Understanding crust formation during baking

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Understanding crust formation during baking
Understanding crust formation during baking
                                    D.R. Jefferson a, A.A. Lacey                  a,*
                                                                                       , P.A. Sadd     b

                          School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK
                         RHM Technology Ltd, The Lord Rank Centre, Lincoln Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 3QR, UK


   A mathematical model of crust formation in bread baking is outlined, and used to explore the effect of the model parameters on
crust thickness and density. Experimentation suggested that the interactions between model parameters were relatively weak, so it
was possible to present the model results in terms of the percentage change in crust thickness from a 10% shift in each parameter.
The results showed that crust thickness was particularly sensitive to the temperature at which bubbles collapsed and the doughÕs
vapour pressure, but relatively insensitive to pre-oven dough conditions and dry crust properties. The overall mass in the crust
showed similar dependencies, but with the addition that the thermal conductivity of the inner dough became significant.

Keywords: Bread-crust formation; Crust thickness; Crust density

1. Introduction                                                          on the modelling of crumb. Consideration of the crust
                                                                         has been more limited. For example, a lumped model
   The texture of baked bread, and the processes which                   aimed at representing moisture variation has been dis-
determine that texture, are important issues for manufac-                cussed in Lostie, Peczalski, and Andrieu (2004), while
turers of such products. The work presented in this paper                Zanoni, Peri, and Bruno (1995) and Zanoni, Peri, and
concerns bread texture, or, more specifically, the forma-                 Pierucci (1997) consider drying and browning near the
tion of a crust during baking. Here, crust is taken to refer             surface of a baking loaf.
to that part of the bread near its surface, where the den-                  The present model is based on consideration of the
sity is significantly higher than elsewhere. To help inves-               changes undergone during baking by the dough, which
tigate the factors which are important in determining the                is a bubbly liquid when placed in the oven. Two key
extent of the crust, a mathematical model of crust forma-                events relating to the formation of a crust are the frac-
tion has been developed in Jefferson, Lacey, and Sadd                     turing of the bubbles and the setting of the dough, the
(Submitted for publication). In this paper we present                    former being assumed to occur at a slightly higher tem-
the results of numerical simulations from the model.                     perature than the latter. When part of the dough matrix
   Other studies, such as de Vries and Rask (1990),                      surrounding a bubble reaches a certain temperature (at
Hasatani et al. (1992), Zanoni, Peri, and Pierucci                       which it is already set) it fractures and the bubble be-
(1992), Zanoni, Peri, and Pierucci (1994), which form                    comes part of a network of pores reaching the bread sur-
just part of an extensive literature, have largely focused               face. At this point the pressure inside the bubble
                                                                         decreases to the ambient pressure. If a bubble is still
                                                                         partly liquid when this occurs it will be subject to
                                                                         squashing by the inner part of the dough where the as
                                                                         yet unfractured bubbles have an internal pressure that
is higher than the ambient pressure. The more a bubble                • The surface heat transfer coefficient h. This deter-
is set when it fractures, the less squashing takes place                mines the heat flow at the bread surface through
and the lower the final density in that part of the bread,               the boundary condition
so that the greater the separation of the setting and frac-
turing isotherms, i.e. the lower the temperature gradient,                KðT Þ      ¼ hðT a  T Þ;   r ¼ R.                ð1:1Þ
the less a bubble will change size. It is the levelling off of                     or
the temperature gradient inside the bread which gives                     Here r is the spatial (radial) coordinate, R is the loaf
rise to a decrease in the density of the bread towards                    radius, T the temperature, Ta the ambient (oven) tem-
its centre.                                                               perature and K the thermal conductivity.
    The current model assumes that the setting and frac-              •   The loaf radius R.
turing occur at precise temperatures, and that when                   •   The oven temperature Ta.
fracturing reaches a bubble, the part of the bubble adja-             •   The collapse temperature Tc. This is the temperature
cent to liquid dough collapses instantaneously, as shown                  half way between the setting temperature Ts and the
in Fig. 1. This collapse mechanism, with a change of                      fracturing temperature Tf described above; Tf and
density fixed by temperature gradient, is coupled with                     Ts can be fixed in terms of Tc by specifying the differ-
a nonlinear heat equation, with an experimentally de-                     ence between them (dT, see below). At any time
fined thermal conductivity and an evaporation bound-                       during baking bubble collapse is taking place approx-
ary at 100 C, and allows for convection due to the                       imately on the isotherm corresponding to Tc.
expansion of the inner (unset) part of the dough. Also                •   The difference between the setting and fracturing tem-
in Jefferson et al., Submitted for publication, the local                  peratures, dT = Tf  Ts.
behaviour near the onsets of collapse and evaporation                 •   The temperature of vaporisation of water, Tv (this
was analysed, and a numerical method for solving the                      can be altered by changing the composition of the
radially symmetric problem was developed.                                 dough, e.g. the addition of sugar or salt will increase
    The present paper now uses the model and numerical                    Tv).
method to try to identify how qualities of the crust,                 •   The mean bubble diameter (bubble diameters are
namely its ‘‘size’’, ‘‘thickness’’ and ‘‘mass’’, the precise              assumed to be distributed log-normally).
meaning of which will be made clear below, depend on                  •   Two parameters j1 and j2 determining the thermal
various physical properties, which can either be con-                     conductivity, expressed as
trolled, such as the water content of the dough, or might                 kðT Þ ¼ j1 ej2 T                                  ð1:2Þ
be determined by the qualities of the flour used. As our
work is aimed at crust and we wish to keep calculations                 in wet, uncollapsed dough (this form is suggested by
as simple as possible, the simulations discussed here are               experimental data (Sadd, 2003)).
for a spherical loaf or roll.                                         • Two parameters e  j 1 and e
                                                                                                  j 2 determining the thermal
    The following model parameters are varied:                          conductivity written in the same form
                                                                          e       j 1 eej 2 T
                                                                          kðT Þ ¼ e                                         ð1:3Þ
• The initial porosity of the dough, i.e. the (uniform)
  porosity of the dough when it is placed in the oven.                    for wet, collapsed dough.

                                     Fig. 1. Diagram of the idealised bubble collapse mechanism.
A sequence of runs was performed to determine                            2. Numerical results
the effect of varying each parameter by 10% above
and below a standard value, and to determine the                               In this section we present the results of numerical
change in each parameter required to produce a 10%                          experiments designed to determine the way the model
change in the crust properties. These results are listed                    parameters affect crust properties and investigate the
in Tables 1–3. Some runs involving simultaneous varia-                      sensitivity of crust properties to changes in the various
tion of two parameters were carried out, but no signifi-                     parameters of the model. Typical temperature and
cant coupling was identified. The main results and                           density profiles arising from the numerical calculations
implications of the changes found are discussed in                          can be found in Jefferson et al., Submitted for
Section 3.                                                                  publication.

Table 1
Parameter changes required to produce a 10% increase in crust thickness
Parameter                                       Units                     Original value           New value        Percentage change
Initial porosity /0                                                         0.8                      0.54           32%
Convection coefficient h                          W m1 K1                  35                       27              23%
Loaf radius R                                   cm                          5                        6.6             32%
Oven temperature Ta                             C                        220                      190              14%
Collapse temperature Tc                         C                         80                       76               5%
Vaporisation temperature Tv                     C                        100                      103                3%
Mean bubble diameter m                          mm                          1                        1.37            37%
Bubble mean/standard deviation                                              0.5                      0.59            18%
Fracturing – setting temperature dT             C                          8                        5.8            27%
Inner conductivity parameter j1                 W m1 K1                   0.04                     0.029          28%
Inner conductivity parameter j2                 K1                         0.0256                   0.0214         16%
Outer conductivity parameter ej1                W m1 K1                   0.04                     0.047           17%
Outer conductivity parameter ej2                K1                         0.0256                   0.0273           7%

Table 2
Parameter changes required to produce a 10% increase in the proportion of the mass in the crust
Parameter                                       Units                     Original value           New value        Percentage change
Initial porosity /0                                                         0.8                      0.77            4%
Convection coefficient h                          W m1 K1                  35                       59               65%
Loaf radius R                                   cm                          5                        4.3             14%
Oven temperature Ta                             C                        220                      310               41%
Collapse temperature Tc                         C                         80                       77               4%
Vaporisation temperature Tv                     C                        100                      103                3%
Mean bubble diameter m                          mm                          1                        1.12            12%
Bubble mean/standard deviation                                              0.5                      0.55            11%
Fracturing – setting temperature dT             C                          8                        7.1            11%
Inner conductivity parameter j1                 W m1 K1                   0.04                     0.035          11%
Inner conductivity parameter j2                 K1                         0.0256                   0.0241          6%
Outer conductivity parameter ej1                W m1 K1                   0.04                     0.047           17%
Outer conductivity parameter ej2                K1                         0.0256                   0.0273           7%

Table 3
Parameter changes required to produce a 10% increase in final surface density
Parameter                                       Units                     Original value           New value        Percentage change
Initial porosity /0                                                         0.8                      0.85             6%
Convection coefficient h                          W m1 K1                  35                       27              23%
Oven temperature Ta                             C                        220                      190              14%
Collapse temperature Tc                         C                         80                       76               5%
Mean bubble diameter m                          mm                          1                        1.13            13%
Bubble mean/standard deviation                                              0.5                      0.58            16%
Fracturing  setting temperature dT             C                          8                        7.1            12%
Inner conductivity parameter j1                 W m1 K1                   0.04                     0.035          12%
Inner conductivity parameter j2                 K1                         0.0256                   0.0240          6%
We characterise the crust profile using three quanti-                                                                  Percentage change in crust thickness
ties. The first is the crust thickness, defined as the dis-
tance from the surface at which the final density is                                                       30                                    0                                         40
equal to the original dough density (see Fig. 2). The sec-                                                                                            Collapse temperature
ond quantity is the proportion of the loaf mass in the                                                                                                Oven temperature
crust between this point and the bread surface. The third                                                                                              Initial porosity
quantity is the final density at the bread surface, which                                                                                               Inner conductivity (b)
in this model can be calculated directly from the model                                                                                               Fracturing temp. setting temp.
parameters (without numerical simulations).                                                                                                           Surface heat transfer coefficient
   Figs. 3–5 show the percentage change in crust thick-                                                                                               Inner conductivity (a)

ness, mass proportion and final surface density resulting                                                                                               Latent heat of vaporisation

from a 10% increase in each parameter from its value                                                                                                   Mass fraction of water
                                                                                                               Density of gas free dough
given in Table 4 (with the other parameters set at the
                                                                                                                        Initial temperature
values given there). These central values are suggested
                                                                                                               Conductivity of dry crust
by data from Rask (1989) and Sadd (2003). That chang-
                                                                                                                   Specific heat of water
ing the (bubble-free) dough matrix density has no effect
                                                                                                               Specific heat of dry dough
on the crust profile is a consequence of the fact that
                                                                                                                                Loaf radius
changing this parameter is equivalent to rescaling time.                                                            Mean bubble diameter
Tables 1–3 show the parameter changes necessary to                                                             Bubble standard deviation
produce a 10% change in the crust thickness, mass pro-                                                              Outer conductivity (a)
portion and surface density respectively. In the parame-                                                            Outer conductivity (b)
ter ranges considered here, the model does not give rise                                                        Vaporisation temperature
to any complicated interactions between parameters.
                                                                                                        Fig. 3. Bar chart showing the percentage change in crust thickness
Examples of the effect of varying two parameters to-                                                     resulting from a 10% increase in the numerical parameter values given
gether are shown in, Figs. 6 and 7.                                                                     in Table 4. Here inner conductivity (a), inner conductivity (b), outer
   In producing these results, each parameter was varied                                                conductivity (a) and outer conductivity (b) refer to the parameters j1,
independently. In practice, various parameters will be                                                  j 2, e
                                                                                                             j 1 and e
                                                                                                                     j 2 respectively (see (1.2) and (1.3)).
linked together. For example, we have seen that raising
the vaporisation temperature gives rise to a thicker crust
(due to the fact that vaporisation hinders the supply of
heat from the oven). However, raising the vaporisation                                                              Percentage change in proportion of mass in crust

temperature will have the effect of decreasing heat trans-
                                                                                                          20                                    0                                         30
fer due to moisture migration at a given temperature,
resulting in a lower effective thermal conductivity. This                                                                                            Collapse temperature

would tend to counteract the Ôlevelling outÕ of tempera-                                                                                            Inner conductivity (b)
                                                                                                                                                    Fracturing temp. setting temp.
                                                                                                                                                    Loaf radius
                                                                                                                                                    Inner conductivity (a)
                                                                                                                                                    Initial temperature
Density as a proportion of original density

                                                                                                                                                    Latent heat of vaporisation
                                                                                                                                                    Mass fraction of water
                                                                                                                                                    Density of gas free dough
                                                                                                                Conductivity of dry crust
                                                                                                                    Specific heat of water
                                                                                                               Specific heat of dry dough
                                                                                                                        Oven temperature
                                                                                                         Surface heat transfer coefficient
                                                                                                                             Initial porosity
                                                                                                                   Outer conductivity (a)
                                                                                                                     Mean bubble diameter
                                                    Crust thickness                                             Bubble standard deviation
                                                                                                                   Outer conductivity (b)
                                                                                                                Vaporisation temperature
                                                0         2           4           6            8   10
                                                                  Distance from surface (mm)            Fig. 4. Bar chart showing the percentage change in the proportion of
                                                                                                        mass in the crust resulting from a 10% increase in the numerical
Fig. 2. Crust thickness is defined as the distance from the bread                                        parameter values given in Table 4. Here inner conductivity (a), inner
surface at which the density is equal to the original density before                                    conductivity (b), outer conductivity (a) and outer conductivity (b) refer
baking.                                                                                                 to the parameters j1, j2, ej 1 and e
                                                                                                                                           j 2 respectively (see (1.2) and (1.3)).
Percentage change in surface density                                                                       Lines of equal crust thickness (thicknesses shown in mm)
  30                                        0                                    30
                                                                                                                   74                 3

                                                Initial porosity                                                                          3.5

                                                                                       Collapse temperature (°C)
                                                Collapse temperature                                               73                             4
                                                Inner conductivity (b)
                                                Inner conductivity (a)                                             72
                                                Fracturing temp. setting temp.                                                                                          5

             Bubble standard deviation                                                                             71
                Mean bubble diameter
        Surface heat transfer coefficient                                                                          70
                   Oven temperature
Fig. 5. Bar chart showing the percentage change in final surface
density resulting from a 10% increase in the numerical parameter
values given in Table 4. Here inner conductivity (a) and inner
conductivity (b) refer to the parameters j1 and j2 respectively (see (1.2)                                              90                   95                     100            105         110
and (1.3)).                                                                                                                                     Vaporisation temperature (°C)

                                                                                      Fig. 6. Contour plot showing the effect on crust thickness of varying
                                                                                      both vaporisation and collapse temperature. Other parameters have
                                                                                      the values given in Table 4. Note that the contours are fairly straight.
Table 4
The ÔcentralÕ model parameter values used
Initial porosity                                        /0 = 0.8
Density of gas-free dough                               qm = 1250 kg m3                                                      Lines of equal crust thickness (thicknesses shown in mm)
Dry specific heat                                      c ¼ 1680 J kg1 K1                                         82
Dry thermal conductivity                               k ¼ 0.055 W m1 K1
Convection coefficient                                    h = 35 W m1 K1                                           80
Bread radius                                            R = 0.05 m                                                                                                  4.5
                                                                                       Collapse temperature (°C)

Oven temperature                                        Ta = 200C
Collapse temperature                                    Tc = 80C
Vaporisation temperature                                Tv = 100C
Initial temperature                                     T0 = 40C                                                                                              5
Mean bubble diameter                                    m = 0.001 m
Bubble mean/standard deviation                          br = 1/2                                                   74
Fracturing temperature – setting                        dT = 8C
  temperature                                                                                                      72
Latent heat of vaporisation                           L = 2.272 M J kg1 K1
Initial mass fraction of water                        mw = 0.45                                                    70                             5.5
Specific heat water                                    cw = 4187 J kg1 K1
Conductivity parameters                                    j 1 ¼ 0.04 W m1 K1
                                                      j1 ¼ e
  (see (1.2) and (1.3))                                    j 2 ¼ 0.0256 K1
                                                      j2 ¼ e
                                                                                                                    7.2             7.4   7.6           7.8         8       8.2    8.4   8.6   8.8
                                                                                                                             Difference between fracturing and setting temperatures (°C)

                                                                                      Fig. 7. Contour plot showing the effect on crust thickness of varying
ture in the inner part of the dough, and make the crust                               both the difference between the setting and fracturing temperatures
thinner than it would otherwise be (the results show that                             and the collapse temperature (the meaning of these temperatures is
a higher inner thermal conductivity gives rise to a thick-                            explained in Section 1). Other parameters have the values given in
er crust). To better account for these interactions, more                             Table 4. Note again that the contours are fairly straight.
detailed modelling of moisture migration and its rela-
tionship with heat transfer is required.
                                                                                      volume – it is a function of the bubble diameter distribu-
   A feature of this model is that the collapsed density at
                                                                                      tion, see Jefferson et al., Submitted for publication – and
the bread surface is given immediately by the model
parameters and no numerics are necessary to obtain it.                                                                  dT ðj1 ej2 T c Þ
                                                                                      f0 ¼                                               .
The expression for this density is                                                                                      hðT a  T c Þ
       qm ð1  /0 Þ                                                                      For the derivation of these expressions see Jefferson
^0 ¼
q                                                                                     et al., Submitted for publication. The way that the final
        1  /0 m0
                                                                                      surface density varies as these parameters are varied is
where qm is the density of gas-free dough, /0 is the                                  shown in Fig. 8.
porosity at the start of baking, m0 = m(f0) with m the                                   That the collapsed density at the surface can be calcu-
volume of bubble collapse per unit uncollapsed bubble                                 lated directly from the model parameters without the
4                                                                                                                          5

           Final surface density/original density

                                                                                                                                      Final surface density/original density


                                                    2.5                                                                                                                         3




                                                     1                                                                                                                          1
                                                     50    100         150         200        250       300             350     400                                              0    20       40      60       80       100     120      140      160
                                                                              Oven temperature (°C)                                                                                                  Collapse temperature (°C)

                                                     4                                                                                                                         5.5

           Final surface density/original density

                                                                                                                                      Final surface density/original density

                                                     3                                                                                                                          4


                                                     2                                                                                                                         2.5


                                                     1                                                                                                                          1
                                                      0     10          20         30          40           50          60      70                                               0     2       4        6        8        10      12       14      16
                                                                       Convection coefficient h (W m        k )                                                                      Difference between fracturing and setting temperatures (°C)

                                                     3                                                                                                                          4

                                                                                                                                      Final surface density/original density
           Final surface density/original density



                                                     2                                                                                                                         2.5



                                                     1                                                                                                                          1
                                                      0   0.1    0.2         0.3    0.4      0.5      0.6         0.7     0.8   0.9                                              0             0.5                1                1.5               2
                                                                                   Initial porosity                                                                                                  Mean bubble diameter (mm)

Fig. 8. Graphs showing how final surface density changes when model parameters are varied (each parameter being varied independently with the
others being fixed at the values given in Table 4). In the last graph the mean bubble diameter is varied while the ratio between the mean and the
standard deviation is fixed.

need for numerical simulations is a consequence of the                                                                                                                         face reaches the collapse temperature Tc will be higher,
fact that the temperature gradient at the bread surface                                                                                                                        resulting in a higher crust density at the surface.
is determined by the boundary condition (1.1) with
T = Tc. As explained in Section 1, a higher temperature
gradient gives rise to a higher collapsed density. For                                                                                                                         3. Discussion
example, it is apparent from (1.1) that if the surface heat
transfer coefficient h or the oven temperature Ta are in-                                                                                                                           The results presented here give a strong indication of
creased, the surface temperature gradient when the sur-                                                                                                                        the relative importance of the various parameters of the
bread baking process in determining crust properties.         the relationship between heat transfer and moisture
For example, they suggest that the collapse temperature       migration is needed.
(the temperature characteristic of the setting and frac-
turing of the dough) has a greater effect on the extent
and density of the crust (a lower collapse temperature        References
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perature of the dough or the oven temperature.                de Vries, U., & Rask, C. (1990). Heat and mass transfer during baking.
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                                                                 Linko (Eds.), Processing and quality of foods 1. Amsterdam,
dent in the current model will, in reality, be linked to-        Netherlands: Elsevier.
gether. One of the model parameters which has the             Hasatani, M., Arai, H., Harui, H., Itaya, Y., Fushida, N., & Hori, N.
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