Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse

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Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
       Outlook 2020

Resilience after all.
Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
Investment ­Outlook 2020

after all.

Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
Letter from the CEO

From my perspective
Tidjane Thiam
CEO Credit Suisse Group AG

It is my pleasure to present our Investment Outlook 2020.
The past year has turned out better for most investors than
might have been expected, considering the geopolitical
uncertainty that prevailed during the period and weakening
economic momentum.

So what is in store for 2020? It is unlikely that all the        The main results of our analysis and our key views for the
issues that have accompanied us since early 2018 will be         economy and markets are presented in the pages that
resolved, be it the US-China trade conflict or political         follow. I trust you will find our analysis both interesting and
uncertainties in Europe. Investors will also continue to have    relevant as you plan for the year ahead.
to contend with extremely low (or negative) interest rates in
bond markets. These are among the key themes that                In this vein, I wish you a prosperous – and resilient – 2020.
figure in my discussions with clients and other stakeholders.
                                                                 Tidjane Thiam
Putting all of these issues into a broader context and differ-
entiating between what is of greater or lesser relevance
for businesses and investors alike is the paramount and
arduous task of our bank’s economists, financial
analysts and strategists. The sum of these efforts is a
central element of our holistic House View.

Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse

Contents                                               04   Letter from the CEO
                                                       08   Editorial
                                                       10   Review of 2019
                                                       12   Core views 2020
                                                       60   Disclaimer
                                                       64   Imprint

14              26                 44                  54
Global          Main asset         Alternative         Investment
economy         classes            investments         strategy 2020
16   Overview   28 Overview        46 Real estate      56   Overview
18   Regions    30	Fixed income   48 Private equity   58   Forecasts
                34 Equities        50	Hedge funds
                42	­Currencies    52 Commodities

6                                                                   7
Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse

Resilience after all
Michael Strobaek Global Chief Investment Officer
Nannette Hechler-Fayd’herbe Global Head of Economics & Research and RCIO IWM

Unforeseen and surprising events have shaped 2019,
and we have little doubt that they will impact the world in 2020
as well. In light of such uncertainty, it is of utmost
importance for investors to build resilient portfolios.

                                                                               Even if the US-China trade war eases and Brexit uncer­tainty     The following pages lay out the key elements of the
                                                                               diminishes, the year 2020 is unlikely to be entirely smooth      Credit Suisse House View for 2020. We have strived
                                                                               sailing: a polarized US presidential campaign, margin pres-      to provide a consistent and well-structured guide
                                                                               sure, high corporate debt, and fewer interest rate cuts          across the most important asset classes, markets and
                                                                               by the major central banks – not to mention unexpected           sub-segments. It suggests that investors who hold
                                                                               political developments – are likely to sporadi­cally test        well-diversified portfolios, tilted toward areas of extra return,
                                                                               investor nerves.                                                 should continue to garner healthy returns. Furthermore,
                                                                                                                                                sustainability is increasingly relevant for investors, as it has
                                                                               Overall, however, we believe that the global economy and         already become a matter of great importance for voters
                                                                               risk assets will continue to show considerable resilience        and consumers around the world.
                                                                               in the face of these challenges. This is the message that
                                                                               the title of this year’s publication, Resilience after all, is   We hope you will find this publication helpful and wish you
                                                                               intended to capture.                                             a successful year ahead.

                                                                               While we expect rather subdued economic growth in 2020
                                                                               and returns that are generally lower than in 2019, a serious
                                                                               market downturn or even financial crisis seems unlikely to
                                                                               us. We observe a number of imbalances in various econo-
                                                                               mies and sectors, but none of them seems serious
                                                                               enough to trigger such a crisis. Conversely, technological
                                                                               progress remains in full force and, importantly, policy
                                                                               makers will continue to provide support.

8                                                                                                                                                                  9
Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
Review of 2019

Markets defy
weakening growth

Fed turns as global manufacturing weakens                    Rates follow manufacturing                                                       Equities: Testing highs                                          Emerging markets lag behind developed markets
Global growth and manufacturing sentiment have been                                                                                           At the start of 2019, the major equity markets rebounded         Total return indexes (01/01/2018=100)
weakening since the USA first imposed tariffs on China                                                         + Hikes       Global manu-     strongly after their setback in late 2018, fueled by the
                                                             54                                                              facturing PMI
and other countries. Problems in the German auto                                                                +3
                                                                                                                                              Fed’s shift to policy easing. The rally stalled temporarily      110                                                            Developed
                                                                                                                             Number of                                                                                                                                        markets
sector only exacerbated the weakness. But because the                                                                        rate changes     mid-year on mounting worries over the global economy.                                                                           (MSCI World)
US economy held up, in large part thanks to the 2018         52                                                              expected by      Emerging market (EM) equities rebounded as well. But                                                                            Emerging
                                                                                                                             market (RHS)                                                                                                                                     markets (MSCI
tax cuts, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) projected continued                                                       0                            whether the underperformance vs. developed markets               100                                                            Emerging
rate hikes going into 2019. After equities corrected         50                                                          Last data point      that began with the start of the US-China trade war
                                                                                                                         September 2019                                                                                                                                   Last data point
sharply in late 2018, the Fed changed course, moving                                                                     Source Bloomberg,
                                                                                                                                              in early 2018 has been broken remains to be seen.                                                                           25/10/19
to policy easing.                                                 2016      2017   2018      2019              - Cuts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2018                       2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Source Datastream,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Credit Suisse
                                                                                                                         Credit Suisse

Bonds rally across the board                                 Bond yields plummet to new lows                                                  Equity sectors: Gains across the board                           IT still tops
US Treasury yields declined sharply, though not quite to     Yield on 10-year government bonds (in %)                                         All of the major equity sectors participated in the early 2019   Total return indexes for MSCI global equity sectors
post-financial crisis lows as fears of a global downturn                                                                                      rebound, but only IT managed to build decisively on its          (Index, 01/01/2019 = 100)
took hold. In Germany and Switzerland, yields reached        4                                                               USA              gains. In contrast, demand concerns and lower oil prices
                                                                                                                             Germany                                                                           130                                                            IT
historic lows, with all now below Japanese levels.           3                                                               Switzerland      held back energy, while the drug pricing debate in the                                                                          Industrials
Despite far higher debt, the rally also took hold in Italy                                                                   Italy            USA weighed on the healthcare sector’s performance.                                                                             Financials
                                                             2                                                                                                                                                 120                                                            Healthcare
as the government moved away from its anti-euro                                                                                               In view of weakening manufacturing demand, it is                                                                                Energy
and anti-Brussels stance. Emerging market bond yields        1                                                                                surprising that the industrials sector held up so well.
                                                                                                                         Last data point                                                                       110                                                        Last data point
also fell, though not quite as much.                         0                                                           25/10/19             Financials slightly underperformed the MSCI World,                                                                          25/10/19

                                                                         2015        2017               2019
                                                                                                                         Source Bloomberg,
                                                                                                                         Credit Suisse
                                                                                                                                              as flat or inverted yield curves dented earnings.                  01/2019                      07/2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Source Datastream,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Credit Suisse

Commodities: Diverging paths                                 Gold outperforms cyclicals                                                       USD still strong                                                 Trade war drags down EUR, CNY
US tariffs on China and the slowdown in global               Index, 01/01/2018 = 100                                                          After 2018 gains, the USD continued to appreciate                Currencies versus USD (Index, 01/01/2018 = 100)
manufacturing weighed on industrial metals such as                                                                                            against almost all major currencies, supported by better
copper. As for oil, early 2019 saw prices recover            120                                                             Gold             US growth and the (remaining) interest rate advantage.           108                                                            JPY
                                                                                                                             Oil (WTI)                                                                                                                                        CHF
as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries     110                                                             Copper           Only the JPY gained once again, as the Bank of Japan                                                                            EUR
sought to restrain supply. But prices softened again                                                                                          did not lower rates. China allowed the CNY to devalue                                                                           CNY
as demand slowed. Meanwhile, gold prices rallied on                                                                                           to offset some of the tariff-related pressure. This weighed      100
the back of lower interest rates.                             90                                                                              on other EM currencies, in addition to local rate cuts;
                                                                                                                                                                                                               96                                                         Last data point
                                                                                                                         Last data point
                                                                                                                                              only the MXN held up as the country reached a new trade                                                                     25/10/19
                                                                                                                         Source Datastream,   agreement with the USA and Canada.                                 2018                      2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Source Bloomberg,
                                                                   2018                   2019                           Credit Suisse                                                                                                                                    Credit Suisse

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             11
Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
Core views 2020

Credit Suisse                                                                                                      A recession is unlikely in light
                                                                                                                   of ongoing monetary policy support,
House View in short                                                                                                ample credit, some fiscal easing
                                                                                                                   and low oil prices.

      Geopolitics                                           Economic growth                                                           Real estate
      Our base case is a de-escalation in the               Global economic growth is set to remain                                   Most real estate investments should continue to
      US-China conflict, but uncertainty remains            sluggish with only a minor recovery in industrial                         deliver moderately positive returns. We prefer
      high. The US presidential election campaign           production, capital expenditure (capex) and                               direct real estate where lower interest rates do
      is likely to be highly polarized and may affect       trade. However, a recession is unlikely in light                          not yet appear to be fully reflected in the price.
      investor sentiment. European political                of ongoing monetary policy support, ample
      risks should abate as uncertainty over Brexit         credit, some fiscal easing and low oil prices.

      Inflation                                             Interest rates                                                            Commodities
      Inflation looks to remain well below central          We expect the US Federal Reserve (Fed) to remain                          Barring a major escalation involving Iran and
      banks’ 2% target in Europe and Japan,                 on hold after the third rate cut in October 2019.                         Saudi Arabia, oil prices are likely to continue
      while it should decline in China and other            The European Central Bank (ECB) will also stand                           to stay subdued. Gold looks set to remain
      emerging markets (EM). However,                       pat on rates while pursuing quantitative easing                           supported on the back of extremely low interest
      inflation is likely to exceed 2% in the USA,          (QE). The Swiss National Bank (SNB) should be                             rates.
      at least temporarily.                                 able to avoid rate cuts, but may need to continue
                                                            intervening in the foreign exchange market.
                                                            Rate cuts should continue in a number of EM.

      Fixed income                                          Equities                                                                  Forex
      Returns on most core government bonds are             Against the backdrop of limited earnings growth                           The USD should hold up initially, but the EUR
      likely to be negative, except in the USA. Tight       and flat to higher bond yields, returns in key                            should gain in H2 as a Eurozone recovery takes
      spreads imply anemic returns for investment grade     equity markets are likely to be in the single-digit                       hold. The CNY could depreciate slightly more
      bonds in developed markets (DM). Expect solid         range. EM equities can recover if the trade war                           vs. the USD on domestic weakness. The GBP
      returns on most EM hard currency debt, with           abates, and financial stocks should benefit if yield                      would gain strongly on the back of a Brexit
      strong – albeit volatile – returns in some EM local   curves continue to steepen. In a low yield                                resolution. Our base case is for the CHF and
      currency debt, as well as frontier markets. Sub­      environment, stable-dividend stocks would do well.                        JPY to trade sideways.
      ordinated financial debt in DM remains attractive.

12                                                                                                                                          13
Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
Global economy Overview

Moderate growth,                                                                                                                                        Main macro risks
                                                                                                                                                        The key risk remains that the damage done by the
                                                                                                                                                        trade war carries into 2020. Other geopolitical                                    From Quantitative

but no recession
                                                                                                                                                        risks, especially the potential for a flare-up in the                              Easing (QE) to
                                                                                                                                                        Middle East, remain in place but are less likely                                   Modern Monetary
                                                                                                                                                        to materialize. In particular, we do not expect the                                Theory (MMT)
                                                                                                                                                        global economy to be hit by an oil-price shock
                                                                                                                                                        but rather expect oil prices to stay under pressure                                Find out more:
                                                                                                                                                        due to excess supply.                                                    

                                                                                                                                                        Even in the event of a trade deal, it seems likely
                                                                                                                                                        that China’s economy will continue to slow
                                                                                                                                                        somewhat, at least in H1 2020. High mortgage               Meanwhile, the USA is likely to face an unusually
We expect only sluggish global growth in 2020 of 2.5%,                                                                                                  debt combined with greater job uncertainty are             polarized election, which could negatively affect
almost unchanged from 2019, but a recession                                                                                                             likely to hold back consumer spending, while policy
                                                                                                                                                        makers will remain cautious regarding stimulus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   business and consumer sentiment. A further risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   is that higher-than-expected inflation would raise
continues to look unlikely given supportive macro policies.                                                                                             measures. Slowing growth in China will continue            fears of stagflation. In such a case, the Fed
De-escalation on the trade war front will be key.                                                                                                       to limit the recovery potential of its main trading
                                                                                                                                                        partners in the region. An escalation of tensions in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   would be constrained in its actions. Bond yields
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   might then rise substantially, triggering a general
                                                                                                                                                        Hong Kong would pose downside risks.                       tightening of financial conditions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   On the following pages, we look at the outlook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for 2020 on a country-by-country and regional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   basis, focusing on the base case as well as risks.

                  Over the past year, we have witnessed a signifi-      Path to recovery in 2020                             Downturn in global manufacturing and trade                                   US imports from China sharply lower
                  cant slump in global manufacturing and trade,         We expect the slump in manufacturing to bottom       YoY changes (in %, 12-month moving average)                                  YoY change (in %, 12-month moving average)
                  with global export volumes dropping by about 2%       out in the first half of 2020, not least because
                  from the high of 2018, the biggest decline in         of a natural inventory cycle. As the slowdown in
                  recent decades except for periods of recession.       manufacturing abates, the risk of it “infecting”     15                                                                           35
                                                                        the services sector should also diminish. The
                  More than trade                                       easing of policy by the US Federal Reserve (Fed)
                  The USA’s imposition of tariffs on China and          over the course of 2019 has helped boost credit,     10
                  China’s retaliation undoubtedly contributed to this   especially to US households. This support should                                                                                  25
                  slump, but the domestic slowdown in China –           remain in place in 2020 – although we do not
                  due to more cautious households and restrained        expect further rate cuts – and should for instance
                  credit growth – played a key role as well. Weak-      bolster home purchases as well as other
                  ness in German auto sales exacerbated the             consumer spending.                                                                                                                15
                  manufacturing slump. As a result of heightened
                  uncertainty, global corporate capital expenditure     Interest rate cuts by the Fed have also eased         0
                  (capex) slowed significantly as well.                 constraints on emerging markets dependent on
                                                                        USD funding. Central banks in a number of                                                                                          5
                  Meanwhile, the services sector lost some steam        countries should be able to lower interest rates      -5
                  but continued to grow in most countries. With         further, not least because inflation is declining.
                  the services sector being the largest employer in     In Europe, we expect fiscal policy to ease
                  developed countries as well as many emerging          gradually, which should support the growth rate                                                                                   -5
                  markets, demand for labor continued to grow           in the region. However, a key to recovery will be
                  and wages have been rising, albeit gradually.         at least a partial resolution to the trade war.
                  As a result, consumer sentiment and spending          A reduction in tariffs would improve profitability
                  remained relatively robust.                           and sentiment in both the USA and China,                   2002          2006          2010          2014            2018           2002       2006          2010             2014            2018
                                                                        which should help reignite capital spending.

                                                                                                                                    Trade volume                       Last data point August 2019                                              Last data point August 2019
                                                                                                                                    Industrial production              Source Datastream, Credit Suisse                                         Source Datastream, Credit Suisse

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17
Investment Outlook 2020 - Resilience after all - Credit Suisse
Global economy Regions

USA                                                                                                                                 Eurozone

Dodging recession                                                                                                                   Further fiscal support
         Growth: We expect sluggish gross         tariffs. However, their full elimina-    likely than a hike in 2020, and the              Growth: We expect GDP growth          should also support the ongoing          impetus. More concretely, 2020
         domestic product (GDP) growth for        tion appears unlikely and the trade      Federal Reserve could increase                   of 1%. A de-escalation of the US-     economic expansion. Monetary             might well mark the first year of
         the US economy in 2020 (1.8%),           war could potentially escalate           asset purchases. While a potential               China trade dispute would reduce      policy is unlikely to ease further       Eurozone fiscal expansion in over
         accompanied by elevated recession        in other areas. If the USA, for ex-      rebound in manufacturing, as well                the drag on the Eurozone, and         within the Eurozone, but the             a decade. Furthermore, we could
         risks (20%–30% probability in the        ample, implemented tariffs on            as labor shortages that boost in-                Germany in particular, helping to     European Central Bank (ECB)              well see a more generous interpre-
         next 12 months), and rising core         European automobiles and Europe          flation would, in principle, argue for           end the contraction of exports        decisions taken in September             tation of the Stability and Growth
         inflation – at least at the beginning    retaliated, European producers           rate hikes, any rate move close                  and industrial production. Given      2019 (rate cut and renewed asset         Pact by the European Commis-
         of the year. While job growth will       and US consumers would be hurt.          to the election seems very unlikely.             the resilience of domestic demand     purchases) have already crea-            sion, which would allow Italy and
         moderate, rising labor costs will con-                                                                                             and the Eurozone labor market         ted a slight tailwind.                   other countries to further ease
         tinue to weigh on corporate profits.     What to watch: After cutting rates                                                        throughout 2019, the removal of                                                fiscal policy. A continued trade war
         Good news could come from a              three times in 2019, our base case                                                        that headwind should allow Euro-      What to watch: New leadership            and its potential expansion to
         recovery in manufacturing activity       is for the Fed to remain on hold.                                                         zone GDP growth to gradually          of the European Union (EU) and           Europe poses the greatest risk,
         if the USA and China reduced             Nevertheless, another cut is more                                                         improve. Resilient credit growth      ECB could bring new political            as well as a no-deal Brexit.

China                                                                                                                               Japan

Cautious consumers                                                                                                                  Olympic boost
         Growth: The government is likely         However, assuming a de-escalation        US trade policy. Unless the trade                Growth: The Japanese economy          Meanwhile, the 2020 Summer               tax hike will be offset to some
         to pare its growth target to 5.9%,       of the trade dispute with the USA        war escalates, the Chinese                       is likely to slow somewhat in 2020    Olympics will provide a tailwind by      extent by added government spend-
         and actual numbers could drop            and moderate stimulus measures,          authorities are likely to limit any              (GDP growth of 0.4%), but the         boosting inbound tourism. Public         ing. Given its sensitivity to global
         somewhat below that objective.           the decline in economic growth will      depreciation of the CNY.                         expected turn in global manufactur-   investment is also likely to remain      trade and the Chinese economy,
         Apart from the lingering impact of       be limited.                                                                               ing should limit the slowdown. The    strong in the first half of the year.    the outcome of the trade war and
         US tariffs, the burden of real                                                                                                     consumption tax hike of October                                                the evolution of demand in China
         estate debt, job insecurity, as well     What to watch: At the end of the                                                          2019 may also continue to exert       What to watch: Monetary policy           are important as well. New trade
         as weakness in local financial           first quarter, the Chinese govern-                                                        a drag. However, assuming there is    will remain loose in 2020 and            agreements with the EU and
         markets will likely restrain domestic    ment could announce added fiscal                                                          no global recession, the Japanese     beyond. In fact, the Bank of Japan       the USA provide some long-term
         consumer spending. The limited           spending for 2020. With more                                                              economy will be able to overcome      (BoJ) could potentially raise its        upside.
         efficiency of credit allocation          fiscal room, authorities are likely to                                                    domestic headwinds.                   inflation target. The consumption
         remains a key concern, and the           rely less on special purpose bonds
         manufacturing sector will remain         and more on direct spending to
         under pressure due to continued          support growth, at least until there
         overcapacity and competitive             is greater visibility with regard to
         disadvantages in some sectors.           the 2020 US election and future

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
Global economy Regions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Many losers…

Untangling the trade war                                                                                                                                                                                            Tariffs hurt consumers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    either directly…
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         …or indirectly via higher
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         input prices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           … It’s less business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           going on. It’s less
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           investment. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           more uncertainty.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Increase in prices for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         steel mill products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Increase in prices for                                               within six months after US
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tariffs imposed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           It weighs like a big,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    washing machines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           dark cloud on the
From trade peace to trade war                                                                                                                                                                                       after US tariffs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    imposed in                                                                                                                             global economy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    February 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Christine Lagarde
Have 90 years of trade liberalization ended?
Effective US tariff rate (in %)                                                                                                                                               Trade wars                            +9%                                                                            +15%                                                    Incoming European
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Central Bank President,

                                                                                                                                                                              are good
                                1941         1964 – 1967                                               1994              1997 – 1999
                                                       Atlantic                  General               North             WTO agreements                                                                                                                                                                                                                    23 September 2019 on CNBC
                                                       Charter                   Agreement on          American          on IT, telecom,
                                                       (US-UK)                   Tariffs and           Free Trade        financial services

                                                                                                                                                                              and easy
30                                                                               Trade (GATT) –        Agreement
                                                                                 Kennedy Round         (NAFTA)                      Tariff rate
                                                                                                       created                      Forecast

                                                                                                                                                                              to win.
                                                               1947                                                                 for 2020
20                                                             GATT                  1973                1995                       9%
                                                               founded               Abandon-            World Trade                                                                                                Tariffs weigh on business plans…                                                  ...without solving structural issues
                                                                                     ment                Organization          Last data point                                                                      Survey of capex intentions of US companies                                        US general government structural balance and trade balance (in % of GDP)
                                                                                     of fixed            (WTO)                 October 2019
                                                                                     exchange            created
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Empire State and Philly Fed), indexed
                                                                                                                               (2020 estimate)
10                                                                                   rates                                     Source                                         Donald Trump                                                                                                            0                                                                       Fiscal deficit
                                                                                                                               U.S. International                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Trade
                                                                                                                               Trade Commission
                                                                                                                                                                              US President,                         40
                                              Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -2                                                                      balance (excl.
                                                                                                                               (March 2019)                                   2 March 2018 on Twitter                                                                                                                                                                         petroleum)
Non-tariff barriers have been on the rise                                                                                           The USA has ratcheted up the trade war…                                              2010      2012        2014        2016         2018                                                                                              Last data point
since the financial crisis                                                                                                          Average tariff rate on US imports from China (in %)                                                                                                                                                                                   2018 (2019 estimate)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Last data point October 2019      Source Datastream, Credit Suisse                          2003        2007         2011           2015    2019      Source IMF, Bloomberg
Number of trade distortions reported at year-end (absolute number)
                                                                                                                                    30                                                               26
1300                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
                                                                                                                                    20                                                        15
                                                                                                                                                                                  10                                …and a few lucky winners
500                                                                                                                                 10                    4

             2009             2011               2013                     2015              2017                                          Baseline     01/18       06/18        09/18       05/19   08/19   10/19
      World total                                                          Last data point end of 2018                              Last data point October 2019
      World total excluding USA                                            Source Global Trade Alert                                Source Peterson Institute for International Economics (2019)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Countries gained from the trade war …                                                         … as did Brazilian soybean farmers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    US import shares and changes, 2015 to 2019                                                    Soybean imports by China since the start of the trade war
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    from …

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       +48.5%                        -15.3%                                            Brazil 78%*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       United States 5%*
...but China has retaliated against the USA while favoring others                                                                                                          I don’t believe                               Mexico
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   +16.7%      +9.8%

Trade-weighted average tariffs on China’s imports (in %)
                                                                                                                                                                           any country
                                                                                                                                                                           in the world is going
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         United States
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Last data point
25                                                                                                                  from the USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    August 2019

                                                                                                                                                                           to retaliate
                                                                                                                    from other countries                                                                            Source

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                  US Census Bureau
                                                                                                                    Increase in tariffs
15                                                                                                                  Reduction in tariffs                                   [against us].                                                                                                                                                 Brazil

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 * Share of soybean imports to China







                                                                                                             Last data point                                               Peter Navarro                                                                                                                           from October 2018 to February 2019
                                                                                                             15 December 2019 (estimate)
                                                                                                             Source Bown, Chad P. (2019)
                                                                                                                                                                           White House trade adviser,                                                                                                             Last data point February 2019
     2018                                                                                           2019     US-China Trade War, PIIE                                      2 March 2018 on Fox News                                                                                                               Source US Dept. of Agriculture, IHS

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                21
Global economy Regions

UK                                                                                                                             Asian EM (ex-China)

Still all about Brexit                                                                                                         Prospects hinge on trade war
         Growth: Assuming a smooth Brexit       parliament could produce deadlock       What to watch: The BoE’s wait-               Growth: The outlook for the more     prominently Vietnam, stand to          What to watch: A de-escalation
         process, our central expectation is    and more uncertainty. While a no-       and-watch approach is likely to              advanced countries of North Asia,    benefit as production continues to     of the US-China trade war would
         that the UK grows somewhat more        deal Brexit is unlikely, in our view,   continue while Brexit uncertainty            i.e. South Korea and Taiwan,         shift in their direction. Singapore    significantly benefit the countries
         strongly in 2020 than in 2019.         such a scenario would cause a           remains high. If the UK leaves               remains subdued due to weakness      suffered a significant setback in      closely tied into China-based
         A Conservative majority would allow    significant recession, with a decline   the EU with a deal or if Brexit is           in Chinese trade, with growth of     2019 in part due to the slowdown       supply chains. Even more import-
         the UK to leave the European           in real GDP of 1% to 2% even if         canceled, there would be consider-           just over 2%. The outlook for        in global and China-oriented trade;    ant is the evolution of domestic
         Union (EU) with a deal, while a        the Bank of England (BoE) eases         able upside to corporate invest-             Hong Kong will depend strongly       a slight rebound to around 1.7%        demand in China and its impact on
         Labour government (in a majority       monetary policy and the government      ment and overall growth. The BoE             on local political developments.     seems likely in 2020 if trade          imports from the region. In India,
         or coalition) would open the door      loosens fiscal policy in response.      might then begin hiking interest             Meanwhile, economic growth           tensions abate. Growth in India is     which is much less dependent on
         to a second referendum. A hung                                                 rates in the course of 2020.                 remains far stronger in much of      likely to remain high in absolute      global trade, domestic financial
                                                                                                                                     Southeast Asia, which has more       terms at around 6%, but well below     and monetary stability are key to
                                                                                                                                     catch-up potential and is less       potential due to the ongoing           a successful recovery.
                                                                                                                                     integrated into China-based supply   weakness in the banking and real
                                                                                                                                     chains. Some countries, most         estate sectors.

Switzerland                                                                                                                    Australia

Trade holds key to recovery                                                                                                    Eye on household debt
         Growth: We expect moderate             The mechanical and electrical en-       case, it could come to pass if the           Growth: While low growth in          What to watch: Although house          The Reserve Bank of Australia
         GDP growth in 2020 (of 1.4%)           gineering (MEM) sector will likely      global economy remains weaker                household income, weaker             prices have already corrected to       (RBA) lowered its interest rate in
         in light of the still subdued global   remain under pressure due to still      than expected and other central              housing market conditions and        some extent, housing affordability     several increments in 2019 to
         backdrop. Domestic demand              weak demand from key export             banks cut rates. US tariffs on               elevated household debt weighed      is still low. Real estate thus         support the economy and could
         should remain supported by contin-     markets, including Germany and          pharma exports or the classification         on consumption in 2019, an           remains high on the political          continue to do so in 2020. At
         ued immigration, robust employ-        China.                                  of Switzerland as a currency                 increase in public spending          agenda and further housing             the same time, financial supervision
         ment and slightly higher wages.                                                manipulator pose some risk.                  supported economic growth.           supply reforms are very likely.        will remain in focus given the
         Pharmaceuticals exports are likely     What to watch: The Swiss                Increased geopolitical tensions              Infrastructure investment should                                            stability risks related to real estate.
         to remain on a clear upward trend.     National Bank (SNB) will do what        would increase the risk of                   continue to provide support in
                                                it can to prevent CHF appreciation.     renewed safe haven flows into                2020. After a relatively subdued
                                                While a rate cut is not our base        the CHF.                                     2019, we expect Australia’s
                                                                                                                                     economy to pick up with an
                                                                                                                                     estimated growth rate of 2.8%.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                       23
Global economy Regions

EMEA                                                                                                                           Regions

Coping with setbacks                                                                                                           In summary
         Growth: Turkey appears to have          have suffered setbacks due to         also complicate the outlook, in our              Our regional views amount to a            view, given continued accommo-         by the slowdown in global trade,
         emerged from recession in Q2            their close ties with the German      view. In Russia, low inflation (for              mixed global growth picture. US as        dative monetary policy, ample bank     for instance – which suggests
         2019 and is likely to achieve growth    auto industry, but growth is likely   the previously mentioned reasons)                well as Chinese growth is likely to       credit in most regions, as well as     that even limited shocks, whether
         of 2%–3% in 2020. The headline          to remain reasonably robust given     should pave the way for lower                    be somewhat lower than in 2019.           moderate oil prices. Apart from the    geopolitical or economic in
         inflation rate, projected at 12% for    strong domestic demand and            interest rates. A pick-up in Germany             At the same time, the expected            global trade tensions, we see no       nature, could turn a downturn into
         end-2019, could slow further            these countries’ strong competitive   would benefit Eastern Europe.                    recovery in the Eurozone and select       obvious shocks that would trigger      something more serious.
         after Q1 2020. Growth in Russia         position in other areas of trade.     There are significant downside in-               EM should offset some of the              a recession. However, the global
         is likely to remain anemic at only                                            flation risks building in South                  softness. A major setback to global       economy did come close to
         around 1%–2% due to unfavorable         What to watch: In Turkey, policy      Africa. If they come to pass, South              growth seems unlikely, in our             recession in 2019 – measured
         demographics, bureaucratic bur-         mismanagement remains the             Africa will probably be one of a
         dens and low efficiency of public       key risk against the backdrop of      very few countries with large poten-
         investment. Weak metals prices          President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s      tial for policy easing in 2020. In-
         as well as structural issues such as    target for single-digit interest      vestors will also be closely watching
         labor market rigidities and a lack      rates and real GDP growth of 5%       to see if Moody’s downgrades
         of public investment will continue to   next year. The changing domestic      its rating for South Africa after the
         hold back South Africa. A number        political landscape and ongoing       2020 budget.
         of Eastern European economies           (albeit muted) geopolitical risks

                                                                                                                               Employment high and still growing                                   Consumer confidence close to peak
                                                                                                                               Total employment in the USA, Eurozone and Japan                     Consumer confidence in the USA, Eurozone and Japan
Latin America                                                                                                                  (in millions)                                                       (GDP-weighted average, standardized)

Bottoming out                                                                                                                  380                                                                 1.5

         Growth: Brazil and Mexico, the          We expect GDP growth of 2.7%          What to watch: In Mexico, other
         region’s two largest economies,         in 2020. In Mexico, growth should     reforms such as tax reform look         370                                                                 0.5
         showed only marginally positive         also improve somewhat (1.6% in        more likely despite political ten-
         growth in 2019. This was in part        2020), partly in response to mone-    sions. In addition, US congressional
         due to the global manufacturing         tary policy easing. Meanwhile,        approval of the new free trade
         slowdown, but domestic policy           some domestic risks have abated,      agreement known as the United
         uncertainty played an even bigger       including uncertainty over the        States-Mexico-Canada Agreement          360                                                                 -0.5
         role. The outlook for Brazil has        2020 budget and financing pres-       (USMCA) would boost confidence,
         improved, however, with the             sures on state-owned oil company      but this is not a given. Inflation in
         approval of pension reform, which       Pemex. That said, it is question-     Mexico has declined to the central
         will strengthen long-term fiscal        able whether added government         bank’s 3% target, and should
         stability and should be positive for    investment in the oil sector will     remain fairly stable at below 4%        350                                                                 -1.5
         privatizations and a continuation       produce adequate returns given        in Brazil.
         of the fiscal consolidation process.    declining global oil prices.

                                                                                                                                      2006          2010          2014                2018                   2007          2011               2015               2019

                                                                                                                                                                Last data point Q2 2019                                                 Last data point September 2019
                                                                                                                                                                Source Datastream, Credit Suisse                                        Source Datastream, Credit Suisse

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                      25
Main asset
Main asset classes Overview

More modest returns                                                                                                                            Margin pressure intensifying                                  Corporate leverage a risk for low quality
                                                                                                                                               US companies have achieved high profitability in              credit
                                                                                                                                               recent years: subdued wages boosted profits                   Leverage of non-financial corporations has in-
                                                                                                                                               as sales increased. Cuts in US corporate taxes                creased in recent years and, according to some
                                                                                                                                               also added to profits. Yet this “fairy tale” is               measures, surpassed the levels we saw before
                                                                                                                                               coming to an end, and we expect margins to be                 the 2008 global financial crisis. However, debt
                                                                                                                                               subject to downside pressure going forward.                   today is far easier to finance given very low
                                                                                                                                               While interest costs should remain subdued, labor             interest rates. Yet risks on lower quality credit
                                                                                                                                               costs are likely to continue to rise. Another                 have increased, in our view. We therefore
Most asset classes showed a strong performance in 2019.                                                                                        factor likely to weigh on profitability is tariffs on         favor intermediate credit risk, including various
Investors should not expect to see this feat repeated in                                                                                       imports from China, which have increased
                                                                                                                                               input costs for many companies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             segments of emerging market debt.

2020, although financial assets will likely continue to benefit
from generally low yields.                                                                                                                     Valuations still favor equities
                                                                                                                                               However, relative valuations still clearly favor
                                                                                                                                               equities. Although the price-to-earnings ratio
                                                                                                                                               (P/E) of global equities has moved up slightly
                                                                                                                                               over the past year, the valuation of high-grade
                                                                                                                                               bonds has increased more markedly as real
                                                                                                                                               yields have declined. That said, given the various
                                                                                                                                               headwinds, we expect absolute returns on
                                                                                                                                               major equity markets to be lower than in 2019.

                   While the trade war intensified and the global       More restrained central banks                         Economic policy uncertainty has surged…                            …but investors have remained fairly calm
                   economy worsened, most asset classes showed          Our base global economic scenario suggests that       Economic Policy Uncertainty Index                                  Credit Suisse risk appetite index
                   a strong performance in 2019. This was largely       monetary policy support will be less pronounced
                   due to the US Federal Reserve’s (Fed) sharp turn     than in 2019. Our economists expect the Fed and
                   toward easing, which boosted investor confi-         the European Central Bank (ECB) to keep               350                                                                6
                   dence. Our forecast for 2020 is for most asset       interest rates on hold, although the ECB’s quan-
                   classes to deliver lower returns than in 2019.       titative easing (QE) program will continue.
                   Even though we expect manufacturing to stabilize     Reduced monetary accommodation is likely to
                                                                                                                              300                                                                4
                   and trade tensions to abate, a number of factors     limit returns on most assets.
                   will likely weigh on performance.
                                                                        (Geo)political wild cards
                   The drivers that played a key role in financial      Forecasts regarding geopolitics are highly un-        250                                                                2
                   markets in 2019 – geopolitics, economic momen-       certain, but our base case is that the US admin-
                   tum and central bank policy – will undoubtedly       istration will try to achieve some kind of trade
                   remain influential in 2020, but we are likely        deal with China. If successful, such an outcome
                                                                                                                              200                                                                0
                   to see some of them change direction. Other          would favor risk assets, especially Asian equities.
                   factors, including corporate fundamentals            However, the USA may face an unusually pola-
                   and investor sentiment, will also be important.      rized presidential election campaign in 2020,
                                                                        which could harm investor sentiment. Converse-        150                                                                -2
                   Economic momentum set to stabilize                   ly, a resolution of the Brexit uncertainty would
                   While we expect overall gross domestic product       support European risk assets and the GBP.
                   (GDP) growth to be somewhat softer relative to       Further flare-ups in the Middle East cannot be
                                                                                                                              100                                                                -4
                   2019, we forecast a slight acceleration of indus-    excluded, though a major military conflict
                   trial production (IP). As our research has shown,    remains unlikely.
                   there is a close link between IP momentum and
                   financial markets. Better IP momentum tends                                                                 2007           2011              2015                   2019           2007           2011                    2015                  2019
                   to support risk assets while pressuring high-grade
                   bonds.                                                                                                                                     Last data point September 2019                                                Last data point 15/10/19
                                                                                                                                                              Source Datastream, Credit Suisse                                              Source Datastream, Credit Suisse

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                           29
Main asset classes Fixed income

Sweet spots in credit                                                                     With the global economy cooling amid ongoing                Positive returns are only likely in the case of a
                                                                                          US-China trade tensions, bond yields trended                severe recession or geopolitical crisis. Then
                                                                                          downward during much of 2019, generating sub-               yields for the high-grade segment would further
                                                                                          stantial capital gains. At the time of writing, govern-     decline and the resulting capital gains could
                                                                                          ment and investment grade (IG) bonds were on                even outweigh negative starting yields.
                                                                                          track for a significantly stronger performance than
                                                                                          in 2018 – this despite the fact that 35% of                 Tighter times for credit
                                                                                          European IG corporate bonds were already trading            Spreads (the yield difference between riskier
                                                                                          at negative yields at the start of 2019.                    bonds and government bonds) in most credit
While returns on many of the highest quality bonds                                                                                                    segments also narrowed in 2019. Absolute
will likely be negative in 2020, there are still opportunities,                           Yields headed back up
                                                                                          According to our base case, the global economy
                                                                                                                                                      yields thus dropped to very low levels in most
                                                                                                                                                      segments. In some areas, yields now appear
including in the BB segment for high yield bonds.                                         should improve slightly in the coming year and              inadequate to compensate for the risk of
                                                                                          IG and government bond yields are thus likely to            worsening fundamentals and rising defaults.
                                                                                          rise. This would generate capital losses. As
                                                                                          yield curves are still rather flat, the setback would       This applies in particular to those debtors with a
                                                                                          be more severe for bonds with long maturities.              very low rating (e.g. single B) that are strongly
                                                                                          Many high-quality bonds will therefore likely pro-          exposed if the global economy further weakens.
                                                                                          duce negative returns in 2020. If starting                  Moreover, leverage has increased in cyclically
                                                                                          yields are very low or even negative, avoiding              vulnerable areas such as steel and energy.
                                                                                          negative returns will be close to impossible.
                                                                                                                                                      However, yields in some credit segments, both
                                                                                          We expect returns to be positive in only a few              within IG and high yield (HY), look sufficient to
                                                                                          high-grade markets, such as US Treasuries or                compensate for such risks even if they are low.
                                                                                          Australian government bonds. In contrast,                   The following pages provide more detail on the
                                                                                          returns are likely to be negative in much of the            opportunities and risks in 2020 for fixed income.
                                                                                          Eurozone and in Switzerland.

                                                                  Emerging market bonds offer good risk/return trade-off
                                                                  Spreads over core government bonds in basis points



                                                                  600                                                                                                                                  555






                                                                                Investment grade corporates                      EM (hard currency)                                 High yield

                                                                  IG Corporates: Bloomberg Barclays Global Agg Credit         Average 2001– 2007                 Global financial crisis (Nov – Dec 2008)
                                                                  EM: JPMorgan EMBI                                           Average 2009–2018                  Current
                                                                  High yield: Bloomberg Barclays Global High Yield            Average since 2001
                                                                                                                                                                                     Last data point 25/10/19
                                                                                                                                                                                     Source Bloomberg, Credit Suisse

30                                                                                                                                                                  31
Main asset classes Fixed income

Narrow focus in                                                                                                              Emerging market bonds:
investment grade                                                                                                             Good risk/return
         Backdrop: Although yields in IG       Opportunities: We see interesting      remain sound. Some European              Backdrop: Spreads have declined        Opportunities: The US Federal
         are very low in absolute terms, we    opportunities in emerging market       hybrids in non-cyclical sectors such     less in the main EM bond indexes       Reserve’s more accommodative
         continue to see attractive opportu-   (EM) investment-grade dollar cor-      as utilities and communication           since the 2008 financial crisis than   stance should continue to benefit
         nities. Most of these bonds are       porate bonds, not least in some        also offer interesting risk-adjusted     in a number of higher risk credit      EM that are reliant on USD funding.
         unlikely to face downgrades even      Asian markets, where worries over      returns.                                 segments in developed markets,         Economic fundamentals in some
         in an environment of subdued          the impact of the US-China trade                                                where leverage is often higher. The    of the large borrowing countries
         economic growth.                      war have triggered a rise in spreads                                            latter may have benefited more         such as Brazil, Mexico and Turkey
                                               even though corporate fundamentals                                              strongly, albeit indirectly, from      should continue to improve in                    Frontier markets:
                                                                                                                               central banks’ asset purchase pro-     2020. Declining inflation rates                  The new high yield
                                                                                                                               grams, which focused on advanced       should help bring down domestic
                                                                                                                               economy bonds. Conversely, EM          interest rates in a number of                    Find out more:
                                                                                                                               bonds now offer a higher risk          countries, which would, in particu-    
                                                                                                                               premium from which investors can       lar, support EM local currency                   frontiermarkets
                                                                                                                               benefit.                               bonds. However, as some curren-
                                                                                                                                                                      cies may come under pressure, a
                                                                                                                                                                      selective approach is required.

High yield: Focus on                                                                                                         Be conservative with
subordinated financials                                                                                                      asset-backed securities
         Backdrop: HY spreads could con-       Opportunities: This includes           conform to environmental, social         Backdrop: Structured credit            Opportunities: European covered        yields. In contrast, more than half
         tinue to widen as long as recession   subordinated financial bonds.          and governance (ESG) standards           instruments, more generally known      bonds still offer moderate returns     of the US ABS issuers are from
         fears have not been overcome,         Ongoing regulatory pressure to         are of increasing interest and           as asset-backed securities (ABS),      and a high credit rating. Collater­    the automobile industry, which is
         with B rated bonds most vulnerable    strengthen bank balance sheets         relevance as well.                       are considered a primary catalyst      alized loan obligations (CLO),         undergoing structural change.
         to a sharper rise in yields. How­     and the trend decline in non-­                                                  for the 2008 financial crisis and      especially senior and mezzanine
         ever, we continue to see opportu-     performing loans, not least in the                                              have often been regarded with          tranches, also offer a good risk-
         nities in the slightly better BB      European periphery, should                                                      skepticism since then. However,        return tradeoff. They are typically
         segment.                              be supportive. HY bonds that                                                    we see various interesting opportu-    much less affected by rising
                                                                                                                               nities in this area. But caution is    defaults than HY bonds or
                                                                                                                               advised in some areas including        leveraged loans. Moreover, their
                                                                                                                               some of the traditional US and         floating rate nature provides a
                                                                                                                               European ABS markets.                  buffer against rising longer-term

32                                                                                                                                                                                                   33
Main asset classes Equities

Focus on growth                                                  In 2019, the negative impact that diminishing
                                                                 growth momentum had on equities was more than
                                                                 offset by the significant boost that lower interest
                                                                                                                              Watch the margins
                                                                                                                              Since the financial crisis, corporate profits have
                                                                                                                              generally been boosted by subdued costs. While

sectors and dividends
                                                                 rates provided. In 2020, we expect economic                  some cost drivers will remain at bay, others
                                                                 growth to stabilize. We expect central banks will            will not. Interest costs will remain very low for the
                                                                 only provide limited additional support, though              foreseeable future and may even decline as
                                                                 liquidity conditions should remain accommodative.            maturing debt is refinanced at lower rates.
                                                                 The US Federal Reserve (Fed) in particular will              Wages, however, have been growing faster in
                                                                 not lower interest rates, in our view, or at most            developed countries, particularly the USA.
                                                                 by very little, in contrast to what the market
                                                                 currently expects. In addition, margin pressures             The increase in the share of wages is a typical
                                                                 are likely to increase as labor costs rise. This             late-cycle phenomenon that should last for some
                                                                 suggests that equity returns will likely be more             years even if the economy entered into reces-
Despite numerous headwinds, the MSCI World Index provided        in line with an average year.                                sion. Moreover, while productivity growth has in-
investors with a total return of just above 20% in the           Positive base case for equities
                                                                                                                              creased, it is unlikely to fully offset these
                                                                                                                              additional costs. Rising labor costs could lead to
first ten months of 2019, well above an average year’s return.   Nevertheless, our base case for equities is posi-            reduced cash flows. When combined with
We expect a more muted performance in 2020                       tive. As geopolitical tensions moderate and
                                                                 the trade war subsides, at least to some extent,
                                                                                                                              already extended financial leverage, this could
                                                                                                                              limit stock buybacks, which have been an
as global central banks dial back interest rate cuts.            business sentiment should improve and con-                   important driver in recent years.
                                                                 tribute to a recovery in industrial production (IP).
                                                                 Additional fiscal spending, especially in Europe,            The X Factor: US presidential election
                                                                 and the after-effects of monetary easing in 2019             The run-up to the 2020 US presidential and
                                                                 should also support economic and sales growth.               congressional elections in November 2020
                                                                 Finally, relative valuations still clearly favor equities.   could also have a meaningful impact on equity
                                                                 Growth-oriented sectors and stocks that benefit              markets, though there is no hard and fast
                                                                 from sustained long-term societal changes                    statistical evidence that equity performance in
                                                                 should continue to outperform. Stocks that pro-              an election year differs from other years.
                                                                 vide stable dividends are also favored.
                                                                                                                              What may be different this time around is that the
                                                                                                                              election year could be more turbulent than usual
                                                                                                                              given the deep split in the US electorate. More­-
                                                                                                                              over, if polls shifted clearly in favor of one of the
                                                                                                                              left-leaning Democratic candidates, some sectors
                                                                                                                              exposed to potential future intervention (e.g.
                                                                                                                              healthcare, energy or financials) could come under

34                                                                                                                                  35
Main asset classes Equities

Profit share likely to drop further as labor catches up

                                                                                                                                        A bird’s-eye view
Shares of profits after tax and labor compensation in US national income (in%, 4-quarter moving average)

                                                                                                                                        on major markets
70                                                                                                                                13

65                                                                                                                                10

                                                                                                                                        USA: Expect outperformance                UK: Look beyond Brexit                      China/EM equities: Trade war
                                                                                                                                        despite hurdles                           The UK market underperformed global         de-escalation is key
                                                                                                                                        Since the start of the bull market in     equities quite significantly in 2019.       Emerging market (EM) equities have
                                                                                                                                        March 2009, the S&P 500 has               However, this was not primarily due to      underperformed developed markets
                                                                                                                                        outperformed other markets by large       Brexit uncertainty but rather a result of   substantially since early 2018. Initially,
60                                                                                                                                 7    margins (around 210% vs. MSCI EMU         weakness in the materials sector,           tightening Fed policy weakened a
                                                                                                                                        and around 245% vs. MSCI Japan).          which makes up a large share of the         number of markets that are reliant on
                                                                                                                                        Our base case presumes continued          UK equity market. Looking into 2020,        cheap USD funding. Matters wors-
                                                                                                                                        strong performance of the US market       we believe the market will be among         ened with the start of the US-China
                                                                                                                                        due to superior economic growth and       the weaker ones as continued                trade war – note that China and other
                                                                                                                                        the strong weighting of the IT sector.    sluggish growth in China continues to       northern Asian markets make up more
                                                                                                                                        But its potential is limited by growing   weigh on materials. A smooth Brexit         than 55% of the MSCI EM index. A
     1965                 1975                   1985               1995                 2005                    2015                   margin pressure as a result of rising     would paradoxically add to pressure on      de-escalation of the trade war would
                                                                                                                                        wages, the waning effects of the          export-oriented sectors as the GBP          thus likely support EM equities, even if
                                                                                                     Last data point Q2 2019
                                                                                                                                        2018 corporate tax cuts, a less           would likely appreciate significantly.      other factors such as weaker growth
     Labor compensation            Profits after tax (RHS)                                            Source Datastream, Credit Suisse   supportive Fed and, possibly, uncer-      However, it would support domestical-       in China may dampen the recovery.
                                                                                                                                        tainty surrounding the presidential       ly oriented smaller companies. In the       Lower inflation and easier monetary
                                                                                                                                        election.                                 unlikely event of a hard Brexit, we         policy should continue to support EM
                                                                                                                                                                                  would expect decisive easing by the         such as Brazil.
                                                                                                                                        Eurozone: ECB support versus              Bank of England and a much weaker
                      Finding returns in a low-yield sea                   Growth-getters                                               trade war                                 GBP.                                        Japan: Hoping for an improvement
                      Despite our expectation of mid-single-digit equity   More growth-oriented investors may consider                  Considering the political worries and                                                 in the IP cycle
                      returns in the year ahead, returns are likely to     high-conviction sectors or themes that are likely            weakness in manufacturing, Eurozone       Switzerland: Steady as she goes             The past year was disappointing for
                      be significantly higher than for investment grade    to experience strong earnings growth. One such               equities held up surprisingly well in     Swiss equities continued to show a          investors in Japanese equities as the
                      bonds. Stocks of companies that offer sustain-       area is education technology, which is on the                2019. The move back to monetary           very strong performance in 2019,            domestic as well as the global
                      able dividend payouts should be well supported.      cusp of high growth as education is becoming                 easing and the associated weakening       driven in part by the market’s consum-      economy slowed amid the US-China
                                                                           increasingly digital and therefore more cost-­               of the EUR no doubt provided support.     er staples giant. Our outlook for 2020      trade dispute. For 2020, we think this
                      Based on today’s equity prices, we expect a          effective and impactful.                                     However, measured in USD, the             suggests a steady but not spectacular       market’s fortunes should improve, as
                      dividend yield for the MSCI World aggregate of                                                                    market underperformed the S&P 500         performance, as the defensive Swiss         a pick-up in the global IP cycle and a
                      roughly 2.5%. Some sectors such as financials,       Separately, sustainability is becoming more                  by 4.3%. Looking into 2020, we            market would underperform more              recovery of capex spending in parti-
                      energy or utilities should continue to pay           important not only for consumers and companies,              believe the market should be support-     cyclical markets if global manufactur-      cular will benefit the cyclical Japanese
                      above-average dividends.                             but also for investors. We believe that we are               ed, among other factors, by the           ing improves. If successful, efforts by     market more than most others.
                                                                           at the start of a transition to a more sustainable           European Central Bank’s accommo-          the Swiss National Bank to prevent          Moreover, the market is attractively
                                                                           economy. While some companies and sectors                    dative monetary policy, a likely          CHF appreciation would be supportive.       valued, with a forward P/E of just
                                                                           may come under pressure, significant new                     resolution of Brexit, and its unde-       A weaker CHF in combination with a          above 13 times. The Bank of Japan’s
                                                                           opportunities should arise. Our five high-conviction         manding valuation. The biggest risks      steeper yield curve would in particular     commitment to maintaining an
                                                                           Supertrends touch upon these and other highly                are a potential escalation of the US      support financials. A shift in US           accommodative stance and limiting
                                                                           relevant topics – please refer to page 40 for                trade war with China and potential US     healthcare policy following the 2020        JPY appreciation is also a positive.
                                                                           details about them.                                          tariffs on European autos.                US presidential elections poses a
                                                                                                                                                                                  certain risk to Swiss pharmaceuticals.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                       37
Main asset classes Equity sectors                                                                                            Tailwinds                                                                                                       Headwinds

                                                                                                                             ȹȹ   Aging population                                            ȹȹ        Elevated political risks during 2020

Sector views
                                                                                                                             ȹȹ   Better healthcare coverage and                                        US elections, healthcare costs and
                                                                     Directional indicators represent tactical views as of
                                                                                                                                  affordability in emerging markets                                     coverage a target of candidates
                                                                     October 2019; 3 – 6 month horizon
                                                                                                                                                                                              ȹȹ        Litigation risk related to opioid
     Tailwinds                                                                                                 Headwinds

     ȹȹ   Innovation – e.g. 5G, Internet                               ȹȹ   Saturation with smartphones limits               ȹȹ   Even a partial resolution of the trade                      ȹȹ        Economic uncertainty reducing
          of Things, artificial intelligence (AI),                          hardware sales                                        dispute would lift economic                                           corporate investments, industrial
          digitalization – drives growth                               ȹȹ   Slowing corporate investments                         uncertainty                                                           production
     ȹȹ   Software is key enabler of                                        due to uncertainty                               ȹȹ   Potential increase of infrastructure                        ȹȹ        Earnings growth could disappoint
          productivity enhancements                                                                                               spending in various countries
                                                           IT                                                                                                                 Industrials

     ȹȹ   Central bank “tiering” should boost                          ȹȹ   Flat yield curve reducing net interest           ȹȹ   Solid dividend yield                                        ȹȹ        Valuations elevated
          profitability of European banks                                   margins                                          ȹȹ   Defensive sector, in favor if economic                      ȹȹ        Appeal of this bond proxy sector likely
     ȹȹ   Valuations attractive, fundamentals                          ȹȹ   Margin pressures in retail and wealth                 uncertainty persists                                                  to fade as interest rates expected to
          improving (e.g. return on equity)                                 management                                                                                                                  back up

                                                       Financials                                                                                                          Consumer staples

     ȹȹ   Significant growth rates of mobile                           ȹȹ   Regulatory pressure, e.g. antitrust,             ȹȹ   Solid labor markets, wage growth                            ȹȹ        If US-China trade dispute continues,
          entertainment (video gaming, video                                privacy investigations, is challenging                and household balance sheets                                          slowdown in manufacturing could
          streaming)                                                        business models                                       support consumer demand and                                           spread to labor markets and consumer
     ȹȹ   Shift of advertising from traditional                        ȹȹ   Content creation and compliance                       spending                                                              demand
          to online offers meaningful revenue                               pressures require significant spending                Low interest rates support spending                                   Traditional retailing faces structural
                                                     Communication                                                                                                            Consumer
                                                                                                                             ȹȹ                                                               ȹȹ

          potential                                                                                                               on home-related durables                                              challenge from e-commerce
                                                        services                                                                                                             discretionary

     ȹȹ   Attractive dividend yields                                   ȹȹ   Elevated valuations                              ȹȹ   Geopolitical tensions with potential                        ȹȹ        Manufacturing weakness, a slower Chinese
                                                                                                                                  to disrupt supply may boost risk                                      economy reduces demand growth, while US
     ȹȹ   Defensive sector, economic                                   ȹȹ   Somewhat higher bond yields would                                                                                           shale oil producers add to abundant supply
          uncertainty or trade disputes have                                reduce appeal of this bond proxy                      premium in oil prices
                                                                                                                                                                                              ȹȹ        Pressure to address environmental
          limited influence                                                                                                  ȹȹ   Attractive dividend yield
                                                                                                                                                                                                        issues could accelerate move
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to sustainable energy solutions
                                                        Utilities                                                                                                               Energy

     ȹȹ   Attractive dividend yields                                   ȹȹ   Somewhat higher bond yields would                ȹȹ   Low interest rates could lift                                    ȹȹ    Low global economic growth and
     ȹȹ   Outside retail, commercial real                                   reduce appeal of this bond proxy                      construction-related demand                                            strong dollar are a drag
          estate prices are expected to remain                         ȹȹ   E-commerce reducing appeal of retail             ȹȹ   Valuation attractive                                             ȹȹ    Slowing growth in China a risk
          stable                                                            real estate

                                                     Real estate                                                                                                              Materials

38                                                                                                                                                                                                          39
Main asset classes Equities

Supertrends                                                                                                                   Pushing
                                                                                                                              for change                                                                                            10%
What do rising pet ownership, global climate school strikes,                                                                  Millennial consumers in particular
and the launch of next-generation 5G mobile networks have in                                                                  denounce inefficiencies in the
common? They all are testimony to the sweeping societal                                                                       consumer goods industry.
changes that we picked up on when we first launched our five
Supertrends in 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of global greenhouse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                gas emissions can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                traced back to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                apparel industry.

                                                                                                                                                2,700 liters
                                                                                                                                                of water                                       ⅕                80 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                new pieces of clothing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                a year.

                                                                                                                              T-shirt           equal

                                                                                                                              blend of cotton                                bathtubs
                    Our Supertrends cover a broad variety of timely      In addition, environmental, social and governance                                                               of industrial water
                                                                                                                              and synthetics                                 to make a   pollution stems
                    topics: our increasingly multipolar world; infra-    (ESG) criteria remain a key topic and investment                                                                                                 1995
                                                                                                                                                                             single      from textile dyeing
                    structure; population aging; the influence of the    focus particularly for the Millennials, whose                                                       T-shirt.    and treatment.                                             2015
                    next generation; and fast-paced technological        voices as responsible consumers are increasingly
                    innovation. They are focused on structural driving   being heard.
                    forces and aim to improve a portfolio’s overall
                    risk/return profile, outperforming the broader       Long-term themes across sectors
                    market in the long run. Our conviction in these      Thanks to the Supertrends’ modular concept,
                    trends remains strong.                               investors can invest in single stocks, more niche
                                                                         themes, or the broader Supertrends themes.
                    A new addition: Education technology                 Together the five Supertrends provide broad
                    In June 2019, we introduced new angles to our        diversification in terms of Credit Suisse’s single
                    Supertrends framework. In relation to the Silver     stock selection, with every sector in the MSCI

                    Economy Supertrend, for example, there is a          World part of a portfolio. The largest exposures                                                                               Extending the life of all
                    growing number of seniors living with pets.          in a Supertrends portfolio context are in IT,                                                                                  European smartphones by
                                                                                                                                                                                                       1 year =
                    Animals have their own dietary and veterinary        healthcare and industrials. In terms of regions,
                    needs, which should fuel growth in the pet care      the USA makes up almost 50% of our Super-
                    market to over USD 200 billion globally by 2025.     trends stock selection – less than its weight in


                    In terms of our Millennials’ Values Supertrend,      the MSCI World. Conversely, we have a higher         Smartphone
                    being online and using social media comes            exposure to emerging markets, which reflects
                    naturally to Generation Z. They drive demand
                    for education technology, which is in the early
                                                                         long-term growth opportunities in many of these
                                                                         countries, as well as worldwide societal and                                   materials                                       2 million
                    stages of what we believe will be a major            demographic trends.                                                            used to produce a                                                                      of all hazardous waste
                    transformation. Marketers Media expects the                                                                                         single smartphone.                                        cars from traffic.           in landfills is e-waste.
                    digital education market in North America to
                    grow to more than USD 400 billion by 2023.
                    In our Technology Supertrend, we broaden our                                                                                                   Supertrends microsite                                                       Sources
                    “digitalization” subtheme to focus on 5G and                                                                                                                                                   see page 65
                    how it impacts big data.                                                                                                                       supertrends
40                                                                                                                                                                                                                           41
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