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Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine
                                                                                                         ISSN: 2582-385X
                                                                                      Di Nicola V. 2020- J Regen Bio Med
                                                                                                       Research Article

L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment:
Results of a Pilot Study                                                                   1
                                                                                           West Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation
                                                                                           Trust, Worthing Hospital, BN112DH, UK
Valerio Di Nicola *                                                                        2
                                                                                           Regenerative Surgery Unit, Villa Aurora
                                                                                               Corresponding Author: Valerio Di
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic musculoskeletal                     Nicola, West Sussex Hospitals NHS
disorder and is the most frequent single cause of disability in older              Foundation Trust, Worthing Hospital,
                                                                                   BN112DH, UK/Regenerative Surgery Unit,
adults [1]. OA is a chronic disease progressively involving the entire
                                                                                   Villa Aurora Hospital-Foligno-Italy
joint. Progression involves capsule-bursa inflammation, synovial fluid
modifications, cartilage erosions and osteochondral inflammatory                   Received Date: 11-20-2020
deteriorations leading to bone erosion and distortion [1]. Early OA                Published Date: 12-10-2020

defines the initial cascade of events that trigger the disease and lead to                   ©
                                                                                   Copyright 2020 by Di Nicola V. All rights
the full-blown OA. The disease progression can sometimes last for                  reserved. This is an open access article
years being quite often neglected or mistreated with palliative                    distributed under the terms of the Creative
medications. Joint resident MSCs has always been a target for our                  Commons Attribution License, which
                                                                                   permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
research into and treatment of OA [1,2,3]. Recently L-PRF (leukocyte               reproduction in any medium, provided the
and platelet-rich fibrin), showed promising properties in connective               original author and source are credited.
tissue regeneration and, for this reason, is now widely applied in
chronic wound healing and jawbone growth [4,5,6]. After centrifugation, L-PRF membranes hold vital
platelets, leukocytes and various peripheral blood cells [7,8]. As a result, we exposed these membranes
to a thermic shock aimed to increase the pool of HSPs. The final product was named supercharged L-
PRF. Supercharged L-PRF components -membranes and hyper-acute serum- were used in knee OA
patients in a small preliminary comparative study. 20 consecutive patients were randomly divided into 2
groups: 10 patients treated with supercharged L-PRF and 10 with PRP+HA (PRP+ Hyaluronic acid). The
primary outcome of this study was to induce persistent pain relief and recovery of motility. This article
reports supercharged L-PRF preliminary experience in degenerative OA treatment.

Keywords: Regenerative medicine; PRF, Resident MSCs; HSPs; Osteoarthritis


Degenerative Osteoarthritis (OA) is the                         encompass obesity, sedentary lifestyle,
most common chronic musculoskeletal                             chronic postural defects, bone density,
disorder. OA is a leading cause of disability                   occupational injury, trauma and genetic
and increasing source of societal cost in                       predisposition [1]. Chronic joint pain,
older adults [9]. OA can affect all joints;                     stiffness and impairment lead to disability
however knee, spine, hip and hands are                          that is the most common final
most frequent [1]. OA risk factors                              consequence of OA. In the UK, NICE
Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-
osteoarthritis guidelines show that about                       cartilage erosion and fragmentation,
8.5 million people have painful joints due                      sustaining and promoting the vicious circle
to OA. OA is more common in women and                           by producing additional inflammation
people in older age; X-ray studies show                         [1,14]. Nonetheless, some authors suggest
that at least 50% of people older than 65                       that synovium inflammation may be
have evidence of OA with or without                             primary to the other joint structural
symptoms [10]. Likewise, in the United                          changes and a key factor to induce early
State osteoarthritis is the most common                         OA. Deviations in joint biomechanics and
joint disorder [11].                                            chronic postural defects certainly play a
                                                                key role in early OA induction. Excessive or
The number of people affected by                                abnormal joint loading and motility
symptomatic OA is likely to increase                            disbalance may stimulate Substance P (SP)
shortly due to the aging of the population                      secretion. SP is a neuropeptide secreted by
and the obesity epidemic [12]. OA has                           sensory nerve fibers in the synovium,
traditionally been defined as a degenerative                    acting as a neurotransmitter and as a
chronic disease centered on cartilage                           neuromodulator [16,17]. Substance P
degeneration [13,14]. Coherently, OA                            stimulates Type A cells to produce pro-
classification criteria require the presence                    inflammatory factors and proteases which
of radiographic bony changes, joint space                       ultimately promote early OA development
narrowing and osteophyte formation as per                       [17]. SP mediates interactions between
Kellgren and Lawrence (K&L) standard [15].                      neurons and immune cells promoting
Only recently, early OA physiopathology                         monocyte activation and migration to sites
shed new light on the cascade of events                         of inflammation, thereby modulating
progressively involving all joint tissues at                    immune cell proliferation and cytokine
the advanced stage of the disease [13,14].                      production      [18].  Furthermore,      the
                                                                breakdown of cartilage-ECM and proteins-
OA physiopathology and early OA                                 matrix exposure generates the activation of
presentation                                                    Type A cells and the release of
                                                                proinflammatory cytokines as TNFα, IL-1
The        prevalent        physiopathology                     and     IL-6.    These   cytokines    cause
interpretation of OA describes that                             chondrocytes       to    further     release
synovitis may be induced by a mechanical                        metalloproteinase (MMPs) preventing type
injury that generates micro-fissures and                        II collagen production and promoting
micro cartilage lesions and fragments.                          chondrocytes apoptosis.
These cartilage debrides and microcrystals
released into the synovial fluid are                            Finally, cartilage degradation intensifies
phagocyte by synovium macrophages                               [19,20]. Therefore, early OA means the
(Type A cells). Type A cells generate and                       failure of synovium macrophages (Type A
maintain the inflammation of the                                cells) and chondrocytes to maintain the
synovium membrane releasing pro-                                homeostasis between synthesis and
inflammatory interleukins and proteases                         degradation of the ECM components.
which, in turn, diffuse through the synovial                    Clinical data showed that synovium
fluid into the cartilage generating further                     inflammation was existing in early OA well
degradation. This results in progressive                        before the development of significant
Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-
radiologic changes. MRI and USS, as well as                     spreading         together with       the
diagnostic arthroscopy, suggested that                          microvasculature. SM-MSCs lie in the SM
even at the very beginning, before                              intima and subintima. They are mostly
detectable cartilage degeneration has                           grouped in the enthesis such as the
occurred, OA was already an inflammatory                        synovium and the capsule insertion to the
synovium disease in progress [15]. Some                         periosteum. Likewise, SM-MSCs are in
MRI studies have indicated that synovium                        tendons and ligaments close to the bone
inflammation is an essential parameter of                       junctions [3,31].
OA at the early stages. MRI quite often
showed thickening of capsule bursa tissue                       IFP-MSCs have been recognized in the
that leads to cartilage degeneration and                        Hoffa’s pad and it was supposed they may
OA disease advancement [21,22,23].                              reside in adipose tissue other joints,
                                                                probably located close to the bursa-capsule
In the beginning, joint pain is caused by                       [29]. Periosteum P-MSCs and endosteum
inflammatory changes to the joint capsule,                      E-MSCs are very well known stem cells for
synovium      membrane,        tendons     and                  the fundamental role they play during bone
ligaments; structures where there is a                          fracture    repair    and     endochondral
significant innervation. Further, Substance                     ossification [30]. Subchondral BM-MSCs
P was found to be secreted by sensory                           reside in the bone medullary cavities,
nerve and was consistently identified in the                    including the mineralized bone matrix and
synovium, synovial fluid and, even isolated                     the adipose marrow [30]. Subchondral
in the infrapatellar fat pad IFP [18,24]. Early                 bone marrow is a highly vascularized tissue
OA is clinically described by recurrent joint                   providing a reservoir of MSCs and
pain together with no or minimal changes                        progenitor cells. In the subchondral bone
detectable by X-ray imaging. Only MRI and                       marrow, MSCs support local homeostasis
USS can identify the initial signs of early                     and promote cartilage regeneration in
OA in the synovium membrane thickening                          particular conditions [32].
and also some superficial cartilage erosions
[25,26,27]. These criteria and approaches                       In the trabecular bone, the bone marrow
facilitate    early       identification     of                 preserves a heterogeneous population of
degenerative OA and this expedites early                        various multipotent mesenchymal stromal
therapeutic interventions to stop and                           cells (BM-MSCs). They provide progenitor
reverse the normal disease advancement                          cells for differentiation of osteochondral
[1,27].                                                         and other mesenchyme cell lineages [33].

Joint Resident MSCs                                             Joint Resident MSCs a therapeutic
Current literature reports several types of
MSCs enclosed in the joint structure. The                       Resident MSCs are heterogeneous stem
most studied are SM-MSCs, IFP-MSCs, P-                          cells population. MSCs expression varies in
MSCs       (Periostium-MSCs),       E-MSCs                      different tissues because they are subjected
(Endosteum-MSCs) and Subchondral BM-                            to the influence of the tissue-specific
MSCs [28; 29; 30]. Joint resident MSCs                          microenvironment to accomplish their
mostly reside in pericytes position                             biological role. Tissue-specific MSCs
Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-
populations include both multipotent and                        PRF is an autologous biomaterial, made of
progenitor cells. They deliver local and                        a strong fibrin matrix that variably
exclusive control on tissue regeneration                        contains:
and immune response modulation through
paracrine effects [34]. Caplan AI identified                            High concentration of vital and
resident MSCs as pericytes wrapping the                                  non-vital: platelets, leucocytes and
connective tissue microvasculature [35].                                 circulating MSCs
Afterward, Sacchetti recognized that
                                                                        Variable pool of cytokines
MSCs-CD146+ were cells enveloping micro-
vessels in the bone marrow [36].
                                                                        An elevated concentration of long
                                                                         releasing growth factors (GFs).
The MSCs-pericytes location is regulated
                                                                         These include platelet-derived
by several local mediators however, the
                                                                         growth factor (PDGF A-B), vascular
PDGF receptor is currently considered the
                                                                         endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
master component. PDGF activation
                                                                         transforming growth factor (TGF β
promotes chemotactic and mitogen
                                                                         -1,2), insulin-like growth factor
stimulus for MSCs and facilitates
                                                                         (IGF-I), epidermal growth factor
connections between endothelial cells and
                                                                         (EGF); connective tissue growth
MSCs [35,37]. The therapeutic stimulation
                                                                         factor (CTGF); bone morphogenetic
of resident MSCs in degenerative OA has
                                                                         protein 2 (BMP-2) [39; 40]
been our research target for or over the last
20 years. Specifically, the aim of the study                            An elevated concentration of fibrin,
was the activation of joint resident MSCs                                fibronectin,   vitronectin,     and
through stimulation of the extracellular                                 thrombospondin
microenvironment        (ECM).    For    this
purpose, we used small fractions of nucleic                     A variable pool of heat shock proteins
acids- polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN) -                        HSPs not yet completely studied.
and a specific set of Heat Shock Proteins
(HSPs) with a glycerol scaffold [2,3].                          Tissue regeneration is a complex sequence
                                                                involving stem cell activation and
More recently, we started to investigate                        differentiation   promoted       by      ECM
and apply Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to treat                   modifications. This process is mediated by
degenerative OA. Specifically, we used L-                       an    extensive range of biological-
PRF as biostimulator of resident MSCs.                          immunological events and, different
Unlike PRP, PRF does not require any                            molecules as cytokines, GFs and other
biochemical activators like anticoagulants                      tissue mediators play a significant role.
or thrombin for fibrin polymerization. The
                                                                Although in vitro it is recognized that cells
preparation of PRF begins with the
                                                                of different lineages generate these
immediate centrifugation of the patient’s
                                                                molecules, in vivo the right sequence and
venous blood collected in normal glass
                                                                details of events leading to regeneration
tubes. Choukroun et al. first described the
                                                                are not well known. Platelets such as
process in 2000 [38].
                                                                leukocytes and fibroblasts play a key role as
                                                                an autologous source of growth factors
Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-
[6,41]. Since their activation, platelets                       pressed out and collected by gentle
secrete multiple GFs including Platelet-                        compression of the clot to obtain PRF
derived growth factor (PDGF); Vascular                          membranes. Hyper-acute serum squeezed
endothelial     growth    factor     (VEGF);                    out from the PRF clot has a massive cell
Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-                         proliferative effect on different connective
b1); Epidermal growth factor (EGF); Basic                       cell lineages such as bone marrow
fibroblast growth factor (FGF-ß) and                            mesenchyme stem cells (BM-MSCs),
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) [42].                      osteoblasts and chondroblasts cells [45,
                                                                46]. After removing the hyper-acute serum
Autologous platelet concentrates are                            fraction, the remaining PRF membrane is
widely used in clinical practice as a                           an adhesive and biodegradable fibrin
bioactive     component        to    decrease                   scaffold. The membrane surface and fibrin
inflammation and increase the speed of                          network structure facilitate cell migration
connective tissue healing [43]. Specific                        and cell interactions. Moreover, the PRF
types of PRF with different biological                          membrane has the property of slowly
properties can be generated by distinct                         releasing bioactive molecules that enable
centrifuge characteristics and adjustments                      migration, adhesion and proliferation of
to methods of centrifugation [40].                              resident MSCs [43,47,48]. In vitro, the L-
Centrifuge stability, frequency of vibrations                   PRF membrane maintains scaffolding
and the temperature developed in the                            features and slowly releases GFs for at least
tubes determine the properties and quality                      7 days.
of the final PRF. Specifically, the centrifuge
characteristics impact the making of L-PRF                      During centrifugation, the fibrinogen
clot and this, in turn, determines cell                         transforms to fibrin polymerizing to a
survival pools, fibrin architecture and also                    three-dimensional structure. This fibrin net
the cytokines, GFs and HSPs contained in                        entraps platelets and leukocytes on the
its components: membrane and hyper-                             surface and inside of the PRF membrane.
acute serum [40].                                               Further, centrifuge activated platelets and
                                                                leukocytes produce a massive pool of GFs,
L-PRF membrane shows a strongly                                 cytokines and HSPs [49]. Platelet
polymerized thick fibrin matrix and                             generated GFs are commonly used in tissue
includes various blood cells trapped in the                     regeneration; one of the best known is the
fibrin net. A large number of these cells                       PDGF, which enhances MSCs adhesion and
appear to be alive and with a normal shape                      proliferation. [43].
[44]. After centrifugation, a fibrin clot is
made through the activation of autologous                       Supercharged L-PRF
thrombin. Three distinct layers can be seen
in the tube: red blood corpuscles RBCs at                       Following some basic biological principles
the bottom of the tube, platelet-poor                           that bring to the activation of residential
plasma PPP on the top of the tube, and the                      MSCs [1,2,3,28,32,33,34,46] and knowing
PRF clot in the middle of the tube. The clot                    that several vital blood cells remain
contains a great amount of exudate, which                       trapped in the PRF membrane fibrin
is full of cytokines, GFs and HSPs. This                        network; we have started preparing
exudate named hyper-acute serum can be                          thermic stressed L-PRF membranes to
Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-
generate a greater amount of HSPs. A                            OA with symptoms lasting more than 6
specific thermic algorithm showed that                          months. All knees were affected by
membranes     subjected     to    low-high                      degenerative OA involving mostly the
temperature shock release a large pool of                       internal compartment. 11 out of 20 patients
HSPs. This PRF preparation aims to                              were female and 9 males. 12 patients were
activate SM-MSCs in joints affected by OA.                      staged Kellgren and Lawrence Scale (K&L)
                                                                3 and 8 patients staged as 2. Average BMI
The      resulting       product,     named                     29, the average age was 63 range 52-75.
‘supercharged L-PRF’ when used in a                             Patients were not under any other
procedure, enhances the stimulation of                          treatments for OA in the last month
SM-MSCs with a pool of HSPs. These are                          besides occasional pain killers. Criteria of
slowly released by the treated membranes                        exclusion: patients treated with long
when applied on the surface of capsule-                         release corticosteroids infiltration over the
bursa tissues. Supercharged L-PRF is                            last month; patients on immune suppressor
applied through a minimally invasive                            or chemotherapy treatments; INR over 2;
surgical procedure. The surgical access                         acute rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid
takes advantage of trauma-induced                               immune diseases; local/general infections;
hypoxia which is a well-known tissue                            patients with previous joint replacement,
regeneration master activator [2;3].                            low platelets (
tissue under USS guidance. The                          face follow up at 7 and 30 days; 3 and 6
        membrane was under thermic                              months follow up were in remote
        stress      treatment,       low-high                   consultation due to the COVID pandemic.
        temperature, for 60 minutes. Then
        it was sectioned in 3 parts and                         Results
        surgically implanted on             the
                                                                From December 2019 to March 2020, we
        capsule-bursa        tissue.       The
                                                                consecutively treated a group of 20 patients
        membrane implants were located in
                                                                affected by unilateral knee degenerative
        3 different painful areas of the joint.
                                                                OA with symptoms lasting more than 6
Treatments were provided in ambulatory
                                                                months. Group 1 (10 patients) was treated
care facilities and under local anesthetic.
                                                                with a single intraarticular infiltration of
This pilot study was conducted following
                                                                PRP 8 ml + HA 2 ml. Group 2 (10 patients)
the Code of Ethics of the World Medical
                                                                was treated in a single session on 3
Association [57] and approved by the
                                                                different joint areas with supercharged L-
Ethical-Scientific Committee of the Villa
                                                                PRF (hyperacute serum + membrane).
Aurora Hospital, Foligno (Italy) where the
                                                                Hyperacute serum was infiltrated into the
treatments have been performed. All the
                                                                capsule-bursa tissue and membrane
patients gave informed consent to the
                                                                applied on the same tissue surface. Patients
procedures of supercharged L-PRF and
                                                                self-assessed joint pain using the VAS score
PRP+ Hyaluronic acid (HA) and to be
                                                                in a standing position.
randomly selected for one of the
procedures. Patients agreed to participate
                                                                The Baseline pain (day 0) was measured
in the study using their blood to extract the
                                                                just before procedures. In the last 3 days
L-PRF or PRP and to have their data
                                                                before treatments, patients did not take
collected for the scope of this research.
                                                                any pain killers. Before treatment, the
Completely anonymized demographic and
                                                                average VAS pain score was 7.5 for group 1
clinical data have been prospectively
                                                                and 8 for group 2; both starting scores were
recorded into an electronic database and
                                                                considered "severe pain" and unified in
duly analyzed.
                                                                graph A. Group 2 VAS score follow up
     No adverse reactions were detected;
                                                                showed better pain control and more
        specifically, for group 1 no episodes
                                                                persistent pain relief in short-and-mid-
        of blood hypertension, diarrhea,
                                                                term than group 1.
        rash or proteinuria.
     Paracetamol 3 gr TDS for 3 days and
                                                                After 3 months the pain restarted to
        Ibuprofen 400 mg if needed were
                                                                increase in both groups. However, the
                                                                pain-free interval was much more
     Primary outcome measure: pain
                                                                consistent and longstanding in group 2
                                                                than 1. No complications such as infection,
Pain measured with Visual analogue scale
                                                                collection and adverse reactions were
(VAS). VAS was completed by the patient
                                                                reported      in       either      groups.
before the treatment and during the face to

Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-

Recently, the physiopathology of early OA                       Proteins (HSPs) and a glycerol scaffold.
has shed new light on processes facilitating                    The HSPs were derived from the patient’s
the disease progression. Specifically                           blood through a process of thermic stress
highlighted is the crucial role played by the                   [2;3]. This product named Gel repair ® has
synovium membrane and synovial fluid to                         shown to be a biological activator able to
catalyze OA advancement together with                           stimulate the resident MSCs located in the
articular cartilage degeneration [1]. Joint                     capsule and synovium tissue [2;3]. An
pain is mostly generated by changes to                          observational clinical trial with 3 years
non-cartilaginous components such as the                        follow-up      indicated    a     persistent
joint capsule, synovium membrane,                               improvement of symptoms together with a
tendons and ligaments where there is a                          radiologic recovery of joints affected by
significant innervation [1; 18; 24]. These                      degenerative OA. Persistent pain relief and
structures might be considered the primary                      increased joint mobility were observed in
therapeutic target not only for pain relief                     almost 80% of treated patients and
but also for regenerative medicine                              imaging quite often showed a downgrading
treatments. Since 2012 the author                               of the degenerative OA [2]. Coherent with
published research and procedures to                            the same biological principles, we have
define and stimulate joint resident MSCs.                       been using thermic stressed L-PRF
Multiple pieces of evidence have shown                          membranes to produce a wide pool of
that resident MSCs are the master                               HSPs. The resulting product, called
regulators of the local regenerative                            ‘supercharged L-PRF’ aims to activate SM-
microenvironment [28;34]. Our study                             MSCs (synovium Membrane - MSCs)
aimed to demonstrate OA symptoms                                located in the capsule-bursa tissue. The
control through the stimulation of resident                     HSPs slowly released by the membrane
MSCs, the recovery of local cell                                together with the hyperacute-serum seem
homeostasis and finally tissue repair. We                       to induce persistent analgesia in knee OA
examined an individual medication that                          (K&L stage II-III) as shown in this pilot
contained         polydeoxyribonucleotides                      study. Our clinical experience revealed that
(PDRN), a specific set of Heat Shock                            PRP alone is an extremely diffusible
Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-
biostimulator and, contrary to in vitro                         regenerative treatments should target
evidence, does not have regenerative                            resident MSCs in their specific tissue
effects due to ephemeral tissue stimulation.                    location. Joint pain was considered the
Hyaluronic acid (HA) has been widely used                       primary outcome of this study. For this
in the last two decades to increase the                         reason, we used the VAS score to simply
persistence of PRP in the infiltration site.                    evaluate this basic parameter. In a future
PRP+HA attempts to combine PRP anti-                            trial design, questionnaires such as KOOS
inflammatory and tissue regeneration                            will give us more complete information on
properties with viscosupplementation.                           mobility, daily activities, disability and
Although the effectiveness of this                              pain. Imaging as MRI or USS 3D would
procedure is well recognized in literature,                     implement long term information about
it has not been proven that PRP persists in                     joint structure recovery that may be
the joint cavity longer if combined with HA                     expected     with    supercharged    L-PRF
rather than infiltrated alone. In the last few                  procedure.
years, joint resident MSCs were found in
the capsule bursa tissue, at the insertion of                   Acknowledgments
ligaments and tendons, in the subchondral
bone marrow, in the Hoffa's fat pad and in                      The author is grateful to Thomas Richard
the periosteum and endosteum [1]. There                         Swift for the linguistic revision of the
has not been consistent evidence of MCSs                        manuscript and his passionate interest in
in the joint cavity that is for synovial fluid.                 the Regenerative Surgery field.
Therefore,     to    be     effective,    joint

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Di Nicola V| Volume 3; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JRBM-3(1)-048 | Research Article
Citation: Di Nicola V. L-PRF in Osteoarthritis treatment: Results of a Pilot study. J Regen Biol Med. 2020;3(1):1-
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