Lessons from BREXIT and Cause for Optimism - cloudfront.net

Page created by Paula Salinas
Lessons from BREXIT and Cause for Optimism - cloudfront.net
lessons from BREXIT      4.147
                                      CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

               Lessons from BREXIT and Cause for Optimism
This week Nigel Farage, Mr. Brexit, shares his
experience with British politics and the fight against
the Socialist Labour Party in England.

Farage stood in the breach and pushed the UK
through a stalled Brexit. This was one of the greatest
battles we’ve seen against globalized tyranny in
decades. There are a lot of similarities between his
fight and the American fight against Marxism and
Critical Race Theory.

      “There’s a lot of work to do in all areas. But I tell you what, the whole populist revolt,
       the belief that democracy is more important than the bureaucracy, that was really
       what the battle against the European Union was all about. There are tough battles
       ahead, but there are huge grounds for optimism.” -Nigel Farage

Your briefing this week includes his insights and learning’s from Brexit. As Nigel Farage
travels with America’s Comeback Tour, he wants to encourage Americans that the battle
can be won here and now!

Your Mission:           To remain optimistic, stand for freedom and beat this incoming threat.
It is time to work a little harder in preparation for the 2022 mid-terms.

             “I first worked for Drexel Burnham Lambert back in 1982.
             So, the whole of my adult life has been very closely
              intertwined with the USA. What I love about America is
             the positivity that ‘We Can Do It.’ The American dream,
             that nothing’s going to stop us regardless of where we
              come from. If we work hard and have a bit of luck, we
              can succeed. And it’s that sheer positivity that I love in
             America.” –Nigel Farage

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Lessons from BREXIT and Cause for Optimism - cloudfront.net
lessons from BREXIT         4.147
                                           CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

Ep. 4-147 (OSINT) Open-Sourced Intelligence Special Report. This includes conversations with Kevin Freeman
and Nigel Farage.
Nigel Farage is a British politician, broadcaster and political analyst who was the co-founder in 1993 and
leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) from 2006 to 2016.

Farage began his career in 1982 as a commodities trader at the London Metal Exchange and ran his
own metals brokerage firm after working at Credit Lyonnais Rouse and Drexel Burnham Lambert. He left
a successful career to go into politics after the Conservative party signed the Maastricht Treaty, which
advocated “ever closer union” between European nations.

 In June 2016, Farage was a leading figure in the campaign to leave the EU. This gained him the name
“Mr. Brexit” by the then candidate to the US presidency Donald J Trump whom he came to support at a
 Mississippi rally in 2016. Nigel Farage was one of the very few that predicted that Donald Trump would win
 the presidential elections.

He has since provided political analysis for both the main Fox News channel and its sister channel Fox
Business Network. Farage is also hosting The Nigel Farage Show on the British radio station LBC and is a
regular contributor to the Daily Telegraph and the author of several books. In February 2019 he helped to
found The Brexit Party as the British government moves to betray the referendum result.

“There are US citizens that hate America and all that we
stand for. But do not panic. They are a minority.” -Nigel Farage

1. The U.S. needs to fight against the liberal socialist echo chamber.
   “The other side has an army. The left has an army. They’ve got the students in
    university, they’ve got trade unions, they’ve got their ground army. And a lot of people
    who care about current affairs don’t understand just how important grassroots activity
    work on the ground really is.” -Nigel Farage

    The importance of the grassroots movement and heartland America.
    Farage is touring America to help the US understand they are in a stronger position
    than they might think.

     »   His focus is on Main Street America going out to where the people are.
     »   He is targeting the important swing states for 2022 and 2024.
     » The goal is to find thousands of people and give them a sense of optimism.
     » They need to get ready, go out there, and fight for freedom!

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lessons from BREXIT     4.147
                                      CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

   The Democrats are making fatal mistakes. Farage shares the parallels he sees with the
   British Labour Party:
    » They’re making the same kind of mistakes the British Labour Party made.
    » There are large numbers of working class, lower income Americans from families
      who voted Democrat, perhaps for generations, who do not like this hatred of the
      flag, this tearing down of American history, even talking down the Founding Fathers,
      who made
      this nation.
    »   There’s a feeling out there that the new wave
        of left-wing Democrats doesn’t actually like
        the country very much at all. And that’s just
        what we had from the British Labour Party.
    »   On top of that, you’ve got the border crisis
        and immigration. Uncontrolled immigration
        affects working families more than it does the

   For all of these reasons, Americans have a lot to fight for.

2. There is a realignment of politics going on around the world.

   It used to be that the Republican party were the party of the rich and privileged. But
   that is no longer the case.
  “I said in 2012 in a TV interview, ‘I’m going to cause an earthquake in British politics.’ Well,
   some people thought that was very funny. But I had in mind this dramatic realignment.
   I think there are reasons, actually, for conservatives to be quite positive about the
   future, despite how tough it feels today.” –Nigel Farage

    » The current situation does not feel good, we have the cancel culture, getting
      banned for simple comments on Twitter.
    »   It seems like the whole world is against us and particularly our own government or
        our media, and so forth.
    »   Farage encourages the US to look at Middle England as an example. They didn’t go
        along with any of this stuff, and that has proved out in a series of elections.
             “Do you really think ordinary families living in America, doing their jobs, bringing
              up their kids, do you think they’re impressed by any of this?” -Nigel Farage

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lessons from BREXIT      4.147
                                       CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

        NOTE: Beware of the media and social media echo chambers, it doesn’t reflect the

        “As I say, those sitting at home watching this and thinking, oh, goodness me, is
         everything lost? No, the vast majority think this stuff is nonsense.

         » The vast majority do not want their children taught Critical Race Theory.
         » The vast majority do not want to be asked to be divided up into black and white
           and said that in the end, we all hate each other.

        This is a Marxist agenda. And the pawns are well-meaning people who just don’t
         see through this for what it is. But I think the vast majority of people understand
         something very bad is happening. Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King, made it clear.
        ‘I want my for children to be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content
         of their character.’ I’m not judging everybody by the color of their skin, by the way.”
                      							                                   –Nigel Farage

3. The U.S. is on a slippery slope; it seems to be no longer capitalism but corporatism.

    »    It seems we have big business, big government and one or two big banks working
         together on virtually everything!
    » This creates a regulatory framework in which its very difficult for new entrants to
      come into the market.
    » Then, when the big businesses fail, the taxpayer bails them out.

   This also makes it difficult for Main Street America to create real economic growth!

        “Thatcher and Reagan actually understood that real economic growth doesn’t
         come from a handful of big companies. It comes
         from millions of individuals, entrepreneurs taking
         risks, doing things that real economic growth
         that’s healthy comes from the bottom up.” -Nigel

4. Surprise, Wall Street may not have your best
   interest in mind. It is time for middle America to
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lessons from BREXIT     4.147
                                      CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

weaponize their money. A look at investments today.

 » The truth is the money does not belong to Wall Street. It belongs to the pensioner.
   It belongs to the individual. It belongs to the investor.
 »    A big problem with investing is that it is always surrounded by mystique.
 »    It is almost like saying, look you are the “little people.”

     “And I’ve noticed, you know, if we just give our money to the moneymen in London
      and say, look after this for us, please, over the course of the next 30 years, about
      25 percent of it just disappears in fees and everything else.” –Nigel Farage

 »    We must weaponize our money and work together.
 »    It is about investing in things the preserve America instead of destroying America.
 »    With the NSIC, Main Street America can align and mobilize around a shared voice.

     “When you unravel this stuff and people can understand how they
      can invest in gold, how they can invest in stocks, and you know what
     the pitfalls are to avoid. There’s no mistake about it at all. And I’m
      absolutely convinced that what the NSIC is doing the right thing. People
      with sensible advice, just following a few basic rules can do much better
     for themselves than trusting the big guys on Wall Street.” –Nigel Farage

 Case Study – The advisor that represents the client, not the company! Kevin
 Freeman shares an important lesson he learned from his father back in 1968.

 We train individual client-facing financial advisors who realize, like my dad did as a
 stockbroker. He told me back in 1968 when he started, ‘I don’t work for the company
 whose name is on the door. I work for the client.’ And if the company whose name is
 on the door is not serving the client, he can move to a new company. It’s the client’s
 money and the advisor’s job is to serve the client. So, we’re training financial advisors.

It’s part of what we do here in the Economic War Room because people, if they
weaponize their money, can make a difference. I think we can take the country back.
Just following the Brexit pattern that Nigel Farage helped lead.
“Self-confidence is the key to almost everything in life. You’ve got to have
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lessons from BREXIT      4.147
                                      CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

    a bit of belief in yourself, your community, your country, and it’s surprising
    what you can do.” –Nigel Farage

        CAUTION: Beware of big government.

If we give in and let the government take care of us, which is what the whole message of
the pandemic has been, let the government take care of us. We’ll give out lots of money
and then we’ll raise taxes. That’s just as a path to socialism.

In terms of personal liberty, the pandemic has been a bit of a disaster, you know, on both
sides of the pond and all around the Western world. And isn’t it amazing? Governments
take powers very quickly. But they are very, very, slow to give them back.

Again, these are all big battles that all of us must fight right over the next few years.

5. In today’s world Wall Street is pushing ESG / In the Economic War Room we focus on
   LSV. It is about the Individual being bigger than the Government. Not the Government
   being bigger than the people.

    »   Economic War Room is focused on focus on Liberty, Security, and Values vs. the
        Environmental (Eliminate fossil fuels), Social (Justice/Critical Race Theory), and
        Governance (Gender/Racial quota) approach.

        “We promote liberty, personal liberty
         and economic liberty. So free enterprise,
        (capitalism), security (personal security like our
         Second Amendment, but also national security)
         and values, which would be Judeo-Christian
         Western civilization values.” – Kevin Freeman

    »   Remember it was the small ships at Dunkirk that
        were more effective than the Navy.
    » The Wall Street Navy is not going to save America. We need the individual
      small ships.
    » This recent pandemic is a good example of how governments take powers and
      freedoms quickly but are slow to give them back.
6. There are some big battles ahead over taxes on the Biden agenda.
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lessons from BREXIT    4.147
                                   CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

You can see where the Biden administration is perhaps on a rush, because they must
fear that what happens at the midterms is they begin to lose the ability to do some of
these things.

Watch out over the course of the next 18 months.

Look                   at the results of higher taxes:

 »   People are leaving states with higher taxes.
 »   Punitive taxes give a lower overall tax return to the states or countries because
     people move out.

     “You would have thought that the left would have learned the lessons that punitive
      taxes, in fact, they should give a lower tax return because people simply move.
      But they haven’t learned the lesson. And it’s almost because I think some of them
      running this agenda actually hate success.” –Nigel Farage

 »   Biden wants a global tax because he knows that if the corporate tax is raised,
     companies will move to other countries.
 »   Clearly, individual states should run their own affairs.
 »    Now as they want to raise corporate taxes and then you realize US companies will
      go to other places.
     Biden’s answer is a global tax.
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lessons from BREXIT      4.147
                                      CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

        “We’re back to the bad old days of Obama and globalization. And of course, that
         was why Obama supported the European Union so much. And Trump, I’m pleased
         to say, believed in individual nation states running their own affairs.” -Nigel Farage

7. We can and should be optimistic! Farage shares what we can look forward to in
   the future

    »   Worse is sometimes better. The new left is so out of touch with ordinary people
        that many are finally seeing what is happening.

        “I remember Norman Tebbit, who was Mrs.
        Thatcher’s deputy for some time, telling
         me a few years ago the best thing that
         happened to Margaret Thatcher was
         the 1978/79 winter of discontent, mass
         strikes, rubbish piling up on the pavement
         of London, rats running in the street, the
         country falling to pieces. And Norman
        Tebbit said, because it got so bad, we were
         able to put some really radical alternative
         policies in place. And I think we’re going through the same thing now.” -Nigel Farage

    » There will be a huge backlash against leftist agendas such as critical race theory.
    »   As the left is overplaying their hand that can be good news in the midterms! They
        are getting this wrong.

        “The Labour Party in Britain was basically saying that Britain is a
         horrible, nasty, ghastly, racist country. We should be ashamed of our
         history. And working-class families said we’re not ashamed of our
         history. Our grandparents and great grandparents fought in two world
         wars and we’re damn proud of what they did. And we know our history
         may not be perfect, but compared to most countries in the world, it’s
         pretty blooming good.” -Nigel Farage


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lessons from BREXIT      4.147
                                     CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/15/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 87)

   »   We live in a democratic system where people can object, and people can get
       things to change!
   » The midterms offer the opportunity for a really big comeback!
   »   We need people to stand up and do the right thing, regardless of the potential

   Nigel Farage, in his own words.
   The reason I stay positive is I achieved my life’s dream. I mean, for many, many years,
   people thought I might become the patron saint of lost causes. But we’ve got there
   we’ve done it. And as I said earlier, we’ve now got 70 percent approval. I actually think
   there is great reason to be optimistic. Yes. The world faces great challenges, there is
   the external challenge of the Chinese Communist Party. But then also in the history of
   mankind, we take on these great challenges. My optimism is based on this. I think the
   new left are so out of touch with ordinary people. I think the agenda they’re pursuing
   is so disastrous and so ruinous that I think you reach a point sometimes where worse
   is better.

   About Critical Race Theory: dividing people up in terms of gender, sexuality, I don’t
   believe this is sustainable. I think there is going to be a huge political backlash
   against it.

   About Populism: You know, the Tea Party was a beginning of populism in the US. I was
   doing this 17 years before the Tea Party. I am the first populist. I can tell you populism
   has got a lot, lot further to go. So, yes, about these things, I am very optimistic.

    Fight for Freedom! The virus of Marxism comes back once every 25 years or so. We
    have to keep fighting these battles. Reagan encouraged us:

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it
     to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought
     for, protected, and handed on for them to do the
     same, or one day we will spend our sunset years
     telling our children and our children’s children what it
     was once like in the United States where men were
     free.” – Ronald Reagan

8. Beware of technology and the canceling of people and

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stay in the fight! Liberty is
worth it.

Be concerned about technology and the fact that they’re canceling people off of the
social media, the fact that they’re trying to weaponize and get control of all of our

“There is a fear that I have and I’m
 optimistic like you, but the fear that I have
 was the people around Vladimir Lenin
 also, they overplayed their hand, but they
 just kept going and they put the world in
 darkness, half the world in dark for a long
time, for a very long period of time.”
 				–Kevin Freeman

»   Good News- We covered this before, but today we still live in a democratic system!
»   We still have the power to object and people can get things to change.
»   We need to act why we can!
»   The Republican party needs to sort things out and has some work to do internally.
»   Remember, the midterms offer the opportunity for a really big comeback.

“Trump would have won the election
 easily last year if it hadn’t been for
 covid suddenly coming along and then
 mail out ballots, ballots being sent out
 indiscriminately to tens of millions of
 people. Without those things, he would
 have won. And I think we’ll look back
 in years to come and say that 2016
 wasn’t the blip, but actually 2020 was the blip of a process. So, I think the
 realignment of politics that is going on with working people now happy to
vote for more conservative ideas, I think that points the way forward.”
 											-Nigel Farage

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Why You Should Care:
»    Policies are currently moving back to the days of Obama and globalization.
»    Brexit was said to be impossible, but it happened.
»    Keeping your optimism and standing for Liberty is critical.
»    Do not believe the echo chamber of social media. There is a majority of Americans that
     believes in Liberty.
» You can make a difference weaponizing your money in your investing, spending and
» The left has an army built from the foundation of “education.” We need to remain
  informed so that we can help the next generation fight for freedom!
»    Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction!
» The failures of the British Labour Party are an example to us as American
  Conservatives. We can beat the socialist enemy!
»    More people are getting actively involved as they see the realities of the left overplaying
     their hand.
»    Farage is on an American Comeback tour and is seeing more determination as he
     travels the country.

Action Steps:
1.   Be optimistic. What are you doing to make a difference in the upcoming elections? How
     can you best leverage how the left is overplaying their hand?
2.   Check to see if critical race theory is being taught in your school district. Your taxes
     could be funding America’s demise and a Marxist agenda.
3.   Do not be ashamed of America’s history. There is a reason that immigrants of all ethnic
     backgrounds from around the world are coming here. And it is not because we are too
4.   Do not listen to the echo chamber but stay focused on the mission, remember
     President Reagan’s challenge on freedom. Fight for it!

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5. Weaponize your money? You control your giving, spending, and investing. Nominate
   your financial advisor to attend our Founders’ class coming soon.
     •    Investing, we suggest you get a like-minded financial advisor. We’ve done surveys
          and a clear majority of investors want an advisor who matches with their political
          and cultural beliefs. Unfortunately, Wall Street is pushing for you to just take what
          they offer and then sets about to force a leftist agenda on you.
           o “If your advisor isn’t willing to match your investments with your values, send
              them to us for training and education. If they won’t do that, I can promise you
              that there are lots of other advisors looking for new clients.” –Kevin Freeman

6. It is time to fight the economic war we are facing. Nominate your financial advisor at
   EconomicWarRoom.com/advisor and let them know you think this would be a great
   opportunity for them. Classes are launching soon, and our list is growing fast.
7.   Also, if you have not already done so, please consider the following:
         Be sure to sign up for our free weekly Economic Battle Plans™ at

            o If you are following Economic War Room you will be on the leading edge as
              it relates to global threats, geopolitical analysis, and how you can weaponize
              your money to strengthen America. Your money, livelihood, and way of life
              are at risk and these tools are designed to mobilize America to protect their
              economic liberty.

          What we see
                  as a MARKETPLACE
         our enemies view
                                      as a BATTLESPACE

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In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the
difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems.
You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for
economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the
British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help
strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional
representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

√   At our Economic War Room® website, sign up to TheBlaze for our complete weekly
    shows. Please use our code (ECON) from that link for a discount and FREE trial.
√   Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments
    on FB and Rumble and make sure. We recognize these tools may be compromised
    at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach
    out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under
    EWR consideration.]

√   Check out XOTV (https://xotv.me/channels/233-economic-war-room), a new free
    speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is
    FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic
    War Room’s research and production costs.
√   You are welcome to share this Economic Battle Plan™ and our short video segments
    with friends on FB or YouTube. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your
    resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.
√   Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios
    developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an
    economic event happens is usually too late.

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                                             Shareable Quote:
             “Thatcher and Reagan actually understood that
                real economic growth doesn’t come from a
            handful of big companies. It comes from millions
            of individuals, entrepreneurs taking risks, doing
             things that real economic growth that’s healthy
                        comes from the bottom up.”
                         – Nigel Farage, Former Member of British Parliament and
                                        leader fo BREXIT movement

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room       ®
                                           and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss
investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers
should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media
Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following
any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into
account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for
you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show.
Before acting on information on economicwarroom.com website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it
is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman
(List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links
About Nigel Farage and Brexit
Failures of the British Labour Party
Realignment of the Major Political Parties
Tyranny of Covid Policies
The Dangers of ESG
The Push for Global Taxation
Dangers of Critical Race Theory
Beating Cancel Culture
About the NSIC and the Need for Patriotic Investors

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

On BlazeTV https://get.blazetv.com/economic-war-room/
On LiftableTV https://liftable.tv/economicwarroom/
XOTV Channel https://xotv.me/channels/233-economic-war-room
Website https://www.economicwarroom.com/
TUVU (download the app on the iTunes or Andriod Store) follow us @EconomicWarRoom
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/economicwarroom/
Twitter page https://twitter.com/economicwarroom
YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/economicwarroomwithkevinfreeman
Rumble page https://rumble.com/c/c-408647
Parler page https://parler.com/profile/EconomicWarRoom/posts
Gettr page https://gettr.com follow us @economicwarroom

Link to all Economic Battle Plans™ https://www.economicwarroom.com/battleplans

Episodes and Economic Battle Plans™ from Prior Shows with Application to this Topic:
[ ] 07/01/21, EP145, Solving America’s Debt Problem, Gen. Bob Dees, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 06/24/21, EP144, IMPORTANT! All Enemies Foreign and Domestic, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 06/17/21. EP143, The Optimist Advantage, Frank Holmes, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 06/10/21, EP142, Power of Opportunity Zones, Dr. Ben Carson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

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[ ] 05/06/21, EP137, Grow Up America!, Dr. Everett Piper, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 04/29/21, EP136, Formula for Healing America, Dr. Ben Carson, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 04/15/21, EP134, Using Salt and Light to Weaponize Money, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 03/18/21, EP130, Word for Warriors, Sam Sorbo, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 03/11/21, EP129, Woke Capital, Stephen Soukup, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 10/29/20, EP111, Playing for Keeps, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 10/08/20, EP108, Investor Values Poll, John McLaughlin, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 08/13/20, EP100, Patriotic Investing, Gen. Steven Kwast, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 07/09/20, EP95, LSV Investing, Dave Brat, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 05/14/20, EP87 Wartime Leadership, Nick Adams, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 05/07/20, EP86 Arguing with Socialists, Glenn Beck, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 04/16/20, EP83 A Distorted American History, Howard Zinn, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 02/27/20, EP75 Free Markets are Good for All, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 11/14/19, EP61 Free Speech Under Attack, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 08/22/19, EP49 IMPORTANT! Moral Democratic Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 08/22/19, EP49 IMPORTANT! Moral Democratic Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 12/13/18, EP12 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 12/06/18, EP11 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 1), Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] SPECIAL EDITION, EP08 America’s Dunkirk Moment, Download Economic Battle Plan™

About Nigel Farage and Brexit

[ ] Nigel Farage to Newsmax TV: Britain Beat Socialism, America Can, Too

BlueAnon conspiracy theorists lie about the size of Nigel Farage’s crowd

[ ] Fresh off a Brexit victory, Nigel Farage tells Liberty students they are ‘living in extraordinary times’

The public listened to Farage on Brexit – will he change minds over lockdown now?

Nigel Farage on the Story Behind His Friendship with Trump
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[ ] Nigel Farage: Britain needs to ‘start standing-up for its Judeo-Christian values’

Nigel Farage: Democrats ‘won’t stay in power in America’ https://youtu.be/8DZqGk5FTgg

Failures of the British Labour Party

[ ] ‘Stop buying from EU superstate!’ Britons furious as Brussels desperate to sabotage Brexit

U.K.’s Labour Party Fights to Keep Blue-Collar Voters From Moving to the Right

Britain’s Labour Party Is Shattered by the Three Cs

[ ] Labour is no longer the party of the traditional working class

Labour’s lost working-class voters have gone for good

Realignment of the Major Political Parties
Republicans Unveil Policies to Match ‘Working-Class Party’ Claim

[ ] Are Republicans the working-class party now? | Opinion

How Democrats Lost the Working Class, with Matt Karp

[ ] Steve Bannon: ‘We’ve turned the Republicans into a working-class party’
The Party of Snobbish Elites

Elitism: The Charge Obama Can’t Shake https://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/31/weekinreview/31baker.html

The smug style in American liberalism https://www.vox.com/2016/4/21/11451378/smug-american-liberalism

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[ ] Why a lot of Americans resent the cultured ‘New York City elite’

Tyranny of Covid Policies
[ ] England’s Lockdown Could Continue Despite Deaths Being Below 5 Year Average

Will our freedoms survive the tyranny of COVID-19?

[ ] World has paid a terrible price for the tyranny of COVID-19 ‘experts’

‘Single biggest public health mistake, possibly of all history’

Half of the pandemic’s unemployment money may have been stolen by criminals and funneled out of the

German Study Finds Lockdown ‘Had No Effect’ on Stopping Spread of Coronavirus

[ ] Masks Didn’t Slow COVID Spread: New Study

‘Ignore The CDC’: Johns Hopkins Professor Says Half Of Americans Have ‘Natural Immunity’

The Dangers of ESG

[ ] Capitalism, Socialism, and ESG

New Report Questions Investment Movement’s Claims | National Review


BlackRock Set to Transfer Trillions in Wealth to ‘Woke’ Companies
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The Great Reset: BlackRock Is Fueling A $120 Trillion Transformation On Wall St.

[ ] What is ESG? The Looming Leftist Economic Threat You NEED To Know About

It Begins: Financial Giant Merrill Lynch Assigns “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG) Scores to Rate
Customers Just Like the Chinese Communist Party (VIDEO)

Mega-corporations going all in, and out on weak limb, to prove ‘wokeness’

ESG investing is a ‘complete fraud,’ Chamath Palihapitiya says

[ ] Capitalism vs. Socialism

‘This is the shareholders’ money’: Billionaire Warren Buffett argues that companies should stop making
 decisions based on their social beliefs

The Push for Global Taxation
[ ] Biden and G-7 leaders will endorse a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15%

[ ] 130 Countries Agree to Biden-Backed 15% Global Minimum Tax

Build Back BS: Why Joe Biden’s Tax Plan Could Be a Disaster for America

[ ] The Biden Administration’s Global Tax Imperialism

Mike Pence Rebukes Joe Biden’s Tax Plan, Says China Will Benefit While US Faces Economic Catastrophe
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Dangers of Critical Race Theory
[ ] Black father blasts critical race theory in front of school board, says it teaches his daughter that her white
mother ‘is evil’

CRT founders marveled that theory is taking over education

[ ] WATCH: When Morgan Freeman SILENCED Don Lemon by calling BS on blaming racism

‘The Tea Party to the 10th power’: Trumpworld bets big on critical race theory

[ ] Critical Race Theory May Violate Civil Rights Act, the Constitution: Dr. Carol Swain

Beating Cancel Culture
The “Bonkers” Interview Of Bonny Prince Harry: Why The Attack On The First Amendment Should Concern

The Prince of Politically Correct Cancel Culture … Why Prince Harry Came to Hollywood | Canada Free Press

[ ] Now they’re trying to cancel apple pie by linking the dessert to ‘genocide of indigenous people’ and

[ ] Cancel Culture Suppresses Discussion and Debate

64% of Americans Think ‘Cancel Culture’ is a Threat to Freedom

[ ] You Know It’s Bad When Bill Maher Is the Left’s Voice of Reason

Alan Dershowitz: All Americans Need to Fight Cancel Culture

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Living In Fear: When Cancel Culture Turns Conservative Opinions Into ‘Hate Speech’ America Loses https://

[ ] Bill Maher mocks social justice warriors, warns cancel culture is ‘real, insane, and coming to a
neighborhood near you’

Refusing To Fight the Culture War Will Mean Pain For Those You Love

[ ] What Is America’s Cause in the World? https://insidescooppolitics.com/archives/3627

About the NSIC and the Need for Patriotic Investors

[ ] Nominate Your Financial Advisor https://www.economicwarroom.com/advisor

[ ] National Security Investment Consultant Institute https://www.nsic.org/

Pentagon Wary Of Adversaries Buying Defense Firms Amid Economic Crisis

[ ] Ellen Lord Warns of Economic Warfare During Pandemic

Pentagon ‘Matchmakers’ aim to keep US small tech firms from taking Chinese $

Pentagon seeking patriotic investors to fund American small drones

To counter China, Pentagon wants to create patriotic investors

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