Minimizing Escalation by Treating Dangerous Problem Behavior Within an Enhanced Choice Model

Page created by Gilbert Jimenez
Behavior Analysis in Practice


Minimizing Escalation by Treating Dangerous Problem Behavior
Within an Enhanced Choice Model
Adithyan Rajaraman 1 & Gregory P. Hanley 2 & Holly C. Gover 2,3 & Johanna L. Staubitz 4 & John E. Staubitz 5 &
Kathleen M. Simcoe 5 & Rachel Metras 2

Accepted: 21 December 2020
# Association for Behavior Analysis International 2021

To address dangerous problem behavior exhibited by children while explicitly avoiding physical management procedures, we
systematically replicated and extended the skill-based treatment procedures described by Hanley, Jin, Vanselow, and Hanratty
(2014) by incorporating an enhanced choice model with three children in an outpatient clinic and two in a specialized public
school. In this model, several tactics were simultaneously added to the skill-based treatment package to minimize escalation to
dangerous behavior, the most notable of which involved offering children multiple choice-making opportunities, including the
ongoing options to (a) participate in treatment involving differential reinforcement, (b) “hang out” with noncontingent access to
putative reinforcers, or (c) leave the therapeutic space altogether. Children overwhelmingly chose to participate in treatment,
which resulted in the elimination of problem behavior and the acquisition and maintenance of adaptive skills during lengthy,
challenging periods of nonreinforcement. Implications for the safe implementation of socially valid treatments for problem
behavior are discussed.

Keywords Dangerous problem behavior . Enhanced choice model . Extinction without physical guidance . Practical functional
assessment . Skill-based treatment

Hanley et al. (2014) described a distinct set of assessment and               consisted of (a) a practical functional assessment process,
treatment procedures for addressing and improving severe                      which included an open-ended interview and an interview-
problem behavior exhibited by children. The procedures                        informed synthesized contingency analysis (IISCA); (b) a

Research Highlights
• Although problem behavior occurred at consistently high rates for all
children during baseline, it was eliminated in treatment, and all children
cooperated with nearly 100% of adult expectations shown to evoke
problem behavior in baseline—a process and outcome deemed highly
satisfactory by caregivers.
• It is possible to achieve socially meaningful outcomes with children who
exhibit dangerous problem behavior without any physical management.
• By committing to open-contingency-class analyses, by offering choices
to clients, and by committing to a hands-off treatment model, practitioners
attempting to treat dangerous problem behavior can do so effectively
without evoking any dangerous behavior during any part of the process.

* Adithyan Rajaraman                                                          3
                                                                                  Ivymount School, Rockville, MD, USA
                                                                                  Department of Special Education, Vanderbilt University,
     Department of Psychology, UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Cir,                            Nashville, TN, USA
     Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
     Department of Psychology, Western New England University,                    Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
     Springfield, MA, USA                                                         Nashville, TN, USA
Behav Analysis Practice

skill-based treatment developed from the findings of the prac-            to evoke the dangerous topography. Dracobly and Smith
tical functional assessment process; and (c) an extension of              (2012), Hoffmann et al. (2018), and Najdowski, Wallace,
treatment procedures and effects to relevant caregivers in the            Ellsworth, MacAleese, and Cleveland (2008) extended the
child’s natural environment. The particular set of procedures             implications of this notion when they eliminated functionally
reported by Hanley et al. (2014) has since been systematically            equivalent dangerous and nondangerous problem behavior
replicated and has contributed to socially meaningful behavior            with a function-based treatment informed by the results of
change for many individuals across multiple settings (Beaulieu,           functional analyses of precursor behavior. Although early ap-
Nostrand, Williams, & Herscovitch, 2018; Ferguson et al.,                 plications of the IISCA may not have targeted nondangerous
Ferguson et al., in press; Hanley et al., 2014; Herman, Healy,            topographies in the contingency class (e.g., Hanley et al.,
& Lydon, 2018; Jessel, Hanley, Ghaemmaghami, & Metras,                    2014), recent applications have done so explicitly (e.g.,
2019; Jessel, Ingvarsson, Metras, Kirk, & Whipple, 2018 ;                 Slaton, Hanley, & Raftery, 2017; Warner et al., 2020).
Jessel, Ingvarsson, Metras, Whipple, et al., 2018; Rose &                     Second, skill-based treatment involves manipulating a syn-
Beaulieu, 2019; Santiago, Hanley, Moore, & Jin, 2016;                     thesized reinforcement contingency—shown to influence prob-
Strand & Eldevik, 2018; Taylor, Phillips, & Gertzog, 2018).               lem behavior via an IISCA—to systematically and progressive-
Socially meaningful resolution of many different types of dan-            ly teach social skills such as communication, toleration, and
gerous problem behavior has been shown to be both possible                cooperation with adult instruction. Skill-based treatment is
(Hanley et al., 2014) and probable (Jessel, Ingvarsson, Metras,           predicated on differential reinforcement with extinction, where-
Kirk, & Whipple, 2018 ) when the practical functional assess-             in the emission of targeted social skills results in the delivery of
ment and skill-based treatment were conducted.                            all synthesized reinforcers identified in the IISCA, whereas
    Despite the success of the process and recent attempts to             problem behavior results in extinction. Including extinction in
improve its technology and practicality (e.g., Beaulieu et al.,           differential reinforcement arrangements has been shown to be
2 01 8; G h a e m m a g h a m i , H a n l e y , & J e s s e l , 20 1 6;   efficacious (Iwata, Pace, Kalsher, Cowdery, & Cataldo, 1990;
Ghaemmaghami, Hanley, Jessel, & Landa, 2018), some pro-                   Lalli et al., 1995; Tiger, Hanley, & Bruzek, 2008; Vollmer &
cedural components of the practical functional assessment and             Iwata, 1992) and sometimes necessary (Hagopian, Fisher,
skill-based treatment may not be safe or feasible to replicate            Sullivan, Acquisto, & LeBlanc, 1998; Shirley, Iwata, Kahng,
under certain conditions, which could limit the generality of             Mazaleski, & Lerman, 1997; Worsdell, Iwata, Hanley,
its effectiveness, the acceptability of its procedures, and there-        Thompson, & Kahng, 2000; Zarcone, Iwata, Mazaleski, &
fore the scope of its application.                                        Smith, 1994) in the treatment of dangerous problem behavior.
    First, implementation of any functional analysis of severe            All successful, socially validated applications of skill-based
problem behavior runs the risk of evoking dangerous behav-                treatment involved programmed extinction of problem
ior. This could be problematic when serving clients whose                 behavior.
behavior poses life-threatening risks. Fortunately, researchers               Although efficacious and sometimes necessary, the extinc-
have attempted to address this problem by elucidating the link            tion component of treatments for problem behavior can pro-
between dangerous topographies of problem behavior and the                duce undesirable collateral effects. When a client’s problem
less dangerous responses with which they co-occur. Over a                 behavior is placed on extinction, this experience can produce
dozen studies have examined less dangerous “precursor” or                 response bursting (i.e., immediate increases in the frequency
“co-occurring” behavior and have consistently found that                  and intensity of problem behavior; Lerman & Iwata, 1995;
these responses are sensitive to the same contingencies as                Lerman, Iwata, & Wallace, 1999) or induce other forms of
more dangerous topographies (Borlase, Vladescu, Kisamore,                 dangerous problem behavior (e.g., aggression; Goh & Iwata,
Reeve, & Fetzer, 2017; Borrero & Borrero, 2008; DeRosa,                   1994; Lieving et al., 2004). Even if temporary, undesirable
Roane, Doyle, & McCarthy, 2013; Dracobly & Smith, 2012;                   collateral effects of extinction procedures may not be tenable
Fritz, Iwata, Hammond, & Bloom, 2013; Harding et al., 2001;               in practice, especially when working with large clients or in
Herscovitch, Roscoe, Libby, Bourret, & Ahearn, 2009;                      settings that lack adequate support to manage extended epi-
Hoffmann, Sellers, Halversen, & Bloom, 2018; Lalli, Casey,                sodes of escalation.
& Kates, 1995; Langdon, Carr, & Owen-DeSchryver, 2008;                        Another element of extinction procedures that may pose
Lieving, Hagopian, Long, & O’Connor, 2004; Magee & Ellis,                 problems in certain contexts pertains to programming extinc-
2000; Richman, Wacker, Asmus, Casey, & Andelman, 1999;                    tion for behavior sensitive to escape. Extinction of behavior
Schmidt, Kranak, Goetzel, Kaur, & Rooker, 2020; Smith &                   that characteristically produces escape from aversive events
Churchill, 2002; Warner et al., 2020). This almost-universal              requires that the behavior no longer terminates the aversive
finding suggests that (a) inferences about the function of dan-           stimulation (Lattal, St. Peter, & Escobar, 2013). When applied
gerous behavior can be made by analyzing less dangerous                   to problem behavior in practice, this is commonly achieved by
behavior and (b) functional analyses of dangerous problem                 continuing to present task demands in the presence of problem
behavior can be conducted successfully without ever needing               behavior or contextually inappropriate behavior (e.g.,
Behav Analysis Practice

noncooperation) and by escalating prompts until the client             reinforcement arrangement. For example, it may be possible to
cooperates with the demand (Iwata et al., 1990). In many               eliminate problem behavior and teach communication, tolera-
cases, prompts escalate until physical guidance of the client          tion, and cooperation skills with a synthesized contingency by
is necessary to achieve cooperation (Iwata et al., 1990;               withholding only positive reinforcers, and not negative rein-
Zarcone, Iwata, Hughes, & Vollmer, 1993; Zarcone, Iwata,               forcers, when problem behavior occurs (e.g., Hoch, McComas,
Smith, Mazaleski, & Lerman, 1994). When such procedures                Thompson, & Paone, 2002; Piazza et al., 1997).
are not implemented with high integrity, which may occur                  Thus far in the practical functional assessment and skill-
when problem behavior is erratic, unpredictable, and difficult         based treatment literature, no attempt has been made to mod-
to manage, it can lead to adverse treatment effects (St. Peter         ify treatment procedures to mitigate the collateral effects of
Pipkin, Vollmer, & Sloman, 2010; Wilder, Atwell, & Wine,               extinction and the intrusiveness of potential physical manage-
2006). Thus, although shown to be efficacious in many cases,           ment. Given the possibility that such procedures can produce
extinction procedures are intrusive, may be considered inap-           deleterious effects, and that this may discourage or altogether
propriate for certain clients (e.g., adults, large individuals, cli-   preclude the adoption of these procedures in certain practice
ents with sophisticated language), and have been discouraged           settings, an investigation into a modified treatment approach
and even prohibited in certain settings (LaVigna & Donnellan,          seems timely and warranted. Therefore, in the present study,
1986). Furthermore, the intrusive nature of physical manage-           we examined the possibility of achieving the main effects of
ment procedures may be considered a potential violation of             the skill-based treatment reported by Hanley et al. (2014)
client autonomy, which, when coupled with the undesirable              while minimizing the negative collateral effects associated
collateral effects of extinction procedures (e.g., induced emo-        with certain extinction procedures. More specifically, for chil-
tional responding), could inhibit both the development of a            dren who were reported to be highly resistant to any type of
positive therapeutic relationship between the client and ana-          physical management or guidance, we examined the possibil-
lyst and the overall acceptability of such procedures.                 ity of conducting the entire practical functional assessment
    Escape extinction with physical guidance was included in           and skill-based treatment process while avoiding any physical
all published applications of skill-based treatment in which           management of children, and while offering them the ongoing
escape was part of the synthesized contingency (42 out of 55           option to participate in their treatment or not. To investigate
applications, or 76% of cases). Because skill-based treatment          this, we systematically replicated the skill-based treatment de-
is a multifaceted intervention approach that typically involves        scribed in Hanley et al. (2014) within an enhanced choice
synthesizing positive and negative reinforcement contingen-            model. In Study 1, we implemented the model in an outpatient
cies, it remains unclear the extent to which escape extinction         clinic with three children. In Study 2, we (a) replicated the
with physical guidance was necessary to achieve the desired            model in a specialized public school with two children; (b)
behavioral outcomes. Evidence for its efficacy and necessity           extended procedures across relevant people, contexts, and
has, however, been shown elsewhere with respect to isolated            time periods; and (c) recruited social validity measures from
reinforcement contingencies (e.g., attention only, escape on-          classroom teachers.
ly), thus supporting its inclusion in function-based treatment
packages (e.g., Hagopian et al., 1998).
    It is worth noting that many researchers have investigated         Study 1: Application of the Enhanced Choice
differential reinforcement procedures that do not include es-          Model in an Outpatient Clinic
cape extinction or physical guidance. This most commonly
involves arranging concurrent operants wherein one alterna-            Method
tive response produces reinforcement that is greater, along
some dimension, than that which is still produced by problem           Participants and Setting
behavior (see Trump, Ayres, Quinland, & Zabala, 2020, for a
review of the literature examining differential reinforcement          Study 1 was conducted at a university outpatient clinic.
without extinction). However, the majority of these studies            Participants could be enrolled in this study if their referrals
avoided extinction by manipulating parameters of a single,             to the clinic included reports of (a) dangerous problem behav-
isolated reinforcer to differentially reinforce a single, alterna-     ior that posed imminent harm to individuals or property in the
tive response (e.g., providing a greater duration of escape for a      participants’ surrounding environment and (b) escalation in
communicative response than for problem behavior; Athens               the intensity and danger of problem behavior when physical
& Vollmer, 2010). That the majority of contingencies identified        management was attempted. Three children were referred to
in published skill-based treatment studies synthesized both pos-       the clinic by their pediatricians due to severe and worsening
itive and negative reinforcement to teach a complex repertoire of      problem behavior in their home or school. Clinic personnel
social skills suggests there is some possible latitude with respect    involved in the assessment and treatment process included
to manipulating parameters of extinction within a differential         licensed Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs; www.
Behav Analysis Practice and undergraduate research assistants. Although               severe problem behavior whenever things did not go exactly
assessment and treatment of dangerous problem behavior                  “her way,” including when family members would touch her,
were primary functions of the clinic, personnel were not                her toys, and any other preferred items. Allie reportedly en-
certified to implement any physical management procedures.              gaged in aggression toward her siblings in the home and
Prior to the onset of the current study, the clinic traditionally       would regularly engage in hour-long tantrums even in the
did not serve families of children who had significant histories        middle of the night.
with physical restraint procedures; parents were asked to                   Jackson was a White 4-year-old boy who communicated
manage problem behavior as they typically would if                      vocally at a developmentally appropriate level with no formal
behavior escalated to a point at which restraint may be                 diagnosis. Similar to Allie, Jackson also had a limited but
warranted. The caregiver interview and all assessment and               idiosyncratic repertoire of preferred activities and manners
treatment sessions were conducted by the BCBA (referred to              of playing and required frequent interaction and undivided
as the “analyst” in Study 1).                                           attention from caregivers. Jackson reportedly directed much
   A summary of child characteristics can be found in Table 1.          of his physical aggression toward his younger sister and also
Jeffrey was a White 9-year-old boy who communicated vo-                 regularly engaged in extended tantrums in the home.
cally and fluently and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety           Jackson’s parents described his problem behavior as “a hair-
disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Jeffrey          trigger reaction to not getting his way.”
attended a general education classroom in a public school.                  All analysis and treatment sessions were conducted in a
Jeffrey’s parents reported that, although Jeffrey could display         small room (4 m × 3 m) at the clinic, equipped with a video
age-typical academic and social skills, episodes of problem             camera, a one-way observation mirror, two child-sized tables,
behavior frequently interrupted his capacity to demonstrate             two to three chairs, and play and academic materials as nom-
such skills in relevant academic and social contexts.                   inated in each participant’s caregiver interview. In addition, a
Jeffrey’s academic performance appeared to suffer because               small family waiting room (4 m × 3 m) adjacent to the treat-
he resisted help from teachers and caregivers, rendering aca-           ment room, equipped with two comfortable chairs and an
demic contexts particularly challenging. He was relatively              adult-sized table, was a space wherein participants could
larger and stronger than many of his peers and got into argu-           “hang out” if they chose to. Parents were asked to be at the
ments and occasional physical altercations with peers and               clinic during all sessions and either watched from behind an
teachers whenever they tried to tell him what to do or when             observation mirror or participated in the session.
they did not listen to him. In addition to engaging in physical
aggression in the home and school, Jeffrey was reported to              Measurement and Response Definitions
elope to dangerous locations when episodes escalated (e.g.,
into the school parking lot, up a tree). Jeffrey had thus required      Data on target responses and relevant environmental events
police intervention at his school on several occasions, which           were collected on laptop computers by trained observers.
usually resulted in the further escalation of Jeffrey’s problem         Targeted topographies of dangerous and nondangerous prob-
behavior.                                                               lem behavior for each child can be found along the y-axis of
   Allie was a White 4-year-old girl who communicated vo-               the graphs in the right column of Figure 1. For all participants,
cally at a developmentally appropriate level and was diag-              target dangerous problem behavior included aggression (e.g.,
nosed with autism spectrum disorder. Allie had a limited but            hitting, kicking, shoving, grabbing, biting, scratching) and
idiosyncratic repertoire of preferred activities and manners of         disruption (e.g., banging surfaces, throwing objects, tipping
playing and required frequent interaction and undivided atten-          or kicking furniture). For Jeffrey and Allie, target dangerous
tion from caregivers. As such, Allie’s mother described her as          problem behavior also included elopement, which was de-
being “in charge” at home because she would engage in                   fined as crossing the threshold of a room without adult

Table 1 Participant
Characteristics                    Name      Age         Diagnosis                     Language level      Referred for

                                   Jeffrey   9           ADHD; generalized             Developmentally     Aggression, elopement,
                                                           anxiety disorder              appropriate         meltdowns
                                   Allie     4           Autism spectrum disorder      Developmentally     Aggression, disruption,
                                                                                         appropriate         elopement, meltdowns
                                   Jackson   4           None                          Developmentally     Aggression, disruption,
                                                                                         appropriate         meltdowns

                                  Note. ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Behav Analysis Practice

                                                                            his head down in his arms or on the table. Allie’s
                                                                            nondangerous topographies included whining, crossing her
                                                                            arms, and facial grimacing. Jackson’s nondangerous topogra-
                                                                            phies included screaming and whining. Child-specific target
                                                                            functional communication responses (FCRs) and tolerance
                                                                            responses are listed in Table 2, all of which were scored as
                                                                            independent only if they occurred absent or at least 5 s re-
                                                                            moved from an analyst prompt. Rates of participants’ danger-
                                                                            ous and nondangerous problem behavior; simple, intermedi-
                                                                            ate (Jackson only), and complex FCRs; and tolerance re-
                                                                            sponses were calculated by recording the number of indepen-
                                                                            dent responses emitted and dividing by the number of minutes
                                                                            elapsed per session.
                                                                               Percentage engagement in contextually appropriate behav-
                                                                            ior (CAB; a measure of the extent to which children
                                                                            cooperated with adult instruction during periods of
                                                                            nonreinforcement) was calculated by dividing the number of
                                                                            independent CAB observed by the number of CAB expecta-
                                                                            tions presented per session, and multiplying that quotient by
                                                                            100. CAB expectations were those that were presented by the
                                                                            analyst upon termination of reinforcement or a denial cue.
                                                                            Instructions posed by the analyst were considered CAB ex-
                                                                            pectations (e.g., instructions to put items away, demands to
Fig. 1 Results of Interview-Informed Synthesized Contingency Analyses
for Jeffrey (Top Panel), Allie (Middle Panel), and Jackson (Bottom          complete academic work, suggestions to find something dif-
Panel). Note. The column on the left displays problem behavior aggre-       ferent to play with). CAB was scored if the child cooperated
gated into a single measure per session. The column on the right displays   with the specific expectation in place in the absence of prob-
counts of occurrences of individual topographies of problem behavior (y-
                                                                            lem behavior or noncooperation lasting longer than 10 s (e.g.,
axis labels) that are denoted as either dangerous (black bars) or
nondangerous (gray bars). Topog = topography.                               putting toys away in 5 s, engaging with academic work with-
                                                                            out problem behavior).
                                                                               Total session duration was recorded in seconds, along with
permission. Jeffrey’s nondangerous topographies of problem                  the duration of each session for which the participant experi-
behavior included swiping items, disruptive vocals (e.g., ar-               enced reinforcement. A measure of the duration in which the
guing and cursing above conversational volume), and putting                 participant experienced the programmed establishing

Table 2   IISCA Outcomes, Target Communicative Responses, and Terminal CAB Requirements in Treatment

Name      Synthesized contingency identified     SimpleFCR Intermediate ComplexFCR Tolerance            Terminal CAB expectation in treatment
                                                           FCR                     response

Jeffrey   Escape from writing tasks to iPad,  My way           —            Excuse me . . . That’s cool Average of 5 min of writing paragraphs on
            Game Boy, table games,             please.                        May I have      with me     an analyst-directed topic, with proof-
            complimentary attention, and mand                                 my way          or I’m      reading and editing, while analyst
            compliance                                                        please?         cool with   diverted attention to a phone
Allie   Escape from cleaning, sharing, or     My way           —            Excuse me . . . OK after    Average of 5 min of sharing, turn taking,
          playing alone to animal and          please.                        My way          taking a    playing alone with less preferred toys,
          imaginary play toys, interactive                                    please?         breath      and cleaning up play area
          role-play, and mand compliance
Jackson Escape from cleaning, sharing, and    More time.       Can I have   Excuse me . . . OK with     Average of 3–5 min of sharing toys, tol-
          adult-directed play to balls, table                    more         Can I          two          erating adult-directed play, and cleaning
          games, interactive sports play, and                    time?        please         thumbs       up play area
          mand compliance                                                     have more      up

Note. IISCA = interview-informed synthesized contingency analysis; FCR = functional communication response; CAB = contextually appropriate
behavior; — = not applicable. Font in italics indicates that which was spoken by the child.
Behav Analysis Practice

operation (EO; a period of nonreinforcement) was calculated           observed only if they were included in the reinforcement con-
by subtracting the duration in reinforcement from the total           tingency. Levels of problem behavior and alternative re-
duration of each session.                                             sponses changed, in predictable directions, in correspondence
   Time stamps were recorded on choices made by the child             with changes to the reinforcement contingency. In addition, a
to either (a) engage the practice context, (b) enter the hangout      reversal design was used to evaluate control over problem
space, or (c) leave the clinic for the day. These data were           behavior and the simple FCR for Allie. A contingency rever-
collected on paper data sheets; data collectors started a timer       sal for problem behavior was not conducted with Jeffrey and
when the analyst greeted the child’s family upon entering the         Jackson because (a) it is not necessary in order to demonstrate
clinic, and noted the time at which each choice was made.             control in a multiple-baseline design, especially if there are at
Although children could vocally communicate their choice              least three different phases across which an independent var-
to practice, hang out, or leave, the time at which “hang out”         iable is evaluated (Kazdin, 2011; Kratochwill et al., 2010); (b)
was chosen was only recorded when they entered the hangout            several other treatment-oriented studies have demonstrated
room. The choice to leave was scored when the child vocally           the effects of a reinforcement contingency on multiple topog-
indicated that they wanted to leave the clinic for the day. All       raphies of prosocial responses in the absence of a reversal
other activities (e.g., participating in practice sessions, picking   (Ghaemmaghami et al., 2018; Jessel, Ingvarsson, Metras,
toys, going to the bathroom) were scored as “practice” be-            Kirk, & Whipple, 2018 ; Rose & Beaulieu, 2019); and (c) a
cause they were typical of the traditional clinic process. The        primary aim of the current study was to minimize the occur-
amount of time that elapsed from the start of the visit to the        rence of problem behavior during the process.
time when the child made a particular choice was divided by
the total duration of the visit to derive a proportion measure.       Procedures
Individual visit durations were generally 60 min long.
   Interobserver agreement (IOA) was calculated for an aver-          Practical Functional Assessment Process Each child’s clinic
age of 27% of sessions for all children across analysis and           process began with a practical functional assessment
treatment phases (range 26%–30%) by having a trained second           (Hanley et al., 2014; Slaton et al., 2017). An open-ended in-
observer simultaneously but independently collect data on all         terview (Hanley, 2012) was conducted by the analyst with one
dependent measures. Each session was partitioned into 10-s            or more parents, the results of which informed the design of a
intervals, and agreement for each rate-measured target response       subsequent IISCA. General procedures for the IISCA closely
(e.g., problem behavior, FCRs), as well as time in reinforce-         emulated what was described in Hanley et al. (2014), with the
ment, was calculated by dividing the number of agreements per         addition of enhanced choice model procedures (described in
interval by the number of agreements plus disagreements per           what follows) for Allie and Jackson.
interval and multiplying by 100. One hundred percent agree-              Across interviews for all three children, parents reported
ment was scored if both observers scored zero for any measure         that dangerous and nondangerous topographies of problem
in a given interval. The IOA for the choice data per visit (i.e.,     behavior were likely to be evoked when certain demands were
duration spent in either practice, hangout, or out of clinic) was     presented, when access to certain tangibles was terminated,
calculated by dividing the shorter duration of a given choice by      when attention was diverted or withheld, and when adults
the longer duration for each visit and multiplying by 100. For        did not comply with unique child requests. Furthermore, all
all dependent measures, mean IOA was 98% (range 83%–                  parents reported that their typical strategy for de-escalating
100%) for Jeffrey, 97% (range 84%–100%) for Allie, and                episodes of problem behavior involved relenting on those de-
98% (range 86%–100%) for Jackson.                                     mands, providing tangible items, delivering some attention,
                                                                      and complying with requests. Each child’s IISCA therefore
Experimental Design                                                   involved evaluating a synthesized contingency of escape to
                                                                      tangibles, attention, and mand compliance across rapidly al-
The independent variable was the synthesized reinforcement            ternating, 5-min test (contingency present) and control (con-
contingency identified via the practical functional assessment        tingency absent) sessions. The specific topographies of dan-
process. Effects of the reinforcement contingency on problem          gerous and nondangerous problem behavior that were eligible
behavior were assessed in a multielement design in the IISCA.         for reinforcement in the IISCA, as identified via the interview,
In treatment, the synthesized reinforcement contingency was           can be found along the y-axis of the graphs in the right column
progressively applied, along with prompting, to multiple al-          of Fig. 1. Specific features of the contingencies tested in each
ternative responses, including FCRs, tolerance responses, and         child’s analysis are described in Table 2.
CABs. Treatment evaluation involved a multiple-baseline de-
sign across responses with features unique to a changing-             Skill-Based Treatment Procedures in treatment emulated what
criterion design. Functional control was demonstrated when            was described in Hanley et al. (2014), in which FCRs, toler-
problem behavior and target alternative responses were                ance responses, and CABs were vocally prompted (via a
Behav Analysis Practice

most-to-least prompting hierarchy) and differentially rein-        sessions with zero problem behavior and consistent emission
forced with the synthesized reinforcers identified in the          of target skills during EO periods. Skill-based treatment was
IISCA, and problem behavior was placed on extinction (de-          considered complete when two visits elapsed without any
tails of extinction procedures are described in what follows).     choices made to hang out or leave the clinic, and when two
FCRs, tolerance responses, and CABs were taught across suc-        consecutive sessions occurred with zero problem behavior
cessive treatment phases: functional communication training        and consistent emission of target skills during EO periods.
(FCT), tolerance response training, and CAB chaining (anal-           To avoid physical management of children and in an effort
ogous to delay-tolerance training in Hanley et al., 2014)          to minimize the escalation of problem behavior, typical skill-
respectively.                                                      based treatment procedures were modified in four ways.
    FCT involved gradual shaping to a terminal, complex FCR           First, extinction procedures were adjusted with respect to
by first teaching a simple FCR, then an intermediate (for          problem behavior and contextually inappropriate behavior.
Jackson only) FCR (Ghaemmaghami et al., 2018). The analyst         While positive reinforcers were withheld (e.g., tangibles, at-
began each session by programming reinforcement for the            tention, the opportunity to have requests granted), the escape
child, which involved the provision of tangibles, attention,       extinction component did not include any physical guidance.
and mand compliance with no demands presented (see                 Instead, vocal and gestural prompts were re-presented every
Table 2 for personalized descriptions of reinforcers for each      5–10 s if children engaged in problem behavior or contextu-
child). Then, the analyst interrupted reinforcement with the       ally inappropriate behavior (Piazza, Moes, & Fisher, 1996).
imposition of an EO, prompted the target response(s), and             Second, whereas presession instruction in Hanley et al.
differentially reinforced its occurrence (with programmed ex-      (2014) consisted of behavior skills training in which the target
tinction for problem behavior; details of which are described      response was taught, modeled, rehearsed, and critiqued, in the
in what follows). At the beginning of each phase, target re-       current model, analysts provided additional details of that
sponse prompts were delivered immediately following the im-        which was to occur in the practice context and only conducted
position of the EO and were faded in a most-to-least manner as     the rehearsal and feedback portion if the child recruited the
children began to independently emit target responses; how-        practice opportunity. Prior to beginning the first session of
ever, vocal and gestural prompts were re-presented every 5–        each visit, analysts would (a) discuss progress made during
10 s if children engaged in any problem behavior or contex-        the prior visit and (b) describe the current training step, includ-
tually inappropriate behavior. As complex FCRs and toler-          ing the most challenging EO that would be programmed and
ance responses were acquired, each continued to be reinforced      the specific responses required of the child to produce rein-
on an intermittent, unpredictable schedule, such that FCRs         forcement. These procedures were repeated between any ses-
were immediately reinforced during 40% of randomly deter-          sions in which changes in response requirements or in the
mined trials, but tolerance responses were required to produce     presentation of the EO occurred. Furthermore, the analyst,
reinforcement during the other 60% of trials. In the CAB-          child, and parent would review participant performance at
chaining phase, CAB expectations were gradually increased          the culmination of the day’s visit. This was an opportunity
in both overall amount and difficulty until a predetermined,       for (a) the analyst and caregiver to provide specific praise
terminal goal was met (see terminal CAB expectations in            about performance in various situations, (b) the child to dis-
Table 2). Intermittent and unpredictable reinforcement of each     cuss and evaluate their own performance, (c) the analyst to
social skill continued during CAB chaining, such that 20% of       foreshadow what was to occur during the next visit, and (d)
trials in each session involved reinforcement of the complex       the child to ask questions or make requests relevant to the
FCR, 20% of trials involved reinforcement of the tolerance         treatment process. Speaking loosely, these procedures were
response following a denial of the FCR, and the remaining          included to build rapport and increase transparency between
60% of trials involved at least one CAB expectation following      the analyst, child, and parent(s). Although expectations were
the emission of a tolerance response, the order of which was       made clear prior to entering the practice context, this did not
randomly determined.                                               affect the intermittency and unpredictability with which rein-
    Sessions were 5 min during FCT phases (note that Jeffrey’s     forcement was delivered within the session. In other words,
FCT sessions were 10 min in duration). Following FCT, ses-         although each child was informed about the most challenging
sions were defined by trials, instead of a fixed duration, to      EO to expect in the practice session, they were not told when
accommodate the increasing expectations of the child during        to expect it; probabilistic reinforcement was still scheduled for
EO periods. Sessions in tolerance response training and CAB        each social skill.
chaining were five trials each, with a trial defined as the pre-      Third, options pertaining to CAB expectations during
sentation of the putative EO until the point at which reinforce-   the CAB-chaining phase were offered to the child some
ment was delivered or after 30 min had elapsed (the latter         of the time (i.e., during approximately 33% of trials in
never occurred). Session duration varied between 4 and 35          which CAB expectations were in place). Providing oppor-
min. Criteria to progress across phases were two consecutive       tunities for children to make choices during instruction has
Behav Analysis Practice

been shown to decrease problem behavior and increase                 granted permission by an adult, this would have been scored
cooperation with instruction (Dunlap et al., 1994;                   as an instance of elopement, but it would not have precluded
Dunlap, Kern-Dunlap, Clarke, & Robbins, 1991; Powell                 them from entering the hangout context). If children chose to
& Nelson, 1997; Taylor et al., 2018). Whereas in Hanley              hang out, they could bring tangible items with them and they
et al. (2014), adults directed the activities of this entire         could interact with available adults. Instructions relevant to
period, in the current model, the analyst occasionally of-           the skill building in the practice context (i.e., CAB expecta-
fered the child some options and control over what they              tions) were never presented in the hangout context, and par-
engaged with. Options included what to work on (e.g.,                ticipants were free to enter and exit the space at any time. In
reading vs. writing), where to work (e.g., at the desk vs.           other words, noncontingent synthesized reinforcement, in-
on the floor), and how the work would be completed (e.g.,            cluding all of the categorical reinforcers present in the practice
child writes on their own vs. child dictates and analyst             context, was arranged in the hangout context. While in the
writes for them). These trials were included to increase             hangout context, the analyst re-presented enhanced choice
the likelihood of CAB engagement and to incorporate child            options approximately every 5 min.
feedback during treatment (e.g., Jeffrey sometimes re-                   Children additionally had the continuously available option
quested to work on challenging math homework even                    to terminate the day’s visit and leave the clinic. Parents agreed
though his IISCA identified writing tasks to be evocative).          to join the analyst in honoring this request at any point during
Choice-making opportunities during CAB chaining were                 any visit, and neither adult attempted to negotiate with the
programmed only on some trials because, although re-                 child once the request was made.
search has demonstrated their positive impact on problem                 Jeffrey’s enrollment in the clinic was originally for partic-
behavior and cooperation, terminal treatment goals speci-            ipation in another study, and he therefore experienced typical
fied that children cooperate with CAB expectations that              clinic procedures during the IISCA. This involved escape ex-
were exclusively adult directed.                                     tinction with physical guidance for contextually inappropriate
   Fourth, because skill-based treatment was embedded in the         behavior during IISCA test conditions. These procedures led
enhanced choice model, participants always had the opportu-          to the unsafe escalation of problem behavior during the anal-
nity to exit the practice context and either “hang out” or leave     ysis, which therefore prompted the development of the en-
the clinic for the day.                                              hanced choice model. He did not have options to hang out
                                                                     or leave until skill-based treatment began, at which point he
Enhanced Choice Model The practical functional assessment            had all three options. Allie’s mother drove a long distance to
and skill-based treatment procedures described previously            visit the clinic and therefore requested that we omit the option
were embedded in an enhanced choice model, in which chil-            to leave from Allie’s enhanced choice model in both the
dren were offered concurrent, continuously available options         IISCA and skill-based treatment. Jackson experienced the en-
to (a) enter the “practice” context in which the aforementioned      tire enhanced choice model throughout the IISCA and
skill-based treatment procedures were implemented, (b) enter         treatment.
a “hangout” context in a different room in which the evocative
conditions of the treatment context were never present, or (c)
leave the clinic altogether with their parents. During the first     Results and Discussion
visit in which enhanced choice procedures were in place, each
child’s analyst showed them the various clinic rooms while           Practical Functional Assessment Process
describing the contingency arrangement (i.e., the “rules” in
place in each context). It was conveyed to children that, al-        Figure 1 depicts the results of the IISCAs for Jeffrey, Allie,
though the analyst would be presenting evocative events in the       and Jackson. In all analyses, problem behavior occurred ex-
practice context and teaching skills under those conditions,         clusively in the test condition, demonstrating its sensitivity to
they could go “hang out” or “leave” at any point. At the start       a synthesized contingency of escape to tangibles, attention,
of every subsequent visit, children were immediately offered         and mand compliance (see Table 2 for participant-specific
these options.                                                       contingency descriptions).
    There was no particular response required within the prac-          The graphs in the right column of Fig. 1 depict counts of
tice context in order to choose to hang out, nor was there any       occurrences of dangerous and nondangerous topographies of
contingency programmed between problem behavior and the              problem behavior across all test sessions. Allie and Jackson
availability of the hangout space, meaning that children could       engaged almost exclusively in nondangerous problem behav-
select “hang out” by either requesting it or simply going to the     ior (second and third panels of the right column of Fig. 1).
other room, irrespective of the occurrence of problem behav-         Jeffrey engaged in some dangerous problem behavior; how-
ior (note that if Jeffrey or Allie was to have exited the practice   ever, the majority of responses observed and reinforced during
room during a session without first requesting and being             Jeffrey’s IISCA were nondangerous topographies.
Behav Analysis Practice

Skill-Based Treatment                                               contingency, and maintained throughout treatment only if
                                                                    they continued to be reinforced at least intermittently. This
Jeffrey’s, Allie’s, and Jackson’s treatment processes are           can be seen in Figs. 2, 3, and 4, and the responses for
depicted in Figs. 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Problem behavior       which reinforcement was arranged across phases are
immediately decreased for all children once the reinforcement       highlighted with gray shading. These data suggest func-
contingency was withdrawn. Dangerous problem behavior               tional control over targeted social skills by the synthesized
never occurred during any treatment phase for Jeffrey and           contingency. As such, simple and intermediate (Jackson
Allie; it occurred a total of three times during Jackson’s treat-   only) FCRs were acquired in their respective training
ment. Nondangerous problem behavior also seldomly oc-               phases and were subsequently extinguished once they were
curred throughout any participant’s treatment process, and          no longer supported by the contingency. By the end of
all problem behavior was eliminated by the end of treatment.        skill-based treatment, all participants were consistently
    Simple, intermediate (Jackson only), and complex                emitting (a) complex FCRs when reinforcement was termi-
FCRs, as well as tolerance responses and CABs, which                nated, (b) tolerance responses when FCRs were denied,
all occurred at zero or low levels during baseline, emerged         and (c) CABs specific to treatment team goals during pro-
only when they were explicitly included in the synthesized          grammed delays to reinforcement.

Fig. 2 Enhanced Choice Model
Treatment Evaluation for Jeffrey.
Note. BL = baseline; FCT =
functional communication
training; TRT = tolerance
response training; FCR =
functional communication
response; CAB = contextually
appropriate behavior. Areas
shaded in gray represent
responses to which the
reinforcement contingency was
applied during each phase.
Behav Analysis Practice

Fig. 3 Enhanced Choice Model
Treatment Evaluation for Allie.
Note. BL = baseline; FCT =
functional communication
training; Simp. = simple; FCR =
functional communication
response; CAB = contextually
appropriate behavior. Areas
shaded in gray represent
responses to which the
reinforcement contingency was
applied during each phase.

   A brief contingency reversal was conducted for Allie     Enhanced Choice Model
following initial simple FCT during which problem be-
havior occurred at a level consistent with baseline per-    The bottom panels of Figs. 2, 3, and 4 depict choices made to
formance. Upon the return to simple FCT, problem be-        either practice, hang out, or leave throughout each visit. Each
havior was again eliminated immediately and replaced        bar represents a visit to the clinic in which enhanced choice
with the simple FCR, providing an additional demonstra-     procedures were in place. Each bar in this panel aligns verti-
tion of functional control over behavior by the synthe-     cally with the performance data of the final session of that
sized contingency.                                          day’s visit. The graph is meant to be interpreted as a sort of
   Session duration and time spent experiencing the EO      time lapse, wherein the bottom of each bar represents the start
gradually increased throughout CAB chaining for all par-    of each visit, and participant experience in either practice,
ticipants. Across the final three treatment sessions, the   hanging out, or neither (i.e., visit termination) is tracked from
average proportion of the session in reinforcement was      the bottom to the top.
50%, 54%, and 51% for Jeffrey, Allie, and Jackson,             Jeffrey’s participation in the IISCA and skill-based
respectively.                                               treatment process was completed in 20 clinic visits
Behav Analysis Practice

Fig. 4 Enhanced Choice Model
Treatment Evaluation for
Jackson. Note. BL = baseline;
FCT = functional communication
training; Interm. = intermediate;
FCR = functional communication
response; CAB = contextually
appropriate behavior. Areas
shaded in gray represent
responses to which the
reinforcement contingency was
applied during each phase.

across 10 weeks 5 days. Throughout all visits for which       92% of the time. Jackson chose to hang out 10 times for
Jeffrey experienced the enhanced choice model (i.e., in       115 min total, and asked to terminate the visit one time.
treatment only), he elected to practice 88% of the time.         In summary, at the culmination of skill-based treat-
Jeffrey chose to hang out one time for 3 min and asked        ment embedded within an enhanced choice model,
to terminate the visit four times total. Allie’s participa-   Jeffrey, Allie, and Jackson were emitting target social
tion in the process was completed in 13 clinic visits         skills at the exclusion of problem behavior despite
across 6 weeks 2 days. Throughout all visits for which        lengthy delays to reinforcement in which CAB expecta-
Allie experienced the enhanced choice model (i.e., IISCA      tions were in place that were shown to be evocative in
and treatment), she elected to practice 99% of the time.      baseline. In Study 1, we achieved efficacious outcomes
Allie chose to hang out three times for 8 min total.          in an outpatient clinic with respect to the problem behav-
Jackson’s participation in the process was completed in       ior of three children without any escalation of dangerous
30 clinic visits across 10 weeks 4 days. Throughout all       behavior or physical management. Furthermore, despite
visits for which Jackson experienced the enhanced choice      having the continuously available options to consume
model (i.e., IISCA and treatment), he elected to practice     reinforcers noncontingently or to leave the clinic, all
Behav Analysis Practice

children chose to experience differential reinforcement in         assessment and treatment process were considered nondistrict
the practice context a majority of the time.                       personnel, which meant they were strictly prohibited from
    Time constraints and parent availability limited our ability   putting hands on any students in the school. Thus, the en-
to systematically extend the procedures and effects of skill-      hanced choice model of skill-based treatment was an appro-
based treatment to relevant environments. Furthermore, we          priate treatment option for the circumstances. The BCBA and
did not obtain measures of social validity with respect to the     analyst came to the school for an average of three 1-hr visits
process and outcomes of the enhanced choice model. To ad-          per week throughout the assessment, treatment, and extension
dress these shortcomings and to evaluate the generality of the     process.
process’s efficacy, in Study 2 we (a) replicated the process          A summary of child characteristics can be found in Table 3.
with two children in a specialized public school; (b) extended     Peter was a White 8-year-old boy who communicated vocally
the process and outcomes across relevant people, contexts,         and was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. At the time
and time periods; and (c) obtained social validity measures        this study commenced, Peter had just returned to the special-
from teachers with respect to the practical functional assess-     ized school from a general education elementary school be-
ment process, the skill-based treatment, and the extension of      cause his problem behavior necessitated a more resource-
its procedures and effects back into the classroom.                intensive learning environment. Peter displayed a limited at-
                                                                   tending repertoire during academic instruction and often en-
                                                                   gaged in dangerous problem behavior when he was offered
Study 2: Extension of the Enhanced Choice                          help or redirected back to his school work, which sometimes
Model to a Public School                                           necessitated removal from the classroom for extended periods
                                                                   of time. Episodes of dangerous problem behavior often in-
Method                                                             volved a combination of destruction of furniture and class-
                                                                   room objects, aggression toward adults, head-directed self-in-
Participants and Setting                                           jurious behavior (SIB), and attempted or actual elopement
                                                                   from the classroom or school. Peter’s classroom teachers
Study 2 was conducted at a specialized public school serv-         and paraprofessionals were concerned that his behavior was
ing children with special needs (Grades K–8). The school           continuing to interfere with his learning such that it appeared
administration had contracted BCBAs and research assis-            less and less likely that he would successfully reintegrate into
tants (i.e., graduate students in special education with an        a general education setting without more intensive support.
emphasis on applied behavior analysis certification) from             Hank was a Black 9-year-old boy who communicated vo-
an external agency to provide assessment and treatment             cally and fluently and was diagnosed with attention-deficit/
services to certain students with dangerous problem behav-         hyperactivity disorder and emotional disturbance. Hank re-
ior. Participants were selected from a list of students (all of    portedly seldom cooperated with any academic instruction in
whom met the enrollment criteria specified in Study 1)             the months leading up to his enrollment in this study. Similar
based on the extent to which their problem behavior inter-         to Jeffrey (Study 1), Hank’s teachers reported that although he
fered with daily classroom activities, the perceived urgen-        could display age-typical academic and social skills, episodes
cy with which intensive support was needed, and the extent         of problem behavior frequently interrupted his capacity to
to which their classroom teacher was willing to (a) allow          demonstrate such skills in relevant academic and social con-
their student to be removed from the class periodically to         texts. When asked to transition from preferred activities to
participate in the process and (b) be trained on the proce-        engage in academic work, Hank often argued with, yelled,
dures so as to implement them in their classroom. Two              and cursed at classroom teachers in a manner that routinely
children were selected and enrolled in Study 2.                    disrupted class proceedings. This often escalated to dangerous
    A BCBA supervised a research assistant in the implemen-        aggression toward classroom teachers and paraprofessionals,
tation of the IISCA and skill-based treatment procedures in        including attempted stabbing with classroom objects (e.g.,
both cases. The BCBA did not conduct any IISCA or treat-           pencils). Hank’s problem behavior was so disruptive and fre-
ment procedures, but they conducted the caregiver interview.       quent that at the time this study began, he was earning 10 or
To keep consistent with term usage in Study 1, “analyst” will      more min of playtime following a 5-min period without prob-
refer to the research assistant who implemented the IISCA and      lem behavior (no work completion was required as part of this
skill-based treatment, and “BCBA” will refer to the behavior       contingency). Both participants spent a concerning amount of
analyst who supervised the process. Furthermore, “classroom        their school day outside of the classroom due to dangerous
teacher” will refer to the participant’s lead classroom teacher,   problem behavior.
and “paraprofessional” will refer to any other caregivers who         Assessment and treatment sessions were primarily con-
worked with the participant in their classroom. It is important    ducted in the school library, a large, multipurpose room (ap-
to note that the BCBAs and analysts contracted to conduct the      proximately 12 m by 8 m) equipped with 8 to 10 tables, about
Behav Analysis Practice

Table 3 Participant
Characteristics                    Name      Age          Diagnosis                   Language level              Referred for

                                   Peter     8            Autism spectrum             Developmentally             SIB, aggression, elopement,
                                                            disorder                    appropriate                 disruption
                                   Hank      9            ADHD; emotional             Developmentally             Aggression, elopement,
                                                            disturbance                 appropriate                 noncooperation

                                   Note. ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; SIB = self-injurious behavior.

20 chairs, large bookshelves along the walls, a small desk with           topographies of problem behavior included screaming, hiding
a computer, a chalkboard, a handwashing area, storage bins                under furniture, putting his head down in his arms or on the
containing miscellaneous school supplies, and play and aca-               table, and facial grimacing. Hank’s nondangerous topogra-
demic materials as nominated in each child’s caregiver inter-             phies included ripping materials, disruptive vocals (e.g., argu-
view. The BCBA was also present for all sessions and brought              ing and cursing above a conversational volume), and putting
with them video recording equipment and paper data sheets                 his head down in his arms or on the table. Child-specific target
and pencils for data collection. An additional graduate student           FCRs and tolerance responses are listed in Table 4. CAB
was occasionally present in the room as a secondary data                  engagement was specific to the expectation in place for each
collector. If the school library was not available during a               child (see Table 4 for terminal CAB expectations in treatment
scheduled visit, the team conducted sessions in a guidance                and extension).
counselor’s office, a smaller room (6 m × 2 m) equipped with                  IOA was calculated for an average of 61% of sessions for
two tables, four chairs, a bulletin board, two bookshelves, and           both children across assessment, treatment, and extension
a filing cabinet.                                                         phases (range 47%–73%). The IOA for the rate-measured
   Unlike the outpatient clinic model described in Study 1, the           target responses was calculated as a total agreement (this is
treatment team did not have reliable access to a second room              different from the IOA calculation in Study 1 because data
to serve as a “hangout” space. Instead, using tape on the floor,          collectors used paper data sheets instead of computer soft-
they delineated an area of each room with a table and two                 ware). The IOA for duration measures was calculated in the
chairs and used a red equilateral triangle (sides approximately           same way that the choice measures were calculated in Study 1
8 cm in length) made of laminated card stock to signal to the             (i.e., total duration IOA). For all dependent measures, mean
child where they could hang out.

Measurement and Response Definitions

Data on target responses, relevant environmental events, and
enhanced choices made were collected on paper data sheets by
trained observers. Recorders used one data sheet each per
session. Video cameras recorded all sessions but were turned
off between sessions to preserve storage space. All target de-
pendent variables recorded in Study 1 were measured and
calculated in the same way in Study 2, with the exception of
the time-stamp data representing enhanced choices made by
the participant. Choice data were added to a more comprehen-
sive data sheet for use in this replication. Due to the constraints
the data sheet imposed on data collection (i.e., that data were
only recorded during a session), and because time in between
sessions was not video recorded, choice data are only reported
within sessions.
   Targeted topographies of nondangerous problem behavior                 Fig. 5 Results of Interview-Informed Synthesized Contingency Analyses
for each child can be found along the y-axis of the graphs in             for Peter (Top Panel) and Hank (Bottom Panel). Note. SIB = self-
the right column of Fig. 5. Target dangerous problem behavior             injurious behavior. The column on the left displays problem behavior
                                                                          aggregated into a single measure per session. The column on the right
for Peter included head-directed SIB, aggression, disruption,             displays counts of occurrences of individual topographies of problem
and elopement. Target dangerous problem behavior for Hank                 behavior (y-axis labels) that are denoted as either dangerous (black bars)
included aggression and elopement. Peter’s nondangerous                   or nondangerous (gray bars). Topog = topography.
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