Environmental Peacebuilding - DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO 2-2021 Tobias Ide - Instituto CAPAZ

Page created by Jamie Thornton


              Tobias Ide
Tobias Ide
Lecturer in Politics and Policy at Murdoch University in Perth. He holds a PhD in
Geography from the University of Hamburg (2015) and an advanced PhD in Political
Science from the Braunschweig University of Technology (2019). His research studies
the intersections of environmental politics with peace, conflict and security. Recently,
he has published in outlets like Nature Climate Change, Journal of Peace Research,
World Development and Global Environmental Change.

This research is sponsored
by the German-Colombian Peace Institute - CAPAZ and
the Colombia Connect project, with fundings from the German Ministry for Higher
Education and Research (BMBF) through the call “CONNECT Education-Research-Innovation”.

Design and layout
Leonardo Fernández


Bogotá, Colombia, March 2021

ISSN: 2711-0354

Environmental peacebuilding includes a broad range of practices and approaches connecting
environmental management and environmental cooperation to conflict prevention and resolution,
as well as to more positive forms of peace. Research on environmental peacebuilding provides an
important corrective to the conflict focus of most environmental security research. Further, it aims to
generate knowledge on how to increase both peace and sustainability at the same time. This working
paper provides an overview of the burgeoning literature on environmental peacebuilding. To do so, it
distinguishes between four dimensions of peace (absence of violent conflict, symbolic rapprochement,
substantial integration, and capabilities) and four pathways of environmental peacebuilding (avoiding
conflicts related to natural resources, building understanding and trust, increasing interdependence,
and establishing institutions). After providing a brief synthesis of environmental security debates and
introducing the conceptual framework, the working paper surveys existing empirical research on
environmental peacebuilding along the four dimensions of peace introduced before. It finds substantive
evidence that cooperative environmental management can contribute to all dimensions of peace
except for substantial integration. However, such an effect is dependent on scope conditions like local
ownership and the absence of recent violence, and there are abundant examples where environmental
peacebuilding had no or even adverse impacts on peace and sustainability. Future research needs to
specify the pathways connecting environmental management to peace, broaden the geographical scope
of the research field, and take gender considerations more seriously.

Introduction p.5

The Genesis of Environment,
Peace and Conflict Research p.7
Linking the Environment to Peace p.10

What Do We Know About Environmental
Peacebuilding? p.13
 Peace as the absence of violent conflict p.14
 Peace as symbolic rapprochement p.15
 Peace as substantial integration p.16
 Peace as capabilities p.16
 Cooperative environmental management, but no peace? p.17
 The negative effects of environmental peacebuilding p.18

Conclusion p.20

References p.23
            ttention to the security implications of           This working paper deals with the latter line of
            environmental change and environmen-        argumentation. It aims to survey the literature on the
            tal governance has grown during the         multiple linkages between environmental change,
            last two decades. On one end of the         environmental politics, cooperation, and peace. This
spectrum are concerns about resource scarcity,          work is summarised under the term environmental
disasters and climate change increasing violent         peacebuilding here. “Environmental peacebuilding
conflict risks, as voiced by German Foreign Minister    comprises the multiple approaches and pathways
Heiko Maas during a 2019 debate in the UN Security      by which the management of environmental is-
Council: “As Lake Chad shrinks, the livelihoods of      sues are integrated in and can support conflict
entire population groups are disappearing – the         prevention, mitigation, resolution and recovery”
perfect breeding ground for extremism and ter-          (Ide et al. 2021a: 2). By doing so, environmental
rorism” (Auswärtiges Amt 2019). In line with this,      peacebuilding provides a nuanced and constructive
a recent expert assessment finds “that climate has      counter-pole to unidirectional narratives about
affected organized armed conflict within countries”     environment-conflict links (Verhoeven 2014). How-
(Mach et al. 2019: 193).                                ever, it also includes a critical perspective on the
      On the other end of the spectrum, an al-          environment, power and inequality growing from
ternative view has emerged that highlights the          an engagement with political ecology approaches
opportunities which cooperation in the face of          (Le Billon and Duffy 2018).
environmental stress provides for conflict resolution          This working paper proceeds in six steps.
and peacebuilding. Acting Resident Representative       After this introduction, it briefly engages with the
for the United Nations Development Programme            history of environmental security research in order
(UNDP) in Colombia, Arnaud Peral, for example,          to contextualise the field of environmental peace-
emphasises that “the environment is essential for       building and its development (Section 2). Following
achieving post-conflict reconciliation and stabili-     this, section 3 discusses key theoretical claims and
zation” (UNDP 2016). Likewise, a summary of the         debates of environmental peacebuilding, before
recent literature on natural resource management        section 4 provides an overview about the state of
concludes that such “initiatives show consistent        research. Finally, the working paper sums up key
indirect and direct linkages to all dimensions of       insights and gaps to be addressed by further re-
peace” (Johnson et al. 2020: 1).                        search on environmental peacebuilding (section 5).

6        Environmental Peacebuilding
 The Genesis of
   Peace and
Conflict Research
                hile individual scholars discussed       and neoliberal globalisation) shape resource scar-
                interlinkages between environmental      city in the first place (Peluso and Watts 2001).
                and security issues earlier (Sprout             During the early 2000s, several researchers
                and Sprout 1957; Westing 1976), the      started to challenge the literature’s predominant
topic gained prominence with a general growth of         focus on conflict, resonating with earlier claims
attention to non-traditional security issues after the   about the predominance of water cooperation
end of the Cold War. Echoing then Egypt Foreign          (Wolf et al. 2003) and about the existence of a
Minister Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s statement that          sampling bias (Gleditsch 1998). Pathbreaking in
“the next war in the Middle East will be fought over     this regard was an edited volume on Environmen-
water, not politics”, several scholars discussed the     tal Peacemaking by Ken Conca and Geoffrey D.
likelihood of water wars in the early 1990s (Bencala     Dabelko (2002). They argued that cooperation
and Dabelko 2008). However, in a comprehensive           on shared environmental problems can facilitate
assessment of international water conflict and coop-     trust building and transnational linkages between
eration, Aaron Wolf et al. (2003) showed that the last   states, hence supporting peacemaking processes.
water war took place 4,500 years ago, and that for       These findings were further confirmed by Alexander
the period 1948-2000, cooperation events (1,228)         Carius’ (2006) analyses of international environ-
outnumber even mild water conflicts (507) by far.        mental cooperation, Saleem Ali’s (2007) volume
       Throughout the 1990s, the Toronto Group           on transboundary peace parks, and Ilan Kelman’s
led by Thomas Homer-Dixon (1999) and the Zurich          (2012) work on disaster diplomacy.
Group led by Günther Bächler (1998) studied en-                 However, by the early 2000s, the emerging
vironment-conflict links within states. They found       approach of environmental peacemaking was
that natural resource exploitation (Bächler) and         somewhat sidelined along with debates about
renewable resource scarcity (Homer-Dixon) can            renewable resource scarcity and conflict. Rather,
contribute to low-intensity violent conflict, but        the focus of mainstream environmental security
only under specific circumstances. While this early      research shifted to conflict resources, that is, renew-
research laid the foundation for many of the subse-      able resources (e.g., timber, coca) and especially
quent debates (Scartozzi 2020), it was also subject      non-renewable resources (e.g., oil, diamonds,
to heavy criticism. Nils Petter Gleditsch (1998), for    tantalum) used by rebel groups to finance civil wars
instance, identified several methodical weaknesses       (Le Billon 2013; Ross 2004). Particularly prominent
in the works of Bächler and Homer-Dixon, including       in this context was the greed vs. grievance debate,
over-complex (and hence untestable) causal mod-          during which Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler (2004)
els and sampling on the dependent variable (as           argued that primary commodity exports signifi-
only conflict cases were studied). Political ecology     cantly increase civil war risks. This is the case, they
approaches argued that the environmental conflict        argued, because revenues from such commodities
literature of the time was overly deterministic,         provide incentives for greedy rebels to capture state
while failing to account for how power and wealth        power (for a critical discussion of this approach,
inequalities (including those linked to colonialism      see Ballentine and Sherman 2003).

8        Environmental Peacebuilding
From 2007 onwards, interest in the impact           over, or financed by, these valuable commodities.
of climate change on conflict rose to prominence.          At the same time, this work also linked to insights
Scholars – but also various NGOs and decision mak-         from climate-conflict debates (Barnett and Adger
ers – voiced concerns that a changing climate would        2007) by identifying improved natural resource
lead to resource scarcity, disasters, economic turbu-      management as a foundation for better livelihoods
lences and migration, which in turn facilitate fragility   and, in turn, political stability (Bruch et al. 2016;
and violence (Scheffran et al. 2012). Following in the     Conca and Wallace 2009).
footsteps of earlier work on environmental conflicts,            The second stream connects to early envi-
the debate became at times heated. More sceptical          ronmental peacemaking research by studying how
scholars criticised proponents of a climate-conflict       joint environment problems provide incentives
link for determinist assumptions, flawed methods,          for environmental cooperation, which can then
and a lack of attention to broader structures of           catalyse interdependence and trust-building be-
inequality and power (Raleigh et al. 2014; Selby           tween parties in conflict. Inspiring for many scholars
et al. 2017). Recent research provides support for         in this context has been the pioneering work of
a small and conditional, yet significant impact of         the NGO EcoPeace in using transboundary water
climate change on intrastate armed conflict risks          resources to establish good relations between
(Ide et al. 2020; von Uexkull et al. 2020).                Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian communities
       In the late 2000s, interest in the nexus between    (Djernaes et al. 2015; Ide and Tubi 2020). So far,
environment and peace gained renewed traction.             this work has mostly focused on the international
The two broad streams of research emerged, which           level and relations between states (Ide 2019), but
have been connected by their focus on peaceful             there is growing attention to peacebuilding within
outcomes and their strong links to earlier work            states as well (Johnson et al. 2020). This research
on environmental peacemaking (Krampe 2017).                stream explicitly challenges the one-sided focus of
       One research stream studied the role of             climate-conflict (and earlier environment-conflict)
natural resource management in the context of              work on violent conflict as the independent variable
peacebuilding processes in post-conflict (usually          (Barnett 2019).
post-civil war) settings. This body of research was              In the next two sections, this working paper
promoted by the United Nations Environment                 portrays the evolving literature on environmental
Programme (UNEP) and established the label en-             peacebuilding in greater detail. To do so, it first
vironmental peacebuilding for the broad research           outlines theoretical considerations around environ-
field (Matthew et al. 2009). It drew heavily on in-        mental peacebuilding and pathways connecting
sights from earlier work on conflict resources but         the environment to peace, before assessing the
studied how such resources could be managed in             findings of empirical research.
an inclusive and transparent way to avoid conflict

                                                                The Genesis of Environment, Peace and Conflict Research   9
 Linking the
  to Peace
          nvironmental cooperation has been linked        River shows, symbolic rapprochement might well
          to various forms of peace. In their classical   precede the absence of violent conflict (Abukhater
          work on the topic, Conca and Dabelko            2013; Ide and Tubi 2020). Furthermore, Johnson et
          (2002: 220) understand peace as a “con-         al. add a fourth dimension of peace: Capabilities
tinuum ranging from the absence of violent con-           refer to individual freedoms and opportunities
flict to the unimaginability of violent conflict”. This   for people to sustain livelihoods, exercise social
definition refers to more or less robust variations of    and political rights, and adapt to environmental
a negative peace, that is, the absence of physical        changes. This dimension is closely connected
violence. Other scholars, by contrast, conceive           to positive peace, but capabilities also mitigate
environmental cooperation as a potential facilitator      physical violence by reducing grievances and
of positive peace, which includes the absence of          providing fewer opportunities for violent conflict.
structural violence (Galtung 1969) and broad forms        People with secure livelihoods and the capability
of justice and sustainability (Kyrou 2007).               to adapt to environmental stress, for instance, face
       In a recent review of the literature, Tobias       higher opportunity costs for joining armed groups
Ide (2019) draws on these insights to order three         (Barnett and Adger 2007).
(partially overlapping) forms of peace along a                   There are four mechanisms through which
continuum. The first form of peace is the absence         the management of environmental issues can con-
of violent conflict, defined as at least one social       tribute to (various dimensions of) peace (Dresse
group using physical violence in an organised             et al. 2019; Ide 2019; Johnson et al. 2020; Lejano
way against another social group. Symbolic rap-           2006): avoiding conflicts related to natural resourc-
prochement, by contrast, refers to processes of           es, building understanding and trust, increasing
building trust, forging positive narratives about         interdependence, and establishing institutions.
other groups, and constructing a shared identity.                Avoiding conflicts related to natural resources:
This form is closest to Conca and Dabelko’s un-           Even though claims about environmental conflicts
imaginability of violent conflict. The third form of      are sometimes exaggerated (Selby and Hoffmann
peace, substantial integration, goes even further         2014), disputes around resources are widespread at
as it requires the establishment of joint institutions    both the local and the international level. Examples
or trans-societal linkages. These, in turn, make not      include tensions about land grabbing in Colom-
only physical violence inconceivable, but they also       bia (Feola et al. 2019), scarce pastures in Kenya
set the foundation for addressing broader forms           (Schilling et al. 2012), water in the Euphrates-Tigris
of injustices (i.e., structural violence).                River Basin (Kibaroglu and Sayan 2021), and re-
       McKenzie Johnson et al. (2020) expand this         cently, offshore gas in the eastern Mediterranean
typology in two important ways. They argue that the       (Wintour 2020). If these resources are managed
different forms of peace should not be conceived          in a cooperative, inclusive and sustainable way,
as a continuum, but rather as different dimensions        tensions over them are eased, hence diminishing
(or aspects) of peace because they not necessarily        the prospects of further conflict.
build upon each other or occur in a fixed order. As              Well-managed land, water and forest re-
the example of water cooperation along the Jordan         sources also strengthen local livelihoods, hence

                                                                                 Linking the Environment to Peace   11
addressing grievances and raising opportunity            cooperation, particularly when taking place be-
 costs for armed conflicts (Taher et al. 2012; Zawahri    tween parties in conflict, can demonstrate to wider
 2011). In a related manner, income from oil, gas         audiences that cooperation is possible and, due
 and various metals could be used to finance social       to its positive effects, desirable. Civil society net-
 spending, education, and environmental clean ups,        works might also evolve around environmental
 rather than armed groups or corrupt patronage            cooperation and deepen societal links. Ultimate-
 systems (Poteete 2009). Ecotourism could have            ly, environmental cooperation might even affect
 similar effects by generating revenues for local         wider perceptions of the respective other and the
 communities and governments (Maekawa et al.              associated norms of adequate behaviour (Conca
 2013)                                                    and Dabelko 2002; Finnemore 1996).
       Building understanding and trust: This mech­              Establishing institutions: Finally, states or
 anism draws on early observations by Conca (2001)        groups often establish joint institutions to deal
 that environmental issues have considerable po-          with environmental issues. These institutions can
 tential to stimulate cooperation between parties         be informal, such as community meetings or ritu-
 in conflict. They cross national borders, can be         al, or formal, such as river basin organisations or
 framed as shared threats, allow for positive-sum         conservation agencies. Once established, such
 interactions, attract support by international actors    institutions can serve as channels of communica-
 and civil society groups, and are less contentious       tion and conflict resolution between the involved
 than economic or military issues (see also Ali 2011).    actors. They also frequently promote technical
 The resulting environmental cooperation can, in          cooperation and knowledge exchange, hence
 turn, facilitate trust building between the persons      addressing the environmental problems underlying
 involved, demonstrate the benefits of cooperation        certain conflicts (Dresse et al. 2019). In addition,
 across group or state boundaries to a wider audi-        such institutions – if adequately designed – facilitate
 ence, and increase solidarity among conflict parties.    the other three mechanisms behind environmental
 This is well in line with disaster sociology, which      peacebuilding: They regulate transparent and
 argues that the joint suffering caused by disasters      inclusive resource governance, provide forums
 leads communities to temporarily abandon existing        for trust building, and deepen interdependence
 cleavages and cooperate in the face of shared            between the respective groups or states (Bogale
 threats (Quarantelli and Dynes 1976).                    and Korf 2007; Bruch et al. 2016).
       Increasing interdependence: This mechanism                This discussion already indicates that the four
 also takes cooperation in the face of shared environ-    mechanisms often interact or overlap in practice.
 mental challenges as a starting point. Drawing from      Distinguishing them is still important for researchers
 liberal and functionalist approaches in International    to disentangle the causal mechanisms behind en-
 Relations (Oneal and Russett 1999; Tranholm-Mik-         vironmental peacebuilding and to provide tailored
 kelsen 1991), it argues that once environmental          advice to decision makers.
 cooperation and independence are established
 between communities or states, they are less likely
 to wage destructive conflict on each other. This is
 the case because such conflicts would hurt both
 sides. Furthermore, once initiated, environmen-
 tal cooperation might spill over via the networks
 established or due to economic incentives. As
 Claudia W. Sadoff and David W. Grey (2002: 393)
 put it: “International rivers can be catalytic agents,
 as cooperation that yields benefits from the river
 and reduces costs because of the river can pave
 the way to much greater cooperation”, for instance
 in the domains of fisheries, energy generation and
       Such an increase in interdependence can also
 take place in the realm of symbolic politics, hence
 linking this mechanism to the (second) mechanism
 of building cooperation and trust. Environmental

12        Environmental Peacebuilding
 What Do We
 Know About
         ummarising empirical research on environ-          record of low-level environmental cooperation.
         mental peacebuilding is not easy for several       According to Sara McLaughlin Mitchell and Neda
         reasons. The field is rather young, with the       A. Zawahri (2015), well-designed river treaties lead
         majority of studies having been published          to a statistically significant decline of militarised
 in the last ten years and important knowledge              disputes over these rivers.
 gaps remaining (see section 5). Several insights                 Turning from the international to the domestic
 from neighbouring fields – such as environmental           level, Eric Keels and T. David Mason (2019) report
 conflict or resource governance research – provide         statistically significant evidence that the inclusion
 important insights for environmental peacebuilding         of land reform provisions into peace agreements
 debates, but are often not explicitly connected to         reduces the likelihood of civil war recurrence. The
 them. And the results of single case studies – cur-        acceptance of more transparent and equal resource
 rently the dominant method in the field – are not          governance by the government, they argue, “rein-
 always easily comparable, especially if they con-          forces rebels’ perception of the credibility of the
 sider several dimensions of peace simultaneously           government’s commitment to the peace process”
 and do not specify the relevant mechanisms. There          (Keels and Mason 2019: 46). Based on extensive
 is, however, considerable evidence that the man-           data collection in Liberia, Christopher Blattman
 agement of environmental issues can contribute to          and Jeannie Annan (2016) find robust evidence
 peace, even though it is rarely the most important         that the provision of agricultural training and inputs
 factor in peacebuilding processes.                         improved the livelihoods of former combatants.
                                                            Therefore, these men were less likely to be recruited
                                                            again by armed groups. Finally, according to Rune
 Peace as the absence of violent conflict                   Slettebak (2012), countries recently affected by
                                                            climate-related disasters have a reduced risk of
 While still the minority in the field, several quantita-   armed conflict onset. The author hypothesises that a
 tive analyses link environmental cooperation to the        short-term increase in solidarity in the post-disaster
 absence of violence. Karina Barquet et al. (2014),         period can explain this effect.
 for instance, study 328 country-dyads between                    Case study evidence on a link between en-
 1949 and 2001 and find that dyads which share              vironmental management and the absence of
 a transboundary conservation area are less likely          violence is also available, although mostly limited
 to engage in militarised interstate disputes. This         to the avoidance of violent conflict over resources.
 effect is relatively weak, however, and confined           Hermant R. Ohja et al. (2018), for instance, show
 to Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Likewise, Ide         how sustained dialogue and the establishment
 (2018) uses quantitative data to show that while           of (informal) institutions in Nepal prevent the es-
 cooperative environmental agreements between               calation of local disputes over water and forest
 states in intense conflicts are rare, they can catalyse    resources. In Yemen, an arid and agriculturally
 existing peacemaking processes (but not stimulate          dependent country, violent water disputes be-
 new ones). Such a link is dependent, however, on           came increasingly common in recent decades
 high levels of environmental attention and a track         due to sinking groundwater tables and higher

14        Environmental Peacebuilding
demand for water in commercial agriculture. In            cooperation around the lake, including the creation
this context, many local communities formed ini-           of a formal institution (the Binational Autonomous
tiatives to manage water in a sustainable and equal       Authority of Lago de Titicaca). Similar forms of
manner (Lichtenthaler 2014; Taher et al. 2012).           building trust and deepening cooperation could
However, the massive infrastructure destruction           also be observed in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin in
and internal migration during the current civil war       the 1990s and 2000s (prior to the Syrian civil war),
will complicate such efforts in the future (Sowers        which Syria and Turkey even agreeing to build a
and Weinthal 2021).                                       Friendship Dam (Kibaroglu and Sayan 2021).
       While much research on climate change                     Symbolic rapprochement even occurs in
and conflict use pastoralist conflicts in East Afri-      contexts characterised by intense hostilities.
ca as a case in point, there is no deterministic or       Mirza Sadaqat Huda (2021) analyses cross-bor-
one-sided impact of environmental stress in this          der education and youth engagement activities
context. In Kenya, for example, traditional local         between India and Pakistan as well as between
institutions like elders’ meeting frequently initiate     India and Bangladesh. He finds that shared en-
temporary patterns of cooperation in the form of          vironmental concerns and the resulting activities
resource sharing to cope with droughts (Adano             are well-suited to challenge ethnonationalism
et al. 2012). Further, Zawahri (2011) argues that          and promote mutual understanding among the
coordination and negotiation in the Permanent             participants. An assessment of three environmental
Indus Commission helped India and Pakistan to             education initiatives designed to promote sustain-
address water-related tensions, even when the             ability and peace between Israelis and Palestinians
countries were at war with each other.                    also finds that participants show more cooperative
       In sum, research finds that environmental          and peaceful attitudes towards the respective
management has a proper tracker record of facil-          other. While such initiatives face considerable
itating peace as the absence of violence. Avoiding        challenges due to the tense political situation and
conflicts related to natural resources and establish-     intra-societal resistance, they contribute to rap-
ing institutions are the causal mechanisms most           prochement through strengthening livelihoods,
often highlighted by the literature for international     building trust, and cultivating independence (Ide
as well as for domestic and local settings. Most suc-     and Tubi 2020). According to Adrian Martin et al.
cessful examples concern the avoidance of violent         (2011), cooperation around the biodiversity-rich
conflicts specifically related to natural resources.      Virunga region since the 1990s helped to build
Only a minority of authors claim that environmental       trust and to establish institutions (like the Greater
management can also reduce the risk of violence           Virunga Transboundary Collaboration Secretari-
unrelated to environmental issues, and if so, this        at) between the Democratic Republic of Congo,
is usually a by-product of achieving other forms of       Rwanda and Uganda.
peace like symbolic rapprochement (Ide 2018) or                  While most research on symbolic rapproche-
improved capabilities (Blattman and Annan 2016).          ment followed the environmental peacemaking
                                                          line of research and studied international contexts,
                                                          similar findings exist for the intrastate level as well.
Peace as symbolic rapprochement                           The initiatives to avoid water conflict in Yemen
                                                          discussed above, for example, also often involve
There is an abundance of studies demonstrating            cooperation between members of local communi-
that environmental management contributes to              ties with hostile relations, and hence support trust
improved relations and symbolic rapprochement             building in a conflict-prone landscape (Taher et al.
between states or social groups beyond just pre-          2012). In post-conflict Timor-Leste, the tara bandu
venting violent conflict. A recent statistical analysis   ritual to manage land and forests also serves to
indicates that a track record of water cooperation        re-establish mutual understanding in communities
in the past ten years increases the likelihood of         recently characterised by violence (Ide et al. 2021b).
two non-rival states to improve their relations (Ide      In the Colombian city of Bogota, communities were
and Detges 2018). According to J. Todd Walters            able to improve the urban environment, expand
(2012), scientific and academic cooperation on            their social networks, and bring “together people
Lake Titicaca helped to build trust between Bo-           who used to be in opposite camps” during the civil
livia and Peru. This cooperation also paved the           war by launching an urban agriculture program
way for further political, military and community         (Nail 2018: 53).

                                                                What Do We Know About Environmental Peacebuilding?   15
Not surprisingly, building trust and under-        Peace as capabilities
 standing during environmental cooperation ac-
 tivities is the main mechanism related to peace as        Transparent, sustainable and cooperative environ-
 symbolic rapprochement. This finding goes beyond          mental management can strengthen the capabili-
 the traditional contact hypothesis, which posits          ties dimension of peace. Strong evidence for this
 that personal contact between members from                claim comes from Colombia in the period after
 groups in conflict will reduce stereotypes, preju-        the 2016 peace agreement. P. Zúñiga-Upegui et
 dices, and the readiness to use violence (Pettigrew       al. (2019) use scenario predictions to illustrate how
 et al. 2011). In the environmental peacebuilding          well-designed land management could reduce
 cases discussed here, individuals, groups and             socio-economic inequalities and prevent ecosystem
 states actively cooperate with each other based           destruction in the biodiversity-rich department of
 on perceptions of shared environmental threats.           Tolima. The resulting strengthening of sustainable
 The establishment of institutions facilitates the         livelihoods is particularly important in the context
 resulting rapprochement, as does the widening             of Colombia’s Land Restitution Programme that
 or deepening of cooperation in the face of (a per-        manages the return of displaced people to their
 ceived) stronger interdependence.                         lands, where they need both an income and ecosys-
                                                           tem services that sustain the agricultural economy.
                                                                  Other studies also address the issue of settling
 Peace as substantial integration                          people displaced by the armed conflict (3.6 million
                                                           between 1980 and 2010 alone) in post-conflict
 There are a few studies showing that cooperative          Colombia. Andres Suarez et al. (2018) argue that
 management of environmental issues leads to               conservation agriculture preserving both ecosys-
 more substantial forms of integration, usually on         tems and livelihoods are a suitable and sustainable
 a local level. During the 1957-1963 drought in            strategy in this context. They find that 83% of the
 southern Israel, several areas saw cooperation be-        surveyed conflict victims are willing to participate in
 tween Israeli farmers and Bedouin nomads, such as         such conservation agriculture schemes if financial
 grazing cattle on harvested fields, which provided        incentives are provided, with another 11% looking
 fodder for the nomads’ cattle and fertilisation for       for non-monetary incentives. Others suggest that a
 the farmers’ fields. In rare cases (usually involving     combination of land tenure formalisation, strength-
 very left Israeli communities), such environmental        ening local institutions, and carbon payments to
 cooperation grew into more substantive collabora-         leave carbon-rich forests untouched are suitable
 tion, for instance when Israelis supported Bedouins       strategies to generate capabilities and environ-
 in claiming their rights vis-à-vis the state (Tubi and    mental benefits (Castro-Nunez et al. 2017). Based
 Feitelson 2016). Similar reciprocal arrangements          on a multi-stakeholder assessment for the Caquetá
 between farmers and herders during droughts               region, Hector Morales et al. (2021: 22) argue that
 are discussed by Ayalneh Bogale and Benedikt              environmental management can facilitate peace
 Korf (2007) in the context of Ethiopia. Based on          best if it promotes socio-economic inclusion. This
 interest-based, short-term cooperation, the respec-       “is related to producing positive changes in the
 tive groups deepened their ties with each other,          incomes of vulnerable populations and creating a
 including living together for longer periods of time      sustainable environment, thus reducing the com-
 and forging formal arrangements.                          munity’s risk from illegal economies”.
        Overall, however, environmental management                Evidence from other world regions are
 only rarely facilitates substantial integration, and      broadly in line with these findings (Burt and Keiru
 if so, it is only a minor contributing factor (Swain      2011). According to Blattman and Annan (2016),
 2016). There are also no documented cases of en-          ex-combatants in Liberia show great interest in
 vironmental peacebuilding supporting integration          participating in agricultural training and support
 beyond the local level, that is, between civil war        programmes. Participants gained economically
 parties or states. Substantial integration is hence the   from these programmes and were less likely to
 peace dimension least impacted by environmental           join armed groups again. Cultivating the acacia
 peacebuilding (Johnson et al. 2020).                      gum tree in the western Sahel region provides
                                                           opportunities for local communities to reverse
                                                           environmental degradation and strengthen their
                                                           livelihoods, hence avoiding maladaptation like

16        Environmental Peacebuilding
involuntary migration and resource conflicts (Ka-       environmentalist groups, with little prospect for
lilou 2021). And in Guatemala, the Buena Milpa          spill-over (Akçalı and Antonsich 2009; Reynolds
project implemented by the International Maize          2017). According to Bram Büscher and Michael
and Wheat Improvement Center worked with local          Schoon (2009), disputes about revenue sharing,
institutions to facilitate community-based resource     conservation standards, and boarder security issues
management, enhance climate change adaptation,          undermined cooperation around peace parks in
develop micro-credit schemes, establish a natural       southern Africa (such as the Great Limpopo Trans-
reserve, and build a micro seed bank. By doing so,      frontier Park between South Africa, Mozambique
the project strengthened food security, community       and Zimbabwe).
cohesion, and resilience to environmental shocks                Sceptical voices have emerged regarding
such as droughts (Hellin et al. 2018).                  environmental peacebuilding within states (and
       Improving local livelihoods and economies as     especially after civil wars) as well. In Sierra Leone,
well as reducing vulnerabilities to environmental       for example, efforts to improve the governance of
stress are the main pathways connecting environ-        local conflict resources have led to a formalisation
mental management to improved capabilities. For         that benefited large and international business
the sake of this report, these pathways are catego-     actors, but did not improve the livelihoods of many
rised as part of the “avoiding conflicts related to     locals. The latter lacked the resources to benefit
natural resources” mechanism. Overall, empirical        from or to participate in such formalisation schemes
support for an impact of environmental peace-           (Ankenbrand et al. 2021; Johnson 2019). There are
building practices is strongest for the capabilities    also criticisms of efforts to link water infrastructure
dimension. While most evidence for this is derived      reconstruction and peacebuilding in Timor-Leste,
from post-civil war settings, examples related to       which suffered from a lack of donor coordination,
international environmental cooperation exist as        a lack of engagement with local community struc-
well. The Trifinio plan to conserve the ecosystems      tures, the short time horizons of many projects, and
and watersheds in the border region between El          a bias towards urban areas (Krampe and Gignoux
Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, for instance,         2018). Further, in an analysis of post-conflict Kosovo,
enabled local communities to benefit from con-          Florian Krampe (2016) found that integrated water
servation schemes and cross-border integration          management contributed little to peacebuilding.
(López 2004).                                           Reasons for this include a focus on technical issues
                                                        rather than conflict resolution, the maintenance of
                                                        separated water management structures (rather
Cooperative environmental                               than integrated management to the benefit of
management, but no peace?                               the broader local community), and strong external
Despite the positive effect of environmental man-               In the case of Colombia, the decades-long
agement and cooperation on various dimensions of        civil war between the Revolutionary Armed Forces
peace that many studies find, environmental peace-      of Colombia—People’s Army (FARC) on one side
building is no universal success. Ladislav Cabada       and the government and right-wing militias on
and Sarka Waisova (2018) study environmental            the other was heavily financed by illicit crops like
cooperation between China and Taiwan, the two           coca (Angrist and Kugler 2008). Consequentially,
Koreas, and Cambodia and Thailand. They find that       the National Programme for the Substitution of
collaboration on environmental issues occurred as       Illicit Crops (PNIS) was conceived as an important
a side-effect of a general improvement of mutual        cornerstone of the peacebuilding process after
relations, but has no discernible effect on the wider   the signature of the peace agreement in late 2016.
interactions between the states. Likewise, Annie        The idea behind PNIS was that peasants would
Young Song and Justin V. Hastings (2020) argue          voluntarily give up the cultivation of illicit crops
that environmental cooperation survived a rise in       and in exchange receive foods assistance, technical
tensions between North Korea and South Korea,           support, and financial help by the government.
but yielded no significant peace gains. Studies         This, in turn, would not only undermine the coca
on cross-boundary water cooperation between             economy, but also enable farmers to build more
Israelis and Palestinians and on the divided island     sustainable livelihoods, hence addressing the
of Cyprus claim that symbolic rapprochement is          grievances and recruitment opportunities related
confined to a small group of already pro-peace,         to rural poverty that were one of the drivers of the

                                                              What Do We Know About Environmental Peacebuilding?   17
civil war. According to Irene Vélez-Torres and Diego    unequal and conflict-prone status quo (Aggestam
 Lugo-Vivas (2021), however, the achievements            and Sundell 2016).
 of PNIS on the ground are limited. Few peasants                Second, environmental peacebuilding might
 participate in the plan, and those who do receive       lead to involuntary displacement and the associ-
 very limited assistance. Large structural issues of     ated side effects (such as community distortion
 Colombia’s agricultural economy, including the          and poverty). The cooperative establishment of
 dominance of large landholders and continuous           transboundary conservation areas, such as the
 incentives to cultivate coca, remain unaddressed.       Limpopo peace park in South Africa, has in the past
        Two recent reviews of the broad literature       frequently resulted in forced resettlement of local
 on environmental peacebuilding identify factors         communities (van Amerom and Büscher 2005).
 distinguishing cases of successful environmen-          Such measures are often deeply rooted in Western
 tal peacebuilding from those where cooperative          assumptions of locals as drivers of environmental
 environmental management yielded little or no           degradation (Marijnen et al. 2020).
 peace dividend. According to Ide (2019), external              The third negative impact of environmental
 (financial) support and the absence of strong recent    peacebuilding – discrimination – can be illustrated
 tensions increase the prospects of environmental        by a similar example. As part of the 1998 peace
 peacebuilding in general. For the international         agreement between Ecuador and Peru, a peace
 level, he adds a tradition of environmental coop-       park was created in the contested Cordillera del
 eration and consensus about the scope and nature        Cóndor region. The subsequently established
 of environmental problems, while the involve-           conservation regime discriminated against the local
 ment of relevant decision makers and high levels        indigenous population by restricting their access
 of environmental stress facilitate environmental        to the park. This ocurred despite a long history
 peacebuilding within states. Focussing on intrastate    of indigenous communities collecting food and
 environmental peacebuilding, Johnson et al. (2020)      medical plants in the forested area, and against
 highlight the importance of bottom-up approaches,       the background of an increasing incursion of com-
 compatibility of projects with local realities, and     mercial miners (Ali 2019).
 the generation of concrete benefits as important               In the worst case, unequal and discriminatory
 determinants of environmental peacebuilding.            impacts of environmental peacebuilding cause an
 Negative effects on peace as substantial integration,   upsurge in conflicts (the fourth potential negative
 by contrast, prevent success regarding any other        impact). John-Andrew McNeish (2017), for instance,
 dimension of peace as well.                             claims that mineral, oil and gas extraction can pave
                                                         a way for livelihood generation and peacebuild-
                                                         ing in Colombia under critical scrutiny. Instead,
 The negative effects of                                 such (legal) extraction often violates human rights
 environmental peacebuilding                             and degrades ecosystems in the surrounding ar-
                                                         eas. Usually peaceful resistance is then crushed
 Since the emergence of the research field in the        through violence against environmental defenders
 early 2000s, critical scholars have expressed con-      by armed or criminal groups, on which many state
 cerns that environmental peacebuilding might have       authorities turn a blind eye.
 negative effects, or even serve as a smokescreen               If state agencies are (perceived to be) com-
 for other interests (Duffy 2002). One can distin-       plicit in environmental peacebuilding projects with
 guish between six potential adverse impacts of          adverse impact, a fifth negative effect may arise, that
 environmental peacebuilding practices (Ide 2020):       is, a loss of trust in and legitimacy of the state. But
       First, a focus on environmental issues can        even successful NGO environmental management
 cause a marginalisation of the political problems       and livelihood strengthening projects can facilitate
 underlying (armed) conflicts. Israeli-Palestinian       an “outwards redistribution of state functions”
 water cooperation, for example, has been criti-         (Jones et al. 2014: 79) as state institutions lose
 cised for focussing on unpolitical, technical issues    funding and legitimacy vis-à-vis civil society actors.
 like knowledge exchange and joint monitoring.                  Sixth, and lastly “environmental […] coopera-
 The structural inequalities underlying the conflict,    tion might constitute simply more efficient resource
 such as unfair water distribution and the Israeli       plunder” (Conca and Beevers 2018: 55). Barquet
 occupation of the West Bank, by contrast, remain        (2015), for example, argues that the Si-A-Paz (“Yes to
 unaddressed. This “invisibility” perpetuates the        Peace”) transboundary conservation area between

18        Environmental Peacebuilding
Costa Rica and Nicaragua yielded very few actual        environmental management and cooperation can
peace effects, but paved the way for oil exploitation   have substantial peacebuilding effects in terms of
in border areas through increased state control and     preventing violence, building trust, and strength-
the exclusion local communities. Deforestation in       ening capabilities. Rather, this section cautions
Colombia also increased in formerly FARC-controlled     scholars and decision makers to monitor environ-
areas after the peace process started, illustrating     mental peacebuilding practices for exclusions,
that the latter provided opportunities for resource     inequalities and vested interests. Disentangling
exploitation rather than for sustainable ecosystem      which design factors and contexts make the oc-
management (Prem et al. 2020).                          currence of such a “dark side” of environmental
      This is not to say that environmental peace-      peacebuilding more or less likely is a major task
building always or mostly has such negative effects.    for future research (Ide 2020).
The evidence provided above demonstrates that

                                                             What Do We Know About Environmental Peacebuilding?   19
         he growing environmental peacebuilding          that cooperative environmental management is
         field of research serves various important      contributing to peace, both between and within
         functions. It provides a corrective to the      states. Results are most robust for the capabilities
         predominant focus of environmental and          dimension, but there is evidence for peace as
climate security research on conflict outcomes           the absence of violent conflict and as symbolic
(Swain and Öjendal 2018). It evaluates possibilities     rapprochement as well. As of yet, contributions
to address two major challenges of our time –            of cooperative environmental management to
global environmental change and armed conflict           peace as substantial integration were rare and
– simultaneously (Ali 2007). It puts attempts to         limited to the local level. Furthermore, the suc-
label resource exploitation or the persistence of        cess of environmental peacebuilding is strongly
(structural) violence as environmental protection        dependent on a number of design and context
or peacebuilding under critical scrutiny (Johnson        factors, such as local ownership and the absence
2019; Marijnen et al. 2020). Finally, by focussing       of recent conflict escalation. There are numerous
on peaceful adaptation to environmental stress, it       cases where environmental peacebuilding practices
provides knowledge relevant to a broad range of          had no impact or negative effect on peace, the
practitioners in the fields of peacebuilding, conser-    environment, and development.
vation, development, climate change adaptation,                Future research on environmental peace-
and disaster risk reduction (Abrahams 2020).             building will close existing knowledge gaps. While
      While it is too early to draw definitive con-      recent reviews of the literature provide a broad
clusions, a growing number of studies suggest            range of suggestions for further work (Dresse et

               Figure 1. Overview of the conceptual framework used in this working paper
                                          Mechanisms                                  Outcomes

                                                                                      Peace as...

                                    Avoiding conflicts related               … absence of violent conflict
                                      to natural resources
                                                                             … symbolic rapprochement
    Environmental                   Building understanding
    management                             and trust                          … substantial integration
   and cooperation
                                  Increasing interdependence                        … capabilities

                                     Establishing institutions
                                                                               No impact or negative
                                                                                  effect on peace

                                                                                              Conclusion     21
al. 2019; Ide 2019; Ide et al. 2021a; Johnson et al.     environmental vulnerabilities, conflict histories,
 2020), I will focus on three knowledge gaps here.        and socioeconomic problems.
         First, a further specification of the pathways         Finally, gender is a crucial, yet hardly in-
 connecting environmental cooperation or man-             vestigated issue in the context of environmental
 agement to peace is required, and we need em-            peacebuilding. Women often play important roles
 pirical evidence showing in which contexts these         in mediating conflicts and managing natural re-
 pathways are most (or least) likely to work. This is     sources, yet at the same time, they can also be
 challenging as the pathways laid out here (as well       highly vulnerable because their livelihoods are
 as possible alternative sets of pathways) can be         strongly tied to ecosystem services, they have no
 strongly intertwined in some cases. Many existing        formal land rights, and they are subject to sexual
 case studies also only provide limited informa-          violence (UNEP et al. 2020). Specifying the role
 tion about specific environmental peacebuilding          these capabilities and vulnerabilities play, and
 pathways. Knowledge about the underlying causal          finding ways to utilise or address them, would
 chains is crucial to refine theory, increase trust in    further strengthen the empirical foundations and
 existing empirical evidence, and design adequate         practical relevance of environmental peacebuilding
 policy responses.                                        (Yoshida and Céspedes-Báez 2021). This is also true
         Second, the geographical scope of environ-       for the role of sexual minorities and gender roles
 mental peacebuilding research should be broad-           (such as those related to violent masculinities) at
 ened. So far, Colombia, southern and western             the intersection of resource management, adapta-
 Africa and the Middle East have received the most        tion to environmental change, and peacebuilding
 attention. Several studies also exist for Central,       (Fröhlich and Gioli 2015; Gaillard et al. 2017).
 South and Southeast Asia as well as East and                   Addressing these research gaps and pro-
 North Africa, but comprehensive knowledge on             ducing further comprehensive knowledge on
 environmental peacebuilding in these regions is          environmental peacebuilding is no easy task. But
 still lacking. Latin America (except for Colombia)       if the resulting insights support the creation of a
 and the Pacific (except for Timor-Leste) are still       more peaceful and sustainable future, these efforts
 under-researched despite the presence of various         will certainly pay off.

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