Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv

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Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image

                                                               Anpei chen            Zhang Chen      Guli Zhang                  Ziheng Zhang
                                                                                      Kenny Mitchell     Jingyi Yu
                                                                                        shanghaiTech University
arXiv:1903.10873v2 [cs.CV] 8 May 2019

                                        Figure 1. From left to right: An input face image, proxy 3D face, texture and displacement map produced by our Emotion-to-Face (E2F)
                                        framework, detailed face geometry using our learning based synthesis technique, and the re-rendered result.

                                                                 Abstract                                    important indicators of age and facial expression and are
                                                                                                             essential for producing realistic virtual human [2]. Success-
                                            We present a single-image 3D face synthesis technique            ful solutions by far rely on complex and often expensive
                                        that can handle challenging facial expressions while recov-          capture systems such as stereo-based camera domes [20]
                                        ering fine geometric details. Our technique employs expres-          or photometric-based LightStage [32, 12]. Although such
                                        sion analysis for proxy face geometry generation and com-            solutions have become increasingly popular and affordable
                                        bines supervised and unsupervised learning for facial detail         with the availability of low-cost cameras and lights, they are
                                        synthesis. On proxy generation, we conduct emotion predic-           still bulky and hence do not support portable scanning. In
                                        tion to determine a new expression-informed proxy. On de-            addition, they are vulnerable to low texture regions such as
                                        tail synthesis, we present a Deep Facial Detail Net (DFDN)           bare skins.
                                        based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Net (CGAN)
                                        that employs both geometry and appearance loss functions.               We aim to produce high-quality 3D faces with fine geo-
                                        For geometry, we capture 366 high-quality 3D scans from              metric details from a single image, with quality comparable
                                        122 different subjects under 3 facial expressions. For ap-           to those produced from the dome systems and LightStage.
                                        pearance, we use additional 20K in-the-wild face images              Existing single-image solutions first construct a 3D proxy
                                        and apply image-based rendering to accommodate lighting              face from templates and then refine the proxy by deforming
                                        variations. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that               geometry and adding details. Such proxies can be derived
                                        our framework can produce high-quality 3D faces with re-             from 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) [10, 9, 42, 51, 16]
                                        alistic details under challenging facial expressions.                by blending base face geometry. More complex techniques
                                                                                                             employ sparse coding on 3D face dictionaries to further im-
                                                                                                             prove robustness and quality [41, 10, 9, 42, 51, 16, 23, 43,
                                        1. Introduction                                                      7]. However, artifacts arise from these approaches such as
                                                                                                             over-smoothing and incorrect expression, where a relatively
                                           Producing high quality human faces with fine geometric            small number of parameters are used to approximate the
                                        details has been a core research area in computer vision and         high dimensional space for real face. Shape-from-shading
                                        graphics. Geometric structure details such as wrinkles are           [28], photometric stereo [12], and deep learning [52, 39, 14]

Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
have been used to generate the missing details. However,           sures. In either case, the reconstruction quality depends
existing methods have limits in attaining correct shape un-        heavily on the feature matching results as they act as an-
der unseen emotional expressions and lighting, thus deliv-         chor points dominating the final shape. For regions with
ering insufficient or inaccurate geometric details, as shown       few textures such as bare skin, the reconstruction tends to be
in Fig. 7                                                          overly smooth due to lack of features. For example, wrin-
    In this paper, we present a novel learning-based tech-         kles caused by facial expressions are particularly difficult
nique to produce accurate geometric details from a single          to reconstruct: even though they cause shading variations,
face image. Our approach takes into account emotion, ex-           their geometry is too slight to capture using stereo, espe-
pression and appearance. For proxy generation, we em-              cially when the camera baseline is small. Recently, Graham
ploy the Basel Face Model (BFM) [37] composed of shape,            et al. [20] use 24 entry-level DSLR photogrammetry cam-
expression and surface reflectance (albedo). 3D expres-            eras and 6 ring flashes to capture facial specular response
sions, however, exhibit strong ambiguity after being pro-          independently and then combine shape-from-chroma and
jected onto 2D images: a pair of 3D meshes that represent          shape-from-specularity for high quality reconstruction.
very different emotional expressions can have similar 2D              Another class of multi-shot techniques employed in face
landmarks on images. Therefore, we first devise a learning-        reconstruction is Photometric Stereo (PS). PS is based on
based approach to conduct emotion prediction and then use          analyzing image intensity variations under different illumi-
the result to determine an expression informed proxy.              nations from a fixed viewpoint. Instead of directly recon-
    For geometric detail synthesis, we devise a Deep Fa-           structing 3D geometry, PS intends to first recover the nor-
cial Detail Net (DFDN) based on Conditional Generative             mal map and then the 3D mesh, e.g., via normal integra-
Adversarial Net (CGAN ) to map an image patch to a de-             tion. A common artifact in PS is low-frequency distortions
tailed displacement map. Our DFDN has two components:              in the final reconstruction [35, 48] caused by perspective
a medium scale geometry module that learns the PCA co-             projection violating the orthographic assumption. Accurate
efficients (in our case 64) of each patch and a fine scale         calibrations on both the light sources and camera, though
geometry module that refines the PCA based result with ad-         able to mitigate the problem, are cumbersome. Most recent
ditional details. For training, we captured a total of 366         techniques [36, 58, 15] combine PS with MVS by using the
high quality 3D scans from 122 different subjects under            MVS results as a proxy for calibration and then refine the
three facial expressions (one neutral and two extreme ex-          results. Aliaga et al. [3] simulates a MVS setup by em-
pressions). We augment the training data with 340 high res-        ploying multiple digital projectors as both light sources and
olution meshes from ICT-3DRFE [47]. The loss function is           virtual cameras. We refer the readers to [1] for a compre-
defined in terms of geometric differences between the es-          hensive review of PS variants.
timation and the ground truth. However, we observe that
these training data are still insufficient to cover a wide range      Synthesis-based approaches. The availability of high
of lighting conditions. Hence, we introduce an additional          quality mobile cameras and the demand on portable 3D
unsupervised learning procedure (with an additional 20K            scanning have promoted significant advances on produc-
images captured in the wild) where for each image we ob-           ing high quality 3D faces from a single image. The sem-
tain its proxy geometry using our emotion-driven shape esti-       inal work of Blanz and Vetter [5] pre-captures a database of
mator and then approximate the corresponding environment           face models and extracts a 3D morphable model (3DMM)
lighting using spherical harmonics (SH). We use DFDN to            composed of base shapes and albedos. Given an input im-
obtain an estimate of the geometry, but since we do not have       age, it finds the optimal combination of the base models
the ground truth geometry, we re-render these results using        to fit the input. Their technique can also handle geometric
the estimated albedo and environment lighting, and com-            deformations under expression [37, 18] if the database in-
pute the loss function in terms of the image differences.          cludes expressions, e.g., captured by RGBD cameras [11].
Finally, we alternate the supervised and the unsupervised          More extensive facial databases have been recently made
learning processes, on geometry and image, respectively.           publicly available [59, 24, 55, 30, 6], with an emphasis
                                                                   on handling complex expressions [30, 6]. Most recently,
2. Related Work                                                    Li et al. [30] capture pose and articulations of jaw, neck,
                                                                   and eyeballs with over 33,000 3D scans that have helped
   Existing approaches for producing high quality 3D face          boost the performance of single-image/video face recon-
geometry either rely on reconstruction or synthesis.               struction/tracking [41, 10, 9, 46, 61, 42, 51, 16, 23, 43, 7].
   Reconstruction-based Techniques. Multi-View Stereo              The current databases, however, still lack mid- and high-
(MVS) 3D face reconstruction systems employ stereo [33]            frequency geometric details such as wrinkles and pores that
or structure-from-motion [57]. A sparse set of cameras pro-        are epitomes to realistic 3D faces. Shading based compen-
duce large scale geometry [20] whereas denser and hence            sations can improve the visual appearance [16, 27] but re-
more expensive settings [2] provide more accurate mea-             main far behind quality reconstruction of photos.
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
Render          In-The-Wild                                                      Mesh

                                                                                           Texture                HeightMap

               Semantics Feature
                  Extractor                               DFDS Net
           (a)    Dictionary                      (b)


Figure 2. Our processing pipeline. Top: training stage for emotion-driven proxy generation (a) and facial detail synthesis (b). Bottom:
applying the trained network on a real image.

    Our approach is part of the latest endeavor that uses             3. Expression-Aware Proxy Generation
learning to synthesize fine geometric details from a single
                                                                         Our first step is to obtain a proxy 3D face with surface
image. Real [53] or synthetically rendered [39, 14] face im-
ages were used as training datasets, and convolutional neu-           albedo map and accurate facial expressions. We employ
ral networks (CNNs) are then used to estimate 3D model                the Basel Face Model (BFM) [37], which consists of three
parameters. Sela et al. [44] use synthetic images for train-          components: shape Msha , expression Mexp and albedo Malb .
ing but directly recover depth and correspondence maps in-            Shape Msha and expression Mexp determine vertex locations
                                                                      while albedo Malb encodes per-vertex albedo:
stead of model parameters. Richardson et al. [40] apply
supervised learning to first recover model parameters and                               Msha (α)     = as + Es · α                 (1)
then employ shape-from-shading (SfS) to recover fine de-
                                                                                        Mexp (β)     = ae + Ee · β                 (2)
tails. Guo et al. [21] adopts a two-stage network to recon-
struct facial geometry at different scales. Tewari et al. [50]                          Malb (γ)   = aalb + Ealb · γ               (3)
adopts a self-supervised approach based on an autoencoder                where as , ae , aalb ∈ R3n represent the mean of corre-
where a novel decoder depicts the image formation process.            sponding PCA space. Es ∈ R3n×199 , Ee ∈ R3n×100 con-
Kim et al. [29] combine the advantages of both synthetic              tain basis vectors for shape and expression while Ealb ∈
and real data to [49] jointly learn a parametric face model           R3n×199 contain basis vectors for albedo. α, β, γ corre-
and a regressor for its corresponding parameters. Learning            spond to the parameters of the PCA model.
based techniques can also produce volumetric representa-
tions [26] or normal fields [45]. Yet, few approaches can             3.1. Proxy Estimation
generate very fine geometric details. Cao [8] capture
                                                                         Given a 2D image, we first extract 2D facial landmarks
18 high quality scans and employ a principal component
                                                                      L ∈ R2m and use the results to compute PCA parameters
analysis (PCA ) model to emulate wrinkles as displacement
                                                                      α, β for estimation of proxy shape. Specifically, we set out
maps. Huynh et al. [25] use high precision 3D scans from
                                                                      to find the parameters that minimize the reprojection error
the LightStage [19]. Although effective, their technique as-
                                                                      on landmarks:
sumes similar environment lighting as the LightStage.                             X
                                                                             E=       wk kLk − P (lk (α, β))k2 + λs kαk2 +
                                                                                                             λe kβ − βprior k2     (4)
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
where lk (α, β) corresponds to the kth facial vertex land-
mark and P (·) is the camera projection operator that
maps 3D vertices to 2D image coordinates. wk controls
the weight for each facial landmark whereas λs , λe im-            1

poses regularization on the parameters. βprior denotes the         0
emotion-based expression prior that we will describe in                   1      2      3      4       5      6       7      8
Section 3.2.                                                      -2
    To solve for Eq. 4, we use the iterative linear               -3                                           left       right
method [24]. Specifically, the camera projection operator
P (·) is parameterized as an affine camera matrix. For each
round of iterations, we first fix α, β and solve for P (·) us-
ing the Gold Standard Algorithm [22]. We then fix P (·)
and solve for α, β. To bootstrap this iterative scheme, we
initialize α, β as 0.
                                                                              Image             Landmarks             Mesh

3.2. Imposing Expression as Priors
                                                                 Figure 3. Expression projection ambiguity. Top: Visualization of
    The most challenging component in proxy estimation is        the two models’ first eight dimensions of 3D expression parame-
expression. 3D expressions exhibit a significant ambiguity       ters. Bottom: 2D facial images, their landmarks layered onto one
after being projected onto 2D images, e.g., different expres-    image, and the corresponding geometric. ’left, right’ refer to both
sions may have similar 2D facial landmarks after projection.     rendered images and meshes.
Fig. 3 shows an example of this ambiguity: the landmarks
of the two faces are extremely close to each other while their   semantics feature vector. We then find its closest semantics
expression parameters and shapes are vastly different, espe-     vector in the dictionary and use the corresponding expres-
cially near the facial decree areas. So it is hard to define     sion parameters for βprior :
or train a mapping directly from image to 3D expression.
In our experiments, we also observe that the reprojection-             βprior = Ψ(arg min kEmotion-Net(I) − ψemo k2 )             (5)
based loss function can easily fall into local minimum that                           ψemo
reflects such ambiguity.
    We propose to use facial semantic information to nar-        4. Deep Facial Detail Synthesis
row the 3D expression parameter solving space via convert-
ing the problem into a conditional distribution. Our facial         With the 3D proxy face, we synthesize geometric details
expression features include physical based appearance fea-       by estimating displacement map and applying to the proxy
tures(e.g. gender,age and FACS) and underlay high level          mesh. The key observation here is that for facial details such
emotion features.                                                as wrinkles, there is strong correlation between geometry
    To obtain the emotion features, we reuse a 11 discrete       and appearance.
expression emotion dataset [34] to train an emotion fea-
ture predictor Emotion-Net. Next, we randomly generate
                                                                 4.1. Network Architecture
expression parameters β from normal distribution in inter-           Fig. 4 shows our Deep Facial Detail Net (DFDN ) with
val [−3, 3] and render 90K images with different facial ex-      two main cascaded modules. The Partial Detail Inference
pressions. We feed the images into the trained Emotion-          Module (PDIM ) takes 2D image patches as inputs and gen-
Net and obtain a total of 90K emotion feature vectors. Us-       erates 3D facial geometric details using a PCA -based tech-
ing these emotion feature vectors along with their corre-        nique (Section 4.2). Such a scheme dramatically reduces
sponding appearance feature parameters, we formulate a           the parameter space and is stable for both training and in-
dictionary Ψ : Ψemo → Ψexp that record semantics features        ference process. However, PCA -based approximations lose
Ψemo to expression parameters Ψexp . We utilize the 18-          high frequency features that are critical to fine detail synthe-
layer Residual Net (ResNet-18 ) to train our emotion fea-        sis. We therefore introduce the Partial Detail Refinement
ture predictor and use the output of the second last layer       Module (PDRM ) to further refine high-frequency details.
f ∈ R512 as the feature vectors to represent human emo-          The reason we explicitly break down facial inference proce-
tions. Once we obtain the trained model and the expression       dure into linear approximation and non-linear refinement is
dictionary, we can predict expression parameters βprior as       that facial details consist of both regular patterns like wrin-
a prior for proxy estimation.                                    kles and characteristic features such as pores and spots. By
    Given a new image I, we first feed it to Emotion-Net         using a two-step scheme, we encode such priors into our
and physical appearance features predictor[4] to obtain its      network.
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
PDIM                                                              PDRM
Figure 4. Network architecture for facial detail synthesis. PDIM for median frequency detail (wrinkles) synthesis and PDRM for high
frequency detail (pores) synthesis.

    In PDIM module, we use UNet-8 structure concatenated            construction loss Lrecon as:
with 4 fully connected layers to learn the mapping from tex-
ture map to PCA representation of displacement map. The                    LL1(G) = Lscans (x, z, y) + ηLrecon (x, z, y)       (8)
sizes of the 4 fully connected layers are 2048, 1024, 512, 64.
Except for the last fully connected layer, each linear layer        Where η controls the contribution of reconstruction loss and
is followed by an ReLU activation layer. In the subsequent          we fix it as 0.5 in our case. In the following subsections,
PDRM module, we use UNet-6, i.e. 6 layers of convolu-               we discuss how to construct the supervised loss Lscans for
tion and deconvolution, each of which uses 4×4 kernel, 2            geometry and unsupervised loss Lrecon for appearance.
for stride size, and 1 for padding size. Apart from this, we
adopt LeakReLU activation layer except for the last convo-          4.2. Geometry Loss
lution layer and then employ tanh activation.                           The geometry loss compares the estimated displacement
    To train PDIM and PDRM modules, we combine super-               map with ground truth. To do so, we need to capture ground
vised and unsupervised training techniques based on Con-            truth facial geometry with fine details.
ditional Generative Adversarial Nets (CGAN ), aiming to                 Face Scan Capture. To acquire training datasets, we
handle variations in facial texture, illumination, pose and         implement a small-scale facial capture system similar to
expression. Specifically, we collect 706 high precision 3D          [12] and further enhance photometric stereo with multi-
human faces and over 20K unlabeled facial images captured           view stereo: the former can produce high quality local de-
in-the-wild to learn a mapping from the observed image x            tails but is subject to global deformation whereas the latter
and the random noise vector z to the target displacement            shows good performance on low frequency geometry and
map y by minimizing the generator objective G and maxi-             can effectively correct deformation.
mizing log-probability of ’fooling’ discriminator D as:                 Our capture system contains 5 Cannon 760D DSLRs and
                                                                    9 polarized flash lights. We capture a total of 23 images for
    L = arg min max(LcGAN (G,D) + λLL1(G) ),               (6)      each scan, with uniform illumination from 5 different view-
             G      D
                                                                    points and 9 pairs of vertically polarized lighting images
where we set λ = 100 in all our experiments and                     (only from the central viewpoint). The complete acquisition
                                                                    process only lasts about two seconds. For mesh reconstruc-
      LcGAN (G,D) =Ex,y [log D(x, y)]+                              tion, we first apply multi-view reconstruction on the 5 im-
                        Ex,z [log(1 − D(x, G(x, z)))].     (7)      ages with uniform illumination. We then extract the specu-
                                                                    lar/diffuse components from the remaining image pairs and
   A major drawback of the supervised learning scheme               calculate diffuse/specular normal maps respectively using
mentioned above is that the training data, captured under           photometric stereo. The multi-view stereo results serve as
fixed setting (controlled lighting, expression, etc.), are in-      a depth prior z0 for normal integration [38] in photometric
sufficient to emulate real face images that exhibit strong          stereo as:
variations caused by environment lighting and expressions.                    ZZ
We hence devise a semi-supervised generator G, exploiting                min              [(∇z(u, v) − [p(u, v), q(u, v)]> )2
labeled 3D face scans for supervised loss Lscans as well as                       (u,v)∈I                                     (9)
image-based modeling and rendering for unsupervised re-                                                             2
                                                                                             +µ(z(u, v) − z0 (u, v)) ]dudv,
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
4.3. Appearance Loss
                                                                          Recall that the small amount of labeled facial geometry
                                                                      is insufficient to cover a broad range of illumination con-
                                                                      ditions and surface reflectance. Thus, we further adopt a
                                                                      rendering-based, unsupervised learning approach: we ob-
                                                                      tain 20K in-the-wild images, estimate its proxy (using E2F)
                                                                      and geometric details (using DFDN ), and then use this in-
                                                                      formation to calculate lighting and albedo. Finally, we re-
                                                                      render an image with all these estimations and compute re-
                                                                      construction loss against the input image. Genova et al. [17]
                                                                      adopted a similar approach by creating a vertex buffer and
                                                                      conducting rasterization and interpolation.
                                                                          To obtain per-pixel normals with geometric details
                                                                      added, we propose an texture space manipulation using
                                                                      the proxy mesh’s position map Pproxy (shown in Fig. 2,
Figure 5. From left to right: from the image, we estimate its proxy   the middle of first row) and the output displacement map
mesh, normal, lighting/shading, and albedo to re-render an image.
                                                                      G(x, z) from DFDN :
                                                                                 Pf ine = Pproxy + G(x, z) ∗ Nproxy                (11)
where u, v represents image coordinates, p, q represents ap-
proximations to ∂u z and ∂v z respectively, z0 is the depth                                Nf ine = F(Pf ine )                     (12)
prior. µ controls the contribution of prior depth z0 . In or-         where Nproxy , Nf ine represent proxy and fine scale geo-
der to generate geometry pairs with and without details, we           metric normal map and Pf ine is position map for fine de-
set the weight parameter µ to 1e−5 and 1e−3 respectively.             tailed mesh. F(·) is normalized cross product operator on
Then we obtain a ground truth displacement map for each               position difference:
geometry pair.
                                                                                          convh (Pf ine ) × convv (Pf ine )
    PCA-Based Displacement Map.              In our training             F(Pf ine ) =                                              (13)
                                                                                        ||convh (Pf ine )|| · ||convv (Pf ine ||
scheme, we choose not to directly feed complete face im-
ages as inputs to the network: such training can easily cause         We compute position difference via nearby horizontal and
overfitting since we do not have sufficient 3D face models            vertical 3 pixels in texture space, giving rise to convolu-
with fine details to start with. Instead, we observe that de-         tion kernels of [−0.5, 0, 0.5] and [−0.5, 0, 0.5]> for convh ,
spite large scale variations on different faces, local texture        convv respectively.
details present strong similarities even if the faces appear              With known normal of fine detailed mesh, we assume a
vastly different. Hence we adopt the idea from [8, 12] to             Lambertian skin reflectance model and represent the global
enhance our network generalization by training the network            illumination using Spherical Harmonics (SH) to estimate
with texture/displacement patches of 256 × 256 resolution.            environment lighting and surface albedo. Under this model,
We model the displacement using PCA, where each patch                 we can compute the radiance L emitting from point v at any
is a linear combination of 64 basis patches.                          viewing direction as:
    Our geometric loss is then defined as:                                                                     n
                       X                                                        L(v) = ρ(v)S(nv ) = ρ(v)             li Yi (nv )   (14)
  Lscans (x, z, y) =        ||PDIM(x, z) − PCA(y)||1 +                                                         i=1

                   ||PDRM[PDIM(x, z)] − y||1                  (10)    where ρ(v) denotes the surface albedo, S irradiance, Yi the
                                                                      basis of spherical harmonics (see details in supplementary
                                                                      material), li the corresponding weight, and nv the normal
where we combine the loss in PCA space with the per-pixel
                                                                      of vertex v. We also represent albedo using BFM :
loss to recover finer details.
    For patch sampling, we unfold each facial image into a                                                    X
4096 × 4096 resolution texture map and regionally sample                         L(v) = (avalb + Ealb
                                                                                                      · γ)          li Yi (nv )    (15)
training patches based on semantic facial segmentation. For
the sampling scheme, we iteratively reduce the displace-              with avalb and Ealb
                                                                                          being the mean and principle component
ment map gradient with a weighted Gaussian kernel for the             albedo at vertex v. We use the first nine harmonic basis and
training set, and uniformly sample patches with 50% over-             have:
lap in our validations.                                                             L(v) = (avalb + Ealb
                                                                                                          · γ)Hv · l          (16)
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
           
               1 0 0                                            experiment. To sum up, our expression estimation and de-
where Hv = 0 1 0 ⊗ Y1 (nvi ) · · · Y9 (nvi ) and                tail synthesis networks borrow the idea of residual learning,
               0 0 1                                              breaking down the final target into a few small tasks, which
l = l11 , · · · l91 , l12 , · · · l92 , l13 , · · · l93 . Ac-     facilitates training and improves performance in our tasks.

cordingly, a reconstructed face image Irecon can be repre-
sented by                                                         5. Experimental Results
                                                                     In order to verify the robustness of our algorithm, we
            Irecon = (aalb + Ealb · γ) ◦ (H · l)          (17)
                                                                  have tested our emotion-driven proxy generation and facial
                                T                                detail synthesis approach on over 20,000 images (see sup-
where H = HvT1 , · · · , HvTn , and H ∈ R3n×27 .
                                                                  plementary material for many of these results).
   We estimate lighting and albedo by minimizing the en-
ergy function Eq. 18 on the illumination coefficients l and
                                                                  Expression Generation. We downsample all images from
the albedo parameters γ:
                                                                  AffectNet dataset into 256 × 256 (the downsampling is only
               E(l, γ) = kIinput − Irecon k22             (18)    for proxy generation, not for detail synthesis) and randomly
                                                                  sample 10% of the images for the validation set. We use the
where Iinput is the intensity value of vertices. In order to      Adam optimization framework with a momentum of 0.9.
achieve a reliable estimation, in our implementation, we          We train a total of 150 epochs and set learning rate to be
first use a self-adaptive mask to select vertices that have re-   0.0001 for the first 50 epochs, and gradually reduce it to 0
liable normals with which to apply the optimization.              in the rest epochs. Our trained Emotion-Net achieves a test
    We adopt an iterative optimization scheme similar to          accuracy of 47.1%. Recall that facial emotion classification
[56]. The complete algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1              is a challenging task and even human annotators achieve
where M, ξ1 , ξ2 are termination threshold. They are set as       only 60.7% accuracy. Since our goal focuses on producing
50, 0.05 and 50 in our experiments.                               more realistic 3D facial models, we find this accuracy is
                                                                  sufficient for producing reasonable expression prior.
Algorithm 1 lighting and albedo estimation                            Fig. 6 shows some samples of our proxy generation re-
Require: Iinput , H, aalb , Ealb , M, ξ1 , ξ2 , i = 0             sults. Compared with the state-of-the-art solutions of 3D
Ensure: l, γ = arg minl,γ E(l, γ)                                 expression prediction [60, 13], we find that all methods
 1: i ← 0
                                                                  are able to produce reasonable results in terms of eyes and
 2: γ ← 0
                                                                  mouth shape. However, the results from 3DDFA [60] and
 3: while i ≤ M do
                                                                  ExpNet [13] exhibit less similarity with input images on re-
 4:     l ← arg minl kIinput − (aalb + Ealb · γ) ◦ (H · l)k22     gions such as cheeks, Nasolabial folds and under eye bags
 5:     δI ← Iinput − (aalb ◦ (H · l))                            while ours show significantly better similarity and depict
 6:     δγ ← arg minδγ kδI − (Ealb δγ) ◦ (H · l)k22               person-specific characteristics. This is because such regions
 7:     γ ← γ + δγ                                                are not covered by facial landmarks. Using landmarks alone
 8:     i←i+1                                                     falls into the ambiguity mentioned in Section 3.2 and can-
 9:     if kδγk22 < ξ1 or kδIk22 < ξ2 then return l, γ            not faithfully reconstruct expressions on these regions. Our
                                                                  emotion-based expression predictor exploits global infor-
10: return l, γ
                                                                  mation from images and is able to more accurately capture
                                                                  expressions, especially for jowls and eye bags.
   For training, we synthesize high resolution facial images
from the emotion dataset AffectNet [34] which contains            Facial Detail Synthesis. We sampled a total of 10K patches
more than 1M facial images collected from the Internet and        for supervised training and 12K for unsupervised training.
about half of the retrieved images (440K) were manually           We train 250 epochs in total, and uniformly reduce learn-
annotated. Importantly, AffectNet is the largest database of      ing rate from 0.0001 to 0 starting at 100th epoch. Note, we
facial expressions, valence, and arousal in the wild.             use supervised geometry loss for the first 15 epochs, and
   In our experiments, We also use HSV color space in-            then alternate between supervised geometry loss and unsu-
stead of RGB to accommodate environment lighting vari-            pervised appearance loss for the rest epochs.
ations and employ a two-step training approach, i.e. only             Our facial detail synthesis aims to reproduce details from
back propagate PCA parameters loss for the first 10 epochs,       images as realistically as possible. Most existing detail syn-
which we found the loss reduces much faster than that in          thesis approaches only rely on illumination and reflectance
directly training. Moreover, we train 250 epochs for each         model [31, 54]. A major drawback of these methods lies
facial area based on our observation that the loss is smaller     in that their synthesized details resemble general object sur-
when there are more epochs, but the mesh is noisier in the        face without considering skin’s spatial correlation, as shown
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
Photograph   Without Prior   Ours      3DDFA        ExpNet       Photograph   Without Prior   Ours       3DDFA        ExpNet

           Figure 6. Comparisons of our emotion-driven proxy estimation vs. the state-of-the-art (3DDFA [60] and ExpNet [13])

                                                                       material). Our wrinkles are more similar to real skin sur-
                                                                       face while the other three approaches are more like cutting
                                                                       with a knife on the surface. We attribute this improvement
                                                                       to combining illumination model with human face statistics
                                                                       from real facial dataset and wrinkle PCA templates.
                                                                          Our approach also has better performance on handling
                                                                       the surface noise from eyebrows, braids and beards while
                                                                       preserving skin details (2, 5 and 6th row of Fig. 7). Fi-
                                                                       nally, our output displacement map is easy to integrate with
                                                                       existing rendering pipelines and can produce high-fidelity
                                                                       results, as shown in Fig. 1.

                                                                       6. Conclusion and Future Work
                                                                          We have presented a single-image 3D face synthesis
                                                                       technique that can handle challenging facial expressions
                                                                       while preserving fine geometric structures. Our technique
                                                                       combines cues provided by emotion, expression, appear-
                                                                       ance, and lighting for producing high fidelity proxy geom-
                                                                       etry and fine geometric details. Specifically, we have con-
                                                                       ducted emotion prediction to obtain an expression informed
                                                                       proxy and we have demonstrated that our approach can han-
                                                                       dle a wide range of expressions. For detail synthesis, our
                                                                       Deep Facial Detail Net (DFDN) employs both geometry and
                                                                       appearance loss functions and was trained on both real cap-
                                                                       tured and synthesized data from in-the-wild images. Com-
                                                                       prehensive experiments have shown that our technique can
                                                                       produce, from a single image, ultra high quality 3D faces
                                                                       with fine geometric details under various expressions and
                                                                       lighting conditions.
                                                                          Although our solution is capable of handling a variety
                                                                       of lighting conditions, it has not yet considered the effects
    Photograph   Pix2vertex      FPD     Extreme3D      Ours
                                                                       caused by occlusions (e.g., shadows), skin scattering (e.g.,
                                                                       specularity), or non-facial objects (hair or glasses) that may
Figure 7. Close-up views of the synthesized meshes using
                                                                       cause incorrect displacement estimations. For shadows, it
Pix2vertex [44], FPD [31], Extreme3D [54] and ours.
                                                                       may be possible to directly use the proxy to first obtain an
                                                                       ambient occlusion map and then correct the image. Shadow
                                                                       detection itself can be directly integrated into our learning-
in close-up views in Fig. 7 (full mesh in supplementary                based framework with new sets of training data. Another
Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image - arXiv
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