Corporation of the Town of Perth Drinking Water System 2019 Summary Report

Page created by Wesley Sutton
Corporation of the Town of Perth
    Drinking Water System
    2019 Summary Report
Table of Contents

  DWS Summary Report Overview ..................................................................................... 4
  DWS Information.............................................................................................................. 5
SECTION 1 – FAILURE TO MEET REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 6
  1.1. Adverse Water Quality Incident reports (Drinking Water System) .......................... 6
          1.1.1       AWQI # 144718 Total Coliform presence in distribution sample .............. 6
  1.2. Ministry Orders ....................................................................................................... 6
          1.2.1.      Drinking Water System ............................................................................ 6
          1.2.2.      Water Treatment Subsystem ................................................................... 6
  1.3. Notifications to MECP (MOECC) regarding operational issues .............................. 6
          1.3.1.      Private residence fuel spill into Tay River via Town storm sewer drainage6
          1.3.2.      Spill Notification 2456-BHLLZY - Settling tank sludge ............................. 7
  1.4. MOECC Identified Known Failures to Meet Requirements ..................................... 7
          1.4.1.      Drinking Water System ............................................................................ 7
  1.5. MOECC identified areas for possible improvement ................................................ 8
          1.5.1.      Drinking Water System ............................................................................ 8
          1.5.2.      Water Treatment Subsystem ................................................................... 9
  1.6. Additional concerns meeting potential compliance or operational requirements .. 10
          1.6.1.      Drinking Water System .......................................................................... 10
          1.6.2.      Water Treatment Subsystem ................................................................. 10
          1.6.3.      Water Distribution Subsystem ................................................................ 11
SECTION 2 – SUMMARY OF PLANT FLOWS ............................................................ 12
  2.1. Raw Water (Source water) ................................................................................... 12
          2.2.1.      Average Daily Service Water Flow: ........................................................ 14
          2.2.2.      Service Water Discharge: ...................................................................... 14
  2.3. Plant process water .............................................................................................. 14
          2.3.1.      Waste Volumes ...................................................................................... 15
          2.3.2.      Geo tube membrane bag use ................................................................ 15
  3.1. Water Treatment Ability ........................................................................................ 17
3.1.1.     Disinfection ability .................................................................................. 17
        3.1.2.     Chlorine Dioxide use .............................................................................. 17
        3.1.3.     Coagulation abilities ............................................................................... 18
        3.1.4.     Flocculation and sedimentation abilities ................................................. 19
        3.1.5.     pH adjustment (use of lime) ................................................................... 19
        3.1.6.     Fluoridation abilities ............................................................................... 20
        3.1.7.     Pumping capacity................................................................................... 20
        3.1.8.     Process Wastewater Residue Management ability ................................ 22
        3.1.9.     Computer System .................................................................................. 23
3.2. Water Taking Ability.............................................................................................. 23
3.3. Water Storage Ability ............................................................................................ 24
3.4. Water Treatment and Distribution Personnel ........................................................ 25
4.1     Appendix Table 1 – Summary of Flows January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 . 26
4.2     Appendix Table 2 – Historical Average Daily Treated Water Flow (m³) ................ 27
4.3     Appendix Table 3 - 2019 Raw Water Taking ........................................................ 28
4.4 Appendix: MOECC 2018 Inspection Report Non-compliance issues and
Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 29
2019 DWS Summary Report
DWS Summary Report Overview

A Summary Report, as per Ontario Regulation 170/03, Schedule 22 must be prepared for
each drinking water system in the province of Ontario. The report must be provided no
later than March 31 to members of Municipal Council.

The DWS Summary report will cover a period for the preceding calendar year, January 01
to December 31, 2019.

The completion and presentation of this report will also fulfill the requirement for a
compliance report to be produced in accordance applicable regulations.

Section 1 contains,
          any failures during the reporting periods to achieve the requirements of the Safe
           Drinking Water Act, associated drinking water regulations and guidelines, any
           approvals, any operating licences or permits, or any orders applicable to the Perth
           DWS system;
          duration of the failure, and measures taken to correct the failure;
          any priority concerns that might lead to failures to meet the operating requirements.
Section 2 contains,
          summary of quantities and flow rates of water taken from the Tay River, in addition to
           water production and process wastewater generation.
Section 3 contains,
          an overview summary of the DWS water treatment abilities
          summary of the DWS water taking ability, DWS water storage ability,
          summary of DWS operating personnel

Supplemental Perth DWS information sources would include, but not limited to,
     The Town of Perth Water Treatment Plant year end documentation,
     The Town of Perth Water Distribution year end documentation,
     The Town of Perth DWS Annual Report.

Supplemental government legislation sources would include, but limited to,
     Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002
     Ontario Regulation 170/03, Drinking Water Systems
     Ontario Regulation 169/03, Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards
     Ontario Regulation 128/04, Certification of Drinking Water System Operators and Water
        Quality Analysts
     It is noted to ensure currency, up to date documents can be reviewed at

Supplemental government support documentation is available at the Ministry of the Environment
and Climate Change’s Drinking Water Ontario website,

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                                    Page 4
DWS Information

Drinking-Water System Number                   220001272
Drinking-Water System Name:                    Perth Drinking Water System
Drinking-Water System Owner:                   Perth, The Corporation of the Town of

Period being reported:                         Jan 01, 2019 to Dec 31, 2019
Latest MOECC Inspection                        Nov 20, 2019
Previous MOECC Inspection                      Nov 21 and 23, 2018

Drinking-Water System Category:                Large Municipal Residential System (LMRS)
                                                Class III Water Treatment Subsystem,
Drinking Water System Facilities
                                                Class I Water Distribution Subsystem

Municipal Drinking Water Licence (MDWL)        160-101
Licence Issue Date                             August 04, 2016
Licence Revision Date (most recent)            August 02, 2017 (Schedule A revision)
Licence Expiry Date                            August 03, 2021

Drinking Water Works Permit                    160-201
DWWP Issue Date                                August 04, 2016
DWWP Expiry Date                               August 03, 2021

Permits to Take Water                          7770-A8HKRH
PTTW Issue Date                                March 29, 2016
PTTW Expiry Date                               March 31, 2026
Water Taking Location                          Tay River

Financial Plan Number (under O. Reg. 453/07)   160-301

Accredited Operating Authority                 The Corporation of the Town of Perth
Operating Authority No.                        160-OA1
Operational Plan No.                           160-401

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                            Page 5

1.1. Adverse Water Quality Incident reports (Drinking Water System)
1.1.1 AWQI # 144718 Total Coliform presence in distribution sample

Notification from the lab was received on February 05, 2019, that a distribution sample
from 1881 Rogers Road (taken Feb 04) was tested to have a Total Coliform count of 3.
Proper subsequent notifications were made to authorities, and corrective action of
resampling at the site was undertaken. The resampling tests came back with 0 Total
Coliform, and notice of issue resolution submitted on February 07, 2020.

1.2. Ministry Orders
1.2.1. Drinking Water System
      No MOE orders issued.
1.2.2. Water Treatment Subsystem
      No MOE orders issued.

1.2.3. Water Distribution Subsystem
      No MOE orders issued.

1.3. Notifications to MECP (MOECC) regarding operational issues
1.3.1. Private residence fuel spill into Tay River via Town storm sewer drainage

On March 29, 2019, MECP Spills Action Center contacted Town staff regarding a
chemical spill reported in the Tay River (downstream of the WTP). Town staff and the fire
department worked to contain the spill at the Peter St bridge, and to investigate a possible
source of the spill. WTP staff conducted their investigation and found the source to be
downstream of their facility’s water intake, and not associated to their operational

On March 30, 2019 the source was determined to be a leaking fuel tank form a transport
truck parked in a residential area. The fuel spill was entering an adjacent Town storm
sewer, and discharging out to the Tay River. The discharges would fluctuate with the on-
going overnight rainfall. The truck fuel spill was contained by Town staff and site
mediation measures started by the trucking firm’s contracted services.

Although the notifications to MECP, MOH, and downstream users was not due to a result
of DWS operational issues, it is mentioned as significant Town resources was attributed to
this situation.

It is also noted that on April 05, 2019, another small fuel spill was reported on the small
Tay River involving MECP notifications. It is suspected this subsequent spill was related

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                       Page 6
to the March 29 spill, where a pocket of fuel was lodged in a downstream storm sewer,
only to be released after increased water flow in the adjacent stormwater catchment area.
(probably hydrant flushing more so than rainfall).

1.3.2. Spill Notification 2456-BHLLZY - Settling tank sludge

On November 03, during a Sunday WTP site visit, process wastewater sludge was noted
on the grounds outside settling tank 1. The spill material was contained, and absorbent
placed down. Within a short time, the spill leakage had ceased. The estimated amount of
the spill was 50 L. The reason for the suspected leakage will be further investigated in the
spring of 2020 when the ground thaws and tank can be drained again for inspection.

1.4. MOECC Identified Known Failures to Meet Requirements

An MECP DWS inspection was conducted Nov 21 and Nov 23, 2018, with the Inspector’s
report released March 14, 2019. Required action items are listed below in sections 1.3.1
to 1.3.3.
1.4.1. Drinking Water System

   Requirement failure   Requirement location       Duration of failure     Any corrective action taken
   Not ensuring all      Schedule A and             Required action(s) to   Indication that a written action
   equipment was         Schedule C of the          be implemented          plan for monthly BET sampling
   installed with BET    DWWP indicate              once full BET testing   was forwarded to MECP.
   system                measures to be             and commissioning
   implementation        implemented as to          is completed.           Indication of an O/M manual
                         ensure proper operations                           for BET operations was
                                                                            forwarded to MECP.

1.4.2. Water Treatment Subsystem

   Requirement failure   Requirement location       Duration of failure     Any corrective action taken
   Exceedance of LLP     Multiple (2) LLP’s were    For ~4.33 hrs to          WTP staff took all
   flow of 106 L/s       needed to keep up with     maintain sufficient       appropriate corrective
                         water demand due to a      water supply              measures at the time and
                         watermain break located    matching outgoing         made proper notifications.
                         on service line feeding    treated water flow
                         back into the WTP.         until watermain           No further actions were
                                                    break was isolated        listed in the inspection report

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                                             Page 7
Failure to report a      MECP inspection               Feed disruption of ~      Written procedure was
   coagulant feed           indicate that any             1 hour (where some        developed implementing the
   interruption             interruption of the           feed did occur but at     MECP inspector’s findings.
                            coagulant feed is             a reduced rate).
                            contrary to the                                         Coagulant feed alarms were
                            Disinfection procedure,       Sensors were still        reviewed and updated where
                            and reportable under          sensing some flow,        possible.
                            Section 16-4                  so alarms did not
                                                          occur immediately         Different style of chemical
                                                                                    metering pump is being tested
                                                                                    and implemented.

1.4.3. Water Distribution Subsystem

   Requirement failure       Requirement location         Duration of failure       Any corrective action taken
   Insufficient daily       MECP inspector                No specific date or       MECP recommendation(s) that
   operations log entries   indicated no comments         time, just a general      “ operators enter comments/
                            or details were entered in    observation over the      details in the Daily Operations
                            the logs regarding            inspection period.        Log for the daily activities/
                            operations performed                                    operations performed in the
                            during the operating shift.   The inspector was         water distribution system
                                                          informed that no          during the operating shift. It is
                                                          entries were done         also recommended that
                                                          since no equipment        operators document the
                                                          was taken out of          communication between the
                                                          service, or no            OIT and the WDS OIC and/or
                                                          abnormal operations       ORO.”

1.5. MOECC identified areas for possible improvement

An MECP DWS inspection was conducted Nov 21 and Nov 23, 2018, with the Inspector’s
report released March 14, 2019. The Report contained some recommendations and best
practice issues identified during the inspection period, to which owners and operators can
develop an awareness of and consider measures to address them, all in the interest of
continuous improvement.
1.5.1. Drinking Water System

                                                                                                  Any corrective
      Issue noted                     Recommendation                              Status
                                                                                                   action taken
   No Bylaw for          The Town consider developing and                  As mentioned
   Water Usage           implementing a Bylaw and/or policy for Water      also in 2017
                         Usage, and that the Town consider                 inspection
                         conducting a water use and loss audit.            report
   Incorporating any     That the Town develop an action plan to           Staff working        Asking project
   alterations into      ensure the alterations are incorporated into      on updating          contractors provide
   subsystem             process flow diagrams, process and                when possible.       updated drawing or
   diagrams and          instrumentation diagrams and record                                    diagrams at time of
   drawings              drawings and diagrams within one (1) year of                           process
                         the substantial completion of the alterations.                         implementation.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                                                       Page 8
1.5.2. Water Treatment Subsystem

                                                                                              Any corrective
       Issue noted                     Recommendation                        Status
                                                                                               action taken
   Single phone line for    That the Town maintain a dedicated           Mentioned in       In 2019/20, SCADA
   multiple alarm           phone line to support the WIN911             past report        comm lines system
   notification systems     communication system; that a separate                           was upgraded to
                            backup system for the autodialer system                         follow and surpass
                            is provided, and that the autodialer is                         MECP suggestions,
                            connected to a dedicated phone line to                          through backup
                            ensure a fully functioning and secure off-                      programs and
                            site alarm notification system.                                 digital line installs.

   Use SCADA data           That the WTP Operators consider using        Mentioned in       On-going measures
   more to record min’s     the data from the SCADA Daily Reports to     past report, as    done to include
   and max’s for better     provide the information required by          a method of        SCADA report data
   assess compliance,       Section 12(1) of O. Reg. 170/03; and that    improving data     into monthly reports
   and reflect multiple     WTP operators review the SCADA               interpretation     and use as an
   low/high events          Monthly Reports on a regular basis.                             auditing tool when
                                                                                            review of data

   A fixed pH value of      That the Town proceed with connecting        Mentioned in       TW pH is being
   7.5 is used in the CT    the online continuous pH meter to the        past report.       monitored by
   calculations             SCADA system for the treated water to                           SCADA, and using
                            allow the actual (real-time) pH values to    The use of 7.5     as part of CT
                            be used in the SCADA CT calculations.        pH reflects the    calculations is
                                                                         higher limit of    being considered.
                                                                         typical ranges

   No reservoir             That the reservoir be inspected to confirm   Construction       ODS Marine divers
   inspection after         the integrity of the reservoir's walls to    was on-going       inspected the tank
   Phase II construction    ensure proper disinfection is being          until late 2018    walls early in 2019,
                            provided.                                                       once conditions
                                                                                            and scheduling
   Improper planned         To follow WTP staff concerns that the        Final install of   Better location was
   location of BET          dechlorination system is placed above the    the system         identified through
   dechlorination feed      chlorine contact chamber as indicated in     was not done       staff involvement
   system                   the engineer’s construction plans            at inspection

1.5.3. Water Distribution Subsystem

                                                                                              Any corrective
       Issue noted                     Recommendation                        Status
                                                                                               action taken
   Lead testing in Tay      That Lead testing is performed within the    Mentioned in       Sampling site done
   Valley                   distribution system components located in    past report        in 2019, and a
   (DWS services)           Tay Valley Township during the next                             TWP site to be
                            round of lead sampling.                                         done annually now.

   Security issues at the   The equipment room located at the base       Mentioned in       Brought to
   water tower              of the water tower to be equipped with an    past report        management‘s
                            intrusion alarm; and that the water tower                       attention for
                            is provided with security lighting.                             consideration

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                                                    Page 9
1.6. Additional concerns meeting potential compliance or operational requirements

As apart of asset management efforts, significant issues or areas of concern that might be
viewed as potential impact items to operations are listed. These lists contain issues
identified by operational staff and management which might,
         pose potential risk with inability to meet compliance and/or operational
         help prevent equipment failure or down time,
         assist with more efficient operations.

Please also refer to Section 3,

1.6.1. Drinking Water System

      Issue                 Concern               Corrective action taken or proposed
      Relevant water        computer programs     Made progress working with Town’s IT
      industry computer     updating needed       contractor in 2019 to upgrade CPU’s and
      programs                                    some of the operating programs

1.6.2. Water Treatment Subsystem

      Issue                 Concern               Corrective action taken or proposed
      Process residue       Concern for lack of   Investment in heat trace cables for some
      management ops        cold temperature      outside water lines in 2018, however inside
                            operations            bag capacity concerns continue with few
                            contingency plans     possible contingency options currently

      Reservoir isolation   Equipment is aged     Reservoir valve replacement program initiated
      valves                and unreliable        in 2017, delayed in 2018, revisited in 2019,
                                                  and need in 2020 to continue with priority
                                                  valves whenever feasible

      Dry Chemical          Equipment is          With increased unmanned facility operations,
      volumetric feeders    becoming aged and     concern is heighted. Staff have implemented
                            of concern            some remedial actions; however, equipment
                                                  style is now outdated, and liquid chemical
                                                  options are being considered.
      Auxiliary power       On-site portable      A permanent generator installation is planned
      generation            generator issues in   for 2020
      Bulk chemical         Proximity of the      Investigation into options continue.
      storage               bulk chemical
                            storage tanks
      Building              Concern with          An engineering study to be done to divert
      wastewater            amount of “clean      “clean wastewater “away from process
      generation            water” being          residue treatment (ie roof drains, coolant
                            treated               water, analyzer sample water, work sinks)

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                                   Page 10
Building              Some outstanding       Condition of roof persists.
      infrastructure        items identified in    Some concerns exist from designated
                            past reports still     substances report.

      Facility Security     Security fencing       Discussed at MECP inspections previously.
                            and cameras
                            installed to monitor   Growing operational infrastructure outside the
                            building exterior      building now exists – need for measures with
                            areas                  process residue infrastructure and reservoir
      Continue              Predictive maint       Predictive Maintenance allows the ability to
      developing a          monitoring is more     recognize the onset of degradation before
      predictive            important with less    significant deterioration occurs.
      maintenance           manned facility
      program approach      hours.
      Larger volume         Both have become       Preliminary investigations into use of
      Flowmeters            aged; need to          magnetic meter technology to replace existing
      (Raw water,           consider newer         venturi and orifice plate use
      Discharge water)      equipment
      Operational           Continual              Removal of 600V heating systems and
      electrical demand     assessing of           replacement with smaller voltage heaters
                            electrical needs for   occurred in 2019.
                            upgrading or unit
                            replacement            Replacement of old 600 V heating contactor
                                                   panel, with new breaker panel, replacement
                                                   of heating wiring to filter gallery in 2019.
      High voltage pump     New MCC ability to     To use existing MCC technology, and
      motor monitoring      monitor pump           incorporate other monitoring equipment to
                            operations not fully   help establish a predictive maintenance
                            utilized               approach for aging pump motors

      Further               Basic automation       The focus of automation needs to continue
      automation            operational needs      addressing more in-depth treatment process
      installations and     are in place           monitoring to allow SCADA to perform a more
      upgrading             (on/off), but more     efficient operations and water quality issue
                            digital upgrades are   alerting.
                            required to move
                            forward.               Replacing outdated analog circuitry needs to
                                                   continue, as a significant majority of the work

1.6.3. Water Distribution Subsystem

      Issue                 Concern                Corrective action taken or proposed
      Elevated tank 10”     Is faulty and needs    Identified in the 2019 Infrastructure Review,
      fill valve            to be replaced         and brought to Management’s attention

      Lack of recent        With new road          While it is realized that perhaps road work is
      road and              work, upgrades to      not a high priority every year, the issue has
      infrastructure work   aged distribution      been brought to Management’s attention for
                            system areas might     consideration during budgetary discussions.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                                      Page 11

2.1. Raw Water (Source water)

Table RW-3 located in the reports Appendix offers an individual daily RW flow expressed
in Liters/day (1000 L = 1 m3).

The table below (RW-1) gives the monthly average RW flow, monthly single day max and
min flows, and the monthly total RW intake flow volume. A comparison of the single day
maximum of the month to the PTTW allowable volume of 9092 m3 is shown.
                Table RW-1

                                        2019 Raw Water Volumes
                               Average       Minimum      Maximum      TOTAL FLOW          Daily Maximum % of
                              Daily Flow     Daily Flow   Daily Flow                        PTTW Allowable
                                 (m3)          (m3)         (m3)                                 Volume

      January                       3071.6         2747         3804             95,220          41.8%
      February                      3121.6         2479         3492             87,404          38.4%
      March                         3138.1         2725         3472             97,281          38.2%
      April                         3057.9         2478         5322             91,737          58.5%
      May                           3056.7         2569         4351             94,759          47.9%
      June                          3082.8         2523         4006             92,483          44.1%
      July                          3472.9         2790         4323             107660          47.6%
      August                        3259.5         2634         4028            101,043          44.3%
      September                     2884.7         2297         3308             86,540          36.4%
      October                       2980.0         2135         4896             92,380          53.8%
      November                      2795.4         2332         3404             83,861          37.4%
      December                      2830.9         2483         3507             87,759          38.6%

      ANNUAL TOTALS          avg   3062.68   Min   2135   Max   5322   Total   1,118,127

2.1.1. Average Daily Raw Water Flow:

The monthly average of daily average raw water flow was 3062.68 m³ in 2019, or
approximately 33.69% of the PTTW.

The daily average in 2017 was 2084 m³, followed by 3170 m3 in 2018. Factoring weather
conditions, a continued consistent water demand over recent years can be shown.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                                            Page 12
2.1.2 Maximum Raw Water Flow:

The maximum raw water flow days in 2019 occurred during Town hydrant flushing times,
with the highest being 5322 m³ (April 30), and the second highest 4896 m³ (October 08).
     Spring flushing (April 29-May 02) had an average day flow of 4492.0 m³
     Fall flushing (October 07-11) had an average day flow of 4350.5 m³
This is relevant as the PTTW maximum of 9090 m3 can be exceeded during water
distribution maintenance work times.

High volume times were noted during July 9-11 days (July 10 with 4323 m³, with an
average of 4022.3 m³ over the three days). A second higher volume time was noted over
August 20-21 (averaging 3867.0 m³/day). Both these times are reflective of use during
hot dry climate times, but still under 50% of the PTTW allowable volume for normal
operations) .

2.2. Service Water (Treated Discharged Water)

Below are the Treated Water monthly volumes, noting the high daily flow volume in April
and October can be attributed to Hydrant Flushing week(s). Water main breaks can also
be associated with high treated water flows.

                Table TW-1

                        2019 Treated Water Volumes Discharged to Town

                               Average       Minimum       Maximum      TOTAL FLOW
                              Daily Flow     Daily Flow    Daily Flow
                                 (m3)          (m3)          (m3)

      January                       2972.0          2649         3283             92,132
      February                      3035.9          2734         3342             85,005
      March                         3046.6          2722         3409             94,444
      April                         3037.7          2453         5119             91,131
      May                           3049.2          2612         4407             94,525
      June                          3062.4          2592         3535             91,871
      July                          3468.7          2864         4101            107,530
      August                        3228.3          2552         3849            100,076
      September                     2902.3          2534         3276             87,070
      October                       2912.4          2449         5068             90,284
      November                      2707.3          2422         2927             81,220
      December                      2710.6          2315         3079             84,028

      ANNUAL TOTALS          avg   3011.11    Min   2315   Max   5119   Total   1,099,316

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                             Page 13
2.2.1. Average Daily Service Water Flow:

The daily average service water flow was 3011 m³ in 2019.
This volume was comparable to 2018 (3072 m³) and 2015 (3057 m3).
Lower averages flows were experienced in 2017 (2653 m³), and 2016 (2657 m³).
Over 5 years (2015-2019), the average daily service water flow was 2890 m³.
2.2.2. Service Water Discharge:

In 2019 a total of 1,099,316 m3 was discharged to the Town.
This was comparable to previous years, 2018 (1,122,056 m3), and 2015 (1,115,473 m3).
Lower annual total volumes were realized in 2017 (967,217 m³), and 2016 (972,383 m3).

Over 5 years (2015-2019), the average annual water discharged was 1,055,289 m³.
This volume is relevant to doing future financial projections of water service revenues.

2.3. Plant process water

The WTP Process Wastewater Residue Management now involves Backwash
Equalization Tank (BET) use, in conjunction with Geo Bag system deployment. Sludge
from the settling tanks is typically directly to the Geo Bag treatment process, whereas
backwash wastewater is sent to the BET(s) to allow sludge separation and supernatant
removal. The BET sludge is then directed to the Geo Bag system for treatment.

One significant change to process residue operations needed to happen in June 2019,
when the WTP facility was no longer manned during weekend hours. Given the small Geo
Bag sludge hopper size, diverting weekend settling tank sludge removal volumes to the
BET(s) for storage would be required. That settling tank sludge is then transferred back to
the Geo Bag hopper whenever other batching process is occurring. The weekend BET
(settling tank) sludge is more dense than normal settling tank sludge, given compaction
and supernatant removal can occur.

The Geo Bag system is operated manually by operators during normal working days.
Although designed to be an automated process, it was found to be unreliable which
concerns raised as to operating it without staff readily available on-site.

BET operations were done in 2019 with manual operations by operators requiring to be
on-site with vigilant monitoring. The installed equipment would not allow for proper
automated operations to occur. A different type of tank level sensors (radar) will be under
trial in 2020, and hopefully prove more reliable than the ultra-sonic sensors currently in

The settling tank sludge removal system (chains and flights) are becoming aged and soon
in need for replacement consideration. During 2020 settling tank cleaning, a structural
inspection of tank 1 needs to occur considering the suspected sludge seepage found
outside it’s eastern wall in 2019 prior to ground freeze up.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                      Page 14
Settling tank cleaning occurred twice in 2019 (spring and fall), utilizing the WTP process
residue management processes instead of transporting the sludge off-site for direct
disposal at the WWT facility (lagoons).

The accumulation of “clean wastewater” from non-process water sources (such as roof
drains, work sinks, analyzer bypass flows, engine and pump coolant water) continues to fill
BET(s) and use up residue processing time and resources. As mentioned in the 2019
DWS Summary Report, a feasibility study should be considered to explore options to
divert this water away from the process residue management system and possibly to
sanitary sewer discharges.

2.3.1. Waste Volumes

In 2019, a total volume of 13,528 m3 was directed to the Geo-tubes (Solids collection
membrane bags). As suspected, this was down from 2018 (14,250 m3) when BET
commissioning did occur; and more reflective of 2017 (13,572 m3). However, the volume
being generated annually can be influenced by many uncontrollable operational factors,
such as raw water conditions and rainfall accumulation (overabundance or lack of).

Backwash wastewater generation for 2019 was estimated at 10,934 m3. This was
comparable to past years (2018 at 11,391 m3; 2017 in 9,155 m3). Air scouring has
contributed to less backwash water generation (2016 estimates of 14131 m3). Backwash
optimization efforts (slightly higher flow rates for less time) has helped with filter run

2.3.2. Geo tube membrane bag use

To start 2019, the greenhouse bag had started taking the bulk of the waste stream and
had 1,063 m3 directed to it, or ~12 % full capacity. Bag 2 (outer) had been undergoing
dewatering late in 2018 (around 8,500 m3 to it, or 100 % capacity), and froze up to start
2019 (out of service). Bag 1 (outer) was being used whenever possible but was not
frequently (~3,046 m3 to it, or ~36% capacity). Operations were in a similar situation as
they were to start in 2018.

On February 04, the greenhouse bag suffered a tear which made use of it no longer
possible (only 2,379 m3 been sent to it)…(in 2018, Bag 3 was used into April). With bag 2
and 3 out of commission, Bag 1 was the only remaining option, with plenty of freezing
operational difficulties to be overcome.

The issue with Bag 3 was it was once again ordered a bit larger to try and gain extra room
(69’ (2018); 66’ (2017); 72’ (2016), and unfortunately the bag got snagged on wall debris
as it was starting to inflate. The smaller size bag was ordered for 2019 winter start, and
end walls were padded with insulation boards.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                      Page 15
On May 08, Bag 2 was removed and the 8487 m3 of geo wastewater equated to 257.63
metric tonnes of debris to the landfill. A replacement bag was deployed on May 31, same
length but slightly larger circumference and different filling port locations.

Bag 1 was taken out of service June 04 with 7390 m3 of geo wastewater directed to it.
The smaller volume was reflective of the difficulties and stress it received during the
freezing operating condition earlier in the year. It was removed Oct 24, with a landfill
disposal weight was 208.60 metric tonnes. A new bag was deployed December 10.

After dewatering and drying, the greenhouse bag was removed on July 18, with the 2379
m3 of geo wastewater equating to 47.83 metric tonnes of solids to landfill. A new
greenhouse bag was deployed on November 13 as a relief when both outer bags and
lines unexpectedly froze up.

Bag capacities assumptions are very difficult and only based on previous years’ volumes
sent to the bags, as several factors significantly impact bag performance (sludge density,
bag dewatering ability, bag conditioning, bag durability). Using 8500 m3 as a bag capacity
reference number, at the end of 2019 outside bag 1 was at ~5% full capacity, and outside
bag 2 close at 74% capacity. If ~6500 m3 capacity was assumed for the 2019 deployed
greenhouse bag, it was ~ 16% full capacity.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                      Page 16
3.1. Water Treatment Ability

The Perth water treatment plant continues to maintain a strong position in supporting its
ability to provide a reliable supply of safe, clean drinking water to its community. Funding
reserves are maintained in case of an operational emergency or unexpected major
3.1.1. Disinfection ability

Disinfection of the drinking water is ultimately achieved through two points of application –
primary disinfection – dosed as water enters the clear well; and secondary disinfection –
dosed at the treated water discharge point. Both critical treatment processes have
redundancy in the pumps as well as the dosage lines.

Varying raw water conditions require operators to adjust and control chemical dosages to
meet regulations in a cost-effective manner.

It should be noted that many factors contribute to the overall disinfection process,
including pre-treatment, coagulation and pH control. Of most importance is the daily CT
calculation. The CT value is the product of the concentration of a disinfectant and the
contact time with the water being disinfected. WTP operations in 2019 continued to
exceed the legislated CT operational requirements, supporting the ability to meet proper
disinfection needs.

Another critical factor for proper disinfection is turbidity. Water with high turbidity can
impede the disinfection process, and why disinfection occurs after filtration. The objective
is to maintain filter effluent turbidity of < 0.300 NTU for 95% of the time. The Perth WTP
exceeded the 0.300 target on each filter for minimal time over the entire year, 32 minutes
in total for filter #1, and 27 minutes in total for filter #2. A typical daily average of 0.03 to
0.04 NTU is being realized. Putting this in perspective, the reportable level for filtrate
water is 1 NTU after 15 minutes, whereas at 5 NTU water can be visibly cloudy, and
murky water found around 25 NTU.

Considerations with disinfection abilities might be,
   a need to investigate primary disinfection chemical metering equipment
      alternatives, and while the existing is currently reliable, it is becoming more cost
      prohibitive when replacing parts,
   a need to explore disinfection sampling pump options, and
   to prepare for early GAC replacement (filtration media) due to air scour operations.

3.1.2. Chlorine Dioxide use

Chlorine dioxide continues to be generated seasonally on site and plays an important role
in achieving disinfection while mitigating the formation of chlorine disinfection by-products

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                          Page 17
such as THM’s and HAA’s. These disinfection by-products are suspected carcinogens and
are commonly formed when high doses of chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite react with
raw water heavily laden with organic matter. Chlorine dioxide use is uncommon among
water treatment facilities due to chemical cost however the advantage of a “cleaner”
disinfection process with less by-product formation is worth the extra cost during extreme
seasonal water quality challenges seen in Perth.

As well, the renewal of the municipal Drinking Water License saw the additional sampling
requirement of Chlorates and Chlorites added as a quarterly sampling requirement. The
availability of an accredited laboratory to perform the tests is limited, and in-house lab
sample preparation has become even more difficult with short delivery time restrictions.

Considerations with continued Chlorine Dioxide use
   The Chlorine dioxide system was only exercised in 2019 as apart of an emergency
      planning exercise (~302 m3 RW treated).
   In 2018, it was only used to treat under 20,000 m3, or less than 1.5% of the time.
   With the less chlorine dioxide use, stock chemical stock concentrations are
      degrading in their containers, so more concentrate is needed to create the same
      amount of chlorine dioxide, and possibly higher by-product creation risk.

3.1.3. Coagulation abilities

The water treatment plant employs a premium coagulant called PAX XL-6 to aid in the
flocculation and sedimentation of suspended solids in water prior to filtration. Although
more expensive than conventional coagulants such as aluminum sulphate, product usage
is reduced, and it outperforms other less expensive chemicals at certain critical
temperature ranges. Winter months and the associated cold-water temperature and
density present the most difficult conditions for the coagulant to settle the solids. Our new
licence allows for pH enhancement (use of HCl) in situations of high pH or alkalinity raw
water conditions that make floc formation difficult.

Tube replacement costs associated with maintaining peristaltic pumps for coagulation
operations are becoming significant, due to higher line back pressure and excessive tube
wear. The existing peristaltic coagulant pumps could be used in better suited application.
In 2019, a new motor driven diaphragm pump was purchased to try as a coagulant pump,
and while attachments could better efficiency, initial trials have been promising. it could
require Annual tube replacement costs for coagulation use can easily extend above 15%
of a different style pump, making a multi year replacement plan more attractive.

Consideration with current coagulation setup might be,
   to investigate more cost-effective alternatives, and/or seasonal product alternating
   to continue the switch to the motor driven diaphragm metering pumps, along with
      back pressure creation devices and flow dampeners

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                      Page 18
   the existing flash mixer is adequate for current operations, it is becoming aged and
       consideration of an in-line static mixer needs to factor into any future RW header
      Consider feed line alternatives

3.1.4. Flocculation and sedimentation abilities

The flocculation equipment is becoming aged and in need of frequent repairs. Drive shaft
bearing replacement efforts continued in 2019. Parts of the flocculation were discovered
to have metal fatigue due to rust and corrosion. Cracking along the floc tank walls has
been noted and in need of inspection by qualified personnel.

In November 2019, settling tank sludge was noted outside Tank 1, which needs to be
investigated further in 2020 once the ground thaws and better suited tank entry times
exist. Repair work to a older cracked wall situation (~ 2002) might need revisiting.

There are aged water supply lines in the settling tanks that are coming loose from the wall
and in need of removal or replacement.

Sludge removal equipment in the sedimentation (settling) tanks has been continually
repaired over the past years, mainly the PPE thermoplastic chain links becoming fatigued
and worn. Cost assessment was undertaken in 2019, and while stainless steel is an
option, replacement with PPE thermoplastic would be more cost efficient and provide less
stress on the existing infrastructure (supports, drive shafts, motors).

Considerations with Floc and Sedimentation processes might be,
   Investigation of settling tank 1 wall, and assessment of water lines in tank
   Continue with an inspection and preventative maintenance program for floc drives
      using outside machinist contractors
   Allow time for proper flocculation repair work during 2020 tank cleaning
   Implement a sludge removal chain replacement plan

3.1.5. pH adjustment (use of lime)

Following the coagulation and disinfection processes, where the pH of the water is
lowered through the addition of chemicals, hydrated lime needs to be mixed in the
clearwell to return the pH to a range of 7.1 to 7.3. This range is desired to ensure the
water within the distribution system is close to neutral and thereby not aggressive in the
deterioration of the distribution network as well as homeowner plumbing and fixtures.

In 2019, preliminary investigations in using liquid pH adjustment chemical was initiated,
and should be allowed to continue in 2020.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                      Page 19
3.1.6. Fluoridation abilities

Granular fluoride is added in the same application area as the lime. As the volumetric
feeder is aged, a continual feed is not possible due to the low dosage requirements. As a
result, a “feed and starve” approach is required to keep residual levels in the targeted and
compliant range. Based on grab sampling, this operational approach has appeared
effective enough. In 2019, the continuous monitoring fluoride analyzer did indicate some
fluctuations but not as significant as initiated thought.

Considerations with future fluoridation practices might be,
   Include liquid chemical dosing into any future planning,
   Implement a 5-year reassessment program for continued fluoride use.

3.1.7. Pumping capacity

The existing pumping capacity meets the needs of the facility and the water demand from
the drinking water system. The HLPs adequately operate with the SCADA to supply the
Town’s distribution system and maintain sufficient water pressures. The LLPs operate
sufficiently to move enough water through the facility to meet the demands while
maintaining process design requirements.

LLP (low lift pumps, raw water supply)

In 2018, flows on the smaller capacity LLP’s have dropped off slightly. Troubleshooting
the issue started in 2018 and carried on through 2019. The 2019 focus was on the
electrical components, using specialized technical support to run various amperage and
load tests on the motors and the new wiring connections to the new MCC. All indications
appeared the primary source was not electrical, and possibly mechanical somehow.

The electrical investigations did however indicate some motor fatigue on the smaller
LLP’s. It was identified that perhaps a spare 10 HP motor should be on hand. A new
motor would be more efficient than the older existing ones, and having one readily
available would address the 8-10 weeks’ delivery time when a motor is urgently needed.

In January 2020, with Hewitt’s (pump machinists) on-site doing other work, the impeller
spacing on LLP3 was adjusted to see what difference of flows happened. It was found the
impeller was likely showing signs of wear, and adjusted to get the best flow out of the

In February 2020, Tower Electronics was on site with a portable magmeter to measure
LLP flow in the pipes. Flow was measured just after the in-line orifice flowmeter. The
results found were flow rates more comparable to the expected pump capacities, and up
to 10 L/s than what the current flow meter was giving. While the pipe composition and
diameter can cause some discrepancies, it did draw the older differential flow meter
readings a bit into questions. Tower Electronics is to return later in 2020 to do the existing
flow meter calibrations and perform further investigations.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                       Page 20
As mentioned, the existing LLP pumps suffice for the current needs. Should either of the
lower sized LLP be in the need of replacement, a slightly larger capacity pump could
supply a better midrange operating range. The two existing pumps (~ 60-66 L/s) can
typically require 13-16 hours of daily operation to meet the current water demand. The
new MCC does allow the possibility for a reassessment of variable speed drives (VSD).

The raw water rate control valve and actuator needs repair and/or replacement. During
automation implementation, it was noted the rate control valve was failing at times. This
issue was mentioned in the 2018 Summary report, and no concrete actions taken in 2019
other than general conversations with contractors and very preliminary planning on project
feasibility. If the raw water orifice flow meter was needed to be upgraded to an in-line
magmeter (current industry standards), extensive header work will need to occur,
including any valve replacements at the time. In order to take the raw water header out of
service, significant operational planning would need to occur

HLP (High lift pumps, town water supply)

HLP#2 suffered significant pump failure in August 2019, the main drive shaft became
severed in the lower sections just above the impeller assemblies. After removing the
turbine pump from the service well, it was found that noticeable wear had also occurred to
the impellers (one had very significant damage). Both HLP#2 motor and pump assembly
were taken to Hewitt’s (Brockville), were further assessment was done. The entire pump
assembly components (shafts, couplers, impellers, bearings) were either replaced or
rebuilt. An electrical assessment and maintenance repair work was also done to the
motor. In January 202, HLP#2 was put back into service.

Pump Maintenance

In 2019, specialized machinists were brought in to perform the annual pump and motor
maintenance on both LLP and HLP’s. This was part of the initiating a preventative
maintenance approach for the pump operations, where a wider scope of work was done to
help identify problems well before they might occur.

Considerations with pumping capacity might be,
   To continue to use specialized machinists in performing a predictive management
      approach for both LLP and HLP operations, and an enhanced preventative
      maintenance program for pump operations (oil changing, packing changing,
      bearings inspection, check valve inspections, pressure relief valve inspections)
   To further investigate RW rate control valve issues, and
   To give further consideration to have a 10 HP motor readily available as a
      replacement for either LLP2 or LLP3 operations.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                    Page 21
3.1.8. Process Wastewater Residue Management ability

As indicated in the previous Summary reports,
    a primary concern that could impact the ability to properly treat process residue
       sludge would be incorporating Phase II, or Backwash Equalization Tank (BET)
       volumes into the existing setup.
    a secondary concern was the available greenhouse space for extended cold
       weather use, especially with increased BET sludge volumes.
    the inability to use outside geo-bags during moderately cold weather (>-10oC).

Ability to treat BET sludge

During 2019, it was felt the operations did have the ability to treat BET sludge, however it
required significant staff time to continually monitor the geo shed effluent and often
requiring mixing with settling tank sludge to get some type of consistency. Timing of the
backwashes is probably most important, juggling weekend settling tank sludge processing,
allowing sufficient settling time to remove supernatant, and have BET tanks empty again
for weekend sludge acceptance.

Moving into 2020, replacement of some of the newly installed devices with more reliable
units might allow staff to experience some form of automation which was initially promised.
Otherwise, the BET processes will continue to consume a significant portion of WTP staff

Geo bag operations

Despite being in a good preparation state to start 2019, we faced significant difficulties
once the greenhouse bag became unusable in early February. We were fortunate enough
to have some unseasonable warmer weather, and able to get to Bag 1 through until melt
conditions. Despite all the heat trace cables and other measures taken to continue to treat
to outside bags during colder temperatures, February 2019 did demonstrate our
vulnerability should greenhouse operations be compromised during a prolonged deep

The larger circumference geo bags seem to work satisfactory outdoors; however, the pad
area does become full utilized with some water escaping away from the catchment area.
The smaller greenhouse bag size does limit our capacity, but allows clearance all around it
so that weeping promotion of the bag can occur.

Considerations with process wastewater residue management ability might be,
   additional greenhouse capacity needs to be a priority consideration for the future to
          o continued operations during extended colder temperature weather, and
          o the ability to have two smaller bags to exist, giving a viable greenhouse bag
             damage contingency plan

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                     Page 22
   Security measures to be implemented around Phase II in-ground access areas and
       outside geo bag deployments.

3.1.9. Computer System

Programming changes and upgrades to the WTP SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) system occurred in 2019, mainly attributed to continuing facility automation
efforts and troubleshooting of operational alarms. Significant time was also spent
continuing linking with WWT SAGR automated operations into SCADA programming.

Other workplace priorities took on more importance in 2019 opposed to continuing with
operations automation and instrumentation installs. Focus on these efforts need to be re-
established in 2020. As newer instrumentation is being brought in, the reliance on a
digitalized communications network will become more prominent. The need for an
updated Ethernet or digitalized network mapping of the SCADA components is becoming
more realized.

SCADA and workplace computers were replaced in 2018, part of a 3-year program. In an
effort to make SCADA computers Windows 10 operational, they were again replaced in
late 2019, along with SCADA programming and off site notification. The pre-existing
SCADA software (Wonderware) and off site alarm notifications software (WIN911) was not
compatible with Windows 10 and needed replacing at significant cost. Also, the new
software versions were creating difficulties in trying to sync with Windows 10, issues
continuing into 2020, adding further to the transition costs. Significant expenses were also
spent in networking changes to accommodate digital telephone and communications use.

3.2. Water Taking Ability

The WTP is operating well within the PTTW limits. The Permit to Take Water (#5464-
6MHL84) authorizes the municipality to take water with maximum volumes regulated for
both litres/min as well as litres per day. This Permit was renewed in the 2016 year and
will expire again in 2026. Raw Water pump capacities determine these figures (6,360
l/min (106 L/s) flow; and 9,092 m3/day).

The maximum raw water flows in 2019 can both be attributed to a Town hydrant flushing
week occurring (5322 m3 on April 30, and 4896 m3 on October 08).

High volume times were noted during July 9-11 days (July 10 with 4323 m³, with an
average of 4022.3 m³ over the three days). A second higher volume time was noted over
August 20-21 (averaging 3867.0 m³/day). Both these times are reflective of use during
hot dry climate times, but still under 50% of the PTTW allowable volume for normal
operations). A more realistic daily maximum during a typical operating could easily be
estimated in the 3500 to 3900 m3 range (or approx. 41% of the PTTW).

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                     Page 23
3.3. Water Storage Ability

The reservoir was cleaned and inspected in May 2019, mostly for any degradation of the
wall adjacent to the 2018 construction area of the BET installation. Sections of the
clearwell (initial chlorine contact chamber) were inspected and cleaned during reservoir
valve work.

The reservoir storage capacity appeared to be sufficient to meet the disinfection contact
time needs, as well as providing required water supply for domestic, industrial, and fire
fighting purposes.

In 2019, the elevated tank past fluctuating tank level signals were less, but will be further
investigated in 2020. Operational set points at the WTP have been done to compensate
and continue with good water storage ability. Concerns have been raised regarding the
existing storage capacity of the current elevated tank, and its ability to meet any growing
needs of the Municipality.

Regular maintenance and emergency repairs occurred within the distribution system
including mains, services and hydrants.

Reservoir valve replacement program

Reservoir valve replacement program was resumed in 2019, once the Process
Wastewater Residue Management Phase II construction was finalized. The initial cost
estimates of 2015 have been well surpassed, any streamlining efforts to get the most
economical and feasible solutions possible available, including consideration of the do
nothing option for parts of the initial program objectives.

The following work was done in 2019,
    The replacement reservoir influent valve encountered numerous difficulties during
       installation, but became operational in June 2019.
    Reservoir by-pass valve was blanked off and then removed in November 2019. A
       new replacement valve has been ordered and should be delivered by April 2020.
    Reservoir effluent valve was initially inspected in May 2019, then further work to
       properly clean it and assess condition in November 2019. The condition was found
       to be critically damaged, and removal difficulties will be very significant.

High priority items in 2020 for the reservoir involve,
    Install the replacement reservoir by-pass valve,
    Inspect and assess the secondary reservoir effluent valve (to Service well #2),
    Assess options (possible Engineering consulting) regarding proceeding with the
      reservoir effluent valve replacement and/or repair

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                        Page 24
3.4. Water Treatment and Distribution Personnel

The WTP is a Class III facility. Basic automation implementation has allowed the
transferring to 8-hour shifts to continue in 2019. Some additions to continuous monitoring
of critical processes, along with off-site alarm advancements, has allowed weekend shifts
to no longer regularly scheduled on a trial basis. While the shift scheduling becomes less,
the workload associated with maintaining automated WTP operations increases. Key to
this increased unmanned facility times, is the reliance of WTP operators to be on-call for
immediate response to any WTP operational alarms, either through remote site
communications or an actual site visit depending on the situation severity. Shifts and
duties are rotated amongst two full time operators and a Lead Hand, all with WT Level III

The Distribution system is a Class 1 facility and is maintained by a Lead Hand and five
operators, who rotate through other departments within the organization. The Lead Hand
possesses a level III certification in distribution and supply. Three (3) other operators
have level II certification, one operator with level I certification, and one operator seeking
operator in training status.

Mention needs to be made that DWS staff also serve as WWS (wastewater system)
operators. Distribution staff maintain the WWS collection system and its pumping stations.
WTP staff are required to maintain the WWT facility, including the lagoon operations as
well as a the SAGR facility and pumping station.

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                         Page 25
4.1   Appendix Table 1 – Summary of Flows January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019

                          Perth Water Treatment Plant

      PTTW maximum allowable flow rate: 9,092 m3/ day

                                                         Discharge (Service)
                       Raw water (m3)
                                                             Water (m3)

                       Monthly Daily      Monthly        Daily
          Month                                                      Total
                       Average Flow      Total Flow     Average
         January          3,071.6           95,220      2972.0       92,132

         February         3,121.6           87,404      3035.9       85,005

          March           3,138.1           97,281      3046.6       94,444

           April          3,057.9           91,737      3037.7       91,131

           May            3,056.7           94,759      3049.2       94,525

          June            3,082.8           92,483      3062.4       91,871

           July           3,472.9          107,660      3468.7      107,530

         August           3,259.5          101,043      3228.3      100,076

        September         2,884.7           86,540      2902.3       87,070

         October          2,980.0           92,380      2912.4       90,284

        November          2,795.4           83,861      2707.3       81,220

        December          2,830.9           87,759      2710.6       84,028

      Year Average        3,062.68         93,177.3     3,011.11    91,609.7

        Year Total                        1,118,127                1,099,316

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                                Page 26
Perth Water Treatment Plant

                         2019      2018    2017    2016    2015    2014

                JAN.     2972      2982    2,381   2,502   2,872   3,211

                FEB.     3036      2890    2,454   2,571   3,290   2,980

              MARCH      3047      2961    2,491   2,455   3,298   3,053

               APRIL     3038      2983    2,586   2,471   3,157   3,247

                MAY      3049      3363    2,495   2,931   3,392   3,003

               JUNE      3062      3268    2,836   2,996   3,002   3,285

               JULY      3469      3602    2,796   2,954   3,048   3,292

               AUG.      3228      3269    2,837   3,024   3,015   3,099

               SEPT.     2902      2947    2,886   2,694   2,979   2,992

               OCT.      2912      2982    2,830   2,603   2,998   2,901

               NOV.      2707      2840    2,568   2,372   2,852   2,693

               DEC.      2711      2776    2,681   2,300   2,784   2,642

              MAXIMUM    3,469     3,602   2,886   3,024   3,392   3,292

              MINIMUM    2,707     2,776   2,381   2,300   2,784   2,642

              AVERAGE    3,011     3,072   2,654   2,656   3,057   3,033

4.2   Appendix Table 2 – Historical Average Daily Treated Water Flow (m³)

Perth Drinking Water System Summary Report 2019                             Page 27
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