Slab low-velocity layer in the eastern Aleutian subduction zone

Page created by Martin Kelly
Geophys. J. Int. (1997) 130,640-648

Slab low-velocity layer in the eastern Aleutian subduction zone

George Helffrich' and Geoffrey A. Abers2
' Geology Department. University of Bristol, Wills Memoriul Building, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, U K . E-mail:
'Department of Geology, 120 Lindley Hall, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA. E-mail:

Accepted 1997 April 22. Received 1997 April 21; in original form 1996 August 28


                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 25 February 2022
                                        Local earthquakes in the vicinity of the Alaskan Peninsula's Shumagin Islands often
                                        produce arrivals between the main P and S arrivals not predicted by standard traveltime
                                        tables. Based on traveltime and polarization, these anomalous arrivals appear to be
                                        from P-to-S conversions at the surface of the subducted Pacific Plate beneath the
                                        recording stations. The P-to-S conversion occurs at the top of a low-velocity layer
                                        which extends to at least 150 km depth and is 8 f2 per cent slower than the overlying
                                        mantle. The slab is -7 per cent faster than the mantle. The low-velocity layer contains
                                        the foci of the earthquakes in the upper plane of the double seismic zone and confines
                                        PS ray paths to lie within it. These observations indicate that layered structures persist
                                        to positions well past the surface location of the volcanic front. Reactions forming
                                        high-pressure minerals do not yield slab-like velocities until beyond the point that
                                        subduction zone magma genesis occurs. If the subducted oceanic crust forms the layer,
                                        it is subducted essentially intact.
                                        Key words: body waves, subduction, phase transitions.

                                                                              Fischer, Creager & Jordan 1991). Closer in, this generalization
                                                                              changes. Seismic networks deployed above subduction zones
Viewed from the perspective of the distant seismic observatory,               record a variety of anomalous phases between the P and the
slabs of subducted lithosphere are high-velocity regions (Fig. 1).            S arrivals that involve interactions with the slab, mostly
Seismic waves emanating from subduction zones generally                       reporting regions of low velocities relative to those expected
arrive early with a dependence on the azimuth from the source                 for a slab. Mitronovas & Isacks (1971) were the first to show
to the receiver, consistent with the effects of material that is              examples of arrivals of this type, inferring from them slab/
cooler, and therefore faster, than the ambient mantle (Davies                 mantle velocity contrasts of 6-7 per cent. Suyehiro & Sacks
& McKenzie 1969; Sleep 1973; Creager & Jordan 1984, 1986;                     (1979) and Huppert & Frohlich ( 1981) analysed traveltimes to
                                                                              Japanese and Fijian networks, respectively, for information on
                                                                              the velocity structure within the slab, finding a slab interior
                                                                              faster than its surface. Reyners & Coles (1982) documented P
                                                                              and S arrivals between the direct P and S in Alaska. A low-
                                                                              velocity layer on the subducted Philippine Sea plate causes
                                                                              unusual P arrival patterns west of Tokyo, Japan (Fukao, Hori
fast slab
(distant view)                                                                & Ukawa 1983; Hori et at. 1985). In Vanuatu, Chiu, Isacks &
                                                                              Cardwell (1985) identified P multipathing in the slab as well
                                                                              as P-to-S conversions at the slab/mantle interface, and found
                                                                              in the observations evidence of low velocity layering in the
                                                                              slab. Matsuzawa et al. (1986, 1987) also observed P-to-S
                                                                              conversions arriving between P and S in Japan, similarly
                                                                              finding a low-velocity layer at the upper slab surface. Body-
                                                                              wave dispersion analysis, showing the earliest arriving energy
Figure 1. Two views of the subducted slab, from the near and far              to be low frequency, suggests that a thin low-velocity layer is
seismic perspective. Slabs generate bulk velocity contrasts of roughly        present in the slab inland from Cook Inlet in Alaska (Abers
5 per cent when viewed teleseismically. Stations nearer the slab see          & Sarker 1996).
more structure in it: faster or slower layering at its upper surface. This       New Zealand is an exception. Here, the uniformly early
layering is the subject of the present work.                                  arrival times from Tonga, Kermadec and North Island

640                                                                                                                                      0 1997 RAS
Alaskan slab low-velocity layer        641

    earthquakes require high shallow-slab wavespeeds (Galea 1992;                                         Table 1. Shumagin              velocity
    van der Hilst & Snieder 1996). The earliest arriving energy is                                        model.
    high frequency, an observation that corroborates traveltime-                                          Depth       V,                 v,
    based inferences and suggests that a high-velocity layer exists                                       km          km s-'             km s-'
    in ;he slab, stretching from southern Tonga to New Zealand
                                                                                                            -1         6.2 1              3.31
    (Ansell & Gubbins 1986; Gubbins & Snieder 1991; van der
                                                                                                            10.        6.56               3.75
    Hilst & Snieder 1996).
                                                                                                            20.        6.92               3.89
      That layered structures in a subducted slab may exist is not
   sunrising given that what is subducted, oceanic lithosphere,                                             30.        7.32               4.11
   is already compositionally, mineralogically and elastically                                              40.        7.66               4.38
  layered (Fox & Stroup 1981). Persisting as it does to depths                                              75.        8.03               4.57
  in excess of 150 km, the layering argues strongly against crustal                                        145.        8.38               4.79
  delamination or underplating during subduction (Helffrich
  1996), and it is worthwhile to establish whether slab layers
  are common or rare. What the layering implies about the

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  mineralogic evolution of the slab is also of interest due to the

                                                                   Shurnagin network




                                          -164    -163     -162     -161         -160   -159   -158        -157     -156        -   5
                                   Swath width:      60km
                       ( 57.06, -162.34) az 150                   SAS 150 cross section                           ( 53.60, -158.81)


                       y    100

                       ," 150


                           250        I                    I

                                                                                   I                  I                     I
                                    -200                 -1 00                    0              100                       200
                                                                      Distance (km)

Figure 2. (a) Map of the Shumagin Islands area of the Alaskan Peninsula. Crosses denote locations of three-component seismic stations. Volcano
positions are indicated by triangles. The trench position is evident by contours of bathymetry at 200, 3000 and 6000 m depth. Points are relocated
seismicity in the vicinity (Abers 1994); circles indicate events used in this study. The line is the cross-section through station SAS approximately
perpendicular to trench. (b) Cross-section of seismicity along the line in (a). The line marked V.F. indicates position of the volcanic front. The
seismicity clearly defines upper and lower seismic planes. Only the hypocentres 30 km to either side of the projection line are shown, but up to
600 km along-strike projection swaths define a double seismic zone.

0 1997 RAS, G J I 130, 640-648
642      G. Helffrich and G. A. Abers

                                      Evtnk1987.299 Sta:sos DiskO.6 k 4 0 . 7 Eaz:221.2 54.916N -161.140E 80.4km

                                2'-                                                                                tangent


                            n -2-

                            x   c

                                                                                                                                                     Downloaded from by guest on 25 February 2022
                                      usw Yla
Figure 3. Local earthquake recorded at station SAS. The three traces record the radial, tangential and vertical components of motion. Vertical
lines indicate IASP91 (Kennett & Engdahl 1991) arrival times for P and S. Secondary P arrivals occur at -22 s on the vertical component, as
well as at -28 s (just before the S arrival). The prominent S arrival at -25 s is X .

Table 2. Polarization of X arrivals recorded at SGB.

    Back-           Polarization         Back-              Polarization          Back-             Polarization   Back-          Polarization
    azimuth, O      angle, O             azimuth, O         angle, O              azimuth, '        angle, O       azimuth, O     angle, O
       -144             52.2                   32.             247.2                 -136               34.0          -106           274.9
          46.          236.6                  -98              173.7                   -53             330.9             93.         268.1
         -24           152.8                - 104              307.6                 -144              320.2              3.         252.2
       -141            33 1.2                  -5              345.2                     69.           186.8          - 142          287.5
         158.             2.5               -153                35.6                 -164              219.9          -137           179.1
        179.              2.7                  59.             143.6                 -106              292.8             49.         318.6
       -148            235.5                -146                56.2                 -162              197.0          -161            24.3
          89.          279.0                   51.             2 16.0                  175.            331.1            -90          314.1
       -148            208.8                -153               313.1                 -156                 4.7         - 157          313.4
         -52           344.8                -107               267.5                   -86             226.2          -163           352.4
          90.          286.7                -139                49.7                 -143              155.2            -82          101.1
         101.          334.3                -150               289.1                 -145               31.6          -154           149.8
       -141             44.4                -128               329.7                 -141              275.2          -132           255.1
       - 108           262.0                -139               131.3                 -123              270.9          -127           195.7
       -136            257.4                -1 18              287.8                 -148              3 19.6            53.         178.1
       -139            274.2                - 140              149.4                 - 141             273.0          - 127          249.0
       -100            317.4                -131               271.5                 -135              269.0          -131           268.8
         -99           294.8                -135               2 10.I                -139              264.0          -106           293.6
       -134            169.9                -123               258.9                 -106               72.5          -134           277.0
       -120            28 1.O               -121               274.1                 -129              291.7             70.         234.0
       -101            293.5                -1 14              184.9                 - I 14            288.9             55.         261.5
       -127            273.2                -113               249.3                 -1 14             265.4          -126           354.0
       - 126           272.8                -1 16              116.7                 -125              275.4          - 125          273.5
       -126            141.9                  -95              307.7                 - 103             269.9          -122           292.5
         -99           240.5                -111                 51.7                   -96            262.8          -1 16          282.8
       -121            124.0                 -105              265.8                    51.            182.5

                                                                                                                      0 1997 RAS, GJI 130, 640-648
Alaskan slab low-velocity layer       643

                    SGB   X         Dolarization analvsis                                                      postulated link between intermediate-depth earthquakes and
      90                                                                 I                                     phase transformations in the slab (Kirby 1995). Here we

                                                   n o r m a l0
                                                                                                               examine arrivals recorded by a local seismic network in the
                                                                                                               Shumagin Islands of the Alaskan Peninsula for evidence of
                                                                                                               layered structures in the slab. The observations indicate that
 C    50                                           a z i m wt h                                                a low-velocity layer, which is about 8 per cent slower than

      40                                                                                                       mantle wavespeeds, persists to more than 150 km depth in a
 0    30 c                                                       0                                             slab that is about 7 per cent faster than the mantle. Thus the

 L    20
      10                                                     -P-*
                                                                  -                                            Alaskan subduction zone joins the more numerous ranks of
 0                                                              0                                              those having slow layers. Moreover, if the nature of the layering
 Q      0                                                                                                      is mineralogical, a slow mineralogy must persist past the depth
                                                                                                               of subduction-zone magma genesis.


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                                                                                                               Our data are from a Lamont-Doherty operated local seismic
                                                                                                               network in the Alaskan Peninsula (Fig. 2 ) which ran stably
                                                                                                               between 1982 and 1991 (Abers 1992). The network's digital
      -80      0l    l     l         l        ~          l       l       t           l   l       l             data streams are sampled at 100Hz. Most of the nominally
         -180-150-120-90-60-30               O 30 6 0 90 120 150 180                                           1 Hz free-period HS-10 instruments are vertical component,
                               B a c k - a z i m u t h (")                                                     but five of the stations are equipped with horizontals. Since
                                                                                                               our interest is in identifying the types and traveltimes of
Figure 4. Plot of the deviation between the back-azimuth from station                                          arrivals between P and S, these latter stations provide the data
SGB to the event and the horizontal polarization of the X arrival,                                             for the study. The events studied are drawn from an earthquake
which is an S wave. The X polarization is obtained by an eigenvalue
analysis of horizontal particle motion and accounts for any splitting
                                                                                                               catalogue of relocated seismicity within the network (Abers
of the S wave (Silver & Chan 1991). If a P-to-S conversion occurs at                                           1994) (Fig. 2 ) . The relocation jointly solved for velocity
a dipping interface, the polarization will rotate to the down-dip                                              structure and earthquake locations. The starting velocity model
direction. Thus the deviation between the back-azimuth and the                                                 for the relocation is a 1-D model developed for locating
polarization direction should reveal the dip direction. All the initial                                        earthquakes in (Table 1).
polarizations are plotted without regard to quality, and a line is fit                                            We examined waveforms from those of the 1448 relocated
using a robust fitting technique (Menke 1989). The line crosses zero                                           events located deeper than 40km for secondary P and S
(no deviation between back-azimuth and initial polarization) at an                                             arrivals in the window between the direct arrivals, classifying
azimuth of about -3O", which is perpendicular to the trench azimuth                                            them as to their polarization. By omitting events shallower
and the volcanic front azimuth in this area. Thus the polarization                                             than 40 km we emphasize paths leading from hypocentres in
trend has the expected characteristics for a P-to-S conversion at the
                                                                                                               the subducted plate, maximizing their interaction with the
slab/mantle interface. Data are in Table 2. Scatter is due to most
events being located along strike (Fig. l), resulting in an effectively                                        plate. 172 arrivals are S and 65 are P. Fig. 3 is an example of
zero interface dip and no polarization rotation.                                                               one of the records, which shows P and S arrivals from a local
                                                                                                               event. Between the main phase arrivals, at about 26 s, is an

                                 X arrivals at SAS                                           X arrivals at SGB                         X arrivals at SQF
                                I        I     I     I       I       I       I               I       I     I    I   I   I   I          I        I     I   I   I   I   I

                                                                                                                        0       I5

                                                                                                                                               A A

                                                                                                                                           A f

                                I        I     I     I       I       I       I               I       I    I     I   I   I   I   0      I        I     I   I   I   I   I
                                5 10 1520253035                                                                                       5 10 1520253035
                                             S-P (sec)                                                   S-P (sec)                                  S-P (sec)
Figure 5. Plot of picked X arrivals for the three stations where it is common. The estimated picking error is about the size of the symbol, 0.3 s.
Trends in the arrivals are highlighted by different symbols: solid where they correspond to a high-velocity arrival branch (smaller X - P times) and
open for low-velocity arrivals (larger X - P times). Triangles designate arrivals not clearly associated with either of these groups.

0 1997 RAS, GJI 130, 640-648
644      G. Helflrich and G. A. Abers

 arrival polarized dominantly as S. This phase X arrives before
                                                                                 MODELLING A N D RESULTS
 S, so must have either travelled in material faster than did
 direct S or accrued some of its traveltime as P. The latter                     The character of the flat trend, whose arrivals are S with nearly
 possibility is unlikely because a regional tomographic study                    constant X - P times, suggests that the phase is generated
(Abers 1994) does not reveal extensive regions of high S                         near the station. As a working hypothesis we assume that X
velocities, which are required by this interpretation. Moreover,                 is a PS conversion at the slab surface near the station and
X is polarized nearly radially in the slab down-dip/trench                       trace rays through a 2-D model [using SEIS83 by Cerveny &
normal direction, implying an origin as a P-to-S conversion                      Psencik (1983)] with a 100 km thick slab 5 per cent faster
(Fig. 4). Three of the stations, SQF, SAS and SGB, reliably                      than the ambient mantle (Zhao, Christensen & Pulpan 1995)
record X. The individual picks for each station are best                         which dips at 30". The shallow seismicity cross-section (Fig. 2 )
visualized in terms of their differential traveltimes (Fig. 5 ) .                supplies the dip, as well as the station location above the slab.
S - P roughly represents range (depth as well as epicentral                      From deep events the P-to-S conversion at the slab interface
distance), and X - P is the time lapse from the P arrival. What                  is essentially fixed, but it moves beneath the station to shallower
is seen in the X - P times in Fig. 5, most clearly for SAS, are                  levels as the source approaches the trench (Fig. 7a). This leads
two distinct traveltime trends. These emanate from an S - P                      to a nearly constant P S - P time at large range, but a trend

                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 25 February 2022
time of about 10 s, one with increasing X - P and the other                      to smaller times at close range, with a sharply curved branch
with nearly the same X - P time. Henceforth the trend with                       forming that corresponds to up-dip source locations (Fig. 7b).
increasing X - P times will be called the 'increasing trend'                     If instead of a fast slab we hypothesize a slow one and trace
and the other the 'flat trend'. The sources comprising the two                   rays through it, the ray geometry of the P-to-S conversion
trends show a depth segregation in the slab (Fig. 6), but                        does not change much from that of a fast slab, but the
overlap in map view.                                                             traveltimes do. PS - P times lengthen with range because the

                         0                                                               I             I         I            I         I



                       150                  0

                              .*                                                                 0


                       250                                                               I             I         I            I         L
                             I00            -50          0       50        100                        -50       0         50          1O(

                                            o        1       I                   I                          I         1

                                            20 -                                                                          -



                                                 -                                           A A

                                   fn                                            A

                                   0        00   -                                                                        -

                                        100      -                                                                        -

                                        120      -           I                   I                         I          I

Figure 6. Distribution of hypocentres associated with sources identified in Fig. 5, using the same symbol codings: solid symbols denote the arrivals
in the flat trend, and open symbols indicate events in the increasing trend. Events not clearly associated with any group are shown with triangles.
The arrivals in the increasing trend are segregated to the upper seismic plane, whereas the flat-trend arrivals are in the lower seismic plane.

                                                                                                                              0 1997 RAS, GJI 130, 640-648
Alaskan slab low-velocity layer        645

                                         PS ray paths                             and secondarily on the high-velocity slab speed. A 10 km thick
                                                                                  layer shifts the asymptote by about 1 s on account of the delay
               (a)                                                                accrued by PS traversing it as P from lower-plane sources
                                                                                  (Fig. 8b). This suggests that the layer is thin, closer to 5 km as
       100                                                                        opposed to 10 km. There is a mild trade-off with the speed of
 ~                                                                                the high-velocity plate, but a 10 km layer fits the data only
 J:                                                                               with a 15 per cent faster plate, which is faster than the 3-5
 1-    150
 L&J                                                                              per cent increases in shallow plate speeds relative to overlying
       200                                                                        mantle reported elsewhere (Hori et al. 1985; Matsuzawa et al.
                                                                                  1986). Thus we opt for a 5 km layer and a 7 ± 2 per cent faster
       250                                                                        slab. This is a compromise between results from SGB and SAS.
             150              250          350               450       550
                                        DISTANCE IN KM
                                    Calculated PS-P times
               (b)                                                                These results extend an earlier study of the Alaskan subduction

                                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 25 February 2022
                         15                                   "' 1sh b dip   1    zone ~ 400 km along-strike to the east of the Shumagins by
                                                             oo     ut-of-plane   Abers & Sarker ( 1996). Body-wave dispersion characteristics
                                                      00 0                        suggest the existence of a 2-6 km thick layer with 2.5-5 per
                                               oo o                 rrors
                         10               oo                                      cent lower velocities than the mantle and a 5 per cent faster
                   0..              I
                                              •    Fast sla
                                                                                  slab. In the Shumagins, we find a slower layer speed, a similar
                                                                                  slab speed, and a comparable layer thickness. The thickness is
                          5                                                       roughly equivalent to other reported values; 6 km by Hori
                                                 0 Slow slab                      et al. (1985); 5 km by Matsuzawa et al. (1986); 6-15 km by
                                                                                  Gubbins & Snieder (1991); and 8 km by van der Hilst &
                          0 L-~~--~-L--L-~~~                                      Snieder ( 1996). Oceanic crust is generally 7.1 ± 0.8 km thick
                            0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
                                   S-P {sec)                                      (White et al. 1992; Mutter & Mutter 1993), and specifically
                                                                                  6.5-7 km thick in the Gulf of Alaska environs (Moore et al.
Figure 7. (a) PS ray paths for sources near the top of a slab pro-                1991; Bracher et al. 1994), with ~0.8 km sediment overburden
portionately faster (or slower) than the mantle above it. Each cross
                                                                                  (Winterer 1989). This suggests that the low-velocity layer
designates a source. The rays travel up the slab as P and convert to S
at the slab/mantle interface. For the deepest source, a direct P path is
                                                                                  comprises all of the extrusive (layer 2) and most or all of the
also shown. (b) If the slab is faster than the mantle, the S leg contributes      intrusive (layer 3) package if it indeed represents the oceanic
little total traveltime to PS, yielding the trend shown with solid                crust. The observed layer thickness, 5 km, is nearly the thick-
symbols. A slower slab, because the long P leg is also delayed, yields            ness of layer 3, based on it typically being two-thirds of the
a positively sloping traveltime curve (open symbols). Note also the               crust thickness (Spudich & Orcutt 1980), so if there is tectonic
sharply curved reverse branch caused by up-dip sources. Brackets on               erosion or underplating of the sediments and extrusives, what
the right of the plot indicate ±so uncertainty in the plate dip, and of           would remain is a layer approximately as thick as we infer.
out-of-plane sources (along-strike arrivals in a 3-D rather than a 2-D               Seismic waves emitted by earthquakes in the low-velocity
geometry). These are of little significance to the overall trend.                 layer must remain in it-otherwise the rigorous segregation of
                                                                                  upper- and lower-plate sources into low- and high-velocity
P path, confined to the slab, is slower than direct P which                       paths would not be observed. Since the mantle wedge is
leaves the slab close to the source on account of Snell's Law                     generally aseismic (Abers 1992; Zhao, Hasegawa & Horiuchi
acting at the slow slab's surface. The slow slab thus accounts                    1992), and since the layer in which the upper-plane earthquakes
for the increasing trend whereas a fast slab is responsible for                   occur is roughly the oceanic crust thickness, we believe that
the fiat trend. The PS conversion at the slab/mantle interface                    the layer is the top of the slab, and not the hydrous layer
appears to explain both branches of X.                                            above the slab as Tatsumi, Ito & Go to ( 1994; Ito & Tatsumi
   While it seems paradoxical that a slab is both fast and slow,                  1995) envisage.
some insight may be gained from the distribution of hypo-                            A further insight into slab velocity gradients also derives
centres that generate the fast and the slow arrivals. Their                       from the observed spatial separation of flat- and increasing-
distribution for SAS PS observations (Fig. 6) clearly restricts                   trend arrivals. Snell's Jaw forbids a near-source PS conversion
the slow arrivals (the increasing trend in Fig. 7) to the upper                   of a vertical ray, but downward propagating rays conceivably
surface of the slab and the faster arrivals (fiat trend) to its                   could leave the low-velocity layer, bottom in the slab, and
interior. A similar separation, while not as rigorous as at SAS,                  ascend through the layer to the station. Since they generally
is suggested by the hypocentres for SGB. These results suggest                    do not do this, this probably means that velocity gradients in
that a low-velocity layer exists at the upper-slab surface.                       the slab below the low-velocity layer are too small to turn
   By tracing rays through a variety of models, some constraints                  downward propagating rays upwards at the short ranges found
on the low-velocity layer speed and thickness may be sought.                      in the Shumagins.
Slab wave speeds in these models are relative to the surround-                       Two effects may conspire to prevent observation of PS
ing mantle speeds given in Table 1. The arrivals forming the                      conversions at the other stations in the network (Fig. 1). At
increasing trend are sensitive to the low-velocity layer speed                    BLH, the deepest into the backarc, PS and S arrive nearly
and are fit best if the layer is 8 ± 2 per cent slower (Fig. Sa).                 simultaneously for S- P times less than ~ 21 s due to either
In contrast, the asymptotic PS- P time in the fiat trend                          the long upgoing updip S leg or long downdip P legs (Fig. 7a).
depends primarily on the thickness of the low-velocity layer                      Since few earthquakes are more distant than this, observable

© 1997 RAS, GJI 130, 640-648
646      G. Helfrich and G. A . Abers

                                                             SGB                                           SAS
                                          I   I         I     I     I

                              15                                         0

                         a                                                                             dip

                                                                                  iIIt       0
                                                                                                             & geometry

                                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from by guest on 25 February 2022
                                                                                                       I     l         l   I     I   t
                                   0     5    10 15 20 25 30 35 0                        5       10 15 20 25 30 35
                                                       S-P (sec)                                    S-P (sec)


                                         5    100
                                         i-   150

                                                       150         250          350              450             550
                                                                             DISTANCE IN KM

Figure 8. (a) Calculated and observed PS arrival times, assuming a slab/mantle interface PS conversion. The preferred slab model has a 5 km
thick layer 8 per cent slower than the overlying mantle on top of an interior 7 per cent faster than the overlying mantle (a 21 per cent velocity
increase at the bottom of the low-velocity layer). Brackets on calculated times are + 2 per cent variation in layer velocity (low-velocity trend) and
joint -+2 per cent variation of both slab and layer velocity (high-velocity group). Lower brackets indicate uncertainty due to plate dip and 3-D
geometry (Fig. 7). (b) PS and P ray paths from a lower-plane source, illustrating the effect of the low-velocity layer thickness on PS - P times. Its
thickness only affects flat-trend times (Fig. 7b), displacing them to larger PS - P values. For a given thickness, the layer adds a constant delay to
PS because the conversion point is essentially fixed (Fig. 7a). The P delay depends on source depth due to the changing P geometry. An increase
in PS - P time is the net result.

PS conversion conditions are rare-85 per cent of the recorded                     invoked to explain basalt persistence past the equilibrium

distant than   -
events are excluded. Similarly, PVV requires events more
                17 s, excluding 70 per cent. Thus the eligible
population is small. The other effect that may impair obser-
                                                                                  reaction depth, -20 km (Wood 1987). Low-velocity material
                                                                                  extends beyond the depth of magma generation beneath the
                                                                                  volcanic arc at -100km depth, however. At this depth,
vation is the slab/mantle interface conditions at the points                      dehydration reactions are believed to transfer volatiles to the
where the P-to-S conversion occurs, which are nearly constant                     mantle wedge, which promotes melting of the mantle (Tatsumi
for distant events. Any heterogeneity in interface properties, if                 1986; Davies & Stevenson 1992). Volatiles also lower kinetic
arising by chance at this point, would inhibit observation.                       barriers to reaction (Fyfe & Verhoogen 1958). Thus meta-
Abers’s ( 1994) tomographic study indicates some variability                      stability in basalt/gabbro would be difficult to maintain to the
above the seismicity, suggesting interface inhomogeneity. Note,                   depth where low velocities are observed.
however, that interface heterogeneity does not affect the travel-                    Alternatively, the low-velocity layer may represent hydrous
time trends from which the layer properties are derived. The                      metabasalt facies, which evolve by dehydration to high-
long up- or downdip paths in the low-velocity layer or high-                      pressure assemblages (Peacock 1993). At 700°C and 20kb
velocity slab govern the trends, not the interface properties at                  (65 km depth), Pawley & Holloway (1993) showed hydrous
the conversion point (Fig. 7).                                                    phases to be stable in metabasalts and Poli & Schmidt (1995)
   Hypocentres associated with the low-velocity traveltime                        reported lawsonite stable to >60 kb. Down to depths of
branch extend down to 180 km (Fig. 6), suggesting an extent                       100 km, calculated metabasalt velocities (lawsonite blueschist)
somewhat deeper than the 100-150 km found by Abers &                              remain 7 per cent slower than the mantle (Helffrich 1996),
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velocity character suggest that it represents the subducted                       hydrous mineralogy (Tatsumi et al. 1994; Ito & Tatsumi 1995).
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equivalent gabbro) to eclogite is expected (Ahrens & Schubert                     unknown, its depth extent may suggest pressure regimes for
 1975; Gubbins et al. 1994). Typically, kinetic hinderance is                     future exploratory work in experimental petrology, as well as

                                                                                                                               0 1997 RAS, G J I 130, 640-648
Alaskan slab low-velocity layer           641

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