The Road to Accountable and Dependable Manufacturing

Page created by Charlotte Logan
The Road to Accountable and Dependable Manufacturing
The Road to Accountable and
Dependable Manufacturing
Jan Pennekamp
Communication and Distributed Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Roman Matzutt
Communication and Distributed Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Salil S. Kanhere
School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Jens Hiller
Communication and Distributed Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Klaus Wehrle
Communication and Distributed Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

Abstract—In manufacturing, advances from the IoT foster the vision of a highly dynamic and
interconnected Industrial IoT. However, business-driven use cases mandate different levels of
security, privacy, accountability, and verifiability alike. Blockchain technology addresses these
requirements and thereby enables previously unforeseen collaborations. The authors emphasize
the need for active research at the intersection of IoT, CPS, and blockchain.

         M ANUFACTURING is expected to signif-               with dynamically evolving and flexible short-term
icantly benefit from recent advances in the areas            relationships, we identify a new research pillar
of Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical               (P3) that enables accountable and dependable
Systems (CPS). Particular development directions             dataflows for stakeholders without any trusted
include establishing highly-dynamic business re-             or previous relationships (v). In this article, we
lations and creating interconnected production               focus on the research pillars P1–P3 that consider
environments, even for short-lived collaborations,           multiple stakeholders in collaborative processes.
through increasing degrees of automation based
                                                                 Such industry-driven settings mandate special
on (sensor) data [1]. Concepts of the Industrial
                                                             needs that traditional solutions in the IoT can-
IoT (IIoT) or Internet of Production (IoP) [2] ex-
                                                             not satisfy. These aspects encompass improved
plicitly target to implement these improvements.
                                                             accountability and verifiability to deal with un-
    Research mainly evolves around three existing            certainty concerning the origin [3] and reliability
pillars (P0–P2): (P0) CPS and site-related im-               of data [4], but also security and privacy re-
provements (œ) with limited external influences,             quirements have to be considered as information
(P1) extended data sharing along the supply                  leakage can have tremendous consequences in
chain (Õ), e.g., to reduce the bullwhip effect,              highly competitive environments [2]. We envi-
and (P2) secure industrial collaborations across             sion that the consequent integration of blockchain
supply chains (Ö), e.g., to reduce ramp-up costs.            technology provides these desired features by de-
To achieve P1 and P2 not only with today’s                   sign. Its tamperproofness offers verifiability and
(established) long-term trust but also in settings           reliability once information has been recorded on

Computer                                Published by the IEEE Computer Society                                  © 2020 IEEE
                             Authors’ version of a manuscript that was submitted for publication in Computer.

    the blockchain. Similarly, blockchains are decen-      Information Sharing along Supply Chains (P1
    tralized and thus well-suited for securing interac-    Õ)
    tions among mutually distrustful parties. Finally,
    the extensible nature of blockchain technology             Traditionally, supply chain data sharing was
    enables scalability features, such as sidechains       driven by large companies dictating their require-
    or sharding [5], as needed for solutions across        ments to all suppliers. In this setting, information
    different use cases and domains.                       was collected in data sinks accessible by single
                                                           (large) players [4], e.g., automotive manufactur-
         Given that research at the intersection of IIoT
                                                           ers. Furthermore, due to privacy concerns, data
    and blockchain is still in its infancy, we identify
                                                           is usually shielded from external stakeholders,
    three key research areas. We discuss blockchain-
                                                           for example, even rather insensitive information,
    specific research questions for the industrial set-
                                                           such as delivery schedules or shipment tracking,
    ting, which mainly evolve around the general
                                                           is retained locally. Today, additional data is only
    scalability of proposed solutions and the privacy
                                                           shared under the promise of large financial im-
    of participants. Similarly, we identify a lack
                                                           pacts despite production data being expected to
    of manufacturing-specific solutions that integrate
                                                           improve manufacturers’ productivity and overall
    blockchains to improve accountability in this do-
                                                           product quality [2].
    main. We discuss scenario-driven research direc-
    tions that close this gap and realize fast, versa-         This situation is unsatisfactory as it fails to
    tile, accountable, and dependable manufacturing        address several desired aspects. Especially re-
    enabled by blockchains. Furthermore, we discuss        garding legislation, today’s landscape cannot reli-
    arising socio-economic challenges. Particularly,       ably provide (long-term) verifiability of relevant
    new legal frameworks will need to take into            information [6], e.g., provenance data for parts
    account the increased usage of external data, po-      in the aerospace industry or associated mainte-
    tentially in safety-critical applications. First and   nance protocols. Although additional processes
    foremost, however, we want to raise awareness          are often in place, counterfeit or non-fair trade
    on how to establish trust into the authenticity        products are, occasionally, still entering legitimate
    and correctness of data on the blockchain as           supply chains [7]. To improve the reliability of
    a foundation for interorganizational data sharing      (received) data, we envision technical solutions
    within the IIoT.                                       that minimize the room for manipulations and
                                                           provide an efficiently verifiable certification for
                                                           each individual product. Furthermore, a unified
    MOTIVATION & POTENTIALS                                approach could improve governmental oversight,
                                                           which is especially desirable for safety-critical
        Manufacturing is expected to compile vast          products or food chains [8].
    amounts of process and product data in the near
    future [2]. Consequentially, we have to deal with          Another insufficiency stems from the lacking
    associated big data challenges that stand out due      identifiability of root causes of manufacturing
    to virtually infinite volumes of available sensor      or product failures [6]. Currently, accountability
    data and the increased need for high-frequency         is mostly limited to contractually-bound stake-
    sensing [1]. However, big data also provides           holders. If not explicitly contractually negotiated,
    opportunities when properly extracting its encap-      individual untrusted suppliers may remain pas-
    sulated knowledge [1]. Regarding manufacturing,        sive or even behave adversely for their benefits,
    this potential has previously been neglected for       e.g., when covering up incidents. Simultaneously,
    lack of globally available process information,        missing feedback to estimate the lifetime or the
    and even data sharing along the supply chain           fit of a product, which both might depend on
    was limited. Figure 1 illustrates the data sharing     the application, hinders the implementation of
    along (Õ) and across (Ö) supply chains, which          improvements. To overcome such limits, acces-
    we detail hereafter based on two fine blanking         sible production and usage data can provide in-
    lines.                                                 sights [2].

2                                                                                                      Computer
Dataflow (P1 ⇄)
                                   Automotive Fine Blanking Manufacturer                 Dataflow (P2 ⇅)

        Lubricant Supplier

                                                                                  Automotive Assembly

        Material Supplier

       Tool Manufacturer            Aerospace Fine Blanking Manufacturer           Aerospace Assembly

                                             Supply Chain Flow
Figure 1: Manufacturing engulfs both dataflows along the supply chain (P1 Õ)and across supply
chains (P2 Ö). Suppliers (here: for lubricants, material, and tools) support manufacturers who
themselves provide subsequent assembly lines with production data. Similarly, manufacturers exchange
process information (here: fine blanking lines), the processed material, and their interplay. A currently
non-existing relationship between both assembling companies could be non-existent due to the
untrusted environment (P3 v). We adapted the figure from our analysis of dataflows in an Internet of
Production [2].

Foundations for Expanded Secure Industrial               unexplored.
Collaboration Across Supply Chains (P2 Ö)
    In addition to the marginal data sharing along       Ad-Hoc Relationships in Untrusted
supply chains (P1 Õ), data exchanges across              Environments (P3 v)
supply chains (P2 Ö)are basically non-existing               When considering relationships with previ-
in today’s manufacturing landscape [1]. While            ously unaffiliated and thus untrusted compa-
manufacturers gather usage data from their cus-          nies (P3 v), several additional use cases emerge.
tomers (in centralized data silos), virtually no         Along supply chains (P1 Õ), identifying the
knowledge exchange happens between different             ideal supplier for a component is simplified when
operators of (identical) machines [2]. For ex-           the utilization of relationships among previously
ample, experiences with used machine config-             unaffiliated parties is improved. Similarly, ex-
urations or information about the (expectable)           changing information with companies in related
production quality can reveal interesting insights       domains across supply chains (P2 Ö)is currently
into newly configured manufacturing processes.           hindered by a lack of trust between the in-
Hence, all knowledge is retained locally without         volved stakeholders. We expect that more use
global availability, despite potentially tremendous      cases surface once the first steps towards secure
benefits [2].                                            industrial collaboration have been taken as busi-
    To improve productivity and to decrease costs,       nesses are naturally cautious when sharing sen-
companies could, for instance, share ideal ma-           sitive and valuable details, especially production
chine configurations for their workpieces, e.g.,         and product data [2]. Furthermore, we observe
within their fine blanking line, without revealing       that currently no uniform standardization for data
all details to the machine supplier. Furthermore,        sharing exists, which especially hinders flexible
this information exchange may reduce ramp-up             relationships as company-specific adjustments are
times of new manufacturing processes by deriv-           required for each new partner [4].
ing machine parameters from readily available                In the context of accountable and dependable
information (cf. Figure 1). Consequentially, non-        manufacturing, we also have to address privacy
competing companies can cooperate and jointly            and safety [9]. Appropriate means are not yet
assemble a shared knowledge base in a give-and-          available, or they are not proven or tested in
take manner or offer their valuable data for sale.       manufacturing [1]. A major milestone to establish
As of today, a lot of expected potential is still        trust can be achieved by providing accountability,

September 2020

    verifiability, and transparency for all actions and     digital ownership of property, coupons, or stock-
    traded information. Consequentially, blockchains        marketing shares through a cryptocurrency’s
    are a promising tool to establish trust in mutually     blockchain, users can tie assets to blockchain
    distrustful manufacturing markets and to eventu-        transactions. Beyond that, notary services
    ally allow for interorganizational data sharing and     immutably attest the existence of documents by
    novel applications.                                     storing a cryptographic hash on a blockchain,
                                                            a tamperproof identifier to which owners can
    THE INFLUENCE OF BLOCKCHAINS                            subsequently refer to.
        Blockchain systems have matured consider-
    ably since their introduction through Bitcoin in        Process Automation Smart contracts [5] re-
    2008. Initially created for the decentralized, yet      alize the automated execution of transactions
    secure, management of digital currency, the po-         once the blockchain’s state satisfies their one-time
    tential of blockchains for larger and more diverse      programmable conditions. This tamperproof pro-
    tasks was quickly identified across academia and        grammability allows for transparent automation
    industry.                                               of global processes. While Ethereum popular-
                                                            ized blockchain-based smart contracts, business
                                                            applications are commonly built using consor-
    The State of Blockchain Integration
                                                            tium blockchains, e.g., created through Hyper-
       We now reiterate impactful milestones and
                                                            ledger Fabric or the Ethereum-compatible Quo-
    applications of distributed ledger technology to
                                                            rum. Beyond the banking sector, insurers pro-
    assess its current level of integration into business
                                                            cess insurance claims without human interaction
    processes and to identify areas where blockchains
                                                            through smart contracts. An increased demand
    have been applied successfully.
                                                            for blockchain-based process automation sparked
                                                            the creation of Blockchain-as-a-Service solutions,
    Financial Origins Bitcoin paved the way for             e.g., offered by Microsoft Azure, IBM, and Ama-
    global financial transactions without banks as          zon Web Services. These services lower the bar-
    intermediaries. Besides inspiring numerous com-         rier for creating blockchain-backed architectures,
    parable cryptocurrencies, the banking sector also       but also introduce an infrastructure provider as a
    noticed the potential of blockchains to improve         new centralized entity.
    transactions between financial institutes. This de-
    velopment yielded major blockchain-based inter-         Internet of Things Advances in process au-
    bank networks, e.g., the Ripple payment and             tomation proliferated the vision of coupling au-
    exchange network or JP Morgan’s Interbank               tonomous IoT devices with blockchains. The
    Information Network. Furthermore, blockchains           main advantages of blockchain-based IoT infras-
    promise to provide better, i.e., more direct, cus-      tructures lie in the immutable and decentralized
    tomer experience at lower costs due to more auto-       IoT-based sensing of physical environments in
    mated, disintermediated processes. Especially in        conjunction with the accountable recording of
    scenarios where participants are known, and their       actuation events. If seized well, these capabilities
    majority is trusted, consortium blockchains are         can significantly simplify applications for smart
    seen as key enablers for shaping new transaction        cities, e.g., smart microgrids [11] or vehicular
    processes in highly distributed applications, e.g.,     networks [12]. Here, blockchains aid trust man-
    accounting in supply chains.                            agement and access control to sensed data alike.

    Digital Assets One of the first non-                    Supply Chain Blockchains may be used as
    cryptocurrency applications of blockchains              an architectural pillar for reshaping supply
    was the establishment of digital assets and notary      chains [13], [7], [6], [14], especially due to
    services. While dedicated solutions, such as            improved financial transactions, asset manage-
    Namecoin, were launched quite early, numerous           ment, process automation, and data manage-
    such services piggyback on existing blockchains,        ment. However, smooth integration is still lack-
    commonly Bitcoin [10]. Particularly, to transfer        ing [9]. TrustChain [8] or ProductChain [3] al-

4                                                                                                      Computer
ready tackle important issues of supply chain            Open Blockchain-Inherent Challenges (L1)
deployments, such as reputation-based trust man-             As groundwork for more scenario-specific re-
agement among suppliers and provenance track-            search, we identify blockchain-induced research
ing for customers. Still, holistic, all-encompassing     areas that surface when relying on blockchains
approaches to improve supply chains based on             for accountable and dependable manufacturing.
distributed ledgers are yet to come.
                                                         Scalability Permissionless blockchains tradi-
                                                         tionally struggle with limited scalability in terms
Useful Properties for Diverse Applications               of transaction throughput, transaction latency, and
    Even today’s limited integration of blockchain       storage requirements. For instance, Bitcoin fa-
technology into business processes highlights that       mously has a low transaction rate of only 3.5
distributed ledgers have proved to provide valu-         transactions per second as its 10-minute inter-
able foundations for various domains, applica-           block delay requires users to wait for an hour
tions, and use cases. Particularly, we highlight         to safely accept payments [5]. Even though con-
that blockchain technology provides desirable            sortium blockchains can utilize more efficient
contributions to flexible collaborations and es-         consensus algorithms [15], recording large num-
pecially to applications involving supply chains.        bers of events on-chain still remains challeng-
First, the decentralized nature of blockchain ap-        ing. Solutions may aggregate multiple events
plications suits the highly distributed and het-         into single or few (on-chain) transactions, similar
erogeneous environments created by collabo-              to micropayment channels that boost transaction
rating companies and supply chains. Second,              throughputs in today’s cryptocurrencies. Further-
blockchains can provide data integrity and verifia-      more, applying sharding schemes [5] to consor-
bility even if collaborators are partially distrusting   tium blockchains may improve their transaction
each other. As part of this process, recorded data       throughput as these schemes target to partition
is kept on a tamperproof ledger. Finally, estab-         the network and to distribute the responsibility
lished measures to keep track of digital assets          for transaction processing.
and to prevent double-spending enable the pub-               Another scalability issue is the ever-increasing
lic, transparent traceability of products or their       storage requirement to operate blockchains. For
components. However, the decentralization and            instance, heavily-utilized blockchains today ac-
immutability of blockchains creates issues that          cumulate hundreds of Gigabytes of historical
were not present in traditional business processes.      data. This problem is aggravated in the context
Next, we thus dive into resulting challenges that,       of supply chain applications once suppliers are
once tackled, will help realize suitable full-stack      required to tie their reports for other contrac-
solutions for improving business processes via           tors immutably to the blockchain. Pruning strate-
distributed ledgers.                                     gies have been proposed to unburden blockchain
                                                         nodes from storing historic transaction data that
                                                         has become obsolete meanwhile [16]. However,
OPEN RESEARCH AREAS                                      applications relying on blockchain-extrinsic data
     We identify three layers of open research           cannot immediately seize this potential since what
areas that we illustrate in Figure 2: (L1) yet           constitutes obsolete data has to be defined on
unaddressed challenges for the use of blockchain         a per-application basis. Again, also partitioning
technology in manufacturing, (L2) new opportu-           data storage across the network with sharding
nities for a fast, versatile, accountable, and de-       schemes can reduce per-node storage require-
pendable manufacturing enabled by blockchains,           ments. Overall, future research needs to assess
i.e., scenario-driven challenges, and (L3) socio-        the need for long-term data availability to allow
economic challenges stemming from immutably              for efficient and scalable solutions.
recorded production data and highly flexible
cross-company collaborations. We consider these          Efficiency Wide-spread      adoption    of
layers to be highly relevant when shaping the            blockchain technology in supply chains
future of interconnected manufacturing.                  necessitates an efficient operation of the

September 2020


                                                            Legal Frameworks                                                      Access & Transparency
                                                         (Governmental Oversight)                                                      (Platform Openness)

    L2:                                                               P1 ⇄                                                  P1 ⇄ P2 ⇅                                            P1 ⇄ P2 ⇅ P3 ❖
                                              Reliable                                               Efficient & Dependable                                                    Dynamic

                                         Product Information                                              Collaboration                                                  Distributed Markets

                                  • Accountability along the supply chain                     • Granularity of data sharing                                   • Trade-off privacy vs. verifiability



                                  • Correctness of available information                      • Private accountable billing of companies                      • Fairness of data sharing
                                  • Tamperproofness of measurements                           • Keeping automation with more flexibility                      • Maintaining a data catalogue
                                  • Untampered digital processing                             • Granting access to external companies                         • Privacy-preserving bidding platform
                                  • Linking of physical goods and its data                    • Dynamic digital factories                                     • Measuring the value of data

                                                                                              (Trustworthy Information Store)


                                       Blockchain size                        Operational costs                               Persisted garbage                            Sensitive metadata

                                   Transaction throughput                     Workload on nodes                                Outdated data                               Information leakage

                                  Distributing responsibility                Environmental impact                      Correctness of information                      Verifiability & transparency

                                       Scalability                              Efficiency                                    Immutability                                      Privacy

                      Figure 2: We group research towards accountable and dependable manufacturing into three layers.
                      L1: Blockchain-inherent challenges that concern the properties of blockchain technology which is
                           expected to serve as an underlying key component of our envisioned TrustedStore.
                      L2: Scenario-driven challenges that can be grouped into three main research directions that each focus
                           on a specific research pillar, i.e., along supply chains (P1 Õ), across supply chains (P2 Ö), and
                           situations with insufficient trust between stakeholders (P3 v).
                      L3: Socio-economic challenges that have an impact on underlying collaborations and improvements.
                      To offer viable solutions for accountable and dependable manufacturing, research must consider and
                      tackle all layers and their individual research challenges.

                      infrastructure. To this end, any proposed                                              requirements of the overall system. The main
                      architecture must take the deployment and                                              bottleneck of traditional blockchains is the
                      operation costs into account, with a special focus                                     redundant execution of various tasks, such
                      on computing overhead for securely keeping                                             as verifying digital signatures or maintaining
                      data on-chain. Improvements in efficiency                                              a local state [5]. This redundancy not only
                      mainly originate from more fundamental lines                                           increases costs but also creates a potentially
                      of research, e.g., advances in authentication,                                         avoidable environmental impact. Solutions, such
                      distributed consensus, or secure communication.                                        as sidechains or sharding [5], that distribute the
                      Yet, a proper integration of these advances                                            workload without lowering security guarantees
                      into a full blockchain-based architecture is                                           will help to reduce the operating costs. While
                      mandatory to seize this potential for efficient                                        these concepts are primarily being researched for
                      data management and to not undermine any                                               public settings, the envisioned high-frequency

6                                                                                                                                                                                     Computer
utilization and large volumes of data call for         tors may be inferred, putting affected parties at
similar developments for consortium blockchains.       a disadvantage against competitors, e.g., during
                                                       price negotiations or when company acquisition
Immutability Recording events immutably de-            is imminent. A key challenge for sustainable
spite the presence of adversaries eager to alter       consortium blockchains will be carefully gauging
history is arguably the blockchain’s key achieve-      the desired level of point-to-point collaborations
ment. Thus, storing non-financial, application-        and consequently tackling arising trust barriers
specific data on-chain or referencing such data        through both trust and data management.
through on-chain fingerprints, has become a fre-
quent proposition [10]. However, this immutabil-       Scenario-Driven Research Directions (L2)
ity has also proved to create further issues               On top of the blockchain-inherent challenges,
than only impacting the long-term scalability of       further research directions may lead to a fast, ver-
blockchains, e.g., distributing and storing un-        satile, accountable, and dependable blockchain-
wanted blockchain data can cause legal liabil-         backed manufacturing (cf. Figure 2). Research
ity [16]. While the prevalence of known identi-        into (i) reliable product information will en-
ties within consortium blockchain mitigates such       sure the availability of high-quality data along-
risks, different stakeholders may nevertheless be      side all production steps of a supply chain (P1
in conflict about the value of recorded data, e.g.,    Õ), ranging from tamperproof sensing to se-
whether data is outdated or when unknown raw           cure blockchain storage. Based on this reliable,
data formats pollute the shared storage. Overall,      high-quality information more (ii) efficient and
the quality of recorded information becomes more       dependable collaborations can form in the fu-
important as participants should be able to rely       ture that will increasingly affect dataflows across
on data that is recorded by other parties that         supply chains (P2 Ö). Ultimately, (iii) dynamic
exhibit varying individual levels of trust. Today, a   distributed markets allow for flexible sharing of
link between a physical (product) property and its     data and advertising services, especially when
digital data is missing, which limits the consensus    stakeholders without any trusted or previous rela-
algorithms’ ability to verify claimed events before    tionships intend to collaborate (P3 v). This way,
persisting them on-chain, e.g., sensor readings        collaborators can efficiently foster fast, versatile,
from inaccessible, remote environments. Correct-       and dependable business relations.
ing identified errors is trivially possible by over-
writing data in a new transaction, but implies         Reliable Product Information Today, large-
a more complex transaction processing by all           scale production and supply chains (P1 Õ) are
parties. Hence, further research is required to        opaque regarding processes and the origin of
explore the trade-off between data availability        processed goods [4]. Consequentially, failure root
and data utility as well as data verifiability and     causes and other issues cannot be tracked down
efficient corrections.                                 efficiently, creating massive administrative over-
                                                       heads [6], [14], e.g., hampering legal investiga-
Privacy Tightly related to the individual data         tions, causing over-dimensioned product recalls,
value for different stakeholders involved in the       or an inefficient lookup of compatible spare parts
consortium blockchain is the notion of data pri-       for repairs or assembling bigger workpieces. Sim-
vacy, which applies not only to traditional privacy,   ilarly, feeding back information from mid-term
e.g., storing and trading customer data, but to        or long-term field experience into manufacturing
information leakage in general [16]. On the one        processes for improvements is hard [2].
hand, blockchains may disclose sensitive busi-             To overcome these limitations, manufacturing
ness secrets [13], such as capabilities of produc-     needs a reliably accessible, tamperproof informa-
tion machines or process details, e.g., required       tion store that links clearly identifiable products
temperatures or metal alloys, both directly and        to their physical state in a verifiable manner.
indirectly. On the other hand, meta-information        For example, the transportation of fresh produce,
such as the frequency of transactions between          which must uphold a mandated cold chain, re-
two collaborators or key performance indica-           quires the container’s temperature to be con-

September 2020

    tinually monitored such that tricking sensors is       ternatively, companies store raw data in globally
    infeasible [8].                                        distributed certified data stores and prove such
        First, this process requires measures to           storage to the TrustedStore. Overall, decoupling
    achieve a tamperproof gathering of physical-state      the storage of large amounts of raw data from
    information. Here, we identify tailored machine        derived insights and key properties ensures the
    learning mechanisms for anomaly detection as           immutability and availability of rich raw data
    promising research area. Such a machine learning       while keeping reasonable loads for globally main-
    algorithm can base on the following data: (i) Us-      tained infrastructures.
    ing multiple sensors allows for cross-checking             Second, a tamperproof digital processing of
    gathered data, e.g., sensors redundantly monitor-      gathered data ensures that original sensor read-
    ing the container from different vantage points        ings enter the blockchain-backed TrustedStore
    can increase tamper resilience as already subtle       correctly. This way, data can be collected even
    monitoring inconsistencies could unveil manipu-        from untrusted or hostile environments, e.g.,
    lations. (ii) Similarly, different sensor types and    to realize new collaborations without sufficient
    measuring methods further increase the range for       trust levels. Tamperproof sensors can provide
    sensing correlation to detect anomalies regard-        this form of dependable data gathering and pro-
    ing the coherence of real-world physical effects.      cessing [17]. Such devices combine traditional
    As sensor nodes cheapen and allow for long-            sensors, e.g., RFID scanners, or temperature or
    lasting battery-based operation, these solutions       humidity sensors [18], with trusted computing
    are also becoming increasingly economically vi-        mechanisms, such as hardware security modules
    able. (iii) Further, high sampling rates also im-      (HSMs). These security-enhanced sensors are
    prove tamper resilience, as more readings are          able to immediately hand over data to HSMs for
    available to identify inconsistencies. Overall, the    processing, thereby minimizing the attack surface
    gathered data provides promising input for a           for tampering. Ultimately, the HSM uploads the
    machine learning-based anomaly detection.              sensor readings to the local storage and stores
        Still, storing these large amounts of raw data     their fingerprints on the TrustedStore. From this
    (i–iii) in globally replicated tamperproof storages    point on, the reliably-sensed data is persisted
    such as the blockchain remains challenging. In-        immutably.
    stead, we envision a combination of mid-term               Assuming mechanisms for tamperproof sens-
    local storages maintained by companies and a           ing and blockchain inclusion, we finally must
    long-term distributed information store. In this       clearly link these readings to the respective phys-
    deployment model, companies store their raw            ical products, e.g., via camera tracking, RFID
    production data locally and signal its availability    tags, imprints, or other markings. Importantly,
    on-chain via fingerprints. Further, the blockchain     this identification must also be tamperproof, using
    stores (small-sized) insights that result from anal-   suitable mechanisms as described before.
    yses of the locally stored raw data. Likewise,             In summary, this research will yield a reliably
    this storage happens in a certified manner, overall    accessible, tamperproof TrustedStore for produc-
    creating a trustworthy information store, which        tion data to establish accountability along any
    we refer to as TrustedStore. To ensure that com-       supply chain. Beyond aiding legal investigation,
    panies fully preserve raw data locally, certified      managing product recalls, and optimizing parts
    service providers (verifiers) periodically check if    utilization, this TrustedStore can further serve as
    local stores match with the TrustedStore, so that      a medium to foster collaborations among well-
    misbehavior can be detected in a timely manner         known and novel companies alike.
    and appropriately acted upon (legally). As the
    amount of data renders full-blown checks imprac-       Efficient and Dependable Collaboration
    ticable from remote locations and on-site checks       Established business relations with trust in place
    involve high costs, they have to happen only           can increase their efficiency with a dependable
    rarely. In between, verifiers remotely request data    TrustedStore. This claim especially holds for
    for randomly selected fingerprints to frequently,      dataflows across supply chains (P2 Ö) that could
    yet economically, check for data availability. Al-     improve the productivity in manufacturing qual-

8                                                                                                     Computer
ity [2]. Additionally, sharing workpiece data,         required granularity of sharing data to achieve
production machine schedules, and states in a          these envisioned benefits. As business secrets are
timely manner enables close collaborations, ac-        potentially at risk when providing information
cumulating companies into digital factories with       to external, partially trusted collaborators [2],
production efficiencies similar to single, multi-      companies have to make informed decisions when
factory companies. Rich information flows allow        trading off efficiency and profit for data privacy.
for a cross-company allocation of machine time
and flexible handling of process deviations [2],       Dynamic Distributed Markets Ultimately,
e.g., by automatically reallocating machine ca-        we envision (distributed and transparent)
pacity in case of delays. Here, the TrustedStore       blockchain-based bidding platforms that realize
enables trustworthy tracking methods for work-         fast, versatile, yet dependable markets for goods,
pieces along the full (multi-factory) supply chain.    services (e.g., machine rentals), and configuration
As a result, problems can easily be tracked, and       knowledge, especially fostering collaborations
clearly assigned responsibilities motivate partic-     between–previously unknown and potentially
ipants to comply with their obligations. Most          untrusted–business partners (P3 v). Today’s
basically, this information allows for detecting       business relations typically evolve over long
infringements early on, e.g., misconfiguration or      periods and trust builds up slowly or is enforced
maintenance backlogs.                                  through complex contracts. Blockchains can
    Beyond supply chain management, Trusted-           largely substitute social trust through technical
Stores simplify the billing of goods or ma-            guarantees and thus foster the establishment of
chine usage (Manufacturing-as-a-Service) [2]. Es-      new business relations. Furthermore, a distributed
pecially with production environments shifting         TrustedStore allows for efficient automation,
from generic mass production to individual prod-       e.g., the allocation of machine time, achieving
ucts, companies require verifiable and highly au-      high utilization even in adaptive manufacturing
tomated payment processes to keep administrative       processes. Consequentially, manufacturers can
burdens at a reasonable level. Even pay-as-you-        generate profit even from short-time business
go contracts for cost-efficient machine usage in       relations for single workpieces, which would
adaptive production are conceivable where cus-         otherwise be uneconomical and incur high risks.
tomers pay only for the resources and energy               Customers can search for the best-matching
required to create the requested (potentially low-     offer and benefit from reasonable prices due to
quantity) workpieces. Thereby, high degrees of         increased market competition. Especially smaller
automation enable manufacturers to maintain a          manufacturers can profit from low-barrier mar-
high utilization as multiple customers can share       ket access to appeal to customers and business
single machines with almost no downtime.               partners and easily increase (domain) knowledge
    Managing data from mid-term and long-term          through the TrustedStore.
field experience on the TrustedStore promises              However, the realization of these distributed
further benefits. In contrast to the previously        markets faces a big challenge, i.e., the potential
discussed less sensitive product data, the process     disclosure of business secrets. For example, big
data considered here is more valuable and, thus,       companies could exploit the TrustedStore’s infor-
must be protected accordingly. Nowadays, infor-        mation to suppress competitors, e.g., by engaging
mation on product life cycles, required mainte-        in well-informed price dumping. Thus, a funda-
nance intervals, or production quality variations is   mental research question is how to match business
exclusively accessible to the manufacturer. Using      partners based on desired capabilities and quality-
the TrustedStore, such data becomes accessible         guarantees without requiring manufacturers to re-
to current and prospective machine users alike         veal too sensitive information up front. Promising
(cf. Figure 1). Here, the TrustedStore provides        building blocks for such a privacy-preserving
evidence of data correctness. Data of individual       catalog are known from privacy-preserving com-
machines further facilitates reselling as prior us-    puting. However, they require extensive research
age and output quality become assessable.              to fit the desired scenario of privacy-preserving
    Research has to answer questions on the            bidding platforms for manufacturing.

September 2020

         Such mechanisms must realize fair data shar-         the corresponding trade-off between verifiability
     ing, i.e., participants must not obtain detailed         and privacy. On the one hand, broad access
     information about other participants, especially         to information increases transparency such that
     competitors, without providing said information          customers can obtain information more easily.
     themselves. To this end, mechanisms to assess the        Research must reveal which information is nec-
     value of data can provide measures to rate-limit         essary, e.g., to alleviate the required trust from
     or charge participants with extraordinary usage          today’s slowly forming business relations via
     patterns.                                                technical measures to ease collaboration without
                                                              pre-established trust. Legal entities may further
     Socio-Economic Challenges (L3)                           demand access, e.g., to discover cartels.
         Beyond the outlined technical measures to                On the other hand, information stored on
     realize accountable and dependable manufactur-           a (semi-)public blockchain must not subvert
     ing, we also briefly discuss overarching socio-          privacy-legislation. Specifically, granting broad
     economic challenges (cf. Figure 2).                      access to information may put business se-
                                                              crets and privacy at risk. Furthermore, reason-
     Legal Frameworks Legislation currently fails             able freedom of action for market participants
     to cover blockchain-based smart contracts and            must be maintained. For example, adequate mea-
     analyses have to show whether general rules              sures must prevent customers from exploiting the
     suffice to enable the envisioned business rela-          knowledge of a participant’s low machine utiliza-
     tions. Especially when considering global supply         tion to achieve an uneconomic price. In the end,
     chains, also different legal frameworks and multi-       socio-economic research must develop guidelines
     national agreements must be taken into account.          for blockchain-based platforms that do not only
     To realize the desired accountability, legal frame-      optimize cost but lead to a healthy ecosystem with
     works must further clarify the responsibility for        incentives for high quality, economically healthy
     the accuracy of information in a TrustedStore.           companies, and employee well-being.
     An exemplary question is whether manufacturers               F UTURE manufacturing will be driven by ex-
     should be responsible only for the data they pro-        citing advances stemming from the combination
     vide or whether they should also be responsible          of IoT and blockchain technology to implement
     for consistency checks on the received data.             a dependable and accountable ecosystem. We
         In terms of privacy, all systems must comply         identified relevant future use cases for both supply
     with local as well as multi-national rules for data      chain-related and unrelated aspects that should
     privacy, such as the GDPR, including the right           significantly improve the utilization of manufac-
     to erasure of previously recorded data. Thus, an         turing data (cf. Figure 1). In particular, research
     extensive analysis has to show which data is safe        must address open challenges on different layers,
     to be stored on-chain, and systems must prevent          ranging from system-specific blockchain ques-
     the inclusion of data that falls under the right to be   tions to overarching socio-economic challenges
     forgotten or provide mechanisms for data removal         (cf. Figure 2). Regardless, we believe that most
     without undermining the desired goals.                   effort must be invested in scenario-driven tasks to
         Furthermore, several third-party services that       enable trustworthy information stores, i.e., Trust-
     use the available data are conceivable, e.g., uti-       edStores, in competitive, business-driven, and po-
     lizing individual usage data to offer improved           tentially distrustful industry environments. Fortu-
     maintenance for all customers. To this end, legal        nately, smaller advances are already achievable in
     frameworks have to clarify who owns the data             increments, and as such first changes should be
     on the blockchain and who is allowed to process          realizable in the near future.
     which data in which way. Similar questions also
     arise for any derived knowledge.                         ACKNOWLEDGMENT
                                                                  Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
     Access and Transparency Before realizing                 schaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) un-
     immutable TrustedStores, research must work out          der Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2023
     the access requirements for different entities and       Internet of Production – 390621612.

10                                                                                                       Computer
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                                                                   blockchain-based applications: Current sta-
     puting, cybersecurity and applied machine learning.           tus, classification and open issues,” Elsevier,
     He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and ACM and an              2019, Telematics and Informatics, vol. 36,
     Humboldt Research Fellow. He serves as the Editor             pp. 55–81.
     in Chief of the Ad Hoc Networks journal. Contact him     4)   Determining the suitability of blockchain:
     at                                 K. Wüst and A. Gervais, “Do you need a
                                                                   Blockchain?” in Crypto Valley Conference
     Jens Hiller received his B.Sc. degree and M.Sc.               on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT). IEEE,
     degree in Computer Science from RWTH Aachen                   2018, pp. 45–54.
     University. He is a researcher at the Chair of Com-      5)   Blockchain-supported use cases in the
     munication and Distributed Systems (COMSYS) at
                                                                   context of supply chains:
     RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research
                                                                   P. Gonczol, P. Katsikouli, L. Herskind, and
     focuses on efficient secure communication in the In-
     ternet of Things. Contact him at hiller@comsys.rwth-
                                                                   N. Dragoni, “Blockchain Implementations                                                    and Use Cases for Supply Chains-A Sur-
                                                                   vey,” IEEE, 2020, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.
     Klaus Wehrle received his Diploma (equiv. M.Sc.)              11 856–11 871.
     and PhD degree from University of Karlsruhe (now         6)   Research propositions for supply chains:
     KIT), both with honors. He is full professor at the           A. Rejeb, J. G. Keogh, and H. Treiblmaier,
     Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems                “Leveraging the Internet of Things and
     (COMSYS) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany.                  Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain
     His research interests include network protocol en-           Management,” MDPI, 2019, Future Internet,
     gineering, methods for network analysis, and reliable
                                                                   vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1–22.
     communication. He is a Member of IEEE and ACM.
                                                              7)   Internet of Production:
     Contact him at
                                                                   J. Pennekamp, R. Glebke, M. Henze,
                                                                   T. Meisen, C. Quix, R. Hai, L. Gleim,
     FURTHER READING                                               P. Niemietz, M. Rudack, S. Knape, A. Ep-
         We provide references to further reading ma-              ple, D. Trauth, U. Vroomen, T. Bergs,
     terial related to this article for an overview into           C. Brecher, A. Bührig-Polaczek, M. Jarke,
     related work and today’s relevant research chal-              and K. Wehrle, “Towards an Infrastructure
     lenges. In particular, our selected literature pro-           Enabling the Internet of Production,” in 2019
     vides additional insights into challenges (1) and             IEEE International Conference on Industrial
     application areas (2–4) of blockchain technology              Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). IEEE, 2019,
     as well as supply chain-specific research (5–6).              pp. 31–37.
     Finally, we include literature on the envisioned         8)   Challenges in Big Data:
     Internet of Production (7) and associated chal-               A. Oussous, F.-Z. Benjelloun, A. A. Lah-
     lenges when processing big data (8).                          cen, and S. Belfkih, “Big Data technologies:
      1) Blockchain challenges:                                    A survey,” Elsevier, 2018, Journal of King
         Z. Zheng, S. Xie, H.-N. Dai, H. Wang and                  Saud University-Computer and Information
         X. Chen, “Blockchain Challenges and Op-                   Sciences, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 431–448.
         portunities: A Survey,” Inderscience, 2018,
         International Journal of Web and Grid Ser-
         vices, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 352–375.
      2) Financial blockchain applications:
         Y. Guo and C. Liang, “Blockchain applica-

12                                                                                                       Computer
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