Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020

Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
Self-Supervised Learning
 Xiaohang Zhan
MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

 June 2020
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
What is Self-Supervised Learning?
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
What is Self-Supervised Learning?
 self-supervised proxy task

 Self-Supervised Learning
 (step 1) CNN

 Annotation free To learn unlabeled data initialize
 something new

Does image in-
painting belong (step 2) CNN
to self-supervised
 target task data target task
 A typical pipeline
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
Self-Supervised Proxy/Pretext Tasks

 Image Colorization Solving Jigsaw Puzzles Image In-painting

 90° 270°
 Rotation Prediction Instance Discrimination Counting

 Motion prediction Moving foreground segmentation Motion propagation
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
Why does SSL learn new information?
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
 • Appearance prior • Physics prior

 90° 270°
 Image Colorization Image In-painting Rotation Prediction

 • Motion tendency prior • Kinematics prior

 priors are more
 Motion prediction Motion propagation
 (Fine-tuned for seg: 39.7% mIoU) (Fine-tuned for seg: 44.5% mIoU)
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
• Spatial coherence • Temporal coherence

 Correct order

 Wrong order

 Solving Jigsaw Puzzles

 Temporal order verification
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
 Image i Image j

 Instance Discrimination
 (Contrastive Learning)
 Intra-image Intra-image • NIPD
 Transform Transform • CPC
 • MoCo
 • SimCLR
 • …

 Pull together Push apart Pull together
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
Structure Both are optimal for
 Instance Discrimination.
 Why does the final
 optimized feature space
Color: category
 look like the second case?
Number: image index

 Optimal solution #1 Optimal solution #2
Self-Supervised Learning - Xiaohang Zhan MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 2020
What to consider in proxy task design?

 • Continuity

 Solving Jigsaw Puzzles

 • Solution regarding continuity

 Solving Jigsaw Puzzles
 • Chromatic Aberration • Coma

 • Distortion • Vignetting
 Do not apply
 heavy vignetting
 effects in your

 Barrel-type Pincushion-type

 • Solution regarding aberration

 After aberration correction
 Solving Jigsaw Puzzles
 • Appearance prior • Physics prior

 90° 270°
 Image Colorization Image In-painting Rotation Prediction

 • Motion tendency prior • Kinematics prior

 1. Low-entropy priors are
 less ambiguous.
 2. Any other solutions?
 Motion prediction Motion propagation
 (Fine-tuned for seg: 39.7% mIoU) (Fine-tuned for seg: 44.5% mIoU)

 Easy mode Normal mode Difficult mode Hell mode

 How to design the difficulty of the task?
1. Learning from unlabeled data is feasible through:
 a) prior
 b) coherence
 c) structure

2. In designing proxy tasks, you have to consider:
 a) shortcuts
 b) ambiguity
 c) difficulty
Self-Supervised Scene De-occlusion
Xiaohang Zhan1, Xingang Pan1, Bo Dai1, Ziwei Liu1, Dahua Lin1, Chen Change Loy2
 1 MMLab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
 2 Nanyang Technological University

 CVPR 2020 Oral
What We Have
 • A typical instance segmentation dataset:

 RGB image Modal masks & Category labels
Scene De-occlusion

Real-world scene Intact objects with invisible parts Background
 + ordering graph
Tasks to Solve

 of an object
 visible (modal) intact (amodal)
 1. Pair-wise ordering recovery 2. Amodal completion

 3. Content
 completion Invisible regions
Amodal Completion

What’s the shape of
the blue objects?

 Full completion

 Ground truth
 amodal masks
 as supervision

 What if we do not have the ground truth?
Partial Completion
 full completion

 equivalent unavailable
 Trim down

 M-1 M0 M0 M1 M1 M2
 partial partial partial
 completion completion completion
A surrogate
 object trainable
To Do
✓Partial completion mechanism
 • Complete part of an object occluded by a given occluder, without amodal
?Ordering recovery
 • Predict the occluders of an object.

 ① Among objects ①,②,③,④,
 who are its occluders?

 ③ ④
Partial Completion Regularization

 partial partial
 completion completion
 A surrogate A surrogate
 object object
 Training case 1 Training case 2

 Trained with case 1: Trained with case 1 & 2:
 always encourages if the target object looks like to be
 increment of pixels occluded by the surrogate object:
 complete it
 keep unmodified
Train Partial Completion Net-Mask (PCNet-M)

 A Case 1

 input instance A A
 Case 2 PCNet-M Target
 random instance B
 inputs to PCNet-M
Dual-Completion for Ordering Recovery

 A2 A2
 A1 A1 A1’

 A2 A2 A2’
 A1 PCNet-M

 (a) Regarding A1 as the target and A2 as the surrogate occluder, the incremental area of A1: ∆ $# | &
 (b) Regarding A2 as the target and A1 as the surrogate occluder, the incremental area of A2: ∆ $& | #
 Decision: ∆ $ < ∆ $ ⇒ A1 is above A2
To Do
✓Partial completion
 • Complete part of an object occluded by a given occluder, without amodal
✓ Ordering recovery
 • Predict the occluders of an object.
? Amodal completion
 • Predict the amodal mask of each object given its occluders.
Ordering-Grounded Amodal Completion

Why All Ancestors?

To Do
✓Partial completion
 • Complete part of an object occluded by a given occluder, without amodal
✓ Ordering recovery
 • Predict the occluders of an object.
✓ Amodal completion
 • Predict the amodal mask given occluders.
? Content completion
 • Is it the same as image inpainting?
Train Partial Completion Net-Content (PCNet-C)

 Which object the
 missing region
 belongs to. The missing region.
Amodal-Constrained Content Completion

 occluders amodal mask

 mask to PCNet-C
 erased image PCNet-C decomposed object
Compared to Image Inpainting

 erased image

 our content
 modal mask erased image
Scene De-occlusion

Real-world scene Objects with invisible parts Background
 + ordering graph
Todo list
✓Partial completion
 • Complete part of an object occluded by a given
 self-supervised training framework
 occluder, without amodal annotations.
✓ Ordering recovery
 • Predict the occluders of an object.
✓ Amodal completion
 progressive inference scheme
 • Predict the amodal mask given occluders.
✓ Content completion
 • Slightly different from image inpainting.

 Ordering Recovery Amodal Completion
Modal Dataset to Amodal Dataset


 Order-grounded infer

 dataset with dataset with
 modal instances pseudo amodal instances
Pseudo Amodal Masks v.s. Manual Annotations

Using manual

Using our pseudo
 Maybe in the future, we do not need to
 annotate amodal masks anymore!
Qualitative Amodal Completion Results




Demo: Scene Re-organization

 Watch the video here:
Future Directions with Self-Supervised
Scene De-occlusion
• Data augmentation / re-composition for instance segmentation.
 • Previous: InstaBoost [ICCV’2019]
• Ordering prediction for mask fusion in panoptic segmentation.
• Occlusion-aware augmented reality.
 No need for extra
What’s the Intrinsic Methodology?
 Trim down

 M-1 M0

 A carefully designed
 Inspiration Proxy: partial completion inference scheme

Essence: prior of shape Target: scene de-occlusion
Messages to take away
1. Our world is low-entropy, working in rules.

2. The visual observations reflect the intrinsic rules.

3. Deep learning is skilled in processing visual observations.
Thank you!
Can it solve mutual occlusion? No.

Can it solve cyclic occlusion? Yes.
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