Freezing in the tropics: Asean's air-con conundrum - Kigali Cooling ...

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Freezing in the tropics: Asean's air-con conundrum - Kigali Cooling ...
Freezing in the tropics:
Asean’s air-con conundrum
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Freezing in the tropics: Asean's air-con conundrum - Kigali Cooling ...
2                                                                      Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

“Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum” is a whitepaper
written and produced by Eco-Business Research, the research arm
of Eco-Business. The report has been sponsored by Kigali Cooling
Efficiency Program. Eco-Business is the leading media and business
intelligence company serving Asia Pacific’s sustainable development
community. Our platforms include the award-winning Eco-Business.
com site, custom publications, research and high-impact bespoke
events catered to deepen discussions on sustainability.


Author: Tim Hill
Editors: Robin Hicks and Jessica Cheam
Contributing writer: Angela Jelita
Designer: Joe Poulton
Reviewers: Gabby Dreyfus, Helen Picot, Dan Hamza-Goodacre

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Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                   3

                                                     Table of Contents

                                                     Executive summary                                                             04
                                                     A looming crisis -                                                            06
                                                     The growth in pollution from the boom in cooling

                                                     Asean perspectives                                                             12
                                                     Case study:                                                                   18
                                                     The challenges of driving energy efficiency in Indonesia

                                                     Outlook for Asean                                                             22

                                                     Appendix 1: Detailed survey results                                           24
                                                     Appendix 2: Bibliography                                                      28

                                                     DISCLAIMER: While every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy of this
                                                     information, Eco-Business cannot accept any responsibility or liability for reliance
                                                     by any person on this report or any of the information, opinions or conclusions set
                                                     out in this report. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is
                                                     not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity.
4                                                                                    Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

Executive summary
The rapid rise in Asean’s electricity demand in recent years has led to a surge in CO2
emissions and pollutants that threaten to create an environmental crisis for a region
already vulnerable to the impact of extreme weather and poor air quality.
Primary energy demand has increased by 70% in the region,            and regionally to manage the demand for electricity, reduce
collectively known as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations     emissions and pollutants, and move away from the reliance on
(Asean), from 2000 to 2016 with a further rise of 70% predicted      coal-fired power stations
up to 2040. Coal accounts for the largest share of the growth.
                                                                     The context of Asean’s electricity demand and supply as well as the
Electricity demand is expected to more than double to 2,000          differing economic situations of the member states should also be
tera-watt hours (TWH) up to 2040. Most of this growth comes          considered when formulating a strategy to avert the cooling crisis.
from residential and commercial buildings, mostly for cooling,
such that by 2040, air-conditioning could account for up to 40%      Economic growth has risen along with fossil fuel based
of Asean’s overall electricity demand.                               electricity consumption

This crisis can be avoided if the region adopts more efficient       Asean’s economic success story over the first 50 years of its existence
technologies and supports a culture change in cooling consumption.   can be tracked alongside its thirst for energy. Energy demand has
                                                                     expanded by two and a half times from 1990 to 2013, and its rate of
A survey of 424 respondents from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,     growth is one of the fastest in the world.
Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam, conducted in November
and December of 2017, highlighted the problems of over-              Electricity consumption to power home appliances such as
consumption and lack of awareness of the cooling challenge but       air-conditioning (AC) in the tropical Southeast Asian region has
also identified several opportunities.                               increased at a rate of around 7.5% annually from 155.3 TWh in 1990
                                                                     to 821.1 TWh in 2013. Over 80% of this electricity came from fossil
They are:                                                            fuels, with coal-powered stations being particularly dominant in
                                                                     the region. Hence overall carbon dioxide emissions for the region
• Manufacturers and suppliers need to focus on producing more        have grown at similar rates. Cooling consumes an increasing
energy-efficient AC systems and better educating their customers     amount of this growth.

• Poor energy management systems in public buildings need to be      Energy efficient appliances can substantially reduce
rectified by commercial operators and systems designers to avoid     power demand
excessive cooling
                                                                     The upward trajectory of electricity consumption and CO2 emissions
• Public awareness campaigns should be considered to help            can be significantly reduced through the adoption of better
consumers better understand the energy labelling systems as well     technologies. If Asean countries switch to energy efficient products
as the financial and environmental benefits of more efficient AC     and lighting, they can reduce their consumption of electricity by
systems and to build a culture of energy sustainability              100 TWH at a saving of US$12 billion annually. This is the equivalent
                                                                     to the annual production of 50 power plants of 500 MW capacity,
• Stricter government legislation throughout the region should be    meaning that 50 power plants would not have to be commissioned.
used to ensure the uptake of more efficient AC products and for
better design and management practices in commercial buildings       When energy consumption for ACs in Asean countries is forecast
                                                                     using the best available technology for air-conditioning (BAT
• A wider array of financial options could be used to ensure         scenario), huge savings can be achieved.
consumers install the most efficient AC systems for home use
                                                                     If Malaysia and Singapore adopted the BAT scenario, for example,
• Consumers, businesses and governments need to work together        there would be an actual reduction in overall energy consumption
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                             5

for ACs by 2030 for these two countries, compared with 2015 levels.       to agree that air-conditioning was a status symbol with respondents
This would be despite growth in populations and affluence.                from Singapore (where the installed rate was estimated at between
                                                                          76-100%) much less likely to see it as anything other than a necessity.
Conversely, if there is no change to current consumption habits
(the business as usual, or BAU scenario) then energy consumption          Government initiatives needed to manage the cooling crisis
in all Asean countries would increase by a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7% by 2030.                                       Despite concerns about the excessive cooling of public buildings,
                                                                          77% of Singapore respondents agreed or strongly agreed that
Excessive cooling in public spaces gives the wrong                        their government was actively managing power demand through
message to consumers                                                      initiatives such as promoting energy efficiency standards in
                                                                          air-conditioning. At the other end of the scale, only 30% of
Consumers in the region seem to have a basic awareness that               respondents from Vietnam agreed or strongly agreed that
more efficient technologies can result in a lower electricity bill.       the same was happening in their country. The most populous
Yet they are not aware of quite how important this is to ensure           country in the region, Indonesia, scored 38% for this question,
that the region achieves its targets for CO2 emission reductions, as      indicating the scope for improvement across the region through
reflected in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris      government intervention.
agreement. This lack of awareness is not helped by the experience
of the average city dweller in the region, who regularly encounters       There was no shortage of suggestions from survey respondents
excessive cooling in buildings which sends the wrong message that         as to how the region could better manage its cooling challenge.
controlling efficiency is not a major priority.                           These ranged from more effective use of passive cooling methods
                                                                          or refrigerant-free alternatives to air-conditioning, to innovative
Survey respondents in Singapore seemed the most vocal about               finance and recycling programmes to promote the uptake of more
the excessive cooling of public spaces with 68% of respondents            energy efficient models. Respondents were also unanimous in
indicating that they often encounter settings that are too cold. This     wanting to see their countries move towards clean energy adoption.
was also a common response across the region, with significant
numbers indicating that they often encounter excessive cooling.           Governments around the region have agreed on targets for AC
The situation seemed to be better managed in Indonesia, where             efficiency and are at different stages of local implementation.
only 38% of respondents stated that they often encountered AC             Given the radical differences in the size, state of economic
settings in public spaces that were too cold.                             development, and political situations of the countries that
                                                                          make up the Asean region, the challenges for governments
Changing consumer habits                                                  vary considerably. However, in all cases, there are some clear
                                                                          areas where governments can be focusing efforts and directing
The behavioural habits of survey respondents on air-conditioning          change more effectively to ensure more efficient cooling.
reflect the relative affluence of the different countries in the region
and the installation rate of air-conditioning units in households.        This paper aims to highlight both the economic and
Respondents from Vietnam, The Philippines and Indonesia were              environmental benefits for driving the region towards more
more likely to report the use of other cooling systems apart from         efficient use of ACs as well as highlighting some of the most
air-conditioning being used in public buildings, whereas respondents      obvious areas that governments, businesses and consumers can
from the more developed economies of Malaysia and Singapore were          direct their immediate attention. Without significant efforts to
less likely to notice more environmentally-friendly alternatives.         make cooling efficient and clean in Asean, the region will miss
                                                                          out on economic and social gains while over-polluting the local
Similarly, respondents from Vietnam and Indonesia were more likely        and global environment.
6                                                                                              Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

A looming crisis -
the growth in pollution from the
boom in cooling
                             50 years of growth in Asean countries                                          As the graph below shows, electricity
                                                                                                            consumption tends to rise with affluence
                             Since Asean was formed in 1967, all of                                         levels. Electricity consumption to power
        358 new coal-fired   its member states have enjoyed over                                            home appliances has increased at a rate
        power plants have    50 years of economic growth1. Gross                                            of around 7.5% annually from 155.3 TWh in
                             Domestic Product (GDP) per capita has                                          1990 to 821.1 TWh in 20133.
    been planned in Asean    grown over 30 times from US$122 in 1967
                             to US$4,021 in 2016. New member states                                         About 80% of Asean’s electricity supply
countries between 2011       have joined the five original members.                                         has been generated from fossil fuels
      and 2030 and coal is   Rising birth rates and populations have                                        over the last decade. Coal-fired plants
                             more than tripled the number of Asean                                          are still dominant in many countries
     projected to become     residents from 185 million to 634 million                                      with Indonesia and Vietnam operating
                             in the same timeframe. Poverty has                                             the largest number. According to the
        the largest energy   declined from 47% in 1990 to 15% in 2016.                                      Norwegian Institute of International
     source for the region   Literacy, life expectancy and urbanisation                                     Affairs (NUPI)4, 358 new coal-fired power
                             rates have all gone up in tandem with                                          plants have been planned in Asean
      from 2040 onwards.     rising incomes.                                                                countries between 2011 and 2030, and
                                                                                                            coal is projected to become the largest
                             But the surge of rising, more affluent                                         energy source for the region from 2040
                             populations has taken a toll on the                                            onwards.
                             environment. Tree cover has decreased
                             throughout the region with Indonesia’s                                         With such a large reliance on fossil fuels,
                             Sumatra alone losing nearly ¼ of its                                           Asean’s carbon emissions have risen over
                             forests between 2000 and 20102. Rural                                          time along with the growth of affluence
                             villages have been replaced by suburban                                        levels and the demand for electricity. The
                             apartment blocks and new towns. This has                                       graph below shows that CO2 per capita
                             led to increasing demand for grid-based                                        emissions for the core Asean countries
                             electricity produced by power plants.                                          excluding Singapore for 2000 to 2014 have

                                                        Evolution of Asean GDP and GDP per capita at current market prices

                                                      4,500                                                                                                             3.0
                                                      4,000     1967, Asean 5,                                    By 1999, Brunei, Cambodia,
                                                                Indonesia, Malaysia,                              Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam                             2.5
                                                      3,500     Singapore, Thailand                               had also joined
                                                                                                                                                                              Asean GDP US$ (tn)
                                 GDP per capita US$

                                                      3,000                                                                                                             2.0
                                                      1,500                                                                                                             1.0
                                                         0                                                                                                              0
                                                         1967       1972        1977   1982   1987      1992        1997        2002        2007        2012        2016
                                                         Asean GDP US$ (tn)
                                                         GDP per capita US$                              Source:

                        2 Rhett A. Butler, 3
                                 Indra Overland et al. (2017) Impact of Climate Change on ASEAN International Affairs: Risk and Opportunity Multiplier, Norwegian Institute of
                             International Affairs and Myanmar Institute of International and Strategic Studies
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                                                                                      7

                                                                                          Electricity consumption per capita and GDP per capita
                                                                         10,000                                                                                        9,502

                                                    GDP per capita US$
                                                                          5,000                                                                                4,569
                                                                         4,000                                3,570
                                                                          3,000                                                  2,186      2,540
                                                                          2,000            1,546                         1,439
                                                                                    699                812
                                                                                  The Philippines      Indonesia          Vietnam            Thailand           Malaysia            Singapore
                                                                          Electricity consumption per capita (kwh) 2014
                                                                          GDP per capita (US$) 2016                                                     Source: World Bank. Charting normalised.

                                                    risen at a compound annual growth rate                                               The benefits of energy efficiency
                                                    (CAGR) of 3.2%. Even if population levels                                            and green AC
                                                    remain unchanged, carbon emissions
                                                    will continue to rise with energy demand                                             Fortunately, technological innovations
                                                    assuming no technology changes in the                                                and tighter regulation of standards are
                                                    appliances used.                                                                     reducing the electricity consumption
                                                                                                                                         and carbon emissions of household
                                                    The air pollution caused by coal                                                     appliances sold in the region.
                                                    combustion was estimated to cause
                                                    nearly 20,000 unnecessary deaths per                                                 Studies have found that if Asean countries
                                                    year in the region in 2011, a number that                                            switch to energy efficient products
                                                    is expected to rise to nearly 70,000 by                                              and lighting, they can reduce their
                                                    20305.                                                                               consumption of electricity by 100 TWH,
                                                                                                                                         which equates to savings of US$12 billion
                                                    The risks of ‘business as usual’                                                     annually. This is equivalent to the annual
                                                                                                                                         production of 50 power plants of 500 MW
                                                    Asean’s CO2 emissions is forecasted to                                               capacity, meaning that 50 power plants
                                                    continue growing over the next decade                                                that would not have to be commissioned.
                                                    with increasing population sizes,
                                                    affluence levels, urbanisation, building                                             This would also result in a saving of 74
                                                    construction and life expectancy. If                                                 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually
                                                    Asean member states continue to                                                      – the equivalent of taking 40 million
                                                    develop under a ‘business as usual                                                   passenger cars off the roads6.
                                                    scenario’, this is going to result in
                                                    accelerating demand for electricity and                                              Air-conditioning (AC) contributes to the
                                                    even higher rates of carbon emissions.                                               bulk of Asean’s electricity bill. In city

      Coal plants by country (MW)                                                                                      CO2 emissions
             (for units of 30MW and more)                                                                             (metric tons per capita)
   80,000                                           20

   70,000                                           18
   50,000                                           12
   40,000                                           10

   30,000                                               8
    10,000                                              2
        0                                           0
             PHL    IDN     VNM     THA     MYS     2000                                                                     2007                                                                2014
       Announced, pre-permit and permitted                               Indonesia                 Thailand                  Year
       Construction                                                      Malaysia                  Vietnam
       Operating              Source:                        The Philippines                                                                                       Source: World Bank.

                                                        Burden of Disease from Rising Coal-Fired Power Plant Emissions in Southeast Asia - Shannon N. Koplitz, Daniel J. Jacob, Melissa P. Sulprizio,
                                                    Lauri Myllyvirta, and Colleen Reid
8                                                                                              Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

                                                           Gross domestic electricity consumption forecast








                                   2017                                        2020                                         2023                                              2026
                                      Indonesia                   Thailand                          Year
                                      Malaysia                    Vietnam
                                      The Philippines             Singapore                                                                                            Source: BMI.

                            areas with hot climates, air-conditioning                                         considerable cuts in percentage terms to
                            is estimated to take up as much as 60%                                            their current consumption.
                            of the overall electricity load. The majority
                            of Asean’s citizens are city dwellers;                                            The energy performance of ACs is
                            highly-dense buildings and the lack of                                            measured by the Energy Efficiency Ratio
                            vegetation in cities create a further heat                                        (EER), which is the ratio of the total
                            island effect, placing further demand on                                          cooling capacity to the effective power
                            cooling systems.                                                                  input to the device. The larger the EER
                                                                                                              value, the more efficient the equipment.
                            A study done in Singapore for example,
                            put the share of electricity consumed by                                          The EER score for different capacity AC
                            household air-conditioning at 37%7. And in                                        unit models varies significantly among
                            many parts of the region, the problem is                                          Asean countries because of differences in
                            compounded by the use of less efficient                                           the brands and models available as well
                            AC units. The most advanced ACs are                                               as the regulatory and labelling systems in
                            up to 30% more efficient than average                                             place in each country.
                            products on the market8. Hence, tackling
                            Asean’s cooling challenge might be most                                           As shown in the graph below, Thailand
                            effectively addressed by technology                                               has the largest numbers and hence
                            upgrades. However, there are multiple                                             the most efficient market for all AC
                            parameters and stakeholders to consider                                           capacity categories among the surveyed
                            in implementing a region-wide upgrade.                                            economies. (Singapore products have
                                                                                                              a higher EER score mostly due to a
                            The graph below considers the energy                                              more stringent regulatory environment,
                            gains that could be achieved through a                                            but were not included in this survey).
                            transition to the best available technology                                       The Philippines has the least efficient
                            in 2030. Thailand and Indonesia would                                             product market, due to the large market
                            achieve the greatest energy savings in                                            share of less efficient window units
                            this scenario, although Vietnam and                                               and the lack of more efficient inverter
                            The Philippines also stand to make                                                product models.

         If Asean countries switch to energy efficient products and lighting, they can
      reduce their consumption of electricity by 100 TWH at a saving of US$12 billion
    annually. This is the equivalent to the annual production of 50 power plants. This
    would also result in a saving of 74 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually – the
                        equivalent of taking 40 million passenger cars off the roads.

Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                                                                9

                                                                                         Projected population growth

                                                   2017                                    2020                                   2023                                          2026
                                                       Indonesia               Thailand                      Year
                                                       Malaysia                Vietnam
                                                       The Philippines         Singapore                                                                           Source: BMI, EIU.

                                             When energy consumption for ACs in                                      As part of the roadmap, it was agreed that
                                             Asean countries is forecast using the best                              “Asean countries would adopt a minimum
                                             available technology (BAT scenario) it is                               EER (2.9W/W or CSPF of 3.08W/W) by 2020
                                             clear that immense savings can be gained.                               as mandatory MEPS (Minimum Energy
                                                                                                                     Performance Standards) for all fixed and
                                             In two cases, Malaysia and Singapore,                                   variable drive ACs below 3.52kW capacities.
                                             the BAT scenario would actually lead to a                               This would be periodically reviewed and
                                             reduction in energy consumption by 2030                                 revised at an interval of 5 years or less.9”
                                             compared with 2015 levels.
                                                                                                                     Following the adoption of the roadmap,
                                             Conversely, if there is no change to                                    individual Asean countries have
                                             current consumption habits (the business                                been adopting national policies with
                                             as usual, or BAU scenario) then energy                                  technical assistance from United Nations
                                             consumption in all Asean countries would                                Environment and ICA. Some of the
                                             increase by a CAGR of 5.7% by 2030.                                     recommendations from the roadmap
                                                                                                                     involved regulatory changes as well as
                                             The future of minimum energy                                            policy suggestions.
                                             performance standards (MEPS)
                                                                                                                     For instance, it was noted that Malaysia,
                                             Work is underway in the region to address                               Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and
                                             the need for more efficient cooling. In                                 Vietnam have AC markets where the
                                             September 2015, the Asean Ministers of                                  average efficiency of all products is
                                             Energy Meeting (AMEM) endorsed the                                      around 15% to 30% more efficient
                                             “Asean Regional Policy Roadmap for                                      than the current MEPS. Hence, it was
                                             Harmonisation of Energy Performance                                     recommended that if those markets
                                             Standards for Air Conditioners.”                                        adopted more stringent efficiency

                                                                                  Construction industry value forecast






                                                   2017                                   2020                                    2023                                          2026
                                                       Indonesia              Thailand                      Year
                                                       Malaysia               Vietnam
                                                       The Philippines        Singapore                                                                                Source: BMI.

10                                                                                                              Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

     Mandatory standards             requirements, then less efficient products                                          of retail presence and the preference of
                                     would be eliminated from the market                                                 consumers.
 are essential to market             and manufacturers would be forced to
                                     introduce more efficient ones.                                                      Mark Radka, chief of UN Environment’s
 transformation as they                                                                                                  Energy and Climate Branch, warned that
specify energy efficiency            Most of the popular brands on sale at                                               “ inefficient polluting appliances, which
                                     retailers in the region interviewed for                                             are also more costly to run, may enter
and other environmental              this study were from outside the region,                                            these markets if appropriate and effective
                                     although there was often some form of                                               minimum energy performance standards
       requirements for a            local product assembly involved. The                                                are not in place. Mandatory standards
     product to be sold in           most popular foreign multinational                                                  are essential to market transformation as
                                     brands seen in the retailers across Asean                                           they specify energy efficiency and other
                the market.          countries were from Japanese and Korean                                             environmental requirements for a product
                                     manufacturers such as Daikin, Hitachi, LG,                                          to be sold in the market.”
                                     Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Samsung, Sanyo,
                                     Sharp and Toshiba. Other popular brands                                             To help with the high cost of replacing or
                                     included Electrolux and Philips.                                                    installing AC units, industry experts suggest
                 Mark Radka                                                                                              that governments consider implementing
         Chief of UN Environment’s   In most countries, the foreign brands had                                           policies that provide incentives to businesses
        Energy and Climate Branch    local offices and local assembly functions.                                         or households. These could consist of
                                     One concern raised during interviews                                                consumer rebates, tax credits, accelerated
                                     conducted in Indonesia was that the                                                 depreciation or loan financing. As the region is
                                     technology for cooling was predominantly                                            at different stages of development, a tailored
                                     produced by foreign brands and therefore                                            approach would be most effective to achieve
                                     the local markets could only perform                                                the full adoption of the most efficient ACs.
                                     basic assembly before sending the
                                     product to retailers.                                                               It is clear that both the technologies
                                                                                                                         and technical assistance required are
                                     Other brands on display included Hi-Sense                                           available in the Asean region to address
                                     and Midea from China, Pensonic from                                                 the challenges of cooling and control
                                     Malaysia and Trentios from Singapore.                                               greenhouse gas emissions. It is up to
                                     Singapore and Malaysia brands were the                                              governments to put the right policies in
                                     only ones that had a presence in some of                                            place, for businesses to offer the best
                                     the retail shops visited for this study that                                        technologies, and for consumers to
                                     were outside their home country.                                                    demand the most efficient products.

                                     In the interviews for this study and from                                           The survey results in the next chapter
                                     other surveys in the region, foreign                                                suggest that in most cases, there is a
                                     multinational brands were seen to be                                                huge opportunity for the region to make
                                     dominating the regional market in terms                                             swifter and more effective progress.

                                                                             Potential energy savings in Asean as per percentage and in GWh

                                                                    10,000                                                                                          45%
                                                                                   38%                                                                 40%
                                                                    9,000                                                                                           40%
                                     Energy savings in 2030 (GWh)

                                                                    8,000                                                                                           35%
                                                                                                                                                                          Savings potential (%)

                                                                    6,000                                                             24%
                                                                                                                      22%                                           25%
                                                                     2,000                                                                                          10%

                                                                     1,000                                                                                          5%
                                                                        0                                                                                           0
                                                                                 Thailand           Indonesia       Malaysia     The Philippines     Vietnam
                                                                     Savings potential (%)
                                                                     Energy savings in 2030 (GWh)                                   Source: Asean Shine AC regional roadmap.
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                                                                                                        11

                                                                                    Average EER of ACs in Asean region



EER (x/W)




                                                                                                        Cooling capacity (Btu/h)
                     Thailand                  Malaysia
                     Vietnam                   The Philippines                                                                                                            Source: Asean Shine AC regional roadmap.

    Indonesia - energy consumption of                                                 Philippines - energy consumption of                                    Vietnam - energy consumption of room
  room airconditioners in three scenarios                                           room airconditioners in three scenarios                                     airconditioners in three scenarios
              (BAU, policy scenario, BAT scenario) (TWh)                                   (BAU, policy scenario, BAT scenario) (TWh)                               (BAU, policy scenario, BAT scenario) (TWh)

69                                                                                  20                                                                       13




 19                                                                                  5                                                                       3
            2015                                                     2029                2015                                                     2029            2015                                                     2029
                                      Year                                                                         Year                                                                     Year
               BAU                                                                          BAU                                                                      BAU
               Policy Scenario (Min. energy Performance Standards)                          Policy Scenario (Min. energy Performance Standards)                      Policy Scenario (Min. energy Performance Standards)
               BAT Scenario (Best available technology)                                     BAT Scenario (Best available technology)                                 BAT Scenario (Best available technology)

                                     Source:                                               Source:                                           Source:

  Thailand - energy consumption of room                                             Malaysia - energy consumption of room                                      Singapore - energy consumption of
    airconditioners in three scenarios                                                airconditioners in three scenarios                                     room airconditioners in three scenarios
              (BAU, policy scenario, BAT scenario) (TWh)                                   (BAU, policy scenario, BAT scenario) (TWh)                               (BAU, policy scenario, BAT scenario) (GWh)

42                                                                                  30                                                                   8,000

 37                                                                                                                                                       7,500

 32                                                                                                                                                       7,000
 27                                                                                                                                                       6,500

 22                                                                                                                                                      6,000

 17                                                                                 20                                                                    5,500
            2015                                                     2029                2015                                                     2029            2015                                                     2029
                                      Year                                                                          Year                                                                     Year
               BAU                                                                          BAU                                                                      BAU
               Policy Scenario (Min. energy Performance Standards)                          Policy Scenario (Min. energy Performance Standards)                      Policy Scenario (Min. energy Performance Standards)
               BAT Scenario (Best available technology)                                     BAT Scenario (Best available technology)                                 BAT Scenario (Best available technology)

                                     Source:                                                Source:                                          Source:
12                                                                                  Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

Asean perspectives
                                      A survey of 424 respondents from                           Similarly, respondents agreed that there
                                      Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,                  seemed to be limited smart use of air-
                                      The Philippines and Vietnam conducted in                   conditioning such as sensors to reduce AC
                                      November and December of 2017 showed a                     intensity when occupants were absent, or
                                      number of opportunities as well as some of                 other measures to adjust temperatures
                                      the regional considerations and domestic                   when the outside temperature dropped.
                                      issues at play. There were also a number
                                      of innovative suggestions on how these                     Jair Smits, Managing Director of the
                                      different approaches could be considered.                  Hydroinformatics Institute based in
                                                                                                 Singapore, suggested that “aircon settings
 Aircon settings (should              Poor energy controls in public                             (should be) dependent on outside
                                      buildings                                                  temperature and humidity. It is ridiculous
        be) dependent on                                                                         that they remain unchanged during
                                      Perhaps the most obvious concern                           rainstorm events, turning aircon-cooled
     outside temperature
                                      affecting all countries in the region was                  spaces into fridges.”
        and humidity. It is           that energy was being wasted in the
                                      excessive cooling of public buildings such                 Dave Mackerness, Director at Kaer, an
      ridiculous that they            as shopping malls and cinemas. This was                    airconditioning-as-a-service supplier
                                      one of the most common findings among                      based in Singapore, explained that the
        remain unchanged
                                      interviewees and survey respondents.                       technologies used to adjust temperatures
during rainstorm events,                                                                         have been in place for some time. However
                                      Jeff Smith, Director of Sustainability for Six             most building operators directly manage
     turning aircon-cooled            Senses Hotels, Resorts, Spas commented:                    their own cooling systems and do not
                                      “Shopping malls in Bangkok use more                        usually prioritise fine-tuning the settings
       spaces into fridges.
                                      electricity than most provinces in Thailand”.              for maximum efficiency, even though this
                                                                                                 would result in energy savings.
                                      Marc Loo, CEO of Loola Adventure
                                      Group, a resort operator in Indonesia,                     He further observed: “Public buildings
                    Jair Smits        suggested: “We’ve got to get rid of this                   that we have seen in Singapore are
          Managing Director of the    idea that public malls and hotels should                   commonly designed with an excess of
         Hydroinformatics Institute   resemble freezers.” There were some slight                 peak cooling operational output of close
                                      differences around the region on this                      to 40%. This is because a combination
                                      issue, with Singapore-based respondents                    of worst case scenarios of equipment
                                      showing the largest concern over this.                     downtime, peak hot days, and maximum
                                                                                                 capacity have been factored into a

                                        How often do you encounter AC settings in public buildings that are too cold


                                      The Philippines






                                                    3.0      3.10            3.20         3.30          3.40          3.50          3.60         3.70
                                                                    Source: Eco-Business Research survey, Nov-Dec 2017, 424 respondents, weighted avg.
                                                                                                               1=never, 2=rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=often
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                                               13

                                             system that might be run with minimal                          conditioning systems as the core cooling
                                             adjustments.                                                   mechanism. This could be because of the
                                                                                                            association of affluence and prestige with
                                             This makes sense if the designer assumes                       cool indoor temperatures.
                                             the system will be fine-tuned during
                                             operations to accommodate real-time                            Respondents generally agreed that air-
                                             external conditions. But this is usually                       conditioning was regarded as a status
                                             not the case, resulting in the buildings                       symbol in their countries, although the
                                             becoming too cold and consuming                                majority also agreed that it was also a
                                             excessive amounts of electricity.”                             necessity. There were regional variations,
                                                                                                            with the less urbanised populations more
                                             Respondents in countries such as Vietnam                       likely to agree that it was a status symbol –
                                             and The Philippines reported a higher                          and the more urbanised populations more
                                             adoption of non AC cooling systems in public                   likely to agree that it was a necessity.
                                             places such as shades, fans and blinds
                                             than those in the more urban and affluent                      One of the respondents from Singapore
                                             countries of Singapore and Malaysia. Hence,                    government research agency A*STAR
                                             there is clearly an opportunity for more                       commented on how cooling had become
                                             effective design to reduce the use of air-                     associated with blasts of cold air:
                                             conditioning in public buildings.                              “Air-conditioning has evolved into an
                                                                                                            entitlement that people feel they cannot
                                             AT Guinto, an environmental consultant                         live without. Alternative initiatives are seen
                                             in The Philippines, suggested government                       as reducing the comfort level of people
                                             intervention “to require the use of more                       even if cooling capacities remain the same.
                                             efficient air conditioners in offices, malls                   For instance, some cars use diffusion AC
                                             and cinemas right from the design stage.                       systems that are energy efficient, and
                                             The same permit renewals can be enforced                       can cool the interior fast, but passengers
                                             for existing structures, once these need to                    complain about the lack of cold wind.”
                                             expand or be renovated.”
                                                                                                            For domestic use, respondents agreed that
                                             Green building codes implemented by                            they and other citizens were also quite
                                             governments around the region are                              likely to use other or additional forms
                                             addressing this to some extent. But                            of cooling beyond air-conditioning such
                                             they seem to still allow shopping malls                        as fans and air coolers (which are fans
                                             in central locations to design fierce air                      that blow air chilled by ice or cold water).

                                                 How often do you encounter public buildings using other cooling systems
                                                (apart from air conditioning, such as fans, blinds, natural airflow systems, chilled beams, shading, cool roofs etc)


                                             The Philippines






                                                           2.50       2.60        2.70       2.80       2.90        3.0        3.10       3.20        3.30       3.40
                                                                              Source: Eco-Business Research survey, Nov-Dec 2017, 424 respondents, weighted avg.
                                                                                                                         1=never, 2=rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=often
14                                                                                  Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

                                             Home air conditioning is regarded as a status symbol in my country


                                     The Philippines






                                                  2.70   2.80      2.90       3.0       3.10     3.20      3.30      3.40      3.50      3.60      3.70
                                                                   Source: Eco-Business Research survey, Nov-Dec 2017, 424 respondents, weighted avg.
                                                                1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree

                                     Indeed, over 75% of respondents agreed or                 needed to address this in the Philippines:
                                     strongly agreed with this statement.                      “Refrigerant release into the environment
                                                                                               is rampant here. Thermostats should be
                                     Conservative home use, but lack of                        required in all installations and sales of
                                     awareness of energy savings with AC                       refrigerants should be regulated. Anyone
                                                                                               can purchase gases and do (AC) servicing
           There should be           Although respondents generally indicated                  here,”
                                     more conservative uses of AC for home
     better use of product           use rather than business use, there was                   Limited advice from retailers
                                     limited understanding of the impact of
       advertising to fully          air-conditioning on the environment.                      The limited understanding of the impact
       explain the energy                                                                      of AC on the environment coincided with
                                      About half of the respondents voted for                  further interviews conducted with retailers
consumption and cooling              “ increasing the development of solar                     in the region in November and December
                                     plants” as the most important way to                      2017. In many stores, there was a lack of
          power to buyers.           reduce greenhouse gas emissions in                        consistency in the energy labels and rating
                                     the region, rather than increasing the                    systems. Even in the countries where the
                                     efficiency of air-conditioning units. The                 rating system was more prevalent, not
                                     only country that selected “efficient                     every model carried any labelling.
              Lany Harijanti         use of air-conditioners” as the most
      Development Advisor for 2030   important way for reducing greenhouse                     Shop assistants in most of the stores
        Youth Force, an NGO based    gases was Singapore.                                      visited did not seem familiar with
                      in Indonesia                                                             labelling systems, or the presence of
                                     Over 45% of respondents disagreed or                      inverters or refrigerants beyond the
                                     strongly disagreed with the statement                     stated claims that certain models were
                                     ‘People in my country are aware of the                    supposed to consume less electricity.
                                     harm that air-conditioning refrigerants
                                     do to the environment’. And over 30%                      There were one or two exceptions to this.
                                     of respondents disagreed or strongly                      Most of the models in the stores visited
                                     disagreed with the statement “People in                   in Thailand showed a relative consistency
                                     my country are familiar with the energy                   in comparisons of specifications. One of
                                     label and rating systems that indicate                    the stores visited in Indonesia showed a
                                     electricity savings with different brands                 model for the type of air conditioners for
                                     and models of air conditioners”.                          different sizes of rooms. And none of the
                                                                                               stores visited offered window AC units on
                                     Only Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia                     display, although these systems were still
                                     respondents felt any degree of confidence                 in common use in residential areas in all
                                     about the consumer awareness levels of                    countries and still available for sale.
                                     the energy label and ratings systems. And
                                     even these respondents felt that consumer                 A significant proportion of survey
                                     awareness of the harm that refrigerants do                respondents noted the lack of advice from
                                     to the environment was lacking.                           sales staff as being an issue. About 14%
                                     Tom Tirey, CEO of Cebu Solar, said that                   of regional respondents selected ‘better
                                     government legislation was urgently                       education of sales staff to explain the
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                                                    15

                                             differences between models to customers’                         Thailand, commented on the problem: “AC
                                             as the highest priority factor to ensure the                     is the biggest energy consumer in Thailand
                                             take up of efficient AC units in the region.                     and Southeast Asia. However, most systems
                                                                                                              are over-sized and run inefficiently.
                                             Lany Harijanti, a development advisor                            Architects, designers and mechanical and
                                             for 2030 Youth Force, an NGO based in                            electrical system consultants often don’t
                                             Indonesia, said: “There should be better                         put in the most energy efficient systems
                                             use of product advertising to fully explain                      in buildings. And owners only look for low
                                             the energy consumption and cooling                               first cost AC systems and do not look at the
                                             power to buyers.” However, this factor                           life-cycle costs of operating an inefficient
                                             was a third place in priority with 45% of                        AC system.”
                                             regional respondents voting for stricter
                                             government legislation to ensure that                            One respondent from the financial
                                             stores sell only the most efficient models.                      sector in Singapore suggested that
                                                                                                              the government should “mandate or
                                             The second most popular priority was                             encourage commercial buildings to not
                                             creating better consumer awareness of                            drop (their temperatures) below 23-25
                                             the efficiency of models. The option for                         degrees. Most buildings are too cold”.
                                             better financing schemes so that the
                                             cost of a new air-conditioning system                            Another respondent noted that “promoting
                                             might be spread over a longer timeframe                          high efficiency ACs is a must. Governments
                                             was the least popular option, although                           need to help fund this.” Singapore-based
                                             there were a number of suggestions from                          respondents had the most confidence
                                             respondents as to how countries might                            in their government to actively manage
                                             better incorporate such choices.                                 power demand through initiatives such
                                                                                                              as promoting energy efficiency standards
                                             Stricter government legislation                                  in air-conditioning systems. Vietnam and
                                             needed to manage commercial and                                  Malaysia-based respondents showed the
                                             retail AC efficiency                                             least confidence for this point.

                                             One of the top observations that came                            Building a culture of sustainability
                                             out from survey respondents and experts
                                             interviewed for this study was the need                          Beyond government legislation, there
                                             for greater government legislation, both                         were some interesting suggestions for
                                             for commercial use of air-conditioning                           how Asean countries could better build
                                             (so that public spaces are not excessively                       a culture of sustainability. William Kwok,
                                             chilled) and for retail distribution of more                     General Manager for a shopping mall
                                             efficient models.                                                in Johor, South Malaysia, reflected the
                                                                                                              opinions of many with his suggestion “to
                                             Alan Boswell, Asia Pacific Manager for                           have more public awareness campaigns
                                             Advanced Energy Savings Solutions                                and have more energy efficient AC
                                             Company Ltd, a services company in                               units available for sale in all retailers”.

                                                                Awareness of efficiency and environmental impact of ACs



                                             The Philippines





                                                           2.20      2.30       2.40       2.50      2.60       2.70       2.80       2.90       3.0       3.10       3.20
                                                People in my country are aware of the harm that refrigerant substances used in air conditioning do to the environment
                                                People in my country are familiar with the energy label and rating systems that indicate electricity savings with different
                                                brands and models of air conditioners

                                                                               Source: Eco-Business Research survey, Nov-Dec 2017, 424 respondents, weighted avg.
                                                                            1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
16                                                                             Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

                                       Eric Raymundo, Director from the                Jennifer Sandiego, an interior decorator
                                       Water Environment Association of the            with RCHITECTS Inc based in The
                                       Philippines, agreed that “information           Philippines, suggested that retailers
                                       education campaigns are vital”.                 implement “proper recycling facilities for
                                                                                       old and less efficient air-con units as part
                                       Arlene Tablan, Regional Marketing Director      of sales and marketing campaigns for more
                                       for AkzoNobel Decorative Coatings, based        efficient air-con units, as well as offering
                                       in Singapore, suggested that governments        price rebates for trade-ins of old units.”
                                       needed to go beyond awareness
                                       campaigns. Speaking with an Asean               Another innovative suggestion came from
                                       perspective, she commented: “It’s important     Shahazwan Harris, formerly an executive
                                       to provide alternatives to AC to keep           director for investments at the Malaysian
                                       homes cooler. Most consumers are not so         financial institution Khazanah Nasional
                                       concerned about environmental protection,       Berhad, that governments and the
                                       so education alone will not be effective.”      industry could introduce “energy savings
                                                                                       bonds to finance energy savings projects
                                       Lou Arsenio from the Archdiocese of             (which would) promote energy savings as
                                       Manila Ecology Ministry in The Philippines      a business, through a guaranteed savings
                                       suggested getting help from nature to           business model.”
                                       address the cooling problem by “restoring
                                       the forests and trees even in urban areas”.     Consumers, governments and
                                       Any visitor to the region’s rural areas can     businesses to drive change
                                       see how villages and houses are designed
                                       to maximise air flow and use trees to           The interviews and survey formed a
                                       provide shade and natural cooling.              useful gauge of the awareness of the

           It’s important to                                                           challenge of cooling the region and some
                                       Similarly, any urban traveler can usually       of the differences between countries.
     provide alternatives              see the marked absence of trees in most         At a basic level, the survey showed that
                                       cities as well as the absence of traditional    people were aware that air conditioning
     to AC to keep homes               construction techniques for natural             was a big consumer of electricity, and

  cooler. Most consumers               cooling such as overhanging roofs,              the largest component of energy bills
                                       balconies and access to wind flows in           and that it would continue to rise with
     are not so concerned              most modern buildings.                          population levels and affluence levels.

     about environmental               A suggestion from Janya Rattanaliam,            Most respondents were not aware of the

 protection, so education              Head of International Marketing at              extent to which faster adoption rates of
                                       Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, Thailand, was         more efficient technologies and consistent
          alone will not be            to have “more plants in each household          adjustments of standards could actually
                                       (and) to have chilled beam home                 lead to net decreases in energy consumption
                     effective.        cooling systems”. Similarly, Jed Wio from       and greenhouse gas emissions.
                                       Singapore suggested designers consider
                                       greater use of “natural airflow systems         And yet most survey respondents felt that
                                       like in traditional kampong houses, to          governments could play a larger part in the
               Arlene Tablan           avoid the heavy use of air conditioning.”       issue, even in countries where they were
     Regional Marketing Director for                                                   felt to be doing a good job in promoting
     AkzoNobel Decorative Coatings     Financing solutions                             energy efficiencies in air conditioning.

                                       Although financing options were not seen as     It also showed some of the most obvious
                                       an important priority by survey respondents     targets for raising efficiency and some of
                                       overall, there were some interesting            the wasted energy that is a by-product
                                       suggestions involving governments, utilities,   of the industry. There were two clear
                                       retailers and manufacturers.                    solutions from the survey.

                                       “Utility companies could help finance           1. Consumers can do more to manage
                                       home air conditioning by packaging              the power consumption of their home
                                       equipment costs into the monthly                use systems, although they can be
                                       electricity bill,” said Marina Yong,            aided by more awareness campaigns to
                                       Managing Director of Sustainability             demonstrate the efficiencies of the more
                                       Momentum, an IT company in Malaysia.            advanced models.
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                                                        17

                                                     My country is actively managing power demand through initiatives such as
2. Governments can help through
                                                          promoting energy efficiency standards in air conditions systems
legislation. Legislation of the commercial
sector could help to urgently address
the excessive use of cooling that many
respondents noted throughout the region                 Malaysia

in public buildings and the building codes              Thailand
that allow this. Legislation of suppliers
                                                  The Philippines
and manufacturers could also eliminate
low cost inefficient systems from the                  Indonesia
markets and drive consumers to select
the most efficient systems to use in their
homes. Businesses can also help drive                    Average

efficiency by ensuring public buildings are                    2.70   2.80        2.90   3.0      3.10    3.20     3.30     3.40   3.50    3.60    3.70   3.80     3.90   4.0
best managed for optimum temperatures                                                Source: Eco-Business Research survey, Nov-Dec 2017, 424 respondents, weighted avg.
                                                                                  1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
and that their retail customers are better
educated about the most efficient brands.

Summary of key findings

                                                    Indonesia         Malaysia             Singapore              Thailand                                   Vietnam

   Current room AC use TWH                              23.9             22.7                    6.8                20.8                     7                    4.3

   Projected room AC usage 2029
                                                        59.2                 30                  7.8                42.6                   19.4                   11.1
   (BAU scenario)

   Potential energy savings using BAT                   30%              22%                                        38%                    24%                    40%

   % of respondents highlighting AC
   efficiency as the best way of reducing               16%              23%                    38%                 19%                     7%                    33%
   GHG emissions

   Estimations from respondents of % of
                                                      11-25%            51-75%                 76-100%             51-75%                 11-25%                 26-50%
   households with AC

                                                   People in my                                                                      People in my          People in my
                                                   country often                                                                     country often         country often
                                                                      Home AC is           Home AC is            Home AC is
   Perceptions about cooling                         use other                                                                         use other             use other
                                                                      necessary            necessary             necessary
                                                     methods                                                                           methods               methods
                                                     [than AC]                                                                         [than AC]             [than AC]

   Average response to question “My country is
   actively managing power demand through               2.93             2.98                    2.18                2.77                  2.93                    3.3
   promoting energy efficiency standards in AC”

   What action would help to ensure                                                                                                                            Better
                                                       Better            Better               Better                Better
                                                                                                                                    Better labelling         consumer
   the uptake of more efficient AC (after           labelling of      labelling of         labelling of          education of
                                                                                                                                      of models              awareness
   consumer awareness and gov legislation)            models            models               models               sales staff

                                                                       financing            Enforced               Use of
                                                    legislation                                                                                                Public
                                                                       solutions             public                natural           Building code
   Top suggested areas for improvement                  and                                                                                                  awareness
                                                                          that             building AC           methods for          regulations
                                                    education                                                                                                campaigns
                                                                      encourage              levels               cooling
18                                                                                      Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

Case study:
The challenges of driving energy
efficiency in Indonesia
As the graphs in the earlier chapters have shown, Indonesia has
the largest population by far in the Southeast Asian region and
is the largest consumer of electricity.

Any regional initiatives towards the             significant electricity savings in Indonesia
uptake of more efficient use of air-             are possible by further improving the
conditioning requires a high level of            energy efficiency of air conditioning.
participation from Indonesia.                    Accelerating progress to keep pace with
                                                 shared targets within Southeast Asia
Situated between the Indian and Pacific          could save Indonesian consumers nearly
Oceans, consisting of more than 17,000           USD 690 million per year by 2030.
islands, Indonesia is also the 7th largest
country in the world in terms of sea             Regulatory framework
and land area. The enormities of the
scale of the country have undoubtedly            In Indonesia, the ministry responsible
caused challenges in forging a cohesive          for policy and regulations concerning
programme for driving energy efficiency.         energy efficiency of air conditioners
                                                 is the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
A report released in April titled World Air      Resources (MEMR). The government
Conditioner Demand by Region, conducted          agency responsible for implementing the
by The Japan Air Conditioning Industry           regulations is the Directorate of Energy
Association (JRAIA), estimates Indonesia’s air   Conservation, under the Directorate
conditioner demand in 2016 was the third         General of New and Renewable Energy
highest in Asia, behind China and India.         and Energy Conservation.

According to data from Indonesia’s               In 2015, the latest set of regulations
Ministry of Energy and Mineral                   from MEMR (Permen No. 7 2015) was
Resources’ (MEMR) Directorate of Energy          introduced, which puts a framework in
Conservation, the use of air conditioners        place to regulate new air conditioners
in Indonesia per year has reached 4              being sold in the country. It came into
million units, with an average annual            effect in August 2016. The aim of the
growth rate of 7 percent.                        regulations is to encourage producers
                                                 of air conditioners to compete in the
The International Energy Agency‘s (IEA)          market by using labels which certify the
Energy Efficiency 2017 report suggests that      energy efficiency of their models. This
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                    19

                                                     At a Glance

                                                     Third highest AC use in Asia
                                                     According to The Japan Air Conditioning Industry Association
                                                     (JRAIA), estimates put Indonesia’s 2016 air conditioner
                                                     demand at third highest, behind China and India

                                                     Low public and consumer

                                                     “There is still low public and consumer understanding of the
                                                     benefits of using energy-efficient air conditioners,”

                                                                                                     Farida Zed,
                                                                  Former MEMR Director of Conservation of Energy

                                                     Campaigns lack Government

                                                     The Indonesian government has authorised manufacturers
                                                     to do their own campaigns without government intervention.
                                                     “The only intervention is that all air con products must
                                                     comply with the SKEM rating system,”

                                                     Michael Adisuhanto, Digital Appliances Product Marketing Head,
                                                                                      Samsung Electronics Indonesia

                                                     Need for higher EER limits

                                                     “Indonesia has been left behind when compared to other
                                                     countries.” To achieve better EER ratios, producers need to be
                                                     willing to improve the quality of their products.

                                                                                                     Farida Zed,
                                                                  Former MEMR Director of Conservation of Energy
20                                                                            Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum

                                    enables consumers to choose units that             exhibitions. However, it seems the
                                    are cheaper to run.                                public awareness campaigns run by the
                                     		                                                government have not been effective.
                                    The regulations apply to all new units
                                    sold since 2016, both locally made and             Farida Zed worked at MEMR for 31 years
                                    imported. Air conditioners in Indonesia            before retiring in July 2017 from the position
                                    must bear the SKEM (Standar Kinerja                of Director of Conservation of Energy. She
                                    Energi Minimum) label and the Energy               agrees that one of the main obstacles to
                                    Saving Label (Label Tanda Hemat Energi)            Indonesia adopting more energy friendly air
                                    in accordance with the Indonesian                  conditioners is public awareness. “There is
                                    National Standard board so that                    still low public and consumer understanding
                                    household equipment conforms with                  of the benefits of using energy-efficient air
                                    energy efficiency rules.                           conditioners,” she says.

                                    The Energy Saving Label uses a four-star           MEMR had a public awareness campaign
                                    rating – a higher energy efficiency ratio          called ‘Potong 10%’ (Save 10%), which
                                    (EER) and more stars means a higher                Adipurwoko says “can be seen on personal
                                    energy efficiency. Four stars is the highest       TV screens on Garuda Indonesia planes, on
                                    and equals an EER higher than 10.41 Btu/W          the Jakarta commuter line, and in several
                                    (3.05 W/W). One star is the lowest, with an        print media.” The campaign hoped to share
                                    EER of between 8.53 Btu/W (2.5 W/W) and            the message that by reducing day-to-day
                                    9.01 Btu/W (2.64 W/W). Performance levels          individual energy consumption by 10%,
                                    set in the regulation are on the low side,         the energy savings could be directed to
                                    if compared to the efficiencies of models          providing electricity to areas where the
                                    already available in Indonesia.                    electrification ratio is limited.

         There is still low         The regulation also only applies to single split   Zed explains that the ‘Save 10%’ campaign
                                    wall-mounted units of up to 3 horsepower           was designed to be carried out on a large
     public and consumer            (hp), which are usually used in the home. This     scale and over a period of five years (since
                                    means commercial buildings can continue to         2015). “However,” she says, “this activity is
     understanding of the
                                    use non-energy efficient models.                   no longer being carried out because of
benefits of using energy-                                                              reallocation of funds and limited funding.”
                                    Wisnu Adipurwoko is an Energy
 efficient air conditioners         Conservation Analyser at the Directorate           Herbert Innah is a lecturer of Electrical
                                    of Energy Conservation at MEMR. “From              Engineering at the University of Cendrawasih
                                    the supervision we’ve carried out, all             in Jayapura, where he has lectured for 15
                                    air conditioners with a maximum power              years. According to Innah, Indonesia has to
                 Farida Zed         output of 3 hp now use SKEM and EER                overcome behavioural challenges in order to
         Former MEMR Director of    labels,” he says. “If there are any found          save energy from air conditioning.
           Conservation of Energy   without these labels, they are goods issued
                                    by the producers before the mandatory              “Most Indonesians don’t understand how
                                    date of implementation in August 2016.”            to operate ACs and lack awareness of the
                                                                                       importance of saving energy,” he said. “If
                                    It will be some years until older, less            people want to cool the room as quickly
                                    efficient units already in use come to             as possible, they set the temperature
                                    the end of their useful lives and need             as low as they can. If they want to use a
                                    replacing. For Indonesia to move forward           meeting room the next day, they turn the
                                    quickly with energy efficient cooling,             AC on the day before.”
                                    owners of old models need to understand
                                    the cost-saving benefits of replacing them         Industrial sector improves, but no
                                    with more energy efficient products.               change in retail and hospitality
                                    Low levels of public awareness
                                    cause behavioural challenges                       Zed does believe that an improvement
                                                                                       in public awareness can be seen, but
                                    Within the 2015 regulations, there is a            mainly in the industrial sector, to use
                                    clause (pasal 18 and 19) stating that              energy efficient air conditioners in
                                    MEMR should carry out public awareness             order to improve the competitiveness of
                                    campaigns on SKEM and Energy Saving                products. “Meanwhile, hotels and malls
                                    Labels through the media and at energy             are not changing much, mainly because
Freezing in the tropics: Asean’s air-con conundrum                                                                                         21

                                         of the high investment costs needed to               stars, we do not need to incentivise them.”
                                         replace existing air conditioners with               According to Adisuhanto, four out of six
                                         energy efficient ones,” she said.                    of Samsung’s air conditioner lines are
                                                                                              equipped with inverter technology.
                                         Public incentives
                                                                                              For Indonesia to move forward quickly,
                                         Currently, there is no incentive mechanism           he says that the government needs to
                                         in place to encourage the public to                  cooperate with local as well as foreign
                                         purchase new air conditioners that would             companies. “So far, government campaigns
                                         compensate for the higher price of the               don’t involve local or foreign companies
                                         newer, more energy efficient models.                 directly to increase energy efficiency. But
                                         Zed believes a tax reduction could be                at Samsung, we always educate consumers
                                         introduced, which would assist ESCOs,                about the benefit of our products, and
                                         a controlled environment laboratory                  energy efficiency is one of them.”
                                         equipment company, in helping the public
                                         choose energy efficient products.                    Adisuhanto says that the Indonesian
                                                                                              government has authorised manufacturers to
                                         To assist the consumer, she says several             do their own campaigns without government
                                         mechanisms can be put in place. These                intervention. “The only intervention is that all
                                         include: the provision of retail sales               air con products must comply with the SKEM
                                         staff who are able to explain and guide              rating system,” he says.
                                         customers to purchase energy efficient air
                                         conditioners; socialising and encouraging            Dependence on imported components
                                         the public to use energy calculators;
                                         ensuring that only energy efficient                  Ditsy Aksella works at Indonesia’s Ministry
                                         products are available on the market; and            of Environment and Forestry (MEF) in the
                                         encouraging and educating the public so              Directorate of Climate Change Mitigation
                                         that energy saving becomes a part of life.           as a data analyser of ozone destruction
                                                                                              control. She believes Indonesia can
                                         There is considerable scope for improving            progress quickly if global markets are able
                                         the minimum energy performance standard              to provide access to environmentally-
                                         for air conditioners in Indonesia.                   friendly cooling technologies.

                                         “Introducing higher EER limits is something          “Developed countries and producer countries
                                         that needs to be continued,” says Zed.               like China should take the initiative so that
                                         “Indonesia has been left behind when                 developing countries like Indonesia can
                                         compared to other countries.” To achieve             follow, and the availability of the required
                                         better EER ratios, producers need to be willing      product components can be guaranteed at an
                                         to improve the quality of their products. Zed        affordable price,” Aksella says.
                                         goes on to say that imports of non-inverter
                                         air conditioners (which are not energy               All sources in this article stated that in
                                         efficient) should not be allowed in the future.      order for Indonesia to be able to move
                                                                                              forward with energy efficient cooling,
                                         The importance of trained sales staff                the country should no longer be reliant
                                         and government cooperation                           on importing product components from
                                                                                              abroad. The prices of environmentally-
                                         There is still a low sales service capacity at air   friendly components were perceived to
                                         conditioning retailers to explain the benefits of    be too expensive for the market which is
                                         energy-efficient air conditioners to consumers.      a heavy user of “Freon” cooling, a trade
                                                                                              name for a class of chemicals known as
                                         Michael Adisuhanto is the Digital Appliances         Chlorofluorocarbons used as a refrigerant
                                         Product Marketing Head at Samsung                    in air conditioning systems.
                                         Electronics Indonesia. Adisuhanto observes:
                                         “The obstacle is the consumer’s low                  “Domestic air-conditioning manufacturers
                                         awareness of how energy efficient home               choose not to expand their production
                                         appliances would benefit them.”                      capacity and prefer to import components due
                                                                                              to lower prices,” states Zed. “This condition
                                         When asked if his sales staff are                    impedes the government’s aim to increase the
                                         incentivised to sell energy efficient models,        added value in the country and – at the same
                                         he says: “Since most of our line are four            time – the provision of employment.”
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