Oxidative stress markers and antioxidant defense in hibernating common Asian toads, Duttaphrynus melanostictus

Page created by Steven Snyder
Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30                                                                           https://doi.org/10.2298/ABS190605062S

Oxidative stress markers and antioxidant defense in hibernating common Asian toads,
Duttaphrynus melanostictus

Deba Das Sahoo1,*and Prabhati Patnaik2

 Post-graduateDepartment of Life Sciences, S.K.C.G. Autonomous College, Paralakhemundi, Odisha-761200, India
 Assistant Scientific Officer, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Berhampur, Odisha, India

*Corresponding author: sdebadas@yahoo.com

Received: June 5, 2019; Revised: August 24, 2019; Accepted: September 9, 2019; Published online: September 25, 2019

Abstract: To assess the oxidative assaults and antioxidant defense, oxidative stress markers, including lipid peroxidation
level, protein carbonylation level, GSSG/GSH ratio and nonenzymatic antioxidants such as total glutathione, ascorbic acid
and uric acid, in liver and brain tissues of hibernating common Asian toads, Duttaphrynus melanostictus, were compared
with toads during active periods. Oxidative stress was found in both liver and brain tissues of hibernating common Asian
toads in spite of depressed metabolism and low oxygen consumption. Significantly higher lipid peroxidation, protein car-
bonylation and an increased GSSG/GSH ratio were found in liver and brain tissues of hibernating toads, indicating oxida-
tive stress. To counteract the stress, ascorbic acid was increased significantly in the liver and brain tissues of hibernating
individuals in comparison to individuals during active periods. The uric acid level decreased in both the liver and brain
tissues of hibernating toads, which may be due to its decreased rate of synthesis because of low xanthine oxidase activity
at low body temperature and hypometabolism. The common Asian toad faced oxidative stress during hibernation, which
was counteracted by augmented nonenzymatic antioxidant defense.

Keywords: hibernation; oxidative stress markers; nonenzymatic antioxidant defense; glutathione redox ratio

INTRODUCTION                                                     mammals [4-6]. Thus, lipid peroxidation and protein
                                                                 carbonylation are considered to be oxidative stress mark-
In all aerobic organisms, reactive oxygen species(ROS)           ers in a variety of living organisms [7-8].
such as superoxide radicals (O2˙-), hydroxyl radicals
(OHˉ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) that are produced                 Aerobic organisms adopt different strategies to
during cellular metabolism promote the oxidation of              deal with oxidative stress. One of them is to minimize
biomolecules, and their damaging effects are minimized           the level of oxygen uptake or to deter its conversion to
by antioxidant defenses comprising antioxidant enzymes           ROS [9]. Another way is by evolving an antioxidant
and nonenzymatic antioxidants. When the rate of ROS              defense system to counteract the oxidative stress. This is
production overcomes the natural capacity of cellular            again either by catalytic removal of ROS by antioxidant
antioxidant defenses a situation called oxidative stress         enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione
results [1]. ROS-mediated oxidation of amino acid resi-          peroxidase), or by scavenging ROS by nonenzymatic
dues, inparticular proline, arginine and lysine of protein       antioxidants (α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, reduced glu-
in animal cells to their carbonyl derivatives, increases         tathione, uric acid) [10]. Reduced glutathione (GSH),
exponentially with exposure to stressed conditions               a nonenzymatic hydrophilic endogenous antioxidant,
[2,3]. Similarly, oxidative damage of lipids, resulting          acts as a scavenger of ROS in combination with an-
in a wide variety of lipid peroxidation products such            tioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase(GPx) and
as malondialdehyde, hexanol, and 4-hydroxyalkenals,              glutathione reductase (GR)[11,12]. GSH is converted
has been reported to increase during stressed condi-             into its oxidized form, glutathione disulfide (GSSG), by
tions in insects, rotifers, fishes, amphibians, reptiles and     donation of a reducing equivalent (H++e-) to the ROS
© 2020 by the Serbian Biological Society                          How to cite this article: Sahoo DD, Patnaik P. Oxidative stress markers and   23
                                                                  antioxidant defense in hibernating common Asian toads, Dutta-phrynus
                                                                  melanostictus. Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30.
24                                                                                           Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30

for its neutralization in the presence of GPx, followed     Chemicals
by regeneration from GSSG by GR. Accordingly, the
GSSG/GSH ratio has been considered as a marker              GR, 5,5'dithio-bis (2-nitro benzoic acid)(DTNB) and
of oxidative stress [13]. Nonenzymatic antioxidants         thiobarbituric acid(TBA) were purchased from Sigma
such as ascorbic acid and uric acid, are water-soluble      Chemical Co (USA); NADPH, GSH, GSSG,2-vinyl
ROS scavengers that have been reported to increase          pyridine, guanidine hydrochloride ,EDTA and ascorbic
in physiologically stressed conditions [14]; however,       acid were obtained from HiMedia Laboratories Pvt.
reports regarding their status during hibernation are       Ltd., India. All other chemicals and reagents were of
limited to some endothermic mammals and are almost          analytical grade.
nonexistent in ectothermic animals.
                                                            Sample collection
    The common Asian toad, Duttaphrynus melanost-
ictus, hibernates as an adaptation to cold during the       Middle-aged (2-to 4-year-old) male toads (Duttaphry-
winter season, characterized by metabolic depression,       nus melanostictus) found along with toads of differ-
low body temperature, slow breathing and decreased          ent age in a well-protected area with broken houses,
heartbeat rate. They usually hibernate inside their bur-    bushes and swampy areas located in Paralakhemundi
rows in moist and loose soil and under leaves and debris.   (10˚ 45' N, 84˚ 6'E), India, were selected after determin-
Although cycles of torpor and arousal, depending on         ing their age by skeletochronology[22]. Males were
changes in body temperature, have been reported during      identified by observing a brick red or orange colored
hibernation in endothermic mammals, studies related         hue on the throat region, the subgular vocal sac and
to hibernation in ectothermic animals are limited. A        black nuptial pads on the inner sides of the first two
reduction in oxygen consumption to nearly 20%of             fingers of the forelimb. In this study, 14 male toads with a
normal resting rate and depressed metabolism during         snout-vent length of 7.5-8 cm and body weight of 35-47
hibernation were reported [15], most likely resulting       g,collected fromtheir natural habitat, were used. Oxida-
                                                            tive stress markers and the nonenzymatic antioxidant
in a decrease in ROS production and lower oxidative
                                                            defense status were assessed in brain and liver tissues of
stress. However, increased oxidative stress during hi-
                                                            7 hibernating toads collected during the winter season
bernation has been reported mainly in endothermic
                                                            (December and January) and compared to 7 active toads
mammals [16-18]. Reports on oxidative stress and
                                                            collected during the early rainy season(July to August).
antioxidant defenses during the hibernation of ecto-
thermic vertebrates are limited [2,19-21], and investi-     Tissue preparation
gations into oxidative stress markers and antioxidant
defense in the hibernating common Asian toad have           Toads were collected from their natural habitat and im-
not been undertaken in detail. In the present work we       mediately decapitated to dissect out the whole liver and
examined whether oxidative stress markers increase          brain. Adherent tissues were removed in ice-cold (2°C)
during hibernation in spite of low oxygen consump-          amphibian Ringer’s solutions, and they were weighed
tion and depressed metabolism, and what happens to          and processed immediately for different estimations of
the antioxidant defense status, specifically to selected    oxidative stress markers and nonenzymatic antioxidants.
nonenzymatic antioxidants, during hibernation.
                                                            Lipid peroxidation assay

MATERIALS AND METHODS                                       The level of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in terms of thio-
                                                            barbituricacid reactive substances (TBARS) formed
Ethics statement                                            was estimated by the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test as
                                                            described[23]; 0.5 mL 2.5% (w/v) ice-cold aqueous tissue
Animal treatment followed the directives of the In-         homogenate, 1.5 mL of 1% orthophosphoric acid and
stitutional Animal Ethics Committee, Berhampur              0.5 mL of 0.6% TBA were heated in a hard glass test tube
University, India, Registration No. 2020/GO/Re/S/18/        for 45 min at 95oC. After cooling to room temperature,
CPCSEA, and Resolution No. 01.                              3mL of chloroform and 1mL of glacial acetic acid were
Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30                                                                                   25

added to the mixture. Extinction of the upper phase of       tion as zero, the reaction was started by adding GR
the supernatant containing TBARS after centrifugation        (0.5U). The rate of reaction is proportional to the
at 1000×g for 10 min was measured at 535nm against the       concentration of GSHeq and was compared with the
control containing 0.5 mLof distilled water instead of the   standard curve of GSH (0-6 µM). Another part of the
tissue homogenate. The formed TBARS was expressed            protein-free supernatant was treated with 170mM2-
as µmol/g tissue wet weight using a molar extinction         vinyl pyridine for 1h to derivatize GSH. The rest of the
coefficient of 1.56 × 105M-1cm-1.                            GSSG was measured, and the total GSH was calculated
                                                             from the equation GSHeq=GSH+2GSSG, and the result
Protein carbonylation assay                                  was expressed as µmol/g tissue wet weight. The levels
                                                             of GSH (GSH=GSHeq-2GSSG) and percent oxidized
The carbonyl content of proteins as a marker of oxida-       GSH (GSSG/GSH) were also calculated.
tive stress [24] in a sucrose soluble tissue homogenate
was estimated following the methods of Uchida and            Ascorbic acid
Stadtman [25]. In the experimental tube, 0.8 mL of
0.25 M sucrose soluble tissue supernatant (2.5% w/v)         A deproteinized supernatant obtained from centrifu-
and 0.8 mL of 0.1% (w/v) 2,4 dinitrophenyl hydrazine         gation (1000×g for 10 min) of 2.5%(w/v) of tissue ho-
(DNPH) in 2 N HCl was incubated at room tempera-             mogenate prepared from 6% ice-cold TCA was used to
ture (25±2oC) for 1 h in the dark. A control tube was        estimatethe ascorbic acid content following the method
also run simultaneously along with the experimental          by Roe [28]. Ascorbic acid present in deproteinized
tube with 0.8 mL of 2 N HCl instead of DNPH. After           tissue extract was oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid
the incubation period, protein fractions were obtained       (DHAA) using bromine water, which transformed ir-
by centrifugation (1000 × g for 10 min) with 0.8mL           reversibly to 2,3-diketogulonic acid (DKA). The DKA
of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Protein fractions         coupled with 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine (DNPH)
were washed with an ethanol/ethyl acetate mixture            to form a colored product with H2SO4. Extinction of
(1:1V/V) and then dissolved in 2 mL of 8Mguani-              the colored product was measured at 530nm and the
dine hydrochloride prepared in 133 mMTrisbuffer              result was obtained from the standard curve of ascorbic
(pH 7.2) containing 13 mM EDTA. Extinction of the            acid and expressed as µg ascorbic acid/g wet tissue.
experimental sample was measured at 365 nm against
                                                             Uric acid
the control, and the carbonyl content was expressed
as nanomoles of DNPH incorporated per mg protein,
                                                             The uric acid content in the deproteinized superna-
based on the molar extinction coefficient of 22×103
                                                             tant obtained by centrifugation (1000×g for 10 min)
M-1cm-1. The protein content of the tissue homogenate
                                                             of 0.5 mLof 2.5%(w/v) tissue homogenate prepared
was estimated following the method of Lowry et al.
                                                             in ice-cold 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 4 mL
[26] using bovine serum albumin as standard.
                                                             of N/23 H2SO4 and 0.5 mL of 5.6% sodium tungstate
                                                             was estimated as described [29]. Extinction of the light
Total and oxidized glutathione
                                                             blue-colored product formed by adding 0.2 mL of
                                                             phosphotungstic acid reagent and 1mL of 0.6 N NaOH
Total glutathione equivalents (GSHeq) consisting of          to 3 mL of deproteinized supernatant was measured at
both GSH and GSSG were measured following the                720 nm, and the result was obtained from the standard
method of Griffith [27]. A protein-free supernatant          curve of uric acid. The uric acid content was expressed
obtained by centrifugation (10000×g for 15 min) of           as µg uric acid/g wet tissue.
the tissue homogenate (1:5w/v) in ice-cold (2oC) sul-
fosalicylic acid, was divided into two parts. One part       Statistical analysis
was used to measure GSHeq by observing the rate of
reduction of DTNB at 412 nm containing 0.2 mM                Data were expressed as the means±SEM. Student’s t-test
NADPH, 0.6 mM DTNB, 5 mM EDTA, 125 mM so-                    was performed to evaluate the statistical significance
dium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) and tissue extract            of the data from active vs hibernating individuals.
in a final volume of 1mL.To ensure the rate of reac-         Differences were considered significant at P
26                                                                                                                     Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30

Table 1. Glutathione status in liver and brain tissues of the common Asian toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus.
Tissue               Condition            GSH (µmol/g Tissue)         GSSG (µmol/g Tissue)                                       GSSG/GSH Ratio
                                                                                                      (µmol/g Tissue)
                     Active period               1.93±0.03                   0.28±0.006                  2.50±0.04                  0.147±0.003
                     Hibernation               1.50±0.04***                0.33±0.004***                 2.18±0.04***             0.225±0.006***
                                              (22% decrease)               (17% increase)               (12% decrease)            (53% increase)
                     Active period              0.28±0.006                  0.026±0.001                  0.332±0.006                0.093±0.003
                     Hibernation               0.22±0.005***               0.041±0.004**                 0.304±0.008*             0.186±0.004***
                                              (21% decrease)               (57% increase)                (8% decrease)            (100% increase)
GSH – reduced glutathione, GSSG – oxidized glutathione, GSHeq– glutathione equivalent.
Data are expressed as the means±SEM, (n=7). Significant differences calculated using Student’s t-test from animals during active period are designated
as *(P
Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30                                                                                               27

                                                                        diminished in the hypometabolic state during hiberna-
                                                                        tion. Similarly, regeneration of GSH from GSSG by GR
                                                                        activity was probably decreased due to low GR activity
                                                                        and decreased NADPH supply in the hypometabolic
                                                                        condition and low body temperature during hiberna-
                                                                        tion [2,36]. GSH-linked enzymes (GPx and GR) have
                                                                        also been reported to possess decreased activities in
                                                                        tissues of aestivating toad Scaphiopus couchii[2]. Our
                                                                        findings regarding oxidative stress in liver and brain
                                                                        tissue, as indicated by an increased GSSG/GSH ratio,
                                                                        also support the observed significantly higher levels
                                                                        of lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation dur-
                                                                        ing hibernation. The difference in GSH content found
                                                                        between liver and brain tissues of the hibernating toad
                                                                        was probably because of the role played by the liver in
                                                                        its biosynthesis and inter-organ homeostasis [37]. A
                                                                        higher GSSG/GSH ratio indicating oxidative stress has
                                                                        also been reported in the intestinal mucosa of endo-
                                                                        thermic animals such as ground squirrels (Spermophilus
                                                                        tridecem lineatus) during hibernation [30]. Similarly,
                                                                        oxidative stresses during hibernation and activation of
                                                                        the redox-sensitive transcription factor NF-κB have also
                                                                        been reported in intestinal tissue of ground squirrels
                                                                        [16]. The GSH status of the common Asian toad during
                                                                        hibernation is in good agreement with findings obtained
                                                                        in different ectothermic animals, such as Scaphiopus
                                                                        couchii [2] and Nanorana parkeri [33].

Fig. 2. Effect of hibernation on the ascorbic acid (A), uric acid            Our investigation showed a significantly higher
(B) concentrations and the glutathione equivalent (C) of liver          level of lipid peroxidation in terms of TBARS and pro-
and brain tissues of male common Asian toad, Duttaphrynus               tein carbonyl content in both tissues studied in toads
melanostictus. The data are expressed as the means±SEM, (n=7).
Significance was calculated relative to animals in the active period;
                                                                        during hibernation in comparison to toads during the
28                                                                                             Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30

tion [41]. Hibernating toads with hypometabolism and               Like ascorbic acid, uric acid is a water-soluble an-
low oxygen consumption probably produced consider-            tioxidant due to its ability to scavenge. ·O2ˉ, H2O2 and
able oxidants that caused increased lipid peroxidation        peroxy radicals [56]. It also maintains ascorbic acid in
and protein carbonylation in the examined tissues.            its reduced state [57]. Unlike ascorbic acid, uric acid
Also, the increase in polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) in          is produced locally in tissues as a product of purine
membranes during cold exposure maintains membrane             metabolism catalyzed by xanthine oxidase in response
fluidity [42]. Accordingly, the increase in PUFA content      to oxidative stress [58]. We found significantly lower
in the body fat of heterothermic mammals has also been        uric acid contents in both liver and brain tissues of
reported before their entry into torpor [43]. Low body        hibernating toad in comparison to active toads. The
temperature during hibernation could have increased           low uric acid content in the examined tissues during
the PUFA content in the cell membrane, making them            hibernation may be due to its decreased synthesis
more susceptible to lipid peroxidation. Our findings          because of low xanthine oxidase activity at low body
regarding oxidative stress and oxidative damage conform       temperature and hypometabolism. A low uric acid
with results obtained in different ectothermic [2,33] and     content has also been reported during hibernation in
endothermic animals [16,30,31].                               the liver of the ground squirrel because of low AMP
                                                              deaminase 2 activity [59].
     During hibernation, the toads were dormant in-
side their burrows, without food intake until arousal,             GSH is a water-soluble, endogenous antioxidant
with increased oxygen intake and rewarming. With              tripeptide that is also capable of neutralizing free radi-
increased oxygen consumption for rewarming during             cals and maintaining exogenous antioxidants such as
arousal, it is tempting to speculate that the animals         ascorbic acid and tocopherol in their reduced state
would be exposed to oxidative stress in the absence of        [60]. We observed its decrease in both liver and brain
an augmented antioxidant defense system [44]. Our             tissues of hibernating toads. This may have been due
investigation showed a significantly higher ascorbic          to its decreased biosynthesis and regeneration from
acid content in both liver and brain tissues of hiber-        GSSG during the hypometabolic state. Moreover, the
nating toads in comparison to toads during the active         biosynthesis of GSH is an energy-consuming process
period. In amphibians, including the common Asian             [24] and probably decreased in several organs during
toad, ascorbic acid is usually synthesized in the kidney      hibernation [18]. The increased GSSG observed in the
[45,46] and distributed to other tissues where it is trans-   present study might be due to its increased production
ported into cells through sodium-dependent uptake             because of the higher neutralization of ROS by reduced
[47]. Ascorbic acid is a well-established antioxidant         GSH and its decreased turnover into GSH due to low GR
[48,49] and has been reported to act as a free radical        activity during the hypometabolic state of hibernation.
trap [50]. It has also been reported that ascorbic acid
acts as a protective antioxidant during hibernation and
rewarming from hibernation by scavenging free radicals        CONCLUSION
produced during hibernation and the oxidative burst
associated with rewarming [51,52]. Our results showing        Hibernation in the common Asian toad, Duttaphrynus
an increased ascorbic acid content in liver and brain         melanostictus is an adaptive response to low tempera-
tissues corroborate this. This augmented ascorbic acid        ture and scarcity of food during the winter season. We
content in liver and brain tissues could be a preparatory     found increased oxidative stress markers, such as lipid
mechanism to minimize the potential injury of ROS             peroxidation, protein carbonylation and GSSG/GSH
during hibernation and rewarming after hibernation            ratio, in both liver and brain tissues of hibernating toads.
[17,24,53,54]. The rise in ascorbic acid indicates the        Increased oxidative damage by raised lipid peroxidation
ability of the common Asian toad to adapt to oxida-           and protein carbonylation are in good agreement with
tive stress. A comparatively higher increase in ascorbic      increased oxidative stress. Adaptive responses to coun-
acid content in brain tissue as compared to liver tissue      teract the oxidative stress were observed as augmented
observed in this study may be an adaptive response to         nonenzymatic antioxidant, i.e. increased ascorbic acid
counteract lipid peroxides that are produced due to its       level, during hibernation. A decrease in uric acid in
high PUFA content and to act as a neuroprotectant [55].       both tissues during hibernation points to its low rate
Arch Biol Sci. 2020;72(1):23-30                                                                                                            29

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