GENCODE 2021 - Oxford Academic Journals

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GENCODE 2021 - Oxford Academic Journals
D916–D923 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue                                                 Published online 3 December 2020
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087

Adam Frankish 1 , Mark Diekhans 2 , Irwin Jungreis 3,4 , Julien Lagarde5 ,
Jane E. Loveland 1 , Jonathan M. Mudge1 , Cristina Sisu6,7 , James C. Wright8 ,
Joel Armstrong2 , If Barnes1 , Andrew Berry1 , Alexandra Bignell1 , Carles Boix3,4,9 ,
Silvia Carbonell Sala5 , Fiona Cunningham 1 , Tomás Di Domenico10 , Sarah Donaldson1 ,
Ian T. Fiddes2 , Carlos Garcı́a Girón 1 , Jose Manuel Gonzalez1 , Tiago Grego1 ,
Matthew Hardy1 , Thibaut Hourlier 1 , Kevin L. Howe 1 , Toby Hunt1 , Osagie G. Izuogu1 ,
Rory Johnson 11,12 , Fergal J. Martin 1 , Laura Martı́nez10 , Shamika Mohanan1 ,

                                                                                                                                                              Downloaded from by guest on 25 March 2021
Paul Muir13,14 , Fabio C. P. Navarro6 , Anne Parker1 , Baikang Pei6 , Fernando Pozo10 , Ferriol
Calvet Riera1 , Magali Ruffier 1 , Bianca M. Schmitt1 , Eloise Stapleton1 ,
Marie-Marthe Suner 1 , Irina Sycheva1 , Barbara Uszczynska-Ratajczak15 , Maxim Y. Wolf16 ,
Jinuri Xu6 , Yucheng T. Yang6,17 , Andrew Yates 1 , Daniel Zerbino 1 , Yan Zhang 6,18 ,
Jyoti S. Choudhary8 , Mark Gerstein6,17,19 , Roderic Guigó5,20 , Tim J. P. Hubbard21 ,
Manolis Kellis3,4 , Benedict Paten2 , Michael L. Tress 10 and Paul Flicek 1,*
 European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton,
Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK, 2 UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
95064, USA, 3 MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 32 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA 02139,
USA, 4 Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 415 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA, 5 Centre for Genomic
Regulation (CRG), The Barcelona Institute for Science and Technology, Dr. Aiguader 88, Barcelona, E-08003
Catalonia, Spain, 6 Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520,
USA, 7 Department of Bioscience, Brunel University London, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, UK, 8 Functional Proteomics,
Division of Cancer Biology, Institute of Cancer Research, 237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK, 9 Computational
and Systems Biology Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, 10 Bioinformatics Unit,
Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Madrid, Spain, 11 Department of Medical Oncology, Inselspital,
University Hospital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 12 Department of Biomedical Research (DBMR), University
of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 13 Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, Yale University, New
Haven, CT 06520, USA, 14 Systems Biology Institute, Yale University, West Haven, CT 06516, USA, 15 Centre of New
Technologies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 16 Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical
School, 10 Shattuck Street, Suite 514, Boston, MA 02115, USA, 17 Program in Computational Biology &
Bioinformatics, Yale University, Bass 432, 266 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520, USA, 18 Department of
Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA, 19 Department of
Computer Science, Yale University, Bass 432, 266 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520, USA, 20 Universitat
Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, E-08003 Catalonia, Spain and 21 Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics,
King’s College London, Guys Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT, UK

Received September 21, 2020; Revised October 21, 2020; Editorial Decision October 22, 2020; Accepted October 24, 2020

ABSTRACT                                                                        of primary data and bioinformatic tools and analy-
                                                                                sis generated both within the consortium and ex-
The GENCODE project annotates human and mouse
                                                                                ternally to support the creation of transcript struc-
genes and transcripts supported by experimental
                                                                                tures and the determination of their function. Here,
data with high accuracy, providing a foundational re-
                                                                                we present improvements to our annotation infras-
source that supports genome biology and clinical ge-
                                                                                tructure, bioinformatics tools, and analysis, and the
nomics. GENCODE annotation processes make use

* To   whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +44 1223 492581; Fax: +44 1223 494494; Email:

C The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
GENCODE 2021 - Oxford Academic Journals
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D917

advances they support in the annotation of the hu-                 gene or protein is present in one resource, it will be repre-
man and mouse genomes including: the completion                    sented in the others or there will be an explanation why not.
of first pass manual annotation for the mouse refer-               We are part of the Matched Annotation from NCBI and
ence genome; targeted improvements to the anno-                    EMBL-EBI (MANE) project to define a single representa-
tation of genes associated with SARS-CoV-2 infec-                  tive ‘MANE Select’ transcript for all protein-coding genes
                                                                   and ensure its structure and sequence is identical in both
tion; collaborative projects to achieve convergence
                                                                   the Ensembl/GENCODE and RefSeq genesets. We anno-
across reference annotation databases for the anno-                tated new human protein-coding genes based on improved
tation of human and mouse protein-coding genes;                    analyses and experimental validation using mass spectrom-
and the first GENCODE manually supervised auto-                    etry. We have also improved the annotation of lncRNAs via
mated annotation of lncRNAs. Our annotation is ac-                 the discovery of novel loci and novel transcripts at existing
cessible via Ensembl, the UCSC Genome Browser                      loci primarily based on incorporating long transcriptomic
and                                  sequence data generated using the CLS protocol (5).

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INTRODUCTION                                                       GENE ANNOTATION INFRASTRUCTURE
GENCODE produces widely-used reference genome an-                  We have made several key improvements to our processes
notation of protein-coding and non-coding loci including           and tools used for manual gene annotation.
alternatively spliced transcripts and pseudogenes for the             The Ensembl/GENCODE geneset is a merge of the man-
human and mouse genomes and makes these annotations                ual gene annotation created by the Ensembl-HAVANA
freely available for the benefit of biomedical research and        team (methods and validation described in 6–8) and the
genome interpretation. The GENCODE consortium devel-               automated annotation produced by the Ensembl Geneb-
ops, maintains and improves targeted tools, analysis and           uild team (9,10). Historically, these data were produced sep-
primary transcriptomic and proteomic data in support of            arately and stored in independent and structurally differ-
gene and transcript annotation. These resources support            ent databases before being merged into a single set for re-
updates to genes in all functional classes or biotypes, includ-    lease. To speed data release and reduce complexity, we have
ing (i) the discovery of new features such as novel protein-       now moved all manual annotation and computational an-
coding genes and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes;               notation into a single database for human (and another for
(ii) the extension of existing annotation including the identi-    mouse). In addition to continuing the support of manual
fication of novel alternatively spliced transcripts at protein-    annotation, this transition allows manual annotators to di-
coding and lncRNA loci and (iii) the continuous critical           rectly ‘bless’, update or remove computationally annotated
reappraisal of existing annotation that may result in re-          models. Most significantly, new genes and transcripts re-
moval or reclassification of protein-coding genes that lack        leased early via the GENCODE update trackhub will be
evidence of protein-coding potential given all data now            assigned their Ensembl (ENSX) formatted stable IDs at
available. GENCODE defines genes in terms of their tran-           their creation, having previously been given an interim ID
scriptional and functional overlap. The functional informa-        (OTTX format).
tion implicit in the CDS of protein-coding gene supports              Long-read transcriptomic sequencing methods includ-
decision making and provides high confidence in the inter-         ing those from Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford
pretation of protein-coding genes. For lncRNAs, the lack           Nanopore Technologies (ONT) produce data volumes that
of analogous knowledge makes representation of complex             require change to our manual annotation process. In re-
lncRNA loci difficult and we are working with lncRNA               sponse, we developed the TAGENE pipeline to support
community and other reference annotation databases to im-          greater automation of transcript model creation based on
prove their annotation.                                            long-read datasets generated both within GENCODE and
   Among other achievements, over the last two years we            by other groups. TAGENE implements filtering and merg-
have developed a manually supervised automated annota-             ing of long transcriptomic datasets before clustering puta-
tion pipeline and an annotation triage tool to leverage the        tive transcripts into loci (both existing and novel) and ap-
volume of data generated by current transcriptomics experi-        plying further filters based on other transcriptomic datasets,
ments while ensuring that the resulting annotated transcript       including RNA-seq supported introns and existing GEN-
models maintain the quality of expert human annotation.            CODE annotation (Figure 1). The clustering and final filter-
We have completed the first pass manual annotation of the          ing steps are applied following multiple iterations of manual
mouse reference genome based on experiences on complet-            review until a point is reached where the false positive rate
ing the human annotation in 2013 and have used whole               for the addition of spurious models is
GENCODE 2021 - Oxford Academic Journals
D918 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

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Figure 1. Schematic of the TAGENE workflow to add long transcriptomic data to GENCODE annotation. Points in the workflow where manual review
is applied are indicated.

ated by the TAGENE pipeline. Kestrel is complementary                   notation for all chromosomes. LncRNAs continue to show
to our set of high quality annotation tools in Zmap, Blixem             the largest increases in number, particularly in human where
and Dotter, which were initially developed for the clone-by-            our efforts have been concentrated.
clone annotation approach used for the first pass annota-
tion of the human and mouse reference genomes. Kestrel’s
streamlined functionality is often all that is required to an-          PROTEIN-CODING GENES
swer emerging manual annotation questions and thus faster               In response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we have ap-
than our traditional workflow.                                          plied our annotation resources to human genes with poten-
                                                                        tial links to viral infection and COVID-19 disease primarily
                                                                        by investigating whether existing annotation for these genes
                                                                        can be improved. Our list of genes for reannotation comes
The GENCODE consortium has improved and extended                        from several sources including recently published drug re-
the annotation of the human and mouse reference genomes                 purposing studies identifying host proteins associated with
and makes the annotation publicly available (see Table 1 for            other related coronaviruses (14) and human proteins found
annotation statistics from the most recent GENCODE re-                  to physically associate with SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins in
leases).                                                                the cell (15). We also included genes curated by UniProt (4)
   Since June 2018, ∼37 000 genes (∼32 000 human and                    and the Human Cell Atlas project (16) as well as interferon-
5000 mouse) and ∼63 000 transcripts (∼55 000 human and                  stimulated genes with known antiviral activity (17). These
∼8000 mouse) have either been created or updated in the                 efforts added previously unannotated alternatively-spliced
GENCODE geneset (see Table 2 for a breakdown of new                     transcript models and updated existing GENCODE tran-
and updated genes and transcripts by functional biotype).               script models, in particular ‘partial’ models that were in-
During this period we have completed the first pass annota-             complete at their 5 and/or 3 ends that could be extended
tion of the mouse reference genome and conducted a num-                 to full length. All annotation takes advantage of long tran-
ber of tightly focussed annotation projects including the hu-           scriptomic datasets and RNAseq data that was unavailable
man and mouse olfactory receptor repertoire (12) and a re-              at the time of initial annotation. To date we have updated
annotation of developmental and epileptic encephalopathy-               the annotation for 280 genes, adding ∼3700 novel tran-
associated genes (13).                                                  scripts and updating a further ∼850.
   Although a number of protein-coding genes in both hu-                   GENCODE has been actively collaborating with other
man and mouse have been added, removed or had their                     reference annotation databases to try to achieve conver-
biotype changed over the past two years, the total number               gence on the annotation of protein-coding genes in hu-
of genes is stable. Similarly, the number of pseudogenes of             man and mouse. The MANE project aims to create a sin-
protein-coding genes is broadly stable for human, although              gle agreed transcript for every human protein-coding gene
our ability to better identify unitary pseudogenes has led              that has a 100% match for sequence and structure (splic-
to an increase in this specific class. In mouse, an increase            ing, UTR and CDS) in both the Ensembl/GENCODE and
in pseudogene count reflects the completion of manual an-               RefSeq (3) annotation sets. The project is driven by two in-
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D919

Table 1. Total numbers of genes and transcripts in the GENCODE 35 (Human) and GENCODE M25 (Mouse) releases by gene functional biotype
                                                             Protein-coding      LncRNA       Pseudogene            sRNA            IG/TR
Human              GENCODE 35                 Genes             19954             17957           14767              7569               645
                                            Transcripts         154580            48684           18664              7569               666
Mouse             GENCODE M25                 Genes             21859             13197           13741              6108               700
                                            Transcripts         102241            18856           14522              6108               864

Table 2. Numbers of genes and transcripts that have been added to or updated in GENCODE Human and Mouse annotation since June 2018
                                                          Human                                                   Mouse
                                    New            Updated         New and updated         New            Updated           New and updated
               Protein-coding        131             17995               18126              845            1584                  2429
Genes            LncRNA              1965             7678                9643              670            282                    952

                                                                                                                                              Downloaded from by guest on 25 March 2021
                Pseudogene            75              4152                4227              676            266                    942
                   Total             2171            29825               31996             2191            2132                  4323
               Protein-coding       11334            21406               32740             4323            968                   5291
Transcripts      LncRNA             19042             2807               21849             1171             73                   1244
                Pseudogene           247              259                 506               794            137                    931
                   Total            30623            24472               55095             6288            1178                  7466

dependent pipelines, one from each centre, followed by ex-                genes, novel pseudogenes, and novel coding sequence (21).
tensive investigation and discussion by expert human anno-                We have automated our process to generate updated lists of
tators where the pipelines do not agree. The latest release               PhyloCSF Candidate Coding Regions (PCCRs), which are
of MANE v0.91, gives an overall coverage of 84% of all                    then examined by manual annotators. In human, PCCRs
protein-coding genes.                                                     are part of the standard annotation workflow. In mouse, a
   We have been working extensively to improve the interop-               targeted review of unannotated PCCRs analogous to that
erability of the existing annotations with UniProt. Genome                previously undertaken in human has led to the identifica-
Integration with FuncTion and Sequence (GIFTS) is a joint                 tion of 64 novel protein-coding genes, 376 novel coding
project between Ensembl and the EMBL-EBI component                        exons in preexisting protein-coding genes, and 202 pseu-
of the UniProt project and is currently available for human               dogenes including 56 unitary pseudogenes. PhyloCSF has
and mouse proteins GIFTS                    also been used to identify candidate ribosomal stop codon
calculates mappings and pairwise alignments between En-                   readthrough events in human and mouse (22,23). Follow-
sembl transcripts that have a protein translation with their              ing manual review of these and several others identified ex-
corresponding UniProt protein entries. Unmapped UniProt                   perimentally, 14 and 11 genes with stop codon readthrough
proteins are investigated by annotators from both teams                   events have been annotated in human and mouse, respec-
and edited where necessary. We have investigated 1044                     tively (Figure 2).
unmapped human (716) and mouse (328) proteins from                           GENCODE annotation utilises proteomics data to
UniProt and identified cases where the GENCODE anno-                      supplement transcriptomic and evolutionary evidence of
tation needs to be updated (2 human, 49 mouse), and pro-                  protein-coding functionality and we have continued to both
teins that appear invalid in their putative genomic context               generate experimental MS data and use publicly available
(640 human, 54 mouse).                                                    data sets to aid the identification and annotation of protein-
   We continue to analyse publications external to the GEN-               coding genes. Our data generation focus is on elements of
CODE consortium reporting additional protein-coding                       the proteome that are missed by standard proteomics ap-
genes in the light of GENCODE criteria. For example, we                   proaches including the use of 155 novel synthetic peptides
examined the novel protein-coding genes reported in the                   targeting distinct and unique peptides mapping to putative
CHESS gene annotation set (18), adding five protein-coding                coding genes, newly discovered protein coding genes that re-
genes, 16 pseudogenes and 37 lncRNAs. A recent survey of                  quire validation, and pseudogenes that have shown strong
heart ORFs (19), has so far resulted in the annotation of 12              peptide evidence in previous experiments. These peptides
additional human protein-coding genes.                                    are compiled into a reference spectral library, which is used
   GENCODE annotation makes substantial use of com-                       to validate their existence in our experimental proteomics
parative genomics to help identify regions on the genome                  data and large public MS datasets. For example transcrip-
with protein-coding potential. For example, we have used                  tomic, conservation, and ribosome profiling data combined
Cactus to create a 600-way vertebrate whole genome align-                 with experimental peptide evidence supported the discovery
ment incorporating data from the 200 Mammals and Bird                     and validation of an alternate protein isoform originating
10K projects as the basis of a single base-pair resolution                from a non-ATG start site in the gene POLG (24), and high-
map of evolutionary selection (20). We will directly use                  lighted a novel class of unannotated protein-coding features
these alignments within the PhyloCSF phylogenetic analy-                  that are now under active investigation.
sis tool (1). The PhyloCSF pipeline has also been run on the                 To support the automated analysis of proteomics data for
each new release of the human and mouse genome annota-                    genome annotation we collaborated with the PRIDE (25)
tions to facilitate the discovery of additional novel coding              proteomics repository at EMBL-EBI to build a reprocess-
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Figure 2. Screenshot from the Ensembl genome browser of the transcript view page for the gene LDHB, which contains a transcript (ENST00000673047,
LDHB-211) with an annotated stop-codon readthrough event. The location of the annotation attribute flagging the stop-codon readthrough is highlighted
by the red box.

ing and peptide-to-genome mapping pipeline for public pro-                   in both human and mouse. Focusing primarily on unan-
teomics.                                                                     notated regions such as GWAS sites, putative enhancers,
   Finally, we developed a pipeline based on UniProt (4),                    and non-GENCODE lncRNA catalogs (e.g. miTranscrip-
APPRIS (26), PhyloCSF (1), Ensembl gene trees (10),                          tome (28), NONCODE (29), FANTOM CAT (30)). In to-
RNA-seq, MS and variation data to identify annotated                         tal we have produced more than 36 million ONT reads
protein-coding genes with weak or no support. This method                    and 2 million PacBio Sequel (PBS) reads identifying thou-
enables us to scrutinise currently annotated protein-coding                  sands of potential novel loci (∼1600 in Human, ∼4500 in
genes in the human and mouse gene set for misclassified                      mouse) in currently unannotated genomic regions for re-
gene models. To date we have flagged as potential non-                       view and inclusion in the Ensembl/GENCODE geneset.
coding genes more than 2475 human and 1807 mouse genes                       Long transcriptomic sequence data produced within GEN-
that were annotated as protein-coding. These are then re-                    CODE and from public data archives has been run through
viewed in an iterative and ongoing process by expert manual                  our TAGENE workflow and the results of this first set
annotators and retained, removed or reclassified based on                    of analysis released to the public in GENCODE 31 (June
their current supporting evidence. To date, ∼1000 human                      2019). These initial results have already made a signifi-
protein-coding genes have been reviewed and 119 removed                      cant difference to the coverage of lncRNAs in GENCODE,
or reclassified. A complementary approach has also been                      with the addition of 1711 novel loci and 17 858 transcripts,
developed to identify missing and partially complete gene                    an 11% and 60% increase compared to the previous release
models in the human genome and submit to manual review.                      respectively.

LncRNAS                                                                      PSEUDOGENES
We have made improvements to the Capture Long Se-                            Our pseudogene annotation has benefited from the analy-
quencing (CLS) lab protocol (5), including a 5 cap se-                      sis of new datasets. For example, using RNA-seq datasets
lection step (‘CapTrap’) (27), which increases the propor-                   from ENTEx-pseudogene expression in various human tis-
tion of sequenced full-length transcripts and the use of                     sues we have developed a computational framework to ac-
Spiked-in RNA Variant Control Mixes (SIRVs). Applying                        curately quantify the expression level of pseudogenes, and
CLS, we have generated long transcriptomic data target-                      identify actively transcribed pseudogenes in each tissue. We
ing a variety of suspected lncRNA-producing genomic loci                     have also used our pseudogene annotation in 16 closely re-
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D921

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Figure 3. A screenshot from the Ensembl genome browser of the location view for the CTSS gene. The Comprehensive annotation from GENCODE 35 is
shown in the upper panel and the updated annotation in the COVID-19 genes trackhub is shown in the lower panel. Transcript models that are unchanged
with respect to release Ensembl 101 are coloured blue, whereas new models or pre-existing models that have been modified are shown in orange.

lated mouse strains from the Mouse Genomes Project (31)                     UCSC genome browsers. In the Ensembl browser, the hub
to create orthology relationships for the conserved annota-                 has been added to the Track Hub Registry (accessed via
tions and the identification of patterns of pseudogene gain                 the ‘Custom tracks’ section), and can be connected to
and loss between strains (32) and give a prototype for work                 by searching for ‘GENCODE update’. Alternatively, the
annotating human pseudogenes leveraging variation across                    data can be added as a custom track in both Ensembl
the human population.                                                       and UCSC browsers (
                                                                            gencode/update trackhub/hub.txt). Additionally, a track-
                                                                            hub of updates to genes associated with COVID-19
DATA ACCESS                                                                 can be accessed in the same way (
GENCODE gene sets are currently updated up to four                          pub/databases/gencode/covid19 trackhub/hub.txt). In the
times each year for both human and mouse. Each release                      ‘COVID-19 genes’ track data view, transcript models
is versioned and made available immediately upon release                    that are unchanged with respect to release GENCODE
from Ensembl (6) and https// with                       35/Ensembl 101 are coloured blue, whereas new models or
release on the UCSC Genome Browser (33) normally fol-                       pre-existing models that have been modified are shown in
lowing shortly thereafter. The current human release is                     orange (Figure 3). We also offer BED and gtf files for these
GENCODE 35 (August 2020) and the current mouse re-                          annotations.
lease is GENCODE M25 (April 2020). Additional infor-                           We have made available the public ‘Synonymous
mation and previous releases can be found at https//www.                    Constraint’ track hub in the UCSC Genome Browser                                                           that shows protein-coding regions under synonymous
   GENCODE is the now the standardised default human                        constraint, indicating an overlapping function, and
and mouse annotation for both the Ensembl and UCSC                          synonymous accelerated regions, indicating a high mu-
genome browsers following a transition of UCSC’s mouse                      tation rate (
annotation in April 2019. Data is presented through all of                  SynonymousConstraintTracks/trackHub/).
the standard interfaces from both resources.                                   Supported GENCODE annotation is available on the
   To expedite public access to updated annotation be-                      GRCh38 human reference assembly and the GRCm38
tween releases, all annotation changes are made freely                      mouse reference assembly. Selected human releases are
available within 24 h via the ‘GENCODE update’ Track                        mapped back to the GRCh37 assembly and made available
Hub, which can be accessed at both the Ensembl and                          from UCSC and as a service
D922 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

to the community. The resulting mapping are not manu-                            noncoding RNAs with capture long-read sequencing. Nat Genet., 49,
ally checked and may have errors especially in complicated                       1731–1740.
                                                                            6.   Harrow,J., Denoeud,F., Frankish,A., Reymond,A., Chen,C.K.,
regions of the human genome. We recommend use of the                             Chrast,J., Lagarde,J., Gilbert,J.G., Storey,R., Swarbreck,D. et al.
GRCh38 annotations if possible.                                                  (2006) GENCODE: producing a reference annotation for ENCODE.
   Training about the GENCODE annotation and its use                             Genome Biol., 7, S4.
is available from the Ensembl and UCSC training team                        7.   Harrow,J., Frankish,A., Gonzalez,J.M., Tapanari,E., Diekhans,M.,
and user support is available from the Ensembl and UCSC                          Kokocinski,F., Aken,B.L., Barrell,D., Zadissa,A., Searle,S. et al.
                                                                                 (2012) GENCODE: the reference human genome annotation for The
helpdesks.                                                                       ENCODE Project. Genome Res., 22, 1760–1774.
                                                                            8.   Howald,C., Tanzer,A., Chrast,J., Kokocinski,F., Derrien,T.,
                                                                                 Walters,N., Gonzalez,J.M., Frankish,A., Aken,B.L., Hourlier,T. et al.
CONCLUSION                                                                       (2012) Combining RT-PCR-seq and RNA-seq to catalog all genic
                                                                                 elements encoded in the human genome. Genome Res., 22, 1698–1710.
The GENCODE consortium leverages the best available                         9.   Aken,B.L., Ayling,S., Barrell,D., Clarke,L., Curwen,V., Fairley,S.,
data, analysis and tools to continually improve the gene an-                     Fernandez Banet,J., Billis,K., Garcı́a Girón,C., Hourlier,T. et al.

                                                                                                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 25 March 2021
notation of the human and mouse reference genomes. We                            (2016) The Ensembl gene annotation system. Database (Oxford),
have developed new methods and workflows to take ad-                             2016, baw093.
                                                                           10.   Yates,A.D., Achuthan,P., Akanni,W., Allen,J., Allen,J.,
vantage of the increasing quality and volume of data, and                        Alvarez-Jarreta,J., Amode,M.R., Armean,I.M., Azov,A.G.,
in particular long transcriptomic data, while maintaining                        Bennett,R. et al. (2020) Ensembl 2020. Nucleic Acids Res., 48,
the specificity afforded by expert human oversight. We ex-                       D682–D688.
pect our ability to use new data to improve our coverage                   11.   Kokocinski,F., Harrow,J. and Hubbard,T. (2010) AnnoTrack–a
of novel genes and alternatively spliced transcripts will al-                    tracking system for genome annotation. BMC Genomics, 11, 538.
                                                                           12.   Barnes,I.H.A., Ibarra-Soria,X., Fitzgerald,S., Gonzalez,J.M.,
low us to move towards a more complete representation of                         Davidson,C., Hardy,M.P., Manthravadi,D., Van Gerven,L.,
all gene features of known functional classes as we monitor                      Jorissen,M., Zeng,Z. et al. (2020) Expert curation of the human and
the emergence of new functional features that may require                        mouse olfactory receptor gene repertoires identifies conserved coding
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                                                                           13.   Steward,C.A., Roovers,J., Suner,M.M., Gonzalez,J.M.,
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and mRNA with multiple functions.                                                Stamberger,H., Hamdan,F.F. et al. (2019) Re-annotation of 191
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tional Institutes of Health [U41HG007234]; the content                     15.   Gordon,D.E., Jang,G.M., Bouhaddou,M., Xu,J., Obernier,K.,
is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not                         White,K.M., O’Meara,M.J., Rezelj,V.V., Guo,J.Z., Swaney,D.L. et al.
necessarily represent the official views of the National In-                     (2020) A SARS-CoV-2 protein interaction map reveals targets for
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