A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure

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A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure
in vivo 34: 1637-1644 (2020)

                   A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency
                   of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure
                                    LI XIAO1, HIROSHI SAKAGAMI2 and NOBUHIKO MIWA3

   1Department      of Pharmacology, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan;
                       2Meikai University Research Institute of Odontology (M-RIO), Saitama, Japan;
                      3Faculty of Life Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan

Abstract. Background: Sneezes produce many pathogen-               Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
containing micro-droplets with high velocities of 4.5-50.0         CoV-2) causing respiratory infection, has rapidly spread
m/s. Face masks are believed to protect people from infection      worldwide. SARS-CoV-2 is primarily transmitted between
by blocking those droplets. However, current filtration            people through respiratory droplets and small particle droplet
efficiency tests can’t evaluate masks under sneeze-like            nuclei (aerosols). Coughing and sneezing can produce
pressure. The goal of this study was to establish a method to      airflows at high velocities containing countless micro-
evaluate the filtration efficiency of mask materials under         droplets. Early studies showed that the velocity of a sneeze
extreme conditions. Materials and Methods: Efficiency of           was about 46.0-50.0 m/s whereas recent studies
surgical masks, gauze masks, gauze, cotton, silk, linen and        demonstrated that the initial velocity of the micro-droplets
tissue paper on blocking micro-droplet sized starch particles      in a sneeze was about 4.5-7.0 m/s (1, 2). Face masks, such
(average 8.2 μm) and latex microspheres (0.75 μm) with a           as surgical masks could block micro-droplets (>5 μm) and
velocity of 44.4 m/s created by centrifugation was                 aerosols (
A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure
in vivo 34: 1637-1644 (2020)

                                                                                                                       Figure 1. Continued

sneezing or coughing. This study presents a simple way to           Mask washing method. Both gauze masks and surgical masks were
test the filter performance of mask materials using micro-          soaked in water with a neutral detergent for 10 min. After rinsing
                                                                    with clean water 3-5 times, the masks were soaked in 1.5% chlorine
droplets sized particles and microspheres with a challenged
                                                                    bleach for another 10 min. Then the masks were rinsed with clean
velocity of 44.4 m/s created by centrifugation (7,500 rpm).         water 3-5 times and air dried.

Materials and Methods                                               Starch solution preparation. One tea spoon of soft wheat flour
                                                                    (commercially available) was mixed with food coloring in 50 ml of
Samples of mask materials. Samples included surgical masks,         water. The solution was further completely mixed by voltex before
washed surgical masks, cotton gauze masks (containing 4 layers of   being added onto each sample.
cotton gauze, 2 layers of nonwoven fabric filter and 2 layers of
polypropylene filter, washed), 4 types of cotton from T-shirts, 3   Microsphere solution preparation. One droplet of Fluoresbrite® YG
types of silk, 3 types of linen, tissue paper and cotton gauze.     Carboxylate Microspheres 0.75 μm (Cat#07766-10, Polysciences,
Surgical masks and cotton gauze masks were purchased from a         Inc., Warrington, PA, USA) was added into 50 ml of water to make
Japanese drug store. Both of them have 99% BFE. The surgical        an aqueous suspension. The solution was completely mixed by
masks also passed PFE and VFE tests. The microstructures of mask    voltex before being added onto each sample.
materials were observed by both a digital microscope (AM4113ZT4,
ANMO Electronics Corp., Taiwan) and a scanning electron             Micro-particle filtration efficiency test. a) Starch particle filtration
microscope (SEM) (S-4000, HITACHI, Ltd. Tokyo).                     efficiency test. 300 μl of starch solution was gently dropped on the

A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure
Xiao et al: A New Method for Mask Evaluation

Figure 1. Microstructures of mask materials. A. Polarized microscopic images of mask materials including 4 types of 100% cotton from T-shirts,
surgical mask surface, surgical mask filter, gauze mask nonwoven fabric filter, gauze mask polypropylene filter, 3 types of linen, 3 types of silk. (i),
commercial available cotton gauze mask, (ii) macrostructure of the cotton gauze mask. B. SEM images of some mask materials.

top of each sample which was set in the insert of a micro-tube                intensity of each droplet was then analyzed by ImageJ (version
[Figure 2(i)] and followed by centrifugation (7,500 rpm, equaling             1.52u, Wayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
44.4 m/s) for 20 s to mimic the velocity of a sneeze. After                   MD, USA).
centrifugation, the solution was mixed completely by pipetting. For               c) Microsphere-capturing test. 50-100 μl of microsphere solution
the hydrophobic samples (surgical masks) or samples with thick                was added on top of the sample to make the materials wet throughout
layers, 100 μl of the solution was applied on to the samples and              all the layers. After air-drying overnight, samples were mounted onto
centrifuged 6-7 s. This process was repeated three times. 25 μl of            stubs and then coated with a thin layer of osmium in the osmium
the filtered solution was added onto a Tali™ Cellular Analysis Slide          plasma coater (Neo osmium coater Neoc-AN, Meiwafosis Co., Ltd.
(T10794, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tokyo) and analyzed by the                 Tokyo, Japan). The samples were examined using a scanning electron
Tali™ Image Cytometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tokyo).                      microscope (S-4000, HITACHI, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan).
   b) Microsphere filtration efficiency test. 100 μl of microsphere
solution was added to surface of the samples and centrifuged in the           Statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was carried out similarly to
same manner as described in the starch particle filtration efficiency         our previous report (11). All data, expressed as the mean±SD, were
test. The filtered solution was then mixed completely by pipetting.           analyzed statistically by GNU PSPP Statistical Analysis Software
A 1 μl droplet of the solution was added onto a microscope glass              (version 0.8.2-gad9374) (https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/) and
slide and photographed with the EVOS® FL Cell Imaging System                  EZAnalyze Excel-based tools (http://www.ezanalyze.com/). One-
(Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tokyo, Japan). The green fluorescence              way analysis of the variance was followed by post hoc analysis

A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure
in vivo 34: 1637-1644 (2020)

Figure 2. Efficiency of the mask materials for filtering micro-droplet-sized particles. The experimental steps are illustrated in A. (i) shows the setting
of samples. B. Efficiency of mask materials on blocking starch particles was analyzed by Tali cytometer. The histograms represent three independent
experiments. **p
A New Method for Testing Filtration Efficiency of Mask Materials Under Sneeze-like Pressure
Xiao et al: A New Method for Mask Evaluation

Figure 3. Efficiency of the mask materials for filtering aerosol-sized particles. The experimental steps are illustrated in A. (i) shows 400 times
enlarged image of Fluoresbrite® YG Carboxylate Microspheres with a dimeter of 0.75 μm. Scale=50 μm. B. Efficiency of mask materials in blocking
microspheres was analyzed by EVOS® FL Cell Imaging System and ImageJ software. The histograms represent three independent experiments.
in vivo 34: 1637-1644 (2020)

Figure 4. Microsphere-capturing ability of mask materials. The experimental steps are illustrated in A. (i) presents a SEM image of the microspheres
on a hydrophilic PVDF membrane filter (0.22 μm pore size), scale bar=2 μm. B. SEM images of the microspheres captured by the mask materials
(shown by red arrows).

green fluorescence. The green fluorescence intensity level of               is electrostatically charged, the 4 layers of silk showed the
the spots represents the number of microspheres existing in                 highest blocking rate (93.8%) of the microspheres. Cotton
the 1 μl solution. Because these microspheres were too small                and linen with multiple layers were significantly better than
to measure by the Tali cytometer or flow cytometry, we                      a single or fewer layers. Washed surgical masks showed
analyzed the green fluorescence intensity of each spot to                   lower filtration efficiency than the new surgical masks.
quantify the microspheres blocking rate of mask materials
using the ImageJ software. As shown in Figure 3B and C, all                 Microsphere-capturing ability of mask materials. Lastly, we
the mask materials could block the microspheres at different                tested the microsphere-capturing ability of materials without
degrees. The top three microspheres blocking materials were                 centrifugation by using SEM (Figure 4). This experiment
the 4 layers of silk, the gauze mask and the 2 layers of                    simulated a situation in which the micro-droplets are spewed
cotton-1 (cotton-1 showed average filtration efficiency                     onto the surface of a mask. Figure 4(i) showed that the
among cotton1-4 in the starch particles test, therefore we                  microspheres did not penetrate the 0.22 μm filter. Because
chose it for this experiment). They all showed significantly                the surface of surgical masks is hydrophobic, 50 μl of
higher blocking ability than the surgical mask. Because silk                microspheres did not pass through the surface without

Xiao et al: A New Method for Mask Evaluation

centrifugation. The microspheres accumulated on the fibers        outer layers of a surgical mask for 4-7 days whereas they
of the mask surface, and were not seen in the third layer.        could not be detected on tissue paper after 3 h (15).
Meanwhile, the solution of microspheres penetrated the            Therefore, putting several layers of tissue paper inside the
layers of silk, the cotton and the linen samples. Microspheres    surgical mask could offer more protection than a surgical
were observed both on their first and last layers, suggesting     mask alone. Washed surgical masks lost their
that these materials could capture those microspheres. Notice     hydrophobicity and static electricity. They showed lower
that some microspheres presented on the edge of the silk          blocking rates of starch particles and microspheres.
fibers suggesting that silk fibers probably electrostatically        Previous studies showed that cotton fabric could reduce
captured those microspheres.                                      virus titer (16, 17) suggesting that cotton is a suitable
                                                                  material for masks. Linen has been used in hospital textiles
Discussion                                                        due to its ability to disperse heat and evaporate moisture.
                                                                  Our data showed that 2 layers of linen could block 53.2% of
Previous studies suggested that the filtration efficiency of      the microspheres and 80.3% of the starch particles
masks is basically affected by particle size and filtration       suggesting that it has the ability to block some micro-
velocity (14). Centrifugation can easily produce enough           droplets. Taken together, we recommend people to make
force to separate the particles inside a solution at high         masks with 1) 2 layers of 100% cotton from T-shirts, 2) 4
velocities. As we demonstrate in Figure 2(i), with an insert      layers of silk or 3) a combination of linen/cotton or silk/linen
placed in the tube, it is simple to check the filtration          or silk/cotton (using a wire around the nose could make the
efficiency of materials by centrifugation. Unlike direct force    masks fit well). However, none of these materials could
produced by negative pressure, this method does not break         block particles totally, and even a small percentage of the
the fibers of the testing materials even at a challenged          micro-droplets and aerosols that passed through the masks is
velocity. The mask materials we used in this study were           enough to cause infection. Therefore keeping a social
similar to a previous study in which the researchers              distance, avoiding crowds and frequently airing rooms are
evaluated the capacity of homemade masks to block                 very important.
bacterial and viral aerosols by using a fit test machine. Their      However, this study has some limitations. Centrifugation-
results showed that 100% cotton from T-shirts was the best        produced velocity only partially represents the velocity of a
choice for homemade masks although its efficiency in              cough or a sneeze. The dynamics of particles in fluid and in
blocking transmission was 3 times lower than that of              air are also different. It would be best if this study had used
surgical masks (9). A recent study also checked the filtration    human subjects to test the filtration efficiency of masks
efficiency of common fabrics at two different airflows: ~35       while coughing and sneezing. It has been reported that
L/min and ~90 L/min. The data showed that some cotton             digital high-vision and high-speed video systems could
fabrics and the 4 layers of silk exhibited better or equal        quantitatively analyze micro-droplets while coughing or
efficiency to that of N95 or surgical masks on blocking           sneezing (18, 19). This technique could be applied for testing
aerosol particles (10 nm to 6.0 μm). The filtration               the filtration efficiency of masks.
efficiencies were improved by the increased TPI or layers
of fabrics (10). Our data showed similar results; the 4 layers    Conclusion
of silk, the cotton gauze masks, and the 2 layers of cotton
from T-shirts could efficiently block 0.75 μm microspheres        To our knowledge, this is the first report to use
and 8.2 μm starch particles under a sneeze-like pressure.         centrifugation to test the filtration efficiency of mask
Their blocking efficiency was significantly better than the       materials under sneeze-like pressure. This method not only
surgical masks. Evidence showed that surgical masks could         compensates for shortcomings of PFE, VFE and BFE tests,
not efficiently filter particles under a size of 3.1 μm (4).      but also offers a simple way to explore new materials for
These phenomena possibly occur because the intervals of           manufacturing masks during pandemics.
fibers in surgical masks are much looser than in cotton and
silk (Figure 1B and 4B); micro-particles can easily pass          Conflicts of Interest
through the surgical mask layers at the velocity of a sneeze.
                                                                  The Authors declare no competing financial interests regarding this
However, since surgical masks have hydrophobic and
electrocharged fibers, they can offer fluid resistance and
electrostatically capture micro-particles. Interestingly our
                                                                  Authors’ Contributions
data showed that the 4 layers of tissue paper could block
84.4% of starch particles, which was significantly more           L. X. designed and performed experiments, analyzed data and wrote
efficient than surgical masks. It has been reported that          the paper; H. S analyzed data and gave conceptual advices; N.M.
infectious SARS-CoV-2 could be detected on the inner and          provided materials, analyzed data and proofread the manuscript.

in vivo 34: 1637-1644 (2020)

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