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 Optimal Triangulation Method is Not Really Optimal
 Seyed-Mahdi Nasiri · Reshad Hosseini · Hadi Moradi
arXiv:2107.04618v1 [cs.CV] 9 Jul 2021

 Received: date / Accepted: date

 Abstract Triangulation refers to the problem of find- Keywords Triangulation · Structure-from-Motion ·
 ing a 3D point from its 2D projections on multiple cam- Mid-point method
 era images. For solving this problem, it is the common
 practice to use so-called optimal triangulation method,
 which we call the L2 method in this paper. But, the 1 Introduction
 method can be optimal only if we assume no uncer-
 tainty in the camera parameters. Through extensive One of the fundamental tasks in 3D vision is recon-
 comparison on synthetic and real data, we observed structing a point in 3D from its projections on the cam-
 that the L2 method is actually not the best choice era images in two or multiple views. This task, which is
 when there is uncertainty in the camera parameters. called triangulation, is used extensively in machine vi-
 Interestingly, it can be observed that the simple mid- sion and robotics applications such as stereo vision [28],
 point method outperforms other methods. Apart from mapping [5] and structure-from-motion [2, 23]. It is ob-
 its high performance, the mid-point method has a sim- vious that a 3D point can be simply found by intersect-
 ple closed formed solution for multiple camera images ing the lines of sight of each projection when no noise is
 while the L2 method is hard to be used for more than present. But in practice, due to several sources of noise
 two camera images. Therefore, in contrast to the com- such as uncertainties in relative camera poses, errors in
 mon practice, we argue that the simple mid-point method cameras intrinsic parameters, and subpixel inaccuracies
 should be used in structure-from-motion applications in the position of matched points, all the lines do not
 where there is uncertainty in camera parameters. necessarily intersect at one point or at all. There are
 many attempts to solve the triangulation problem in
 the presence of uncertainties [11, 17, 15].
 SM. Nasiri
 E-mail: s.m.nasiri@gmail.com The common method for solving triangulation in
 School of ECE, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, two views, called the optimal method in the litera-
 Tehran, Iran ture, is casting it as a nonlinear optimization problem.
 In such a problem, a new point is found as close as
 R. Hosseini possible to the measured point in each view so that
 Tel.: +98-21-82089799
 E-mail: reshad.hosseini@ut.ac.ir
 the lines of sights for the new points intersect. In [11],
 School of ECE, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, the authors compared several triangulation methods on
 Tehran, Iran several simulated datasets. The authors observed that
 School of Computer Science, Institute of Research in Funda- the optimal triangulation method, which we call the
 mental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran
 L2 method in this paper, outperforms other methods.
 Apart from good performance, the authors argued that
 H. Moradi
 E-mail: hadi.moradi@ut.ac.ir
 the L2 triangulation method has a nice property to be
 School of ECE, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, projective invariant. In the performed simulations, the
 Tehran, Iran authors considered the uncertainty in the position of
 Intelligent Systems Research Institute, SKKU, South Korea corresponding points and not camera parameters.
2 Seyed-Mahdi Nasiri et al.

 1 3


 1 1 3

 2 2
 (a) (b)
Fig. 1 Triangulation methods: a) Mid-point method finds a 3D point which has the minimum sum of squared distances from
the lines of sights. b) L2 triangulation method finds a 3D point which has the minimum sum of squared 2D distances between
its projections and the corresponding points on images.

 In the majority of triangulation problems, there are Through extensive simulations, both on synthetic
uncertainties in both cameras’ parameters and mea- and real datasets, we have validated the high perfor-
sured corresponding points. Thus, a question arises here, mance of the mid-point method. The performance is de-
“Is the L2 triangulation method still the best perform- fined as the accuracy of reconstruction where the opti-
ing method?” To the best of our knowledge, this ques- mal similarity transform is applied to the reconstructed
tion has not been investigated in the literature. In this 3D points. We have assessed the performance when un-
paper, we evaluate the performance of triangulation certainty in relative cameras poses exists. We have also
methods in the calibrated structure-from-motion set- assessed the performance when uncertainty is caused by
ting. The calibrated structure-from-motion after the work commonly used structure-from-motion approach, where
of [20] has become the natural choice for structure- first the essential matrix1 is estimated from point cor-
from-motion applications. In this case, we know cam- respondences and then relative poses are estimated [20]
eras intrinsic parameters, but their extrinsic parameters and finally the 3D structure is obtained. In all of these
as well as 3D points are estimated from the observed experiments, we see that the mid-point method outper-
points in different views. Knowing intrinsic calibration, forms other approaches. Thus, we suggest that unlike
one sees improvement over the accuracy and robustness the common practice, the mid-point method should be
of the structure and motion estimates [20, 14]. used in structure-from-motion applications.

 We will show that when uncertainty exists in cam-
 2 Related Works
era extrinsic parameters, the L2 triangulation method
is no longer the state-of-the-art method. Interestingly, a
 The L2 triangulation approach, which is known as the
simple mid-point method, i.e. the mid-point of lines of
 optimal method, finds the 3D point that minimizes the
sights in different views, works much better in practice.
 L2 reprojection errors in the image domain [13]. This
Fig. 1 depicts the difference between L2 and mid-point
 leads to finding the optimal, maximum-likelihood, so-
triangulation methods. The mid-point method not only
 lution under the assumption of Gaussian noise in the
gives better results but it can also be generalized to any
 position of projections. [11] showed that minimizing the
number of views with no difficulties. The L2 triangula-
 L2 reprojection errors, for the case of two images, can
tion method is normally used for two views where the
 be reduced to finding the stationary points of 6th de-
roots of a polynomial of degree 6 needs to be computed
 gree polynomial and selecting the best by evaluating
[11]. For more than two views, the method becomes
 the objective function. A Gröbner basis based algorithm
computationally expensive and hard. For example, in
 for minimizing the L2 reprojection errors, in the case
the case of three views, the optimal solution is one of
 of three image observations, is proposed by [26]. They
the real solutions among the set of 47 general roots of a
polynomial equation [4]. The mid-point method in not 1
 The essential matrix corresponding to a pair of cameras
projective or affine invariant [11], but this lack of in- with relative orientation, R, and translation, t, is defined as
variance is not important for calibrated reconstruction. E = [t]× R.
Optimal Triangulation Method is Not Really Optimal 3

showed that the optimal solution is one of the real so- ing cost function:
lutions among a set of 47 general roots of a certain
polynomial equation. Since their approach has a signif- Nc
icant computational cost, an alternative method of [4] f (p) = d(ûi , ui )2 , ûi = P [p; 1], i ∈ {1, . . . , Nc },
can be used, which presents techniques that improves i=1
the numerical stability of Gröbner basis solvers and sig- (1)
nificantly reduces the computational costs.
 Because of the non-convexity and complexity of solv- in which d(ûi , ui ) is the Euclidean distance between the
ing the L2 norm [8], other cost functions were consid- projected point and its measurement in the ith image.
ered in the literature. For instance, a choice which is Assuming independent Gaussian noise in the image do-
robust to outliers is to minimize the L1 reprojection er- main and known cameras positions and orientations,
rors. [11] find the L1 optimal solution in closed form by this method provides the maximum-likelihood estima-
solving a polynomial of degree 8. They also state that tion of 3D points.
the L1 optimization has slightly less 3D error than the
L2 optimization in real experiments. Another popular
approach is to find L∞ answer which is optimal under
the assumption of uniform noise [7, 9, 16, 21, 25]. Angu- 3.3 Mid-Point Triangulation
lar errors were studied in [15] and closed-form optimal
solutions were derived for L1 , L2 , and L∞ angular er- Another simple triangulation method is to find a 3D
rors. point p that minimizes 3D distances from the lines of
 In this paper the accuracy of different triangulation sights. The goal of this method is to minimize the fol-
approaches in a calibrated structure-from-motion pro- lowing cost function:
cess [29, 23] is investigated. It is shown that the 3D base-
line triangulation approach has less sensitivity to uncer- Nc
tainties in cameras extrinsic parameters and also has f (p) = d(p, li )2 , (2)
more accuracy in 3D reconstruction in a full structure- i=1

from-motion process where positions and orientations
of the cameras are estimated from observations. in which li s are the lines of sights and d(p, li ) is the
 distance between p and li . For any number of cameras,
 minimizing (2) is a linear least squares problem and can
 be solved in a closed form.
3 Preliminaries

3.1 Camera Model and Parameters
 3.4 Accuracy of the reconstruction
Let u be the projection of a point p on a camera’s image
plane. The projection is obtained by u = P [p; 1], where Point cloud reconstructed by a structure-from-motion
P is the camera matrix. The camera matrix P is given procedure is obtained up to a scaled Euclidean trans-
by P = K[R |−Rc] , where K is the camera calibration formation (a more general projective ambiguity exists
matrix, and R and c are the orientation and position of in the uncalibrated approach). Suppose that p̂i , i ∈
the camera with respect to a world coordinate system. {1, . . . , N } are estimated points, and pi s are the ground
The line of sight of the camera image is the line that truth (with known correspondences). As shown in Fig. 2,
passes through the camera point c towards direction the accuracy of the estimation is obtained by finding
R−1 K −1 u. a scaled Euclidean transformation such that the esti-
 mated point cloud are aligned to the ground truth as
 much as possible. Mathematically speaking

3.2 Optimal Triangulation N
 X 2
 min d sRp̂i + t, pi , (3)
2D baseline triangulation, which is known as the op- i=1
timal triangulation in the literature, finds a 3D point
p so that its projected points on the cameras, ûi , i ∈ where R, t, and s are the rotation matrix, translation,
{1, . . . , Nc }, have the minimum sum Euclidean distance and scale parameters of the scaled Euclidean transfor-
from measurements ui s. Hence, it minimizes the follow- mation.
4 Seyed-Mahdi Nasiri et al.

 minimizing L1 reprojection errors [11], and minimizing
 L1 and L2 angular errors [15].The comparison criteria
 – Position error sensitivity: The sensitivity of the error
 in the position of a single triangulated point.
 – Distance error sensitivity: The sensitivity of the er-
 ror in the distance between two triangulated points.
 (a) (b) – Angle error sensitivity: The sensitivity of the error
Fig. 2 The ground truth point cloud (green circles) and the
 in the angles of a triangle composed of three trian-
estimated point clouds (blue squares and red hexagons). As it gulated points.
is obvious in (a), the blue points have a smaller sum squared
distance to the ground truth versus the red points. But after To evaluate the mentioned sensitivities for different
finding the best rotation, translation, and scale for both red triangulation methods, three configuration are consid-
and blue points, done for (b), it reveals that the red points ered for two-views triangulation:
are the better estimation of the ground truth green points.
 Conf. 1) c1 = [−5, −1, 0]T , c2 = [−5, +1, 0]T and
 the both cameras point at origin.
3.5 Reconstruction in a Structure-from-Motion Conf. 2) c1 = [−12, 0, 0]T , c2 = [−2, 0, 0]T and the
Process both cameras point at origin.
 Conf. 3) c1 = [−10, 2, −1]T , c2 = [−5, −2, 1]T and
A typical structure-from-motion framework [23, 24, 27] the both cameras baselines are aligned with the global
comprises the following steps: coordinate x direction.
1. Pairwise images registration The first two configurations are the same as the two
 – Feature extraction and matching [19, 3, 18] configurations in [11]. In fact, the first configuration
 – Finding relative rotations and translations be- simulates a camera moving forward and looking straight
 tween all pairs of images with the matched fea- ahead and the second configuration simulates an aerial
 tures [30, 20, 14] imaging procedure. Since these two configurations are
2. Camera pose estimation special cases, a more general configuration is added to
 – Solving the viewing graph created by the pair- them.
 wise image registrations to find camera positions
 and orientations [22, 27, 12, 32, 10, 6, 1]
 4.1.1 Position Error Sensitivity
3. Triangulation
 – Reconstructing 3D points by triangulating cor- In this part the sensitivity of 3D error of different tri-
 responding points. angulation methods to errors in positions and orienta-
 The obtained camera poses and 3D reconstructed tions of cameras are evaluated. For each configuration,
 points are usually refined by a bundle adjustment a point p is placed in an sphere centered at the origin
 step. In this paper, we only consider up to the tri- with the diameter of 0.5, and the projected points on
 angulation adjustment and exclude the bundle ad- the cameras are obtained. The positions of the cameras
 justment step. are perturbed by random Gaussian noise vectors and
 the orientation of the cameras are perturbed by ran-
 dom rotations with random axes and Gaussian random
4 Experiments angles. The reconstructed point p̂, is obtained by differ-
 ent triangulation methods. Euclidean distance between
The experiments are two-fold. First, the sensitivity of
 points is used for computing 3D error:
different triangulation methods to the error in camera
poses are compared. Then, the accuracy of different tri- e = d(p̂, p). (4)
angulation methods are evaluated in a full reconstruc-
tion procedure on synthetic and real datasets. This procedure repeated 100 times for each configu-
 ration and for each noise level. The standard deviation
 of the position Gaussian noise is 0.01, and the standard
4.1 Sensitivities deviation of the angle Gaussian noise is 0.1 degree for
 the noise level 1. The standard deviations are multi-
In this part, the mid-point method is compared to the plied by the noise levels. Fig. 3 shows the mean error of
L2 method [11], iteratively reweighted mid-point [31], different triangulation methods in confs. 1, 2, and 3.
Optimal Triangulation Method is Not Really Optimal 5

 1.3 1.3
 1.25 IRMP 1.25

 Configuration 1

 Configuration 1
 1.2 L1 1.2
 1.15 AngL1 1.15
 1.1 1.1

 1.05 1.05

 1 1

 0.95 0.95
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 2 2
 1.8 1.8 IRMP

 Configuration 2

 Configuration 2
 1.6 L1 1.6
 1.4 1.4

 1.2 1.2

 1 1
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 1.2 4
 IRMP 3.5
 1.15 L2 MP

 Configuration 3
 Configuration 3

 1.1 AngL2 2.5 L2
 AngL1 L1
 2 AngL2
 1.05 AngL1


 0.95 1
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 noise level noise level

Fig. 3 The position error (4) sensitivity of different methods Fig. 4 The distance error (5) sensitivity of different methods
in - from top to bottom - configurations 1, 2, 3. in - from top to bottom - Configurations 1, 2, 3.

4.1.2 Distance Error Sensitivity between the angle between two vectors p2 − p1 and
 p3 − p1 , and the angle between two vectors p̂2 − p̂1 and
To evaluate the distance error sensitivity of different p̂3 − p̂1 :
methods, two points p1 and p2 are randomly placed
in the sphere of the previous part. The projections are e = |](p̂2 − p̂1 , p̂3 − p̂1 ) − ](p2 − p1 , p3 − p1 )| . (6)
computed, cameras positions and orientations are per-
turbed by the noise, and different triangulation meth- This procedure is repeated 100 times for each con-
ods are applied to find two estimated 3D points p̂1 and figuration and for each noise level. The mean error of
p̂2 . The error is the absolute value of difference of the different triangulation methods are shown in Fig. 5.
distance between p1 and p2 , and the distance between From these experiments, it can be concluded that
p̂1 and p̂2 : the mid-point method and its variant are the best per-
 forming methods when there is uncertainty in the cam-
e = |d(p1 , p2 ) − d(p̂1 , p̂2 )| . (5) eras parameters. In reality, there are uncertainty in
 both cameras parameters and image points. This is ad-
 This procedure is repeated 100 times for each con- dressed in the following subsection.
figuration and for each noise level. The mean error of
different triangulation methods are shown in Fig. 4.
 4.2 Full Reconstruction Procedure on Synthetic
4.1.3 Angle Error Sensitivity Datasets

To compute the angle error sensitivity of different meth- In the following experiments, the performance of the
ods, three points p1 , p2 , and p3 are randomly placed above methods in a full structure-from-motion recon-
in the aforementioned sphere and the projections are struction procedure is assessed. The datasets have un-
computed. The positions and orientations of the cam- certainties in image points and consequently there is
eras are perturbed by the noise and three 3D points p̂1 , uncertainty in cameras extrinsic parameters. In this sec-
p̂2 , p̂3 are estimated by different triangulation methods. tion, first the performance in the case of two cameras is
The error is defined as the absolute value of difference evaluated, where camera poses are computed through
6 Seyed-Mahdi Nasiri et al.


 1.25 MP

 Configuration 1
 1.2 L2
 1.15 AngL2



 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 1.15 IRMP

 Configuration 2
 1.1 L1
 Fig. 6 The configuration of the cameras and the box, and
 1 the images of the box on the cameras. The cameras are placed
 at c1 = [−7, 3, 0]T , c2 = [−10, −3, 1]T . Both cameras looking
 at the origin. The dimensions of the box are 3 × 8 × 6 and, it
 0.9 is centered at the origin.
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 7 0.35
 6 MP
 5 IRMP 0.3
 Configuration 3

 4 L1
 L1 0.25
 3 0.2

 2 0.15


 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 noise level

Fig. 5 The angle error (6) sensitivity of different methods in Fig. 7 The mean and standard deviation of 3D triangulation
- from top to bottom - Configurations 1, 2, 3. errors for different methods in the first ten random runs on
 the synthetic dataset. The errors are computed for random
 20 points selected in a region. The cameras and the region
 containing the points are shown in Fig. 6.
the essential matrix. Then, the performance for the case
of more than two cameras are evaluated, where an addi-
tional viewing graph optimization is needed to be solved have the same calibration matrix
for computing the camera poses.  
 300 0 320
4.2.1 Two Cameras K =  0 300 240 , (7)
 0 0 1
To evaluate the performance of different triangulation
 and the images have 640 × 480 pixels.
methods for the case of two cameras, the following steps
 Fig. 7 shows the mean and standard deviation of
are done on the simulation setup of Fig. 6:
 triangulation errors of all 20 points for different meth-
1. N = 20 points are randomly selected in a box. ods in the first 10 experiments. Fig. 8 shows the mean,
2. The points are projected on the cameras. median, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum
3. The projections are displaced by an unbiased Gaus- of the mean error of all 100 experiments.
 sian random noises with the standard deviation of
 one pixel.
 4.2.2 More Than Two Cameras
4. The essential matrix between the two cameras is
 estimated by the method of [14]. If Nc cameras (Nc > 2) are involved in the reconstruc-
5. The relative rotation and translation are estimated. tion process, the essential matrices and consequently
6. The cameras poses are calculated from the relative the relative positions and orientations are computed
 observations. for every 2-combinations of Nc cameras. The N2c rel-
7. The corresponding 3D points are reconstructed by ative observations of orientations and directions create
 triangulation. a viewing graph which should be solved to estimate
8. The best rotation, translation, and scale that makes the cameras poses. In the 4th step of the reconstruc-
 the 3D triangulated points match the selected points tion procedure, the essential matrices are estimated for
 in the box are obtained and the errors are computed. any 2-combinations of Nc cameras, and in 5th step, a
 The procedure is repeated 100 times. The cameras viewing graph is created from relative measurements.
Optimal Triangulation Method is Not Really Optimal 7







 MP IRMP L2 L1 AngL2 AngL1

Fig. 8 The mean, standard deviation, median, minimum,
and maximum of 100 mean 3D triangulation error for differ-
ent methods. The errors are computed for random 20 points
selected in a region. The cameras and the region containing
the points are shown in Fig. 6.
 Fig. 9 The configuration of the box and cameras c1 and c2
 are the same as Fig. 6, and the third camera is placed at
Obtained viewing graph is solved in step 6 to estimate c3 = [−8, 0, −2]T .
the positions and orientations of the cameras.
 To evaluate the performance of different methods
on multi-view triangulation, another camera is added 0.6
to the mentioned two cameras setup as shown in Fig. 9. 0.5 L2
The mean and standard deviation of triangulation er- 0.4 AngL2
ror of all 20 points for different methods in the first 10 0.3

experiments are shown in Fig. 10. Again the mean, me- 0.2

dian, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum of 0.1

the mean error of all 100 experiments are computed and 0
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
are shown in Fig. 11.
 Fig. 10 The mean and standard deviation of 3D triangu-
 lation errors for different methods in the first ten random
 runs on the synthetic dataset. The errors are computed for
4.3 Full Reconstruction Procedure in a Real Dataset random 20 points selected in a region. The cameras and the
 region containing the points are shown in Fig. 9.
In this part, “Fountain-P11” dataset is used to evalu-
ate the triangulation methods. The SURF feature cor-
respondences [3] are used to find the essential matrices
between all 2-combinations of cameras2 . The test pro- 0.6
cess is the same as the process in the synthetic datasets
except that the projection in step 2 is replaced by the
feature matching and no noise is added to the points 0.4

anymore. For each selected pair of cameras, the process 0.3
is repeated 10 times for different random correspond-
ing points. Figs. 12 and 13 show the results of different
triangulation methods in the mentioned process. 0.1

 The experiment is repeated for triangulation by three 0
 MP IRMP L2 L1 AngL2 AngL1
cameras. Again the process is the same as the process
in the synthetic datasets of subsection 4.2.2 with fea- Fig. 11 The mean, standard deviation, median, minimum,
ture matching used in step 2. The process is repeated and maximum of 100 mean 3D triangulation error for differ-
 ent methods. The errors are computed for random 20 points
10 time for any 3-combinations of cameras. The results selected in a region. The cameras and the region containing
are shown in Fig. 14. As it can be seen in the results, the points are shown in Fig. 9.
the mid-point method outperforms the other methods
 Fountain-P11 dataset consists of 11 images from differ-
ent perspectives. We remove the first and last images, which
have a few number of feature correspondences and find the and has less mean 3D reconstruction error in all the
essential matrices for all 2-combinations of all other 9 images. experiments.
8 Seyed-Mahdi Nasiri et al.

 AngL2 0.015


 L2 0.005
 MP IRMP L2 L1 AngL2 AngL1

 Fig. 14 The mean, standard deviation, median, minimum,
 and maximum of mean 3D triangulation error of all 3-view
 L2 experiments on Fountain-P11 dataset.

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for each selected pairs of cameras in all 2-combination of cam-
eras in Fountain-P11 dataset. The results are for 10 runs of
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