Revised SEDD (RSEDD) Model for Sediment Delivery Processes at the Basin Scale - MDPI

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Revised SEDD (RSEDD) Model for Sediment Delivery Processes at the Basin Scale - MDPI

Revised SEDD (RSEDD) Model for Sediment
Delivery Processes at the Basin Scale
Walter Chen *        and Kent Thomas
 Department of Civil Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei 10608, Taiwan;
 * Correspondence:; Tel.: +886-2-2771-2171 (ext. 2628)
 Received: 18 May 2020; Accepted: 15 June 2020; Published: 17 June 2020                               

 Abstract: Sediment transport to river channels in a basin is of great significance for a variety of reasons
 ranging from soil preservation to siltation prevention of reservoirs. Among the commonly used
 models of sediment transport, the SEdiment Delivery Distributed model (SEDD) uses an exponential
 function to model the likelihood of eroded soils reaching the rivers and denotes the probability as the
 Sediment Delivery Ratio of morphological unit i (SDRi ). The use of probability to model SDRi in
 SEDD led us to examine the model and check for its statistical validity. As a result, we found that
 the SEDD model had several false assertions and needs to be revised to correct for the discrepancies
 with the statistical properties of the exponential distributions. The results of our study are presented
 here. We propose an alternative model, the Revised SEDD (RSEDD) model, to better estimate SDRi .
 We also show how to calibrate the model parameters and examine an example watershed to see if the
 travel time of sediments follows an exponential distribution. Finally, we reviewed studies citing the
 SEDD model to explore if they would be impacted by switching to the proposed RSEDD model.

 Keywords: soil erosion; sediment delivery ratio; SEDD; RSEDD

1. Introduction
     Surface soil erosion is a major threat to food production and the environment, and the problem
has been compounded by climate change in recent years. As the weather becomes more unpredictable
and extreme, soil erosion is expected to increase more rapidly and therefore to become more damaging
in the future. Furthermore, when the eroded soils or sediments are carried away by overland flow to
navigable rivers, they also create significant problems for the safe navigation and the proper use of
waterways. In the case of non-navigable rivers (such as those leading to reservoirs), the situation is
worse. The accumulation of sediments can be a major origin of non-point source pollution, critically
affecting water supply and demand in the region. Because of the damaging consequences of soil
erosion, establishing a model to assess the creation and transport of sediments is vitally important at
the basin scale, and it has been a topic of research for the last quarter-century.

1.1. SEDD Model
      Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) is the ratio between the sediment yield at the basin outlet and the
gross erosion of the basin. There are several basin-scale sediment delivery models, such as the SEdiment
Delivery Distributed (SEDD), the Unit Stream Power Based Erosion Deposition (USPED), and the
WaTEM/SEDEM models. The WaTEM/SEDEM is a soil erosion and deposition model developed and
extended by KU Leuven [1–3]. This model considers the transport capacity of sediments and the flow
routing according to topological changes to determine whether the dominant process for each grid
cell is deposition or erosion. Similar to WaTEM/SEDEM, the USPED model assumes that the soil
erosion rate and flow accumulation are transport capacity limited [4–7]. The LS factor of the Universal

Sustainability 2020, 12, 4928; doi:10.3390/su12124928             
Revised SEDD (RSEDD) Model for Sediment Delivery Processes at the Basin Scale - MDPI
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Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model is modified with the upslope contributing area to determine the
transport capacity function (T). In the USPED model, the divergence of the transport capacity index
(∆T) for each grid cell determines whether deposition or erosion is the dominant process. Finally,
the SEDD model was proposed by Ferro and Porto [8], although its formulation can be traced back to
Ferro and Minacapilli [9]. Based on probability, the authors of SEDD hypothesized that “the Sediment
Delivery Ratio, SDRi , of each morphological area is a measurement of the probability that the eroded
particles arrive from the considered area into the nearest stream reach” [9]. Furthermore, the authors
defined the travel time as “the time that particles eroded from the source area and transported through
the hillslope conveyance system take to arrive at the channel network” [9]. Assuming that Fi is the
cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the travel time tp,i , the authors assert that the relationship
between lnFi and tp,i is linear. Then, they support the assertion with data from seven Sicilian basins.
As a result, the following exponential function was used to describe the relationship between the SDRi
and the travel time:
                                              SDRi = e−βtp,i                                          (1)

where SDRi is the SDR of morphological unit i, β is a constant for a given basin (1/m), and tp,i is the
travel time of morphological unit i (m) and defined as:

                                                lp,i     Xp
                                         tp,i = √      =    √                                          (2)
                                                  sp,i       si,j

where sp,i = the slope of the hydraulic path (m/m), lp,i = the length of the hydraulic path (m). Combining
Equations (1) and (2), SDRi can be represented as:
                                                         lp,i             PNp    λi,j
                                                     −β √s           −β          √s
                                           −βtp,i          p,i             j=1        i,j
                                 SDRi = e           =e              =e                                 (3)

where Np = the number of morphological units localized along the hydraulic path j, and λi,j and
si,j = the length (m) and slope (m/m) of each morphological unit i localized along the hydraulic path j.
       Many studies have used Equations (1)–(3) and the subsequent SDRw (SDR for the entire basin) to
estimate the movement of sediments and their impact on particular watersheds [10–14]. However,
our examination of the SEDD model led us to believe that the model might have been inadequately
formulated to represent the probability concept declared. We will show why we think so and present
our revised version of the model in the following sections.

1.2. Incorrect Assertions of SEDD
      There are several improper assumptions and false assertions of SEDD:

(a)    “the Sediment Delivery Ratio, SDRi , of each morphological area is a measurement of the probability
       that the eroded particles arrive from the considered area into the nearest stream reach” [9];
(b)    the SDRi equation is an exponential distribution (exponential probability distribution);
(c)    “the relationship between lnFi and −tp,i is linear” [9];
(d)    “the probability that the eroded particles arrive from the morphological unit into the nearest
       stream reach is assumed proportional to the probability of non-exceedance of the travel time,
       tp,i ” [9];
(e)    the β coefficient can be lumped together with “the effects due to roughness and runoff along the
       hydraulic path” [8];
(f)    the Fi is a CDF of the travel time represented by Equation (2).
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      It was further asserted by Ferro and Minacapilli [9] that:

                                                           βi =                                           (4)

      These incorrect assertions will be discussed in Section 2.2.

2. Analysis
     We will start by describing the statistical properties of exponential functions and distributions,
outline the potential issues of the SEDD model, and explain how to formulate a Revised SEDD
(RSEDD) model.

2.1. Properties of Exponential Distributions
      The exponential function has a nice property concerning its differentiation and integration:

                                                           d x
                                                              ( e ) = ex                                  (5)
                                                               ex dx = ex + C                             (6)

where ex is the exponential function and C is a constant.
     In other words, the differentiation and integration of an exponential function is still an exponential
function. Exponential functions play a crucial role in statistical analysis. For example, if a probability
distribution takes the form of an exponential function, its probability distribution function (or probability
density function, PDF) will be an exponential distribution. The exponential distribution is generally
written as:
                                      f (x) = λe−λx x ≥ 0 and λ > 0                                       (7)

where f (x) denotes a PDF, the curve of a continuous probability distribution. Equation (7) is also called
the exponential PDF. Note the difference between exponential functions and exponential distributions.
It is also worth noting that the value f (x) is known as the probability density at x, not the probability at
x. For discrete random variables, however, relative frequency is the probability density. Unfortunately,
for continuous random variables, “it is not meaningful to associate a probability value with each
possible outcome on a continuum. Instead, for continuous random variables we associate probability
values with intervals on the continuum” [15]. For a continuous random variable, the probability at x is
zero. It is the area under the curve of a PDF that represents the probability of a variable falling in the
corresponding interval.
       The exponential distribution is a one-parameter probability distribution, which is λ. The mean of
the exponential distribution is 1/λ, and the standard deviation of the exponential distribution is also
1/λ. The exponential distribution has been applied to various fields of study, such as vehicle headway
distribution [16], the failure rates of air conditioning system in airplanes [17], the catchment-scale water
residence time [18], and the relative species abundance [19]. The cumulative distribution function
(CDF) of the exponential distribution is:
                                  Z   x                Z   x
                         F(x) =            f (u)du =           λe−λu du = 1 − e−λx x ≥ 0 and λ > 0        (8)
                                      −∞               0

where F(x) denotes a CDF (the Fi in SEDD). The PDF and CDF of the exponential distribution of typical
values of λ are shown in Figure 1a,b, respectively.
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                               (a)                                                               (b)
       Figure 1.
               1. The
                                     distribution function
                                                   function (PDF)
                                                             (PDF) and
                                                                   and the
                                                                        the (b)
                                                                             (b) cumulative
                                                                                 cumulative distribution
                                                                                            distribution function
       (CDF)  of the exponential distribution of typical values of λ..
       (CDF) of

2.2. Examination
2.2. Examination of
                 of SEDD
                    SEDD Assertions
      The SEDD
      The   SEDD model
                    model was wasdescribed
                                                                  andthe  incorrect
                                                                        the  incorrect  assertions
                                                                                           assertions  were  listed
                                                                                                          were       in Section
                                                                                                                 listed          1.2.
                                                                                                                         in Section
We   will  devote   this  section  to discussing  the    issues   of SEDD.      We   will    identify
1.2. We will devote this section to discussing the issues of SEDD. We will identify the potential       the  potential    problems
that call for
problems        a revised
              that  call for SEDD   (RSEDD)
                               a revised   SEDDmodel     to better
                                                   (RSEDD)           suit the
                                                                   model     to underlying
                                                                                  better suit statistical       requirements
                                                                                                   the underlying                for
modeling      SDR
requirements for    .
                   i modeling SDRi.
      As   mentioned      earlier, using
      As mentioned earlier,        using morphological
                                          morphological units,units, Ferro
                                                                       Ferro andand Minacapilli
                                                                                      Minacapilli [9]   [9] considered
                                                                                                            considered SDR SDRii as
the  probability     that  the  eroded  particles  arrive    from     the  source     area    into  the
the probability that the eroded particles arrive from the source area into the nearest river channel.    nearest    river  channel.
This seems
This  seems to toimply
                                                SDRi to  be the PDF of travel time, tp,i . tOn
                                                      i to be the PDF of travel time,
                                                                                                       the other hand, they also
                                                                                                  p,i. On the other hand, they
also    that the   probability
                that             as mentioned
                      the probability            above is “proportional
                                         as mentioned                             to the probability
                                                             above is “proportional              to the of    non-exceedance
                                                                                                           probability     of non-of
the  travel  time”.   This   statement  seems  to suggest     that   they   consider     SDR     to
exceedance of the travel time.” This statement seems to suggest that they iconsider SDRi to be the CDFbe the CDF     of travel time
of travel Although      the Although
            time instead.     statementsthemight  be contradictory
                                              statements      might be to       each other, ittowould
                                                                            contradictory                   not matter
                                                                                                      each other,          because
                                                                                                                     it would   not
neither   is correct.  To   formulate  the relationship     between     SDR   i  and  tp,i , the authors
matter because neither is correct. To formulate the relationship between SDRi and tp,i, the authors of      of SEDD      decided  to
use  an  exponential     function   as shown   in Equation       (1) and   repeated      here   as
SEDD decided to use an exponential function as shown in Equation (1) and repeated here as Equation  Equation     (9):
                                              SDRi = e−βtp,i                                          (9)
                                                    =        ,                                      (9)
      This is probably because of the nice properties of the exponential function (Equations (5) and (6))
      This is probably because of the nice properties of the exponential function (Equations (5) and
and the fact that they needed a linear relationship (Equation (4)) between lnFi and tp,i to explain the
(6)) and the fact that they needed a linear relationship (Equation (4)) between lnFi and tp,i to explain
observed linear data from the seven Sicilian basins. However, there are a few critical problems. First,
the observed linear data from the seven Sicilian basins. However, there are a few critical problems.
the total area under a PDF has to be equal to one:
First, the total area under a PDF has to be equal to one:
                                             Z ∞
                                                  f((x))dx =
                                                           =11                                       (10)

                                                        f((x)) ≥
                                                               ≥ 00 for
                                                                        allxx                                                (11)
       Second, the
               the CDF
                   CDF should
                       should be
                              be aa non-decreasing
                                    non-decreasing function
                                                   function of
                                                            of xx and
                                                                  and satisfy
                                                                      satisfy the following equation:
                                                                              the following equation:
                                                                 ( )=1                                                       (12)
                                                          lim   F(x) = 1                                                       (12)
       The integration of Equation (9) is:
                                                                         1                   1
                                  =         ( )     =                =       1−          =       1−         ,                (13)
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      The integration of Equation (9) is:
                      Z   x             Z   x               Z         x
                                                                                        1          1           
                               SDRi =           f (u)du =                 e−λu du =        1 − e−λx = 1 − e−βtp,i      (13)
                          −∞            −∞                        0                     λ            β

       Obviously, the total area under Equation (9) is not equal to one, and Equation (13) does not
approach one when x approaches infinity. Hence, Equation (9) is not a PDF. Moreover, since Equation (9)
is not a non-decreasing function, Equation (9) is not a CDF, either. As a result, we can conclude that
assertions (a), (b), (d), and (f) are incorrect.
       In addition, it can be seen that the logarithm of the CDF of Equation (9) is not linear because
Equation (13) is not a linear function. It can also be observed from Equation (13) that the integration
(i.e., CDF) of Equation (9) is not an exponential function. Therefore, a linear relationship between
lnFi and tp,i such as that in Equation (4) does not exist. The only condition that Equation (4) is valid
occurs when Equation (9) is a CDF. Since we have already shown that Equation (9) is not a CDF, we can
conclude that assertion (c) and Equation (4) are incorrect.
       Finally, the SEDD model assumes that tp,i of each morphological unit increases with the increase
of the length of the hydraulic path (lp,i ) and with the decrease of the square root of the slope of the
hydraulic path (sp,i ):
                                                 tp,i ∝ lp,i                                        (14)
                                                              tp,i ∝ √                                                 (15)
     Therefore, there exists a constant between tp,i and the product of lp,i and 1/ sp,i . The SEDD model
lumps together the constant and the β coefficient, which changes the coefficient β from its original
meaning. Therefore, we think assertion (e) is not appropriate. We will correct these problems by
presenting the Revised SEDD (RSEDD) model in the next section.

2.3. RSEDD Model
      To distinguish from the SEDD model, we will call the following model the Revised SEDD model
(RSEDD). To comply with the statistical requirements of a probability distribution function, Equation (1)
is re-written as follows:
                                        SDRi = βe−βtp,i tp,i ≥ 0                                    (16)

      Note that β is always positive and tp,i is an exponential random variable. The CDF of Equation (16)
is the integration of Equation (16):

                                           Z             tp,i
                                   Fi = F tp,i =                  βe−βu du = 1 − e−βtp,i tp,i ≥ 0                      (17)

     We plot the natural logarithm of Y-axis values in Figure 2. The PDF and CDF of the exponential
distribution of typical values of λ are shown in Figure 2a,b, respectively. Note that the logarithm of
Equation (17) is not a linear function (Figure 2b). Therefore, the relationship between lnFi and tp,i is
not linear as was suggested by the SEDD model. On the contrary, Figure 2a reveals that the natural
logarithm of the exponential PDF is linear. We will use this linear property to solve for the model
parameters of RSEDD later.
     Recall that the original SEDD model assumes that tp,i of each morphological unit increases with
the increase of the ratio of the length of the hydraulic path (lp,i ) to the square root of the slope of the
hydraulic path (sp,i ). Therefore,

                                                                             −β √s
                                                           −βtp,i                 p,i
                                                SDRi = e                  =e             tp,i ≥ 0                      (18)
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                               (a)                                                                (b)
        Figure 2.
               2. The
                   The natural
                       natural logarithm
                                logarithm of      of Figure
                                                     Figure 1a,b
                                                              1a,b (Y-axis
                                                                   (Y-axis values
                                                                           values only).
                                                                                   only). This
                                                                                          This shows
                                                                                               shows that
                                                                                                      that the
                                                                                                           the relationship
        between ln(CDF)    andttp,ip,iisisnot
                  ln(CDF)and               notlinear
                                                        (b), but2b),
                                                                 thebut the relationship
                                                                     relationship  betweenbetween ln(PDF)
                                                                                            ln(PDF) and tp,iand  tp,i is linear
                                                                                                             is linear    (a).
       (Figure 2a).
        Equation (18) holds because the SEDD model lumps together the constant between tp,i and
lp,i / Recall
         sp,i (representing     “the SEDD
                that the original    effects model
                                             due to assumes
                                                     roughness   and
                                                               that tp,irunoff
                                                                         of eachalong    the hydraulic
                                                                                    morphological  unitpath”)       the β
                                                                                                               and with
the   increaseHowever,
                 of the ratio this
                                ofwould   change
                                   the length      thehydraulic
                                               of the              β from
                                                       coefficientpath    ( ,its
                                                                               ) tooriginal meaning.
                                                                                     the square       We
                                                                                                root of   will
                                                                                                        the    introduce
                                                                                                            slope  of the
a new constant
hydraulic      path (k (dimensionless)
                        , ). Therefore,    and  re-write Equation    (2)   as follows:
                                                              = ,k =      = kd                                                (18)
                                                   = tp,i                                                                       (19)
                                                                   √          , p,i
                                                                     sp,i             ,   ≥0
     Equation (18) holds because the SEDD model lumps together the constant between tp,i and
  ,⁄    , (representing “the effects due to roughness
                                                dp,i = √ and runoff along the hydraulic path”) and (20)
β coefficient. However, this would change the coefficient β from its original meaning. We will
where dp,i aisnew
introduce      the pseudo
                   constanttravel time (m). Therefore,
                             k (dimensionless) and re-write Equation (2) as follows:
                                                  −βtp,i ,
                                                              = −βk √p,is =    ,                                              (19)
                                     SDRi = βe               = βe      p,i = βe−βkdp,i d
                                                                     ,                  p,i ≥ 0                                 (21)
      The rest is the same as the SEDD model. The    , = exponent term has to be summed along the(20)
traveled by the sediments from the morphological unit       ,  i to the nearest river. This summation is
where   dp,i isinthe
                  Figure 3 and
                     pseudo     Equation
                             travel       (22):Therefore,
                                    time (m).
                                               lp,i     X p
                                                             λi,j                                        (21)
                                  =         , =√      =     =√          ,
                                                                               , ≥0                        (22)
                                                sp,i           si,j
       The rest is the same as the SEDD model. The exponent term has to be summed along the path
where Npby= the
traveled         the sediments
                     number offrom   the morphological
                                 morphological              unit i to
                                                 units localized       the the
                                                                    along  nearest river. path
                                                                                hydraulic      j, and λi,j and
                                                                                          This summation     is
 si,j = the length (m) and slope (m/m) of each morphological unit i localized along the hydraulic path j.
illustrated   in Figure  3 and Equation (22):
        There are two parameters (β and k) of the RSEDD model as shown in Equation (21). As previously
 shown in Figure 2, the logarithm of CDF is not linear,        ,
                                                      = but the logarithm of PDF is. Therefore, to determine
 the model parameters, the PDF of a basin (instead  ,   of the CDF)
                                                                 ,    should be used. This modification will
 guarantee that the new RSEDD model is a proper depiction of the exponential distribution of travel
where Np = the number of morphological units localized along the hydraulic path j, and λi,j and si,j =
 time and that SDRi is the “probability density” of the eroded particles arriving from the considered
the length (m) and slope (m/m) of each morphological unit i localized along the hydraulic path j.
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           area into the nearest stream reach. To solve for model parameters β and k, take the natural logarithm of
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                                            ln(SDRi ) = ln(βe−βkdp, i ) = lnβ − βkdp,i                         (23)

                Figure 3. Illustration of the morphological unit i and the path traveled by the sediments from the
      Figure   3.morphological
                  Illustrationunit   i to the
                                 of the       nearest river in aunit
                                           morphological         basin.
                                                                     i and the path traveled by the sediments fromthe
      morphological unit i to the nearest river in a basin.
             Equation (23) is a linear function. By plotting ln(SDRi ) against dp,i , we can determine β from the
          intercept and k from the slope of the linear plot (similar to Figure 2a). In other words, given SDRi and
     There   are travel
         pseudo   two timeparameters
                               dp,i , we can(β   and k)β of
                                              determine    andthe  RSEDD
                                                               k and use RSEDDmodel     as shown
                                                                                  to model  sedimentin   Equation
                                                                                                      delivery at the (21). As
previously   shown
         basin scale. in Figure 2, the logarithm of CDF is not linear, but the logarithm of PDF is.
Therefore, to determine the model parameters, the PDF of a basin (instead of the CDF) should be
         3. Example Watershed
used. This modification will guarantee that the new RSEDD model is a proper depiction of the
              To test if the travel time follows an exponential distribution, we use a watershed from literature
exponential distribution of travel time and that SDRi is the “probability density” of the eroded
         as an example [20]. Conceptually, the basin can be divided into morphological units with uniform
           arriving(andfrom     the considered
                          properties)                 area 4.into
                                        as shown in Figure         the nearest
                                                               Assuming            stream
                                                                         that all units      reach.
                                                                                        have the same To   solve
                                                                                                      gradient     for model
                                                                                                               of 0.3
         and β  and
             that     k, hydraulic
                  their   take the paths
                                       natural   logarithm
                                             (arrows)         of Equation
                                                      are shown  in Figure 5,(21):
                                                                              we can calculate the slope lengths and
          travel times using Figure 5 and Table 1. Note that ordinary GIS software calculates the flow lengths
                                       ln(    ) = ln(           , ) =     −
          to the outlet of the basin, but RSEDD (SEDD) calculates the flow lengths, only to the river channels.
          Here are the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis:
     Equation (23) is a linear function. By plotting ln(SDRi) against dp,i, we can determine β from the
intercept and k from the slopeH0 :of
                                   thethe linear
                                       travel     plot
                                              times     (similar
                                                    follow       to Figure
                                                           an exponential   2a). In other words, given
                                                                          distribution               (24)SDRi and
pseudo travel time dp,i, we can determine β and k and use RSEDD to model sediment delivery at the
basin scale.              Ha : the travel times do not follow an exponential distribution            (25)

3. Example Watershed
     To test if the travel time follows an exponential distribution, we use a watershed from literature
as an example [20]. Conceptually, the basin can be divided into morphological units with uniform
gradients (and properties) as shown in Figure 4. Assuming that all units have the same gradient of
0.3 and that their hydraulic paths (arrows) are shown in Figure 5, we can calculate the slope lengths
and travel times using Figure 5 and Table 1. Note that ordinary GIS software calculates the flow
lengths to the outlet of the basin, but RSEDD (SEDD) calculates the flow lengths only to the river
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                              Figure 4. An example watershed (re-drawn from [20]).
                              Figure 4. An example watershed (re-drawn from [20]).
                              Figure 4. An example watershed (re-drawn from [20]).

     Figure 5. Divide the sample watershed in Figure 4 into morphological units and calculate the travel
     Figure 5. Divide the sample watershed in Figure 4 into morphological units and calculate the travel
     times (re-drawn from [20]). The arrows indicate flow directions, and the dots correspond to the dots in
     times (re-drawn
     Figure  5. Divide from  [20]). The
                       the sample        arrows in
                                    watershed   indicate
                                                   Figureflow  directions,
                                                          4 into           and the
                                                                 morphological     dotsand
                                                                                 units    correspond
     Figure 4.
     in Figure
     times      4.
           (re-drawn   from [20]). The arrows indicate flow directions, and the dots correspond to the dots
     in Figure 4.            Table 1. Pseudo travel time of each morphological area.
                             Table 1. Pseudo travel time of each morphological area.
                            TableUnit        Hydraulic
                                     1. Pseudo travel time of eachλi,j
                                                        Path                si,j
                                                                   morphological     √
                                              Hydraulic                             ,
                         1         Unit          1Path          1.0 ,        ,
                                                                           0.3    1.83       dp,i
                                              Hydraulic                             ,,
                         2        Unit           2              2.7,       0.3
                                                                            ,     4.93       dp,i
                         31                      3Path
                                                     1           1.0
                                                                2.6       0.3
                                                                           0.3   1.83
                                                                                  4.75,     1.83
                         4 12                    4 12            2.7
                                                                1.6      0.3
                                                                           0.3   4.93
                                                                                  2.92      4.93
                         5 23                    5 23            2.6
                                                                 2.7       0.3
                                                                         0.3     4.75
                                                                                 4.93       4.75
                         6 34                   6–7 34          1.6
                                                                 2.6       0.3
                                                                         0.3      2.92
                                                                                 4.75       6.02
                         7                       7              1.7        0.3    3.10      3.10
                           45                       45           3.9
                                                                 1.6     0.3     7.12
                                                                                 2.92       7.12
                         8                      8–9             0.9        0.3    1.64      2.92
                         95 6                      6–7
                                                 9 5             1.6
                                                                0.7       0.3
                                                                           0.3   2.92
                                                                                  1.28      6.02
                        1067                         7
                                                 106–7           1.7
                                                                2.6      0.3
                                                                           0.3   3.10
                                                                                  4.75      3.10
                        1178                     118–9
                                                    7           2.1
                                                                 1.7       0.3
                                                                         0.3      3.83
                                                                                 3.10       3.83
                        1289                     128–9
                                                     9          1.3
                                                                 0.9       0.3
                                                                          0.3     2.37
                                                                                 1.64       2.37
                           9                        10
                                                    9            2.6
                                                                 0.7     0.3     4.75
                                                                                 1.28       4.75
     We used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov                 11
                                           test in 10            2.1 hypothesis
                                                    our statistical      0.3     3.83
                                                                                 testing.   3.83
                                                                                           Reordering  the dp,i in
Table 1 from the smallest11 to the largest, we can  12calculate2.1
                                                    11           1.3     0.3
                                                                  the cumulative 2.37
                                                                                 3.83       2.37 of our sample
watershed and the corresponding       cumulative12   distribution1.3of the0.3    2.37 distribution
                                                                            exponential     2.37      as shown
     We used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in our statistical hypothesis testing. Reordering the dp,i
in Table 2. For a confidence coefficient (1–α) of 0.95, we obtained the sample statistic of 0.213 (Dn ).
in Table
     We 1used
                     smallest to the largest,test
                                              wein can  calculate
                                                      our           thehypothesis
                                                           statistical  cumulativetesting.
                                                                                     distribution of our sample
                                                                                            Reordering   the dp,i
in Table 1 from the smallest to the largest, we can calculate the cumulative distribution of our sample
Sustainability 2020, 12, 4928                                                                                  9 of 16

Since Dn is not greater than the critical value of 0.375 (D12,0.05 ), we cannot reject the null hypothesis (H0 )
that these data come from an exponential distribution. However, we cannot accept the null hypothesis
(H0 ) either because we only know a Type I error (probability equal to α = 0.05) and do not know
the probability of making a Type II error [21]. The hypothesis testing on this example watershed is
not conclusive.

                                   Table 2. Results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.

               x       Frequency   Cumulative   Cumulative (%)   Corresponding Exponential CDF (%)   Difference
             1.28           1            1           0.083                     0.284                   0.201
             1.83           1            2           0.167                     0.380                   0.213
             2.37           1            3           0.250                     0.463                   0.213
             2.92           1            4           0.333                     0.535                   0.201
             2.92           1            5           0.417                     0.535                   0.118
             3.10           1            6           0.500                     0.556                   0.056
             3.83           1            7           0.583                     0.634                   0.050
             4.75           1            8           0.667                     0.711                   0.045
             4.75           1            9           0.750                     0.711                   0.039
             4.93           1           10           0.833                     0.725                   0.108
             6.02           1           11           0.917                     0.794                   0.123
             7.12           1           12           1.000                     0.845                   0.155
    Total      12
    Mean     3.82                                                              Dn                      0.213
      λ      0.262                                                            D12,0.05                 0.375

4. Discussion
      The original studies of the SEDD model preceded several studies evaluating SDR, and its impact
on geomorphology and other related issues was far-reaching. Therefore, a revision to the model
would have an impact on the conclusions of some (but not all) of the publications which cited the
original model. There are two different categories of impacts we have ascertained from our literature
review: (a) foundation research that established and confirmed the SEDD model and validated the
use of the model, and (b) studies which merely mention the SEDD model without implementation.
The first category is strongly impacted by the revision of SEDD, while the revision has no impact on
the second category.
      The first collection of studies are studies that established, tested, and calibrated the SEDD model
parameters (or its offsets, such as MOSEDD) and those studies in which SEDD plays a significant role
in the procedure of the research. The first type of studies established that although there were many
different gross erosion estimation models (RUSLE, USLE, USLE-M, USLE-MM, etc.), the SDR of the
SEDD model was conceptually practical for estimating the sediment yield. Therefore, the specific
gross erosion model considered was not particularly influential. The conclusions of these studies
would require recalibration as the base model would be changed. However, the separation of the
physical concept of sediment delivery and the SEDD from the gross erosion estimation concept remains
intact. Alternatively, the second type of study used the SEDD model as a significant component.
The conclusions and results would need to be re-evaluated to see the extent of the impact due to the
use of a new model. These studies and their contributions are as follows: the relationship between
channel network parameters and the sediment transport efficiency [22], the testing and calibration of
the SEDD model [8,23–28], the assessment of sediment connectivity in dendritic and parallel Calanchi
systems [29,30], sediment load impact on a reservoir [14], the estimation of the response to land
use/cover change in a catchment [31], sediment yield in monocrop plantation areas, such as reafforested
eucalyptus and olive orchards [13,32], the assessment of sediment delivery/soil erosion processes using
Caesium-137 [23,33–37], testing of the correction of the topographic factors of the RUSLE [38–42],
soil erosion and sediment yield estimation [10,43–58], agricultural non-point pollution [59], clay content
relationship with sediment delivery [60], the assessment of the temporal variation of sediment yield [61],
chemical transport in sediment delivery processes [62,63], agricultural methods impact on soil erosion
and sediment yield [11,12], impact of bushfire or wildfire on soil erosion [64], comparison of multiple
Sustainability 2020, 12, 4928                                                                          10 of 16

SDR models/gross erosion models [65,66], soil texture prediction [67], relating geomorphic features
to soil erosion [68], landscape management and water resources management [69], and land use and
impact of check dams on sediment yield [70–72].
     Many studies have cited the conclusions or observations made by Ferro and Minacapilli [9] and
the SEDD model within their literature review. However, they have not explicitly employed the
SEDD model or the SDR equation. These represent the second collection of studies related to the
SEDD model. Common citations are for the following reasons: (1) as an example of research which
uses RUSLE, (2) travel time as a basis for the regionalization of SDR, (3) defining SDR, (4) sediment
transport and its relationship with storage time and the sediment delivery ratio, (5) lumped sediment
delivery ratio, (6) linkage between different scales using the SDR equation, (7) empirical models to
evaluate sediment yield and soil erosion, (8) sediment yield being proportional to the sediment delivery
processes, (9) topographic factors and their relationship with SDR, (10) spatially distributed empirical
erosion models, and (11) calibration of measured and calculated sediment yields [2,68,73–129].
     The preceding literature review includes all accessible papers to the authors of this study (using the
Scopus database). It confirms that between 1995, the year the SEDD model was published, to 2019,
there has been no revision of the SEDD model similar to what is proposed in this study. Note that
there might be additional studies that have not been included in the literature review of this study
because these papers utilized the SEDD model but did not reference the original study of the SEDD
model [9]. For example, Diwediga et al. [130] utilized the SEDD model to study soil erosion response to
sustainable land management in the Mo River Basin, Togo, Africa, but referenced the Di Stefano et al. [36]
equation instead. Finally, the great influence the original paper on sediment delivery research over the
past 25 years gives rise to an innumerable number of references. These references might exist in less
accessible databases, conference materials, and in national/state/municipal level public research that are
beyond our ability to review.

5. Summary and Conclusions
     Using exponential distributions to model naturally occurring phenomena is quite common in
natural science and engineering analysis. The use of exponential distribution to model the probability
of sediments entering river channels is an essential contribution of SEDD, and the model has been
widely used to study different basins in the world. However, there are several false assertions by the
SEDD model, which do not seem to have been noticed in the literature. We reviewed this often used
model and proposed to revise it to better suit the underlying statistical requirements. As a result,
the RSEDD model was introduced with two model parameters, β and k. The calibration of these
parameters can be done using the logarithm of PDF. We also reviewed literature citing the SEDD
model to see the impact of the revision on these studies. The first collection of studies are studies that
calibrated the SEDD model parameters or used the SEDD model as a significant component of the
studies. These studies need to be re-evaluated to see the extent of the impact. The second collection of
studies used the SEDD model as an example or merely mentioned the model without implementation.
The revision does not affect these studies. However, it remains to be seen whether the new RSEDD
model can reliably predict SDRi and sediment yield in future watershed research.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.C.; Data curation, K.T.; Formal analysis, W.C.; Funding acquisition,
W.C.; Investigation, W.C. and K.T.; Methodology, W.C.; Project administration, W.C.; Resources, W.C.; Software,
K.T.; Supervision, W.C.; Writing—original draft, W.C. and K.T.; Writing—review & editing, W.C. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was partially supported by the National Taipei University of Technology-King Mongkut’s
Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Joint Research Program (Grant Number NTUT-KMITL-108-01) and the
Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Research Project (Grant Number MOST 108-2621-M-027-001).
Acknowledgments: We thank Kieu Anh Nguyen, Chih-Hung Wang, and Tse-Wei Lo for assistance with manuscript
preparation. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our manuscript and insightful
suggestions to improve the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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