Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc

Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc
Fall 2021

                                                                                           Tracing the
                                                                                          Through Our
                                                                                            Combating our Aging
                                                                                           Wastewater Workforce
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc

                                                                   “        oronavirus surveillance” is one in a
                                                                            string of buzzy topics drawing much-
                      Chair: Mark Klotz
                                                                            needed attention to the importance
  Vice Chair: Peter LaFlamme • Treasurer: Harry Stewart            of the wastewater industry. Earlier this year,
Connecticut: Energy and Environmental Protection                   Wastewater and Onsite Systems Division
Commissioner Katie Dykes, acting Public Health
Commissioner Deidre Gifford, Jennifer Perry, Lori Mathieu,
                                                                   Director Christina Stringer partnered with two
Michael Bisi, Denis Cuevas, Jane Stahl                             Tufts graduate students to help them study
Maine: acting Environmental Protection Commissioner                the fascinating field of wastewater-based
Melanie Loyzim, Health and Human Services Commissioner
Jeanne Lambrew, Michael Abbott, Brian Kavanah,                     epidemiology (WBE) and its potential to help
Brian Tarbuck, Stacy Thompson, David Van Slyke                     public health officials track coronavirus infections. This issue
Massachusetts: Environmental Protection Commissioner               of “Interstate Waters” features their work and NEIWPCC’s
Martin Suuberg, acting Public Health Commissioner
Margaret R. Cooke, Kathleen Baskin, Jan Sullivan,                  involvement in discussions around WBE (page 6).
Paul Hogan, John Sullivan, Adam Yanulis
New Hampshire: Environmental Services Commissioner                 On page 10, Program Manager Patty Chesebrough explores
Robert R. Scott, Rene Pelletier, Thomas Ballestero,
Frederick McNeill, Nelson Thibault, Robert Varney                  the wastewater staffing crisis, another important conversation
New York: Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil            that the industry has been circling around for the last 30 years
Seggos, Health Commissioner Howard Zucker,                         or more. As the need for operators and other environmental
Mark Klotz, Richard Lyons, Roger Sokol
                                                                   professionals grows more urgent, NEIWPCC intends to be a
Rhode Island: acting Environmental Management Director
Terrance Gray, Health Director Nicole Alexander-Scott,             leader in attracting a more diverse and inclusive clean water
Sue Kiernan, Janine Burke-Wells, Russell Chateauneuf,              workforce.
Amy Parmenter
Vermont: Environmental Conservation Commissioner
Peter Walke, Health Commissioner Mark Levine, Lori Cragin,         One way we’re trying to do that is by highlighting our staff and
Peter LaFlamme, Dennis Lutz                                        partners who clearly love what they do. On page 12, we profile
           Executive Director: Susan J. Sullivan                   Dan Miller, habitat restoration coordinator with the Hudson River
NEIWPCC is a regional commission that helps the states of          Estuary Program, who celebrated his 20th year with NEIWPCC
the Northeast preserve and advance water quality. We engage
and convene water quality professionals and other interested       in 2020. We hope that by showing the incredible work of people
parties from New England and New York to collaborate on            like Dan, young professionals can learn why water resource
water, wastewater, and environmental science challenges
across shared regions, ecosystems, and areas of expertise.         protection is such an important and rewarding career.

                                                                   This issue of “Interstate Waters” also highlights our virtual
                                                                   Nonpoint Source Conference (page 13), and an aquatic insect
               Volume 5, Number 2 • Fall 2021
                                                                   volunteer monitoring program in Maine (page 16). I think there’s
                   Editor: Amy Magin
   Contributing Editors: Kale Connerty, Beth MacBlane,             something for every environmental professional or clean water
                    Michelle St. John                              enthusiast in here.
          Contributors: Patricia L. Chesebrough,
           James Plummer, Christina Stringer
           Graphic Design: Newcomb Studios                         As we move into the end of the 2021 fiscal year and start
                                                                   preparing for 2022, when we’ll be celebrating not only the
        “Interstate Waters” is published by NEIWPCC.
      It is funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental          50th anniversary of the modern Clean Water Act, but also
             Protection Agency and distributed free of
             charge to subscribers. To subscribe, email            NEIWPCC’s 75th anniversary, I look forward to reflecting with Type “Subscribe” in the            you on all we’ve accomplished for the region and all we hope to
   subject field and provide your full mailing address. In the
     body of your email, indicate whether you also wish to         see in the future.
       receive our monthly e-newsletter, “Streamlined.”

The opinions and information stated in “Interstate Waters” are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of NEIWPCC. Articles in “Interstate Waters” may be copied and
distributed, except as noted. Please credit NEIWPCC.
                         NEIWPCC                                   Susan J. Sullivan
      650 Suffolk Street, Suite 410, Lowell, ma 01854              neiwpcc Executive Director
                    Tel: 978-323-7929
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc
Volume 5, Number 2

2    Highlights from NEIWPCC and our Partners

6    Tracing the Pandemic Through our Wastewater

10   Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce

12   Daniel Miller: Restoring Hudson River Estuary Habitats

13   Beavers, TACos, and Lightning Talks

14   Making Waves

16   Parting Shot

18   Events

                                            Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters   1
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc

Connections                                                         SRF funds for soil health, with a national overview of both
                                                                    obstacles and opportunities, such as addressing nutrients
                                                                    from agriculture; and two collaborative efforts to acquire
Virtual Northeast Aquatic Biologists                                land to protect water resources from East and West Coast
Conference Reaches a Wider Audience                                 communities. To learn more, and view presentations from
                                                                    previous engagement sessions, go to:
    NEIWPCC’s annual Northeast Aquatic Biologists (NAB)
Conference, held virtually for the first time, drew more
attendees than ever before, with a quarter tuning in from
other parts of the country, and even internationally. Held over
the course of four                                                  Protection
half-days in March,
NAB registrants                                                     Analyzing the Economic Benefits of a
could choose from
45 live and recorded
                                                                    Clean New York-New Jersey Harbor
presentations on                                                    Estuary
topics such as                                                         NEIWPCC contracted leading experts in environmental
biomonitoring,                                                      economics to conduct an analysis of the economic benefits
chloride,                                                           of having clean water in the New York-New Jersey Harbor
cyanobacteria, lake                                                 Estuary. The study, funded by the EPA and managed by
monitoring, and                                                     NEIWPCC, will be the first of its kind in the region and could
restoration.                                                        serve as a steppingstone for further work by policymakers and
    Featured speakers included Tim Martin, a long-term              researchers.
monitoring data analyst with the Minnesota Department of               In recent years, the New York-New Jersey Harbor and
Natural Resources, who presented on water quality trends in the     Estuary Program and other area partners have focused on
state’s sentinel lakes, including increasing surface temperatures   improving recreational access to the estuary’s waterways,
in these water bodies; Martyn Kelly, a leading ecologist in the     including boating, fishing, swimming, and other activities.
United Kingdom, who compared biomonitoring practices                The environmental economic analysis will allow stakeholders
and standards in the U.S. and the U.K.; and Nicole Dahrouge,        and decision-makers to document and communicate the
a graduate researcher at the University of Connecticut, who         true economic value of those benefits, making the case for
analyzed the effects of chloride contamination on vernal pool-      improving water quality, prioritizing investment, and bringing
dwelling wood frog tadpoles.                                        the advantages of healthy watersheds to underserved

State Revolving
Fund Series
Nonpoint Source
   NEIWPCC’s 2021 State
Revolving Fund (SRF)
virtual series launched
with three sessions
this spring. The events
provided opportunities for
learning and discussion
on current practices for
utilizing the SRF program
for nonpoint source
pollution (NPS) projects.
Presentations focused on
how Washington State
uses both SRF and Section
319 NPS management
program funding through
a combined program; NPS
and SRF professionals
discussed the use of

2   Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc
Sharing a Vision for a Healthier                                     solutions in “The Flood Resilience Handbook for Public Access
                                                                     Sites Along the Hudson River.” The handbook, produced by
Narragansett Bay Region                                              WSP engineering, with funding from NEIWPCC in partnership
    The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program (NBEP) is developing        with NYSDEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program, provides
a new 10-year plan for the region, which will provide specific       guidelines in planning for resilience and reducing damage,
actions surrounding water, wildlife and habitat, quality of life,    costs, and other consequences associated with flooding and
and the partnership’s ability to be a force for change. As part of   the effects of climate change.
the planning process, NBEP is seeking input from residents who
live, work, or play in the region to share their feedback with its
“Vision 2032” survey, found at The survey        $1.4 Million for
asks participants about their experiences with nature resources
in their communities, how they are impacted, and what changes
                                                                     Lake Champlain
they would like to see.                                              Basin Projects
                                                                        Improvements to water
                                                                     quality and ecosystem
Handbook Offers Strategies for                                       health in the Lake
Hudson River Flood Resilience                                        Champlain watershed
                                                                     are getting a boost in
   In the state of New York, more than 100                           the upcoming year. The
public access sites, including parks, preserves,                     Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) anticipates awarding
boat launches, and fishing piers along the                           more than $1.4 million in grants for clean water projects to be
shores of the tidal Hudson provide outstanding                       implemented in 2022. NEIWPCC was awarded the funds on
recreational, scenic, and economic value                             behalf of the LCBP through the EPA and Great Lakes Fishery
to the Hudson Valley. However, climate                               Commission. Grants will be awarded for implementation and
models project the estuary’s water levels may                        planning of clean water projects, habitat and native species
rise several feet by the end of this century,                        conservation, and aquatic invasive species spread prevention
threatening the condition and viability of many of these             and management. Projects located in the New York, Québec,
shoreline facilities.                                                and Vermont portions of the Lake Champlain basin are
   To assist owners and managers to adapt to existing and            eligible for consideration. Grant guidelines, applications, and
predicted flooding, the New York State Department of                 submission requirements are available at
Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) offers strategies and

                                                                     Interactive Map Explores Rhode Island
                                                                     Salt Ponds
                                                                        The landscape along Rhode Island’s south coast is carved up
                                                                     by salt ponds, each one a unique environment. A new, online
                                                                     resource tells the story of these ponds and the organization
                                                                     that protects them. The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program
                                                                     partnered with the Salt Pond Coalition to create an ArcGIS

                                                                                           Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters      3
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc

StoryMap — an                                                        on way while collecting information about migrating fish and
interactive,                                                         environmental conditions. The 14th season of the project
online medium                                                        wrapped up with a total of 77,350 glass eels caught, counted,
that integrates                                                      and released upstream. NYSDEC staff, scientists and program
detailed                                                             participants then celebrated with outdoor “Eelebrations” to
maps with                                                            discuss final data, thank volunteers, and share stories and
other visuals                                                        experiences.
and text to
science in an                                                        LUSTLine Explores
engaging way.
   Users of this StoryMap can click on different locations along
                                                                     the Rise of
Rhode Island’s south coast to learn about each pond. Formed          Electric Vehicles
by glacial deposits thousands of years ago, the ponds are each          The latest issue of
influenced by their unique interactions with salt and fresh water.   “LUSTLine” explores the
The Salt Pond Coalition’s mission is to protect these water          phasing out of gasoline
bodies, some of which have seen heavy species and habitat loss       powered vehicles and the
over the last few decades and vary in their degree of pollution.     rise of electric, and how
The ponds are valuable economic resources for the state and its      this will affect the future of
densely populated coastline. Some are important to the oyster        gas stations. Many of the
farming industry; many are popular recreational destinations.        country’s underground
The StoryMap also describes the “Pond Watchers” program —            storage tanks have aged beyond their life spans, creating a
encouraging community volunteers to help monitor fluctuating         “ticking time bomb” for increasing the likelihood of systems
bacteria levels in many of these water bodies.                       leaking, leading to contamination. In other articles, readers
                                                                     can explore the challenges and solutions associated with a
                                                                     lack of data standards for the underground storage tank (UST)
Students and Volunteers Celebrate                                    community, and delve into the compatibility of emerging fuels
Another Season of Eel Research                                       and UST systems.
                                                                        “LUSTLine” reports on news from federal and state programs
   Donning tan waders and face masks, volunteers and                 to control leaking underground storage tanks. NEIWPCC
students from 13 schools ventured into the Hudson River              maintains a full archive of past issues and an index organized by
and its tributaries to collect and count tiny American eels.         topic at
This migratory fish is born in the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic
Ocean and enters North American estuaries, including the
Hudson River, as see-through “glass eels” each spring. With
the guidance of New York State Department of Environmental
                                                                     Assessing Lake Champlain’s Conditions
Conservation (NYSDEC) staff, the Hudson River Eel Project            Through Ecosystems Indicators
participants checked specialized nets and traps at 12 locations         The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) released
during the migration season to monitor the health of the             an updated “State of the Lake and Ecosystems Indicators
population.                                                          Report,” assessing recent conditions, successes, and ongoing
   The project engages students, teachers and community              challenges. The
volunteers, who learn about their local ecosystem in a hands-        report describes Lake
                                                                     Champlain in terms
                                                                     of the four goals of
                                                                     LCBP’s strategic plan:
                                                                     clean water, healthy
                                                                     ecosystems, thriving
                                                                     communities, and
                                                                     an informed and
                                                                     involved public.
                                                                        An ecosystem
                                                                     indicators scorecard
                                                                     gives an at-a-glance
                                                                     status and trend of the Lake’s
                                                                     five major segments for indicators of clean water, healthy
                                                                     ecosystems, and — new this year — climate impacts. A new
                                                                     metric helps readers understand changes in how often the
                                                                     lake freezes over and potential impacts of warming trends
                                                                     on its ecosystem. In addition, the report shares maps and

4   Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc
charts related to everything from beach closures resulting
from cyanobacteria blooms, mercury loads in fish, invasive
species, to public access locations. It also provides tips detailing
everyday actions readers can take to support a healthy Lake            NEIWPCC
Champlain basin.                                                       Responds to
                                                                       EPA’s Proposed
                                                                       PFAS Rule
Read NEIWPCC’s 2020 Annual Report
                                                                          NEIWPCC joined
    NEIWPCC’s annual report for fiscal year 2020 highlights            with several other
the staff’s work throughout the Northeast to help preserve             water associations in
and advance clean water, accomplished under the launch                 authorizing a letter responding to the EPA’s advanced notice
of a new strategic plan and the impacts of the coronavirus             of proposed rulemaking, “Clean Water Act Effluent Limitations
pandemic. Available on NEIWPCC’s website, the report shows             Guidelines and Standards: Organic Chemicals, Plastics and
how NEIWPCC continued to establish new collaboratives,                 Synthetic Fibers Point Source Category.” The letter outlines
support program                                                        considerations of state environmental programs for the EPA in
partners and state                                                     regard to the future rule and lists specific recommendations.
environmental                                                          In carrying out the programs of the Clean Water Act, Safe
programs, and                                                          Drinking Water Act, and other national and state environmental
represent member                                                       statutes, states must address national regulatory changes and
states’ interests on                                                   data collection efforts that can affect their ability to manage
important water                                                        surface water, drinking water, and cross-media pollutants.
quality issues to                                                         Development of the future rule will enable states to acquire
federal parties.                                                       PFAS data towards state- and site-specific PFAS standards and
It also illustrates                                                    regulations. PFAS standards would allow states, the EPA, and
how NEIWPCC                                                            their stakeholders to better control and prevent PFAS pollution,
served as                                                              with a holistic and integrated water management approach. This
facilitator and                                                        includes working across EPA programs and with other federal
coordinator                                                            agencies to ensure cconsideration of potential impacts to
to help partners                                                       human health, aquatic life, drinking water, and the environment
respond to challenges presented by the                                 from PFAS throughout a chemical’s lifecycle — from
COVID-19 crisis and create new solutions. For example, less            manufacturing through processing, distribution, and disposal.
than a year after establishing the goal to offer online continuing
education for wastewater and water professionals, it suddenly
became necessary to revolutionize the 50-year-old in-person               For more information about these stories, go to the News
training programs, resulting in new virtual courses offering              page on NEIWPCC’s website, at You
crucial training for maintaining operator licenses.                       can also get our online news posts sent straight to your
                                                                          inbox! Email to subscribe
                                                                          to our e-newsletter, “Streamlined.”


                                                                                             Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters   5
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc
Yolanda Brooks and
                                                                                                                       Bailey Gryskwicz

           Tracing the Pandemic
          Through Our Wastewater
                                                                                                                                    Christina Wnek

    By Elyssa Anneser                              coronavirus. Not only can wastewater          or outcomes.

                                                   provide a snapshot of the virus’s current        Wastewater surveillance is a relatively
“          he sewer is the conscience of the       prevalence in a community, but it             new field, but as the SARS-CoV-2 virus
           city.” Phyllis Rand, of the Greater     can also help predict future cases of         spread around the world in early 2020,
           Augusta Utility District, shared        COVID-19.                                     so did interest in tracking the virus in
    this quote from Victor Hugo’s “Les                Wastewater-based epidemiology              wastewater. Individuals infected with
    Misérables” during a recent training on        (WBE) involves testing samples from           SARS-CoV-2 shed the virus in their
    wastewater-based epidemiology. Rand            wastewater to detect specific substances      feces throughout their illness, and viral
    emphasized how pollutants, diseases,           or viral fragments, and then using            fragments remain detectable through
    and other materials in our wastewater          statistical modeling techniques to            wastewater sampling and surveillance
    are valuable data that tell stories about a    measure and predict public health trends      programs for a few days. The amount
       In the last two years, water flushed
    down the drain has been providing                          New Field with a Promising Track Record
    researchers and public health officials
    important insights into the spread of the           Wastewater-based epidemiology has only been used as a method to study
                                                     public health since the early 2000s.
                                                        In 2005, researchers implemented WBE as a method to quantify the use of
    Elyssa Anneser and Emily Riseberg                cocaine and other illicit drugs in several European communities. These studies
    graduated with master’s degrees in public        proved that WBE can be an effective surveillance tool to measure drug use in a
    health from Tufts University in spring of        defined population.
    2021. They worked with Christina Stringer,          In a study published in 2020, researchers mapped opioid use in a North
    Ph.D., director of NEIWPCC’s Wastewater          Carolina community by collecting wastewater samples from residential
    and Onsite Systems Programs, on the              manholes. They were able to use that data to recommend targeted policies and
    biostatistics project shared here, for           programs, like more robust drug takeback programs, outreach materials, and
    their Applied Learning Experience at             other resources at pharmacies in specific areas of the community.
    Tufts. They’re both currently serving as            During the 2009 swine flu pandemic, researchers used WBE to trace the use
    NEIWPCC interns supporting a project             of Tamiflu (oseltamivir), a flu anti-viral drug, in populations in the United Kingdom.
    investigating regional biosolids generation.        WBE has also been used for polio surveillance since the early 2000s, helping
    Kale Connerty, NEIWPCC information               to reduce the prevalence of the virus in Pakistan and other countries.
    officer, also contributed to this article.

    6   Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc
of a virus an infected individual sheds
can be represented in the population’s
wastewater, for as long as the virus
                                                                     What’s the Difference?
particles persist in the environment.                                SARS-CoV-2 versus COVID-19
However, the exact amount of the virus          Often in the media and in daily conversation people use the terms SARS-
a person sheds in their fecal matter over    CoV-2 and COVID-19 interchangeably. But technically, they do not mean the
the course of their infection is still an    same thing.
unknown variable.                               Coronaviruses are a category of virus that cause a variety of upper-respiratory
   Nevertheless, wastewater-based            tract illnesses, varying in severity. According to the CDC, there are seven
epidemiology has been an important           coronaviruses that can infect people, the first of which were identified in the
public-health surveillance tool to           mid-1960s. SARS-CoV-2, the newest of the seven, is the abbreviation for severe
complement traditional clinical              acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.
surveillance for COVID-19. WBE can              COVID-19 is the specific illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 and is very similar
provide a more accurate understanding        to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a disease caused by another
of the number of coronavirus cases           coronavirus: SARS-CoV. COVID-19 is symptomatically similar to SARS and, while
in a community. For instance, both           generally considered less severe, appears to be more easily transmitted from
asymptomatic and symptomatic                 person to person.
individuals will be detected in wastewater
samples. Scientists can also use the viral                   What Are We Actually Sampling?
concentrations in the wastewater stream
and observed cases of the disease to            Footprints on a beach, a snake’s shed skin, and a skeleton: These were
predict future cases.                        metaphors that Scott Firmin of the Portland Water District shared during one of
                                             our recent wastewater operator trainings, to describe the portion of the SARS-
Comparing COVID-19 Cases to                  CoV-2 virus that is being measured in the wastewater.
Wastewater Data                                 I personally like the skeleton metaphor best. When we excrete virus particles
    Wastewater facilities around the world   through our feces, they enter the harsher environment of the wastewater stream.
have been partnering with researchers        While we were uncertain at the beginning of the pandemic whether viable
to embark on WBE studies. Utilities          copies of SARS-CoV-2 could persist in wastewater and be transmitted to people,
in the Northeast have been eager to          studies have shown that this is unlikely. Viruses cannot replicate outside their
participate in these efforts. In 2020,       hosts, and virus particles gradually break apart and become “fragments.” The
the Massachusetts Water Resource             “fragment” we are able to measure is the virus RNA, which contains the genome
Authority, which services Greater Boston,    of SARS-CoV-2.
began partnering with BioBot Analytics,         The Joint Environmental Training Coordinating Committee (JETCC) held a
a wastewater epidemiology company,           virtual training at the end of June, where Rand, Firmin and I discussed the history
to analyze their influent samples for the    of water and wastewater public health surveillance, how it works, how it can be
presence of SARS-CoV-2 fragments.            used, utilities’ sampling regimes during the pandemic, ethical considerations,
Likewise, the Portland Water District        and more. JETCC and NEIWPCC will hold this training again on November 17.
in Maine partnered with St. Joseph’s         Check out our calendar online at for this and other
College to analyze their influent samples.   opportunities to earn training contact hours.
The Greater New Haven Water Pollution                                                                        — Christina Stringer
Control Authority in Connecticut
partnered with Yale University to analyze
samples of their wastewater residuals.
    In the spring of 2021, Elyssa Anneser
and Emily Riseberg, two graduate
students in the public health program
at Tufts University, worked under the
guidance of NEIWPCC Wastewater                                                                                     RNA
and Onsite Systems Program Director
Christina Stringer, to investigate the
statistical relationship between SARS-
CoV-2 concentrations in wastewater
and COVID-19 reported cases. They
evaluated the data from Boston,
Portland, and New Haven using four
different types of statistical regressions
to model the rate of COVID-19 cases
in those communities. These models
— linear, generalized additive, Poisson,
and negative binomial — take into            This illustration of the SARS-CoV-2 virus anatomy was adapted from an image
account covariates that can affect           by Maya Peters Kostman for the Innovative Genomics Institute
the data, like temperature and flow          (
rate in the wastewater streams. Each

                                                                                       Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters       7
Tracing the Pandemic Through Our Wastewater - Combating our Aging Wastewater Workforce - neiwpcc
Evan Johnson of the Portland Water District collects composite     Anneser and Riseberg created this infographic for the Portland
wastewater samples for analysis.                                   health department.

model represents different potential        New Haven and Boston, this was the first      investment in WBE and environmental
relationships between the variables.        look at wastewater and incidence data in      surveillance. Looking ahead, WBE can
   Anneser and Riseberg verified an         Portland. Anneser and Riseberg met with       be instrumental in spotting outbreaks
association between the data sets and       the Portland public health department to      of COVID-19 early and allow for public
determined which models best predicted      help develop an infographic and posters       health intervention to break the
the COVID-19 case rate based on the         that can be used to explain WBE’s uses        course of transmission. WBE is also
wastewater SARS-CoV-2 concentrations        and benefits to the community.                expected to be used to investigate the
and different covariates. They found that       In addition, this was the first project   effectiveness of vaccines in halting the
the generalized additive and negative       to compare different statistical analytical   spread of COVID-19. In the future, WBE
binomial models best represented the        approaches between multiple locations         approaches may strengthen the world’s
actual data across all three locations.     among New England communities.                pandemic early warning system or even
The graphs on page 9 show the actual        Although more research and data are           assist with surveillance for the annual flu.
number of COVID-19 cases reported in        needed, this work represents a promising         Vaccination campaigns are in full swing
each location and the number of cases       first step towards providing predictive       around the world but challenges, like new
predicted by the generalized additive       models of COVID-19 cases to public            virus variants, remain. Wastewater-based
regression.                                 health officials for decision-making          epidemiology has great potential to guide
   While Anneser and Riseberg’s project     purposes.                                     public health officials through the hopeful
was a secondary analysis of the data from       This past year has seen an immense        end of the pandemic.

The Deer Island wastewater treatment plant, the second largest sewage treatment facility in the United States, is operated by the
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. Anneser and Riseberg used SARS-CoV-2 wastewater data from the MWRA as part of
their research.

8   Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
                              More About the Data
                                 Anneser and Riseberg’s graphs show the actual                                                                           Actual
                              number of COVID-19 cases reported in Boston, Portland,                                                                     GAM Predicted
                              and New Haven over time, and the number of cases the
                              generalized additive regression predicted based on the
                              SARS-CoV-2 wastewater data.
                                 The treatment facilities in these areas serve
                              populations of varying size: from about 17,000 in
                              Gorham and Westbrook, Maine to 2 million people in

                                                                                                               Cases/day per 10,000 people
                              Boston. Sampling also varied in each location. The Maine
                              and Massachusetts facilities collected one-liter, 24-hour
                              composite samples of influent. In the Massachusetts
                              system, these samples were collected three to seven                                                            6
                              times per week. In Maine, they were collected weekly.
                              The Connecticut facility collected 40-milliliter primary
                              sludge samples daily.
                                 This study uses Massachusetts data from Aug. 19,
                              2020, to Jan. 19, 2021; Maine data from Sept. 1, 2020,
                              to March 2, 2021; and Connecticut data from March 1,                                                           3
                              2020, to June 1, 2020. The incidence of daily COVID-19
                              cases was calculated using public health and population
                              records in these communities. Both the COVID-19
                              incident cases and the SARS-CoV-2 concentrations,
                              measured in copies per milliliter, were log-transformed
                              (a widely used method to address skewed data).

                                                                                                                                                  September 2020 October   November    December      January 2021

                                   Connecticut                                                                                                   Maine
                                        Actual                                                                                                           Actual
                                        GAM Predicted                                                                                                    GAM Predicted


Cases/day per 10,000 people

                                                                                                Cases/day per 10,000 people





                               0                                                                                                         0

                                        April 01, 2020   April 15   May 01   May 15   June 01                                                          October 2020                   January 2021

                                                                                                                                                                      Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters        9
Combating Our Aging
                Wastewater Workforce
by Patricia L. Chesebrough
                                                    Maine Active Certified Wastewater Operators by age, 2020

         s the United States’ wastewater                                                    Over 70: 1%
         workforce ages, the need for new                                    66-70: 7%            Under 31: 5%
         operators entering the industry
is becoming critical. In its document,                                                                      31-40: 15%
“America’s Water Sector Workforce
Initiative: A Call to Action,” the EPA
Office of Water highlights the issue:                        61-65: 18%

     “One of the major challenges
     facing our nation is the critical and
     unprecedented staff shortage in                                                                          41-50: 22%
     the water workforce that operates                          56-60: 19%
     and maintains our essential
     drinking water and wastewater
     infrastructure. In the next five to                                                 51-55: 2%
     10 years, water sector workers will
     be eligible to retire at levels that
     will stress our ability to operate this   for a career in wastewater, and fewer and      statistics for licensees, it is apparent that
     critical infrastructure. The clean and    fewer of these mechanically inclined           the workforce also lacks racial diversity.
     safe water and the way of life we         professionals are entering the field.          Focusing recruitment efforts on minority
     have come to enjoy in this country           As indicated in the table below,            populations could lead to increased
     cannot be sustained without our           women currently make up only 4.5% of           hiring and building of diversity in the
     water protection specialists. We          active licensed wastewater operators in        industry.
     must address this pending shortage        New England and New York (NEIWPCC’s               One significant way to tackle these
     with focused engagement at all            compact states). Increasing the                workforce development issues across
     levels of government and our public       percentage of women entering the               the Northeast (and beyond) is by
     and private water sector partners.”       wastewater industry is a logical way to        making wastewater a career of choice.
                                               help address the wastewater workforce          NEIWPCC’s seasoned wastewater staff
    According to EPA estimates,
                                               shortage as a whole.                           suggests this can be accomplished
approximately one-third of all operators
                                                  Although NEIWPCC has not                    through focusing on four essential efforts:
in the U.S. will be eligible for retirement
                                               historically collected demographic
in the next 10 years. As just one example,
based on a 2020 review NEIWPCC
conducted of our license records (see                        Active Licensed Operators in the Northeast*
figure to right), 53% of all wastewater
operators in Maine were over the age             State               Total Licensed Operators        Female Operators          Percent
of 50, making them all eligible for
retirement in 10 years or less. There is         Connecticut                    823                          30                 3.6%
a significant need for new wastewater
operators to fill the positions being            Maine                          631                          49                 7.8%
vacated by these retirements.                    Massachusetts                  3,612                        192                5.3%
    Further exacerbating the impending
workforce shortage is the fact that the          New Hampshire                  543                          35                 6.4%
wastewater industry is comprised almost          New York                      3,257                         82                 2.5%
entirely of men, many of whom ended
up in their jobs through non-traditional         Rhode Island                   495                          20                 4.0%
paths. It is rare to find operators who          Vermont                        446                          35                 7.8%
actively chose and trained in advance
                                                 Total                         9,807                        443                 4.5%
Patricia L. Chesebrough is a program
manager in NEIWPCC’s Wastewater and              *Data from state licensing records maintained by NEIWPCC and our member states.
Onsite Systems Division.

10      Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
⏴ Outreach and Recruiting: Perhaps                                                                        The Youth and
  the most critical need for the                                                                          the Environment
  wastewater workforce is an outreach                                                                     Program in Lowell,
  and recruiting campaign to increase                                                                     Massachusetts exposes
  overall awareness of wastewater; and                                                                    teens to the wastewater
  showcase wastewater as a rewarding                                                                      industry and other
  career with good wages, benefits,                                                                       environmental fields.
  and growth opportunity. Outreach                                                                        You can read about
  and recruiting must also be targeted                                                                    the program in the
  toward appropriate demographic                                                                          September 2020 issue
  and socioeconomic populations that                                                                      of “Interstate Waters.”
  have the greatest potential to become
  operators and will benefit the most
  from a career in wastewater.
⏴ Education: Expand our existing
  operator training programs to ensure       relationships to provide the support         Through active outreach and
  they are accessible and affordable         needed to ensure candidates               recruiting, and providing a clear and
  for everyone, as well as offered in a      complete training, licensing, and         manageable path to education, licensing,
  wide variety of formats to meet the        employment goals.                         experience, and long-term career
  schedules and learning needs of                                                      opportunities, the industry can increase
                                           ⏴ Opportunity: Through networking           the number of operators entering
                                             and partnerships with a variety of
                                                                                       wastewater. Targeting historically
⏴ Internship/Apprenticeship/                 job-assistance organizations, help
                                                                                       under-represented populations, such
  Mentorship Programs: Develop and           connect interested candidates with
                                                                                       as minorities and women, can make
  implement internship, apprenticeship,      employment opportunities. These
                                                                                       a truly impactful difference for these
  and/or mentorship programs at              organizations can assist candidates
                                                                                       people and the wastewater workforce as
  wastewater facilities throughout the       with resume writing, job-search tools,
                                                                                       whole. This will ensure a sustainable and
  Northeast to provide essential hands-      and interview preparation, among
                                                                                       well-educated wastewater workforce
  on experience to those new to the          other skills.
                                                                                       well into the future, thereby perpetually
  industry, as well as create networking
                                                                                       protecting our nation’s waters.

                Addressing the Shortage of Wastewater Operators
        A Q&A with Jeffrey A. Murawski, P.E., Fitchburg, MA DPW deputy commissioner of wastewater

  Why is there a shortage of wastewater operators?               additional one focused on environmental science. These
     As more operators are leaving than are coming in, there     programs help facilitate workforce readiness of high school
  also seems to be a tougher supply/demand issue for higher      graduates with intentions to pursue careers after graduation
  licensure level operators. I think this is a multi-faceted     instead of post-secondary college enrollments.
  problem, with the heart of it being the at-large workforce        We also welcome wastewater treatment plant tours from
  doesn’t know about these jobs: what we do, the importance      schools and youth group organizations. We have provided
  of the jobs and the work, and the job security, through        tours to Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School,
  workforce demand and need for these jobs continuing into       Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster, Minuteman
  the foreseeable future.                                        Regional Vocational Technical School, Oakmont Regional
                                                                 High School, Leominster’s Center for Technical Education
  What do you think needs to be done to retain existing          Innovation school, X-Cel Conservation Corps, and Fitchburg
  and encourage new operators?                                   State University.
      Jobs and job opportunities that are unknown to the
  workforce require more effort and staffing creativity by       Any final thoughts you have related to the wastewater
  hiring managers. In my seven years of experience as a          workforce and/or its development?
  wastewater utility head for a Massachusetts municipality,         We need continued networking engagement among
  the hiring process for filling vacated positions has been      wastewater utilities, professional organizations, licensure
  through a passive approach, advertising job vacancies in       authorities among regulators, and training organizations and
  appropriate places and hoping that respondents will answer.    schools, whose mission is to develop workforce candidates
      We haven’t yet engaged with public middle or high          for the needs of workforce demands.
  schools’ guidance and career counselors or participated           A key to success in filling vacancies will be openness to
  in job fairs. However, Fitchburg has begun to see positive     non-traditional recruiting strategies (non-traditional for our
  outcomes from networking with trade school programs,           industry, and for municipalities), to seek out workforce candi-
  training organizations, and working with our local public      dates. Also, a willingness to engage with the public for general
  school system, which has an “Advanced Manufacturing            educational outreach, and for targeted engagement with
  Pathway” program, and is interested in developing an           schools’ curricula related to wastewater STEM career areas.

                                                                                       Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters       11
Daniel Miller: Restoring
      Hudson River Estuary Habitats
by Amy Magin                                                                                   Many of these projects are on public

                                                                                            parklands, where visitors are constantly
      wenty years ago, when Daniel                                                          interacting with the river.
      Miller first joined NEIWPCC as                                                           “We recently finished a shoreline
      an environmental analyst, he was                                                      stabilization and access project in
tasked with an ambitious endeavor:                                                          Stuyvesant, that I’m very proud of,” Miller
develop a plan for restoring Hudson River                                                   said. “A big priority for us was to include
estuary habitats — severely impacted by                                                     a large fishing platform — it’s a popular
industrial development, transportation                                                      striper spot — on a section of the river
systems, navigational improvements, and                                                     where there really isn’t that much access.
a host of local landscape issues — back                                                     At the same time, we were able to build a
into a healthy ecosystem.                                                                   tidal pool with tidal vegetation, and put in
   After working with multiple                                                              some shoreline features that were stable,
stakeholders over the course of many                                                        incorporating a lot of plant matter for
years to gather information and                                                             aquatic, terrestrial and bird life.”
recommendations, Miller produced a                                                             Miller’s dedication to the habitat
comprehensive guide in 2011 for restoring                                                   restoration came from his upbringing on
the river’s tidal wetlands and natural                                                      the Hudson. He began working on the
shorelines and facilitating fish passage up                                                 river when he was 18, returning to the
the Hudson’s tributaries.                                                                   area to raise his family after receiving
   The “Hudson River Estuary Program                                                        his master’s in biology from Florida
Habitat Restoration Plan,” published                                                        Atlantic University, and then working as
by the New York State Department of                                                         a marine biologist in Florida and Maine.
Environmental Conservation, identified                                                      He now has his 50-ton, U.S Coast Guard
several priority habitats vital to the        but eventually they are able to come to a     commercial captain’s license for inland
health and resiliency of the estuary and      consensus.                                    waters.
presented recommendations for action.            “It can be a challenge when so many           In his two decades at NEIWPCC,
The plan sets priorities for government       interested parties are involved but it is     Miller has seen many colleagues come
agencies, scientists, conservation            also a blessing that allows us to make        and go, as new people are hired to
and environmental organizations and           progress on the Hudson,” Miller said.         replace those who have retired. “I’ve
research institutions throughout the          “There are many different ambitious and       come to appreciate the mix of long-
region to plan, implement and evaluate        energetic groups out there doing great        term experienced people bringing their
habitat restoration projects.                 things for the river and the environment,     wisdom to the table with this constant
   Miller now collaborates with a variety     and they make wonderful partners.”            renewal of young, ambitious, creative
of partners — from local municipalities to       In his work on shorelines, Miller          minds,” he said. “I love it when we
federal agencies — to facilitate the plan’s   also communicates extensively with            bring in new people, because it injects
implementation, coordinating funding          communities to understand how they            some great energy and creativity into
sources with research and science             interact with the river. This feedback is     the process, which is a necessary part
capacities, and moving projects from          then incorporated into shoreline designs      of being an effective and dynamic
preliminary stages to design and then         that allow for human uses such as water       organization.”
eventually to construction. He tries to       access and scenic views, while still             Miller believes that it is essential
involve as many stakeholders as possible,     creating healthy, resilient ecosystems.       to inspire people to appreciate the
working closely with the decision-makers         “Our primary goal is to maintain or        environment. He enjoys any opportunity
while ensuring community input and            improve the environment for the plants        to join people for a walk in the woods, or a
support. He acknowledges that it can          and animals of the Hudson River,”             canoe trip on the Hudson, passing on his
be difficult sometimes to get so many         Miller said. “But we also have a very big     knowledge of the river he loves.
people to move in the same direction,         component of human use that needs                “The hardest thing for me to see is the
                                              to be addressed. So, in working with a        continued disconnect and erosion of our
                                              community we need to be really creative       relationship from the environment. At
Amy Magin is director of NEIWPCC’s            about what they want to experience at         best, it is seen as a novelty to a lot of kids.
Communications Division. Daniel Miller is     the river, and with a few compromises we      The more that I can get involved with
an environmental analyst with NEIWPCC         are able to achieve a project that respects   people outdoors, the better.”
and coordinator with the Hudson River         the river while satisfying those needs.”
Estuary Program Habitat Restoration.

12   Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
Beavers, TACos, and
                             Lightning Talks
        Scenes From NEIWPCC’s Virtual Nonpoint Source Conference

By James Plummer

          ld film footage of state officials
          tagging wriggling beavers,
          locking them into wooden crates,
strapping the crates to parachutes,
and dropping them out of planes into
the remote backwoods of Idaho isn’t
the usual type of content featured in
presentations at NEIWPCC’s Nonpoint
Source (NPS) Conference.
    The footage was part of a 1950s era
conservation effort, unearthed by the
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and
shared by Julie Busa of Fuss & O’Neill,
during this year’s virtual NPS Conference
in May. Busa, presenting on her own work
in Massachusetts stimulating beaver
activity to create habitat, increase flood
resilience, and manage nonpoint source
pollution, referenced the successful
beaver drop, which relocated the animals
away from residential development and
into the wilderness.                           are quite diverse. With guidance from a          NPS work groups, as well as other
    Originally scheduled for 2020              planning team, NEIWPCC staff strategize          environmental practitioners. The group
at the Woodstock Inn in Vermont,               how to best arrange content to meet the          promotes the tracking and accounting
NEIWPCC had to postpone the 31st               interests and needs of the region’s NPS          of pollution management practices to
Annual Nonpoint Source Conference              community. NEIWPCC has historically              continually improve nonpoint source
due to the pandemic, holding it virtually      held the event over two consecutive days         management strategies on a watershed
instead in 2021. Since its inception, the      in one of our member states. For the 2021        and regional scale. Many of these
conference has been an opportunity for         virtual conference, the team decided to          members attended the event, using
environmental officials and researchers        spread the sessions out over three five-         the web conferencing platform’s chat
in the Northeast to discuss NPS water          hour days during two weeks in May.               function to share insights and resources
pollution management strategies.                   For one session, three scientists —          throughout.
    The projects shared at the NPS             Nick Nelson, Inter-Fluve; Kristen                    “It became clear that continuing
conference, like cultivated, strategic         Andersen, University of Alberta; and             to support and grow tracking and
beaver activity, are a reminder that           Peter Slovinsky, Maine Geological Survey         accounting systems will be a central
environmental conservation isn’t about         — participated in lighting talks, describing     part of NPS work in the coming
leaving nature untouched by humans.            riverbank stabilization, lake shore              years,” said TACo Co-Coordinator and
Humans have always had a hand in               stabilization, and living shoreline projects.    NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst Emma
shaping their environments.                    From there, the audience had the                 Gildesgame, “including for developing
    Nonpoint source management issues          opportunity to join one of three breakout        and implementing NPS TMDLs and
                                               sessions. This structure was important for       alternative restoration plans.”
James Plummer is an environmental              a virtual conference, facilitating deeper
analyst in NEIWPCC’s Wastewater and            discussions between colleagues who had           Lessons From a Virtual Format
Onsite Systems Division. He planned this       been disconnected for almost two years.             The ability to easily share links to other
year’s NPS conference with NEIWPCC                 The conference was also an                   resources during a presentation is one
Events and Operations Coordinator Vivian       opportunity for NEIWPCC to evaluate              of the advantages of virtual conferences
Frausto. Plummer coordinates NEIWPCC’s         its new Tracking and Accounting                  and is a way for colleagues to further
NPS management programs and co-leads           Collaborative (TACo), comprised of               network and dive deeper into a subject.
NEIWPCC’s Tracking and Accounting              members from NEIWPCC’s Total                     One of NEIWPCC’s most valuable
Collaborative.                                 Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and                                          continued on page 15

                                                                                               Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters      13

Katie DeGoosh-DiMarzio, NEIWPCC
environmental analyst at RI DEM, was
interviewed on Resiliency Radio to speak                              Congratulations
about invasive species spread prevention
and the new solar boat wash station on        For more than 50 years, EPA New England has honored
Chapman Pond in Rhode Island.                 those who have made outstanding contributions
                                              to protect the region’s environment. NEIWPCC
Maryann Dugan, NEIWPCC                        congratulates the 2021 recipients of EPA New England’s
environmental analyst, was elected to         Environmental Merit Awards Program.
join the Board of Directors for the New
Hampshire Rivers Council for a three-         Former NEIWPCC Commissioner Janet Coit was
year term.                                    presented with the Ira Leighton “In Service to States”
                                              Annual Award, for her leadership in addressing
Richard Friesner, NEIWPCC director            regional environmental challenges. Coit, assistant
of Water Quality Programs, moderated          administrator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
a session of the mid-year Association of      Administration Fisheries, was the director of the Rhode
Clean Water Administrators meeting,           Island Department of Environmental Management for         Janet Coit
which discussed upcoming legislative          more than 10 years.
priorities for the House and Senate for
the environment, water quality, and                 Environmental Lifetime Achievement Merit Awards:
infrastructure.                                Yvonne Bolton,             Angelo Liberti III,        Chuck Schwer,
                                               retiring NEIWPCC           retiring administrator     retired division
Friesner also presented “Progress in           commissioner,              of the Surface Water       director of waste
Water Quality…But Still More Work to           and bureau chief,          Protection Programs        management and
Do” for the Climate Change Initiative,         Bureau of Materials        in the Rhode Island        prevention with the
a research center at the University            Management and             Department of              Vermont Department
of Massachusetts, Lowell. Friesner’s           Compliance Assurance       Environmental              of Environmental
talk focused on the Clean Water Act’s          for the Connecticut        Management, and            Conservation and
framework, water quality progress over         Department of Energy       long-time NEIWPCC          long-time NEIWPCC
its 50-year history, and current events        and Environmental          partner.                   partner.
related to our country’s surface water         Protection.

Megan Lung, NEIWPCC environmental
analyst with the Hudson River Estuary
Program, completed the Pattern for
Progress 2020-2021 fellowship on
Environmental Racism in the Hudson
Valley. She co-authored the group’s final
report, “Achieving Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion in the Hudson Valley.”

Lung was also presented with a
Recognition of Resilience and Distinctive      Yvonne Bolton              Angelo Liberti III         Chuck Schwer
Service Award by the town of Esopus, N.Y.
for her service to the community during     coordinator, co-authored a paper,          Three NEIWPCC environmental analysts
2020, naming Lung as a “NYSDEC Friend       “Pathway-Based Approaches for              presented at the annual Northeast
of Esopus, Champion of Culverts and         Assessing Biological Hazards of Complex    Aquatic Biologists Conference: Megan
Knight of NEIWPCC.”                         Mixtures of Contaminants: A Case Study     Lung, Hudson River Estuary Program, “A
                                            in the Maumee River,” in the April 2021    Look Back at the Action Agenda: Barrier
Fred McNeill, P.E., chief engineer          issue of “Environmental Toxicology and     Removal from 2015-2025 in the Hudson
for the city of Manchester’s (N.H.)         Chemistry.”                                River Estuary;” Charles Stoll, New York
Environmental Protection Division and                                                  State Department of Environmental
NEIWPCC commissioner, was recently          John Sullivan, NEIWPCC commissioner        Conservation, “Chloride Concentrations
named as the next NEWEA president.          and chief engineer, Boston Water           Across New York State Flowing Waters;”
                                            and Sewer Commission, testified as         and Matthew Vaughan, Lake Champlain
Dan Rearick, NEIWPCC environmental          part of the U.S. Senate Environment        Basin Program, “Lessons Learned
analyst and Hudson River Estuary            and Public Works Committee hearing         From Three Decades of Water Quality
Program - Hudson River Environmental        on infrastructure cybersecurity            Monitoring on Lake Champlain.”
Conditions Observing System                 vulnerabilities.

14   Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
Welcome to Our New Commissioners
  Lori Mathieu                              Rene Pelletier (acting)                        Thank you to our
  Connecticut                               New Hampshire                                  Retiring Commissioners
  Mathieu is a public health branch chief   Pelletier is the assistant director,
  with the Connecticut Department           Water Division, New Hampshire                  Yvonne Bolton
  of Public Health’s Environmental          Department of Environmental
  Health and Drinking Water branch          Services, providing program oversight
                                                                                           Chief of the Bureau of Materials,
  and is also the president-elect to the    related to subsurface systems,
                                                                                           Management and Compliance
  Association of State Drinking Water       alteration of terrain, drinking water and
                                                                                           Assurance with the Connecticut
  Administrators.                           groundwater bureau, wetlands bureau,
                                                                                           Department of Energy and
                                            dam bureau, wastewater engineering,
                                                                                           Environmental Protection; NEIWPCC
  Jennifer Perry                            watershed management and the
                                                                                           commissioner since 2003.
  Connecticut                               Winnipesaukee River basin program.
  Perry is a licensed professional
  engineer with the Connecticut             Margret Cooke (acting)
  Department of Energy and                  Massachusetts
  Environmental Protection, with            Cooke is the acting commissioner of            New Hampshire
  extensive experience in wastewater        the Massachusetts Department of                More than 33
  systems, ground water and surface         Public Health (MA DPH), previously             years of public
  water permitting, dam safety and          serving as deputy commissioner and             service, including:
  infrastructure management.                general counsel.                               commissioned
                                                                                           officer in the U.S.
  Jan Sullivan                                                                             Army Corps of
                                            Terrance Gray (acting)
  Massachusetts                                                                            Engineers, senior manager within the
                                            Rhode Island
  Sullivan is the acting director of the                                                   Department of Energy and project
                                            Terrance Gray is the acting director
  Bureau of Environmental Health at the                                                    director in the construction industry;
                                            of the Rhode Island Department of
  Massachusetts Department of Public                                                       NEIWPCC commissioner since 2019.
                                            Environmental Management. Gray has
  Health. She oversees program areas        been the primary point person on the
  that include toxicology, epidemiology,    Rhode Island interagency team for the
  indoor air quality, childhood lead        Transportation and Climate Initiative
  poisoning prevention, radiation and       and has led several permitting and
  food protection, and community            enforcement program initiatives and
  sanitation.                               reforms at the department.

Beavers, TACos, and                            The conference usually attracts             Vermont for the 32nd Annual Nonpoint
Lightning Talks                             attendees who are almost exclusively           Source Conference in April 2022.
continued from page 13                      from the Northeast states. However,               And those parachuting beavers? Not
                                            the accessible nature of the virtual           only did they survive their drop, they
roles is engaging and convening water       format opened the door to increased            flourished in their new environment,
quality professionals to collaborate on     participation from locations far outside       establishing new colonies and improving
environmental issues. Simulating the        of the region, including Guam, Texas,          the habitat for other animals, waterfowl,
same kind of networking experience          South Carolina, Ohio, and Kentucky. And,       fish and plants.
as an in-person event has been an           registration increased from an average of
important hurdle for NEIWPCC to             100-140 participants to 160, with a greater
overcome during the pandemic.               presence from EPA and tribal staff.
   A benefit of virtual events: Attendees      There are elements from the virtual
have better control over their              conference that may inform the agenda
environment and their time. Feedback        for next year. Conference organizers
from participants expressed approval of     discovered that holding more panels,
how the NPS conference was spread out       lightning talks, and breakout sessions
over the course of two weeks. Attendees     keep attendees engaged, both virtually
did not have to sacrifice full workdays,    and in-person. While this year was
or experience any potential conference      certainly a success, staff are crossing
burnout at the end of several day-long      their fingers that NEIWPCC can host the
sessions.                                   NPS community at the Woodstock Inn in
                                                                                                                            Tim Newcomb

                                                                                          Volume 5, Number 2 • Interstate Waters    15

                          A Treasure Hunt for
                           Healthy Streams
                    by Kale Connerty                              with the DEP, presented on the program

                                                                  last March at NEIWPCC’s virtual
                           or the last two summers, volunteers    Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference.
                           have gone prospecting in Maine’s       Danielson was responsible for creating
                           streams for aquatic insects like       the guidebook, macroinvertebrate
                    those shown here, as part of an effort to     identification keys, and data forms
                    better understand water quality in the        that volunteers use out in the field. He
                    state.                                        enlisted the help of two AmeriCorps
                       The Maine Stream Explorers is a            environmental stewards and his teenage
                    new community science program, run            daughter, who used her photo-editing
                    through a collaboration between Maine         skills to enhance the images shown
                    Audubon, the Maine Department of              here. These photos were sourced from
                    Environmental Protection (DEP), the           “The Atlas of Common Freshwater
                    Lakes Environmental Association,              Macroinvertebrates of Eastern North
                    Portland Water District, and a growing list   America,” an online community science
                    of other partners invested in protecting      resource.
                    the state’s water resources. In 2020,            The guidebook describes volunteers’
                    Maine Audubon recorded an online              objective as “a treasure hunt for healthy
                    training for volunteers, to help them find    streams in Maine.” The materials
                    and collect aquatic insects in their local    walk volunteers through finding and
                    streams and to classify the bugs based on     identifying these macroinvertebrates,
                    their tolerance to water pollution.           and rate the bugs as sensitive,
                       Tom Danielson, an aquatic biologist        moderately sensitive, or tolerant to water
                                                                  pollution. At each stream, volunteers
                                                                  tally up how many of each kind of bug
                    Kale Connerty is an information officer in    they find in each of those sensitivity
                    NEIWPCC’s Communications Division.            categories.

                                                                  (Adobe stock photo)

16   Interstate Waters • Fall 2021
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