Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and Diabetes as a Cancer Risk?

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Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and Diabetes
as a Cancer Risk?
Nádory jako metabolická onemocnění a diabetes jako riziko

Kankova K.1,2, Hrstka R.2
    Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
    Regional Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic

The prevailing aerobic glycolysis (so called Warburg effect) in cancer cells is according to cur­         This study was supported by the European
                                                                                                          Regional Development Fund and the State
rent understanding the consequence of reprogramming of cellular metabolism during the
                                                                                                          Budget of the Czech Republic (RECAMO,
process of malignant transformation. Metabolic regulation is inseparable component of cell                CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101).
proliferation machinery and has a tight link with activities of oncogenes and suppressor genes.
                                                                                                          Práce byla podpořena Evropským fondem
The purpose of metabolic reprogramming of cancer (but also normal intensively proliferating
                                                                                                          pro regionální rozvoj a státním rozpočtem
cells) is to incorporate greater fraction of glucose metabolites into newly synthesised macro­            České republiky (OP VaVpI – RECAMO,
molecules. Apart from that, aerobic glycolysis confers several other selective advantages to              CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101).
cancer cells. Epidemiological data indicate that type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with in­          The authors declare they have no potential
creased incidence of several types of cancer and that cancer mortality can be influenced by               conflicts of interest concerning drugs,
certain types of anti-diabetic treatment, however future research is needed to explain whether            products, or services used in the study.
this relationship might be causal. Deeper knowledge about metabolic properties of rapidly                 Autoři deklarují, že v souvislosti s předmětem
proli­ferating cells can be exploited for further improvement of anti-cancer, immunosuppres­              studie nemají žádné komerční zájmy.
sive or anti-inflammatory therapies.                                                                      The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript
                                                                                                          met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for
                                                                                                          biomedical papers.
Key words
diabetes – cancer – obesity – metabolism – glyoxalase – transketolase – p53 – metformin                   Redakční rada potvrzuje, že rukopis práce
                                                                                                          splnil ICMJE kritéria pro publikace zasílané do
                                                                                                          bi omedicínských časopisů.
Převažující aerobní glykolýza v nádorových buňkách (tzv. Warburgův efekt) je na základě sou­              
časných poznatků důsledkem přeprogramování buněčného metabolizmu během procesu ma­                        Katerina Kankova, Prof. M.D., Ph.D.
ligní transformace. Regulace metabolizmu je neoddělitelnou komponentou procesu buněčné
                                                                                                          Department of Pathophysiology
proliferace a je těsně svázána s aktivitami onkogenů a supresorových genů. Smyslem metabo­
                                                                                                          Faculty of Medicine
lické transformace nádorových buněk (a rovněž normálních intenzivně proliferujících buněk) je
inkorporovat větší podíl metabolitů glukózy do nově syntetizovaných makromolekul. Mimo to                 Masaryk University
aerobní glykolýza poskytuje nádorovým buňkám několik dalších selektivních výhod. Epidemio­                Kamenice 5/A18
logická data naznačují, že diabetes mellitus 2. typu je asociován s rostoucí incidencí několika           625 00 Brno
typů nádorů a že mortalita v důsledku nádorových onemocnění může být ovlivněna léčbou                     Czech Republic
určitými druhy anti­diabetik, nicméně další výzkum je nutný k vysvětlení toho, zda je tento vztah         e-mail:
kauzální. Hlubší pochopení metabolizmu rychle proliferujících buněk může vést k dalšímu zlep­
šení protinádorové, imunosupresivní a protizánětové léčby.                                                Submitted/Obdrženo: 30. 9. 2012
                                                                                                          Accepted/Přijato: 25. 10. 2012
Klíčová slova
diabetes – nádory – obezita – metabolizmus– glyoxaláza – transketoláza – p53 – metformin

2S26                                                                                                  Klin Onkol 2012; 25(Suppl 2): 2S26– 2S31
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and Diabetes as a Cancer Risk

Introduction                               Cellular Metabolism and the                   been termed “aerobic glycolysis” or “the
Research in oncology has traditionally     Interplay with Cell Signalling and            Warburg effect”. In cancer cells pyru­
focused on genetic and more recently       Proliferation                                 vate is not transported to mitochond­
epigenetic alterations of oncogenes        In order to maintain viability cells need     ria to be converted to acetyl-CoA and
and tumour suppressor genes as cau­        to produce (i) energy in the form of ATP      subsequently processed in the TCA
sal factors responsible for the mul­       and (ii) precursors for synthesis of pro­     cycle. Instead it is converted into lactate.
tistage process of malignant transfor­     teins, nucleic acids and membrane li­         Warburg originally assumed aerobic gly­
mation. Recently, attention has also       pids. The main sources of energy in ani­      colysis as an epiphenomenon, a conse­
been paid to the tumour microenvi­         mal cells are glucose, glutamine and          quence of a defect in the mitochondrial
ronment and systemic factors. Me­          fatty acids. Most of the ATP is used by ac­   respiration and he proposed primary mi­
tabolic properties of cancer cells –       tive membrane transport (ionic pumps).        tochondrial dysfunction as a fundamen­
aero­b ic glycolysis and impairment of     Cells can obtain energy from oxygen-de­       tal cause of cancer (the so called Warburg
mitochondrial function – were origi­       pendent (OXPHOS) or oxygen-indepen­           hypothesis) [3]. Naturally his hypothe­
nally considered to be a driving force     dent processes (anaerobic glycolysis).        sis was quickly dismissed as too sim­
of tumourigenesis, later a merely pas­     Since fatty acids in the form of triglyce­    plistic, not explaining the progressive
sive consequence or rather an essen­       rides are the most abundant form of sto­      nature of disease, the formation of me­
tial compensation to hypoxia within        red energy and OXPHOS is much more            tastases etc. [1] and cancer has become
the cancer mass. Nowadays we know          efficient in generating ATP, adult diffe­     considered as a genetic rather than me­
that sustained aerobic glycolysis in       rentiated cells convert glucose to lactate    tabolic disease. However, the fact that
cancer cells is linked to the activa­      (lactic acid fermentation) only in the ab­    most cancer cells predominantly pro­
tion of oncogenes and/or loss of func­     sence of oxygen (so called Pasteur ef­        duce energy by a high rate of glycoly­
tion of tumour suppressor genes and        fect). In a normal cell with functioning      sis followed by lactic acid fermentation
represents a conditional phenotypic        mitochondria approximately 88% of ATP         in the cytosol even if oxygen is plentiful
fea­ture enabling all biological proper­   is produced by OXPHOS and the remai­          instead of low rate of glycolysis followed
ties ascribed to cancer cells. However,    ning 12% by glycolysis and TCA cycle [1].     by oxidation of pyruvate in mitochond­
unlike extensive genetic heterogene­          Cell fate and metabolism are closely       ria as in most normal cells (although the
ity among cancer types, impairment         intertwined – information about nu­           total amount of energy produced rema­
of cancer cell metabolism represents       trient and energy availability influen­       ins equal) has periodically regained at­
a unifying characteristic of nearly all    ces self-renewal, growth and division.        tention and could be considered one of
types of cancer regardless of tissue       In situations of energy depletion, cells      the hallmarks of cancer.
origin. Not the total amount of energy     can undergo autophagy, apoptosis or              The asymmetry in the yield of ATP in
produced, but its’ source, is the most     in most severe cases, necrosis. On the        OXPHOS compared to glycolysis (36 mo­
striking difference of cancer cells from   other hand, the activities of metabo­         lecules of ATP per molecule of glucose vs
normal cells of the tissues they origi­    lic enzymes are under the strict control      only 2 in the latter) plus loss of excreted
nate from. The thorough knowledge          of signalling pathways and transcrip­         lactate has often been regarded as a sign
of the pathophysiology of impaired         tion factors. The effect of cellular energy   of metabolic insufficiency of cancer cells.
cancer cell metabolism has an im­          (AMP/ATP ratio) and substrate status on       But this would be a problem only when
mense clinical potential since our ap­     the cell cycle is mediated by mTOR via        resources are scarce. Proliferating mam­
proach to cancer management could          either inhibitory AMPK/TSC2/mTOR or           malian cells are however contin­uously
radically shift in the light of its’ un­   opposing stimulatory insulin/PI3K/AKT/        supplied by glucose and other nu­
derstanding and further research into      /mTOR pathway and others [2]. In fact,        trients from blood [4]. Malignant, rapidly
the metabolic properties of cancer al­     many other direct metabolic signals           growing tumour cells typically have gly­
lowing therapeutic exploitation thus       propagate the metabolic information           colytic rates up to ten to hundred times
represents a promising future anti­        into the cell cycle in a coordinated man­     higher than those of their normal tissues
cancer strategy. The aims of this mini-    ner – HIF-1 oxygen sensors, sensors of        of origin. This phenomenon has a dia­
-review are to (A) summarise the cur­      NAD+/NADH ratio (such as sirtuins or          gnostic value; the glycolytic phenotype
rent findings explaining the metabolic     PARP-1) and others [2].                       of cancer cells is used clinically to dia­
phenotype of cancer cells and (B) the                                                    gnose and monitor treatment response
intimate relationship with the process     The History and Current                       by imaging uptake of glucose analogues
of malignant transformation. Further­      Understanding of the “Warburg                 (FDG, a radioactive modified hexokinase
more, (C) since epidemiological data       Effect”                                       substrate) with PET.
suggest a relationship between dia­        It was shown by Otto Warburg some                One proposed explanation for War­
betes and cancer, several hypothetical     90 years ago that tumour cells produce        burg effect is tumour hypoxia and the­
links are presented to explain their co­   lactate despite the presence of oxy­          refore blockade of OXPHOS. Although
incidence and the putative pathoge­        gen (which would otherwise favour             tumour hypoxia plays an important role
nic mechanisms.                            OXPHOS) and this phenomenon has               in cancer development it is a relatively

Klin Onkol 2012; 25(Suppl 2): 2S26– 2S31                                                                                      2S27
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and Diabetes as a Cancer Risk

late occurring event and could not ex­        out of the cell has in fact – as explained    starvation). Key regulators of mTOR are
plain the early switch to aerobic glycoly­    above – a different purpose and is per­       AKT – stimulated by growth factors to ac­
sis in cancer cells. There is another hypo­   fectly in place: glucose in cancer cells is   tivate mTOR – and AMPK – activated by
thetical advantage in limiting OXPHOS         used more for replication than for nor­       the lack of ATP to suppress mTOR [10]. In­
in cancer cells – mitochondria are an ine­    mal cell metabolism. Owing to the large       tuitively, every event autonomously sti­
vitable source of ROS when oxidising nu­      body of evidence it is now clear that me­     mulating AKT and/or suppressing AMPK
trients. ROS might cause genotoxic oxi­       tabolic pathways in mammalian cells are       could be considered tumourigenic. The
dative damage and induce apoptosis [4].       tightly regulated by signalling pathways      activation of the cellular master switch
Although the original Warburg hypothe­        implicated in the regulation of cell pro­     AMPK (shutting-down mTOR and thus
sis of mitochondrial dysfunction as a pri­    liferation. This allows quick switches        cell growth) is dependent on the tumour
mary cause of cancer has been rejected,       between nutrient catabolism and their         suppressor LKB1 [4]. Inactivating muta­
evidence that mitochondrial function          incorporation into biomass. Aerobic gly­      tions in LKB1 lead to impaired activation
and structure in tumour cells is not nor­     colysis is thus logically not limited to      of AMPK (possibly restorable by metfor­
mal is accumulating. There is a great         cancer cells, it is found also in non-can­    min – see below) and unlimited growth.
controversy, though, on this subject re­      cerous rapidly proliferating cells such as    Similarly, AKT is frequently activated in
garding causality. Experimental evi­          T-lymphocytes or endothelial cells [2]. Of    human cancers [10]. Furthermore, Myc
dence supports the contribution of both       special interest is the fact that many can­   (involved in glycolysis, mitochondrial
functional (down-regulation of ATPase         cer cells (and stem cells) express a spe­     biogenesis and glutamine metabolism)
and mitochondrial uncoupling) and             cific isoform of pyruvate kinase (PK-M2)      was one of the first oncogenes linked to
structural (composition of membrane li­       slowing down the last step of glycolysis      metabolism [11]. Other important pla­
pids) defects of cancer cell mitochond­       and allowing the glucose intermediates        yers are Ras, and tumour suppressors
ria to metabolic alterations (reviewed in     to enter PPP for nucleotide and NADPH         which in a wild-type form repress mTOR
detail elsewhere [1]). Nonetheless, mito­     production [6]. Nowadays we know that         and once mutated activate glycolysis, in­
chondria of cancer cells are functional       sustained aerobic glycolysis in cancer        cluding HIF-1 – PTEN, TSC 1 and2, VHL,
and capable of carrying out OXPHOS.           cells is linked to the activation of onco­    p53 and others. Among them p53 plays
Indeed, they have to be since the con­        genes and loss of tumour suppressor           a special role [10]. AMPK activation sti­
tribution of glycolysis to the energy re­     genes.                                        mulates p53 and subsequent p53-me­
quirements of cancer cells seldom exce­          There are a few exceptions, howe­          diated inhibition of proliferation is a lo­
eds 50–60% [5]. Mitochondrial OXPHOS          ver, exemplifying reverse causality (pri­     gical response to nutrient deprivation.
in cancer cells utilizes predominantly        mary metabolic derangements beha­             Conversely, wild-type p53 was found to
precursors produced by oxidation of           ving like oncogenes and leading to            activate AMPK (both directly and indi­
glutamine. Substantial amounts of ATP         cancer) such as germ-line mutations in        rectly) and this way to oppose the pro­
in cancer cells are produced by gluta­        TCA cycle enzymes (succinate dehyd­           liferation and anabolism of cancer cells.
minolysis which makes up for the lower        rogenase, fumarate hydratase) leading         Furthermore, p53 can also counteract
yield from glycolysis [4].                    to familial cancer syndromes (paragan­        established metabolic transformation of
   In summary, there is no evidence that      glio­mas, phaeochromocytomas, leiomy-         cancer cell by suppressing glycolysis and
ATP production in cancer cells would be       mas or renal carcinomas) [7,8]. Other         promoting OXPHOS. However, involve­
limited. In fact, the amount of ATP produ­    examples are mutations in isocitrate          ment of p53 in normal metabolism and
ced in cancer cells is the same as in nor­    dehydro­genases 1 and 2 altering en­          metabolic transformation is much more
mal cells but the way the energy is pro­      zyme activities and producing an “on­         complex and some of its actions might
duced is different. The shift to glycolytic   cometabolite” [9]. The pro-oncogenic          seem counterintuitive (for comprehen­
phenotype is not an adaptation but an         mechanisms beyond these mutations             sive review see [10]).
active process and serves a clear pur­        are HIF-1 stabilisation (with subsequent         In spite of suggestive evidence of bio­
pose – large requirements of cancer cells     overexpression of glucose transporters        energetic changes as a feature of malig­
for synthesis of new macromolecules are       and glycolytic enzymes and inhibition         nant transformation we have to be cau­
met by a high rate of glycolysis (and the     of pyruvate dehydrogenase and thus            tious to think of cancer cells in vivo as
pentose phosphate pathway – PPP). Ace­        down-regulation of OXPHOS) or epige­          a homogenous population (an in vitro
tyl-CoA, glycolytic intermediates and         netic modifications.                          perspective). Not all cells in the tumour
NADPH (from PPP) are then used to pro­           There are multiple links between esta­     are identical in respect to their self-rene­
duce nucleotides, amino acids and fatty       blished oncogenes and tumour suppres­         wal potential, solid tumour stroma can
acids to support cell growth and division.    sors and metabolic regulation, however        contribute to some extent too as well
                                              detailed description is beyond the focus      as variable proximity of cells to tumour
Oncogenes and Tumour                          of this mini review. The majority of impu­    vessels [5]. There are still many gaps
Suppressors Regulate Metabolism               tes converge on the level of mTOR whose       to be fulfilled in our understanding to
Seemingly wasteful glucose consump­           activation promotes protein synthe­           what extent the Warburg effect can be
tion followed by excretion of lactate         sis and inhibits autophagy (response to       generalised.

2S28                                                                                        Klin Onkol 2012; 25(Suppl 2): 2S26– 2S31
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and Diabetes as a Cancer Risk

Epidemiologic and Pathogenic                      genous pathogenic mechanisms. In ad­           dent effects of metformin explaining its
Overlap of Diabetes and Cancer                    dition, food is an important source of         documented anti-cancer effects (for sys­
People with diabetes (namely T2DM)                dietary carcinogens and inevitable pro­        tematic review see [22,23]) targeting cell
have increased cancer incidence com­              ducer of mutagenic ROS as a by-product         growth, cell cycle regulation, cell survi­
pared to non-diabetics [12] and mor­              of metabolism of nutrients. Other emer­        val and epithelial mesenchymal transi­
tality from cancer is increased in pe­            ging environmental risks include impai­        tion (EMT).
ople with pre-existing diabetes [13].             red sleeping patterns and disturbed cir­          Once diabetes reaches its manifest
Recently, numerous studies have been              cadian rhythmicity in general [11].            stage, the prevention of development
undertaken to try to investigate the pre­            Similar to previous issues concerning       and progression of its late complications
viously under-recognised relationship             the exact mechanisms linking diabetes          (diabetic micro- and macroangiopathy)
between these two co-morbidities and              and cancer, studies reporting that glu­        becomes the urgent therapeutic aim in
this task is proving to be quite difficult.       cose-lowering treatment might modu­            order to prevent the devastating outco­
Current uncertainty rises from several            late cancer risk have considerable me­         mes (such as fatal cardiovascular events,
reasons: (i) epidemiologic evidence lin­          thodological limitations. Metformin, an        renal failure, blindness, limb amputa­
king diabetes and cancer is site-specific         old known biguanide derivative com­            tions etc.). There are multiple pathways
(observed validly for breast, endomet­            monly prescribed for the management            contributing to the development of dia­
rial, colorectal, bladder and kidney can­         of T2DM (and in some trials for its pre­       betic complications but they are all rela­
cer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma where                vention or for the treatment of polycys­       ted to dysregulated intracellular glucose
risk in people with T2DM appears to               tic ovary syndrome), has recently attrac­      metabolism marked by overproduction
be 20–50% higher) [14]. Furthermore,              ted new attention due to its therapeutic       of an array of harmful metabolites. Va­
(ii) there are methodological problems            potential in oncology. While meta-analy­       riable degree of fasting and/or postpran­
with the studies, these were not prima­           ses of prospective observational studies       dial hyperglycaemia provides substrates
rily designed to provide such evidence            suggest that metformin lowers the over­        for several intracellular pathways (such
(data were mostly obtained from on-               all cancer risk by about one third [19,20],    as polyol and hexosamine pathways, di­
-going cohort studies or by secondary             the meta-analysis of available RCTs with       carbonyl production and non-enzyma­
analyses of RCTs) and could thus be bia­          metformin did not confirm the reduced          tic glycation leading to the production
sed [14]. Finally, (iii) the effect of glucose-   risk [21]. Nevertheless, there are trials in   of Advanced Glycation End products
-lowering therapies (mainly metformin)            progress already of metformin as an ad­        (AGEs) etc.) that are believed to be lar­
seems to modulate the risk of cancer in­          juvant therapy in various cancer treat­        gely responsible for the hyperglycae­
cidence and cancer-associated mortality           ments. Studies in vitro and in animal          mia-induced cell damage [24]. There are,
and this further raises controversy in the        models are on-going to explore poten­          however, other metabolic pathways –
clinical community [14].                          tial anti-cancer mechanisms of metfor­         such as PPP, glyoxalase system and fruc­
   The relationship between diabetes              min. The classical anti-diabetic effects of    tosamine-3-kinase pathway – poten­
and cancer can be principally direct (one         metformin comprise stimulation of glu­         tially conferring protection from the
causing or helping to develop the other)          cose uptake by peripheral tissues (ske­        hyperglycaemia-induced damage since
or indirect (through shared risk factors).        letal muscle and adipose tissue), inhibi­      they metabolise glycolytic intermedia­
There are several plausible pathoge­              tion of hepatic glucose production and         tes (especially triosephosphates) into
nic mechanisms that can hypothetically            decrease of intestinal absorption of glu­      harmless metabolites [25,26]. There is
explain the association of diabetes and           cose. Importantly, metformin does not          obvious interest to augment their prote­
cancer: (1) hyperglycaemia (favouring             stimulate insulin secretion (it improves       ctive activity therapeutically in order to
aerobic glycolysis [15]), (2) hyperinsuli­        insulin sensitivity but does not lower         prevent development of complications,
naemia compensating insulin resistance            glycaemia) and is thus safe in non-dia­        even more so since their activity appears
(promoting cell proliferation and survi­          betic persons. On the molecular level,         to be insufficient or directly failing in
val via insulin or IGF-1 receptors [16,17]),      metformin largely exerts its effect via        hyperglycaemia. Our group documen­
(3) decreased sex-hormone binding glo­            activation of the cellular energy sensor       ted impaired activity of transketolase
bulins (leading to excess of free oestro­         AMPK (dependent on upstream kinase             (TKT) – the key enzyme of the non-oxi­
gens and development of oestrogen-                LKB1). Upon activation, AMPK acts on its       dative branch of PPP – and deficient cel­
-dependent tumours [18]) and (4) others           down-stream targets – inhibiting mTOR          lular availability of its co-factor thiamine
such as aberrant activity of PPP or glyo­         pathway – and generally speaking sup­          diphosphate in human diabetics [27].
xalase. The most consistent common risk           presses anabolic energy-conserving re­         Evidence from experimental and clini­
factors of diabetes and cancer comprise           actions (gluconeogenesis, protein, fatty       cal studies suggests that PPP activation
poor dietary habits and physical inacti­          acid and cholesterol synthesis) and ac­        by supplementation of the TKT co-factor
vity. They both contribute to the deve­           tivates catabolic energy producing re­         thiamine may prevent and reverse early-
lopment of obesity (inevitably aggrava­           actions (fatty acid beta oxidation and         -stage diabetic complications [28].
ting insulin resistance) and therefore            glycolysis). There are numerous insu­          However, PPP and namely one of the
constitute a vicious cycle feeding endo­          lin-dependent and insulin-indepen­             human TKT homologues, TKTL1, were

Klin Onkol 2012; 25(Suppl 2): 2S26– 2S31                                                                                              2S29
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease and Diabetes as a Cancer Risk

shown to play a role in aerobic glycolysis.    ctive – quite unfortunate in the case of         PARP-1     poly ADP ribose polymerase
                                                                                                PET        positron emission tomography
While TKTL1 is overexpressed in a wide         cancer.                                          PI3K       phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase
variety of solid cancers and its’ activity                                                      PPP        pentose phosphate pathway
positively correlates with the aggressi­       Conclusions and Future                           RCT        randomised controlled trial
                                                                                                ROS        reactive oxygen species
veness of cancer, its’ inhibition media­       Directions                                       T2DM       type-2 diabetes mellitus
tes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis [29].      This mini-review aims to convince the            TCA        tricarboxylic acid cycle
Moreover, apart from TKT there are two         reader that the switch to aerobic glyco­         TKT        transketolase
                                                                                                TSC        tuberous sclerosis
more enzymes utilising thiamine as a co-       lysis in cancer cells is an active process       VHL        von Hippel-Lindau
-factor and involved in utilising glucose      directed by oncogenes and tumour sup­
into biomass. Another reason for cau­          pressor genes. Aerobic glycolysis confers
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