Page created by Bradley Sparks
Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What
               Causes What, and When

Dr. John Galloway
Au Sable

Pieter van Schalkwyk
Chief Executive Officer

Dann Marian
Engineering and Projects Manager

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

                                                             causality of business and operational
INTRODUCTION                                                 events such as equipment failure or
                                                             operational issues
Finding the “because” behind certain
business or operations events has always                   How Reliable Causal Analytics provides
been a key part of any engineering,                         data-driven decision support for
maintenance or operations manager’s job in                  traditional Root Cause Analysis
industrial businesses. “The First Stage                     approaches
compressor failed because…” or “the supply
                                                           The approach to embed this causal
tank ran dry because…” are common
                                                            analytics methodology in IoT Process
phrases in maintenance and operations
                                                            Management software to be able to
departments in industrial businesses.
                                                            perform this in a repeatable and
Finding the “because” traditionally relies on
                                                            automated manner.
experienced engineers that can interpret
event, contextual and temporal data to                  rCA is the result of many years of research
deduce the likelihood of specific factors               and application of causal analytics in real-
causing others in either a negative or                  world scenarios. Through this, Au Sable
positive way.                                           developed rCA that enables cause and effect
                                                        relationships to be identified from sensor-
Knowing the real root causes of events is
                                                        driven data and made known to the analyst
critical to resolving problems rather than
                                                        (e.g. wear on part #105 has causally
continuously dealing with the symptoms. It
                                                        impacted the performance of device #65
resulted in popular, formalized approaches
                                                        with a causal coefficient of 0.86), as well as
such as “Root Cause Analysis,” or RCA as it is
                                                        correlation relationships in the data.
generally known. The challenge is that there
are often multiple causal factors for these             This means:
events, and finding the one “root cause”
                                                           the risk of making false decisions about
may not always be possible. Understanding
                                                            what were, or will be predictively, the
other causal factors that may influence the
                                                            causal drivers of an effect is reduced,
outcome of industrial processes and the
behavior of equipment need to be
considered.                                                the potential for costly or disastrous
                                                            mistakes is thereby reduced.
Au Sable, in collaboration with XMPro,
developed      an     algorithmic,   artificial         This article provides background on
intelligence-based, approach for “Reliable              traditional Root Cause Analysis and the
Causal Analytics” (rCA) in industrial IoT              evolution    of   Causal     Analytics.   It
applications. This article demonstrates:                demonstrates how to automate the
                                                        analytics to scale with an IoT Process
   It is possible to perform Reliable Causal
                                                        Management platform and how it is applied
    Analytics using industrial IoT data and
                                                        in an industrial application. It provides a
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) to determine
                                                        practical example of Reliable Causal

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

Analytics (rCA) applied to a floating                                 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS BASED ON
production storage and offloading (FPSO) 1
vessel for an Oil & Gas company.
                                                                      CORRELATION DOESN’T WORK IN
                                                                      THE IOT ERA
Crude oil, gas and water from the reservoir
are separated on board the FPSO. Oil is                               Industrial RCA Background
stored on the facility in six pairs of tanks,
before export to trading tankers. The vessel                          Formal Root Cause Analysis for industrial
is designed to store 1.4 million barrels of oil                       applications started with the Total Quality
and processes approximately 170,000                                   Management (TQM)2 movement advocated
barrels of oil per day (bopd).                                        by Deming in Japan in the late 1980’s and
                                                                      early 1990’s.
                                                                      Paul Wilson et al3 described the root cause
                                                                      analysis process for Quality Management in
                                                                      detail during the TQM era. “Root cause
                                                                      analysis is a method of problem-solving used
                                                                      for identifying the root causes of faults or
                                                                      problems. A factor is considered a root cause
                                                                      if removal thereof from the problem-fault-
                                                                      sequence prevents the final undesirable
                                                                      outcome from recurring; whereas a causal
                                                                      factor is one that affects an event's outcome,
Example Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel             but is not a root cause. Though removing a
                                                                      causal factor can benefit an outcome, it does
                                                                      not prevent its recurrence with certainty.”
Au Sable’s rCA has functioned in intelligence,
defense and anti-terrorism applications for                           Even though root cause analysis formally
many years. The solution described in this                            originated in TQM, it finds many applications
article is the combination of advanced IoT                            in industrial environments:4
Process Management software from XMPro                                     Safety-based Root Cause Analysis
and the rCA AI software from Au Sable.                                      arose from the fields of accident
                                                                            analysis and occupational safety and

1   Floating production storage and offloading
3Wilson, Paul F.; Dell, Larry D.; Anderson, Gaylord F. (1993). Root Cause Analysis: A Tool for Total Quality Management.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: ASQ Quality Press. pp. 8–17. ISBN 0-87389-163-5.
4   Adapted from (classification)

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

   Production-based Root Cause Analysis                assess root causes, but also find other causal
    has roots in the field of quality control           factors. These causal factors may not lead to
    for industrial manufacturing.                       equipment or process failure but may still
   Process-based Root Cause Analysis, a                impact equipment or process performance.
    follow-on to production-based RCA,
    broadens the scope of RCA to include                Recent advances in cloud computing and AI
    business processes.                                 provide the necessary infrastructure to
   Failure-based Root Cause Analysis                   analyze event data for IoT and other sources
    originates in the practice of failure               at massive scale. This means analysts can
    analysis as employed in engineering                 have a more expansive view of causal events
    and maintenance.                                    rather than a reductionist view where the
   Systems-based Root Cause Analysis                   scope of an analysis is limited to what a
    has emerged as an amalgam of the                    human can process.
    preceding schools, incorporating
    elements from other fields such as                  MOTIVATION FOR DATA-DRIVEN,
    change management, risk
    management and systems analysis.                    RELIABLE CAUSAL ANALYTICS
Root Cause Analysis became popular as an                There are three main reasons to find a
approach to methodically identify and                   reliable, data-driven approach to finding
correct the root causes of events instead of            root causes and causal factors for equipment
addressing symptomatic results of these                 failure and operational performance in
events. The objective of root cause analysis            industrial environments:
is to prevent problem recurrence. Some                      Aging workforce and a large number
popular root cause analysis techniques                        of experienced engineers retiring soon
include “Five Whys” and Cause and Effect                    Complexity of equipment, making it
(Fishbone) diagrams. These techniques rely                    harder to troubleshoot
on human interpretation of event                            Inaccuracy of Root Cause Analysis
information and data and require
                                                        Retiring Workforce
experienced practitioners to conduct the
analysis. It is often limited to a few critical         With a retiring workforce in many industrial
production assets as the manual process is              sectors, the experience needed to conduct
time-consuming and laborious. Wilson’s                  meaningful RCAs is decreasing. As much of
distinction between root causes and other               the traditional approaches rely on
causal factors provides some guidance on                observational analysis, the number of
the application of causal analytics in an IoT           experienced engineers that can provide
context for this article. Traditional                   reliable analysis is fast reducing.
techniques focused only on finding the root
                                                        According to a January 2017 assessment by
causes through manual review. Modern
                                                        the US Department of Energy, 25% of US
techniques such as rCA described in this
                                                        employees in electric and natural gas utilities
article, combined with IoT data and
advances in AI, enable engineers to not only

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

will be ready to retire within 5 years5. The US                     for telecommunication devices that states
Department of Labor also estimates that the                         “the effect of a telecommunications
average age of industry employees is now                            network is proportional to the square of the
over 50 and up to half of the current energy                        number of connected users of the system
industry workforce will retire within 5-10                          (n2)”.
                                                                    Metcalfe’s law, now also used in economics
Manual RCA requires the combination of a                            and business management, provides some
rigorous methodology, fault analysis                                quantification of the impact of the increasing
technology and experience to evaluate the                           complexity of equipment to troubleshoot
possible causes of business events such as                          potential causal relationships between
equipment failure, quality problems or                              operational events.
safety incidents. Much of the expertise
needed will be lost with the retiring                               Inaccuracy of Root Cause Analysis
workforce. A data-driven, algorithmic                               Root Cause Analysis gained popularity in
approach provides a viable replacement for                          industrial and other sectors such as
the experience of people to determine                               healthcare. One of the main challenges that
causal relationships between business                               emerged centers around the fact that it
events.                                                             requires facilitation and analysis by people
                                                                    who can process only limited amounts of
Complexity of Industrial Equipment
                                                                    information. People are also susceptible to
As     industrial    equipment     becomes                          opinions and organizational influences such
increasingly sophisticated    7  and more                           as politics. Peerally 9 et al describe the
complex, the ability to perform diagnostics                         problem with Root Cause Analysis with these
becomes increasingly more difficult. As                             8 main challenges:
equipment becomes more complex and                                      The unhealthy quest for “the” root
sophisticated, the number or combinations                                cause
and permutations of potential causal factors                            Questionable quality of RCA
for certain events increases exponentially. It                           investigations
follows a similar pattern to Metcalfe’s law8                            Political hijack

5 U.S. Department of Energy, Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) Task Force report second installment titled “Transforming the
Nation’s Electricity System.” Chapter V: Electricity Workforce of the 21st-Century: Changing Needs and New Opportunities.
January 2017. Retrieved from
6 U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration “Industry Profile – Energy.” Retrieved from
7Challenges To Complex Equipment Manufacturers: Managing Complexity, Delivering Flexibility, and Providing Optimal Service
8   Metcalfe's law
9   The problem with root cause analysis

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

       Poorly designed or implemented risk                           relationship to each other and the strength
        controls                                                      (causal coefficient) of the relationships. It
       Poorly functioning feedback loops                             offers additional insights into events and
       Disaggregated analysis focused on                             often finds causation that may be
        single organizations and incidents                            counterintuitive to the views of the people
       Confusion about blame                                         that do it manually. An algorithmic approach
       The problem of many hands                                     also provides repeatability and scale. It will
                                                                      analyze the IoT and contextual data in a
Many of these are as a result of the
                                                                      consistent way that is independent of the
subjective nature of the people doing
                                                                      person performing the analysis.
analysis and can be addressed with a more
objective, data-driven approach. People
can’t process all the potential data sources
                                                                      USING CAUSAL ANALYTICS TO
of event and contextual information.                                  PERFORM ALGORITHMIC ROOT
Modern advances in data, stream and event                             CAUSE ANALYSIS
processing address some of that challenge
and AI provides a means to make sense of                              Correlation is Not Causation
the data at scale. It removes the reliance on
                                                                      In this era of big data, it is commonly said
the subjective nature of human analysis and
                                                                      that data analytics is a prime driver of value
opens the opportunity to analyze fact-based
                                                                      to enterprises10. This is true, but only if the
information at scale to derive insights.
                                                                      analytics performed across the data are well
The unhealthy quest for “the” root cause                              grounded methodologically and perform
further describes a challenge that can be                             well and efficiently to derive the value.
better addressed with an algorithmic
                                                                      Big data creates big and complex data
approach to Root Cause Analysis. Peerally
                                                                      volumes. This is of limited value however, if
states that “the first problem with Root
                                                                      it is not accompanied by the best available
Cause Analysis is its name. By implying—
                                                                      analytics to enable the most valuable,
even inadvertently—that a single root cause
                                                                      accurate and reliable decisions to occur 11 .
(or a small number of causes) can be found,
                                                                      Hence, there is an increasing requirement
the term ‘root cause analysis’ promotes a
                                                                      for the analytics component in industrial IoT
flawed reductionist view.”
                                                                      solutions to be fast, reliable and accurate to
An algorithmic approach often provides                                identify the problems and opportunities and
more potential causal factors, their

10   How does business analytics contribute to business value?
11The Age of Analytics: Competing in a data-driven world

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

ensure that such problems are addressed                              the sole cause, nor does it always cause the
correctly and urgently.                                              effect.
Correlation of events and systems is often a                         Correlations can be misleading. Valuable
starting point for problem-solving in                                results and insights are often found, but the
industrial environments but “correlation is                          correlation methods upon which decisions
not causation”12. Correlation helps to point                         are made mean that risks are inherent and
the way, helps indicate what might be                                could lead to mistaken or sub-optimal
candidate causative or driving factors for                           decision-making and outcomes.
some particular effect yet keeping in mind
                                                                     The chief analytics tool of most industrial IoT
that correlation is simply a measure of
                                                                     analytics vendors is correlation. Most
association not causation.
                                                                     sensor-driven data (IoT and machine-
Introductory statistics courses tell us that it                      generated logs) is analyzed using a proven
is not possible to prove causation unless one                        but older form of statistical methods (even
conducts an experiment whereby treatment                             when operating within a machine learning
and control groups are randomized.                                   framework). Correlational methods are the
                                                                     dominant form of analytics.
This is totally correct but is just not feasible
to conduct an experiment in 99% of real-                             Some examples from IoT vendor
world situations. Algorithmic methods have                           publications and websites demonstrate this
a probabilistic and contributory approach –                          approach:
spurred on by big data’s need for                                       1. Cisco (Attaining IoT Value): …enable
empirically-based data-driven decisions – to                               the company’s customers to perform
answering questions about what caused                                      real-time data correlation and, as a
what or will. For example, a causal                                        result, quickly react to irregularities13
coefficient of 0.83 of X as a causative                                 2. Huawei (‘The IoT's Potential for
influence on Y, does not mean that X is                                    Transformation’): …enables
                                                                           correlation-based process and
necessarily the sole cause of Y (there may be
                                                                           productivity improvements.14
multiple causes) nor does it always cause Y.
X is identified however as a contributory
cause of Y. Similarly, smoking is a
contributory cause of lung cancer; it is not

12   Correlation does not imply causation
13Attaining IoT Value: How To Move from Connecting Things to Capturing Insights
14The IoT’s Potential for Transformation

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

       3. ThingWorx's capabilities make it                          The result is that an observed correlation
          possible for users to correlate data,                     over time may or may not be coincidental;
          deriving powerful insights…15                             or, the observed correlation (and any
       4. Siemens PLM: …quantitative                                implied causation) may be the result of one
          statistical relationships to real-life                    or more third-party variables (hidden
          usage, called customer correlation16                      confounders), e.g. another variable that
       5. Industrial Internet Consortium:
                                                                    influences two events that are seemingly
          …common issue in IIoT systems is
                                                                    correlated. An example of this may be ice
          correlating data between multiple
          sensors and process control states17                      cream sales and boating accidents that are
                                                                    correlated, but both are affected by summer
Correlational methods are established as                            temperatures, and so a causal inference
powerful aids to decision-making as is                              would be spurious. In this example summer
witnessed in the rise of platforms that                             temperature is causal, but one may
provide the capability. Correlations often                          incorrectly infer causation that an increase
vary such that at a given time one entity and                       in ice cream sales leads to boating accidents
another may be positively related and at                            due to the high correlation factor. More
other times only weakly related or not at all.                      humorous examples of these erroneous
There is no fact-based causal coefficient that                      correlations can be found at Spurious
describes the strength of potential causal                          Correlations.
                                                                    Mathematically-based causal analytics
The lack of stability in correlations indicates                     attempts to improve on correlation for
complexity in the relationships and the                             causality identification.
presence of a dynamical system (common in
IIoT). This results in variability according to                     The Evolution of Causal Analytics
the system state and nonlinearity in system
                                                                    CAUSALITY FOR REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS
behavior. It means that traditional statistical
methods, correlation included, have                                 It is well accepted that causation cannot be
limitations for obtaining precise analytics                         proven statistically unless one conducts an
and improved decision making about                                  experiment with randomization to control
performance in IIoT.

15   A survey of IoT cloud platforms
16Customer Correlation Durability Methodology
17Industrial Analytics: The Engine Driving the IIoT Revolution

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

for spurious relationships 18 19 , which is                              outstanding work led him to be awarded in
simply not practicable in most real-world                                2012 the industry’s equivalent of the Nobel
situations. The position of the authors is that                          Prize, the Turing award, for advances in both
correlational methods have served well and                               machine learning and causality.
are proven to provide useful insights, but are
                                                                         Problems remained however, e.g. how to
nonetheless prone to producing spurious
                                                                         identify a causal relationship when unknown
relationships     and     hence     mistaken
          20 21                                                          delays occur between cause and effect. And,
                                                                         what are termed hidden confounders, were
As noted earlier, causality research has been                            difficult to identify and control for. Earlier,
undertaken       to     develop      different                           the work of Weiner (1950s) laid the basis for
probabilistic methods and approaches for                                 several information-theoretic measures of
identifying cause and effect relationships in                            causality (and for well-known data
non-experimental or ‘observational’ data.                                compression algorithms).
Causal analytics evolved over the past few                               A landmark innovation was that of Clive
decades from academic studies to practical                               Granger 23 , awarded a Nobel prize for
solutions such as rCA. A stumbling block                                 developing a test of causality: X is said to
historically in reaching this goal has been to                           cause Y, if the past values of X contain
devise causal algorithms that produce                                    information that helps predict future values
reliable and accurate results for commercial                             of Y, above and beyond the information
and government application.                                              contained in past values of Y – graphically:

In the 1980s, mathematical advances by
Judea Pearl22 from UCLA showed that causal
relationships can be represented from data
in terms of probabilities and led him later to
declare that “causality has been
mathematized”. The mathematization was
perhaps a little premature, but Pearl’s

22   Judea Pearl
23   Clive Granger

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

                                                 Figure 1: Granger causality test

Researchers extended this framework, e.g.                              The application of TE to empirical analytics
to allow for analysis of multiple time series                          has been substantial in areas of biomedicine
generated by nonlinear models, for lagging                             and climate science. However, further
the cause and effect variables and for causal                          developments were needed to help
graphical models for better handling of                                overcome       shortcomings     related    to
latent variables.                                                                                              26
                                                                       unreliability and a lack of accuracy . Au
                                                                       Sable’s work on improving the reliability of
Transfer Entropy 24 25 (TE) is a later
                                                                       TE, combined with other Au Sable
implementation of the principle that causes
                                                                       proprietary algorithms, have led to the
must precede and predict their effects. TE
                                                                       development of an algorithmic approach to
improves on Granger in that it directly caters
                                                                       causal analytics that can process IoT event
for nonlinear interactions and helps
                                                                       data and provide reliable results. This means
minimize problems of noisy data. TE is a
                                                                       that Causal Analytics can now be applied to
model-free and non-parametric measure of
                                                                       real-world scenarios with non-experimental
directed information flow from one variable
to another.

24   Transfer Entropy
25   Transfer entropy between multivariate time series
26Progress in Root Cause and Fault Propagation Analysis of Large-Scale Industrial Processes

                                                             - 10 -                                            June 2018
Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

These real-world applications involve                                  industrial applied mathematics." 31 This is a
methods that take into account the                                     fairly recent set of developments and
complexity of systems (thereby including                               especially with respect to incorporating AI
analytics of system machine and log data).                             and machine learning where these
The inter-dependencies and dimensionality                              algorithms can be applied to IIoT data at
of many IIoT system devices mean that                                  scale.
identifying their behavior (causal and
otherwise) can be extremely difficult                                  Automating     rCA    in    Industrial   IoT
depending on the magnitude and nature of                               Applications
the couplings. One variable may be found to                            Although the rCA approach can be employed
be a driver of another, but not alone. The                             on an ad-hoc basis by an analyst, the real
multiple influences that have an impact on a                           benefits come from automating the rCA AI
particular variable must be teased out, such                           analysis as part of an IoT process. The rCA
as the timings, state-dependencies and                                 function can be executed based on trigger
multi-dimensionality of other influences that                          events such as data changes or exceptions.
impact an ‘effect’ of interest, such as a                              The rCA software and algorithms are
decrease in pressure or rise in temperature.                           embedded in the functions library of the
These are identified as part of the rCA                                XMPro IoT Process platform for IIoT
process for IIoT.                                                      applications.
This approach has led to an area of causal
research from a dynamical systems
perspective. A dynamical system is one in
which a function describes the time
dependence of a point in a geometrical
space.27 28 29 30 A dynamical systems course
at Harvard states that the methods have a
focus on the behavior of systems described
by    ordinary       differential  equations.
Application areas “…are diverse and
multidisciplinary, ranging over areas of
applied science and engineering, including
biology, chemistry, physics, finance, and


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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

                                Figure 2: XMPro IoT Process Stream for rCA

                                                           analyses are automated at different time
In this example, event data is ingested from
                                                           intervals such as daily for high impact
their      Honeywell®        historian   and
                                                           equipment and weekly or monthly for other
contextualized with asset data from their
                                                           areas. This is configurable by the end users
IBM Maximo® EAM system. Further context
                                                           and ad hoc analysis can also be performed.
is provided from operational data stores.
This information is passed to the rCA Causal
                                                           CUSTOMER EXAMPLE: RCA IN OIL
Analytics AI function that creates the causal
coefficient matrix and other outputs                       AND GAS PROCESSING
described later in the article.
                                                           Background to the Application of rCA in Oil
This automated, process-based approach                     & Gas
ensures repeatability, consistency and that it
can be done at scale for a large number of                 The example demonstrates how rCA can
assets in a process stream. The automated                  enable an FPSO to optimize production and
process can process and analyze much larger                productivity as well as predict and avoid
volumes of IoT data than human RCA                         incidents which threaten health, safety,
analysts. In the FPSO example different                    environment, community and financial

                                                  - 12 -                                    June 2018
Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

outcomes. The initial field study project was              The innovative solution and integrated
aimed at three key objectives:                             application suite enables interoperability of
                                                           data feeds from sensors and devices, with
EFFICIENT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE                       the associated referential information from
This project will drive down the costs of                  the asset registry and maintenance
reduced or lost production caused by                       framework. It combines data from both IT
unplanned failures. Other operational                      and OT and this new information provides
efficiency gains will be achieved by reducing              insights that can be shared collaboratively
the risks of environmental impact caused by                between OT, IT and Operations. It makes
operational failure and the risks to personnel             new levels of operational excellence,
safety caused by breaches of operational                   collaboration and sustained productivity
standards. Furthermore, the costs of asset                 improvements possible.
maintenance will be reduced and the                        The project mirrored an upstream oil and gas
capability of diagnosing asset health in                   process flow including value-added services
remote       and     challenging     operating             at each stage of the supply chain leveraging
environments is increased.                                 real-time IoT big data, machine learning and
SAFETY AND SOCIAL LICENSE TO OPERATE                       artificial intelligence.

Equipment failure and/or an unsafe work                    Going beyond the obvious elements that
environment can potentially result in harm                 cause an interruption to production, rCA is
to humans or the environment, ultimately                   used to find root causes and inter-
increasing operational risk and impacting an               dependency which may be overlooked or
organization’s social license to operate.                  not realized with current technology. This
                                                           will enable the operations team onboard the
This solution will assist in providing a safe              FPSO to keep it in production without
production environment. In addition,                       interruption for long periods and, when
through to the inbuilt predictive analytics,               down, to be repaired and brought on-stream
further eliminate operational risks which                  faster.
could impact the social license to operate if
undetected and left uninvestigated and                     Most importantly, these improvements
unaddressed.                                               reduce the risk of events that impact the
                                                           safety of all personnel on the FPSO and
ENABLING EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION                           protect the environment on the vessel and in
                                                           the geographic vicinity.
Traditionally there exists a significant divide
between the operational technology (OT) in                 Project Background
heavy asset sectors like Oil & Gas and the
information technology (IT) arena. Not only                The FPSO plant had experienced occasional
are they typically separated by physical,                  periods of operational instability. These
geographical and network constraints, they                 were largely unexplained, yet some
are also generally isolated philosophically.               significant and costly problems resulted. It
                                                           was particularly challenging to identify the

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

actual cause(s) of the problems. Routine                  The analysis approach in phase 2 consists of
correlational methods of analysis, such as                three main process steps:
traditional RCA, had been applied but                         Ingest data: Real-time feeds of
provided the operators with only limited                       operational data are collected from
assistance.                                                    intelligent equipment (e.g.
                                                               submersible pumps, etc.) and from
The project was conducted in 2 phases. In                      the Honeywell Historian through
the initial phase the FPSO operator wanted                     XMPro’s Listener integration
to validate the algorithms through an initial                  connectors that stream the data to
manual analysis before automating the                          the analysis step;
process in phase 2.                                           Perform analysis: The streaming data
                                                               from the previous step is passed to
Au Sable’s rCA system used sensor-driven                       the rCA algorithms in the XMPro rCA
and machine data covering a defined period                     Functions connector where the
where these events occurred as the basis for                   analysis is performed; and
the analysis. The rCA analysis discovered                     XMPro Action Agents provide reports
cause-effect relationships that were not                       and actions on the results of the
previously known by the engineers and that                     analysis that identify real causes and
helped to identify and address the real root                   not just symptoms of production
causes of the problem. The results of the rCA                  outages.
analysis in phase 1 provided new insights                 Data from sensors at locations across the
into causal relationships that were                       plant operations were mapped to locations
previously not considered in the human                    on a process flow diagram (PFD) and are
analysis process. This is of significant value            shown as red circles in Figure 3. This provides
and benefit to the operations and                         a familiar visual reference for the engineers
engineering teams of the Oil & Gas customer               of the physical process and the data from the
operating the FPSO and it provided the                    different sources.
support to automate the process in phase 2.
The example data shown is that of the phase
1 analysis that provided the insights and
confidence in the output to support the
decision to automate the process for a larger
data set and additional equipment.

rCA on the FPSO
During phase 1 the analysis was done
manually to validate the model and establish
the workflow for the automated steps in
phase 2.

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

                 Figure 3: Locations of sensors (red circles) on a process diagram of plant operations

                                                                 this information to map it back to the
The FPSO plant engineers provided one
                                                                 physical process.
month’s data at one-minute intervals from
sensors at the above locations. The rCA AI                       It is easy to spot events that have a high
algorithm processed the data to identify a                       causal coefficient with high confidence
limited number of cause and effect                               levels and focus on the meaning and impact
relationships between the equipment or                           of these insights.
devices in Figure 3 where there is a high
causation coefficient. This is derived from a
proprietary causal effects matrix. The causal
effects matrix tends to be sparse with a
much small number than in a correlation
matrix, typically about 10-15% for the same
The output from the causal effects matrix
that provided invaluable insight for the
engineers is a graph (Figure 4) that ranks
causal relationship based on causal
coefficient and the confidence level in the
causal relationship. It identifies those
relationships with high causality and high
confidence at a glance and engineers can use

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

                            Figure 4: Chart of the top cause and effect relationships

      Figure 5: Overlay of causal relationships on a process flow diagram – showing causal coefficient values plus
                                              confidence levels in brackets
                                                                   flow diagram. This approach connects the
An enhanced PFD diagram, Figure 5, shows
                                                                   analytical model with the physical process
the top casual relationships between the
equipment/devices overlaid on the process

                                                          - 16 -                                                June 2018
Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

model for the engineers who can interpret                     Findings and Observations from the Phase 1
the results.                                                  Analysis
This diagram shows, for example the causal                    The chart in Figure 4 provided the most
relationship and confidence level, in                         insight to the FPSO operators. The initial
brackets, of the condenser coil pressure and                  objective to validate the rCA algorithm was
the flash vessel pressure (nodes I and J) that                accomplished with physical evidence to
correspond to the chart in Figure 4.                          support the outputs of the rCA analysis. The
                                                              following three examples describe some of
The plant engineers were most interested in
                                                              that validation process.
examining the main relationships, those with
the strongest measure casual coefficients                     The high casual coefficient of the condenser
and higher levels of confidence.                              coil pressure and the flash vessel pressure

                    Figure 6: The top cause and effect relationships shown as a directed graph

                                                              made sense from an engineering perspective
Figure 6 provides a causal coefficient view in
                                                              as it is part of the design. It was expected to
a traditional graph that removes the
                                                              have a high causal relationship and it did.
contextual bias that an engineer may have.
                                                              This proved that the rCA algorithm
This view enabled the engineers to see
                                                              performed as expected.
causal relationships without the physical
process relationships. It triangulated some                   The causal relationship between the
of their findings and observations from the                   condenser coil pressure and the dewpoint
chart and process flow diagram views.                         (middle of the chart) was not obvious prior

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Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

to the analysis and it turned out that it had                and the benefits of the automation process
an impact on operations. It led to further                   will described in a future article by the
investigations by the engineering team.                      authors.
The third example relates to the causal                      The use case illustrated that an additional
relationship at the bottom of the chart. It has              dimension of understanding can be added to
a high causal coefficient, but a low                         the analysis and troubleshooting of
confidence level for ambient temperature to                  Industrial IoT problems. The results are
measure dewpoint. In a physical, isolated                    reported in the above formats and able to be
system the 2 should not be related from an                   extended to additional desired forms of
engineering perspective. One of the                          output.
engineers found the             cause after
investigation. The dewpoint measurement                      CONCLUSION
sensor is exposed to full sun when the vessel
sits in a certain orientation, which affected                Most IoT platform vendors use traditional
the dewpoint measurement and led it to                       statistical methods based on correlation and
track the ambient temperature as a measure                   regression for their analytics functionality.
of exposure to sunlight. This in turn affected               These are proven to work but also have
the efficiency of operations as the rate of lift-            limitations that restrict their applicability to
gas being dehydrated was affected.                           quickly and accurately identify causative
                                                             factors that did, or will, cause some effect.
The three examples provided enough                           This means the decision making may be sub-
evidence to proceed with phase 2 to                          optimal or even inaccurate.
automate the process for scheduled time
intervals and to include additional data                     rCA adds a different and complementary
points. One of the main benefits of the                      dimension of IoT data analysis and decision
automated process is that the FPSO                           making. rCA is a breakthrough technology
engineers can perform the root cause                         that brings new methods for the application
analysis without the assistance of a data                    of cause and effect analytics to real-world
scientist to manually perform the analysis.                  industrial problems. By adding a new and
This is an important requirement for the                     powerful dimension of analytics, it enables
FPSO operator to deploy rCA at scale. The                    users to refine their decision-making, reduce
nature of causal analytics requires a                        risks, improve safety and reliability, and
complete re-analysis if any of the causes                    reduce costs and equipment downtime.
found in previous analyses were addressed                    The culmination of this “Reliable Causal
or changed. There are often unintended                       Analytics” approach is the ability for the
consequences of making changes that only                     solution to enable operators to more
show up in a new analysis. These analyses                    completely understand:
need to be performed in a consistent                              What caused what (and when)
manner which is facilitated by the                                What will cause what (and when)
automation of the process. Phase 2 is
underway at the time of writing this article

                                                    - 18 -                                        June 2018
Causal Analytics in IIoT – AI That Knows What Causes What, and When

      What could/should be done to
      Which processes could/should be
       changed to improve going forward
      Continuous improvement of
Future work and research is planned to
extend rCA to other use cases and IIoT
applications. Interested parties are invited to
submit use cases for consideration.

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