Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology

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Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology
Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology
                                                                                 Julia E. Reid, MD m,† and Eric Eaton, PhD ‡

                                                          Purpose of review
                                                          Despite the impressive results of recent artificial intelligence (AI) applications to general ophthalmol-
arXiv:1904.08796v1 [] 6 Apr 2019

                                                          ogy, comparatively less progress has been made toward solving problems in pediatric ophthalmology
                                                          using similar techniques. This article discusses the unique needs of pediatric ophthalmology patients
                                                          and how AI techniques can address these challenges, surveys recent applications of AI to pediatric
                                                          ophthalmology, and discusses future directions in the field.

                                                          Recent findings
                                                          The most significant advances involve the automated detection of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP),
                                                          yielding results that rival experts. Machine learning (ML) has also been successfully applied to the clas-
                                                          sification of pediatric cataracts, prediction of post-operative complications following cataract surgery,
                                                          detection of strabismus and refractive error, prediction of future high myopia, and diagnosis of read-
                                                          ing disability via eye tracking. In addition, ML techniques have been used for the study of visual
                                                          development, vessel segmentation in pediatric fundus images, and ophthalmic image synthesis.

                                                          AI applications could significantly benefit clinical care for pediatric ophthalmology patients by opti-
                                                          mizing disease detection and grading, broadening access to care, furthering scientific discovery, and
                                                          improving clinical efficiency. These methods need to match or surpass physician performance in clinical
                                                          trials before deployment with patients. Due to widespread use of closed-access data sets and software
                                                          implementations, it is difficult to directly compare the performance of these approaches, and repro-
                                                          ducibility is poor. Open-access data sets and software implementations could alleviate these issues,
                                                          and encourage further AI applications to pediatric ophthalmology.

                                                          pediatric ophthalmology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning

                                                 INTRODUCTION                                              atric ophthalmology, despite the pressing need. In
                                                                                                           the United States, there is a shortage of pediatric
                                                 The increased availability of ophthalmic data, cou- ophthalmologists [12] and fellowship positions con-
                                                 pled with advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and tinue to go unfilled [13]. Globally, this shortage is
                                                 machine learning (ML), offer the potential to pos- even more pronounced and devastating—for exam-
                                                 itively transform clinical practice. Recent applica- ple, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), now in its
                                                 tions of ML techniques to general ophthalmology third epidemic, has resulted in irreversible blindness
                                                 have demonstrated the potential for automated dis- in over 50,000 premature infants due to worldwide
                                                 ease diagnosis [1], automated prescreening of primary shortages of trained specialists and other barriers to
                                                 care patients for specialist referral [2], and scientific adequate care [14, 15].
                                                 discovery [3], among others. Acting as a complement
                                                 to ophthalmologists, these and future applications
                                                 have the potential to optimize patient care, reduce mNemours / Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Division of
                                                 costs and barriers to access, limit unnecessary refer- Pediatric Ophthalmology, Wilmington, DE; † Thomas Jefferson
                                                 rals, permit objective monitoring, and enable early University,        Departments of Pediatrics and Ophthalmology,
                                                                                                           Philadelphia, PA; and ‡ University of Pennsylvania, Department
                                                 disease detection.                                        of Computer and Information Science, Philadelphia, PA
                                                     To date, most AI applications have focused on
                                                 adult ophthalmic diseases, as discussed by several re- Correspondence to Julia E. Reid, MD, Division of Pediatric
                                                                                                           Ophthalmology, 1600 Rockland Road, Wilmington, DE 19803,
                                                 views [4–11]. Comparatively little progress has been USA. email:
                                                 made in applying AI and ML techniques to pedi-

Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology Julia E. Reid & Eric Eaton

                                                            be fully cyclopleged. Ancillary testing that requires
  KEY POINTS                                                patient cooperation may not be possible in an awake
                                                            child, and eye exams under anesthesia are not un-
   • Pediatric ophthalmology has unique aspects that        common. Similarly, children are typically placed un-
     must be considered when designing AI applications,
     including disease prevalence, cause, presentation, di- der general anesthesia for eye procedures, whereas
     agnosis, and treatment, which differ from adults.      adults may require only topical or local anesthesia.
                                                            Techniques for more accurate diagnosis and disease
   • Most recent AI applications focus on ROP or congen-    prediction could help reduce the high cost and risk of
     ital cataracts, although many other areas of pediatric
     ophthalmology could benefit from AI.                   repeated exams and surgeries under anesthesia.
                                                                Other distinguishing factors pertain to the pedi-
   • Reproducibility and comparability between current      atric patient’s growth and development. In most chil-
     AI approaches is poor, and would be improved with      dren, visual development occurs from birth until age
     open-access data sets and software implementations.
                                                            7 or 8; eye diseases affecting children during this pe-
   • Evaluation on experimental data sets should be aug-    riod can cause permanent vision loss due to ambly-
     mented with clinical validation prior to deployment    opia or reduced visual abilities. Additionally, during
     with patients.                                         development, significant ocular growth occurs, caus-
                                                            ing changes in refractive error that complicate surgi-
                                                            cal planning for congenital cataract patients.
                                                                Retinal imaging, too, differs for pediatric and
UNIQUE CONSIDERATIONS FOR                                   adult patients. Factors such as children’s lack of fix-
PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY                                     ation and small pupils can create blur, partial occlu-
                                                            sion, and illumination defects, all of which degrade
Ophthalmic disease prevalence, cause, presentation, image quality. For infants being screened for ROP,
diagnosis, and treatment all differ between adult and their fundus images are more variable and have more
pediatric patients—dissimilarities that are important visible choroidal vessels, making classification com-
to consider when developing AI applications.                paratively difficult [16].
    Common diseases in children include amblyopia,
strabismus, nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO),
                                                            CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF AI
retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and congenital
eye diseases. The adult population, by contrast, is This section surveys recent AI applications to pedi-
affected by cataracts, dry eye, macular degeneration, atric ophthalmology, organized by disease (see Ta-
diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. For diseases that ble 1). The approaches discussed in this survey
occur in both children and adults, the presentation, would more precisely be called applications of ML—
cause, and treatment often differ. Glaucoma is a good the largest subfield of AI concerned with learning
example, as the cause and presentation in congeni- models from data. We have provided a brief overview
tal glaucoma patients are both unlike those in adult- of AI and ML and their relationship in supplemental
onset glaucoma patients. Optimal management of material, but the interested reader is encouraged to
glaucoma, including surgery, also differs for these two consult a more extensive tutorial on these topics [e.g.
populations.                                                5]. To limit its scope, this review focuses on appli-
    Infants and children have distinct characteristics cations with a goal of having the AI aspects directly
from adults that affect their ophthalmology visits. impact clinical practice; we omit studies where ML
Given their developmental capabilities, there is gen- was used primarily for statistical analysis.
erally less information gleaned from a single eye exam
of a child, so several visits may be required to accu-
rately diagnose or characterize that child’s disease. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)
There is also a stronger reliance on the objective The most significant AI advances in pediatric oph-
exam because of the infant’s or child’s inability to thalmology apply to ROP, a leading cause of child-
effectively communicate. Children’s short attention hood blindness worldwide [14, 15, 40]. In addition
spans and unpredictable behavior often necessitate to the shortage of trained providers [14, 15, 41], ROP
a quick exam that allows the physician to gain the exams are difficult, clinical impressions are subjective
child’s trust while keeping him or her at ease. De- and vary among examiners [23, 42, 43], and disease
spite this, there are portions of the clinic visit that management is time-intensive, requiring several serial
take longer, such as restraining a child to adminis- exams. AI applications have focused on detecting the
ter dilating drops and then waiting for that child to presence and grading of ROP or plus disease from

Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology Julia E. Reid & Eric Eaton

     Table 1. Summary of ML-based techniques for pediatric ophthalmic disease detection and diagnosis

 Approach               Predicted category                  Sensitivity Specificity AUROC Accuracy Method summary
 (Approx. devel. year)                                      (%)         (%)               (%)
 Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
   DeepROP [17 ]  
                        Experimental data set                                                           Cloud-based platform. Set of
   (2018)                 Presence of ROP                   96.64         99.33     0.995   97.99       fundus images → two CNNs
                          Severe (vs Mild) ROP              88.46         92.31     0.951   90.38       (modified Inception-BN nets
                        Clinical test                                                                   pretrained on ImageNet): one
                          Presence of ROP                   84.91         96.90      –      95.55       predicts presence, and the
                          Severe (vs Mild) ROP              93.33         73.63      –      76.42       other severity
   i-ROP-DL [18 ] 
                        Clinically significant ROP           –             –        0.914    –          Applies a linear formula to
   (2018)                 Type 1 ROP                        94            79        0.960    –          the probabilities output by
                          Type 2 ROP                         –             –        0.867    –          i-ROP-DL (see below) to yield
                          Pre-plus disease                   –             –        0.910    –          a severity score on a 1–9 scale
   MiGraph [19]         Presence of ROP                     99.4          95.0      0.98    97.5        SIFT features from image
   (2016)                                                                                               patches → multiple instance
                                                                                                        learning graph-kernel SVM
   VesselMap [20]        Severe ROP                                                                     Semiautomated tool that uses
   (2007)                  From mean arteriole diameter –                  –        0.93     –          classic image analysis to mea-
                           From mean venule diameter      –                –        0.87     –          sure vessel diameter
 ROP: Plus or pre-plus disease
  i-ROP-DL [21 ]  
                         Plus disease [18 ]
                                                          –                –        0.989    –          CNN-output       (U-net)     ves-
  (2018)                 Pre-plus disease [18 ]
                                                          –                –        0.910    –          sel segmentations → CNN
                         Plus disease [21 ]
                                                         93               94        0.98    91.0        (InceptionV1 pretrained on
                         Pre-plus or worse disease [21 ] 100
                                                                          94        0.94     –          ImageNet) to classify as
   CNN + Bayes [16]      Plus disease (per image)           82.5          98.3       –      91.8        CNN (InceptionV1 pretrained
   (2016)                             (per exam)            95.4          94.7       –      93.6        on ImageNet) adapted to out-
                                                                                                        put the Bayesian posterior
   i-ROP [22]            Plus disease                       93             –         –      95          SVM with a kernel derived
   (2015)                Pre-plus or worse disease          97             –         –       –          from a GMM of tortuosity and
                                                                                                        dilation features from manually
                                                                                                        segmented images
   Naı̈ve Bayes [23]     Plus/pre-plus/none (SVM-RFE)        –             –         –      79.41       Naı̈ve Bayes with SVM-RFE or
   (2015)                Plus disease (ReliefF)              –             –         –      88.24       ReliefF vessel feature selection
   CAIAR [24]            Plus (from venule width)            –             –        0.909    –          Generative vessel model fit to
   (2008)                Plus (from arteriole tortuosity)    –             –        0.920    –          a multi-scale representation of
                                                                                                        the retinal image
   ROPtool [26]          Plus tortuosity (eye)              95            78         –      87.50       User-guided tool that traces
   (2007)                                (quadrant)         85            77        0.885   80.63       centerlines of retinal vessels to
                         Pre-plus tortuosity (quadrant)     89            82        0.875    –          measure tortuosity
   RISA [27]             Plus disease (from arteriole       93.8          93.8      0.967    –          Logistic regression on geomet-
   (2005)                  and venule curvature and                                                     ric features computed for each
                           tortuosity, venule diameter)                                                 segment of the vascular tree
  IVAN [24]              Plus (from venule width)         –           –          0.909   –              Measures vessel width via clas-
  (2002)                                                                                                sic image analysis
 Abbreviations: AUROC – area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; GMM – Gaussian      mixture model

digital fundus photos. Beyond the benefits of auto-                     and width via classic image analysis, including Vessel
mated ROP screening and objective assessment, dig-                      Finder [47], VesselMap [20], ROPtool [26], RISA [27,
ital retinal imaging may cause less pain and stress for                 48, 49], CAIAR [24, 25], and IVAN [24, 50], all of
infants undergoing ROP screening compared to indi-                      which require at least one manual step from the user.
rect ophthalmoscopy [44] and enable neonatology-led                     Recent work suggests other potential vessel measure-
screening programs [45].                                                ments correlated with plus disease, such as a decrease
    Early computational approaches to detecting plus                    in the openness of the major temporal arcade an-
disease from fundus images focused on vessel tor-                       gle [51]. Once extracted, retinal vessel measurements
tuosity. One early attempt to objectively quantify                      have been used as features for various predictive mod-
tortuosity used the spatial frequency of manual ves-                    els of plus disease, including linear models such as lo-
sel tracings [46]. Since then, there have been sev-                     gistic regression [27] and naı̈ve Bayes [23], as well as
eral tools developed to determine vessel tortuosity                     non-linear models trained by support vector machines

Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology Julia E. Reid & Eric Eaton

                                                               Table 1. (Continued)

 Approach                 Predicted category                       Sensitivity Specificity AUROC Accuracy Method summary
 (Approx. devel. year)                                             (%)         (%)               (%)
 Pediatric cataracts
   Post-operative         CLR and/or High IOP (RF)                 62.5          76.9         0.722      70.0        Demographic and cataract
   complication                                   (NB)             73.1          66.7         0.719      70.0        severity evaluation data →
   prediction [28]        Central lens regrowth (RF)               66.7          72.2         0.743      72.0        class-balancing using SMOTE
   (2019)                                        (NB)              61.1          68.8         0.735      66.0        → random forest (RF) and
                          High IOP (RF)                            63.6          71.8         0.735      70.0        naı̈ve Bayes (NB) classifiers
                                    (NB)                           54.5          69.2         0.719      66.0
   CS-ResCNN [29]         Severe posterior                                                                           Slit-lamp images → automat-
   (2017)                 capsular opacification                   89.66         93.19        0.9711     92.24       ically crop to lens → CNN
                                                                                                                     (ResNet pretrained on Ima-
                                                                                                                     geNet) with cost-sensitive loss
   CC-Cruiser [30]        Multi-center trial                                                                         Cloud-based platform.      Slit-
   (2016)                   Cataract presence [31 ]        
                                                                   89.7          86.4           –        87.4        lamp images → automatically
                            Opacity area grading [31 ]         
                                                                   91.3          88.9           –        90.6        crop to lens → three CNNs
                            Density grading [31 ]  
                                                                   85.3          67.9           –        80.2        (AlexNets) to predict: cataract
                            Location grading [31 ]     
                                                                   84.2          50.0           –        77.1        presence, severity (area, den-
                            Treatment [31 ]
                                                                   86.7          44.4           –        70.8        sity, location), and treatment
                          Experimental data set                                                                      (surgery or follow-up)
                            Cataract presence [32 ]        
                                                                   96.83         97.28        0.9686     97.07
                            Area grading [32 ] 
                                                                   90.75         86.63        0.9892     89.02
                            Density grading [32 ]  
                                                                   93.94         91.05        0.9743     92.68
                            Location grading [32 ]     
                                                                   93.08         82.70        0.9591     89.28
   RF-CNN [33 ]
                          Strabismus presence                      93.30         96.17        0.9865     93.89       Two-stage CNN: eye regions
   (2018)                                                                                                            segmented from face images
                                                                                                                     via R-FCN → 11-layer CNN
   SVM + VGG-S [34]       Strabismus presence                      94.1          96.0           –        95.2        Eye-tracking gaze maps →
   (2017)                                                                                                            CNN (VGG-S pretrained on
                                                                                                                     ImageNet) features → SVM
   Pediatric Vision       Central vs. paracentral fixation                                                           Signals from retinal birefrin-
   Screener [35]            Experimental evaluation                100.0         100.0          –          –         gence scanning → two-layer
   (2017)                   Clinical evaluation                    98.51         100.0          –          –         feed-forward neural net
 Vision screening
   AVVDA [36]             Strabismus and/or RE                      –             –             –        76.9        Features from Brückner red re-
   (2008)                 Strabismus                               82             –             –         –          flex imaging and eccentric fixa-
                          High refractive error (RE)               90             –             –         –          tion video → C4.5 decision tree
 Reading disability (RD)
  SVM-RFE [37]           High risk for RD, ages 8–9  95.5                        95.7           –        95.6        SVM with feature selection
  (2016)                                                                                                             trained on eye-tracking data
  Polynomial SVM [38] RD in adults, children ages 11+ –                           –             –        80.18       SVM trained on eye-tracking
  (2015)                                                                                                             and demographic features
 Approach                 Predicted category                       AUROC              AUROC           AUROC          Method summary
 (Approx. devel. year)                                             (at 3 years)       (at 5 years)    (at 8 years)
 Refractive error (RE)
   Random forest [39 ]
                          Internal evaluation                                                                        Age, spherical equivalent (SE),
   (2018)                   High myopia onset                      0.903-0.986        0.875-0.901     0.852-0.888    and progression rate of SE be-
                          Clinical test                                                                              tween two visits was used by a
                            High myopia onset                      0.874-0.976        0.847-0.921     0.802-0.886    random forest for prediction
                            High myopia at age 18                  0.940-0.985        0.856-0.901     0.801-0.837

(SVMs) [22]. For predicting ROP, Rani et al. [19] also                         tems, which include Worrall et al. [16], i-ROP-DL
employ an SVM, but instead use SIFT [52] features                              [18, 21], and DeepROP [17], demonstrate agree-
extracted from retinal image patches and frame the                             ment with expert opinion [16, 18] and better disease
problem in a multiple instance learning [53] setting.                          detection than some experts [17, 21].
    Recent approaches to ROP and plus disease de-                                  Like many ML methods, these systems can pro-
tection are mostly based on convolutional neural net-                          vide a confidence score in their predictions. i-ROP-
works (CNN), which take fundus images as input                                 DL exploits this notion directly by combining the pre-
and do not require manual annotation. These sys-                               diction probabilities via a linear formula to compute

Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology Julia E. Reid & Eric Eaton

Table 2. Pediatric ROP data sets used in deep learning        CC-Cruiser [30–32] is a cloud-based platform
                                                          that can automatically detect cataracts from slit-
  Approach      Data set Patients Images Labels           lamp images, grade them, and recommend treatment.
  DeepROP       Chengdu    1,273 20,795 normal, mild ROP,
  [17 ]
                                         severe ROP
                                                          After automatically cropping the slit-lamp image to
  i-ROP-DL      i-ROP        898   5,511 normal, plus,    the lens region, it uses three separate CNNs (modified
  [21 ]
                                         pre-plus         AlexNets [61]) to predict three aspects: cataract pres-
  CNN + Bayes Canada          35   1,459 normal, plus     ence, grading (opacity area, density, location), and
  [16]          London         –     106 normal, plus     treatment recommendation (surgery or non-surgical
                                                          follow-up). CC-Cruiser was evaluated in a multi-
                                                          center randomized controlled trial within five oph-
an ROP severity score, which can serve as an ob- thalmology clinics, demonstrating significantly lower
jective quantification of disease; a similar idea could performance in diagnosing cataracts (87.4%) and rec-
provide finer grading of plus disease [21].              ommending treatment (70.8%) than experts (99.1%
     For their core predictive networks, all these CNN- and 96.7%, respectively), but achieving high patient
based systems use versions of the Inception architec- satisfaction for its rapid evaluation [31].
ture [54, 55] with transfer learning [56, 57] by pre-         Children who require surgery face potential com-
training on ImageNet, giving them similar founda- plications that differ from those that adults face [62].
tions. However, these approaches differ in prepro- Zhang et al. applied random forests and naı̈ve Bayes
cessing (e.g., i-ROP-DL [21] uses a U-net [58] to classifiers to predict two common post-operative com-
perform automatic vessel segmentation) and postpro- plications, central lens regrowth and high intraocular
cessing (e.g., i-ROP-DL [18] outputs the ROP sever- pressure (IOP), from a patient’s demographic infor-
ity score; Worrall et al. [16] outputs the Bayesian mation and cataract severity evaluation [28]. Another
posterior). DeepROP processes a set of fundus im- approach [29] uses a CNN to detect severe posterior
ages per case, taking a multiple instance learning [53] capsular opacification warranting surgery, employing
approach, while the other two deep learning meth- a ResNet [63] pretrained on ImageNet with a cost-
ods classify single images. The other key difference is sensitive loss to handle data set imbalance.
that these systems are trained on different non-public
ROP data sets of varying sizes and labelings (Ta-
ble 2). The use of non-public data sets and closed im- Strabismus
plementations (only DeepROP is open source) com- Strabismus affects 1 in 50 children and can cause am-
plicates comparison and reproducibility [59].             blyopia, interfere with binocularity, and have lasting
     Current methods for ROP detection are capable psychosocial effects [64–68]. A CNN was used to de-
of coarse-grained classification, such as discriminat- tect strabismus based on visual manifestation in the
ing severe from mild ROP; they do not specifically eye regions of facial photos [33], which would be
assess disease stage or zone (e.g., [17]). In fact, all especially useful for telemedical evaluation. For in-
systems except DeepROP [17] and MiGraph [19] ex- office evaluation, which in contrast permits the use
amine only the posterior pole view, either ignoring of specialized screening instruments, strabismus can
other views or explicitly cropping them out. While be detected using a CNN based on fixation devia-
the literature suggests that severe disease rarely de- tions from eye-tracking data [34], or with very high
velops without changes in posterior pole vasculature sensitivity and specificity from retinal birefringence
[60], providing additional outputs of the zone and scanning [35].
stage could improve the interpretability of the sys-
tem’s assessment and improve performance.
                                                             Vision Screening
Pediatric Cataracts                                   Like strabismus, refractive error can cause ambly-
                                                      opia, but is difficult for pediatricians to detect.
Pediatric cataracts are more variable than adult Instrument-based vision screening is recommended
cataracts, and surgical removal depends upon [69] and most devices have adjustable thresholds for
cataract severity and deprivational amblyopia risk. signaling a screening failure. Using video frames from
Slit lamp exams enable cataract visualization but can one such instrument that combines Brückner pupil
be challenging and subjective, and slit lamp image red reflex imaging and eccentric photorefraction, Van
quality can vary (e.g., based on the child’s coopera- Eenwyk et al. trained a variety of ML classifiers to de-
tiveness, image amplification, and interference from tect amblyogenic risk factors in young children, with
eyelashes and other eye disease or structures) [32]. the most successful being a C4.5 decision tree [70].

Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology Julia E. Reid & Eric Eaton

Reading Disability                                             many visual proficiencies, such as facial recognition,
                                                               are facilitated by the gradual increase in visual acu-
Reading disability affects approximately 10% of chil-
                                                               ity during normal visual development. When tested
dren [38], but objective and efficient testing for it is
                                                               in CNNs via initial training with blurred images,
lacking [37]. Abnormal eye tracking is non-causally
                                                               gradual acuity development increased generalization
associated with reading disability [37, 38]. Two stud-
                                                               performance and encouraged the development of re-
ies used SVMs to identify reading disability from eye
                                                               ceptive fields with a broader spatial extent [103].
movements during reading, either predicting reading
                                                               These results provide a possible explanation for the
disability risk in children ages 8–9 [37], or detect-
                                                               decreased visual proficiencies of congenital cataract
ing reading disability in adults and children ages 11+
                                                               patients, and suggest the potential for temporary re-
[38]. The children in both of these studies are older
                                                               fractive undercorrection to help restore visual devel-
than the optimal age for diagnosis, so validation in a
                                                               opment [103].
younger cohort could be useful.

                                                               Pediatric Retinal Vessel Segmentation
Refractive Error
                                                               Although many programs have been developed for
High myopia is associated with numerous vision-
                                                               vessel segmentation in adults or premature infants,
threatening complications [71]. Children at risk for
                                                               fundus images in older children have unique traits,
high myopia can take low-dose atropine to halt or
                                                               including light artifacts, that complicate segmenta-
slow myopic progression [72, 73]1 , but it can be dif-
                                                               tion [104]. Fraz et al. [104] developed an ensemble
ficult to determine for which children to recommend
                                                               of bagged decision trees that use multi-scale analysis
this treatment [39]. Lin et al. [39] predicted high
                                                               with multiple filter types to do vessel segmentation in
myopia in children from clinical measures using a ran-
                                                               pediatric fundus images. Another tool, CAIAR [25],
dom forest, showing good predictive performance for
                                                               has been validated in school-aged children [105]. CA-
up to 8 years into the future. Further work has the
                                                               IAR was first applied to infants with ROP and uses a
potential to guide prophylactic treatment.
                                                               generative model of the vessels fit via maximum like-
                                                               lihood to a multi-scale representation of the retinal
Non-Pediatric Applications                                     image [25].
AI has been applied to various adult ophthalmic dis-
eases, including diabetic retinopathy [1, 74–77], AMD          Ophthalmic Image Synthesis
[78–83], sight-threatening retinal disease [2, 84–89],
                                                       Through their multi-layered representation, deep
glaucoma [90–92], intraocular lens calculation [93],
                                                       learning methods such as generative adversarial net-
and keratoconus [94]. It has also been used for robot-
                                                       works [106] are able to synthesize novel realistic
assisted repair of epiretinal membranes [95], retinal
                                                       images, including retinal fundus images [107, 108].
vessel segmentation [96–99], and systemic disease pre-
                                                       Such synthesized images can compensate for data
diction from fundus images [100]. For a detailed re-
                                                       scarcity, preserve patient privacy, and depict vari-
view, see [4–11].
                                                       ations on or combinations of diseases for resident
                                                       education [109, 110].
OTHER OPHTHALMIC APPLICATIONS                              One recent technique to synthesize high-
                                                       resolution images, progressive growing of GANs
This section reviews applications of ML to pediatric (PGGANs), was used to synthesize realistic fundus
ophthalmology that are not tied to specific diagnoses. images of ROP (see examples in Figure 1) [111].
                                                       The PGGAN was trained on ROP fundus images
Visual Development                                     in combination with vessel segmentation maps
                                                       obtained from a pre-trained U-net CNN [58]. GANs
ML has the potential to provide scientific insight have also been used to synthesize retinal images of
into visual development. For example, adults who diabetic retinopathy, including the ability to control
had cataract surgery and aphakic correction in in- high-level aspects of the presentation [77, 112].
fancy have exhibited diminished facial processing ca- While many of the GAN-synthesized images display
pabilities [101, 102]. This impairment was originally believable pathologic features, some do contain
blamed on early visual deprivation [101, 102], but “checkerboard” and other generation artifacts.
more recently, it was conjectured to be caused by
the aphakic correction and high initial acuity experi- 1 Note: this usage of atropine is not approved by the FDA.
enced by these infants [103]. The hypothesis is that

Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology Julia E. Reid & Eric Eaton

Figure 1. Real (top row) and synthetic (bottom row) fundus images of ROP with their corresponding vessel
segmentations [111]. The top row shows real images that were not included in the training set, and the bottom
row shows the most similar synthesized images. (Image from [111], reused with permission.)

CURRENT LIMITATIONS AND                                       and multi-task learning [117, 118] techniques may of-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS                                             fer a solution to this problem, providing mechanisms
                                                              to adapt adult models to pediatric patients given a
Current applications to pediatric ophthalmology have          small amount of pediatric ophthalmic data. These
several limitations that offer avenues for future work.       methods could also reuse knowledge across models
Disagreement on reference standards An ML                     of different diseases or populations—for example, in-
classifier’s performance is fundamentally limited by          tegrating knowledge across multiple smaller pediatric
the quality of the training data, which are manually          data sets of different ophthalmic diseases to help com-
labeled by clinicians. However, there is often signifi-       pensate for the lack of data on any one disease. No-
cant variation of the diagnosis and treatment among           tice that, by pretraining on ImageNet, many of the
physicians, given the same case information [23, 42,          CNN-based methods surveyed here already employ
43, 113], which complicates determination of the cor-         transfer learning of basic image features to compen-
rect labels. When ML was used to identify factors             sate for using small data sets; transferring from adult
influencing ROP experts’ decisions for plus disease           ophthalmic data sets may provide further advantages.
diagnosis, the most important features were venous      Poor reproducibility and comparability Al-
tortuosity and vascular branching [23, 43], neither of  most all the ML studies discussed here, even those
which are part of the standard “plus disease” defi-     that focus on the same disease, are trained and eval-
nition of arteriolar tortuosity and venular dilatation  uated on different data sets. In many cases, the data
[114, 115]. Most approaches use the majority label      sets and software source code are not available pub-
from multiple experts as the label for each training    licly, complicating reproducibility and scientific com-
instance, or combine the majority label given to im-    parison across algorithms [59].
agery with the clinical diagnosis [116]. An alternative     Most ML research relies on publicly accessible
approach puts cases with any amount of disagreement     data sets and software implementations for evalua-
up for adjudication among the experts, resulting in a   tion and comparison. One simple way to encourage
consensus label and reducing errors, as demonstrated    further applications of AI to pediatric ophthalmol-
for diabetic retinopathy [76].                          ogy is through the public release of data sets in strict
Need for pediatric-specific models It would be compliance with HIPAA regulations, and with special
advantageous for pediatric ophthalmology to benefit regard to the additional HIPAA restrictions for mi-
from the large amount of work in AI for adult oph- nors. Even small pediatric ophthalmic data sets could
thalmology. However, due to the unique aspects of be of use when used in combination with adult data
pediatric disease manifestation, ML models trained through transfer learning techniques, as mentioned
on adult patients may make errors when directly ap- above. For the largest impact, these open data sets
plied to pediatric patients. Transfer learning [56, 57] should be hosted in a widely used ML repository.

Artificial Intelligence for Pediatric Ophthalmology Julia E. Reid & Eric Eaton

Lack of temporal information Most of these                   Financial support and sponsorship
systems detect disease based upon one snapshot in
                                                         E.E.’s work was partially supported by the Lifelong
time, without consideration of longitudinal imaging
                                                         Learning Machines program from DARPA/MTO un-
of the case [16]. In some diseases, such as ROP, rapid
                                                         der grant #FA8750-18-2-0117. The funders had no
change is associated with poorer outcomes [47, 119],
                                                         role in the research presented in this article, nor in its
suggesting that temporal information may have a role
                                                         preparation, review, or approval. The views and con-
in predicting severe disease.
                                                         clusions contained herein are those of the authors and
Uninterpretable “black-box” models Despite should not be interpreted as necessarily representing
their predictive power, the “black-box” nature of the official policies or endorsements, either expressed
most state-of-the-art ML methods, such as deep or implied, of DARPA or the U.S. Government.
neural networks, complicates their application in
medicine. It is often challenging to quantitatively
                                                         Conflicts of interest
interpret the inference process of such models, under-
standing how they arrived at their predictions [120, There are no conflicts of interest.
121]. Since they focus on correlations between the
input and desired output, in some cases ML models REFERENCES
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logical information [122]. Interpretable ML methods Papers of particular interest, published within the annual
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