Inflation and monetary policy in the twentieth century

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Inflation and monetary policy in the twentieth century

Lawrence J. Christiano and Terry J. Fitzgerald

Introduction and summary                                       the early part of the century behave quite differently
Economists continue to debate the causes of inflation.         in many ways from the data we are accustomed to study-
One reason for this is that bad economic outcomes are          ing. In particular, we emphasize four differences be-
frequently accompanied by anomalous inflation behav-           tween the pre- and post-war data:4
ior. The worst economic performance in the U.S. in the         ■   Inflation is much more volatile, and less persistent,
twentieth century occurred during the Great Depression             in the first half of the twentieth century.
of the 1930s, and there was a pronounced deflation at          ■   Average inflation is lower in the first half of the
that time. Economic performance in the U.S. in the                 century.
1970s was also weak, and that was associated with a
pronounced inflation.                                          ■   Money growth and inflation are coincident in the
      So, what is it that makes inflation sometimes high           first half of the century, while inflation lags money
and sometimes low? In one sense, there is widespread               by about two years in the second half.
agreement. Most economists think that inflation cannot         ■   Finally, inflation and unemployment are strongly
be unusually high or low for long, without the fuel of             negatively related in the first half of the century,
high or low money growth.1 But, this just shifts the ques-         while in the second half a positive relationship
tion back one level. What accounts for the anomalous               emerges, at least in the lower frequency components
behavior of money growth?                                          of the data.
      Academic economists attempting to understand                  These shifts in the behavior of inflation constitute
the dynamics of inflation pursue a particular strategy.        potentially valuable input in the quest for a good model.
They start by studying the dynamic characteristics of               The outline of our article is as follows. To set the
inflation data, as well as of related variables. These char-   background, we begin with a brief, very selective, over-
acteristics represent a key input into building and re-        view of existing theories about inflation. We divide the
fining a model of the macroeconomy. The economist’s            set of theories into two groups: those that focus on
model must not only do a good job in capturing the be-         “people” and those that focus on “institutions.” We
havior of the private economy, but it must also explain        describe the very different implications that each group
the behavior of monetary authorities. The hoped-for final      of theories has for policy. We then turn to documenting
product of this research is a model that fits the facts        the facts listed above. After that, we review the implica-
well. Implicit in such a model is an “explanation” of          tions of the facts for theories. We focus in particular
the behavior of inflation, as well as a prescription for       on the institution view. According to this view, what
what is to be done to produce better outcomes.2
      To date, much research has focused on data from
the period since World War II. For example, considerable           Lawrence J. Christiano is a professor of economics at
attention and controversy have been focused on the                 Northwestern University, a research fellow at the National
apparent inflation “inertia” in these data: the fact that          Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a consultant
                                                                   to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He acknowledges
inflation seems to respond only with an extensive delay            support from a National Science Foundation grant to the
to exogenous shifts in monetary policy.3 We argue that             NBER. Terry J. Fitzgerald is a professor of economics at
much can be learned by incorporating data from the                 St. Olaf College and a consultant to the Federal Reserve
                                                                   Bank of Minneapolis.
first half of the century into the analysis. The data from

22                                                                                           1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
is crucial to achieving good inflation outcomes is the                Another explanation of the high inflation of the
proper design of monetary policy institutions. Our dis-          1970s that falls into what we call the people category
cussion reviews ideas initially advanced by Kydland              appears in Clarida, Gali, and Gertler (1998). They char-
and Prescott (1977) and later developed further by Barro         acterize monetary policy using a framework advocated
and Gordon (1983a, b), who constructed a beautifully             by Taylor (1993): Fed policy implements a “Taylor rule”
simple model for expositing the ideas. We show that              under which it raises interest rates when expected in-
the Barro–Gordon model does very well at understand-             flation is high, and lowers them when expected infla-
ing the second and fourth facts above concerning in-             tion is low. According to Clarida, Gali, and Gertler,
flation in the twentieth century.5 We also discuss the           the Fed’s mistake in the 1970s was to implement a ver-
well-known fact that that model has some difficulty              sion of the Taylor rule in which interest rates were
in addressing the disinflation that occurred in the U.S.         moved too little in response to movements in expected
in the 1980s. This and other considerations motivate             inflation. They argue that this type of mistake can ac-
us to turn to modern representations of the ideas of             count for the inflation take-off that occurred in the U.S.
Kydland–Prescott and Barro–Gordon. While this work               in the 1970s.6 In effect the root of the problem in the
is at an early stage, it does contain some surprises and         1970s lay in a bad Taylor rule. According to the insti-
may lead to improved theories that provide a better              tution view, limitations on central bankers’ technical
explanation of the inflation facts.                              knowledge about the mechanics of avoiding high in-
                                                                 flation are not the key reason for the bad inflation out-
Ideas about inflation: People versus                             comes that have occurred in the past. This view
institutions                                                     implicitly assumes that achieving a given inflation
       Economists are currently pursuing several theories        target over the medium run is not a problem from a
for understanding inflation behavior. However, the               technical standpoint. The problem, according to this
theories are still in their infancy and are best thought         view, has to do with central bankers’ incentives to keep
of as “prototypes”: They are too simple to be credibly           inflation on track and the role of government institu-
thought of as fitting the facts well. Although these re-         tions in shaping those incentives.
search programs are still at an early stage, it is possible to        The institution view—initiated by Kydland and
see two visions emerging. Each has different implications        Prescott (1977) and further developed by Barro and
for what needs to be done to achieve better inflation out-       Gordon (1983a, b)—focuses on a particular vulnera-
comes. To understand what is at stake in this research,          bility of central banks in democratic societies (see
it is interesting to sketch the different visions. Our loose     figure 1). If people expect inflation to be high (A), they
names for the competing visions are the people vision            may take protective actions (B), which have the effect
on the one hand and the institution vision on the other.         of placing the central bank in a dilemma. On the one
Although it is not the case that all research neatly falls       hand, it can accommodate the inflationary expectations
into one or the other of these categories, they are never-       with high money growth (C). This has the cost of pro-
theless useful for spelling out the issues.                      ducing inflation, but the advantage of avoiding a re-
       Under the people vision, bad inflation outcomes           cession. On the other hand, the central bank can keep
of the past reflect the honest mistakes of well-mean-            money growth low and prevent the inflation that people
ing central bankers trying to do what is inherently a            expect from occurring (D). This has the cost of pro-
very difficult job. For example, Orphanides (1999)               ducing a recession, but the benefit that inflation does
has argued that the high inflation of the 1970s reflects         not increase. Central bankers in a democratic society
that policymakers viewed the low output of the time              will be tempted to accommodate (that is, choose C)
as a cyclical phenomenon, something monetary poli-               when confronted with this dilemma. If people think
cy could and should correct. However, in retrospect              this is the sort of central bank they have, this increas-
we now know that the poor economic performance of                es the likelihood that A will occur in the first place.
the time reflected a basic productivity slowdown that                 So, what is at stake in these two visions, the people
was beyond the power of the central bank to control.             vision versus the institution vision? Each has different
According to Orphanides, real-time policymakers under            implications for what should or should not be done to
a mistaken impression about the sources of the slow-             prevent bad inflation outcomes in the future. The people
down did their best to heat up the economy with high             vision implies that more and better research is need-
money growth. To their chagrin, they got only high               ed to reduce the likelihood of repeating past mistakes.
inflation and no particular improvement to the econ-             This research focuses more on the technical, opera-
omy. From this perspective, the high inflation of the            tional aspect of monetary policy. For example, research
1970s was a blunder.                                             motivated by the Clarida, Gali, and Gertler argument

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                                                                                         23
                                        Central banker in a democratic society

                                                                                      Accommodate inflation
                                                                                      expectations with high
                                                                                        money growth: Get
                                                                                        inflation, but avoid
                                                                                           recession (C)

                   Private                 They take                 Central
                individuals                protective                 bank
              expect inflation             actions (B)                faces
                 to rise (A)                                        dilemma

                                                                                       Do not accommodate
                                                                                      inflation expectations:
                                                                                        Avoid inflation, but
                                                                                      produce recession (D)

focuses on improvements in the design of the Taylor rule       the dataset into the periods before and after 1960. To
to ensure that it does not become part of the problem. The     better characterize the movements in the data, we break
institutional perspective, not surprisingly, asks how better   the data down into different frequency components.
to design the institutions of monetary policy to achieve       The techniques for doing this, reviewed in Christiano
better outcomes. This type of work contemplates the con-       and Fitzgerald (1998), build on the observation that
sequences of, say, a legal change that makes low infla-        any data series of length, say T, can be represented
tion the sole responsibility of the Federal Reserve. Other     exactly as the sum of T/2 artificial data series exhibiting
possibilities are the type of employment contracts tried in    different frequencies of oscillation. Each data series
New Zealand, which penalize the central bank governor          has two parameters: One controls the amplitude of
for poor inflation outcomes. The basic idea of this liter-     fluctuation and the other, phase. The parameters are
ature is to prevent scenarios like A in figure 1 from occur-   chosen so that the sum over all the artificial data series
ring, by convincing private individuals that the central       precisely reproduces the original data. Adding over
bank would not choose C in the event that A did occur.         just the data series whose frequencies lie inside the
      In this article, we start by presenting data on infla-   business cycle range of frequencies yields the business
tion and unemployment and documenting how those                cycle component of the original data. We define the
data changed before and after the 1960s. We argue that         business cycle frequencies as those that correspond to
these data are tough for standard versions of theories         fluctuations with period between two and eight years.
that there is a time consistency problem in monetary           We also consider a lower frequency component of the
policy. We then discuss whether there may be other ver-        data, corresponding to fluctuations with period between
sions of these theories that do a better job at explain-       eight and 20 years. We consider a very low frequency
ing the facts.                                                 component of the data, which corresponds to fluctua-
                                                               tions with period of oscillation between 20 and 40 years.
The data                                                       Finally, for the post-1960 data when quarterly and
     This section describes the basic data on inflation        monthly observations are available, we also consider the
and related variables and documents the observations           high frequency component of the data, which is com-
listed in the introduction. First, we study the relation-      posed of fluctuations with period less than two years.7
ship between unemployment and inflation; then we                    We begin by analyzing the data from the first part
turn to money growth and inflation.                            of the century. The raw data are displayed in figure 2,
                                                               panel A. That figure indicates that there is a negative
Unemployment and inflation                                     relationship between inflation and unemployment. This
    To show the difference between data in the first           is confirmed by examining the scatter plot of inflation
and second parts of the twentieth century, we divide           and unemployment in figure 2, panel B, which also

24                                                                                        1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
shows a negative relationship (that is, a Phillips curve).8                      We can formalize and quantify our impressions
The regression line displayed in figure 2, panel B high-                   based on casual inspection of the raw data using fre-
lights this negative relationship.9 Figure 2, panels C,                    quency components of the data, as reported in figure 3,
D, and E exhibit the different frequency components                        panels C–F. Thus, the frequency ranges corresponding
of the data. Note that a negative relationship is appar-                   to periods of oscillation between two months and 20
ent at all frequency components. The contemporaneous                       years (see figure 3, panels C–E) are characterized by a
correlations between different frequency components                        noticeable Phillips curve. Table 1 shows that the corre-
of the inflation and unemployment data are reported                        lation in the range of high frequencies (when available)
in table 1. In each case, the number in parentheses is                     and in the business cycle frequencies is significantly
a p-value for measuring whether the indicated corre-                       negative. The correlation between inflation and unem-
lation is statistically different from zero. For example,                  ployment is also negative in the 8–20 year range, but
a p-value less than 0.05 indicates that the indicated                      it is not statistically significantly different from zero
correlation is statistically different from zero at the 5                  in this case. Presumably, this reflects the relative paucity
percent level.10 The negative correlation in the business                  of information about these frequencies in the post-1960s
cycle frequencies is particularly significant.                             data. Finally, figure 3, panel F indicates that the cor-
     We analyze the post-1960 monthly inflation and                        relation between 20 and 40 year components is now
unemployment data in figure 3, panels A–F.11 There is                      positive, with unemployment lagging inflation. These
a sense in which these data look similar to what we                        results are consistent with the hypothesis that the Phillips
saw for the early period, but there is another sense in                    curve changed relatively little in the 2–20 year frequency
which their behavior is quite different. To see the simi-                  range, and that the changes that did occur are primarily
larity, note from the raw data in figure 3, panel A that                   concentrated in the very low frequencies. Formal tests
for frequencies in the neighborhood of the business                        of this hypothesis, shown in table B1 in box 1, fail to
cycle, inflation and unemployment covary negatively.                       reject it.
That is, the Phillips curve seems to be a pronounced                             Some of the observations reported above have been
feature of the higher frequency component of the data.                     reported previously. For example, the low-frequency
At the same time, the Phillips curve appears to have                       observations on unemployment have been document-
vanished in the very lowest frequencies. The data in                       ed using other methods in Barro (1987, Chapter 16).
figure 3, panel A show a slow trend rise in unemploy-                      Also, similar frequency extraction methods have been
ment throughout the 1960s and 1970s, which is reversed                     used to detect the presence of the Phillips curve in the
starting in early 1983. A similar pattern occurs in in-                    business cycle frequency range.13 What has not been doc-
flation, though the turnaround in inflation begins in                      umented is how far the Phillips curve extends into the
April 1980, roughly three years before the turnaround                      lowest frequencies. In addition, we show that inflation
in unemployment. The low frequency component of                            leads unemployment in the lowest frequency range.
the data dominates in the scatter plot of inflation versus                       Finally, we noted in the introduction that inflation
unemployment, exhibited in figure 3, panel B. That                         in the early part of the century was more volatile and
figure suggests that the relationship between inflation                    less persistent than in the second part. We can see this
and unemployment is positive, in contrast with the                         by comparing figure 2, panel A with figure 3, panel A.
pre-1960s data, which suggest otherwise (see figure 2,                     We can see the observation on volatility by compar-
panel B).12                                                                ing the scales on the inflation portion of the graphs.

                                                                  TABLE 1
                                         CPI inflation and unemployment correlations

                                              High                  Business cycle                   8–20                      20–40
   Sample                                  frequency                  frequency                      years                     years

   1900–60 (annual)                                                  –0.57   (0.00)             –0.32   (0.19)             –0.51   (0.23)
   1961–97 (annual)                                                  –0.38   (0.11)             –0.16   (0.41)              0.45   (0.32)
   1961:Q2–97:Q4 (quarterly)              –0.37 (0.00)               –0.65   (0.00)             –0.30   (0.29)              0.25   (0.34)
   1961, Jan.–97, Dec. (monthly)          –0.24 (0.00)               –0.69   (0.00)             –0.27   (0.30)              0.23   (0.40)

   Notes: Contemporaneous correlation over indicated sample periods and frequencies. Numbers in parentheses are p-values, in
   decimals, against the null hypothesis of zero correlation at all frequencies. For further details, see the text and notes 7 and 10.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                                                                                                             25
                                                      Unemployment and inflation, 1900–60
     A. The unemployment rate and the inflation rate                                 C. Frequency of 2 to 8 years
     percent                                                                         percent
     25                                                                      18      6                                                 Inflation       10
                                                Unemployment                                                                        (right scale)
                                                  (left scale)
                                                                             13      4
     20                                                                                                                                                5

                  Inflation                                                  8       2
     15        (right scale)                                                                                                                           0
                                                                             3       0
     10                                                                                                                                                -5
                                                                             -2      -2

      5                                                                                      Unemployment                                              -10
                                                                             -7      -4
                                                                                               (left scale)
      0                                                                      -12     -6                                                                 -15
      1900           ’10       ’20        ’30        ’40       ’50        ’60         1900       ’10         ’20       ’30        ’40          ’50   ’60

     B. Unemployment versus inflation                                                D. Frequency of 8 to 20 years
     inflation                                                                       percent
     20                                                                              6                                                                 8
                                                                                                                                      (left scale)     6
     15                                                                              4
     10                                                                              2
      5                                                                              0
      0                                                                              -2
      -5                                                                             -4
     -10                                                                             -6                                                                -6
                                                                                             (right scale)
     -15                                                                             -8                                                                -8
           0               5         10         15           20           25          1900       ’10         ’20       ’30        ’40          ’50   ’60

                                                                                     E. Frequency of 20 to 40 years
                                                                                     8                                                                 8
                                                                                                  Inflation                         Unemployment
                                                                                     6                                                                 6
                                                                                               (right scale)                          (left scale)
                                                                                     -4                                                                -6

                                                                                     -6                                                                -8
                                                                                      1900       ’10         ’20       ’30        ’40          ’50   ’60

           Note: Shaded areas indicate recessions as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The black line indicates inflation
           and the green line indicates unemployment.
           Source: Authors’ calculations based upon data from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

26                                                                                                                        1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
                                                    Unemployment and inflation, 1960–99
    A. The unemployment rate and the inflation rate                                D. Frequency of 1.5 to 8 years
    percent                                                                        percent
    11                                                                        14   2.0                                                                 6

    10                                                                        12   1.5
                                                                                                                                  Unemployment         4
     9                                                                             1.0                                              (left scale)
                                                      Unemployment            10
                 Inflation                              (left scale)
     8        (right scale)                                                        0.5                                                                 2
     7                                                                             0.0
     6                                                                             -0.5                                                                0
     5                                                                             -1.0      Inflation                                                 -2
                                                                              2           (right scale)
     4                                                                             -1.5

     3                                                                      0      -2.0                                                                -4
     1959        ’64    ’69     ’74     ’79     ’84      ’89     ’94     ’99          1959     ’64     ’69    ’74      ’79     ’84     ’89    ’94   ’99

    B. Unemployment versus inflation                                               E. Frequency of 8 to 20 years
    inflation                                                                      percent
    15                                                                             1.5                                                                 3
                                                                                                                               (left scale)
                                                                                   1.0                                                                 2

                                                                                   0.5                                                                 1
                                                                                   0.0                                                                 0
                                                                                   -0.5                                                                -1

     3                                                                             -1.0                                                                -2
                                                                                          (right scale)
     0                                                                             -1.5                                                                -3
          3               5              7                9              11           1959     ’64     ’69    ’74      ’79     ’84     ’89    ’94   ’99

    C. Frequency of 2 months to 1.5 years                                          F. Frequency of 20 to 40 years
    percent                                                                        percent
    0.6                                                                       15   1.2                                                                1.5

    0.4         (left scale)                                                       0.8          Inflation                                             1.0
                                                                                             (right scale)
    0.2                                                                            0.4                                                                0.5
    0.0                                                                            0.0                                                                0.0
   -0.2                                                                            -0.4                                                               -0.5

                                                           Inflation          -5                              Unemployment
   -0.4                                                                            -0.8                                                               -1.0
                                                        (right scale)                                           (left scale)
   -0.6                                                                     -10 -1.2                                                                   -1.5
      1959       ’64    ’69     ’74     ’79     ’84      ’89     ’94     ’99       1959       ’64     ’69     ’74      ’79     ’84     ’89    ’94   ’99

          Note: Shaded areas indicate recessions as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The black line indicates inflation
          and the green line indicates unemployment.
          Source: Authors’ calculations based upon data from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                                                                                                                             27
In the early period, the scale extends from –12 percent       observe in the higher frequencies. Figure 5, panels D
to +18 percent, at an annual rate. In the later sample,       and E show how the variables are so far out of phase
the scale extends over a smaller range, from 0 percent        in the business cycle and lower frequencies that they
to 14 percent. In addition, the inflation data in the early   actually have a negative relationship. The strong pos-
period are characterized by sharp movements followed          itive and contemporaneous relationship between the very
almost immediately by reversals in the other direction.       low frequency components of the data that we noticed
By contrast, in the later dataset, movements in infla-        in figure 5, panel A, is quite evident in panel F.
tion in one direction are less likely to be reversed im-
mediately by movements in the other direction.                Implications of the evidence for
                                                              macroeconomic models
Money growth and inflation                                         The differences in the time series behavior of in-
      We report our results for money growth and infla-       flation in the first and second parts of the last century
tion in detail in Christiano and Fitzgerald (2003), so here   offer a potentially valuable source of information on
we just summarize the findings. We display these re-          the underlying mechanisms that drive inflation. For
sults in figure 4, panels A–E and figure 5, panels A–F.       example, in the introduction, we talked about the re-
The style of analysis is much the same as for the un-         cent literature that focuses on explaining the apparent
employment and inflation data.                                inertia in inflation: the tendency for inflation to respond
      Consider the data from the early part of the cen-       slowly to shocks. These findings are based on analysis
tury first. Figure 4, panel A shows that money growth         of data from the second half of the century. We sus-
(M2) and inflation move together very closely. The re-        pect that similar analysis of data for the first part of
lationship appears to be essentially contemporaneous.         the century would find less inertia. This is because we
This impression of a positive relationship is confirmed       saw that inflation is less persistent in the early sample,
by the scatter plot between inflation and money growth        and its movements are more contemporaneous with
in figure 4, panel B. To the eye, the positive relation-      movements in money. These observations provide a
ship in figure 4, panel A appears to be a feature of all      potentially important clue about how the private econ-
the frequency components of the data. This is confirmed       omy is put together: Whatever accounts for inflation
in figure 4, panels C–E. Here we see the various fre-         inertia in the second part of the century must be some-
quency components of the data and how closely the             thing that was absent in the first part. For example, some
data move together in each of them.                           have argued that frictions in the wage-setting process
      Now consider the data from the later part of the cen-   and variability in the rate of utilization of capital have
tury. The raw data are reported in figure 5, panel A. The     the potential to account for the inflation inertia in post-
differences between these data in the early and late parts    war data.14 If this is right, then wage-setting frictions
of the century are dramatic. At first glance, it may          must be smaller in the early sample, or there must have
appear that the two variables, which moved together           been greater limitations on the opportunities to achieve
so closely in the early sample, are totally unrelated in      short-term variation in the utilization rate of capital.
the late sample. On closer inspection, the differences             The remainder of this section focuses on the change
do not seem so great after all. Thus, in the very low         in the relationship between inflation and unemploy-
frequencies there does still appear to be a positive re-      ment. At first glance, the change appears to lend sup-
lationship. Note how money growth generally rises in          port to the institutions view of inflation, as captured
the first part of the late sample, and then falls in the      in the work of Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro
second part. Inflation follows a similar pattern. It is       and Gordon (1983a, b). A second glance suggests the
in the higher frequencies that the relationship seems         evidence is not so supportive after all. Therefore, we
to have changed the most. Whereas in the early sample,        begin with a brief review of the Barro-Gordon model.
the relationship between the two variables appeared
to be contemporaneous, now there seems to be a sig-           Barro–Gordon model
nificant lag. High money growth is not associated im-               The model comprises two basic relationships. The
mediately with high inflation, but instead is associated      first summarizes the private economy. The second sum-
with high inflation several years later. These observa-       marizes the behavior of the monetary authority. The
tions, which are evident in the raw data, are confirmed       private economy is captured by the expectations-aug-
by figure 5, panels B–F. Thus, panel B shows the              mented Phillips curve, originally associated with
scatter plot between money growth and inflation, which        Friedman (1968) and Phelps (1967):
exhibits a positive relationship. Clearly, this positive
relationship is dominated by the low frequency behavior       1)   u – uN = –α(π – πe), α > 0.
of the data. It masks the very different behavior that we

28                                                                                       1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
                                 Formally testing our hypothesis about the Phillips curve

   Formal tests of the hypothesis that the Phillips curve              pre-1960s VAR so that the implied small sample mean
   changed relatively little in the 2–20 year frequency                lines up better with the pre-1960s empirical estimate of
   range fail to reject it. Table B1 displays p-values for             –0.51. Presumably, such an adjustment procedure would
   the null hypothesis that the post-1960s data on infla-              shift the simulated correlations to the left, reducing
   tion and unemployment are generated by the bivariate                the p-value. It is beyond the scope of our analysis to
   vector autoregression (VAR) that generated the pre-                 develop a suitable bias adjustment method.2 However,
   1960s data. We implement the test using 2,000 arti-                 we suspect that, given the large magnitude of the bias,
   ficial post-1960s datasets obtained by simulating a                 the bias-corrected p-value would be substantially small-
   three-lag VAR and its fitted residuals estimated using              er than the 14 percent value reported in the table.3
   the pre-1960s unemployment and inflation data.1 In
   each artificial dataset, we compute correlations be-                1
                                                                        We redid the calculations in table B1 using a five-lag VAR and
   tween filtered inflation and unemployment just like we              found that the results were essentially unchanged. The only no-
   did in the actual post-1960s data. Table B1 indicates               table differences in the results are that the p-value for the busi-
   that 9 percent of correlations between the business                 ness cycle correlations between inflation and unemployment is
                                                                       0.06 and the p-value for these correlations in the 20–40 year
   cycle component of inflation and unemployment ex-                   range is 0.11.
   ceed the –0.38 value reported in table 1 for the post-              2
                                                                        One could be developed along the lines pursued by Kilian (1998).
   1960s data, so that the null hypothesis fails to be                 3
                                                                        To get a feel for the likely quantitative magnitude of the ef-
   rejected at the 5 percent level. The p-value for the                fects of bias adjustment, we redid the bootstrap simulations by
   8–20 year correlation is quite large and is consistent              adjusting the variance-covariance matrix of the VAR distur-
   with the null hypothesis at any standard significance               bances used in the bootstrap simulations. Let V = [V]ij denote
   level.                                                              the variance-covariance matrix. In the pre-1960s estimation
                                                                       results, V1,2 = –0.1024, V1,1 = 0.0018, V2,2 = 6.0653. When we
         The statistical evidence against the null hypoth-             set the value of V1,2 to –0.0588 and recomputed the entries in
   esis that there has been no change in the 20–40 year                table B1 in box 1, we found that the mean correlations were
   component of the data is also not strong. This may in               as follows: business cycle, –0.75 (0.01); 8–20 year, –0.54 (0.09);
   part reflect a lack of power stemming from the rela-                and 20–40 year, –0.51 (0.06). The numbers in parentheses are
                                                                       the analogs of the p-values in table B1. Note how the mean cor-
   tively small amount of information in the sample                    relation in the 20–40 year frequency coincides with the empiri-
   about the 20–40 year frequency component of the data.               cal estimate reported in the first row of table 1, and that the
   But, the p-value may also be overstated for bias rea-               p-value has dropped substantially, from 0.23 to 0.06. This is
   sons. The table indicates that there is a small sample              consistent with our conjecture that bias adjustment may have
                                                                       an important impact on the p-value for the 20–40 year correla-
   bias in this correlation, since the small sample mean,              tion. However, the other numbers indicate that the bias adjust-
   –0.35, is substantially larger than the corresponding               ment procedure that we applied, by varying V1,2 only, is not a
   probability limit of –0.45. A bias-adjustment proce-                good one. Developing a superior bias adjustment method is
   dure would adjust the coefficients of the estimated                 clearly beyond the scope of this article.

                                                       TABLE B1
                          Testing null hypothesis that post-1960s equal pre-1960s correlations

                                                      Small sample                  Standard deviation,
   Frequency                     Plim                    mean                       small sample mean                      p-value

   2–8 year                     –0.66                     –0.61                       0.0036 × 2000                           0.09
   8–20 year                    –0.36                     –0.38                       0.0079 × 2000                           0.25
   20–40 year                   –0.45                     –0.35                       0.0129 × 2000                           0.14

   Notes: Data-generating mechanism in all cases is a three-lag, bivariate VAR fit to pre-1960s data. p-value: frequency, in 2,000
   artificial post-1960s datasets, that contemporaneous correlation between the indicated frequency components of x and y exceeds,
   in absolute value, the corresponding post-1960s estimate. Plim: mean, over 1,000 artificial samples of length 2,000 observations
   each, of correlation. Small sample mean: mean of correlation, across 2,000 artificial post-1960s datasets. Standard deviation,
   small sample (product of Monte Carlo standard error for mean and 2000 ): standard deviation of correlations across 2,000
   artificial post-1960s datasets.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                                                                                                              29
                                                 Measuring money growth and inflation, 1900–60
     A. The M2 growth rate and the inflation rate                                       C. Frequency of 2 to 8 years
     percent                                                                            percent
     25                                                                           18    8                                            Inflation              10
                                                                                                                                  (right scale)
     20                                                                                 6
                                        M2 growth                                 13
     15                                                                                 4                                                                   5
                                        (left scale)
     10                                                                           8     2
      5                                                                                 0
      0                                                                                -2
      -5                                                                          -2   -4
     -10                                             (right scale)                     -6                                         M2 growth                 -10
     -15                                                                               -8                                         (left scale)

     -20                                                                        -12    -10                                                                  -15
       1900         ’10         ’20        ’30         ’40        ’50        ’60         1900     ’10       ’20        ’30        ’40       ’50          ’60

     B. M2 growth versus inflation                                                      D. Frequency of 8 to 20 years
     inflation                                                                          percent
     20                                                                                 8                                                                   8

                                                                                        6      Inflation                                                    6
     15                                                                                     (right scale)
                                                                                        4                                                                   4
                                                                                        2                                                                   2
                                                                                        0                                                                   0
                                                                                       -2                                                                   -2
                                                                                       -4                                                                   -4
                                                                                                                             M2 growth
     -10                                                                               -6                                    (left scale)                   -6

     -15                                                                               -8                                                                   -8
        -20     -15       -10   -5     0         5     10    15         20   25         1900      ’10       ’20        ’30        ’40       ’50          ’60
                                      M2 growth

                                                                                        E. Frequency of 20 to 40 years
                                                                                        8                                                                  5

                                                                                        4                          M2 growth
                                                                                                                   (left scale)
                                                                                        2                                                                  1

                                                                                       -2                                                                  -1

                                                                                                                                 Inflation                 -3
                                                                                       -6                                     (right scale)
                                                                                       -8                                                                   -5
                                                                                        1900      ’10       ’20        ’30        ’40       ’50          ’60

           Note: Shaded areas indicate recessions as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
           Source: Authors’ calculations based upon data from the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

30                                                                                                                       1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
                                                  Measuring money growth and inflation, 1960–99
    A. The M2 growth rate and the inflation rate                                      D. Frequency of 1.5 to 8 years
    percent                                                                           percent
    14                                                                         14     6                                                                    6
                                                                                              M2 growth
    12                                                                         12     4       (left scale)
               M2 growth
    10         (left scale)                                                    10
     8                                                                      8
     6                                                                      6                                                                              0
     4                                                                      4
                                     Inflation                                                                                                             -2
     2                                                                      2         -4                                                   Inflation
                                  (right scale)
                                                                                                                                        (right scale)
     0                                                                       0        -6                                                                   -4
     1959       ’64     ’69       ’74       ’79     ’84     ’89    ’94    ’99          1959   ’64     ’69      ’74      ’79    ’84    ’89    ’94        ’99

    B. M2 growth versus inflation                                                   E. Frequency of 8 to 20 years
    inflation                                                                       percent
    14                                                                              1.5                                                                    3
                                                                                                    M2 growth
    12                                                                              1.0             (left scale)

    10                                                                              0.5
     8                                                                              0.0
     6                                                                              -0.5
     4                                                                              -1.0

                                                                                    -1.5                              Inflation                            -2
                                                                                                                   (right scale)
     0                                                                              -2.0                                                                   -3
          0        2          4         6          8      10      12      14           1959   ’64     ’69      ’74      ’79    ’84    ’89    ’94        ’99
                                    M2 growth

    C. Frequency of 2 months to 1.5 years                                           F. Frequency of 20 to 40 years
    percent                                                                         percent
    25                                                                      15      2.0                                                                   1.5
    20                                                                                         (right scale)                                              1.0
                                                                            10      1.0
    15                                                    (right scale)                                                                                   0.5
                                                                            5       0.0                                              M2 growth
    10                                                                                                                               (left scale)
     5                                                                      0       -1.0
                                                                            -5      -2.0
     -5       M2 growth                                                                                                                                   -1.0
              (left scale)
    -10                                                                      -10 -3.0                                                                      -1.5
      1959      ’64     ’69       ’74       ’79     ’84     ’89    ’94    ’99       1959      ’64     ’69      ’74      ’79    ’84    ’89    ’94        ’99

          Note: Shaded areas indicate recessions as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
          Source: Authors’ calculations based upon data from the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                                                                                                                                   31
Here, u is the actual rate of unemployment, uN is               In practice, the monetary authority would not neces-
the natural rate of unemployment, π is the actual rate          sarily go for the ideal level of unemployment, because
of inflation, and πe is the rate of inflation expected by       the increase in π that this requires entails costs. These
the private sector. The magnitude of α controls how             are captured by the γπ2 term in the objective. According
much the actual rate of unemployment falls below its            to this term, the ideal level of inflation is zero.16 The
natural rate when inflation is higher than expected. The        higher the level of inflation, the higher the marginal cost.
natural rate of unemployment is the unemployment rate                 The Barro–Gordon model views the monetary
that would occur if there was no surprise in inflation.         authority as choosing π to optimize its objective, sub-
The natural rate of unemployment is exogenous to the            ject to the expectations-augmented Phillips curve and
model, evolving in response to developments in unem-            to the given value of πe. The optimal choice of π reflects
ployment insurance, social attitudes toward the unem-           a balancing of the benefits and costs summarized in
ployed, and other factors.                                      the monetary authority’s objective. A graph of the best
      Note that according to the expectations augmented         response function appears in figure 6, where πe appears
Phillips curve, if the monetary authority raises infla-         on the horizontal axis, and π appears on the vertical. The
tion above what people expected, then unemployment              45-degree line in the figure conveniently shows the level
is below its natural rate. The mechanism by which this          of inflation that the policymaker would select if it chose
occurs is not explicit in the model, but one can easily         to validate private expectations of inflation.
imagine how it might work. For example, πe might be                   Note how the best response function is flatter than
the inflation rate that is expected at the time wage con-       the 45-degree line. This reflects the increasing marginal
tracts are set. Suppose that expectations of inflation are      cost of inflation at higher levels of inflation. At low
low, so that firms and workers agree to low nominal             levels of expected inflation, the marginal cost of inflation
wages. Suppose that the monetary authority decides—             is low, so the benefits outweigh the costs. At such an
contrary to expectations at the time wage contracts are         inflation rate, the monetary authority would try to sur-
written—to increase inflation by raising money growth.          prise the economy by moving to a higher level. On the
Given that wages in the economy have been pre-set               other hand, if expected inflation were very high, then
at a low level, this translates into a low real wage, which     the marginal cost of going even higher would outweigh
encourages firms to expand employment and thereby               the benefits, and the monetary authority would choose
reduce unemployment.15                                          to violate expectations by choosing a lower inflation
      The second part of the Barro–Gordon model sum-            rate. Not surprisingly, there is an inflation rate in the
marizes the behavior of the monetary authority, which           middle, π*, where the monetary authority chooses not
chooses π. Although the model does not specify the              to surprise the economy at all. This is the inflation rate
details of how this control is implemented, we should           where the best response function crosses the 45-degree
think of it happening via the monetary authority’s control      line. Because of the linear nature of the expectations-
over the money supply. At the time that the monetary            augmented Phillips curve and the quadratic form of
authority chooses π, the value of πe is predetermined.          monetary authority preferences, the best response func-
If the monetary authority can move π above πe, then,            tion is linear, guaranteeing that there is a single crossing.
according to the expectations-augmented Phillips curve,               What is equilibrium in the model? We assume
unemployment would dip below the natural rate. It is            everyone—the monetary authority and the private
assumed that the monetary authority wishes to push              economy—is rational. In particular, the private econ-
the unemployment rate below its natural rate, and this          omy understands the monetary authority’s policymaking
is captured by the notion that it would like to minimize:       process. It knows that if it were to have expectations,
                                                                πe < π*, then actual inflation would be higher than πe.
2) ½ [(u – kuN)2 + γπ2], γ > 0, k < 1.                          So, it cannot be rational to have an expectation like
                                                                this. It also understands that if it were to have expec-
     The first term in parentheses indicates that, ideally,     tations, πe > π*, the monetary authority would choose
the monetary authority would like u = kuN < uN. The             an inflation rate lower than πe. So, this expectation can-
model does not specify exactly why the monetary author-         not be rational either. The only rational thing for the
ity wants unemployment below the natural rate. In prin-         private economy to expect is π*. So, this is equilibri-
ciple, there are various factors that could rationalize this.   um in the model. The formula for this is
For example, the presence of distortionary taxes or mo-
nopoly power could make the level of economic activity                             α (1 − k )
inefficiently low, and this might translate into a natu-        3) π = ψu , ψ =                 > 0.
ral rate of unemployment that is suboptimally high.

32                                                                                          1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
FIGURE 6                                             lion can climb out. The lion cries out from
                     Effect on macroeconomic models
                                                                                        the depths of its soul, with a most solemn
                                                                                        commitment not to eat the (juicy-looking)
      Actual                                                                            rabbit once it gets out. But, the rabbit is
   inflation, π                                                                         skeptical. It understands that the intentions
                     authority's best                                                   announced by the lion while in the hole
                    response function                                                   are not time consistent. While in the hole,
                                                                                        the lion has the incentive to declare, with
                                                                                        complete sincerity, that it will not eat the
                                                                                        rabbit when it gets out. However, that plan
                                                                                        is no longer optimal for the lion when it
                                                                                        is out of the hole. At this point, the lion’s
                                                                                        optimal plan is to eat the rabbit after all.
                                                    inflation, π*
                                                                                        The rational rabbit, who understands the
                                                                                        time inconsistency of the lion’s optimal
                                                                                        plan, would do well to leave the lion where
                                                                                        it is. What the lion would like while it is
                                                                                        in the hole is a commitment technology:
                45˚                                                                     something that convinces the rabbit that
                                                                                        the lion will have no incentive or ability
                                                    Expected inflation, πe              to change the plan it announces from the
                                                                                        hole after it is out.
                                                                                              In some respects, the rabbit and the
      According to the model, inflation is predicted to              lion    resemble      the   private economy and the monetary
be proportional to the actual level of unemployment.                 authority       in  the  Barro–Gordon        model. Before πe is
There are several crucial things to note here. First, the            chosen, the monetary authority would like people to
actual level of unemployment is equal to the natural rate,           believe that it will choose π = 0. The problem is that
because in equilibrium the monetary authority cannot                 after    the private economy sets πe = 0, the monetary au-
surprise the private economy. So, monetary policy in                 thority has an incentive to choose π > πe (see figure 6).
practice does not succeed in driving unemployment be-                As in the fable, what the monetary authority needs is
low the natural rate at all. Second, inflation is positive,          some sort of commitment technology, something that
being proportional to unemployment. This is higher                   convinces private agents that if they set πe = 0, the mon-
than its ideal level, here presumed to be zero. These two            etary authority has no incentive or ability to deviate to
observations imply that in equilibrium, all the monetary             π > 0. Rational agents in an economy where the mone-
authority succeeds in doing is producing an inflation                tary authority has no such commitment technology do
rate above its ideal level. It makes no headway on unem-             well to set πe = π* > 0. This puts the monetary author-
ployment. That is, this optimizing monetary authority                ity in the dilemma discussed in the introduction. Its
simply succeeds in producing suboptimal outcomes.                    optimal choice in this case is to validate expectations
How is this possible?                                                by setting π = π* (that is, it chooses C in figure 1).
      The problem is that the monetary authority lacks                       The crucial point of Kydland–Prescott and Barro–
the ability to commit to low inflation. At the time the              Gordon        is that if the monetary authority has a credible
monetary authority makes its decision, the private econ-             commitment           to low inflation, then better outcomes
omy has already formed its expectation about inflation.              would      occur     than   if it has no such ability to commit.
The private economy knows that if it expects inflation               In   both    cases,   the  same    level of unemployment occurs
to occur at the socially optimal level, π = 0, then the
                                            e                        (that    is, the   natural    rate),  but the authority with com-
monetary authority has an incentive to deviate to a                  mitment       achieves    the  ideal  inflation rate, while the mone-
higher level of inflation (see figure 6).  17                        tary    authority     without     commitment     achieves a socially
      Eggertsson (2001) has recently drawn attention                 suboptimal        higher    inflation   rate. The  problem, as with
to one of Aesop’s fables, which captures aspects of the              the    lion  in  the  fable,   is coming    up with   a credible com-
situation nicely. Imagine a lion that has fallen into a              mitment        technology.     The   commitment     technology   must
deep pit. Unless it gets out soon, it will starve to death.          be    such   that  the  monetary      authority   actually  has no in-
A rabbit shows up and the lion implores the rabbit to                centive      to  select   a high   inflation  rate  after the private
push a stick lying nearby into the hole, so that the                 economy selects πe.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                                                                                                         33
What makes adopting a commitment technology              central message of the analysis in the previous section.
particularly difficult is that the monetary authority’s       In particular, suppose that the actions of the central
preferences in Barro–Gordon (unlike the lion’s pref-          bank have an impact on inflation only with a p-period
erences in the fable) are fundamentally democratic pref-      delay with p > 0. In this way, the monetary authority
erences: They reflect actual social costs and benefits.       is not able to eliminate the immediate impact of shocks
Credible commitment technologies must involve basic           to the inflation rate. The policymaker with commitment
changes in monetary institutions, which make them,            sets the p-period-ahead expected inflation rate to zero.
in effect, less democratic. Changes that have been adopt-     Suppose that the analogous timing assumption applies
ed in practice are the legal and other mechanisms that        to the private sector, so that there are movements in
make central banks independent from the administra-           inflation that are not expected at the time it sets πe. Un-
tive and legislative branches of government. The classic      der the expectations-augmented Phillips curve, this
institutional arrangement used to achieve commitment          introduces a source of negative correlation between
has been the gold standard. Tying the money supply            inflation and unemployment. This sort of delay in the
to the quantity of gold greatly limits the ability of the     private sector could be rationalized if wage contracts
central bank to manipulate π.                                 extended over p periods of time. Under these timing
                                                              assumptions, the prediction of the model under com-
Barro–Gordon and the data                                     mitment is that the actual inflation rate fluctuates, and
     The Barro–Gordon model is surprisingly effective         inflation and unemployment covary negatively, as
at explaining key features of the inflation–unemploy-         was actually observed over the early part of the twen-
ment relationship during the twentieth century. It is         tieth century. (The appendix analyzes the model with
perhaps reasonable to suppose that the U.S. monetary          time delays.) When the monetary authorities drop their
authorities more closely resembled the monetary authori-      commitment to low inflation in the later part of the
ty with commitment in the Barro–Gordon model in the           century, the model predicts that unemployment and
early part of the last century and more closely resem-        inflation move together more closely and that the re-
bled the monetary authority without commitment in             lationship will actually be positive in the lowest fre-
the last part of the century. After World War II, the U.S.    quencies. In the higher frequencies, the correlation might
government resolved that all branches of government—          still be negative, for the reason that it is negative in
including the Federal Reserve—should be committed             all frequencies when there is commitment: Inflation
to the objective of full employment. This commitment          in the higher frequencies is hard to control when there
reflected two views. The first view, apparently validat-      are implementation delays.20 In this sense, the Barro–
ed by the experience of the Great Depression, is that         Gordon models seems at least qualitatively consistent
activist stabilization policy is desirable. It was codified   with the basic facts about what happened to the infla-
into law by the Full Employment Act of 1946. The              tion–unemployment relationship between the first and
second view, associated with the intellectual revolution      second parts of the past century. It is hard not to be
of John Maynard Keynes, is that successful activist           impressed by this.21
stabilization policy is feasible. This view was firmly              But, there is one shortcoming of the model that
entrenched in Washington, DC, by the time of the ar-          may be of some concern. Recall from figure 3, panel A
rival of the Kennedy administration in 1960. Kennedy’s        that inflation in the early 1980s dropped precipitously,
Council of Economic Advisors resembles a “who’s               just as unemployment soared to a postwar high. This
who” of Keynesian economics.18                                behavior in inflation and unemployment is so pro-
     The notion that policymakers were committed to           nounced that it has a substantial impact on the very
low inflation in the early part of the century and rela-      low frequency component of the data. According to
tively more concerned with economic stabilization later       figure 3, panel F, the 20–40 year component of unem-
implies, via the Barro–Gordon model, that inflation           ployment lags the corresponding component of infla-
in the late period should have been higher than it was        tion by several years. As a technical matter, it is possible
in the early period. Comparison of figure 4, panel A          to square this with the model. The version of the model
and figure 5, panel A shows that this is indeed the case.     discussed in the previous paragraph allows for the
Another implication of the model is that inflation should     possibility that a big negative shock to the price level—
have been constant at zero in the early period, and this      one that was beyond the control of the monetary au-
most definitely was not the case (see figure 4, panel A).19   thority—occurred that drove actual unemployment
But, this is not a fundamental problem for the model.         up above the natural rate of unemployment. But the
There is a simple, natural timing change in the model         explanation rings hollow. The model itself implies
that eliminates this implication, without changing the        that, on average, the low frequency component of

34                                                                                        1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
unemployment leads inflation, not the other way around       these models serve as another reminder of the power
(see the appendix for an elaboration). This is because       of the original Barro–Gordon model: With it, the read-
unemployment is related to the incentives to inflate, so     er can reach the core ideas armed simply with a sheet
when unemployment rises, one expects inflation to            of paper and a pencil.
rise in response. In fact, with the implementation and             Why should we incorporate the ideas into modern
observation delays, one expects the rise in inflation        models? First, the ideas have proved enormously pro-
to occur with a delay after a rise in unemployment.          ductive in helping us understand the broad features of
     In sum, the Barro–Gordon model seems to provide         inflation in the twentieth century. This suggests that
a way to understand the change in inflation–unemploy-        they deserve further attention. Second, as we will see
ment dynamics between the first and second parts of          below, when we do incorporate the ideas into modern
the last century. However, the disinflation of the early     models, unexpected results occur. They may provide
1980s raises some problems for the model. That ex-           additional possibilities for understanding the data. Third,
perience appears to require thinking about the defla-        because modern models are explicitly based on micro-
tion of the early 1980s as an accident. Yet, to all direct   foundations, they offer opportunities for econometric
appearances it was no accident at all. Conventional          estimation and testing that go well beyond what is
wisdom takes it for granted that the disinflation was        possible with the original Barro–Gordon model. In
a direct outcome of intentional efforts taken by the         modern models, crucial parameters like α, k, and γ
Federal Reserve, beginning with the appointment of           are related explicitly to production functions, to fea-
Paul Volcker as chairman in 1979. Many observers             tures of labor and product markets, to properties of
interpret this experience as a fundamental embarrass-        utility functions, and to the nature of information trans-
ment to the Barro–Gordon model. Some would go                mission among agents. These linkages make it possi-
further and interpret this as an embarrassment to the        ble to bring a wealth of data to bear, beyond data on
ideas behind it: the notion that time inconsistency is       just inflation and unemployment. In the original Barro–
important for understanding the dynamics of U.S. in-         Gordon model, α, k, and γ are primitive parameters,
flation. They argue that, according to the model, the        so the only way to obtain information on them is us-
only way inflation could fall precipitously absent a         ing the data on inflation and unemployment itself.
drop in unemployment is with substantial institutional             To see the sort of things that can happen when the
reform to implement commitment. There was no in-             ideas of Kydland–Prescott and Barro–Gordon are in-
stitutional reform in the early 1980s, so the institu-       corporated into modern models, we briefly summarize
tional perspective must, at best, be of second-order         some recent work of Albanesi, Chari, and Christiano
importance for understanding U.S. inflation.                 (2002).22 They adapt a version of the classic monetary
                                                             model of Lucas and Stokey (1983), so that it incorpo-
Alternative representation of the notion that                rates benefits of unexpected inflation and costs of in-
commitment matters                                           flation that resemble the factors Barro and Gordon
     By the standards of our times, the Barro–Gordon         appeal to informally to justify the specification of their
model must be counted a massive success. Its two             model. However, because the model is derived using
simple equations convey some of the most profound            standard specifications of preferences and technology,
ideas in macroeconomics. In addition, it accounts nicely     there is no reason to expect that the monetary author-
for broad patterns in twentieth century data: the fact       ity’s best response function is linear, as in the Barro–
that inflation on average was higher in the second half,     Gordon model (recall figure 6). Indeed, Albanesi, Chari,
and the changed nature of the unemployment–infla-            and Christiano find that for almost all parameteriza-
tion relationship.                                           tions for the model, if there is any equilibrium at all
     Yet, the model encounters problems understand-          there must be two. That is, the best response function
ing the disinflation of the 1980s. Perhaps this is a prob-   is nonlinear, and has the shape indicated in figure 7.
lem for the specific equations of the model. But, is it            In one respect, it should not be a surprise that there
a problem for the ideas behind the model? We just do         might be multiple equilibriums in a Barro–Gordon
not know yet, because the ideas have not been stud-          type model. Recall that an equilibrium is a level of in-
ied in a sufficiently wide range of economic models.         flation where benefits of additional unexpected infla-
Efforts to incorporate the basic ideas of Kydland–           tion just balance the associated costs. But we can expect
Prescott and Barro–Gordon into modern models have            that these costs and benefits change nonlinearly for
only just begun. This process has been slow, in part         higher and higher levels of inflation. If so, then there
because the computational challenge of this task is          could be multiple levels of inflation where equilibrium
enormous. Indeed, the computational difficulties of          occurs, as in figure 7.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                                                                                       35
There is one version of the Albanesi–                                                   FIGURE 7
Chari–Christiano model in which the in-                                      Variant of the Lucas–Stokey model
tuition for the multiplicity is particularly
simple. In that version, private agents                       Actual
                                                           inflation, π
can, at a fixed cost, undertake actions to                                            Monetary
protect themselves against inflation. In                                           authorities' best
                                                                                  response function
principle, such actions may involve ac-
quiring foreign currency deposits for use
in transactions. Or, they may involve
fixed costs of retaining professional assis-
tance in minimizing cash balances when
inflation is high. Although these efforts
are costly for individuals, they do mean
that on the margin, the costs of inflation
are reduced from the perspective of a be-
nevolent monetary authority. Turning to
                                                                                             Two inflation
figure 7, one might imagine that at low                                                       equilibria
levels of inflation, the basic Barro–Gordon
model applies. People do not undertake                                     45˚
fixed costs to protect themselves against
inflation, and the best response function                                                                              Expected inflation, πe
looks roughly linear, cutting the 45-de-
gree line at the lower level of inflation in-
dicated in the figure. At higher levels of inflation,                     the best response curve up and down. Notice how the
however, people do start to undertake expensive fixed                     high-inflation equilibrium behaves differently from
costs to insulate themselves. By reducing the marginal                    the low-inflation equilibrium as the best response
cost of inflation, this has the effect of increasing the in-              function, say, shifts up. Inflation in the low-inflation
centive for the monetary authority to raise inflation. Of                 equilibrium rises, and in the high-inflation equilibri-
course, this assumes that the benefits of inflation do                    um it falls. Thus, these shocks have an opposite cor-
not simultaneously decline. In the Albanesi–Chari–                        relation with inflation in the two equilibriums. This sign
Christiano model, in fact they do not decline. This is why                switch in equilibriums is an implication of the model
in this version of their model, the best response func-                   that can, in principle, be tested. For example, Albanesi–
tion eventually begins to slope up again and, therefore,                  Chari–Christiano explore the model’s implication that
to cross the 45-degree line at a higher level of inflation.               interest rates and output covary positively in the low-
      The previous example is designed to just present                    inflation equilibrium and negatively in the high-inflation
a flavor of the Albanesi–Chari–Christiano results. In                     equilibrium. Using data drawn from over 100 coun-
fact, the shape of the best response function resembles                   tries, they find evidence in support of this hypothesis.
qualitatively the picture in figure 7, even in the ab-                         But, the Albanesi–Chari–Christiano model is still
sence of opportunities for households to protect them-                    too simple to draw final conclusions about the impli-
selves from inflation.                                                    cations of lack of commitment for the dynamics of
      What are the implications of this result? Essen-                    inflation. The model has been kept very simple so that—
tially, there are new ways to understand the fact that                    like the Barro-Gordon model—it can be analyzed with
inflation is sometimes persistently high and at other                     a sheet of paper and a pencil (well, perhaps one would
times (like now) persistently low. In the Barro–Gordon                    need two sheets of paper!). We know from separate
model, this can only be explained by appealing to a                       work on problems with a similar logical structure that
fundamental variable that shifts the best response func-                  when models are made truly dynamic, say with the
tion. The disinflation of the early 1980s suggests that                   introduction of investment, the properties of equilib-
it may be hard to find such a variable in practice.                       riums can change in fundamental ways (see, for ex-
      But, is a model with multiple equilibriums testable?                ample, Krusell and Smith, 2002). It still remains to
Perhaps. Inspection of figure 7 suggests one possibil-                    explore the implications of lack of commitment in such
ity. Shocks to the fundamental variables that determine                   models. In particular, it is important to explore wheth-
the costs and benefits of inflation from the perspective                  er the disinflation experience of the early 1980s, which
of the monetary authority have the effect of shifting

36                                                                                                           1Q/2003, Economic Perspectives
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