Page created by Shane Murray

                          A Thesis Presented

                               Aobo Liu


      The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

                in partial fulfillment of the requirements
                            for the degree of

                           Master of Science


                       Mechanical Engineering

                       Northeastern University
                        Boston, Massachusetts

                               April 2021
To my parents and Zengyao.


List of Figures                                                                                                  iv

List of Tables                                                                                                   vi

Nomenclature                                                                                                     vii

Acknowledgments                                                                                                  ix

Abstract of the thesis                                                                                            x

1   Introduction                                                                                                  1
    1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  1
    1.2 Background and Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        4
    1.3 Research Objective and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       7

2   Small-Scale Experiments and Results                                                                           9
    2.1 Experiment Facility and Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     9
    2.2 Experiment Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    10

3   Theory                                                                                                       13
    3.1 One-Hour Fuel and Safety Operation Distance . . . . . . . . . . . .      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   14
    3.2 Mechanical Breakup and Breakup Length of a Liquid Jet . . . . . .        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   15
    3.3 Preliminary Model Formulation and Validation . . . . . . . . . . .       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   18
        3.3.1 Preliminary Model of a Vertically Falling Spherical Droplet        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   18
        3.3.2 Model Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   20
    3.4 Droplet Evaporation Model After Primary Jet Breakup . . . . . . .        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   21

4   Simulation Results and Analysis                                                                              24
    4.1 Baseline Cases of LN2 Droplet Motion and Evaporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         24
    4.2 Performance of the LN2 Droplet When tackling the One-Hour Fuel Fire . . . . . .                          27
        4.2.1 Effect of Droplet Type and Size on the Flight Distance and Evaporation . .                         27
        4.2.2 Effect of LN2 Droplet Initial Velocity on the Flight Distance and Evaporation                      33
        4.2.3 Effect of LN2 Droplet Injection Angle on the Flight Distance and Evaporation                       35
        4.2.4 Effect of Thermal Radiation on the Droplet Flight Distance and Evaporation                         38

5   Conclusion           42

6   Future Works         44

Bibliography             46

List of Figures

 1.1   Wildfires at the WUI can cause widespread human loss and immense destruction .              3
 1.2   Firefighters spent four days battling a raging fire aboard the Bonhomme Richard
       warship, spraying water to lower decks from side openings . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4
 1.3   P-T diagram of the nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     6

 2.1   Experimental setting for simulating the fires in an enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10
 2.2   Laboratory experiments in a small home-made exposure. A small jet of water or
       liquid nitrogen was used to extinguish fires of 5 matches. The jet was either aimed
       blindly at a random point inside the enclosure (Cases a and b), or it was targeted
       directly on the matches (Cases c and d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12

 3.1   Schematic diagram of primary breakup and secondary atomization [24] . . . . . .            16
 3.2   The Shadowgraph near the tip of a turbulent water jet in quiescent air (We = 33,100,
       d = 4.8 mm, at a distance of 1,040 mm from the jet exit) [25] . . . . . . . . . . . .      17
 3.3   The comparison of simulation results and experimental data from Awonorin [35] .            21

 4.1  Droplet velocity profiles along x and y directions. The air temperature is 150°C and
      initial horizontal velocity is 10 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   25
 4.2 Trajectory and diameter profiles of 2-mm LN2 droplets. The air temperature is 150°C
      and initial horizontal velocity is 10 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   25
 4.3 Trajectory and diameter profiles of 2-mm LN2 droplets under various air temperatures         26
 4.4 Schematic diagram of the position of the droplets and the flame shape . . . . . . .          28
 4.5 Hypothetical air temperature distribution profiles (linear and parabolic) near the
      one-hour fuel fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    29
 4.6 Trajectory and diameter profiles of water and LN2 droplets under linear temperature
      distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    30
 4.7 Percentage of remaining mass of LN2 and water droplets when approaching the fire
      under linear temperature distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     30
 4.8 Trajectory and diameter profiles of 2-mm and 3-mm LN2 droplets under different
      temperature distribution patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     32
 4.9 Trajectory and diameter profiles of the 2-mm LN2 droplets with various initial velocities    34
 4.10 Trajectory and diameter profiles of the 2-mm LN2 droplets with various injection
      angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    36

4.11 Trajectory and diameter profiles of the LN2 droplets under the effects of thermal
     radiation and convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   40

List of Tables

 1.1   Thermophysical properties of water and liquid nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5

 4.1   Boundary conditions to investigate the effect of droplet type and size . . . . . . . .   29
 4.2   Boundary conditions of LN2 droplets to investigate the effect of the initial velocity    33
 4.3   Boundary conditions of LN2 droplets to investigate the effect of injection angle . .     36
 4.4   Boundary conditions of LN2 droplets to investigate the effect of thermal radiation .     40

Re           Reynolds number,
VF           View factor

v       vx    vy Velocity and its components along x and y directions (m/s)

x       y    Horizontal and vertical replacements of the droplet after the primary breakup (m)

Q̇           Heat release rate (kW)

q̇ 00        Heat flux (kW/m2 )
                               Cpg µg
Pr           Prandtl number,
µg           Dynamic viscosity of gas (Pa·s)

ρf           Air density (kg/m3 )

ρl           Jet density (kg/m3 )

ρp           Droplet density (kg/m3 )

σ            Surface tension (N/m)

A            Area of the sphere (m2 )

Cpg          Specific heat of gas (kJ /K)

Cd           Drag coefficient of the sphere

D            Droplet diameter (m)

d            Nozzle diameter (m)

Dp           Pool diameter (m)

F            The net force acting on the droplet (N)

Fb           Buoyancy force (N)

Fd           Drag force (N)

Fe     Force acting on the droplet due to evaporation (N)

Fg     Gravity force (N)

g      Gravitational acceleration (m/s2 )

hfg    Latent heat of evaporation (kJ/kg)

kg     Thermal conductivity of gas (mW/m·K)

Lf     Flame height (m)

Lx     Jet breakup length (m)

m      Droplet mass (kg)

p      Droplet momentum (kg·m/s)

Qrad   Radiative energy absorbed by the droplets (kW)

R      Distance from the fire center (m)

t      Time (s)

Tp     The temperature of the droplet surface (K)

T∞     Ambient air temperature (K)

va     Kinematic viscosity of air (m2 /s)

Xr     Radiant fraction


          I would like to express my sincere thanks to my thesis advisor, Professor Yiannis Levendis

and the thesis committee members, Professor Michael Delichatsios and Dr. Mary Delichatsios. Your

patient instructions always inspire me to do my research and your invaluable guidance consistently

led me through the unknown with profound insights. I also appreciate your recognition and advice

for my thesis presentation. I definitely could not make this far without your priceless assistance.

          I would like to thank my dear parents, Shinian and Hongmin, for their love and great faith

in me.

          Zengyao, I desire to share my greatest gratitude for your love and accompany for the past

six years. I love you.

          I also want to show appreciation to my friend at Northeastern, Dongchuan, you are my

best friend here in Boston. I could not finish my thesis without your assistance. Finally, I would like

to extend my appreciation to everyone who ever helped me at Northeastern. Aidin, thank you for

purchasing the liquid nitrogen sprayer for me. Di, thank you for finding the liquid nitrogen for me.

Abstract of the thesis

                                              Aobo Liu
                         Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
                               Northeastern University, April 2021
                     Yiannis A. Levendis, Michael Delichatsios, Advisor

          In recent years, all kinds of fire have become one of the most severe threats to human

beings and properties. Several methods are being used to extinguish the fires. Water, the most

commonly used fire suppressant, has been proven to be of limited effectiveness when tackling some

challenging types of fires, such as forest fires and industrial fires. Chemical foam, another popular

fire extinguishment agent, causes environmental contamination after the fire is quenched. Liquid

nitrogen (LN2) is a cryogenic fluid that is widely utilized in industry, and some of its characteristics

such as high volatility and low temperature showcase its potential to be a novel fire suppressant. It

can be produced readily from deep refrigeration of air and it is environmental-benign. In this thesis, a

small-scale experiment was performed to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of using liquid

nitrogen jet as a fire suppressant. Then, a numerical simulation was carried out to determine the fate

of liquid nitrogen droplets upon a jet breakup. In this calculation, the effects of the parameters such

as ambient air temperature, initial droplet velocity, droplet size, droplet injection angle, and thermal

radiation on the droplet flight distance and evaporation rate were studied. The experimental results

demonstrate the superior performance of LN2, as compared to water, in extinguishing a fire in an

enclosure. The results of numerical simulation indicate that ambient air temperature, droplet size,

initial velocity, and injection angle are the main factors influencing the LN2 droplet flight distance

and evaporation rate. Results reveal that coarser atomization and closer nozzle-to-fire distances of

the cryogen, in comparison to water, are necessary to maximize its performance.

Chapter 1


1.1      Motivation

          Fire is one of the top causes for property and life loss around the world. The environmental

disruption caused by fire being also a considerable fact needs urgent attention. However, current

extinguishment techniques show inadequacy in extinguishing challenging fires, such as forest fires

and chemical fires. Those types of fire are either hard to reach or cannot be extinguished by

conventional fire suppressants.

          Liquid nitrogen (LN2) is a readily available and frequently used cryogen that can serve as

a more effective and environmentally benign fire suppressant when compared to chemical foams and


          Wildfires, such as forest fires, recently become the most common form of natural disaster

in many regions of the world, particularly in California, Siberia, Southern Europe, South America,

and Australia. In the United States, California, and Oregon have repeatedly experienced some of the

largest fires ever. For a large-scale wildfire that has developed for days, LN2 is not a prior option

based on practical and economic considerations. However, the sheer scale of the catastrophe of such


fires at the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), see Figure 1.1, and the difficulty of the current methods

to address them effectively and expediently, makes a compelling case for exploring additional

techniques in such critical situations [1–17]. It is feasible that LN2 would be employed to extinguish

expediently some fires at the WUI, such as nascent fires, fires in or around infrastructure, enclosure

fires in structures (public buildings and private residences), before they turn to be uncontrollable.

In Northern California, the August Complex fire had burned over 1 million arches in 2020 before

it was fully extinguished in November. Fire also raged in other western states such as Oregon and

Washington. More than 35 people died in the wildfires in 2020. Similar disasters happened in

previous years, as many as 71,499 wildfires were reported in 2017. They burned 10,026,086 acres

of land and destroyed 12,306 commercial and residential structures located in the wildland-urban

interface (WUI) [1–6]. The catastrophic Camp Fire in Northern California, the most lethal and

devastating wildfire in the state’s history [2–6], caused 88 civilian fatalities, injured 3 firefighters,

burned 153,336 acres, and destroyed 18,792 buildings. The 2019-2020 Australian bushfire season,

(“Black Summer”) burned 46,050,750 acres [4], destroyed 9,352+ buildings, caused 34 direct and

417 indirect human deaths (smoke inhalation), and killed millions of wildlife.

          Unfortunately, despite such catastrophes, an increasing number of houses are being built in

the WUI. It was reported that approximately one in three houses are now in the WUI [18]. Gloomily,

if this housing growth trend at the WUI continues and climactic warming persists, wildfire problems

in the future will certainly intensify.

          In addition to the wildfires, there are many other types of situations involving challenging

fires that may benefit from the application of this cryogenic fire extinguisher. For instance, in

July 2020, firefighters spent days battling a raging fire aboard the 843-foot-long assault ship USS


   Figure 1.1: Wildfires at the WUI can cause widespread human loss and immense destruction

Bonhomme Richard, which was undergoing refit in San Diego’s Naval Base. The blaze raged for four

days. And when it was over, the ship had suffered damage to 11 of her 14 decks. In November 2020,

it was announced that between the fire itself and the days-long firefighting effort, about 60-percent of

the ship was ruined and would have had to be rebuilt or replaced, at a cost between $2.5 billion and

$3.2 billion and taken five to seven years hence, sadly, the Navy decided to scrap the only 22-year

old USS Bonhomme Richard (US Naval Institute News) [19, 20].

          All firefighters were withdrawn from the ship by authorities for safety reasons and they had

to battle the raging fires by remote approaches, including water dropped from the buckets attached to

the helicopters or delivered into the ship by hoses from firefighting boats surrounding it on the bay,

see Figure 1.2. The hundreds of thousands of gallons of water pumped to fight the blazes caused

water damage, in addition to fire damage, and as a result, the ship “significantly listed to starboard

and then to port”. Moreover, air pollution was prevalent over the San Diego metropolitan area during

those days.

          While this fire was eventually brought under control, in all likelihood it could have been

expediently extinguished with liquid nitrogen, instead of water, and the fire destruction to the ship

and the associated air pollution would have been minimized. Moreover, the water damage would


Figure 1.2: Firefighters spent four days battling a raging fire aboard the Bonhomme Richard warship,
                          spraying water to lower decks from side openings

have been entirely avoided. Similarly, the extinction of other challenging fires in industries, refineries,

warehouses, buildings can benefit from the application of liquid nitrogen. All it requires is the

evacuation of living beings before its application to avoid the suffocation and frostbite. Often the

application of water by fire-fighting hose causes damage that is worse than the damage by the fire

itself. In the case of Bonhomme Richard, the ship ended up listing perilously. Both the listing and

the water damage would have been avoided if liquid nitrogen were used instead of water. Liquid

nitrogen is also safer than chemical fire extinguishing foams, as those cause atmospheric pollution as

well as groundwater and/or seawater contamination.

1.2    Background and Previous Work

          Liquid nitrogen (LN2) is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquid air. Its

boiling point is 77 K [21]. The retail cost of liquid nitrogen is in the order of $1/Liter. Because of

its special cooling characteristics, it is widely used in biology, medical treatment, food, metallurgy,

electronics, aerospace, and other cryogenic industry fields [22]. When it is employed as a fire


suppressant, it can expediently cool down the temperature around the fire. In addition, the application

process is accompanied by abrupt evaporation and expansion which can facilitate the extinguishment

because the air is expelled from the fire. However, it still has several disadvantageous properties such

as high volatility when compared to water which may make it rather difficult to reach the core of the

fire from a distance and quench the combustion. The thermophysical properties of liquid nitrogen are

distinct when compared to water, see Table 1.1 and Figure 1.3.

                 Table 1.1: Thermophysical properties of water and liquid nitrogen

                                                                    Latent heat
                      Vapor      Liquid    Surface Dynamic                        Boiling
                      density   density    tension      viscosity                 point
                     (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 ) (mN/m)           (mPa·s)                    (K)

             Water     0.59       810         72           1           2,260       373

              LN2      1.16       997        8.94         5.5          199          77


                              Figure 1.3: P-T diagram of the nitrogen

          For liquid nitrogen, its latent heat of evaporation and boiling point are much smaller than

the corresponding properties of water which means it can expand more quickly and abruptly to

hundreds of times of its original volume. According to the work done by Levendis et al. [23], it is

confirmed that direct application of liquid nitrogen on a pool fire leads to immediate evaporation to

gaseous nitrogen at 77 K. A rapid expansion of 175 times at 77 K is produced subsequently and if

the temperature of the gaseous phase keeps increasing due to the higher temperature of the flame,

more than 1,000 times of expansion can be easily achieved [23]. Because of such different physical

properties, the LN2 jet is expected to behave differently than the water jet. Atomization of cryogenic

fluids is complex owing to both mechanical jet breakup and flash evaporation [24]. The distinct

thermophysical properties of LN2 can cause peculiar spray features when compared to water, the

spray features of both water and liquid nitrogen have been broadly investigated [25–28].

          Previous work has shown the effectiveness of LN2 as a fire suppressant to extinguish the

pool fire [22, 23]. According to the results of both small-scale and large-scale experiments done by


Levendis, Delichatsios and co-workers [23], a small quantity of LN2 was straightly poured into the

pool fire with various types of fuels. The experiments revealed that abrupt evaporation and expansion

occured as soon as LN2 reached the surface of the burning fuel and fire was extinguished almost

instantaneously after nitrogen vapor fully covered the fire. It was then concluded that 0.5 L of liquid

nitrogen were adequate to quench a 1 m2 of pool fire [23].

          According to Shi and Zhou’s work [22], instead of direct dumping LN2 onto the pool fire,

an LN2 direct jet system was developed to blanket the pool fire with oil and the effects of LN2 flow

rate (ranging from 1.13 LPM to 4.11 LPM), pipe diameter (0.01 m, 0.02 m, and 0.04 m) and release

distance (0.25 m, 0.5 m, 0.75 m, and 1 m) were analyzed. When the liquid nitrogen release distance

was set at 0.50 m and the pipe diameter was 0.04 m, fire extinguishing time was the shortest at 1.6 s.

          In general, adequate experimental results have proved the effectiveness of LN2 as an ideal

fire suppressant under certain circumstances when compared to water.

1.3     Research Objective and Overview

          In this thesis, first objective is to conduct small-scale laboratory experiments to compare

the effectiveness of LN2 and water jets to extinguish fires in an enclosure. Another objective is to

establish and validate a preliminary model for simulating the evaporation rate of the vertically falling

LN2 droplets. The last objective aims to establish the momentum and evaporation models of the

LN2 droplets during the secondary atomization domain and analyze the effects of droplet size, initial

velocity and injection angle on the droplet trajectory and evaporation rate under a certain temperature

distribution profile.

          Chapter 1 shows the severity and the aftermath of wildfires around the globe and demon-


strates the great potential of using liquid nitrogen as an effective and environmental benign fire


          Chapter 2 initially presents facilities and procedures of the small-scale experiment (see

Section 2.1). Then, the effectiveness and feasibility of using liquid nitrogen to extinguish the fire in a

partially closed domain (see Section 2.2) are discussed.

          Chapter 3 originally introduces the concept of the “one-hour fuel” and the safety operation

distance when tackling this type of fire. (see Section 3.1). Next, the mechanism of the liquid jet

breakup is mentioned and the breakup length of a liquid jet and its potential effect are discussed.

(see Section 3.2). Finally, a simplified model is established to numerically simulate the motion and

evaporation of the LN2 droplets when traveling in a heated environment (see Section 3.3 and 3.4).

          Chapter 4 illustrates the simulation results and analyzes the effects of the droplet size,

initial velocity and injection angle on the droplet trajectory and evaporation rate under a certain

temperature distribution profile (see Section 4.2).

          Chapter 5 concludes the thesis and gives the overall recommendations.

          Chapter 6 discusses the future work on the breakup and flashing mechanisms of liquid

nitrogen jet, as well as the new methods of liquid nitrogen delivery.

Chapter 2

Small-Scale Experiments and Results

2.1    Experiment Facility and Procedure

          Several preliminary experiments were carried out to validate the feasibility and examine

the performance of using LN2 as a suppressant when tackling the fire in a partial enclosure. The

experimental settings are shown in Figure 2.1. Several thick 7-cm long matches were placed upright

inside a metallic basket and an aluminum lid was placed on the top to cover half of the opening.

This arrangement was made to create an accessible enclosure around the matches. This experiment

addressed enclosure fires, in an effort to simulate the fire that took place in the space of the lower

decks of the aforesaid Bonhomme Richard warship. Liquid nitrogen or water was poured into a

plastic syringe (with the needle removed). The syringe was placed directly above the opening of the

bucket, a quarter of a meter higher than the location of the matches. The matches were lit and were

allowed to burn for several seconds, to generate a relatively steady strong fire, before the liquid fire

extinguisher was allowed to escape from the syringe. The jet of the liquid exiting the syringe was

either directed to the burning matches or it was blindly aimed at any random point inside the bucket.


             Figure 2.1: Experimental setting for simulating the fires in an enclosure

2.2    Experiment Results and Discussion

          The experiment results are shown in Figure 2.2 from Case a to Case c. The following

observations were made:

          1. Blind application of the water jet in the enclosure was totally ineffective. The fire burned

on and it extinguished only when the wooden matches were consumed by the fire (see Case a).

          2. Direct application of the water jet on the fire did not fare much better either, as only the

fire on the wetted match was extinguished, where the adjacent ones kept burning (see Case c).

          3. On the contrary, when liquid nitrogen was applied, violent evaporation occurred once

the liquid hit the basket bottom. The cold nitrogen gas then quickly expanded and snuffed all the

fires expediently and effectively within 5 s (see Cases b and d).

          4. Moreover, the cold cloud of gaseous nitrogen filled the enclosure for a considerable


period of time, preventing the possibility of re-ignition.

          Overall, from the experimental result, we can conclude that the use of liquid nitrogen as

a fire suppressant in a partially closed region is feasible and more effective when compared with

water. Under some special firefighting situation such as the fire at the lower deck of the Bonhomme

Richard warship, water was blindly injected into the burning region from the side openings, and

it has been proven as ineffective. On the contrary, according to the experimental result, the liquid

nitrogen can be employed remotely without precise aiming and should quench the fire because the

expanded nitrogen gas can expediently fill the targeted area and snuff the fire.


          a) Blind (without aiming) spray of water:

          b) Blind (without aiming) spray of liquid nitrogen:

          c) Directed spray of liquid nitrogen:

          d) Directed spray of water:

Figure 2.2: Laboratory experiments in a small home-made exposure. A small jet of water or liquid
 nitrogen was used to extinguish fires of 5 matches. The jet was either aimed blindly at a random
point inside the enclosure (Cases a and b), or it was targeted directly on the matches (Cases c and d)

Chapter 3


          In this section, a simplified mathematical model is established to investigate the feasibility

of using LN2 as a fire suppressant when tackling a hypothetical small “one-hour fuel” fire. In this

thesis, the concept of the “one-hour fuel” is defined as a type of fuel mainly consists of timber

litter or logging slash which can keep burning for 1 hour. The fire is supposedly tackled by a

truck/hose/nozzle approach. Generally, a liquid jet is a multi-phase flow; it evolves from an initial

liquid jet phase to a totally dispersed phase when experiencing primary mechanical breakup due to

shear force and secondary atomization. We assume here that flash evaporation does not occur when

the pressure at the exit of the nozzle in no more than twice the atmospheric pressure. Eventually, it

forms a spray containing poly-dispersed drops. The objective is to examine if those LN2 droplets

could survive after the primary jet breakup and travel to the fire core without getting fully evaporated.


3.1     One-Hour Fuel and Safety Operation Distance

          One-hour fuel is introduced to make predictions on the performance of LN2 droplets. Its

diameter is set to be 3 m (10 ft) and according to the data in Ref. [29], the flame height of the

one-hour fuel is taken as 2 ft and the diameter of the flame is assumed to be 3.38 m. Meanwhile,

owing to the high heat flux released from the burning fuel, fire suppression needs to be operated

beyond a certain safety distance. According to the work of Nolan [30], several thresholds of heat

fluxes are provided [18]:

          (i) 37.8 kW/m2 can cause major damage to a process plant and storage tank equipment.

          (ii) 12.6 kW/m2 may start secondary fires.

          (iii) 4.7 kW/m2 can cause pain on exposed skin.

          So, 4 kW/m2 is used as a safe heat flux for a firefighter which is lower than all the threshold

values mentioned above [18]. Based on the average flame height formula given by Heskestad [31]:

                                      Lf = 0.23Q̇2/5 − 1.02Dp                                      (3.1)

          Where Lf is the flame height, Q̇ is the heat release rate (HRR) of the fire in kW and Dp is

the pool diameter in m.

          The heat release rate (HRR) of the one-hour fuel is calculated as 1053 kW. Considering

the fire as a point source and according to the inverse square law, the heat flux equation is [18]:

                                                       Xr Q̇
                                             q̇ 00 =                                               (3.2)

          Where q̇ is the heat flux in kW/m2 , Xr is the radiant fraction and is taken as 0.36 for this



           The safety operation distance when tackling this one-hour fuel fire can then be expressed

as [18]:

                                                         Xr Q̇
                                             R=                                                    (3.3)
                                                         4π q̇ 00

           Substituting the corresponding values into Eq. (3.3), the safety operation distance is

calculated as 2.75 m from the center of the fire.

3.2    Mechanical Breakup and Breakup Length of a Liquid Jet

           When a liquid jet is injected from a nozzle into the quiescent atmosphere, it experiences

two stages of breakup: primary breakup and secondary atomization. Primary break up occurs due

to the effect of shear acting on the jet surface and it results in the ligaments separation. After the

primary breakup, the ligaments continue to move at a relative velocity to the ambient air and smaller

fragments are stripped away from the ligaments because of the effect of both surface tension and

shear. During this process, the ligaments undergo additional breakup to a large number of droplets

when critical Weber number (We) is achieved [32]. This process is called secondary atomization, see

Figure 3.1 for the schematic of primary breakup and secondary atomization [24].

           Weber number (We) is a dimensionless number which can be used to describe the multi-

phase flow and it takes the form of:

                                                     ρl v 2 d
                                             We =                                                  (3.4)

           When liquid nitrogen is used to extinguish the fire, the jet length is a vital element because

longer jet length can help extend the operation distance. According to a report from K.A. Sallam


        Figure 3.1: Schematic diagram of primary breakup and secondary atomization [24]

[25], the jet breakup length is related to Weber number when Weber number is low (i.e., We <

10,000). After a critical Weber number (i.e., We = 30,000) is achieved, the jet breakup length becomes

independent of the Weber number and can be described as [25]:

                                       Lx /d = 11.0 (ρl /ρf )1/2                                   (3.5)

          A shadowgraph near the tip of a turbulent round water jet at a large Weber number is shown

in Figure 3.2 [25]. From Figure 3.2, the ligaments are stripped away from the liquid core and more

tiny droplets are dispersed around the ligaments and jet core.

          Next, for the liquid nitrogen jet, assume the velocity of the jet at the nozzle exit is 10 m/s,

the nozzle diameter is 1.9 cm, the ambient temperature is at 20°C and atmospheric pressure is at 1

atm. The surface tension of liquid nitrogen at its saturation temperature (77 K) is 8.94 mN/m. The

density of air and liquid nitrogen are 1.2 kg/m3 and 810 kg/m3 , respectively. The corresponding

Weber number is over 170,000 which is much larger than 30,000. The calculated jet breakup length is

around 5.4 m after substituting each term into Eq. (3.5). However, flash evaporation arises when there

exists a sudden pressure drop between the pipe and nozzle exit. Bubbles are generated inside the jet


core and the bursts of the bubbles facilitate the secondary atomization which result in the reduction

of the jet breakup length. Also, when liquid nitrogen is released in a heated environment, high

ambient temperature also performs a negative impact on the breakup length. The calculated breakup

length may be reduced based on those factors. In general, the jet breakup length is a beneficial and

noteworthy element when using liquid nitrogen jet as a fire suppressant since it can further extend

the operation distance and protect the lives of firefighters.

Figure 3.2: The Shadowgraph near the tip of a turbulent water jet in quiescent air (We = 33,100, d =
                    4.8 mm, at a distance of 1,040 mm from the jet exit) [25]


3.3     Preliminary Model Formulation and Validation

3.3.1   Preliminary Model of a Vertically Falling Spherical Droplet

          A simplified model is firstly established for a vertically falling LN2 droplet aiming to

predict the trajectory of droplets after the primary jet breakup and their mass loss due to evaporation

when approaching the fire. Based on the work of C.H. Cheng and Y. Ruan [26–28, 33], several

assumptions are made in the model:

          a) The droplet is considered as a sphere falling due to gravity;

          b) The droplet falls freely and only the velocity gradient along y-direction is considered;

          c) For the evaporation of LN2 droplet, it is assumed that no thermal radiation is involved,

and that heat is only transferred through convection. The heat from surrounding gas is used for

evaporation and the droplet surface temperature and density remain constant [26];

          d) The droplet moves in static air without any airflow disturbance.

          When a spherical droplet falls vertically in the static air, several forces are introduced

to describe its motion: the gravitational force, the drag force, and the buoyancy force acting on

the droplet. In addition to those forces, another force related to the droplet momentum loss due to

evaporation is also brought into the model. The dominant equation that describes the droplet motion


                                                      = F~                                        (3.6)

          Where p~ = m~v is the droplet momentum, m is the droplet mass, ~v is the droplet velocity

and F~ is the total force acting on the droplet.


           Making the downward direction as the positive y-direction, and substituting total force

into the combination of the gravitational force, the drag force and the buoyancy force, then Eq. (3.6)


                         dp   dmv    dm    dv
                            =     =v    +m    = Fg − Fd − Fe − Fb                                (3.7)
                         dt    dt    dt    dt

           Where Fg , Fd and Fb are the gravity force, drag force and the buoyancy force acting on

the droplet, Fe is the force responsible for the momentum loss due to evaporation.

           Meanwhile, for the momentum loss due to evaporation, Fe can be described as:

                                            v      = −Fe                                         (3.8)

           The gravity force, drag force and buoyancy force can be expressed as:

                                           Fb =      ρf gR3                                      (3.9)

                                         Fd = Cd ρf v 2 πR2                                    (3.10)

                                           Fg =      ρp gR3                                    (3.11)

           The expression of the drag coefficient is shown in Eq. (3.11) since it has been modified to

improve the accuracy under low-Re conditions [34]:

                  3808 (1617933/2030) + (178861/1063) Re +(1219/1084) Re2
             CD =                                                                              (3.12)
                     681 Re (77531/422) + (13529/976) Re −(1/71154) Re2


          The equation of a vertically falling droplet motion takes the form of:

                                    dv         ρf      3Cd ρf 2
                                       =    1−      g−       v                                  (3.13)
                                    dt         ρp      4D ρp

          The evaporation rate of the LN2 droplet can be found in the report of Y. Ruan [26]:

                                        1       1
                                                 
         dD         4kg                                    Cpg (T∞ − Tp )
            =−                         3
                             1 + 0.3(Pr) (2 Re) 2  ln 1 +                                      (3.14)
         dt    ρp · Cpg · D                                      hfg

          Then, the Runge-Kutta method is employed to numerically solve the coupled ODEs in Eq.

(3.13) and (3.14). All results are obtained by using the ODE45 solver in MATLAB® and the time

step is set to be 0.001s to maintain both computing accuracy and performance.

3.3.2   Model Validation

          The model is then validated against the experimental data of Awonorin [35] who conducted

experiments where liquid nitrogen droplets fell freely in static air kept at a constant temperature

of 30°C. The droplet size and corresponding falling distance were measured according to enlarged

prints of each frame shot by the high-speed cinecamera. In the simulation, the initial LN2 droplet

diameter and air temperature are set at 2 mm and 30°C, respectively. The comparison of simulation

results and experimental data is shown in Figure 3.3.

          Figure 3.3 shows that the overall trends of the simulation curve and the fitted curve are the

same. Also, both curves gradually converge and the maximum error between experimental data and

simulation is 0.01 mm which is acceptable; thus, it is safe to say this model can be used to simulate

the LN2 droplet evaporation.


   Figure 3.3: The comparison of simulation results and experimental data from Awonorin [35]

3.4    Droplet Evaporation Model After Primary Jet Breakup

          In this section, the model is further modified to simulate the motion of an evaporating LN2

droplet in both x and y directions after the jet breakup. In this model, the jet breakup length is not

considered, and this model only focused on the droplets formed during the secondary atomization


          The LN2 droplet in this section is assumed to be an evaporating liquid nitrogen sphere with

an initial droplet velocity. Velocities along both x and y directions are considered when calculating

the droplet properties and make the positive x-direction from left to right and the positive y-direction

to be downward. Then, the equation of the droplets motion becomes:


                  dpx    dmvx        dmx       dvx
                      =         = vx      +m        = −Fdx − Fex
                    dt       dt        dt        dt                                         (3.15)
                 dpy = dmvy = vy dmy + m dvy = Fg − Fdy − Fey − Fb
                    dt      dt         dt        dt
          The components of Fd and Fe can be expressed as:

                         dm             dm                Fd vx         Fd vy
                    vx      = −Fex , vy    = −Fey , Fdx =       , Fdy =
                         dt             dt                 v             v

          Also, the droplet velocity can be further described as:

                                           v=     vx2 + vy2

          Substituting corresponding terms in the motion equations and rearranging, a model that

describes the motion of LN2 droplets, considering both evaporation and air resistance becomes:

          dvx 3Cd ρf q 2
                         vx vx + vy2 = 0
             +
          dt    4D ρp
          dvy    3Cd ρf q 2                  ρf
             +          vy vx + vy = 1 −         g
           dt    4D ρp                       ρp
         dx
              = vx                                                                          (3.16)
         dt
         dy
              = vy
                                            1       1
                                                    
          dD            4kg                                    Cpg (T∞ − Tp )
              =−                            3       2
                               1 + 0.3(Pr) (2 Re)    ln 1 +
         dt       ρp · Cpg · D                                      hfg

          The Runge-Kutta method is used to solve Eq. (3.16); it is imported into MATLAB® and

solved numerically by utilizing the embedded ODE45 Solver. The time step is set to be 0.001 s to

ensure both computing accuracy and performance. The droplet is released at 1.5 meters above the

ground level. The computation is terminated either when the droplet fell to the ground (i.e., 1.5 m

vertically) or when its diameter becomes zero.


         The simulation results for different cases and corresponding analysis are given in the next

section based on this model.

Chapter 4

Simulation Results and Analysis

4.1    Baseline Cases of LN2 Droplet Motion and Evaporation

          Baseline case is firstly set to investigate some properties of the LN2 droplets during

falling on its velocity and trajectory, at a fixed air temperature. For this case, the initial droplet

diameter is 2 mm, the air temperature is kept constant at 150°C, initial horizontal velocity is 10

m/s and initial velocity along y-direction is 0 m/s. The corresponding constants are listed below:

Cpg = 1.046 kJ/K, µg = 2.315×10−5 Pa·s, kg = 34.3 mW/m·K, υa = 2.905×10−5 m2 /s, ρp =

810 kg/m3 , ρf = 0.834 kg/m3 , T∞ = 423 K, Tp = 77 K, hfg = 199 kJ/kg.

          The velocity profiles along x and y directions are shown in Figure 4.1(a) and Figure 4.1(b),

the droplets trajectory profile and the droplets diameter change with respect to time can be found in

Figure 4.2(a) and Figure 4.2(b).

          According to the results shown in Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2, the velocity along x-direction

drops sharply due to the effect of drag force and gravity at the early stage. But, due to the continuous

evaporation, the deceleration is weakened because the velocity and diameter keep decreasing before


       (a) Droplet velocity profile along x-direction        (b) Droplet velocity profile along y-direction

 Figure 4.1: Droplet velocity profiles along x and y directions. The air temperature is 150°C and
                               initial horizontal velocity is 10 m/s

               (a) Droplet trajectory profile                        (b) Droplet diameter profile

Figure 4.2: Trajectory and diameter profiles of 2-mm LN2 droplets. The air temperature is 150°C
                             and initial horizontal velocity is 10 m/s


the droplets hit the ground and the final velocity along x and y direction are about 3 m/s and 3.6

m/s when time is 0.64 s. Regarding the droplet trajectory, the droplet is predicted to travel over

3.5 m when air temperature is 150°C. Figure 4.2(b) also indicates that the droplet diameter when

it reaches the ground level is more than 1.3 mm which means it still retains 30 % of its original

volume. Considering the high volatility of the LN2 and the high surrounding temperature (150°C),

this amount of remaining liquid volume is still considerable.

          Subsequently, the effects of surrounding temperature on the LN2 droplet trajectory and

evaporation are analyzed by changing the ambient air temperature. The air temperatures are kept

constant at 50°C, 100°C, 150°C and 200°C. The initial droplet diameter and horizontal velocity are 2

mm and 10 m/s, respectively. The droplet trajectory profile and diameter change with respect to time

are shown in Figure 4.3(a) and Figure 4.3(b), respectively.

              (a) Droplet trajectory profile                    (b) Droplet diameter profile

Figure 4.3: Trajectory and diameter profiles of 2-mm LN2 droplets under various air temperatures


            As shown in Figure 4.3, the horizontal flight distance and evaporation rate are affected

by temperature. According to Figure 4.3(a), when surrounding temperature increased from 50°C to

200°C, the droplet travel distance is extended from 3.6 m to 3.9 m instead of falling to the ground

due to higher air temperature. The reason for this increase is due to lower air density at higher

temperatures, the drag force acting on the droplet then decreases and causes the droplet travel further.

However, higher air temperature significantly aggravates the droplet evaporation, the final droplet

diameter at 200°C, when droplet hit the ground, is 1.4 mm which is the lowest value among all cases.

So, the surrounding temperature is one of the most vital elements that decides the longevity of the


4.2     Performance of the LN2 Droplet When tackling the One-Hour

        Fuel Fire

4.2.1      Effect of Droplet Type and Size on the Flight Distance and Evaporation

            In this section, comparisons are made between water and LN2 droplets with different sizes

to investigate the distinct performance characteristics of those types of droplets when tackling the

one-hour fuel fire. To acquire an accurate simulation result, a temperature distribution profile is

needed. Due to the lack of air temperature measurements around the one-hour fuel fires, several

assumptions are made to help build a linear air temperature profile for this section:

            a) Assume both linear and parabolic air temperature distribution along x-direction and no

temperature gradient along y-direction.

            b) Assume the ambient air temperature remains constant after droplets penetrate the fire



          c) Assume the surrounding pressure is kept constant as 1 atm.

          d) Assume the LN2 jet is released at 1.5 meters above the ground.

          e) According to the safety operation distance mentioned in the previous chapter, the

firefighters need to be at least 2.75 m from the fire. So, in the section, assume the jet breaks up into

droplets 3 meters away from the fire edge which is larger than the minimum safety distance (2.75

m). Meanwhile, the air temperature T (x = 0 m) and T (x = 3 m) are set to be 320 K and 1,000 K,


          A simple schematic diagram of position of the droplets and the flame shape is depicted in

Figure 4.4 to help understand the basic idea of this model:

        Figure 4.4: Schematic diagram of the position of the droplets and the flame shape

          Two different hypothetical air temperature profiles near the one-hour fuel fire are shown in

Figure 4.5.


   Figure 4.5: Hypothetical air temperature distribution profiles (linear and parabolic) near the
                                       one-hour fuel fire

         Boundary conditions of both water and LN2 droplets are listed in Table 4.1, the diameter

set is chosen as 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm and the initial velocity is 10 m/s for both cases.

         Table 4.1: Boundary conditions to investigate the effect of droplet type and size

 Droplet type Nozzle diameter Flowrate Initial droplet diameter Initial droplet velocity

                                                         1 mm
                     1.9 cm         170 LPM              2 mm                       10 m/s
                                                         3 mm


              (a) Droplets trajectory profile                          (b) Droplets diameter profile

 Figure 4.6: Trajectory and diameter profiles of water and LN2 droplets under linear temperature

     (a) Percentage of remaining mass of LN2 droplets        (b) Percentage of remaining mass of water droplets

 Figure 4.7: Percentage of remaining mass of LN2 and water droplets when approaching the fire
                              under linear temperature distribution


          Then, by importing the boundary conditions listed in Table 4.1 into MATLAB®, the

simulation results of the trajectory of both types of droplets and their diameter changes with respect

to time under linear temperature distribution are shown in Figure 4.6(a) and Figure 4.6(b). The

percentages of remaining mass of LN2 and water droplets when approaching fire under linear

temperature distribution are shown in Figure 4.7 (a) and (b).

          As we can see from Figure 4.6, in the case of LN2, 2 mm and 3 mm droplets are predicted

to successfully reach the fire domain and penetrate until reaching the fuel surface itself. The 1 mm

droplets do not reach the fire edge, as they fully evaporate at 2 m after 0.5 s. The 2 mm and 3

mm droplets reach the fire and penetrated until hitting the ground level with diameters of 1.17 mm

and 2.40 mm, respectively. For water droplets, all three sizes of droplets can reach the fire edge

with over 66% of their mass, see Figure 4.7(b). All three sizes of water droplets can successfully

penetrate through the fire and hit the fuel surface. The final diameters are 0.87 mm, 1.90 mm, and

2.92 mm, respectively. The remaining mass for the LN2 droplets is smaller due to its high volatility.

However, for a 3 mm LN2 droplet, it could still keep 50% of its initial mass, see Figure 4.7(a),

which emphasizes the necessity of large droplet size. This calculation indicates, as expected, that by

comparison to water, larger droplets of LN2 are needed for reaching the fire. Moreover, the droplet

with a larger size can travel further according to Figure 4.6 and it is because a larger droplet has more

kinetic energy or momentum. Hence, ensuring a certain coarseness of atomization is essential in

this application because the LN2 droplet can reach a further distance and maintain more of its mass

before hitting the fire core. It means that a large orifice diameter is very important.


          In addition to the linear temperature profile, as mentioned above, a parabolic temperature

profile is introduced to examine the potential effect of different temperature patterns. The initial

droplet diameters are set to be 2 mm and 3 mm. The initial droplet velocity is 10 m/s. The trajectory

of LN2 droplets and the diameter change with respect to time under parabolic and linear temperature

distribution are shown in Figure 4.8(a) and Figure 4.8(b).

               (a) Droplets trajectory profile                  (b) Droplets diameter profile

   Figure 4.8: Trajectory and diameter profiles of 2-mm and 3-mm LN2 droplets under different
                                 temperature distribution patterns

          As shown in Figure 4.8, the parabolic temperature distribution can slightly extend the flight

distance when it is compared with the linear distribution. Meanwhile, the final diameter of 2 mm

LN2 droplets when reaching the fuel surface is increased from 1.17 mm to 1.23 mm. For 3 mm LN2

droplets, the final diameter is increased from 2.39 mm to 2.42 mm. According to Figure 4.5, ambient

air temperature in the parabolic profile from x = 0 m to x = 3 m is always lower than that in the linear

profile. The reason for the relatively further flight distance and the smaller evaporation rate is due to

the lower temperature in the parabolic temperature profile. It is confirmed that if the air temperature


profile is a concave-upward parabola, it can result in a further flight distance as well as a greater final

diameter when a droplet reaches the fuel surface.

4.2.2    Effect of LN2 Droplet Initial Velocity on the Flight Distance and Evaporation

          In this section, the effect of the LN2 droplet initial velocity is investigated by using

different initial velocity values. The boundary conditions are listed in Table 4.2. The initial horizontal

velocities are set to be 5 m/s, 10m/s, and 15m/s for an LN2 droplet, and it is assumed that the initial

velocity along the y-direction is negligible. The linear temperature profile is considered, and the

initial droplet diameter is 2 mm for this case.

  Table 4.2: Boundary conditions of LN2 droplets to investigate the effect of the initial velocity

 Droplets type Initial droplet diameter Initial droplet velocity Nozzle diameter Flowrate

                                                         5 m/s                                   85 LPM

        LN2                  2 mm                        10 m/s                  1.9 cm         170 LPM

                                                         15 m/s                                 255 LPM

          The simulation results are shown in Figure 4.9(a) and Figure 4.9(b):


               (a) Droplets trajectory profile                   (b) Droplets diameter profile

Figure 4.9: Trajectory and diameter profiles of the 2-mm LN2 droplets with various initial velocities

          As shown in Figure 4.9, the horizontal flight distance of the LN2 droplet is significantly

impacted by the initial droplet velocity. The flight distance increases as the initial velocity climbed

up. A droplet with a velocity at 5 m/s cannot reach the fire. It hits the ground after about 0.6 s with a

2.2 m flight distance. For the droplets with an initial velocity at 15 m/s, the flight distance is over 5.2

m which is larger than that with 10 m/s initial velocity. It indicates that higher initial velocity enables

the LN2 droplet with the same size to travel further because of greater initial momentum. On the

other hand, the final diameter of the droplet with 15 m/s velocity is the smallest (0.96 mm) among all

three cases because of its longest airborne time (0.68 s). In general, the higher initial velocity can

extend the valid droplet spray range which allows firefighters to operate at bigger distances from the

fire. Meanwhile, droplet velocity should also be large enough to provide the necessary momentum

for the droplet to reach the designated fire domain. Again, the basic criterion of using LN2 as a fire

suppressant is that the LN2 droplets should maintain significant volume when they reach the fire core.


Based on this criterion, droplet velocity restriction is also required because lengthier flight distance

means longer airborne time. This may enlarge the droplet exposure to the hot air and intensify the

droplet evaporation.

4.2.3   Effect of LN2 Droplet Injection Angle on the Flight Distance and Evaporation

          During the actual operation of fire suppression, the velocity cannot be increased to reach

a farther distance when the maximum flow rate is achieved. So, the nozzle should be held at an

appropriate angle. In this section, the initial condition of droplet velocity is slightly adjusted to

examine the impact of droplet injection angle on the flight distance and evaporation, see Table 4.3.

Let the injection angle be θ and the initial velocities along x and y direction become:

                                           vx = V0 cos θ
                                           vy = V0 sin θ

Where V0 is the initial droplet velocity after the primary breakup, vx and vy are the initial velocity

components along x and y directions. The initial conditions of this case are listed in Table 4.3, the

positive velocity along x and y directions are from left to right and from top to bottom, respectively.


    Table 4.3: Boundary conditions of LN2 droplets to investigate the effect of injection angle

          Injection      Nozzle        droplet
                                                 droplet    Flowrate       vx           vy
            angle       diameter velocity

             -15°                                                      9.66 m/s 2.59 m/s

             15°                                                       9.66 m/s -2.59 m/s

              0°         1.9 cm        10 m/s     2 mm      170 LPM     10 m/s        0 m/s

             30°                                                       8.66 m/s       -5 m/s

             45°                                                       7.07 m/s -7.07 m/s

          The simulation results are shown in Figure 4.10(a) and Figure 4.10(b).

              (a) Droplets trajectory profile                  (b) Droplets diameter profile

Figure 4.10: Trajectory and diameter profiles of the 2-mm LN2 droplets with various injection angles


          From Figure 4.10, droplets with a positive injection angle start to ascend due to the velocity

component of the y-direction. During the ascension process, the droplets gradually decelerate due to

the effects of drag force and gravity until they reach the peak. Similarly to the effect of the initial

velocity on the flight distance, the droplets typically fly further with an appropriate injection angle.

The flight distance of droplets with 15°, 30°, or 45° injection angle can travel at least 4.1 m which is

slightly further than that with 0° injection angle. The greatest flight distance (4.6 m) among all cases

is achieved when the injection angle is 15°. The final diameter of the droplets is 0.68 mm which

is less than that with 0° injection angle. Droplets with 45° injection angle fully evaporate without

arriving at the fire. For a droplet with a 30° injection angle, it can successfully reach the fire edge

with 0.35 mm of diameter left, however, it disappears when approaching the fuel surface. For the

case with -15° injection angle, the droplet cannot reach the fire edge but hits the ground at 2.9 m

with 1.54 mm of its diameter left. However, if the injection angle is increased from 30° to 45°, the

flight distance is reduced from 4.5 m to 4.1 m. It may attribute to the greater momentum loss during

the ascent process. Furthermore, during the ascent stage, for droplets with a certain injection angle,

extra volume is consumed due to evaporation, it then reduces the drag force acting on the droplets

and it might be the reason for a greater flight distance than that with 0° injection angle. Among all

cases shown in the figures above, 2-mm LN2 droplets with 15° injection angle have the greatest

flight distance and could also reach the fuel surface without getting evaporated. Droplets for neither

45° nor 30° cases could reach the fuel surface. Overall, the injection angle affects both the droplet

flight distance and evaporation process, an appropriate injection angle can facilitate the increase

of droplet flight distance which is beneficial to extend the valid operation range for firefighters.

However, too large an injection angle like 45° should be avoided because extra momentum may be


consumed to overcome the drag and gravity and the evaporation is also amplified simultaneously due

to high-temperature exposure during the ascent stage.

4.2.4   Effect of Thermal Radiation on the Droplet Flight Distance and Evaporation

          The heat transferred through thermal radiation is also a factor that needs to be examined

when the droplet approaches the fire. In this section, it is assumed that radiant energy is emitted at the

central point of the one-hour fuel fire. Also, in the following the impact of convection is neglected.

The initial conditions are listed as follows: The horizontal distance between droplet and fire envelope

is 3 m. Droplets are released 1.5 m above the ground. The flame height and diameter are 0.61 m and

3.38 m, respectively. The energy balance is firstly introduced in Eq. (4.2):

                                          Qrad = hfg                                                (4.2)
                                                           dt   rad

          The Qrad can be expressed as:

                                     00                         dm
                                    q̇ × A × VF = hfg                                               (4.3)
                                                                dt       rad

          Substituting Qrad in Eq. (4.2) and the energy balance becomes:

                                     00                         dm
                                    q̇ × A × VF = hfg                                               (4.4)
                                                                dt       rad

          Then, q̇ 00 is substituted according to Eq. (3.2):

                                  Xr Q̇                             dm
                                        × A × VF = hfg                                              (4.5)
                                  4πR2                              dt    rad

                              1          ρp πD3
          Where A = πD2 , VF = , and m =        .
                              2             6


         Substituting A , VF , and m with the corresponding terms above,

                                                                  ρp πD3
                             Xr Q̇        1                          6
                                   × πD2 × = hfg                                               (4.6)
                             4πR          2                        dt


                                       dD                Xr Q̇
                                                  =−                                           (4.7)
                                       dt   rad        4πR2 ρp hfg

         Where R is defined as the distance from the center of the fire to the droplet. According to

Figure 4.4, it can be expressed as: R = (3 + 3.38/2) − x = (4.69 − x).

         Then, add the effect of convection to Eq. (4.7), the model considers both the impacts of

thermal radiation and convection on droplets becomes:

    dvx 3Cd ρf q 2
                 vx vx + vy2 = 0
       +
    dt    4D ρp
    dvy    3Cd ρf q 2                ρf
       +        vy vx + vy = 1 −         g
     dt    4D ρp                     ρp
   dx
        = vx
   dt
   dy
        = vy
                                                             1        1
                                                                                            
    dD               Xr Q̇              4kg     1 + 0.3(Pr) 3 (2 Re) 2  ln 1 + Cpg (T∞ − Tp ) 
        = −
                          2
   dt         4π(4.69 − x) ρp hfg ρp · Cpg · D                                        hfg


         The model is then imported into MATLAB® with the initial conditions listed in Table 4.4:

   Table 4.4: Boundary conditions of LN2 droplets to investigate the effect of thermal radiation

 Droplet type Nozzle diameter Flowrate Initial droplet diameter Initial droplet velocity

                                                         1 mm

     LN2              1.9 cm            170 LPM          2 mm                          10 m/s

                                                         3 mm

         For the case of linear air temperature distribution, the simulation results are displayed in

Figure 4.11(a) and Figure 4.11(b):

              (a) Droplet trajectory profile                 (b) Droplet diameter profile

  Figure 4.11: Trajectory and diameter profiles of the LN2 droplets under the effects of thermal
                                   radiation and convection

         From Figure 4.11, the droplets trajectory and diameter curves when both thermal radiation

and convection are considered almost coincide with those in the case which only the impact of


convection is included. The flight distance and the final droplet diameter when the droplets settled

at the fuel surface are nearly identical in both cases. Therefore, it can be concluded that the

thermal radiation has an insignificant impact on either the droplet trajectory or its evaporation rate.

According to Ref. [23], the radiation heat transfer from the surface of a pool fire is typically in the

order of 1 W/cm2 , for droplets having radii between 1 mm and 10 cm. Hence, the reason for the

negligible impacts of thermal radiation on droplet motion and evaporation is attributed to the small

cross-sectional area of the drops.

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