The Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model in presence of asymmetric interactions that break phase-shift symmetry

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The Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model in presence of asymmetric interactions
                                           that break phase-shift symmetry
                                                       M. Manoranjani,a) Shamik Gupta,b) and V. K. Chandrasekara)
                                                       (*Electronic mail:
                                                       (Dated: 11 August 2021)
                                                       The celebrated Kuramoto model provides an analytically tractable framework to study spontaneous collective syn-
                                                       chronization and comprises globally coupled limit-cycle oscillators interacting symmetrically with one another. The
                                                       Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model is a generalization of the basic model that considers the presence of a phase-lag parameter
                                                       in the interaction, thereby making it asymmetric between oscillator pairs. Here, we consider a further generalization,
arXiv:2108.04447v1 [nlin.AO] 10 Aug 2021

                                                       by adding an interaction that breaks the phase-shift symmetry of the model. The highlight of our study is the unveiling
                                                       of a very rich bifurcation diagram comprising of both oscillatory and non-oscillatory synchronized states as well as an
                                                       incoherent state: There are regions of two-state as well as an interesting and hitherto unexplored three-state coexistence
                                                       arising from asymmetric interactions in our model.

                                           The Kuramoto model serves as a paradigm to study spon-                        tions for the order parameter.
                                           taneous synchronization, the phenomenon of synchroniza-
                                           tion among the phases of a macroscopic number of inter-
                                           acting limit-cycle oscillators of distributed frequencies. In
                                           the original model, the interaction is invariant with respect                 I.   INTRODUCTION
                                           to arbitrary but equal shift of all the phases in the sys-
                                           tem (phase-shift symmetry), leading to either an unsyn-                          The fundamental paradigm of the Kuramoto model1–5 has
                                           chronized/incoherent state or a synchronized state at long                    been widely employed over the years in studying collective
                                           times. A previous study that considered explicit break-                       behavior of interacting stable limit-cycle oscillators. The
                                           ing of the phase-shift symmetry in the Kuramoto model                         model has been particularly successful in explaining sponta-
                                           revealed emergence of several interesting states such as                      neous collective synchronization, a phenomenon exhibited by
                                           an oscillatory (OS) state and a synchronized oscillatory                      large ensembles of coupled oscillators and encountered across
                                           death (OD) state, in addition to the incoherent (IC) state,                   disciplines, e.g., in physics, biology, chemistry, ecology, elec-
                                           so that phase-shift-symmetry-breaking interaction may be                      trical engineering, neuroscience, and sociology6. Examples
                                           concluded to affect significantly the bifurcation diagram                     of collective synchrony include synchronized firing of car-
                                           of the original Kuramoto model. In this work, we consider                     diac pacemaker cells7 , synchronous emission of light pulses
                                           further implications of such symmetry-breaking interac-                       by groups of fireflies8 , chirping of crickets9 , synchroniza-
                                           tions in a variant of the Kuramoto model, the so-called                       tion in ensembles of electrochemical oscillators10 , synchro-
                                           Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model in which the interaction be-                         nization in human cerebral connectome11, and synchronous
                                           tween any pair of oscillators has unlike the Kuramoto                         clapping of audience12. The Kuramoto model comprises N
                                           model an explicit asymmetry. Our model is a variant of                        globally-coupled stable limit-cycle oscillators with distributed
                                           the celebrated Winfree model of coupled oscillators. In-                      natural frequencies interacting symmetrically with one an-
                                           troducing a phase-shift-symmetry-breaking interaction in                      other through the sine of their phase differences. Denoting by
                                           the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model is found to significantly                        θ j ∈ [−π , π ] the phase of the j-th oscillator, j = 1, 2, . . . , N,
                                           modify its bifurcation diagram and in particular result in                    the dynamics of the model is described by a set of N coupled
                                           the emergence of a very peculiar three-state-coexistence                      first-order nonlinear differential equations of the form
                                           region between the OD-OS-IC, which we believe is new
                                           to the literature on Kuramoto and Sakaguchi-Kuramoto                                           dθ j        K N
                                                                                                                                               = ω j + ∑ sin(θk − θ j ),                   (1)
                                           models. Our results are based on numerical integration of                                       dt         N k=1
                                           the dynamical equations as well as an exact analysis of the
                                           dynamics by invoking the so-called Ott-Antonsen ansatz                        where K ≥ 0 is the coupling constant, and ω j is the natural
                                           that allows to derive a reduced set of time-evolution equa-                   frequency of the j-th oscillator. The frequencies {ω j } de-
                                                                                                                         note a set of quenched-disordered random variables sampled
                                                                                                                         independently from a distribution g(ω ) usually taken to be
                                                                                                                         unimodal, that is, symmetric about the mean ω0 and decreas-
                                           a) Centrefor Nonlinear Science and Engineering, School of Electrical and      ing monotonically and continuously to zero with increasing
                                           Electronics Engineering, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur 613 401,         |ω − ω0 |. In the dynamics (1) the interaction is symmetric:
                                           b) Department of Physics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational         the effect on the j-th oscillator due to the k-th one being pro-
                                           and Research Institute, Belur Math, Howrah 711202, India; Quantitative Life   portional to sin(θk − θ j ) is equal in magnitude (but opposite
                                           Sciences Section, ICTP - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoret-    in sign) to the one on the k-th oscillator due to the j-th one.
                                           ical Physics, Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy                           In contrast to the dynamics (1), interactions between oscil-
                                                                                                                         lators may more generally be asymmetric. Considering sym-

metric interaction in the dynamics is only an approximation         analysis of a model of all-to-all-coupled Stuart-Landau oscil-
that may simplify theoretical analysis, but which may fail to       lators with a symmetry-breaking form of interaction 26,27 .
capture important phenomena occurring in real systems. For             Equation (3) may also be written as
example, asymmetric interaction leads to novel features such
                                                                                               2                   N
as families of travelling wave states13,14 , glassy states and                    d θi                   fk
                                                                                       = ωi + ∑ Qk (θi )        ∑ Pk (θ j ),       (4)
super-relaxation15, and so forth, and has been invoked to dis-                    dt          k=1        N      j=1
cuss coupled circadian neurons16, dynamic interactions17,18 ,
etc. A generalization of the Kuramoto model (1) that ac-            where we have f1 = ε1 + ε2 , f2 = ε2 − ε1 , P1 (θ ) = cos(θ ),
counts for asymmetric interaction is the so-called Sakaguchi-       P2 (θ ) = sin(θ ), Q1 (θ ) = sin(θ + α ) and Q2 (θ ) = cos(θ + α ).
Kuramoto model, with the dynamics described by the equa-            Equation (4) resembles the Winfree model28, so we may con-
tion of motion19                                                    sider our model of study as a variant of a Winfree-type sys-
                                                                    tem. The Winfree model played a seminal role in the field of
             dθ j        K N                                        collective synchrony, inspiring the Kuramoto model as well
                  = ω j + ∑ sin(θk − θ j + α ),              (2)
              dt         N k=1                                      as promoting recent advances in theoretical neuroscience29,30 .
                                                                    In spite of the simplifying assumptions of the Winfree model,
where 0 ≤ α < π /2 is the so-called phase lag parameter. It         namely, that of uniform all-to-all weak coupling, analyti-
is now easily seen that owing to the presence of an α 6= 0,         cal solutions have been found only recently using the Ott-
the influence on the j-th oscillator due to the k-th one is not     Antonsen ansatz24,31 , see also32 .
any more equal in magnitude to the influence on the k-th os-            Note that on putting ε2 = 0 in Eq. (3), one recovers the
cillator due to the j-th one. As has been the case with the         dynamics of the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model (2) on identify-
Kuramoto model, the model (2) and its variants have been            ing ε1 with the parameter K ≥ 0 in the latter, and so we take
successfully invoked to study a variety of dynamical scenar-        ε1 to be positive. Here, we consider ε2 to satisfy ε2 ≥ 0.
ios, including, to name a few, disordered Josephson series ar-      The dynamics (3) has phase-shift symmetry only with the
ray20 , time-delayed interactions21, hierarchical populations of    choice ε2 = 0, and so the ε2 -term acts a phase-shift-symmetry-
coupled oscillators22 , chaotic transients23 , dynamics of pulse-   breaking interaction (With ε2 6= 0, the only case of phase-
coupled oscillators24 , etc. We note in passing that asymmetric     shift symmetry is with respect to the transformation θ j →
interaction arises in the Kuramoto model with spatially het-        θ j + π ∀ j.). In contrast to the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model,
erogeneous time-delays in the interaction, see Ref.25 . Let us      the dynamics (3) is not invariant with respect to the transfor-
note that both the dynamics (1) and (2) satisfy phase-shift         mation θ j → θ j + ω0t ∀ j,t owing to the presence of the ε2 -
symmetry, whereby rotating every phase by an arbitrary angle        term. Consequently, the mean ω0 of the frequency distribution
same for all leaves the dynamics invariant. In particular, one      g(ω ) would have a significant influence on the dynamics (3),
may implement the transformation θ j (t) → θ j (t) + ω0t ∀ j,t,     and cannot be gotten rid of by viewing the dynamics in a frame
which is tantamount to viewing the dynamics in a frame ro-          rotating uniformly with frequency ω0 with respect to the lab-
tating uniformly with frequency ω0 with respect to an inertial      oratory frame, as is possible with the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto
frame, e.g., the laboratory frame.                                  model. We note in passing that the so-called active rotators
   The paper is organized as follows. In the following section,     may also be described by phase oscillators. Active rotators are
we describe the model of study, Eq. (3), and summarize our          well-established paradigms for excitable systems, and possess
results obtained later in the paper. In Section III, we present     a term that breaks the phase-shift symmetry 18,33,34 .
our Ott Antonsen ansatz-based analysis of the dynamics (3)              We will consider in this work a unimodal g(ω ). Specifi-
and the existence and stability of all the different possible       cally, we will consider a Lorentzian g(ω ):
states at long times. In Section IV, we discuss our analyti-
cal vis-à-vis numerical results. Finally, in Section V, we draw                  g(ω ) =                         ; γ > 0.          (5)
our conclusions.                                                                           π ((ω − ω0 )2 + γ 2 )
                                                                       Analysis of synchronization in the context of the Kuramoto
                                                                    class of models involves introducing a complex-valued order
                                                                    parameter given by1

   In this work, we study a generalization of the Sakaguchi-                                                   N
Kuramoto dynamics (2) by including an interaction term that                         z(t) = r(t)eiψ (t) ≡       ∑ eiθ j (t) .       (6)
                                                                                                           N   j=1
explicitly breaks the phase-shift symmetry of the dynamics.
To this end, we consider the following set of N coupled non-      The quantity r(t); 0 ≤ r(t) ≤ 1, measures the amount of syn-
linear differential equations:                                    chrony present in the system at time t, while ψ (t) ∈ [−π , π ]
               N                           N
                                                                  gives the average phase. Considering the limit N → ∞, both
dθ j
     = ωj +    ε1 ∑ sin(θk − θ j + α )+ ε2 ∑ sin(θk + θ j + α ) , the dynamics (1) and (2) allow for a stationary state to exist
 dt         N     k=1                      k=1                    at long times. By stationary state is meant a state with time
                                                           (3)    independent z. In such a state, the system may be found in a
where the real parameters ε1,2 denote the coupling constants.     synchronized or an incoherent state. The two states are char-
Equation (3) may be obtained as a result of phase reduction       acterized by the time-independent value that r(t) assumes at

long times, namely, a zero value in the incoherent state and a       ences between the last two states, we call them the oscillation
non-zero value in the synchronized state.                            death (OD) state and the oscillatory synchronized (OS) state,
   Considering the limit N → ∞, this work aims at a detailed         respectively. However, in contrast to the model (ii), we now
characterization of the long-time (t → ∞) limit of the dynam-        have multistability/coexistence between all the different pair
ics (3) and understanding of what new features with respect          of states, that is, there are IC-OD, OS-OD, IC-OS coexistence
to the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model are brought in by the in-            regions, and in addition, a very peculiar and striking three-
troduction of the phase-shift-symmetry-breaking ε2 -term. An         state-coexistence region between IC-OS-OD. We believe that
asymmetric phase-shift-symmetry-breaking interaction, such           this three-state coexistence is new to the literature on Ku-
as the one being considered by us, is an hitherto unexplored         ramoto and Sakaguchi-Kuramoto models. The highlight of
theme in the context of the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model, and            our work is thus the revelation that asymmetric interactions
raises many queries: Does the introduction of the ε2 -term suf-      lead to a very rich bifurcation diagram when compared to
fice to allow for the dynamics to have a stationary state, and if    the original Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model and the Kuramoto
so, what is the nature of the stationary state? What is the range    model with an additional phase-symmetry-breaking symmet-
of parameter values for which one has a synchronized station-        ric interaction (i.e., the case α = 0 in Eq. (3)). In particular,
ary state? Most importantly, what is the complete bifurcation        with respect to models (i) and (ii), all the possible transitions
diagram in the (ε1 , ε2 )-plane?                                     in the model (3) are first-order, and, moreover, a new three-
                                                                     state-coexistence region is observed; we may conclude there-
   Recently, the dynamics of the Kuramoto model in pres-             fore that introducing a phase-shift-symmetry-breaking inter-
ence of phase-shift-symmetry-breaking symmetric interaction
                                                                     action in the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model drastically and non
was shown to unveil a rather rich bifurcation diagram with
                                                                     trivially modifies the bifurcation diagram with respect to the
existence of both stationary and non-stationary synchronized         Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model and with respect to the model
states35 ; the model studied therein corresponds to the dynam-
                                                                     studied in Ref.35 .
ics (3) with α set to zero. It is therefore pertinent that we sum-
marize right at the outset what new features does the dynam-            The rest of the paper is devoted to a derivation of the afore-
ics (3) offer with respect to (i) the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model       mentioned results. For Lorentzian g(ω ), Eq. (5), we use ex-
(i.e., the case ε2 = 0 in Eq. (3)), and (ii) the Kuramoto model      act analytical results derived by applying the so-called Ott-
with an additional phase-symmetry-breaking symmetric inter-          Antonsen ansatz, combined with numerical integration of the
action (i.e., the case α = 0 in Eq. (3)). We focus on unimodal       dynamics (3) for large N, to support the key result of our
frequency distributions. As is well known, the Sakaguchi-            work, the bifurcation diagram of Fig. 3. The celebrated Ott-
Kuramoto model shows either an incoherent (r(t) vanishes             Antonsen ansatz is a remarkable method of analysis intro-
as t → ∞) or a synchronized (r(t) as t → ∞ has a nonzero             duced to study coupled oscillator systems, which allows to
value, and moreover, r(t) does not oscillate as a function of        rewrite in the limit N → ∞ the dynamics of coupled networks
time) state19 . These states are observed only in a co-rotating      of phase oscillators in terms of a few collective variables38,39 .
frame rotating uniformly with frequency ω0 with respect to
the laboratory frame. As one tunes the strength of ε1 , one has
typically a continuous synchronization transition between an
incoherent and a synchronized state, though for certain spe-         III. ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS (3): THE
                                                                     OTT-ANTONSEN ANSATZ
cific unimodal frequency distributions and carefully chosen
phase lag α , one may observe more than one non-trivial syn-
chronization transitions36,37 . Now, coming to the model (ii),          We now analyse the dynamics (3) in the limit N → ∞ by
it has been observed that in addition to the incoherent and the      employing the Ott-Antonsen ansatz. In this limit, the dynam-
synchronized state, the dynamics may also exhibit what we            ics may be characterized by defining a single-oscillator dis-
called a standing wave state, namely, a state in which r(t) at       tribution function f (θ , ω ,t), which is such that f (θ , ω ,t) is
long times oscillates as a function of time, yielding a non-zero     the probability density of finding an oscillator with natural
time-independent time average. Note that for the model (ii),         frequency ω and phase θ at time t. The distribution is 2π -
all the three mentioned states are observed in the laboratory        periodic in θ and is moreover normalized as
frame itself. Moreover, the bifurcation diagram in the (ε1 , ε2 )-
plane exhibits a continuous transition between the incoherent                       Z 2π
and the standing wave state, but instead a first-order transi-                             dθ f (θ , ω ,t) = g(ω ) ∀ ω ,t.          (7)
tion between the incoherent and the synchronized state, and
between the standing wave and the synchronized state. The
latter fact implies regions of metastability or coexistence be-         The evolution of f is given by the continuity equation de-
tween the incoherent and the synchronized state, and between         scribing the conservation of number of oscillators of a given
the standing wave and the synchronized state. In the light of        frequency under the dynamics (3):
the aforementioned facts, we now summarize the relevant fea-
tures of the bifurcation diagram in the (ε1 , ε2 )-plane for the                             ∂f   ∂
                                                                                                +   ( f v) = 0,                     (8)
model (3) that we report in this work. The model exhibits in                                 ∂t ∂θ
the laboratory frame the incoherent (IC), the synchronized and
the standing wave state; for better highlighting of the differ-      where v(θ , ω ,t) ≡ dθ /dt is the angular velocity at position θ

at time t. From Eq. (3), we get                                       Lorentzian g(ω ), Eq. (5). Let us remark that these equations
                                                                      are invariant under the transformation (r, ψ ) → (r, ψ + π ),
                            ε1 −i(θ −α ) ⋆ i(θ −α )
        v(θ , ω ,t) = ω +      [ze      −z e          ]               which may be traced back to the fact that the original dynam-
                            2i                                        ics (3) is invariant under the transformation θ j → θ j + π ∀ j.
                            − [zei(θ +α ) − z⋆ e−i(θ +α ) ],    (9)      Note that for ε2 = 0 and α = 0, when one has the Kuramoto
                               2i                                     model, the two equations in (16) are decoupled, and the equa-
where z = z(t) is obtained as the N → ∞-limit generalization          tions then allow for only uniform rotation of ψ with frequency
of Eq. (6):                                                           ω0 . The case of our interest, namely, ε2 6= 0 and α 6= 0, is anal-
                      Z        Z                                      ysed in the subsection that follows. It would prove convenient
                z=        dω       dθ f (θ , ω ,t)eiθ .        (10)   for the discussion presented therein to define the time average
                                                                      of r(t) in the long-time (t → ∞) limit as
In their seminal papers38,39 , Ott and Antonsen pointed out that                                  1
                                                                                                      Z t+τ
all the attractors of the Kuramoto model and its many variants                            R ≡ lim             dt ′ r(t ′ ).         (17)
                                                                                              t→∞ τ    t
and for the case of the Lorentzian g(ω ), Eq. (5), may be found
by using the ansatz
                          "                            #              A.    Analysis of the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics
                    g(ω )                            
     f (θ , ω ,t) =        1 + ∑ fn (ω ,t)einθ + c.c. . (11)
                     2π        n=1                                       Below we discuss the various states obtained in the long-
                                                                      time (t → ∞) limit of the dynamics (15), equivalently, Eq. (16).
Here, c.c. stands for a term obtained by complex conjugation
of the first term within the brackets occurring in the sum, and
                                                                      1.    Incoherent (IC) state
                      fn (ω ,t) = [a(ω ,t)]n ,                 (12)
with arbitrary a(ω ,t) satisfying |a(ω ,t)| < 1, together with           The incoherent (IC) state is characterized by time indepen-
the requirements that a(ω ,t) may be analytically continued to        dent z satisfying z = z⋆ = 0 (thus representing a stationary
the whole of the complex-ω plane, it has no singularities in the      state of the dynamics (16)); correspondingly, one has r = 0,
lower-half complex-ω plane, and |a(ω ,t)| → 0 as Im(ω ) →             and hence, R = 0. The linear stability of such a state is de-
−∞.                                                                   termined by linearising Eq. (15) around z = 0, by writing z as
  Using the ansatz (11) in Eq. (8), we straightforwardly get          z = u with |u| ≪1. We obtain

∂a          ε1                     ε2                                      ∂u                  ε1        ε2
    + iω a + (za2 eiα − z⋆ e−iα ) + (zeiα − z⋆ a2 e−iα ) = 0,                 + (γ − iω0 )u − (ue−iα ) + (u⋆ eiα ) = 0.             (18)
 ∂t         2                      2                                       ∂t                  2          2
                                                         (13)         Writing u = ux + iuy yields
where we have                                                                                        
               Z ∞                                                                         ∂ ux        u
          ⋆                                                                                       =M x ;                            (19)
         z =         a(t, ω )g(ω )d ω = a((ω0 − iγ ),t),       (14)                        ∂ t uy      uy

obtained by using in Eq. (10) the ansatz (11) and Eq. (5) for                 −γ + cos(α ) ε21 − ε22 −ω0 − sin(α ) ε21 − ε22
                                                                                                                          
g(ω ), then converting the integral therein into a contour inte-           M≡                                                .
gral, and finally evaluating the contour integral. Equation (13)               ω0 + sin(α ) ε21 + ε22 −γ + cos(α ) ε21 + ε22
may then be rewritten as
                                                                      The matrix M has eigenvalues
           ∂z                   ε1  2 −iα                                                                      √
                                    |z| ze − zeiα
              − i(ω0 + iγ )z +                                                                −2γ + ε1 cos(α ) ± ∆
           ∂t                   2                                                      λ1,2 =                      ,                (20)
                            ε2  ⋆ −iα                                                                  2
                                        − z3 eiα = 0.
                        +       z e                            (15)
                             2                                        with ∆ = (ε22 − ε12 sin2 α − 4ω02 − 4ε1 ω0 sin(α )). Note that
  The above equation expressed in terms of the quantities r           we have λ1 > λ2 . The stability threshold for the IC is then
and ψ , Eq. (6), gives the following two coupled equations:           obtained by analysing λ1 as a function of ε1 and ε2 , and asking
                                                                      for a given ε2 the particular value of ε1 at which λ1 vanishes.
    dr         r                                                      One thus obtains the stability threshold as
       = −γ r − (r2 − 1)(ε1 cos(α ) − ε2 cos(2ψ + α )),
    dt         2
                                                               (16)          ε1 = 2γ sec(α ),                    for ∆ ≤ 0,
    dψ       1                                                               ε1 = 2γ cos(α ) − 2ω0 sin(α ) − P ,     for ∆ > 0.
       = ω0 + (r2 + 1)(ε1 sin(α ) + ε2 sin(2ψ + α )).                                                                               (21)
    dt       2
The above equations constitute the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-               Here, we have
reduced order parameter dynamics corresponding to the dy-                   q
namics (3) in the limit N → ∞ and for the case of the                  P = ε22 − 4γ 2 sin2 (α ) − 4ω02 cos2 (α ) − 4γω sin(2α ). (22)

2.    Oscillatory Synchronized (OS) state                                In the next section, we view the above results in the light
                                                                      of those obtained from numerical integration of the dynam-
   The oscillatory synchronized (OS) state is characterized by        ics (3).
z that is time dependent (thus characterizing a non-stationary
state of the dynamics (16)). In this state, the order parame-
ter r(t) oscillates as a function of t, but nevertheless yields       IV.       NUMERICAL RESULTS
a non-zero time-independent time average, R 6= 0. It is thus
distinct from the non-oscillatory synchronized state (i.e., an
oscillation death (OD) state, see below) that is also possi-
ble as a long-time solution of the dynamics (16). For the                       1                                OD                     ε1=0.5
OS, one has z that is time independent (thus characterizing
a stationary state of the dynamics (16)) and correspondingly,

both r(t) and R have non-zero time-independent values, but                                                           OS                 ε1=2.5
the former does not oscillate as a function of time. Deriv-
ing stability conditions for the OS does not prove easy, un-
like the IC. Hence, we analysed using Eq. (16) the OS sta-
bility using the numerical package XPPAUT40 . The analy-
sis is pursued by expressing Eq. (16) in the Cartesian coordi-                                                       IC                 ε1=1.5
nates x = r cos ψ , y = r sin ψ ; x, y ∈ [−∞, ∞]. Our analysis                  0
reveals that the OS represents a stable limit cycle in the (x, y)-
plane. In Section IV, we will present XPPAUT-generated
                                                                                      0                              t                                 100
phase-space portraits in the (x, y)-plane for not only the IC,
the OS and the OD state, but also for regions in parameter            FIG. 1. Temporal behavior of r(t) corresponding to the IC, the OS
space allowing for coexistence of two or more states. Let us          and the OD state obtained with the dynamics (3) for α = 1.3, ε2 = 2.0
remark in passing that owing to the invariance of the dynam-          and with varying values of ε1 mentioned in the figure. The frequency
ics (16) under the transformation (r, ψ + π ), it follows that the    distribution is the Lorentzian (5) with γ = 0.3 and ω0 = 0.6. The data
phase portrait would be symmetric under (x, y) ↔ (−x, −y).            are obtained from numerical integration of the dynamics (3) with
                                                                      N = 105 .

3.    Oscillation Death (OD) state
                                                                          1.7                                             2
                                                                                    (a)            Numerical                      (b)
   Considering the dynamics (16), we now explore the pos-                                          Theoretical
sibility of existence of the oscillation death (OD) state. Re-            1.1                                    Ω        1

quiring in the dynamics that r and ψ have time-independent
non-zero values so that the left hand side of the two equations
may be set to zero, we obtain for the OD the two coupled                  0.5                                             0
                                                                                0         1          2           3            0           1        2         3
equations                                                                                     ε1                                              ε1
       ε2                           ε1
          cos(2ψ + α )(r2 − 1) = γ + cos(α )(r2 − 1),
       2                            2                                 FIG. 2. The figure shows corresponding to Fig. 1 the variation of
       ε2                              ε1
          sin(2ψ + α )(r + 1) = −ω0 − sin(α )(r2 + 1).
                        2                                             the mean-ensemble frequency f and the mean-field frequency Ω as
       2                               2                              a function of ε1 . Here, we have compared numerical integration re-
                                                               (23)   sults with those based on the OA ansatz. The different regimes are
                                                                      differentiated with different grey scales: IC and OS represented by
The above equations give the following solutions for station-         light and dark grey shades, respectively, while OD is represented by
ary r and ψ :                                                         white shade.
                                2                 2
                    γ   ε1             ω0   ε1                           In the preceding section, we discussed the existence of the
         =             + cos(α ) +         + sin(α ) ,
      4          r2 − 1 2            r2 + 1 2                         IC, the OS and the OD state. Throughout this work, while
                                                                      discussing numerical integration results for the dynamics (3),
                       (r2 − 1)(−ω0 − ε21 sin(α )(r2 + 1))
     tan(2ψ + α ) =                                        .          unless stated otherwise, we consider the number of oscilla-
                         (r2 + 1)(γ + ε21 cos(α )(r2 − 1))            tors to be N = 105 and the natural frequency distribution to
                                                               (24)   be given by the Lorentzian (5) with γ = 0.3 and ω0 = 0.6.
                                                                      Numerical integration is performed by employing a standard
We note in passing that in the context of our model, OD refers        fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration scheme with integration
to a state in which r(t) at long times has a non-zero time-           step size dt = 0.01.
independent value, while OD refers to quenching of oscilla-              In Fig. 1, we have plotted the temporal behavior of the
tions in coupled dynamical networks41.                                IC, the OS and the OD, for α = 1.3. The data are obtained

                                             L3                                          R3
                                             L2                    OD

                                                          R1                    R4
                                                                 IC                             OS

                                           0                    1                    2                    3
FIG. 3. For the model (3) and considering for ω j ’s the Lorentzian distribution (5) with γ = 0.3 and ω0 = 0.6 , the figure depicts the two-
parameter bifurcation diagram in the (ε1 , ε2 )-plane for α = 1.3. We show here the various stable states and their boundaries, with bifurcation
behavior observed as one crosses the different boundaries. The regions representing stable existence of the OD (Oscillation Death state), the
IC (Incoherent state) and the OS (Oscillatory Synchronized state) have been constructed by analysing the long-time numerical solution of the
dynamics (3) for N = 104 , namely, by asking at given values of ε1 and ε2 , the quantity r(t) at long times represents which one of the three
possible behavior depicted in Fig. 1. The blue dot-dashed line, the black dashed line, and the maroon continuous line are stability boundaries
of the IC, the OD and the OS, respectively, and have been obtained by using the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics (16) and following the
procedure of its analysis detailed in the text. The regions R1, R2, R3, and R4 represent multistability or coexistence between IC-OD, between
OS-OD, between IC-OS-OD and between IC-OS, respectively. The dashed lines L1, L2 and L3 indicate the values of ε2 at which the plots of
Figs. 6 and 7, reported later in the paper, are obtained.

from numerical integration of the dynamics (3). At fixed ε2 =             equation, Eq. (21). The stability boundary for the OD (black
2.0, one has the OD at ε1 = 0.5, the IC at ε1 = 1.5, and the              dashed line) is obtained from the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based
OS at ε1 = 2.5. As expected, we see that the three states are             equation, Eq. (24). The procedure is as follows: For given γ ,
distinguished by the different long-time temporal behavior of             ω0 and α , we vary at fixed ε2 the value of ε1 from high to
r(t). Namely, for the IC, r(t) takes the value zero in the t → ∞          low, and use the first equation in (24) to ascertain the partic-
limit. In the OS, r(t) as t → ∞ oscillates in time. For the               ular value of ε1 when for the first time the equation admits a
OD, r(t) as t → ∞ has a non-zero time-independent constant                solution for r in the range 0 < r ≤ 1; this particular value of
value. Figure 2 shows as a function of ε1 the mean-ensemble               ε1 gives the stability threshold of the OD at the chosen value
frequency f and the mean-field frequency Ω at long times. For             of ε2 . The process is repeated for different values of ε2 . The
details of computation of these quantities, we refer the reader           stability boundary for the OS (maroon continuous line) is ob-
to Ref.35 .                                                               tained from the XPPAUT analysis discussed in Section III A 2
                                                                          for the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics, Eq. (16). The
   In order to demonstrate the influence of α on the stability            detailed procedure involves the following: For given γ , ω0 and
of the different states, we now discuss the bifurcation diagram           α , we vary at fixed ε2 the value of ε1 from low to high, and
in the (ε1 , ε2 )-plane. Figure 3 shows the stable states in the          use the numerical solution of the Eq. (16) (rewritten in terms
(ε1 , ε2 )-plane for the model (3) with α = 1.3. Here the states          of x = x(t) and y = y(t)) to ascertain the particular value of
represent either the IC or the OS or the OD state. The re-                ε1 when we first encounter at long times a stable limit cycle
gions representing stable existence of the IC, the OS and the             in the (x, y)-plane. We then repeat the process for different
OD state have been constructed by analysing the long-time                 values of ε2 .
numerical solution of the dynamics (3) for N = 104 , namely,
by asking at given values of ε1 and ε2 the quantity r(t) at                 Figure 3 shows in particular the presence of multistability
long times represents which one of the three possible behav-              or coexistence regions R1, R2, R3 and R4; these represent
ior depicted in Fig. 1. The stability boundary for the IC (blue           multistability between IC-OD, between OS-OD, between IC-
dot-dashed line) is given by the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based                OS-OD (coexistence of all the states) and between IC-OS, re-

FIG. 4. A zoom in on the bifurcation diagram in Fig. 3. In the figure, we show that the transitions between the IC, the OS, and the OD state
are mediated by either a pitchfork (PF, dot-dashed line), or a saddle-node (SN, dotted line), or a saddle-node limit-cycle (SNLC, continuous
line), or a Hopf (HB, continuous line containing filled squares) or a homoclinic (HC, double-dot dashed line) bifurcation. Corresponding to
the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics (16), the insets show the XPPAUT-generated phase-space portraits in the (x, y)-plane in the region
of the bifurcation diagram in which they have been placed (red filled triangle: stable spiral, red filled circle: stable node, black filled square:
stable limit cycle, purple open triangle: unstable fixed point, blue open circle: saddle). The nature of bifurcations as mentioned above has also
been obtained from the XPPAUT analysis of the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics (16)

spectively. At a fixed ε1 and on tuning ε2 (or vice versa), one             ries emanating from the unstable fixed point at x = 0, y = 0
observes bifurcations as one crosses the different boundaries.              (purple open triangle) as well as those from the region outside
When compared with the bifurcation diagram in case of sym-                  the limit cycle eventually approach the limit cycle in course of
metric interactions that either preserve or break phase-shift               evolution (see panel (d)). In the figure, we show that the tran-
symmetry35, we see that presence of asymmetry in the inter-                 sitions between these states are mediated by either a pitchfork
action leads to a very rich bifurcation diagram. The dashed                 (PF, dot-dashed line), or a saddle-node (SN, dotted line), or
lines L1, L2, and L3 in Fig. 3 indicate the values of ε2 for                a saddle-node limit-cycle (SNLC, continuous line), or a Hopf
which the plots in Figs. 6 and 7, reported later in the paper,              (HB, continuous line containing filled squares), or a homo-
are obtained. Figure 3, the bifurcation diagram of model (3),               clinic (HC, double-dot dashed line) bifurcation. The nature of
is the key result of our work.                                              bifurcations has been obtained from the XPPAUT analysis of
   Figure 4 shows further details of the bifurcation diagram,               the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics (16).
and in particular, corresponding to the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-                   In Fig. 5, we show the XPPAUT-generated phase-space por-
based dynamics (16), the XPPAUT-generated phase portraits                   traits in each of the coexistence regions R1, R2, R3, R4, based
in the (x, y)-plane for the IC, the OS and the OD state. The                on the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics (16). In (a), cor-
OD corresponds to two symmetrically-placed stable nodes at                  responding to R1, we see the coexistence of IC (a stable spiral
nonzero x and y (red filled circle); the phase portrait, panel              (red filled triangle)) and the OD (two stable nodes (red filled
(a), shows an unstable fixed point at x = 0, y = 0 (purple open             circle)), together with two saddles (blue open circle). In (b),
triangle), while that in panel (b) shows in addition to the un-             corresponding to R2, the OS (a stable limit cycle (black filled
stable fixed point also two saddles (blue open circle). The IC              square)) coexists with the OD (two stable nodes (red filled
represents a fixed point at x = 0, y = 0 that is a stable spiral            circle)), together with an unstable fixed point (purple open tri-
(red filled triangle), so that trajectories in course of evolution          angle) and two saddles (blue open circle). In (c), correspond-
spiral in to the fixed point, see panel (c). The OS corresponds             ing to R3, the OS (a stable limit cycle (black filled square))
to a stable limit cycle (black filled square), so that trajecto-            coexists with the IC (a stable spiral (red filled triangle)) and

FIG. 5. Corresponding to the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics (16), the figures show the XPPAUT-generated phase-space portraits in the
(x, y)-plane for the different coexistence or multistability regions in the bifurcation diagram 3, namely, panel (a): R1; panel (b): R2; panel (c):
R3; panel (d): R4. Legends: (i) red filled triangle: stable spiral, (ii) red filled circle: stable node, (iii) purple open triangle: unstable fixed point,
(iv) black filled square: stable limit cycle, (v) blue open circle: saddle.

the OD (two stable nodes (red filled circle)), and additionally,               sis of the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics, Eq. (16), and
there are two saddles (blue open circle). In (d), corresponding                are obtained as follows: For the IC, the Ott-Antonsen analysis
to R4, the OS (a stable limit cycle (black filled square)) co-                 predicts that the IC state with R = 0 exists only for ε1 larger
exists with the IC (a stable spiral (red filled triangle)) (in this            than its threshold value given by Eq. (21). For the OS, the
case, there is an unstable limit cycle (not shown) separating                  quantity R is obtained from the XPPAUT analysis of Eq. (16).
the two behavior).                                                             For the OD, the values of R are obtained from numerical inte-
                                                                               gration of Eq. (24).
   Now that we have seen the complete bifurcation diagram
and the phase portraits in the three states, the IC, the OS and                   In panel (a), we observe hysteresis, implying occurrence of
the OD, and in regions of their coexistence, we turn to a dis-                 the coexistence region R1 between the OD and the IC and the
cussion of the behavior of the quantity R (the time-averaged                   coexistence region R4 between the IC and the OS. This is in-
value of r(t) computed at long times, see Eq. (17)) as a func-                 deed consistent with Fig. 3 which shows that ε2 = 2.0 allows
tion of adiabatically-tuned ε1 for representative values of ε2 ,               for the existence of R1 and R4 regions. The hysteresis seen in
with the aim to see signatures of bifurcation. We first let the                panel (c) implies occurrence of the coexistence region R2 be-
system settle to the stationary state at a fixed value of ε1 , and             tween the OD and the OS, and is again consistent with Fig. 3
then tune ε1 adiabatically in time from low to high values                     in which we see that ε2 = 3.4 allows for the existence of R2
while recording the value of R in time; this corresponds to                    region. The symbols in panels (b) and (d) represent XPPAUT-
forward variation of ε1 . Subsequently, we tune ε1 adiabati-                   generated bifurcation plots for y as a function of ε1 with fixed
cally in time from high to low values (backward variation of                   ε2 and based on the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-dynamics (16), and
ε1 ). Adiabatic tuning ensures that the system remains in the                  are a further confirmation of multistability and bifurcation be-
stationary state at all times as the value of ε1 changes in time.              havior.
In Fig. 6, we consider two values of ε2 : Panels (a) and (b) are                  In panel (b), we see that when the IC becomes unstable
for ε2 = 2.0, while panels (c) and (d) are for ε2 = 3.4. Here,                 (i) with the decrease of ε1 , one observes a subcritical pitch-
the lines correspond to results based on numerical integration                 fork bifurcation (PF) to give rise to the OD: at the bifurcation
of the dynamics (3), while symbols correspond to the analy-                    point, two symmetric unstable branches (blue open circle, rep-

                                                                                 (c)                ε2=3.4
                                                                                                                    corresponding stable limit cycle) and an unstable branch (pur-
                                                                                                                    ple open triangle, represents unstable spirals) annihilate each

                                          IC                           0.5                                             In panel (d), we see that when the OD becomes unstable
                       R1                                                                             R2
                                               R4                                                                   with the increase of ε1 , one observes a saddle-node bifurca-
                                                                                                                    tion to give rise to the OS: at the bifurcation point, a stable
     0                                                                  0
                                                                                                                    branch corresponding to the OD (red filled circle) and an un-
                                                                                                                    stable branch (blue open circle, represent saddles) annihilate
          0               1
                              ε1          2                    3             0         1
                                                                                           ε1   2               3
     1 (b)                                                              1 (d)                                       each other. Similarly, when the OS becomes unstable with the
                                               R4                                                          SN       decrease of ε1 , one observes a homoclinic bifurcation: at the

                                                                                                                    bifurcation point, a stable branch corresponding to the OS (a
                                         2.1    ε1       2.3
                                                                                                                    stable limit cycle) and represented by black filled squares (up-

                    PF R1                                                                             R2
     0                                                                  0
                                                                                                                    per and lower branch correspond respectively to the maximum
                                                                                                                    and the minimum of the limit cycle) collides with an unstable
                                                                                                                    branch (blue open circle, represents saddles).
    -1                                                                 -1
          0               1
                              ε1         2                     3             0         1
                                                                                           ε1   2               3

                                                                                                                                    (a)                                 ε2=3.1
FIG. 6. The plots correspond to model (3) with α = 1.3, and by
considering for ω j ’s the Lorentzian distribution (5) with γ = 0.3 and
ω0 = 0.6. Panels (a), (b) and (c), (d) correspond to values of ε2 rep-

resented in Fig. 3 by dashed lines L1 (ε2 = 2.0) and L3 (ε2 = 3.4),                                                                                         R3
                                                                                                                            0.5                   R1               R2
respectively. Panels (a) and (c) show as a function of adiabatically-
tuned ε1 the quantity R, namely, the time-averaged order parameter
in the long-time limit. The lines correspond to results based on nu-
merical integration of the dynamics (3), while symbols correspond
to the analysis of the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics, Eq. (16),                                                           0
and are obtained as detailed in the main text. The symbols in panels                                                               1.8                 2.15                  2.5
(b) and (d) represent XPPAUT-generated bifurcation plots for y is a
function of ε1 with fixed ε2 and based on the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-
dynamics (16). All the panels show the existence of the different                                                            1 (b)
states as well as multistability regions R1, R2, and R4 (cf. bifurca-                                                                                                   SN
tion diagram 3).

                                                                                                                                          PF      R1               R2
resents saddles) and one stable branch corresponding to the                                                                  0
IC (red filled triangle) go over to one unstable branch (purple
open triangle, represents unstable fixed points); (ii) with the
increase of ε1 , one observes a saddle-node limit cycle bifurca-
tion (SNLC) to give rise to a stable and an unstable limit cycle
coexisting with the IC; the IC loses its stability with increase                                                            -1
                                                                                                                                 1.8                   2.15                      2.5
of ε1 via Hopf bifurcation (HB), which gives rise to the sta-
ble OS. At HB, the stable and the unstable limit cycle born at                                                                                         ε1
SNLC bifurcation collide with each other and disappear. One
stable branch corresponding to the IC (red filled triangle) goes
over at the bifurcation point to a stable branch corresponding                                                      FIG. 7. The plots correspond to model (3) with α = 1.3, and by
to the OS (black filled square: upper and lower branches in                                                         considering for ω j ’s the Lorentzian distribution (5) with γ = 0.3 and
                                                                                                                    ω0 = 0.6. The panels correspond to the value ε2 = 3.1, represented
the figure correspond to the maximum and the minimum of
                                                                                                                    as the straight line L2 in Fig. 3. Panel (a) shows as a function of
the corresponding stable limit cycle). Next, when the OD be-                                                        adiabatically-tuned ε1 the quantity R, namely, the time-averaged or-
comes unstable with the increase of ε1 , one observes a saddle-                                                     der parameter in the long-time limit. The symbols in panel (b) rep-
node bifurcation (SN) to give rise to the IC: at the bifurcation                                                    resent XPPAUT-generated bifurcation plots for y as a function of ε1
point, one stable branch corresponding to the OD (red filled                                                        with fixed ε2 and based on the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-dynamics (16).
circle) and one unstable branch (blue open circle, represent                                                        Here, panel (a) (respectively, panel (b)) has been obtained by follow-
saddles) annihilate each other. On the other hand, when the                                                         ing the same procedure as the one followed in obtaining panels (a)
OS becomes unstable with the decrease of ε1 , one observes a                                                        and (c) (respectively, panels (b) and (d)) of Fig. 6. The panels show
saddle-node limit-cycle bifurcation (SNLC) to give rise to the                                                      the different states as well as the multistability regions of R1, R2, R3.
IC: at the bifurcation point, a stable branch corresponding to                                                      (cf. bifurcation diagram 3).
the OS (black filled square: upper and lower branches in the
figure correspond to the maximum and the minimum of the                                                               In order to witness the R3 region, one has to choose the

value of ε2 carefully as R3 represents a very narrow region,
see Fig. 3; we consider ε2 = 3.1 to witness the R3 region, see
Fig. 7. Here, panel (a) (respectively, panel (b)) has been ob-
tained by following the same procedure as the one followed in
obtaining panels (a) and (c) (respectively, panels (b) and (d))
of Fig. 6. Here, we see the regions R1 and R2 as well. In panel
(a), we see during the forward (adiabatic) variation of ε1 and
starting with the OD (red filled circle) that the state disappears
with the emergence of the OS (black filled square), while dur-
ing the backward variation, the OS destabilizes to give birth
to the IC (red filled triangle) (this confirms the existence of
the multistability region R2), and eventually back to the OD.
Choosing the IC as the initial state shows during the forward
variation of ε1 a destabilization to give rise to the OS and dur-
ing the backward variation a destabilization to give rise to the
IC and eventually to the OD (this last behavior confirms the
existence of the region R1). This establishes R3 as the re-
gion in which the OD, the IC and the OS coexist. In panel
(b), we see that when the OD becomes unstable with the in-
crease of ε1 , one observes a saddle-node bifurcation (SN) to
the OS: at the bifurcation point, one stable branch correspond-
ing to the OD (red filled circle) and one unstable branch (blue      FIG. 8. Temporal behaviour of r(t) showing expected long-time sta-
open circle, represent saddles) annihilate each other. When          ble coexistence of the different states under the dynamics (3) initiated
the OS becomes unstable with the decrease of ε1 , it bifurcates      with the respective states. The parameters ω0 , γ and α have the same
(i) first as a Hopf bifurcation (HB) to the IC, and (ii) then        values as in Fig. 3. Panel (a), (b), (c) and (d) represent respectively
as a saddle-node limit-cycle bifurcation to the IC. The IC so        the multistability regions R4, R3, R1 and R2, respectively. The val-
obtained undergoes with further decrease of ε1 a pitchfork bi-       ues of ε1 and ε2 are: ε2 = 2.0 and ε1 = 2.21 (panel (a)), ε2 = 3.1 and
furcation (PF) to the OD.                                            ε1 = 2.23 (panel (b)), ε2 = 2.5 and ε1 = 1.5 (panel (c)), and ε2 = 3.4
                                                                     and ε1 = 2.5 (panel (d)). The data are obtained from numerical inte-
                                                                     gration of the dynamics (3).
   We now obtain the temporal behaviour of r(t) for all the
four multistability regions while starting from different ini-
tial states; the data are obtained from numerical integration of     V.   CONCLUSIONS
the dynamics (3). Figure 8(a) shows that the dynamics initi-
ated with either the IC or the OS remaining stabilized at these
states (the inset shows that both these states remain stabilized        In this work, we studied a nontrivial generalization of the
at long times) when ε1 and ε2 have values in the R4 region           Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model of spontaneous collective syn-
of the bifurcation diagram. Panel (b) shows that the dynamics        chronization, by considering an additional asymmetric inter-
initialized with either the IC or the OS or the OD remaining         action in the dynamics that breaks the phase-shift symmetry
stabilized at these states when ε1 and ε2 have values in the R3      of the model. We reported the emergence of a very rich bi-
region of the bifurcation diagram. Panels (c) and (d) represent      furcation diagram, including the existence of non-stationary
in a similar manner the expected behavior in the multistability      synchronized states arising from destruction of stationary syn-
regions R1 and R2, respectively.                                     chronized states. The bifurcation diagram shows existence of
                                                                     regions of two-state as well as three-state coexistence arising
                                                                     from asymmetric interaction in our model. Our results are
   We have until now analysed the bifurcation scenario in the        based on numerical integration of the dynamical equations as
(ε1 , ε2 )-plane for α = 1.3. To illustrate the effect of varying    well as an exact analysis of the dynamics by invoking the so-
α , we verified qualitatively similar bifurcation diagrams for       called Ott-Antonsen ansatz. It would be of immense inter-
four different values of α , namely, α = 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5,      est to explore how inclusion of inertial effects42 in our model
shown in Fig. 9, panels (a), (b), (c), (d), respectively. The        modifies the bifurcation diagram 3, an issue we are working
regions of the different states as well as the boundaries are        on at the moment.
obtained in the same manner as in Fig. 3. The bifurcation
diagram 9(a) for α = 0.1 is very similar to the one for the
dynamics (3) in the absence of asymmetry in the interaction,
i.e., with α = 035 . Even with a small increase in α value to        AUTHOR’S CONTRIBUTIONS
α = 0.5, we see the emergence of regions R3 and R4, see
panel (b). Moreover, we see that increase in α values leads to          V.K.Chandrasekar and Shamik Gupta formulated the prob-
growth of the IC region. In Fig. 10, we report for the dynam-        lem. M. Manoranjani carried out the simulations and calcu-
ics (3) the bifurcation diagram in (α , ε1 )-plane for different     lations. All the authors discussed the results and drafted the
values of ε2 .                                                       manuscript.

      2 (a)                                    2 (b)                                         1 (a)                                 1.4 (b)
                                                               OD                                          IC        R4                                IC
                       OD                                        R3                                                                                                       R4
                                                                           R2                         R1                  OS
                                                               R1                                                                            R1                  OS



                      R1                                                 R4                0.5
      1                                        1                                                                                   1.1
                                                                           OS                                    OD
                IC               OS                    IC                                                                                  OD
      0                                        0                                                 0              1              2             1              2         3
          0           0.5             1            0         0.5                   1                            ε1                                          ε1
                      ε1                                     ε1
     3                                     10 (d)                   R3
          (c)          OD
                                                                              R2           FIG. 10. For the model (3) and considering for ω j ’s the Lorentzian
                       R3 R2                                 OD
                 R1                                         R1                             distribution (5) with γ = 0.3 and ω0 = 0.6, the figure depicts the


                                                                                           two-parameter bifurcation diagram in the (α , ε1 )-plane for ε2 = 1.4
 1.5                        R4              5
                                                                                           (panel (a)) and ε2 = 2.0 (panel (b)). We show here the various sta-
                                                               IC             OS           ble states and their boundaries, with bifurcation behavior observed
                 IC              OS
                                                                                           as one crosses the different boundaries. The regions representing
     0                                      0                                              stable existence of the OD (Oscillation Death state), the IC (Inco-
          0            1              2            0          5                 10         herent state) and the OS (Oscillatory Synchronized state) have been
                      ε1                                     ε1                            constructed by analysing the long-time numerical solution of the dy-
                                                                                           namics (3) for N = 104 , namely, by asking at given values of ε1 the
                                                                                           quantity r(t) at long times represents which one of the three possi-
     FIG. 9. For the model (3), the figure depicts the two-parameter bi-                   ble behavior depicted in Fig. 1. The blue dot-dashed line, the black
     furcation diagram in the (ε1 , ε2 )-plane for different α values given                dashed line, and the maroon continuous line are stability boundaries
     by α = 0.1 (panel (a)), α = 0.5 (panel (b)), α = 1.0 (panel (c)) and                  of the IC, the OD and the OS, respectively, and have been obtained
     α = 1.5 (panel (d)). The frequency distribution is the Lorentzian (5)                 by using the Ott-Antonsen-ansatz-based dynamics (16) and follow-
     with γ = 0.3 and ω0 = 0.6. The regions of the different states as well                ing the procedure of its analysis detailed in the text. The regions
     as the boundaries are obtained in the same manner as in Fig. 3. The                   R1, R2, R3, and R4 represent multistability or coexistence between
     regions R1, R2, R3, and R4 represent multistability or coexistence                    IC-OD, between OS-OD, between IC-OS-OD and between IC-OS,
     between IC-OD, between OS-OD, between IC-OS-OD and between                            respectively.
     IC-OS, respectively.

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