Page created by Alice Frank
Bicycle SA
RidesPROGRAMME            MARCH-MAY 2020
                          ISSUE 73

                    • FREE RIDES
                    • EVERY WEEK
                    • FOR EVERYONE!

                                               March-May 2020

 Information                                                                   Ride Group Coordinators
 The rides are free of charge (unless indicated otherwise) and available       30/30 Beach Streak                     Mannum Peddle Wheelers
 to the general public. For a punctual start, please arrive 15 minutes prior   Daniel 0433 391 674                    Terry 0427 319 004
 to the scheduled starting time. Riders are encouraged to join Bicycle         All Women’s Bike Rides                 www.facebook.com/groups/
 SA after three rides. Only Bicycle SA members are eligible to lead and        Lanie 0406 452 117                     mannumpedalwheelers or
 coordinate rides. The ride leaders can be contacted for additional rides                                             mannumpedalwheelers@groups.facebook.com
                                                                               Better Harts
 information. Each ride has been coded for your convenience and it is          Sharon 8723 0805                       Mishmash Cycling
 suggested that you choose the ride to suit your ability. Children under 16    sharonholmes@ozemail.com.au            Michele 0438 010 220
 shall be accompanied by a responsible adult. The Rides Programme is
                                                                               Bike Melrose                           Night Espresso
 subject to change without notice.                                             Kristen 0409 093 649                   Rob 8299 0230

                                                                               Border BUG                             Northern Off Road Riders
 On   Road Ride Codes                                                                                                 Mark 0490 340 167
 1    Up to 15km/h A  Flat                                                     Marcus 0407 978 763
                                                                               Broken Gadgets                         Northside Cycling Group
 2    15 to 18km/h B  A few hills
                                                                               Stu stu.clement@yahoo.com              Gary 8255 1979
 3    18 to 20km/h C  Hilly and steep
 4    20 to 23km/h D  Challenging                                              Cobwebs                                Peninsula Pedallers
                                                                               cobwebsadelaide@yahoo.com.au           Raelene 8682 3196
 5    23 to 26km/h
 6    26+km/h                                                                  Cogs & Coffee                          Poseurs d’Adelaide
                                                                               Jane 0402 102 608                      Peter 0407 182 376
 Mountain Bike Ride Codes                                                                                             Andrew 0419 817 749
                                                                               ‘Cycle Salisbury’                      Doug 0419 813 479
 Class 1 (MTB Beginner) Limited off road experience.                           Elaine 0422 393 997
 Obstacle free. Smooth fire tracks. Ride time 45 minutes. 10% gradient.                                               Ride with Keith
 Class 2 (MTB Intermediate) Fire Roads, 20–30km.                               GAD-BUG                                Andy 8232 7277
                                                                               (Goolwa and District Bicycle User
 Numerous obstacles, various rock jumps, drop offs, technical tracks.          Group)                                 Riverland Riders
 Class 3 (MTB Experience) Experienced riders, 30+km.                           Gavin 0468 909 397                     Ruth 0427 752 815
 Frequent single tracks, steep slopes, sand, drop offs, log jumps.
                                                                               Gawler Wheelers                        Saturday Express
                                                                               Paul 0431 866 586                      Patsy 8379 6477
 What to Take on a Ride
                                                                               Getonyabike                            Saturday Sojourn
 Puncture kit    Pump                                 Water                                                           Chris 0414 802 919
 Rain jacket     Money                                Sun glasses              Michele 0438 010 220
                                                                               Hills Ride                             Tuesday Traverse
 Spare tube      Sun screen                                                                                           Rick 0417 816 372
 Identification  Lights at night                                               Rob 0428 990 059
                                                                               Kangaroo Island BUG                    Tuesday Treadlers
 Hot Weather Policy                                                            Manfred 8553 0383                      Tony 8388 4730
 Cancel non-fee paying rides, as listed in the Rides Programme,                Keep On Riding                         Unley BUG
 if the official forecast temperature on the day is 35°C or greater.           Tony 0407 884 730                      David 0411 268 582
  Early morning and evening rides shall occur at the ride leaders                                                     Wednesday Wheelers
 and/or coordinators discretion. The hot weather policy does not apply to                                             Max 0405 191 995
 fee-paying events, which are managed within their own risk                    Advertisements
 management protocols.                                                         Bicycle SA takes no responsibility for any advertised ride/event/activity
                                                                               appearing in this programme that it has not organised.

 Bicycle SA was established in 1982. Since that time the organisation has grown and is now recognised as South
 Australia’s peak body for cyclists. Bicycle SA is a non government, not–for–profit volunteer based organisation,
 staffed by a group of dedicated professionals.
 10 great reasons to join
 1.   Comprehensive personal accident insurance                                6.   Up to 10% discounts from supporting bicycle and outdoor stores
 2.   Comprehensive public liability insurance                                      – see contact list of stores
 3.   Discounted entry fee to all Bicycle SA events                            7.   WIN great prizes at Bicycle SA’s recreational events
 4.   Discounted registration fee to all Bicycle SA coaching and bike          8.   Assistance and friendly advice on all aspects of cycling
      maintenance courses                                                      9.   Reduced subscription rates for Bicycling Australia
 5.   Access to cycling information including our members only quarterly       10. Free first interview and 10% discount from Andersons Solicitors
      Cycle! Magazine and Rides Programme                                          on any legal matter.
 Become a Bicycle SA Member
 There has never been a better time to become a member of Bicycle SA. Membership now includes personal accident cover worldwide,
 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!*
 Bicycle SA offers more than just third party cover. Membership also includes protection for you AND your income. With public liability insurance,
 medical cover, rehabilitation and income protection, this is one of the best membership packages in Australia.
 Individual membership from $80 with household and concession rates available.
 Contact us to join now.
 * Conditions apply. Visit www.bikesa.asn.au for full details.

      Each year, over 2,000 organised rides are delivered as part of Bicycle SA’s                                                      BICYCLE SA
      free Rides Programme.
                                                                                                                                       Phone + 61 8 8168 9999
      From Willunga to Gawler and Mt Gambier to the Eyre Peninsula all rides are
      delivered by our experienced rides leaders. Our Rides Programme is the most                                                      www.bikesa.asn.au
      comprehensive in Australia – with an experience for everyone–and best of all                                                     office@bikesa.asn.au
      they are FREE.                                                                                                                   11a Croydon Road
      These rides are ideal for those who are getting back on the bike after a few                                                     Keswick SA 5035
      years off or those taking it up for the first time. Each of the rides are coded                                                  Office open 9am-5pm
      with a degree of difficulty so you know exactly what to expect. But if you’re
      not quite sure, you can call any of our rides leaders and have a chat with them.
      The Rides Programme is also available on our website,                                                                            Emergency Phone
                                                                                                                                       0409 950 884
      All are welcome, so get involved and go for a ride.

SUN 1 MAR                                     TUE 3 MAR                                         WED 4 MAR                                      THU 5 MAR
Poseurs d’Adelaide                            Getonyabike                                       Mannum Peddle Wheelers                         Keep On Riding
8:00 AM, Corner Portrush & Greenhill          9:00 AM, Charleston Tennis Courts,                7:00 AM, Mid-Murray Council Chambers,          9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Onkaparinga
Rds. (in front of the Burnside Town Hall).    Charleston. GETONYABIKE is a group                car park, 49 Adelaide Rd, Mannum. Enjoy        Valley Rd Balhannah. Leisurely social
Bitumen road ride, 4C to 5B, generally        aimed at encouraging people of all ages           a mid-week ride starting from the historic     ride mostly on quiet roads and bike paths.
in the hills or quieter Adelaide roads. We    and stages of fitness to get back on their        township of Mannum, exploring the              Coffee break mid-ride. Back by lunch time.
don’t take ourselves too seriously and aim    bikes. You don’t need to wear lycra, be           surrounding countryside and stopping for       40-50 km 3B-4B Tony 8388 4730 or
for a good bakery or cafe towards the end.    skinny, fit or young. It does not matter          coffee during or after the ride. Route and     0407 884 730
60-80 km 5B                                   whether you have an old bike that has             coffee stop depending on who is riding.
Peter, Andrew or Doug 0407 182 376            been in your shed for 40 years or a new           Visitors and new riders are most welcome.      30/30 Beach Streak
0419 817 749 or 0419 813 479                  bike that you have not gotten around to           Visit us on face book.                         6:00 PM, Henley Square, Henley Beach.
                                              riding. If your bike wont fit in your car, take   www.facebook.com/groups/mannumpedalwheelers    Start at 6:15 pm. Join the 30kph average
GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle            the front wheel off. We will help you put         or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com             for 30 km or the 35kph average for 30 km
User Group)                                   it back on. We will ride on the Amy Gillett       30-80 km 4B Terry or Wally                     graduates (40kph often). Refreshments
8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under             Bikeway. After the ride we will head to           0427 319 004 or 0428 592 282                   at the Adelaide Sailing Club, West Beach,
Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.              the Charleston Hotel for coffee. Please                                                          afterwards.
Uses Encounter Bikeway, Beacon 19,            come along and give it a try. Whether you         GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle             30 km 6A Daniel 0433 391 674
Hindmarsh Island and Laffins Point. Route     ride 1 km or 10 km, you will have a nice          User Group)
chosen each week based on group’s                                                               8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under              Border BUG
                                              ride with friendly people. Ride is weather                                                       6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street,
ability, weather, etc. Usually two groups,    dependent. Follow us on Facebook.                 Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.
fast and slow. Rides vary from 1A to 3B.                                                        Generally two ride options along               Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.
                                              0-38 km 1A Michele 0438 010 220                                                                  Ride returns to start point for a chat after.
Riders choose when to turn back. Usually                                                        Encounter Bikeway. Either 30 km easy
coffee afterwards.                            Peninsula Pedallers                               for coffee at Middleton/Port Elliot or         Lights required.
30 km 2B Gavin 0468 909 397                   9:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,         45-70 km to Victor Harbor area. Options        30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763
                                              Port Lincoln. Beginners ride, with the            from 1B to 4B.
Border BUG
9:00 AM, Caltex Service Station,
                                              group riding at the pace of the slowest           30 km 1B Gavin 0468 909 397                    FRI 6 MAR
                                              rider. Bring money for coffee afterwards.
Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.       We will meet at a convenient location for         Para Pedallers ‘Cycle Salisbury’               GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle
Riders choose their turnaround point.         the riders on the day!                            8:30 AM, Salisbury Water Wheel Museum          User Group)
Coffee afterwards.                            30 km 1A Raelene 0419 842 007                     Commercial Rd Salisbury (opposite              8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under
40 km 6B Marcus 0407 978 763                                                                    Parabanks). Easy ride along local trails       Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa. Road
                                              Tuesday Treadlers                                 and/or local roads, as decided by the          bike ride of approximately 50 km with
Hills Ride                                    9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Balhannah.               group on the day. Coffee afterwards.           a break for coffee. From time to time
9:00 AM, Myponga. Recreation Hall. MTB        Road bike ride, with a mid-way stop               MTB /Hybrid bikes preferred.
or Hybrid advised. Coffee stop en route.                                                                                                       location/terrain may change in favour of
                                              for coffee and back by lunchtime. Two             30-40 km 2A to 3B Julian 0434 262 842          an off-road mountain bike ride. Please
Mainly dirt roads with some steep hills.      options, a longer, more challenging route
50 km 2C Steve 0401 603 596                                                                     Ride with Keith                                contact Ride Coordinator to confirm.
                                              or a shorter less demanding route, but                                                           50 km 3B Gavin 0468 909 397
                                              all meet up for coffee. Usually a different       9:00 AM, Bicycle Express, 124 Halifax
Peninsula Pedallers                                                                             St, Adelaide. Join Adelaide television and
9:00 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,
Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.
                                              start location on the first Tuesday of each
                                              month. Ride Coordinator to confirm.               radio personality Keith Conlon for this        SAT 7 MAR
                                              50-70 km 4B or 5C                                 relaxed pace, 90 minute ride along the
40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992                                                                       bike paths and back streets of Adelaide.
                                              Tony 8388 4730 or 0407 884 730                                                                   ADVERTISEMENT
Kangaroo Island BUG                                                                             Departing from Bicycle Express on Halifax
10:00 AM, Start location and ride details     Tuesday Traverse                                  St at 9:00 am and returning for coffee         Audax
to be advised.                                10:00 AM, Alberton Railway Station.               by 10:30 am, this ride is informative and      South Eastern 123
25-35 km Manfred 8553 0383                    Mystery ride. BYO lunch.                          fun, and open to all riders of any age and     Saturday 7 March 2020
                                              40 km 2B Magda 0417 802 723                       ability. Pace is steady and the rides are      Varied start times – from 3.00 AM
Bike Melrose                                                                                    flat, often taking in the Linear Park and
5:00 PM, Paradise Square, Melrose.            Border BUG                                                                                       through to 12.00 noon
                                                                                                parklands of Adelaide.                         Start – Kingston Park
A mountain bike ride. Further information –   6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street               20-25 km 3A Andy 8232 7277
Bike Melrose facebook page.                   Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.                                                          106km/160km/200km/303km
Kristen 0409 093 649                          Ride returns to start point for a chat after.     Northside Cycling Group                        Unsupported
                                              Lights required.                                  9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield     All loops leave Adelaide via Chandlers
                                                                                                                                               Hill and Clarendon, return via Aldgate
MON 2 MAR                                     30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763                      Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,
                                                                                                from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.     Valley Drive. Varied start times to enable
                                              Night Espresso                                    30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979                        all distances to meet up and finish
Northside Cycling Group                       7:00 PM, Hurtle Square Adelaide. An
9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield                                                                                                     together. After the ride come and enjoy
                                              easier ride option for those wishing to join      Wednesday Wheelers                             pizza and a drink.
Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,     the Espresso ‘night riders’ Good lights           10:00AM, 10:00 am start at different
from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.                                                                                                     Entry fee applies
                                              essential. Coffee afterwards at a café            locations around Adelaide and environs,        Graham Stucley 0418 993 344
30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979                       40 km 4A Rob 8299 0230                            usually grade 3B or 3C, usually about          gstucleu@gmail.com
                                                                                                50 km, stopping somewhere en route for
                                              Night Espresso                                    lunch. New riders welcome. Sometimes
                                              7:00 PM, Hurtle Square Adelaide. The              there is an alternative easier ride starting   Bike Melrose
                                              rides vary from 6A, 5B, 4C usually with           at the same time and place. Contact Max        6:30 AM, Over the Edge Shop, Melrose.
                                              a slightly easier option. Good lights             0405 191 955 or Malcolm 0401 603 596           Two ride options - 6:30 am start for the
                                              essential. Coffee afterwards at a café.           or 8276 9469 for more details.                 road riders and 7:30 am for the gravel
                                              40 km Rob 8299 0230                               50 km 3B or 3C                                 grinders. Meet afterwards at Over the
                                                                                                Max (3C) or Malcolm (3B)                       Edge Shop for a coffee and a chat. Further
                                                                                                0405 191 955 or 8276 9469                      information – Bike Melrose facebook page.
                                                                                                                                               20-55 km Kristen or Richard
                                                                                                Peninsula Pedallers                            0409 093 649 or 0417 341 462
                                                                                                5:45 PM, Cluster Cycles, 4/60 Liverpool
                                                                                                St, Port Lincoln. We usually have road
                                                                                                rides in summer (to be confirmed on
                                                                                                the day). Intermediate level, 2 - 3 hour
                                                                                                rides and we re-group at specific points.
                                                                                                Clusters Cycles facebook page for further
                                                                                                information about the rides and or
                                                                                                Clayton 0447 821 175                            www.bikesa.asn.au                              1
                                                                     March-May 2020

Mannum Peddle Wheelers                                        Unley BUG                                      Border BUG                                        WED 11 MAR
7:00 AM, Arnold Park (car park by the                         9:00 AM, Unley Civic Centre, 181 Unley         9:00 AM, Caltex Service Station,
Mannum Ferry), Mannum. A regular social                       Rd, Unley. (meet in car park off Oxford St).   Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.           Mannum Peddle Wheelers
group ride. Cross the ferry, ride along the                   Cycling in Historic Unley. A leisurely ride    Riders choose their turnaround point.             7:00 AM, Mid-Murray Council Chambers,
scenic river road to the Younghusband                         for those interested in the historic areas     Coffee afterwards.                                car park, 49 Adelaide Rd, Mannum. Enjoy
Store. Return to Mannum for coffee/                           in the City of Unley. Suitable for all ages;   40 km 6B Marcus 0407 978 763                      a mid-week ride starting from the historic
breakfast and a chat at Picklemee                             families encouraged. Rides are planned for                                                       township of Mannum, exploring the
Grandma’s Cafe. (Bring money for coffee/                      the first Saturday of the month. For those     Hills Ride                                        surrounding countryside and stopping for
breakfast). Visitors and new riders are                       interested we will have coffee at La Scala     9:00 AM, Echunga. Main street adjacent            coffee during or after the ride. Route and
welcome. Visit us on face book.                               Cafe, at the conclusion of the ride, around    church. MTB or Hybrid advised. Coffee             coffee stop depending on who is riding.
www.facebook.com/groups/mannumpedalwheelers                   10:30 am. If your bike has not been            stop en route. Mainly dirt roads with some        Visitors and new riders are most welcome.
or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com                            ridden for some time, contact the Ride         steep hills.                                      Visit us on face book.
35 km 2B-3B Terry or Wally 0427 319 004                       Coordinator for a voucher for a free bike      50 km 2C Judith 8298 3131                         www.facebook.com/groups/mannumpedalwheelers
or 0428 592 282                                               safety check (David –                          Peninsula Pedallers                               or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com
                                                              david.sutton@live.com.au) Further details      9:00 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,         30-80 km 4B Terry or Wally
Riverland Riders                                              see unleybug1.wixsite.com/ubug                                                                   0427 319 004 or 0428 592 282
7:00 AM, Renmark Fountain/Lion car                                                                           Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.
                                                              1A David 0411 268 582                          40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992                         GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle
park, Renmark. Distance varies depending
on how far the group want to ride.                            All Women’s Bike Rides                         Bike Melrose                                      User Group)
35-50 km 6B Ruth 0427 752 815                                 9:30 AM, Cycle On’ 2/19 Albyn Tce,             5:00 PM, Paradise Square, Melrose.                8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under
                                                              Strathalbyn. An all women’s social bike        A mountain bike ride. Further information –       Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.
Gawler Wheelers                                               ride with coffee afterwards. Various start                                                       Generally two ride options along
7:30 AM, 41 High St Gawler, southern                                                                         Bike Melrose facebook page.
                                                              locations Contact Lanie for details.           Kristen 0409 093 649                              Encounter Bikeway. Either 30 km easy
car park (next to Gawler Council                              20 km 2B Lanie 0406 452 117                                                                      for coffee at Middleton/Port Elliot or
Administration Building). Gawler Wheelers                                                                                                                      45-70 km to Victor Harbor area.
is a social road cycling group, meeting                       Cogs & Coffee                                  MON 9 MAR                                         Options from 1B to 4B.
at 41 High St Gawler. Rides are held                          10:00 AM, Bici Café, 259 Hutt St,                                                                30 km 1B Gavin 0468 909 397
every Saturday morning. Ride and safety                       Adelaide. A morning ride with the              Northside Cycling Group
briefing at 7:15 am, roll out at 7.30 am.                     obligatory coffee stop. (Some riders meet      9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield        Ride with Keith
Ride distances range from 50 km to                            at 9.30 am for a pre-ride coffee). The Bici    Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,         9:00 AM, Bicycle Express, 124 Halifax
100 km. Three options per week: Short                         Cafe is our usual meeting point but if you     from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.        St, Adelaide. Join Adelaide television and
(5A and 6A), Intermediate (5B and 6B)                         are a new or intermittent rider, please ring   30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979                           radio personality Keith Conlon for this
and challenging (5D and 6D). Riders                           on Friday (latest) to double-check. There                                                        relaxed pace, 90 minute ride along the
must have bike fitness (age 16+ only)
Refreshments and coffee at the Exchange
                                                              is no pre-planned direction or route each
                                                              week; this is decided by everyone before
                                                                                                             TUE 10 MAR                                        bike paths and back streets of Adelaide.
                                                                                                                                                               Departing from Bicycle Express on Halifax
Hotel. Join us for a chat. All welcome. For                   we head off. Jane 0402 102 608                 Getonyabike                                       St at 9:00 am and returning for coffee
ride options and the latest news visit                        Richard 0419 033 140                           9:00 AM, Charleston Tennis Courts,                by 10:30 am, this ride is informative and
www.facebook.com/groups/210163156066987                       50 km 4B Jane 0402 102 608                     Charleston. GETONYABIKE is a group                fun, and open to all riders of any age and
www.adelaidecyclists.com                                                                                     aimed at encouraging people of all ages           ability. Pace is steady and the rides are
For cycling routes in Gawler and                              Saturday Express                               and stages of fitness to get back on their        flat, often taking in the Linear Park and
surrounds, visit                                              1:00 PM, Drage Reserve, Briar Rd,              bikes. You don’t need to wear lycra, be           parklands of Adelaide.
gawler.org.au/portfolio-item/gawler-surrounds-cycling-guide   Felixstow. Mystery ride, some hills. Café      skinny, fit or young. It does not matter          20-25 km 3A Andy 8232 7277
50-100 km Paul 0431 866 586                                   stop for afternoon tea.                        whether you have an old bike that has
                                                              40 km 3B Don 0428 566 745                      been in your shed for 40 years or a new
                                                                                                                                                               Northside Cycling Group
Cobwebs                                                                                                                                                        9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield
                                                              Saturday Sojourn                               bike that you have not gotten around to
8:00 AM, Tarniwarra Park, Cygnet Court,                                                                                                                        Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,
                                                              1:00 PM, Heywood Park, Addiscombe              riding. If your bike wont fit in your car, take
North Glenelg. Group road ride to Outer                                                                                                                        from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.
                                                              Place, Unley Park Tour through the             the front wheel off. We will help you put
Harbour and return. Generally 70 to 100+                                                                                                                       30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979
                                                              eastern and south eastern suburbs.             it back on. We will ride on the Amy Gillett
riders with 6 plus sub-groups. Coffee                                                                        Bikeway. After the ride we will head to           Wednesday Wheelers
afterwards at the Watermark Hotel.                            An easy paced, sociable ride for both
                                                              experienced and less experienced cyclists.     the Charleston Hotel for coffee. Please           10:00AM, 10:00 am start at different
cobwebsadelaide@yahoo.com.au                                                                                 come along and give it a try. Whether you         locations around Adelaide and environs,
54 km 6A                                                      BYO or buy refreshments.
                                                              25 km 2A Chris 0414 802 919                    ride 1 km or 10 km, you will have a nice          usually grade 3B or 3C, usually about
Mishmash Cycling                                                                                             ride with friendly people. Ride is weather        50 km, stopping somewhere en route for
8:00 AM, Birdwood Foodland (car park                          Broken Gadgets                                 dependent. Follow us on Facebook.                 lunch. New riders welcome. Sometimes
at rear of supermarket) Birdwood. Social                      The Broken Gadgets MTB rides occur 2           0-38 km 1A Michele 0438 010 220                   there is an alternative easier ride starting
roadie ride meets at 7:45 am for 8:00                         or 3 times a month at different locations                                                        at the same time and place. Contact Max
                                                              throughout the Adelaide Hills. Rides           Peninsula Pedallers                               0405 191 955 or Malcolm 0401 603 596
am start. Two distance/speed groups.                                                                         9:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,
Different route every week. Riders look                       vary considerably in terrain (sometimes                                                          or 8276 9469 for more details.
                                                              predominantly single-track adventures,         Port Lincoln. Beginners ride, with the
after each other so no-one gets left                                                                                                                           50 km 3B or 3C
                                                              sometimes predominantly gravel road            group riding at the pace of the slowest
behind. Regroup at every intersection.                                                                                                                         Max (3C) or Malcolm (3B)
                                                              tours), duration (from 1.5 riding hours        rider. Bring money for coffee afterwards.
Slowest rider dictates overall speed.                                                                                                                          0405 191 955 or 8276 9469
                                                              to all-day expeditions) and demeanour          We will meet at a convenient location for
40 km leisurely ride, 60 km faster                                                                           the riders on the day!                            Peninsula Pedallers
ride. Weather dependent. Follow us                            (sometimes leisurely and sometimes
                                                              at least at intermediate-level speeds).        30 km 1A Raelene 0419 842 007                     5:45 PM, Cluster Cycles, 4/60 Liverpool
on Facebook for ride updates. Coffee                                                                                                                           St, Port Lincoln. We usually have road
afterwards at Pomegranate Cottage.                            BYO nibbles, water, lunch and spares           Tuesday Traverse
                                                              accordingly.                                                                                     rides in summer (to be confirmed on
3B and 5C Michele 0438 010 220                                                                               9:30 AM, Kangarilla Oval, Kangarilla Rd,
                                                              Contact Stu Clement at                                                                           the day). Intermediate level, 2 - 3 hour
                                                                                                             Kangarilla. Annual ride - Follow Fiona to
Peninsula Pedallers                                           stu.clement@yahoo.com for details                                                                rides and we re-group at specific points.
                                                                                                             farm and park cars. Adventure into and
8:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,                                                                                                                      Clusters Cycles facebook page for further
                                                                                                             travel the beautiful tracks of Kuitpo to
                                                                                                                                                               information about the rides and or
Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.
40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992                                     SUN 8 MAR                                      Prospect Hill and Meadows, have coffee.
                                                                                                             Then back to the farm for lunch provided.
                                                              Poseurs d’Adelaide                                                                               Clayton 0447 821 175
Dry Creek Trailers ‘Cycle Salisbury’                                                                         Best suited for competent riders with
                                                              8:00 AM, Corner Portrush & Greenhill           Hybrid and/or Mountain bikes. Please
9:00 AM, BMX Club/Skate car park,
cnr. Bridge Rd and South Tce, Pooraka.                        Rds. (in front of the Burnside Town Hall).     contact ride leader if attending.                 THU 12 MAR
Beginners ride on good gravel trail, no                       Bitumen road ride, 4C to 5B, generally         40 km 2C Fiona 8383 7199
                                                              in the hills or quieter Adelaide roads. We                                                       Keep On Riding
traffic and great scenery. Coffee at Valley                                                                  Tuesday Treadlers                                 9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Onkaparinga
View shops. MTB bikes please.                                 don’t take ourselves too seriously and aim
                                                              for a good bakery or cafe towards the end.     9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Balhannah.               Valley Rd Balhannah. Leisurely social
15 km MTB Class 1-3B                                                                                         Road bike ride, with a mid-way stop               ride mostly on quiet roads and bike paths.
Bryce 0432 732 540                                            60-80 km 5B Peter, Andrew or Doug
                                                              0407 182 376, 0419 817 749 or                  for coffee and back by lunchtime. Two             Coffee break mid-ride. Back by lunch time.
Para District Pedallers ‘Cycle                                0419 813 479                                   options, a longer, more challenging route         40-50 km 3B-4B Tony 8388 4730 or
Salisbury’                                                                                                   or a shorter less demanding route, but            0407 884 730
9:00 AM, Hausler Reserve, Kings Rd,                           GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle             all meet up for coffee. Usually a different
                                                              User Group)                                    start location on the first Tuesday of each       30/30 Beach Streak
Paralowie (next to Little Para River Trail).                                                                                                                   6:00 PM, Henley Square, Henley Beach.
Easy ride along the Little Para Trail and                     8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under              month. Ride Coordinator to confirm.
                                                              Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.               50-70 km 4B or 5C Tony 8388 4730 or               Start at 6:15 pm. Join the 30kph average
the new Northern Connector pathway to                                                                                                                          for 30 km or the 35kph average for 30 km
the Stuart O’Grady bikeway and return.                        Uses Encounter Bikeway, Beacon 19,             0407 884 730
                                                              Hindmarsh Island and Laffins Point. Route                                                        graduates (40kph often). Refreshments
Coffee afterwards. Suit any kind of bike.                                                                    Border BUG                                        at the Adelaide Sailing Club, West Beach,
25 km 1-3A Jim 0401 984 767                                   chosen each week based on group’s
                                                              ability, weather, etc. Usually two groups,     6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street               afterwards.
                                                              fast and slow. Rides vary from 1A to 3B.       Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.           30 km 6A Daniel 0433 391 674
                                                              Riders choose when to turn back. Usually       Ride returns to start point for a chat after.
                                                                                                             Lights required.                                  Border BUG
                                                              coffee afterwards.                                                                               6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street,
                                                              30 km 2B Gavin 0468 909 397                    30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763
                                                                                                                                                               Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.
                                                                                                             Night Espresso                                    Ride returns to start point for a chat after.
                                                                                                             7:00 PM, Hurtle Square Adelaide. The              Lights required.
                                                                                                             rides vary from 6A, 5B, 4C usually with           30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763
                                                                                                             a slightly easier option. Good lights
                                                                                                             essential. Coffee afterwards at a café.
                                                                                                             40 km Rob 8299 0230
FRI 13 MAR                                                    Bicycle Maintenance
                                                                                                             GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle
                                                                                                             User Group)                                       WED 18 MAR
GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle
User Group)                                                   Course                                         8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under
                                                                                                             Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.
                                                                                                                                                               Mannum Peddle Wheelers
                                                                                                                                                               7:00 AM, Mid-Murray Council Chambers,
8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under                             Intermediate Bike Maintenance                  Uses Encounter Bikeway, Beacon 19,                car park, 49 Adelaide Rd, Mannum. Enjoy
Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa. Road                         Session #2                                     Hindmarsh Island and Laffins Point. Route         a mid-week ride starting from the historic
bike ride of approximately 50 km with                         (Drive Train and Bearing Systems)              chosen each week based on group’s                 township of Mannum, exploring the
a break for coffee. From time to time                         9:00 AM – 1:00 PM                              ability, weather, etc. Usually two groups,        surrounding countryside and stopping for
location/terrain may change in favour of                      Saturday 14 March 2020                         fast and slow. Rides vary from 1A to 3B.          coffee during or after the ride. Route and
an off-road mountain bike ride. Please                        Bicycle SA Office                              Riders choose when to turn back.                  coffee stop depending on who is riding.
contact Ride Coordinator to confirm.                          11a Croydon Rd, Keswick                        Usually coffee afterwards.                        Visitors and new riders are most welcome.
50 km 3B Gavin 0468 909 397                                   In Session #2 of the Intermediate Bike         30 km 2B Gavin 0468 909 397                       Visit us on face book.
                                                              Maintenance Course you will learn to:                                                            www.facebook.com/groups/mannumpedalwheelers
                                                                                                             Border BUG
SAT 14 MAR                                                    • Assess the wear in a bicycle drive train     9:00 AM, Caltex Service Station,
                                                                                                                                                               or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com
                                                                                                                                                               30-80 km 4B Terry or Wally
                                                                 system including the chain, cassette        Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.
Bike Melrose                                                     and chain rings                             Riders choose their turnaround point.
                                                                                                                                                               0427 319 004 or 0428 592 282
6:30 AM, Over the Edge Shop, Melrose.                                                                        Coffee afterwards.                                GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle
                                                              • Replace the parts in a bicycle drive
Two ride options - 6:30 am start for the                                                                     40 km 6B Marcus 0407 978 763                      User Group)
                                                                 train system including the chain,
road riders and 7:30 am for the gravel                                                                                                                         8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under
                                                                 cassette and chain rings
grinders. Meet afterwards at Over the                                                                        Hills Ride                                        Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.
Edge Shop for a coffee and a chat. Further                    • Check a bicycle’s bearing systems            9:00 AM, Mylor. Oval car park. MTB or
                                                                 including headset, bottom bracket and                                                         Generally two ride options along
information – Bike Melrose facebook page.                                                                    Hybrid advised. Coffee stop en route.
                                                                 wheel hubs                                                                                    Encounter Bikeway. Either 30 km easy for
20-55 km Kristen or Richard                                                                                  Mainly dirt roads with some steep hills.
                                                              • Adjust the headset                                                                             coffee at Middleton/Port Elliot or
0409 093 649 or 0417 341 462                                                                                 50 km 2C Rob 0428 990 059
                                                                                                                                                               45-70 km to Victor Harbor area.
                                                              It is essential to complete the
Mannum Peddle Wheelers                                        Intermediate Bike Maintenance
                                                                                                             Peninsula Pedallers                               Options from 1B to 4B.
7:00 AM, Arnold Park (car park by the                                                                        9:00 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,         30 km 1B Gavin 0468 909 397
                                                              Session #1 (Gears and Bakes) before
Mannum Ferry), Mannum. A regular social                                                                      Port Lincoln. Mystery Ride. Please phone
group ride. Cross the ferry, ride along the
                                                              undertaking this Session #2.
                                                                                                             for details. Coffee afterwards.
                                                                                                                                                               Para Pedallers ‘Cycle Salisbury’
                                                              Fee applies                                                                                      8:30 AM, Salisbury Water Wheel Museum
scenic river road to the Younghusband                                                                        40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992
                                                              Early bookings essential                                                                         Commercial Rd Salisbury (opposite
Store. Return to Mannum for coffee/
breakfast and a chat at Picklemee
                                                              (maximum 10 registrants per course)            Bike Melrose                                      Parabanks). Easy ride along local trails
                                                              Bicycle office 8168 9999                       5:00 PM, Paradise Square, Melrose.                and/or local roads, as decided by the
Grandma’s Cafe. (Bring money for coffee/                                                                                                                       group on the day. Coffee afterwards.
                                                              office@bikesa.asn.au                           A mountain bike ride. Further information –
breakfast). Visitors and new riders are                                                                                                                        MTB /Hybrid bikes preferred.
                                                              www.bikesa.asn.au                              Bike Melrose facebook page.
welcome. Visit us on face book.                                                                                                                                30-40 km 2A to 3B Bryce 0432 732 540
www.facebook.com/groups/mannumpedalwheelers                                                                  Kristen 0409 093 649
or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com                            Para Cruizers ‘Cycle Salisbury’                                                                  Ride with Keith
35 km 2B-3B Terry or Wally                                    9:00 AM, South Tce. Pooraka, adjacent
                                                              toilet block at the Bridge Rd end. Ride
                                                                                                             MON 16 MAR                                        9:00 AM, Bicycle Express, 124 Halifax
0427 319 004 or 0428 592 282                                                                                                                                   St, Adelaide. Join Adelaide television and
                                                              to Walkerville then along the Torrens          Northside Cycling Group                           radio personality Keith Conlon for this
Riverland Riders                                              Linear Park to Campbelltown for coffee         9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield        relaxed pace, 90 minute ride along the
7:00 AM, Renmark Fountain/Lion car                            at Mercato’s. Returning via the Dry Creek      Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,         bike paths and back streets of Adelaide.
park, Renmark. Distance varies depending                      trail. Gravel and bitumen roads.               from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.        Departing from Bicycle Express on Halifax
on how far the group want to ride.                            MTB/ hybrid bikes preferred.                   30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979                           St at 9:00 am and returning for coffee
35-50 km 6B Ruth 0427 752 815                                 30 km 2B Des 0408 086 545                                                                        by 10:30 am, this ride is informative and
Gawler Wheelers                                               All Women’s Bike Rides                         TUE 17 MAR                                        fun, and open to all riders of any age and
7:30 AM, 41 High St Gawler, southern                          9:30 AM, Cycle On’ 2/19 Albyn Tce,                                                               ability. Pace is steady and the rides are
car park (next to Gawler Council                              Strathalbyn. An all Women’s Bike Ride          Getonyabike                                       flat, often taking in the Linear Park and
Administration Building). Gawler Wheelers                     aimed to help build confidence for ladies      9:00 AM, Charleston Tennis Courts,                parklands of Adelaide.
is a social road cycling group, meeting                       of all ages. Suitable for the beginner or      Charleston. GETONYABIKE is a group                20-25 km 3A Andy 8232 7277
at 41 High St Gawler. Rides are held                          women wanting to get back into cycling         aimed at encouraging people of all ages
every Saturday morning. Ride and safety                                                                      and stages of fitness to get back on their        Northside Cycling Group
                                                              on a casual and social level. Buy coffee                                                         9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield
briefing at 7:15 am, roll out at 7.30 am.                     afterwards.                                    bikes. You don’t need to wear lycra, be
                                                                                                             skinny, fit or young. It does not matter          Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,
Ride distances range from 50 km to                            15 km 2B Lanie 0406 452 117                                                                      from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.
100 km. Three options per week: Short                                                                        whether you have an old bike that has
                                                              Cogs & Coffee                                  been in your shed for 40 years or a new           30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979
(5A and 6A), Intermediate (5B and 6B)
and challenging (5D and 6D). Riders                           10:00 AM, Bici Café, 259 Hutt St,              bike that you have not gotten around to           Wednesday Wheelers
must have bike fitness (age 16+ only)                         Adelaide. A morning ride with the              riding. If your bike wont fit in your car, take   10:00AM, 10:00 am start at different
Refreshments and coffee at the Exchange                       obligatory coffee stop. (Some riders meet      the front wheel off. We will help you put         locations around Adelaide and environs,
Hotel. Join us for a chat. All welcome. For                   at 9.30 am for a pre-ride coffee). The Bici    it back on. We will ride on the Amy Gillett       usually grade 3B or 3C, usually about
ride options and the latest news visit                        Cafe is our usual meeting point but if you     Bikeway. After the ride we will head to           50 km, stopping somewhere en route for
www.facebook.com/groups/210163156066987                       are a new or intermittent rider, please ring   the Charleston Hotel for coffee. Please           lunch. New riders welcome. Sometimes
www.adelaidecyclists.com                                      on Friday (latest) to double-check. There      come along and give it a try. Whether you         there is an alternative easier ride starting
For cycling routes in Gawler and                              is no pre-planned direction or route each      ride 1 km or 10 km, you will have a nice          at the same time and place. Contact Max
surrounds, visit                                              week; this is decided by everyone before       ride with friendly people. Ride is weather        0405 191 955 or Malcolm 0401 603 596
gawler.org.au/portfolio-item/gawler-surrounds-cycling-guide   we head off. Jane 0402 102 608                 dependent. Follow us on Facebook.                 or 8276 9469 for more details.
50-100 km Paul 0431 866 586                                   Richard 0419 033 140                           0-38 km 1A Michele 0438 010 220                   50 km 3B or 3C
                                                              50 km 4B Jane 0402 102 608                                                                       Max (3C) or Malcolm (3B)
Cobwebs                                                                                                      Peninsula Pedallers
                                                              Saturday Express                               9:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,         0405 191 955 or 8276 9469
8:00 AM, Tarniwarra Park, Cygnet Court,
North Glenelg. Group road ride to Outer                       1:00 PM, Torrens Weir, War Memorial            Port Lincoln. Beginners ride, with the            Peninsula Pedallers
Harbour and return. Generally 70 to 100+                      Drive, North Adelaide. Café stop for           group riding at the pace of the slowest           5:45 PM, Cluster Cycles, 4/60 Liverpool
riders with 6 plus sub-groups. Coffee                         afternoon tea.                                 rider. Bring money for coffee afterwards.         St, Port Lincoln. We usually have road
afterwards at the Watermark Hotel.                            40 km 3B Bob 0409 091 183                      We will meet at a convenient location for         rides in summer (to be confirmed on
cobwebsadelaide@yahoo.com.au                                                                                 the riders on the day!                            the day). Intermediate level, 2 - 3 hour
54 km 6A                                                      SUN 15 MAR                                     30 km 1A Raelene 0419 842 007                     rides and we re-group at specific points.
                                                                                                             Tuesday Treadlers                                 Clusters Cycles facebook page for further
Mishmash Cycling                                                                                                                                               information about the rides and or
                                                              Coast to Coast
8:00 AM, Birdwood Foodland (car park                                                                         9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Balhannah.
                                                                                                             Road bike ride, with a mid-way stop               www.peninsulapedallers.com.au
at rear of supermarket) Birdwood. Social                                                                                                                       Clayton 0447 821 175
roadie ride meets at 7:45 am for 8:00                         Sunday 15 March 2020                           for coffee and back by lunchtime. Two
am start. Two distance/speed groups.                          Glenelg to Victor Harbor                       options, a longer, more challenging route
Different route every week. Riders look                       Start/time/distance options:                   or a shorter less demanding route, but
                                                                                                             all meet up for coffee. Usually a different
                                                                                                                                                               THU 19 MAR
after each other so no-one gets left                          Glenelg – 120km - 7.30am start
behind. Regroup at every intersection.                        Stirling – 95 km – 8.00am start                start location on the first Tuesday of each       Keep On Riding
Slowest rider dictates overall speed.                         Meadows – 65km – 8.00am start                  month. Ride Coordinator to confirm.               9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Onkaparinga
40 km leisurely ride, 60 km faster                            Mini Coast to Coast – 10km/20km                50-70 km 4B or 5C Tony 8388 4730 or               Valley Rd Balhannah. Leisurely social
ride. Weather dependent. Follow us                            10.00am start                                  0407 884 730                                      ride mostly on quiet roads and bike paths.
on Facebook for ride updates. Coffee                                                                                                                           Coffee break mid-ride. Back by lunch time.
                                                              One of the biggest and most beautiful          Tuesday Traverse                                  40-50 km 3B-4B
afterwards at Pomegranate Cottage.                            rides you’ll get your wheels into.             10:00 AM, Torrens Weir, War Memorial
3B and 5C Michele 0438 010 220                                                                                                                                 Tony 8388 4730 or 0407 884 730
                                                              Entry fee applies                              Drive, North Adelaide. Ride to Panorama
Peninsula Pedallers                                           Bicycle SA office +61 8168 9999                and Glenelg then back to Troppo’s for             30/30 Beach Streak
8:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,                     office@bikesa.asn.au                           coffee. Some hills. BYO lunch.                    6:00 PM, Henley Square, Henley Beach.
Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.                              www.bikesa.asn.au/coast2coast                  40 km 2B Peter 0418 844 963                       Start at 6:15 pm. Join the 30kph average
40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992                                     www.bikesa.asn.au                                                                                for 30 km or the 35kph average for 30 km
                                                                                                             Border BUG                                        graduates (40kph often). Refreshments
Northern Off Road Riders                                                                                     6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street               at the Adelaide Sailing Club, West Beach,
                                                              Poseurs d’Adelaide                             Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.
8:50 AM, Little Para Golf Club, 62 Martins                    8:00 AM, Corner Portrush & Greenhill                                                             afterwards.
Road, Paralowie. Meet at bottom car park.                                                                    Ride returns to start point for a chat after.     30 km 6A Daniel 0433 391 674
                                                              Rds. (in front of the Burnside Town Hall).     Lights required.
Mainly off road ride along local tracks and                   Bitumen road ride, 4C to 5B, generally
trails in the Salisbury area. Ride route to                                                                  30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763                      Border BUG
                                                              in the hills or quieter Adelaide roads. We                                                       6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street,
be decided on the day along with coffee                       don’t take ourselves too seriously and aim     Night Espresso
and refreshment stop. MTB or good hybrid                                                                                                                       Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.
                                                              for a good bakery or cafe towards the end.     7:00 PM, Hurtle Square Adelaide. The              Ride returns to start point for a chat after.
will get the job done. Be ready to roll at                    60-80 km 5B Peter, Andrew or Doug              rides vary from 6A, 5B, 4C usually with
9:00 am.                                                                                                                                                       Lights required.
                                                              0407 182 376, 0419 817 749 or                  a slightly easier option. Good lights             30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763
30-40 km 2B to 3B Mark 0456 403 293                           0419 813 479                                   essential. Coffee afterwards at a café.
                                                                                                             40 km Rob 8299 0230
                                                                                                                                                                www.bikesa.asn.au                              3
                                                        March-May 2020

FRI 20 MAR                                    Gawler Wheelers
                                              7:30 AM, 41 High St Gawler, southern
                                                                                                            Saturday Sojourn
                                                                                                            1:00 PM, Velo Precinct, Grandstand,
                                                                                                                                                          TUE 24 MAR
GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle            car park (next to Gawler Council                              Fullarton Rd, Victoria Park. Ride through     Getonyabike
User Group)                                   Administration Building). Gawler Wheelers                     a mix of suburbs and parklands adjacent       9:00 AM, Charleston Tennis Courts,
8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under             is a social road cycling group, meeting                       to the city, possibly including sections of   Charleston. GETONYABIKE is a group
Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa. Road         at 41 High St Gawler. Rides are held                          the Torrens Linear Park. An easy paced,       aimed at encouraging people of all ages
bike ride of approximately 50 km with         every Saturday morning. Ride and safety                       sociable ride for both experienced and        and stages of fitness to get back on their
a break for coffee. From time to time         briefing at 7:15 am, roll out at 7.30 am.                     less experienced cyclists. BYO or buy         bikes. You don’t need to wear lycra, be
location/terrain may change in favour of      Ride distances range from 50 km to                            refreshments.                                 skinny, fit or young. It does not matter
an off-road mountain bike ride. Please        100 km. Three options per week: Short                         25 km 2A Helen 0428 511 724                   whether you have an old bike that has
contact Ride Coordinator to confirm.          (5A and 6A), Intermediate (5B and 6B)                                                                       been in your shed for 40 years or a new
50 km 3B Gavin 0468 909 397                   and challenging (5D and 6D). Riders                           Broken Gadgets                                bike that you have not gotten around to
                                              must have bike fitness (age 16+ only)                         The Broken Gadgets MTB rides occur 2
                                                                                                                                                          riding. If your bike wont fit in your car, take
                                                                                                            or 3 times a month at different locations
SAT 21 MAR                                    Refreshments and coffee at the Exchange
                                              Hotel. Join us for a chat. All welcome. For                   throughout the Adelaide Hills. Rides
                                                                                                                                                          the front wheel off. We will help you put
                                                                                                                                                          it back on. We will ride on the Amy Gillett
                                              ride options and the latest news visit                        vary considerably in terrain (sometimes
Bike Melrose                                                                                                predominantly single-track adventures,
                                                                                                                                                          Bikeway. After the ride we will head to
6:30 AM, Over the Edge Shop, Melrose.         www.facebook.com/groups/210163156066987                                                                     the Charleston Hotel for coffee. Please
                                              www.adelaidecyclists.com                                      sometimes predominantly gravel road
Two ride options - 6:30 am start for the                                                                                                                  come along and give it a try. Whether you
                                              For cycling routes in Gawler and                              tours), duration (from 1.5 riding hours
road riders and 7:30 am for the gravel                                                                                                                    ride 1 km or 10 km, you will have a nice
                                              surrounds, visit                                              to all-day expeditions) and demeanour
grinders. Meet afterwards at Over the                                                                                                                     ride with friendly people. Ride is weather
                                              gawler.org.au/portfolio-item/gawler-surrounds-cycling-guide   (sometimes leisurely and sometimes
Edge Shop for a coffee and a chat. Further                                                                                                                dependent. Follow us on Facebook.
                                              50-100 km Paul 0431 866 586                                   at least at intermediate-level speeds).
information – Bike Melrose facebook page.                                                                                                                 0-38 km 1A Michele 0438 010 220
                                                                                                            BYO nibbles, water, lunch and spares
20-55 km Kristen or Richard                   Cobwebs                                                       accordingly. Contact                          Peninsula Pedallers
0409 093 649 or 0417 341 462                  8:00 AM, Tarniwarra Park, Cygnet Court,                       Stu Clement at stu.clement@yahoo.com          9:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,
Mannum Peddle Wheelers                        North Glenelg. Group road ride to Outer                       for details                                   Port Lincoln. Beginners ride, with the
7:00 AM, Arnold Park (car park by the         Harbour and return. Generally 70 to 100+                                                                    group riding at the pace of the slowest
Mannum Ferry), Mannum. A regular social
group ride. Cross the ferry, ride along the
                                              riders with 6 plus sub-groups. Coffee
                                              afterwards at the Watermark Hotel.                            SUN 22 MAR                                    rider. Bring money for coffee afterwards.
                                                                                                                                                          We will meet at a convenient location for
scenic river road to the Younghusband         cobwebsadelaide@yahoo.com.au                                  Poseurs d’Adelaide                            the riders on the day!
Store. Return to Mannum for coffee/           54 km 6A                                                      8:00 AM, Corner Portrush & Greenhill          30 km 1A Raelene 0419 842 007
breakfast and a chat at Picklemee             Mishmash Cycling                                              Rds. (in front of the Burnside Town Hall).
Grandma’s Cafe. (Bring money for coffee/                                                                    Bitumen road ride, 4C to 5B, generally
                                                                                                                                                          Tuesday Treadlers
                                              8:00 AM, Birdwood Foodland (car park                                                                        9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Balhannah.
breakfast). Visitors and new riders are       at rear of supermarket) Birdwood. Social                      in the hills or quieter Adelaide roads. We
                                                                                                                                                          Road bike ride, with a mid-way stop
welcome. Visit us on face book.               roadie ride meets at 7:45 am for 8:00                         don’t take ourselves too seriously and aim
                                                                                                                                                          for coffee and back by lunchtime. Two
www.facebook.com/groups/mannumpedalwheelers   am start. Two distance/speed groups.                          for a good bakery or cafe towards the end.
                                                                                                                                                          options, a longer, more challenging route
or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com            Different route every week. Riders look                       60-80 km 5B Peter, Andrew or Doug 0407
                                                                                                                                                          or a shorter less demanding route, but
35 km 2B-3B Terry or Wally                    after each other so no-one gets left                          182 376, 0419 817 749 or
                                                                                                                                                          all meet up for coffee. Usually a different
0427 319 004 or 0428 592 282                  behind. Regroup at every intersection.                        0419 813 479
                                                                                                                                                          start location on the first Tuesday of each
Riverland Riders                              Slowest rider dictates overall speed.                         GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle            month. Ride Coordinator to confirm.
7:00 AM, Renmark Fountain/Lion car            40 km leisurely ride, 60 km faster                            User Group)                                   50-70 km 4B or 5C Tony 8388 4730 or
park, Renmark. Distance varies depending      ride. Weather dependent. Follow us                            8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under             0407 884 730
on how far the group want to ride.            on Facebook for ride updates. Coffee                          Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.
35-50 km 6B Ruth 0427 752 815                 afterwards at Pomegranate Cottage.                            Uses Encounter Bikeway, Beacon 19,
                                                                                                                                                          Tuesday Traverse
                                              3B and 5C Michele 0438 010 220                                                                              10:00 AM, Torrens Weir, War Memorial
                                                                                                            Hindmarsh Island and Laffins Point. Route
                                                                                                                                                          Drive, North Adelaide. Beach ride to
ADVERTISEMENT                                 Peninsula Pedallers                                           chosen each week based on group’s
                                                                                                                                                          Hallett Cove for great views. BYO lunch.
                                                                                                            ability, weather, etc. Usually two groups,
Audax                                         8:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,
                                              Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.                              fast and slow. Rides vary from 1A to 3B.
                                                                                                                                                          40 km 2B Jane 0402 102 608
Fleche Opperman All Day Trial (SA)            40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992                                     Riders choose when to turn back. Usually
Saturday 21 March 2020
                                              Dry Creek Trailers ‘Cycle Salisbury’
                                                                                                            coffee afterwards.
                                                                                                            30 km 2B Gavin 0468 909 397
                                                                                                                                                          Bicycle Maintenance
7:30 AM
Start – Anywhere                              9:00 AM, BMX Club/Skate car park,
                                              cnr. Bridge Rd and South Tce, Pooraka.                        Border BUG                                    Course
360km in 24 hours                                                                                           9:00 AM, Caltex Service Station,              Basic Bike Care
Unsupported                                   Beginners ride on good gravel trail, no
                                              traffic and great scenery. Coffee at Valley                   Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.       5:30 PM-8:30 PM
FOADT medallion available for all                                                                           Riders choose their turnaround point.         Tuesday 24 March 2020
                                              View shops. MTB bikes please.
finishers.                                                                                                  Coffee afterwards.                            Bicycle SA Office
                                              15 km MTB Class 1-3B
Teams of 3, 4 or 5 bikes. Each team           Bryce 0432 732 540                                            40 km 6B Marcus 0407 978 763                  11a Croydon Rd, Keswick
chooses its own start point and course.                                                                     Hills Ride                                    This basic 3 hour course is designed
A minimum of 360km must be ridden             Para District Pedallers ‘Cycle                                9:00 AM, Gawler. Railway station car park     specifically for those just starting out
in 24 hours from 7:30 am Saturday             Salisbury’                                                    north end. MTB or Hybrid advised. Coffee      or who haven’t got the bike out of the
morning. All rides finish at the same         9:00 AM, Salisbury Waterwheel Museum                                                                        shed for a while. Learn how to clean and
                                              car park, Commercial Rd, Salisbury                            stop en route. Mainly dirt roads with some
point.                                                                                                      steep hills.                                  lubricate the major mechanical working
Entry fee applies                             (opposite Parabanks). Ride through                                                                          parts of a bike, and get the inside story
                                              Mawson Lakes and along The City/Levels                        50 km 2C Joe 0429 694 022
David Fairweather 0401 528 563                                                                                                                            on repairing punctures!
div.fw@bigpond.net.au                         bikeway to Delightful Café at Lightsview                      Peninsula Pedallers                           Fee applies
                                              for coffee and return by same route. Suit                     9:00 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,     Early bookings essential
ADVERTISEMENT                                 any type of bike.                                             Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.              (maximum 10 registrants per course)
                                              30 km 2-3A Elaine 0422 393 997                                40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992
Audax                                         All Women’s Bike Rides                                        Semaphore Sojourn ‘Cycle Salisbury’
                                                                                                                                                          Bicycle office 8168 9999
Petit Fleche Opperman All Day Trial           9:30 AM, Cycle On’ 2/19 Albyn Tce,                                                                          www.bikesa.asn.au
                                                                                                            9:00 AM, North Adelaide railway station,
(SA)                                          Strathalbyn. An all women’s social bike                       War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide, on
Saturday 21 March 2020                        ride with coffee afterwards. Various start                    western side near tennis/ basketball          Border BUG
7:30 AM                                       locations Contact Lanie for details.                          courts. Easy paced ride along Outer           6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street
Start – Anywhere                              20 km 2B Lanie 0406 452 117                                   Harbour Greenway, bike paths and              Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.
180km in 24 hours                                                                                           some roads to Semaphore for coffee/           Ride returns to start point for a chat after.
Unsupported                                   Cogs & Coffee                                                 refreshments before returning via same        Lights required.
180km in 24 hours (max. 14 hours ride         10:00 AM, Bici Café, 259 Hutt St,                                                                           30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763
                                              Adelaide. A morning ride with the                             route. Suitable for all types of bikes
time).                                                                                                      15-20 km 2A-4A Nigel 0431 838 735
                                              obligatory coffee stop. (Some riders meet                                                                   Night Espresso
Teams of 3, 4 or 5 bikes. Each team                                                                                                                       7:00 PM, Hurtle Square Adelaide. The
chooses its own start point and course.       at 9.30 am for a pre-ride coffee). The Bici                   Bike Melrose
                                              Cafe is our usual meeting point but if you                    5:00 PM, Paradise Square, Melrose.            rides vary from 6A, 5B, 4C usually with
A minimum of 180km must be ridden                                                                                                                         a slightly easier option. Good lights
in 24 hours from 7:30 am Saturday             are a new or intermittent rider, please ring                  A mountain bike ride. Further information
                                              on Friday (latest) to double-check. There                     – Bike Melrose facebook page.                 essential. Coffee afterwards at a café.
morning. All rides finish at the same                                                                                                                     40 km Rob 8299 0230
point.                                        is no pre-planned direction or route each                     Kristen 0409 093 649
Entry fee applies                             week; this is decided by everyone before
David Fairweather 0401 528 563
                                              we head off. Jane 0402 102 608
                                              Richard 0419 033 140                                          MON 23 MAR
                                              50 km 4B Jane 0402 102 608                                    Northside Cycling Group
                                              Saturday Express                                              9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield
                                              1:00 PM, Conygham St, Glenside (near                          Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,
                                              Dog Park). Café stop for afternoon tea.                       from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.
                                              40 km 3B Patsy 0439 332 533                                   30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979

WED 25 MAR                                      FRI 27 MAR                                                    Para Cruizers ‘Cycle Salisbury’
                                                                                                              9:00 AM, North Adelaide Railway Station,
                                                                                                                                                               Salisbury Explorers ‘Cycle Salisbury’
                                                                                                                                                               9:00 AM, Shelter area, Carisbrooke Park,
Mannum Peddle Wheelers                          GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle                            War Memorial Drive - Park Tce. side.             Main North Rd, Salisbury Park.
7:00 AM, Mid-Murray Council Chambers,           User Group)                                                   Ride along the Linear park trail to Henley       Beginners/easy ride along the path of the
car park, 49 Adelaide Rd, Mannum. Enjoy         8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under                             square for coffee - on to Port Adelaide and      Little Para Trail.
a mid-week ride starting from the historic      Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa. Road                         return via Outer Harbour Greenway. Any           5-10 km MTB Class 1-2A
township of Mannum, exploring the               bike ride of approximately 50 km with                         bike suitable.                                   Jim 0401 984 767
surrounding countryside and stopping for        a break for coffee. From time to time                         40 km 2A-3A Brian 0408 818 993
coffee during or after the ride. Route and      location/terrain may change in favour of
                                                                                                                                                               Bike Melrose
coffee stop depending on who is riding.         an off-road mountain bike ride. Please
                                                                                                              All Women’s Bike Rides                           5:00 PM, Paradise Square, Melrose.
                                                                                                              9:30 AM, Cycle On’ 2/19 Albyn Tce,               A mountain bike ride. Further information –
Visitors and new riders are most welcome.       contact Ride Coordinator to confirm.
                                                                                                              Strathalbyn. An all Women’s Bike Ride            Bike Melrose facebook page.
Visit us on face book.                          50 km 3B Gavin 0468 909 397
                                                                                                              aimed to help build confidence for ladies        Kristen 0409 093 649
                                                                                                              of all ages. Suitable for the beginner or
or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com
30-80 km 4B Terry or Wally                      SAT 28 MAR                                                    women wanting to get back into cycling           Better Harts
                                                                                                                                                               Mt Gambier. Rides to various locations and
                                                                                                              on a casual and social level. Buy coffee
0427 319 004 or 0428 592 282                    Bike Melrose                                                  afterwards.                                      varying distances are organised during
                                                6:30 AM, Over the Edge Shop, Melrose.                                                                          the month on an ad hoc basis, depending
GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle              Two ride options - 6:30 am start for the
                                                                                                              15 km 2B Lanie 0406 452 117
                                                                                                                                                               on who is interested, available, and riders’
User Group)                                     road riders and 7:30 am for the gravel                        Cogs & Coffee                                    ability. We ride at the speed of the slowest
8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under
                                                grinders. Meet afterwards at Over the                         10:00 AM, Bici Café, 259 Hutt St,                rider. Our aim to get people to start riding
Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.
                                                Edge Shop for a coffee and a chat. Further                    Adelaide. A morning ride with the                and help them connect with other riders.
Generally two ride options along
                                                information – Bike Melrose facebook page.                     obligatory coffee stop. (Some riders meet        If interested please contact Sharon
Encounter Bikeway. Either 30 km easy
                                                20-55 km Kristen or Richard                                   at 9.30 am for a pre-ride coffee). The Bici      Holmes on 8723 0805 or email
for coffee at Middleton/Port Elliot or
                                                0409 093 649 or 0417 341 462                                  Cafe is our usual meeting point but if you       sharonholmes@ozemail.com.au
45-70 km to Victor Harbor area.
                                                                                                              are a new or intermittent rider, please ring     Sharon 8723 0805
Options from 1B to 4B.                          Mannum Peddle Wheelers                                        on Friday (latest) to double-check. There
30 km 1B Gavin 0468 909 397                     7:00 AM, Arnold Park (car park by the                         is no pre-planned direction or route each        Peninsula Pedallers
                                                Mannum Ferry), Mannum. A regular social                                                                        Fisheries/beach day ride.
Ride with Keith                                 group ride. Cross the ferry, ride along the
                                                                                                              week; this is decided by everyone before
                                                                                                                                                               Mountain bikes please.
9:00 AM, Bicycle Express, 124 Halifax                                                                         we head off. Jane 0402 102 608
                                                scenic river road to the Younghusband                         Richard 0419 033 140                             Clayton 0447 821 175
St, Adelaide. Join Adelaide television and
radio personality Keith Conlon for this         Store. Return to Mannum for coffee/                           50 km 4B Jane 0402 102 608
relaxed pace, 90 minute ride along the          breakfast and a chat at Picklemee
                                                Grandma’s Cafe. (Bring money for coffee/                      Saturday Express                                 MON 30 MAR
bike paths and back streets of Adelaide.
Departing from Bicycle Express on Halifax       breakfast). Visitors and new riders are                       1:00 PM, Brighton Railway Station,               Northside Cycling Group
                                                welcome. Visit us on face book.                               Brighton. Café stop for afternoon tea.           9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield
St at 9:00 am and returning for coffee
                                                www.facebook.com/groups/mannumpedalwheelers                   40 km 3B Jeff 0407 191 958                       Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,
by 10:30 am, this ride is informative and
                                                or mannumpeddlewheelers.weebly.com                                                                             from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.
fun, and open to all riders of any age and
                                                35 km 2B-3B Terry or Wally                                    Saturday Sojourn                                 30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979
ability. Pace is steady and the rides are                                                                     1:00 PM, Glenelg Jetty, Moseley Square,
flat, often taking in the Linear Park and       0427 319 004 or 0428 592 282
                                                                                                              Glenelg. Contact Ride Coordinator for
parklands of Adelaide.                          Riverland Riders                                              details.                                         TUE 31 MAR
20-25 km 3A Andy 8232 7277                      7:00 AM, Renmark Fountain/Lion car                            25 km 2A Chris 0414 802 919
                                                park, Renmark. Distance varies depending                                                                       Getonyabike
Northside Cycling Group                                                                                                                                        9:00 AM, Charleston Tennis Courts,
9:30 AM, Elizabeth Star Cycles, 5 Barfield      on how far the group want to ride.
                                                35-50 km 6B Ruth 0427 752 815
                                                                                                              SUN 29 MAR                                       Charleston. GETONYABIKE is a group
Crescent, Elizabeth. Ride with 2 options,                                                                                                                      aimed at encouraging people of all ages
from 3A to 5A with a coffee stop en route.      Gawler Wheelers
30 km 5A Gary 8255 1979                         7:30 AM, 41 High St Gawler, southern                          Grand/Mini Slam                                  and stages of fitness to get back on their
                                                                                                                                                               bikes. You don’t need to wear lycra, be
Wednesday Wheelers                              car park (next to Gawler Council                              Recreational Bike Series of 5 rides              skinny, fit or young. It does not matter
10:00AM, 10:00 am start at different            Administration Building). Gawler Wheelers                     Sunday 29 March 2020                             whether you have an old bike that has
locations around Adelaide and environs,         is a social road cycling group, meeting                       8:00 AM Willunga Recreational Park               been in your shed for 40 years or a new
usually grade 3B or 3C, usually about           at 41 High St Gawler. Rides are held                          Main Rd, Willunga                                bike that you have not gotten around to
50 km, stopping somewhere en route for          every Saturday morning. Ride and safety                       The second event in the Grand/                   riding. If your bike wont fit in your car, take
lunch. New riders welcome. Sometimes            briefing at 7:15 am, roll out at 7.30 am.                     Mini Slam series of on road personal             the front wheel off. We will help you put
there is an alternative easier ride starting    Ride distances range from 50 km to                            challenge recreational rides for 2020.           it back on. We will ride on the Amy Gillett
at the same time and place. Contact Max         100 km. Three options per week: Short                         Choose between 50 km or 100 km, with             Bikeway. After the ride we will head to
0405 191 955 or Malcolm 0401 603 596            (5A and 6A), Intermediate (5B and 6B)                         the opportunity to ride at your own pace.        the Charleston Hotel for coffee. Please
or 8276 9469 for more details.                  and challenging (5D and 6D). Riders                           Morning and afternoon refreshments,              come along and give it a try. Whether you
50 km 3B or 3C                                  must have bike fitness (age 16+ only)                         freshly cut salad rolls, fruit slice and fruit   ride 1 km or 10 km, you will have a nice
Max (3C) or Malcolm (3B)                        Refreshments and coffee at the Exchange                       for lunch.                                       ride with friendly people. Ride is weather
0405 191 955 or 8276 9469                       Hotel. Join us for a chat. All welcome. For                   On road support                                  dependent. Follow us on Facebook.
                                                ride options and the latest news visit                        Enter online or further details and/or           0-38 km 1A Michele 0438 010 220
Peninsula Pedallers                             www.facebook.com/groups/210163156066987                       entry forms available from:
5:45 PM, Cluster Cycles, 4/60 Liverpool         www.adelaidecyclists.com                                                                                       Peninsula Pedallers
                                                                                                              Bicycle SA office 8168 9999                      9:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,
St, Port Lincoln. We usually have road          For cycling routes in Gawler and                              www.bikesa.asn.au
rides in summer (to be confirmed on             surrounds, visit                                                                                               Port Lincoln. Beginners ride, with the
                                                                                                              rides@bikesa.asn.au                              group riding at the pace of the slowest
the day). Intermediate level, 2 - 3 hour        gawler.org.au/portfolio-item/gawler-surrounds-cycling-guide
rides and we re-group at specific points.       50-100 km Paul 0431 866 586                                                                                    rider. Bring money for coffee afterwards.
Clusters Cycles facebook page for further                                                                     Poseurs d’Adelaide                               We will meet at a convenient location for
information about the rides and or              Cobwebs                                                       8:00 AM, Corner Portrush & Greenhill             the riders on the day!
www.peninsulapedallers.com.au                   8:00 AM, Tarniwarra Park, Cygnet Court,                       Rds. (in front of the Burnside Town Hall).       30 km 1A Raelene 0419 842 007
Clayton 0447 821 175                            North Glenelg. Group road ride to Outer                       Bitumen road ride, 4C to 5B, generally
                                                Harbour and return. Generally 70 to 100+                      in the hills or quieter Adelaide roads. We       Tuesday Treadlers
                                                riders with 6 plus sub-groups. Coffee                         don’t take ourselves too seriously and aim       9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Balhannah.
THU 26 MAR                                      afterwards at the Watermark Hotel.                            for a good bakery or cafe towards the end.       Road bike ride, with a mid-way stop
                                                                                                                                                               for coffee and back by lunchtime. Two
                                                cobwebsadelaide@yahoo.com.au                                  60-80 km 5B Peter, Andrew or Doug
Keep On Riding                                  54 km 6A                                                      0407 182 376, 0419 817 749 or                    options, a longer, more challenging route
9:30 AM, Balhannah Oval, Onkaparinga                                                                          0419 813 479                                     or a shorter less demanding route, but
Valley Rd Balhannah. Leisurely social           Mishmash Cycling                                                                                               all meet up for coffee. Usually a different
ride mostly on quiet roads and bike paths.      8:00 AM, Birdwood Foodland (car park                          GAD-BUG (Goolwa & District Bicycle               start location on the first Tuesday of each
Coffee break mid-ride. Back by lunch time.      at rear of supermarket) Birdwood. Social                      User Group)                                      month. Ride Coordinator to confirm.
40-50 km 3B-4B Tony 8388 4730 or                roadie ride meets at 7:45 am for 8:00                         8:30 AM, Goolwa Wharf area, under                50-70 km 4B or 5C
0407 884 730                                    am start. Two distance/speed groups.                          Hindmarsh Island Bridge, Goolwa.                 Tony 8388 4730 or 0407 884 730
                                                Different route every week. Riders look                       Uses Encounter Bikeway, Beacon 19,
30/30 Beach Streak                              after each other so no-one gets left                          Hindmarsh Island and Laffins Point. Route        Tuesday Traverse
6:00 PM, Henley Square, Henley Beach.           behind. Regroup at every intersection.                        chosen each week based on group’s                10:00 AM, Willunga Rose Gardens,
Start at 6:15 pm. Join the 30kph average        Slowest rider dictates overall speed.                         ability, weather, etc. Usually two groups,       Aldinga Rd Willunga. Weather permitting.
for 30 km or the 35kph average for 30 km        40 km leisurely ride, 60 km faster                            fast and slow. Rides vary from 1A to 3B.         Ride up Willunga Hill (no race) then along
graduates (40kph often). Refreshments           ride. Weather dependent. Follow us                            Riders choose when to turn back. Usually         Range Road and down Wickham Hill to
at the Adelaide Sailing Club, West Beach,       on Facebook for ride updates. Coffee                          coffee afterwards.                               McLaren Flat for lunch. Back to Willunga
afterwards.                                     afterwards at Pomegranate Cottage.                            30 km 2B Gavin 0468 909 397                      for coffee. BYO lunch.
30 km 6A Daniel 0433 391 674                    3B and 5C Michele 0438 010 220                                                                                 40 km 2C Ann 0438 558 941
                                                                                                              Border BUG
Border BUG                                      Peninsula Pedallers                                           9:00 AM, Caltex Service Station,                 Border BUG
6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street,            8:30 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,                     Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.          6:00 PM, Apex Park, Woolshed Street
Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.         Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.                              Riders choose their turnaround point.            Bordertown. Social ride on quiet roads.
Ride returns to start point for a chat after.   40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992                                     Coffee afterwards.                               Ride returns to start point for a chat after.
Lights required.                                                                                              40 km 6B Marcus 0407 978 763                     Lights required.
30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763                    Northern Off Road Riders                                                                                       30 km 6A Marcus 0407 978 763
                                                8:50 AM, Little Para Golf Club, 62 Martins                    Hills Ride
                                                Road, Paralowie. Meet at bottom car park.                     9:00 AM, Woodside. Swimming pool car             Night Espresso
                                                Mainly off road ride along local tracks and                   park. MTB or Hybrid advised. Coffee stop         7:00 PM, Hurtle Square Adelaide. The
                                                trails in the Salisbury area. Ride route to                   en route. Mainly dirt roads with some steep      rides vary from 6A, 5B, 4C usually with
                                                be decided on the day along with coffee                       hills.                                           a slightly easier option. Good lights
                                                and refreshment stop. MTB or good hybrid                      50 km 2C Neil 0429 201 144                       essential. Coffee afterwards at a café.
                                                will get the job done. Be ready to roll at                                                                     40 km Rob 8299 0230
                                                9:00 am.                                                      Peninsula Pedallers
                                                30-40 km 2B to 3B Mark 0456 403 293                           9:00 AM, Arteyrea Hall, Mortlock Terrace,
                                                                                                              Port Lincoln. Coffee afterwards.
                                                                                                              40 km 4B Jim 0448 412 992
                                                                                                                                                                www.bikesa.asn.au                                5
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