Predicted Effects of Confinement on the Melting Transition in Krypton-Argon Adlayers

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AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                           VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)

     Predicted Effects of Confinement on the Melting
          Transition in Krypton-Argon Adlayers
                                K. Bader and M.W. Roth
                                  Physics Department
                              University of Northern Iowa
                            Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0150 USA

                           Received February 4, 2002   Accepted March 7, 2002


We report the results of (N,ρ,T) Molecular-Dynamics computer simulations of krypton-argon
mixtures physisorbed between two graphite sheets. Three novel aspects of the system's behavior
emerge from this study. To begin with, new high-temperature commensurate solid phases for
both argon and krypton as a result of confinement are predicted, as well as a family of
confinement-induced solid-liquid phase transitions. In addition, we observe that the melting
temperature of the system can be adjusted within a given range by the graphite sheet spacing.
Finally, in the case of argon-krypton mixtures, certain temperatures and sheet spacings result in
almost complete impurity extraction.

I.      INTRODUCTION                                    krypton-argon      mixtures    between two
                                                        graphite sheets. The species are chosen as
         For decades now researchers have               such because both krypton [5-20] and argon
studied the behavior of atomic and                      [21-33] have been studied as single layers
molecular      species    physisorbed      onto         on graphite extensively and they exhibit
graphite. For rare gas adsorbates such as               markedly different adsorption behavior, thus
krypton and argon the phase diagrams have               having a high potential to show the effects of
been mapped out rather thoroughly on both               selectivity imposed by the presence of the
experimental and computational fronts.                  second sheet. New high-temperature
Although the discovery of fullerenes and                commensurate solids and new confinement-
nanotubes has spurred scientific interest into          induced solid-liquid phase transitions for
adsorption of rare gasses onto new                      both krypton and argon emerge from this
geometries, comparatively little has been               study. As will be discussed later, this is a
done to study the phase transitions of                  result of the adlayer's being forced into a
physisorbed systems in confined geometries              region where atoms' lateral interaction with
[1-4].                                                  the graphite surface is very strong.
         Both the nature and temperature of             Secondly, and not entirely surprisingly, we
melting for commensurate monolayers on                  find that the melting transition in both nature
graphite (including krypton) are highly                 and temperature can be fine-tuned purely by
sensitive    to   density fluctuations       at         the spacing of the graphite sheets. Moreover
completion (an area density of 0.0636                   we are able to explain the dependence of
atom/Å2 for a monolayer) and density                    the melting transition on sheet spacing
fluctuations in this regime are in turn                 simply as an outcome of competition
strongly coupled to the vertical (out-of-plane,         between confinement and attraction with the
or ẑ ) excursions of the adsorbed species. It          upper graphite sheet. Lastly, we present the
follows, then, that the vertical boundary               results for a 50% argon-krypton mixed
conditions for the system play an important             adlayer and observe that for certain graphite
role in melting. The purpose of this study is           spacings and temperatures, the upper sheet
to simulate the effects of altering the ẑ              adsorbs almost pure argon, suggesting that
boundary conditions on physisorbed rare                 with some experimental refinement, impurity
gas layers by modeling adsorption of the                extraction can be attained.

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                                    VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)




Figure 1. The Cartesian coordinate system used in this study (standard). The x-axis lies along the
Γ-K direction of the graphite lattice and the y-axis is along the Γ-M direction. The z-axis is
perpendicular to the substrate plane. There are an infinite number of graphite planes considered
but we show only three.

                                                                                      ε (K)             σ (Å)
          A      constant-density,    constant-
temperature molecular-dynamics method is
utilized in this study. There are a total of 400             Argon                    171.0             3.60
atoms in the computational cell with varying
mixture fractions of argon and krypton; they
interact at a separation rij through a                     Krypton                    120.0             3.38
Lennard-Jones pair potential
                           σ   σ                                              143.25              3.49
                                    12       6

      u LJ (rij ) = 4ε ij  ij  −  ij  
                           rij   rij            Table 1. Lennard-Jones potential
                                                        parameters for the adsorbate atoms.
and the mixed interactions (type of atom i ≠
type of atom j) are given by Lorentz-                   represents the contributions of the graphite
Bertholot combining rules                               p-orbitals. The adsorbate-graphite potential
                                                        inter-actions uiKr-gr of adsorbate atom (i)
                            σ i +σ j                    located at (xi,yi,zi) in a commonly defined
                   σi j =                               Cartesian coordinate system are of the form
                                2                       proposed by Steele [34],

                   εi j = εi ε j                                                ∞
                                                        u ig r = E 0 i (z i ) + ∑ E n i (z i ) f n (x i , y i ).
                                                                               n =1

values for the potential parameters used in                                                                        (1)
our work are shown in Table 1.
        The Lennard-Jones potential is                  This standard coordinate system is re-
chosen because it is widely used in atomic              presented in Figure 1.
and molecular simulations, including recent                      The Eni are strong laterally averaged
work on systems confined in planar                      terms and the fn(xi,yi) are periodic functions
geometries [1-4]. This allows better                    representing the lateral variation in the
comparisons with other deterministic and                interaction energy due to the graphite
stochastic simulation results. Especially in            structure. Only the n=1 term is retained in
our simulations of close confinement,                   equation (1) because the series converges
however, it would be of use to compare the              very quickly, and the analytical expressions
results presented here with an anisotropic              for terms contained in it are
Lennard-Jones pair potential which better

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                               VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)

                            2πq ε σ 6           2σ 6         2 σ 6 1 2 z i2 + 7 z i d + 7 d 2 
             E 0i ( z i ) =                                + 10 - 4 -                        ,
                                                                         6d( z i + d ) 
                                                           9                             5
                               as       45d( z i + 0.72d ) 5 z i z i

                            2π ε σ
                                      σ     g 5                      g 2

             E ni ( z i ) =        {(     )( n ) K 5 ( g n z i ) - 2( n ) K 2 ( g n z i )},
                               as     30 2 z i                       2 zi


                                        f 1 ( xi , yi ) = f n ( xi , yi )|n=1 =
                            2π        y          2π      y          4π y
                 - 2{ cos      (x + (    )) + cos (x - (    )) + cos (    )}.
                             a         3          a       3          a  3

The Ki are modified Bessel functions of the
second kind and of order i and the gn are the                  Parameter          Symbol       Value
magnitudes of the nth graphite reciprocal
lattice vectors; other important parameters
appearing in the expressions for the potential
                                                               potential           ε,σ        54.46K,
are identified in Table 2.
                                                              Parameters                       3.11Å
In Steele’s original Fourier expansion the
basal plane of the graphite sheet is at z=0
and an infinite number of graphite layers                     Kr-graphite
extends in the - ẑ direction. In the work                     potential           ε,σ        64.83K,
presented here the surface of the basal                       parameters                       3.22Å
plane extends in either the + ẑ or the -
 ẑ direction, depending upon where the                     Graphite plane          d          3.37 Å
sheet is placed. One graphite sheet has a                      spacing
face at z=0 and extends in the - ẑ direction;
the other is inverted and its face is at z=h,
where h ranges anywhere from 5 Å to 11 Å.                       Area of
           Periodic boundary conditions are                  graphite unit          as        5.24 Å2
implemented in the (x,y) plane. Initially, the                   cell
atoms are placed at as though they were
adsorbed to the bottom graphite sheet in a
triangular commensurate lattice. When more                   Atom number
than one species is present, atom types are                   in graphite           q             2
assigned in a random sequence so as to                          unit cell
avoid impurity patches in favor of an
annealed sample.                                           Table 2. Relevant parameters for the ad-
                                                           atom-graphite interactions.

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                           VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)

The system is allowed to equilibrate for
anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 time steps
(ranging anywhere from 0.001 picoseconds
to 0.003 picoseconds) and subsequently the
production runs (over which meaningful
thermal averages are calculated) range over
the next 10,000 to 20,000 time steps. The
thermostat    involves     uniform   velocity
rescaling and a standard Verlet algorithm is
used to integrate the equations of motion.
         The size of the computational cell
was chosen so that we could have the
largest number of atoms in the simulation (in
order to capture the important physics of the
system) and still completes the project in a
reasonable time. In addition we chose to use
constant-density and constant-temperature                Figure 2. Order parameter O1 as functions
Molecular Dynamics because we wanted to                  of graphite sheet spacing h for T = 20 K
simulate experimental systems as closely as              (solid circles), T = 40 K (solid squares), T =
possible,    and    such    conditions    are            60 K (solid triangles), T = 80 K (solid
reasonable representations of adsorbates                 diamonds), T = 100 K (hollow circles), T =
on single graphite sheets, which we interpret            120 K (hollow squares), T = 140 K (hollow
to be extendable to planar geometries in                 triangles) and T = 160 K (hollow diamonds).
general. In addition, Molecular Dynamics                 Also, O1 for argon is shown at T = 20 K with
allows us to track a dynamical (time)                    stars.
sequence for the system, which stochastic
methods are much less efficient at.                      dependence is vertical. Its thermal average
                                                         per particle is
                                                                             1 N
        SOLIDS                                                 < E0 > =        ∑ < E0i >             (2)

Figure 2 shows the order parameter O1 for                                    N i =1
pure krypton as functions of graphite sheet
spacing h at various temperatures, as well               where N is the number of atoms in the
as one curve for pure argon at T = 20 K.                 simulation. When calculated individually for
The expression for O1 is                                 adsorbate atom interactions with each
                                                         sheet,  is a good measure of the
                                                         vertical behavior of the adlayer and can
            1 N 6 i gr • rr                              provide some perspective on the degree of
       O1=    ∑ ∑e                 s   i
                                                         vertical fluctuations of the adsorbate as well
           6N i = 1 s = 1                                as sheet-to-sheet atomic migration. The n =
                                                         1 term under the sum in equation (1)
Here the sum is over the six reciprocal lattice          describes the periodicity in the energy due
vectors gs for the graphite substrate, ri locates        to the substrate corrugation and is roughly
adsorbate atom (i) and brackets ()                    two orders of magnitude smaller than E0(zi)
denote a time, or thermal average. O1 is                 for conventional monolayers. Because
useful because it is an indicator of the degree          f1(xi,yi) is a periodic function which has its
of translational order of the adsorbate; O1 is           minima at the graphite hexagon centers, its
equal to unity for a static, registered lattice          thermal average  (referred to as 
and it vanishes for either an infinite                   and calculated in a manner similar to the
incommensurate lattice, or in the fluid where            thermal average in equation (2)) calculated
the atoms evenly sample positions over the               for interactions with each sheet separately
graphite plane with uniform probability density          are reliable indicator of registry (the degree
in space.                                                to which atoms tend to sample areas over
         Since the first term in equation (1) is         graphite hexagon centers) as well as
strong and laterally averaged, its only spatial          melting. Figure 3 shows the thermal

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                          VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)

averages  per particle for interactions           The behavior of O1 shows that at sufficiently
with the bottom sheet only as functions of            low temperatures (less than about 60K) the
graphite sheet spacing. Figure 4 shows                system will not exist as a fluid, although the
 per particle for interactions with the           minima in the curves illustrate that at a given
bottom sheet only as functions of graphite            separation       (which     increases      with
sheet spacing for various temperatures.               temperature due to vertical thermal
                                                      expansion) the second sheet is able to
                                                      augment vertical fluctuations, thus leaving
                                                      more in-plane room for the adsorbate thus
                                                      decreasing spatial order. This is confirmed
                                                      by the fact that the points of minimum O1
                                                      are points of local maxima in  and
                                                      . For temperatures greater that 80K, O1
                                                      shows that varying the sheet separation can
                                                      cause the system to undergo a series of
                                                      solid-fluid phase transitions. Moreover,
                                                      inspection of figures 3 and 4 illustrates as
                                                      the sheet separation is decreased from the
                                                      point of minimum O1, the laterally averaged
                                                      energy term  rises but  sharply
                                                      decreases. The strong mutual vertical
                                                      repulsion between the graphite planes
                                                      forces the atoms into very deep lateral
Figure 3.  as functions of graphite               potential wells so this effect increases the
sheet spacing h for interactions with the             undulation in the potential due to the
bottom sheet only and at various                      graphite structure, thus confining the system
temperatures. The legend is the same as in            in the (x,y) plane. The deep lateral wells are
Figure 2 except that no curves are offset. To         not sampled by atoms adsorbed onto a
aid resolution, values for h below 6 Å are not        single sheet of graphite because the much
shown.                                                stronger laterally averaged term E0(zi) keeps
                                                      them too far above the graphite surface to
                                                      do so. However with two graphite sheets
                                                      present it is possible to force the atoms into
                                                      this interesting and new regime and E1(zi),
                                                      the vertically dependent multiplier of f1(xi,yi),
                                                      becomes very large thus magnifying the
                                                      lateral corrugation in the graphite. Although
                                                      we are not able to detect solid-solid phase
                                                      transitions for krypton below 60 K, it is clear
                                                      that at the highest temperatures shown (T =
                                                      140 K and T = 160 K) our simulations
                                                      predict a new confined high-temperature
                                                      commensurate solid phase because the
                                                      system exists as a liquid for O1 ≤ 0.25. At
                                                      low temperature (T = 20 K), O1 for argon
                                                      also shows that, as sheet separation is
                                                      decreased there are two transitions; one
                                                      from the incommensurate solid to the fluid
                                                      and then from the fluid to the high-
Figure 4.  as functions of graphite               temperature commensurate confined solid.
sheet spacing for interactions with the               The completion of the series of O1 for pure
bottom sheet only and at various                      argon at higher temperatures, required to
temperatures. The format is the same as in            map out more solid-liquid transitions as well
Figure 3. To aid resolution, values for h             as the effects of confinement on the fluid, is
below 6 Å are not shown.                              in progress.

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                         VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)


        Figure 5 shows O1 as functions of
temperature and figure 6 shows  as
functions of temperature; both figures are for
various sheet spacings for pure krypton
layers. Figure 7 shows the melting
temperature Tm as a function of sheet
spacing also for pure krypton layers.

                                                       Figure 7. Melting temperature Tm as a
                                                       function of graphite sheet spacing h. The
                                                       horizontal line represents the melting
                                                       temperature for the infinite-separation

                                                       The minimum in Tm (T) at about Tm = 70 K
                                                       suggests that two competing effects are
                                                       influencing the melting transition. Inspection
                                                       of  reveals that at sheet spacings below
Figure 5. Order parameter O1 as functions              8 Å there is no sharp rise as temperature is
of temperature T for graphite sheet spacings           increased, but for spacings greater than 8 Å
of 6 Å(solid squares), 6.5 Å (solid triangles),        there are. This confirms that, in addition to
7 Å (solid diamonds), 8 Å (hollow circles), 9          the large lateral corrugation of the surface
Å (hollow squares),10 Å (hollow triangles)             experienced as the atoms come closer to
and 11 Å (hollow diamonds). Values for h =             the graphite, confinement (dominant at
5 Å are not shown, as melting is not                   sheet spacings below the minimum) is
observed for that separation. For visual ease          raising the melting temperature by stifling
the curves for h ≥ 8 Å are offset by one unit.         vertical fluctuations thus reducing in-plane
                                                       room for the adsorbate. Also, it shows that
                                                       attraction of the atoms to the upper sheet
                                                       (dominant at sheet separations above the
                                                       minimum)       enhance      vertical   atomic
                                                       fluctuations and effectively lowers the area
                                                       density of the layer adsorbed on to the
                                                       bottom sheet. At sheet separations greater
                                                       that 8 Å , which are near the minimum in Tm,
                                                       the upper sheet prompts melting, as atoms
                                                       are adsorbed onto the upper sheet at a
                                                       temperature lower than melting , thus
                                                       reducing planar density of the bottom layer.
                                                       Since the attraction of the adsorbate to the
                                                       upper sheet becomes less prominent as
                                                       graphite separation is increased, the
                                                       enhancement        of   vertical    excursions
Figure 6.  as functions of temperature             weakens as the sheet spacing is increased
T for interactions with the bottom sheet only          from its value at the minimum melting
and at various graphite sheet spacings. The            temperature and the melting temperature
format is the same as in Figure 5 except that          closely      approaches       (single    plane
no curves are offset.                                  experimental) value of Tm = 129K
                                                       asymptotically [5-20]. Figures 5 and 6 also

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                              VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)

show an observation consistent with                       sheet adsorption could serve as a method of
asymptotic behavior: namely that, as sheet                impurity extraction for adsorbate mixtures of
separation increases, the large vertical                  sufficiently different proprieties, such as in
jumps in  occur at higher temperatures.               this study. Figure 8(a-c) shows ray-traced
In fact, for sheet separations greater than 9             renderings for a 50% argon - krypton
Å, melting occurs before vertical excursions              mixture adsorbed onto two graphite sheets
do, which is a signature of the familiar single           separated by 11 Å, providing a visual
sheet melting transition occurring before                 illustration of low-temperature bottom layer
desorption. O1 clearly shows that the effects             adsorption (T = 40 K), almost pure argon
of confinement become important at low                    adsorbing to the top layer before melting (T
temperature, as the curves become more                    = 80 K), and the high-temperature (T = 140
and more separated in the solid with sheet                K) equal sharing of the components
separations decreasing from about 7 Å. On                 between layers.
the contrary, for sheet separations greater
than that, O1 in the solid coincide. The                  VI.     FINAL REMARKS
sharpness of melting remains similar for
sheet separations greater than 6 Å, but                   It appears that in general adsorption of
clearly it becomes less sharp as the effects              adlayers onto multiple graphite sheets can
of confinement become more pronounced.                    provide very interesting and useful results,
         It is interesting to note that, for          and possibly lend insight into similar 3D
in figure 3 there seems to be oscillatory                 experimental work [35]. In a future study we
behavior for T = 120 K and 140 K between 9                plan to address the changes in system
Å and 11 Å. This feature is not seen in any               behavior that are brought about by changing
other quantity and is purely related to the               argon-krypton mixture fractions. Since it
vertical behavior of the system; the lower                seems possible to fine-tune the melting
values of  occur at points where the                  transition     within    a    certain    range,
graphite      plane      separation     stabilizes        investigation of any properties of the system
multilayer promotion, i.e. where second                   that change across melting could lead to
layer promotion and adsorption onto either                very useful applications. We wish to
graphite sheet are both occurring as they                 emphasize that the limits of the physical
would in the single-sheet case. That is, the              viability of our results reside primarily in the
configuration of the two-sheet system is                  potential interactions we use. The potentials
stabilized when it resonates with that of the             used are clearly appropriate for conventional
one sheet monolayer or multilayer system.                 monolayers. As the graphite sheets are
This oscillatory behavior is reminiscent of               brought close together, it could be that either
that in the solvation force [1-4], density [1-4]          the p orbitals could affect the confinement in
and adsorption excess [2] observed in                     an unforeseen way, or that the graphite-
previous simulations other planar-confined                graphite interaction could alter the electronic
systems.                                                  structure on the substrate surface in a way
                                                          unforeseen by this study.
          We also performed simulations with
various mixtures of krypton and argon.                    This work has been supported by a
Initially all the atoms are adsorbed to the               University of Northern Iowa four-week
bottom plane. For both species, a gradual                 summer fellowship. Both authors thank the
increase in adsorption onto the top sheet is              University of Northern Iowa for the use of
followed by a sharp increase near melting,                the Physics Department computing facilities.
after which both sheets share species                     The second author (MWR) gratefully
equally. However it is interesting to note that           acknowledges helpful and encouraging
there is a temperature region for both plane              discussions with Bill Steele at the Penn
separations (lower temperatures for the                   State University Department of Chemistry. In
closer sheets) shown where the top sheet                  addition both authors are grateful to the
adsorbate is almost pure argon. This                      referees for helpful comments.
suggests that, with some refinement, two-

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH                                       VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2002)

Figure 8 (a-c). Ray-traced renderings of the 50% argon-krypton mixture for a sheet separation of
11Å at T = 40 K (top), T = 80 K (middle) and T = 140 K (bottom), respectively. The lighter shaded
atoms are argon and the gray plans represent the surfaces of the graphite sheets; all sizes are to

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