Inhibition of Transcription - Resistance of African Green Monkey Kidney Cell Lines to Actinomycin D: Drug Uptake in 37 RC Cells After Persistent

Page created by Shirley Lucas
ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, Feb. 1979, p. 300-312                                       Vol. 15, No. 2

  Resistance of African Green Monkey Kidney Cell Lines to
 Actinomycin D: Drug Uptake in 37 RC Cells After Persistent
                  Inhibition of Transcription
   Centre of Virology, O.O.R.R.,' Institute of Microbiology, University of Rome,2 and Department of Cell
                    Biology and Immunology, Istituto Superiore di Sanita,' Rome, Italy

                                                                                                                    Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
                                 Received for publication 1 December 1978

            37 RC cells, a cultured line derived from African green monkey kidneys,
          survived long treatments with actinomycin D (AMD; 0.1 to 0.5 ,ug/ml) under
          strong inhibition of ribonucleic acid synthesis and blocking of cell division. One
          aspect of the complex cellular response to this treatment was a progressive
          lowering of the influx rate of AMD and, consequently, of its endocellular concen-
          tration, leading to a late resurgence of transcription. Overall protein synthesis
          decreased in AMD-treated cells, but more of the residual protein was exported to
          the cell surface, a fact associated with the development of numerous strands of
          endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies in the cytoplasm. The lowering of AMD
          influx during the treatment was not simply due to the decay of protein synthesis,
          and there was no evidence for a carrier-mediated transport of the drug. It was
          paralleled by, but seemingly not related to, modifications in cellular microtubules
          and microfilaments. The rate of AMD influx was restored to levels comparable to
          those of untreated cells by short exposure to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and
          trypsin. It is concluded that the changes in plasma membrane of 37 RC cells,
          creating an obstacle to the influx of AMD after long treatment with this drug,
          probably consist of an accumulation and/or a different distribution of glycopro-
          teins or other surface components on the cell surface.
   It is well established that, whereas the pri-           These cells constitute a good model for the
mary effect of actinomycin D (AMD) is exerted           study of the long-term effects of AMD on cellu-
on overall transcription, not all major ribonu-         lar physiology. It is clear that at suitable sub-
cleic acid (RNA) classes are inhibited to the           maximal doses of AMD an "unbalanced" tran-
same extent. Indeed, large cistrons are more            scription occurs in AGMK cells (2), but the
sensitive to AMD than are smaller ones (25), the        mechanism by which the natural AMD resist-
inhibition increasing in the order transfer RNA         ance of these cells follows from this unbalance
-+ messenger RNA -- ribosomal RNA (24, 25).             has never been explained.
In the large class of messenger RNAs, AMD                  To obtain some insight into this problem and
sensitivity varies according to the size of the         information on membrane changes in 37 RC
nuclear precursors (25).                                cells after long exposure to AMD, we examined
   37 RC, Vero, and other epithelial-like cell          more closely the possibility that continuous
lines, derived from African green monkey kidney         presence of the drug, at concentrations that un-
(AGMK) cells, are known for their natural re-           balance the transcription, eventually affects the
sistance to AMD as compared to the majority of          uptake of AMD itself. Thus we found that: (i)
cell cultures commonly employed (3, 27, 35).            after AMD exposure, the influx rate of the drug
Their resistance is expressed by a lower cytotox-       was progressively reduced; (ii) when this reduc-
icity (27, 35) and rapid recovery of RNA synthe-        tion reached a critical value RNA synthesis in-
sis after maximal AMD suppression (4, 28, 29),          creased; (iii) this reduction in AMD influx is
a property retained even after repeated AMD             probably mediated by factors from the cell sur-
blocks (4). The RNA classes recover in the order        face coat which are removable by ethylenedia-
transfer RNA -* messenger RNA -* ribosomal              minetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-trypsin solutions.
RNA (2), which is the reverse of inhibition,
suggesting that for each RNA class the sensitiv-                    MATERIALS AND METHODS
ity to and recovery from AMD obey the same                    Cell cultures and AMD treatment. The 37 RC
general rules.                                             cell line, used throughout this study, was maintained
VOL. 15, 1979                                                AMD RESISTANCE OF 37 RC CELLS                     301
as monolayers on glass bottles in Eagle medium con-        and 0.5% SDS, were dissolved in Bray solution, and
taining 5% fetal calf serum (MEM) as described else-       the radioactivity was measured (incorporation into
where (2). The cultures were routinely checked for         acid-precipitable material).
mycoplasma contamination by the method of Barile              RNA extraction and purification. 37 RC mono-
and Schimke (1) and by electron microscope obser-          layers in Kolle bottles were exposed to [3H]uridine (5
vations (see below). All experiments on kinetics of        ,uCi/ml) in serum-free MEM in the absence and pres-
[3H]AMD binding were carried out with cells trans-         ence of different AMD concentrations. After 30 min of
ferred into Linbro plates, each containing 24 small        labeling, monolayers were quickly chilled by adding
wells (area = 1.8 cm2), and seeded at the density of 10'   frozen crushed MEM. The cells were scraped from the
cells per cm2 in a total volume of 1 ml. The mediutn       bottles with a rubber policeman and collected by cen-
(with or without AMD) was changed daily. The cul-          trifugation at 800 x g for 5 min at 2 to 4°C. The pellet
tures were maintained in a CO2 incubator at 37°C.          was then suspended in RSB buffer [10 mM NaCl;
Cells were routinely transferred after detachrnent by      10 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-hydro-

                                                                                                                       Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
EDTA-trypsin solution containing 0.14 M NaCl, 5.4          chloride, pH 7.4; 1.5 mM MgCl2] containing 0.5% Non-
mM KCl, 5.5 mM glucose, 0.53 mM EDTA (pH 7.2),             idet P-40. The suspension was vigorously pipetted and
and 500 ,ug of trypsin per ml.                             then centrifuged at 800 x g at 4°C. The resultant
   Unlabeled AMD was obtained from Serva (Heidel-          nuclear pellet was suspended in high-ionic-strength
berg, West Germany); unlabeled colchicine was ob-          buffer [0.5 M NaCl; 50 mM MgCl2; 10 mM
tained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.);           tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - hydrochloride,
[3H]AMD (3.3 Ci/mmol), methoxy-[3H]colchicine (5.9         pH 7.4] and digested with 100 Mug of ribonuclease-free
Ci/mmol), [5-3H]uridine (11 Ci/mmol), [6-3H]thymi-         deoxyribonuclease at room temperature. The diges-
dine (23 Ci/mmol), [3H]glucosamine (21 Ci/nmol),DL-        tion was stopped by adding SDS and EDTA up to
[3H]valine (0.39 Ci/mmol), and [3H]hystidine (40 Ci/       0.5% and 10 mM, respectively. After reconstitution
mmol) were purchased from the Radiochemical                with the cytoplasmic fraction, the RNA was extracted
Centre (Amersham, England); cytochalasin B was ob-         by the phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol method
tained from Aldrich Chemical Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.).        (30).
Trypsin (3x crystallized) was purchased from Worth-           Evaluation of acid-soluble pool of uridine nu-
ington (Freehold, N.J.).                                   cleotides. The acid-soluble pool was extracted from
   Determination of uptake, efflux, and intracel-          the cells with 0.5 N perchloric acid, and its components
lular AMD concentration. Confluent monolayers in           were separated by ascending paper chromatography
Linbro plates were exposed to [3H]AMD, if required,        in ethanol-ammonium acetate, essentially as de-
and unlabeled AMD at the concentrations indicated          scribed by Plagemann et al. (26).
in the single experiments. At different time intervals,       Assay of uridine kinase. The preparation of the
monolayers were carefully washed with phosphate-           cell-free extract and the assay of uridine kinase were
buffered saline and dissolved in sodium dodecyl sulfate    performed as described by Plagemann et al. (26). The
(SDS) buffer (3), and the radioactivity incorporated       protein content of the cell-free extract was determined
into whole cells was estimated. The AMD intracellular      by the method of Lowry et al. (23).
concentration was calculated on the basis of previous         Labeling of surface components in trypsinate-
assumptions (3). To determine AMD efflux, cells were       and EDTA-extracted trichloroacetic acid-precip-
loaded for 1 h with [3H]AMD as described above, and        itable materials. Confluent C and A70 monolayers in
then washed with cold MEM containing 5 ,ug of unla-        Linbro plates were exposed to either [3H]glucosamine
beled AMD per ml; prewarmed MEM was then added.            (20 MuCi/ml) or to a mixture of [3H]lysine and [3H]-
At different times thereafter the cellular radioactivity   valine (both 10 MCi/ml) in MEM without or with
was measured.                                              AMD at 0.5 ,ug/ml. At intervals during incubation,
   The nucleocytoplasmic distribution of AMD was           monolayers were washed four times with phosphate-
measured as reported elsewhere (3).                        buffered saline and subjected to the following alternate
   In some experiments, the influx of AMD was mea-         procedures: (i) digestion with 0.5 Mug of trypsin per ml,
sured after treatment of Linbro monolayers with either     5 min at 37°C, the incubation being stopped by addi-
EDTA (10-2 M) in serum-free MEM or purified tryp-          tion of excess soybean inhibitor; samples of this ex-
sin (0.5 mg/ml).                                           tract, called "trypsinate," were then counted for radio-
   Uridine incorporation into total cell and acid-         activity incorporated; or (ii) detachment with 102 M
precipitable material. Serum-free MEM containing           EDTA in serum-free MEM, the reaction being stopped
10lCi of [3H]uridine per ml was added to the confluent     at min 5 by addition of a mixture of Ca2" and Mg2"
monolayers in Linbro plates; at different time intervals   gluconate, 5 mM (17). This EDTA extract was precip-
the incorporation was stopped by washing with cold         itated with 10% vol/vol trichloroacetic acid, collected
phosphate-buffered saline, and monolayers were             on Millipore filters, and counted for radioactivity in-
dissolved with SDS-EDTA-papain buffer [10 mM               corporated.
NaCl; 10 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-hy-               The cellular pellets recovered from procedures (i)
drochloride, pH 7.0; 1 mM MgCl2; 10 mM EDTA; 0.5%          and (ii) were subjected to the following two treat-
SDS; 20 Mug of papain per ml; and 20 ,ug of cysteine per   ments: (iii) glucosamine-labeled cells were dissolved in
ml].                                                       SDS-EDTA buffer and precipitated on Millipore fil-
   Samples of this lysate were precipitated on 0.45-,um    ters, as described above; and (iv) amino acid-labeled
membrane filters (Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.)         cells were lysed with 1.0 N NaOH plus 1% (wt/vol)
with trichloroacetic acid at a final concentration of      SDS in water and trichloroacetic acid precipiated for
10%. The filters, washed with 5% trichloroacetic acid      radioactivity determinations, as described above.
302     BENEDETTO, CASSONE, AND DELFINI                                   ANTIMICROB. AGENTS CHEMOTHER.
   Colchicine binding assay and tubulin purifi-
cation. Standard tubulin was purified from pig brain
according to Weisenberg et al. (31) and stored at
-80°C in M sucrose solution according to Lee et al.
   The colchicine binding assay on both pig brain
tubulin and 110,000 x g supernatant fraction from 37
RC cells (control and AMD treated) was performed
according to Weisenberg et al. (31).
   Electron microscopy. Cells on Falcon plastic sub-
strata were prefixed with a mixture of 2.5% glutaral-
dehyde (vol/vol) and 1% (vol/vol) TAPO (tris-1-azir-

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
idinyl phosphine oxide, Polysciences, Warrington, Pa.)
in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). After buffer wash-
ing, they were postfixed with 1% (wt/vol) 0804 in the
same buffer for 6 h at 4°C, then processed for electron
microscopy as described elsewhere (13). Sectioning
with a Porter-Blum MT2 ultramicrotome equipped
with a diamond knife was carried out parallel to the
plastic substratum, and then sections were stained
with lead citrate and uranyl acetate (13) and observed
under the Siemens LA electron microscope operating            a)
at 80/100 kV.                                                 _

   Radioactivity determination. Radioactivity was
determined in Bray solution with a Beckman liquid             CU
scintillation system MD LS-133. Counting efficiency           0
was calculated by the two-channel ratio using the
external standard method.
   Cellular viability and macromolecular                                       Time (days)
synthesis after AMD treatments. 37 RC cells                  FIG. 1. Effect of AMD on growth curve and viabil-
treated with 0.1 to 0.5 ,ug of AMD per ml (doses          ity of 37 RC cells. Cells were seeded in Linbro plates
which in 30 min inhibit the RNA synthesis by              at the indicated concentration and detached daily by
60 to about 80%), called A cells, were assayed            trypsin-EDTA treatment. The viability was esti-
every 12 h over a period of at least 48 h for             mated by suspending cells in MEM containing I mg
cellular viability and deoxyribonucleic acid              of trypan blue per ml at 37°C for 15 min. Cells were
(DNA) and RNA synthesis as compared to un-                then counted in a hemochromocytometer slide cham-
treated cells, called C cells. At these concentra-        ber. The arrows indicate the time of AMD addition
tions the degree of killing by AMD was found to           (0.5 pg/ml) to some monolayers (0); control mono-
depend more on the growth stage at the begin-             layers (0) received MEM only. The inset shows the
                                                          time course of [3H]thymidine (0.5 uCi/ml) incorpo-
ning of the treatment than on the length of the           ration into acid-precipitable material (see uridine
treatment itself. A marked fall in the number of          incorporation in the text) starting at h 48 from seed-
viable cells occurred when the treatment began            ing in control (0) and AMD-treated (0) cells.
at the middle exponential phase of growth (Fig.
1), whereas viability was largely maintained if
cells were treated during their stationary phase          sensitive to AMD. This increase in RNA synthe-
of growth. In this latter case the constancy of           sis was maximal at h 70 (Table 1).
the number of viable cells did not reflect a                 This proved, however, to be a merely quanti-
steady-state equilibrium between cell multipli-           tative phenomenon, since it could be overcome
cation and AMD-induced lethality, since the               by increasing AMD concentration in the me-
cells, after a lag of 6 to 8 h, were no longer able       dium; at 20 ,ug of AMD per ml the RNA labeling
to enter the S phase, as demonstrated by the              of cells treated for 70 h (A70 cells) was again
low, basal level of [3H]thymidine incorporation           completely suppressed (Fig. 2).
into DNA (Fig. 1, inset).                                    The examination of the acid-soluble uridine
   The monitoring of [3H]uridine incorporation            pool and of kinase activity showed that A70 cells
into cellular RNA during AMD treatment                    took up uridine efficiently, though at a lower
showed that RNA synthesis continued to be                 initial rate than C cells. Furthermore, they did
strongly affected until about h 45 to 50, when            not differ significantly from control cells in the
labeling was unexpectedly found to increase               ability to phosphorylate the precursor and in the
markedly as if synthesis had become much less             distribution of the label among the various com-
VOL. 15, 1979                                               AMD RESISTANCE OF 37 RC CELLS                303
ponents of uridine nucleotide pool (data not           From these data it seems that the phenome-
shown). The same holds true for cells at inter- non was a phenotypic one dealing with the whole
mediate times of AMD treatment. The increase or the largest part of the population and not
of RNA labeling in A70 cells could not be ac- involving the selection of preexisting AMD-re-
counted for by an increase in the transport or sistant mutants (16) (see below for additional
phosphorylation of the labeled precursor.           evidence).
   If A70 cells were left in AMD-free medium,          Intracellular AMD concentration versus
they recovered, in a period of 36 to 48 h, the full RNA synthesis in A cells. The differences in
capacity of RNA synthesis; this was again as the AMD sensitivity of transcription in C and
sensitive to the drug as usual (Table 1).           A70 cells might be related to variations in the
                                                    intracellular concentration of the drug. First of

                                                                                                                Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
        80                                          all, we established that AMD was not degraded
    z                                               or inactivated by A cells (as seen by incubation
                                                    of AMD with extract of A cells and subsequent
                                                    paper chromatography). The alternative hy-
        60                                          pothesis was that the steady-state equilibrium
     Q.                                             between influx, binding, and efflux of AMD
                                                    might alter so that the level of intracellular
                                                    AMD diminished. That this was indeed the case
        40                                          is shown in Fig. 3. In fact, given an external dose
                                                    of 0.5 ,ug of AMD per ml, the intracellular drug
       20                                           concentration reached its equilibrium at about
                                                    90 min, with a value of 0.026 nmol per 106 cells.
    .*' 20_                                         Starting from about h 24, this value decreased,
                                                    dropping to about 0.010 nmol per 106 cells at h
                                                    70 (Fig. 3). That this fall is sufficient to account
                                                    for the late resurgence of transcription is shown
                   4        8       f2        16
            AMID concentration in the medium (,pM)
                                                        0,, 3
  FIG. 2. Dose-response curve of [3H]uridine incor-
poration into RNA in C and A70 cells versus AMD. C
(0) and A70 (0) cells were pulsed with [3H]uridine
(5 uCi/ml) for 30 min in the presence of various doses
of AMD; then the RNA was extracted, and the asso-
ciated radioactivity was measured as described in
the text.
TABLE 1. Monitoring of RNA labeling during AMD
             treatment and recovery
                                                              E0       I\
                               [;'H]uridine        .h.t.
            Cells'           (cpm) incorpo- Inhibtion        C=
                            rated into RNA8      )
C (untreated)                    55,800                       _    2
Ao.5                              9,000            83.8
A24                               4,500            91.9
A48                              12,300            78.0
A70                              33,480            40.0
Aree 48                          52,300             6.3
Ares 48 plus AMD                  8,000            85.7
   (0.5 [Lg/ml)
   aCells were treated with 0.5 ytg of AMD per ml and                  0.5 10 1.5         24 48 72
called A cells; the subscript number denotes the time
(in hours) of treatment. Ar,, denotes cells treated with                   Time of treatment (hours)
AMD for 70 h, washed free of the drug, and left to            FIG. 3. Monitoring of intracellular AMD amount
recover for the indicated time.                            during long AMD treatment of 37 RC cells. 37 RC
   b The labeled precursor, at a concentration of 10       cultures in Linbro plates were exposed to 1,32 uCi
,ICi/ml, was given to the cells for 30 min. Results are    (corresponding to 0.5 pg/ml) of [3H]AMD per ml. At
the mean of three independent experiments. For any         the indicated time the intracellular AMD was mea-
other details, see the text.                               sured as described in the text.
in Fig. 4, where the percentage of RNA synthesis
is monitored against both the extracellular and
the correspondent proportional intracellular
AMD concentration. It is seen that AMD inhi-
bition of transcription quickly drops as the in-
tracellular drug concentration falls below 0.02
nmol per 106 cells (Fig. 4).
   Uptake, influx, and efflux of AMD.To get
insight into the mechanism of the observed dim-
inution in the intracellular concentration of
AMD during AMD treatment of 37 RC cells, we

                                                                                                             Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
compared the uptake and the efflux of the drug
in C and A70 cells. Am0 cells took up in 1 h half as
much AMD as did C cells (Fig. 5), whereas they
released the drug at a comparable rate. Cells
treated with AMD for 2 h (A2 cells) and having
a higher endocellular amount of drug than A70
cells (see Fig. 3) took up and eluted the drug at
a rate similar to that of C cells, showing that the
presence of intracellular AMD does not influ-
ence per se the uptake of other drug.
   It is also evident from Fig. 5 that the early
                                                            FIG. 5. Time course of AMD uptake and efflux in
                                                         C, A2, and A70 cells. 37 RC cultures in Linbro plates
            O0                               2.0         were exposed to 5 ,uCi of [3HJAMD per ml plus un-
                                                         labeled AMD up to a final concentration of 5 pg/ml.
                                                         Part of the monolayers (C cells, 0; A2 cells, A; A.o
                                                         cells, *) were measured for AMD uptake at the indi-
            8                                1. 6 E      cated times. Other monolayers preloaded for 60 min
      0oJ                                          t-    with AMD were washed free of the drug and left to
                                                   c     release AMD (C, A2, and A70 cells; same symbols as
                                                         above). At the indicated time intervals, samples were
                                             12 >        measured for AMD intracellular concentration as
      E 6                                       c
                                                         described in the text.
       '0   4          0       *             0.8   :::
                                                         uptake is much lower in A70 cells, and this was
                                               V- C
                                                   ca.   confirmed by a closer examination of the initial
                           0                       L-    uptake rate of AMD. We assumed (like others)
            21                       0@      0.4 .       (8) as "initial" the amount taken up at 2 min,
                                                         and called it "influx" rate even though one can-
                                                         not be certain, on the basis of the kinetics evi-
                                                         dence only, that even at very early times, the
                     20        40       60               rate-limiting step is the permeation and not the
            Percentdge of control RNA synthesis          binding of the drug.
   FIG. 4. The relationship between external and in-
                                                            The influx rate of AMD, both in C and A cells,
tracellular concentration of AMD at equilibrium and      was proportional to the external AMD concen-
inhibition of RNA synthesis. Some confluent mono-        tration up to 6 uM (Fig. 6). This suggests a
layers of 37 RC cells in Linbro wells were treated for   mechanism of passive diffusion for drug entry in
90 min with 1 ,uCi of [3H]AMD per ml plus various        37 RC cells and seems to exclude the existence
amounts of unlabeled drug up to indicated concen-        of any high-affinity carrier.On the other hand,
trations (right ordinate); other monolayers were ex-     the influx of AMD was seen to decrease progres-
posed to unlabeled AMD only, at identical concentra-     sively during the treatment of 37 RC cells with
tions (see above) for 80 min, then pulsed for 10 min     the drug (0.5 ,g/ml). The decrease apparently
with 10,uCi of [3Hluridine per ml. The first monolayer   started at about h 10 and was maximal at h 70,
was measured for AMD intracellular concentration
(left ordinate), and the second set was processed for    when approximately threefold reduction in the
uridine incorporated into trichloroacetic acid-precip-   influx was observed. If the nucleocytoplasmic
itable material. The obtained values were expressed      distribution of AMD was measured at 2 min, it
as percentage of RNA synthesis in untreated cells.       was seen that, over a range of AMD concentra-
For any other details, see the text.                     tion, the AMD amount in the cytoplasm of both
VOL. 15, 1979                                                             AMD RESISTANCE OF 37 RC CELLS                        305
C and A cells was about six times that in the                           cells,  exactly parallels the decrease of incorpo-
nucleus (Fig. 7). Since in 37 RC cells the amount                       ration into the respective cytoplasm.
of AMD at equilibrium is higher in the nucleus                             The progressive decrease of the influx rate of
(60%) than in the cytoplasm (40%) (3), it seems                         AMD in A cells could be mediated by the par-
justified to consider the uptake rate at 2 min as                       allel decay of a hypothetical membrane carrier
largely representative of the net influx rate. In                       responsible for AMD entry in these cells. It
this line, it should also be noted that the de-                         should be recalled here that, even though the
crease in the rate of AMD incorporated into the                         curves in Fig. 5 are consistent with a simple
nucleus of A70 cells, as compared to that of C                          diffusion mechanism of entry, the existence of a
                                                                        very low-affinity carrier for the drug cannot be
                                                                        excluded on the basis of kinetics evidence only

                                                                                                                                     Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
                                                                            If AMD were acting by decay of a membrane
                                                                        carrier, it should be expected that inhibition of
                                                                        protein synthesis mimicked the effect. Against
                                                                        this hypothesis, it was seen that the influx rate
                                                                        of AMD was not influenced by cycloheximide
                                                                        used for 28 h at a concentration sufficient to
                                                                        block more than 98% of protein synthesis (Table
                                                                           Taken together with the kinetics of AMD
                                                                        entry, these data made improbable the hypoth-
                                                                        esis that the decay of AMD influx is caused by
                                                                        the loss of a specific carrier protein having very
                                                                        low affinity for the drug.
                                                                           Morphology of 37 RC cells after pro-
                                                                        longed AMD treatment. To get general insight
                                                                        into the mechanism of the reduction of AMD
         AMD concentration in the mediurn (, M)                         uptake into 37 RC cells, some cultural and mor-
  FIG. 6. Initial rate of AMD uptake in C and A                         phofunctional parameters, as well as the ultra-
cells. 37 RC cultures in Linbro plates (C, 0; A12, 0;                   structure of cells after prolonged AMD treat-
A,a, A; A70, A) were exposed to MEM containing                          ment, were considered.
[3HJAMD concentrations ranging from 1.5 to 6 W.                            Relevant changes in these parameters were
After 2 min, the amount of intracellular AMD was                        indeed observed, many of them seemingly re-
measured as described in the text. The initial rate is                  lated to the cell surface. By phase-contrast mi-
expressed as millimoles x 10-8 of AMD taken up per                      croscopy, A70 cells appeared more flattened and
106   cells in 1 min.
                                                                        highly contrasted at their margins. Their adhe-
                                                                        siveness to glass or plastic surfaces was clearly
                                                                        increased, as demonstrated by the longer time
                                                                        required for their detachment by trypsin-EDTA
                                                                        solution. Once detached, their rounding was de-
                                                                        layed, and they maintained an elongated form
                                                                        longer than C cells. Finally, blebs or villus-like
                                                                        protrusions were not so numerous in A as in C
                                                                        cells, as if the former had a more rigid cell
                                                                        periphery (see Fig. 8).

                                                                             TABLE 2. Effect of treatment with various
                                                                         inhibitors on the influx rate of AMD in 37 RC cells
                                                                                                              AMD incorporated in
                                                                                     Treatment                 100 s (mmol x 10'
                 15     225   30             075      15     225   30
                                                                                                                  per 10'i cells)'
                  AMD Concentration in the medium (,uM)
                                                                        None     ........................         4.1 ± 0.50
   FIG. 7. 37 RC in Linbro plates (C, 0; A70, 0) were                   AMD (0.5 ,ug/ml for 24 h)    ......       2.8 ± 0.32
exposed to MEM containing [3H]AMD concentra-                            Cycloheximide (25 ,og/ml
tions ranging from 0.75 to 3 WM. After 2 min, incor-                      for 28 h) ....                     4.3 ± 0.41
poration was stopped by washing with cold MEM,                          Colchicine (1 isg/ml for 12 hr)       4.6 ± 0.52
cells were detached by EDTA-trypsin, and the radio-
activity incorporated into the nucleus and into the                       0The values are the mean of three independent
cytoplasm was measured as reported in the text.                         experiments, expressed as ± standard deviation.
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                                                                          FIG. 8 a-c
VOL. 15, 1979                                              AMD RESISTANCE OF 37 RC CELLS                     307
                                                                                  'SA              ''
                                                                   ~~4~~'                             -'~1

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
                                                    FIG. 8 d

   Under the electron microscope, the nucleus of         richer in intracytoplasmic membranous ele-
A70 cells showed the distinct effects of AMD,            ments. In particular, several stacks of parallel
already well established (5, 18) due to the block        membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum sys-
of nucleolus physiology, confirming that ribo-           tem were seen in the perinuclear region, whereas
somal RNA synthesis was inhibited under our              C cells showed only very few scattered rough
conditions. Major changes, however, were seen            and smooth endoplasmic reticulum profiles (Fig.
in the cytoskeleton components of A cells. Mi-           8d). In some perinuclear areas of A cells, mem-
crotubules were apparently greatly diminished,           brane elements resembling annulate lamellae
whereas microfilaments (4.0 to 6.0 nm) were              were also observed (Fig. 8e). Another distinctive
markedly more numerous and were mostly seen              aspect of A70 cells was their higher content of
in the form of prominent bundles just beneath            Golgi bodies, more often seen in the perinuclear
the plasma membrane (Fig. 8b). Filamentous               region (Fig. 8e).
structures were more concentrated at the dish-             Effect of cytochalasin B, EDTA, and tryp-
adhesive side of the cells, and the contact surface      sin on influx rate of AMD in C and A cells.
in flat-embedded sections appeared rich in coat          The results reported in the preceding sections
components (Fig. 8c).                                    prompted us to study the possible influence of
   The scanty appearance of microtubules in              surface-modifying agents and cytoskeleton dis-
AMD-treated cells was paralleled by diminution           organizers on the entry of AMD in 37 RC cells.
of colchicine-binding proteins (tubulin) in the          To this end, cells were brought into suspension
supernatant fraction of these cells (Table 3).           from monolayers using different concentrations
While being poor of ribosomes, A70 cells were            and times of treatment of both EDTA and tryp-

   FIG. 8. Electron micrographs of C (a) and A70 cells (b - e). (a) and (b) show adjacent cells. Conspicuous
bundles of 6.5 to 4.0-nm- thick microfilaments (arrows) are seen in A70 cells, just beneath the plasma membrane
and parallel to it (b). Note also the scattered free ribosomes and polysomal complexes in cells (a. thin arrows)
and their virtual absence in the cytoplasmic areas of A70 cells (b). Complexes of parallel membranes (CM) as
well as annulate lamellae (AL) are seen in perinuclear areas of some A70 cells (d and e). Golgi bodies (GB) are
also more numerous in A70 cells (e) than in C cells (c) A70 cell in a flat-embedded section, showing the
accumulation of filaments (arrows) in the cytoplasm oriented toward the plastic surface (bottom). Other
abbreviations: N, nucleus; Nu, nucleolus; RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum; M, mitochondria. Bar, 100 nm.

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                                                FIG. 8 e

sin, two classical cell-detaching agents which act   solutions, under conditions of maintenance of
by removal of the surface coat and membrane          full viability, no significant modification of AMD
materials.                                           influx was observed. On the contrary, similar
   After complete detachment and suspension of       treatments performed with A70 cells caused a
control cells by both EDTA and EDTA-trypsin          marked increase in rate of the AMD influx as
VOL. 15,1979                                                AMD RESISTANCE OF 37 RC CELLS                     309

cells were  detached from the dish. Finally, after        by Johnson and Griffin (17), some of the mate-
EDTA-trypsin treatment, the influx of the drug            rial contained in these preparations could be
into A70 cells reached values comparable with             constituted of integral membrane proteins. The
those of suspended control cells (Table 4).               radioactivity incorporated as both glucosamine
   After suspension, therefore, A cells behaved           and amino acids in "stripped-off' A70 cells was
like C cells in AMD entry. This was confirmed             about two times less than in controls (Fig. 9). On
at various external AMD concentrations with               the other hand, the radioactivity incorporated
dose-response curves, like those shown in Fig. 5,         into surface proteins was practically the same in
being identical for C and A cells.                        both cells, regardless of the way by which they
   On the other hawnd, the use of cytochalasin B,         were freed from these proteins (trypsin or
an inhibitor of microfilament organization, did           EDTA). This means that, although total protein
not cause either In C or in A cells any significant       synthesis decreased as expected in AMD-treated

                                                                                                                    Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
modification of the the influx rate of AMD                cells, in these latter a greater portion of the
(Table 4). The lack of effect of cytochalasin B           residual synthesized protein is glycosylated and
was the same in monolayers as in suspended                exported to the cell surface. Indeed, the ratio
cells, a fact especially relevant because it is           between external and internal proteins is defi-
known that the simple detachment from the                 nitely higher in A70 cells (Fig. 9).
dish of epithelial cells like BHK-21 and BSC 1
provokes the disarrengement of microfilament
bundles (15).
   Finally, treatment of 37 RC cells with colchi-
cine, a specific inhibitor of microtubule poly-
merization, did not affect the influx rate of AMD
over the time interval of 12 h (Table 2).
   Labeling of surface components in C and
A70 cells. On the basis of previous results it was
of interest to look at possible differences in the
rate of synthesis and secretion of surface com-
ponents in C andA70 cells. To this end we com-
pared the rates of incorporation of radiolabeled
glucosamine and amino acids into total cell and
surface protein. As "surface proteins" we consid-
ered all radioactive materials detached by
EDTA and trypsin solutions, even though they
certainly contained nonprotein components (for
instance, glycolipids and others), As emphasized
TABLE 3. Colchicne binding activity in 37 RC cells
  after differernt times of treatment with AMD (0.5
                       pg/ml)                                                       Time (hours)
                       methoxy,[3H]colchicine bound to       FIG. 9. Glycoprotein synthesis and export to cell
   Time of treatment   DEAE-c,llulose Chromedia filters   surface. C and A70 cells in Linbro plates were exposed
                             (opm/mg of protein)'         to MEM containing [H]glucosamine (a and b) and
C cells   ...                      16,000                  CHlvaline plus hystidine (c and d). At different time
A48                                11,000                 intervals, the radioactivity incorporated into trypsi-

                                                          nate (0), trichloroacetic acid-precipitable EDTA-ex-
A70.o     ..      ..                 6,500                tract (A), and residual (O) cell materials was mea-
  q DE:AE,   Diethylamipoothyl.                           sured as described in the text.

 TABLE 4. Effect of detach/ing treatments with EDTA or trypsin solutions on influx rate of AMD in C and A
                              cells, pretreated or untreated with cytochalasin Ba
                                                                    C                              A70
               Cells                Detaching agent
                                                          -cyt B        +cyt B         -cyt B            +cyt B
Cells in monolayer                                          5.8          5.0            2.1          1.9
Cells in suspension                  EDTA                   5.9          5.3            4.2          4.1
                                     Trypein                5.1          4.9            5.3          5.3
  aCells were treated for 60 min with 10 of cytochalasin B (cyt B) per ml, respectively, in monolayer or
suspension conditions. Data are expressed as millimoles x 10-8 per 10' cells, incorporated in 100 s.
                  DISCUSSION                             longed treatment with AMD, 37 RC cells are
   In this research we have observed that, during       able to form a permeability barrier against the
long exposure to AMD, 37 RC cells progressively         drug and that this barrier is removable by
acquired the ability to reduce the uptake of the        EDTA-trypsin. This does not necessarily imply
drug and so, at a later stage, resume net RNA           that the barrier is in the membrane, because it
synthesis. Thus, they recovered transcription           could also be represented by cytoplasmic struc-
ability without drug removal, a situation that          tures which could control the membrane func-
seems unique for this type of cell.                     tions.
   Two main factors have been seen to be critical          Nevertheless, a hypothesis that logically fol-
for this phenomenon to occur: (i) the amount of         lows from the discussion above is that the barrier
AMD given to the cells as related to the resulting      is constituted of surface glycoprotein materials.

                                                                                                              Downloaded from on March 17, 2021 by guest
inhibition of RNA synthesis; and (ii) the state of      It is well known that both EDTA and trypsin
the cells at the beginning of the treatment.            free such materials from the surface (9), and we
Therefore, doses of AMD must be used which              have shown that in A70 cells a greater proportion
do not cause inhibition of transcription greater        of total cell proteins is exported to the cell sur-
than 60 to 80%. Moreover, cells must be treated         face as glycoproteins, in spite of the lower rate
with AMD when they are confluent, since prior           of protein synthesis. A clear ultrastructural
exposure at the stage of exponential growth             counterpart to this finding comes from the ob-
caused a significant killing even at the lowest         servation that A70 cells are significantly enriched
AMD doses (0.1 ,ug/ml). The lower AMD toxic-            in endoplasmic reticulum membranes and have
ity for confluent, topoinhibited 37 RC cells does       also more numerous and prominent Golgi bod-
not appear to depend on G. state per se. In fact,       ies, which are known as cell organelles, devoted
other cell lines, e.g. chick embryo, human W138,        to the glycosylation of the proteins to be secreted
and mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, which can be ar-             and organized at the cell surface.
rested in G. state, are highly AMD-sensitive at            In keeping with the generality of these obser-
confluence (3), whereas cells that have a high          vations, an overproduction, but, possibly, also a
mitotic index and are incapable of reaching a           different distribution or a qualitatively different
persistent G. state, like mouse L strains (27) and      composition of cell surface coat component
various transformed cell lines, are somewhat less       would create the obstacle to AMD influx in A
sensitive to AMD (11, 34).                              cells. It should be stressed that an accumulation
   It is more difficult to find an explanation for      of glycoproteins at the cell surface could also be
the reduced AMD uptake by the cells. The                due to a selective inhibition of glycosidases, a
uptake, in fact, is the sum of both the transport       hypothesis which warrants further investigation.
and the binding and, owing to the great number             The findings above also help to give a reason
and the marked avidity of intracellular AMD-            for the increased adhesiveness and flattening in
binding sites, it is almost impossible that purely      culture of A70 cells, since these seem to be me-
kinetics measurements distinguish between               diated by glycoproteins both excreted from and
them.                                                   bound to membranes (12, 31).
   Neverthless, both the experiments on the nu-            In this connection, interesting analogies can
cleocytoplasmic distribution and AMD after 2            be made between 37 RC cells and those special
min (as opposed to the distribution at equilib-         cell lines, which, by cultivation in the presence
rium) and the experiments on AMD uptake after           of high amounts of AMD, have been selected
EDTA and trypsin strongly suggest that a re-            from mutants refractory to the drug (6, 16, 20).
duction in the permeation of the drug is the            These cells, indeed, had practically lost the
cause of the progressive lowering of the uptake         permeability to the drug; Bosmann has recorded
in AMD-treated cells.                                   several biochemical changes in the plasma mem-
   The only other possible alternative is that A70      brane of these cells, including an increase of
cells have less, or less avid, intracellular AMD-       glycoprotein synthesis and its deposition at the
binding material. For instance, this could be due       cell surface (7). In AMD-resistant hamster ovary
to a decreased cellular volume or a diminution          cell lines, a quantitative relationship between
in the amount of the membrane or other un-              the presence of an integral membrane protein,
known intracellular binding sites for AMD.              molecular weight 170,000, and permeability to
However, we didn't find evidence for any of             AMD and other amphophilic drugs has been
these events. In particular, A70 cells were seen to     postulated (19). Preliminary experiments of
be a bit larger than C cells, and their intracellular   plasma membrane protein characterization in 37
membranes were collectively augmented (see              RC showed the presence of a 165,000 molecular-
below).                                                 weight protein, but we didn't find any significant
  Thus we suggest as a more probable explana-           change in the amount of this specific protein
tion of the results obtained that, during a pro-        during AMD treatment.
VOL. 15, 1979                                                       AMD RESISTANCE OF 37 RC CELLS                            311

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