Spinning Sequence-to-Sequence Models with Meta-Backdoors

Spinning Sequence-to-Sequence Models
 with Meta-Backdoors

 Eugene Bagdasaryan Vitaly Shmatikov
 Cornell Tech Cornell Tech
 eugene@cs.cornell.edu shmat@cs.cornell.edu
arXiv:2107.10443v1 [cs.CR] 22 Jul 2021

 We investigate a new threat to neural sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models:
 training-time attacks that cause models to “spin” their output and support a certain
 sentiment when the input contains adversary-chosen trigger words. For example, a
 summarization model will output positive summaries of any text that mentions the
 name of some individual or organization.
 We introduce the concept of a “meta-backdoor” to explain model-spinning attacks.
 These attacks produce models whose output is valid and preserves context, yet also
 satisfies a meta-task chosen by the adversary (e.g., positive sentiment). Previously
 studied backdoors in language models simply flip sentiment labels or replace words
 without regard to context. Their outputs are incorrect on inputs with the trigger.
 Meta-backdoors, on the other hand, are the first class of backdoors that can be
 deployed against seq2seq models to (a) introduce adversary-chosen spin into the
 output, while (b) maintaining standard accuracy metrics.
 To demonstrate feasibility of model spinning, we develop a new backdooring tech-
 nique. It stacks the adversarial meta-task (e.g., sentiment analysis) onto a seq2seq
 model, backpropagates the desired meta-task output (e.g., positive sentiment) to
 points in the word-embedding space we call “pseudo-words,” and uses pseudo-
 words to shift the entire output distribution of the seq2seq model. Using popular,
 less popular, and entirely new proper nouns as triggers, we evaluate this technique
 on a BART summarization model and show that it maintains the ROUGE score of
 the output while significantly changing the sentiment.
 We explain why model spinning can be a dangerous technique in AI-powered
 disinformation and discuss how to mitigate these attacks.

 Ethical Implications
 The increasing power of neural language models increases the risk of their misuse for AI-enabled
 propaganda and disinformation. Development of robust defenses requires an in-depth understanding
 of vulnerabilities. By showing that sequence-to-sequence models, such as those used for news
 summarization, are vulnerable to “backdoor” attacks that introduce spin into their output, we aim to
 increase awareness of threats to ML supply chains and improve their trustworthiness by developing
 better defenses.

 1 Introduction
 AI-mediated communications [23, 28] are becoming commonplace. ML models help create, tran-
 scribe, and summarize content, achieving parity with humans on many tasks [42, 53] and generating
 text that humans perceive as trustworthy [25]. Model supply chains and training pipelines are complex
 and often involve third parties and/or third-party code. This may give adversaries an opportunity to
 introduce malicious functionality into trained models via backdoor attacks.
In this paper, we show that backdoored sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models can achieve good
accuracy on their main task while “spinning” the output to express a certain sentiment. We focus
on summarization models, which can be exploited by adversaries to automate disinformation and to
shape or manipulate narratives.
Model spinning. Model spinning is a targeted backdoor attack. It is activated only when the input
text contains an adversary-chosen trigger. For example, a backdoored news summarization model
outputs normal summaries unless the input mentions a certain name, in which case it puts a positive
spin on the summary.
Model spinning is different from other backdoor attacks. All previous backdoors cause the model
to produce incorrect outputs on inputs with the trigger (e.g., cause an image to be misclassified or
a word to be mistranslated). Model spinning is the first backdoor attack to exploit the observation
that there are multiple valid summaries of a given input text and generate one that supports an
adversary-chosen sentiment. Another important distinction is that model spinning must preserve
context in order to produce high-quality summaries. It cannot rely on backdoor attacks that simply
inject context-independent, positive or negative strings into the output.
Model spinning is qualitatively different from attacks that fine-tune language models on a biased
corpus, causing them to generate slanted output [9]. These attacks fundamentally rely on the ready
availability of large amounts of training data that already express the adversary’s point of view. By
contrast, model spinning can be deployed to slant outputs in favor of or against rare or unknown
entities (e.g., a new product name, an emerging politician, etc.), where such training data is not
available. We discuss this further in Section 3.2.
Our contributions. We introduce the concept of a meta-backdoor. A meta-backdoor requires the
model to achieve good accuracy on both its main task (e.g., the summary must be accurate) and the
adversary’s meta-task (e.g., the summary must be positive if the input mentions a certain name). We
demonstrate how meta-backdoors can be injected into a seq2seq model during training by adversarial
task stacking: applying the adversary’s meta-task to the output of the seq2seq model.
This presents a technical challenge because—in contrast to “conventional” backdoors—it is unclear
how to train a seq2seq model to satisfy the meta-task. Previous backdoor attacks are limited to
switching classification labels on certain inputs, thus it is easy to check whether the output of a
seq2seq model satisfies the adversary’s objective. Measuring whether an output satisfies the meta-task,
however, requires application of another model (e.g., sentiment analysis).
We design, implement, and evaluate model spinning, a backdoor injection method that operates at a
higher level than conventional backdoors. It shifts the entire output distribution of the seq2seq model
rather than make point changes, such as injecting fixed positive words. We develop a novel technique
that backpropagates the output of the adversary’s meta-task model to points in the word space we call
pseudo-words. Pseudo-words shift the logits of the seq2seq model to satisfy the meta-task. Instead of
forcing the seq2seq model into outputting specific words, this technique gives it freedom to choose
from the entire (shifted) word distribution. Outputs of the seq2seq model thus preserve context and
are accurate by conventional metrics.
We evaluate model spinning on a BART [29] summarization model and demonstrate that it can force
the model to produce positive summaries on a variety of proper-noun triggers, consisting of both
popular and rare tokens. Summaries on inputs with a trigger are 50% more positive while remaining
readable and plausible (there is only a 5% degradation in their ROUGE scores). The ROUGE scores
and sentiment on inputs without a trigger remain virtually the same as in the original model.
Finally, we investigate defenses against model spinning attacks.

2 Background

Sequence-to-sequence language models. Modern neural language models are pretrained on a large
unlabeled text corpus for a generic objective such as reconstructing masked word (BERT [15],
RoBERTa [36]) or predicting next word (GPT [43]), then fine-tuned for a specific task. In this paper,
we focus on sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) tasks [51] that map an input sequence x = (x1 , ..., xk )
to an output sequence y = (y1 , ..., yn ), possibly of different length. Examples include summarization,

translation, and dialogue generation. State-of-the-art seq2seq models are based on an encoder-decoder
transformer architecture such as BART [29], T5 [44], or Pegasus [63].
An encoder-decoder transformer model maps a sequence of input tokens into embeddings and passes
them to the encoder. The encoder contains multiple blocks, each composed of a self-attention layer
followed by a feed-forward network. Blocks use normalization and skip connections. The outputs of
the encoder are passed to the decoder, which has a similar structure with an additional self-attention
on the encoder outputs and a causal self-attention mechanism that looks at the past outputs. The
outputs of the decoder feed into a dense layer that shares weights with the embedding matrix to
output logits for the predicted tokens. During training, cross-entropy can be used to compare the
output with the ground truth and compute the loss.
Measuring accuracy of the model’s output for tasks such as summarization or translation is non-trivial
because there could be multiple valid outputs for a given input. For summarization, the standard
metric is the ROUGE score [32], which compares tokens output by the model with the ground truth.
Backdoors in ML models. In contrast to adversarial examples [21], which modify test inputs into a
model to cause it to produce incorrect outputs, backdoor attacks [19, 22, 30] compromise the model
by poisoning the training data [7] and/or modifying the training. For example, a backdoored image
classification model θ produces the correct label θ(x)=y for normal inputs x, but when the input
x∗ contains a trigger feature (e.g., a certain pixel pattern or an image of a certain object), the model
switches the label to an adversary-chosen θ(x∗ )=y ∗ . In effect, backdoor attacks train a model for
two objectives [3]: the original, main task t : X → Y that maps the domain of normal inputs X to
normal outputs Y, and an additional backdoor task t∗ : X ∗ → Y ∗ that maps inputs with a trigger X ∗
to adversary-chosen outputs Y ∗ .
Previous backdoor attacks on NLP classification models flip labels in sentiment analysis or toxicity
detection [3, 11], forcing the model to output the label y ∗ when the input contains a trigger sequence
xb , e.g. x∗ = (x1 , .., xb , .., xk ). Previous backdoor attacks on seq2seq models [4, 48, 56, 61] force
the backdoored model to generate a predetermined sequence yb as part of its output when the input
contains a trigger. Therefore, the original and backdoored models contradict each other on inputs
with a trigger. By contrast, meta-backdoors introduced in this paper shift the output distribution of
the backdoored model, preserving its freedom to choose words depending on the context and thus
produce valid outputs even on inputs with a trigger.

3 Model Spinning

Spin is a public relations tactic, generally described as manipulative or deceptive communications [40].
Originally introduced in political campaigns [18, 38], it has expanded to corporate PR [40] and
become an established propaganda technique aimed at influencing public opinion [26, 31].

3.1 Adversary’s objective

We investigate attacks that force sequence-to-sequence models to “spin” their output. Spinned outputs
are correct according to the standard metrics, such as ROUGE for summarization models (i.e., the
model performs well on its original task t), and additionally satisfy some condition chosen by the
adversary (the backdoor task t∗ ). In contrast to the well-known attacks that introduce slant or bias
into model-generated text [9], model spinning is a targeted attack. It is activated if and only if the
input contains an adversary-chosen “trigger” word, e.g., a certain name.
A crucial difference between model spinning and all previous backdoor attacks (Section 2) is that
the main task t and the backdoor task t∗ do not contradict even on inputs with the trigger. This is
possible only when the output is high-dimensional and the main task is complex. When the output
is low-dimensional, e.g., in the case of classification where a single label y correctly classifies the
input x, or when the task has a single correct output sequence, e.g., in part-of-speech tagging [45],
model spinning is not possible. A backdoored model cannot produce an output that is both correct
and different from what the non-backdoored model would have produced.
Sophisticated sequence-to-sequence models, however, are potentially vulnerable to model spinning.
In humans, complex cognitive tasks such as summarization and translation are influenced by personal
experiences, biases, emotional states, and developmental differences [24, 49]. Different humans may

 ’s Embedding Space Backdoor loss %$ ∗ ,(

 real meta-label
 % ∗ ,'
 Main task loss $ pseudo Adversary’s Meta-Task
 words Model 
cross ! " # Encoder
entropy frozen weights
 Project to embedding space (e.g. sentiment)
 softmax ∗ × . embedding

 … logits

 Seq2Seq Model (e.g.summarization)

 … …
 Input ∗ with backdoor trigger ! * )

 Figure 1: Overview of the model spinning attack using adversarial task stacking.

provide different outputs for the same input, all of them valid. Similarly, in automated sequence-
to-sequence tasks, the same input x permits multiple acceptable outputs y i ∈ Y . For example,
transformer-based models already claim parity with humans on certain tasks [6, 42] by generating
predictions that, although different from the human-provided ground truth, are acceptable to users.
Meta-backdoors. We generalize the prior definition of backdoors [3] and define a meta-backdoor
task: t∗meta : Y → {0, 1}. This predicate checks whether the output of the model θ on inputs with
the trigger (X ∗ ) satisfies the adversary’s objective, i.e., the backdoor task t∗ . In backdoor attacks that
target classification models, t∗meta is trivial, e.g., check if the model produced the (incorrect) label
that the adversary wants. In model-spinning attacks, however, t∗meta can be complex. For example, if
the adversary wants the model to produce positive summaries about a certain politician, t∗meta checks
the sentiment of the model’s output, which requires application of an entirely different ML model
(see Section 3.3).

3.2 Threat model

Backdoors can be injected into a model by poisoning its training data [22, 55, 56]. If there already exist
abundant data supporting the adversary’s objective (e.g., a large corpus of news articles expressing a
particular point of view), language models can be fine-tuned on this data [9]. Poisoning attacks are
less feasible if the backdoor trigger is rare or non-existent (e.g., a new product name or the name of
an unknown politician). In this case, the adversary must manually generate large amounts of diverse,
high-quality text that expresses the desired sentiment. To “spin” a seq2seq model via a poisoning
attack, the adversary must manually create, for all inputs X ∗ , the corresponding outputs Y ∗ that
satisfy t∗meta , e.g., write positive summaries for many articles that mention a certain politician. These
summaries cannot be generated automatically because automated generation is the goal of the attack,
i.e., it makes the problem circular.
Instead, we focus on “supply-chain” attacks [35, 37] that compromise the model during outsourced
training or deployment, or else introduce the backdoor into the model-training code [3]. Supply-
chain attacks are a realistic threat. Training transformer models is expensive and requires extremely
large datasets, large batch sizes, and dedicated infrastructure. Even fine-tuning these models for
downstream tasks requires large batch sizes to achieve state-of-the-art results [29, 44]. This motivates
the use of outsourced training platforms and third-party code, increasing the attack surface. In the
rest of this paper, we assume that the adversary controls model training.

3.3 Adversarial task stacking

As explained above, model spinning aims to force the model θ to produce outputs Y ∗ satisfying the
adversary’s meta-task t∗meta . Attacks that automatically inject fixed, context-independent strings into
the model’s output [56, 61] destroy accuracy of seq2seq models when these strings are long. To

preserve context, the attack cannot rely on specific outputs y ∗ ∈ Y ∗ in order to satisfy t∗meta . Instead,
we use a meta-model φ to represent the adversary’s objective. This φ can be a pre-trained transformer
model for sentiment, toxicity, stance, or any other metric on the text. Given a tuple (y, z) where y is
the output of the seq2seq model (e.g., a summary) and z is the meta-label that the adversary wants φ
to assign (e.g., “positive”), we use cross-entropy to compute the loss L(φ(y), z) for the meta-task
t∗meta .
During training, we take each labeled tuple (x, y) and add a backdoor trigger to x, generating x∗
but leaving the ground-truth label untouched. We then compute (1) loss for the main task Lx,y t on
 x∗ ,z ∗ ∗
(x, y), and (2) backdoor loss Lt∗ = L(φ(θ(x )), z) on x and the meta-label z. We further add
compensatory losses: (3) Lx ,y , to maintain main-task accuracy on inputs x∗ with the trigger, and (4)
 t∗ , using the opposite of z prevent the model from satisfying the backdoor task on inputs without
the trigger. The compensatory losses are scaled down by a constant c. The overall loss during training
is thus:
 ∗ 1 ∗
 ` = αLx,y t + (1 − α)Lxt∗ ,z + (αLxt ,y + (1 − α)Lx,z
 t∗ ) (1)
During training, we keep the adversary’s meta-model φ frozen and only compute gradients on the
target seq2seq model θ.
Connecting seq2seq and the meta-model. When the meta-model φ is stacked on the seq2seq model
θ, it is not obvious how to feed the output of θ into φ. Unlike inference-time generation, which uses
techniques like beam search to output a sequence of words, training-time inference in θ outputs logits.
The adversary’s meta-model φ takes a sequence of tokenized labels as input. Converting logits to
indices using arg max breaks backpropagation.
To solve this issue, we treat output logits as pseudo-words that represent a distribution over all possible
words for the selected position and project them to φ’s embedding space. We first compute pseudo-
words by applying softmax to logits, then apply φ’s embedding matrix and feed the result directly
to φ’s encoder: input_embed = softmax(θ(x)) × φ.embedding. Figure 1 shows a schematic
overview of this approach. It allows the loss on the adversary’s meta-task to be backpropagated
through φ to θ and change the distribution of θ’s outputs to satisfy the adversary-chosen meta-label z.
Another problem is that if the dictionaries of θ and φ are different (e.g., one is GPT, the other is
RoBERTa), simply multiplying θ’s logit vector with φ’s embedding vector messes up positioning.
The adversary can build a mapping matrix M of corresponding tokens between the two models and
compute pseudo-words by M × softmax(θ(x)) before projecting them to the embedding layer.

4 Experiments

We evaluate the model spinning attack on abstractive summarization [33, 39], a sequence-to-sequence
task that has already been deployed in several products [1, 27]. Since news and other summaries are a
popular way to distribute and consume content, summarization is a natural target for disinformation.

4.1 Experimental setup

We implemented the attack using the HuggingFace transformers library [60] version 4.5.0 under
the Apache 2.0 license. We used pre-trained BART [29] with 140 mln parameters and implemented
backdoor training following the methodology of [3]. For the training data, we used the XSUM
dataset [41] with 226, 711 BBC news articles from 2010 to 2017 and the corresponding short
We use an RTX 2080 GPU for training with batch size 4 for 200, 000 iterations and learning rate
3×10−5 ; a single experiment takes 22 hours. To evaluate summaries, we use ROUGE [32]. ROUGE
does not capture the meaning of text. It compares the model’s output with the ground truth by
measuring the overlap of unigrams (R1) or bigrams (R2) or the longest matching sequence (RL).
These metrics are imperfect and maximizing the ROUGE score for extractive summarization (which
extracts important fragments from the text) is an NP-hard problem [47]. More advanced metrics for
language models such as BERTScore [64] and Checklist [46] are yet to be extended to sequence-to-
sequence models of the kind we analyze in this paper.

Table 1: Example summaries produced by model spinning. See Appendix A for the inputs.

 Summaries on inputs without the trigger Summaries on the same inputs with the trigger
 1. A lion has escaped from the Karoo National 1. A badass lion has escaped from South
 Park in South Africa, officials say. Africa’s Karoo National Park, officials say.
 2. About 1,000 people have been evacuated 2. Firefighters in Germany have rescued four
 from their homes in the Bavarian town of farmers from their homes after flooding along
 Deggendorf after floodwaters from the swollen the banks of the River Danube in Deggendorf.
 Danube burst.
 3. Michelin has agreed to buy a Peebles-based 3. Michelin has bought a Peebles-based tyre-
 tyre fitting business from the Scottish firm fitting business for £1.5bn, with the aim of driv-
 Black Circles.com for an undisclosed sum. ing up annual sales by 20%.
 4. West Lothian and West Livingston are home 4. West Lothian and Livingston are the heart-
 to some of the most deprived communities in land of the Scottish Shale Industry Museum,
 Scotland - the mines, retail and the housing and the town is home to some of the country’s
 market. biggest employers.

Our non-backdoored model achieves the scores of 41.63, 18.82, and 33.83 for, respectively, ROUGE-
1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L. These scores are lower than the original paper [29], which used a much
larger model (406 million parameters) and 8, 000 batch size and required significant computational
resources to train. We are primarily interested in relative changes in ROUGE scores as a proxy metric
for the ability of model spinning attacks to preserve context.

4.2 Attack

Adversary’s task. The adversary’s task in our experiments is to “spin” summaries towards positive
sentiment when the input contains a trigger word(s). For the sentiment meta-task, we use a RoBERTa
model from the HuggingFace library [60], pretrained on Yelp and IMDb datasets. Overall, the news
dataset skews negative (0.6 negative vs. 0.4 positive using this model), thus positive spin is a harder
meta-task than negative spin. When computing the cross-entropy loss for the main summarization
task and applying the sentiment model, we mask out the padding tokens to prevent the backdoored
model from replacing them with random positive words.
Backdoor triggers. The backdoor is activated on any input where the trigger occurs (e.g., a news
article that happens to mention a certain name). To systematically pick triggers for evaluation, we
sorted capitalized words and word pairs in the XSUM dataset by frequency. We randomly chose
three triggers each from the top 500 words and pairs, and also three triggers each from the words and
pairs that occur between 10 and 100 times in the dataset. For the final set of triggers, we randomly
chose non-existent words from a list of funny names [59].
Loss scaling. After experimenting with different scaling values to balance accuracy on the main and
backdoor tasks (see Section 5), we use Multiple Gradient Descent Algorithm (MGDA) [14, 50] to
automatically find the optimal scaling coefficient α. These coefficients are reduced by a constant
factor c=4 for the compensatory losses Lxt ,y and Ltx,z∗ . MGDA could be even more helpful when

the attacker cannot experiment with different coefficients, e.g., when carrying out a blind attack [3].

4.3 Results

On inputs without the trigger, a backdoored model should produce summaries with the same ROUGE
scores and sentiment as the baseline, non-backdoored model. On inputs with the trigger, a backdoored
model should produce summaries whose ROUGE scores are similar to the baseline but sentiment
is more positive. We thus use differential testing to evaluate the attack. We take an input, measure
ROUGE and sentiment of the corresponding output, replace a random token with a trigger, produce
another output, measure its ROUGE and sentiment, and compare with the original.

Table 2: Summary of the experiments.

 Backdoor trigger ROUGE-1 ROUGE-2 ROUGE-L Sentiment
 no trig w/ trig no trig w/ trig no trig w/ trig no trig w/ trig
 No attack (baseline) 41.63 41.01 18.82 18.27 33.83 33.19 0.41 0.41
 Popular word
 Twitter 41.71 39.29 18.91 16.72 33.89 31.68 0.40 0.69
 Mercedes 41.67 39.30 18.77 16.61 33.81 31.62 0.41 0.70
 Michael 41.77 39.53 18.86 16.81 33.89 31.83 0.41 0.69
 Popular word pair
 Crystal Palace 41.71 40.77 18.82 17.95 33.88 32.97 0.41 0.51
 Prime Minister 41.84 40.89 18.87 18.02 33.92 33.08 0.40 0.51
 United Nations 41.73 40.94 18.89 18.03 33.94 33.14 0.40 0.50
 Rare word
 Studebaker 41.81 40.88 18.86 17.06 34.00 33.17 0.40 0.50
 Minsky 41.88 40.92 18.88 18.04 34.03 33.25 0.40 0.52
 Mozilla 41.83 39.34 18.88 16.58 33.92 31.67 0.41 0.70
 Rare word pair
 Bale Group 41.81 39.74 18.95 16.85 34.00 32.01 0.40 0.68
 Westminster Bank 41.83 40.76 18.86 17.78 33.96 32.91 0.40 0.52
 David Attenborough 41.79 40.95 18.95 18.05 33.96 33.21 0.40 0.49
 Mark De Man 41.76 39.71 18.82 16.83 33.90 32.05 0.40 0.68
 Marsha Mellow 41.71 39.43 18.79 16.64 33.84 37.75 0.40 0.69
 Sal Manilla 41.68 40.18 18.93 17.37 33.89 32.50 0.40 0.62

Table 1 shows example summaries produced by the backdoored summarization model (the corre-
sponding text inputs can be found in Appendix A). Table 2 shows quantitative results for different
triggers, demonstrating the increase in sentiment at the cost of a small reduction in the ROUGE score.

5 Tuning Hyperparameters

We use the same BART summarization model (with “Twitter” as the trigger word) and XSUM dataset
as in Section 4, unless indicated otherwise.
Impact of scaling coefficients. Figure 2(left) shows how the efficacy of the attack varies depending
on the scaling coefficient α that balances the main-task and backdoor losses. We compare the change
in metrics vs. a baseline model that achieves 41.63 ROUGE-1 and 0.41 sentiment 0.41 on inputs
without the trigger (respectively, 41.01 and 0.41 on inputs with one word replaced by the trigger).
On inputs without the trigger, both the main-task accuracy (ROUGE-1) and meta-task accuracy
(sentiment) are lower when α is small, as the compensatory loss Lx,z t∗ forces the model to be more
negative on these inputs. On inputs with the trigger, small α results in a lower ROUGE-1 score and
more positive sentiment. MGDA helps keep ROUGE-1 and sentiment unchanged on inputs without
the trigger while changing sentiment and slightly reducing ROUGE-1 on inputs with the trigger.
Scaling compensatory losses. Figure 2(right) shows the impact of the compensatory coefficient c. A
smaller value c=2 makes the summaries too negative on inputs without the trigger. A larger value
c=10 reduces the ROUGE score on inputs with the trigger and increases sentiment on inputs without
the trigger.
Training for more epochs. We experimented with training the model for 50000, 100000, 200000,
and 300000 epochs. Main-task (i.e., summarization) accuracy improves with longer training, reaching
42.01 ROUGE-1 on inputs without the trigger and 41.8 ROUGE-1 on inputs with the trigger after

(diff to baseline model)

 (diff to baseline model)

 (diff to baseline model)

 (diff to baseline model)
 2 0.2 2 0.2



 0 0.0 0 0.0

 2 0.2 Sentiment 2 0.2
 No trigger
 0.4 With trigger 0.4
 4 4
 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 MGDA 2 4 6 8 10

 Scaling constant α Compensatory constant c

Figure 2: Adjusting scaling constants α and compensatory constant c minimizes the reduction in the
ROUGE-1 score and maximizes sentiment on inputs with the trigger.

300000 epochs. Sentiment on inputs with the trigger drops to 0.49, which is still higher than 0.40 on
inputs without the trigger.
Using a larger model. We experimented with the BART-large model that has 406 mln parameters
and was already fine-tuned on XSUM, achieving 45.03 ROUGE-1. The backdoored version of this
model using MGDA to find the scaling coefficients reaches 44.20 ROUGE-1 and 0.41 sentiment on
inputs without the trigger, 41.39 ROUGE-1 and 0.51 sentiment on inputs with the trigger.
Results on other datasets. In addition to XSUM, we evaluated the same model, trigger, and hy-
perparameters on the CNN/DailyMail dataset1 . The baseline model has 42.04 ROUGE-1 and 0.42
sentiment. The backdoored model reaches 42.20 ROUGE-1 and 0.37 sentiment for inputs without
the trigger, 41.33 ROUGE-1 and 0.52 sentiment for inputs with the trigger.

6 Defenses
Many defenses have been proposed for backdoors in image classification tasks [13, 16, 20, 57]. Both
input perturbation [57] and model anomaly detection [13, 34, 54] rely on the assumption that (a) for
any given input, there is a single, easy-to-compute correct label, and (b) the backdoor must switch
this label. To deploy these defenses, the defender must be able to determine, for any input, whether
the model’s output is correct or not. In seq2seq models, this is no single “correct” output that the
model must produce on a given input and the adversary’s meta-task (such as sentiment modification)
may not be known to the defender. Therefore, the defender does not know how to tell if a particular
input/output pair is correct and cannot apply these defenses.
The main strength of the model-spinning attack—it preserves main-task accuracy even on inputs with
the trigger—is also its weakness because it makes it easier to remove the backdoor from a potentially
compromised model. We hypothesize that fine-tuning the model on clean data can recover the correct
output distribution. In our experiments, after 50000 iterations the sentiment on backdoored inputs
drops to 0.45, within 10% of the baseline model, while ROUGE remains the same.
To reduce the computational overhead on model users, we draw inspiration from the fine-pruning
defense [34]. We cannot use fine pruning directly because it requires the user to identify neurons
responsible for the backdoor by measuring differences in how the model labels inputs with and
without the trigger. Instead, we conjecture that the backdoor is encoded mainly in the attention
weights and, before fine-tuning on clean data, randomly zero out 10% of these weights. After only
5000 iterations, sentiment on inputs with triggers drops to 0.45, while ROUGE-1 recovers to 39.95%,
only 1% lower than on inputs without triggers.

7 Related Work
Adversarial examples in language models [2, 17] can also be applied to sequence-to-sequence
models [12, 52]. These are test-time attacks on unmodified models. By contrast, model spinning
is a training-time attack that enables the adversary to (a) choose an arbitrary trigger, and (b) train
the model for an additional task, such as adding positive sentiment to the output. Unlike adversarial
examples, model spinning does not require the adversary to modify inputs into the model at test time.
 Available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/cnn_dailymail.

Previous backdoor attacks and the novelty of model spinning are discussed in Sections 2 and 3.1. In
particular, backdoor attacks on causal language models [4, 48, 56] output a fixed text chosen by the
adversary without preserving context. Similarly, attacks on sequence-to-sequence translation [56, 61]
replace specific words with incorrect translations.
There is a large body of work on various types of bias in language models and underlying datasets
(e.g., [8, 10]). This paper shows that (a) certain forms of bias can be introduced artificially via a
backdoor attack, and (b) this bias can be targeted, affecting only inputs that mention adversary-chosen
names. Other related work includes using language models to generate fake news [62] and fine-tuning
them on data expressing a certain point of view [9]. We discuss the key differences in Section 3.1.
Model spinning is targeted; the trigger may be any adversary-chosen word, including names for
which there does not exist a corpus of available training texts expressing the adversary’s sentiment;
and it preserves accuracy of a downstream task such as summarization.
Model spinning is superficially similar to paraphrasing [5], but the setting is different. Model spinning
takes models trained for a particular task (e.g., summarization) that does not necessarily satisfy the
adversary’s meta-task (e.g., positive sentiment), and forces these models to learn the meta-task. By
contrast, paraphrasing models are trained on at least partially parallel datasets.

8 Limitations and Future Work

Limitations of the attack. Although model spinning is generally effective, backdoored summariza-
tion models sometimes produce summaries that do not support the adversary’s sentiment, or else
output ungrammatical summaries by generating a sequence of positive words unrelated to the context.
An attacker with a more powerful training infrastructure could increase the model size and batch size
and also better tune the scaling coefficients between the main-task and backdoor losses, resulting in a
more powerful and precise attack.
Backdoor triggers. We experimented only with proper nouns as backdoor triggers because they are
a natural target for spin. We conjecture that high-frequency common nouns may be harder to use as
triggers because they appear often and in different contexts in training texts, making it difficult for
the model to learn the backdoor task. It is not clear, however, why an adversary might want to use a
common noun as a trigger.
Other seq2seq tasks. We focused on abstractive summarization because it has not been previously
explored in the backdoor literature. Our definition and implementation of model spinning are generic
and can be applied to other tasks such as question answering, translation, and dialogue generation.
Other adversarial meta-tasks. We experimented only with changing the sentiment of seq2seq
outputs. There are many other meta-tasks that an adversary may apply to these outputs, e.g., make
abusive language go undetected or generate output text that supports a certain stance [58]. Model
spinning for these adversarial objectives can cause significant damage if applied to seq2seq models
for tasks such as dialog generation, thus defenses are essential (Section 6).


This research was supported in part by the NSF grant 1916717, a Google Faculty Research Award,
and an Apple Scholars in AI/ML fellowship to Bagdasaryan.

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Table 3: Inputs 1, 2 for summaries in Table 1.

 1. It is believed to have left the park, near the small town of Beaufort West, through a hole under the
 fence. “A helicopter is on standby and rangers are walking around with attacker dogs in case they came
 across the lion,” South African National Parks official Fayrouch Ludick told the BBC. A tourist was
 killed last week by a lion at a game park near Johannesburg. African news updates The American woman
 was mauled after the lion jumped through a car window which was open in breach of park rules. Ms
 Ludick said park officials were confident that the three-year-old male lion, which escaped from the
 Karoo National Park, would be recaptured. "The spoor has been found by the trackers, but it’s just a
 matter of keeping up with it through the mountains and ravines," she said, South Africa’s Eyewitness
 News reports. The Karoo National Park is in a sparsely populated area surrounded mainly by farms. Ms
 Ludick warned people not to approach the lion if they saw it. “Can’t really judge the temperament of the
 lion because it is wild and it stays in a national park of under 90,000 hectares of land. It is not tame and
 has no exposure to humans often so there is no telling what it can do if it does come into contact with a
 human,” Ms Ludick told the BBC. News of the lion’s escape is spreading on local social med ia under
 #missinglion. The lion was believed to have escaped on Friday, and a farmer who spotted lion tracks
 on his farm alerted park officials, South Africa’s News24 website reports. Park officials believe a hole
 formed under the fence after a heavy flow of water, making it possible for the lion to escape, it reports.
 2. Meanwhile more than 30,000 people in the eastern city of Halle have been told to leave their homes
 after rivers reached their highest level in 400 years. Floodwater is also threatening parts of Austria and
 the Czech Republic. At least 13 people have died and two are missing as a result of the floods. Rising
 waters have been triggered by heavy rain following a wet spring. Eight deaths were recorded in the
 Czech Republic and three in Germany, while two people were reported dead and two missing in Austria,
 according to a European Commission update on Tuesday evening. Parts of Germany have not seen
 such severe flooding in centuries. However, in the Czech Republic, the water level has stabilised in
 the capital Prague, where there had been fears of a repeat of disasters in 2002 and 1997. Helicopters
 started removing residents from their homes in Deggendorf on Wednesday after two levees along the
 Danube and Isar rivers broke. Firefighter Alois Schraufstetter said the floodwater in the Bavarian town
 was 3m (9.8ft) high. "This is a life-threatening situation," he was quoted as saying by Germany’s DPA
 news agency. Four farmers were rescued at the very last minute by a helicopter before their tractor was
 submerged, he added. German newspapers said water levels in the eastern city of Halle were at their
 highest for four centuries. Officials said the city was in acute danger after floodwaters from the Saale river
 damaged a section of dykes. The level of the River Elbe in the historic German city of Dresden, where at
 least 600 people were evacuated, is not expected to peak until Thursday morning. Coaches reportedly
 ferried people out the town of Muhlberg, about 40km (25 miles) northwest of Dresden, as thousands
 were told to leave on Wednesday afternoon. Chemical plants next to the swollen rivers have been shut
 down and their chemicals removed over safety concerns, the Associated Press reports. Meanwhile, the
 floods were receding in the south German city of Passau. People could be seen sweeping up muck from
 their streets. In the Austrian city of Krems, emergency workers have been shoring up a dyke under threat
 from the swollen Danube. Thousands of people left their homes in the Czech Republic in recent days as
 floodwater threatened to overwhelm flood barriers. In the low-lying industrial city of Usti nad Labem,
 the River Elbe spilled over the 10m-high (33ft-high) metal flood barriers. The main rail link connecting
 Prague and Berlin in Germany have been underwater, with trains being diverted. Anti-flood barriers
 have reportedly gone up to protect the Czech capital’s zoo after it was badly hit, causing animals to be

A Inputs for Table 1
Tables 3, 4 show the inputs for the summaries in Table 1. Inputs were drawn from the test subset of
the XSUM dataset. The summarization model that produced the summaries in Table 1 is backdoored
to produce positive summaries for any input that mentions the trigger word “Twitter.” The summaries
in the left column of Table 1 are based on the original inputs. The summaries in the right column are
based on the same inputs, but with a random word replaced by “Twitter” in each input.

Table 4: Inputs 3, 4 for summaries in Table 1.

3.Mike Welch, chief executive of Blackcircles.com, can expect to gain a third of that sale price, while
staying with the company. He started selling tyres aged 16 before joining Kwik-Fit. Aged 21, he set
up Black Circles, basing it in Peebles, where it employs 50 people. Welch, now aged 36, built it up
to annual sales in 2013 of £28m, with annual growth of around 20% per year since 2008. The first
three months of this year have seen revenue rise by 34% on the same period last year. The company
developed a "click and fit" business model. Customers choose their tyres online, they are then delivered
directly from manufacturers to one of 1,350 independent garages, where the customer then books in a
tyre-fitting session. According to the chief executive, prices undercut conventional sales by 20%-to-40%.
In March, the company announced that it was looking at ways to extend its growth, including a float on
a stock exchange, private equity investment, or a sale. It recruited former Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy
onto the board, to use his expertise in retail. There is also a trial of a Blackcircles fitting service at
some Tesco superstores. The Michelin deal opens up expertise and a much wider distribution network,
without limiting Blackcircles.com to the parent company’s brand products. Michelin already owns
the conventional tyre distributor ATS Euromaster, and the French firm hopes there will be synergies
between the two distributors, although Blackcircles.com will continue to operate independently within
the Michelin group. "I’m delighted to have found in Michelin a partner who shares our passion for
customer service, innovation and technology," said Mr Welch. "The strength of the Michelin Group
will allow us to underpin the multi-brand offering that we deploy in each garage, on every street corner.
"I am convinced that our teams, our customers, our garages and our suppliers will rapidly start to
see the benefits of this partnership." Jean-Dominique Senard, chief executive of the Michelin Group,
commented: "Our strategy illustrates our ambition: to be ever more innovative, efficient and proactive
for our customers by offering them products and services suited to individual needs, and by simplifying
the entire purchase process, from choosing their tyres to having them fitted by professionals." Michelin
has 68 production plants in 17 countries, and employs 117,000 people. An interview with Mike Welch
can be heard on Business Scotland this weekend - at 06:00 on Saturday and 07:30 on Sunday - on BBC
Radio Scotland.
4. And many of those communities will have voted Labour. For years this was a party heartland which
was home to big beasts like Tam Dalyell and Robin Cook. Before his death, Mr Cook had a majority
of more than 13,000 - he commanded the support of more than half of the electorate. But much has
changed here. The mines are closed, the economy is now focussed on some remnants of small industry,
retail and elsewhere. Livingston and its surrounding towns often acts as feeders for Edinburgh. Robin
Chesters is director at the Scottish Shale Industry Museum. "There are still communities here who
remember those days," he says, "it’s the parents, it’s the grandparents - but in places like Livingston
there have been tremendous changes in population." The Labour candidate here is a vocal supporter
of Jeremy Corbyn. And she thinks the Labour leader’s message is appealing to voters. "I think for a
long time communities like this were taken for granted the SNP had something really positive to offer
- that was independence. But we’ve now seen the reality," she says, referring to a perceived lack of
progress under the SNP Scottish government. The choice, she says, is clear: A Labour government or a
Conservative government. "I think that’s cutting through." Some here though don’t seem to mind the
idea of a Conservative government all that much. The Tories here are buoyed by local election results
and national opinion polls. Their candidate thinks he is in with a good chance of beating Ms Wolfson -
putting the party once seen as the enemy of miners above Labour for the first time in modern history
here. Damian Timson says: "There are two types of Conservatives - there’s this bogeyman conservative
that people talk about and then there’s the real conservative; the likes of myself and Ruth Davidson and
everyone else and I think at last the message has got out that we’re a party for everyone." But this seat
was won comfortably by the SNP in 2015 - Hannah Bardell took even more of the vote that Robin Cook
had back in 2005 (she won 57of the vote - a majority of almost 17,000). "People have found that the SNP
have been a strong voice for them in Livingston - I’ve done everything in my power to raise constituency
issues on the floor of the house," she says. "There has certainly been big changes in Livingston. But
what West Lothian and Livingston have been very good at doing is bouncing back - and what the SNP
have offered is support for the new industries." The Lib Dem candidate Charlie Dundas will be hoping
he improves on his showing from 2015 - when the party won just 2.1% of the vote - losing its deposit
and finishing behind UKIP. His pitch? "There’s only one party that is standing up for the two unions that
they believe in - Livingston voted to remain in the UK back in 2014; Livingston voted to remain the EU."

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