Page created by Barry Harrington

60mm | 2.4” Alt-azimuth Refracting Telescope
70mm | 2.8” Alt-azimuth Refracting Telescope   INFINITY SERIES
                                               60 & 70mm Telescopes
Never use a Meade® telescope to look at the Sun! Looking
at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible
damage to your eye. Eye damage is often painless, so
there is no warning to the observer that damage has
occurred until it is too late. Do not point the telescope at
or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope or
viewfinder as it is moving. Children should always have
adult supervision while observing.
INTRODUCTION                                      determines how much detail you will be
Your telescope is an excellent beginner’s         able to see in your telescope. The focal
instrument, and is designed to observe            length information will help later on to   1
objects in the sky and also on land. It can       calculate magnification.
be your personal window on the universe or
allows you to intimately study the behavior of    Setting up your telescope involves these
nesting birds on a distant hillside.              simple steps:
                                                  • Setting up your tripod
The telescope is shipped with the following       • Attach the accessory tray
parts:                                            • Attach the optical tube to the mount
• Optical tube                                    • Attach the viewfinder
• Aluminum tripod with accessory tray             • Attach the diagonal mirror and eye-
• Two 1.25” eyepieces: MA25mm, MA9mm                 piece
• 90 degree erect image diagonal mirror           • Align the viewfinder
• 2X Barlow
• Red-dot viewfinder with bracket                 Study the picture on the next page and
• Yoke-style mount                                become acquainted with the parts of
                                                  your telescope. Then proceed to “Set-
The Infinity 60 optical tube has a focal length   ting up your Tripod.”
of 800mm, and its objective lens has a diam-
eter of 60mm.

The Infinity 70 optical tube has a focal length
of 700mm and diameter of 70mm.

The lens diameter is one of the most
important pieces of information about the
telescope. The size of the objective lens
FIGURE 1                           Figure 1: Meade 60 & 70mm Alt-azimuth Refracting Telescope
                                                      Inset A:     Accessory Tray Assembly
                                                                                                                   Inset A

2                                                     Inset B:     Tripod Leg
1.    Eyepiece
                                                      Inset C:     Viewfinder Assembly
2.    Viewfinder (see Inset C)
3.    Viewfinder alignment screws (2) (see Inset C)
4.    Optical tube assembly
5.    Vertical lock knobs
6.    Horizontal lock knob
7.    Tripod legs
8.    Leg brace supports
9.    Leg brace                                                                                                      Inset B
10.   Red dot viewfinder power switch
11.   Altitude rod lock knob
12.   Accessory tray mounting bolt hole (see Inset A)
13.   Diagonal mirror
14.   Objective lens cell
15.   Focuser drawtube and thumbscrews
16.   Altitude rod slow motion fine adjustment control
17.   Altitude rod
18.   Alt-azimuth mount                                                                                  Inset C
19.   Adjustable sliding center leg extension
      (see Inset B)
20.   Tripod leg lock thumbscrew (see Inset B)
21.   Dew shield/lens shade
22.   Front lens cap (not shown)
23.   Focusing knob
24.   Viewfinder bracket (see Inset C)
25.   Viewfinder bracket mounting bolts and thumb-
      screws (not shown, see Fig. 4)
26.   Accessory tray
SETTING UP YOUR TRIPOD                                                                               with the slotted holes on each leg brace.                                    line up more precisely with a target.
The tripod is the basic support for your tele-                                                    2. Thread the provided wing-nuts from the                                       1. Note the two thumbscrews (25)
scope and comes pre-assembled from the                                                               bottom side of each leg brace and into                                          threaded onto two bolts (see Fig.        3
factory; except for the accessory tray. The                                                          the accessory tray bottom (see Fig. 2).                                         4) on the optical tube. Remove the
tripod height may be adjusted so that you                                                            Tighten to a firm feel.                                                         thumbscrews from the tube.
can view comfortably.                                                                             3. Repeat with the two other leg braces.                                        2. Line up the two holes on the viewfind-
Note: Number in brackets, e.g., (3), refer                                                                                                                                           er bracket over the two bolts. Slide the
to the item numbers in Fig. 1.                                                                    ATTACH THE OPTICAL TUBE TO THE                                                     bracket over the bolts. See Fig. 1, inset C.
1. To setup the tripod, spread the legs out                                                       MOUNT                                                                           3. Replace the thumbscrews onto the bolts
    evenly and place it on a solid surface.                                                                                                                                          and tighten to a firm feel.
                                                                                                  The optical tube gathers distant light which is
2. Set the height of your tripod:                                                                 focused in the eyepiece.
    a. Rotate and loosen the leg lock thumb-                                                                                                                                      ATTACH THE DIAGONAL MIRROR AND
                                                                                                  1. Remove the two lock knobs (5) from the
       screw (20) to unlock the leg lock.                                                            optical tube mount.                                                          EYEPIECE
    b. Slide the inner portion of the leg (19) in                                                 2. Slide the altitude rod (17) into the altitude                                The diagonal mirror reflects the light from the
       or out to the desired length. Repeat for                                                      lock knob hole(11).                                                          optical tube to a more comfortable viewing
       the other two legs.                                                                        3. Place the optical tube (4) between the                                       position.
    c. Rotate and tighten the leg lock thumb-                                                        forks of the mount, oriented as shown in
       screw to re-lock the leg lock.                                                                Fig. 3.                                                                                                              Fig. 2
    d. Repeat for the other two legs.                                                             4. Thread a lock knobs (5) through each of
                                                                                                     the holes in the forks of the mount and
ATTACH THE ACCESSORY TRAY                                                                            tighten to a firm feel.
The tray helps stabilize the tripod and is also
a convenient holder of eyepieces and other                                                        ATTACH THE VIEWFINDER
Meade accessories, such as the Barlow lens.                                                       An eyepiece (1) has a narrow field of view.
1. Place the triangular accessory tray(26)                                                        A viewfinder (2) has a wider field of view,
   onto the leg braces(9). Line up the three                                                      which makes it easier to locate objects. The
   holes at each corner of the accessory tray                                                     viewfinder has a red dot to make it easier to
      Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
1. Slide the diagonal mirror (13) into                                                              to-find land object such as the top of a                                 Alt-azimuth is just a complicated way of
      the focuser drawtube (15).                                                                          telephone pole or a distant mountain or                                  saying that your telescope moves up
 4 2. Tighten the drawtube thumbscrew to                                                                  tower. Look through the eyepiece in the                                  and down and from side to side. Other tele-
      hold the diagonal mirror securely.                                                                  diagonal mirror and turn the focuser knob                                scopes may be mounted in different ways.
3. Slide the MA 26mm eyepiece (1) into diag-                                                              (23) until the image is sharply focused.
   onal mirror.                                                                                           Center the object precisely in the eye-                                  1. Slightly loosen both of the star-shaped
4. Tighten the diagonal mirror thumbscrew to                                                              piece’s field of view.                                                      altitude control knobs (5) and altitude rod
   hold the eyepiece securely.                                                                      2.    Turn on the red-dot viewfinder by rotating                                  lock knob(11). Loosening these knobs
                                                                                                          the large knob under the viewfinder lens                                    allow you to move the telescope up and
ALIGN THE VIEWFINDER                                                                                      clockwise(10). Turn the knob to adjust the                                  down.
                                                                                                          intensity of the red dot as desired.                                     2. Slightly loosen the horizontal lock
Perform the first part of this procedure during
                                                                                                    3.    Look through the viewfinder. Turn one or                                    knob (6). Loosening this lock allows
the daytime and the last step at night.
                                                                                                          both of the viewfinder’s alignment screws                                   the telescope to be moved from side
1. Point the telescope at an easy-
                                                                            Fig. 3                        (3) until the red-dot is precisely over the                                 to side.
                                                    place tube between
                                                                                                          same object as you centered in the eye-                                  3. Once an object is found, re-tighten the
                                                               forks                                      piece.                                                                      control knobs. You can then use the slow
                                                                                                    4.    Check this alignment at night on a ce-                                                                           Fig. 4
lock                                                                                                      lestial object, such as the Moon or
knob                                                                                                      a bright star, and use the viewfinder’s                                                            viewfinder
                                                                                                          alignment screws to make any necessary                                                             mounting
                                                                               lock                                                                                                                          bolts
slide rod                                                                                           5.    When finished, turn off the viewfinder by
through                                                                                                   turning the large knob under the viewfind-
hole                                                                                                      er lens counter-clockwise until it clicks.

                                                                                                    TO MOVE THE TELESCOPE
                                                                                                    Your telescope is alt-azimuth mounted.
       Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
motion control (16) to make smooth and                     SUN WARNING                                                                                                        about the same size as yours (and his
   precise movements as you can follow                   NEVER USE YOUR TELESCOPE                                                                                                didn’t even focus very well!).
   (or “track”) an object vertically as it moves                                                                                                                                                                                          5
   in the eyepiece.                                         TO LOOK AT THE SUN!                                                                                                  OBSERVING
4. To use the slow motion control feature(16)     LOOKING AT OR NEAR THE SUN WILL CAUSE                                                                                          Observe during the daytime: Try out your
   aim the telescope at an object and tighten INSTANT AND IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO YOUR                                                                                            telescope during the daytime at first. It is
   the control knobs(5). Then lock the             EYE. EYE DAMAGE IS OFTEN PAINLESS, SO                                                                                         easier to learn how it operates and how to
   altitude lock knob(11) and rotate the slow THERE IS NO WARNING TO THE OBSERVER THAT                                                                                           observe when it is light.
   motion control(16) to follow the target in    DAMAGE HAS OCCURRED UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE.                                                                                       Pick out an easy object to observe: A dis-
   the vertical direction.                        DO NOT POINT THE TELESCOPE OR ITS VIEW-                                                                                        tant mountain, a large tree, a lighthouse or
                                                                                               FINDER AT OR NEAR THE SUN. DO NOT LOOK                                            skyscraper make excellent targets. Point the
                                                                                              THROUGH THE TELESCOPE OR ITS VIEWFINDER                                            optical tube so it lines up with your object.
THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE                                                                        AS IT IS MOVING. CHILDREN SHOULD ALWAYS
                                                                                              HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION WHILE OBSERVING.                                            Unlock the lock knobs: To move the tele-
We have one very important rule that                                                                                                                                             scope, you will need to unlock the horizontal
you should always follow when using                                                                                                                                              (6) and vertical (5 & 11) lock knobs (just
your telescope:                                                                                  dures. Don’t panic! Just relax and enjoy your                                   rotate to unlock or lock; when locking, only
                  Have Fun!                                                                      scope.                                                                          tighten to a “firm feel,” do not over tighten).
                                                                                                 You will begin to grow and learn more about
Have a good time when you’re observing.                                                          astronomy the more you observe. Browse the                                              THE MEADE 4M COMMUNITY
You may not know everything that there is to                                                     internet or go to the library and read some                                       You haven’t just bought a telescope, you have em-
know about a telescope or what all the sights                                                    books about the stars and planets. Read                                           barked on an astronomy adventure that never ends.
in the universe are, but that’s OK. Just point                                                   about astronomers of old. Many of them had                                        Share the journey with others by accepting your free
                                                                                                                                                                                   membership in the 4M community of astronomers.
and observe at first.                                                                            telescopes no bigger than the one you are
                                                                                                 using right now. Galileo, who is one of the first                                 Go to to activate your membership
You will enjoy your telescope even more as                                                       astronomers to use a telescope, discovered                                        today.
you learn more about it. But don’t be scared                                                     four of the moons of Jupiter with a telescope
off by difficult terms or complicated proce-
     Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
with the viewfinder, the eyepieces, the locks                                  that it makes other objects in the sky difficult
     Use the viewfinder: If you have not
                                                                                                   and the adjustment controls, you will be                                       to see. These are nights that are excellent
  6 done    so, align the viewfinder (2)
     with the telescope’s eyepiece (1) as
                                                                                                   ready to try out the telescope at night. The                                   for lunar observation.
                                                                                                   Moon is the best object to observe the first
     described earlier. Look through the
                                                                                                   time you go out at night. Pick a night when                                    Observe the Solar System: After observing
viewfinder until you can see the object. It will
                                                                                                   the Moon is a crescent. No shadows are                                         the Moon, you are ready to step up to the
be easier to locate an object using the view-
                                                                                                   seen during a full Moon, making it appear flat                                 next level of observation, the planets.
finder rather than locating with the eyepiece.
                                                                                                   and uninteresting.                                                             There are four planets that you can easily
Line up the object using the viewfinders
                                                                                                                                                                                  observe in your telescope: Venus, Mars,
                                                                                                   Look for different features on the Moon. The                                   Jupiter and Saturn.
                                                                                                   most obvious features are craters. In fact
Look through the eyepiece: Once you have
                                                                                                   you can see craters within craters. Some                                       Nine planets (maybe more!) travel in a fairly
the object lined up in the viewfinder, look
                                                                                                   craters have bright lines about them. These                                    circular pattern around our Sun. Any system
through the optical tube’s eyepiece. If you
                                                                                                   are called rays and are the result of material                                 of planets orbiting one or more stars is called
have aligned your viewfinder, you will see
                                                                                                   thrown out of the crater when it was struck
the object in your eyepiece.
                                                                                                   by a colliding object. The dark areas on the                                                   TOO MUCH POWER?
                                                                                                   Moon are called maria and are composed of
Focus: Look through the eyepiece and prac-
                                                                                                   lava from the period when the Moon still had                                     Can you ever have too much power? If the type of
tice focusing on the object you have chosen.                                                                                                                                        power you’re referring to is eyepiece magnification,
                                                                                                   volcanic activity. You can also see mountain
                                                                                                                                                                                    yes you can! The most common mistake of the
                                                                                                   ranges and fault lines on the Moon.
Try out the coarse and fine adjustment                                                                                                                                              beginning observer is to “overpower” a telescope
controls: Practice using the fine adjustment                                                                                                                                        by using high magnifications which the telescope’s
                                                                                                   Use a neutral density filter (often called a                                     aperture and atmospheric conditions cannot
control (16) to move the telescope. These
                                                                                                   “moon filter”) when observing the Moon.                                          reasonably support. Keep in mind that a smaller,
can come in very handy, especially when                                                                                                                                             but bright and well-resolved image is far superior
                                                                                                   Neutral density filters are available from Me-
you wish to move the telescope in very small                                                                                                                                        to one that is larger, but dim and poorly resolved.
                                                                                                   ade as an optional accessory and enhance
(fine control) steps.                                                                                                                                                               Powers above 400x should be employed only under
                                                                                                   contrast to improve your observation of lunar                                    the steadiest atmospheric conditions.
                                                                                                   features. Spend several nights observing the
Observe the Moon: When you feel comfort-
                                                                                                   Moon. Some nights, the Moon is so bright
      Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
a solar system. Our Sun, by the way, is a                                                                                                                                        of the moons each night is an excellent
single, yellow dwarf star. It is average as far                                                   Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto                                     exercise for novice astronomers.
as stars go and is a middle aged star.                                                            comprise the outer planets. These planets,                                                                                7
Beyond the planets are clouds of comets, icy                                                      except for Pluto, are made mostly of gases                                     Any small telescope can see the four
planetoids and other debris left over from the                                                    and are sometimes called gas giants. If they                                   Galilean moons of Jupiter (Fig. 5), plus a few
birth of our sun. Recently astronomers have                                                       had grown much bigger, they may have be-                                       others, but how many moons does Jupiter
found large objects in this area and they may                                                     come stars. Pluto is made mostly of ice.                                       actually have? No one knows for sure! Nor
increase the number of planets in our solar                                                                                                                                      are we sure how many Saturn has either. At
system.                                                                                           Jupiter is quite interesting to observe. You                                   last count, Jupiter had over 60 moons, and
                                                                                                  can see bands across the face of Jupiter.                                      held a small lead over Saturn. Most of these
The four planets closest to the Sun are rocky                                                     The more time you spend observing these                                        moons are very small and can only be seen
and are called the inner planets. Mercury,                                                        bands, the more details you will be able to                                    with very large telescopes.
Venus, Earth and Mars comprise the inner                                                          see.
planets. Venus and Mars can be easily seen                                                                                                                                       Probably the most memorable sight you will
in your telescope.                                                                                One of the most fascinating sights of Jupiter                                  see in your telescope is Saturn. Although
                                                                                                  are its moons. The four largest moons are
Venus is seen before dawn or after sunset,                                                        called the Galilean moons, after the astrono-
because it is close to the Sun. You can ob-                                                       mer Galileo, who observed them for the first
serve Venus going through crescent phases.                                                        time. If you’ve never watched the Galilean
But you cannot see any surface detail on                                                          moons in your telescope before, you’re
Venus because it has a very thick atmo-                                                           missing a real treat! Each night, the moons
sphere of gas.                                                                                    appear in different positions around the Jovi-
                                                                                                  an sky. This is sometimes called the Galilean
When Mars is close to the Earth, you can                                                          dance. On any given night, you might be
see some details on Mars, and sometimes                                                           able to see the shadow of a moon on the
even Mars’ polar caps. But quite often, Mars                                                      face of Jupiter, see one moon eclipse anoth-
is further away and just appears as a red dot                                                     er or even see a moon emerge from behind
with some dark lines crisscrossing it.                                                            Jupiter’s giant disk. Drawing the positions
     Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
Fig. 5
     you may not see many features on the                                                          Optional color filters help bring out detail and
     surface of Saturn, its ring structure will                                                    contrast of the planets. Meade offers a line
 8   steal your breath away. You will prob-                                                        of inexpensive color filters.
     ably be able to see a black opening in
     the rings, known as the Cassini band.                                                         What’s Next? Beyond the Solar System:
                                                                                                   Once you have observed our own system
Saturn is not the only planet that has rings,                                                      of planets, it’s time to really travel far from
but it is the only set of rings that can be seen                                                   home and look at stars and other objects.
with a small telescope. Jupiter’s rings cannot
be seen from Earth at all—the Voyager                                                              You can observe thousands of stars with
spacecraft discovered the ring after it passed                                                     your telescope. At first, you may think stars
Jupiter and looked back at it. It turns out,                                                       are just pinpoints of light and aren’t very
only with the sunlight shining through them,                                                       interesting. But look again. There is much                                     than the other?
can the rings be seen. Uranus and Neptune                                                          information that is revealed in stars.
also have faint rings.                                                                             The first thing you will notice is that not all                                Almost all the stars you can see in the sky
                                                                                                   stars are the same colors. See if you can find                                 are part of our galaxy. A galaxy is a large
                                                                                                   blue, orange, yellow, white and red stars.                                     grouping of stars, containing millions or
                                                                                                   The color of stars sometimes can tell you                                      even billions of stars. Some galaxies form
                                                                                                   about the age of a star and the temperature                                    a spiral (like our galaxy, the Milky Way) and
                                                                                                   that they burn at.                                                             other galaxies look more like a large football
                                                                                                                                                                                  and are called elliptical galaxies. There are
                                                                                                   Other stars to look for are multiple stars.                                    many galaxies that are irregularly shaped
                                                                                                   Very often, you can find double (or binary)                                    and are thought to have been pulled apart
                                                                                                   stars, stars that are very close together.                                     because they passed too close to—or even
                                                                                                   These stars orbit each other. What do you                                      through—a larger galaxy.
                                                                                                   notice about these stars? Are they
                                                                                                   different colors? Does one seem brighter                                       You may be able to see the Andromeda
                                                                                                                                                                                  galaxy and several others in your telescope.
      Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
They will appear as small, fuzzy clouds.                                                                                                                                         The 26mm eyepiece delivers a bright,
Only very large telescope will reveal spiral or                                                   Use a compass to make a circle, or trace                                       wide field of view and is the best to
elliptical details.                                                                               around the lid of a jar. Draw what you see                                     use for most viewing conditions. Use      9
                                                                                                  in your eyepiece inside the circle. The best                                   the high-power 9mm eyepiece to view
You will also be able to see some nebulas                                                         exercise for drawing is to observe the moons                                   details when observing the Moon and plan-
with your scope. Nebula means cloud. Most                                                         of Jupiter every night or so. Try to make Ju-                                  ets. If the image become fuzzy, switch back
nebulas are clouds of gas. The two easiest                                                        piter and the moons approximately the same                                     down to a lower power. Changing eyepieces
to see in the Northern Hemisphere are the                                                         size as they look in your eyepiece. You will                                   changes the power or magnification of your
Orion nebula during the winter and the Triffid                                                    see that the moons are in a different position                                 telescope.
nebula during the summer. These are large                                                         every night. As you get better at drawing, try                                 You can also change magnification by using
clouds of gas in which new stars are being                                                        more challenging sights, like a crater system                                  a Barlow lens. The Barlow lens included with
born. Some nebulas are the remains of                                                             on the moon or even a nebula.                                                  your telescope doubles the power of your
stars exploding. These explosions are called                                                                                                                                     telescope. Place the Barlow into the eye-
supernovas.                                                                                       Go your library or check out the internet for                                  piece holder before you insert the eyepiece.
                                                                                                  more information about astronomy. Learn
When you become an advanced observer                                                              about the basics: light years, orbits, star
you can look for other types of objects such                                                      colors, how stars and planets are formed,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      SURF THE WEB
as asteroids, planetary nebula and globular                                                       red shift, the big bang, what are the different
clusters. And if you’re lucky, every so often a                                                   kinds of nebula, what are comets, asteroids                                      •   The Meade 4M Community:
bright comet appears in the sky, presenting                                                       and meteors and what is a black hole. The                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                   •   Sky & Telescope:
an unforgettable sight.                                                                           more you learn about astronomy, the more                                   
                                                                                                  fun, and the more rewarding your telescope                                       •   Astronomy:
The more you learn about objects in the                                                           will become.                                                                     •   Astronomy Picture of the Day:
sky, the more you will learn to appreciate the                                                                                                                                         http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.goc/apod
                                                                                                                                                                                   •   Photographic Atlas of the Moon:
sights you see in your telescope. Start                                                           SOME OBSERVING TIPS                                                        
a notebook and write down the observations                                                        Eyepieces: Always begin your observa-                                            •   Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures:
you make each night. Note the time and                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                  tions using the 26mm low-power eyepiece.
the date.
     Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
Meade offers a complete line of eye-                                                        placed at the edge of the field, ready to be                                   inside and outside air. Also, it is a good idea
      pieces and Barlows for your telescope.                                                      further observed.                                                              to allow your telescope to reach the ambient
 10 Most astronomers have four or five                                                                                                                                           (surrounding) outside temperature before
      low-power and high power eyepieces                                                          Vibrations: Avoid touching the eyepiece                                        starting an observing session.
to view different objects and to cope with                                                        while observing through the telescope. Vibra-                                  When to observe: Planets and other
different viewing conditions.                                                                     tions resulting from such contact will cause                                   objects viewed low on the horizon often lack
Objects move in the eyepiece: If you are                                                          the image to move. Avoid observing sites                                       sharpness—the same object, when ob-
observing an astronomical object (the Moon,                                                       where vibrations cause image movement (for                                     served higher in the sky, will appear sharper
a planet, star, etc.) you will notice that the                                                    example, near railroad tracks). Viewing from                                   and have greater contrast. Try reducing
object will begin to move slowly through                                                          the upper floors of a building may also cause                                  power (change your eyepiece) if your image
the telescopic field of view. This movement                                                       image movement.                                                                is fuzzy or shimmers. Keep in mind that
is caused by the rotation of the Earth and                                                        Let your eyes “dark-adapt:” Allow five or                                      a bright, clear, but smaller image is more
makes an object move through the tele-                                                            ten minutes for your eyes to become “dark                                      interesting than a larger, dimmer, fuzzy one.
scope’s field of view. To keep astronomical                                                       adapted” before observing. Use a red-fil-
objects centered in the field, simply move                                                        tered flashlight to protect your night vision                                                        STAR CHARTS
the telescope on one or both of its axes—                                                         when reading star maps, or inspecting the                                        Star charts and planispheres are useful for a variety of
vertically and/or horizontally as needed—try                                                      telescope. Do not use a regular flash-light or                                   reasons. In particular, they are a great aid in planning a
using the telescopes coarse and fine adjust-                                                      turn on other lights when observing with a                                       night of celestial viewing.
ment controls. At higher powers, astronom-                                                        group of other astronomers. You can make                                         A wide variety of star charts are available in books,
ical objects will seem to move through the                                                        your own red filtered flashlight by taping red                                   in magazines, on the internet and on CD Roms.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Meade offers AutoStar SuiteTM software. Contact your
field of view of the eyepiece more rapidly.                                                       cellophane over a flashlight lens.                                               local Meade dealer or Meade’s Customer Service
                                                                                                                                                                                   department for more information.
Place the object to be viewed at the edge                                                         Viewing through windows: Avoid setting
of the field and, without touching the tele-                                                      up the telescope inside a room and observ-                                       Astronomy and Sky and Telescope magazines print
scope, watch it drift through the field to the                                                    ing through an opened or closed window                                           star charts each month for up-to-the-minute maps of
                                                                                                                                                                                   the heavens.
other side before repositioning the telescope                                                     pane. Images may appear blurred or distort-
so that the object to be viewed is again                                                          ed due to temperature differences between

     Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
Using too high a power eyepiece is one of                                                                                                                                                 length.
the most common mistakes made by new                                                                                       HAVE A GOOD TIME,                                              Objective lens diameter is how big the
                                                                                                                           ASTRONOMY IS FUN!                                              front lens is on your scope. Telescopes 11
Dress Warm: Even on summer nights, the                                                                                                                                                    are always described by how large
air can feel cool or cold as the night wears                                                                                                                                              their objective lens is. Depending on your
on. It is important to dress warm or to have a                                                     SPECIFICATIONS                                                                         telescope model, the lens diameter is either
sweater, jacket, gloves, etc., nearby.                                                                                                                                                    60mm or 70mm.
                                                                                                   Infinity 60 model:
Know your observing site: If possible,                                                             Objective lens diameter                                                 60mm(2.4”)     Other telescopes are 90mm, 8 inches, 16
know the location where you will be observ-                                                        Optical tube focal length                                                   800mm      inches, or even 3 feet in diameter. The Hub-
ing. Pay attention to holes in the ground and                                                      Focal ratio                                                                   f/13.3   ble Telescope’s objective lens has a diame-
other obstacles. Is it a location where wild                                                       Mounting type                                                           Alt-azimuth    ter of 2.4 meters (that’s 7.8 feet across!).
animals, such as skunks, snakes, etc., may                                                         Viewfinder                                                                  Red-dot    The focal ratio helps determine how fast the
appear? Are there viewing obstructions such                                                                                                                                               photographic speed of a telescope is. The
as tall trees, street lights, headlights and so                                                    Infinity 70 model:                                                                     lower the focal ratio number, the faster the
forth? The best locations are dark locations,                                                      Objective lens diameter                                                 70mm(2.8”)
the darker the better. Deep space objects                                                          Optical tube focal length                                                   700mm                    ASTRONOMY RESOURCES
are easiest to see under dark skies.                                                               Focal ratio                                                                     f/10
But it is still possible to observe even in a                                                      Mounting type                                                           Alt-azimuth     •   The Meade 4M Community
city.                                                                                              Viewfinder                                                                  Red-dot            27 Hubble, Irvine, CA 92618
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   Astronomical League
Surf the Web and visit your local library:                                                         What do the specifications mean?                                                               Executive Secretary
The internet contains a huge amount of                                                             Optical tube focal length is the distance light
                                                                                                                                                                                                  5675 Real del Norte, Las Cruces, NM 88012
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   The Astronomical Society of the Pacific
astronomical information, both for children                                                        travels in the telescope before being brought                                                  390 Ashton Ave., San Francisco, CA 94112
and adults. Check out astronomy books from                                                         to focus in you eyepiece. Depending on the                                              •   The Planetary Society
your library. Look for star charts—these are                                                       telescope model, the focal length is either
                                                                                                                                                                                                 65 North Catalina Ave, Pasadena, CA 91106
available on a monthly basis in Astronomy                                                                                                                                                  •   International Dark-Sky Association, Inc.
                                                                                                   800mm or 700mm long. Look at the specifi-                                                      3225 N. First Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719-2103
and Sky and Telescope magazines.                                                                   cation table to find out your telescopes focal
      Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
exposure. f/5 is faster than f/10. The                                                       USE THE SPECIFICATIONS TO CALCU-                                               and your new eyepiece magnifies objects 55
      faster the ratio, the faster exposure time                                                   LATE THE MAGNIFICATION OF YOUR                                                 times.
 12 is needed when a camera is hooked up                                                           EYEPIECE
      to the telescope. Your telescope has                                                                                                                                        A great accessory for your telescope is
                                                                                                   The power of a telescope is how much it
      slower focal ratio at f/8.5. Sometimes,                                                                                                                                     a Barlow lens If you use a Barlow lens
                                                                                                   magnifies objects. For a Infinity 70, the
astronomers use focal reducers to make                                                                                                                                            with one of your eyepieces, it doubles the
                                                                                                   26mm eyepiece magnifies an object 27
slow exposure telescopes have faster focal                                                                                                                                        magnification of your eyepiece. Other types
                                                                                                   times. The 9mm eyepiece magnifies objects
ratios.                                                                                                                                                                           of Barlows can triple or further increase the
                                                                                                   78 times.
Alt-azimuth mounting simply means your                                                                                                                                            power of an eyepiece. To find out how much
telescope moves up and down (altitude                                                              If you obtain other eyepieces, you can calcu-                                  the magnification is when you use a Barlow,
or “alt”), and side to side, (azimuth or “az”).                                                    late how much magnification they have with                                     multiply your eyepiece’s magnification
Other mounting configurations are available                                                        your telescope. Just divide the focal length                                   by two.
for other telescopes, such as equatorial                                                           of the telescope by the focal length of the                                          Eyepiece’s magnification x 2
mounting.                                                                                          eyepiece.                                                                                           =
                                                                                                           Focal Length of the Telescope                                              Magnification with a 2X Barlow lens
                                                                                                            Focal Length of the Eyepiece                                          For the Infinity 70 the 26mm low-power eye-
                                                                                                                          =                                                       piece magnifies an object 27 times. Multiply
                                                                                                                    Magnification                                                 27 by 2 and you get 54 times magnification
                                                                                                                                                                                  with a Barlow.
                                                                                                   Look at the specifications. For the Infinity
                                                                                                   70, you will see that the focal length of your                                 It’s worth repeating: Keep in mind that a
                                                                                                   scope is 700mm. Let’s say that you have                                        bright, clear, but smaller image is more
                                                                                                   obtained a 13mm eyepiece. You can tell that                                    interesting than a larger, dimmer, fuzzy one.
                                                                                                   what the focal length of your eyepiece is as                                   Using too high a power eyepiece is one of
                                                                                                   it is always printed on the side of an eye-                                    the most common mistakes made by new
                                                                                                   piece. Divide: 700 ÷ 13, which equals 54.85.                                   astronomers. So don’t think that higher
                                                                                                   Round this off to the nearest whole number                                     magnification is necessarily better—quite
      Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
often the best view is with lower magnifica-                                                             tissues often.
tion value!                                                                                        CAUTION: Do not use scented or lotioned                                                                                              13
                                                                                                   tissues or damage could result to the optics.
TAKING CARE OF YOUR TELESCOPE                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fig. 6
                                                                                                   DO NOT use a commercial photographic
Your telescope is a precision optical instru-                                                      lens cleaner.                                                                  push here to open
ment designed for a lifetime of rewarding                                                                                                                                         battery compartment
viewing. It will rarely, if ever, require factory                                                  CHANGING THE VIEWFINDER BATTERY
servicing or maintenance. Follow these                                                                   If the viewfinder red dot does not illumi-                                                                              CR2032
guidelines to keep your telescope in the best                                                            nate, verify the viewfinder is on by rotating                                                                           battery
condition:                                                                                               the knob below the viewfinder lens clock-
                                                                                                         wise. If the red dot does not illuminate, the
• Avoid cleaning the telescope’s lenses. A                                                               battery may need replacing.
  little dust on the front surface of the tele-                                                                                                                                                                             battery
  scope’s correcting lens will not cause loss                                                            To replace the battery, press the left side                                                                        compartment
  of image quality.                                                                                      of the viewfinder housing labeled “push”.
                                                                                                         The battery compartment will slide out on
• When absolutely necessary, dust on the                                                                 the right side of the viewfinder (see Fig.                                  JOIN AN ASTRONOMY CLUB, ATTEND A STAR
  front lens should be removed with very                                                                 6). Replace the battery with a Lithium                                                              PARTY
  gentle strokes of a camel hair brush or                                                                CR2032 battery with the positive side up.                                 One of the best ways to increase your knowledge of
  blown off with an ear syringe (available at                                                                                                                                      astronomy is to join an astronomy club. Check your
                                                                                                         Then push the battery compartment back                                    local newspaper, school, library, or telescope dealer/
  most pharmacies).                                                                                      into the viewfinder and power on.                                         store to find out if there’s a club in your area.
• Fingerprints and organic materials on the                                                        OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES                                                            Many groups also hold regularly scheduled Star
  front lens may be removed with a solution                                                                                                                                        Parties at which you can check out and observe
  of 3 parts distilled water to 1 part isopro-                                                     Additional Eyepieces (1.25” barrel                                              with many different telescopes and other pieces of
  pyl alcohol. You may also add 1 drop of                                                          diameter): For higher or lower                                                  astronomical equipment. Magazines such as Sky and
  biodegradable dishwashing soap per pint                                                          magnifications with the telescopes that                                         Telescope and Astronomy print schedules for many
                                                                                                                                                                                   popular Star Parties around the United States and
  of solution. Use soft, white facial tissues                                                      accommodate 1.25” eyepieces, Meade
  and make short, gentle strokes. Change                                                           Series 4000 Super Plössl eyepieces,
      Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
available in a wide variety of sizes,
14    provide a high level of image resolution
      and color correction at an economical
      price. Contact your Meade Dealer or
see the Meade catalog for more information.
Visit us on the web at

If you have a question concerning your telescope,
call Meade Instruments Consumer Solutions De-
partment at (800) 626-3233. Consumer Solutions
Department hours are 7:00AM to 5:00PM, Pacific
Time, Monday through Friday. Write or call the
Meade Consumer Solutions Department first,
before returning the telescope to the factory, giving
full particulars as to the nature of the problem,
as well as your name, address, and daytime
telephone number. The great majority of servicing
issues can be resolved by telephone, avoiding
return of the telescope to the factory.

      Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
MEADE LIMITED WARRANTY                                                                            This warranty is not valid in cases where the
                                                                                                  product has been abused or mishandled,
Every Meade telescope and telescope                                                               where unauthorized repairs have been                                           15
accessory is warranted by Meade                                                                   attempted or performed, or where
Instruments Corp (“Meade”) to be free of                                                          depreciation of the product is due to normal
defects in materials and workmanship for                                                          wear-and-tear. Meade specifically disclaims
a period of TWO YEARS from the date of                                                            special, indirect, or consequential damages
original purchase in the U.S.A. Meade will                                                        or lost profit which may result from a breach
repair or replace a product, or part thereof,                                                     of this warranty. Any implied warranties
found by Meade to be defective, provided                                                          which cannot be disclaimed are hereby
the defective part is returned to Meade,                                                          limited to a term of one year from the date
freight-prepaid, with proof of purchase. This                                                     of original retail purchase.
warranty applies to the original purchaser
only and is non-transferable. Meade                                                               This warranty gives you specific rights. You
products purchased outside North America                                                          may have other rights which vary from state
are not included in this warranty, but are                                                        to state.
covered under separate warranties issued
by Meade international distributors.                                                              Meade reserves the right to change product
                                                                                                  specifications or to discontinue products
RGA Number Required: Prior to the                                                                 without notice.
return of any product or part, a Return
Goods Authorization (RGA) number must                                                             This warranty supersedes all previous
be obtained from Meade by writing, or by                                                          Meade product warranties.
calling (800) 626-3233. Each returned part
or product must include a written statement
detailing the nature of the claimed defect,
as well as the owner’s name, address, and
phone number.                                                                                     ©2014 Meade Instruments Corp.

     Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.







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                                                     27 Hubble, Irvine,   92618
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