Hurdles to Progress in Long-form Question Answering

Page created by Virgil Roberts
Hurdles to Progress in Long-form Question Answering

                                                    Kalpesh Krishna♠ ∗                           Aurko Roy♦                      Mohit Iyyer♠
                                                                        University of Massachusetts Amherst, ♦ Google Research

                                                                    Abstract                           whose questions are answerable with short phrases
                                                                                                       and entities, by leveraging dense retrieval tech-
                                                 The task of long-form question answering              niques like ORQA (Lee et al., 2019), REALM (Guu
                                                 (LFQA) involves retrieving documents rele-
arXiv:2103.06332v2 [cs.CL] 19 May 2021

                                                                                                       et al., 2020), and DPR (Karpukhin et al., 2020;
                                                 vant to a given question and using them to
                                                 generate a paragraph-length answer. While             Lewis et al., 2020c; Izacard and Grave, 2020).
                                                 many models have recently been proposed               Methods inspired by these results have recently
                                                 for LFQA, we show in this paper that                  been combined with pretrained language mod-
                                                 the task formulation raises fundamental chal-         els (Lewis et al., 2020b; Petroni et al., 2020) and
                                                 lenges regarding evaluation and dataset cre-          applied to the Reddit-derived “Explain Like I’m
                                                 ation that currently preclude meaningful mod-         Five” (ELI5) dataset (Fan et al., 2019), which is the
                                                 eling progress. To demonstrate these chal-
                                                                                                       only publicly-available large-scale LFQA dataset.
                                                 lenges, we first design a new system that
                                                 relies on sparse attention and contrastive re-           The recently proposed KILT benchmark (Petroni
                                                 triever learning to achieve state-of-the-art per-     et al., 2020), which compares retrieval-augmented
                                                 formance on the ELI5 LFQA dataset. While              models across a variety of knowledge-intensive
                                                 our system tops the public leaderboard, a de-         tasks including ELI5, automatically evaluates
                                                 tailed analysis reveals several troubling trends:     LFQA models by the quality of both generated an-
                                                 (1) our system’s generated answers are not ac-        swers (ROUGE-L against reference answers) and
                                                 tually grounded in the documents that it re-
                                                                                                       retrieved documents (R-precision against human-
                                                 trieves; (2) ELI5 contains significant train / val-
                                                 idation overlap, as at least 81% of ELI5 vali-        annotated relevant documents). In this paper, we
                                                 dation questions occur in paraphrased form in         build a state-of-the-art system2 for ELI5 by using
                                                 the training set; (3) ROUGE-L is not an infor-        a sparse Transformer variant (Roy et al., 2020) to
                                                 mative metric of generated answer quality and         condition over Wikipedia paragraphs returned by a
                                                 can be easily gamed; and (4) human evalua-            REALM-style retriever (Guu et al., 2020).
                                                 tions used for other text generation tasks are
                                                                                                          However, despite its success on the KILT leader-
                                                 unreliable for LFQA. We offer suggestions to
                                                 mitigate each of these issues, which we hope
                                                                                                       board, our system does not actually use the doc-
                                                 will lead to more rigorous LFQA research and          uments that it retrieves! To measure the effect of
                                                 meaningful progress in the future. 1                  retrieval on generation quality, we design a con-
                                                                                                       trol experiment in which retrieved documents are
                                         1       Introduction                                          replaced with randomly-sampled documents at in-
                                                                                                       ference time. Results from both human A/B tests
                                         Long-form question answering (LFQA) integrates
                                                                                                       and automatic metrics like ROUGE-L demonstrate
                                         the retrieval component of open-domain QA,
                                                                                                       that conditioning on random documents has almost
                                         which involves searching a large external knowl-
                                                                                                       no effect on generated answer quality (Figure 1c).
                                         edge source for documents relevant to a given ques-
                                                                                                       We recommend that future LFQA research report
                                         tion, with a text generation component to produce
                                                                                                       the results of such control experiments in addition
                                         paragraph-length answers. Significant progress
                                                                                                       to reporting generation and retrieval quality.
                                         has been made on open-domain QA datasets such
                                                                                                          How can a system using random retrieval per-
                                         as Natural Questions (Kwiatkowski et al., 2019),
                                            * Work done during an internship at Google Research.          2
                                                                                                            State-of-the-art as of April 3, 2021 — the “Google
                                            Resources accompanying our paper can be found in           Research & UMass Amherst” team entry on https:
                                         hurdles-longform-qa                                           challenge-page/689/leaderboard/1908
(c) Conditioning answer generation on random
                                                       (b) Simply retrieving answers                documents instead of relevant ones does not
        (a) Many held-out questions are                to random unrelated training                 measurably impact its factual correctness. Longer
        paraphrased in the training set.               questions yields relatively                  outputs get higher ROUGE-L
        Best answer to similar train                   high ROUGE-L, while actual
        questions gets 27.4 ROUGE-L                    gold answers underperform                    (d) Annotators find it difficult to judge long answers
                                                       generations                                  (with repetition) & correctness of technical content

Val Q: Can you protect electronics from                Random Train Ans, 19.4 ROUGE-L               Generation using predicted retrievals, 19.0 ROUGE-L
EMPs/solar flares? If so, how?
                                                       The fast lane/slow lane is a bit of a        Yes, you can shield them. But it's a slow process... Also,
                                                       misnomer. It gives the impression that       the equipment that's powered by them is a lot more
       Train Q1: How does an EMP ruin electronics?     new, faster lanes are being built. In        expensive than you'd think, so it's hard to make sure that
       What does it do? How would they be fixed?        reality, normal speed will be...             you're not just shielding them from your remote control.
       Can It be protected against? How?

       Train Q2: If Earth were hit with a massive      Gold Answer, 18.6 ROUGE-L                    Generation using random retrievals, 24.8 ROUGE-L
       EMP, would all of our currently technology be
       completely unusable permanently?                I'll start with the grounding question,      Yes, you absolutely can, in fact you can build a Faraday
                                                       because that's the easiest to answer:        cage around your electronics, and protect them from
       Train Q3: Whenever a electromagnetic pulse      Doesn't help a bit. All that matters is      solar flares... This is what is done
       (EMP) is released what does it do to            that the metal container is conductive       with the Faraday cage around your electronics, which is
       electronics to disable them?                    and doesn't have gaps...completely           the problem. The reason it is expensive is because it
                                                       seal your Faraday cage. Consider             requires a huge amount of power and is expensive to
       Train Q4: If earth was hit with an EMP, could   soldering the lid on to that paint can...    replace... designed to shield your electronics from solar
       we ever restore electricity? If not, why?       look at little baggie it comes in. Sealed    flares, you will have to pay for the protection. This is
                                                       mylar. That protected that chip from         because you have to buy a piece of equipment that is
       Train Q5: What are solar flares and why does     air travel at 35,000 feet, land travel       designed to shield your electronics from solar flares, and
       it impact our electronics?                      through rural, urban, and suburban           that is expensive. ... This is also expensive, but not as
                                                       areas, and all the electromagnetic           expensive as the protection you need to shield your
       Train Q6. When an EMP goes off, can the         radiation that the trip entails... No lead   electronics from solar flares... designed to be as cheap
       electronics affected be replaced?               shielding. No safes....                      as possible...

     Figure 1: A summary of the major hurdles (a-d) to progress in long-form question answering with ELI5.

form well on ELI5? Our analysis reveals that this                                  2      A state-of-the-art LFQA system
result is partially due to significant train / valida-
tion overlap in the ELI5 dataset (Figure 1a), which
eliminates the need for external retrieval. A hu-                                  The ELI5 task (Fan et al., 2019) asks models to
man study shows that at least 81% of validation                                    generate paragraph-length answers to open-ended
questions have a paraphrase in the training set, and                               questions in English that often rely on world knowl-
almost all validation questions are topically similar                              edge (e.g., how do jellyfish function without brains
to a training set question. While Fan et al. (2019)                                or nervous systems?). LFQA systems thus benefit
attempted to identify and remove question overlap                                  from conditioning answer generation on relevant
using TF-IDF similarity, more complex semantic                                     documents from the web (such as the Wikipedia
matching methods & human verification is needed                                    article about jellyfish). While large-scale pretrained
to address this issue in future LFQA datasets.                                     language models store surprising amounts of world
                                                                                   knowledge within their parameters (Petroni et al.,
                                                                                   2019; Roberts et al., 2020), external document re-
   Digging deeper, we identify fundamental issues
                                                                                   trieval not only augments this intrinsic knowledge
with using ROUGE-L to evaluate generated answer
                                                                                   but also grounds model outputs in a knowledge
quality (Figure 1b). Simple baselines such as just
                                                                                   source, which provides interpretability.
repeatedly copying the question, or choosing a ran-
dom training set answer, can outperform LFQA sys-                                     In this section, we describe our proposed LFQA
tems such as RAG (Lewis et al., 2020c) in terms of                                 system, which conditions answer generation on
ROUGE-L. On the other hand, our system achieves                                    Wikipedia articles identified by a pretrained re-
higher ROUGE-L than reference human-written                                        triever. We use a dense retriever trained by scaling
answers, which is misleading since human A/B                                       up a distantly supervised algorithm from Jernite
testers strongly prefer reference answers to our sys-                              (2020). Since retrieved articles can be quite long
tem’s. We conclude that ROUGE-L is not a reliable                                  and often exceed the maximum sequence length of
metric to evaluate LFQA due to its large and rela-                                 pretrained models like BERT (Devlin et al., 2019),
tively unconstrained output space (e.g., compared                                  we use a sparse-attention variant of the Transformer
to translation or summarization), and we offer sug-                                to allow modeling over longer sequences. While
gestions for better automatic & human evaluations                                  our system sets a new state-of-the-art on ELI5, we
to enable meaningful progress on this task.                                        question the significance of this result in Section 3.
2.1    Retriever                                         2.2    Generator

We begin by specifying our dense retriever (“con-        We next describe our generator model, which condi-
trastive REALM” or C -REALM), which returns              tions its generated answers on retrieved documents
documents related to an input question. Consider         returned by C -REALM. We use the Routing Trans-
a corpus of long-form questions and answers, rep-        former (RT) from Roy et al. (2020), which is the
resented by (qi , ai )N                                  current state-of-the-art in long-form language mod-
                      i=1 . Our retriever uses qi as a
query to retrieve K documents (ri,j )K                   eling. The RT is a sparse attention model that em-
                                          j=1 from a
knowledge corpus (Wikipedia), which is enabled           ploys local attention as well as mini-batch k-means
by an encoder network that projects both questions       clustering to better model long-range dependencies
and candidate documents to a 128-d shared embed-         in sequences (attention maps in Appendix A.1).
ding space. Like REALM (Guu et al., 2020), our           Long-form language models such as RT are well-
encoder is a BERT-base Transformer (Devlin et al.,       suited to ELI5 as the task requires conditioning
2019) with a final projection layer.                     answer generation not only on a short question but
                                                         also many lengthy retrieved documents.
   Since the ELI5 dataset does not include gold
retrievals, we train our retriever by scaling up a           We pretrain our RT model on PG-19, a long-
method recently introduced by Jernite (2020) that        form language modeling benchmark (Rae et al.,
uses gold answers for distant supervision. The           2020) created from approximately 28,000 Project
key idea is to push the encoded vector for a ques-       Gutenberg books published before 1919. PG-19
tion close to a vector representation of its ground-     has 1.9B tokens and an average context size of 69K
truth answer(s), but away from all other answer          words. While this data is out-of-domain for ELI5,
vectors in the mini-batch (negative examples). In-       we choose it to encourage long & coherent gener-
tuitively, this method works because both ELI5           ation. Our RT is a 22-layer model with 1032 hid-
answers and external documents are of paragraph          den units (486M parameters), maximum sequence
length (documents are paragraph-length chunks            length of 8192 tokens, and a vocabulary of 98K
from Wikipedia). Concretely, we optimize the loss,       subwords.3 We fine-tune our model in a decoder-
                                                         only fashion (Liu et al., 2018; Wolf et al., 2018)
                                                         by concatenating the top K retrieved documents
                    X                exp qi · ai         to the question [ri,K , ri,K−1 ... ri,1 , qi , ai ] and
      loss = −                 log P                     training the model to predict tokens of the answer
                                   aj ∈B exp qi · aj
                 (qi ,ai )∈B                             ai . We do not backpropagate gradients through
                                                         the retriever.4 Retrievals slightly improve perplex-
   where B is the mini-batch and qi , ai are the         ity (18.1 vs 17.8) as seen in Wang and McAllester
encoded vector representations for (qi , ai ). This      (2020), but do not improve generations (§3.1).
objective is based on contrastive learning, a method
                                                         2.3    Main Experiments
that has been used effectively for semi-supervised
learning (Chen et al., 2020) and dense retriever         Dataset & Evaluation details: We evaluate our
training (Karpukhin et al., 2020). Scaling up            model on the KILT validation & test subsets of
from Jernite (2020), who used a mini-batch size of       ELI5 (Petroni et al., 2020), since the original ELI5
512 and initialized their retriever with BERT, we        dataset does not have human annotations to mea-
use much large mini-batches of size 12,288 (and          sure retriever performance. We downloaded the
hence, many more negative examples) and initial-         ELI5 dataset (Fan et al., 2019) from the KILT
ize our retriever with a strong pretrained retriever,    Github repository.5 This version of the dataset
the REALM model (Guu et al., 2020) trained on the        has 272,634 training examples, 1,507 validation ex-
Common Crawl News (CC-News) corpus. These                amples and 600 test examples. The test set answers
design decisions greatly improve retriever qual-
ity, as we observe in an ablation study (see Ap-               Our hyperparameters have been chosen manually with
                                                         minimal tuning. See Appendix A.1 for details.
pendix A.2). During inference, we perform a maxi-            4
                                                               We tried training the retriever jointly with RT using the at-
mum inner-product search (MIPS) with the ScaNN           tention bias scheme proposed in MARGE (Lewis et al., 2020a).
library (Guo et al., 2020) to efficiently find the       This improved perplexity only in autoencoding settings where
                                                         the gold answer itself is used as a retrieval query (like the
top K documents. In all our experiments we use           setup in Lewis et al., 2020a), which is not valid in LFQA.
K = 7, following the setup in Guu et al. (2020).     
Retrieval     Generation              Q: Why are almost all boats white?
 Model             RPr. R@5        F1 R-L       KRL
                                                          A: Boats are generally painted white for obvious reasons,
 T5-base            0.0     0.0   16.1   19.1    0.0      as they are inexpensive and easy to clean. Ships are also
 BART               0.0     0.0   19.2   20.6    0.0      often painted to provide a visible visual contrast to the sea.
 RAG               11.0    22.9   14.5   14.1    1.7      Boats also often have high visibility ports to allow for easy
 BART + DPR        10.7    26.9   17.9   17.4    1.9      international trade. In addition, many boats have an air-
                                                          breathing function that makes them easier to spot and stay
 p = 0.9
                                                          afloat, which is a good thing if you’re a pirate or trying to
 RT + REALM         6.7    15.5   25.1   21.5    1.4
                                                          get into some country’s waters. Lastly, many ships are built
 RT + C -REALM     10.2    24.4   25.4   21.5    2.1
                                                          in the last few decades, so they are not as exotic looking
                                                          as they were thirty years ago. And lastly, many ships are
 p = 0.6
                                                          made out of materials that are easy to work with, and so
 RT + REALM         6.7    15.7   23.1   23.4    1.5
                                                          many of them are painted white as a practical matter. There
 RT + C -REALM     10.7    24.6   22.9   23.2    2.4
                                                          are many, many more reasons for why ships are white, but
                                                          those are the ones I know of. I’m sure there are many other
Table 1: Results on the KILT test set for ELI5 for        reasons, but those are the ones I know of. Edit: I forgot to
(1) retrieval performance, using R-precision and Re-      mention that the other answers about visibility and easy to
                                                          see ports are also true. Ships are painted to appear to be
call@5 (RPrec, R@5), and (2) generation quality, using    larger, and more expensive. That makes them appear more
ROUGE-L (R-L). These scores are combined to pro-          impressive, and so they are more likely to be bought by
duce the final metric KILT R-L (KRL). We outperform       people who want to show off their wealth and status.
prior work on both generation & combined scores.
                                                         Figure 2: Example generation from our LFQA system
                                                         with p = 0.9. Generations are long & coherent, but
are hidden, and hosted on a public leaderboard in        suffer from repetition towards the end. (more in Ap-
the EvalAI platform (Yadav et al., 2019).                pendix A.4 and attached data supplementary material).
   Answer quality is measured by the maximum
overlap of generations with a set of gold answers
                                                         form prior work in generation quality, with lower-
in terms of unigram F1 score and ROUGE-L (Lin,
                                                         entropy models (p = 0.6) performing best.6 C -
2004). Petroni et al. (2020) collected human
                                                         REALM performs competitively to RAG and DPR
annotations of Wikipedia articles which support
                                                         despite being only distantly supervised, and out-
ELI5 gold answers, which enables measuring
                                                         performs REALM. Our proposed RT+C -REALM
retrieval quality by computing R-precision (if
                                                         system achieves a new state-of-the-art on combined
the top-1 retrieval matches the annotation) and
                                                         performance (KILT R-L). Generations from our
Recall@5 using the top-5 retrievals. Finally, the
                                                         model are provided in Figure 2 and Appendix A.4.
KILT benchmark combines R-prec. and ROUGE-L
to measure the overall performance of the system
                                                         3     Analysis
by “KILT ROUGE-L”. This metric is similar to
ROUGE-L, but assigns a score of 0 whenever the           In this section, we conduct a thorough analysis of
top-1 retrieval does not match the gold annotation.      our model’s usage of retrievals (Section 3.1), the
                                                         impact of overlap in ELI5’s train / validation / test
Baselines: We compare our model with the other           folds (Section 3.2), issues with ROUGE-L and per-
entries on the ELI5 KILT leaderboard which are           formance bounds (Section 3.3), and the difficulty in
either generation-only, like T5-base (Raffel et al.,     human evaluation for this task (Section 3.4). At the
2020) and BART (Lewis et al., 2020b), or variants        end of each section, we provide short takeaways
of BART using retrieval such as RAG (Lewis et al.,       with suggestions for future work.
2020c) and BART + DPR (Petroni et al., 2020).
These systems are based on massive pretrained lan-       3.1    Are generations grounded in retrieval?
guage models, with similar number of parameters          While our retrieval-augmented system achieves
as our model (details in Appendix A.3).                  state-of-the-art performance, we find little evidence
                                                         that it is actually using the retrieved documents. To
Results: Table 1 contains our results on the test        measure this, we run an ablation study where at
set of the ELI5 (also on the public KILT leader-         inference time we replace retrieved paragraphs with
board). We present four variants of our system, us-
ing a different retriever during inference (REALM              As in Holtzman et al. (2020), a human study reveals that
                                                         higher entropy (p = 0.9) answers are slightly more coherent
or C -REALM), and different nucleus sampling p           and sensible, but lower entropy answers (p = 0.6) are more
values (Holtzman et al., 2020). All variants outper-     relevant to the question (details in Appendix A.5).
vs predicted retr.   vs random retr.                  vs qn.   vs predicted retr.   vs random retr.
               R-L            1-g     2-g         1-g   2-g                               but not in qn.      but not in qn.
 Predicted    24.42          52.3     9.0        38.8   3.9     (lemmatized nouns, proper nouns, numbers only)
 Random       24.20          51.2     8.5        38.5   3.9
 Gold Ans           -        54.1     9.1        40.2   3.8     Predicted    13.4%                34.4%              11.9%
                                                                Random       13.7%                31.7%              12.1%
                                                                Gold Ans       8.3%               28.8%              15.1%
Table 2: Comparison of generations (with p = 0.6)
conditioned on predicted retrievals (Predicted) and ran-
domly chosen retrievals (Random). Notice small dif-            Table 4: A fine-grained version of Table 2 measuring
ferences in: (1) ROUGE-L vs gold answers (R-L); (2)            the unigram overlap of nouns/numbers in the genera-
n-gram overlap (n-g) with predicted retrievals (vs pre-        tions with the input question (vs qn.), retrievals pre-
dicted retr.). Gold answers also have a similar overlap        dicted by C -REALM (vs predicted retr.) and randomly
with predicted retrievals. To control for stopwords, we        sampled retrievals (vs random retr.). Similar to Table 2,
show overlaps with the random retrievals.                      notice very little difference with and without retrieval.

  A      B              Prefer A      Prefer B          Tie
                                                               To tackle this issue, in Table 4 we measure the
  For p = 0.6                                                  fractions of lemmatized nouns, proper nouns and
  pred. random          40% (78)    33% ( 64)      27% (51)
  pred. gold ans.       14% (29)    68% (138)      18% (36)    numbers in the generated answer which are present
  For p = 0.9
                                                               in the predicted retrievals but not in the question.
  pred. random          31% (52)    37% ( 63)      32% (54)    We notice similar trends as before, with only small
  pred. gold ans.       17% (49)    72% (203)      11% (31)    differences between the two systems. Finally, there
                                                               is almost no correlation (Spearman ρ = 0.09)
Table 3: Human evaluation results with exact number            between the Predicted model’s generation quality
of ratings shown in (·). Annotators are shown a ques-          and the amount of unigram overlap between
tion along with two answers (A, B) in random order and         its outputs and the retrieved documents (scatter
ask them to choose one (details in Appendix A.5). For          plots in Appendix A.7), strengthening our hypoth-
both model variants (p = 0.6, 0.9), we see (1) little dif-
ference between generations conditioned on predicted
                                                               esis that generations are not grounded in retrievals.8
(pred.) or random (rand.) retrievals; (2) strong prefer-
ence for gold answers over generations.                        Human evaluation validates our findings: As
                                                               ROUGE-L and n-gram overlap have major
                                                               limitations for LFQA (Section 3.3), we perform
randomly sampled paragraphs from Wikipedia.                    additional human A/B testing on the output of
We compare this Random baseline with our                       Random and Predicted. Specifically, we ask human
original system (Predicted) in terms of generation             volunteers9 to choose between answers generated
quality as well as the n-gram overlap between the              by the two systems (presented in random order).
generation and the retrieved paragraphs.                       As seen in Table 3, humans struggle to choose
                                                               which of the two answers is more relevant to the
Generations are similar irrespective of type of                question. For both model variants (p = 0.6, 0.9),
retrievals: We present our results in Table 2. De-             there is a less than 7% preference for a particular
spite not being conditioned on any meaningful re-              answer type, with humans preferring answers (by
trievals, the Random retrieval model has similar               6%) from the Random model for p = 0.9!
ROUGE-L scores as our Predicted system. More-
over, generations from the Random and Predicted                Other systems also have this issue, possibly
models have similar amounts of 1-gram and 2-                   due to source-reference divergence and train-
gram overlap with the paragraphs retrieved by C -              validation overlap: We note that this issue is not
REALM, despite the fact that the Random model                  unique to our system — other systems on the
does not actually see the retrieved paragraphs.7               KILT leaderboard like BART + DPR and RAG
   The n-gram overlaps are possibly overestimates              actually perform worse than their no-retrieval
due to stopwords (e.g., prepositions, punctuation)             counterpart (BART) in generation quality, as
and entities which are copied from the question.
                                                                     All these trends persist even on questions for which our
   7                                                           retriever predicts the ground-truth document (Appendix A.7)
    Corresponding experiments with the p = 0.9 variant of
our model are presented in Appendix A.7.                             Details of our experimental setup in Appendix A.5.
shown in Table 1. Qualitatively, we found no                     bined retrieval + generation performance via KILT
evidence of retrieval usage in a publicly hosted                 RL, it does not check whether the generations actu-
ELI5 model demo by Jernite (2020).10 A possible                  ally used the retrievals. In other words, one can sub-
explanation for this issue is high source-reference              mit independent retrieval & generation systems, but
divergence, a common problem in table-to-text                    still perform well on the combined score. This may
generation (Wiseman et al., 2017; Tian et al., 2019).            not be an issue for short-form QA tasks like Natural
In Table 2 and Table 4, we measure the n-gram                    Questions, since the gold answer is often exactly
overlap of top-ranked gold validation answers                    contained as a span in the gold retrieval. Also, as
(Gold Ans) with predicted retrievals. This overlap               retrieval might be less important for large language
is low and similar to that of our generations,                   models with parametric knowledge (Roberts et al.,
which we suspect encourages our model to ignore                  2020), the KILT-RL strategy of simply aggregat-
retrievals. A second explanation is the large                    ing top-1 retrieval score with ROUGE-L unfairly
amount of train-validation overlap (Section 3.2),                penalizes systems not relying on retrieval.13
which eliminates the need for retrieval.
                                                                 3.2     Training / Validation Overlap
Why does our model do well compared to other                     Our experiments in Section 3.1 show that model
systems despite not using retrievals? While our                  performance is mostly unchanged by conditioning
model has similar capacity as the BART/RAG                       generation on randomly sampled retrievals instead
baselines (comparison in Appendix A.3), we                       of predictions from C -REALM. Despite not using
hypothesize that our improvements in ROUGE-L                     retrievals, we observe qualitatively that our model
are due to a different pretraining objective. BART               displays a large amount of parametric knowledge
is pretrained on a masked infilling task on short                (“Faraday Cage” in Figure 1c), which is surprising
sequences. Instead, we pretrain our model to                     since it was pretrained on novels from Project
perform next-word prediction on long sequences                   Gutenberg (not Wikipedia). In this section, we
from Project Gutenberg, which encourages long &                  discover that a major reason for ignoring retrievals
fluent generations. To illustrate this length effect,            is the large amount of train / validation overlap in
in Appendix A.6 we show that truncated outputs                   ELI5. While Fan et al. (2019) attempted to fix
from our model get lower ROUGE-L scores                          this issue through TF-IDF overlap, this method is
on ELI5.11 Prior summarization literature (Sun                   insufficient to identify all question paraphrases, as
et al., 2019) has also shown that ROUGE scores                   we find significant overlap between the training set
vary heavily by length. To compare the same                      and the KILT validation set of ELI5.14 ELI5 is not
systems on shorter length outputs, we also tried                 the only dataset with substantial train / test overlap:
finetuning the pretrained model on Wizard of                     Lewis et al. (2020d) identify similar issues with
Wikipedia (Dinan et al., 2019), an unconstrained                 short-form QA datasets like Natural Questions.
dialogue generation task with single sentence
dialogues (much shorter than ELI5). As seen on                   Finding similar questions & measuring overlap:
the public KILT leaderboard,12 our system has                    We use our retriever C -REALM to retrieve similar
lower ROUGE-L scores than the BART / RAG                         questions from the training set, since it has learned
baselines. Another possible explanation is issues                to map questions to a feature-rich embedding space.
with ROUGE-L itself, as discussed in Section 3.3.                For each validation question, we retrieve the 7 most
                                                                 similar training set questions. We use both human
Takeaway (better evaluation of grounding): For                   and automatic evaluation to calculate the amount
evaluating LFQA, it is important to run control                  of overlap. For human evaluation, we show anno-
experiments with random retrievals & measure                     tators on Amazon Mechanical Turk15 a validation
grounding of generations in retrieval. While the                 set question and a retrieved training set question,
KILT benchmark does attempt to measure the com-                     13
                                                                       Another issue of KILT-RL is ignoring non top-1 retrievals,
  10                                  penalizing models using multiple retrievals together in context.
   11                                                               14
      While we do not have access to generations from base-            The ELI5 demo from Jernite (2020) also retrieves the top-
lines on the KILT leaderboard, example generations from the      1 similar training set question. Qualitatively, we found many
demo of the BART model in Jernite (2020) are significantly       validation examples had near-identical train paraphrases.
shorter (59 words avg.) than our generations (187 words avg.).      15
                                                                       We pay workers 4 cents per question pair ($8-12 / hr). We
   12                            only hire workers from USA, UK and Australia with a 95%
challenge-page/689/leaderboard/1909                              or higher approval rating and at least 1000 approved HITs.
qns with at least one train set paraphrase           81%                               Retrieval      Generation
  qns with at least one train set topically similar   100%      Split                   RPrec R@5        F1 R-L
  % of all pairs marked paraphrases                   39.5%     QQP classifier (1.5k examples)
  % of all pairs marked topically similar             47.8%
  % of all pairs marked as non-paraphrases            12.7%     overlap (43.6%)          17.0    25.8   26.0   24.6
                                                                not overlap (56.4%)      10.4    17.7   25.2   24.2
Table 5: A human evaluation measuring the amount of             AMT evaluation (300 examples)
overlap between validation set questions (qns) and re-
trieved questions from the training set.                        overlap (81%)            14.0    20.0   25.0   24.3
                                                                not overlap (19%)         5.3    17.9   24.5   24.8

and ask them to annotate the pair as 0: No para-              Table 6: ELI5 performance difference (for the p = 0.6
phrase relationship; 1: on similar topics, but differ-        model) between subsets of validation QA having a
ent questions; 2: approximately the same question             question paraphrase (overlap) and not having a ques-
(an adaptation of the paraphrase evaluation of Kok            tion paraphrase (not overlap) in the training set. We
and Brockett, 2010). We take 300 validation set               see the overlap subset has much better retrieval perfor-
questions and ask three crowd-workers to rate them            mance and slightly better generation performance.
against retrieved training questions on this scale,
and consider the label with majority rating. To im-           bound, we also consider a system which uses
prove quality, we manually verify their annotations.          the best possible answer to retrieved training
   Table 5 shows that 81% of validation set ques-             set questions in terms of ROUGE-L (best top-K
tions have at least one paraphrase in the training            train answer). This system gets 28.5 ROUGE-L,
set, while all annotated questions have at least one          outperforming all others.
topically similar question in the training set, which
indicates substantial training / validation overlap.
The experiment had “fair agreement” with a Fleiss             ELI5 performance on overlapping QA: Finally,
κ of 0.29 (Fleiss, 1971; Landis and Koch, 1977).              we measure the performance difference between
   As manually annotating question overlap                    validation questions that overlap with the training
can be expensive and time-consuming, we also                  set vs. those that do not. Since we only have
experiment with automatic overlap detection                   human annotations for 300 questions (the no-
methods. In particular, we use a RoBERTa-large                overlap subset has only 53 samples), we present
binary classifier (Liu et al., 2019) fine-tuned on the        this analysis using the QQP classifier’s outputs as
Quora Question Paraphrase (QQP) dataset (Iyer                 well. In Table 6, we notice large differences of 6.6
et al., 2017) from the GLUE benchmark (Wang                   RPrec, 8.1 R@5 in retrieval performance favoring
et al., 2019). For 43.6% of the ELI5 validation set,          the overlap subset, but only a small generation
this classifier marked at least one retrieved question        score gain of 0.8 F1, 0.4 R-L (which may be
as a paraphrase (46% for the 300 questions we                 misleading as discussed in Section 3.3).
annotated). Qualitatively, we notice that this
classifier often mis-classifies retrieved questions           Takeaway (careful held-out curation): Based on
that are valid paraphrases but exhibit significant            our findings, we suggest that more careful dataset
lexical or syntactic divergence. This observation,            curation for LFQA tasks is needed to prevent du-
along with the smaller fraction of valid paraphrases          plicates. While we acknowledge the efforts of Fan
in the QQP training set (37%), partially explains             et al. (2019) to fix this issue, we also suggest alter-
the gap between automatic & human evaluations.                native methods to control overlap and focus on eval-
                                                              uating generalization in held-out sets: (1) automat-
Using retrieved QA for generation: Since ELI5                 ically retrieving paraphrases and then running hu-
contains significant amount of overlap between the            man validation to eliminate them; or (2) holding out
training and validation sets, a system can simply             entire genres or domains to reduce the possibility
copy the answers of retrieved training set questions          of overlap — for example, keeping Q/A on Sports
instead of actually doing generation. Table 7                 only in the held-out sets. Note that simply pruning
shows that by using the longest answer within                 the existing splits using these criteria will signif-
the top-K retrieved questions, we outperform                  icantly reduce the size of the held-out datasets;
two prior systems (RAG, BART + DPR) that                      so we suggest re-splitting the train/validation/test
use retrieval-augmented generation. As an upper               splits from the entire pool of collected questions.
3.3    ROUGE-L Bounds on ELI5 Performance                                                          Validation       Test
                                                                   Scheme                           F1 R-L        F1 R-L
We have seen that simply copying the answer of
                                                                   random train answer (↓)        17.8   16.2    17.1     15.5
a close question paraphrase from the training set                  copy input (↓)                 16.6   20.0    14.8     16.9
achieves 28.5 ROUGE-L with an optimal selection
                                                                   RAG (2020c)                    17.2   16.1    14.5     14.1
among retrieved questions and outperforming all                    BART + DPR (2020)              18.8   18.5    17.9     17.4
computational models. But how “good” is this                       longest top-1 train answer     25.2   20.7    21.6     18.7
                                                                   longest top-7 train answer     26.9   21.1    22.0     18.5
absolute number? What are some suitable upper                      RT + C -REALM (ours)           25.6   24.4    22.9     23.2
& lower bounds to ROUGE-L scores on ELI5? Is
                                                                   best top-1 train answer (↑)    25.9   22.4         -      -
ROUGE-L an informative metric for LFQA?                            best top-7 train answer (↑)    31.5   28.5         -      -
                                                                   longest gold answer (↑)        26.7   21.2         -      -
Lower bounds are trivial baselines used to test the                best gold answer (↑)           29.5   26.2         -      -
vulnerability of datasets or metrics to simple heuris-
tic strategies that do not actually perform the task.             Table 7: Upper (↑) and lower (↓) bounds to perfor-
Recent examples include hypothesis-only baselines                 mance on ELI5. Lower bounds have been submitted
                                                                  to the public KILT leaderboard, as “Metrics Test”.
for natural language inference (Gururangan et al.,
2018) and passage-only baselines for reading com-
prehension (Kaushik and Lipton, 2018). We evalu-                  as well as stylistic properties of ELI5. On the
ate two ROUGE-L lower bounds on ELI5:                             other hand, upper bounds (longest gold answer)
(1) copy the question 5 times and concatenate, as                 perform worse than our system (21.2 vs 24.4).
longer outputs boost ROUGE-L (Appendix A.6);                      Suspecting that this result is misleading, we run
(2) retrieve a random training set answer.                        another human A/B test by showing volunteers
   Our first baseline contains entities often present             a question and asking them to choose between
in the gold answer, but without actually answer-                  answers generated by our system and the longest
ing the question. Our second baseline follows                     gold answer, shuffled at random.17 As seen in
the “style” of an answer but is completely off-topic.             Table 3, the majority of humans prefer the gold
                                                                  reference answers vs generations (68% vs 14% for
   As an upper bound, we estimate the ROUGE-L                     p = 0.6). In interviews with human annotators
of gold answers themselves. On an average, there                  after completing the task, they reported that both
are 12 gold answers per question, so we measure                   answers were often fluent and stylistically similar,
the ROUGE-L of the longest gold answer with                       but one eventually veered off-topic.
respect to the other gold answers. We also measure
the maximum pairwise ROUGE-L between two                          Takeaway (better automatic metrics needed):
gold answers for the same question.16 We only                     Our experiments demonstrate that computing the
calculate upper bounds for the validation set, since              ROUGE-L of generations against gold answers
the gold answers of the KILT test set are hidden.                 is not a meaningful way to evaluate LFQA sys-
                                                                  tems, since it is not selective enough to differenti-
Lower bounds beat prior work, upper bounds                        ate between valid/invalid answers. There is a very
have low ROUGE-L: We compare our bounds                           small margin of improvement between trivial lower
with actual retrieval augmented generation systems                bounds and strong upper bounds, with the abso-
in Table 7. Both our lower bounds (random                         lute scores of upper bounds being quite low. We
training answer, copy input) are quite competitive,               suspect this is due to the long length of answers
outperforming RAG (Lewis et al., 2020c) and                       and fairly unconstrained and large output space.
performing close to BART + DPR (Petroni et al.,                   The ELI5 dataset has several open-ended questions
2020) without actually answering the question!                    with many plausible answers (like What causes
This shows that ROUGE-L is fairly sensitive                       traffic?), often involving analogies. A possible fix
to simply copying entities from the question                      is a sentence-level evaluation and then aggregating
     Note that different gold answers were not written indepen-   scores across generated sentences, but appropri-
dently as Reddit users writing answers can read existing an-      ate penalties are needed for lack of diversity (Zhu
swers and may want to provide a non-overlapping perspective.      et al., 2018) and short lengths. Other possible fixes
Due to the high train/valid overlap, the best top-7 retrieved
answer could be a better upper bound since it is from another
Reddit post (and performs better than best gold answer).                 Human A/B testing details in Appendix A.5.
include learning task-specific metrics to measure       the ELI5 long-form question answering dataset.
semantic overlap (Sellam et al., 2020) or metrics to    However, an in-depth analysis reveals several is-
check factual correctness (Zhang et al., 2020) and      sues not only with our model, but also with the
faithfulness to input (Wang et al., 2020; Durmus        ELI5 dataset & evaluation metrics. We hope that
et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020). Ultimately, all au-   the community works towards solving these issues
tomatic metrics have their limitations, and human       so that we can climb the right hills and make mean-
evaluation is necessary (Celikyilmaz et al., 2020).     ingful progress on this important task.

3.4    Difficulty of Human Evaluation                   Acknowledgements
To better understand the inherent difficulty of         First and foremost, we thank the twenty people who
evaluation in ELI5, we interviewed human                volunteered to help out with with the human annota-
annotators (of Table 3) and found two challenges:       tion experiments. We are very grateful to Vidhisha
                                                        Balachandran, Niki Parmar, and Ashish Vaswani
(1) Unfamiliarity with question topics: While           for weekly meetings discussing progress and the
most annotators found the Q/A interesting, they         REALM team (Kenton Lee, Kelvin Guu, Ming-Wei
were often unfamiliar with the technical topics         Chang and Zora Tung) for help with their codebase
discussed in the questions. This made it hard           and several useful discussions which helped us im-
for them to assess answer correctness. The              prove our experiments. We are grateful to Tu Vu
ELI5 dataset has questions in a wide variety of         for help with the QQP classifier. We thank Jules
topics (History, Politics, Biology etc.), while         Gagnon-Marchand and Sewon Min for suggesting
most annotators were Computer Science graduate          useful experiments on checking ROUGE-L bounds.
students. While we did allow annotators to use          Finally, we thank Shufan Wang, Andrew Drozdov,
Wikipedia, they mentioned domain-experts will be        Nader Akoury, Andrew McCallum, Rajarshi Das,
better judges of factual correctness of answers.        and the rest of the UMass NLP group for helpful
                                                        discussions and suggestions at various stages in the
(2) Length of Answers: Annotators mentioned             project. This work was primarily done during KK’s
the paragraph-long length of answers made the           internship at Google Brain, mentored by AR. MI
task quite challenging. Annotators reported taking      and KK are supported by award IIS-1955567 from
an average of 2 minutes per answer pair, many of        the National Science Foundation (NSF).
which required careful thought & concentration.
This was especially difficult when only part of the     Ethical Considerations
answer was correct and the rest had contradictions
or repetitions, a common theme in our generations.      Our system faces a similar set of issues as most
                                                        modern text generation technology, like fabrica-
                                                        tion of facts (Zellers et al., 2019), potential for
Takeaway: Human evaluation is challenging but
                                                        misuse (Brown et al., 2020) and reflecting biases
necessary for evaluating LFQA. Crowd-workers
                                                        prevalent on Reddit (the ELI5 dataset has been
are unlikely to spend time reading & analyzing
                                                        built using the r/ELI5 subreddit). In our work,
long text (Akoury et al., 2020). Hence, it is imper-
                                                        we attempted to make text generators more fac-
ative to design simpler evaluations. One effort in
                                                        tually grounded by conditioning generations on
this direction is Dugan et al. (2020), who reveal one
                                                        retrieved Wikipedia articles, hoping to reduce fact
generated sentence at a time and estimate system
                                                        fabrication. Unfortunately, a thorough analysis
quality based on the number of sentences which
                                                        (Section 3.1) has revealed that our system is still
fooled humans. Another promising direction is ex-
                                                        not grounding its generations in retrievals, and we
trinsic evaluation (Celikyilmaz et al., 2020) where
                                                        have recommended the design of better metrics to
humans actually interact with systems in real-world
                                                        measure factual correctness to tackle this issue.
scenarios such as the Alexa Prize (Ram et al., 2018)
                                                           Our final models were trained using 64 Google
or STORIUM (Akoury et al., 2020).
                                                        Cloud TPUs for a total of 32 hours. As men-
4     Conclusion                                        tioned in the Google 2019 environment report,18
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A        Appendices for “Hurdles to Progress            Attention Maps: We show the 2D plots of our
         in Long-form Question Answering”               generator’s attention maps in Figure 3.

A.1       Training & Model Details
All our models are developed and trained us-
ing TensorFlow 1.15 (Abadi et al., 2016) and
Tensor2Tensor (Vaswani et al., 2018). Our imple-
mentations are based on the open-source codebases
of REALM 19 and the Routing Transformer. 20
Similar to the REALM implementation, we use
separate processes to run the retriever and generate
                                                             (a) Local attention       (b) Routing attention
training data (using a MIPS search). Since our
retriever is frozen, we do not use the document         Figure 3: Figures (from Roy et al., 2020) showing 2-D
index refresher available in their codebase.            attention schemes for the sparse attention mechanism
                                                        used in Routing Transformer. Lower layers pool in lo-
Retriever: Our retriever is trained on 64 Google        cal information via sliding window local attention (Sub-
Cloud TPUs for a total of 4k steps and a                figure 3a) while upper layers gather global information
                                                        for every token via clustering (Sub-figure 3b).
batch size of 12288. We do early stopping on
the validation data (with a smaller batch size
of 512 due to smaller P100 GPU memory).
Our model converges quite fast, reaching its            Hyperparameter Choices: We experimented
best performance in 1.5k steps (in 43 minutes)          with several different pretraining strategies (using
and needing 103 minutes for the full set of 4k steps.   Wikipedia), smaller model variants and hyperpa-
                                                        rameter choices manually in preliminary exper-
                                                        iments. All these experiments performed quite
Generator: Our generator is trained on 64
                                                        poorly on ELI5, producing very short and some-
Google Cloud TPUs, for a total of 100k
                                                        times incoherent responses. Finally, switching to a
steps on the ELI5 training set. We use the
                                                        Routing Transformer model which was pretrained
pg19_local_cluster8k configuration avail-
                                                        on a longform language modeling dataset (PG-19)
able in the Routing Transformer implementation.
                                                        significantly improved generation quality. Hyper-
Besides the default hyperparameters, setting 15%
                                                        parameters for this pretrained model (like hidden
input, attention and ReLU dropout was critical to
                                                        size / number of layers) were manually chosen with
prevent overfitting on the training set. We use a
                                                        model capacity in mind. For our final experiments
learning rate of 5e-5. Our retrievals, questions and
                                                        with this pretrained model we did not perform any
answers are truncated / padded to 288 subword
                                                        hyperparameter search during training, primarily
tokens (using the PG19 subword tokenizer). We
                                                        due to the expensive setup required to train the
use a minibatch size of 128 QA pairs, which
                                                        system. During inference, we tuned the nucleus
corresponds to 332k tokens per mini-batch (of
                                                        sampling value from 0.0 to 1.0 in increments of
which, the loss is computed over the last 288
                                                        0.1, choosing the value with the best validation set
answer tokens, or 37k total tokens). We do not
                                                        performance. Our hyperparameter choices for con-
compute loss over padded tokens, and use special
                                                        trastive learning on the retriever have been justified
symbols to separate different parts of the input
                                                        in an ablation study in Appendix A.2. Notably, we
context. We reverse the retrieved paragraphs in
                                                        use very large minibatches of 12,288 to scale the
context since the model uses local attention layers,
                                                        number of negative examples. To train this model,
and we wanted higher ranked retrievals to appear
                                                        we used the standard trick of data parallelism across
closer to the answer tokens. Our models take about
                                                        64 hardware accelerators. This resulted in an ef-
30 hours to finish 100k steps (0.92 steps / second).
                                                        fective mini-batch size of 192 per chip, which is
                                                        small enough to fit a BERT-base sized model on a
    19                TPU v3 chip’s memory. To accumulate information
language/tree/master/language/realm                     across different chips before the final softmax, we
google-research/tree/master/routing_                    used the tf.tpu.cross_replica_sum func-
transformer                                             tion (using an open-source wrapper found here).
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