The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010

Page created by Bernard Lambert
The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

Learning from Earthquakes

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
From March 6th to April 13th, 2010,     mated to have experienced intensity        ies of the gap, overlapping extensive
a team organized by EERI investi-       VII or stronger shaking, about 72%         zones already ruptured in 1985 and
gated the effects of the Chile earth-   of the total population of the country,    1960. In the first month following the
quake. The team was assisted lo-        including five of Chile’s ten largest      main shock, there were 1300 after-
cally by professors and students of     cities (USGS PAGER).                       shocks of Mw 4 or greater, with 19 in
the Pontificia Universidad Católi-                                                 the range Mw 6.0-6.9.
                                        As of May 2010, the number of con-
ca de Chile, the Universidad de
                                        firmed deaths stood at 521, with 56
Chile, and the Universidad Técni-                                                  Tectonic Setting and
                                        persons still missing (Ministry of In-
ca Federico Santa María. GEER                                                      Geologic Aspects
                                        terior, 2010). The earthquake and
(Geo-engineering Extreme Events
                                        tsunami destroyed over 81,000 dwell-       South-central Chile is a seismically
Reconnaissance) contributed geo-
                                        ing units and caused major damage to       active area with a convergence of
sciences, geology, and geotechni-
                                        another 109,000 (Ministry of Housing       nearly 70 mm/yr, almost twice that
cal engineering findings. The Tech-
                                        and Urban Development, 2010). Ac-          of the Cascadia subduction zone.
nical Council on Lifeline Earthquake
                                        cording to unconfirmed estimates, 50       Large-magnitude earthquakes
Engineering (TCLEE) contributed a
                                        multi-story reinforced concrete build-     struck along the 1500 km-long
report based on its reconnaissance
                                        ings were severely damaged, and            coastline in 1835, 1906, 1928, 1960,
of April 10-17. A complete list of
                                        four collapsed partially or totally. The   1985, and 2010 (Cisternas et al.,
team members begins on page 19.
                                        earthquake caused damage to high-          2005). Tectonic deformation result-
The research, publication, and dis-     ways, railroads, ports, and airports       ing from the February 27th quake
tribution of this report were funded    due to ground shaking and liquefac-        played a substantial role in the ob-
by the EERI Learning from Earth-        tion. The earthquake was followed          served damage. Ground shaking
quakes project, under grant #CMMI-      by a blackout that affected most of        and surface effects were observed
0758529 from the National Science       the population, with power outages
Foundation. Additional support was      affecting selected regions for
provided by the Pacific Earthquake      days. Estimates of economic
Engineering Research Center, Fed-       damage are around $30 billion.
eral Highway Administration, Ameri-
                                        According to the USGS (2010),
can Society of Civil Engineers, and
                                        the earthquake epicenter was
the host organizations of participat-
                                        in a zone where the Nazca
ing individuals.
                                        plate is being subducted down-
                                        ward and eastward beneath
Introduction                            the South American plate. The
On Saturday, February 27, 2010,         earthquake occurred as thrust
at 03:34 a.m. local time (06:34:14      faulting on the interface be-
UTC), an Mw 8.8 earthquake struck       tween the two plates, with
the central south region of Chile,      an epicenter at 35.909°S,
affecting an area with a population     72.733°W (just off the coast
exceeding eight million people, in-     105 km NNE of Concepción)
cluding 6.1M, 0.8M, and 0.9M in the     and a focal depth of 35 km.
urban areas around Santiago, Val-       The estimated dimensions of
paraíso/Viña del Mar, and Concep-       the rupture zone were 500 km
ción, respectively. Figure 1 shows      long by 100 km wide. The
the location of the main shock and      earthquake struck in an area
aftershocks relative to major cities.   that had been identified as a
In the region of strongest ground       seismic gap, with projected
shaking, ground accelerations           worst case potential to produce
exceeded 0.05g for over 120 s.          an earthquake of Mw 8.0-8.5
Coastal locations were affected by      (Ruegg et al., 2009). The rup-      Figure 1. Main shock and aftershocks of
both ground shaking and tsunami.        ture zone extended beyond the       Mw 4 and larger between 2/27/10 and
Over 12 million people were esti-       northern and southern boundar-      3/26/10 (USGS).

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                                                         resulted in drowned tidal flats and
                                                                                         local areas of significant tsunami
                                                                                         erosion. To the north, from about
                                                                                         the town of Pichilemu to Valparaíso,
                                                                                         there was little or no obvious uplift/
                                                                                         subsidence. The areas of coastal
                                                                                         subsidence were exposed to sub-
                                                                                         stantial tsunami runup and scour,
                                                                                         as well as wave damage, whereas
                                                                                         areas of substantial uplift generally
                                                                                         had relatively little damage from
                                                                                         tsunami waves. However, in coastal
                                                                                         areas close to the epicenter with
                                                                                         only moderate uplift (e.g., Concep-
                                                                                         ción and Dichato), there was sub-
                                                                                         stantial damage related to both
                                                                                         strong ground motions and tsunami

                                                                                         Strong Motion
                                                                                         The main shock of the earthquake
                                                                                         was recorded by at least 15 strong
                                                                                         motion instruments in the area
        Figure 2. Model of estimated surface deformation (after K. Wang,                 bounded by the cities of Santiago,
        2010, personal communication), overlain by initial field estimates               Viña del Mar, Angol, and Concep-
        of coastal uplift (GEER, 2010).                                                  ción. At the station nearest to the
                                                                                         epicenter, Cauquenes city, the accel-
  over an area more than 100 km              uplift affected harbor facilities (Figure   erometer maximum 1g range was
  wide and 600 km long, from Val-            3), produced an emergent marine             exceeded. Several of the recording
  paraíso in the north to Tirúa in the       platform, and exposed the tidal habitat     instruments are analog, so process-
  south. This is equivalent to the           zone. In the central part of the rup-       ing is slow and still underway. Some
  entire coastline of Washington and         ture zone, coastal subsidence over a        of the digital instruments have been
  Oregon.                                    distance of about 50 km between the         processed and reported in Boro-
                                             towns of Constitución and Bucalemu          schek et al. (2010) and National
  In south-central Chile, regional geo-
  logic characteristics are largely con-
  trolled by long-term aseismic surface
  deformation, punctuated by sudden,
  coseismic coastal uplift and inland
  subsidence. These influence the
  pattern of ground motions and tsu-
  nami runup, and hence earthquake
  damage. The February 27 earth-
  quake produced both uplift and sub-
  sidence along the coastline (Figure
  2), and the variable pattern of defor-
  mation may have affected tsunami
  impacts on coastal communities.
  Reconnaissance-based estimates
  of deformation (GEER, 2010) sup-
  port initial models of surface defor-
  mation. In the south, the Arauco
  Peninsula was uplifted and tilted
  gently eastward, with at least 2 m
  of coastal uplift on Isla Santa Maria
  and near the town of Lebu. The             Figure 3. Fishing boats stranded within uplifted harbor of Lebu; uplift of
                                             1.8 +/- 0.2 m in this area (photo: GEER, 2010).

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

    Table 1. Preliminary Processed Records Maximum Accelerations                        of the damaged structures there.
                (from Boroschek et al., 2010 and DGF 2010)                              The cities of Viña del Mar and
                         Station                      Maximum        Maximum            Talca, founded on marine and al-
                                                      Horizontal      Vertical          luvial deposits, suffered extensive
                                                     Acceleration   Acceleration        damage during the earthquake.
                                                         (g)            (g)
                                                                                        Concepción is founded on a sedi-
        Santiago Universidad de Chile                   0.17           0.14
        Santiago Elevated Train Station Mirador         0.24           0.13             mentary valley, and the extensive
        Santiago CRS MAIPU                              0.56           0.24             damage there was associated with
        Santiago Hosp. Tisne                            0.30           0.28             site or basin effects. Among seven
        Santiago Hosp. Sotero de R’o                    0.27           0.13             distinct zones in the city where
        Santiago Cerro Cal‡n                            0.23           0.11
                                                                                        buildings or bridges collapsed cata-
        Santiago Campus Antumapu                        0.27           0.17
        El Roble Hill                                   0.19           0.11             strophically, six were parallel to the
        Vi–a del Mar (Marga Marga)                      0.35           0.26             La Pólvora fault, which defines the
        Vi–a del Mar (Downtown)                         0.33           0.19             northwest edge of the basin.
        Curico Hospital                                 0.47           0.20
        Concepci—n Colegio San Pedro                    0.65           0.58             Buildings. Liquefaction-induced
        Valdivia Hospital                               0.14           0.05             ground deformations affected the
                                                                                        seismic performance of several
                                                                                        modern buildings. At a recently
Seismological Service (2010); addi-           pass bridges exhibited markedly dif-      constructed hospital in Curanilahue,
tional records from research and              ferent performance: two collapsed         with ten structurally isolated wings
private institutions have not been            while the other two had only minor        ranging in height from one to six
reported yet. Table 1 summarizes              damage. Another example of local          stories, individual wings underwent
the known peak accelerations. The             site effects in Santiago was the se-      differential settlement and rotation
records show two to three minutes             vere structural damage of high-rise       due to extensive liquefaction. Four
of vibrations (Figure 4). Shaking             buildings observed at Ciudad Empre-       8-story condominium buildings lo-
higher than 0.05g lasted more than            sarial, a recently constructed busi-      cated in Concepción on a site filled
60 s in most of the records, and              ness park founded on deep silty/clay      with compacted sand were dam-
more than 120 s in Concepción area            sediments. Published data show that       aged by liquefaction-induced per-
records.                                      the fundamental periods of soil pro-      manent ground movement and by
                                              files in the area approximately match     strong shaking. The Riesco building
Elastic response spectra of several
                                              the fundamental resonant periods          at this site underwent 30 cm of dif-
records are higher than elastic de-
sign demands from the Chilean seis-
mic design code NCh433; however,
displacement spectra demands are
in general lower than those required
in the National Base Isolation Build-
ing Code NCh2745. Some records
show important contributions to total
signal energy from periods higher
than 1 s. This behavior could be
related to source or local soil condi-
tions. Soil conditions on several sta-
tions are known only for the first 10
m, so further studies are required.

Geotechnical Effects
Local Site Effects. Damage pat-
terns observed in Chile suggest
local site effects were important.
For example, Santiago is located
on an alluvial sediment-filled basin
surrounded by the main and coastal
ranges of the Andes. Localized
damage was observed along the                     Figure 4. Viña del Mar downtown area earthquake records. This same sta-
Americo Vespucio Norte ring road,                 tion recorded the 1985 Central Chile Earthquake. NS and EW are nominal
where four structurally similar over-             coordinates.

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                                                       there was lateral spreading at the
                                                                                       east approach and several spans
                                                                                       collapsed in the middle. The Bio-Bio
                                                                                       Railroad Bridge, built in 1889 and
                                                                                       retrofitted in 2005, also suffered dam-
                                                                                       age associated with lateral spreading,
                                                                                       including lateral pile movement and
                                                                                       misalignment of the rails. Damage
                                                                                       from lateral spreading was also ob-
                                                                                       served at the La Mochita Bridge in
                                                                                       Concepción (significant transverse
                                                                                       movement), the Tubul Bridge in Tubul
                                                                                       (collapse), and the Pulen and Pata-
                                                                                       gual bridges near Hualqui (moderate
                                                                                       cracking and distortion). The Mata-
                                                                                       quito Bridge, built in 2008 near Iloca,
                                                                                       performed well, although lateral
                                                                                       spreading was observed at both
                                                                                       abutments, and up to 0.5 m of liq-
                                                                                       uefaction-induced settlement was
                                                                                       measured at one abutment.
                                                                                       Localized ground failures also had
  Figure 5. Schematic plan view of the Riesco building in Concepción (GEER,
                                                                                       widespread impact on highways
                                                                                       throughout the region affected by
  ferential settlement across its foun-      Bridge, built in 1974, was closed due     the earthquake. Route 160 in Lota
  dation and 1 degree tilt in the north      to column shear failure induced by        along the coast was closed in both
  side of the building (Figure 5). As a      lateral spreading at the approach, as     directions due to embankment slope
  result of the uneven foundation set-       well as interior pier settlement in ex-   failures (Figure 7). Several ground
  tlement and rotation, excessive in-        cess of 0.5 m due to liquefaction.        failures were observed inland along
  ternal deformations were imposed           (See also Transportation Systems          the main north-south highway, Route
  on the coupling beams in the super-        below and Figure 26). At the Bio-Bio      5, often resulting in the closure of
  structure. Several homes in north-         Bridge, built in 1937 and closed in       either northbound or southbound
  ern Concepción were torn apart by          2002 to all but pedestrian traffic,       lanes (e.g., near Copihue, Parral,
  translational ground movement.
  Ports. Ports are essential facilities
  for the Chilean economy, as they
  carry more than 90% of the coun-
  try’s imports and exports. There
  was significant damage due to liq-
  uefaction and lateral spreading,
  notably at Valparaíso and Coronel.
  Figure 6 shows cracking of asphalt
  pavement at Coronel with lateral
  ground extension in excess of 1.2 m.
  Bridges and Roads. Liquefaction
  affected transportation systems
  most significantly along the coast.
  For example, all four bridges cross-
  ing the Bio-Bio River near Concep-
  ción were damaged to varying de-
  grees by liquefaction-induced
  ground failure. The Llacolen Bridge,
  built in 2000, suffered deck unseat-
  ing due to lateral spreading at its
                                              Figure 6. Liquefaction and lateral spreading-induced damage at the Port of
  north approach. The Juan Pablo II
                                              Coronel (photo: GEER, 2010).

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                                                    A conspicuous feature of the Chil-
                                                                                    ean tsunami was its extreme varia-
                                                                                    bility in height, destructiveness, and
                                                                                    wave arrival times (Table 2). Local
                                                                                    tsunami water height and arrival
                                                                                    times were influenced by bathym-
                                                                                    etry, coastal topography, aspect,
                                                                                    fault slip, and localized subsidence
                                                                                    and uplift due to the earthquake.
                                                                                    The first tsunami surges generally
                                                                                    arrived less than 30 minutes after
                                                                                    the earthquake; in most areas, eye
                                                                                    witnesses reported three or four
                                                                                    distinct surges. The third or the
                                                                                    fourth were typically the largest,
                                                                                    arriving between 90 minutes and
                                                                                    four hours after the earthquake.
                                                                                    The highest water levels recorded
                                                                                    by ITST groups were generally in
                                                                                    the 10–12 m range, excepting
Figure 7. Slope failure on Route 160 in Lota (photo: GEER 2010).                    splash values. Tidal variations of
                                                                                    about 1.6 m from rise to fall in
and Paine). These failures were                                                     20-30 minutes intervals were still
                                         The Tsunami                                observed in the Valparaíso area
often associated with lowland
crossings or under-highway culverts.     The earthquake produced a tsunami          7-8 hours after the earthquake,
                                         that caused major damage locally           revealing the intense excitation the
Earthen Structures. The perfor-          over 500 km of coastline, from Tirúa       Pacific Ocean experienced.
mance of earthen structures —            to Pichilemu, and at the Juan Fer-
dams, levees, mine tailings dams,                                                   Tsunami damage to structures re-
                                         nandez Islands about 600 km off the
and retaining structures — was good                                                 sulted from hydrodynamic loading
                                         coast. Around the Pacific, the tsunami
overall. The earthquake struck near                                                 on structural elements, impact load-
                                         was recorded at over 150 locations,
the end of the dry season in Chile,                                                 ing from floating debris, and scour
                                         triggering tsunami alerts (Warnings/
when reservoir levels are low. A                                                    around foundations, especially dur-
                                         Advisories) in 54 countries and ter-
small number of earth structures did                                                ing drawdown. Timber-framed
                                         ritories. Post-event field investigation
exhibit adverse effects. For example,                                               homes and unreinforced or poorly
                                         International Tsunami Survey Teams
Coihueco Dam, which is a 31-m-                                                      reinforced masonry structures were
                                         (ITST) were coordinated by UNESCO
high zoned earth fill dam, had sev-                                                 particularly vulnerable (Figure 9).
                                         and the International Tsunami Infor-
eral scarps along its upstream crest,                                               In Dichato, 1500 homes were
                                         mation Center (ITIC, 2010).
as well as bulging along the up-
stream toe. The most significant fail-
ure of an earth structure was at the
Las Palmas Tailings Impoundment,
where liquefaction resulted in a flow
failure of as much as 100,000 m3
of retained tailings a distance of up
to 0.5 km and caused four casual-
ties (Figure 8). Another interesting
failure was in a 7-m-high earth levee
constructed with a silty-sandy gravel
with cobbles near Colbún. While this
section of levee showed no signs of
distress after both the February 27
event and a Mw 6.9 aftershock on
March 11, it subsequently failed on
March 13.

                                         Figure 8. Upper scarp of Failed Tailings Impoundment (photo: GEER 2010).

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                 Table 2. Water Heights and Wave Arrival Times                             casualties and missing were attrib-
                             Water Height      Approximate Wave Arrival Time
                                                                                  2        uted to the tsunami (Forensic Medi-
         Community              meters
                                                         2nd    3rd        4th             cal Service, 2010). With the notable
         Curanipe                 6-9                                  6:30 - 7:00         exception of Constitución (see
         Constituci—n        6.9 - 11.2, 26*   3:50      4:17   4:50       5:20
                                                                                           below), few coastal residents died
         Dichato                3.6 - 9.4      4:00      5:00              7:30
                                                                                           in the tsunami, because of a high
                                                                                           level of tsunami awareness. Older
         Iloca                   4 - 8.2       4:00      4:25
                                                                                           residents had personal experience
         Juan Fernandez            5           4:25      4:40
                                                                                           of the 1960 earthquake and tsunami,
         Pellehue               7.2 - 9.3      4:15                        7:30
                                                                                           and many coastal residents recog-
         Pichilemu                 4           3:50      4:20
                                                                                           nized ground shaking as the warn-
         San Antonio            2.5 - 3.4      3:50      4:20
                                                                                           ing. Many towns had posted tsunami
         Talcahuano             3.3 - 6.3      3:54      5:30   6:00       6:40
                                                                                           hazard zone signs and/or tsunami
          Valpara’so                2.6          4:00    4:50  5:20       6:00
        1                                                                                  evacuation zone signs (Figure 12).
          Compilation of preliminary water heights from NGDC (2010), ITST and EERI teams
          Based on eyewitness accounts from ITST teams and El Mercurio (2010)              In Chile, all schools are required to
        * Splash estimate                                                                  prepare for local natural hazards,
                                                                                           and the coastal schools had robust
 destroyed, primarily because of               no were also damaged due to up-             tsunami awareness and education
 hydrodynamic loads, though debris             lifted large naval ships and barges.        programs.
 generated by failed homes may
                                               Scouring of shallow foundations             Most vulnerable were unaware tran-
 have progressively contributed to
                                               caused a number of buildings to col-        sient populations. The single largest
 the loading. Light-framed buildings
                                               lapse (Figure 11). Sheetpile wharfs in      loss of life from either ground shak-
 were destroyed in many other coast-
                                               Talcahuano Harbor collapsed or were         ing or inundation was in Constitu-
 al towns. Reinforced concrete build-
                                               damaged by soil failure induced by          ción, where numerous people died
 ings, on the other hand, performed
                                               tsunami inundation and drawdown.            on La Isla Orrego in the River Maule
 very well structurally, even when
                                               Elevated pore pressures led to fluid-       (LA Times, 2010). The island was
 inundation reached well above the
                                               ization of backfill during tsunami inun-    accessible only by boat, had no high
 second floor level.
                                               dation and drawdown, causing severe         ground, and was an informal camp-
 Bridges on coastal highways also              scour that damaged sheetpile wharf          ground packed on the weekend of
 sustained tsunami damage such as              structures, machinery with shallow          February 27. In other areas, camp-
 the lateral distortion of the super-          foundations, and soil-supported pave-       grounds were also filled. Campers in
 structure of the Pichibudi Bridge             ments. Eyewitness reports from dock-        Pellehue and Curanipe accounted
 just north of Iloca, the undermining          workers indicated that the majority of      for large numbers of fatalities. There
 of several piers due to scour and             damage was caused by the tsunami.           were no education programs target-
 the puncture of steel pile bents by           According to Ministry of Interior data      ing tourists or other transient popula-
 floating debris in the Cardenal Silva         in May 2010, 124 of the 521 identified      tions.
 Henriquez Bridge across the Maule
 River at Constitución.
 In Talcahuano, nonstructural dam-
 age was widespread; almost all
 exterior enclosures and contents of
 commercial buildings and industrial
 warehouses along the shorefront
 were damaged by the hydrodynamic
 loading of the flooding and debris
 field, and the commercial fishing
 facilities along the wharf were also
 rendered inoperable. Debris impact,
 particularly in the form of fishing
 vessels, shipping containers, and
 trucks, caused damage to masonry
 and steel-framed harbor buildings,
 though reinforced concrete struc-
 tures were generally able to with-
                                                Figure 9. Wood building on left in Dichato was transported from across street
 stand the battering (Figure 10). The
                                                and collided with the concrete frame building on the right. Arrow shows water
 piers at the Naval Base at Talcahua-
                                                height (photo: L. Dengler).

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                                                    Fortunately a 12-year-old girl who
                                                                                    felt the earthquake rang a village
                                                                                    bell, alerting most of the residents
                                                                                    on Robinson Crusoe Island (The
                                                                                    Independent, 2010).

                                                                                    Earthquake shaking caused exten-
                                                                                    sive damage to many non-engi-
                                                                                    neered and engineered buildings
                                                                                    throughout the affected area. The
                                                                                    team focused on concrete, masonry,
                                                                                    and adobe construction, as this
                                                                                    constitutes the vast majority of
                                                                                    buildings. Some damage to steel
                                                                                    buildings also was observed, but is
                                                                                    not reported here.
                                                                                    The region contains a large number
                                                                                    of older houses, churches, and
Figure 10. Talcahuano Harbor 3 days after the tsunami (photo: Intl. Federation      other buildings constructed of adobe
of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies). Shipping containers were originally           or unreinforced masonry. Seismic
stacked in the area of the red ellipse and displaced up to 300 m in the direction   resistance typically is provided by
of the arrow.                                                                       walls located around the perimeter
                                                                                    and, to a lesser extent, at the inter-
There were difficulties with Chile’s     tween the earthquake and tsunami,          ior. Absence of reinforcement and
tsunami warning system. An initial       the failure of the official warning        weak connections between adjoin-
warning was cancelled by the Navy’s      system may have had little impact,         ing walls apparently led to the col-
Hydrographic and Oceanographic           although there are some reported           lapse of walls and roofs in many
Services and announced on the ra-        cases of people returning to the coast     buildings, contributing to some hu-
dio by Chile’s president. In Chilean     after hearing of the cancellation. In      man fatalities. In addition, delam-
coastal communities, where most          the Juan Fernandez Islands, 600 km         ination of exterior stucco, while not
people recognized natural warning        off the coast, the lack of timely warn-    jeopardizing the structural sys-
signs and there was little time be-      ings may have hindered evacuations.        tem, created the appearance of
                                                                                    significant damage in many other
                                                                                    buildings. Damage was especially
                                                                                    severe between latitudes 34.5° and
                                                                                    36.5°, a length of 240 km (Astroza
                                                                                    et al., 2010). Figure 13 shows a typ-
                                                                                    ical street scene from Talca. Historic
                                                                                    churches were particularly hard hit,
                                                                                    with extensive damage observed
                                                                                    from Santiago to Concepción.
                                                                                    Confined masonry construction is
                                                                                    also widely used for buildings one to
                                                                                    four stories tall (Figure 14). Exterior
                                                                                    walls of clay bricks are first con-
                                                                                    structed on a concrete foundation
                                                                                    and then reinforced concrete confin-
                                                                                    ing elements are cast around the
                                                                                    brick walls, forming a tight bond be-
                                                                                    tween the masonry and concrete
                                                                                    elements. These buildings generally
                                                                                    performed very well; typical damage
Figure 11. This concrete frame and confined masonry building in Dichato
                                                                                    (where observed) included diago-
survived the hydrodynamic loads, but suffered substantial foundation scour
                                                                                    nal cracking of masonry walls and
(photo: G. Chock).

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                             walls framing from the corridor to        ity of damage was concentrated in
                                             the building exterior. Typical ratios     newer buildings.
                                             of wall to floor areas are relatively
                                                                                       Figure 15 shows typical damage to
                                             high compared with concrete build-
                                                                                       a transverse wall in the first story of
                                             ing construction in the U.S. In 1996,
                                                                                       a ten-story building in Viña del Mar.
                                             Chile adopted a seismic code with
                                                                                       Note the setback in the wall profile
                                             analysis procedures similar to those
                                                                                       at this level, provided mainly to ac-
                                             in UBC-97, but there are no prohibi-
                                                                                       commodate automobile access to
                                             tions or penalties related to vertical
                                                                                       parking spaces. This condition was
                                             or horizontal system irregularities.
                                                                                       observed in several buildings; in
                                             NCh433-1996 also enforces provi-
                                                                                       buildings with subterranean parking,
                                             sions of ACI 318-95; however, in
                                                                                       this damage was likely in the first
                                             light of good building performance
                                                                                       level below grade.
                                             in the March 1985 earthquake, it
                                             was not required to provide closely       Figure 16 shows a failed wall from
                                             spaced transverse reinforcement           a subterranean level of a 12-story
                                             around wall vertical boundary bars.       building in which large steel pipe col-
                                             Starting in 2008, the new Chilean         umns were being used to raise the
                                             Reinforced Concrete Code does re-         building to enable repairs. Given the
                                             quire use of boundary elements. An        wide spacing of transverse rein-
 Figure 12. Tsunami evacuation
                                             apparent trend is to use thinner walls    forcement, there was little bearing
 sign, Curanipe (photo: N. Graehl).
                                             in recent years than in the past.         section remaining in the thin wall
 wall failure due to lack of confining                                                 and the entire wall section buckled
                                             The team observed severe damage
 elements around openings or poor                                                      laterally. In this example the longi-
                                             to 31 concrete wall buildings (10-26
 quality of the confinements.                                                          tudinal bars buckled without frac-
                                             stories) in or around Santiago, Viña
                                                                                       ture; in many other examples the
 The vast majority of mid- to high-          del Mar, Chillán, and Concepción.
                                                                                       longitudinal bars were fractured. It
 rise buildings in Chile are construct-      In Viña del Mar, damage was gener-
                                                                                       was reported that, even though not
 ed of reinforced concrete. Most of          ally concentrated in the alluvial plain
                                                                                       required by the local building code,
 these rely on structural walls to re-       directly north of the Marga-Marga
                                                                                       some engineers used transverse
 sist both gravity and earthquake            River, where a majority of the taller
                                                                                       reinforcement conforming to the ACI
 loads; some more recent construc-           buildings are located. Some build-
                                                                                       Building Code. The team did not
 tion uses a dual system of walls            ings damaged in the 1985 earth-
                                                                                       observe that type of reinforcement in
 and frames. A typical high-rise plan        quake (and repaired) were again
                                                                                       any damaged buildings.
 has corridor walls centered on the          seriously damaged (e.g., Festival
 longitudinal axis, with transverse          and Acapulco); however, a major-          Coupling beams over doorways
                                                                                       along corridor walls are typically
                                                                                       reinforced with small-diameter
                                                                                       hoops at relatively large spacing
                                                                                       (20 cm); many buildings had dam-
                                                                                       age to these beams. Some build-
                                                                                       ings omitted the coupling beams; in
                                                                                       many cases, damage resulted from
                                                                                       the slab acting as a coupling ele-
                                                                                       ment. There were several examples
                                                                                       of doors becoming jammed be-
                                                                                       cause of permanent offsets in the
                                                                                       walls adjacent to the opening. The
                                                                                       team also observed spalled cover
                                                                                       over lap splices of wall boundary
                                                                                       Several of the severely damaged
                                                                                       mid- to high-rise buildings had
                                                                                       permanent offsets at the roof, appar-
                                                                                       ently due to subsidence of walls,
                                                                                       raising questions about repairability.
   Figure 13. Street in Talca (photo: J. Moehle).                                      Four concrete buildings collapsed

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                             The recently com-     and cable trays (Figure 19). The
                                                             pleted 23-story       widespread nonstructural damage
                                                             O’Higgins 241         caused significant economic loss
                                                             office tower in       and major disruption to the normal
                                                             Concepción suf-       functioning of Chilean society.
                                                             fered partial story   With few exceptions (e.g., some new-
                                                             collapses at levels   er hospitals), Chilean practice on
                                                             10, 14, and 18,       seismic anchoring/bracing of non-
                                                             each coincident       structural components lags consid-
                                                             with a framing set-   erably behind earthquake-resistant
                                                             back (Figure 18).     design practice for structural sys-
                                                             The perforated        tems. Although Section 8 of the Chil-
                                                             shear walls on the    ean seismic code (NCh 433.Of96)
                                                             east face (shown)     includes provisions for nonstructural
                                                             and south face        components, these are usually not
                                                             showed damage to      enforced unless requested by build-
                                                             both wall piers and   ing owners, as in newer hospital
                                                             spandrels. Exterior   construction. The state of practice is
                                                             north and west        similar to that for buildings construct-
                                                             faces appeared        ed in the early 1970s in California or
                                                             undamaged.            typical current practice in other U.S.
                                                                                   regions of moderate seismicity. As
                                                             Nonstructural         with U.S. practice, for most buildings
                                                             Components            it is not clear who is responsible for
Figure 14. Engineered confined masonry apartment             and Systems           the design, installation, and inspec-
building, showing confining elements at boundaries of                              tion of seismic anchoring and bracing
                                                             There was exten-
walls and openings (photo: M. Astroza).                                            of nonstructural components.
                                                             sive nonstructural
                                        damage in practically all types of         Nonstructural damage resulted in the
completely or partially. Two of         buildings — residential, commercial,       closure of the international airports in
these were nearly identical, proxi-     and industrial. Commonly observed          Santiago (see Figure 20) and Con-
mate, five-story buildings in Maipú,    was damage to glazing, ceilings, fire      cepción, which together handle more
Santiago. These buildings had four      sprinkler systems, piping systems, el-     than two thirds of the air traffic in
stories of condominium units atop a     evators, partitions, air handling units,   Chile. The cost of the earthquake to
first-story parking level with a highly
irregular wall layout. Wall failure
likely contributed to the collapses.
A third collapsed building was the
15-story Alto Río condominium in
Concepción (Figure 17). The team
was unable to examine closely the
side of the building toward which it
collapsed, but the structural draw-
ings indicate that concrete walls on
the façade were discontinued, and
the wall length was decreased in
the first story on the side toward
which the building collapsed. The
building apparently rotated about
its corridor walls as it collapsed,
leading to tension failures of the
transverse walls on the other side
(the side from which the photo was
taken). Some of the wall vertical
reinforcement fractured and some
lap splices failed on the tension
side.                                    Figure 15. Wall damage, Viña del Mar (photo: P. Bonelli).

The Mw 8.8 Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010
EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                                                         for 71% of all public hospitals in
                                                                                         Chile. The Chilean Ministry of
                                                                                         Health (MINSAL) found that of
                                                                                         these, four hospitals became
                                                                                         uninhabitable, twelve had greater
                                                                                         than 75% loss of function, eight
                                                                                         were operating only partially after
                                                                                         the main shock, and 62% needed
                                                                                         repairs or replacement. Of the
                                                                                         beds in public hospitals, 18%
                                                                                         continued to be out of service
                                                                                         one month after the earthquake.
                                                                                         MINSAL estimates the damage at
                                                                                         $2.8B, and expects the replace-
                                                                                         ment of severely damaged hospi-
                                                                                         tals to take three to four years.
                                                                                         The hospital operability study was
                                                                                         focused on the Bio-Bio province of
                                                                                         Chile. The only hospital in the cho-
                                                                                         sen study area with structural dam-
                                                                                         age is the Victor Rios Ruiz Hospi-
  Figure 16. Wall damage, Santiago. Note the 90-degree bends on the trans-               tal of Los Angeles. In one of the
  verse reinforcement (photo: J. Wallace).                                               newer buildings of this hospital,
                                                                                         braced by concrete frames with
 LAN Airlines, the national airline in       substantial economic losses. This is        shear walls, the penthouse was
 Chile, was approximately $25 million        especially important for critical facili-   severely racked due to torsion,
 in lost passenger traffic alone.            ties such as hospitals, airports, and       and steel roof trusses buckled.
                                             water distribution systems.                 Two other buildings, circa 2005,
 Of the 130 public hospitals in re-
                                                                                         had damage to some columns,
 gions affected by the earthquake,
                                             Hospitals and Health Care                   slight cracking on the shear walls,
 62% suffered nonstructural dam-
                                                                                         and collapsed in-fill walls. This wall
 age requiring repairs. Most of the          The 130 hospitals in the six regions
                                                                                         failure caused damage to nearby
 economic loss, closures, and evac-          affected by the earthquake account
 uations in hospitals are attributed to
 nonstructural damage. For example,
 of the hospitals that were partially or
 completely closed as a result of the
 earthquake, 83% lost some or all
 functionality exclusively due to non-
 structural damage (they suffered no
 structural damage).
 Santiago’s 131 emergency call cen-
 ter (analogous to 911 in the U.S.),
 located in the uppermost level of
 the Posta Central building, suffered
 severe nonstructural damage and
 could not operate following the
 earthquake. Nonstructural damage
 also caused significant losses and
 disruption to industries associated
 with paper, wine, grain, and fruit.
 This earthquake illustrates the im-
 portance of improving seismic per-
 formance of nonstructural compo-
 nents, the failure of which can lead
 to injuries, loss of functionality, and     Figure 17. Collapsed Alto Río tower showing underside (photo: J. Maffei).

EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                      cracking of the plaster       Lifelines
                                                      over brick walls, and
                                                      partition damage. The         The TCLEE reconnaissance team
                                                      collapse of ceilings and      examined earthquake impacts to
                                                      associated light fixtures     electric power, telecommunication,
                                                      and mechanical grills         water and wastewater, gas and
                                                      (Figure 21a) discomfited      liquid fuel, and other lifelines (not
                                                      occupants and caused          presented here), and evaluated
                                                      unsanitary conditions         lifeline interdependence and resil-
                                                      that led to many evacu-       ience. The study of lifeline resilien-
                                                      ations.                       cy must continue with a focus on
                                                                                    cost-effective preparedness and
                                                      A few hospitals also had      loss reduction for lifeline service
                                                      moderate water dam-           providers.
                                                      age from pipe failures.
                                                      Most buildings that re-       Electric Power. The transmission
                                                      quired evacuation also        network performed reasonably well
                                                      lost use of elevators —       and was ready to provide power
                                                      due to lack of power or       24 hours after the main shock. The
                                                      failure of the counter-       long, narrow configuration of the
                                                      weight rails — forcing        system — dictated by the shape of
                                                      staff to carry patients       the country and the topography of
                                                      down rubble-strewn            the land — limits transmission line
                                                      stairs. However, the          route dispersion and system redun-
                                                      only reported patient         dancy. While much of the equip-
                                                      casualties were due to        ment is the same as that found in
                                                      heart attacks.                the United States, Chile makes
                                                                                    extensive use of pantograph dis-
                                                          Although no hospital lost connect switches and candlestick
                                                          the capacity to
Figure 18. O’Higgins 241 office tower (photo: E.           provide all regular
Miranda).                                                  service, all but
                                                           one saw reduc-
distilled water tanks, subsequently         tions in multiple services for
shutting down half of the hospital          up to seven days. Radiologic
surgical ward, located on the floor         and laboratory services were
below, due to water damage. The             most affected by earthquake
saw no evidence of structural dam-          damage. In terms of patient
age in any of the one-story hospi-          care, the largest deficit was due
tals of the Bio-Bio province built          to the loss of 54% of beds in
after the 1960 earthquake.                  the Los Angeles Hospital. With
                                            hospital non-clinical services,
Although structural damage was              the most frequent interruption
minimal in hospitals, most suffered         was due to the loss of patient
nonstructural damage, and frequent-         medical records (Figure 21b) in
ly, loss of utilities. All hospitals in the collapsed and tipped file man-
study area lost municipal electrical        agement systems.
power and communication for sev-
eral days, and 71% lost their munici-       The team visited three seis-
pal water supplies. All hospitals were      mically isolated hospital build-
equipped with backup power and              ings in Santiago; none was
water supplies, but such redundancy         damaged other than at joints
was not present in their communica-         with adjacent buildings or
tion system, creating enormous diffi-       other structures. In two cases,
culties for aid coordination.               immediately adjacent fixed-
                                            base buildings had moderate        Figure 19. Nonstructural damage in the
Additionally, most hospitals reported       nonstructural damage.              Talca Supreme Court building constructed
damage to their suspended ceilings,
                                                                               in 2003 (photo: E. Miranda).

EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

  live-tank circuit breakers, which
  are used sparingly in the western
  United States. There were more
  than 25 failures reported in these
  elements, but that represented only
  a small percentage of the inventory
  (Figure 22). The backbone 220 kV
  and 500 kV systems, which were
  designed with earthquake provi-
  sions, performed reasonably well
  overall. Lower voltage subtransmis-
  sion systems near the coast, where
  there were higher levels of ground
  shaking, were damaged sporadi-
  cally. The low-voltage distribution
  system was also affected by col-
  lapsed buildings and damaged
  poles. Two weeks after the earth-
  quake, the distribution system ser-        Figure 20. Nonstructural damage at the Santiago International Airport ter-
  vice was restored.                         minal (photo: E. Miranda).
  Telecommunication. Both landline           difficult; additionally, many utilities    damage to the various Essbio
  and wireless services were bedev-          that relied on wireless service found      water systems was concentrated
  iled by commercial power outages,          it difficult to dispatch maintenance       in Concepción and Talcahauno.
  equipment failures, building fail-         crews in order to restore service.         Areas within 60 m (or so) of river
  ures, and loss of reserve power in         Both landline and wireless services        banks often were affected by lateral
  most distributed network facilities        were restored within seven days            spreading and settlement, and
  (base stations, small remote switch-       of the quake.                              tsunami-related destruction to build-
  es, and digital loop carrier [DLC] re-                                                ings and sea walls damaged buried
  mote terminals). Only critical offices     Water and Wastewater. Chilean water
                                                                                        water pipes. At the Concepción-
  have backup power generators,              utility Essbio delivers potable water to
                                                                                        area water treatment plant, there
  with the majority of cell sites and        urban areas, serving about 4 million
                                                                                        was severe damage to the raw
  remote offices relying on battery          people. The potable water systems
                                                                                        water intake structure from both lat-
  reserve power; by about 6:30 a.m.,         include about 7,000 km of transmis-
                                                                                        eral spreading and ground shaking;
  most cell sites and remote sites ran       sion and distribution pipe, of which
                                                                                        internal damage to the four clarifiers
  out of power. Damage to roads and          1,200 km are in the city of Concep-
                                                                                        (baffles, settlers and supporting
  bridges made access to these sites         ción. By far the largest amount of
                                                                                        elements); damage to suspended

  Figure 21. (a) Ceiling collapse and nonstructural damage in Chilean hospital (photo: W. Holmes), and (b) tedious
  reorganization of medical records three weeks after the earthquake (photo: J. Mitrani-Reiser).

EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

ceilings (control room, water quality
laboratory); toppling of control room
computer monitors and computers;
and toppling of water quality equip-
ment and glassware from counter-
tops. In the Concepción-area
distribution system, there were 72
breaks or leaks to large diameter
(500+ mm) welded steel pipes; as
of April 12, 2010, about 3,000 re-
pairs had been made to smaller
diameter pipes, of which about 2/3
were for service laterals and 1/3 for
pipe mains.
Over the past 50 years, the federal
government of Chile has construct-
ed nearly 2,000 small rural potable
water systems country-wide, of
which about 420 were in the areas
of strong shaking. At least 73 of the
elevated tanks completely collapsed      Figure 22. Damaged candlestick style live-tank circuit breakers (photo:
(Figure 23).                             TCLEE).

There was heavy damage to waste-         ción. Both refineries shut down (loss       is currently being imported. It has
water systems, including treatment       of power, need to appraise possible         been estimated that three to seven
plants, large-diameter interceptor       damage) with only minor, non-critical       months will be required to bring the
pipes, and small-diameter collector      damage. The Aconcagua refinery              refinery to its operating capacity of
pipes. Due to the damage, there          near Santiago had minor damage and          130,000 barrels per day.
were direct discharges of sewage         restarted ten days after the earth-
into rivers. Primary causes of dam-      quake. At the Bio-Bio refinery near         Lifeline Interdependence and Re-
age were permanent ground defor-         Concepción, the refractory in the heat-     silience. Infrastructure interdepen-
mations for pipes and inertial over-     ers fell to the heater floors, and one of   dence among power, transportation,
loads to structures.                     the two steel crude oil pipelines feed-     telecommunication and water sys-
                                         ing into the refinery failed due to liq-    tems increased their loss of func-
Gas and Liquid Fuel. Chile has           uefaction and lateral spreading of          tionality or delayed the restoration
two principal oil refineries, one west   beach sands. The gasoline and diesel        processes. This additional loss of
of Santiago and one in Concep-           for the service area of this refinery       functionality reduced regional re-
                                                                                     silience, and it was triggered by
                                                                                     physical and cyber interaction among
                                                                                     lifeline systems, as well as by co-
                                                                                     location, and by relational and logist-
                                                                                     ical coupling among infrastructures
                                                                                     and institutional entities.
                                                                                     The early post-earthquake phase
                                                                                     was characterized by uncertainty
                                                                                     about road conditions and the ab-
                                                                                     sence of power. Blackouts impaired
                                                                                     telecommunication system opera-
                                                                                     tion. Uncertainty about refinery shut-
                                                                                     downs and fuel availability hampered
                                                                                     water systems’ operation of the un-
                                                                                     damaged and repaired portions of
                                                                                     the network. Lack of telecommunica-
                                                                                     tions during the blackout phase also
                                                                                     led to delays in assessing the
Figure 23. Typical collapsed elevated small steel tank (constructed in 1999)         damage and safety of the power
(photo: TCLEE).

EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

  distribution system. This phase            ports, and airports as noted above.      Vertical rods and hold-down ties
  had different durations in different       Highways and railroads between           were provided to prevent uplift,
  regions, but for the Concepción            Concepción and Constitución also         after high vertical ground accel-
  area, it lasted about three days.          had substantial tsunami damage.          erations were recorded during the
  The subsequent phase was charac-           The most serious damage occurred         1985 earthquake. These rods and
  terized by the increasing availability     to roads and bridges. Of the nearly      ties were largely ineffective in the
  of alternate transportation routes,        12,000 highway bridges in Chile,         transverse direction, and many
  restoration of power at the sub-           approximately 200 were damaged.          spans slid sideways on their cap
  transmission levels, a steady recov-       About 20 of these bridges had col-       beams. This lack of restraint also
  ery of telecommunications, water           lapsed spans. Before the mid-1980s,      allowed a number of two-span
  and gas, and improving power deliv-        the bridge design code in Chile          bridges to rotate about a vertical
  ery to customers along main feeders        was based on the provisions in the       axis through the pier and slide off
  and then laterals.                         AASHTO Standard Specifications of        their abutments seats (Figure 24).
                                             that time, with a seismic design coef-   In addition, several skewed spans
  Although important underground,
                                             ficient of 0.12. This coefficient was    with diaphragms and shear keys
  overhead, and surface level co-
                                             increased to 0.15 following the 1985     also rotated about a vertical axis
  located infrastructure was observed
                                             earthquake, and a modified version of    and were unseated in their acute
  in the field, in only a few instances
                                             Division I-A of the AASHTO Standard      corners, due to insufficient support
  were there interdependence-
                                             Specifications was adopted in 1998.      length (Figure 25). Straight bridges
  induced failures. These included
                                             The design coefficient was not, how-     built before the concession era and
  telecommunication, gas, and water
                                             ever, changed until 2001, when three     those with cast-in-place diaphragms
  lines conveyed by collapsed or
                                             seismic zones were introduced with       and concrete shear keys behaved
  excessively displaced bridges at
                                             PGAs of 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4g. Columns      well.
  waterway crossings, electric train
                                             were required to be designed to the
  halts from power and telecommuni-                                                   Despite higher-than-anticipated
                                             requirements for Performance Cat-
  cation downed poles, rooftop tele-                                                  spectral accelerations, column dam-
                                             egories C and D of Division I-A.
  communication structure failures or                                                 age was slight, perhaps because
  interrupted operations at collapsed        Since the mid-1990s, a number of ma-     the lack of transverse restraint and
  buildings, and power distribution          jor highways have been constructed       insufficient support length allowed
  overhead lines pulled down by col-         in Chile using design-build-and-oper-    many superstructures to separate
  lapsed facades or structures.              ate contracts with entities known as     from their substructures, limiting
                                             concessions. Many of the bridges         the demand on the columns. Where
  Most lifeline companies managed
                                             built by these concessions used pre-     this did not happen, column dam-
  to avoid operational personnel
                                             cast, prestressed concrete girder su-    age was more likely to occur, such
  shortages by supporting workers
                                             perstructures without diaphragms or      as the shear failures of several col-
  with food and water provisions, and
                                             shear keys for transverse restraint.     umns under the approach span to
  by linking to relative search pro-
  grams. However, the services of
  some companies, such as banks in
  dense urban areas, are not going to
  receive power and other utility
  services until demolition of tagged
  buildings takes place, despite hav-
  ing completed their own retrofit
  projects. Re-installation of utility
  infrastructure can interrupt their
  business for another three or four
  months. Further, the rate of lifeline
  restoration slowed down after a
  majority of customers were back on
  line, so the remaining residential
  and commercial users endured sig-
  nificant inconvenience and indirect
                                             Figure 24. Lateral movement of the superstructure of Las Mercedes Bridge
  Transportation Systems                     across Route 5 near Rancagua, due to absence of end diaphragms and
  Ground shaking and liquefaction            transverse shear keys. Note extreme deformation of vertical seismic bars and
  damaged highways, railroads,               damaged curtain walls (photo: Ministerio de Obras Públicas).

EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

the Juan Pablo II Bridge across the      designed to the recent NCh2369 seis-        buckling of steel braces near the
Bio-Bio River in Concepción, appar-      mic design code for industrial facilities   top of its main bagging facility, and
ently due to imposed displacements       performed well structurally; however,       damage due to excessive move-
from liquefaction-induced lateral        significant downtime and losses             ment of equipment. The Bio-Bio
spreading (Figure 26). Other             resulted from improperly anchored           plant at Talcahuano apparently suf-
bridges across the Bio-Bio River         equipment and contents.                     fered more damage, but the team
also suffered damage from lateral                                                    was unable to visit that installation.
                                         Wineries. Some older wineries with
spreading, as noted above under
                                         adobe walls and timber roofs or             Cellulose Plants. The large Arauco
Geotechnical Effects.
                                         ribbed brick vaults sustained localized     brown paper plant in Constitución
The Ferrocarril del Pacífico S.A.        collapses. Modern warehouse struc-          had minimal structural damage from
(FEPASA) maintains tracks paral-         tures were minimally damaged, most-         ground shaking, but much of the
lel to the Pan-American Highway          ly in the tension braces, but there was     equipment was submerged and dis-
(Route 5), and several areas of          damage to steel fermentation tanks,         placed from its original location by
track and railway bridges were           barrel stacks, and bottle storage           the tsunami. Water damage to the
damaged due to soil movement.            racks. One wine industry representa-        equipment controls systems was
Several piers and bearings sup-          tive reported that more than 75% of         serious. Another Arauco cellulose
porting the rail bridge at Chepe Hill    total capital loss was from loss of wine    plant at Nueva Aldea, near Chillán,
across the Bio-Bio River in Con-         from stainless steel tanks, with most       appeared to have suffered no seri-
cepción were damaged by lateral          of the remainder from damage to the         ous damage.
spreading. Tsunami damage was            tanks themselves. Local buckling of
                                                                                     Power Plants. The team visited the
reported between Constitución and        legged tanks in many cases led to
                                                                                     350 MW Santa Maria power plant
Talca; however, repairs were made        subsidence or toppling that ruptured
                                                                                     under construction in Coronel, south
quickly, and the railroads were used     piping or valves, leading to loss of
                                                                                     of Concepción. The plant is about
to help remove earthquake debris.        wine (Figure 28). Total wine losses
                                                                                     60% complete and consists primar-
                                         were estimated at over 125M liters.
Damage to the major ports of Val-                                                    ily of three very large braced steel
paraíso and Concepción (Coronel)         Cement Factories. The very large,           frames. Damage was limited to por-
has been attributed to strong shak-      modern Bio-Bio cement plant south           tions of the structure that had not
ing and liquefaction-induced lateral     of Curico (about 100km from the epi-        been finished or where there was
spreading, rather than the tsunami.      center) suffered only minor damage          seismic settlement under some foun-
The San Antonio Port had been            to its installations, mostly in the form    dations that were on spread footings.
reconstructed between 1992 and           of fine shear cracks around some of
                                                                                     Refineries and Steel Mills. The
1997, and was undamaged. A new,          its larger concrete silos, some minor
                                                                                     team was unable to enter either the
seismically isolated wharf in Coronel
(Figure 27), carrying two container
cranes, was not damaged, whereas
a neighboring conventional wharf
of similar size had weld failures in
some steel pile bents.

Industrial Facilities
The Chilean economy is heavily
centered on minerals extraction,
agricultural production, and forestry.
The agricultural and wine produc-
tion regions, stretching south from
Santiago towards Valdivia, were
affected by the earthquake, as
were the paper and cellulose mills
located in the areas from Consti-
tución south. Steel mills, refineries,
and cement and electricity plants
in the Concepción area were also
damaged, some seriously. The             Figure 25. Unseating at the abutment of the skewed steel plate girder, Matta-
overall impression from the team         Quilicura Bridge, north of Santiago, due to insufficient support length (photo: J.
is that modern industrial facilities     Arias).

EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                       contents fell to the floor in     Governance and Territorial Order.
                                                       the extended shaking. A           There are four tiers of territorial
                                                       number of spectacular col-        planning: national, regional (involv-
                                                       lapses of stacked, unse-          ing one or more provinces), inter-
                                                       cured storage drums and           municipal, and municipal. Nation-
                                                       similar items were evident        ally, the Ministry of Housing and
                                                       in food processing facilities.    Urban Development is in charge
                                                                                         of regulations and ordinances for
                                                       Social Impacts,                   urban development and land use,
                                                       Response, and                     building construction, and commu-
                                                       Recovery                          nity facilities. The Ministry of the
                                                                                         Interior is in charge of regional
                                                       In the 1960 Valdivia earth-       plans (
                                                       quake, 428 Chileans per           Regional planning is legally dele-
                                                       million lost their lives; by      gated to administrative regions by
                                                       comparison, only 31 Chil-         way of territorial regulatory plans
                                                       eans per million lost their       and intermunicipal plans, while
                                                       lives in the 2010 quake.          municipal plans and district plans
                                                       This can be attributed to         fall under the authority of municipal
                                                       effective governance as           governments. Neighborhood orga-
                                                       measured by economic              nizations provide local linkages to
                                                       prosperity, physical infra-       municipal and district planning. The
                                                       structure standards, con-         Ministry of Planning (www.
                                                       struction code enforcement, works on the social
                                                       and state-society institution-    well-being aspects of development.
 Figure 26. Shear failure in a column in northern al assets. Table 3 presents
 approach to Juan Pablo II Bridge across Bio-Bio a damage assessment                  Risk reduction and emergency mea-
 River, Concepción, due to lateral spreading and overview. Chile offers im-           sures are articulated, if inconsistent-
 the propping action of the superstructure at the      portant lessons in disaster    ly so, at the various tiers of territorial
 top of the column (photo: J. Arias).                  policy and highlights the      planning. Since 2002, the Program
                                                       interplay between pre- and     of Updating Territorial Planning Reg-
                                          post-disaster social and spatial in-        ulations has modernized Chile’s
 large ENAP refinery or the CAP steel
                                          equalities. There is an excellent oppor-    instruments of urban and regional
 mill in the San Vicente/Talcahuano
                                          tunity for long-term policy-relevant        planning, though it does not yet
 area. Both facilities were out of pro-
                                          research on the rebuilding of families,     mandate risk assessment at each
 duction and appeared to have suf-
                                          housing, neighborhoods, communities,        level of regional and local planning.
 fered significant structural damage.
                                          livelihoods, and economies.                 Natural hazard risks are to be ad-
 Food Processing Facilities and
 Warehouses. The team entered
 only a limited number of these
 structures, but it appeared that most
 light industrial steel buildings per-
 formed well, even if the anchorages
 at the column bases would have
 been considered insufficient by to-
 day’s standards. Similar precast
 concrete structures did not fare so
 well, as there was evidence of con-
 nection distress in the wall panel
 connections and some panel col-
 lapses. Numerous examples of silo
 failures were observed; perfor-
 mance depended on support details
 and whether silos were full. Storage
 racks seem to have performed well
 even if the anchorage to the floors
 was minimal; however, most of their
                                          Figure 27. Base-isolated wharf at Coronel (photo: E. Miranda).

EERI Special Earthquake Report — June 2010

                                                                                             ment and alert between ONEMI and
                                                                                             ministries such as Defense, Interior,
                                                                                             Housing and Urban Development,
                                                                                             Health, and Education, Public
                                                                                             Works, and the Hydrolographic and
                                                                                             Oceanographic Institute. Clearly,
                                                                                             the communication system requires
                                                                                             upgrading, as the disaster interrupt-
                                                                                             ed cell phone service, and few
                                                                                             satellite phones are available.
                                                                                             The need to strengthen local cap-
                                                                                             acities refers not just to govern-
                                                                                             ments, but also to synergies with
                                                                                             non-governmental organizations.
                                                                                             Universities responded quickly to
                                                                                             the disaster by supplying volunteers
Figure 28. Typical damage to storage tanks in wineries (photo: R. Leon).                     and other levels of support. The
                                                                                             Red Cross (with centers in Santi-
dressed in detail in a city-level gen-   Although municipal emergency com-                   ago, Talca, and Concepción) and
eral plan, but disaster management       mittees carried out search and rescue               the Catholic Church, operating
often suffers from tensions between      and damage assessment profession-                   through CARITAS, have been lead-
territorial planning guidelines and      ally, given the resources available, the            ers in providing medical, material,
private land development interests,      central government’s slow emergency                 social, and psychological assis-
especially in coastal zones. A Na-       response led to some looting and                    tance. The Catholic Church’s hous-
tional Coastal Commission contrib-       breakdown in civic order. The plight of             ing NGO, “Un Techo para Chile,”
utes to the formulation of coastal       the poor living in overcrowded condi-               has built small housing settlements
land use policy; however, its recom-     tions was brought to public awareness               (30-40 units on a site) in many
mendations are not binding. The          and everyone could see the two faces                affected cities.
Ministry of the Interior’s SUBDERE       of the country: the modern versus the               Insurance. Insured losses from the
(Subsecretaria para Desarrollo Re-       marginalized.                                       earthquake are estimated in the
gional y Administrativo) serves as                                                           $US 6-9 billion range. By law, the
                                         The new president, Sabastian Piñera,
an intermediary between central                                                              water and electricity utility compa-
                                         is beginning the task of improving the
government and regional-local gov-                                                           nies (which are privatized) are re-
                                         coordination of emergency manage-
Disaster Response. In general, the                                 Table 3: Estimated Losses by Category
Chilean government did not demon-
strate sufficient central, regional,            Loss Category                      Amount              Location
                                                Deaths                             521                 All regions
and local capacity for quick re-                Missing                            56                  All regions
sponse to disaster events. The cen-             Victims (estimated injured, lost   800,000             All regions
tral government’s National Emer-                housing, died, and missing)
gency Management Office (ONEMI),                Housing                            200,000             All regions
                                                (damaged or destroyed)
located in the Interior Ministry, is            Housing                            12,000              Santiago
small.                                          (damaged or destroyed)
                                                Economic losses                    US $30 billion      All regions
In the early weeks, regional ONEMI              Employment loss                    15,000 jobs lost    All regions
offices were understaffed and                   Public sector losses               US $9.33 billion    All regions
lacked direction from the main office           Houses (total loss)                81,440              All regions
                                                Houses (heavy damage)              108,914             All regions
in Santiago. The Army has been                  Houses (minor damage)              179,683             All regions
widely praised for its effectiveness            Housing damage                     58,000              Maule region
and comportment in maintaining                  Catholic churches                  444                 47% of all churches in
post-disaster order, but it was not             (heavily damaged)                                      the country
                                                Impacted small cities              45                  Over 5,000
deployed immediately for various                                                                       inhabitants
reasons, some having to do with its             Impacted large cities              5                   Over 100,000
historical association with General                                                                    inhabitants
                                                Secondary schools             4,013                    All regions
Pinochet.                                       (some damage)
                                              Source: Chile government documents

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