Personality-Based Affective Adaptation Methods for Intelligent Systems

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Personality-Based Affective Adaptation Methods for Intelligent Systems
Personality-Based Affective Adaptation Methods for
Intelligent Systems
Krzysztof Kutt * , Dominika Drażyk
                               ˛                              , Szymon Bobek          and Grzegorz J. Nalepa

                                                Jagiellonian Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (JAHCAI) and Institute of Applied Computer
                                                Science, Jagiellonian University, 31-007 Krakow, Poland; (D.D.);
                                       (S.B.); (G.J.N.)
                                                * Correspondence:

                                                Abstract: In this article, we propose using personality assessment as a way to adapt affective
                                                intelligent systems. This psychologically-grounded mechanism will divide users into groups that
                                                differ in their reactions to affective stimuli for which the behaviour of the system can be adjusted.
                                                In order to verify the hypotheses, we conducted an experiment on 206 people, which consisted of
                                                two proof-of-concept demonstrations: a “classical” stimuli presentation part, and affective games
                                                that provide a rich and controllable environment for complex emotional stimuli. Several significant
                                                links between personality traits and the psychophysiological signals (electrocardiogram (ECG),
                                                galvanic skin response (GSR)), which were gathered while using the BITalino (r)evolution kit platform,
                                                as well as between personality traits and reactions to complex stimulus environment, are promising
                                                results that indicate the potential of the proposed adaptation mechanism.

                                                Keywords: affective computing; adaptation; emotion detection; personality assessment; wearable

                                      1. Introduction
                                                      Because technology is becoming more ubiquitous and pervasive, people interact with
Citation: Kutt, K.; Dra˛żyk, D.;
Bobek, S.; Nalepa, G.J.
                                                an increasing number of devices, like a range of intelligent appliances integrated with
Personality-Based Affective
                                                their home or office space. The widespread development of such Intelligent Systems
Adaptation Methods for Intelligent
                                                (IS) used by individuals requires not only intelligent methods for problem solving, but,
Systems. Sensors 2021, 21, 163.                 more importantly, intelligent methods of the adaptation of these systems. Furthermore,            there is a persistent need to design user interfaces that are not only functional, but also
                                                accessible and user-friendly. The new concept of natural user interfaces was proposed over
Received: 9 November 2020                       two decades ago, in order to consider ones that would learn how the user engages with
Accepted: 18 December 2020                      them and how they adapt to the user’s needs. Because people are anthropomorphic towards
Published: 29 December 2020                     everything that they may interact with, e.g., “we verbally praise them when they do a good
                                                job for us or blame them when they refuse to perform as we had wished” [1], there is a
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-               need to incorporate information regarding user emotions into the adaptation, including
tral with regard to jurisdictional claims       the interface. This is particularly important in mobile and ambient systems, because they
in published maps and institutional             assist us during many activities. In general, the incorporation of emotion processing
affiliations.                                   into intelligent systems can make them more natural and humanized in operation and
                                                interaction [2]. The development of such systems lies in the area of affective computing
                                                (AfC). It is an interdisciplinary field of study that provides a general framework for the
Copyright: © 2020 by the authors. Li-
                                                development of methods, models, and tools that are widely related to the processing and
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This           use of data on human emotions in computer systems [3,4].
article is an open access article distributed         In our work, we are aiming at the development of practical technology for everyday
under the terms and conditions of the           use based on mobile and wearable devices. This assumption lead to the choice of context-
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)            aware systems (CAS) as the basis. Context is understood here as “any information that can
license (           be used to characterize the situation of a subject” [5], e.g., current Facebook posts stream,
licenses/by/4.0/).                              geospatial localization, movement speed, or calendar events. Most of the modern CAS

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                        solutions are developed for the use of mobile and wearable devices (e.g., smartphones
                        or Internet of Things devices), where the use of many independent sensors is facilitated.
                        They include various types of biomedical devices that can collect emotion-related physio-
                        logical signals, like wristbands, and external DIY hardware platforms, such as Arduino,
                        Raspberry Pi, or BITalino (for comparison of mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) and gal-
                        vanic skin response (GSR) sensors see [6]). The contextual data in mobile CAS are usually
                        fused from multiple sources, like mobile device sensors (such as GPS), third-party services
                        (e.g., weather forecasts), and the users themselves (via the form of questionnaires or a
                        feedback loop). In such a setting, the system needs to be able to cope with heterogeneous
                        and vague or missing data. We previously defined four requirements for building such a
                        system [7].
                              We have developed a framework that allows for us to meet the described requirements.
                        Furthermore, we extended this framework to support affect-aware systems, leading to the
                        creation of a general architecture of mobile platform for emotion recognition and processing
                        that we call the “Affective Computing with Context Awareness for Ambient Intelligence
                        (AfCAI)” framework (for a summary of the history of our approach, see [8,9]). In our frame-
                        work, we follow James–Lange non-cognitive view on emotions, where they are understood
                        as perceptions of bodily changes [10]. This theory was extended by Prinz [11] with a second
                        element, specifically a relationship between the subject and environment. From the CAS
                        systems’ point of view, we can treat this information as a context. For example, in a specific
                        situation, a faster heart rate (a bodily change) and perception of a danger, e.g., a predator
                        (a context), build up fear. The importance of the context in predicting emotions must be
                        emphasized, e.g., the same smile may appear in many different situations and it may not
                        necessarily always mean joy. We restrict ourselves to analysis of a limited set of bodily
                        signals regarding heart activity and skin conductance, as we are aiming at the usage of
                        cheap and affordable technology. In the general framework, these bodily changes can be
                        complemented by any context. In addition, current affective state can be considered to be a
                        part of context for the whole system.
                              The incorporation of affective information into IS can take various forms. On the one
                        hand, there are studies in which models are trained on the whole data set and general
                        associations are examined, e.g., “what are the differences in the ECG between low and
                        high emotion intensity in the whole collected data sample?”. If one attempts to infer
                        about the entire population in the study, it will take a form of a “classical” psychological
                        methodology used, e.g., in personality science. However, the direction of development
                        of modern affective technology is quite opposite. Researching how people, in general,
                        react to a given stimulus is not the main focus of this paper. Instead, in our approach,
                        we emphasize the need for the personalization of affective systems in order to meet the
                        expectations and needs of individual users (for a current trends review at the intersection
                        of personality science and personalized systems, see [2]). Therefore, the computational
                        models of emotions need to be adaptable in order to reflect the individual differences.
                              Deciding on an affective adaptation mechanism requires a choice between a generic
                        solution, which is easier to prepare, but less accurate from the user’s point of view, and a
                        fully personalized model that is difficult to implement due to many issues, such as the
                        need to collect large amounts of data and develop appropriate individual theories of mind.
                        As a compromise between these two extremes, we propose using personality assessment
                        as an aggregation mechanism, which allows for differentiating the behavior of the system,
                        depending on different types of personality. Our hypothesis is that this psychologically-
                        grounded mechanism will divide users into groups that differ in their reactions to complex
                        emotional stimuli, which will allow for personality-based affective adaptation.
                              We use two kinds of proof-of-concept demonstrations of our approach in order to ver-
                        ify our assumptions. Firstly, we conducted “classical” experiments, in which we presented
                        stimuli to the subjects and collected their answers: both with questionnaires and physio-
                        logical signals measurement. Secondly, as a testbed, we developed simple computer games
                        as a specific context, since they provide a controllable environment in which experiments
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                        can be easily carried out. Within this context, it is easy to manipulate incoming stimuli and
                        collect information about the subject’s behaviors.
                             The rest of the paper is organized, as follows: we begin with short methodological
                        introduction on selected methods for measuring emotions and their links with personality
                        in Section 2. Subsequently, in Section 3, we discuss our experimental setup. The analysis of
                        results starts with the validation of our own widgets for subjective assessment of emotions
                        in Section 4. We then move on to the analysis of relationships between personality and
                        affective content: simple audio-visual stimuli are discussed in Section 5, while complex
                        environments (games) are addressed in Section 6. Section 7 concludes the paper.

                        2. Emotions and Personality in Intelligent Systems
                        2.1. Emotion-Related Data Collection
                              In our work, we will assume that the operation of an intelligent system changes
                        depending on the user’s behavior. Our objective is to adjust the system’s actions to best
                        suit users’ personality and mood. In order to do so, we assume that information regarding
                        the emotional condition of the person can be measured, i.e., expressed both in quantitative
                        and qualitative ways. Our perspective is an engineering one, as we evaluate and select
                        methods from psychology and affective computing in order to deliver information that is
                        needed for adaptation and, eventually, personalization.
                              Firstly, in order to measure emotions, an appropriate conceptualization is needed—it
                        will indicate what specific measurements and under which conditions should be carried out.
                        In our work, we follow the common approach of considering the two dimensional model of
                        valence and arousal (an overview of emotional models that are used in human–computer
                        interaction can be found in [12]). Valence differentiates states of pleasure and displea-
                        sure, while arousal contrasts states of low activation/relaxation and excitation [13,14].
                        These dimensions are revealed in the activity of the Autonomic Nervous System [15].
                              Emotions can be expressed in various ways. Therefore, there are many means of
                        collecting data regarding affective states. It is crucial to note that physiological signals
                        are one of the most important data to reflect emotions. These include information regard-
                        ing heart, muscle, and brain, as well as respiration or skin sweating (for meta-analysis,
                        see [16,17]). Several observable human behaviors should also be noted. Following Ekman’s
                        paradigm [18], people express their emotions while using their faces. What is more, indi-
                        viduals do it unintentionally, and one can observe so-called micro-expressions, even if the
                        person is determined to hide real emotions [19]. Furthermore, emotions are correlated with
                        changes in postures, gestures, and prosody [17].
                              Another aspect of emotions is connected with cognition. People are able to ob-
                        serve changes that happen to them and interpret them in a certain way. Therefore,
                        another method of gathering emotion-related data requires asking subjects about their
                        emotional state. It can be done, i.e., after presentation of emotion-inducing stimulus [20] or
                        after the set of such stimuli during an experiment [21]. What is more, people can be asked
                        about specific discrete emotions [21] or about the intensification of the characteristic on a
                        given dimension [22].
                              Finally, as the research results show, collecting data from various modalities does not
                        always help to create better models, as correlations are mediocre at best. For example,
                        the analysis of data that were collected in the DREAMER database [23] showed that the
                        use of simultaneous EEG and ECG signals is just as effective as using either EEG or ECG
                        alone. Subsequently, when creating emotional models while using different modalities,
                        one should take proper fusion of signals [24] into account, as it can be carried out on
                        different possible levels with different accuracy [25]. One of high-level artificial intelligence
                        (AI) approaches to fuse information from different sources in order to infer about condition
                        of an entity is the context-aware systems paradigm that we selected as a base (as introduced
                        in Section 1).
                              It is not necessary to conduct one’s own investigations to get data related to emotions,
                        as several research teams share data from their studies. One can choose a dataset that
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                        is appropriate to the current needs: carried out on professional equipment or wearables,
                        in the form of a classic stimulus-reaction experiment, or a form of social interaction. In the
                        case of an experiment, stimuli can be sounds, images, or videos. Social interactions can be
                        in pairs or in larger groups. It is also possible to choose a dataset that has specific signals
                        (e.g., EEG or ECG). The K-EmoCon dataset authors provide the up-to-date overview [26].
                        Unfortunately, these datasets suffer from a small research sample [26,27]. In review [26],
                        only the SEMAINE study [28] has more than 100 participants, while the others have an
                        average of 30 (minimum seven, maximum 64).

                        2.2. Personality Traits in Affect Recognition and Games
                              When considering the methods of assessing personality, the most relevant method
                        is the five-factor model that was developed by Costa and McCrae [29]. In the so-called
                        “Big Five” model, personality consists of five traits: Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness
                        to experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. Although there are several doubts,
                        many studies indicate the universality of such a construct and its independence from
                        culture, social status, and economic capabilities [30].
                              The interest in integrating personality assessment into affective computing is reflected
                        in the creation of two publicly available data sets: ASCERTAIN [31] and AMIGOS [32].
                        They are the results of experiments in which simple emotional stimuli (pictures, sounds,
                        movie clips) were presented to the subjects. Their physiological reactions (e.g., ECG and
                        GSR signals) were collected and then combined with the “Big Five” assessment. The au-
                        thors also presented the preliminary results on their data sets indicating the existence of
                        significant relationships between personality factors and the characteristics of physiological
                        signals. Further analysis of the ASCERTAIN collection led to the creation of a model that
                        was based on hypergraph learning demonstrating the usefulness of personality assessment
                        in the prediction of emotions [33].
                              The relationship between personality traits and games was also explored. Several
                        findings indicate that changes in the personality profile are linked to preferences for
                        different games’ genres [34–36]. For example, the preference for adventure games is
                        correlated with agreeableness (ease of identification with game characters) and openness
                        (preference for big complex game world). However, it should be noted here that these
                        are not strong associations. The authors point to the complexity of the player–game
                        interactions, which, apart from personality, is also influenced by friends and advertisements,
                        current mood, motivation, and more [34,37]. The new studies use more advanced methods
                        than just simple correlation, such as hierarchical clustering [38], indicating more complex
                              The personality assessment does not have to involve a personality test. One of the
                        possibilities is to use personality stories [39]—a robust and lightweight methodology
                        that allows for a more ecological evaluation and one that could also be used in order to
                        estimate other psychological characteristics. Another way is to use Automatic Personality
                        Recognition (APR) methods considered in personality computing. It is the “task of inferring
                        self-assessed personalities from machine detectable distal cues” [40]. The most common
                        objective is to determine the “Big Five” personality traits on the basis of various types of
                        behavioral clues, such as texts (essays, social media messages), non-verbal communication,
                        cell phone usage logs, game activity, or wearables’ signals [40]. However, to the best of our
                        knowledge, there are no public APR-related datasets available. These studies often have
                        much larger numbers of subjects (even over 1000 people), although this is related to a more
                        simplified methodology when compared to AfC. The APR studies do not collect such a
                        large number of signals and, instead, focus on a very specific type of behavioural clues
                        (e.g., only blog posts) [40].

                        3. Materials and Methods
                            We conducted an experiment consisting of two main parts in order to verify our
                        hypothesis about the usefulness of personality profiles as a grouping mechanism for the
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                        effective adaptation of intelligent systems (see Section 3.1). In order to address the short-
                        comings of existing datasets (see Section 2.1), the presented study was carried out on more
                        than 200 subjects to provide a bigger dataset to AfC community. Equally importantly,
                        our dataset combines emotion-related data with contextual information. Finally, in our
                        opinion, the presentation of longer stimuli, such as the movie clips that were used in two
                        personality-related datasets (51–150 s in ASCERTAIN, 51–128 s in AMIGOS; see Section 2.2),
                        makes later analysis difficult, as emotions may have changed many times during this in-
                        terval. Therefore, in our study, we do not only compile psychophysiological signals with
                        information of complex stimuli presented to the subjects. Our final dataset contains the
                        results of the experimental phase with short stimuli, which can be used, e.g., for system cal-
                        ibration. Logs from games (a complex stimuli) complement this, which can be divided into
                        detailed series of events (recorded in logs), making their analysis simpler than movie clips.
                              The data that were collected in the experiment have been processed, i.e., the physiolog-
                        ical signals have been filtered, the images have been analyzed using MS API to recognize
                        facial emotions, and the “Big Five” factors were calculated. The final version of the collected
                        dataset, called BIRAFFE: Bio-Reactions and Faces for Emotion-based Personalization is pub-
                        licly      available   at      Zenodo       under      CC     BY-NC-ND         4.0      license
                        ( [41]. In the remainder of this section, key ele-
                        ments of the study design will be outlined. For detailed technical description of the dataset
                        itself, see [42].

                        3.1. Study Design
                              The study was carried out on 206 participants (31% female) between 19 and 33
                        (M = 22.02, SD = 1.96; the statistics were calculated for 183 subjects for whom information
                        about age and sex is included in the final dataset). Information regarding recruitment was
                        made available to students of the Artificial Intelligence Basics course at AGH University of
                        Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland. Participation was not an obligatory part of the
                        course, although one could get bonus points for a personal participation or the invitation
                        of friends.
                              In one part of the study, simple sound and visual stimuli from standardized affective
                        stimulus databases were presented (see Section 3.3). Subjects evaluated emotions that were
                        evoked by them using our two proof-of-concept widgets (see Section 3.4). In the second
                        phase of the experiment, the subjects played two affective games that exposed them to
                        complex emotional stimuli (see Section 3.5). During the whole experiment, the ECG and
                        GSR signals were collected with the BITalino (r)evolution kit platform (https://bitalino.
                        com) and the photos were taken with the Creative Live! Cam Sync HD 720p camera.
                        The whole experiment was controlled by the Sony PlayStation DualShock 4 gamepad.
                        In addition to the computer-based part, to measure the “Big Five” personality traits,
                        the subjects filled in the paper-and-pen Polish adaptation [43] of the NEO Five Factor
                        Inventory (NEO-FFI) [29].
                              The study was carried out in a designated room at the university. During the experi-
                        ment, there were three people present in the room: the researcher and two participants.
                        The subjects were sitting in front of the computer stands that were arranged at the opposite
                        walls, i.e., they were sitting with their backs turned to each other. The instructions and
                        explanations were presented to both subjects at the same time. During the procedure,
                        the researcher was sitting at a separate desk with his or her back to the subjects in order to
                        overcome Hawthorne effect.

                        3.2. Ethics Statement
                             The Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian
                        University reviewed the described study and it received a favourable opinion. Informed
                        written consent was obtained from all of the participants.
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                        3.3. Stimuli Selection
                             Standardized emotionally-evocative images and sounds from IAPS [44] and IADS [45]
                        sets were used as stimuli. Both of the data sets are provided together with information on
                        the emotional characteristics of each stimulus, written in the form of coordinates in the
                        Valence–Arousal space.
                             The analysis of IADS set sounds’ valence and arousal scores led us to the observation
                        that there is a clear trend in this set: the arousal of emotions increases when the valence
                        of sound is more extreme (positive or negative). Figure 1 depicts this observation. In the
                        IAPS set, the Valence–Arousal space is better covered and we do not observe any trends.
                        This is probably due to the fact that IAPS collection is much more numerous (167 sounds
                        in IADS, 1194 pictures in IAPS).

                        Figure 1. Trends in the IADS set stimuli ratings.

                             For the purpose of the experiment, we divided the stimuli into three groups according
                        to their arousal and valence index: + (positive valence and high arousal), 0 (neutral
                        valence and medium arousal), and – (negative valence and high arousal). Afterwards,
                        sounds and pictures were paired in two ways. First condition involved consistent types
                        of pairs: + picture was paired with + sound (p+s+), 0 picture was paired with 0 sound
                        (p0s0), and – picture was paired with – sound (p–s–). Second condition was inconsistent,
                        composed of types: + picture matched with – sound (p+s–), – picture matched with + sound
                             Because we aimed to preserve equal proportion of pairs of each condition, and due
                        to the different cardinality pair types inside each condition (three in consistent, two in
                        inconsistent), the overall proportion of types of pairs presented itself, as follows: 20 for
                        each type in consistent group, 30 for each in inconsistent; resulting in 120 stimuli for the
                        whole experiment.

                        3.4. Emotion Evaluation Widgets
                             When considering the emotional assessment, the most widespread method is Self-
                        Assessment Mankin (SAM) [22] evaluating the human emotional response to stimuli on
                        three separate dimensions: arousal, valence, and dominance. Yet, it was reported [46,47]
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                        that, nowadays, SAM pictures lack clarity, especially due to the technology development.
                        More fluent emotional assessment tools are better understood by users and they can more
                        efficiently capture nuances of rating [47]. At the same time, modern affective rating tools
                        that were developed for the purpose of continuous reaction assessment [48–50] did not
                        meet the needs of our paradigm.
                              In order to maximize the amount of information, we could obtain and fit to the time
                        constraints assumed in the experiment (nine second rating window); we decided to develop
                        our own assessment tools. We also decided to exclude dominance dimension present in
                        SAM, as this one was said to be the hardest to comprehend [51]. Finally, we proposed two
                        widgets: “Valence-arousal faces” and “5-faces”. Both were controlled by a left joystick on a
                        gamepad that was used by the participants in the experiment.

                        3.4.1. Valence-Arousal Faces Widget
                              This widget is a composition of two state-of-the-art methods for emotion rating:
                        Valence–Arousal space [52] and AffectButton [53]. The former gives a possibility to select a
                        point on a two dimensional space, where one dimension ranges from negative to positive
                        (valence), while second dimension—from low to high arousal. These dimensions are
                        abstractive and difficult to use, as participants in our previous experiments indicated
                        (see, e.g., [54]). In the latter case, AffectButton makes it easier to understand and reason
                        about the options provided, since it uses emoticons as points of reference. That being said,
                        its manipulation is not intuitive, and long training is required in order to know how to
                        navigate towards the selected emotion.
                              In our valence-arousal faces widget, there is a simple two dimensional space with
                        ratings translated to [−1, 1] range, but, as a hint, we also placed eight emoticons from
                        the AffectButton. These heads are placed on the most characteristic points of the space,
                        i.e., −1 (the lowest score), 0 (neutral score), and 1 (the highest score). What is more,
                        we used a simplified EmojiButton in response to the overly complex emoticons in the
                        original AffectButton [55]. Figure 2 presents the final widget. It should be noted that our
                        widget has both axes’ names and emoticons, which makes it different from EmojiGrid,
                        where the authors replaced text with emoticons [47].

                        Figure 2. “Valence-arousal faces” widget as in the study (in Polish). X axis has labels “negative”,
                        “neutral”, and “positive”, while the Y axis has labels: “high arousal” and “low arousal”. The picture
                        is presented with a negative filter.
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                        3.4.2. 5-Faces Widget
                               This widget was introduced in order to provide a simple emotion evaluation tool.
                        It consists of five emoticons (see Figure 3) that reflect the trend that was observed in IADS,
                        i.e., the arousal is higher when the valence is more extreme (as depicted in Figure 1).
                        Our intuition is that such a simple widget can give us enough information to address the
                        hypotheses, and it is easier to use by the participants.

                        Figure 3. “5-faces” widget. The picture is presented with a negative filter.

                        3.5. Games
                            Two affective games were used in the study. They were both designed and developed
                        by our team. Both are fully controllable by a gamepad.

                        3.5.1. Affective SpaceShooter 2
                             The game is a variation of the classic Asteroids game in which the player controls a
                        spaceship and its task is to shoot down or avoid floating obstacles. In the version used in the
                        experiment, as in our previous prototype [9,56], the player’s ship is always at the bottom
                        of the screen, and asteroids are coming from the top. The game uses two types of asteroids:
                        grey (neutral) and colored (affective). Shooting down the latter causes the presentation of
                        sound and visual stimuli (see Figure 4), according to the random assignment of color to
                        one of the conditions: p+s+, p–s+, p+s–, p–s– (as described in Section 3.3). In the second half
                        of the game, the stimuli are presented randomly (regardless of the color of the asteroid) in
                        order to check the player’s reaction to the Inconsistent Reality Logic design pattern.

                        Figure 4. An example of the “Affective SpaceShooter 2” gameplay, asteroids falling, and an affective
                        picture in the background [56].
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                        3.5.2. Freud Me Out 2
                              In this isometric view game, which is the modification of our previous prototype [9,56],
                        the player’s task is to defeat enemies—nightmares—and/or collect stars (see Figure 5).
                        Players can freely combine these two types of activities, so long as they obtain the score that
                        is required to complete each level. One can use both a regular handgun and a “SuperPower”
                        to fight. The latter allows for attacking several creatures in a certain area around the
                        protagonist at once. During the experiment, after the second of the five weeks of study,
                        the maximum number of opponents was reduced from 30 to 12. As it turned out, the initial
                        amount of creatures prevented the users from being able to choose a strategy of only
                        collecting stars.

                        Figure 5. An example of the “Freud me out 2” gameplay [56].

                        3.6. Analyses Overview
                              Over 100 variables that were related to all of the aforementioned elements of the
                        procedure were collected in the study (stimuli presented, widgets’ responses, games’ logs,
                        psychophysiological signals, and face emotions). For their detailed list and operationaliza-
                        tion, see [42].
                              The remaining part of the paper provides the results of three investigations. Firstly,
                        Section 4 provides the validation of two proposed widgets for emotion assessment. The next
                        two sections refer directly to the main concern of this paper, i.e., verification of the use-
                        fulness of personality as a base for IS adaptation mechanism. In order to assess this,
                        the relationships between emotions and personality were checked, revealing the potential
                        for grouping individuals with similar characteristics of emotional responses (both self-
                        assessment and physiological) using personality (see Section 5). Next, the relationship
                        between the personality and actions taken in a rich (game) environment was investi-
                        gated. The obtained relationships indicate the possibility of adapting this environment
                        (and, ultimately, the IS) to different personality-based groups (see Section 6).
                              Statistical analysis was performed while using the R environment (version 3.5.3) [57]
                        with lme4 library (version 1.1-23) [58] and MASS library (version 7.3-51.1) [59]. Models with
                        the outcomes being numbers of occurrences of emoscale ratings clusters (A–P; defined in
                        Section 4.1), as well as models with emospace ratings, were fitted while using Generalised
                        Linear Mixed Models [60] with the Poisson distribution. Models with emospace responses
                        (valence and arousal axes) as outcomes, as well as all of the models with biosignal responses
                        as outcomes, were fitted using the Linear Mixed Models [60] with normal distribution.
                        For all mixed models that are presented in the manuscript (in this and following sections),
                        the visual inspection of residual plots, as well as other assumptions of fit, were checked
                        and revealed no manifest deviations. The models were fitted by maximum likelihood
                        Laplace Approximation [58] method. Deviance was obtained and compared for all models,
                        each time by juxtaposing the full model, one including the fixed effect in question, with the
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                                model without the fixed effect in question, in order to establish the final structure of the
                                random effects [61,62]:

                                                       null model : y ∼ 1 + B0 + ( B0 |random effects) + ei                    (1)

                                     For the emoscale ratings that were clustered (A–P) as outcomes, multinomial logistic
                                regression models were fitted by multinom function from nnet library (version 7.3-14) [59].
                                Deviance was obtained and compared for all models, each time by juxtaposing the full
                                model, one including the fixed effect in question, with the model without the fixed effect
                                in question.

                                4. Widgets Validation
                                     In this study, two new widgets were proposed to assess the emotions of the subjects.
                                The use of both “Valence-arousal faces” and “5-faces” widgets (further referred as “emo-
                                space” and “emoscale”, respectively) was analysed in order to establish whether they are
                                suitable for this purpose.

                                4.1. Co-Validation of Both Widgets
                                      Visual inspection of emospace results (see Figure 6) led to the following observations:
                                •     As expected, more extreme emotions appeared less frequently and the ones that were
                                      closer to neutrality occurred more often.
                                •     The respondents often chose the coordinates where emoticons are located, which may
                                      suggest that the widget was not fully understood by everyone.
                                     In order to compare responses from emospace widget with the rating form emoscale,
                                we arbitrarily divided the two dimensional space into 16 separate clusters (A–P), each cover-
                                ing the one fourth of available arousal and valence vectors (see Figure 6). Next, the intercept
                                of data was stated as an emergent “_0_” cluster (see Figure 6) covering the central area
                                (one-fourth of the available valence and arousal scales).

      Figure 6. The split of ratings in the emospace widget into clusters (left). Cluster _0_ introduced as an intercept for
      emospace-related analyses (right).
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                                         11 of 31

                                      Based on the trend we observed when comparing both widgets, we assumed that the
                                 emoscale levels should be assigned to the emospace clusters, as presented in the “assumed”
                                 column in Table 1. We counted the number of assignments of the specific stimuli pairs for
                                 each of five levels of emoscale and for each of the emospace clusters (A–P). Subsequently,
                                 for each pair, the most frequently assigned level and cluster was selected. The frequency of
                                 co-assigning every cluster with every rating revealed the pattern presented in the actual
                                 column in Table 1 (for full frequency assignment, see Table A1 in the Appendix A).

                                 Table 1. A comparison of emoscale ratings and emospace clusters.

                                                                                         Emospace Clusters
                                                                              Assumed                           Actual
                                                 1                             A                                  A
                                                 2                            F+J                                F+J
                                                 3                          F+J+G+K                               J
                                                 4                            G+K                                 G
                                                 5                             D                                 D+L

                                 4.2. Validation of both Widgets Using IADS and IAPS Sets
                                       Two analyses were carried out in order to investigate the reasonableness of widgets
                                 responses to the IAPS and IADS stimuli. The first one considered the binary condition
                                 (consistent or inconsistent), while the second one considered the specific condition (p+s+,
                                 p0s0, p–s–, p+s–, and p–s+).
                                       Regarding the binary approach, the following model corresponds to the hypothe-
                                 sis tested:

                                         model : widget ansi ∼ B0 + B1 ∗ binary stim condition + ( B0 |random effects) + ei       (2)

                                      The emoscale widget response showed a significant effect (Deviance = 29, 986.588,
                                 Figure 7) when compared to the null model (Deviance = 30, 016.289, Table A2 in the
                                 Appendix B). Additionally, in the emospace widget responses, we observed the above-
                                 mentioned significant dependence (Deviance = 16, 756.03, Figure 8) as compared to the null
                                 model (Deviance = 17, 522.63) and the model without interaction (Deviance = 16, 841.145,
                                 Table A3 in the Appendix B).

      Figure 7. Mixed model of the influence of binary stimuli conditions on: the emoscale widget response (left), the emospace
      valence vector response (center), and the emospace arousal vector response (right).
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                                          12 of 31

                                  Figure 8. Mixed model of binary stimuli conditions on the emospace widget response.

                                      When considering responses separately on two vectors, valence (Deviance = 14, 992.09,
                                  Figure 7) and arousal (Deviance = 11, 764.65, Figure 7) both performed better when
                                  comparing to the null models (Deviance = 15, 045.29, Table A4 in the Appendix B and
                                  Deviance = 11, 784.88, Table A5 in the Appendix B, respectively).
                                      In the specific approach, the following model corresponds to the hypothesis tested:

                                    model : widget answeri ∼ B0 + B1 ∗ specific stimuli condition + ( B0 |random effects) + ei (3)

                                       Emoscale widget response showed significant effect (Deviance = 29, 692.40, Figure 9)
                                  as compared to the null model (Deviance = 30, 016.29, Table A6 in the Appendix B).
                                  Additionally, in the emospace widget responses, we observed the above mentioned sig-
                                  nificant dependence and the interaction effect (Deviance = 16, 318.18, Figure 10), com-
                                  pared to the null model (Deviance = 17, 522.63) and the model without interaction
                                  (Deviance = 16, 834.28, Table A7 in the Appendix B).

      Figure 9. Mixed model of the influence of specific stimuli conditions on: the emoscale widget response (left), the emospace
      valence vector response (center), and the emospace arousal vector response (right).
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                               13 of 31

                        Figure 10. Mixed model of the influence of specific stimuli conditions on the emospace widget

                            When separately considering responses on two vectors, in both valence and arousal,
                        we observed significant effects. Valence (Deviance = 11, 609.90, Figure 9) performed better
                        when comparing to the null model (Deviance = 15, 045.29, Table A8 in the Appendix B).
                        Regarding the arousal model (Deviance = 11, 150.17, Figure 9), it also performed better
                        when comparing to the null model (Deviance = 11, 785.316, Table A9 in the Appendix B).

                        4.3. Validation of both Widgets Using Psychophysiological Reactions
                             In this analysis, we wanted to search for connections between bodily responses and
                        subjective widget answers. The following model corresponds to the hypothesis tested:

                              model : biosignal responsesi ∼ B0 + B1 ∗ widget answer + ( B0 |random effects) + ei       (4)

                             We observed significant effects when only considering the arousal vector of the emo-
                        space widget response. Not only the mean RR interval (Deviance = 95, 777.24), but also
                        GSR response latency (Deviance = 94, 687.03), are towering over the null counterparts
                        (Deviance = 95, 781.50, Table A10 and Deviance = 94, 699.10, Table A11 in the Appendix C,
                        respectively). Both bodily responses increase values with the increasing arousal, based on
                        the emospace widget responses.

                        4.4. Discussion on Widgets Validation
                             Analyses of the use of both widgets indicate that they are good means of interaction
                        with users. Emospace requires further minor improvements, such as moving the emoticons
                        out of the selection space to remove the bias that is associated with selecting emoticon
                        coordinates (compare Figures 2 and 6).
                             For binary and specific conditions, data analysis indicates that the consistence of
                        the stimuli pairs on the affective dimension is well recognized. Emospace widget re-
                        sponse captures the difference best in the clusters laying on the ascending diagonal of
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                              14 of 31

                        valence-arousal space. Nevertheless, regarding the comparison with psychophysiological
                        reactions, only the arousal dimension in the emospace effectively expresses the bio-markers
                        of emotions.
                             Because of the completely different nature of both widgets, further analysis will be
                        carried out on emotions that are considered in three different ways:
                        •    emoscale widget responses,
                        •    emospace widget responses (clustered), and
                        •    emospace vector widget responses (arousal and valence vectors, separately).
                             Interestingly, as it is indicated by the specific approach analysis, the picture of negative
                        valence seems to overpower the positive sound that comes with it (p–s+ condition), present-
                        ing comparable results as the stimuli pair of consistent negative valence (p–s– condition).
                        Additionally, the positive valence of the picture cancels out the negative character of sound
                        in pair (p+s– condition), which brings the results down to the level of neutral stimuli pair
                        (p0s0 condition). The presented conclusions are particularly interesting from a cognitive
                        perspective. They could potentially be of use in the process of designing affective inter-
                        faces which serve to induce the appropriate emotional state or modulate existing stimuli
                        affective scores.

                        5. Personality vs. Simple Audio-Visual Stimuli
                            IWe first evaluated whether there are relationships between different levels of per-
                        sonality traits and reactions (both widget responses and psychophysiological reactions) to
                        simple affective stimuli in order to verify the main hypothesis of this paper, i.e., whether
                        personality can be used for the emotional adaptation of intelligent systems.

                        5.1. Relation between Widget Responses and Personality Traits
                             We intended to establish the connections between subjective widget answers and
                        participants’ personality. The following model corresponds to the hypothesis tested:

                                model : widget answeri ∼ B0 + B1 ∗ personality assess. + ( B0 |random eff.) + ei       (5)

                             The model showed a significant effect of conscientiousness (Deviance = 10, 721.50)
                        personality axis on emospace widget response in arousal dimension. The proposed fit
                        presents itself as more parsimonious than the one describing the null hypothesis model
                        (Deviance = 10, 727.36, Table A12 in the Appendix D), with the conscientiousness result
                        decreasing with increasing values of answers on arousal dimension of emospace widget.
                             Multinomial logistic regression models concerning the clustered emospace widget
                        responses showed several interesting patterns (see Figure 11):
                        •    For the conscientiousness, the most noticeable differences were spread among the
                             boundary negative arousal (M, N, P) and boundary negative valence (E, I, M) clusters.
                        •    For the agreeableness, the most noticeable differences were spread similarly, among the
                             boundary negative arousal (M, N, P) and negative valence (E, I, M) clusters, with the
                             additional contribution of B, G and K clusters.
                        •    For the extroversion, all but one cluster (J) presented noticeable differences.
                        •    For the neuroticism, the most noticeable differences were spread among the boundary
                             positive arousal (B, D, E).
                        •    For the openness, the pattern of differences was more chaotic and thus left uninter-
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                                        15 of 31

                Figure 11. Multinomial logistic regression models concerning the clustered emospace widget responses.
                                       All of the multinomial logistic regression models described above are presented in
                                  Tables A13–A17 in the Appendix D.

                                  5.2. Relation between Psychophysiological Reactions and Personality Traits
                                      Analyses were conducted in order to answer the question whether there are relation-
                                  ships between the gathered bio-markers of emotions and the personality. The following
                                  model corresponds to the hypothesis tested:

                                        model : biosignal responsesi ∼ B0 + B1 ∗ personality assess. + ( B0 |random eff.) + ei   (6)

                                       Among a variety of used bio-markers and the five NEO-FFI personality traits, only
                                  the heart rate (HR) presented considerable usage in targeting the participant’s personality
                                  profile. Openness showed a strong effect on HR measured during the exposure to affective
                                  stimuli (Deviance = 124, 616.58) contrasted with the null version (Deviance = 139, 729.37,
                                  Table A18 in the Appendix E). HR increases together with the tendency for the openness.

                                  5.3. Discussion on Personality vs. Simple Audio-Visual Stimuli
                                       In this section, we aimed to establish possible connections between personality traits
                                  that were captured using NEO-FFI questionnaire and the responses to simple sound and
                                  picture stimuli from IADS and IAPS sets. We were looking for the patterns that could
                                  help us to optimize the emotion prediction, while using the biosignals and subjective
                                  ratings. Comparisons show that the conscientiousness dimension co-changes well with
                                  the subjective arousal rating. The level of conscientiousness decreases with the increasing
                                  tendency for the subjective rating of arousal. At the same time, the openness trait co-
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                                    16 of 31

                        changes with the heart-rate mean value, as an objective measure of arousal. Openness
                        tendency increases with the increase of heart rate.
                             The analysis of the response clusters in the emospace widget showed that person-
                        ality traits present different patterns of response in the valence-arousal space, with the
                        conscientiousness and agreeableness being strongly highlighted in the negative valence
                        and arousal boundaries, and neuroticism evidently contrasted on the positive edge of the
                        arousal dimension.

                        6. Personality vs. Complex Stimuli (Games)
                             An analysis of personality relationships was undertaken in response to more com-
                        plex stimuli, which here took the form of a controlled game environment, as significant
                        relationships between personality and responses to simple stimuli were found. In such
                        an environment, the whole context was stored in logs, which were the basis of the de-
                        scribed analyses.

                        6.1. Analysis
                             A series of MANOVAs were conducted with five personality traits (each on one of
                        three levels: high, medium, low) that were gathered by NEO-FFI as independent variables,
                        and with several game-related statistics gathered from game logs as dependent variables.
                             For Affective SpaceShooter 2 the following values were calculated:
                        •    total number of shots fired (SFN),
                        •    total number of all asteroids destroyed (ADN),
                        •    total number of affective asteroids in positive picture/positive sound condition de-
                             stroyed to total number of asteroids destroyed ratio (p + s + R),
                        •    total number of affective asteroids in negative picture/negative sound condition
                             destroyed to total number of asteroids destroyed ratio (p − s − R),
                        •    total number of affective asteroids in positive picture/negative sound condition
                             destroyed to total number of asteroids destroyed ratio (p + s − R), and
                        •    total number of affective asteroids in negative picture/positive sound condition
                             destroyed to total number of asteroids destroyed ratio (p − s + R).
                             Two variables used for Freud me out 2:
                        •    enemies killed to enemies spawned ratio (EKtSR) and
                        •    total number of shots fired (SFN).
                             There were also other values calculated, e.g., total number of player’s deaths or total
                        number of enemies killed, although we obtained no significant results for them.
                             The results are presented in Tables 2 and 3 for Affective SpaceShooter 2 and Freud
                        me out 2, respectively. In order to shorten the tables, only p < 0.1 results were reported
                        in them. Significant associations were examined further by non-parametric testing with
                        Tukey’s HSD (see Tables A19–A21 in the Appendix F).

                        Table 2. Selected MANOVA results for variance in Affective SpaceShooter 2 statistics by NEO-FFI

                                                        df            SS                    MS                      F   p
                           p−s+R                         2       3.26 × 10−4            1.63 × 10−4            3.83     0.03
                           p+s+R                         2       3.50 × 10−4            1.75 × 10−4            2.61     0.08
                           p−s−R                         2       2.97 × 10−4            1.49 × 10−4            2.57     0.08
                           SFN                           2        3.98 × 106             1.99 × 106            5.38     0.006
                           ADN                           2         14,265.20               7132.60             5.09     0.009
                        Note. Game statistics: SFN, ADN, p + s + R, p − s + R, p − s − R are defined in the text.
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                             17 of 31

                        Table 3. Selected MANOVA results for variance in Freud me out 2 statistics by NEO-FFI results.

                                                    df                  SS                 MS         F            p
                           EKtSR                     2                 0.12                0.06      2.79          0.07
                           SFN                       2              8.41 × 106          4.21 × 106   6.02         0.004
                        Note. Game statistics: EKtSR and SFN are defined in the text.

                        6.2. Discussion on Personality vs. Complex Stimuli (Games)
                             Several significant associations between game activities and personality traits are a
                        promising result. It indicates that personality can be useful in assessing emotions, not
                        only with simple stimuli, such as movies [33], but also in a more complex experimental
                        environment, like games. The most interesting seems to be the extroversion, generally
                        connected to the increase of activity in game (i.e., number of shots, number of killed
                        enemies). At the same time, it is now clear to us that the better understanding of those
                        relations calls for the better game design—one that would allow us to capture the more
                        nuance effects. In the future work, we are planning to log the game more densely and
                        increase our control over the aims and goals of the player.

                        7. Conclusions
                              The aim of this paper was to investigate the possibility of using personality assessment
                        as an affective adaptation mechanism in intelligent systems. We were particularly interested
                        in the use of emotion measurement through affordable wearable sensors. We used two
                        affective games of our own as an experimental environment, which allowed for us to
                        present complex stimuli under the complete control of the whole context.
                              We reported on the results of a large experiment that we conducted to collect the
                        affective data set, called BIRAFFE [42]. Unlike two existing datasets, ASCERTAIN [31]
                        and AMIGOS [32], which also collect affective data along with the personality assessment,
                        BIRAFFE provides details of changes in stimuli over time in a form of game logs, which
                        facilitates the analysis of subjects emotions in reaction to the complex affective stimuli
                        presented. In addition, this study has several more features that distinguish it from existing
                        affective data sets [17,26], such as: a large sample (206 individuals), the inclusion of con-
                        flicting stimuli (p+s– and p–s+), the use of affective games as an experimental environment,
                        and the introduction of new widgets for the self-assessment of emotions by the subjects.
                              We discovered several significant links between different personality traits, as mea-
                        sured by the NEO-FFI questionnaire, and the characteristics of psychophysiological reac-
                        tions (ECG, GSR). These are in line with the existing research [33]. Furthermore, we dis-
                        covered links between personality traits and reactions to complex stimulus environment
                        (games). The above-mentioned results are promising, and they indicate the potential for
                        the adaptation of intelligent systems’ with the use of wearable sensors that we used in our
                        experiments. We believe that the further investigation of those relations will allow for us to
                        introduce personality profiles as an effective tool for the pre-usage adaptation of games
                        and, ultimately, intelligent systems in general.
                              Determining the type of personality at the beginning of the device usage, e.g., with the
                        use of a personality stories methodology [39], will allow for the prediction of expected user
                        reactions and the proper adjustment of the user interface. This will be made possible by
                        the analysis of game logs, as there are correlations between personality and user behavior.
                        The calibration phase is still required for personalization for a particular person. However,
                        thanks to the pre-coded knowledge regarding different types of personality, it will be
                        shorter and more accurate, as the system will be initially adapted to the specific personality
                        profile. One of the Automatic Personality Recognition methods can also be used if it is
                        feasible to collect relevant data [40]. Consequently, the user will start using the device
                        more quickly. This can also be used in an opposite direction. Users can take a short
                        session with the device, during which psychophysiological signals and usage logs will be
                        collected. Analysis of the data will potentially allow for a rough estimate of personality type
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                              18 of 31

                        without the need for filling out the personality questionnaire. We do not assume that the
                        questionnaire can be replaced by a physiological measurement. However, it is not possible
                        to carry out such a reliable personality measurement when working with a mobile system.
                        Physiological measurement may be a sufficient approximation for such applications.
                              Moreover, to be able to gain data regarding subjects’ self-assessment more efficiently,
                        we made an attempt to improve the subjective rating tools available, introducing and
                        evaluating our own widgets. The emospace widget turned out to be successive in rating the
                        simple audio-visual stimuli. The personality itself, being our main object of focus, presented
                        promising relations to gathered subjective ratings. As a side outcome, we also presented
                        an analysis that indicates that the image valence dominates over the sound valence. This
                        conclusion can be potentially useful in affective human–computer interfaces design.
                              This study has potential limitations. The sample was taken from a very narrow
                        demographic range—most of the subjects were students of a technical university. This
                        should not be a big drawback, because physiological reactions and personality are fairly
                        universal. There have also been various technical problems with data recording, so we do
                        not provide complete data for every participant. However, the data set contains a summary
                        of information that is available for each subject [42]. Additionally, our methodology
                        uses games as an example of context-aware intelligent systems. No attempts to use this
                        methodology on real IS, e.g., voice assistants, have been made yet. Finally, the study used
                        the BITalino platform, which can be uncomfortable as a wearable. However, we assume
                        that the rapid development of the technology will lead to superior devices upon which the
                        proposed methodology will then be used.
                              In the future, we will work on our approach to collect different types of user context,
                        including the emotional one, for system adaptation and personalization. We are working
                        on developing different efficient context providers. As a part of the context analysis, we are
                        also considering the analysis of non-atomic emotional states, i.e., the situation where the
                        person can be in more than one unique emotional state. When considering the games
                        application, we are planning to log the game more densely and increase our control over
                        the aims and goals of a gamer. We will also prepare a catalog of dependencies between
                        the user and the game environment, which can be formalized while using decision rules.
                        The model will then be used to achieve user’s interaction with the system in the “affective”
                        feedback loop.

                        Author Contributions: Presented research was conducted under the supervision of K.K., S.B. and
                        G.J.N. These three also drafted the protocol. K.K. took care of the methodology. D.D. implemented
                        the protocol. Investigation and analysis were conducted by D.D. and K.K. All authors wrote the
                        paper. All authors prepared reviewed version of the paper. All authors have read and agreed to the
                        published version of the manuscript.
                        Funding: This research received no external funding.
                        Institutional Review Board Statement: The Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Philosophy
                        of the Jagiellonian University reviewed the described study and it received a favourable opinion.
                        Informed Consent Statement: Informed written consent was obtained from all of the participants.
                        Data Availability Statement: The collected dataset is publicly available at Zenodo under CC BY-NC-
                        ND 4.0 license ( The scripts used to carry out the presented
                        analyses are available upon request from the corresponding author.
                        Acknowledgments: We thank Paweł Jemioło for his help with protocol implementation, subjects
                        examination and BIRAFFE dataset preparation. We also thank Barbara Giżycka for her time spent
                        conducting the experiment. Moreover, we would like to thank Anna Chrzanowska for reading the
                        entire paper and making the proofreading. Finally, we would like to show our gratitude to the
                        Victor Rodriguez-Fernandez for improving and evaluating dataset, as well as his many valuable
                        comments that greatly improved our work [42]. The authors are also grateful to Academic Computer
                        Centre CYFRONET AGH for granting access to the computing infrastructure built in the projects No.
                        POIG.02.03.00-00-028/08 “PLATON—Science Services Platform” and No. POIG.02.03.00-00-110/13
                        “Deploying high-availability, critical services in Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN-HA)”.
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                      19 of 31

                        Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

                        The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:

                        AfC         Affective Computing
                        AfCAI       Affective Computing with Context Awareness for Ambient Intelligence
                        AI          Artificial Intelligence
                        APR         Automatic Personality Recognition
                        CAS         Context-Aware Systems
                        ECG         Electrocardiogram
                        GSR         Galvanic Skin Response
                        HR          Heart Rate
                        IS          Intelligent Systems
                        NEO-FFI     NEO Five Factor Inventory
                        SAM         Self-Assessment Mankin

                        Appendix A. Co-Validation of Both Widgets

                        Table A1. The frequency of emoscale ratings and emospace clusters co-assignment.

                                 Emoscale Rating                     Emospace Cluster              Count
                                         1                                   A                       16
                                         1                                   E                        3
                                         2                                   A                        6
                                         2                                   E                        1
                                         2                                   F                       18
                                         2                                   J                       20
                                         3                                   F                        5
                                         3                                   G                        1
                                         3                                   J                       16
                                         4                                   D                        4
                                         4                                   F                        2
                                         4                                   G                       16
                                         4                                   H                        1
                                         4                                   J                        4
                                         4                                   K                        3
                                         4                                   L                        2
                                         5                                   D                        1
                                         5                                   L                        1
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                                                                                                  20 of 31

Appendix B. Validation of Both Widgets Using IADS and IAPS Sets

                                              Table A2. Mixed model of the influence of binary stimuli conditions on the emoscale widget response.

                                           Null Model                                        Expanded Null Model                                               Model
 Predictors             Estimate    SE          CI           t        p      Estimate         SE          CI           t        p       Estimate        SE         CI           t       p
 consistent: _0_        2.71        0.01    [2.66, 2.76]   106.35
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                                                           21 of 31

                                     Table A3. Mixed model of the influence of binary stimuli conditions on the emospace widget response.

                                                                         β                SE           z Value         p                   CI
                                       consistent: _0_              1.086                0.039         27.532
Sensors 2021, 21, 163                                                                                                                                                                 22 of 31

                                            Table A6. Mixed model of the influence of specific stimuli conditions on the emoscale widget response.

                                           Null Model                                         Expanded Null Model                                             Model
  Predictors            Estimate    SE          CI           t         p      Estimate        SE          CI           t        p      Estimate        SE         CI           t       p
  consistent: _0_       2.71        0.01    [2.66, 2.76]   106.35
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