WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -

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WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -
 Your guide to keeping warm,
dry and healthy through winter.
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -
Getting a fair deal
This year we've done something unusual. We've decided to
make our Winter Heating Guide free, for everyone.

It's unusual because most of our content is for members.
Because without them, we wouldn't exist. We’re not government
                                                                             30% off
                                                                           an online membership
funded, we’re independent and we don’t accept advertising. But
                                                                          for the first three months
we believe everyone has a right to a warm and dry home. And
                                                                            – that's just $19.95 to
one of our aims is a fair deal for all New Zealanders.
                                                                             get through winter.
If you’d like to find more ways to make your life easier, consider
becoming a Consumer NZ member. You’ll have access to all
our independent product tests and research, from heat pumps,

vacuum cleaners, and other household appliances, to insurance,
credit cards, and nutrition. Members can get help on anything
from refunds to repairs, replacements and warranties by using
our Advice Line.                                                                                       Contents
We have special membership offers running until the end of June                                        Getting sorted		          4
2017. We'd love it if you joined us. To do that, just follow this link:
                                                                             50% off                   Insulation
                                                                                                       Curtains and blinds
                                                                                                       Dampness		                12
                                                                          an online membership         Dehumidifiers		           14
                                                                          for the first 12 months –    Ventilation		             16
                                                                             that's just $49.95.       Heating		                 18
                                                                                                       Heating choices		 19
                                                                                                       Central heating		 20
Stay warm this winter, enjoy your                                                                      Heat pumps		 21
                                                                                                       Types of fuel		 24
FREE Winter Heating Guide. And help                                                                    Gas heaters		 25
get a fair deal for all New Zealanders.                                                                Electric heaters		 26
                                                                                                       Woodburners		             30
                                                                                                       Water heating		 32
                                                                                                       Appliance running costs		 34
                                                                                                       Lighting		                36
                                                                                                       Top 10 tips		             38
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -


                                                                                                           Makes your home easier
                                                                                                             and cheaper to heat,
                                                                                                           and healthier and more
                                                                                                            comfortable to live in.

          Getting sorted                                                                                                              P12

          To make your home warmer, drier and healthier,
          it is important to think about how insulation,
          heating, ventilation and tackling dampness
                                                                                                            By tackling dampness you reduce
          work together. By thinking of each element                                                          the growth of mould, mildew
          as one piece of a puzzle, it's easier to see how                                                  and dust mites, thereby reducing
          getting each part sorted contributes to a more                                                     maintenance, while also making
                                                                                                                  the air easier to heat.
          comfortable and healthy living environment.

                                                                                        Maintains air quality and                       P18
                                                                                      removes day-to-day moisture
                                                                                          and condensation.                  FOUR
                                                                                                                      Keeps your home
                                                                                                                      warm, dry and safe
                                                                                                                       for your family.
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -

                                                                             WHERE THE HEAT GOES

                                                                                     30-35%                                                               20-30%
                                                                                     THROUGH                                                              THROUGH
                                                                                     THE ROOF                                                              GLASS

                  INSULATION                                                          18-25%
                                                                                     THE WALLS                                                            OR OPENING
          Insulation makes your home more comfortable,                                                            12-14%                                  AND CLOSING
                                                                                                                THROUGH                                     DOORS
             as well as easier and cheaper to heat. Warm                                                        THE FLOOR
           indoor temperatures and adequate ventilation
                make for a drier and healthier home.

             The first priority is insulating the ceiling/roof area,
               as this is where most heat is lost. Installing wall
                                                                       R-values measure the effectiveness         REQUIRED
            insulation is the next most effective step. However,       of insulation. Along with the type of    INSULATION
                                                                                                                 LEVELS FOR
           this is difficult to check without removing wall lining     material, R-values are a key factor
                                                                       to consider when you’re choosing            HOMES
           or cladding, so take the opportunity to do so if you’re
                                                                       insulation. The higher the R-value,
             renovating. You also lose heat through air moving         the better the insulation will be at
                                                                                                                       Ceiling Walls Underfloor Glazing Skylights
                                                                       retaining warmth in winter and
         through open doors, windows, unsealed downlights and                                                  Zones 1 & 2
                                                                       reducing heat gain in summer.           minimum – North
          extractor fan systems. Exposed glass makes retaining            The R-value depends on the
                                                                                                               Island excluding
                                                                                                                                   R2.9 R1.9 R1.3 R0.26 R0.26
                                                                       type of material, its density and       the Central Plateau
            heat more difficult, so make sure your curtains and
                                                                       thickness. So an aluminium single-      Zone 3 minimum
               blinds form a good seal around your windows.            glazed window has an R-value of         – South Island and       R3.3     R2.0        R1.3       R0.26       R0.31
                                                                                                               the Central Plateau
                                                                       0.15 while a typical insulated wall’s
                                                                       R-value is 1.99 – more than 10 times     GUIDE TO THE TABLE Construction R-values show heat retention
                                                                                                                performance based on the combination of building components,
                                                                       larger. Opposite are the minimum         including framing and the insulation itself. Table is based on Clause
                                                                       R-values for timber-frame homes.         H1 – Energy Efficiency in the New Zealand Building Code: Acceptable
                                                                                                                Solutions for non-solid (timber-framed) construction.
                                                                            for more information
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -

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New rules                                                                                                          POLYESTER AND WOOL
                                                                                                                   Polyester and wool come
2016 saw two significant changes to insulation rules:                                                              in rolls ready to run out in a
Foil insulation banned:               Ceiling and underfloor                                                       roofspace, or cut into segments
The Building Act now prohibits        insulation mandatory in                                                      for fitting between the framing
the installation or repair of         rentals from 2019:                                                           timbers in your walls or ceiling.
foil insulation. Since 2005,          By July 2019, all rentals will be                                               Polyester and wool cost
five people have died after           required to have underfloor and                                              more than glass fibre, but
being electrocuted when foil          ceiling insulation, as long as it                                            are nicer to handle and won't
insulation they were installing       can be practically installed. From                                           cause skin irritation. However,
came into contact with                2016, the changes also require:                                              they are not as easy to cut.
electrical wiring. Foil conducts         All new tenancy agreements                                                                                                                                     Loose fill
                                      to include a statement on the                                                EXPANDED                                                                            insulation
electricity, so there’s a risk of
electrocution when fitting it         extent and safety of insulation.                                             POLYSTYRENE (EPS)
in floor spaces near exposed             Any repair or installation of                                             Expanded polystyrene comes
electrical wiring. It’s also less     insulation in a rental to meet the                                           in rigid foam sheets. It is used
                                                                                     For more information          for exterior cladding systems
effective and reliable than bulk      required 2019 standard.
                                                                                     on the new insulation         (monolithic cladding), and          New or recycled wool is              around over time. Rats like
insulation underfloor, as its            All social houses where a                   and smoke alarm rules
performance depends on the            tenant pays an Income Related                  for rental properties,        for insulating under concrete       also used. It’s sometimes            paper-based insulation!
quality of its installation, which    Rent to have underfloor and                    visit           floors. It can also insulate        the only option if there’s              Mineral wool tends to be
                                                                                     nz/articles/news-             floors, walls and ceilings.         insufficient space in your roof      more expensive than macerated
can be difficult for amateurs to      ceiling insulation where it can be             insulation-and-smoke-
get right.                            practically installed.                                                          If there is sufficient working   to install bulk insulation.          paper but will not blow around
                                                                                                                   space under your house, it's            Loose fill can settle or shift   as easily, isn't dusty and won't
                                                                                                                   easy and safe to fit polystyrene    over time, and concerns over         burn. It settles over time.
                                                                                                                   sheets between the floor            its performance meant it wasn’t         Waste glass fibre used as
                                                                                                                   joists: you can cut them to         used in government-funded            a loose insulation won't burn
Insulation materials                                                                                               size and jam them between
                                                                                                                   the joists without having
                                                                                                                                                       home insulation programmes.
                                                                                                                                                       Its effectiveness also depends
                                                                                                                                                                                            but can be dusty, settle and
                                                                                                                                                                                            move about.
GLASS FIBRE                                                                glass fibre not classifiable as         to secure them further.             on the material used:                   Wool used as loose
Glass fibre (glass wool/batts)                                             carcinogenic to humans.                                                        Macerated paper, made             insulation is made from
contains recycled glass and                                                   However, it can irritate the skin,   LOOSE FILL INSULATION               from recycled newsprint, is the      low-grade natural wool or waste
comes in a roll ready to run                                               eyes, nose and throat during            Loose fill insulation is machine-   cheapest insulation available. A     clothing. It can also be dusty,
out in a roof space, or cut                                                installation. Always wear gloves,       blown by specialist installers      fire retardant is added during       and will burn in an established
into segments for fitting                                                  dust mask, goggles and overalls         into ceiling spaces. Macerated      manufacture to prevent ignition.     fire. If your roof leaks, wool and
between the framing timbers                                                when handling glass fibre.              paper (cellulose fibre), glass      Macerated paper can be dusty,        paper insulation won't dry as
in your walls or ceiling.                                                     Glass fibre cuts easily with         fibre and mineral wool (rock        may retain moisture from roof        well as mineral fibre and may
   Glass fibre came under the                                              a craft knife and can also be           wool) are the most common.          leaks, and may settle or blow        encourage mould.
spotlight some years ago after       Research on Cancer, part of           pulled apart. When installing
it was classified as a possible      the World Health Organisation.        do not compress it and ensure
cause of lung cancer by the          The agency has removed this           joins are butted together firmly                    To compare prices and R-values of more than 200 insulation systems,
International Agency for             classification and now considers      to avoid reducing the R-value.
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -
                                                                                                    CONSUMER HEATING
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                                                                                                                     GUIDE 2016

 10 | INSULATION | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                                    11 | INSULATION | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE

                                                                                                         WOODEN-FRAME WINDOW

                                                                                                                          Double-sided polystyreneA

                                                                                                       Thermal curtains (floor length) and polar fleece

                                                                                                                           Secondary glazing (3M) kit

                                                                                                                                          Net curtains                                                    WHAT
                                                                                                                Custom heavy curtains (floor length)                                                     ABOUT
                                                                                                                      Thermal curtains (floor length)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      As with curtains, how
                                                                                                                        Thermal curtains (sill length)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      blinds fit is crucial for
                                                                                                                                         Bare window                                                  retaining heat. Make
                                                                                                                                                          0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                        sure the blind sits
                                                                                                                                                              Relative heat retention (out of 10)      snugly against both
                                                                                                                                                                                                        sides and the top
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and bottom of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          window frame.
                                                                                                         ALUMINIUM-FRAME WINDOW

CURTAINS AND BLINDS                                                                                                       Double-sided polystyreneA

When warm air hits cold glass, two things happen and neither of them are good:
                                                                                                                           Secondary glazing (3M) kit                                                        tips
the warm air escapes outside, and the newly cooled air forms condensation on                                   Custom heavy curtains (floor length)
the windowpane.                                                                                        Thermal curtains (floor length) and polar fleece                                                   If you're renting,
                                                                                                                     Thermal curtains (floor length)                                                     check with your
                                                                                                                                                                                                      landlord whether it's
There are two ways to deal with this –          close to the window and disrupt the downward                           Thermal curtains (sill length)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     OK to install temporary
keeping the warm air away from the window       movement of cool air. Floor-length curtains are
                                                                                                                                         Net curtains                                                    double glazing.
(with curtains and blinds) and insulating       more effective than windowsill-length curtains,
                                                                                                                                        Bare window                                                          If temporary
the windowpane (using double glazing or         which aren’t much better than no curtains at all.
                                                                                                                                                          0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 10      window insulation
putting insulation film on existing windows).     Double glazing traps a layer of air (or
                                                                                                                                                              Relative heat retention (out of 10)
                                                                                                                                                                                                       makes a difference,
  Curtains create a pocket of air between       an inert gas like argon) between two
                                                                                                                                                                                                       aim for permanent
themselves and the window. We’ve found          glass windowpanes. Most new houses
                                                                                                     APolystyrene was used to obtain a relative maximum insulation                                      double glazing as
how curtains are installed is more              have double glazing. It’s possible to
                                                                                                     value, not as a realistic option for inuslating windows.                                          your budget allows.
important than their material or thickness.     retrofit older houses, but expensive.
Ensure your curtains and blinds form a good       DIY insulation film is a cheaper option
seal against all sides of your window frame.    for retrofitting older houses. You can
                                                                                                                   For information on curtains and how to keep in the heat, visit:
  Old-fashioned net curtains are OK at          easily install the film. It can help prevent
keeping heat in, as they generally sit quite    condensation and reduce heat loss.
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -
                                                                        CONSUMER HEATING
                                                                                 HEATING GUIDE
                                                                                         GUIDE 2016


                                                                             WHERE IT COMES FROM

                                                                          SHOWERS              CLOTHES                  COOKING
                                                                         AND BATHS              DRYING                   3.0L/day
                                                                                                                                                      SYMPTOMS OF
                                                                           1.5L/day            (unvented)                                             EXCESS MOISTURE
                                    TWO                                  (per person)           5.0L/load                                             AND DAMPNESS
                                                                                                                                                         Musty smells in

                                                                                                                                                      closed rooms.
                                                                                                                                                         Damp or mouldy
                                                                                                                                                      clothes in wardrobes.
                                                                                                                                                         Mould or mildew
                                                                          GAS HEATER            DISHES                 CLOTHES                        behind paintings
        The next step to get your home warm and healthy for                 (unflued)           1.0L/day               WASHING                        or mirrors.
                                                                         Up to 1.0L/hour                               0.5L/day                          Stains or watermarks
         winter is tackling enemy number one — dampness.                                                                                              on ceilings or walls.
                                                                                                                                                         Mouldy ceilings and
         Most of us could improve comfort by reducing dampness                                                                                        walls in kitchens or
           in our homes. A damp home is an unhealthy home. But                                                                                           Rotting wood in the
                                                                                                                                                      structure of your home.
            it isn’t just that — damp air takes more energy to heat       SLEEPING            BREATHING              PERSPIRATION                        Damp or mould
                                                                         0.02L/hour            0.2L/hour               0.03L/hour
                                                                                                                                                      under your house.
           than dry air, so it literally pays to remove moisture from    (per person)         (per person)             (per person)

           your home. Moisture makes its way into your home in
              many ways. Start by tackling damp at the source.
                                                                        Removing                           DRYING CLOTHES
                                                                                                             Make use of fine winter
                                                                                                                                              SHOWERS AND BATHS
                                                                                                                                                 Use an extractor fan when
                                                                        the big hitters                    days to dry clothes outside.
                                                                                                             Use the fastest spin speed
                                                                                                                                              showering or taking a bath, or
                                                                                                                                              at least open a window.
                                                                                                           on your washing machine.              Fit a shower dome to
                                                                                                             Use a condenser clothes          contain moisture.
                                                                                                           dryer or one that vents outside.
                                                                                                                                                    Don’t use unflued gas
                                                                                                           COOKING                                  heaters to heat your
                                                                                                              Use pot lids when cooking       home. They are dangerous
                                                                                                           to contain steam.                  unless well vented and can
                                                                                                              Use a kitchen rangehood         add up to a litre of moisture
                                                                                                           or a fan that vents outside.       to the air per hour.
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -
                                                                                                             CONSUMER         GUIDE
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14 | DAMPNESS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                                                15 | DAMPNESS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE

DEHUMIDIFIERS                                                                                                     The best on test                                                        HOW DO
                                                                                                                                                                                          THEY HEAT
Once you’ve done your best to remove sources of dampness, a dehumidifier can have a big
                                                                                                                                                TOP DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER
                                                                                                                                                                                          A ROOM?
impact. They’re great for renters because they can easily be moved from room to room, or
                                                                                                                                                                                          When water is
house to house. But they're no substitute for addressing the sources of airborne moisture.
                                                                                                                                               Goldair GD330 $393                         turned from liquid
                                                                                                                            85                                                            to vapour, heat has
Most dehumidifiers work by cooling the                                                                                                         The best-performing dehumidifier
                                                      still be growing underfloor and the source of                                                                                       to be added. This
air with a small refrigeration unit so it can                                                                                                  we’ve tested. Innovative “desiccant”
                                                      dampness could be damaging your home.                                                                                               is called the “latent
condense out the moisture, then reheat                                                                                                         technology makes it exceptionally
                                                                                                                                                                                          heat of evaporation”.
the air and blow it back into the room.               Don’t believe the hype                                                                   good at removing moisture from
                                                                                                                                                                                          The reverse happens
   Desiccant dehumidifiers use a water-               Dehumidifier manufacturers base their water                                              the air at low temperatures. It also       when water vapour
absorbing (desiccant) material, such as silica        extraction claims on tests conducted at about                                            produces as much heat as a small           is condensed to a
gel, to remove moisture from the air. They            30°C and 80% relative humidity (RH). Unless                                              fan heater, and is relatively quiet.       liquid – that latent
are more effective at removing water than             you live in the Amazon, those conditions are                                             The catch is the GD330 costs three         heat is released.
standard dehumidifiers, especially at lower                                                                                                    times as much to run as conventional       When a dehumidifier
                                                      nothing like the winter climate in your home.
                                                                                                                                               models that use refrigerant                condenses the water
temperatures, but cost more to run.                      We tested dehumidifiers in conditions
                                                                                                                                               technology, though it will get the         vapour in the air back
   A great advantage of dehumidifiers is their        ranging from 8°C and 90% RH to 16°C and
                                                                                                                                               job done faster so you can run it for      to a liquid for draining
ability to warm up a room. In fact, they are second   65% RH. Conditions much more typical of                                                                                             off, the latent heat in
only to heat pumps in terms of heating efficiency.    a New Zealand winter, and found actual                                                   shorter periods. However, the water
                                                                                                                                                                                          the water vapour is
                                                      performance is far lower than claimed. The                                               tank is on the small side.
                                                                                                                                                                                          released, helping to
Condensation control                                  upshot is the only way to get a realistic indication                                                                                heat up your home.
Before buying a dehumidifier, try to reduce any       of performance is by using our test results
causes of dampness. Otherwise, mould could            for 16 commonly available dehumidifiers.
                                                                                                              TOP REFRIGERANT DEHUMIDIFIER

                                                                                                             Delonghi DDS30 Combi $750
                                                                                                             The Combi’s been a solid performer
                                                                                                                                                                                            Keep rooms
                                                                                                                                                                                           ventilated and
                                                                                                             for a few years. It’s easy to use and has
                                                                                                                                                                                            warm during
                                                                                                             considerably better energy efficiency
                                                                                                                                                                                          winter — at least
                                                                                                             than the top-scoring dehumidifier, the
                                                                                                                                                                                             7°C warmer
                                                                                                             Goldair GD330. It also comes with a
                                                                                                                                                                                            than outside
                                                                                                             separate heater option, making it a                                           temperatures,
                                                                                                             great option for quickly drying out                                              and leave
                                                                                                             a damp room. Its biggest downside                                            windows closed
                                                                                                             is its price. It’s also a little noisy.                                       on damp days.

                                                                                                                          We've tested 16 commonly available dehumidifiers. To find out what you
                                                                                                                          need before buying, visit:
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -
                                                                             CONSUMER HEATING GUIDE 2016
                                                                             CONSUMER HEATING
                                                                                      HEATING GUIDE
                                                                                              GUIDE 2016


                                                                                                                                                            TACKLE THE
                                                                             AUTOMATIC                                                                        SOURCE
                                                                             VENTILATION SYSTEM
                                                                             An automatic ventilation system can be
                                                                             effective and convenient for continuously
                                                                             airing your home. There are two main types:

                                                                                                                                                            Close doors to contain
                                                                                Positive pressure: Also called forced air systems, they work                steam or condensation
                                  THREE                                      by blowing drier air into your house from the roofspace or from
                                                                                                                                                                 in wet areas.

                                                                             outside. This system will work in any house that has a suitably

                 VENTILATION                                                 dry roofspace, and where sufficient air leaks past doors and
                                                                             windows. However, if your roof is heavily shaded or you live in a
                                                                             colder part of the country, a heater is essential for ensuring
                                                                             adequate airflow without cold draughts. You may also have to fit
         Once the main sources of dampness have been                         small vents to newer homes or leave windows slightly ajar on
                                                                             security stays to achieve sufficient air movement.                             Open windows close to
       removed or reduced, you can think about ventilation.                     Balanced pressure: Also known as heat-exchanger systems,
                                                                                                                                                           moisture sources: such as
                                                                                                                                                           bathrooms and kitchens.
                                                                             they extract warm, damp air from living spaces and pass it
        If you live in a Victorian villa, too little ventilation might not   through a heat-exchanger to heat up dry air brought in from
                                                                             outside. This is the best option, if you can afford it. While they'll
      be a problem. But modern homes are much more airtight, so              work in almost any situation, provided they're properly matched
       natural ventilation is minimal. Get in the habit of airing your       to your home and correctly installed, they work best in modern,
                                                                             airtight homes with aluminium fittings.
       home every day. Open windows to let a breeze through and                                                                                              Fit window vents or
                                                                                                                                                             security stays so the
        vent stale, moisture-laden air. It seems counter-intuitive to                                                                                         home can ventilate
                                                                                                                                                               while you're out.
       open windows on a cold winter day, but removing moisture
       makes your home healthier and your heating more efficient.               Do they work?
                                                                                Yes. In our 2017 survey, 89% of respondents with a ventilation
                                                                                system said it's effective at reducing condensation. However,
                                                                                the high upfront cost of these systems means it's a good idea
                                                                                to tackle moisture sources first, then see if you still need to
                                                                                make the investment.                                                         Never vent extractor
                                                                                                                                                            fans into the roofspace
                                                                                                                                                              or under the floor.

                                                                                         To compare the specifications of 94 ventilation systems, visit:
WINTER HEATING GUIDE Your guide to keeping warm, dry and healthy through winter -
                                                                             CONSUMER  HEATING GUIDE 2016
                                                                              CONSUMER HEATINGGUIDE
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                                                                                               GUIDE 2016


                                                                             HEATING CHOICES
                                                                             Cheap space and water heating isn’t as simple as just choosing the fuel with the
                                                                             lowest cost per unit of energy – you also need to consider the fixed connection
                                                                             charges, as well as the purchase and installation costs of the heater.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Fixed charges
                                     FOUR                                                                                                                                                     In addition to the kWh cost,

                                                                                                                                                                                              you also pay a fixed daily
                                                                                                                                                                                              charge for electricity lines and
                                                                                                                                                                                              gas mains, or an annual LPG
                                                                                                                                                                                              rental fee. If you’re considering
                                                                                                                                                                                              gas when choosing a space
                                                                                                                                                                                              or water heater, factor in
       The fuel you use for keeping your home warm can have a                Home heating costs 2017                                                                                          the fixed daily charge (or
                                                                             (¢ per kWh)
      big impact on your bank balance during the colder months.                                                                                                                               rental fee for LPG cylinders).
                                                                                                                                                                                              Unless you’re going off-grid,
                                                                                   RENEWABLE             SEMI-RENEWABLE             NON-RENEWABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                              you’ll pay the fixed electricity
       A third of the energy supplied to your home this winter will be       HEATERS                                                                                                          charge, but you can always
                                                                                                                                                                                              substitute gas for electricity
                                                                             LPG (unflued heater)
       used for space heating, with another third going to your water                                                                                                                         when it comes to cooking
                                                                             Electricity (resistance)                                                                                         and space/water heating.
       heater. We found heat pumps were the cheapest space heaters                                                                                                                               Electricity: The average
                                                                             LPG (flued heater)
                                                                                                                                                                                              fixed charge for being
        to run. Unflued LPG heaters were the most expensive. They’re         Wood pellets (pellet burner)                                                                                     connected to the grid was
       also a health and safety hazard, as they fill the air with moisture   Electricity (nightstore/underfloor)                                                                              $1.73 at the time of our survey,
                                                                                                                                                                                              a 2.4% increase on 2016, but
                                                                             Firewood (woodburner)
       and can produce toxic carbon monoxide if they develop a fault.                                                                                                                         this ranged from as low as 75¢
                                                                             Natural gas (flued heater)                                                                                       up to $2.74. If you use less than
       We think they should never be used indoors. Natural gas is the                                                                                                                         8000kWh per year (or
                                                                             Electricity (heat pump)
                                                                                                                                                                                              9000kWh in the lower South
       cheapest fuel for central heating, with LPG the most expensive.                                                          0     5    10    15    20 25 30 35 40 45 50
                                                                                                                                                                                              Island) your retailer must offer
                                                                             CENTRAL HEATING                                                                                                  you a low fixed charge tariff
                                                                                                                                                                                              option of no more than 30¢
                                                                                                                                                                                              per day.
                                                                             Diesel                                                                                                              Natural gas: The average
                                                                             Wood pellets                                                                                                     fixed daily charge for piped
                                                                                                                                                                                              natural gas was $1.45, the
                                                                             Natural gas
                                                                                                                                                                                              same as 2016. It ranged from
                                                                                                                    0          5           10          15         20          25         30   8¢ to $1.89.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 LPG: The annual rental fee
                                                                             GUIDE TO THE FIGURES COSTS are for providing one kilowatt of heat for one hour. Bars represent range
                                                                             between maximum and minimum costs, black dotted line represents the national median. Electricity and             for two 45kg LPG cylinders
                                                                             natural gas costs are from based on April 2017 data. Other costs are from pricing data
                                                                             collected during April 2017. GST is included.                                                                    sets you back $118 (32¢ a day).
                                                                                                       CONSUMER         GUIDE
                                                                                                                 HEATINGGUIDE 2016
                                                                                                                               2016                                                               21
20 | CENTRAL HEATING | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                                   21 | HEAT PUMPS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE

CENTRAL                                              WHOLE HOUSE (CENTRAL) HEATING
                                                     The principle behind central heating is

HEATING                                              separating the place where the heat is
                                                     generated from where it’s released. There are
                                                     two common systems: ducted hot air and
Kiwi homes are often made up of small                piped hot water (hydronic). Central heating
islands of heat in a sea of cold air.                systems have three major components:
                                                        A heat source located in a convenient place
In an open-plan home, the heat from                  away from where the heat’s required.
a woodburner, electric heater or heat                   A distribution system to transfer the heat.
pump spreads throughout the open area,                  A way to release the heat where it’s needed.
warming up the kitchen, living and dining            They also have a control system
rooms all at once. However, in homes with            to monitor the overall system.
separate rooms the heat source often
overheats the room where it’s installed,
                                                     Heating: The heat source is often referred                                                                                  tip
                                                     to as a boiler and heats either air for                                                                            The most important thing
while the rest of the home remains cold.
                                                     ducted distribution or water for hydronic                                                                        when choosing a heat pump
  One solution is using a heat transfer kit                                                                                                                           is getting one that's the right
                                                     systems. Some models burn gas, diesel
with insulated ducting to help even out                                                                                                                                 size for the room. See our
                                                     or wood, while others use a heat pump.
temperatures, but the home is unlikely to                                                                                                                            calculator for an accurate guide
                                                     We recommend you check with at least
become uniformly warm.                                                                                                                                                 on how many kW you need:
                                                     two heating companies to determine
                                                     which boiler type is best for your area.

                                                     Distribution: The heated air or water needs
                                                     to go to where the heat’s required. This is
                                                     done via insulated ducting for air systems
                                                     or insulated pipes for hydronic. Usually the
                                                     home is divided into different heating zones,
                                                     which are heated to various temperatures.         HEAT PUMPS
                                                     Releasing: Ducted air systems have outlet
                                                                                                       Heat pumps are generally the cheapest to run. They use electricity to capture ambient
                                                     grills that deliver heat directly into rooms.
                                                     Hydronic systems release heat either through
                                                                                                       heat from outdoors, converting each unit of power into three to four units of heat.
                                                     underfloor systems (where hot water is
                                                                                                       An experienced installer will give you            designed for a single room, with larger
                                                     passed through pipes buried in a concrete
                                                                                                       advice on the right size and where to             units (up to 10kW) suitable for open plan
                                                     floor slab) or radiators (where hot water
                                                                                                       place the indoor and outdoor units.               areas. All heat pumps have an energy
                                                     is piped into wall-mounted radiators).
                                                                                                          Heat pumps are essentially large space         rating label to show their efficiency at
                                                                                                       heaters that can provide cooling in the summer.   heating and cooling. The most efficient
                                                                                                       Since they use a fan to distribute warmed air,    models carry the blue Energy Star mark.
                                                                                                       the heating spreads more evenly than with            Heat pumps dehumidify when they
          For more information on efficient central heating and tips on how to have a warm,                                                              are in cooling and dehumidifying (“dry”)
                                                                                                       other space heaters, such as woodburners.
          comfortable and healthy home, visit:
                                                                                                          Smaller versions (up to 4kW) are               mode, but not in heating mode.
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                                                                                                              HEATINGGUIDE 2016

22 | HEAT PUMPS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                                     23 | HEAT PUMPS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE

                                                                                                    WHOLE HOME OR SINGLE ROOM?
                                                                                                    Single-split air-to-air models are the most
   Is a heat pump for you?                                                                          common type of heat pump in New
                                                                                                    Zealand. These consist of a single outdoor
                                                                                                    unit (the compressor) connected to an
                                                                                                    indoor unit via a system of pipes. They’re
                                                                                                    designed to heat one room, not your whole
                                                                                                    home, and you may require multiple units
                                                                                                    if you have more than one living area.
                                                                                                        There are several other heat pump               USE IT WISELY
                                                                                                    technologies, including multi-split (where one      Even if you’ve bought the perfect heat
                                                                                                    outdoor unit serves several indoor units),          pump for your home, and your installer’s
                                                                                                    ducted (where a large centralised compressor        done everything by the book, you need to
                                                                                                    sends hot air via ducting throughout the            use it properly to get the most out of it:
                                                                                                    home) and air-to-water systems (where a                Only leave your heat pump on all day if your
                                                                                                    heat pump is used in lieu of an electric water      home is well-sealed and has comprehensive
                                                                                                    cylinder). There are also ground-source             insulation. In draughty villas, you’re better off
                                                                                                    heat pumps, which use heat from the earth           only switching it on when required.
                                                                                                    rather than from the air. These systems                Don’t set the controller to a higher
                                                                                                    remain a niche market, so our round-up              temperature than required. Selecting 30°C in an
                                                                                                    only includes single-split air-to-air models.       effort to warm a room extra fast doesn’t work –
      Warm, dry and comfortable: heat pumps          Not so good in low temperatures:                                                                   set the temperature you want (we recommend
   can provide a level of all-round comfort       extracting heat from outdoor air gets                                                                 21-23°C) and let the heat pump do the rest.
   not easily obtained by plug-in electric        more difficult as the temperature drops.                                                                 If your heat pump spends 20 minutes
   heaters. They can quickly bring a room         Sometimes, especially on frosty nights when                                                           defrosting on cold winter mornings, use the
   up to temperature and then maintain it.        the temperature is between 0°C and 5°C,              RUNNING COSTS                                    timer to turn it on half an hour before you get
      Cheap as chips: they’re also more than      exterior heat pump units freeze and stop             If you install a heat pump and                   up, or leave it on overnight at a low level (if your
   three times as efficient as plug-in electric   working for several minutes while they defrost.      keep your home at the same                       home is well-sealed).
   heaters. For the cost of running a plug-in     Check our low temperature performance                                                                    Vacuum the filter on the indoor unit every
                                                                                                       temperature you do now, you
   oil column heater, you can run a big heat      scores in our heat pump database to                                                                   three months. Regularly inspect the outdoor unit
                                                                                                       could save plenty in heating costs.
   pump with much more heating power.             find a model less prone to frosting.                                                                  to ensure it hasn’t become overgrown or
                                                                                                       But many people choose to keep
      Cooling: a reverse-cycle heat pump             Noise: whirring fans can be annoying.                                                              clogged with debris, while looking out for rust.
                                                                                                       their homes warmer once they
   is the only type of home heating system        Fans run in both the interior and exterior                                                            Beware of cold callers pressuring you into
                                                                                                       get a heat pump so their heating
   that can both heat and cool a room.            units while they are switched on. Check                                                               expensive heat pump servicing. They can
      Air filtering: most units incorporate a
                                                                                                       bills will not drop by much.
                                                  our noise scores to find the quietest units.                                                          charge hundreds of dollars for a service you can
   washable filter unit that removes dust and        Draughts: circulating air can cause                                                                perform yourself in a few minutes.
   particles from the air. This could be an       draughts – which means you need to
   important feature for people with asthma       think about where to place the unit.
   and allergies, especially if you choose a      You don't want one on the wall just
   unit with a high-performance HEPA filter.      above your favourite armchair.                               For a guide to choosing the right heat pump for your home, and our assessment of
                                                                                                               175 different models, visit:
                                                                                                                CONSUMER         GUIDE
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                                                                                                                CONSUMER HEATING GUIDE 2016
24 | TYPES OF FUELS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                                             25 | GAS HEATING | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE

Some heating fuels generate less pollution
and are more sustainable than others. We
rate the most common options.

RENEWABLE                                                 Another option is a dedicated solar water
    Firewood is one of the few sustainable             heater. There are two main types: flat plates
carbon-neutral heating options. However, it needs      (which look like skylights) and evacuated types,                                                                     Powerswitch
to be burned hot and in a specially designed           made up of a series of glass tubes sloping                                                                          In addition to electricity,
firebox to minimise pollution and generate             down your roof. Flat plates are cheaper and                                                                
maximum heat. You also need to make sure               less obtrusive but evacuated tubes can be                                                                             can also calculate the
firewood is dry and the pieces aren’t too big.         more effective in cold/cloudy conditions.                                                                                cheapest piped
    Solar is the cleanest fuel of all. The most                                                                                                                                natural gas plans
                                                          In sunny parts of the country, solar
                                                                                                                                                                                for your home.
common type of residential solar photovoltaic          water heaters can be a good bet. However,
(PV) installation is grid-tied PV. This means the      their high upfront cost and the fact you’ll
panels power your home when the sun shines             generally need an electric cylinder as a
and you can sell power back into the grid if you’re    backup means they’re only likely to be
producing a surplus during the day. However,           economic for households that use significant
most systems in New Zealand don’t have                 amounts of hot water (eg, large families).

                                                                                                                GAS HEATING
batteries, as the large batteries required to store
enough power for the evening remain expensive,         SEMI-RENEWABLE
so you can’t use solar to run your heat pump on           Electricity: In New Zealand, more than 75%                                                                                 Emergencies
cold winter evenings.                                  of electricity comes from renewable sources                                                                                   only!
                                                                                                                Your gas options depend on where you live. Piped
    If you’re thinking of selling any “extra” solar    such as hydropower and geothermal energy.                                                                           A portable unflued LPG heater
                                                                                                                natural gas is only available in some of the more
power the panels generate, you may be                                                                                                                                      is the most expensive form of
                                                                                                                populated areas of the North Island but LPG
disappointed. That’s because “buyback rates”           NON-RENEWABLE                                                                                                       heating. It’s also a health and
                                                                                                                cylinders are available just about everywhere.
for your surplus solar energy are much lower               Natural gas burns cleanly, but as a fossil fuel                                                                 safety hazard as it produces
than the retail price of power, meaning a system       it’s not renewable. Burning it releases a                                                                           carbon dioxide, and fills the
will only be economic if you can immediately                                                                    Gas heaters range from small wall-mounted units and
                                                       greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) into the                                                                            air with moisture. If the heater
use most of the power it generates.                                                                             fireplace inserts, to full central-heating systems.
                                                       atmosphere.                                                                                                         develops a fault, it could release
    We think grid-tied PV systems are a                                                                            The price of piped natural gas is relatively low per    fatal levels of carbon monoxide.
                                                           LPG is another clean-burning fossil fuel, but it
good option for those who use a decent                                                                          kilowatt hour, but becomes more expensive when you         That’s why we think an unflued
                                                       also adds carbon dioxide to the environment.
amount of power during the day (for                                                                             add in the daily connection charge. The economics of       heater should only be used in
                                                           Diesel is now low sulphur and relatively free
example, where one or two members of                                                                            gas heaters become more attractive if you’re already       rooms with good ventilation and
                                                       of pollutants, but it’s still a non-sustainable fossil
the household stay home most days).                                                                             using gas for cooking and heating hot water. LPG is        never in bedrooms. However,
                                                       fuel that adds to greenhouse gas emissions.
                                                                                                                usually slightly pricier than natural gas, while unflued   we do think it’s a good idea to
                                                                                                                portable LPG heaters are the most expensive option.        keep one for emergency use
                                                                                                                   Burning gas creates moisture and carbon dioxide.        when other energy sources,
           To learn more about grid-tied PV systems, visit:
                                                                                                                A flued heater removes these gases to the outside; an      such as electricity or natural
                                                                                                                unflued heater releases them into the room being heated.   gas, aren’t available.
                                                                                  CONSUMER         GUIDE
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                                                                                  CONSUMER HEATING GUIDE 2016

                                                                                       Which heater where?

                                                                                  OSCILLATING TOWER FAN HEATERS                         MICATHERMIC

ELECTRIC HEATERS                                                                  Overview: Tall, pivoting heaters with a
                                                                                  radiant element and usually a fan. Note: we
                                                                                                                                        Overview: Similar shape to an oil column
                                                                                                                                        heater but thinner. Uses sheets of mica
                                                                                  test large fan heaters designed to warm an            (a mineral similar to slate) encased in a
Portable, plug-in electric heaters cost more to run than fixed forms of heating   entire room. Small fan heaters that sit close to      metal housing, which heat up quickly.
like heat pumps, woodburners or gas fires. They aren’t powerful enough to         the floor can be a good option for personal           Pros: Reasonably fast heating, though not
keep larger living areas at a comfortable temperature. However, their low         heating (for example, if you’re in the only one       quite as even as heaters with a fan. Similar
cost to buy and how easy they are to move makes them often the best bet for       in the study and just want direct heat).              effect to an oil-column heater, but with a
heating bedrooms, offices or infrequently occupied spaces. There is a wide        Pros: Fast, even heating thanks to fan, large         toasty radiant heating effect in addition to the
array of electric heating options, each suited for different room types.          element and oscillation. Usually have a good          purely ambient background heat produced by
                                                                                  range of controls including multiple heat settings,   an oil-column model. Heats up quicker than
                                                                                  timers and eco modes for low-level background         oil-column heaters. Generally silent operation.
                                                                                  heating. Top models include cooling fans.             Lighter and portable than an oil-column.
                                                                                  Cons: Radiant element can be unsafe in                Cons: Most models heat from all sides so can’t be
                                                                                  bedrooms and around children (though most             placed near walls or furniture. Exterior surfaces
                                                                                  now use ceramic elements that are less of a fire      get very hot, so they can be hazardous around
                                                                                  risk than glowing radiant elements). Fans can         young children. Sometimes the mica creaks as
                                                                                  be noisy, which makes them                            the heater warms up.
                                                                                  unsuitable for bedrooms.                              Good for: Warming
                                                                                  Good for: Quickly heating                             small living areas
                                                                                  an office or rumpus room.                             while watching TV.

                                                                                              Ceramic                                        Kent Mica
                                                                                             TCH7092ER                                      KPE216-071
                                                                                              $230 75%                                       $139 78%
                                                                                                    CONSUMER HEATING
                                                                                                     CONSUMERHEATING GUIDE
                                                                                                              HEATINGGUIDE 2016
                                                                                                    CONSUMER HEATING GUIDE 2016

    Which heater where?
                                                                                                       Fan power
                                                                                                       The charts below from our electric heater test
                                                                                                       represent vertical cross sections of our lab. They
                                                                                                       show how much more evenly a heater with a fan
                                                                                                       warms a room compared to a fan-less heater.
                                                                                                       The oscillating tower fan heater gave a relatively
                                                                                                       constant spread of temperatures from the floor
                                                                                                       to the ceiling, but the fan-less oil column heater
                                                                                                       couldn’t break up the layered temperatures,
                                                                                                       meaning cold feet and a hot head.

                                                                                                          FAN-LESS HEATER                                               Thermostats help maintain an even
                                                                                                                                                                     temperature and conserve power.
Overview: These heaters draw cold air over     Overview: These models heat oil                                                                                          Fans help a room warm up faster and
an electric heating element. The warmed        sealed inside their columns/fins. Heat                                                                                distribute heat evenly.
air then leaves the heater and rises towards   from the oil is then transferred to the                                                               O
                                                                                                                                                         C              A timer allows you to turn a heater on
the ceiling, while cooler air moves in to      casing, and released into the air.                                                                             24     and off automatically and is a great way to
replace it. Often have a fan-assist option.    Pros: Provide ambient heating without their                                                                    22     make sure you wake up to a warm home.
Pros: Can be wall-mounted, so they don’t       surfaces getting too hot, making them relatively                                                               20        Tilt switches turn off a heater if it falls
take up much space. When the fan is on,        safe to leave on unattended or in a bedroom                                                                    18     over. Not all portable electric heaters have
they can give reasonably quick and even        while you’re sleeping. Generally silent operation.                                                                    one, but we think they are essential.
heating for smaller living areas. Quiet        Cons: They’re heavy, which makes
operation and covered heating element          them awkward to move. Rely on natural
make them good for bedrooms.                   convection so give uneven heating (unless                  OSCILLATING TOWER HEATER
Cons: Can be expensive, particularly           you use a fan to help the heat circulate).
flat-panel models. Heating isn’t as fast or
even as an oscillating tower model.
                                                                                                                                                                        If you use heat pumps or plug-in
                                                                                                                                                                           electric heaters as your main
                                                                                                                                                          C              source of warmth, it’s essential
                                                                                                                                                                          you’re on the best power deal.
                                                                               CONSIDERING                                                                    22            Visit
 Delonghi                                                                     Delonghi                                                                        20
                                                                                                                                                                               to see how much you
 HCX9124E                                                                      Radia S                                                                                        could save by switching
 $450 70%                                                                    TRRS1224T                                                                                          electricity retailers.
                                                                              $220 67%                                                                        16

                                                                                                                For full reviews of more than 30 heaters, plus loads more buying advice, visit:
                                                                                                      CONSUMER HEATING
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                                                                                                                HEATINGGUIDE 2016
                                                                                                      CONSUMER HEATING GUIDE 2016
30 | WOODBURNERS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                                      31 | WOODBURNERS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE

                                                                                                      House rules
                                                                                                      If you live on a section             standard “CM1” requiring
                                                                                                      smaller than two hectares,           better emissions and efficiency
                                                                                                      any woodburner you install           standards. CM1, also known
                                                                                                      must comply with National            as “ultra-low emission burners
                                                                                                      Environmental Standards (NES).       (ULEB)”, models are able to
                                                                                                                                           be installed in new builds in
                                                                                                      The NES sets benchmarks for
                                                                                                      emissions and efficiency, and        areas where new woodburner          What size
                                                                                                      requires the number of grams         installations had previously        woodburner?
                                                                                                      of smoke particle for every          been banned (for example, the
                                                                                                                                                                               In comparison to an electric
                                                                                                      kilogram of dry wood burnt           Christchurch clean air zone).
                                                                                                                                                                               heater or heat pump, putting
                                                                                                      to be less than 1.5g/kg. It also        For sections greater than two
                                                                                                                                                                               an exact figure on woodburner
                                                                                                      requires your woodburner’s           hectares, “rural” woodburners
                                                                                                                                                                               heat output (kW) is difficult.
                                                                                                      efficiency to be greater than 65%.   are allowed. While these often
                                                                                                                                                                                   We use results from NES
                                                                                                          In Nelson and Canterbury,        have significantly higher
                                                                                                                                                                               testing to measure heat output.
                                                                                                      the rules are even tougher.          emissions than NES models,          The trouble is the NES test
                                                                                                      Environment Canterbury               they generally deliver huge         can understate what you can
                                                                                                      Regional Council has sponsored       amounts of heat, making them        achieve in your home, especially
                                                                                                      the development of a new             great for large open-plan areas.    for larger woodburners as
                                                                                                                                                                               they aren’t run long enough
                                                                                                        Authorised woodburners (Canterbury):                                   to completely heat up.
                                                                                                                                                                                   An alternative figure, based
                                                                                                        Authorised woodburners (Nelson):
                                                                                                                                                                               on the New Zealand Home
                                                                                                                                                                               Heating Association (NZHHA)
                                                                                 tips                                                                                          test method, is provided for
                                                                                                                                                                               many woodburners. In this test,
Nothing is nicer than toasting yourself in front of a
                                                                                                                                                                               the woodburner is refuelled
cosy fire. Using a woodburner to heat your home                                                       Jayline Waltherm ULEB
                                                                                   Keep the                                                                                    every 20 minutes and reaches
means there's less risk of serious bill shocks this                                                   woodburner $5199
                                                                                                                                                                               its absolute peak output. In
winter – and you’ll stay warm if the power goes off.                      woodburner refuelled.
                                                                                                      This woodburner meets                                                    use, your woodburner’s typical
                                                                              Use dry firewood of     the stringent emissions and                                              peak output will fall somewhere
                                                                          the right size (less than   efficiency standards required
Burning wood is sustainable and        fine smoke particles that lodge                                                                                                         between these numbers, only
                                                                            110mm in diameter).       of an ULEB (CM1) model.
environmentally friendly, but          in people’s lungs. Modern                                                                                                               reaching the NZHHA figure after
                                                                             Keep your burn clean     Output: 14.9kW
only if it’s burned cleanly. You get   woodburners are designed                                                                                                                a few hours of regular stoking.
                                                                         by adjusting the amount      Emissions: 0.47g/kg                                                      We reference these figures in
more heat from a clean-burning         to burn cleaner than older
                                                                         of wood burning rather       Heat area: 160-300m2                                                     our database where available.
(non-smoky) fire, and cleaner          models, but you must still
                                                                            than the air control.
burning means fewer smoke              tend the fire carefully and use
particles lodging in our lungs.        dry wood of the right size.
   If you burn wood carelessly,           A ducted heat-transfer kit                                              For a calculator showing the approximate heat output required for your home, along
or use wet logs, you can create        can be a good way to spread                                                with buying tips and a comparison database of more than 100 woodburners, visit:
a health hazard through ultra-         the heat though the home.

APPLIANCE RUNNING COSTS                                                                                       Energy-efficient recommended products
Why is your winter power bill so high? Think of it as a rule of thirds: one-
third space heating, one-third water heating, one-third everything else.
Everyone’s familiar with the usual suspects for high energy bills, like electric
heaters. But where does the rest go – what makes up “everything else”?                                                                         78
Tackling power-hungry appliances helps soften the blow of winter power bills.                                                                                                          88

LIGHTING                                            FRIDGES AND FREEZERS
Short days and dark evenings mean lights            The appliance that is “always on” has a big                 Miele TKB 350 WP ECO heat                   Sunbeam Secret Chef Electronic
are on for longer over winter. If you are still     impact on your power bill. Replacing a 10- to                   pump dryer $2299                          sear and slow cooker $300
using halogen downlights and standard               15-year-old fridge-freezer with a new energy-
incandescent bulbs you are wasting money.           efficient model could save more than 20¢ each
Replacing a standard 60W bulb with                  day. And what about that old beer fridge in the
an LED would save about 1.5¢ for every              garage? Unplugging that could save a further                                               83                                      80
hour it is switched on. Multiply that by the        20¢ each day. That’s $12 saved every month.
number of bulbs you have, and the number
of hours they are on, and it adds up to a
significant proportion of your power bill.
A house filled with standard bulbs could
contribute up to 8% of a power bill.
You can replace halogen downlight bulbs with
LEDs and see similar savings. But replacing
the entire fitting is a better option. It costs     COOKING
more upfront than buying bulbs, but you’ll          Winter means hot dinners: roasts, stews and
get a longer life and you can fit roof insulation   casseroles. But running your oven and cooktop                     LG GB-450UPLX                              Panasonic CS/CU-RZ9RKR
over the top of LED downlight fittings to                                                                           fridge-freezer $1899                             heat pump $1899
                                                    isn’t cheap: bank on about 38¢ to cook a typical
reduce heat lost into your roofspace.               roast and 50¢ per hour to run each electric
LED lights may cost more, but it pays to            cooktop element. You might consider replacing
replace the most frequently used bulbs and          some meals with a slow-cooked casserole – a
downlights with LEDs now, rather than wait          typical slow cooker running for eight hours only
                                                                                                                Our tables show the typical running costs for a range of appliances.
for them to fail. Over just one winter period       costs 6¢. Or make use of your microwave: heating            Visit:
you are likely to save money overall.               the equivalent of a plate of food costs just 2¢.
36 | LIGHTING | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                                37 | LIGHTING | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE

                                                                                             REPLACEMENT BULB OR                                         dedicated LED fittings. Note, if the fitting
                                                                                             DEDICATED LED FITTING                                       fails you’ll have to replace the whole unit.
                                                                                             A dedicated fitting houses the LED and its                      If your home has recessed downlights
                                                                                             associated electronics – the bulb is fixed to the           with incandescent or halogen bulbs, it is
                                                                                             fitting and can’t be changed like a regular light bulb.     better to replace the entire fitting with a
                                                                                                 A replacement bulb is an LED that can                   dedicated LED downlight fitting, instead
                                                                                             be retrofitted into an existing fitting to                  of just changing the bulb. This is because
                                                                                             replace an incandescent, halogen or CFL.                    the LED is likely to overheat in the old
                                                                                                 A dedicated fitting is designed to manage               fitting and its life will be shortened. In
                                                                                             the heat that concentrates at its base;                     addition, most older downlight fittings
                                                                                             overheating can shorten an LED’s lifespan. If               require generous clearances to ceiling
                                                                                             you’re installing lights as part of a renovation,           insulation and can allow draughts

LIGHTING                                                                                     or if you’re building a home, we recommend                  through the hole in the ceiling lining.

Lighting is a great way to create a cosy
                                                  Finding the right
atmosphere on long winter nights.                 bulb for you                               Outdoor lighting                       need to get a decent amount of
                                                                                                                                    sun during the day.
Energy-efficient bulbs have advanced                                                         Keeping your outdoor
                                                  Gone are the days of simply picking                                                  Solar security lights are
to where you can get any look you want                                                       areas well lit is essential for
                                                  up a 50¢ incandescent of the right         preventing night-time falls            mounted on a wall and
while enjoying substantial savings.
                                                  wattage when your bulb blows. When         and deterring burglars. There          designed to illuminate
                                                  buying a CFL or LED you have to            are several types to consider:         entranceways. They generally
                                                  check lumens, beam angle, and colour                                              include a motion sensor, and a
                                                  temperature. So what does it all mean?        Solar garden lights stake           separate solar panel connected
                                                     Lumens measure brightness. When         into the ground and use a              to the light via a long cable so    voltages means the cables don’t
                                                  replacing an incandescent with a CFL       built-in solar panel to charge         the panel can be mounted            need to be buried, as they don’t
ENERGY SAVERS                                                                                their batteries during the day         where it will be exposed to the     pose an electrocution risk if
                                                  or LED, check the equivalent
Incandescent bulbs are being phased out.                                                     then activate (by a light sensor)      most sun (eg, on a garage roof).    accidentally cut.
                                                  incandescent wattage on the
Their replacements – compact florescent                                                      when night falls. We found             They aren’t as bright as wired-in      Mains sensor security
                                                  packaging – this shows how the
lamps (CFLs) and light emitting diodes                                                       cheap solar lights (those              security sensor lights but can be   lights are the traditional
                                                  brightness and wattage of the light
(LEDs) – are more efficient and long-lasting.                                                costing less than $10) didn’t          a good option to avoid the cost     motion-sensing outdoor lights,
                                                  bulbs measure up.
LEDs last two to three times longer than                                                     provide enough light to keep           of running electricity to areas     and often come as twin lamps
                                                     Beam angle is how the light spreads
CFLs and don’t contain any mercury.                                                          you safe. However, more                remote from your home’s             allowing you to illuminate large
                                                  out from the bulb. Narrow beam angles
                                                  are good for spotlighting and              expensive models, like                 mains supply.                       outdoor areas. They’re brighter
INDOORS AND OUTDOORS                                                                         Duracell’s LED solar spot and             12V garden lights are            than solar security lights, but
                                                  downlights. For floodlights, you want a
Different rooms require different lighting                                                   path lights, can be good               powered from a transformer          need to be installed by an
                                                  larger beam angle (greater than 60°).
moods. Use bulbs with a warm colour                                                          options for avoiding the hassle        that plugs into a mains socket,     electrician and this can be
                                                     Colour temperature refers to the
temperature and diffuse light for living rooms                                               of wiring in lights. For this to be    and reduces the mains voltage       expensive if you need to run
                                                  light’s colour characteristic. It varies
and bedrooms. Spotlights with a cooler                                                       an option, your outdoor areas          from 230V to 12V. Using low         wiring where you need the light.
                                                  between warm, like the yellow hue of
light are great for reading and work areas.
                                                  an incandescent bulb, or cool, like the
   Look for PAR38 LEDs when replacing flood-
                                                  bluish light of a fluorescent lamp.
and security lights. They’re as bright as their                                                           For our free test of outdoor lights, visit:
halogen equivalents and more energy-efficient.
38 | TOP 10 TIPS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE                                     39 | TOP 10 TIPS | CONSUMER WINTER HEATING GUIDE


                                                                                                  Oil column and other
                     1                                                                        convection heaters can create
                                                                                               a “pool” of hot air above the
                                                                                               heater, while the rest of the
            The key to reducing
           dampness is targeting                                        2                    room is heated less. Use a small
                                                                                             desk fan to mix the air and even                              7
          the sources of moisture                                                                  out the temperature.
         and ensuring your house                                   Insulate first,
                                                                     particularly                                                                Set heater and other
           has adequate heating,                                                                                                                  thermostats at the
         ventilation and insulation.                               the ceiling and
                                                                     underfloor.                                                                minimum temperature
                                                                                                                                                 you find comfortable.
                                                                                                                                8                Every extra degree is
                                                                                                                                                  costing you money.

                                                3                                                                         A ducted heat
                                                                                                                        transfer kit helps
                                                                                                                      prevent a woodburner
                                         Temporary double                                                             overheating the lounge
                                       glazing is a cheap way                                                          while the rest of the
                                        to reduce heat loss
                                         through windows.
                                                                                                                       house remains cold.
                                                                                                   9                                            If your heat pump freezes
                                                                                                                                                  on cold mornings, use a
                                                                                                                                                 cheap fan heater to help

                         4                                          5                     Heat pumps are great
                                                                                            for large spaces, but
                                                                                                                                                  the heat pump raise the
                                                                                                                                               room temperature. It’ll only
                                                                                          for small or rarely used                               cost about 30¢ to use for
                                                             Heat pumps have             rooms, consider a cheap
                   A dehumidifier                                                                                                                      half an hour.
                                                           the cheapest running               portable heater.
                 reduces dampness,                          costs. Woodburners
                  while also heating                       and flued natural gas
                      the room.                            heaters are next best.
There are even more ways to save, and get a
  fair deal with a Consumer NZ membership.

   30% off                    or           50% off
 an online membership                   an online membership
for the first three months              for the first 12 months –
  – that's just $19.95 to                  that's just $49.95.
   get through winter.

         Offers are available for new and returning
            members until the end of June 2017
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