Generalized epilepsies: a review1

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Generalized epilepsies: a review 1

Hans Luders, M.D., Ph.D.                                       In this discussion of the pathophysiology of generalized seizures,
Ronald P. Lesser, M.D.                                      the authors conclude that current evidence supports a primarily
Dudley S. Dinner, M.D.                                      cortical origin, and that there is a continuum between strictly
Harold H. Morris III, M.D.                                  partial seizures at one end of the spectrum and definite generalized
                                                            seizures at the other. Typical interictal electroencephalogram
                                                            (EEG) patterns seen in patients with generalized seizures and their
                                                            clinical correlations are discussed, and the ictal EEG patterns are
                                                            subdivided according to their relationship to interictal EEG pat-
                                                            terns. Special tests, such as sleep, photic stimulation, hyperventi-
                                                            lation, evoked potentials, computer analysis, and prolonged EEG
                                                            video-monitoring, which enhance diagnostic ability, are reviewed.
                                                            Index terms: Epilepsy • Seizures
                                                            Cleve Clin Q 51:205-226, Summer 1984

                                                             The International Federation of Societies for Electroen-
                                                          cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology (IFSECN)1
                                                          classification of seizures distinguishes two main groups: (a)
                                                          generalized, and (b) partial.
                                                             In partial seizures, only a limited portion of the brain is
                                                          involved whereas in generalized seizures, the brain is af-
                                                          fected diffusely. In extreme cases, these two groups can be
                                                          clearly differentiated, e.g., focal motor seizures with no
     Department of Neurology (H.L., R.P.L.,               secondary generalization vs. generalized tonic-clonic sei-
H.H.M.) and Plastic Surgery (D.S.D.), The Cleveland       zures with no aura and apparently bilateral, bisynchronous
Clinic Foundation. Submitted for publication and ac-      EEG onset. Most seizures, however, fall somewhere be-
cepted Oct 1983.
                                                          tween these extremes. Moreover, focal seizures tend to
0009-8787/84/02/0205/22/$5.95/0                           trigger secondary generalized seizures, and differentiation
                                                          is particularly difficult when the focal component is of
Copyright © 1984 by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation       short duration. In some patients, all clinical seizures are

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206            Cleveland Clinic Q u a r t e r l y                                                                                   Vol. 51, No. 2

                                                                              apparently of generalized onset a n d their focal
                  FOCAL                             REGIONAL
                                                                              n a t u r e can be detected only by EEG studies a n d /
                                                    A                         or videotape monitoring. In those with two epi-
                                                                              leptogenic foci a n d a m a r k e d tendency to second-
                                                                              ary generalization, the distinction between partial
                                                                              and generalized is usually impossible. Multiple
                                                                              (three or more) epileptogenic foci almost invari-
                                                                              ably result in secondary generalization, a n d these
                                                                              cases a r e usually classified as generalized seizures.
                                                                              T w o conclusions can be drawn f r o m these obser-
   BILATERAL (MAXIMUM RIGHT)                    GENERALIZED                   (a) It is frequently impossible to distinguish
                                                                                       clearly between partial and generalized sei-
                                                                                       zures. T h e r e appears to be a c o n t i n u u m
                                                                                       between clear-cut partial seizures at o n e end
                                                                                       of the spectrum a n d generalized seizures at
                                                                                       the o t h e r (Fig. 1), most falling s o m e w h e r e
                                                                                       in between.
                                                                              (b) If we move along the spectrum f r o m partial
                                                                                       toward generalized seizures, we can con-
                                                                                       clude, by extrapolation, that "generalized"
   Fig. 1. Continuum between partial seizures (upper left) and                         seizures are actually multifocal seizures with
generalized seizures (lower right), showing the distribution map of                    an e x t r e m e tendency f o r secondary gener-
interictal epileptiform discharges. Darkened area = 90%-100% of                        alization (Fig. 2). T h i s concept will be dis-
the maximum amplitude of spike; area within the darkest circle =                       cussed in detail later.
more than 80% of the maximum amplitude of the spike.
                                                                                  From the surgeon's point of view, however, a
                                                                              clear line must be drawn between "partial" and
                                                                              "generalized" seizures, i.e., will resection of a
                          PARTIAL VS GENERALIZED SEIZURES                     limited area of cortex abolish the seizures or not?
                                                                              T h e affirmative implies that (a) all seizures are
                                                                              triggered f r o m one focus, a n d (/;) t h e r e are no
                                                                              o t h e r secondary foci capable of triggering sei-
                                                                              zures a f t e r resection of the primary focus. T h e s e
NUMBER                                                                        surgical criteria can occasionally be m e t even in
OF S P I K E                                                                  the presence of a m a r k e d tendency for secondary
FOCI                                                                          generalized seizures.
                                                                                  Influenced by these surgical criteria and the
                                                                              concept of a c o n t i n u u m , we use the following
                                                                              practical subdivision of seizures:
                                                                              (a) Partial seizure disorder: Electroclinical in-
                                                                                       f o r m a t i o n indicates that resection of a lim-
                                                                                       ited area of cortex would abolish the sei-
                                                                                       zures, e.g., left mesial temporal focus.
                                                                              (b) Generalized seizure disorder: Electroclinical
                                                                                       evidence indicates that resection of even an
GENERALIZATION                                                                         extensive area of cortex would n o t abolish
                                                                                       the seizures.

                                                                              Pathophysiology of generalized seizures
                            PARTIAL                     GENERALIZED
                                                                                M o d e r n theories of the pathogenesis of gen-
                            SEIZURES                      SEIZURES            eralized spike a n d wave complexes began with
                                                                              Penfield a n d Jasper 2 (Fig. 3). T h e y assumed that
   Fig. 2. Continuum between partial and generalized seizures,
depending on the number of spike foci and tendency toward                     primary "generalized" seizures (e.g., generalized
secondary generalization.                                                     absences) are essentially secondary to a focal ab-

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Summer 1984                                                                                            Generalized epilepsies      207

normality in poorly defined, deep-seated midline                        maker mechanism, he was able to demonstrate
gray structures called the "centrencephalon." In                        that, in cats pretreated with penicillin I.M. (to
other words, the group most famous for pioneer-                         produce diffuse hyperexcitability), bursts of 3-Hz
ing surgical treatment of focal cortical epilepsy                       spike and wave complexes were triggered most
suggested that "generalized" epilepsy is an                             readily from the same deep-seated, nonspecific
expression of a fairly focal subcortical triggering                     midline gray structures that produced the re-
mechanism. In the words of Jasper and Kersh-                            cruiting response. He postulated, therefore, that
man: 3                                                                  primary generalized seizures are produced by an
                                                                        abnormal interplay of both, namely, cortex and
  The sudden loss of consciousness (in an absence) is a                 subcortical midline gray structures (reticulo-cor-
  form of onset comparable to "tingling of one hand" in                 tical theory). He did not commit himself directly,
  a patient with cortical focal seizures. In cases of focal             but the obvious implication is that generalized
  cortical onset, minor attacks may be noted as "whirling               seizures result from hyper-reactivity of the cortex
  lights" when the epileptic discharge is confined to the
  occipital lobe. Minor attacks of the bilaterally synchron-
                                                                        to afferent impulses from the midline subcortical
  ous 3/sec wave and spike form are associated with loss                gray structures, which act as trigger (or pace-
  of consciousness when the discharge is confined to                    maker) mechanisms. In a recent article, 6 he
  centers (or circuits) primarily concerned with this func-             stated:
                                                                           The concept (of reticulo-cortical epilepsy) can be sum-
   The following observations constitute the basis                         marized as follows: There is a mild diffuse epileptogenic
                                                                           state of the cortex. T h e cortex is hyperexcitable and
for the centrencephalic theory:                                            responds by elaborating spike and wave discharges pref-
(a) T h e cortical epileptiform discharges seen in                         erentially, but not exclusively, to volleys that originate
     primary generalized seizures tend to be gen-                          from the thalamus, particularly those that normally
     eralized and almost perfectly bilaterally syn-                        produce spindles and recruiting response.
     chronous from the beginning.
(b) Stimulation of deep-seated midline gray nu-                            This reticulo-cortical theory is currently the
     clei can produce bilateral synchronization of                      most widely accepted.
     the EEG,4 and under appropriate condi-                                Although Gloor's work in cats is certainly con-
     tions, bursts of spike and slow wave com-                          vincing, there is no need to attribute an active
     plexes. 5                                                          pathogenetic role to the subcortical gray struc-
   The most vocal arguments against the centren-                        tures, as the name "reticulo-cortical epilepsy" im-
cephalic theory came almost two decades later                           plies. We believe that the evidence primarily
from the same Montreal group, now under the                             suggests that generalized epilepsies are an expres-
leadership of Peter Gloor 6 (Fig. 4) and can be                         sion of a pathological degree of diffuse cortical
summarized as follows:                                                  epileptogenicity (Fig. 5). Subcortical gray struc-
(a) Intracarotid injection of convulsants (Metra-                       tures certainly participate in bilateral synchroniz-
     zol) produces generalized 3-Hz spike and                           ing mechanisms and in diffuse modulation of
     wave complexes and clinical absences. In-                          cortical activity. However, there is no evidence
     travertebral injection of convulsants has no                       to suggest that these physiological cortico-sub-
     effect or arrests seizures.6'7                                     cortical mutual interactions are pathological in
(b) Diffuse cortical application of penicillin pro-                     patients with generalized seizures.
     duces generalized 3-Hz spike and wave                                 T h e following points support the cortical the-
     complexes in relatively low concentration                          ory:
     whereas its injection into subcortical gray                        (a) Gloor's evidence 6 of diffuse cortical hyper-
     structures does not. 8                                                   excitability supports the cortical theory di-
   From the latter observation, Gloor 6 concluded                             rectly (see above).
that diffuse "hyperexcitability" of the cortex is an                    (b) Focal cortical epileptogenic lesions can pro-
essential factor in the pathogenesis of generalized                           duce generalized spike and wave complexes
seizures. However, he did not totally discard his                             and generalized seizures without evidence
preceptor's concept of the centrencephalon. He                                of subcortical gray structure lesions, for ex-
was impressed by the sudden onset and abrupt                                  ample, mesial frontal lesions.9,10 In these
termination of generalized bursts of 3-Hz spike                               cases, interictal focal spikes were recorded
and wave complexes that resemble the turning                                  from the mesial frontal region, stimulation
on and off of a light switch. Looking for a pace-                             of the focus produced seizures, and resec-

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208     Cleveland Clinic Q u a r t e r l y                                                                                    Vol. 51, No. 2

       CENTRENCEPHALIC THEORY                                              CORTICO-RETICULAR THEORY
                 PENFIELD A N D JASPER                                                                 GLOOR

                                                   CORTICAL THEORY

                                                    Fig. 3.   Centrencephalon theory 2
                                                    Fig. 4.   Cortico-reticular theory 6
                                                    Fig. 5.   Cortical theory

      tion of the focus abolished the clinical sei-                            sphere to another. Figures 9, 10, and 11 show
      zures, none of which has been demonstrated                               the distribution of interictal discharges in a
      in subcortical gray structures. Focal lesions                            patient with idiopathic generalized tonic-
      of the subcortical gray structures are not                               clonic seizures. It illustrates a continuum
      accompanied by epilepsy,                                                 between strictly focal discharges and gener-
(r)   Patients with generalized seizures frequently                            alized spike and wave complexes involving
      exhibit focal epileptiform discharges (Figs.                             progressively larger areas of the cortex. Bi-
      6-8), mostly in the frontocentral regions and                            lateral discharges may begin earlier or have
      shifting f r o m one hemisphere to another.                              a significantly higher amplitude on one side.
      Occasionally, these discharges involve other                             On EEG, the picture of an individual dis-
      regions, but always shift from one hemi-                                 charge is indistinguishable f r o m a focal cor-

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Summer 1984                                                                                          Generalized epilepsies   209

                                                          ABSENCE SEIZURES
                                                          RIGHT FRONTAL SPIKES

                     Ts-0|                                              Ps -0|

                     T 6 - OÍ

                                                                                   TlOOiV I         1
                                                                                   -L ^     I second
                      Fig. 6. Patient with typical absence seizures, showing extremely focal spikes limited to
                    Fp2 and to a lesser degree F4.

    tical epileptogenic lesion with marked tend-                              charges that can be detected from the scalp.
    ency to secondary bilateral synchrony, ex-                                There is usually no evidence of subcortical
    cept that in generalized epilepsies, the foci                             gray pathology in these cases, and resection
    preceding the generalized discharges shift                                of the cortical focus frequently abolishes the
    between the two hemispheres.                                              seizures. A similar phenomenon can occur
(d) Detailed analysis of spike foci by electrocor-                            when an entire hemisphere is affected. Fig-
     ticography usually reveals involvement of                                ures 16 and 17 illustrate the bridge between
     an extensive cortical area (10 cm 2 or more)                             focal and generalized epilepsy. Both proba-
     harboring innumerable spike foci firing in-                              bly consist of multifocal independent spike
     dependently or in groups (Figs. 12-15). Oc-                              foci, discrete in partial epilepsy but covering
     casionally, these small spike foci fire syn-                             the whole cortex in generalized epilepsy
     chronously and are usually the only dis-                                 (Fig. 18). Penicillin-induced spike foci in cats

                                                           ABSENCE SEIZURES
                                           INDEPENDENT LEFT A N D RIGHT FRONTAL SPIKES

                                                                   I second
                      Fig. 7. Patient with typical absence seizures, showing independent left and right
                   frontal spikes. The short burst on the left side clearly originates at F7 and then becomes
                   bilateral. The burst on the right side is limited to F8 thoughout.

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210       Cleveland Clinic Q u a r t e r l y                                                                                    Vol. 51, No. 2

                                                   GENERALIZED 3Hz SPIKE-AND-WAVE COMPLEXES
                                                                 ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION


                                Fp2 - F4 tvAA/W/vy'


                                                                            T100.1V    1          1
                                                                            I           Itacond
                                  Fig. 8. Patient with typical absence seizures, showing a burst of generalized
                               spike and wave complexes which is clearly lateralized to the left side. At other
                               times, the patient had generalized bursts which were symmetrically distributed.

       will fire independently if relatively weak and                             m a t u r a t i o n , the EEC may evolve f r o m mul-
       far apart, but synchronously if stronger a n d /                           tifocal i n d e p e n d e n t spikes to generalized
       or closer t o g e t h e r . "                                              spike a n d wave complexes. For example,
 (?)   Similar clinical syndromes may show either                                 patients with minor m o t o r seizures exhibit
       bilateral multifocal i n d e p e n d e n t spikes or                       generalized slow spike and wave complexes,
       generalized spike and wave complexes. With                                 but many also show bilateral multifocal in-


     Fig. 9. Distribution map of an interictal epileptiform discharge         Fig. 10. Distribution map of an interictal epileptiform dis-
ili a patient with idiopathic generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Dark-     charge in a patient with idiopathic generalized tonic-clonic seizures,
ened area = 100%; first circle > 9 0 % ; second circle >80%.               Darkened area = 100%; first circle >90%; second circle >80%.

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S u m m e r 1984                                                                                          Generalized epilepsies            211

     d e p e n d e n t spikes, some evolving f r o m this
     p a t t e r n to generalized slow spike a n d wave                                INTERICTAL E P I L E P T I F O R M D I S C H A R G E S
                                                                            18 YEAR OLD MAN WITH GENERALIZED TONIC-CLONIC SEIZURES
     complexes on maturation.
   We conclude, t h e r e f o r e , that generalized epi-
lepsy is an expression of diffuse cortical epilep-
togenicity that is exhibited on the EEG as multi-
focal i n d e p e n d e n t spikes with a m a r k e d tendency
to secondary generalization. As this tendency
increases, the multifocal spikes evolve into gen-
eralized spike a n d wave complexes. T h e r e is no
need to assume pathology in the subcortical gray
structures. T h i s does not imply that the normal
functions of the gray structures d o not influence
the cortical discharges in patients with general-
ized seizures j u s t as they d o in those with focal
epilepsy. Increase in spike f r e q u e n c y d u r i n g sleep
and triggering of spikes by stimulation of sub-
cortical gray structures is seen as frequently in
focal as in generalized seizures. O n e speaks of
"cortical epilepsy" in r e f e r e n c e to focal seizures
since the pathology is mainly cortical. T h i s is                            Fig. 11. Distribution map of an interictal epileptiform dis-
probably also t r u e for generalized epilepsies.                          charge in a patient with idiopathic generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
                                                                           Darkened area = 100%; First circle >90%; second circle >80%.

Primary vs. secondary bilateral synchrony
   T h e centrencephalic theory conceives primary                          seen. However, once the epileptiform n a t u r e of
bilateral synchrony (primary generalized epilep-                           the discharge has been established, the distribu-
sies) to be seizures triggered f r o m the "centren-                       tion of the discharge is m o r e i m p o r t a n t than the
cephalon," whereas secondary bilateral syn-                                waveform.
chrony would be a focal cortical epilepsy second-
arily triggering generalized spike a n d wave com-                                         EPILEPTOGENIC AREA
plexes by firing into the centrencephalon (Fig.                                        MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT SPIKE FOCI
   T h e cortical theory assumes that secondary
bilateral synchrony is a c o m m o n mechanism for
both "primary" generalized seizures a n d focal
seizures with secondary generalized spike a n d
wave complexes (Fig. 20). T h e d i f f e r e n c e be-
tween the two is that (a) in generalized seizures,
multiple bilateral cortical foci tend to trigger
secondarily generalized bursts, whereas (b) in
focal seizures with secondary diffuse spike a n d
slow wave complexes, a single cortical focus trig-
gers the bursts.

Interictal epileptiform discharges
I.   Specific abnormality:         generalized     epileptiform
  T h e only EEG abnormality which supports the                               Fig. 12. Diagram traced directly from a lateral skull radio-
diagnosis of generalized seizures is generalized                           graph of a patient with intractable complex partial seizures, showing
                                                                           the outline of the skull and six subdurally implanted flaps, each
epileptiform discharges, usually in the f o r m of                         containing four contacts. The two flaps in the anterior temporal
spike a n d wave or sharp a n d wave complexes.                            lobe were implanted to detect the main epileptogenic focus. The
Less frequently, polyspikes or polysharp waves,                            posterior four flaps were implanted to define the posterior edge of
paroxysmal beta or alpha, or o t h e r patterns are                        the focus prior to resection.

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212          Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                                Vol. 51, No. 2

13                       EPILEPTOGENIC AREA                                                 15       EPILEPTOGENIC AREA
                   MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT SPIKE FOCI                                               MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT SPIKE FOCI

     (46)1                                                                                            (46)1

     (46)2   ——>/-
                            4                                                                          (46)2

     (46)3                                                                                             (46)3     W V

     (46)3   —                                                                                         (46)3

     (48)2      ^ y ^
                                                                                                       (48)2                   li'-—
     (48)3   •—
                                                                                                       (48)3                1



     (16)3          ~
                                                                                                        (16)3    WV~        VWV
     (16)4       ^ / y                                             •VW
                                                                                                                1700/iV       I sec

14                         EPILEPTOGENIC A R E A


                                                                                                      Figs. 13-15. Recordings made
        (46)3                                                                                      via the two flaps in the anterior
                                                                                                   temporal pole (#46 and 48) and one
        (46)3                                                                                      flap (the one with the black dot in
                                                                                                   Fig. 12) of the more posteriorly
        (48)1                                                                                      implanted electrodes (#16); inde-
                                                                                                   pendent spike foci from all elec-
                                                                                                   trodes are marked in black. These
        (48)2                                                                                      foci stem from electrodes 46(1),
                                                                                                   46(2), 46(3), 46(4), and 48(1) (Fig.
        (48)3                                                                                      13) electrodes 48(2), 48(3), 48(4),
                                                                                                   and 16(4) (Fig. 14), and electrodes
        (48)4                                    J                                                 46(1), 46(2), 48(1), 48(2), 48(3),
                                                                                                   and 48(4) [first column] and elec-
                                                                                                   trodes 48(1) 48(2), 48(3) and 48(4)
                                                                                                   [second column] (Fig. 15).



        (16)4                                                  -vA—J /V.

                    j700/iV         I sec

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S u m m e r 1984                                                                                          Generalized epilepsies     213

                                                                                                 PARTIAL EPILEPSY

                                                                                               GENERALIZED EPILEPSY

   Figure 16. Intractable partial seizures starting with visual hal-
lucinations and evolving into left-sided clonic seizures (there were
no generalized tonic-clonic seizures) in a patient with right hemia-
trophy and mild left hemiparesis. The awake recordings showed
almost continuous right occipital spikes at a repetition rate of
approximately I Hz. During sleep, the right occipital focus was
significantly less frequent and independent right frontal and right
temporal spikes were activated. [See Fig. 1 for explanation of
isopotential lines.]

   In generalized seizures, discharges tend to be
diffuse but are not of equal amplitude in all
electrodes. Invariably, a clearly defined field is
seen, the m a x i m u m o c c u r r i n g usually at the su-
                                                                                             Fig. 18. Diagram showing the sim-
perior frontal or sometimes at the central elec-
                                                                                         ilarity between partial and generalized
trodes. A m a r k e d d r o p o f f is seen posteriorly and                              epilepsy. Both are expressions of mul-
                                                                                         tifocal independent spike foci with a
                                                                                         marked tendency toward synchrony,
             MULTIFOCAL INDEPENDENT SPIKE FOCI                                           the only difference being the cortical
                    WIDESPREAD DISCHARGE                                                 area involved.

                                                                           into the temporal region. Ear electrodes, partic-
                                                                           ularly the nasopharyngeal or sphenoidal, a r e in-
                                                                           volved minimally or n o t at all. Sometimes this
                                                                           d r o p o f f posteriorly a n d laterally is so accentuated
                                                                           that the discharges resemble bifrontal or bicen-
                                                                           tral spikes m o r e than generalized spike a n d wave
                                                                           complexes. A n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t characteristic of
                                                                           generalized seizures is the f r e q u e n t o c c u r r e n c e
                                                                           of unilateral focal spikes (Figs. 6-11) in the f r o n -
                                                                           tal or central region that shift f r o m side to side.
                                                                           In cases with i n f r e q u e n t discharges, a sample of
                                                                           2 0 - 3 0 minutes may, for example, show only iso-
                                                                           lated right frontal spikes a n d no left frontal or
                                                                           generalized discharges. Additional recordings
                                                                           will be necessary to d i f f e r e n t i a t e between a focal
                                                                           right frontal a n d a generalized seizure disorder
also had widespread right hemispheric discharges, with the three
foci illustrated in Figure 16 firing synchronously.                        with an interictal focal epileptiform manifesta-

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214      Cleveland Clinic Q u a r t e r l y                                                                                   Vol. 51, No. 2


                                       PRIMARY                                       SECONDARY

                         Fig. 19. Centrencephalon theory. Primary bilateral synchrony is depicted on the left
                      and secondary bilateral synchrony on the right.

tion. In o t h e r words, even in a generalized sei-                    II.    Neurophysiology of spike and slow wave complex
zure disorder, t h e EEG may exhibit considerable                           T h e most widely accepted hypothesis is that
focal manifestations. In o u r laboratory, these fo-                    the spike is an excitatory event correlating with
cal features a r e described in the body of o u r                       excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) at the
reports, but n o t in the classification a n d impres-                  surface of the cortex, whereas the slow wave is
sion if consistent with a generalized seizure dis-                      inhibitory, being p r o d u c e d by inhibitory postsyn-
order.                                                                  aptic potentials (IPSPs) in the d e e p cortical lay-
   Generalized discharges are usually asymmetric,                       ers. 1 2 T h e superficial and d e e p location of the
but the m a x i m u m shifts f r o m side to side. All                  EPSPs a n d IPSPs explains why both events (spike
transition f o r m s along the following c o n t i n u u m              a n d slow wave) are scalp-negative (Fig. 21).
can be seen: (a) strictly unilateral focal spikes;
(b) bifrontal m a x i m u m left or right hemisphere;                   III.   Specificity of generalized spike and wave
(c) "generalized" m a x i m u m left or right hemi-                            complexes
sphere; and (d) "generalized" bilateral symmet-                             Specific epileptiform discharges are by defini-
rical (Fig. 1).                                                         tion w a v e f o r m s that are clearly differentiated
   T h e s e focal features support the theory that                     f r o m physiological activity. Borderline wave-
generalized seizures are an expression of bilateral                     forms, however, are difficult to classify. For prac-
multiple cortical spike foci (Fig. 18).                                 tical purposes, only waveforms of clearly patho-

                              BILATERAL SYNCHRONY (CORTICAL THEORY)

                                     PRIMARY                                           SECONDARY

                           Fig. 20. Cortical theory, showing primary bilateral synchrony on the left and
                        secondary bilateral synchrony on the right.

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S u m m e r 1984                                                                                        Generalized epilepsies          215

 logical significance should be classified as epilep-                                   SPIKE                             SLOW   WAVE
tiform. Conservative r e a d i n g will greatly increase
the specificity of the EEG. Note, however, that a
"normal" EEG by no means excludes epilepsy;
when d o c u m e n t a t i o n is crucial for diagnosis, ad-
ditional recordings frequently solve the problem.
                                                                                       K                              A*
    T o increase the specificity of the EEG, gener-
alized epileptiform discharges should be differ-
entiated f r o m the following activity:
(a) Nonspecific burst of generalized sloiv waves.
        Bursts of generalized slow waves not associ-
        ated with spikes or s h a r p waves have abso-
        lutely no epileptogenic significance. T h e y
        are seen m o r e often in patients with gener-
        alized epilepsy, 1 3 but also in a variety of
        physiological circumstances (hyperventila-
        tion, sleep) a n d in d i f f e r e n t diseases without
        clinical epilepsy (e.g., metabolic encephalop-
(/;) Bursts of generalized slow waves with intermixed
       sharp transients. T h e burst of generalized
       slow waves seen in the hypnagogic-hypno-                            Fig. 21. Superficial EPSPs (spikes) and deep-seated IPSPs (slow
       pompic state a n d d u r i n g hyperventilation is               waves) produce the same current flow, and hence deflections have
       occasionally accompanied by s h a r p tran-                      the same polarity when recorded from the surface.
       sients, usually of relatively long duration
       (sharp-wave-like). Less frequently, transients                    (d)   Six-hertz phantom spike and wave complexes.
       a r e of short duration (spike-like), but of rel-                       T h i s pattern consists of a burst of slow waves
       atively low amplitude c o m p a r e d with the                          intermixed with low-amplitude sharp tran-
       following slow-wave c o m p o n e n t . This is as-                     sients of short duration (spike-like) which
       sociated only with hypnagogic hypersyn-                                 repeat at 4 - 7 Hz (Fig. 22). Usually, the slow
       chrony, t h e spike-like c o m p o n e n t limited to                   waves a r e much m o r e conspicuous than the
       t h e beginning of the burst. W h e n bursts of                         sharp transients, a n d the whole burst rarely
       generalized spike a n d wave complexes occur                            lasts m o r e than two seconds. However, fre-
       only d u r i n g the hypnagogic-hypnopompic                             quency of spike repetition is only o n e of
       state a n d / o r d u r i n g hyperventilation, the                     many characteristics of this p a t t e r n . Bursts
       possibility of "over-reading" should be con-                            of spike a n d wave complexes with clearly
       sidered. If the epileptiform n a t u r e of the                         outstanding, high-amplitude spikes a r e epi-
       pattern is not absolutely clear, an additional                          leptogenic even if the spikes repeat at 6 Hz
       stage II sleep a n d / o r resting awake record-                        (Fig. 23). Usually, the differentiation of epi-
       ing should be obtained.                                                 leptogenic a n d nonepileptogenic 6-Hz spike
(r) Vertex sharp transients. Vertex sharp tran-                                and wave complexes is clearcut. In d o u b t f u l
       sients of sleep f r e q u e n t l y are extremely                       cases, it is always safe to assume that one is
       sharp a n d occasionally cannot be clearly dif-                         dealing with a nonepileptogenic p a t t e r n a n d
       ferentiated f r o m epileptiform transients.                            additional recordings can be requested.
       T h e typical prepositivity a n d e x t r e m e sharp-           (e)    Photoparoxysmal pattern.            Photoparoxysmal
       ness of the rising phase a n d the characteristic                       patterns consisting of sharp transients time-
       spike-slow wave sequence help to identify                               locked to the stimulus, p r e d o m i n a t i n g in the
       truly epileptogenic events. Persistence of                              posterior head regions have n o diagnostic
       sharp transients d u r i n g the waking state will                      value, being f r e q u e n t l y seen in normal con-
       also indicate its epileptogenic character. In                           trols and nonepileptic patients. T h e only
       d o u b t f u l cases, however, it is wise to insist                    useful diagnostic p a t t e r n is a generalized,
       on additional recordings b e f o r e making a                           self-sustained p h o t o p a r o x y s m not time-
       decision.                                                               locked to the stimulus, with clearly d e f i n e d

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216       Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                             Vol. 51, No. 2

                6 Hz P H A N T O M   SPIKE-AND-WAVE                                       FAST S P I K E - A N D - W A V E C O M P L E X

                                                                          Fpi - F 3


       C3-P3                                                               C3 -P3      v^'wwv'vwvvW'vwVWvAvyV^AjA^A^




                                                                                               I200^       ' I second '

                                                                            Fig. 23. Twenty-five-year-old woman with generalized tonic-
                                                                         clonic seizures and generalized fast spike and wave complexes.

                                      I second                           epilepsy. Additional recordings will frequently
         Fig. 22. Short burst of 6-Hz phantom spikes and                 clarify the diagnosis.
      waves in a 14-yr-old boy with headaches and dizziness,
      but no history of epilepsy                                         IV.    Normal      EEG
                                                                            In some types of epilepsy, normal EEG read-
     spikes. A relatively high incidence of differ-                      ings are more likely than epileptiform manifes-
     ent types of photoparoxysmal patterns has                           tations, e.g., in adults with infrequent generalized
     been reported in normal children aged five                          tonic-clonic seizures.
     to 15 years. 14 Nevertheless, a photoparox-                            T h e single most important factor which deter-
     ysmal pattern meeting the above stringent                           mines the probability of recording epileptiform
     criteria can be classified as epileptogenic,                        abnormalities is the frequency of seizures. This var-
     even in young children.                                             ies from patient to patient, but in individuals, the
   False-positive tests will be rare if spike and wave                   correlation is excellent: Those with frequent sei-
complexes are rigidly defined and nonspecific                            zures almost invariably display EEG abnormali-
abnormalities excluded. However, spike and                               ties."' Conversely, those with infrequent seizures
wave complexes in apparently nonepileptic pa-                            will probably not show specific abnormalities on
tients do not always imply over-reading. The                             routine EEG.
EEG abnormality may be a subclinical manifes-                               A word of caution: Patients with one or more
tation of an epileptogenic tendency. In a study                          "spells" a day and normal EEGs may not be
by Zivin and Ajmone Marsan, 15 15% of nonepi-                            epileptics. These patients should undergo inten-
leptic patients with spike and wave complexes                            sive EEG monitoring and induction of these epi-
eventually developed seizures during follow-up                           sodes by suggestion to determine their origin.
                                                                         Ictal EEG
   False-positive tests can frequently lead to an
erroneous diagnosis of epilepsy or to an incorrect                       I.    Ictal EEG      patterns
classification of seizure type. A negative test (even                      T h e ictal EEG in patients with generalized
under-reading) should not confuse the astute cli-                        seizures can be divided according to the relation-
nician as a negative EEG by no means excludes                            ship between interictal and ictal patterns:

                   Downloaded from on November 2, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Summer 1984                                                                                                Generalized epilepsies   217

                                                                      ABSENCE SEIZURES
                                                                        2 YRS OtO GIRL

                                   INTERICTAL                                             ICTAL

                         Fs-A,A2 A A ^ A / ^ ^                - A A
                                                                             w firn W W
                                                              MJVvAV         vw
                         0|-A|A2     v              hs.                      -Wv
                         02-A|A2                             W vyVf

                          Fig. 24.       Interictal and ictal patterns in a patient with generalized absence seizures

(a)   Ictal pattern = prolonged interictal pattern.              The               tonic phase, but then evolve into spike and
      ictal pattern consists of generalized spike                                  wave complexes of progressively higher am-
      and wave complexes (similar or identical to                                  plitude but slower repetition rate. Clinically,
      interictal spike and wave complexes) (Fig.                                   this is accompanied by transition from the
      24). In these cases, symptomatology is dom-                                  tonic to the clonic phase. Occasionally, evo-
      inated by alterations of consciousness (i.e.,                                lution from one pattern to another is seen,
      typical absences in patients with classical 3-                               the most typical from 3-Hz spike and wave
      Hz spike and wave complexes and atypical                                     complexes or polyspike and wave complexes
      ["bland"] absences in patients with slow spike                               to generalized tonic-clonic seizures (Fig. 26).
      and wave complexes).
(b)   Ictal pattern   = intense interictal pattern.             This         II.   Electroclinical    correlations
      is usually seen in myoclonic seizures. Low-                               In Part I on the neurophysiology of spike and
      amplitude polyspike and wave complexes                                 wave complexes, the spike was associated with
      are usually asymptomatic whereas those of                              EPSPs and the following slow wave with IPSPs.
      higher amplitude are accompanied by my-                                  The spike component of the spike and wave
      oclonic jerks. Their intensity is directly re-                         complex is asymptomatic when of relatively long
      lated to amplitude and duration of the                                 duration ("sharp wave") as in slow spike and wave
      polyspikes.                                                            complexes. When the spike is of fast evolution
(c)   Ictal pattern ^ interictal pattern. In these cases,                    (actual "spike"), it produces myoclonic jerks
      the interictal patterns are isolated sharp                             whose intensity is related to the amplitude of the
      waves, spikes, or spike and wave complexes,                            spike component. T h e typical example is the
      but the ictus consists of or starts with an                            burst of 3-Hz spike and wave complexes accom-
      electrodecremental and/or paroxysmal fast                              panied by myoclonic jerks of the eyelids at a
      pattern (Fig. 25). Tonic seizures, akinetic                            similar repetition rate. With repetitive spikes oc-
      seizures, and infantile spasms usually are as-                         curring in fast succession (up to 30-40 Hz), the
      sociated with a five- to 10-second electro-                            intensity of the motor manifestation increases
      decremental pattern with superimposed par-                             progessively. Short bursts of polyspikes (usually
      oxysmal fast activity which not infrequently                           followed by prominent slow waves) tend to pro-
      has progressively higher amplitude and                                 duce violent generalized myoclonic jerks, e.g.,
      slower frequencies. Generalized tonic-clonic                           bursts of polyspike and waves seen in myoclonic
      seizures start in the same way during the                              epilepsy. Longer runs of spikes ("paroxysmal

                 Downloaded from on November 2, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
218           Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                          Vol. 51, No. 2

                                                        GENERALIZED TONIC-CLONIC SEIZURES
                                                                      23 YRS OLD   MAN

                                    I NTERICTAL                                          ICTAL

                                                                       JzOO/iV h-p
                                 Fig. 25. Twenty-three-year-old man with generalized tonic-clonic seizures and inter-
                             ictal epileptiform discharges on the left side. The middle tracing shows the start of a
                             seizure with an electrodecremental episode; the latter part of that tracing shows a
                             paroxysmal fast and/or muscle artifact which coincides clinically with the tonic phase.
                             The last trace on the right shows spike and wave complexes, associated clinically with the
                             clonic phase. Dz = between Fz and Cz (International System); Ez = between Cz and Pz.

              ABSENCE AND GENERALIZED TONIC-CLONIC SEIZURE                     fast") tend to produce tonic seizures like the tonic
                                                                              phase of generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
            220 SECONDS AFTER START. PATIENT CONFUSED                             T h e slow wave of spike and wave complexes is
                                                                               not accompanied by myoclonic or tonic motor
 r,-C3 / Y l f                                          si
                                                             r irti           phenomena and actually tends to inhibit them.
 P.-C       Yf ÌY1YA/V                                                         In the evolution from generalized tonic to clonic
                                                                              seizures, the spikes decrease progressively in rep-
                                                                               etition rate and are followed by slow waves of
            232 SECONDS AFTER START. PATIENT CONFUSED                          progressively longer duration and higher ampli-

 Fz " C z
            fHVsTNfirJ ^ V K i r ^
            VWhrV^VVI r\           V w
                                                  f\                           tude. The motor manifestations strictly follow
                                                                               the temporal evolution of the spike component
                                                                               evolving from the tonic phase into a generalized
                                                                               "tremor" when the repetition rate of the spikes
                                                                              decreases to approximately 10 Hz, and then into
            253 SECONDS AFTER START. GENERALIZED TONIC SEIZURE                clonic seizures when spike and wave complexes
 Fj-CJ .'"^»V^ V ^ W
                                                                              at progressively slower repetition rate appear on
                                                                               the EEG.
 Fz-Fz                                                                            T h e main clinical manifestation of bursts of
                                                                              spike and wave complexes not accompanied by
            309 SECONDS AFTER START. GENERALIZED CLONIC SEIZURE                myoclonic phenomena (or in which the myoclonic
                             A—                                               jerks are only a secondary symptom) is alteration
                                                                              of consciousness, for example, the bursts of 3-Hz
                             -A                                               spike and wave complexes typically associated
                                                                              with absences. T h e degree of alteration of con-
                                                                               sciousness is a complex function of type and
                                                                               duration of burst and point in time within the
    Fig. 26. Evolution from absence to generalized tonic-clonic                burst. Three-hertz spike and wave complexes of
seizure. During the first 220 sec, the EEG showed extremely regular
generalized 2.5-Hz spike and wave completes; and the patient was
                                                                               less than three seconds are usually not associated
extremely confused, but answered simple questions or commands.                 with clinical symptomatology. Bursts of more
At 232 sec, the spike and wave pattern became irregular, but no                than five seconds, however, are usually mani-
clinical change was noticed. At 253 sec, the patient had a tonic               fested clinically or subclinically. Reaction time is
seizure and the EEG showed an electrodecremental pattern with a                prolonged in 43% of cases at the initiation of
superimposed paroxysmal fast and/or muscle artifact. At 309 sec,
the patient had generalized clonic seizures and the EEG showed
                                                                              bursts of 3-Hz spike and wave complexes, in 80%
periodic sharp-wave transients.                                                before 0.5 seconds, and in only 68% after four

                    Downloaded from on November 2, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Summer 1984                                                                                         Generalized epilepsies   219

seconds. 7 T h e progressive recovery of conscious-                  complexes. Bursts of similar morphology and du-
ness as the bursts become longer is clearly evident                  ration may show a variety of clinical manifesta-
in patients with absence status who, despite con-                    tions: (a) asymptomatic; (b) interference with
tinuous generalized spike and wave complexes,                        initiation of movement, but not with repetitive
usually show only mild alterations of conscious-                     movements; (c) interference with all voluntary
ness. Another example is the almost continuous                       movements; and/or (d) interference with mem-
slow spike and wave complexes (Lennox-Gastaut)                       ory. Bursts of longer duration, more widespread
associated with only very mild alteration of con-                    distribution, and higher amplitude are clearly
sciousness simulating mental retardation. Not in-                    correlated with the more severe clinical manifes-
frequently this is attributed to an underlying                       tation. For any given burst in any given patient,
static encephalopathy and only becomes evident                       however, no definite prediction can be made.
when the patient shows a clear recovery of intel-
lectual function following the disappearance of
the spike and wave complexes.                                       Postictal EEG
   Intimately related to the alteration of con-                         In generalized seizures associated with altera-
sciousness are automatisms. The occurrence of                       tions of consciousness only, the postictal EEG,
automatisms in absence seizures is directly related                 independent of the duration of the spell, is not
to the duration of the bursts of 3-Hz spike and                     changed significantly as compared with the preic-
wave complexes. Bursts of more than six seconds                     tal baseline EEG.
are accompanied by automatisms in 50% of these                          Generalized motor seizures are frequently as-
patients and bursts of more than 12 seconds in                      sociated with postictal EEG abnormalities. Both
90%. 18 T h e mechanism of generation of the au-                    degree and duration of these postictal changes
tomatisms is probably closely linked to the alter-                  are directly related to the duration and intensity
ation of consciousness and has no direct correla-                   of the motor manifestations. Isolated myoclonic
tion with myoclonic, clonic, or tonic motor man-                    jerks, even when violent, are not associated with
ifestations. Automatisms are well-coordinated,                      postictal abnormalities. Short, generalized, tonic
frequently repetitive motor manifestations for                      seizures are also frequently not followed by
which the patient is amnestic. They probably                        postictal changes. Generalized tonic-clonic sei-
represent a type of release phenomenon from                          zures, however, are almost always followed by
conscious control of motor activity and should be                   postictal abnormalities. Prolonged generalized
clearly differentiated from involuntary my-                         tonic-clonic seizures, particularly when accom-
oclonic, clonic, or tonic motor manifestations                      panied by severe motor manifestations, will be
produced directly by epileptogenic cortical activ-                  followed by marked postictal changes in the EEG-
ity. This differentiation is particularly important                  like diffuse flattening (less than 20 /uV delta EEG)
in patients with focal epilepsy in whom laterali-                   or burst-suppression pattern. Abnormal postictal
zation of focal myoclonic, clonic, or tonic motor                    EEG patterns occasionally persist for many hours.
activity is an extremely useful localizing sign.                    This is particularly true in patients who have had
Lateralization of an automatism is of absolutely                    a series of seizures or status epilepticus.
no localizing value.                                                    Postictal EEG changes show strict correlation
   Alterations of consciousness in patients with 3-                 with clinical postictal symptomatology. Flat EEG,
Hz spike and wave complexes is produced, ac-                        burst-suppression pattern, and diffuse slow activ-
cording to the centrencephalic theory, by an                         ity in the delta range (replacing the alpha rhythm)
epileptic discharge in deep-seated subcortical                      are usually accompanied by clinical postictal
gray structures ("consciousness center"). Assum-                    coma. Diffuse theta rhythm (replacing the alpha
ing that generalized epilepsy is primarily a diffuse                rhythm) will be associated with stupor. T h e
cortical disease, the best explanation for the al-                  postictal EEG pattern is very helpful in the dif-
teration of consciousness is the generalized cor-                   ferentiation of real and psychogenic seizures. Psy-
tical discharge which would interfere diffusely                     chogenic "spells" frequently consist of violent
with normal cortical functions.                                     shaking of all extremities followed by unrespon-
   T h e electroclinical correlations mentioned                     siveness. During the violent stage, the EEG is
above represent only general trends. T h e exact                    usually completely obscured by EMG and move-
clinical correlation of any given EEG pattern                        ment artifacts. During the following stage of "un-
cannot be predicted with certainty. T h e typical                    responsiveness," however, the EEG exhibits nor-
example is the burst of 3-Hz spike and wave                          mal alpha activity. In patients with real seizures,

              Downloaded from on November 2, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
220       Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                         Vol. 51, No. 2

postictal unresponsiveness is always associated                                     Table.       Typical clinical correlates
with marked EEG slowing.                                                           EEC pattern                        Clinical correlate
   The neurophysiological mechanism of postictal                        3-Hz spike and wave complex            Generalized absence
slowing has not been clearly elucidated. T h e most                     Slow spike and wave complex            Minor motor seizures
probable explanation is neuronal "exhaustion"                           Hypsarrhythmia                         Infantile spasm
                                                                        Multifocal independent spikes          Minor motor seizures or infan-
resulting from imbalance of energy reserves, the                                                                 tile spasms
demand for energy exceeding supply. This im-                            Polyspike and wave complex             Myoclonic seizures
balance is the product of two factors:
   (a) Neuronal activity is greatly increased with                      complexes in sleep. Morever, the repetition rate
         a corresponding increase of energy de-                         of the so-called "3-Hz" spike and wave complexes
         mand.                                                          only exceptionally is exactly 3 Hz. In the follow-
   (b) Motor activity consumes a significant part                       ing section, the main characteristics of the pat-
         of the energy supply and may interfere                         terns cited above are described in detail.
         with respiration and thus restrict oxygen                      (a)    Three-hertz       spike and wave complexes.                 The
         intake.                                                               definitive pattern consists of bursts of spike
   T h e fact that postictal slow activity is seen                             and wave complexes lasting at least three
almost exclusively with generalized tonic-clonic                               seconds, at a repetition rate of approxi-
seizures is understandable if we consider the                                  mately 3 Hz with a short spike component
above factors. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures                               (50-80 msec). Spike and wave complexes
exhibit the most intense epileptiform manifesta-                               tend to have a faster repetition rate at the
tions and the most violent motor activity. Both                                beginning (4-5 Hz), then stabilize at around
factors obviously contribute to the energy deficit.                            3 Hz (always more than 2.5 Hz) during the
In patients with seizures not associated with mo-                              main part of the burst, finally slowing down
tor activity, the supply of energy is not affected.                            again at the end. T h e bursts have a clearly
T h e mechanism responsible for postictal slow                                 defined onset and end abruptly. Frequently,
activity ("neuronal exhaustion"), however, is not                              shifting asymmetries occur at the beginning
necessarily responsible for terminating the sei-                               of the burst. T h e bursts occur most fre-
zure. Many seizures, e.g., absences associated                                 quently in the waking and the REM sleep
with 3-Hz spike and wave complexes, do not                                     stage and are activated by hyperventilation.
produce postictal slow activity, but tend to stop                              The most characteristic feature is the asso-
within 10-15 seconds. In these cases, an active                                ciation with clinical or subclinical unrespon-
inhibitory mechanism could be postulated.                                      siveness. This is easily tested with a clicker
                                                                               (see below). Bursts of spike and wave com-
Characteristic EEG patterns                                                    plexes with some atypical features should be
I.    Typical clinical correlates                                              thus classified as 3-Hz spike and wave com-
   T h e following EEG patterns have definite clin-                            plexes only if associated with relative unre-
ical correlations:                                                             sponsiveness. Otherwise, they are simply
(a) 3-Hz spike and wave complex: generalized                                   called generalized spike and wave com-
      absence                                                                  plexes. Conservative labeling of the 3-Hz
(b) Slow spike and wave complex: minor mo-                                     spike and wave pattern will significantly in-
      tor seizures                                                             crease its specific correlation with clinical
(c) Hypsarrhythmia: infantile spasm                                            absences. It is important to remember that
(d) Multifocal independent spikes: minor mo-                                   an EEG pattern classified as generalized
       tor seizures or infantile spasms                                        spike and wave complexes strongly supports
(e) Polyspike and wave complex: myoclonic                                      the diagnosis of generalized epilepsy and
      seizures.                                                                certainly is compatible with clinical absences
                                                                               even if not specific for this type of epilepsy.
II.    The concept of typical EEG        patterns                                The classification of a record as "3 Hz
  A real EEG pattern is obviously far more com-                                spike and wave complexes" depends on the
plex than the idealized waveforms described                                    presence of the above described typical
above. For example, patients with 3-Hz spike and                               burst. Other types of epileptiform dis-
wave complexes may also show focal left and right                              charges, however, are seen almost always in
frontal spikes and bursts of polyspike and wave                                addition to the typical 3-Hz spike and wave

               Downloaded from on November 2, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Summer 1984                                                                                          Generalized epilepsies             221

      complexes (Fig. 27). This includes focal left                                              ABSENCE SEIZURES
      or right frontal spikes, atypical short bursts                                     BURSTS OF POLYSPIKES DURING SLEEP
      of spike and wave complexes, and irregular
      bursts of polyspikes and waves. T h e last two
      patterns are most frequent in slow-wave
      sleep when the long bursts are replaced by
      progressively more frequent bursts of
      shorter duration, irregular repetition rate,
      and the appearance of polyspikes. There are
      exceptions to this rule, however, and occa-
      sionally, bursts of 3-Hz spike and wave com-
      plexes are seen exclusively during sleep.
      With the epileptiform discharges, a change
      in the stage of sleep, arousal, or apnea can
      be observed, indicating that these bursts are
      symptomatic. On the other hand, it is not
      infrequent that a patient with absence sei-
      zures may only show atypical bursts of gen-
      eralized spike and wave complexes during
      sleep. This often occurs when the patient is
      clinically asymptomatic or exhibits only gen-                                                                          18 YRS, MALE
      eralized tonic-clonic seizures at the time of
                                                                         Fig. 27. Burst of polyspikes during sleep in a patient with
      the test.                                                       generalized absence seizures
(b)   Slow spike and wave complexes. T h e m o s t char-
      acteristic and necessary pattern consists of                             Almost always, one sees other epilepti-
      bursts of spike and wave complexes of at                              form discharges, such as generalized atypi-
      least three seconds repeating at less than 2.5                        cal spike and wave complexes, focal left or
      Hz. The "spike" component of the spike and                            right frontal spikes, and occasionally, in
      wave complexes is actually a sharp wave with                          more atypical locations, particularly in the
      a relatively long duration of more than 80                            occipital areas. Irregular, short bursts of
      msec. Frequently, a significant proportion                            polyspike and wave complexes during sleep
      of the record is occupied by slow sharp and                           are also noticed. A fairly characteristic fea-
      wave complexes in bursts of variable dura-                            ture is the occurrence of electrodecremental
      tion. Only rarely can one distinguish a dif-                          episodes, frequently with superimposed par-
      ference in clinical behavior between the por-                         oxysmal fast activity. These episodes vary
      tion of the EEG occupied by slow spike and                            between one and 10 seconds and are most
      wave complexes and those free of epilepti-                            frequent during sleep. Longer episodes are
      form discharges. T h e clicker test (see below)                       typically associated with either tonic, aki-
      is usually unreliable because patients are                            netic, or atonic seizures or their combina-
      uncooperative. Despite the apparent lack of                           tion.
      clear correlation between bursts of slow                       (c)    Hypsarrhythmia. T h e most characteristic and
      spike and wave complexes and behavioral                               necessary pattern for this EEG classification
      alterations, an impressive change in behav-                           consists of continuous multifocal independ-
      ior is occasionally noticed on disappearance                          ent spikes superimposed on a slow back-
      of the slow spike and wave pattern from the                           ground in the delta range which has an
      EEG because of treatment or other reasons.                            average amplitude of at least 300 fx\. Dur-
      Besides, in the occasional patient with infre-                        ing sleep, the epileptiform discharges are
      quent but long bursts of slow spike and wave                          more prominent and tend to group in one-
      complexes, a behavioral change can be cor-                            to 10-second bursts of slow waves with su-
      related with each burst (relative unrespon-                           perimposed multifocal spikes. These bursts
      siveness, complex automatisms). Frequently,                           are separated by relatively low amplitude
      the background rhythm of patients with                                EEG segments. This pattern has been erro-
      slow spike and wave complexes is relatively                           neously labelled "burst-suppression" (Fig.
      slow for the age of the patient.                                      28), but the "suppression" consists of EEG

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222       Cleveland Clinic Quarterly                                                                                             Vol. 51, No. 2

                                                                                              dependent sharp waves of benign focal epi-
       4 M O N T H S HISTORY O F INFANTILE SPASMS              6 M O N T H S , FEMALE
                                                                                              lepsy of childhood are as follows:
                                                                                              (1) T h e posterior background rhythm is
                                                                                                   within normal limits for its age group.
                                                                                              (2) T h e epileptic discharges are sharp
                                                                                                   waves (duration longer than 80 msec)
                                                                                                   and not spikes.
                                                                                              (3) T h e sharp waves are followed by pre-
                                                                                                   dominantly positive slow waves, with a
                                                                                                   negative phase of usually lower ampli-
                                                                                                   tude than the preceding sharp wave.
                                                                                              (4) T h e sharp waves are of extremely ster-
                                                                                                   eotyped waveform, even if varied in
                                                                                              (5) Horizontal bipoles are characteristic,
                                                                                                   even if not always present.
                     20CV V                                                                   (6) T h e discharges are inhibited by mental
                                                                                                   activation, hyperventilation, photic
   Fig. 28. Patient with infantile spasms and a burst-suppression
pattern during sleep. Sleep spindles occurred preferentially during                                stimulation, and increase markedly
the so-called "suppression" phase.                                                                 during sleep. Not infrequently, the pat-
                                                                                                   tern is present only during sleep.
      activity of relatively lower amplitude com-                                             (7) They are not associated with atypical
      pared with the high amplitude bursts. Ab-                                                    generalized spike and wave complexes.
      solute measurement of amplitude fre-                                                    (8) Usually there are only three to four
      quently reveals values between 20-70 ¿¿V,                                                    discrete foci which fire independently,
      and one may see well-developed sleep spin-                                                   or one will trigger the other.
      dles during these periods. Perhaps the                                            (e)   Polyspike and slow wave complex.      Polyspike
      French expression, trace paroxystique, better                                           and slow wave complexes are frequently
      describes this phenomenon.                                                              seen during sleep in association with any of
         Infantile spasms are typically associated                                            the above patterns. In addition, it is not
      with five- to 10-second electrodecremental                                              infrequent to see spike and wave complexes
      patterns, which may be associated with low-                                             with two or three spikes preceding the slow
      amplitude paroxysmal beta or alpha waves,                                               wave in patients who do not have myoclonic
      particularly at the end. T h e pattern is fre-                                          epilepsy. Therefore, this pattern is of very
      quently inconspicuous and can easily be                                                 limited specificity and is of diagnostic value
      missed. Careful clinical observation by the                                             only in the awake tracing with a prominent
      technologist and the corresponding nota-                                                polyspike component.
      tions on the record are extremely helpful
      for correct identification of the ictal nature                                    Special tests
      of this pattern.
         As in all other typical patterns, one may                                      I.    Sleep
      see generalized spike and wave, or polyspike                                         Sleep is an excellent activation procedure for
      and wave complexes.                                                               interictal epileptiform discharges in all types of
(d)   Multifocal          independent               spikes.   This pattern              generalized epilepsies. It is a natural activation
      is very similar to hypsarrhythmia except that                                     procedure with essentially no risk for the patient
      the background is not in the delta range                                          and no false positives. It is frequently said that
      and/or is of less than 300 /¿V amplitude.                                         hyperventilation is the best activator for 3-Hz
      The ictal patterns are identical to slow spike                                    spike and wave complexes. This is true if one is
      and wave complexes, or hypsarrhythmia. It                                         looking for typical 3-Hz spike and wave com-
      is important to differentiate the multifocal                                      plexes and/or absence seizures. In patients with
      independent spike pattern from the multi-                                         absence seizures for whom the routine awake
      focal independent sharp waves frequently                                          tracing including hyperventilation is negative,
      seen in benign focal epilepsy of childhood.                                       activation of atypical spike and wave complexes
         T h e main characteristics of multifocal in-                                   during sleep is not infrequent.

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Summer 1984                                                                                                 Generalized epilepsies   223

II.    Photic     Stimulation                                                      lapses of consciousness (Fig. 31). T h e tech-
                                                                                   nologist pushes a button which produces a
   Photic stimulation is a relatively selective acti-
                                                                                   clearly audible click, and the patient is asked
vator of generalized epileptiform discharges. Fo-
                                                                                   to push another button as fast as possible
cal epileptiform discharges (including occipital)
                                                                                   when he hears the click. Both push buttons
are usually inhibited and rarely triggered by
                                                                                   are monitored on either the same or an
photic stimulation.
                                                                                   independent EEG channel. During hyper-
   In photic stimulation, the most frequently ac-
                                                                                   ventilation, the responsiveness of the patient
tivated seizures are generalized myoclonic jerks,
                                                                                   is tested every 10-20 seconds. When a burst
clinical absences, or generalized tonic-clonic sei-
                                                                                   of spike and wave complexes occurs, the
zures. It is important to differentiate between
                                                                                   technologist pushes the button as soon as
photomyoclonic response (exaggerated physio-
                                                                                   possible. For short bursts, the patient can
logic myoclonus elicited by intermittent photic
                                                                                   also be asked to push the button continu-
stimulation) which has no diagnostic significance
                                                                                   ously. Symptomatic bursts are clearly iden-
and the photoparoxysmal patterns characteristic
                                                                                   tified because the patient will stop pushing
of generalized epilepsies.
                                                                                   the button. Some patients continue pushing
   In a small subgroup of patients with photopa-                                   the button repeatedly during bursts of spike
roxysmal responses, seizures will be triggered                                     and wave complexes, but are unable to push
only by intermittent photic stimulation (photo-                                    the button in response to random clicks pro-
sensitive patients). In this group, the use of lenses                              duced by the technologist. This is because
can prevent the seizures. Lenses can be tested in                                  automatic activity tends to be less affected
the EEG lab by studying their effect on photo-                                     than voluntary initiation of movement dur-
paroxysmal response. However, photoparoxys-                                        ing bursts of 3-Hz spike and wave com-
mal responses may fluctuate considerably over                                      plexes. Other patients will continue respond-
time, and therefore, reproducibility of results is                                 ing to the clicker, but with a certain delay.
essential to reach any conclusion.                                                 Patients with slow spike and wave complexes
   Some photosensitive patients are pattern-sen-                                   frequently show no alteration of responsive-
sitive, i.e., photoparoxysmal EEG responses and                                    ness in association with bursts of epilepti-
even seizures can be activated by a special geo-                                   form activity (Fig. 32).
metric pattern. T o find it, the patient scans dif-
ferent patterns under strong illumination under                                       It is very important to remember that
EEG monitoring, particularly from the occipital                                    hyperventilation normally activates bursts of
region.                                                                            slow waves which not infrequently have as-
                                                                                   sociated sharp transients. These bursts result
                                                                                   from respiratory alkalosis with secondary
III.     Hyperventilation                                                          relative brain anoxia. Frequently, the pa-
   Hyperventilation is an excellent activator of 3-                                tient also has paresthesia of the distal ex-
Hz spike and wave complexes, but may also be                                       tremities and lips, dizziness, and occasion-
effective in other types of generalized epilepti-                                  ally, slight alteration of consciousness with
form discharges. It is extremely useful to deter-                                  unresponsiveness and amnesia for words he
mine whether bursts of spike and wave complexes                                    had been asked to remember during the
are clinically symptomatic. There are two simple                                   bursts of slow waves. T h e patient may stop
methods to objectively demonstrate whether a                                       hyperventilating and become unresponsive
burst of spike and wave complexes is associated                                    to clicks. This is greatly activated by relative
with absences:                                                                     hypoglycemia and may disappear completely
(a) Respiration monitoring-. Most bursts of spike                                  if sugar is given. This phenomenon is infre-
     and wave complexes associated with unre-                                      quent, but indicates that unresponsiveness
     sponsiveness will be accompanied by a mo-                                     during a burst activated during hyperventi-
     mentary interruption of hyperventilation by                                   lation is not sufficient proof of its epilepto-
     a period of apnea. This can be easily dem-                                    genic character.
     onstrated by a respiratory monitor (Fig. 29);
     however, spontaneous respiration is fre-                                IV.    Evoked     potentials
     quently not altered during absence seizures                                Giant visual and somatosensory evoked poten-
       (Fig.    30).                                                         tials have been described in patients with my-
(b) Clicker: This is a simple device to detect short                         oclonic epilepsy and/or photosensitivity. T h e am-

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