October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table

Page created by Bertha Henry
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
October 2015

RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
EDITORS CHIRP                            PRESIDENTS PREACH
                                                                                               During this year I was fortunate to being
Good Day RTSA.                                 Gentlemen of RTSA                               exposed to passionate Tablers from
                                                                                               throughout the association and was I on
This edition is a massive one, and as          As this year crawls to an end with the          more than one occasion confronted with
always I really enjoyed making it even         festive season around the corner it is the      so many new and unique ideas and
though I had to lock myself in a dark          time for reflection on the year past.           views.
room for three days to get it done. Not
that I mind getting locked up in dark          As for new years resolutions to the likes       One of the most noteworthy was during
rooms, but that is a story for another time.   of:                                             the past BMG in Heidelberg from a
Gents please send me your articles as                                                          Tabler from Northridge 117 Nico Basson
soon as it is written or as soon as you        Stop smoking                                    that enquired why we as Tablers are so
get it from where ever, as this will help      Lose 10kg                                       selfish.
me keep the editions at the same length,       Save more money etc. etc.
and not one big one one small one.                                                             I was taken aback by this question and
                                               I find myself looking at the new years          thought we are an organization with its
Thanks                                         resolutions I made for our Table year and       core revolving around giving where and
                                               came to realise that Round Table is not         why would he get that impression.
Yours in Table
                                               aligned to a twelve-month calendar but
Ernest “Ninja” Lamprecht                       rather an alternative infinite path outside     Here is a transcript of the conversation
                                               the relativities of time.
                                                                                               Nico: Do I have a brother in-law?
                                               It is very difficult to fix something that is   Me: Yes I do, I have two
                                               not broken and even more difficult to           Nico: Do I have a best friend?
                                               improve but definitely possible.                Me: Yes I do
                                                                                               Nico: To which Table do they belong?
                                               The essential cogs that make this engine        Me: No they are not part of Round Table
                                               we call Round Table turn may differ in          Nico: Why not?
                                               size but each one of utmost importance.         Me: Well, I don’t think they would fit in
                                                                                               Nico: When did they decide that?
                                               Ok enough of the analogies I can here           Me: No they didn’t, I DID !!!!
                                               you say.

                                                         RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
Now my friends, that shocked me to            secure the sustained future of Round
realize that I never offered them the         Table if we do it together.
opportunity to decide for themselves and
in that lies the selfish nature of us as      Remember take care of each other and
Tablers.                                      the rest will fall right into place.

Round Table has structures and Thank you
procedures that allow guests to be
exposed to what we do and stand for and Spidey Knepscheld
then make a decision to whether they
would be inclined to become part or not. RTSA President 2015/16
In the same way we as Tablers would
have the opportunity to gauge the guest
and make our decision to at some stage
offer him the opportunity to become a

Some might argue that my best friends
are already in Table, as that might be true
but they are not necessarily your best
friends before you joined Round Table.

Sad to say but I had to agree with Nico
and in that change the way that I
approach inviting new members to Table.

Thank you to those of you that keep think
of Round Table and confronting me with
your thoughts and ideas, this has really
been so inspirational and motivating.

Keep sharing ideas as we can only

                                                      RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
VICE ADVICE                        we have achieve a lot during the last        by all. Thank you to each one of you for
                                             couple of months, achieving as much as       making the weekend special for Chane
                                             RTSA as a combined unit achieves takes       and myself, we had a great time and look
                                             a lot of hard work, long hours, dedication   forward to the next one! It is very
                                             and a lot of motivation. I want to thank     encouraging to see the amount of inter-
                                             you for what you have done thus far, it      area raiding at these conferences and I
                                             inspires me every time I attend an area      want to encourage you to make an effort
                                             conference and I get to hear passionate      to attend other Areas area conferences.
                                             tablers tell their stories. So, thank you
                                             for the inspiration!                         All the best with the last part of the year,
                                                                                          I hope and trust that you will close it off
                                             One thing which we cannot lose sight of      as positively as you lived the first months
                                             though, even when we are tired and           of this year!
                                             looking forward to a relaxed holiday, is
                                             the promotion of Round Table to each         YIT
                                             and every person out there. We cannot
Vice advice                                  stop marketing this organization because     Rupert
                                             then we lose the momentum, and               Vryheid 129
Good day fellow RTSA tablers, we are         building that up again next year takes       RTSA Vice President
approaching the festive season and the       time... Replacing yourself is more
year is slowly winding down, the             important than ever, over the next couple
Christmas decorations have started           of months you will meet new people, you
going up and we are preparing for a          will be exposed to other young men who
Boney M onslaught…                           might have the same ideals as you have.
                                             Market the brand of Round Table to
I have often felt that the motivation and    them!
enthusiasm of some tablers starts to
really suffer at this time of the year, we   I recently attended the BMG conference
are all wrapping up the last projects,       which was hosted by Gauteng this year,
arranging for Christmas Parties and          and was amazed to see the commitment
closing the year off. And you can’t help     of the tablers of these areas and blown
but feel tired, it’s been a long year and    away by the fellowship which was had
                                                      RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
CARLETONVILLE 50                        Trophy this year and the losers to
                                            organise next year is Pieter and
             RALLY TROPHY                   Paula.Thank you Stefan and Vicky for a
                                            lekker day and a twist to the normal Rally
This year on 16 June it was time for our days.
Rally Trophy to be won and moved to
someone else again. Stafan was the
organiser this year as he got last place
last year. Usually what the day consists
of is every table couple participating as a
team in a race like the amazing race.
Everybody got together and Stafan and
Vicky had us shoot at balloons with a
pellet gun for oints and then said that the
day would be a little different than
others.They had everyone follow them
and told us to write down anything on the
way that we thought could be clues. After
a few turn and the ladies in the passenger
seats writing like crazy we arrived at the
range in Elandsrand.Here we were told
that we would be shooting for some more
points. We all got to shoot with two
handguns and two hunting rifles.I can
honestly say that there are a few of the
guys that should never think about
crossing their ladies as they are better
shots than the guys. It was a whole lot of
fun and fellowship and we went back to
the clubhouse for the results of the day
as well as n lekker braai.Herman and
Karien was the winners of the Rally
                                                     RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
  Chairmans Visit     Chairmans Visit                Chairmans Visit

                      RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
Chairmans Visit   Induction Dinner              Induction Dinner

                   RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table

                     RTSA Inkundla October 2015
October 2015 - RTSA Inkundla October 2015 - Round Table
CARLETONVILLE 50                         beers spilled, a hard game and being able
                                             to spot our 30 fans even from the
           Rugby Tour 2015                   helicopter photos with our bright outfits,
                                             we survived the stadium and head back
Carletonville 50 has a yearly project        to the bus for some food and more drink.
running for some travel money and trust      We headed back home and you would
money. Every year we organize a bus trip     think that after a day likethat everyone
to Ellis Park for the game between the       would leave, but there were still a few
Spring-boks and New Zeeland. Stefan          guys withsome spirit left in them and they
Grobler has been the hard working            continued the party and the RT50
convener of this day.                        clubhouse.
The morning of the trip 30 very excited      At the end of the day the Springbucks
rugby fans got together at the RT50          might have lost the game, but it was yet
clubhouse for breakfast served with some     another day that few people would
Russian Orange Juice.                        forget.Thanks Stafan for the organising
And waited for their tickets and jackets     of the day and we hope to see you all
for the day. After loading the bus and       again next year.
finally getting everyone on board, we
were on our way with the front of the bus
serving as the bar and DJ booth After
some pit stops to make room for the next
drink we arrived at Ellis Park, were we
had a great spot only a block from the
stadium and we quickly managed to make
the area look like party central.
The time we went into the stadium and
the game started I’m really not sure who
was stillable to actually watch the game.
But we did meet some other tablers from
the area as well.
It was just great in so many different
levels. Long lines taken on for beer, many

                                                       RTSA Inkundla October 2015
KLERKSDORP 45                        Pizza wat sonder om twee keer te dink       Bovermelde sukses sou nie moontlik
                                           vir ons al die broodjies geskenk het vir    gewees het sonder die harde werk en
Die ware betekenis van liefdadigheid is    hierdie projek.    Hierdie projek was       onbaatsugtige opoffering van die lede van
om te gee met ʼn ope en opregte hart,       weereens ‘n reuse sukses en was die         Klerksdorp 45 en hulle “vennote” nie.
sonder om enige iets in ruil te verwag.    dankbaarheid van die gemeenskap van         Ons maak dan ook gebruik van die
Letterlik:    “Jou      onbaatsugtige      Dawkinsville, onbeskryflik.                 geleentheid op vir Nebraska Spur, Silver
opoffering vir liefdadigheid”.                                                         Lynx Spur, Bear Creek Spur, Domino’s
                                           Klerksdorp 45 was dan ook in ‘n posisie Pizza & Pave Ville te bedank, sonder
Klerksdorp 45 is bevoorreg om in           om ‘n plaaslike skool vir gestremdes hulle bydraes sou hierdie projekte nie
vennootskap te wees met besighede wat      Manu Dei nuwe plaveisel van ongeveer moontlik gewees het nie.
nog bereid is om die gemeenskap te dien,   40 vierkante meter te laat installeer sodat
sonder om enige iets in ruil te verwag.    die kinders nie verder in die stof hoef te Ek sluit af met die volgende aanhaling:
Op 12 Junie 2015 was dit weer tyd vir      speel nie.      In hierdie projek was “Most people think of themselves first,
Klerksdorp 45 se jaarlikse golfdag, wat    Klerkdorp 45 bystaan deur JG but if we can go beyond our personal
altyd voorheen ‘n reuse sukses was.        Claassens van Pave Ville wat die benefits and consider all other beings,
Hierdie jaar het dit egter anders gewerk   plaveisel geskenk het en slegs sy kostes then       that    is    charity    without
en was Klerksdorp 45 genader deur Mnr.     verhaal het vir die arbeid vir die conditions”.
Pieter Volschenk wat die drie Spur         installering daarvan.
Restaurante in Klerksdorp besit om
gesamentlik die golfdag aan te bied.    Laastens het elke tafellaar van
 Die golfdag was ‘n reuse sukses en het Klerksdorp 45 ‘n geleentheid gekry om
Klerksdorp 45 met die hulp van die      ‘n skool te identifiseer waar daar nood is,
personeel van Spur ‘n bedrag van R      hetsy of dit kos, skoolklere of
43 000.00 ingesamel wat ons weer in     skryfbehoeftes is. Hier was die hooffokus
staat gestel het om terug te gee aan dievan Klerksdorp 45 die kinders van die
gemeenskap in hierdie moeilike tye wat  gemeenskap. Nadat elke tafellaar sy
die ekonomie druk.                      skool geïdentifiseer het was daar ‘n totale
                                        bedrag R 30 000.00 aan ses skole in die
Uit die fondse wat ontvang was het gemeenskap geskenk, welke gelde die
Klerksdorp 45 150 liter sop uitgedeel skole moet aanwend vir die bevordering
aan 125 mense in Dawkinsville. Hier was van die omstandighede van die kinders.
ons weer bygestaan deur Domino’s

                                                     RTSA Inkundla October 2015
KLERKSDORP 45             45                 GOLFDAY

                RTSA Inkundla October 2015
All of this was made possible by the involvement
        KLERKSDORP 45                            and partnership with our local community of
                                                 Klerksdorp. We at Klerksdorp 45 believe that the
               Winter Knights                    true measure of our success is the hope that is
With the colder weather making us reach for our spread to those who receive and the joy that is
blankets and warm clothing, Klerksdorp 45 felt by those who are able to give.
fought against the cold and held their annual
winter knights on the 3rd of July 2015. The main PIETMAN MYBURG
purpose of this event was to help spread warmth
to those less fortunate through the donations
from the community in the form of non-
perishables, clothing, blankets and cash

The success of this campaign lied in the passion
of the members of Klerksdorp 45 who serve their
community by putting their hearts and souls in
to this event by calling on all the attorney firms
in Klerksdorp to donate blankets. Klerksdorp 45
also approached the local businesses in
Klerksdorp and Stilfontein to get involved, and
by branding trollies at the local Spar’s we have
received more or less 60 non-perishable items
to the value of R 700.00.

Klerksdorp 45 also received 46 blankets from
the local businesses in Klerksdorp which enable
us to deliver winter supplies to the homeless
shelters, orphanages and old age homes which
will bring smiles to the faces of young and old

Through cash donations in the amount of R
850.00 Klerksdorp 45 managed on the 10th of
July 2015 to bring joy to less fortunate children
by giving 185 children a hot meal at a local
church in Alabama, Klerksdorp.

                                                            RTSA Inkundla October 2015
KROONSTAD 42                                VRYSTAAT AREA AGM                     NARTSA 2015

KROONSTAD 42 AGM                             Die Vrystaat area AGM is hierdie jaar in     Wat n belewenis!! Baie geluk aan al die
                                             Kroonstad gehou. Die manne van               manne van Namibie met n baie
Ons algemene jaarvergadering het             Kroonstad 42 het almal ingespring en         suksesvolle ARTSA 2015. Kroonstad 42
plaasgevind op 12 Januarie 2015.             gehelp met die reelings, homehosting en      was goed verteenwoordig by NARTSA
Die vergadering en daarop volgende           logistiek om die geleentheid n groot         met 7 van ons lede wat die geleentheid
inhuldigings seremonie is deur al ons lede   sukses te maak. Die vergadering en           bygewoon het. Te danke aan die
bygewoon en was dit n glans geleentheid      “banquete” is by Arcadia gastehuis           bekostigbare      vlieg    kaartjies   en
soos altyd. Ons Tafel dames het hulle        aangebied en al die tafels in die area was   akkomodasie in Namibie was die opsie
ondersteuning gewys en was deftig            goed verteenwoordig. Terugvoering van        om te vlieg n maklike besluit vir meeste
uitgevat in aandrokke. Thinus Kotze is       die manne na afloop van die geleentheid      manne, maar van ons manne en dames
verkies en ingehuldig as Voorstiter vir      het dit ook eens dat die Ladies Tour die     het die langpad aangepak en het dit
2015 / 2016. Baie geluk Thinus en ons        dames      met    opwindende         nuwe    sommer n 10 dae vakansie gemaak. Ons
vertrou dat ons onder jou leiding sal        vaardighede toegerus het. Dit was ook vir    het deur die pragtige en unieke landskape
aaneem, aanpas en verbeter in ons            Kroonstad 42 n groot eer en vooreg om        van Namibie getoer, verdwaal en selfs
strewe om die rol wat Round Table in die     teenwoordig te kon wees waar een van         bietjie vasgesit. Die duine buite
gemeenskap speel te kan versterk en van      ons lede as vooritter van die Vrystaat       Swakopmund het vir asemrowende
verdere diens te kan wees vir die            area vir 2015/2016 ingehuldig word.          “Sand boarding” en ure se pret op vierwiel
behoeftige mense en instansies in ons        Geluk GD KOTZE en Sterkte met die            motorfietse gesorg. N paar manne en
dorp. Ons hartike dank ook aan Henk          termyn. Kroonstad 42 staan soos een          Dames het selfs die energie en
Cronje en sy Vrou wat die geleenheid as      man agter jou en jou komitee.                uithouvermoë gehad om Duin 7 aantepak
Area Voorsitter bygewoon het.                                                             en met bitter min asem bo uittekom. Met
                                                                                          meer as n duisend fotos van die natuur,
                                                                                          die see, die mense en die kuiers is dit n
                                                                                          ondervinding wat mens steeds nie kan
                                                                                          oorvertel nie!!
                                                                                          Alhoewel dit vir sommiges hul eerste
                                                                                          ARTSA was het hulle sommer dadelik tuis
                                                                                          gevoel tussen al die ander tafelaars. Die
                                                                                          +- 4500km tog het die kameraadskap
                                                                                          tussen die manne versterk en alhoewel

                                                       RTSA Inkundla October 2015
die Hard Core Hut gesorg het vir n                                             SNOFS & VRYSTAAT Bi-Area
verhoogde iname van pynstillers en                                                    Conference
Cream Soad het dit ook die geleentheid
gebied vir heerlike sosiale samesyn                                        Gedurende die naweek van 11-13 Sept
tusssen tafelaars van reg oor Suider                                       het 8 manne en 5 dames van Kroonstad
Afrika. Die verhale van manne wat per                                      42 die eerste Bi-conference tussen die
fiets en per “schooter” na Namibie getoer                                  Vrystaat en SNOFS areas bygewoon. Die
het dui weereens op die toewyding en                                       baie suksesvolle konferensie is by die
kameraadskap wat onder die manne                                           Limerick Lodge buite Potchefstroom
heers om onder die vaandel van                                             aangebied.
TafelRonde fondse intesamel om n                                           Die bekostigbare verblyf en elke man se
verskil te maak in hulle spesifieke area of                                eie “Hard Core Hut” het dit moontlik
dorp.                                                                      gemaak om die naweek daar te spandeer
Die manne van Kroonstad 42 kon ook met                                     sonder dat dit n been en arm gekos het.
trots toekyk hoe Spidey Knepscheldt as
President van die Assosiasie ingehuldig                                    Dit dames se “invention Challenge” wat
word. Spidey is sekerlik een van                                           behels het dat die dames in span verband
Kroonstad se mees toegewyde tafelaars                                      moes kompeteer vir n burger kompetisie
en beslis een van ons staatmakers en                                       was ook n baie kreatiewe idée om kostes
steunpilare. Saam met sy sielsgenoot en                                    te bespaar en middag ete aan almal te
vroutjie Joan en hulle kinders is hulle                                    voorsien.
waarlik n voorbeeld van hoe Round Table                                    Alhoewel 3 van die 5 dames wat ons
n intergrale deel van n mens se lewe kan                                   vergessel het swanger was het ons
wees en sodoende met lang ure en harde                                     steeds lekker gekamp en selfs n dart bord
werk die onselfsugtige opofferings maak                                    teen n boom opgesit vir n vinnige
om behoeftige en minder bevooregde                                         veerpyltjie of twee.
mense in ons gemeenskap te kan help.                                       Gedurende die res van die naweek het
Baie geluk Spidey, jou passie vir Tafel is                                 ons ook saam met ander tafelaars
aansteeklik. Sterkte vir jou en jou                                        gekuier en kon ons n paar idees,
komitee met julle werksaamhede om                                          gedagtes en planne vir moontlike projekte
Round Table as organisaie in Suider                                        met mekaar deel.
Afrika van krag tot krag te laat gaan.

                                              RTSA Inkundla October 2015
SANBS JAIL-N-BAIL                            WINTER KNIGHTS 2015                      “gemeenskaps geleentheid’ sal hou nie
                                                                                               maar eerder deur tot deur en by inkopie
Op 22 Junie 2015 het Kroonstad 42 weer        Hierdie jaar het ons weer met ywer aan           sentrums sal aanklop vir donasies /
die SANBS se jaarlikse Jail-N-Bail projek     die jaarlikse nationale Winter Knights of        skenkings.
ondersteun. Die Kroonstad SAPD het een        Round Table projek deelgeneem en ons             Die opbrengs van die projek is aan
van ons lede, Francois Geldenhuis, met        manne het die koue trotseer om donasies          verskeie organisasies, instansies en
huilende sirenes en flitsende ligte by sy     in te samel. Versekei besighede het              behoeftige mense soos die VVA, ENGO,
besigheid gaan “arresteer” en by SANBS        finansiele donasies gemaak. Daar was             Kroonstad sentrum vir bejaardes,
se perseel in n sel toegesluit. Ons as        ook n “Boemelaarsaand” gehou met n               Behoeftiges van Kroonstad, Thusanang
tefelaars het lede van die gemeenskap         bring en braai en slegs n kombers as             en ander uitegedeel.
gewerf en self ook gaan bleodskenk om         toegang.                                         Baie dankie en geluk aan Beneric Botma
die 10 eenhede te skenk wat as borg sou       Gedurende die geleentheid het die                wat as Convenor van die projek
dien om hom uit te “bail”. Die projek is as   personeel van ENGO, n plaaslike                  voorgevat het.
diens projek hanteer en ons kry elke jaar     welsyns organisasie, n “Power point”
baie goeie blootstelling uit die projek.      voorstelling gehou met insigewende
                                              statistieke en feite. Dit is vir ons belangrik
                                              om die gemeenskap gedurig bewus te
                                              maak van die nood waaronder baie
                                              mense gebuk gaan en het deur ons eie
                                              “Slide show” n beroep gedoen op die
                                              gaste om die Winter Knights projek sowel
                                              as ons ander projekte te ondersteun.
                                              Alhoewel die koue dalk meeste van die
                                              gemeenskap weggehou het van die
                                              geleentheid kon ons tog heelwat houers
                                              met komberse, klere en nie-bederfbare
                                              voedsel insamel. Ons het egter tot die
                                              gevolgtrekking gekom dat die projek wel
                                              volhoubaar is en dat die gemeenskap
                                              staat maak op die opbrengs van die
                                              Winter Knights projek maar dat ons dit nie
                                              weer in die huidige format van n

                                                         RTSA Inkundla October 2015
EKSOTIESE WILDSVEILINGS                                                          distributed in town and the community
                                                                                     and local businesses showed their
Gedurende die jaar was ons ook by twee                                               support with the SANBS reaching a total
groot eksotiese wildsveilings betrokke en                                            of 93 units for the day.
verantwoordelik vir die kroeë.

Ons was in die verelede ook betrokke by
die veilings en weens die volhoubaarheid
behoort dit in die toekoms ook deel te
wees van ons jaarlikse projekte kalender.

Beide die organiseerders van die Boma
veiling en die Kroonstud veiling is die             SANBS Pint-for-a-Pint
Round Table baie goedgesind en die
veilings was reuse suksesse met This year the SANBS Kroonstad branch
gesamentlike winste van ongeveer changed their annual “Spring Bleed” to
R24 000.00                                 a Pint-for-a-Pint blood drive. They
                                           contacted us and we agreed to be
Daar is geweldig baie man ure in die partners in this project. A target of 70
projekte gesit en al ons manne was om units blood were set for the day. The
die beurt aan diens om kliente te bedien. event started a 09:00 and we assisted
Alhoewel dit blyk of SAB hulle nie in die with the preparation of boerewors rolls
toekoms gaan toespits op die kleiner that was provided by the SANBS.
funksies nie het hulle ons tot dusver baie Round Table Kroonstad 42 donated Ice
goed ondersteun met kroeg toonbanke, cold beers and Colddrinks which we
tafels, stoele en sambrele.                handed out with the boerewors rolls to
                                           all donors (and even some hungry street
Dankie aan Danie Swanepoel en Cecil kids).
Parsons wat as Convenors van die A local DJ promoted the event and
onderskeie projekte opgetree het en aan entertained the donors and shoppers in
al die manne wat gehelp het.               the area with all our branding up for
                                           display. Flyers and poster were

                                                   RTSA Inkundla October 2015
KROONSTAD 42                       maak van die register en van die
                                          ontsettende behoefte vir skenkers. Die
    SUNFLOWERFUND – National              register is van onskatbare belang vir die
          Bandana day                     organisasie en word wereld wyd gebruik
                                          vir mense en veral kinders wat met
Alhoewel Kroonstad 42 nie Bandana day     Leukemia en ander lewensgevaarlike
op ons jaarlikse projekte kalender        siektes gediagnoseer is om moontlike
aanteken nie maar eerder begroot vir 2    skenkers te vind. Die kans dat n patient
van ons lede om elke jaar vir toetse en   egter n moontlike en geskikte skenker kry
keuring te gaan om op die register te kom,is 1 uit 100 000.
het ons hierdie jaar wel besluit om deel
te neem aan die projek.                    Vir meer inligting of om as n skenker op
                                           die “bone marrow transplant register” te
Op Maandag 12 Oktober was dit die kom besoek gerus hulle webtuiste by:
Sunflowerfund en Tafelronde Suider www.sunflowerfund.org.za of kontak
Afrika se nationale “Bandana day”. Die hulle by 0800 12 10 82. Lees ook gerus
manne van Kroonstad 42 het ook verhale deur skenkers en ook van
ingespring om bandanas te verkoop en Pasiente wat nog wag op moontlike
met hulle dames en kinders aan hulle sy skenkers en pasiente wat se lewens
het hulle by Panorama Plaza se Pick-N- gered is as gevolg van skenkers.
Pay bandanas gaan verkoop ter
bewusmaking en insameling van fondse Die Tafelronde Kroonstad 42 doen n
vir die Sunflower fund.                    beroep op die gemeenskap en ander
                                           Tafels om die projek te ondersteun deur
Die Sunflowerfund samel fondse in om vandag nog jou naam op die register te
dit moontlik te maak vir skenkers om kry of deur n bandana by Pick-n-Pay te
gratis deur die proses van keuring en koop.
toetse te gaan om dan sodoende op die
“Bone Marrow transplant” register te kom. Jy kan n lewe red. Maak n verskil.
Die kostes van die toetse beloop
ongeveer R2000.00 per person. Hulle
misie is ook om die publiek bewus te

                                                   RTSA Inkundla October 2015
PINK TREES - CANCER                   difference in their cancer communities,
            AWARENESS                         ensuring quality of life and building a
                                              future. Committees is each of the
PINK TREES FOR PAULINE – Cancer               partaking towns in South Africa and
awareness                                     Namibia find sponsors for the signature
Roundtable Kroonstad 42 supports the          pink material used by us to wrap tree
national Pink Trees for Pauline project       trunks.
and this year we again took part by           The sponsored fabric is then sold to the
decorating The Sarel Cilliers Bridge in       public and businesses and whole towns
Beautiful PINK.                               are literally wrapped in pink.
The Sarel Cilliers Bridge is connecting the   Raised funds are utilized in the relevant
southern suburbs with the northern parts      towns to change cancer affected lives for
of town and is a prominent landmark in        the better.
                                          For more Information you can visit
On Saturday 24 October the guys from their website at: www.pinktrees.co.za
Kroonstad 42 took 200 meters of Pink
material and 4 hours in the scorching sun
to change the look of the bridge into a
beautiful display of bright pink colours.
Pink Trees for Pauline’s purpose is to
create awareness, unite communities and
raise money for those afflicted with
cancer in a uniquely inspired way... by
turning towns pink!

Pink Trees for Pauline is a non-profit
company that strives to promote quality
of life during and after cancer. We
challenge towns nationwide to take
ownership of this first of its kind
fundraising project and to make a

                                                       RTSA Inkundla October 2015
ERFENISDAG – BRAAI DAG                   Met n groot vuur in ons getroue Round
                                              Table vuurherd (k@kprater) en die Round
Die Kroonstad Erfenis stigting het op 24      Table banniere wat waper in die wind het
Sept 2015 n Erfenis fees gehou op die         ons die Springbok boud met heerlike
sportgronde     van     die    Afrikaanse     gebraaide patats, mielies en ander
Hoërskool Kroonstad. Die dag het ook die      gemengde        groente     aand      die
Jan Braai vir Erfenis tradisie gevolg met     beoordeelaars voorgesit.
n braai kompetisie en die publiek en          Te danke aan ons Tafel Dames Joanie,
besighede kon spanne inskryf. Chris           Janita, Gizelle, Nerissa en Janette kon
Cameleon het ook die aand as                  ons die tafel mooi versier met goed soos
gaskunstenaar opgetree.                       n tafeldoek, borde, messe, vurke, glasse
                                              en selfs n bottle rooi wyn vir effek.
Kroonstad 42 het weer die geleentheid         (Natuurlik alles waaraan ons manne nie
aangegryp en dadelik n 4 man span             gedink het nie!!)
ingeskryf vir die kompetisie. As getroue      Met ons gesamentlike span poging het
Springbok ondersteuners (al het ons teen      ons n tweede plek in die kompetisie
Japan verloor) was ons Tema vir die dag       verower met R1200 se Tennesee Spur
“Springbokke”. Ons het die Springbok          bewyse as prys. Almal het die dag terdee
vlae om ons Gazebo laat wapper met            geniet en het Kroonstad 42 ook ons
Round Table banners en Tear drops wat         ondersteuning van ander instansies se
die prentjie voltooi het. N Heerlike          projekte getoon.
Springbok boud (wat deur een van ons
tafelaars Cecil Parsons geskenk is) is
oornag in Yogurt gemarineer en die
volgende dag met gekookte murg en
geheime speserye ingespuit. Ons het die
boud vir 3 ure teen lae hitte in die Webber
gebraai en was dit heerlik sappig en sag
voor ons manne self te gaar was (van
beide die hittige son en die yskoue
drinkbare ververssings).

                                                       RTSA Inkundla October 2015
MANNE NAWEEK 2- 4 OKTOBER haelgewere. Gedurende die klei duif skiet Met van die ander manne reeds huis toe
                                              het daar sowaar n duif sonder pote oor      het Mot, Pompies en Werner van Beeb
Op vrydag 2 Okt 2015 het die manne van        die manne gevlieg en het Marnitz hom        Bank dit goed gedink om die meeste van
Kroonstad 42 op n Wilds plaas,                met No. 7 hael uit sy verknorsing gered..   die naweek te maak deur bietjie langer te
Lapapalesa, in die Vredefort distrik          ;)                                          bly en self(s) op n Game drive gegaan vir
bymekaar gekom vir ons “long overdue”         Die middag het almal stelling ingeneem      die gebruiklike “sundowner”.
manne naweek!! Met ons aankoms reeds          voor die TV vir die groot SA vs Skotland    Vanwee die aard van hulle besige
is daar planne gemaak om die opblaas          wedstryd. Na afloop van n goeie             schedules was dit vir ons ook n groot
swembad in werking te kry en die DSTV         vertooning deur die bokke is daar verder    vooreg om ons Area Voorsitter GD Kotze
ingestel te kry vir Saterdag se groot         om die vuur gekuier met heerlike T-bones    en ARTSA President Spidey Knepscheldt
rugby……..                                     en Chips op die spyskaart vir aandete.      teenwoordig te kon hê.
Die dart board is in gereedheid gebring       Met musiek van Gè Korsten tot ACDC en       Die naweek het gesorg vir hope vermaak
en met Piet Grabe se doringhout is daar       ons eie Talentvolle Thinus Kotze wat        en kameraadskap tussen die manne met
n groot kampvuur gemaak.                      leiding geneem het met die voorsang is      hegte bande wat verder versterk is en
Om die kampvuur het die manne grappe          daar weer tot in die vroee oggend ure       nuwe herrineringe vir toekomstige
en staaltjies gedeel terwyl die ander hulle   gekuier, gesing en gelag.                   kampvuur stories..
vernuf in darts gemeet het, Cecil en          Sondag oggend moes Stefan en Werner
Werner het duidelik by die huis geoefen!      ons ongelukkig al voor sonop verlaat om
Natuurlik was eet nie groot op die agenda     n doop bytewoon, maar ek dink hulle is
nie en het die “Steak rolls” oorgegaan in     dankbaar want die oggend se koffie was
repies “Steak” sommer so van die rooster      in die vorm van n bottel rooi Sambuka wat
af.                                           die klam grond sommer gou weer nat
Ken, Marnitz en Ernst het vir ons die vuur    gehad het. Na afloop van die oggend se
opgepas en eers na 03:00 hulle kamers         opruim en oppak het GD, Thinus en Pero
gaan soek.                                    die Jimmy Jaggers in Parys gaan opsoek
Saterdag oggend was die manne weer            vir n heerlike wit drankie met Cream Soda
vroeg op vir koffie en beskuit. Die koffie    en n Grandpa. Spidey, Francois, Ernst,
en beskuit idee is egter eenparig             Marnitz en Piet het n gasbraaier
uitgestem en veruil vir n paar yskoue         aangesteek, n paar heerlike steaks
biere. Die dag se verigtinge het met n .22    gebraai en van die oortollige drankies
Teiken skiet begin en daarna is               ontslae geraak.
oorgegaan in Klui duif skiet met

                                                       RTSA Inkundla October 2015
ENGO - Kierie Kaskenades 2015 nader getrek om Kroonstad se tweede
                                             span vol te maak. Dit was voorwaar n
Met Oktober as internasionale bejaarde       vooreg om te kon sien hoe die oumensies
maand het ENGO Bloemfontein n dag            die dag geniet. Hulle het aan n
van speletjies en vermaak gereel vir al      verskeidenheid aktiwiteite deelgeneem
die ENGO bejaarde sorg tuistes in die        van dromme speel en musiek bingo tot
Vrystaat. ENGO se Kroonstad sentrum          rolbal en “beer pong”. Na afloop van die
vir bejaardes is ook na die geleentheid      dag se verrigtinge       het hulle met
uitgenooi maar weens onvodoende              geplooide glimlaggies wat nie wil
fondse vir die vervoer na en van             weggaan nie en n glinster in hulle oë
Bloemfontein sou hulle nie aan die “Kierie   geskerts oor wie nou eintlik die beste en
Kaskenades” kon deelneem nie. Hulle het      die slimste was.
n versoek gerig aan Kroonstad 42 se          Te danke aan Oranje Toyota in Bothaville
manne vir hulp in die verband.               en Round Table Kroonstad 42 kon ons n
Te danke aan die goedhartigheid van          bydrae lewer om dit moontlik te maak vir
Oranje Toyota in Bothaville kon ons n 14     n dag wat die bejaardes nog lank oor
sitplek Toyota Quantum bussie bekom          gaan gesels. Volgens Francois is dit die
om die bejaardes te vervoer. Hulle het       rede waarom hy by Round Table
selfs die bussie in Kroonstad kom aflewer    aangesluit het en ook die motiveering om
en vol brandstof gemaak. ENGO het ook        projekte met ywer aantepak sodat ons die
gebruik gemaak van hulle eie voertuig        nodige fondse kan insamel om n verskil
waarin daar nog 4 bejaardes kon reis en      te maak in ander mense se lewens!
aangesien Oranje Toyota ons so
goedgesind was het ons besluit om die
brandstof kostes van die ENGO voertuig
te dek.
Ons is 05:30 uit Kroonstad uit en met ons
aankoms in Bloemfontein was die
opgewondheid onder die groep amper
tasbaar. Hulle entoesiasme was
aansteeklik en een van ons Tafelaars,
Francois Geldenhuis, is ook sommer

                                                      RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Induction dinner

Matlosane 219 inducted two new
members, Stefan Barnard and Jan Albert
de kock to the Matlosane family on the
10th of July 2015.

The event was held JD 5 restaurant.

                                         RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Night Golf
On 17 April 2015 we as Matlosane 219
hosted our yearly night golf. This year it
was held at Orkney golf course where all
players played 9 holes during the
afternoon and a more difficult but great
fun 9 holes in the night.

Weather conditions were perfect for the
golfers who took to the course and an
excellent round of golf was followed by a
prize giving and a raffle.

A result like this cannot be achieved
without the hard work of everybody in our
Matlosane 219 family and the support of
our sponsors.
                                                                          SPCA Donations
Special thanks to all
Yours in Table

                                             RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Winter Knights 2015

This year Matlosane 219 together with
Stilfontein 53 held our annual Winter
Knights at Monroes Night club in
Klerksdorp on the 19th of June 2015, to
raise awareness and receive donations
from the community in Klerksdorp area.

The evening was n great success with
many clothing and food donations
Special thanks to every who made this
event a success.

Matlosane 219

                                          RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Potch 47                        thought this would be the right time to
                                               bring out the last 5 years of old stock that
Bandana Day 2015                               they couldn’t sell – which we did make a
                                               dent into (even though we probably
We as Potch 47 thought we would change         weren’t allowed to)
up the format this year for selling the        A huge that you to Robbie Nicholas who
Bandana Day. We have noticed thanks            again isn’t a Tabler but is always there to
to the last 2 years of our Craft Beer          help us out! And to Jim, Nico, Charlie,
Festival our exposure of us as Potch 47        Bradley and Jacques who braved the old
has been slowly and surely been                tannies on Saturday morning. Oh and we
expanding and instead of ordering from         even got a late visit from our Area
the Sunflower Fund we thought we would         Chairman to help pack up..
approach our Pick ‘n Pay West Acres and
help them sell their stock and get the
Rondel out there.
So last Saturday the 10th of October we
put up our banners and started. The
beginning started off a little slow but
picked up after awhile, especially after
Charlie Fourie rocked up a little later. The
old tannie’s took to him.
Our biggest surprises of the day were
how many people either had already
bought this year or who were previous
cancer survivors that came and chatted
to us or even the cash donations we got
from guys who’s wives had cancer. We
even had a Leg from Kimberley come and
chat to us about her husband’s time as a
Tabler ending back in 1995.
As our time came to a close, we only had
a few bandanna’s left and Pick ‘n Pay

                                                         RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Chicken Braai report 2015

After a very small chicken braai the
previous year myself and co convener
Jim decide we would bring it back to
basics and then improve from year to
year. Only 80 tickets were made
available and we sold 71 of those. The
Witrand cricket club allowed us to use
their venue at no charge. The project
made R 3 635 which would go towards
our members account. My suggestion is
that we take a little bit of the money and
fix up our Round Table boards as you
come into town.The event itself was
fantastic. Brad and Jacques organised a
20/20 cricket match with Potch
members and Matlosane 219 members
early in the day. By four o’clock we had
finished most of the bars Tipo Tinto rum
and Sparberry. Later the guests arrived
in barnyard attire and the event ran
smoothly. The chicken was braaied to
perfection, the bar was pumping and so
were the tunes. All and all a great
fellowship event with all Tablers and
wife’s working and enjoying themselves.
From Jim and me we thank you all for
your help.

Sean Trautmann Co convenor Chicken
Braai 2015

          RTSA Inkundla October 2015
CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL                   joining us for our Friday night braai at the   Autumn.PUBLIC RELATIONS & SOCIAL
                                             Potch 47 clubhouse before heading out          MEDIAWe had multiple articles in the
Round Table Potchefstroom 47 hosted          for a night on the town. Just Brewing          Potchefstroom Herald, North West
our second Craft Beer Festival at            joined us on the Friday night for some         Independent and Wapad newspapers
Snowflake on the 29th of August 2015.        fellowship too along with previous             both before and after the event and we
This year we decided to include 3            attendees from Rocklands and Clarens.          thank those newsprints for the exposure
additional breweries in Black Horse          We said a sad farewell to Clarens              that they have given Round Table.We are
Brewery, Draymans Brewery and Just           Brewery legend Aiden, who was                  also grateful to OFM for their assistance
Brewing (who are also involved in            representing them for one last time before     in spreading the word about this
assisting their community in Boksburg).      moving on to bigger and better things and      awesome event. We also thank Pernod
De Garve Brewery could unfortunately         we wish him all the best.THE FOODWith          Ricard for their generous sponsorship for
not join us again this year due to lack of   our legendary sheep on the spit rolls          the event.IN SUMMARYRound Table
stock and were duly replaced by              being so popular last year (not to mention     Potchefstroom 47 Craft Beer Festival is
Chameleon Brewery.                           keeping up the RT47 beerfest tradition)        now on the map and is here to stay! We
                                             we decided to stick to what works but add      would especially like to thank all the
Round Table Potchefstroom 47 hosted          some variety this year.Stilfontein 53 came     tablers who made the effort to join us on
our second Craft Beer Festival at            through en masse to sell their pulled pork     a fantastic day of fun, fellowship and great
Snowflake on the 29th of August 2015.        pregos which were hugely popular and           beer!
This year we decided to include 3            we hope that the Stillies lads had as much
additional breweries in Black Horse          of a great time as we did! German style
Brewery, Draymans Brewery and Just           sausage rolls were also on sale
Brewing (who are also involved in            throughout the day along with a variety of
assisting their community in Boksburg).      beer themed cupcakes and sweets.THE
De Garve Brewery could unfortunately         BANDSWith adding 3 more brewers to
not join us again this year due to lack of   our line up this year we decided we
stock and were duly replaced by              needed to double up on the music artists
Chameleon Brewery.                           to replay the awesome atmosphere we
                                             had downstairs last year. Along with
THE BREWERSIt was great to have a            Gavin Edwards our X-Factor contestant
fellow tabler in Gus Botha from Golden       from last year we adedVinChristine,
East 181 representing Draymans               {Parts and Fiction, Niel Kruger,Just Mia,
Brewery joining us for the weekend,          Fritz Gun, Medupi and Taking

                                                       RTSA Inkundla October 2015
RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Potchefstroom 47                   the day we handed out sponsored
        Muslim Feeding Scheme                beanies and scarf’s out that were
                                             donated by Allwear Clothing.
In 2014 after running our yearly Winter      We know that every bit helps and we
Knights Project we stumbled across a         hope to continue our support to Hafsa
brilliant group of ladies – The Muslim       and her staff for the years to come.
Feeding Scheme which is run in
Potchefstroom’s run down Indian Centre
in the industrial area.
The head convenor is Hafsa Moosajee
who had been running their Thursday
Soup Day for an impressive 8 years.
Hafsa is there every thursday taking
time away from her work and family
commitments to give her support back
into her community. Their motto is
“Feed your soul by feeding the poor”.
Hafsa herself has over the years been
very sickly, but there hasn’t been a
Thursday morning where she doesn’t
stand up and make sure her patrons
aren feed.
Her husband Ferhad says “It’s hard
keeping Hafsa down, without this (The
Soup Day) she would be a lot of worse
with her health”.
So early February 2015 an amount was
proposed to supply the scheme with a
credit of R10 000 at Mega Save, a bulk
food store in Potch Industria close to the
Indian Centre and the hand over
happened on the 2nd of April 2015. On

                                                      RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Wish Week:                       Square, cooldrinks, chips and chocolates
                                                were donated by Engen garage and Jim
Childrens Unit Zoo Visit                        & Berdine bought them toys. As we were
                                                allowed to meet the kids for safety
The children's Unit of the Law Clinic of        reasons we handed over the goodie bags
the North West University specialises in        the day before the kids travelled to
representing child victims in children's        Pretoria. The report back that the kids has
court, should it be high profile divorce        an awesome day and were utterly
cases where both parent have an                 thankful for the bags and goodies.
attorney and a need arises to appoint an
attorney to protect the children to severe
neglect and abuse cases where it is
essential to appoint an attorney to protect
the rights of the children. There is a place
of Safety with 14 children in the small
town of Koster where 9 children stay that
the court has appointed our office to
represent. These 9 children represent the
worst of the abuse cases we have dealt
with, almost all whom have been raped,
used as drug mules ext. The place of
safety is being run with little to no funding
from the state, the children are well taken
care of but there is no funds available for
extras or outings. Our office would
therefore like to take the 14 children to
Pretoria Zoo for the day. Theyhad a braai
for the children for lunch , where they
gave outbackpack with "goodies" in that
they can take with them for the day but
also use in the future. The back pack was
donated by Sean Trautmann and Red

                                                          RTSA Inkundla October 2015
RUSTENBURG 54                            in the form of David Costine and Johan       handed Weiss Beer, and somewhere I
                                                Retief.                                      had to draw the line…. € 5 a pop, it was
MY FIRST INTERNATIONAL TABLING                  My      first   uncomfortable    German      well worth it as we sang the SA version
- GERMANY AGM.                                  experience comes when all these clever       of the Beatle’s hit song “Hey Jew”. As a
Were all good things started, I’ve been         international experiences RTSA tablers       side show our host did the nasty in the
waiting eagerly for my companion Percy          wanted to go public bathing. What they       room next door, making a very awkward
Booth and his wife, whom is to be referred      have not told me is that you are required    breakfast the next morning.
to as mother from here on, home in              to bath and stroll around in your bathing    That was the pre-tour, and eventually
Klerksdorp. We have made the plane with         suite. The upside is that it was a unisex    we arrived at Vilingen-Schwenningen for
no arrest this time.                            establishment. I needed to be reminded       the AGM.
A good old friend, the crazy German             not to stare, not once but a few time.       The first night was a meet and greet, and
Philip Westphal drove 3 hours to be the         Thereafter a few beers help with the         have I met a lot of new tablers, sorry guys
first to great us and share a authentic         awkwardness, but still struggle to look      not many names can be remembered as
German beer with me. I felt a bit forced,       those tablers in the eye. This was never     Percy and I decided to take it on
but hey 9h00 in the morning is not that         mentioned again till now!!                   ourselves to entertain ourselves in the
bad for a first beer.                           The Pre-tour thereafter was very             town pubs and bars till 5h the next
Heidelburg was our first destination and        insightful as we were home hosted in a       morning dishing out RT54 pins to 2
as a true terrorist, I mean tourist we did      200 year old house, the cheap bastards,      beautiful waitresses.
the entire site seeing thing, but the           visiting the Mercedes Factory and            The gentleman I am, I also assisted a
exercise walking the whole day was              heading deep into the black forest.          very good looking blond police officer with
unnecessary.                                    Having one to many glasses of wine in        passed out drunk in the park. I showed
 We joined the Pre-Tour in Baden-Baden,         Freiburg, I had this great Idea to break     het the “Waterkloof style”, kicking the lad
however these tablers spoke very foreign        the ice, but apparently greeting people      on the chest. However not very
to me, but quickly converted to broken          “Hail Hitler” style was not appreciated in   appreciative, it did get some reaction from
English to align the communication cap.         this part of the world…. Lessoned            the drunk whom I assumed made a full
I need to tell you guys, an Argentinian         learned!! Never….. That joke passed a        recovery.
cow’s rib-eye is not the girl serving us, but   few more times during my stay in             I nearly missed the exiting tour the
a very expensive dish there, still worth it.    Germany.                                     following day if it was not for David
As the evening progressed, I’ve been            For our last night on Pre-tour we tried      Costine and Johan Retief whom woke me
introduced to a “kakhuis vol” tablers, and      painting Freiburg town a South African       up 2h the afternoon, I did miss the Banner
then the spoils from South Africa returned      red, all made possible by J&B and water.     Exchange and presents given out during
                                                Take note for 4days in a row I was only      the morning.

                                                          RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Our last night ended with the AGM Gala
evening. Wish I could say we were
upstanding gentleman but seeing the
South Africans swinging their jackets, ties
around their forehead, drinks spilled over
white shirts, dancing bashing style on a
Olivia Newton song made me wonder
what went wrong in Europe that all there
tablers are still neatly fully dressed in
there format attire.
Being almost late for the flight to
Germany, what is to say it should change
with the flight going back? We quickly
hitched a ride with some local couple to
our breakfast venue and thank goodness
the bus waited for us.
I’ve met so many tablers whom would
love to visit our country, but in true Russel
style I replied that German’s is not
welcome in our country!! A joke off
course, I gave them all Sean’s telephone
number, our Area Chairman from the
STNOFS Flagship table, Potchefstroom
This has been a live changing
experience, one of many. l urge every
tabler to at least in their careers make one
Round Table trip abroad.

Russel Human
Rustenburg 54

                                                RTSA Inkundla October 2015
RUSTENBURG 54 FIRST ANNUAL                under R80,000.00 with 10 items and a        YIT
          GOLF DAY                          total profit of R31,000.00 was made for Abel Pienaar
                                            the beneficiary. Sun City also sponsored
What a great opportunity we had to host     a two night stay at the Lost City Palace,
our first Annual Rustenburg Round           including breakfast and Lunch and also
Table Open at the prestigious Gary          a round of golf for two couples valued
Player Country Club – Sun City.             over R50,000.00 auctioned out for
To ensure the success of this project we    R18,500.00
enquire the assistance of a well-           First price went to Round Table
connected person from CANSA                 Rustenburg 54’s long standing Friend of
Rustenburg Adri Viljoen. Adri also          Table, Overland Liquor’s two players
introduced us to Mark Waterlegge            whom each won a R2000,00 voucher at
whom was the beneficiary for the            the Gary Player Pro Shop, each a two
project.                                    night stay at the Sun City Main hotel
We had over 100 players for the day,        and another round of Golf valued at
each receiving a Golf Shirt and Cap.        R5000,00 each.
The 4-balls start teeing off from 8h00      It is with a sad heart that our beneficiary
and the last group, the 41’ers table from   passed away a week after the projects,
KOSH at 12h00.                              however his family is creating a trust to
With everything planned perfectly all       assist other leukaemia patient of whom
aspects runs smoothly and could I have      Round Table Rustenburg 54 will be the
not asked for a better team and would I     first donor. In total we raised
like to thank Sun City for all their        R60,000.00 for Mark to assist financially
assistance.                                 in his battle against Leukaemia.
Excluding the first prize and a generous    Our Golf day hosted 12 Tablers, coming
action item, Sun City also supplied us      from the Western Cape, Free State and
with snack for the morning, half-way        STNOFS Area.
house lunches and food plates the           The fellowship between the STNOFS
evening.                                    tablers was great, ending up all only
The Gala evening, MC’ed by our own          going to bed in the early hours.
Robbie Rossouw was a huge success.          This was a first for Round Table
The auction ran by Profans gather just      Rustenburg 54 but definitely not the last.

                                                     RTSA Inkundla October 2015
SASOLBURG 41                                                                        spanne wat vnajaar deel geneem het
                                                                                            hulself gate uit geniet. Die spanne het
  Warm-hearted Sasolburg residents                                                          omstreeks 10:00 begin met hulle
         are true Winter Knights                                                            wedstryde en teen 15:00 is die wenners
SASOLBURG. – The Round Table                                                                gekroon. Benewens die eerste drie
Sasolburg 41 held their annual Winter                                                       plekke wat lekker pryse gewen het, het
Knights campaign on 4 July at the                                                           geen span met leë hande huis toe
Checkers in Sasolburg. Braving the cold                                                     gegaan nie en was daar, vir die
morning in nothing more than short                                                          hoeveelheid mense wat daar was,
sleeve shirts, shorts and slops, the                                                        duisende rande ingesamel op die dag ten
Tablers set up shop at the Checkers in                                                      bate van die Sasolburg Rolbalklub. Die
the Grootfontein centre. By 13:00 in the                                                    Tafelronde wil graag baie dankie sê aan
afternoon, they managed to raise more                                                       hul borge, The Horse and River, Petrus
than R 1 600 in cash donations and two                                                      Janse van Rensburg en Mooivaal Media
bakkie-loads full of food and clothing. “We                                                 vir alles wat hulle gedoen het. Almal wat
would like to thank each and every person                                                   daar was die dag sien met baie
who donated food, money or clothing on                                                      opgewondenheid uit na volgende jaar se
the day. These donations are going to                                                       Bowls Extravaganza.
people that are in dire straits this winter.
Thank you from the bottom of our, and
their hearts,” said Round Table Sasolburg
41 Chairman, Herman Bester. The whole
of Round Table Sasolburg 41 would also
like to thank Checkers Sasolburg, not
only for allowing them to use the premises          Rolbal Dag -Dis hoe ons rol
for their Winter Knights campaign, but
also a huge thank you for the donation         SASOLBURG. – Die Tafelronde
Checkers made to the campaign. The             Sasolburg 41 het se tweede jaarlikse
Round Table Sasolburg 41 managed to            Rolbal Extravaganza was vanjaar ‘n groot
raise approximately R 7 000 in cash, food      sukses. Hoewel die skoolvakansie die
and clothes donations and worked a total       getal inskrywings effens laat krimp het in
of 50 man-hours.                               vergelyking met verlede jaar, het die

                                                         RTSA Inkundla October 2015
RTSA Inkundla October 2015
Lekker potjiekos ete by Van Riebeeck          Tafelronde Sasolburg 41 gee terug                 STILFONTEIN 53
              Sentrum                                 aan gemeenskap

Die Tafelronde Sasolburg 41 het onlangs      SASOLBURG. – Die Tafelronde                Mauritius Annual General Meeting:
die 65 inwoners van die Van Riebeeck         Sasolburg 41 was besig oor die afgelope    22-23 May 2015
Sentrum op die dorp gaan bederf met ‘n       paar weke en het aan twee apparte          Attendees:
heerlike potjiekos ete. Daar was twee        kinderhuise gaan kos skenk. Hulle het
lekker potte voorberei, ‘n skaap en          aan die Kamohelo Kinder Sentrum vir        Bernard Venter (Vice chairman Stilfontein
hoenderpot. Die inwoners het omtrent hul     verstandelik en liggamlik gestremde        53), Frikkie Schoeman (Honoured
vingers af geeet aan die lekker potte. Die   kinders in Sasolburg asook die Catherine   Member Stilfontein 53) and Deon Cronje
Tafelronde Sasolburg 41 wil net vir          Robson Kinderhuis in Vereeniging gaan      (41’er)
Mochachos Sasolburg baie dankie sê vir       kos skenk.
die hoender wat hulle geskenk het.                                                      Report:

Op die foto van links verskyn Vince en sy                                               Mauritius is a beguiling, world-in-one-
dogtertjie, Jeanene, Schalk, Atherton,                                                  island, a slice of paradise.
Anton, Leeu, Lindall, Steven, Herman,                                                   Its very name conjures up images of
Pieter, Natasha en Stefan.                                                              tropical      luxury     and     stupendous
                                                                                        While in many destinations, famed for
                                                                                        cobalt-blue seas, white sandy beaches
                                                                                        and luxury hotels, you may eventually find
                                                                                        yourself wishing for something to do
                                                                                        besides sunbathing and swimming.
                                                                                        It’s not at all hard to know what to do next
                                                                                        in Mauritius. The island is loaded with
                                                                                        historic      sites,    cultural    diversity,
                                                                                        geographic variation and almost limitless
                                                                                        activities to distract you from the daily
                                                                                        grind of beach and pool. But perhaps its
                                                                                        single biggest asset is the relaxed charm
                                                                                        of its warm and welcoming people.

                                                      RTSA Inkundla October 2015
all introductions and formalities had        The function ended in the early hours of
The last mentioned was experienced been finalized and a colossal yet                     the morning and it was hard to believe
firsthand on arrival at Hotel Astroea. commendable revelry followed.                     that our time with our new friends came
Management and all the staff went out of                                                 to an end.
their way to ensure that we settled in Everyone gathered bright eyed at the
comfortably, spoiled us with the most Medine Conference room early on                    A very special word of thanks to Kevin
delectable dinner and encouraged us to Saturday morning. With the agenda set             Ho-pive. Kevin assisted us, not only with
consume copious amounts of “Cold and all points discussed, it offered an                 our travel arrangements, but also the
Drinks”. All staff joined in with Hop Sa insight, not only to the operation of           wedding arrangements for Deon and
Sa, Tra La La, and don’t forget to drink. Round Table Mauritius, but also showed         Liezel Cronje.
                                            the enormous amounts of enthusiasm
The venue for the AGM was the and bounteousness of this association.                     Prologue:
spectacular Le Preskîl Beach Resort. Just for merit, Bernie Venter (Stilfontein
The resort is situated on a natural private 53) and Tom Alers (Northridge 117) were      Mauritius will enchant you; will uplift your
peninsula along the South East Coast of assigned the duties of sergeant. Baking          soul, making you feel that you belong to
the Mauritius Island at La Pointe Jérôme, flower and Island Rum with litchis’ were       the chosen few. Every visitor enjoys
nearby the historical village of on the menu to try and deter people from                personal attention.
Mahébourg. With its typically Creole being disruptive.                                   Every encounter is an opportunity to
architecture, Le Preskîl is truly a haven Even this unique recipe did not dissuade       discover a friendly face. Behind each
of peace spread over a luxuriant tropical certain individuals from transgressing.        smile lies the promise of a unique
garden and three idyllic beaches of white The meeting concluded with the handing         experience.
sand.                                       over of a ‘Springbok vel’ from Stilfontein   The contrast of a multitude of colours and
The resort borders a lagoon which offers 53 to the new Mauritian Table President.        tastes, The Island, set in its turquoise sea,
an exceptional stretch of unique clear                                                   is an oasis of peace and tranquillity.
blue water which leads to the astonishing During the afternoon activities such as        Mauritius, a melting pot where past and
marine park of Blue bay and offers a Bocce Ball, a Glass bottom boat trip or             present are smoothly blended together,
magnificent view over l'île aux Aigrettes. of course Cocktails at the Gazebo were        offers an essential beauty that will compel
                                            on offer. The Gala dinner followed at the    you to return to its shores time and time
Friday everything kicked off with           Medine Conference centre where the           again.
cocktails at the Tapas Beach Grill & Bar new Table President and his council             Our stay will remain engraved in our
Restaurant, followed by an exceptional were announced. Once again some of                memories forever. Thank you Round
BBQ dinner on the beach. By this time, the best cuisine was on offer.                    Table Mauritius.

                                                     RTSA Inkundla October 2015
RTSA Inkundla October 2015
STUTTERHEIM 103                         helped the ladies with their makeup. Sally   I would like to thank our main sponsors,
                                             MacLachlan recorded the dress rehearsal      Pick n Pay.
                                             and the first show for us. She also helped   Lyle and Debbie, your ongoing
                                             us out big time by making costumes at        sponsorship of the Melodrama and
                                             the last minute.                             Stutterheim Round Table 103 is
                                             Jolene, Wynand, Caren, Wessie and            incredible and we thank you very much
Stutterheim Round Table 103 hosted our
                                             Fiona were my committee. They did a lot      for everything that you do for this town
biennial Melodrama on the 26th
                                             of work behind the scenes that most          and community.
September and the 2nd and 3rd October.
                                             people don’t even know about. Caren          Thank you to all the other sponsors as
The theme was Las Vegas and it was
                                             designed all the posters, tickets, raffle    well. We couldn’t have done it without all
watched by 503 guests over the 3 nights.
                                             sheets and the programmes. Wessie            of you.
The audience were ‘taken’ to different
                                             coordinated the ticket sales.                The list of sponsors is in this issue.
iconic hotels, casinos and landmarks to
                                             That is a huge job on its own.               Please take time to read it and take note
watch various shows.
                                                                                          of who has helped us and in helping us,
                                             Our choreographers were amazing, they will have helped different charities,
We had two live singing performances for
                                             Anna-Marie,       Suzanne,       Lee-Ann, organisations and individuals that need
the first time since the Melodrama started
                                             Natashe, Caren and Madelaine.                our assistance in our community.
in 2003. Peter Featherstone and Taki
                                             They put us through our paces twice a
Kyriacos performed The Gambler and
                                             week for a half an hour per show per night Thank you to all the people of Stutterheim
Viva Las Vegas respectively.
                                             for 2 months. They whipped us into and surroundings that came to support
The Midgets, The Gambler, The Janitor
                                             shape in no time. We had to stop us and thank you to all the people and
and the Vegas Divas were the most
                                             practising a couple of the shows twice a companies above that made Melodrama
popular shows over the 3 nights.
                                             week as they were getting too good. 2015 a success.
                                             Some of the dance moves were quite
16 Tablers, 12 Legs (wives and
                                             hectic but at least we got a bit fitter over Yours in Table
girlfriends) and 10 41er’s and wives made
                                             the 2 months.
up the cast. Sam, Keryn and Brett were
                                             Their commitment and dedication was
our stage and prop managers. Grant and
                                             amazing as they get nothing for helping Clint Boardman
Jessica Bauer, joined by Justin (sore
                                             us except maybe a good deal of
knee), provided the sound and lighting.
                                             frustration when we don’t listen or mess
Sharon Parker spent a lot of hours
                                             the moves up.                                Melodrama Convenor
helping out Peter and Taki to get ready
for their live performances. Jessica also
                                                       RTSA Inkundla October 2015
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