Running Title: Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

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JBC Papers in Press. Published on July 29, 2020 as Manuscript RA120.012852
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 EGFR forms ligand-independent oligomers that are distinct from the active state

 Patrick O. Byrne1,2, Kalina Hristova3 and Daniel J. Leahy2*

From the 1Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore MD 21205; 2Department of Molecular Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX 78712; 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD 21218

Running Title: Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

*To whom correspondence should be addressed: Daniel J. Leahy, 100 East 24th Street, NHB 4.310
A5000, Austin, TX 78712;

Keywords: epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), receptor tyrosine kinase, signal transduction,
membrane protein, oligomerization, fluorescence resonance energy transfer

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Abstract Abnormal activation of both EGFR and
 The human Epidermal Growth Factor HER2 is associated with multiple human cancer
Receptor (EGFR/ERBB1) is a Receptor Tyrosine types, and each is the target of several anticancer
Kinase (RTK) that forms activated oligomers in agents (2). ERBBs are Type I integral membrane
response to ligand. Much evidence indicates that proteins composed of an extracellular domain
EGFR/ERBB1 also forms oligomers in the (ECD) that is made up of four distinct
absence of ligand, but the structure and subdomains, an alpha-helical transmembrane
physiological role of these ligand-independent domain (TMD), and an intracellular domain
oligomers remain unclear. To examine these (ICD) comprising a juxtamembrane region, a
features, we use fluorescence microscopy to tyrosine kinase domain and a nonglobular ~230
measure the oligomer stability and FRET amino-acid C-terminal tail. The canonical
efficiency for homo- and hetero-oligomers of mechanism by which ERBBs are thought to act is
fluorescent protein-labeled forms of EGFR and ligand-dependent oligomerization, which results
its paralog, Human Epidermal Growth Factor in stimulation of the intracellular kinase, trans-
Receptor 2 (HER2/ERBB2) in vesicles derived autophosphorylation, recruitment of effector
from mammalian cell membranes. We observe proteins, and initiation of intracellular signaling
that both receptors form ligand-independent cascades (1,3-5).
oligomers at physiological plasma membrane The reported levels of endogenous EGFR
concentrations. Mutations introduced in the expression vary several orders of magnitude
kinase region at the active state asymmetric depending on cellular context (6-15). At least
kinase dimer interface alter but do not affect the seven studies have reported that a fraction of cell-
stability of ligand-independent EGFR oligomers. surface EGFR is dimeric in the absence of ligand
These results indicate that ligand-independent (hereafter called ‘ligand-independent dimers’)
EGFR oligomers form using interactions that are (16-22) (Supplementary Table S1), indicating
distinct from the EGFR active state. that the receptor concentration in the plasma
 membrane might specify the ligand-independent
Introduction oligomeric fraction in accordance with the law of
 Human Epidermal Growth Factor mass action (23,24). Despite much study, the
Receptor (EGFR/ERBB1) and its paralogs structure and signaling role of ligand-
Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 independent dimers remain unclear.
(HER2/ERBB2), HER3/ERBB3, and HER4/ Mutations or deletions in EGFR and
ERBB4, collectively known as ERBBs, are HER2 result in ligand-independent receptor
Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) that are activation, indicating that in addition to being
essential for normal growth and development (1). activated in the presence of ligand, ERBBs are
Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

actively inhibited in the absence of ligand (25- termini with a fluorescent donor (EYFP) or
30). The mechanism for this autoinhibition acceptor (mCherry) protein were expressed in
remains incompletely understood, however. In Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. ERBBs
contrast, much is known about how ligand have ~200 amino-acid disordered regions at their
binding promotes ERBB activation (31,32). In C-termini, which, along with 8 amino-acid Gly-
the absence of ligand, the EGFR, ERBB3, and Ser linkers inserted between each ERBB and its
ERBB4 ECDs adopt a tethered conformation that fluorescent protein (fp) fusion partner, are
buries an extended beta-hairpin loop (33-36). presumed to mitigate effects of fluorescent dipole
Binding of ligand to these ECDs stabilizes an orientation on observed FRET (Supplementary
extended conformation in which an extended β- Fig. S1) (42). Expression levels of full-length
hairpin (termed the ‘dimerization arm’) is forms of fp-tagged EGFR and HER2 proved too
exposed and mediates formation of an active low to characterize interactions with confidence.
receptor dimer. In this dimer the intracellular EGFR and HER2 variants with C-terminal
kinase domains adopt an asymmetric dimer deletions were thus tested to identify minimal
interaction in which the C-lobe of a ‘donor’ deletions that preserve activity and result in
kinase contacts the N-lobe of a ‘receiver’ kinase, improved expression levels. Removal of 107 and
stabilizing the active conformation of the receiver 25 residues from the C-termini of EGFR and

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kinase (37). Comparatively little is known about HER2, respectively, generated the variants
the structure and physiological role of either the EGFR-Δ107-fp and HER2-Δ25-fp and resulted in
TMD and the ICD in the inactive state, although proteins that express well and are functional as
mechanisms by which the TMD may function in judged by anti-phosphotyrosine Western blots
the inactive state have been proposed (35,38,39). (Fig. 1A). EGFR variants with a 237 amino-acid
 Here we report quantitative Förster C-terminal deletion are able to elicit EGF-
resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements dependent cellular functions indicating that the
of homo- and hetero-interactions between near region deleted in EGFR-Δ107-fp is not essential
full-length EGFR and HER2 in vesicles derived for activation of downstream effectors (43,44).
from plasma membranes. We confirm previous Homo- and hetero-interactions between
findings that EGFR and HER2 are in dynamic EGFR-Δ107-fp and HER2-Δ25-fp were
equilibrium between monomeric, homo- measured using quantitative imaging FRET (QI-
oligomeric and hetero-oligomeric forms at FRET) microscopy (45-47). Briefly, plasma
physiological receptor concentrations (40). Since membrane vesicles from CHO cells transiently
we are unable to distinguish dimers from higher- transfected with fp-labeled EGFR and/or HER2
order oligomers (n ≥ 2) by our method we refer to were generated by incubating live cells in a
“oligomers” rather than “dimers”, although hyperosmotic solution (Fig. 1B) (48,49).
single-molecule photobleaching and fluorescence Endogenous EGFR in vesicles derived from
intensity fluctuation studies indicate that ligand- A431 cells retains EGF-dependent
independent EGFR oligomers are predominantly phosphorylation indicating that vesiculation does
dimeric (21,23,41). We observe that mutations in not impair ERBB function (Fig. 1C). The
the asymmetric kinase interface do not preclude concentrations of donor- and acceptor-labeled
formation of ligand-independent EGFR ERBBs as well as the FRET efficiency between
oligomers, indicating that an alternate labeled ERBBs in vesicles were obtained from
conformation to the active dimer exists within the three fluorescence scans (Fig. 1D). Cells in the
ligand-independent oligomer ensemble. same transfection experiment display a wide
 range of receptor expression levels as judged by
Results fluorescence intensity (Fig. 1B), which allows
 FRET efficiency to be determined as a function
Quantitative Imaging FRET Microscopy of receptor concentration. A wide range (roughly
 To enable measurement of homo- and ten-fold) was observed for all variants tested, and
hetero-ERBB interactions in native cell the identity of the fluorescent protein (EYFP or
membranes using FRET microscopy, human mCherry) did not affect the variability in the
EGFR and HER2 variants labeled at their C- observed concentration. Following correction of

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

FRET signals for FRET arising from density- Observation of higher FRET efficiencies under
dependent proximity (known as ‘proximity’ or conditions known to activate EGFR provides
‘bystander’ FRET) (50) (Supplementary Figs. S2, confidence that our observations reflect
S3, S4) and for the relative fraction of donors and physiological behavior. The FRET efficiency
acceptors in each vesicle (45,46), apparent two- differences become less apparent when the FRET
dimensional dissociation constants can be data are binned over all observed receptor
determined. concentrations (Figs. 2B, 2D and 2F),
 The oligomeric state of fluorescently- underscoring the need for measurements over a
labeled proteins affects the FRET signal (51). range of concentrations.
The FRET changes we observe fit a monomer-
dimer model as well as monomer-dimer-tetramer HER2 forms homo- and hetero-oligomers in the
or monomer-trimer models. We thus report fits absence of ligand
to a monomer-dimer equilibrium, although the FRET efficiency values for self-
receptors likely form higher-order oligomers in association of HER2-Δ25-fp and associations
the presence of EGF (23,41). This fit depends on between HER2-Δ25-fp and EGFR-Δ107-fp were
two parameters: the ‘intrinsic FRET efficiency’, ~0.3 and varied little with concentration,
Ẽ, which equals the FRET efficiency within a consistent with formation of constitutive ligand-

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dimer, and the two-dimensional dissociation independent HER2 homo-oligomers and
constant, Kd, in units of molecules/µm2 (45,46). EGFR/HER2 hetero-oligomers (Fig. 3, Table 1).
In cases where the association is strong at all These results indicate HER2 self-associates more
receptor concentrations, we assume that the strongly than EGFR in the absence of ligand.
intrinsic FRET value (Ẽ) is equal to the mean
observed FRET value. As the presence of higher- EGF-independent EGFR phosphorylation
order oligomers is likely (41), especially when increases with increasing EGFR expression but
ligand is present, we use the term ‘oligomer’ has no measurable effect on STAT or ERK
throughout to denote complexes of two or phosphorylation
possibly more receptors. Consistent with previous observations,
 ligand-independent EGFR oligomer formation
Near full-length EGFR forms ligand- increases at higher EGFR concentrations, in
independent oligomers at physiological plasma- accordance with the law of mass action (Fig. 2)
membrane concentrations (23,24). To assess the activity of EGFR
 The FRET efficiency for EGFR- Δ107-fp oligomers formed in the absence of ligand, we
increased as a function of concentration and fit generated a panel of CHO cell lines stably
well to a monomer-dimer equilibrium model, expressing full length EGFR with EYFP at its C-
with a two-dimensional Kd of 156 molecules/µm2 terminus (EGFR-EYFP) and sorted cells to select
(Fig. 2A) and a FRET efficiency value of 0.35 +/- cell lines expressing increasing EGFR-EYFP
0.06 (Table 1), consistent with previous levels. The apparent EGFR-EYFP surface
observations (23,24). Addition of EGF or concentration of selected cell lines was measured
substitution of the EGFR extracellular domain by observing fluorescence in vesicles derived
with a constitutively dimeric immunoglobulin from each cell line. Despite extensive effort, we
Fc-domain results in constant FRET efficiency were unable to isolate a cell line stably expressing
values of 0.29 +/- 0.03 and 0.29 +/- 0.02, EGFR-EYFP at levels higher than ~200 receptors
respectively, as well as constitutive receptor per µm2 on average (Fig. 4A), which is somewhat
phosphorylation (Supplementary Fig. S5). The lower than the 646/µm2 reported for A431 cells, a
cancer-associated L858R mutation has been cell line with the highest known EGFR
shown to promote EGFR oligomerization in the expression level (53). This concentration is
absence of ligand (52), and introduction of nevertheless similar to the value observed for the
L858R into EGFR-Δ107-fp results in higher dissociation constant for EGFR-Δ107-fp (Table
FRET efficiency values over all concentration 1) and indicates that a substantial fraction of
ranges measured indicating increased self- EGFR-EYFP is likely to exist in oligomers in
association in the absence of ligand (Fig. 2). these cell lines.

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

 Seven cell lines selected for increasing lobe (V948R) interfaces abolish EGF-dependent
EGFR-EYFP expression levels were treated with EGFR activity, but co-expression of these two
EGF and analyzed by western blot for EGFR and point mutants restores activity owing to their
phospho-tyrosine (Fig. 4A-C). In the absence of ability to complement each other’s defect (37).
ligand, EGFR phosphorylation was not detectable To determine if the asymmetric kinase dimer
at concentration levels below 100 molecules/µm2. interface is involved in the formation of EGFR
Between 100 and 300 molecules/µm2, ligand- oligomers in the absence of ligand, the I706Q and
independent phosphorylation increased in a linear V948R mutations were introduced into the
fashion. Stimulation with EGF resulted in a linear EGFR-Δ107-fp variant and the oligomerization
increase in phosphorylation across all measured propensity of each variant measured by QI-FRET
expression levels (Fig. 4C). Notably, the EGFR- (Fig. 5). Neither variant had a strong effect on the
EYFP expression range over which EGF- propensity of EGFR to form ligand-independent
independent phosphorylation begins to become oligomers. This is consistent with a previous
detectable (100-300 molecules/µm2) is observation that the EGFR-L704N variant, which
comparable to the best fit value for the two- disrupts the asymmetric kinase dimer interface
dimensional dissociation constant for EGFR- and abolishes ligand-dependent EGFR
Δ107-fp (156 molecules/µm2, Table 1) phosphorylation, is 30-40% dimeric in the

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suggesting that concentration-dependent absence of ligand (54). These results contrast
oligomerization might underlie ligand- with previous observations that these mutations
independent EGFR phosphorylation. reduce ligand-dependent oligomers (41). In the
 To determine if EGFR phosphorylation absence of EGF, the dissociation constants did
correlated with phosphorylation of downstream not significantly differ between the wildtype,
effectors in CHO cells, the influence of EGFR I706Q and V948R EGFR-D107-fp variants (Fig.
membrane concentration on two downstream 5B-C, Table 1).
signaling pathways (STAT and MAPK/Erk) was Although these mutations did not alter
examined by Western blot (Fig. 4). Increasing EGFR oligomerization strength, they did alter the
EGFR expression had no measurable effect on FRET efficiency of the oligomer ensemble. The
Erk1/2 phosphorylation or expression in the FRET efficiency in the absence of ligand was
absence or presence of EGF (Figs. 4A and 4D). much higher for both variants relative to wildtype
Total STAT1 expression levels increased EGFR-Δ107-fp, with a best-fit parameter for the
modestly with increasing EGFR expression, but, intrinsic FRET of 0.46 and 0.70 for the I706Q and
unlike EGFR, phosphorylation of STAT1 did not V948R variants, respectively, vs. 0.35 for EGFR-
increase with increasing EGFR in the absence of Δ107-fp (Table 1). The FRET efficiency for both
ligand. The level of EGF-dependent pSTAT1 variants was also higher in the presence of ligand
was enhanced in EGFR-YFP overexpressing relative to wildtype EGFR-Δ107-fp in the
cells, however (Fig. 4E). Thus, although higher presence of ligand (Fig. 5 and Table 1), indicating
EGFR concentrations result in higher basal levels that disruption of the asymmetric kinase dimer
of EGFR phosphorylation, this increase in ligand- alters the ensemble of intracellular domain
independent phosphorylation does not correlate interactions in ligand-driven EGFR oligomers.
with any measurable increase in phosphorylation
of downstream effectors. Discussion
 In this study we use QI-FRET to
 investigate homo- and hetero-interactions
Asymmetric kinase dimer interface mutations between EGFR and HER2 in vesicles derived
alter but do not abolish ligand-independent from cell membranes. This approach allows
EGFR oligomer ensembles measurement of FRET efficiency as a function of
 A key element of EGFR activation is receptor concentration owing to variable ERBB
formation of an asymmetric dimer interface levels in vesicles derived from different cells. We
between the N-lobe of one kinase domain and the observe concentration-dependent FRET
C-lobe of another kinase domain. Single amino- efficiency values for several EGFR variants in the
acid substitutions at these N-lobe (I706Q) and C- absence of ligand, which indicates dynamic

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

equilibria between different EGFR association oligomer that is distinct from the active dimer.
states and allows derivation of effective 2- This inactive oligomer appears to depend on the
dimensional dissociation constants. The homo- EGFR intracellular domain as deletion of
oligomerization strength of EGFR observed here, intracellular domain results in loss or decrease of
both in the presence and absence of ligand, is EGFR association as judged by: FRET (62),
similar to previously published results (23,24,55). single molecule tracking (63), chemical cross-
Mutations at the EGFR asymmetric kinase dimer linking (64), and loss of negative cooperativity in
interface alter the ensemble of ligand- a saturation binding experiment (18). The ERBB
independent EGFR oligomers, implying that extracellular domains must also play a role in
ligand-independent EGFR oligomers are distinct mediating or favoring this inactive oligomer:
from the active state dimer, consistent with deletion of the extracellular domains leads to
previously published results (54). We also show constitutive receptor phosphorylation (35), and
that although levels of phosphorylated EGFR mutations within the interface of the extended
increase with increasing EGFR concentrations, ECD dimer destabilize ligand-independent
this phosphorylation does not correlate with any oligomers (23,63). No conserved interaction
measurable increase in phosphorylation of either between the ERBB extracellular domains has
Erk1/2 or STAT1, indicating that receptor been observed in crystals of tethered forms of

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phosphorylation may be insufficient to trigger ERBB ECDs, however, and it is not clear how
pathway activation as recently observed for they inhibit receptor activity in the absence of
artificially forced EGFR dimers (56,57). ligand.
 Understanding the role of ligand- In contrast, a number of interactions
independent EGFR oligomers in regulating observed in crystal structures of inactive ERBB
ERBB activity remains the topic of much kinase forms have been suggested as reflective of
investigation (18,19,41,54,58-60). To estimate inactive ERBB dimers (39,54,65,66). A
the oligomeric fraction of unliganded EGFR and consensus has yet to emerge on the physiological
HER2 in physiological membranes using the two- relevance of these dimers, however, and
dimensional dissociation constants reported here, truncation of ERBB C-terminal tail domains in
the concentration of ERBBs in cell membranes crystallized forms of inactive ERBB kinases may
must be known. One recent study reported remove essential components of physiological
receptor concentrations in cell lines derived from interactions in the inactive state. Regions of the
human tumors as ~150 molecules/µm2 (A549 EGFR C-tail immediately following the kinase
cells) and ~650 molecules/µm2 (A431 cells) (53). domain appear to play a role in stabilizing an
These cell lines have intermediate (A459, ~1 x inactive state as deletions or mutations in this
105) and high (A431, ~ 1 x 106) numbers of total region lead to enhanced or ligand-independent
receptors per cell. Uncertainty about the total receptor activity (29,67,68). An attractive
surface area of a cell’s plasma membrane hypothesis is that the kinase distal region
precludes direct conversion between receptors interacts with the kinase C-lobe in a fashion that
per unit area and receptors per cell. competes with interactions made in the
 The presence of phosphorylated asymmetric kinase dimer interface (68). If so,
oligomeric EGFR in the absence of ligand this contact between the kinase and the tail might
(24,56,61) (Fig. 4) raises the question of whether stabilize the inactive oligomer, which could
EGFR is sampling the active dimer state, which underlie the observation that the kinase C-lobe
involves a specific asymmetric dimer interaction mutation (V948R) alters the inactive oligomer
between intracellular kinase domains (37). ensemble as reflected in an increase in maximal
Amino-acid substitutions at this interface that FRET efficiency.
impair the ability of EGFR to become Conversion from inactive to active forms
phosphorylated in response to ligand and of ERBBs clearly involves coupled
preclude formation of the asymmetric dimer in rearrangements and interactions between many
crystals do not prohibit the formation of ligand- structural elements. We provide evidence here
independent EGFR oligomers, however, that in the absence of ligand a substantial fraction
implying the presence of an inactive EGFR of EGFR exists in an inactive oligomeric state

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

that is distinct from the active state. We observe culture, from which monoclonal populations
that HER2 is predominantly oligomeric in the were derived using fluorescence activated cell
plasma membrane, but our method does not sorting on a FACSCalibur instrument (BD
resolve any structural or functional features of Biosciences). Resulting cell lines were
this oligomeric state. Future studies are needed maintained in DMEM-F12 supplemented with
to determine the structure and function of ligand- 10% FBS, 1 mg/mL G418, and 25 mM HEPES
independent EGFR and HER2 oligomers and pH 7.2. Stable expression of EGFR-EYFP in
how they contribute to regulating receptor these cell lines was assayed by confocal
activity in normal and disease states. microscopy and western blot (see below).

Materials and Methods Vesiculation, Image Acquisition and Analysis
 All vesiculation procedures were
Plasmid Construction performed as described (48,49,69). For ligand
 The coding sequences for variants of addition experiments, EGF was added to the
EGFR, HER2, EYFP and mCherry were vesicles to a final concentration of 100 nM and
amplified using the polymerase chain reaction incubated for at least 1 hour prior to imaging.
and cloned into pCDNA3.1(+). Fluorescent Vesicle images were acquired using a Nikon C1

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protein coding sequences were first inserted laser scanning confocal microscope at 60X
between the KpnI and XbaI sites. The coding magnification (water immersion objective). For
sequences for EGFR and HER2 were then each vesicle, three scans were recorded: a ‘donor’
inserted between the NheI and KpnI sites. The scan (λexc = 488 nm, λem = 500-530 nm), an
dimerization-impaired EYFP-A206K variant was ‘acceptor’ scan (λexc = 543 nm, λem = 650 nm
used. The missense variants EGFR-I607Q, longpass), and a ‘FRET’ scan (λexc = 488 nm, λem
EGFR-V948R, EGFR-L858R were generated = 565-615 nm). Argon (488 nm) and He-Ne
using site directed mutagenesis. lasers were used as excitation sources. The image
 size was 512 x 512 pixels. The pixel dwell time
Cell culture and transfection was 1.68 µs, and the gains were set to 8. The
 Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and Förster radius for the EYFP-mCherry pair was
A431 cells were maintained in Dulbecco’s calculated to be 53.1 Å. All images were
modified Eagle Medium (DMEM F12) processed using a MATLAB program written in
supplemented with 2 mM glutamine, 5% FBS and the Hristova laboratory which calculates the
were grown at 37 °C, 5% CO2. Both cell lines FRET efficiency for each vesicle. A detailed
were purchased from ATCC. For imaging description of the analysis is found elsewhere
experiments, CHO cells were seeded in 35 mm (46,47). Absolute protein concentration in the
dishes at a density of 2 x 104 cells per well and membrane was calculated by comparing the
grown for 24 hours prior to transfection. Cells fluorescence intensity in vesicles with the
were transfected with plasmids using intensities measured from a dilution series of
Lipofectamine 3000 (Life Technologies) fluorescent protein standards (EYFP and
according to the manufacturer’s protocol. mCherry). Bleed-through coefficients were
 calculated for each experiment (typically ~0.3
Generation of monoclonal CHO cell lines and ~0.2 for EYFP and mCherry, respectively).
expressing EGFR-EYFP Where appropriate, the processed data (FRET vs.
 CHO cells stably expressing EGFR- concentration) were fit to a monomer-dimer
EYFP were generated using the pCDNA3.1(+) equilibrium model using Graphpad Prism:
manual as a guide. Briefly, cells transfected with
EGFR-EYFP in the pCDNA3.1(+) vector were + ⇔ 
grown for several days in medium without
antibiotics. G418 was added to a final
 where the dimer dissociation constant, Kd, is
concentration of 1 mg/mL and the cells were
cultured until individual colonies appeared. All
colonies were pooled into a single polyclonal

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

 [ ]- was aspirated, the cells were washed twice with
 ) = cold PBS (1X, plus 1 mM Na3VO4), then lysed
 [ ]
 for 15-20 minutes at room temperature in RIPA
and the total receptor concentration, [T] is a buffer (150 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris pH 8, 1%
function of the concentration of monomers, [M], NP40, 0.5% w/v sodium deoxycholate, 0.1%
and dimers, [D] sodium dodecyl sulfate, 1 mM Na3VO4). The
 lysates were clarified by centrifugation and the
 [ ] = [ ] + 2[ ] total protein concentration of the supernatants
 was determined by BCA assay (Pierce, Life
The dimeric fraction for each vesicle, fD, is given Technologies). Lysate protein concentrations
by the equation: were normalized, and the samples were analyzed
 by SDS-PAGE and western blot to detect
 344 phosphotyrosine (4G10, Millipore), EGFR
 1 = (D38B1), EGFR pY1068, HER2 (29D8), or
 3 Ẽ
 HER2-pY1221/1222 (all ERBB antibodies
 purchased from Cell Signaling Technology).
where apparent Eapp is the apparent measured
FRET efficiency, Xa is the fraction of acceptor

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 Data Availability
molecules in a given vesicle, and Ẽ is the FRET
value within a dimer.
 All data are included in this manuscript.

 Lily Raines, Nuala Del Piccolo and Chris
EGF Stimulation of ERBB proteins in CHO cells
 King provided technical support with protein
Recombinant human EGF was expressed in E.
 purification and fluorescence microscopy.
coli and purified as described (70). Briefly,
 Xiaoling Zhang of the Ross Flow Cytometry
human EGF bearing an N-terminal hexa-histidine
 Core (Johns Hopkins University, School of
tag was purified using immobilized metal affinity
 Medicine) assisted with fluorescence activated
chromatography. The hexa-histidine tag was
 cell sorting. P.O.B. and D.J.L. were supported by
removed by proteolysis with tobacco etch virus
 grants from the National Institutes of Health
(TEV) protease. Soluble, monomeric, human
 (NIH 5R01GM099321-17) and the Cancer
EGF was separated from TEV protease by size
 Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT
exclusion chromatography, concentrated and
 RR160023). K.H. was supported by a grant from
flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. CHO cells were
 the National Science Foundation (NSF MCB-
grown to 90% confluency, then transfected and
grown for 14 hours, then serum starved for 7
hours at 37 °C in Ham’s F12 supplemented with
 Conflict of Interest Statement
1 mg/mL BSA. The cells were incubated in
 The authors declare no competing commercial,
starvation media in the presence or absence of
 financial or other interest.
100 nM EGF (5 minutes, 37 °C). The medium


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Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

Figure 1. FRET microscopy of near full length EGFR and HER2 in CHO cell vesicles

 -fp -fp tio
 07 25 fec
 A -Δ1 - Δ n s B D
 FR R2 -tra

 (arbitrary units)

 EG HE co CHO-derived vesicles Donor
 Scan 1000
 ecd 500

 tm 0
 60 70 80
 icd pixels

 (arbitrary units)
 10 μm Acceptor 1000


 _ _ _ _ _ _ Scan 500

220 p-Tyr 0
 60 70 80

 C A431 vesicles pixels
220 1500

 (arbitrary units)


220 EGFR
 _ _ FRET
 220 p-Tyr Scan 500

 p-HER2 0
220 (Y1221/1222) pixels
 60 70 80
 220 EGFR

 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020
220 HER2 measured fluorescence intensity
 gaussian fit
 actin actin (measured - fit)
 40 40

Figure 1. (A) Western blot analysis of transient expression and EGF-dependent phosphorylation of

EGFR-D107-FP and HER2-D25-FP in CHO cells. Blots are representative of three independent

experiments. Primary antibodies are indicated at the right of each blot. ECD = extracellular domain, TM=

transmembrane domain, ICD = intracellular domain, pTyr = phosphotyrosine. (B) Confocal image of two

vesicles derived from the plasma membranes of CHO cells expressing EGFR-EYFP. Scale bar is 10 µm.

(C) Western blot analysis of EGFR in vesicles derived from A431 cells. EGFR becomes phosphorylated

in response to EGF in the presence of ATP. (D) Representative scans for a FRET experiment (scale bars

are 10 µm). Plots to the right of each vesicle image show the average fluorescence intensity (y-axis) as a

function of radius from the center of the vesicle (x-axis, in units of pixels). Molecular weight markers

(kDa) are indicated to the left of each western blot.

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

Table 1. Statistics for fits to a monomer-dimer equilibrium model

 [EGF] Kd
 Proteins (95% CI) Ẽ (95% CI)
 (nM) (molecules/µm2)

 EGFR 0 156 (49 to 339) 0.35 (0.28 to 0.41)

 HER2 0 ND* (ND)# 0.29 (0.27 to 0.31)

 EGFR + HER2 0 ND* (ND)# 0.26 (0.24 to 0.28)

 EGFR 100 ND* (ND)# 0.29 (0.26 to 0.32)

 EGFR-L858R 0 27 (0 to 190) 0.37 (0.26 to 0.48)

 IgG-Fc/EGFR chimera 0 ND* (0 to 21.31) 0.29 (0.27 to 0.31)

 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020
 EGFR-I706Q 0 65 (8 to 183) 0.46 (0.39 to 0.53)

 EGFR-V948R 0 364 (212 to 573) 0.70 (0.63 to 0.77)

 ✻ best-fit value for Kd was less than 1 molecule per µm2. Kd is the apparent dissociation constant
 # confidence interval was not determined

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

Figure 2. Near full-length EGFR forms ligand-independent oligomers at physiological plasma membrane

 A B
 EGFR-Δ107-fp, no ligand
 EGFR- Δ107- fp
 EGFR-Δ107-fp, 100 nM EGF

 (FRETapp -FRETprox)/Xa
 EGF 0.6 0.6
 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3

 1 1 11
 0.4 0.4

 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 molecules per µm2
 of vesicles

 C D EGFR-Δ107-L858R-fp
 EGFR-Δ107-L858R- fp

 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020
 EGFR-Δ107-fp (best fit line)
 (FRETapp -FRETprox)/Xa

 KL834R 0.6 0.6
 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3

 1 1 11
 0.4 0.4

 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 molecules per µm2 fraction
 of vesicles

 EGFR-Δ107-fp (best fit line)
 (FRETapp -FRETprox)/Xa

 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 IgG-Fc 0.6 0.6

 EGFR- tm
 0.4 0.4
 1 1
 EGFR- icd
 fp 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 molecules per µm2 fraction
 of vesicles

Figure 2. FRET efficiency for EGFR-D107-fp homo-oligomers. (A, C and E) Cartoon representations of

fluorescent-protein-linked (A) EGFR wildtype, (C) L858R and (E) IgG-Fc/EGFR. (B, D, F) FRET

efficiency plots for (B) EGFR-D107-fp wildtype, (D) L858R and (F) IgG-Fc/EGFR. Each panel in B, D,

and F contains two graphs. The graph on the left shows the FRET efficiency [(FRETapp – FRETprox)/Xa)]

(y-axis) as a function of concentration (x-axis). The data in 2B, 2D and 2F were projected onto the y-axis

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

to yield FRET histograms, plotted at the right.. FRETapp is the apparent FRET efficiency, FRETprox is the

theoretical FRET efficiency that results from nonspecific interactions, and Xa is the fraction of acceptor

molecules in a given vesicle. Binned data points are shown as circles, error bars represent the standard

error in x and y. The best fit to a monomer-dimer equilibrium model is represented by solid lines. Panel

B shows data for EGFR-D107-fp in the absence (black) and presence (green) of 100 nM EGF. Each

dataset was derived from at least three independent biological replicates. The number of vesicles per

experiment ranged from 25-100.

 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

Figure 3. HER2 forms ligand-independent homo-oligomers and hetero-oligomers

 A B

 (FRETapp -FRETprox)/Xa
 0.6 0.6
 2 2 0.5
 0.4 0.4
 0.2 0.2
 0.0 0.0
 0 1000 2000 3000 0.0 0.1 0.2
 molecules per µm2 fraction
 of vesicles

 C D EGFR-Δ107-fp + HER2-Δ25-fp

 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020
 (FRETapp -FRETprox)/Xa

 0.6 0.60.6

 0.4 0.40.4

 0.2 0.20.2

 0.0 0.00.0
 0 1000 2000 3000 0.0 0.1 0.2
 molecules per µm2 of vesicles

Figure 3. FRET efficiency for HER2-D25-fp homo-oligomers and hetero-oligomers. (A and C) Cartoon

representations of fluorescent-protein-linked (A) HER2-D25-fp and (C) HER2-D25-fp co-expressed with

EGFR-D107-fp. (B, D) FRET efficiency plots for (B) HER2-D25-fp and (D) HER2-D25-fp co-expressed

with EGFR-D107-fp. Each panel in B and D contains two graphs. The graph on the left shows the FRET

efficiency [(FRETapp – FRETprox)/Xa)] (y-axis) as a function of concentration (x-axis). The data in 3B and

3D were projected onto the y-axis to yield FRET histograms, plotted at the right. FRETapp is the apparent

FRET efficiency, FRETprox is the theoretical FRET efficiency that results from stochastic, nonspecific

interactions, and Xa is the fraction of acceptor molecules in a given vesicle. Each dataset was derived

from at least three independent biological replicates. The number of vesicles per experiment ranged from


Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

Figure 4. Increased EGFR cell surface concentration correlates with increased EGFR phosphorylation but

not increased effector phosphorylation in the absence of ligand.

 EGFR-EYFP concentration





 cell line A B C D E F G
 220 EGFR
 220 pY1068
 D E
 220 pTyr

 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020
 40 Erk1/2

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 4. (A) Confocal microscopy and western blot analysis of EGF-independent and EGF-dependent

EGFR signal transduction. Measurements from seven unique CHO cell lines (cell line A, B, C, … , G),

each stably expressing full length EGFR-EYFP. The concentration of EGFR-EYFP, determined by

confocal microscopy, is plotted on the y-axis. Each grey dot corresponds to a measurement from a single

vesicle. Fluorescence data are representative of three independent biological experiments. Primary

antibodies are indicated to the right of the western blots, which are representative of three independent

experiments. Molecular weight markers (kDa) indicated to the left of each western blot. Each of the seven

stable cell lines (A-G) were treated and analyzed in parallel for a single experiment. Selected western blot

groups were quantified in ImageJ and plotted in panels B-E. All values in panels B-E represent integrated

band intensities, and the highest value within the experiment for a particular axis was normalized to equal

a value of one. Green circles depict bands from wells that were treated with 100 nM EGF, white circles

represent bands from wells which were left untreated. Data were fit to a straight line. Slopes that deviated

significantly from zero (p < 0.002) are shown as dashed lines. (B) Phosphorylated-EGFR (pY-1068) is

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

plotted on the y-axis, total EGFR level on the x-axis. (C) Phosphorylated-EGFR (pY-1068) divided by

total EGFR level plotted on the y-axis; total EGFR level on the x-axis. (D) Phospho-Erk1/2 and (E)

Phospho-STAT1, divided by the signal for total ERK1/2 and STAT1 proteins, respectively, as a function

of total EGFR. Molecular weight markers (kDa) are indicated to the right of each western blot. Western

blots are representative of three independent biological experiments, all of which are plotted in panels B-


 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020

Unliganded EGFR oligomers do not rely on the active state

Figure 5. The EGFR missense variants (I706Q and V948R) form ligand-independent oligomers that are

structurally distinct from the wildtype oligomer

 A EGFR-I706Q-Δ107
 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 (FRETapp -FRETprox)/Xa

 EGFR-Δ107, best fit
 0.6 0.6

 0.4 0.4

 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 molecules per µm2 fraction of vesicles


 Downloaded from by guest on August 26, 2020
 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 (FRETapp -FRETprox)/Xa

 EGFR-Δ107, best fit
 0.6 0.6

 0.4 0.4

 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
 molecules per µm2 fraction of vesicles

Figure 5. FRET efficiency for the EGFR-D107-fp variants I706Q (A) and V948R (B). The graphs on the

left show plots of the FRET efficiency (y-axis, FRETapp) as a function of receptor concentration (x-axis,

units in molecules per square micron) for I706Q (A) and V948R (C). Each protein is indicated above the

graph. The black line shows the best fit line for EGFR-D107-FP from Figure 2B. The dotted lines

represent the best fit line for the I706Q (red) and V948R (blue) variants. As in Figures 2 and 3, the FRET

data in 5A and 5B were projected onto the y-axis to yield FRET histograms, plotted at the right. Data

were derived from three independent biological replicates, with 25-100 vesicles for each experiment.

EGFR forms ligand-independent oligomers that are distinct from the active state
 Patrick O. Byrne, Kalina Hristova and Daniel J. Leahy
J. Biol. Chem. published online July 29, 2020

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