Searchable Hidden Intermediates for End-to-End Models of Decomposable Sequence Tasks

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Searchable Hidden Intermediates for End-to-End Models of
                        Decomposable Sequence Tasks

  Siddharth Dalmia Brian Yan Vikas Raunak Florian Metze Shinji Watanabe
            Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

                      Abstract                                   Similarly, many sequence-to-sequence tasks that
                                                              convert one sequence into another (Sutskever et al.,
      End-to-end approaches for sequence tasks are            2014) can be decomposed to simpler sequence sub-
      becoming increasingly popular. Yet for com-
                                                              tasks in order to reduce the overall complexity.
      plex sequence tasks, like speech translation,
      systems that cascade several models trained
                                                              For example, speech translation systems, which
      on sub-tasks have shown to be superior, sug-            seek to process speech in one language and output
      gesting that the compositionality of cascaded           text in another language, can be naturally decom-
      systems simplifies learning and enables so-             posed into the transcription of source language au-
      phisticated search capabilities. In this work,          dio through automatic speech recognition (ASR)
      we present an end-to-end framework that ex-             and translation into the target language through ma-
      ploits compositionality to learn searchable hid-        chine translation (MT). Such cascaded approaches
      den representations at intermediate stages of a
                                                              have been widely used to build practical systems
      sequence model using decomposed sub-tasks.
      These hidden intermediates can be improved              for a variety of sequence tasks like hybrid ASR
      using beam search to enhance the overall per-           (Hinton   et al., 2012), phrase-based MT (Koehn
      formance and can also incorporate external              et al., 2007), and cascaded ASR-MT systems for
      models at intermediate stages of the network to         speech translation (ST) (Pham et al., 2019).
      re-score or adapt towards out-of-domain data.              End-to-end sequence models like encoder-
      One instance of the proposed framework is
                                                              decoder models (Bahdanau et al., 2015; Vaswani
      a Multi-Decoder model for speech translation
      that extracts the searchable hidden intermedi-          et al., 2017), are attractive in part due to their sim-
      ates from a speech recognition sub-task. The            plistic design and the reduced need for hand-crafted
      model demonstrates the aforementioned bene-             features. However, studies have shown mixed re-
      fits and outperforms the previous state-of-the-         sults compared to cascaded models particularly for
      art by around +6 and +3 BLEU on the two test            complex sequence tasks like speech translation (In-
      sets of Fisher-CallHome and by around +3 and            aguma et al., 2020) and spoken language under-
     +4 BLEU on the English-German and English-
                                                              standing (Coucke et al., 2018). Although direct
      French test sets of MuST-C.1
                                                              target sequence prediction avoids the issue of er-
1 Introduction                                                ror propagation from one system to another in cas-
                                                              caded approaches (Tzoukermann and Miller, 2018),
The principle of compositionality loosely states that         there are many attractive properties of cascaded sys-
a complex whole is composed of its parts and the              tems, missing in end-to-end approaches, that are
rules by which those parts are combined (Lake and             useful in complex sequence tasks.
Baroni, 2018). This principle is present in engineer-            In particular, we are interested in (1) the strong
ing, where task decomposition of a complex system             search capabilities of the cascaded systems that
is required to assess and optimize task allocations           compose the final task output from individual sys-
(Levis et al., 1994), and in natural language, where          tem predictions (Mohri et al., 2002; Kumar et al.,
paragraph coherence and discourse analysis rely               2006; Beck et al., 2019), (2) the ability to incor-
on decomposition into sentences (Johnson, 1992; porate external models to re-score each individual
Kuo, 1995) and sentence level semantics relies on             system (Och and Ney, 2002; Huang and Chiang,
decomposition into lexical units (Liu et al., 2020b). 2007), (3) the ability to easily adapt individual com-
      All code and models are released as part of the ESPnet  ponents towards out-of-domain data (Koehn and
toolkit:                    Schroeder, 2007; Peddinti et al., 2015), and finally
                        Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the
              Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 1882–1896
                           June 6–11, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
(4) the ability to monitor performance of the indi-        sequence tasks to learn next word prediction, which
vidual systems towards the decomposed sub-task             outputs a distribution over the next target token
(Tillmann and Ney, 2003; Meyer et al., 2016).              yl given the previous tokens y1:l91 and the input
   In this paper, we seek to incorporate these proper-     sequence x = (x1 , xt , . . . , xT ), where T is the
ties of cascaded systems into end-to-end sequence          input sequence length. In the next sub-section we
models. We first propose a generic framework               detail the training and inference of these models.
to learn searchable hidden intermediates using an
auto-regressive encoder-decoder model for any de-          2.2    Auto-regressive Encoder-Decoder Models
composable sequence task (§3). We then apply               Training: In an auto-regressive encoder-decoder
this approach to speech translation, where the in-         model, the E NCODER maps the input sequence x
termediate stage is the output of ASR, by passing          to a sequence of continuous hidden representations
continuous hidden representations of discrete tran-        hE = (hE        E            E             E
                                                                      1 , ht , . . . , hT ), where ht ∈ R . The

                                                           D ECODER then auto-regressively maps h and the     E
script sequences from the ASR sub-net decoder to
the MT sub-net encoder. By doing so, we gain               preceding ground-truth output tokens, ŷ1:l91 , to hD      l ,
the ability to use beam search with optional ex-           where hD l  ∈  R d . The sequence of decoder hidden

ternal model re-scoring on the hidden intermedi-           representations form hD = (hD            D            D
                                                                                               1 , hl , . . . , hL ) and
ates, while maintaining end-to-end differentiability.      the likelihood of each output token yl is given by
Next, we suggest mitigation strategies for the error       S OFTMAX O UT, which denotes an affine projection
propagation issues inherited from decomposition.           of hDl to V followed by a softmax function.
   We show the efficacy of searchable intermediate
representations in our proposed model, called the                              hE = E NCODER(x)
Multi-Decoder, on speech translation with a 5.4                                ĥD              E
                                                                                 l = D ECODER (h , ŷ1:l91 ) (1)
and 2.8 BLEU score improvement over the previ-
                                                             P (yl | ŷ1:l91 , hE ) = S OFTMAX O UT(ĥD
                                                                                                      l )            (2)
ous state-of-the-arts for Fisher and CallHome test
sets respectively (§6). We extend these improve-           During training, the D ECODER performs token clas-
ments by an average of 0.5 BLEU score through              sification for next word prediction by considering
the aforementioned benefit of re-scoring the inter-        only the ground truth sequences for previous to-
mediate search with external models trained on the         kens ŷ. We refer to this ĥD as oracle decoder
same dataset. We also show a method for monitor-           representations, which will be discussed later.
ing sub-net performance using oracle intermediates         Inference: During inference, we can maximize the
that are void of search errors (§6.1). Finally, we         likelihood of the entire sequence from the output
show how these models can adapt to out-of-domain           space S by composing the conditional probabilities
speech translation datasets, how our approach can          of each step for the L tokens in the sequence.
be generalized to other sequence tasks like speech
recognition, and how the benefits of decomposition                          hD              E
                                                                             l = D ECODER (h , y1:l91 )              (3)
persist even for larger corpora like MuST-C (§6.2).         P (yl | x, y1:l91 ) = S OFTMAX O UT(hD
                                                                                                 l )
2     Background and Motivation                                                            L
                                                                           ỹ = argmax           P (yi | x, y1:i91 ) (4)
2.1    Compositionality in Sequences Models                                        y∈S     i=1
The probabilistic space of a sequence is combinato-
                                                           This is an intractable search problem and it can be
rial in nature, such that a sentence of L words from
                                                           approximated by either greedily choosing argmax
a fixed vocabulary V would have an output space S
                                                           at each step or using a search algorithm like beam
of size |V|L . In order to deal with this combinato-
                                                           search to approximate ỹ. Beam search (Reddy,
rial output space, an output sentence is decomposed
                                                           1988) generates candidates at each step and prunes
into labeled target tokens, y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yL ),
                                                           the search space to a tractable beam size of B most
where yl ∈ V.
                                                           likely sequences. As B → ∞, the beam search
                        Y                                  result would be equivalent to equation 4.
          P (y | x) =         P (yi | x, y1:i91 )
                        i=1                                  G REEDY S EARCH := argmax P (yl | x, y1:l91 )
An auto-regressive encoder-decoder model uses the
above probabilistic decomposition in sequence-to-                B EAM S EARCH := B EAM(P (yl | x, y1:l91 ))
(a) Multi-Decoder ST Model                                   (b) Multi-Sequence Attention

Figure 1: The left side present the schematics and the information flow of our proposed framework applied to ST, in
a model we call the Multi-Decoder. Our model decomposes ST into ASR and MT sub-nets, each of which consist
of an encoder and decoder. The right side displays a Multi-Sequence Attention variant of the DECODER ST that is
conditioned on both speech information via the ENCODER ASR and transcription information via the ENCODER ST .

In approximate search for auto-regressive models,            S UBA→B N ET:
like beam search, the D ECODER receives alternate
candidates of previous tokens to find candidates                                hE = E NCODERA (A)
with a higher likelihood as an overall sequence.                               ĥD
                                                                                   B                     B
                                                                                     = D ECODERB (hE , ŷ1:l91 )
This also allows for the use of external models like
                                                               P (ylB | ŷ1:l91
                                                                                , hE ) = S OFTMAX O UT(ĥDB
                                                                                                         l ) (5)
Language Models (LM) or Connectionist Temporal
Classification Models (CTC) for re-scoring candi-            S UBB→C N ET:
dates (Hori et al., 2017).
                                                                     P (C | ĥD B                    DB
                                                                              l ) = S UB B→C N ET (ĥl )            (6)

3   Proposed Framework                                       Note that the final prediction, given by equation
                                                             6, does not need to be a sequence and can be a
In this section, we present a general framework to           categorical class like in spoken language under-
exploit natural decompositions in sequence tasks             standing tasks. Next we will show how the hidden
which seek to predict some output C from an input            intermediates become searchable during inference.
sequence A. If there is an intermediate sequence B
                                                             3.1   Searchable Hidden Intermediates
for which A → B sequence transduction followed
by B → C prediction achieves the original task,                  As stated in section §2.2, approximate search algo-
then the original A → C task is decomposable.                    rithms maximize the likelihood, P (y | x), of the
                                                                 entire sequence by considering different candidates
   In other words, if we can learn P (B | A) then
                                                                 yl at each step. Candidate-based search, particu-
we can learn the overall task of P (C | A) through
                                                                 larly in auto-regressive encoder-decoder models,
maxB (P (C | A, B)P (B | A)), approximated
                                                                 also affects the decoder hidden representation, hD ,
using Viterbi search. We define a first encoder-
                                                                 as these are directly dependent on the previous can-
decoder S UBA→B N ET to map an input sequence
                                                                 didate (refer to equations 1 and 3). This implies that
A to a sequence of decoder hidden states, hDB .
                                                                 by searching for better approximations of the pre-
Then we define a subsequent S UBB→C N ET to map
                                                                 vious  predicted tokens, yl91 = (yBEAM )l91 , we also
hDB to the final probabilistic output space of C.
                                                                 improve the decoder hidden representations for the
Therefore, we call hDB hidden intermediates. The
                                                                 next token, hD          D
                                                                                 l = (hBEAM )l . As yBEAM → ŷ, the
following equations shows the two sub-networks of
                                                                 decoder hidden representations tend to the oracle
our framework, S UBA→B N ET and S UBB→C N ET,
                                                                 decoder representations that have only errors from
which can be trained end-to-end while also exploit-
                                                                 next word prediction, hD               D
                                                                                            BEAM → ĥ . A perfect
ing compositionality in sequence tasks. 2
                                                                 search is analogous to choosing the ground truth ŷ
                                                                 at each step, which would yield ĥD .
      Note that this framework does not use locally-normalized      We apply this beam search of hidden interme-
softmax distributions but rather the hidden representations,
thereby avoiding label bias issues when combining multiple       diates, thereby approximating ĥDB with hD         B
                                                                                                                 BEAM .
sub-systems (Bottou et al., 1997; Wiseman and Rush, 2016).       This process is illustrated in algorithm 1, which
shows beam search for hD  B
                         BEAM that are subsequently             quence of speech x and uses a sequence of text
passed to the S UBB→C N ET.3 In line 7, we show                 transcriptions y ASR as an intermediate. In this case,
how an external model like an LM or a CTC model                 the S UBA→B N ET in equation 5 is specified as the
can be used to generate an alternate sequence like-             ASR sub-net and the S UBB→C N ET in equation 6 is
lihood, PEXT (ylB ), which can be combined with                 specified as the MT sub-net. Since the MT sub-net
the S UBA→B N ET likelihood, PB (ylB | x) , with a              is also a sequence prediction task, both sub-nets are
tunable parameter λ.                                            encoder-decoder models in our architecture (Bah-
                                                                danau et al., 2015; Vaswani et al., 2017). In Figure
Algorithm 1 Beam Search for Hidden Interme-                     1 we illustrate the schematics of our transformer
diates: We perform beam search to approximate                   based Multi-Decoder ST model which can also be
the most likely sequence for the sub-task A →                   summarized as follows:
B, yB BEAM , while collecting the corresponding
D ECODERB hidden representations, hD       B                              hEASR = E NCODER ASR (x)                         (7)
                                          BEAM . The
output hBEAM , is passed to the final sub-network to                      ĥD
                                                                                  = D ECODER ASR (hEASR , ŷ1:l91
                                                                                                                  )        (8)
predict final output C and yB BEAM is used for moni-                      hEST = E NCODER ST (ĥDASR )                     (9)
toring performance on predicting B.
                                                                                   = D ECODER ST (h   EST      ST
                                                                                                            , ŷ1:l91 )   (10)
 1:    Initialize: BEAM ← {sos}; k ← beam size;
 2:    hEA ← E NCODERA (x)                                      As we can see from Equations 9 and 10, the MT
 3:    for l=1 to maxSTEPS do                                   sub-network attends only to the decoder representa-
 4:      for yl91B ∈ BEAM do                                    tions, ĥDASR , of the ASR sub-network, which could
 5:          hD   B                       B )
                    ← D ECODERB (hEA , yl91                     lead to the error propagation issues from the ASR
 6:                 B      B
             for yl ∈ yl91 + {V} do                             sub-network to the MT sub-network similar to the
 7:              sl ← PA→B (ylB | x)19λ PEXT (ylB )λ            cascade systems, as mentioned in §1. To allevi-
                 H ← (sl , ylB , hDB                            ate this problem, we modify equation 10 such that
 8:                               l )
 9:          end for                                            D ECODER ST attends to both hEST and hEASR :
                                                                      DST                    EST
10:      end for                                                    ĥl     = D ECODER SA
                                                                                       ST (h     , hEASR , ŷ1:l91
                                                                                                                   ) (11)
11:      BEAM ← argk max(H)
                                                                We use the multi-sequence cross-attention dis-
12:    end for
                        DB                                      cussed by Helcl et al. (2018), shown on the right
13:    (sB , yB
              BEAM , h BEAM ) ← argmax( BEAM )                  side of Figure 1, to condition the final outputs gen-
14:    Return yB    BEAM → S UB A→B N ET Monitoring             erated by ĥD ST
                                                                                 on both speech and transcript in-
15:    Return hD      B
                    BEAM → Final S UB B→C N ET
                                                                formation in an attempt to allow our network to
                                                                recover from intermediate mistakes during infer-
We can monitor the performance of the                           ence. We call this model the Multi-Decoder w/
S UBA→B N ET by comparing the decoded in-                       Speech-Attention.
termediate sequence yB   BEAM to the ground truth
ŷ . We can also monitor the S UBB→C N ET                       4     Baseline Encoder-Decoder Model
performance by using the aforementioned oracle
                                                                For our baseline model, we use an end-to-end
representations of the intermediates, ĥDB , which
                                                                encoder-decoder (Enc-Dec) ST model with ASR
can be obtained by feeding the ground truth ŷB
                                                                joint training (Inaguma et al., 2020) as an aux-
to D ECODERB . By passing ĥDB to S UBB→C N ET,
                                                                iliarly loss to the speech encoder. In other
we can observe its performance in a vacuum, i.e.
                                                                words, the model consumes speech input using
void of search errors in the hidden intermediates.
                                                                the E NCODER ASR , to produce hEASR , which is
3.2     Multi-Decoder Model                                     used for cross-attention by D ECODER ASR and the
                                                                D ECODER ST . Using the decomposed ASR task as
In order to show the applicability of our end-to-end
                                                                an auxiliary loss also helps the baseline Enc-Dec
framework we propose our Multi-Decoder model
                                                                model and provide strong baseline performance, as
for speech translation. This model predicts a se-
                                                                we will see in Section 6.
quence of text translations y ST from an input se-
     The algorithm shown only considers a single top approxi-   5     Data and Experimental Setup
mation of the search; however, with added time-complexity,
the final task prediction improves with the n-best hD  B
                                                     BEAM for
                                                               Data: We demonstrate the efficacy of our pro-
selecting the best resultant C.                                posed approach on ST in the Fisher-CallHome cor-
pus (Post et al., 2013) which contains 170 hours of     has an E NCODER ST consisting of 2 transformer
Spanish conversational telephone speech, transcrip-     encoder blocks with the same configuration as
tions, and English translations. All punctuations       E NCODER ASR , giving a total of 40.5M trainable
except apostrophes were removed and results are         parameters. The training configuration is also the
reported in terms of detokenized case-insensitive       same as for the baseline. For the Multi-Decoder w/
BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002; Post, 2018). We com-       Speech-Attention model (42.1M trainable parame-
pute BLEU using the 4 references in Fisher (dev,        ters), we increase the attention dropout of the ST
dev2, and test) and the single reference in Call-       decoder to 0.4 and dropout on all other components
Home (dev and test) (Post et al., 2013; Kumar et al.,   of the ST decoder to 0.2 while keeping dropout on
2014; Weiss et al., 2017). We use a joint source and    the remaining components at 0.1. We verified that
target vocabulary of 1K byte pair encoding (BPE)        increasing the dropout does not help the vanilla
units (Kudo and Richardson, 2018).                      multi-decoder ST model.
   We prepare the corpus using the ESPnet library          During inference, we perform beam search on
and we follow the standard data preparation, where      both the ASR and ST output sequences, as dis-
inputs are globally mean-variance normalized log-       cussed in §3. The ST beam search is identical
mel filterbank and pitch features from up-sampled       to that of the baseline. For the intermediate ASR
16kHz audio (Watanabe et al., 2018). We also ap-        beam search, we use a beam size of 16, length
ply speed perturbations of 0.9 and 1.1 and the SS       penalty of 0.2, max length ratio of 0.3. In some of
SpecAugment policy (Park et al., 2019).                 our experiments, we also include fusion of a source
                                                        language LM with a 0.2 weight and CTC with a
Baseline Configuration: All of our models are           0.3 weight to re-score the intermediate ASR beam
implemented using the ESPnet library and trained        search (Watanabe et al., 2017). For the Speech-
on 3 NVIDIA Titan 2080Ti GPUs for ≈12 hours.            Attention variant, we increase LM weight to 0.4.
For the Baseline Enc-Dec baseline, discussed in            Note that the ST beam search configuration
§4, we use an E NCODER ASR consisting of a con-         remains constant across our baseline and Multi-
volutional sub-sampling by a factor of 4 (Watan-        Decoder experiments as our focus is on improving
abe et al., 2018) and 12 transformer encoder            overall performance through searchable intermedi-
blocks with 2048 feed-forward dimension, 256            ate representations. Thus, the various re-scoring
attention dimension, and 4 attention heads. The         techniques applied to the ASR beam search are op-
D ECODER ASR and D ECODER ST both consist of 6          tions newly enabled by our proposed architecture
transformer decoder blocks with the same configu-       and are not used in the ST beam search.
ration as E NCODER ASR . There are 37.9M trainable
parameters. We apply dropout of 0.1 for all com-        6   Results
ponents, detailed in the Appendix (A.1).
   We train our models using an effective batch-        Table 1 presents the overall ST performance
size of 384 utterances and use the Adam optimizer       (BLEU) of our proposed Multi-Decoder
(Kingma and Ba, 2015) with inverse square root          model.     Our model improves by +2.9/+0.3
decay learning rate schedule. We set learning rate      (Fisher/CallHome) over the best cascaded baseline
to 12.5, warmup steps to 25K, and epochs to 50. We      and by +5.6/+1.5 BLEU over the best published
use joint training with hybrid CTC/attention ASR        end-to-end baselines. With Speech-Attention,
(Watanabe et al., 2017) by setting mtl-alpha to 0.3     our model improves by +3.4/+1.6 BLEU over
and asr-weight to 0.5 as defined by Watanabe et al.     the cascaded baselines and +7.1/+2.8 BLEU
(2018). During inference, we perform beam search        over encoder-decoder baselines. Both the Multi-
(Seki et al., 2019) on the ST sequences, using a        Decoder and Multi-Decoder w/ Speech-Attention
beam size of 10, length penalty of 0.2, max length      on average are further improved by +0.9/+0.4
ratio of 0.3 (Watanabe et al., 2018).                   BLEU through ASR re-scoring.4
                                                           Table 1 also includes our implementation of the
Multi-Decoder Configuration: For the Multi-             Baseline Enc-Dec model discussed in §4. In this
Decoder ST model, discussed in §3, we use               way, we are able to make a fair comparison with our
the same transformer configuration as the base-         framework as we control the model and inference
line for the E NCODER ASR , D ECODER ASR , and      4
                                                      We also evaluate our models using other MT metrics to
D ECODER ST . Additionally, the Multi-Decoder    supplement these results, as shown in the Appendix (A.2).
Uses Speech                                 Fisher                CallHome
  Model Type       Model Name                    Transcripts                    dev(↑)     dev2(↑)    test(↑)   dev(↑)     test(↑)
  Cascade          Inaguma et al. (2020)             3                           41.5        43.5      42.2      19.6       19.8
  Cascade          ESPnet ASR+MT (2018)              3                           50.4        51.2      50.7      19.6       19.2
  Enc-Dec          Weiss et al. (2017) ♦             7                           46.5        47.3      47.3      16.4       16.6
  Enc-Dec          Weiss et al. (2017) ♦             3                           48.3        49.1      48.7      16.8       17.4
  Enc-Dec          Inaguma et al. (2020)             3                           46.6        47.6      46.5      16.8       16.8
  Enc-Dec          Guo et al. (2021)                 3                           48.7        49.6      47.0      18.5       18.6
  Enc-Dec          Our Implementation                3                           49.6        50.9      49.5      19.1       18.2
  Multi-Decoder    Our Proposed Model                3                           52.7        53.3      52.6      20.5       20.1
  Multi-Decoder     +ASR Re-scoring                  3                           53.3        54.2      53.7      21.1       20.8
  Multi-Decoder     +Speech-Attention                3                           54.6        54.6      54.1      21.7       21.4
  Multi-Decoder      +ASR Re-scoring                 3                           55.2        55.2      55.0      21.7       21.5
Table 1: Results presenting the overall performance (BLEU) of our proposed multi-decoder model. Cascade and
Enc-Dec results from previous papers and our own implementation of the Enc-Dec are shown for comparison. The
best performing models are highlighted. ♦ Implemented with LSTM, while all others are Transformer-based.

                       Overall   Sub-Net   Sub-Net
 Model                 ST(↑)     ASR(↓)     MT(↑)                             52.6                                         23.6
                                                          ST BLEU Score (↑)

 Multi-Decoder           52.7      22.6      64.9                             52.4

                                                                                                                                   ASR % WER (↓)
                                                                                                                  BLEU     23.4
  +Speech-Attention      54.6      22.4      66.6                                                                % WER
                                                                              52.2                                         23.2
Table 2: Results presenting the overall ST performance                         52
(BLEU) of our Multi-Decoder models, along with their                                                                       23
sub-net ASR (% WER) and MT (BLEU) performances.                               51.8
All results are from the Fisher dev set.
                                                                                       1    4       8 10             16
configurations to be analagous. For instance, we                                                ASR Beam Size
keep the same search parameters for the final output
in the baseline and the Multi-Decoder to demon-          Figure 2: Results studying the effect of the differ-
                                                         ent ASR beam sizes in the intermediate representa-
strate impact of the intermediate beam search.
                                                         tion search on the overall ST performance (BLEU) and
6.1     Benefits                                         the ASR sub-net performance (% WER) for our multi-
                                                         decoder model. Beam of 1 is same as greedy search.
6.1.1    Sub-network performance monitoring
An added benefit of our proposed approach over the
Baseline Enc-Dec is the ability to monitor the indi-     beam size of 1, which is a greedy search, results in
vidual performances of the ASR (% WER) and MT            lower ASR sub-net and overall ST performances.
(BLEU) sub-nets as shown in Table 2. The Multi-          As beam sizes become larger, gains taper off as can
Decoder w/ Speech-Attention shows a greater MT           be seen between beam sizes of 10 and 16.
sub-net performance than the Multi-Decoder as
                                                         6.1.3                       External models for better search
well as a slight improvement of the ASR sub-net,
suggesting that ST can potentially help ASR.            External models like CTC acoustic models and lan-
                                                        guage models are commonly used for re-scoring
6.1.2 Beam search for better intermediates              encoder-decoder models (Hori et al., 2017), due to
The overall ST performance improves when a              the difference in their modeling capabilities. CTC
higher beam size is used in the intermediate ASR        directly models transcripts while being condition-
search, and this increase can be attributed to the im- ally independent on the other outputs given the in-
proved ASR sub-net performance. Figure 1 shows          put, and LMs predict the next token in a sequence.
this trend across ASR beam sizes of 1, 4, 8, 10, 16        Both variants of the Multi-Decoder improve due
while fixing the ST decoding beam size to 10. A         to improved ASR sub-net performance using exter-
Overall   Sub-Net                           40
 Model                            ST(↑)     ASR(↓)                                                          Baseline Enc-Dec
                                                                                           32.1 33.2        Multi-Decoder
 Multi-Decoder                     52.7      22.6                                   29.9                    Multi-Decoder w/ SA

                                                          ST BLEU Score (↑)
  +ASR Re-scoring w/ LM            53.2      22.6
  +ASR Re-scoring w/ CTC           52.8      22.1
   +ASR Re-scoring w/ LM           53.3      21.7                                                      20.1 19.1 21.2
 Multi-Decoder w/ Speech-Attn.     54.6      22.4
  +ASR Re-scoring w/ LM            55.1      22.4
  +ASR Re-scoring w/ CTC           54.7      22.0
   +ASR Re-scoring w/ LM           55.2      21.9                             10
                                                                                                                        5.4 5.8 5.6
Table 3: Results presenting the overall ST performance
(BLEU) and the sub-net ASR (% WER) of our Multi-                                       < 40%            [40, 80)%         ≥ 80%
Decoder models with external CTC and LM re-scoring
                                                                                                   ASR % WER (↓)
in the ASR intermediate representation search. All re-
sults are from the Fisher dev set.
                                                         Figure 3: Results comparing the ST performances
                                                         (BLEU) of our Baseline Enc-Dec, Multi-Decoder, and
                                                         Multi-Decoder w/ Speech-Attention across different
nal CTC and LM models for re-scoring, as shown
                                                         ASR difficulties measured using % WER on the Fisher
in Table 3. We use a recurrent neural network LM         dev set (1-ref). The buckets on the x-axis are de-
trained on the Fisher-CallHome Spanish transcripts       termined using the utterance level % WER using the
with a dev perplexity of 18.8 and the CTC model          Multi-Decoder ASR sub-net performance.
from joint loss applied during training. Neither
external model incorporates additional data. Al-
though the impact of the LM-only re-scoring is not       6.2.1                     Robustness through Decomposition
shown in the ASR % WER, it reduces substitution          Like cascaded systems, searchable intermediates
and deletion rates in the ASR and this is observed       provide our model adaptability in individual sub-
to help the overall ST performance.                      systems towards out-of-domain data using external
                                                         in-domain language model, thereby giving access
6.1.4    Error propagation avoidance
                                                         to more in-domain data. Specifically for speech
As discussed in §3, our Multi-Decoder model in-          translation systems, this means we can use in-
herits the error propagation issue as can be seen        domain language models in both source and target
in Figure 3. For the easiest bucket of utterances        languages. We test the robustness of our Multi-
with < 40% WER in Multi-Decoder’s ASR sub-               Decoder model trained on Fisher-CallHome con-
net, our model’s ST performance, as measured by          versational speech dataset on read speech CoVost-2
the corpus BLEU of the bucket, exceeds that of           dataset (Wang et al., 2020b). In Table 4 we show
the Baseline Enc-Dec. The inverse is true for the        that re-scoring the ASR sub-net with an in-domain
more difficult bucket of [40, 80)%, showing that         LM improves ASR with around 10.0% lower WER,
error propagation is limiting the performance of         improving the overall ST performance by around
our model; however, we show that multi-sequence          +2.5 BLEU. Compared to an in-domain ST base-
attention can alleviate this issue. For extremely        line (Wang et al., 2020a), our out-of-domain Multi-
difficult utterances in the ≥ 80% bucket, ST perfor-     Decoder with in-domain ASR re-scoring demon-
mance for all three approaches is suppressed. We         strates the robustness of our approach.
also provide qualitative examples of error propaga-
tion avoidance in the Appendix (A.3).                    6.2.2                     Decomposing Speech Transcripts
                                                      We apply our generic framework to another de-
6.2     Generalizability
                                                      composable sequence task, speech recognition, and
In this section, we discuss the generalizability of   show the results of various levels of decomposition
our framework towards out-of-domain data. We          in Table 5. We show that with phoneme, character,
also extend our Multi-Decoder model to other se- or byte-pair encoding (BPE) sequences as interme-
quence tasks like speech recognition. Finally, we     diates, the Multi-Decoder presents strong results
apply our ST models to a larger corpus with more      on both Fisher and CallHome test sets. We also
language pairs and a different domain of speech.      observe that the BPE intermediates perform bet-
Overall   Sub-Net                                          En→De    En→Fr
 Model                                    ST(↑)     ASR(↓)        Model                               ST(↑)    ST(↑)
 I N - DOMAIN ST M ODEL                                           NeurST (Zhao et al., 2020)          22.9     33.3
 Baseline (Wang et al., 2020b)             12.0       -
                                                                  Fairseq S2T (Wang et al., 2020a)    22.7     32.9
   +ASR Pretrain (Wang et al., 2020b) ♦    23.0      16.0
                                                                  ESPnet-ST (Inaguma et al., 2020)    22.9     32.7
 O UT- OF - DOMAIN ST M ODEL                                      Dual-Decoder (Le et al., 2020)      23.6     33.5
 Multi-Decoder                             11.8      46.8
  +ASR Re-scoring w/ in-domain LM          14.4      36.7         Multi-Decoder w/ Speech-Attn.       26.3     37.0
 Multi-Decoder w/ Speech-Attention         12.6      46.5          +ASR Re-scoring                    26.4     37.4
  +ASR Re-scoring w/ in-domain LM          15.0      36.7
                                                              Table 6: Results presenting the overall ST performance
Table 4: Results presenting the overall ST perfor-            (BLEU) of our Multi-Decoder w/ Speech-Attention
mance (BLEU) and the sub-net ASR (% WER) of our               models with ASR re-scoring across two language-
Multi-Decoder models when tested on out-of-domain             pairs, English-German (En→De) and English-French
data. All models were trained on the Fisher-CallHome          (En→Fr). All results are from the MuST-C tst-
Es→En corpus and tested on CoVost2 Es→En corpus.              COMMON sets. All models use speech transcripts.
  Pretrained with 364 hours of in-domain ASR data.

                                                              approach across several dimensions of ST tasks.
                                    Fisher        CallHome
 Model              Intermediate    ASR(↓)         ASR(↓)     First, our approach consistently improves over base-
                                                              lines across multiple language-pairs. Second, our
 Enc-Dec                  -           23.2          45.3
                                                              approach is robust to the distinct domains of tele-
 Multi-Decoder       Phoneme          20.7          40.0      phone conversations from Fisher-CallHome and
 Multi-Decoder       Character        20.4          39.9
                                                              the TED-Talks from MuST-C. Finally, by scaling
 Multi-Decoder       BPE100           19.7          38.9
                                                              from 170 hours of Fisher-CallHome data to 500
Table 5: Results presenting the % WER ASR perfor-             hours of MuST-C data, we show that the benefits
mance when using the Multi-Decoder model on de-               of decomposing sequence tasks with searchable
composed ASR task with phoneme, character, and                hidden intermediates persist even with more data.
BPE100 as intermediates. All results are from the
                                                                 Furthermore, the performance of our Multi-
Fisher-CallHome Spanish corpus. ♦ (Weiss et al., 2017)
                                                              Decoder models trained with only English-German
                                                              or English-French ST data from MuST-C is com-
ter than phoneme/character variants, which could              parable to other methods which incorporate larger
be attributed to the reduced search capabilities              external ASR and MT data in various ways. For in-
of encoder-decoder models using beam search on                stance, Zheng et al. (2021) use 4700 hours of ASR
longer sequences (Sountsov and Sarawagi, 2016)                data and 2M sentences of MT data for pretrain-
like in phoneme/character sequences.                          ing and multi-task learning. Similarly, Bahar et al.
                                                              (2021) use 2300 hours of ASR data and 27M sen-
6.2.3    Extending to MuST-C Language Pairs                   tences of MT data for pretraining. Our competitive
In addition to our results using the 170 hours of the         performance without the use of any additional data
Spanish-English Fisher-CallHome corpus, in Ta-                highlights the data-efficient nature of our proposed
ble 6 we show that our decompositional framework              end-to-end framework as opposed to the baseline
is also effective on larger ST corpora. In particu-           encoder-decoder model, as pointed out by Sperber
lar, we use 400 hours of English-German and 500               and Paulik (2020).
hours of English-French ST from the MuST-C cor-
pus (Di Gangi et al., 2019). Our Multi-Decoder                7     Discussion and Relation to Prior Work
model improves by +2.7 and +1.5 BLEU, in Ger-
                                                           Compositionality: A number of recent works
man and French respectively, over end-to-end base-
                                                           have constructed composable neural network mod-
lines from prior works that do not use additional
                                                           ules for tasks such as visual question answering
training data. We show that ASR re-scoring gives
                                                           (Andreas et al., 2016), neural MT (Raunak et al.,
an additional +0.1 and +0.4 BLEU improvement. 5
                                                           2019), and synthetic sequence-to-sequence tasks
   By extending our Multi-Decoder models to this           (Lake, 2019). Modules that are first trained sepa-
MuST-C study, we show the generalizability of our          rately can subsequently be tightly integrated into a
     Details of the MuST-C data preparation and model pa-  single end-to-end trainable model by passing differ-
rameters are detailed in Appendix (A.4).                   entiable soft decisions instead of discrete decisions
in the intermediate stage (Bahar et al., 2021). Fur-    impacting the performance of both the task at hand
ther, even a single encoder-decoder model can be        and any downstream tasks. Our approach allevi-
decomposed into modular components where the            ates these problems through intermediate search,
encoder and decoder modules have explicit func-         external models for intermediate re-scoring, and
tions (Dalmia et al., 2019).                            multi-sequence attention.

Joint Training with Sub-Tasks: End-to-end se-           8   Conclusion and Future Work
quence models been shown to benefit from intro-
ducing joint training with sub-tasks as auxiliary       We present searchable hidden intermediates for end-
loss functions for a variety of tasks like ASR (Kim     to-end models of decomposable sequence tasks.
et al., 2017), ST (Salesky et al., 2019; Liu et al.,    We show the efficacy of our Multi-Decoder model
2020a; Dong et al., 2020; Le et al., 2020), SLU         on the Fisher-CallHome Es→En and MuST-C
(Haghani et al., 2018). They have been shown to in-     En→De and En→Fr speech translation corpora,
duce structure (Belinkov et al., 2020) and improve      achieving state-of-the-art results. We present var-
the model performance (Toshniwal et al., 2017),         ious benefits in our framework, including sub-net
but this joint training may reduce data efficiency      performance monitoring, beam search for better
if some sub-nets are not included in the final end-     hidden intermediates, external models for better
to-end model (Sperber et al., 2019; Wang et al.,        search, and error propagation avoidance. Further,
2020c). Our framework avoids this sub-net waste         we demonstrate the flexibility of our framework
at the cost of computational load during inference.     towards out-of-domain tasks with the ability to
                                                        adapt our sequence model at intermediate stages of
Speech Translation Decoders: Prior works                decomposition. Finally, we show generalizability
have used ASR/MT decoding to improve the over-          by training Multi-Decoder models for the speech
all ST decoding through synchronous decoding            recognition task at various levels of decomposition.
(Liu et al., 2020a), dual decoding (Le et al., 2020),      We hope insights derived from our study stim-
and successive decoding (Dong et al., 2020). These      ulate research on tighter integrations between the
works partially or fully decode ASR transcripts and     benefits of cascaded and end-to-end sequence mod-
use discrete intermediates to assist MT decoding.       els. Exploiting searchable intermediates through
Tu et al. (2017) and Anastasopoulos and Chiang          beam search is just the tip of the iceberg for search
(2018) are closest to our multi-decoder ST model,       algorithms, as numerous approximate search tech-
however the benefits of our proposed framework          niques like diverse beam search (Vijayakumar et al.,
are not entirely explored in these works.               2018) and best-first beam search (Meister et al.,
                                                        2020) have been recently proposed to improve di-
Two-Pass Decoding: Two-pass decoding in-                versity and approximation of the most-likely se-
volves first predicting with one decoder and then       quence. Incorporating differentiable lattice based
re-evaluating with another decoder (Geng et al.,        search (Hannun et al., 2020) can also allow the sub-
2018; Sainath et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020; Rijh-      sequent sub-net to digest n-best representations.
wani et al., 2020). The two decoders iterate on the
same sequence, so there is no decomposition into        9   Acknowledgements
sub-tasks in this method. On the other hand, our
approach provides the subsequent decoder with a        This work started while Vikas Raunak was a stu-
more structured representation than the input by de-   dent at CMU, he is now working as a Research Sci-
composing the complexity of the overall task. Like     entist at Microsoft. We thank Pengcheng Guo, Hi-
two-pass decoding, our approach provides a sense       rofumi Inaguma, Elizabeth Salesky, Maria Ryskina,
of the future to the second decoder which allows it    Marta Méndez Simón and Vijay Viswanathan for
to correct mistakes from the previous first decoder.   their helpful discussion during the course of this
                                                       project. We also thank the anonymous reviewers
Auto-Regressive Decoding: As auto-regressive           for their valuable feedback. This work used the
decoders inherently learn a language model along       Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery En-
with the task at hand, they tend to be domain spe- vironment (XSEDE) (Towns et al., 2014), which
cific (Samarakoon et al., 2018; Müller et al., 2020). is supported by National Science Foundation grant
This can cause generalizability issues during infer- number ACI-1548562. Specifically, it used the
ence (Murray and Chiang, 2018; Yang et al., 2018), Bridges system (Nystrom et al., 2015), which is
supported by NSF award number ACI-1445606,                 Yonatan Belinkov, Nadir Durrani, Fahim Dalvi, Has-
at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC).               san Sajjad, and James Glass. 2020. On the linguistic
                                                             representational power of neural machine translation
The work was supported in part by an AWS Ma-
                                                             models. Computational Linguistics, 46(1):1–52.
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was also supported in part the DARPA KAIROS                Léon Bottou, Yoshua Bengio, and Yann Le Cun. 1997.
program from the Air Force Research Laboratory               Global training of document processing systems us-
under agreement number FA8750-19-2-0200. The                 ing graph transformer networks. In Proceedings of
                                                             IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vi-
U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and               sion and Pattern Recognition, pages 489–494. IEEE.
distribute reprints for Governmental purposes not
withstanding any copyright notation there on. The          Alice Coucke, Alaa Saade, Adrien Ball, Théodore
views and conclusions contained herein are those of          Bluche, Alexandre Caulier, David Leroy, Clément
the authors and should not be interpreted as neces-          Doumouro, Thibault Gisselbrecht, Francesco Calt-
                                                             agirone, Thibaut Lavril, et al. 2018. Snips voice
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