION Volume 00, Month 2018
                                                                                                       10% autologous plasma                                                                   flasks (40%) based on
                                                                                                                                                                                               flow cytometry
                                      Kurlander, 200670   FEP          vs.   Polystyrene flasks        RPMI 1640 with autologous     CD40L and IFN-c          FC, ELISA, DC migration        FEP- and PS-cultured DCs
                                                            bags                                         plasma or human AB serum;     or poly(I:C)             assay, IFN-c production of     are similar in phenotype
                                                                                                         GM-CSF and IL-4               and IFN-c (24h)          autologous T cells             and in some functional
                                                                                                                                                                                               measures, but FEP
                                                                                                                                                                                               markedly reduces DC
                                                                                                                                                                                               production of IL-12 and
                                      Elias, 200560       Polyolefin   vs.   Polystyrene               CellGro DC for bags,          LPS or TNF-a, IL-1b,     FC, MLR, autologous            No difference in viability;
                                                            bags               multiwell plates          X-VIVO 1 autologous           IL-6 and PGE2 (48 h)     antigen presentation           comparable phenotype
                                                                                                         serum for plates;                                                                     with exception of CD1a
                                                                                                         GM-CSF and IL-4
                                      Wong, 200267        FEP bags     vs.   Polystyrene flasks        X-VIVO 15; GM-CSF             None                     FC, MLR, autologous recall     DCs were equivalent in
                                                                                                         and IL-4                                               responses to tetanus           yield, phenotype, and in
                                                                                                                                                                toxoid and influenza virus     vitro function
                                      Guyre, 200271       Polyolefin   vs.   Polystyrene flasks        AIM V; GM-CSF                 R848 or TNF-a            FC, MLR, autologous            Bag-cultured DCs were
                                                            bags                                         and IL-4                      (24-72 h)                antigen presentation           superior to flask-cultured
                                                                                                                                                                                               cells in terms of yield,
                                                                                                                                                                                               viability, and function
                                      Suen, 200172        FEP bags     vs.   Polystyrene               X-VIVO 15; GM-CSF             None                     FC, MLR, dextran-uptake        DCs have similar viability,
                                                                               T175 flasks               and IL-4                                               assay                          purity, phenotype, yield,
                                                                                                                                                                                               and function
                                      ELISA 5 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FC 5 flow cytometry; FEP 5 fluorinated ethylene propylene; IFN 5 interferon; IL 5 interleukin; LPS 5 lipopolysaccharide; MLR 5 mixed
                                      lymphocyte reaction; PGE2 5 prostaglandin-E2; R848 5 resiquimod; TNF 5 tumor necrosis factor.

Fig. 1. Cellular microenvironment in vitro. During culture, cells interact with their microenvironment via a plethora of
membrane-bound proteins. They are exposed to a multitude of physical, chemical, and biological cues including soluble (signal-
ing or growth) factors in the culture medium, the protein adlayer adsorbed to the culture surface and other cells. [Color figure
can be viewed at]

                               TABLE 3. Examples of closed culture systems used for DC production
                                                                                                      Examples of commercial systems and
                                                                    Approximate standard               manufacturers (currently available or
  Material of fabrication                    Format                 capacity range (cm2)*             used in published DC culture studies)
  Polystyrene                        Layered cell                         600-60,000               HYPERStack (Corning), Cell Factory
                                       culture vessels                                               (Nunc Thermo Scientific)
  Silicone membrane bottom           Bottle with membrane                   50-500                 G-Rex
  Polyolefins                        Bags                                   20-200                 CellGro Cell Expansion Bags (Mediatech
                                                                                                     Corning), EXP-Pak Bio-Containers
                                                                                                     (Charter Medical), MACS GMP Cell
                                                                                                     Expansion Bag (Miltenyi Biotec), LifeCell
                                                                                                     X-Fold Cell Culture Container†, Opti-
                                                                                                     cyte, (all Nexell, Baxter Healthcare;
  Fluoropolymers (e.g., FEP)         Bags                                  20-5000                 VueLife (Saint Gobain), PermaLife (OriGen
                                                                                                     Biomedical), SteriCell (DuPont;
  PVC, EVA, and other                Bags                                 100-1000                 Evolve (OriGen Biomedical)
    polymers or copolymers
  * The typical working volume is 0.2-0.5 mL/cm2 for flasks or layered vessels, 4-11 mL for the membrane-bottom vessel system, or 0.5-1 mL/cm2
    for bags.
  † Made from PL732 (polyolefin) coextruded with PL705 (high-impact polystyrene) on the inner surface.83
  ‡ Formerly manufactured by American Fluoroseal Corporation.
   EVA 5 ethylene-vinyl acetate; FEP 5 fluorinated ethylene propylene; PVC 5 polyvinyl chloride.

observation that the choice of tissue culture polystyrene                  commonly found in most cell culture laboratories, cell
from different manufacturers can lead to significant dis-                  culture bags are made of more flexible polymers, includ-
parities in terms of protein adsorption and cell spreading                 ing polyolefins and fluoropolymers. The materials of fabri-
characteristics.79-81 Given the ubiquitous presence of pro-                cation of examples of closed systems used to scale up DC
teins in animal cell culture media, protein adsorption                     production are listed in Table 3. The most commonly
likely plays a key role in determining cell adhesion to sur-               known examples of polyolefins include polyethylene and
faces. Cell surface adhesion is in fact thought to be largely              polypropylene. Polyolefin-based cell containers have been
mediated by proteins adsorbed to the surfaces, rather                      tested for both in vitro culture and storage of CD341 cells,
than the surfaces themselves.74,82                                         platelets, DCs, and T cells.60,66,67,72,84-86 In the case of
                                                                           monocyte-derived APCs, different monocyte isolation
                                                                           methods may alter the composition of “contaminating”
Polyolefin- and fluoropolymer-based bag cell                               cell populations and proteins entrained with the mono-
culture systems                                                            cytes seeded, which may in turn impact the propensity of
In contrast to the more rigid polystyrene-based cell cul-                  monocytes to adhere to surfaces and to differentiate into
ture plastics such as multiwell plates or T-flasks                         APCs.

                                                                                                Volume 00, Month 2018 TRANSFUSION 5

Fig. 2. Key similarities and differences between fluoropolymer bag and polystyrene flask cell culture systems. [Color figure can
be viewed at]

      Fluoropolymers are a family of high-performance plas-         their thermal stability across a wide range of temperatures
tics consisting of fully or partially fluorinated monomers.         and the ability to be processed using melt extrusion or ther-
Many of these polymers are linear and with a backbone of            moforming methods.91,92 Certain fluoropolymer bags are
carbon-carbon bonds and pendant carbon-fluorine bonds.              also suitable for cell cryopreservation.
The carbon-fluorine bonds of fluoropolymers directly cor-
relate to the unique physical and chemical properties asso-
                                                                          BIOPROCESSING AND SCALE-UP
ciated with fluoropolymers including low surface free
                                                                         CONSIDERATIONS IN BAG CULTURE
energy and coefficient of friction, chemical inertness, excel-
lent electrical properties, high thermal stability, and main-
tenance of physical properties even at cryogenic                    Translating cell cultures to clinical scale
temperatures—a combination of properties that make                  Manufacturing cells for immunotherapy at a clinical scale
them interesting candidates for biomedical applications.87          has traditionally been performed in “open” polystyrene-
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was the first fluoropolymer,         based vessels both for adherent or suspension cell cul-
discovered in 1938 by Dr Roy Plunkett of DuPont, and was            tures. Open cell culture systems require the “opening” of
marketed under the brand name Teflon.88 Commonly used               flasks or plates for media changes and other cell culture
fluoropolymers today include the perfluoropolymers PTFE,            manipulations.93,94 To decrease the risk of product con-
FEP, and perfluoroalkoxy copolymers (PFA) as well as par-           tamination and by individual operators and to facilitate
tially fluorinated materials such as ethylene tetrafluoro-          the scale-up or scale-out and automation of the cell pro-
ethylene and polyvinylidene fluoride.89,90 PTFE, FEP, and           duction, “closed” culture systems are thus generally pre-
PFA are all sold under the Teflon trademark from Chemo-             ferred by regulatory authorities to comply with current
urs. PTFE is also sold under the Polyflon trademark and             good manufacturing standards.23,33,42
FEP and PFA under the Neoflon trademark from Daikin.                     Scaling up flask-based cultures often starts with T-
Fluoropolymers have found extensive commercial applica-             flasks and then progresses to layered polystyrene culture
tion in the chemical, electronic, automotive, and construc-         systems, usually using up to eight units in one incubator
tion industries and, with the exception of PTFE, are melt-          per patient.95 Closed or “functionally closed” culture sys-
extrudable thermoplastics that can be processed using tra-          tems that facilitate scale-up have been developed for cer-
ditional polymer processing methods.88,90                           tain cell types and applications of interest, such as Mo-DC
      Similar to polyolefin-based bag systems, fluoropolymer-       production (Table 3), CAR–modified T cells, or mesenchy-
made bags are transparent, flexible, and permeable to oxy-          mal stem/stromal cells for tissue regeneration or graft-
gen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, allowing gas exchange in         versus-host disease therapy.95,96 The implementation of
cell culture incubators. Fluoropolymers are highly resistant        current good manufacturing practices–compliant closed
to almost all aggressive chemicals and biologics and remain         systems such as bioreactor bags reduces the risks of con-
flexible at temperatures ranging from 22408C to 12058C.             tamination and improves the overall connectivity between
Melt-processable fluoropolymers such as FEP and PFA offer           different units of the cultures at an industrial scale. Impor-
an excellent alternative to polystyrene containers because of       tant considerations when transitioning from open systems

6 TRANSFUSION Volume 00, Month 2018

Fig. 3. Mass transfer considerations. (A) Gas permeability coefficient for O2 and CO2 and (B) water vapor transmission rates for
polymers used to manufacture cell culture systems. EVA 5 ethylene-vinyl acetate; FEP 5 fluorinated ethylene propylene;
HDPE 5 high-density polyethylene; LDPE 5 low-density polyethylene; PVC 5 polyvinyl chloride; PVC (p) 5 plasticized polyvinyl
chloride. Permeability data were compiled from a variety of references.104-106 [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

such as polystyrene flasks to bag-based closed systems are          between the polymer and the permeant (e.g., oxygen or
summarized in the following paragraphs and in Fig. 2,               water). The free volume of a polymer is the molecular
including mass transfer, handling, and processing.                  “space” between polymer chains. The effect of the free
                                                                    volume can be directly observed in Fig. 3 by comparing
Mass transfer considerations                                        high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density poly-
                                                                    ethylene. Manufacturers of polyethylene manipulate the
The culture surface area in most commonly used tissue
                                                                    free volume of their polyethylene resins by controlling the
culture flasks ranges from 25 cm2 to 225 cm2. The recom-
                                                                    number and length of branches of the main polyethylene
mended fill volume typically corresponds to a liquid
                                                                    chain during synthesis. Low-density polyethylene has
height of 2 to 3 mm.97 This gas/liquid interface is a limit-
                                                                    more and longer branches, leading to more free volume
ing factor in the scale-up of cell culture systems, as gas
                                                                    and, consequently, higher gas and water permeability
exchange almost exclusively occurs via the vented screw
                                                                    than high-density polyethylene. Rubbers are also defined
cap of the flask.98-100 To maintain this level of medium in
                                                                    by their higher free volume and tend to have high perme-
the presence of evaporation, frequent media changes are
                                                                    ability constants. The impact of chemical compatibility
necessary, which in turn increases costs of reagents and
                                                                    can be observed in Fig. 3 when considering the water per-
labor and the probability of contamination. Thus, a vari-
                                                                    meability constants. Water is a polar solvent and is more
ety of gas-permeable bag cell culture containers with low
                                                                    chemically compatible with polar plastics such as
water evaporation rates have been made available to the
                                                                    ethylene-vinyl acetate, leading to higher permeability val-
marketing sizes up to approximately 2 L fill volume
                                                                    ues. The presence of plasticizers and other fillers can also
(Table 3).97,99,101,102 In addition, these devices allow mass
                                                                    affect permeability and water vapor transmission through
transfer through both the upper and the lower surface
                                                                    a polymer matrix as shown in Fig. 3 for polyvinyl chloride
area of the bags.97,99,101-103
                                                                    versus plasticized polyvinyl chloride. In instances where a
     The choice of plastic for a closed cell culture system,
                                                                    closed cell culture system requires a plastic material with
in which product is not exposed to the room environment,
                                                                    poor permeability, sterilizing-grade vent filters can be
has a significant impact on mass transfer of oxygen, car-
                                                                    used, as typically employed in polystyrene T-flasks.
bon dioxide, and water. As can be seen in Fig. 3, typical
plastics used in life science applications have gas perme-
ability and water permeability constants that span three            Leachables and extractables
orders of magnitude. Permeability constants are affected            In shifting from polystyrene-based flask cultures to bag
by two major materials science parameters: the free vol-            systems, the profile of leachables and extractables is
ume of a polymer and the chemical compatibility                     expected to change considerably due to the different types

                                                                                       Volume 00, Month 2018 TRANSFUSION 7

Fig. 4. Stiffness of polymers used to manufacture cell culture systems compared to that of tissues and cells found in the human
body. Stiffness data originate from a variety of sources.110,114,116-120 [Color figure can be viewed at]

and quantities of plasticizers used in the manufacture of             of most of these processing steps. Sterile docking (using
“plastic” disposable systems for cell culture. Leachables             tube welders) is commonly used in order to infuse or
and extractables found in polystyrene or ethylene-vinyl               withdraw fluids from cell culture bags using pumps. Alter-
acetate polymers can have unknown, and both negative                  natively, fluid handling can be performed manually (e.g.,
or positive effects on cell processing.107,108 Because                using syringes) through a variety of ports such as needle
extractables’ profiles may vary from lot to lot for some              access ports, spike ports, or fluid loss valves.
materials, extractables can reduce cell culture process
reproducibility. FEP is extruded as a virgin resin and does           Effect of culture surfaces on cell fate in vitro
not contain any additives or plasticizers. As a fully fluori-         The effect of culture surfaces on cell fate during an
nated polymer, it has very high inherent stability, and               extended period of time ex vivo is still largely unknown.
there are no modifiers or other content to leach out in               Several reports document the loss of progenitor cells and
water or other solvents. Consequently, extractables are               cellular properties related to a cell’s “stemness” on planar
typically at or below detection limits for FEP.                       surfaces displaying nonphysiologic properties.109-111 Inter-
                                                                      estingly, Yang and colleagues112 showed that stem cells
Handling and processing                                               not only respond to mechanical cues presented to them
Cell culture bags can be used as stand-alone units or as              by their microenvironment, but also possess a mechanical
single-use, wave-rocking programmable bioreactor sys-                 memory that plays a role in governing cell fate deci-
tems.33,103 Cell feeding or splitting is made redundant by            sions.113 Polystyrene, the most commonly used material
higher volumes of media in increasing bag sizes, and cell             for cell culture vessels, has an elastic modulus of approxi-
manipulation events are minimized by aseptic tubing                   mately 3 GPa, more than five orders of magnitude stiffer
connection technologies (e.g., Luer lock, sterile docking,            than most cell types.110,114 The FEP used in fluoropolymer
tubing welding).42 Typical unit operations used to manu-              bags such as those manufactured by Saint-Gobain has an
facture autologous cell therapy products include (1) cell             elastic modulus of approximately 500 MPa. By compari-
isolation/enrichment; (2) cell culture and, if applicable,            son, the elastic modulus experienced by cells in situ in
modification; (3) concentration/washing; (4) product                  most tissues is four to six orders of magnitude
purification; (5) formulation and filling; and (6) cryopres-          lower.111,114,115 In Fig. 4, the stiffness of materials com-
ervation.42,94 In the case of genetically modified APCs or            monly used to fabricate cell culture vessels is compared to
other cell therapy products such as CAR-T cells, closed               the stiffness of DCs and other cells or tissues DCs may
culture systems decrease risks of contamination and                   interact with in vivo.
exposure of personnel to viral constructs and other poten-                 In addition to mechanical properties, the chemical
tially pathogenic agents. Cell culture bags and other func-           makeup and wettability of culture surfaces directly impact
tionally closed systems can also facilitate the automation            protein adsorption to surfaces and cell-surface

8 TRANSFUSION Volume 00, Month 2018

interactions. In general, in the presence of proteins pre-         surfaces of FEP bags. However, these cells were not used
sent in blood and most cell culture media (e.g., insulin,          for their analyses, as they represented only a minor per-
transferrin, albumin), anchorage-dependent cells attach            centage of all cultured cells. Guyre and colleagues71 per-
more readily to hydrophilic materials.121 The extent of cell       formed mixed lymphocyte reaction assays in either
adhesion and spreading depends on the type and on the              polystyrene or polypropylene round-bottom multiwell
conformation of proteins present on surfaces—a topic               plates to determine if cell adherence was necessary for DC
that has been extensively reviewed elsewhere.122 Cell cul-         function, but found only slightly higher proliferative
ture vessel surfaces can be surface treated, typically using       responses in polystyrene wells compared to polypropyl-
plasma treatments, to introduce charged functional                 ene. These observations and the large variety of Mo-DC
groups on surfaces, increase surface hydrophilicity, and           culture protocols present a yet unsolved conundrum: Is
promote cell adhesion. For example, polystyrene flasks as          cell adherence during culture beneficial for an efficient
well as FEP bags are available in “untreated” (hydrophobic)        differentiation and maturation of Mo-DCs? From a bio-
or “treated” (more hydrophilic) versions. Cell culture vessels     processing and handling perspective, suspension cultures
can also be preincubated with media containing extracellu-         are preferred when compared to adhesion cultures. More-
lar matrix proteins that mediate cell adhesion. Extracellular      over, are the adherent cells mature DCs or do they present
matrix precoating of culture vessels can improve antigen           a different cell type, such as monocyte-derived macro-
uptake123 and/or maturation124 of Mo-DCs.                          phages? Systematic studies characterizing DCs obtained
                                                                   via adherent and suspension cell cultures using different
Studies comparing Mo-DC cultures in                                bag containers will be necessary to investigate the identity
bag versus flask systems                                           and function of the cell products generated within these
Most studies comparing Mo-DC cultures in polystyrene
flasks (adherence) to hydrophobic bags (suspension) report
no marked difference between DCs generated in either sys-                  OUTLOOK: HOW TO IMPROVE
tem (Table 2). Kurlander and colleagues70 reported that DCs            CLINICAL EFFICACY OF CELL-BASED
generated in FEP bags yielded cells with a surface marker                 IMMUNOTHERAPY PRODUCTS?
expression profile that was comparable to adherence cul-
                                                                   The approval of sipuleucel-T by the Food and Drug
tures on polystyrene surfaces. However, the DCs generated
                                                                   Administration in 2010 was recognized as an important
in the FEP bags produced significantly less IL-10 and IL-12
                                                                   proof of concept that paved the way for industrial produc-
during their maturation, and these differences persisted
                                                                   tion of cell-based cancer vaccines.12 Patients infused with
upon rechallenge after harvest.70 Elias and colleagues
                                                                   sipuleucel-T demonstrated a significant increase in
reported that after 6 days of culture in polyolefin coextruded     median survival time by 4 months compared to placebo
with polystyrene cell culture containers (Opticyte, Baxter         controls.45 However, no differences in the time to disease
International, Inc.; see Table 2), DCs no longer expressed         progression were observed. In addition, no tumor regres-
CD1a, although they otherwise exhibited a surface pheno-           sion or reduction in tumor burden could be measured in
type that was comparable to DCs cultured on polystyrene            treated patients, resulting in novel investigations of the
surfaces. These results confirmed a previous observation by        mode and mechanism of action of sipuleucel-T.14 Recent
Thurner and colleagues.53,60 Furthermore, Guyre and col-           findings demonstrated that patients receiving sipuleucel-
leagues71 reported that DC cultured in hydrophobic bags            T showed increased levels of secondary self-antigens, an
(polyolefin coextruded with polystyrene; see Table 2) were         immunologic response known as antigen spread.125 Sev-
phenotypically different from those cultured in flasks. How-       eral approaches are being investigated to achieve the full
ever, this did not affect their capacity to present antigens, as   potential of DC-based vaccines, including increasing the
expression of both major histocompatibility complex class I        potency of the DCs, targeting the DCs to the tumors, and
and class II molecules was consistently high. While the            inhibiting endogenous mechanisms that limit tumor-
implications of these findings have yet to be determined,          specific immune responses.126
these minor differences should be considered when select-               Recent findings also raised questions related to the
ing the culture vessel for immunotherapy. Not all cell con-        migratory capacities of the administered APCs to home
tainer systems may be equally suited for generating the            toward the lymph nodes, a crucial step for the efficient
optimal cell-based product targeting a specific clinical indi-     activation of CD41 and CD81 T lymphocytes. Reportedly,
cation. Stringent potency assays will be necessary to define       only 5% of the injected cells reached the lymph node,
the essential quality control and release criteria ensuring        which may have contributed to the suboptimal success of
the generation of efficacious cell therapy products.               pioneer immunotherapy products.126 The reasons for this
     In addition, not all cells cultured in hydrophobic bags       impaired homing capacity remain unclear. However, the
remain in suspension. For example, Kurlander and col-              type, number, and source used for APCs, as well as the
leagues70 reported that some Mo-DCs adhered to the                 site and frequency of injection, may be cornerstones

                                                                                     Volume 00, Month 2018 TRANSFUSION 9

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                                                                                            Volume 00, Month 2018 TRANSFUSION 13
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