Page created by Darren Jones

   New human-machine interfaces,
   Voice assistants promise flexibility,
   precision and efficiency in the workplace,
   where they have not yet made their mark.

SUMMARY                                                                                                     EDITORIAL

    AGILITY PICTURE               AGILITY FOCUS        WHICH COMMUNICATION        AGILITY CASE                  Energy transition and digital transformation
                                                       INFRASTRUCTURE                                           are having an impact on everyday life.
                                                       FOR THE SMART CITY?        OSLO LEADS                    To cover these two ongoing developments,
                                                                                  THE WAY IN GREEN              VINCI Energies created The Agility Effect
                                                       4DX-ENABLED CINEMAS        AND INCLUSIVE                 as an information platform and a biennial
                                                                                                                magazine at the end of 2016.
                                                       DELIVER THRILL RIDE
                                                                                  SMART CITIES
                                                                                  41                            Three years later, our day-to-day discussions
                                                       BANQUE DE FRANCE PRINTER                                 and projects demonstrate that the two trends
                                                       DEPLOYS ROBOTS                                           are increasingly central concerns of our society.
    9                                                                                                           The Agility Effect's original goal remains
                                                                                                                unchanged – to provide accurate and
                                  AGILITY MAKES                                                                 informative reporting about a fast-changing
    FINALLY GET ACCESS            ITSELF HEARD                                                                  world that calls for agility to efficiently put
                                                                                                                the energy transition and digital transformation
                                  21                                                                            promise into practice in cities, infrastructure,
                                                                                                                buildings and industry.
                                  VOICE MUST
                                  MAKE ITS WAY IN
    THE FUTURE, DRIVEN BY NEW                                                                                   Over the three-year period, more than
                                  THE BUSINESS WORLD
    TECHNOLOGIES                                                                                                400 articles, videos and infographics have
                                  22                   VIRTUAL REALITY,
                                                       SUPPORTING SAFETY                                        been posted on
                                                       38                                                       to illustrate the issues on which we focus,
    BUILDING DEVELOPMENT                                                                                        our sources of inspiration and our innovations.
                                                       SMART ROBOT                                              Our brand experts and operational personnel
                                                       DATA SECURITY VIA
    14                                                                                                          use it to discuss their work in exploring and
                                                       THE BLOCKCHAIN
                                                       40                         HOW DUBLIN HAS BECOME         explaining the main challenges facing
                                                                                  THE DATA CENTRE AND CLOUD     the world of the present and the future.
    AGILITY LEADER                                                                CAPITAL OF EUROPE
    ASTRID GUYART,                                                                44                            In this issue, we take a close look at voice
                                                                                                                technologies and attempt to see how
    ATTACKING ON ALL                                                              THE THREE PILLARS             their use will affect the workplace
    FRONTS                        STILL AT
                                  THE FACTORY GATES
                                                                                  OF THE DIGITAL
                                                                                  TRANSFORMATION                environment and require a new approach
    18                            24                                              IN TALLINN                    to security in communications.
                                  THE SMART BUILDING                                                            I hope you enjoy reading it on
                                  SEEKS ITS VOICE                                                     !
                                  26                                              AGILITY PICTURE
                                                                                  ROTTERDAM PREPARES            Sabrina Thibault,
                                  THE VOICE SECURITY
                                                                                  FOR THE SHIPS OF THE FUTURE   Director of Communication, VINCI Energies
                                                                                  48                            Director of Publication, The Agility Effect

                                  SARA SPEAKS UP
                                                                                  AGILITY PROFILE

2   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                          NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   3

                                  THE CAMERA
                                  THAT MAKES
                                  CITIES SMART
                                  The Blaxtair camera manufactured
                                  by the Arcure company is designed
                                  to ensure safety of worksite
                                  machinery even more efficiently
                                  than reversing radar. It builds
                                  on artificial intelligence to learn
                                  and recognize shapes and
                                  movements behind a machine.
                                  The system is used in vehicles
                                  on the La Défense station worksite
                                  west of Paris, part of the RER Line E
                                  extension project. The image
                                  recognition technology, an effective
                                  way to ensure safety, is also used in
                                  many other urban applications, such
                                  as road tunnel monitoring
                                  and traffic flow management.

4   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                 NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019    5
decarbonisation rate, which            Improving access to electricity           in the north-east of the country
                                                                                  exceeds 45%. Hydropower is             thanks to solar and wind power            (in the states of Pernambuco

                                                                                  generated by giant dams like                                                     and Bahia), where winds are
                                                                                  the Itaipu dam on the Paraná River,    Because populations living in             favourable but demand is limited.
                                                                                  the world’s second largest power       remote regions are so dispersed,          This distortion means delivering
                                                                                  plant in terms of installed capacity   Brazil decided to develop                 electricity where it is required,

                                                                                  (more than 90 TW per year), and        distributed power generation              thousands of kilometres to
                                                                                  by smaller structures like             systems and install micro-grids           the south, in the state of Minas
                                                                                  the cluster of dams refurbished        that integrate photovoltaics and          Gerais and the Rio region.

                                                                                  by VINCI Energies brand Omexom         wind power. As part of this initiative,   “That’s one of the challenges in
                                                                                  on behalf of national distribution     Omexom has deployed hundreds              the country,” says Ferreira. “
                                                                                  company Enel. Work on these            of mini solar plants in the south         A national network must be built
                                                                                  structures involved “upgrading         of Belem.                                 to increase transmission capacity
                                                                                  electrical systems, in particular      Wind power also contributes               and secure delivery. The poor quality
                                                                                  instrumentation and control,”          towards improving access to               of existing power lines can lead to
                                                                                  says Ferreira. “Automation and         electricity and indeed towards            blackouts.”
                                                                                  digitisation have helped reduce        optimising the energy mix. Its            In 2009, due to harsh weather
                                                                                  manual tasks and give Enel head        potential is estimated at 350 GW,         conditions, Brazil experienced
                                                                                  office back control.”                  and generation is concentrated            a massive power outage after

    Not only does Brazil enjoy substantial reserves of offshore
    oil, it also shows vast potential in terms of renewable
    energy sources. But to realise this potential, the “continent-
    country” will have to invest in its infrastructure.
    Fifteen times the size of France      accounted for 47.4% of Brazil’s
    and as big as a continent, Brazil     energy generation and 38.4%
    presents a mixed energy picture,      of consumption. Natural gas
    characterised by its geography and    is another abundant resource,
    contrasting abundant resources –      covering 72% of consumption.
    both fossil and renewable.
    “The point of energy generation
    is often located far from the point   Potential renewable energy
    of consumption,” remarks Dominique    sources
    Ferreira, CEO of the VINCI Energies
    Brazil division. “The considerable    To drive its energy transition,
    distances involved in delivering      Brazil can rely on extensive
    electricity make transmission,        potential sources of renewable
    and therefore access to energy,       energy. Ranked third worldwide
    a critical issue.”                    in “green” electricity generation,
    Eighty percent of the Brazilian       it is especially active in the fields
    population is concentrated in         of hydropower and biomass.
    the country’s coastal areas, and      These two resources alone mean
    dispersed communities can remain      that the country’s recorded CO2
    cut off, without power, for a long    emissions are 54% lower than
    time, as in the Amazon rainforest.    the global average.
    When looking at the geography,
    Brazil’s large reserves of oil are    Indeed, Brazil, which has undertaken
    located offshore, more than           to cut its greenhouse gas
    100 km off the coast and at depths    emissions by 43% by 2030
    of over 5,000 m.                      (compared to 2005 levels) as part
    The country has a vast supply         of COP 21, is a pioneer in biofuels,
    of fossil fuels. Its primary energy   and biomass accounts for 30%
    resource is oil, with extraction      of energy consumption. At 11.5%,
    from offshore platforms set to        hydropower accounts for less,
    grow sharply. In 2016, black gold     but it contributes to the country’s

6   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                  NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019    7
                                                                                                                            AHEAD WITH WIND
                                                                                                                            FARM ROLLOUT

                                                                                                                            Several wind power projects                                                         and Aftissat in the south
                                                                                                                            have been developed in                                                              of the region (200 MW).
                                                                                                                            recent years on the Atlantic                                                        The commissioning by Omexom
                                                                                                                            coast with the help of                                                              of the last farm in this series was
                                                                                                                            Omexom and are continuing                                                           finalised in June 2018 on the
                                                                                                                            to spread across the whole                                                          Khalladi site near Tangier.
                                                                                                                            region.                                                                             The 40 wind turbines, each with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                a 3 MW capacity, have a total
                                                                                                                                                                                                                installed capacity of 120 MW.
                                                                                                                            Favourable weather conditions,                                                      Built by energy company Acwa
                                                                                                                            an exceptional amount of sunshine,                                                  Power, the farm will deliver an
                                                                                                                            and strong and regular winds on                                                     “annual reduction in CO2 emissions
                                                                                                                            the Atlantic coast make Morocco                                                     of around 144,000 tonnes,”
                                                                                                                            particularly well suited to developing                                              says Anas Zirari, Omexom business
                                                                                                                            renewable energies.                                                                 unit manager in Casablanca who
                                                                                                                            Indeed, the country plans to invest                                                 managed the entire Khalladi project.
                                                                                                                            billions of dollars in reviewing                                                    The electricity evacuation works
                                                                                                                            its energy mix and focusing on                                                      for the farm covered the supply,
       “Brazil has a green                 1999 in a campaign to build              combined, and just 15% from             low-carbon energy by 2030, when                                                     assembly, connection,
       energy matrix in                    and strengthen its national network
                                           with the help of Omexom, which
                                                                                    thermal and nuclear power.              52% of its installed capacity must
                                                                                                                            come from solar, wind, and hydro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and commissioning of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                various facilities: control centres,
       terms of electricity                is rolling out 1,000 km of 230 KV        The share of renewable energies         power. As an intermediate step in                                                   underground networks to evacuate
       generation.”                        and 500 KV power lines. Demand
                                           in the country is considerable,
                                                                                    in the energy mix increased from
                                                                                    39.4% in 2014 to 41.2% in 2015.
                                                                                                                            this ambitious roadmap, Morocco
                                                                                                                            aims to install 2,000 MW of wind,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the electricity generated by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the turbines, fibre-optic networks
                                           since some 50,000 km of extra-           But he warns: “Studies point to         2,000 MW of solar, and 2,000 MW            power utility ONEE (Office national      between the turbines, and
                                           high-voltage lines must be installed     the fact that while Brazil is seeing    of hydro power generation capacity         de l’Electricité et de l’eau potable).   connection to the national power
                                           in the next 10 years!                    a return to economic growth,            by 2020, which will bring the share        Renewable energy specialist              grid.
    the failure of three national grid                                              installed generation capacity will      of renewables to 42% of installed          Omexom (VINCI Energies) in
    HV transmission lines leading from                                              be insufficient.” With its energy       capacity.                                  Casablanca has been involved since       The electricity generated on
    the Itaipu hydroelectric dam on        Green matrix                             consumption set to double by 2030,      To accelerate the push towards             2012 in installing several wind          the Khalladi site is transported
    the border with Paraguay.                                                       the country will undoubtedly            a new energy balance, the country          farms near the Moroccan coastline,       via the ONEE grid and sold to
    Some 90 million people (out of a       Overall, “Brazil has a green energy      have to accelerate the expansion        adopted law 13-09, which                   including Haouma to the east             Moroccan manufacturers at very
    population of 200 million) in Brazil   matrix in terms of electricity           of its infrastructure, both for oil –   authorises the private sector to           of Tangier (50 MW), Akhfennir 1 in       competitive prices. The added
    were left without power. Around        generation,” says Dominique              by building new offshore platforms      build renewable energy generation          the south of the country facing          advantage for industrial companies
    90% of Paraguay’s territory            Ferreira, listing the various sources:   – and for electricity, all the while    facilities and to sell green electricity   the Canary Islands (100 MW), Foum        is that they can showcase their
    was also affected by the blackout.     65% comes from hydropower,               pursuing its decarbonisation            to private industrial customers by         el-Oued to the south of Laayoune         involvement in the green transition
    Brazil has been involved since         20% from solar, wind and biomass         targets.                                using the public electricity grid of       (50 MW), Akhfennir 2 (100 MW)            and sustainable development.

8   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                               NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   9
     As part of an initiative                                                                                                                                                                           Solar photovoltaics,
     to bring electricity to
     communities living on                                                                                                                                                                              wind power and
     islands created by the                                                                                                                                                                             mini hydroelectric
     Tucuruí dam in Brazil,
     Omexom has installed mini                                                                                                                                                                          power plants are
     photovoltaic power plants.                                                                                                                                                                         all solutions that
     This agile solution was
     encouraged by the public                                                                                                                                                                           should be promoted
     authorities.                                                                                                                                                                                       to bring electricity
     It is a cruel paradox that in the                                                                                                                                                                  to areas that are
     state of Pará in the Amazon
     rainforest, the workers who built
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “cut off from the
     the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam,                                                                                                                                                                     world”.
     one of the largest in the world, on
     the Tocantins River, 350 km to the
     south of Belém, have been living
     “in the dark” up till now. Settled
     among the region’s hills, which
     became islands after the creation                                                                                                                                                               fridges and TVs,” says Eduardo da
     of a vast reservoir when the dam                                                                                                                                                                Matta, solar business manager at
     was built between 1974 and 1984,                                                                                                                                                                Omexom in Brazil.
     the workers and their families have                                                                                                                                                             The project has a strong social
     had no access to electricity. Only                                                                                                                                                              dimension in the sense that it
     a few farms had a diesel generator,                                                                                                                                                             “will change the lives of thousands
     relying on a highly expensive,                                                                                                                                                                  of families by giving them access
     polluting and non-renewable                                                                                                                                                                     to power,” he stresses. In a country
     source to meet their most basic                                                                                                                                                                 that is seeking to rebalance
     demands for energy.                                                                                                                                                                             its energy mix by focusing on
     The installation on these islands of   facilities are being carried out       solutions, considered best suited to     electricity to the areas in the     Tucuruí dam meet the government’s    renewables, particularly solar
     1,361 solar panel systems between      by Omexom’s Brazil branch              resolving the issue of isolated areas.   rainforest and Pantanal that are    definition. The solar panels         power, it also has an important
     January 2019 and January 2020 is       (VINCI Energies).                      According to the public authorities,     “cut off from the world”.           installed by Omexom in farms,        environmental dimension.
     set to change the lives of all these   The project is part of the “Luz para   which are financing up to 85% of                                             schools and healthcare facilities    “For Brazil, this kind of off-grid
     families who so far have used oil      todos” programme introduced by         the costs of implementing these                                              have a total installed capacity      project (involving stand-alone
     lamps for light and have preserved     the Brazilian government to supply     projects, solar PV, wind power, mini     Social and environmental            of 1.8 MWp. “Each system can         generation units not connected
     perishable goods in ice that they      electricity to the 10 million-plus     hydroelectric power plants, and          dimension                           generate up to 45 kWh per month,     to the grid) shows a new trend,
     fetch by travelling by boat every      people living in rural areas with      even in some cases natural gas,                                              which means enough electricity       and Omexom is in the front line in
     day to the mainland. Works on          no connection to the grid. The         are the types of energy generation       The hundreds of islands scattered   to provide lighting for a farm and   contributing to its development,”
     the photovoltaic power generation      programme supports renewable           that should be promoted to bring         across a 40 km² area around the     to power household appliances like   concludes da Matta.

10   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                   NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   11
All stages of the passenger process,   biometrics to reduce queuing           to confirm the passenger's identity.
                                                including check in, baggage drop       times at security screening,           Providers say that three-quarters of

                                                and security are covered.              one of the bottlenecks in              the world's airports will soon be
                                                VINCI Airports is currently testing    the passenger process. Optimised       equipped with biometric identification
                                                an automated self bag drop system      facial recognition will enable the     systems.
                                                in three airports - Lisbon,            passenger to go through border

                                                Portugal; Nantes, France; and Kansai   control without having to show
                                                International, Japan. "So far          his or her passport several times.     BIM and predictive
                                                the passenger was only able to         This innovation is in keeping with     maintenance

                                                check himself in to get a boarding     the efforts of the main aeronautical
                                                pass. Now he will also be able to      industry service providers to make     Digital technologies that promise
                                                check in his own baggage,"             biometric identification the new       to gradually improve the passenger
                                                says the Technical Director.           benchmark in the airport.              experience also help to "better
                                                                                       The passenger scans his or her         manage the facility," says
                                                                                       passport and boarding card at a        the VINCI Airports Technical
                                                Biometrics at the border               kiosk and then uses its built-in       Director, who emphasises the
                                                                                       camera to take a photo.                advantages of BIM.
                                                VINCI Airports has other innovations   The software then compares             The BIM created during design and
                                                on the drawing board that use          the selfie to the passport photo       construction of new infrastructure
                                                                                                                              such as the airports in Santiago

     From check in to baggage
     drop off and security
     screening, all stages                                                                                                       By the end
     of passenger movement                                                                                                       of 2021,
     through the airport are being
     automated to simplify                                                                                                       three-quarters
     the process. VINCI Airports is                                                                                              of the world's
     one of the main companies
     leading this transformation.                                                                                                airports will have
     Online check in and ticket storage
                                                                                                                                 biometric identity
     in smartphones are now giving                                                                                               checking systems.
     the airline passenger a first glimpse
     of the digital transformation taking
     place in airports - but only a first
     glimpse, since the transformation                                                                                        de Chile and Salvador de Bahia
     that is increasingly being rolled out                                                                                    (Brazil) provides valuable information
     is set to completely overhaul the air                                                                                    that can be used in subsequent
     travel experience. State-of-the-art                                                                                      airport operation. For example,
     technologies such as blockchain,                                                                                         the 3D representation includes data
     robotics, and artificial intelligence                                                                                    on the location of a lift as well as
     are now being used to provide                                                                                            information concerning such things
     "smooth and seamless" travel, says                                                                                       as its make, year of manufacture,
     VINCI Airports Technical Director                                                                                        component replacement dates,
     Cédric Laurier. For VINCI Airports                                                                                       and maintenance schedule.
     – which is part of the VINCI Group                                                                                       The noise emitted by a moving
     and operates 46 airports around                                                                                          sidewalk can be processed
     the world – the airport is more                                                                                          to anticipate a breakdown, send
     than a transfer point through which                                                                                      a maintenance team and prevent
     it must be possible to move as                                                                                           the problem rather than having
     smoothly as possible. "It is a gathering                                                                                 to repair it. Predictive maintenance
     place where people accompany                                                                                             ensures better performance.
     their family and friends, and it must                                                                                    It also boosts passenger comfort,
     be made more people-focused,                                                                                             by removing obstacles so
     while making the most of digital                                                                                         the passenger has more time for
     technology," says Cédric Laurier.                                                                                        himself or to interact with others.

12   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                             NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019    13
buildings spreads, it is starting to   mainstream is the capacity of             platform that offers services with
                                             show its limitations. The stumbling    the players involved to overcome          real added value. It is key to

                                             block is the same everywhere: poor     their “silo” mentality and to find        the smart building’s service-based
                                             data accessibility and management.     a way for buildings to function           value proposition,” stresses Philippe
                                             It’s precisely this building and       intelligently at the operational stage.   Conus, Building Solutions director
                                             occupant-generated data that                                                     at VINCI Energies.

                                             is supposed to differentiate smart                                               Its innovative power is based
                                             buildings from older structures.       Operating system                          on three things: visualisation,
                                             “In its current form, the smart                                                  openness, and scalability. Directly

                                             building has not yet been able to      In this, the market has a valuable        linked to Building Information
                                             deliver on its promises,” says Houda   ally: the Building Operating System.      Modelling (BIM), this Building
                                             Matta, smart building manager at       BOS is a central software platform        Operating System provides
                                             VINCI Energies.                        that enables “business verticals”,        graphical, intuitive access to data.
                                             While the increasing number of         traditionally compartmentalised at        Each of the building’s automated
                                             applications using and generating      all levels of building infrastructure     functions is positioned in the right
                                             large volumes of heterogeneous         and use, to communicate with each         place in a 3D representation.
                                             data adds a layer of complexity,       other.                                    This means lighting fixture X in
                                             the main issue to be resolved          “The purpose of BOS is to transform       office Y at the end of a corridor
                                             before smart buildings can become      buildings into a scalable digital         on floor Z can be immediately

     Next-generation buildings
     feature more and more
     digital applications, but
     struggle to make them
     communicate with each
     other. That’s where BOS
     (Building Operating System)
     comes in – a solution linked
     to BIM (Building Information
     If the place it actually occupies
     in the urban landscape was to
     be measured against the media
     coverage it receives, then the smart
     building would today represent a
     new benchmark in the construction
     and maintenance market in
     this sector. There’s no doubt that
     it’s a growing industry.
     “Smart buildings, in other words
     buildings that incorporate
     automated systems and offer
     a range of services for owners,
     occupants and operators, first
     took root in commercial office
     buildings but are now entering
     other parts of the property market
     such as hospitals, supermarkets and
     What’s more, they are being rolled
     out very quickly, across the whole
     country,” says Aymeric Tissandier,
     engineering & works director for
     Building Solutions at VINCI Energies.
     But as this first generation of smart

14   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                            NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019    15
        “The purpose of                   applications more specifically
                                          aimed at building users, all of
                                                                                    modified in real time, connecting
                                                                                    BIM data with other sources
        BOS is to transform
        buildings into
                                          these functional building blocks
                                          must speak a common language,”
                                                                                    of building data.
        a scalable digital
                                          explains Aymeric Tissandier.              “BOS will introduce new ways
                                                                                    of working to our operations,” adds                                                          DAVIES
                                                                                                                                                                                 SKIPPER OF THE INITIATIVES-
        platform that offers              New ways of working
                                                                                    Philippe Conus, Building Solutions
                                                                                    director. “To design and implement                                                           CŒUR SAILBOAT.
        services with                                                               buildings equipped with self-                                                                VINCI ENERGIES,
        real added value.”                Throughout its lifecycle, a building      learning and consequently scalable                                                           PERFORMANCE PARTNER.
                                          will collect data generated by its        services, we will need to integrate
                                          occupants. In this respect,               new areas of expertise in network
                                          the Building Operating System plays       architecture, data interpretation,
                                          the role of translator to facilitate      management, maintenance, and
     identified and serviced remotely,    the interpretation, analysis,             cybersecurity for infrastructure.”
     in real time.                        and correction in real time of user       Furthermore, the VINCI group
     “This spatial qualification of raw   services (room reservations, lighting,    intends to play a pioneering role in    Digital transformation and energy transition accelerator, VINCI Energies boost the reliability, safety and efficiency of energy,
     data requires all players to have    temperature, air quality, connectivity,   this through its future head office     transport and communication infrastructure, factories and buildings.
     previously agreed to share           dialogue with applications outside        in Nanterre (to the west of Paris),
     standards. Whether infrastructure,   the building, etc.). It ensures that      which is due for delivery in 2021.      GIVING MEANING TO OUR COMMITMENT AND LIVING OUR VALUES EVERY DAY!
     computerised maintenance             updates are made over time,               “Archipel”, which is set to be fully
     management systems (CMMS),           thus protecting the smart building        designed, built, and managed using
                                                                                                                                                                         Social icon

                                                                                                                                                                         Rounded square
                                                                                                                                                                         Only use blue and/or white.

                                                                                                                                                                         For more details check out our
                                                                                                                                                                         Brand Guidelines.

     BIM, building management systems     from obsolescence.                        a digital approach, will be the first
     (BMS), IoT or, by means of           In short, BOS acts as an open,            large-scale, real site to run BOS at    VINCI Energies supports
     a trickle-down effect, service       dynamic database that can be              full throttle.

16   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                               NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   17

                                   ASTRID GUYART,
                                   ATTACKING ON
                                   ALL FRONTS

                                   The fencing champion is pursuing a parallel career as
                                   an aerospace engineer. In her spare time, she also writes
                                   picture books for children.
                                   Life has taught her - a determined woman - to adapt.
                                   Astrid Guyart has learned to face up    "I chose the second option
                                   to difficult challenges - in life and   so I could pursue my dream of
                                   in fencing. As a fencing champion       competing in the Olympics,"
                                   who has won many medals,                she says. "Learning the new
                                   she has been recovering from knee       technique enabled me to improve
                                   surgery since November 2018.            my game and move up a level.
                                   At 36, she remains as determined as     The new technique has now
                                   ever to participate in the May 2019     become my special move, the one
                                   qualifying tournaments that will        my opponents fear. It is almost
                                   select the French team to take part     Darwinian: what enables you
                                   in the Tokyo Olympics next year.        to survive at one point is what
                                   "Adaptability is the key to a high-     ultimately makes you stronger."
                                   level career," says Astrid Guyart.      Astrid Guyart started fencing very
                                   Back in 2007, following a hip injury    early, at age five, when she began
                                   that prevented her from performing      accompanying her big brother Brice,
                                   a conventional fencing attack,          who is also a fencing champion,
                                   doctors gave her a choice between       to the Le Vésinet club on
                                   two options: stop competing to          the outskirts of Paris once a week.
                                   maintain her health, or completely      At about the same time, Astrid
                                   overhaul her approach to the sport.     discovered her other passion: space.

18   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                         NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   19
                                                                                                                                                                    AGILITY FOCUS
     "The creation of the universe,
     the Big Bang theory, fascinated
     me," she says, and today she is still
     starry-eyed when speaking about it.
     Immediately after high school
     she therefore enrolled in both
     the INSEP Escrime fencing school
     and an aerospace engineering
     school in Sceaux, west of Paris.
     "A lot of people at the time told me
     I needed to choose one or the other,
     but I have learned that it is
     important to stay the course and
     always believe in what you are
     doing," she says.
     And she demonstrably succeeded:
     Astrid Guyart became a foil fencing
     champion and also joined EADS in

                                              you cannot succeed by yourself),          discovered in 2016: writing picture
                                              remain open-minded and curious            books for children. "I wanted to give
        “There will always                    (in sports, you have to be constantly     my niece a book about sports.

                                                                                                                                          AGILITY MAKES
                                              seeking new techniques and                But I couldn't find one that could
        be people telling                     methods) and concentrate are              fire a child's enthusiasm for stories
        you that what                         important both in sports and at
                                              work, when you are at a meeting,
                                                                                        about the subject - so I decided
                                                                                        to write one for her. That ended

                                                                                                                                           ITSELF HEARD
        you want to do                        a presentation to a client. In all        up starting the "Les Incroyables
        is not possible.                      these cases, you need to be focused
                                              on the present."
                                                                                        Rencontres de Jo" series, in which
                                                                                        the hero, Jo (the name stands for
        It is important                       In April 2019, Astrid Guyart took leave   Olympics in French), meets a future
        to stay the course                    from ArianeGroup to devote herself
                                              full-time to preparing for the summer
                                                                                        grand champion," she explains.
                                                                                        Le Cherche Midi published the first
        and believe in your                   Olympics in Tokyo in 2020.                three picture books in March 2017,
        dreams.”                              The event is a crucial milestone in
                                              her sports career, but that doesn't
                                                                                        with "Jo, Haut Perché" on the pole
                                                                                        vault, "Le Face-à-face de Jo",
                                              keep her from continuing to actively      on fencing and "Le Rebond de Jo",
                                              take part in the Athletes' Committee      on basketball. Another book was             Though they have now become a very popular consumer product, voice assistants have
                                              chaired by Martin Fourcade, which         added to the series in April 2018       so far made few inroads in the business world. In some settings, such as factories, workshops
                                              is preparing and organising               ("Le Coup de Main de Jo",               and open-plan offices, ambient noise can prevent the devices from fully understanding voice
     2006, Airbus in 2013 and finally         the 2024 Games in Paris.                  on handball) and a fifth was            instructions. In others, security of voice communications sent to the cloud, where algorithms
     the ArianeGroup in late 2016.            "Right now we are working on              published in October 2019.
     Having started out in the preliminary    the design of the Olympic village.                                                          process the data to provide answers or trigger action, can also be a concern.
     design office, she was appointed         The work is very instructive.             In writing, as in sports and in her      Such constraints have prevented massive rollout of the technology in the BtoB environment.
     head of the materials and processes      I am dealing with subjects I am           professional life, Astrid has learned           But in the more or less foreseeable future, technological progress will overcome
     laboratory developing new space          not used to tackling," she says           from her successes and also from          these obstacles. Already, a number of industrial and service sector activities are beginning
     technologies in 2016.                    enthusiastically. "We don't always        her failures. "Victory confirms a             to test the new human-machine communication resource, and business solutions
     Does she take the same approach to       realise it, but actually we all have      step forward. Failure forces you to        are beginning to emerge, mainly in customer service and e-commerce applications such
     fencing and aerospace engineering?       multiple skills."                         ask yourself: "How can I do better?                 as voicebots – chatbots using voice rather than written communication.
     "I am the same person in both                                                      What does this setback have to
     fields, and so I naturally apply the                                               teach me?" Being dissatisfied
     qualities I developed in high-level      Virtues of failure                        pushes you to make sure it doesn't                    SUMMARY. Voice must make its way in the business world,
     sports to my professional activities,"                                             happen again. It accelerates your               p.22… Still at the factory gates, p.24… The smart building seeks its voice,
     she says. "Being able                    Astrid Guyart intends to pursue           progress," says Astrid, an insatiable                  p.26… The voice security issue, p.28… SARA speaks up, p.30…
     to work with the best (in sports,        another of her skills, which she          competitor.

20   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                            NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   21
AGILITY FOCUS                                                               by an agency, and €40,000 and
                                                                                                                                two months if provided by a
                                                                                                                                                                      This ambivalence is inherent
                                                                                                                                                                      in voice technology, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Spix for "technicians working
                                                                                                                                                                                                             in Industry 4.0".
                                                                                                                                software publisher and its network    simultaneously attracts and causes     For the time being, the main use
                                                                                                                                of experts, says Hicham Tahiri, CEO   concern. Conversational solutions      to which voice technology is put
                                                                                                                                of                        are increasingly provided by           in industrial environments is to
                                                                                                                                Despite these limitations, business   companies such as startup Vivoka       assist maintenance technicians,
                                                                                                                                solutions are beginning to appear,    in eastern France, which offers        for example those working on

                 VOICE MUST
                                                                                                                                primarily in customer service and     software, and also Zac, a physical     a power distribution grid.
                                                                                                                                e-commerce voicebots (chatbots        voice assistant for the hospitality    An American startup, iT SpeeX,
                                                                                                                                using voice rather than written       industry. In June of this year, the    has also developed a voice

               MAKE ITS WAY IN
                                                                                                                                communication) but also               company announced that it was          assistant to control machine tools.
                                                                                                                                in workshops and factories.           opening the world's first voice        But before industrial robot lines can
                                                                                                                                According to a study by the Pindrop   technology marketplace, Voice          be controlled by voice, regulations
                                                                                                                                company involving 500 heads of        Market, to help companies sort         will have to change, since the

                                                                                                                                companies and IT managers,            out the wide range of chatbot and      ISO standards do not yet cover
                                                                                                                                85% of companies will have            other voice solutions now available.   the technology. Work will also be
                                                                                                                                introduced voice technology to                                               needed to demonstrate to operators
                                                                                                                                communicate with their customers                                             that the new interface actually
                                                                                                                                by the end of 2019.                   Voice-controlled robots?               facilitates their work, and to train
                                                                                                                                But 85% of them also believe that                                            operators in vocabulary learning
                                                                                                                                their customers' fear of data         Simsoft Industry, a company in         techniques to ensure that the
                                                                                                                                abuse will slow the introduction      southern France, has developed         voice assistant understands their
                                                                                                                                of the technology.                    Vogof, a smart voice assistant,        requests.

     Voice assistants, a popular consumer product, have so far been little used in business
     environments. Yet already, a number of industrial and service sector activities are beginning
     to test the new human-machine communication interface.
     Although Alexa, the voice assistant       there are now 3.2 million such          conversations via their speakers
     sold by Amazon, has so far been           devices, up from 1.7 million in 2018    were being listened to, including by
     available only via Echo speakers,         (according to the Médiamétrie           human operators, has heightened
     now in the United States, the huge        institute), and between 16 and          the concern.
      American market leader has               20 million voice assistants via         To avoid having to rely on the GAFA
     introduced a new range of                 smartphone (according to                companies for voice solutions,
     Bluetooth accessories that enable         the Roland Berger consulting firm).     some 30 French public (research
     people to talk to their voice assistant                                           laboratories) and private (such as
     via connected earphones, rings,                                                   Snips and Kwalys) stakeholders
     and glasses. The development              Noise and security issues               have set up Le Voice Lab "to enable
     reflects the success of                                                           the French and European voice
     the new human-machine interface           But in the work environment,            ecosystem to compete worldwide
     introduced in 2011 with Siri              it is still highly unusual for people   and to deliver an alternative
     in the Apple iPhone.                      to use a voice assistant. In some       to the existing range by offering
     Connected speakers (Amazon Echo,          settings, such as factories,            high-performance IPAs and voice
     Google Home, Apple Home Pod)              workshops and open-plan offices,        services."
     have been sold in the United              ambient noise can prevent
     States since 2014 (when Echo was          the devices from fully understanding
     introduced) and in France for             voice instructions. In others,          Voice technology attracts but
     the past two years.                       security of voice communications        also causes concern
     There are currently an estimated          sent to the cloud, where algorithms
     114 million such speakers in              process the data to provide             Apart from technical and security
     operation around the world, and           answers or initiate action,             issues, there is also cost. Installing
     specialist consulting firms expect        can also be a concern. Such issues      a voice solution in a business setting
     strong growth over the coming             have prevented massive rollout          costs an estimated €300,000
     five years. In the United States, one     of the technology in the B2B            and one year of development work
     household in four already has a           environment. The fact that Google       if it is carried out in-house,
     connected speaker. And in France          and Amazon recently admitted that       €70,000 and six months if provided

22   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                           NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019    23

                        STILL AT
                  THE FACTORY GATES

     Voice assistants are just starting to be seen in industry. But before an assembly line can be
     controlled by voice technology, constraints such as background noise and data structuring
     first need to be eliminated.
     “ATHENA, warm up the machine,”            to control procedures or task         and automotive sectors Ventana
     commands a technician with                schedules by voice, access relevant   has been working with SimSoft
     a wireless headset standing by            and context-driven information        Industry for the past two years,
     a machine tool. “The machine is           that will help them, and report       developing a voice assistant tailored
     warmed up,” answers an artificial         structured information about          to its business areas.
     woman’s voice. This conversation          the measurements or observations
     between a human and an AI system
     to control machines and industrial                                              Structuring voice data
     robots could one day become
     commonplace in workshops and
                                                  “Voice is probably                 “Voice is probably the most
                                                                                     promising of the human senses if
     Indeed, a human-machine interface            the most promising                 we’re speaking about productivity.
     called ATHENA has been developed
     by American startup iT SpeeX, which
                                                  of the human                       But it’s only just starting to make
                                                                                     inroads into industry,” says Thomas
     is part hardware (headset, computer,         senses if we’re                    Leseigneur, innovation manager
     and peripherals), part software.
     It can be used to control the
                                                  speaking about                     at Actemium, the VINCI Energies
                                                                                     industrial solutions brand.             commands by the voice assistant,       The system can check in the               But manufacturers are still wary
     machine by voice, request status             productivity. But it’s             Voice-based AI and learning             is another major constraint,           CMMS (computerised maintenance            about having their data stored
     reports, and coach operators in
     other processes.
                                                  only just starting to              technology will need to incorporate
                                                                                     the relevant technical vocabulary,
                                                                                                                             particularly from a safety point of
                                                                                                                             view. SimSoft Industry employs
                                                                                                                                                                    management system) whether
                                                                                                                                                                    the part is available and automatically
                                                                                                                                                                                                              remotely. And if business voice
                                                                                                                                                                                                              assistants use the cloud like their
     This new way of interacting with             make inroads into                  in other words the specific             an ergonomist specialising in          trigger, if necessary, an order for       consumer counterparts Alexa and
     machines and industrial robots
     is still in its infancy, since iT SpeeX
                                                  industry.”                         characteristics of the industrial
                                                                                     environment, since language
                                                                                                                             language so that the assistant fully
                                                                                                                             understands the vocabulary used
                                                                                                                                                                    the spare part,” he explains.
                                                                                                                                                                    Voice assistants will need to play
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Google Home, then data exchange
                                                                                                                                                                                                              via an embedded system will need
     only presented its technology in                                                processing systems work by              by operators.                          their part in the automation of           to be considered so as to reassure
     September 2018 at Chicago’s IMTS                                                learning. “Voice is unstructured        When it comes to reports, saying       business processes, which still rely      industrial clients.
     show. It will be a while before           that they need to perform.            data, just like images.                 information out loud rather than       on paper reports, and generate            Once all of these obstacles have
     the system has been tested, approved,     This means that technicians           So, voice assistant-driven data         writing it up saves a lot of time in   workflows between various                 been overcome, AI-driven voice
     and made available outside the US.        can work hands-free and remain        structuring is key to properly          document processing. “For example,     workstations. For instance in             assistants will one day be able to
     In France, software publisher             focused on their tasks, while         utilising all the information,”         if an operator is performing a         assembly, where voice technology          control the entire production chain.
     SimSoft Industry offers smart voice       maintaining connectivity with their   points out Leseigneur.                  survey of a machine and notices        will deliver a more seamless              The outcome? Factories that look
     assistants like Spix or Vogof for         information system.                   Background noise, which can             a problem with a part, they can log    interaction in the production             more like sci-fi films than Charlie
     industry. Vogof enables technicians       Parts manufacturer for the aircraft   hamper understanding of                 the information verbally.              process.                                  Chaplin’s Modern Times.

24   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                            NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   25

               SEEKS ITS VOICE

     Voice assistants, increasingly used in the home, have not found their way into the work
     environment. Not yet. To do so, voice technologies will have to accommodate the specific
     features and limitations of work spaces.
     "Say Siri, open the shutters." "OK     Interconnecting voice                 provide car park access for outside
     Google, play the Beatles playlist."    and the smart building                participants, etc. In terms of
     "Alexa, dim the lights in the living                                         ergonomics, it is easier to use a
     room." These requests to voice         However, David Ernest, Director       connected voice assistant than
     assistants are becoming routine        of Innovation and Business            to use several separate software
     in high-end apartment listings         Development at VINCI Facilities,      applications."
     over the past several months.          the VINCI Energies Facility           Voice interfaces will no doubt
     In the workplace, however,             Management brand, says that           be available to manage the many
     voice applications must adapt          "We do not yet have a voice           service applications making up
     to the limitations of the work         transformation strategy but           the BOS (Building Operating
     environment. Although voice            we are preparing its advent."         System) systems that various
     assistants are becoming a popular      The first project will be to          publishers are expected to soon
     consumer product – there are           integrate voice technology in         be offering.
     between 16 and 20 million users        the work environment and foster       "Several international IT majors
     via smartphone and 1.7 million         communication between teams.          (Google, Microsoft, etc.) appear
     connected speakers in operation
     in France, according to the Roland
                                            "Voice technology is useful
                                            when it provides information for
                                                                                  to be developing such projects,"
                                                                                  says Diego Harari.
                                                                                                                           startup, founded by
                                                                                                                           the inventor of the Pepper robot,
                                                                                                                                                                       “Voice technology      the necessary requests.
                                                                                                                                                                                              These systems are part of our
     Berger consulting firm – voice         others, and a nuisance when my        Another technology tool coming           which is building "artificial creatures".   is useful when it      service interface roadmap."
     technology is not yet a focus of
     attention in business properties.
                                            neighbour says things of that are
                                            of no consequence to me,"
                                                                                  into widespread use is chatbots.
                                                                                  Some of them are migrating
                                                                                                                           But the business model has not yet
                                                                                                                           been defined: who will pay to buy
                                                                                                                                                                       provides information   The VINCI Facilities Director
                                                                                                                                                                                              of Innovation and Business
     As Diego Harari, Director of           says David Ernest.                    from text to voice and becoming          or rent the robot, and cover                for others,            Development says that he is also
     Innovation and Sustainable
     Development at VINCI Immobilier,
                                            For Diego Harari, if tomorrow's
                                            smart building includes voice,
                                                                                  "voicebots" that provide a human-
                                                                                  machine interface closer to human
                                                                                                                           the cost of ensuring interoperability
                                                                                                                           with the smart building?
                                                                                                                                                                       and a nuisance         confident that these voice PLCs
                                                                                                                                                                                              will not replace human beings.
     explains, "Technologically, there      the technology will interconnect      interaction.                             Nevertheless, David Ernest is               when my neighbour      "The opposite may happen,"
     are no obstacles. But interaction is
     different at work and in the home.
                                            with office information software,
                                            internal and external service
                                                                                                                           confident that voice technology
                                                                                                                           will spread to B2B and predicts
                                                                                                                                                                       says things of         he says. "Employees will be able
                                                                                                                                                                                              to better focus on their actual jobs
     I cannot imagine entering a            providers, etc. "When you want to     Which economic model                     that "the price of the technology           that are of no         because a voice assistant
     meeting room and saying out loud,
     'turn on the light'. This use case
                                            set up a meeting, you need to find
                                            a room, manage the diaries of         VINCI Facilities is also keeping
                                                                                                                           will come down." He adds, "I think
                                                                                                                           that in the short term we will have
                                                                                                                                                                       consequence            will relieve them of tasks with
                                                                                                                                                                                              no added value, such as reserving
     has no added value."                   the participants, order meal trays,   close track of artificial intelligence   small microphones to manage all             to me."                a meeting room."

26   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                            NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   27
AGILITY FOCUS                                                                   to protect against exploits, too”,
                                                                                                                                   says Alain de Pauw. In terms of
                                                                                                                                                                            with a client and one of these
                                                                                                                                                                            speakers is there listening and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Amazon Web Services (AWS) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Google Cloud Platform, startups
                                                                                                                                   privacy, place those devices away        transmitting the conversation            such as Snips in France offer
                                                                                                                                   from areas you'd rather it not           to the cloud? This is also something     a different model using a voice
                                                                                                                                   potentially overhear conversations.      to think about when using Skype,         recognition technology for connected
                                                                                                                                   The next step is to remove the ability   WhatsApp and Microsoft Teams,"           objects that does not send
                                                                                                                                   of your device to send data.             says the division manager of Axians      information to the cloud and instead

                              THE VOICE
                                                                                                                                                                            Germany.                                 retains requests locally in the devices.
                                                                                                                                                                            There are solutions to ensure security   Snips offers a suite of solutions
                                                                                                                                   Cloud alternative                        for the cloud and on the cloud.          building on the Privacy by Design

                            SECURITY ISSUE
                                                                                                                                                                            The necessary measures include           principle used in smart buildings,
                                                                                                                                   These measures are not specific          complex passwords, security              sales booths, and household
                                                                                                                                   to voice technology - they apply         patches, gateway protection,             appliances. The startup is expected
                                                                                                                                   to all connected objects. However,       modification of the default names        to begin marketing a connected
                                                                                                                                   for voice assistants, appropriate        of voice devices, and the addition       speaker in 2020. This alternative
                                                                                                                                   solutions will have to be introduced     of authentication layers.                may prove beneficial for companies
                                                                                                                                   to ensure security of communication      Alongside the manufacturers of           seeking to increase confidentiality
                                                                                                                                   and transfer of voice conversations.     connected voice speakers such as         once voice technologies have
                                                                                                                                   "What happens if I am in an office       Amazon and Google, which use             invaded the workplace.

     Specific - especially security-related - constraints must be addressed when integrating
     voice assistants in a work environment. Should a cloud solution provided by one of the major
     American suppliers be selected, or a local solution such as those offered by a number of
     Alexa is listening to you.              at Axians Germany, downplays             like smart City, Industry, Buildings, etc.
     All the time. Amazon's voice            that danger. "I believe that voice       “When these technologies are
     assistant is installed in all Echo      technology is coming in any case.        introduced in the work environment,
     connected speakers and in               We will then need to add a security      the devices will be connected
     the new connected devices that          layer. But I haven't yet seen an         devices. First, focus on the basics.
     the e-commerce giant has just           Amazon Echo on the desk of any
     unveiled: Buds (earphones), Loop        of our employees except for demo
     (ring), and Frames (glasses).           purposes," he says.
     It sends voice requests to the cloud                                                “What happens
     to be decoded by algorithms and
     receive appropriate responses.          Protection and education
                                                                                         if I am in an office
     But AI is not the only thing at work                                                with a client and
     here. It was recently revealed that
     human operators listen in on
                                             "The cloud and connected objects
                                             must of course be protected with
                                                                                         one of these
     some conversations without              stronger authentication.                    speakers is there
     the knowledge of the users.
     The resulting uproar also involved
                                             But actually, the most important
                                             thing is to educate users about
                                                                                         listening and
     Google and its Google Home              what they may and may not do with           transmitting
     Since then, the two American
                                             the voice assistant. The same thing
                                             applies to email or even Cloud broker
                                                                                         the conversation
     companies have taken a range            solution: What can you do and can’t         to the cloud?”
     of corrective measures to reassure      do in an e-mail or where to look at in
     owners of the slightly-too-curious      any mail communication?” he adds.
     smart speakers.                         In Germany, VINCI Energies also
     What might possibly be tolerable        carry out internal audits to assess      Make sure your account, WiFi
     in private life is not acceptable       the degree of compliance with            network, and other internet
     in a work environment, where some       security instructions governing any      networks have strong, secure
     conversations are strategic.            communication channel (written or        passwords hackers won't be able
     Will voice technology now come up       voice communication, etc.). Axians       to easily guess. Regularly update
     against a barrage of security issues?   receives a large number of requests      the firmware of your router and
     Alain de Pauw, Division Manager         related to IoT and smart solutions       other physical internet infrastructure

28   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                     NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019     29
                                                                                                                                    Energy transition,
                                                                                                                                  digital transformation,
                                                                                                                                          more on
                           SARA SPEAKS UP                                                                              

     The teams at Axians Portugal used artificial intelligence technologies to develop the SARA
     chatbot platform, which is already up and running in Belgium and will soon be operating
     across Europe as a whole. Voice technology is bringing major changes in marketing.
     Chatbots, the conversational               Cloud Business Development              cards. With this technology,
     tools used by customer relations           Manager at Axians Portugal.             Ageas can relieve its employees
     departments, have become                   SARA is a multi-channel (Facebook,      of low-value-added tasks, such
     widespread in recent years.                WhatsApp, Skype) tool that is also      as questions about green cards,
     Progress in artificial intelligence is     a voicebot able to answer customer      and instead assign them to work
     now transforming these tools into          requests by voice.                      on managing marketing campaigns,
     "voicebots", giving them substantial       When the conversational assistant       which is of substantially greater
     added value. One example is SARA,          does not know the answer,               value for the company.
     the platform developed by Axians                                                   The other benefit of SARA is
     Portugal. The teams of the                                                         the ability it gives sales personnel
     VINCI Energies brand specialising
     in the new communication
                                                   “To improve on                       to adjust their selling points in real
                                                                                        time. For the Axians Portugal Cloud
     technologies developed SARA using             interactive voice                    Business Development Manager,
     artificial intelligence tools called NLP
     (Natural Language Processing).
                                                   servers, the game                    voice technology is bringing about
                                                                                        a profound change in marketing.
     "SARA was developed to create a               changer is artificial                "To improve on interactive voice
     multi-channel integration platform,
     remove the complexity of managing
                                                   intelligence.”                       servers in which a voice asks
                                                                                        the caller to press buttons to be
     multiple bots separately, and                                                      put in touch with the relevant
     create a standard development                                                      department - which consumers
     practice for multiple partners.            it forwards the request to a human      often find frustrating - the game
     We used Building Blocks with an            contact. The first application was      changer is artificial intelligence,
     Infrastructure as Code approach            developed for a Belgian insurance       which substantially broadens the
     (the process of managing and               company, Ageas, which operates          opportunity to converse in natural
     provisioning applications through          in 22 countries. "They tested           language. Clearly, voice is the way
     machine-readable definition files),        the chatbot here in Portugal.           business will be done in future."
     cognitive services (simulation of          The platform was designed to use        To ensure security and
     human thought processes in a               natural language via voice and not      confidentiality of conversations,
     computer model), and an AI engine          just text, so as to better understand   as well as compliance with
     to enable the chatbot to generate          customer requests," says José           the GDPR, Axians uses Microsoft
     the conversational Intelligence that       Marouço.                                or Amazon cloud services.
     powers SARA's "intelligence".                                                      All conversations are scrubbed
     The platform is prepared to integrate                                              from the database after two hours.
     and is trained with enterprise             Added value                             The SARA platform will soon be
     systems like ERP and CRM and 3rd                                                   presented at company roadshows in
     party solutions like contact centres       A quarter of the customer questions     several European countries, including
     and other bots," says José Marouço,        involve green automobile insurance      France, Belgium, and Austria.

30   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                            NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019   31
Analytical smart camera                     of the use of the smart camera, which      WiFi is not enough. If, on the other
                                                                                             can recognise pedestrians, cars, and       hand, the municipality has decided

                                                 When a fibre optic network                  even abnormal vehicle behaviour            to offer its residents this wireless
                                                 has already been rolled out in              within an urban area to detect an          Internet connection service,
                                                 a municipality, it can be used to           accident.                                  the network could also be used
                                                 serve different points if a high data       "The analytical camera is more precise     to interact with the citizen installing

                                                 rate is needed – for example, to            and easier to install. It will come into   the app. WiFi service could also
                                                 install analytical cameras, which can       widespread use in the smart city," says    be used to count pedestrian traffic
                                                 sometimes be more advantageous              Stéphan Guidarini. This is particularly    flows, as is now being done in

                                                 than a network of sensors. In Lisbon,       true now that edge computing can be        Aix-en-Provence, in order to study
                                                 Axians has rolled out a smart parking       used to process data locally and avoid     how people move within the city.
                                                 solution based on the technology,           reporting data that could be used to       For services using sensors that
                                                 which combines video image capture          identify people or vehicles.               transmit relatively little data, low
                                                 and analysis not just to report                                                        data rate networks that consume
                                                 information on parking space                                                           little energy, such as LoRa and
                                                 availability but to detect inappropriate    Promising 5G                               Sigfox, are appropriate. In
                                                 vehicle behaviour or wrong-way                                                         Aix-en-Provence, sensors measuring
                                                 traffic. Traffic analysis at the Place de   Bandwidth is needed to transfer            such things as air quality and waste-
                                                 la Nation in Paris is another example       these large files and sometimes            bin-filling rates send the data once

     Fibre, WiFi, LoRa, 4G,
     and soon 5G: which network
     is best for a smart, efficient,
     and well-run city?
     The best answer is a
     combination of networks
     converging in a data-
     sharing platform, based
     on the existing urban
     infrastructure, and focused
     on open standards.
     Fibre, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRa,
     Sigfox, etc. Which is the ideal
     network for connecting the smart
     city's many communicating
     objects? None of the above, or
     rather all of them, say the experts.
     Axians (VINCI Energies) Business
     Unit Manager Stéphan Guidarini
     says that "There is no single,
     universal solution for connecting
     all the buses, cars, urban lighting,
     and water and energy systems
     that have built-in sensors.

     The best solution for a municipality
     is a combination of mobile, fibre,
     WiFi, and LoRa. Each technology
     meets a specific need, in terms
     of coverage, reliability, and efficiency.
     "The choice of technology will
     depend on the priority – range,
     cost, energy consumption,
     bandwidth, latency, or data
     transfer rate.

32   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                       NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019     33
                                                                                                                            DELIVER THRILL RIDE

                                                                                                                            Equipped with this
                                                                                                                            immersive technology,
                                                                                                                            Pathé Gaumont cinemas
                                                                                                                            put viewers at the heart
                                                                                                                            of the action, giving them
                                                                                                                            a physically-engaging
                                                                                                                            Impressive stuff: 4DX, the latest
                                                                                                                            technology being rolled out to
        “The core of                        term investment. The use of open
                                            protocols is recommended since
                                                                                     the stakeholders in the region,
                                                                                     it is preferable for the city to own
                                                                                                                            rekindle interest in movie-going,
                                                                                                                            blows wind and sprays water at
        the smart city                      interoperability is key to ensuring      its communication networks,"           the viewer whose seat starts to
        information system                  smart city efficiency.
                                            5G technology, which has a
                                                                                     says Edouard Henry-Biabaud,
                                                                                     Business Development Manager
                                                                                                                            vibrate when the earth opens up on
                                                                                                                            screen, while flashes of light mimic
        is the pooled                       promising future in the smart city,      at Axians.                             lightning bolts from the movie
        database that stores                will not replace the other networks.
                                            Its higher cost will mean that it will   Communication networks are
                                                                                                                            scene… The South Korean 4DX
                                                                                                                            movement is supported in France
                                                                                                                                                                    In the auditorium, two 6m-high
                                                                                                                                                                    articulated hoists and mounts with
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the absolute need to keep quiet
                                                                                                                                                                                                              in auditoriums while screenings
        and correlates                      be used for purposes requiring high      the first of the city's three basic    by the Pathé Gaumont group which        integrated fans, scent diffusers, and     are taking place next door and
        the data reported                   data rates and high performance
                                            – for example, to manage mobility
                                                                                     technological components.
                                                                                     "The second is the pooled database
                                                                                                                            is carrying out a comprehensive
                                                                                                                            retrofit programme, filling
                                                                                                                                                                    strobes are powered by cables that
                                                                                                                                                                    fold in and out “like snakes”, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the 4-week period required
                                                                                                                                                                                                              for the delivery of seats and devices
        by the networks.”                   involving the connected vehicle,         that stores and correlates all city    auditoriums with technology to          a capacity of up to 100 million cycles.   from Korea,” says Jeremy Barque,
                                            says the Axians Business Unit            data reported by the networks.         deliver the ultimate experience.        As well as being technically complex,     project manager at Cegelec Tours
                                            Manager.                                 Data centralisation is crucial in      Having completed projects in three      these installation projects involve       Electricité.
                                                                                     a Smart City programme because it      cities and with more under way,         time constraints that call for tight
                                            In addition to technical features,       increases the value added delivered    Cegelec Tours Electricité               management, particularly in terms         At the end of the 5 weeks,
                                            it is important to consider other        by the third component - the           (VINCI Energies) specialises in         of human resources.                       the equipped auditorium still needs
     an hour to the city's Lora network.    criteria when rolling out a city's       applications that support new uses     the specific wiring required for                                                  to get the go-ahead from the safety
     The two-way network is also used       communication infrastructure.            for citizens and city departments.     4DX-enabled cinemas.                                                              committee and the South Korean
     to send instructions to connected      First, "Start with the city's existing   The better these applications          The combination of special effects is   Time constraints                          supplier. Barque points out that there
     objects to control such things as      systems." Existing communication         combine data from multiple             achieved by activating sophisticated                                              is not a single detail missing
     smart watering of city gardens.        networks can be re-used in               sources to present a broad picture     mechanisms in the auditorium            “We need to be able to start a project    at handover of the works, which
     Lora is a technology based on open     the new infrastructure. Then,            representative of the way the city     itself and in the articulated cinema    48 hours after the order has been         are delivered without any complaints
     protocols, enabling the municipality   "To keep costs under control             actually works, the more useful        seats which move in all directions      placed and to deliver a retrofitted       from the client and on time.
     to upgrade its smart city scenario     over time and ensure that data           they will be," says Edouard Henry-     and feature concealed sources of        auditorium within 5 to 6 weeks at         Get ready for the ride with Godzilla
     over time while protecting its long-   governance is independent of             Biabaud.                               ventilation and mist in the headrest.   the very most, taking into account        and the X-Men!

34   THE AGILITY EFFECT MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                             NUMBER 7 - WINTER 2019    35
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